#and THEN says 'no. i am a jedi. like my father before me'
princesssarcastia · 2 years
i think the fundamental thing people forget about star wars, which would clear up some things for many people, is that luke skywalker is the hero of the story
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alliluyevas · 1 year
in terms of “the best” versus “your favorite” I do think that Two Towers is the strongest LOTR movie as well as my personal favorite but that’s not always the case. For instance I’m not sure I would say Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie but it is hands down my personal favorite.
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david-talks-sw · 27 days
"The Acolyte" wasn't 'woke' propaganda.
I had my issues with the show (you can check out my other posts to see what they were) but there's this notion that The Acolyte was created to spread The Message™ of "woke propaganda"... and I think there's a bit of a mix-up going on, there.
Because that's simplifying things a lot.
When you're a minority, you're not "being woke" when you're just being yourself! Conversely, you're not "writing to be woke" when you're a minority drawing inspiration from your personal experiences to tell a story.
I talked before about how George Lucas implemented elements of his personal life in his own films. In his own words:
"There's no way to write without writing from yourself. Y'know, the stuff gets made out of things that you care about… whether you've actually lived them or not. There are emotional issues that you deal with, and I think that's always a major factor with any writer. I don’t think— it's hard to write without having some kind of emotional connection to the material. I've never seen any reason not to. It’s easy to write that way. It's hard to write in the abstract. So when I write a scene, I write a scene that moves me or I care about, or is something that is personal to me." - George Lucas, Q&A with Lynne Hale, 1994 (StarWars.com)
Any piece of writing worth some salt needs to come from a personal place to some degree because that's where the heart of the story, the truth, lies. That's what an audience will relate to.
Example: The six original Star Wars films are purely George Lucas. As in, everything in those films, from the characters, to the cinematography, to the editing style, etc are all a reflection of who George is as a person and what he stands for:
anti-Vietnam / "fight the corporate & imperial machine"
60s-70s white kid from Modesto, California
single father of three
who defines himself as Methodist-Buddhist,
has an anthropology major and
a passion for Kurosawa,
cinema vérité,
cinema history in general
art and visuals and
car racing.
You see all that in those films.
Same thing with The Acolyte.
Leslye Headland drew from her personal experiences.
Among other things, Leslye is gay. So that's what she uses as inspiration to, for instance, craft Qimir's character motivation.
"I was on the treadmill being like, “What is [Qimir] gonna say?!” And my wife, who is a huge part of my creative process, finally she said, “What do you wanna say? Stop thinking of it like you have to somehow tap into a different guy.” [...] I was like, “I wanna say that people don't want me to exist as a gay woman, as a woman in this particular space, working in this wild sandbox.” There was a whole crew of people who believed in me, but deep down, I felt like, “I am unaccepted for who I am because of what I believe in and wanting to wield my power the way I'd like without having to answer to the legion of people that just exist out there.”" - Leslye Headland, Collider, 2024
She took this specific life experience of hers, and then made it more universal, so that a bigger audience could relate to it.
"By the way, I think everybody feels this way. I think that's why it resonates when you're honest about yourself, and you get personal about it. When [Qimir] says, “I want freedom,” that's what I want. I just want freedom. I want to be able to just be out there and be myself and be the type of artist I want to be without having to answer to anybody." - Leslye Headland, Collider, 2024
Same goes with Osha and Sol's relationship, or how she defines the Jedi Order. It derives from her own relationship with her father and how she felt being raised straight, in a Christian household.
If you have the time, listen to this audio clip where she describes that.
In the context of the whole interview, her voice goes down a few octaves and starts to crack a bit. This is a vulnerable moment, when she's talking about it... and it's this experience that she turned into fuel for her writing of Sol and Osha's father/daughter bond.
"There's this thing that's called benign sexism, and part of it is this paternal protectionism — it seems like this good thing, but like you said, there's this, “I have to protect you from everything. I have to make sure you're okay. I have to tell you what track to get on, and then once you're on that track, I need to support you.” Ultimately, what happens is — again, this is a father-daughter relationship — as women evolve in their lives and develop their own personalities separate from their fathers, at some point, they have to reject that protectionism. [...] She cannot stay a little girl or an adolescent or young adult. She has to, at some point, say, “I reject what you have told me I need to do to make you proud, to follow in your footsteps.” She has to do that." - Leslye Headland, Collider, 2024
Now... if we're talking consistency with the themes in Lucas' Star Wars, then yeah, The Acolyte misses the mark.
The Jedi Order isn't the patriarchy or the Catholic Church. They're more like Buddhist monks, George has stated so multiple times.
The Jedi teachings aren't narratively meant to be the same traits found in toxic masculinity or benign sexism.
When a Jedi tells you to be mindful of your emotions, it's not meant in the "boys don't cry" sense.
When they talk about letting go of attachments, it's not meant in a stoic "don't get emotionally involved" sense.
Anakin too, the whole point is that he's wrong, the narrative frames his fall to the Dark Side as his own fault, it's not meant to be perceived as a failure in upbringing.
But she's not the only one who does it. Filoni does it too, a majority of fans have this take on the Jedi.
And because of her experiences, I can see why her takeaway would be that. Same goes for Filoni, they're products of their generation, upbringing and experiences.
My point is:
Leslye Headland is writing from a personal place, when she's writing The Acolyte. It's partially informed by her politics because - like she quotes, "personal is political" - but when it comes to the writing of the show, it's personal first and foremost.
What this was, was a Star Wars fan (arguably the nerdiest one we've had so far, in terms of creators) putting all of herself in the creation of a show that perfectly reflects who she is and what she stands for, resulting in:
a story about growing past your father's paternal control and accepting that our guides aren't infallible,
where her wife holds a role and gets to wield a lightsaber,
a show about taking corrupt religious institutions to task
about the Sith and the Dark Side
and questioning the unquestionable
and exploring whether the good are really so good and if the bad are really so bad.
This was a project written from the heart, and regardless of whether the resulting art found its mark, I think it's important to note that it wasn't written to spread a propaganda message in some "pro-woke holy war" or whatever the hell the YouTubers are peddling.
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jackdaw-kraai · 1 year
I think there’s something rather strange going on with all the folks who insist that the Jedi Order in the PT was right and didn’t forbid love and Anakin should just have followed their teachings when the whole point of the prequels is that they are prequels. They come before the OT, and the OT proves the Jedi wrong. They literally do not make sense if they don’t do that.
Luke, in the original trilogy, gains his ultimate triumph, his ultimate victory, because he loved in defiance of the teachings of the old Order. He quite literally had the ghosts of the past telling him, explicitly and without ambiguity, that he has to put his love for his father aside and kill him, as is the duty of a Jedi. Luke has the weight of millennia of teachings weighing down on his shoulders, telling him they knew and know better than a young, inexperienced man barely out of his teenager years. That he should follow their teachings or be destroyed. That is an immense weight to carry, and many people would and explicitly have given in to it in-universe. What are your feelings and ideals in the face of such immense legacy, after all?
But Luke doesn’t give in.
He doesn’t bend.
He says “I may be young, and I may be new, but I believe to my heart and soul that love matters more than this legacy. Matters more than your teachings.” And he says this to the ghosts of his mentors. That is such a powerful moment and one I can’t believe George Lucas didn’t create deliberately for even a second. This young man, being told he has to kill or die trying for a system that is dead or dying itself, that couldn’t survive itself, and refusing to do so. He is the living refusing to continue the violence of a dead generation. He is the young man refusing the draft into a war the old generation started, saying “peace and love matters more than you being right.” He is the embodiment of breaking the cycle.
And the movies vindicate him.
The main villain vindicates him with his last dying breath.
Darth Vader, dying, says “You were right.” and admits he and his were wrong. The main antagonist, Luke’s nemesis, in the face of his son’s immense, defiant love, gives way and does the impossible: he comes back to the light and dies a Jedi. The very thing the old Order says was impossible.
They were wrong. They have to be. The narrative demands it, the movies don’t make sense without it.
The solution was never to continue the cycle of the old Order, or Luke would have failed there, would have failed when he said “I am a Jedi, like my father before me.” And claimed that defiant, deviant, condemned definition of being a Jedi over the one presented to him by the Grandmaster of the old Order. If the old Order was right, Luke would have to be wrong. Be wrong about love, be wrong about laying down the sword, be wrong about refusing to fight. He would have to be wrong.
But the old Order is dead, explicitly killed by a monster, in some part, of their own making. It’s members only existing as bones in the ground or ghosts speaking from beyond the grave. They did not deserve it, it should not have been inflicted on them, but the narrative is clear on this: “The old way is dead, and was dying for a long time before that. Long live the new.”
Luke is that new. Luke is the breaking of the cycle, the reforging of swords into ploughs, the extended hand. Luke says “I don’t care how much I was hurt, I refuse to hurt you back, and you don’t need to hurt me either.”
“We can end this together and choose love instead.”
And Darth Vader, killer of the Jedi, End of the Order, lays down his arms as well, and reaches back as Anakin, saying “You were right.”
It wasn’t Obi-Wan, Yoda, Mace, Qui-Gon, or even Ahsoka who achieved the ultimate victory in the end, following the tenants of the old Order. It was Luke. Young, inexperienced Luke, who saw that the age of legacy handed to him was only history, that the sword handed to him as his life was only a tool, and that the decrees of the dead were only advice. And he took it all, said “thank you for your experience, but I’ve got it from here,” and laid it all down to instead extend an open hand towards his enemy.
And his victory, his ultimate triumph, his vindication, was that he was proven right when his enemy reached back and became just another person. Just another person, just like him.
The Jedi did not deserve what happened to them, and they did not deserve to die. But the story is clear on this: the Jedi of old were wrong, and the Jedi of new, the Last Jedi, was right. No sword or death will ever end the rule of the sword or end the bloodshed. But love?
Love can ignite the stars.
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lieutenant-teach · 2 months
Getting upset everytime I think ‘hey a cool SW blog’ and there I read smth like ‘a real point of SW is that Luke becomes a True jedi because he embraced attachment and love and saved everyone denying old Jedi ways’, ‘these crazy fans who idolize child-stealing zealots’ – and I think ‘Am I stupid? Media-illiterate? Wrong? Are all these people I read wrong? All these quotes and Lucas analyses deceitful?’. After such readings I want to delete my blog and never come to SW internet again. It takes effort to calm down with all I love about SW. Everytime I think I don’t have much else to say in Jedi defense – here it is. I even rewatched the OT and PT trying to put aside my pro-Jedi views and turn on a clear head to find anything I probably missed that might indicate ‘Jedi are not heroes\they were wrong\Luke is right about attachment’ – and I found nothing. Luke never says ‘I’m a BETTER Jedi’, he says ‘I’m a Jedi LIKE my father before me’. He wins exactly because he follows Yoda’s teachings, which are core Jedi values. If Luke doesn’t put difference between himself and old Jedi, that means he perceives himself as one of them. Not ‘a new Jedi’, but ‘the last Jedi’.
The worst part of it – these anti-Jedi takes come unexpectedly! The moment I get into a pro-Jedi post’s reblogs\comments section, my eyes are flooded with this shit. And most of these over-realistic takes have been debunked million times, but people who write them don’t read these debunks.
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Ok actually you know what? I have more emotions about this.
The way that aa consistently portrays the influence that characters have on each other is incredible. But more than that, the way that it portrays the influence of horrible, awful characters on characters who fight to be morally good is so fucking important to me. I’ve written about this before—it’s woven throughout the games. Kristoph’s heavy influence on Phoenix during the seven year gap. Klavier slamming his fist against the wall. Franziska clutching her arm. But I think the most fundamental and impressive example is, of course, Miles.
Miles never takes off the caravat. His gestures, even if they’re toned down from Bratworth, are still very clearly derived from von Karma’s courtroom behavior. Everything he does is visibly shaped by the man who abused him and his sister, who murdered his father and framed him for murder. And it always will be. He is, as much as Franziska, von Karma’s living legacy.
And—let me say—that is fucking tragic. It’s horrifying. They shouldn’t have to go through that. But.
It is so important to me. AA shows us how these characters don’t need to shed every single resemblance in order to heal. Miles wears the caravat while he works and struggles and questions and ultimately becomes something greater and kinder than what was given to him. Von Karma’s legacy is Franziska and Miles Edgeworth—isn’t that hilarious? Isn’t that amazing? Hell, even the von Karma name quickly becomes associated with Franziska over her father, just like “Gavin” becomes Klavier instead of Kristoph. Klavier “air guitar in a courtroom” Gavin is Kristoph’s living legacy. And guess what? He’s one cool, levelheaded prosecution attorney.
this always reminds me of luke skywalker saying “I am a Jedi like my father before me” (no that didn’t rewrite my brain as a kid in a shitty family, why do you ask?). For him to say that to darth vader, after multiple people have expressed fear that he will turn to the Dark Side…it means: I have seen the legacy you want me to have. I know what you want me to become. But that’s not the lesson I’m taking from you. You were cruel. Lesson learned: be kind.
AA shows us how characters who were fundamentally shaped by horrible people are able to twist that influence to their own ends and heal and thrive. Makes me emotional man
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dailydragon08 · 8 months
headcanon post idea: everyone’s reactions when you tell them you’re proud of them (ex. after a tough mission or bc they’ve been having a hard time mentally/emotionally)
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Although she’s used to the spotlight from being royalty and a revered leader in the rebellion, Leia isn’t very used to genuine praise. She’s usually the one praising someone else (or yelling at them, more likely) and the most she’s gotten in the last few years is a quick “good work” when she delivered the plans for the first Death Star before the Battle of Yavin. So when you first make her look you in the eye and genuinely tell her that you’re proud of her, she freezes for a minute. The last time she really heard that from someone who meant it was her parents, so it hits her a bit harder than she expected and she doesn’t completely know what to do with the feeling. She’s so used to being the rock for everyone else – and keeping her inner thoughts a secret was part of her job and how she stayed safe for a long time – that she takes a while to show any sort of big emotion in front of people, and even then will only do so in private. She gives you a small smile, nod, and quiet thanks before redirecting the attention to you, how much you helped, and says how she’s proud of you. But she will concede to an “I’m proud of us” before giving your shoulder an affectionate squeeze.
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Luke also hasn’t heard a genuine “I’m proud of you” in a long time (not that the OT gang isn’t proud of him, they just typically don’t say it in words), but he tends to be a bit more emotionally available than his sister on a more regular basis. He can’t keep the emotion off his face and for a second, you’re afraid you said the wrong thing as his big, blue eyes start getting glassy. It means the galaxy to him, especially from someone who knows everything that happened with Owen, Beru, his father, and the emperor, not to mention all the weight on his shoulders in regard to rebuilding the Jedi Order from scratch. He collects himself soon after, but still gives you a warm smile and “thank you” before wrapping you in a tight hug. He tells you he’s proud of you as well and there isn’t anyone else he’d rather have on his team, holding the hug for a bit longer than you expected (but you, of course, would never be the first to let go).
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Han pretends to be affection-averse, even though he isn’t – but, hey, he’s got a reputation to maintain. He splutters for a minute before recovering and saying something along the lines of, “Yeah, I am aware how awesome I am, kid, and I’m glad you’ve finally realized it, too. Ya know, I’m gonna remind you that you acknowledged my greatness next time you get on me for somethin’ – in fact, here,” he holds his comm right in front of your mouth and hits record, “why don’t you say that again so I have some proof?” You bat the comm away and tell him how insufferable he is before you both go back to what you were doing before. But, when he thinks you’re not looking, you can see the dopiest smile across his face.
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Lando takes it the most in stride. He looks surprised for a minute, before smiling, thanking you, and putting a hand on your shoulder and giving it an affection squeeze and light shake. “You’re not so bad yourself,” he says before remarking on how you two make a great team, even going so far as to list specifics of exactly why you work so well together. He wraps his arm around your shoulders as the two of you walk back to base, a new spring in his step that you can’t deny is adorable.
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Chewie (platonic) immediately says something in Shyriiwook that you think (hope?) sounds happy before enveloping you in a bear hug that almost crushes your ribs. You hang on for dear life, half laughing and half struggling to breathe, patting the Wookiee’s back before begging him to put you down before he accidentally crushes you. He mumbles something that almost sounds like the cadence of an apology in his language before setting you down and affectionately petting your head.
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R2D2 (platonic) chirps, whistles, and wobbles on his two outer legs happily and is then adorably glued to your side the rest of the day. Han and Lando tease you about how you’ve found yourself your own personal servant, but Leia and Luke think it’s adorable, and even Luke comments on how much R2 loves you when he’s out of earshot. C3PO translates at some point, telling you how much R2 appreciates the compliment and that he enjoys working with you before the astromech is zipping away again to refill your water bottle for the third time.
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C3PO (platonic) gives you a surprised “oh, my” before thanking you profusely. He even gives you a little bow and says, “You’re too kind. I enjoy our work together as well and you do a marvelous job at everything you set your mind to.” You give him a smile and a thanks before turning back to what you were previously doing, laughing quietly to you overhear him walking down the hall going, “Oh, Master Luke, you won’t believe what just happened!”
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maidenvault · 1 year
RotJ makes a point of letting us know that Leia is Luke's sister, they've known this on some level for a long time, and he probably cares more about her than anyone in the world because this gives so much more weight to his conflict at the end of the movie, and I think this is a huge thing people overlook when they argue that him redeeming his father represents a rejection of the old Jedi ways of non-attachment. Because in the moment he has to let go of Leia and his friends to be able to actually save Anakin.
When Obi-Wan tries to convince Luke that he has to kill Vader and there's no other way, he doesn’t really discuss it as an issue of Luke having an attachment to him. I think he knows this isn't really the Jedi way but just like in the previous war, they don't seem to be faced with any good choices. Obi-Wan believes what Luke wants is truly impossible and, having failed to stop Vader when he could have before, of course he's trying to stop Luke from making the same mistake.
But it's significant that in the same conversation, Obi-Wan does warn him that his love for his sister could be made a liability if he's not careful. When Luke learns he has a twin and reveals how strong a connection he feels with Leia because he doesn't even have to be told who it is, Obi-Wan's response sets up how this will play into the climax of the film:
"Your insight serves you well. Bury your feelings deep down, Luke. They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the Emperor."
Then when Luke is brought to Sidious, he reveals to Luke that the Rebellion is walking right into a trap as a way to torment and provoke him. Luke gets angrier and angrier while helplessly watching the fleet get ambushed and finally does just what Sidious wants and tries to attack him. But it's Vader specifically threatening Leia that makes Luke totally lose control of his feelings and fight him in a rage.
Luke is basically facing the same kind of test he failed so badly in ESB by running off to help his friends. When Yoda is trying to make him see he's not ready to face Vader and keep him from going to Bespin, he says something that I think is such an underrated quote in its importance to Luke's whole journey:
"Decide you must how to serve them best. If you leave now, help them you could, but you would destroy all for which they have fought and suffered."
Luke is really lucky he doesn't get killed in Cloud City (or captured, which I think at this point could have resulted in him being turned). Yoda knows Luke is the one person with a chance of defeating the Emperor and Luke just about throws that away.
But at the end of RotJ when Luke cuts off Vader's hand, he surely is reminded of his failure at Bespin and sees the path he's starting down by succumbing to his fears like that again. He stops because he sees he's betraying his loved ones and everything he is. He can only throw away his weapon and confidently tell the Emperor to eat shit then because he's no longer afraid of dying or of those he loves dying. He's done what his father couldn't do and kept his soul intact, which is what Leia would want. Because real love isn't selfishly trying to save someone by betraying what they believe in like Anakin did with Padme. And it obviously has to be an incredibly powerful thing for Vader to see his own son able to do this, even comparing himself to the man he once was ("I am a Jedi, like my father before me").
We remember everything working out okay so it's easy sometimes to forget that Luke gives this triumphant speech when the rebel fleet is getting pulverized outside and things overall still look pretty hopeless. He probably expects he could die at this point. But like Obi-Wan in his own death scene, he knows nothing can destroy him now. And it's the love he feels for his family that gives him the strength to let go.
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luke’s scene in rotj where he throws down his lightsaber and says, “I’ll never turn to the dark side. you failed, your highness. i am a jedi, like my father before me,” makes me more and more emotional each time i see it. it’s such a triumph and it’s such a brave stand—not only because luke is literally facing down death with no real expectations of escaping the death star ii, which on its own has such impact—but because he is more or less declaring himself a heretic. the only two jedi left alive do not believe vader can be saved. vader himself believes he is far past saving. palpatine is so poised for victory, so assured in his complete control over not only luke’s fall but also his control over vader, that he is happy to torture luke in front of vader, absolutely convinced that vader will do nothing to stop it. in light of the prequel trilogy, it’s made even more powerful: the jedi disavowed having children as an extension of attachments, a matter of course for the old jedi order. but when luke is in his moment of greatest need, he calls out to his father, and his father answers. ultimately, it’s their forbidden familial relationship that defines them as jedi—luke becomes a jedi in honor of his father, and his father turns back from the dark side (a feat thought impossible until that very instance) and recalls the jedi knight anakin skywalker, all for his son. and that’s all in defiance of what the jedi were told to be, what obi-wan and yoda believed, what palpatine never thought possible! luke redefines what a jedi is when he throws down his weapon. he trusts in the power of his connection to his father, their attachment to each other, and when he does that? luke skywalker topples the empire.
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34saveme34 · 3 months
Symbolism my friends.... symbolism tells me of protag Mr Puzzles
let's look at it a bit....... differently
the first 5 specials we saw, they symbolised something completely different
when 4 appeared, he was always a protag or a coprotag
and well... almost like future foreshadowing, the antagonist in Once Upon an SMG4, which once again, even outside of that, full of beautiful beautiful symbolism, something that could even...... show us where we are heading
I might be a crazy 3 liker, and you have to bare that in mind as you take a ride in my land of imagination........... where I show you a beautiful world I wish would come to life in the actual SMG4 as well
so... you see.... 4 was the antagonist in the PV special this time, similarly to, as I said above, Once Upon an SMG4
where 3 was the protag
and now another one where 4 is an antagonist (I'm not saying villain on purpose here, because they both count as villains in a sense but storytelling wise, as it stands in a vacuum in this episode, it would only be SMG4 although some of you will definitely argue against me on that)
and with Puzzles as the protagonist
and you can consider that hey! Puzzles had been getting.... a lot of attention
you know who else had been getting a lot of attention that people got tired of but probably forgot they got tired of it at this point? SMG3
Do you see where I'm going with this? I think they should team up. Idk if they will but it would maybe make sense
saying maybe because depends when
I still see the plot twist protag thing with Puzzles where he sees that SMG4 is far too gone and a lot more worse than what Puzzles would've expected
you know who else should show up then? SMG3
think about it, what was one of the things 4 mentioned in MEME HUNTERS, also an..... all capital episode (which I mentioned before that after You Used to be Cool the only episodes besides the movie that had all capitals were the episodes where the café failing was mentioned in some way. this makes CEO OF RIZZ important btw "but that doesn't mention it" he was literally shilling out for Boopkins for more people to go to his café, it literally sounds like the start of it is what I'm saying lol)........
3's café failing
I think even....... 3 would feel responsible for what's going on so he would go against 4 as well to try and get him back to normal.......... with Puzzles on his side :3333 I think it would be real awesome
also I think I need to mention this but this was the first Puzzlesvision Mario wasn't inside of, like as in the movie, I do know we see him fly by in the beginning of the episode itself but he never appears in the episode itself
you know, kind of silly to mention, but the only PV episode so far that didn't have Mario by 4's side was ALSO Once Upon an SMG4
Also, a lot of the points making Puzzles even more fitting to be a protagonist next episode
the parody being of Gru, which I would argue is about a villain slowly redeeming I'll be real. but also keeping the morals
the whole making friends with Leggy thing
the conversation he had with 4 where he offered to Puzzles that he could join, almost like foreshadowing for the future or something :3
"I am your-" you know what I think he would've said? "Father" you say. I say.... creator. Hear me out because when you think about it in a meta level, he absolutely is
the fact that he wielded the Good Jedi light saber in the scene with the cute ass Meggy plushie being the base of it, very villanous of you Puzzles
the fact that he get more feelings then being a maniac, something that is STILL present but now along with the tsundere ass "it's not like I think you're useful or anything" he was so close to saying some stupid shit like that I swear
I saw someone saying it and I'm so stupid for not realising but 3 being a RETIRED villain in this, like yes he literally is and HE IS ALSO working together here with Puzzles JUST LIKE how I WISH HE WOULD NEXT EPISODE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLASEPAPLEPAEPLEAPLAPELPALSDPELEPLEPLAPLDPWLEPDKLKSOKDÉ--
I think these points just come to show even more that he could easily become the protag of this next thing, and reasonably so-
but do tell me what you think :3 or if I'm just yapping lol
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artist-issues · 10 months
It isn’t all the filmmaker’s fault that all we’re getting is second-rate remakes and sequels to franchises that should’ve been left alone a long time ago.
We don’t have a clear idea of why we like the things we like. So we don’t clearly communicate why we like the things we like. So it’s no wonder Hollywood keeps getting your favorite movies and their characters wrong. The fans don’t even know why they like what they like.
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When Genie is set free in the original Aladdin, that moment was impactful, and you remembered it all through childhood. When Luke tosses the lightsaber away and says “I am a Jedi, like my father before me,” it was impactful, and you remembered it.
But did you stop and analyze why? What made those moments, and those stories, impactful?
Did you say, “Genie wished to be free for the whole movie, and he was always trying to tell Aladdin about how freedom only comes from trusting, and he was learning to trust Al himself, and Aladdin finally DID trust Jasmine to still want him even if he wasn’t rich, so he set Genie free in the most satisfying way!”
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Did you say, “Luke spent all previous movies rushing into fights, and trying to control everything to save the ones he loves, but when he finally has his enemy at his mercy and is at the height of his power, he realizes that being a Jedi isn’t rushing and fighting and controlling; it’s having faith in the good and throwing your opportunity for control away.”
Did you think through and appreciate that stuff? The values? The point of the whole story, and how the characters act as pillars holding that point up? The good and the bad things that they embody?
No. Not out loud. Because we don’t think critically anymore. We just go “what’s this? Entertain me. Oooh, I felt something! Good! Next!”
The why behind what you like is the only value in liking anything.
But we don’t look objectively at the “why.” We don’t dwell on the “why.” If we dwell on anything, it’s to superimpose ourselves or whatever we like onto the characters.
You think Barbie was hyping feminism because you like feminism, and because you felt things during Barbie. You write fanfiction about Eddie Munson that has nothing to do with what Eddie Munson actually is as a character—because you like love stories, and you felt some compelling emotions when you saw Eddie Munson onscreen, so you’ve decided that those things should go together. You take something that made you feel emotions while you watched the canon material, then you don’t bother to process those emotions or what made the canon material compelling. You just slap whatever you already think you like onto something that made you feel, whether it had anything to do with what you like or not.
You eat the apple and benefit from it without knowing, at all, what nutrients are inside. Then when someone offers you crap and tells you it’s apple-flavored, you wonder why you’re not feeling the same way afterward.
Then you misdiagnose. You say “no, I don’t wonder why I’m not feeling the same—it’s because the CGI in live-action remakes suck!” Okay, great, so they’ll get better CGI. And it’ll still suck. Because that was never the problem, just like the reasons you liked the movie were never the reasons it actually impacted you in the first place.
Figure out. WHY. You like what you like. Figure out if it’s because the stories said what their creators objectively intended for them to say—or if you like the story in spite of that, not because of that.
Then open your mouth about it. It is worth it.
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bunnie-online · 11 months
nobody's son, nobody's daughter {A.S.}
getting into an argument with ani & your parental issues are brought up
warnings: NO SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONTENT BUT MY BLOG IS 18+ ONLY. hurt/comfort, parental issues lol, crying, Anakin is lowkey mean i’m sorry ✋🏽😔, not accurate SW lore, one use of ‘y/n’, d3ath mention.
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Anakin was so done with today. it was friday afternoon and he had just endured 8 hours of training and then a 2 hour meeting with the Jedi Council where he was scolded for a rash decision he made on his most recent mission. to say Anakin was frustrated was the understatement of the century.
you weren’t having a great day either, it was your fathers birthday. he had left you and your mother to start a new family when you were in your early teens. shortly after that your mother spiraled into depression and had tossed you out. you escaped to Coruscant and happened to be found by Master Windu who took you under his wing.
the weeks of what used to be important family events were always difficult. especially birthdays. you couldn’t wait to curl up into your boyfriend’s arms and feel the weight of the day melt away.
Anakin made his way to your quarters, wanting to do the same. his walk was all a blur until he reached your door. Anakin walked into your apartment ready to collapse into you. he found you curled up on the couch, looking forlorn.
“hey, angel. what’s wrong?” his voice soft and obviously sullen. you lift your head, your face tear stained. “oh it’s just my dads birthday..” you trail off. Anakin sighed. “oh that again.” he sounded slightly annoyed.
granted you’ve been sulking about this all week, but you had a right to. you missed normalcy, you missed coming home from school on your father’s birthday and giving him handmade cards you crafted so carefully. you missed the delicious birthday dinner your mother made and hiding his gifts behind your back, making him guess what it was. you missed sitting on his lap and helping him blow out his candles after singing to him loudly and in between giggles. it sickens you to think about his new children doing all of those things you thought we sacred to him, just as they were to you.
“what does that mean?” you ask, getting defensive. “nothing, angel.” he corrected his tone, realizing what he had done. “no. what did you mean by that?” you doubled down, standing up and walking closer to him. “again? again?! oh i’m sorry that i’m mourning my family.” you cross your arms over your chest, rolling your eyes.
Anakin scoffs. “you have to be kidding. it just slipped out i didn’t even mean it like that.” he steps closer to you. “obviously you meant something, Anakin. you wouldn’t have said anything otherwise.” your eyes threw daggers into his. “angel, can we just drop it? i had a long day i just wanna relax.” he reaches his hand out to touch your arm. you pull back harshly. “darling, come on.”
“no! you have the audacity to tell me to ignore a comment like that?! really?!” your voice gaining volume. Anakin pressed his palm against his forehead, his anger building. “love, i didn’t even mea-“ he starts. “don’t even try to throw that shit at me again.” you interrupt him.
“you aren’t the only one without parents, y/n!!” he yells. you jump back. Anakin had never yelled at you before. “i held my mother as she passed away after not seeing her for ten. years! you aren’t the only one mourning!”
you were too shocked to speak, but your face said everything. after what felt like an eternity, Anakin’s face softened, he realized what had came out of his mouth. “angel…baby…i am- i am so sor-.” “don’t.” you interrupt him again. “i know- i know i’m not the only one mourning. i know you don’t have parents either but i still supported you. i held you after every nightmare, flashback, anxiety attack, everything. i still do.” your voice cracked often as you choked down tears.
“if you were annoyed with my sulking, you could’ve shut it out like you do to me every time something bothers you.” you started walking past him, he tried to grab you by your bicep. “get the fuck away from me, Anakin.” you state coldly, his eyes widen. you’ve never spoken to him in that way. you push past him and walk out of your own apartment.
Anakin stood there, not only shocked at your actions but also his. he’s always been so caring not matter how his day went, he always held space for you. and you held space for him. the tears welling up in his eyes finally spilt over, his usually stoic face contorted as he cried.
you stormed out to the garden, finding a bench in a secluded area. you sat there and cried for what seemed like forever. you cried until your head throbbed and your lungs were sore.
Anakin had to make this right, he couldn’t leave you like this. the sound of leaves crunching behind you nearly scared you out of your skin.
Anakin placed a blanket over your shoulders before sitting down next to you. “angel. i am so sorry. truly. this week was exhausting and i have no right to take it out on you.” he wraps one of his arms around you and you melt into his warmth. “i forgive you, Ani. and i’m sorry too. i know you’re also grappling with your own feelings. i never meant to appear selfish.”
“i love you, my angel.” his plants a kiss on your temple. “i love you too, Ani.”
this was my first time writing hurt/comfort pls don’t bully meeee
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mydarllinglover · 7 months
Stars Collided || Prologue
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Anakin stood still, as the other younglings stared and whispered at him, he tried his best to tune out what they were saying, but he couldn't help it, as his nails dug into his palms, taking deep breaths, as his Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, told him.
They snickered and gasped among themselves, as if he wasn't even there, as if he couldn't even hear them.
But when they ceased, and instead stared at someone behind him, he grew confused, then hopeful, had they finally been caught? Would they finally be made to stop?
"Hello." A small voice said.
He turned around, and instead of seeing a Jedi, as he was hoping, he saw a little girl, in a big poofy dress, a tiara sat atop of her head, and her gloved hands were clasped in front of her.
"Your highness" the Younglings gasped, as they dropped to their knees, and Anakins curiosity grew more, as he continued to stand, looking between them and the fancy looking girl.
"Ani, get down!" One of them hissed.
"You." He looked at the girl, again, and she was pointing at him.
"Me?" He asked, pointing at himself.
"What is your name?"
But before he had time to answer, the question was already answered by someone else.
"That's Ani, your highness, he's still new, he's not from around here." One of them said, stifling a laugh, as the others chuckled to themselves.
He grew angry at the taunt, and ultimately embarrassed, he didn't want this girl to know, he didn't even know her, and she didn't know him, but now she was going to look down on him, just like they do, like everybody does.
"You may rise, and make better use of your time" The girl told them, gesturing with her hand for them to get up. "Ani, will you accompany me?" She held her hand out, to him.
He hesitated, before eventually taking her hand in his, and she pulled him along.
But not before stopping and looking over her shoulder.
"Just him." She told the younglings, that had started to follow them. "Go do something useful, with your time. I would hate to have to tell my father, that the Jedi are doing a terrible job of raising our next generation."
Anakin watched in amusement, as their eyes widened, and they all scurried away, bashfully.
"Wow, your father must be some important guy." Anakin told her, a small smile on his face.
He watched as the girls brows furrowed, as she stared at him, noticing his soft chubby cheeks, and the small gap in his two front teeth, his very blond hair, and beautiful blue eyes.
But then she let out a laugh.
"Ani, do you know who I am?" She asked.
"Should I?" His cheeks started to turn red, he wanted to kick himself, had he just offended this clearly very important girl?
"Oh! I like you already." She squeezed his hand, and his arm, as she laid her head on his shoulder.
But she didn't bother to tell him, as she continued to pull him along, not taking notice how his heart was racing.
They snuck around the Jedi temple, in order to not get told off.
And he was shocked to discover, that somehow, this girl seemed to know where she was going.
They had arrived late to lunch, and he noticed how the younglings around the tables, had all shifted, seemingly to make room at their table, for only her to sit at.
She dragged him along to the back of the room, finding an empty table to sit at.
A worker came along, to hand Anakin a bowl of the usual slop, they served, but hadn't bothered to give the girl any.
"Here is your lunch, Prin-"
"Thank you, you may go now." She told the older looking boy, who had just appeared out of nowhere, to hand her a pink box.
And then he did as she said, hurried away.
"That looks disgusting." Her face screwed up as she looked at his food.
"Tastes it, too." He said, glumly, dropping the spoon back into the bowl.
"Here" She scooted closer, towards him. "You can share mine, I have loads."
She opened up the pink box, and just as she had said, there was lots of good looking food.
"No, that's okay." He fought against temptation, not wanting to take from the only other kid that had been kind to him.
"Nonsense, I won't eat it all, anyway" She handed him a juice box, as she sipped from her own strawberry milk. "The chefs always pack me too much."
She shared out the food, between the pair of them, setting out the small sandwiches, cakes, chocolates, fruits and pastries.
The two chatted about all sorts, as they ate together, but none of the things they discussed, had to do with who the girl was, and why she was so important, he noticed how she had an knack to avoid talking about herself, but he didn't want to push her, or do anything to upset her, either.
Once they had finished their lunch, Anakin had found a pack of cards, and they sat in the gardens, as they played together, enjoying the privacy and peacefulness of the place.
"Ani?" A male voice called, interrupting their third game.
"Lovey, where are you?" A booming voice joined the other.
"Lovey?" Anakin asked.
The girl jumped up, as the two men walked towards them.
"Daddy, I made a friend!" She jumped into the mans arms, as Anakin's master, Obi-Wan, joined his side.
"I hear you've been keeping the princess occupied." His master teased, as he lightly elbowed the boy's shoulder.
"Princess?" He asked, again, looking at the girl, who was being hugged by her father.
"That's fantastic, Lovey!" The man grinned widely, as he squeezed the girl in his arms, rocking her.
She wiggled out of his grasp, before joining Anakin, again.
"Daddy, this is Ani, he's a new jedi." She smiled, as she held his hand.
The man got to his knee's in front of the young boy, shaking his other hand, firmly.
"I've heard about you, I've been told that you are going to be a remarkable Jedi, that you're the chosen one."
"Y-yes, sir." He nodded, unsure of himself, he felt embarrassed by the title that had been bestowed to him, all of a sudden.
"Your highness." Obi-Wan corrected.
"I beg your forgiveness." Obi-Wan told the man. "Ani, this is the king, Of Naboo."
His brows rose high, he was shaking the hand of the king.
He bowed to the man.
"I'm sorry, your highness."
"No need." King Ruwee chuckled. "I take it that my daughter didn't tell you who she is, either."
"Dad..." She mumbled, her cheeks red with embarrassment, as she twisted the toe of her shoe into the stone slab, they were stood on.
"She didn't even tell me her name." Anakin admitted.
"Lovey." Her dad shook his head.
"He didn't know who I was." She shrugged, in defence. "That seems like his problem."
"Would you like to introduce yourself, properly? Your mother would have a fit, if she saw your lack of manners."
"Fine." She turned to face Anakin, switching hands, so now she was shaking it. "Hello, Ani, I'm princess Lovisa Amidala, of Naboo." She said, in a bored tone.
"How do you do, Princess Lovisa Amidala, of Naboo." Anakin teased, as he shook her hand, a small smirk on his lips.
Anakin hadn't seen the princess, until a month later, but ever since he had met her, most of his thoughts contained her.
He missed her terribly, and he had only met her, once.
"Ani!" The girl's voice called, as him and the other younglings were leaving breakfast.
"Princess Lovisa Amidala, of Naboo." He greeted, as she ran up to him.
"Little Ani, don't call me that." she rolled her eyes, her happy mood turning sour.
"Sorry, princess" he faked sorrow.
"Ani!" She groaned, stomping her foot.
"Okay, okay." He laughed, "Vis, would you like to accompany me, today?" He asked, and in his mind, he was begging her to say yes.
"Yay! Okay!" She cheered, grabbing his hand.
The two had spent the day, much like the first day they met, but this time, Lovisa had opened up to Anakin about her life, her family, including her older sister Padme, who was 14.
Lovisa had told him that Padme can be very, very bossy, and a lot of the time, she told the younger girl to go away, because she was hanging out with her friends, and they all found her annoying, but other times, she told him how nice Padme was to her, she would brush her hair, and fill her in on gossip, or she would read to her in front of their large apple tree, in the orchard, and when her school work was tough, Padme would always help her out.
Anakin watched her eyes, as she described her sister, he could see bounds of love, and her smile was huge, it made him feel all warm inside, even though he had no family with him, it made him happy to see her talk about her own.
After that day, Anakin didn't see her for another three months.
The two were made to sit in on a meeting, with the council and the king. 
The two didn't hear much of what was discussed, as they had been too busy playing with two quills, pretending that they were Jedi Knights, but one, Lovisa's quill, had turned evil, and Anakin's quill had to defeat hers.
It was a terrifying and heroic battle, until Obi-Wan had snatched Anakin's quill, back, and Lovisa's father had told her that it was important she was listening, instead of playing like a child, which she had responded with "But daddy, I am a child."
Anakin earned a small slap to the arm, from his master, as he failed to hold in a snort.
Anakin hadn't seen the girl again, until they were both ten, and he had discovered that her new fascination, was learning what a Jedi does, and how they fight.
Anakin had suggested that he could teach her, everything he knew, and she was ecstatic at this, quickly yanking him down the halls, and to the training rooms.
"I can't hit a girl, especially not a princess." Anakin sighed, when Lovisa told him to fight her.
"So if there was an enemy, and she was a girl, you would just let her continue?" Lovisa asked.
"Well, no, but I'm not gonna fight you."
"So you're saying your better than me?" She folded her arms across her chest. “Need I remind you who’s taller?”
"I didn't say that."
"Come on, chosen boy, show me what you got. That's an order." She got into a fighting position.
"I'll get in trouble."
"No, you won't, I promise." She crossed her heart, as she said it.
"Fine, but you asked for it." He then got into a fighting position, too.
They walked around each other, in a circle, before Anakin finally made a move, but Lovisa had dodged it, tripping him up, before pinning his arm behind his back, and straddling him, so that he couldn't get up, as he layed on his tummy.
"Vis, I wasn't ready!" He argued, when she let him go, standing back up and dusting off the skirt of her dress.
"You made the first move." She said, calmly.
"How did you even manage to do that?"
"Kuna taught me." She shrugged.
"What's a Kuna?" He asked. Was that a boy? Did she hang out with other boys? Not like he cared though, why would he care?
"My royal guard, he's sixteen, and his job is to make sure I don't get into trouble, but he's really bad at it."
Anakin rolled his eyes.
"What?" She asked.
"Nothing." He shrugged. "Let's go, again."
Anakin didn't manage to beat her, not even once, she managed to get him off his feet, every single time, and he didn't even care, anyone else, and the boy would have been livid, but her, he found himself admiring her, instead, she was remarkable.
The last time they saw each other, they were eleven, and after, Anakin hoped and waited for her return, every single day, but she never came back to the temple, he thought about her all the time, and would talk about her often, to his master, who was quick to remind the boy that attachment was dangerous for a Jedi, which sometimes he would say, just to make the boy shut up, throughout the years, he would wander what she was like, who she hung out with, what she was doing, and what she might look like. Sometimes he found himself looking in the mirror, at his own reflection, wandering what she might think about him, what would she think, to see him all grown up, instead of the little kid, she was a few inches taller than.
Next Part
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gffa · 2 years
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 1 year
Clan of Three - Chapter 7
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Chapter Seven: Redemption
Plot: A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the jedi, and a teenager with similar powers with an undiscovered lineage. An unlikely group to travel the galaxy together.
Word Count: 6.3K
Pairing: Father Figure!Din Djarin x Platonic!Teen!Reader
Warnings: fighting/violence, injuries, angst, Moff Gideon (he deserves his own warning), sadness like so much
“You may think you have some idea of what you are in possession of, but you do not.” He speaks up again and Mando yells back into the comm.
“Kuiil, are you back on the ship yet? They're onto us! Kuiil, come in!” Mando yells as nothing comes through on your end.
“In a few moments, they will be mine.” The man calls out.
“Kuiil! Do you copy? Kuiil!” Mando can’t ignore the fear in his chest, if they get the child and with how many enemies were out there they would get you as well.
“They mean more to me than you will ever know.”
You feel a tightness in your chest feeling the loss and feeling of failure…Kuiil.
“Kuiil! Are you there? Come in, Kuiil….Kuiil, come in. Do you copy? Kuiil? Kuiil!”
The cantina is littered with imperial bodies as a former magistrate, a shock trooper, and a Mandalorian all together to protect a child and a girl who have extraordinary powers.
“Is there another way out?” Cara asks peeking out the window at the large platoon of troopers and this imperial warlord.
“No, that's it,” Greef says looking around the whole cantina their only way out is the two doors leading outside.
“What about the sewers?” Mando says and you look over at him,
“Sewers?” You ask and he nods beginning to look around.
“The Mandalorians have a covert down in the sewers. If we can get down there, they can help us escape.” He explains searching for an access point to the sewers.
“Yeah, sewers are good,” Greef says happy for this new piece of news before looking out the window with Cara on the other side. “What the hell are they waiting for?” He asks and you peek over seeing them bring out a giant weapon in large cases.
“Hold up. They're setting up an E-Web.” Cara says fear clear in her voice, “It's over.”
“I found the sewer vent,” Mando calls out and you and Cara come over moving the seat that is blocking the gated vent.
“Let's get the hell out of here,” Cara says trying to pull the grate off the vent but with no luck.
“It's assembled! How long until that thing's cleared?” Greef yells back, “Blow it.”
Mando’s hands move to his belt finding no charges, “I'm out of charges.”
“Get out of the way!” Cara pushes him aside using the large weapon she brought to shoot down the vent, you cover your face from the bright light and the sounds could be heard from outside.
“Your astute panic suggests that you understand your situation. I would prefer to avoid any further violence, and encourage a moment of consideration,” The imperial warlord shouts out as you all pause, “Members of my escort have completed the assembly of an E-Web heavy repeating blaster. If you are unfamiliar with this weapon, I am sure that Republican Shock Trooper Carasynthia Dune of Alderaan will advise you that she has witnessed many of her ranks vaporize mid-descent facing the predecessor of this particular model.”
Your head snaps over looking at Cara as she hears personal details of her life called out, as the man continues to speak, “Or perhaps the decommissioned Mandalorian hunter, Din Djarin, has heard the songs of the Siege of Mandalore when gun outfitted with similar ordnance laid waste to fields of Mandalorian recruits in The Night of a Thousand Tears.” You look over at Mando who is frozen staring out and you felt an entire door of information open up…you knew his name. After weeks of being with him, something as simple as a name you never learned. He was the Mandalorian, the bounty hunter, or Mando…but you heard his name. Din Djarin.
“Y/n L/n I know you’re in there as well. A thief on Tatooine but you are far more important to me than anything in the galaxy. I know more about you than you know about yourself…you have a much more important role in this than you think you do. Information I know about you…your family…your bloodline can shift the roles. That can alter your dear Mandalorian’s Creed.” The man says and you can feel the stares from the three adults especially the burning one from Mando’s. You couldn’t be more confused with his words…you had no importance in the galaxy than the simple power you had. Your family was nothing..you were nothing.
“I advise disgraced Magistrate Greef Karga to search the wisdom of his years and urge you to lay down your arms and come outside. The structure you are trapped in will be razed in short order and your storied lives will come to an unceremonious end.” He says and you see Greef look away from you before shouting out.
“What do you propose?”
“Reasonable negotiation.” The warlord calls out and Greef scoffs,
“What assurance do you offer?”
The man's voice echoes into the cantina, “If you're asking if you can trust me, you cannot. Just as you betrayed our business arrangement, I would gladly break any promise and watch you die at my hand. I will act in my own self-interest, which at this time involves your cooperation and benefit. I will give you until nightfall, and then I will have the E-Web cannon open fire.” You all look at each other taking in his words before Greef speaks up.
“I say we hear him out.”
“The minute we open that door, we're dead,” Cara says and Greef snaps back,
“We're dead if we don't. At least out there, we've got a shot.” Greef says and Cara is fearful but also filled with anger.
“That's easy for you to say. I'm a Rebel Shock Trooper. They'll upload me to a Mind Flayer.” She says and Greef gives her a look.
“Those aren't real. That was just wartime propaganda.”
“I don't care to find out. I'm shooting my way out of here.” Cara says cocking back her gun before turning to Mando, “What about you, Mando?”
“I know who he is. It's Moff Gideon.” He says and the two adults look almost shocked while you were confused.
“Who?” You ask and Cara is almost in disbelief, “No. Moff Gideon was executed for war crimes.” 
“It's him. He knew my name.” Mando says and Greef looks over at him trying to understand what that proves, “So? What does that prove?”
“I haven't heard that name spoken since I was a child,” Mando says
“On Mandalore?” Greef says and Mando shakes his head,
“I was not born on Mandalore.” “But you're a Mandalorian,” Greef asks and Cara explains,
“Mandalorian isn't a race.”
“It's a Creed.” Mando says, “I was a foundling. They raised me in the Fighting Corps. I was treated as one of their own. When I came of age, I was sworn to the Creed. The only record of my family name was in the registers of Mandalore. Moff Gideon was an ISB Officer during the purge. That's how I know it's him. That's how he knows who we all are.”
“He says he needs us, which means the child got away safely.” Greef says trying to shed some good fortune, “I was worried when the Ugnaught didn't respond, but if they'd captured the kid, we'd already be dead.”
“Mando..” You whisper looking at him and he recognizes the look on your face, the self-sacrifice is written all over your face.
“No. no, you’re not doing that kid.” He says shaking your head and you step towards him making him look at you.
“You guys are going to get yourselves killed protecting me. I won’t let your deaths rest on my conscience.” You start and Mando grabs your arms making you look at him.
“My job was to protect you, not let you do this self-sacrificing bullshit!” Mando shouts at you and you can feel the fear in both of you.
“He’s not going to stop coming after us! He knows too much about me…about all of us. I’m not going to let my life ruin yours and the rest of the Mandalorians.” You say looking straight at him and he wasn’t sure if he even had his helmet as you looked right into his eyes. “You have to let me go…” You say softly and he shakes his head the grip on your arms tightens.
“I won’t let you.” He says before grabbing his comm, “Come in, Kuiil. Kuiil?” Silence fills the air and the idea of your sacrifice grows more real to Din and he can feel the fear growing stronger. “Nothing. They might have jammed the link.”
“Kuiil has been terminated.” IG-11’s voice comes through the comm surprising you all,
“What did you do?” Mando says quickly and it almost sounds like the wind is coming from the other side of the comm. Were they on the ship heading far away from Nevarro?
“I am fulfilling my base function.” The droid responds.
“Which is?”
“To nurse and protect.” A low rumble fills the air before the sound of blaster fire enters the air.
“What was that?” Greef asks and you all peer out the window seeing the troopers turn from facing you to one of the pathways as the fighting grows closer. Appearing on a speeder bike two guns in his hands as he shoots down troopers and you see the child strapped to his chest.
“Cover me,” Cara says shooting her gun through the window and hitting some of the troopers down.
Greef rushes outside quickly firing at troopers and you move to go out when a hand latches on to your arm.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” Mando says holding onto your arm like it was a lifeline and you nod, pulling out your blaster.
“You don’t either.”
The two of you exit the cantina and are hurled into the fight. Dodging blaster fire overhead, shooting out troopers. Din stayed practically beside you as he fired out against some troopers quickly eliminating any that got near you. You provide cover fire to any coming at Mando’s blindspots. Arms wrap around your waist lifting you into the air and throwing you to the ground you kick your leg out hitting one of the death troopers and seeing two attack Mando. Rolling out of the way grabbing your blaster shooting them in the head as they collapse going to fire on the two attacking Mando but they are already shot down by Greef. Mando pulls you up to your feet as you shoot out at any troopers seeing IG-11 get hit in the leg still protecting the child but beginning to be overwhelmed. You see Mando go over to the E-web taking it off the stand firing it out at the large number of troopers attacking IG. They drop like flies as you fire at but they seemed to keep swarming you all. A shout comes from Mando and you look seeing him stumble forward and shot in the back of the head. Looking past him seeing Moff Gideon standing with his blaster pointing at Mando with a squad of troopers around him. Mando turns holding the e-web ready to fire and you see Gideon’s gaze move from the gun to the ammunition box before his blaster aims there.
“Mando!” You yell right as an explosion sends you flying back hitting the ground blacking out for a second and Mando is sent crashing into the ground with heavy force. A ringing fills your ears as your vision returns trying to push yourself up everything was bright and muted as the gunfire continues, looking forward to seeing Mando on the ground, you yell out though your voice doesn’t reach your ears. Scrambling towards him grabbing his shoulder trying to drag the armored man away from the gunfire. Everything was so quiet but loud at the same time as the blaster fire grows closer to you as Gideon’s troopers draw closer to you. With a yell, you throw your hand out and with a shockwave, the troopers are all sent flying back even Gideon is moved back. Hands grab you pulling you up and away from Mando and you see Cara run in grabbing him slinging him over her back bringing him inside, as Greef gives cover fire throwing you inside as well.
One door closes the other blown down as Gideon steps forward seeing the mass casualties on his end with only five people causing it, “Burn them out.” He growls.
“Stay with me, buddy. We're gonna get you out of here.” Cara's voice sounds muffled as you all barricade yourself by the sewer vent.
“This is our only path out. Can you clear it?” Greef says to IG-11 stepping forward to take the child when it points a blaster,
“If you go near this child, I will no choice but to kill you.” It says and Greef nods holding his hands up and stepping back.
“I understand. Can you do anything to move the grate?” He asks and IG nods its hand producing a small flame torch to carve its way through the metal.
You see Greef in front of you speaking to you but you shake your head not able to understand him, “Kid can you hear me?!” He says and you see him curse seeing the sight of blood coming from your ears. He holds your arms trying to speak slow enough for you to understand, “You are alright…kid just breathe.” You slightly read his lips seeing ‘breathe’ and you take in a gasp of air not realizing you were holding your breath. You look away from Greef seeing Cara trying to tend to Mando who is leaning against the chair on the floor, his shiny beskar armor was blacked with ash. While you weren’t caught in the explosion the shockwave had sent you flying back.
“Stay with me,” Cara says and Din slowly shakes his head his entire body screaming in pain but mainly his head.
“I'm not gonna make it. Go.” He says and Cara shakes her head reaching behind his head,
“Shut up. You just got your bell rung. You'll be fine.” Her blood runs cold seeing her hand come back red feeling the dampness of the cloth around his neck drenched with his blood.
“Leave me,” Din says and Cara is moving to his helmet trying to fix the injury on the back of his head,
“I'm gonna need to take this thing off.” He grabs her hands pulling them down,
“No. You leave me. You make sure the children are safe.” He says grabbing a necklace from under his clothes ripping it off his neck pressing it into her hands, “Here. When you get to the Mandalorian covert, you show them that. You tell them it's from Din Djarin. You tell them the foundlings were in my protection, and they'll help you.” She couldn’t hide the anger from her sadness come through,
“We can make it.” She says but Din had already given up. You look over as a red-striped trooper enters with a large flamethrower in their hand as the furniture towards the entrance is set ablaze. The ringing in your ears doesn’t cease as IG continues to burn a hole through the sewer vent Greef is standing up yelling at you all but everything was still muffled.
“Come on! Let's go!” You look over at Mando who wasn’t moving.
“Mando…we have to go,” You say unaware of your volume as you come to his side trying to pull him up but he isn’t budging. “Come on Mando, get up.” You pull him turning to Cara who is looking down at the gut-wrenching display. “Cara help me.” You say and you see her turn to Mando speaking to him but you still couldn’t hear them.
“I'm not gonna make it and you know it.” Din says looking at Cara who wanted to refuse this outcome, “You protect the children. I can hold them back long enough for you to escape. Let me have a warrior's death.”
“I won't leave you.” Cara grits out and they can feel the flames growing closer to them.
“This is the Way.”
You all look over when you feel the heat as the incinerator troop stands within the flames pointing the weapon at you sending a mass of flames. You hadn’t expected a wall to form in front of you all and you look down seeing the child holding his hand out. Pushing his hand out the flames shoot back at the trooper making the flamethrower explode killing him. You see the child slump from the exertion as IG-11 kicks the grate open.
“We have to move! Now!” Greef says trying to get you all to leave but you still are looking at Mando.
“Mando, get up we have to go.” You try pulling his arm before you move around to his shoulders to pull him up when your hands slip against something. Pulling back your heart grows cold seeing the red stain on your hands. You look at him and he sees the tears welling in your eyes. His head moves slightly while speaking but you shake your head.
“I...I can’t hear you.” You say your voice cracking looking at the defeated warrior, “Let me heal you..I-I can heal you.” Your voice shakes as you try reaching over to heal him the same way the child had but he pushes you back. He continues to speak to you as the flames roar behind you but your head shakes back and forth.
“I can’t hear you! Please just get up…get up Mando. We have to go.” Tears clean the dirt off your face and he softly reaches up wiping them off your face. “Get up Mando! You can’t leave me like this..you can’t.” Your head whips over to Cara who is looking down her heart breaking with each moment.
“Cara help me dammit!” You shout out seeing Cara look away and you look over at Greef who looks crushed but is still yelling at you guys. A hand grabs your face making you look back and you see Mando looking back at you and you can feel his emotions dripping through the beskar and leather covering his skin.
“Go.” He whispers knowing you weren’t going to hear him, “Leave Y/n you have to go.” You shake your head refusing whatever he had to say before he looks at Cara. She curses passing the child off to Greef and he quickly enters the tunnel.
“Escape and protect the children,” Din says to Cara as you continue begging him to get up. She steps forward looking at IG,
“I will stay with the Mandalorian.” The droid says and Cara glares at him,
“Promise me you'll bring him.” “You have my word.”
Cara looks away before grabbing your arm and pulling you up. “No what are you doing?! Cara let go of me. Mando get up! We have to go!” She begins pulling you towards the sewer vent, struggling slightly pulling you with one hand and the other holding her blaster. “Mando stop her! Please don’t leave me! Din! Get up, please! I don’t wanna go! Cara let go of me! Din! Din Please!” Your voice screams out your hand trying to reach out to him as his hand drifts off you falling to his side his heart crumbles watching you fight to stay with him as you’re pulled into the tunnels, him hearing your cries and shouts for him fade.
Tears blur your vision as you let Cara drag you through the tunnels reaching Greef and the child. She pulls out a bacta spray IG had given her, grabbing your face though not as tender as Mando was. She sprays the liquid into both of your ears wiping the blood off your ears your hands still stained with his blood as they shake. You had scuffs and slight cuts from the explosion but losing your hearing had been the main issue. You shove her away wanting to turn back and go back for him but this entire place was a maze and you hadn’t paid attention to where you went.
“You left him to die.” You hiss glaring at the two adults. Your eyes are bloodshot, your voice hoarse from your screams and cries but your hearing had returned slightly the bacta spray already working.
“We had no choice, we have to keep moving,” Cara says giving you a pitying look before looking forward, “Do you know which way to go?” Your heart broke with each step leading you deeper into the tunnels everything looking the same.
“No. I don't know these tunnels. I've only entered from the bazaar. Well, if we get the smell of sulfur and we follow it, it'll lead us up to the plains where the river flows.” Greefs explains holding the child in the pack,
“And the Imps will catch us before we make it to the ship.” Cara says as you turn down another hall the tunnels never-ending, “We need the Mandalorians to escort us to safety.” The sound of footsteps makes you all freeze each of your holding your blasters out ready to attack any troopers that followed after you. The sound of multiple footsteps grows closer and the three of you prepare to fight when the people that arrive make you drop your blaster rushing forward. Your body collides into Mando’s your arms wrapping around his waist tightly and his free hand rest on the back of your head keeping you close to him as he whispers words that you can’t understand. The beskar cold on your skin as tears falls down your face. You pull back looking up at him grateful to see his metal helmet, his rough gloves wipe away the tears on your face.
“I thought you were gone.” You cry and he shakes his head most of his weight on the droid and Cara comes over taking his other side.
“We have to keep moving.” Greef says having returned the child to IG-11.” You’re glued to Mando’s side Cara holding up most of his weight while you have a tight grip on his hand as you turn down another hall seeing more ways to go.
“Ugh, this place is a maze,” Greef says and Mando groans shrugging Cara off him, his footing is slightly stable but he stands tall pushing forward.
“Stop. I can stand.” “The bacta infusion is working,” IG-11 says and Mando steps forward you expect him to pull away from you but he squeezes your hand in reassurance as you continue walking you and Mando leading the way.
“I'll try to find tracks. We're close. Turn here.” You turn down a tunnel you all freeze seeing a pile resting in the middle of the hall. The two of you step forward and you could feel his grip on your hand tightens seeing what the pile was. Mandalorian helmets and armor were discarded and left behind. Had there been an attack? He kneels grabs a helmet looking at the dented protection. The symbol of his people…of his Creed.
“We should go..” Cara says seeing the tension coming off the Mandalorian witnessing this.
“You go. Take the ship. I can't leave it this way.” Mando shakes his head dropping the helmet to the pile before he whips around to Greef stalking towards him, “Did you know about this? Is this the work of your bounty hunters?” 
“No. When you left the system and took the prize, the fighting ended and the hunters just melted away. You know how it is. They're mercenaries. They're not zealots.” Greef defends him with a shake of his head but Mando was fueled with rage for this massacre of his creed.
“Did you do this? Did you?” He grabs Greef by his shirt, “No!”
“It was not his fault,” A female’s voice calls out, and coming from a room another Mandalorian is standing there with a large cart beside her. “We revealed ourselves. We knew what could happen if we left the covert. The Imperials arrived shortly thereafter.” She points at the large pile of armor moving to put more in the cart, “This is what resulted.”
“Did any survive?” Mando asks and the woman shrugs walking into a room which you all follow, the heat from the large forge as she lifts the cart pouring them in as they quickly melt down,
“I hope so. Some may have escaped off-world.” She explains.
“Come with us.” Mando asks and she refused, “I will not abandon this place until I have salvaged what remains.” She continues to put more armor into the smelter as the beskar becomes liquid.
“Show me the ones whose safety deemed such destruction.” She says and you see Mando look at you as he grabs the child both of you stepping forward. You can feel her gaze piercing as she looks over the child, “These are the ones that you hunted, then saved?”
“Yes. The one that saved me.” Mando nods and the memory of first witnessing the child and its gift similar to yours with the mudhorn
“From the mudhorn?” The armorer says and Mando nods, “It looks helpless.”
“It's injured, but it is not helpless. Its species can move objects with its mind.” He explains. Was this the same with you, he never knew of humans on Tatooine that could do the same things you could do?
“I know of such things,” The armorer says looking over the child who looks up at her with wide eyes, “The songs of eons past tell of battles between Mandalore The Great, and an order of sorcerers called Jedi that fought with such powers.”
The Jedi…that was something you were familiar with, stories of them told to you through passing. Is that what you were meant to label yourself as?
“It is an enemy?” Mando asks looking at both you and the child.
“No. Its kind were enemies, but this individual is not.” She says before examining you and you could feel her gaze through the helmet covering her face, “And this one?”
“The same as the child...I’ve seen things the both of them can do.” Mando says and she steps forward leaning closer and you try not to lean away from her. Her presence felt heavy and could send fear into any person.
“Where are you from?” She asks looking closely at you.
“Tatooine.” “No.” You frown at her comment, but you were from Tatooine born and raised it was the only thing you knew. Her hand grabs your face tilting it around as you glance at Mando in confusion.
“Tatooine may be where you were born but your blood, that is not. Features old but familiar…qualities of those from Mandalore.” She says and the room grows deadly silent with her observation. You pull away giving her a look.
“I’m…I’m not. I’m not from Mandalore I’m from Tatooine.” You say trying to prove to them but also yourself. “My parents are from Tatooine…we all were from Tatooine.” You say but thinking deeply did you ever know your family? You had no grandparents and you never reached that age to ask deeply where your family was from. It was only the three of you on that desert planet. You were…you couldn’t be.
Information I know about you…your family…your bloodline can shift the roles. That can alter your dear Mandalorian’s Creed.
Gideon’s words ring in your head…was this what he meant. “What do I do with them,” Mando asks and the armorer moves to the forge,
“They are foundlings. By Creed, they are in your care.” She says moving around the forge and you watch the liquid beskar move through.
“You wish me to train them?”
“They are too weak. They would die. You have no choice. You must reunite them with their own kind.” The armorer says all this information is too much for both you and Mando,
“This, you must determine.” The armorer responds,
“You expect me to search the galaxy for the home of this creature and deliver it to a race of enemy sorcerers?” He incredulously asks and the Armorer repeats words you’ve heard many times.
“This is the Way.”
“Hey. These tunnels will be lousy with Imps in a matter of minutes. We should at least discuss an escape plan.” Cara says looking out into the hall.
“If you follow the descending tunnel, it will lead you to the underground river. It flows downstream toward the lava flats.” She points out the door with a large hammer of hers.
“I think we should go,” Greef says and you all prepare to leave but you see Mando not moving,
“I'm staying. I need to help her and I need to heal.” “Mando…”
“You must go,” The Armorer says pointing to the two of you, “Foundlings are in your care. By Creed, until it is of age or reunited with its own kind, you are as its father. This is the Way.” She says and she moves around her forge as you look at Mando…he was meant to be your father. Din was looking at you with the same look, he was a father now, especially a father or two. “You have earned your Signet. You are a clan of three.” She says holding a signet and fusing it to his right pauldron.
“Thank you.” Mando nods looking at the visible achievement, “I will wear this with honor.”
“We should go.” You say grabbing Mando’s hand and making him look at you and the child in IG’s arms.
“IG, please guard the outer hallway. A scouting party draws near.” The armorer says and IG nods removing the child from its arms and passing it off to Cara who fumbles to hold the child correctly. “Hang on. I don't do the baby thing.”
“I have one more gift for your journey. Have you trained in the Rising Phoenix?” She says moving behind the forge grabbing something and Mando nods,
“When I was a boy. Yes.”
“Then this will make you complete.” She says holding a completely beskar jetpack you look at it in awe and Mando thanks her, “When you have healed, you will begin your drills. Until you know it, it will not listen to your commands.” She finishes
“I understand.” The sound of gunfire fills the hall and you all turn weapons ready but when one set of footsteps appears turns out to be IG-11.
“You are protected.”
“More will come. You must go.” She says and Mando looks over at her,
“Come with us.”
His mentor shakes her head, “My place is here. Restock your munitions,” She points over to a table and Mando moves to grab more charges and anything else he might need as she passes the jetpack to IG, “IG, carry this for Din Djarin until he is well enough to wear it. Now, go. Down to the river and across the plains. Be safe on your journey.” Your hand grabs Mando’s leading him out the door as he looks back one last time. A place he had called home, every memory of it.
“Thank you.”
Following her directions you find yourself in front of a stream of lava, it slowly flows down a river. “This is the lava river,” Greef says with a boat in front of you.
“The ferry droid is fried.” You say pointing at the droid covered in hardened magma.
“Yeah, but if we push the boat out, we can get it to float downstream,” Greef says and he and Mando push against it trying to get it to budge. This must have not been used in years, the stone hardened together. “Push!”
“Come on! What're you doing?” Mando gives Greef a look as they fail at moving it.
“Let's try this. Push!” Greef says the two push again and Cara steps forward.
“Hold him,” She passes the child off to IG grabbing her blaster, “You guys mind getting out of the way?” After a lot of blaster fire the rock crumbles and with a kick the boat is pushed into the river.
“Oh! Good job.” Greef says as you all begin to climb on.
“Watch your feet. It's molten lava.” IG says the joke not landing well. “No kidding.”
Suddenly behind you what was supposed to be a fried droid rises the hardened rock falling off it as it speaks to you all “I don't suppose anybody here speaks droid?” You say looking at them,
“I believe he is asking where we would like to go,” IG says translating for you all.
“Downriver. To the lava flat.” Greef says and the droid brings up a large staff beginning to steer you down the molten river. Looking over at the bay noticing small creatures run along the rock formations as you continue moving downstream. Further, ahead you see what looks like the exit daylight shining through.
“That's it. We're free!” Greef says and you feel relief fill your body. You see Mando staring further out before shaking his head, “No. No, we're not. Stormtroopers. They're flanking the mouth of the tunnel. It looks like an entire platoon. They must know we're coming.” Mando explains having used his helmet scanner.
“Stop the boat.” Cara turns to the droid but it ignores her, “Hey, Droid, I said stop the boat. Hey! I'm talking to you. I said stop!” She whips out her blaster shooting it in the head it collapses but the boat continues to move.
“We're still moving,” Greef says and you all look forward to the slowly approaching entrance.
“Looks like we fight.” You say pulling out your blaster
“There are too many.” Mando shakes his head and you give him a look,
“Then what do you suggest? 'Cause I can't surrender.” Cara says
“They will not be satisfied with anything less than the children.” IG says looking at you and the child resting in its arms, “This is unacceptable. I will eliminate the enemy and you will escape.”
“You don't have that kind of firepower, pal. You wouldn't even get to daylight.” Mando says and IG just looks at him.
“That is not my objective.”
“We're getting close. Saddle up.” Greef yells out as you draw closer.
“I still have the security protocols from my manufacturer. If my designs are compromised, I must self-destruct.” IG explains and Mando is confused.
“What're you talking about?”
“I am not permitted to be captured. I must be destroyed.” IG says as the mouth is only getting closer.
“Mando…” You yell out to him as he keeps arguing with IG.
“I can no longer carry this for you. Nor can I watch over the children.” IG places the child down as well as puts down the jetpack that was gifted to Mando.
“Wait. You can't self-destruct. Your base command is to watch the kids. That supersedes your manufacturer's protocol, right?” Mando says thinking of the change in protocol.
IG nods knowing its programming explicitly, “Right? This is correct.”
“Good. Now, grab a blaster and help us shoot our way out.” Mando says but IG continues to disagree.
“Victory through combat is impossible. We will be captured. The children will be lost. Sadly, there is no scenario where the children are saved, in which I survive.” IG says and Mando shakes his head trying to come up with a new idea.
“Listen, you're not going anywhere. We need you. Let's just come up with a…”
“Please tell me the children will be safe in your care. If you do so, I can default to my secondary command.” IG cuts him off and you can hear the lingering sadness in his voice.
“But you'll be destroyed.” “And you will live, and I will have served my purpose.”
“No. We need you.” Mando says and IG looks over him almost examining,
“There is nothing to be sad about. I have never been alive.”
Mando looks away rejecting the claim. “I'm not sad.
“Yes, you are. I'm a nurse droid. I've analyzed your voice.” IG says before stepping towards the edge and climbing over its legs sink into the lava as it begins to move forward ahead of you.
“IG? What're you doing?”
You see the droid reach the mouth of the river seeing troopers surrounding it as it begins to beep, “Manufacturer's protocol dictates I cannot be captured. I must be destroyed.” A bright explosion fills the mouth of the river and you shield your eyes as IG destroys himself to neutralize the platoon. The boat slowly exits the river your weapons ready for any leftover Imps but everyone was dead taken down by IG. The loud screech of a TIE fighter appears over the ridge.
“Moff Gideon!” Cara yells out as it draws closer to you all of you shooting out at it your blasters missing their speed. It fires hitting part of the ground one round of bolts heads straight for the boat when they freeze in mid-air the energy pulsing in the air. The three adults look over at the child expecting it to be using his powers when Din sees you holding your hand out it shakes slightly holding back the full energy.
“Kid!” He goes to move to you.
“Don’t!” You yell making him stop in place, you grit your teeth as the bolt moves slightly closer and you focus harder on keeping it back, “Don’t touch me. You gotta get out of here…I don’t know how long I can hold this back.”
“I’m not leaving you, kid,” Mando says and your gaze is hardened on the bolt.
“Our blasters are useless against him. He’s going to come back,” Cara says and if you were struggling on holding this one back how would you for another attack?
“Let's make the baby do the magic hand thing. Come on, baby! Do the magic hand thing.” Greef says and the child does nothing but coos looking back. “I'm out of ideas.” Din looks at you struggling to keep this attack from hitting them and the sound of the Tie fighter returning.
“I'm not,” Din says stepping forward and grabbing the jetpack slinging it onto his back pressing a button on his wrist the jetpack igniting.
“Here he comes!” Cara yells out firing her gun at Gideon. You glance over seeing him heading straight at you putting two hands out holding back this energy. You weren’t going to be able to stop this attack.
“Just get out of here!” You yell sweat beading on your forehead from the energy running through your body the adrenaline making your blood pump faster.
“Stay focus kid!” Din yells out shooting straight into the air before the TIE fighter flies past him, latching his grappling cable to it he’s pulled further into the air. Using a boost of the jetpack he lands on the roof of the cockpit looking down and seeing Moff Gideon looking up at him. Firing trying to break through the glass he jerks the ship sending Din rolling off and he grabs one of the wings. The wind and speed almost throw him off as he grabs a detonator activating it but it flies out of his hand as Gideon spins around to shake him off. Clutching onto the ship he grabs at his belt grabs two detonators and slaps to the left joint the rapid beeping going off as he lets go.
“You guys get out of here!” You yell at Cara and Greef as they grab the child getting away from the boat and you feel your focus slipping as the bolt grows closer.
“Kid I need you to trust me and let go.” You hear Mando’s voice comes through your comm and you look down for a second shrieking slightly as the bolt grows closer to you, feeling its heat and energy just feet away. You don’t get to think as you feel hands wrap around your back and legs as you’re scooped into the air your concentration breaking as the bolt slams into the boat exploding it. Looking up seeing Mando hold you as both of you land on the ground in front of Greef and Cara. He puts you down your arms shaking slightly your heart racing. You felt such a large rush of that feeling that you felt like you were on something.
“That was impressive, Mando. Very impressive. It looks like your Guild rates have just gone up. Same with you Y/n.” Greef says.
“Any more stormtroopers?” Mando asks and Greef shakes his head,
“I think we cleaned up the town. I'm thinking of staying around just to be sure.”
“You're staying here?” You ask the feeling waning off the tingling sensation in your body fading.
“Well, why not? Nevarro is a very fine planet. And now that the scum and villainy have been washed away, it's very respectable again.” Greef explains, while you had only known it for the empire’s control you could only hope he did well with it.
“As a bounty hunter hive?” Mando gives him and look and Greef grins,
“Some of my favorite people are bounty hunters. And perhaps, this specimen of a soldier might consider joining our ranks.” He looks over at Cara who doesn’t seem that opposed.
“Yeah. I've got some clerical concerns regarding my chain code.”
“And if you would agree to become my enforcer, clerical concerns would be the least of your worries. But you, my friend, will be welcome back into the Guild with open arms. So, go off, enjoy yourself. And when you're ready to return, you will have the pick of all quarries.” Greef suggests and Cara nods accepting his proposal and Greef turns to Mando.
“I'm afraid I have more pressing matters at hand.” He declines his offer referencing the two of you as Cara hands you the child.
“Take care of this little one.” Cara says stroking the child’s ear as it lets out a giggle, she looks over at you clapping your shoulder, “Stay safe kid.” You nod adjusting your hold on the child.
“Or maybe, they'll take care of you.” Greef teases as Mando shakes hands with Cara and Greef. He comes over to you and you nod ready to go, he scoops you and the child into his arms activating his jetpack and heading off leaving the two behind.
Mando kneels resting the goggles that belong to Kuiil on the small grave made as the three of you look on before you head to the Crest getting ready to leave Nevarro. Mando situates the child in its pram as you strap yourself into your seat. Fixing his small cloak he feels something with the child pulling out the small mythosaur necklace. ”What do you got there? I didn't think I'd see this again. Why don't you hang onto that?” He tucks the necklace back with the child while starting up the ship.
“Din..” You call out to him and he turns surprised hidden under his mask. It felt unusual hearing his actual name coming from some. That name hadn’t been spoken in years but coming from you he only felt comfort and warmth. He was a clan leader now, these two his children, and he as their father.
“Yeah, kid..” He asks and you look at him the stress and relief clean from your face you looked truly calm.
“Thank you…for everything.” You say looking at him and Mando…Din looks back at you before nodding.
“Thank you too.” He says before facing forward as you leave Nevarro’s atmosphere beginning your new adventure. A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the Jedi, and another teenager with similar powers but an undiscovered lineage. To find the Jedi and find the truth of her bloodline. It was just the first step of everything the Mandalorian, Din Djarin was to learn.
Jawas with their sandcrawler salvage parts to trade from a wrecked TIE fighter, the parts going to be valuable and expensive. A laser pierces through the metal frightening the creatures as they scramble away a hole is cut through appearing a man, with dark imperial clothes flows in the wind. In his hands a blade that glows a deep black almost sucking any light near it to darkness, power, and authority exuding off the weapon. He looks out into the plains his victory in the battle lost but this was only the beginning of a war.
A/N: That's the end of the first season of Clan of Three. It's been so much fun writing this story and with season three out it makes it even more exciting. Only one more episode left in season three ahhh! Can't wait to release season two of this story!
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mylifeisactuallyamess · 4 months
Sanctuary part 2
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Chapter 6: Ghosts of Kamino
A/N: I posted this on AO3 and forgot to post it here 🤣 whoops!
Warnings: Description of panic attack, disassociating, canon violence, Hemlock being an intimidating bastard, Stitch is having a rough time, mentions of reconditioning.
Word Count: 3.6k+
Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7
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A soft noise brought you to awareness, your entire body stiffening as you tried to figure out who was in the room.
The infinite smoothness of Nala Se flooded your mind and it forced your eyes open. The Kaminoan was sat down, her long limbed body almost folded in half to sit in a human chair. Large, dark eyes blinked at movement from the bed and she seemed to suck a quiet breath in. A touch of relief reached you as the first groan left your lips. Your entire body was on fire, muscles screaming from the rough workout they had been put through recently.
“Why are you so relived to see I’m alive, Nala Se?” Your throat was dry, sticking and causing you to cough. Slowly you sat up, gently taking the offered glass from the pale hand that held it out.
She didn’t answer right away, her eyes travelling over the floor and back up to you while she tried to form a reply. “All the specimens are important,” she finally said and you paused mid motion.
“All? You mean the clones?”
“No. There are others.” You wanted to say you were surprised, but the depths that Hemlock would go when it came to prisoners did not surprise you.
“I felt them,” you murmured. Remembering walking past the large double door and feeling the faint shimmer of another presence, one that resonated with yours. “They are kept here, others like me.”
Nala Se bent her long neck slightly, gesturing slowly with an open hand. “There are others. But not like you.” Her voice was light and firm, breezing through the small room. “You are different.”
Taking a long sip of water you quickly assessed the creature before you. She didn’t seem hurried or anxious today. In fact, she was down right chatty. “How am I different from any other human you have taken blood from?”
“I knew you were special, from the moment you were pulled out of the pod.” Everything you thought you knew zeroed down to this specific point as you repeated what she’d said, your lips moving around the words as if it helped you process them.
“A pod.”
“Yes. Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas came to us, talking about a brewing conflict within the galaxy. He wanted to help his fellow Jedi.” Your fingers gripped the cup, the only solid thing that was tying you to reality. “He offered his genes to create more Jedi. We tried, of course, but the failure was widespread. Most of the units did not survive infancy, much to our dismay. Their M-counts interfered with the healthy development, Master Sifo-Dyas declared the Force was not allowing them live. Apparently it tipped the balance,” she explained quietly.
“What does any of this have to do with me?” Your heart beat erratically, tension prickled down your scarred arms and you began to chew on your nails.
“You were the only one to survive.”
“That’s impossible,” you scoffed. “Tech found that Sifo-Dyas was—was my father, not my…donor.”
“CT-9902 would not have found anything linking you to Kamino, because I erased it,” she stated as calmly as someone commenting on the weather.
You winced, but still your teeth pulled anxiously at your skin. “This is insane,” you told her with a nervous half laugh. “Why are you telling me this? Does Hemlock know?”
“He does not.” Tugging on your lower lip you rocked slightly on the bed. “I fear what he will do to you if he does find out.” Your thoughts were swirling, each breath hitched a fraction in your throat as your eyes lost focus. The man you had been told was your biological father, wasn’t your father at all. He had shared his DNA with the Kaminoans to make Jedi clones. They didn’t survive, none except you.
“Why did I end up with Jango?”
“Master Sifo-Dyas was worried his actions would draw the attention of the Jedi Council or others who might use this information to their advantage. He looked at you like the daughter he could never have, and I let him take you. Hiding you within the Mandalorian community was both a good and bad idea.”
“Why did he leave me behind?” You whispered, not sure if Nala Se would have the answer.
“Jango Fett did what he thought was best for you. With whispers of the growing hostilities, he decided to hide you before he came to Kamino.”
“Ridiculous,” you mumbled, blinking back tears that burned your eyes.
Nala Se leaned forward, her large arms dipping between her folded legs. “You must be cautious. Dr Hemlock is showing more interest in you after the incident with IC-1309 and IC-1262.” Your mind scrambled around, linking the designations to the clones and the fight in the training room.
“What will he do to me?”
“What he does to everyone,” she responded with an air of regret.
“Which is?” You prompted, watching the way she gracefully rose in a single fluid motion.
“Take everything he can from you.”
“W-why did you tell me this? Won’t he know you’re in here talking to me?”
“Dr Hemlock has left the facility,” she explained. “I have told you so you know to hide this part of yourself from him.”
“It’s not something I can control, the visions…” you trailed off, wanting to tell her everything and yet, still not sure if you could trust her. For the millionth time you wished yourself parsecs away, with a bunch of defective clones that had looked after you since they found you.
“I have altered your blood results in an effort to keep what you are, hidden,” she added softly, as though she assumed it would reassure you.
“What is he looking for?”
The Kaminoan regarded you with unblinking, emotionless eyes. “He is working for the Emperor.” You knew this, you weren’t sure how but this information wasn’t new. “I will do whatever is within my power to keep you safe.” You waited a couple of beats before looking back up.
“Nala Se.” She paused facing the door. “Is there a way out of here?”
“No,” she whispered, confirming your worst fears. “Not for us.” You let her go. Frozen on the bed as you tried desperately to stave off the gathering emotion that clawed at your chest, threatening to spill out in waves that had no end. Staggering to the shower, you quickly shed your clothes, diving under the stream of warm water and letting your tears quietly mingle with the drops on your skin.
It was crushing. Realising that, once again, you had no idea about your own past or who you were. Your hands curled against your arms, squeezing you in a hug that you wished was coming from someone else. You tried not to think about them, the Batch. It was agonising not knowing if they were ok, where they were or what they were doing. More than once it had crossed your mind that the Empire might have them.
Your legs gave out, the close walls of your tiny shower barely managing to keep you upright as you slumped onto the floor. Your teeth were chattering, a reaction of shock and stress mixed together while your body tried to muddle its way through. A soft groan left your lips at the tightness in your chest, each breath felt like you were pulling glass into your lungs. This will pass…this will pass…
Logic never prevailed in these moments, sweeping you away on a flood of intrusive thoughts that had you sobbing. The heels of your hands dug into your eyes, trying to press the horrific images of dead clones and empty armour from your mind. You despised the fact you were here, surrounded by everything your friends were fighting to destroy and you couldn’t do anything. Nothing. You were useless. Trapped like a womp rat in a cage with nowhere to turn, the unknown pressing in from all sides.
Your breaths quickened, dark spots danced in your vision and the shower suddenly become suffocating. You didn’t even turn it off, spilling out from the cubicle to lay bare and wet on the floor as you shivered.
This hell was your life now. Who could say for how long.
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You waited a few days. Staring at the greys walls in a blissful state of disassociation. You could barely bring yourself to eat, it all tasted like ash in your mouth anyway. Crying did nothing to alleviate the pressure in your mind, so you spent all the time trying to distance yourself from it.
Until the day Scorch came back.
His grey and sunshine yellow armour splashing across your eyes so harshly you had to squint for a moment. Something had changed. His presence felt darker, more threatening and you shrank away from him. “Up.” He demanded harshly through the vocoder. “Move.” The end of his blaster jabbed you in the shoulder and you felt that warm flare of anger spark in your gut. You held onto it, relishing in something that wasn’t lifeless and hollow within you. You quietly followed him down the corridor, eyes drawn to the double doors on your left. You could feel them, bright spots at the edge of your senses, as though they were just beyond your fingertips.
The red glow of the barriers made all the tiny hairs on your body stand on end, an uncomfortable feeling and one you wished would end as quickly as possible. Scorch led you out the other side, turning left this time and leading you to a turbo lift. The doors opened and the light sucking black armour of Niner was revealed, a shadow in the glaring whiteness of the lift. Scorch seemed to hesitate, a swift flare of frustration rose from him but he pushed you into the lift anyway.
Niner’s visor turned to look at you, the blue against the black was unsettling and you wrenched your gaze away to watch the lights on the lift display change. Scorch shifted beside you, seemingly adjusting his position as casually as possible, but then you sensed Niner tense up behind your shoulder. They were communicating within their helmets, much like the Batch could.
The lift glided to a stop and the door opened smoothly. “Move out,” Scorch practically snarled. You went first, stopping after a few paces when you realised you had no idea where to go.
A hand gripped your arm and you yanked yourself free. “Don’t touch me, di’kut.” Niner pulled back his hand, helmet tilting as he regarded you.
“Now where did you learn that word, verd’ika?” Your anger flared at the veiled insult in his tone but Scorch shoved you in the back.
“Enough. Don’t make me change my mind.” He wasn’t looking at you, his helmet facing Niner.
The shadow clad clone retreated a step, a sigh coming through his helmet. “Fine.”
You were still seething, making a note to take Scorch’s blaster and shove it where the sun didn’t shine, when a door a few meters away opened.
His blue eyes were like shards of ice. Now they narrowed, pining you to the spot and your steps ground to a halt. Doctor Hemlock’s presence rolled over your senses like oil slicks over water. Thick and cloying it muted everything, snuffing out your anger and replacing it with fear.
“So good of you to join us.” His voice was like a hydrosnake hissing in your ear. The unspoken threat of his menace, a shadow on every word and it had you wanting to flee in the other direction. “Escort her inside.” Hemlock turned and you had no choice but to follow, looking at the clasped hands behind his back. His black gloved hand flexed, clearly trying to ease some discomfort he suffered from.
The commandos flanked you, Niner on one side and Scorch on the other, giving you nowhere to run. As if you could anyway.
It took you a moment to realise where you were, but when you did, the dread raked forcefully down your spine. A chill permeated the air, filling you with something cold and lifeless that spread down your limbs. The room was larger than you thought, no mist shrouded your surroundings and the red glow was muted to the four large tanks on the edges of the platform. The machines you had seen in your nightmare were huge, not leaving much room to move around. Bulky and intimidating, the nearest one to you had dark stains near the straps and you swallowed down a nervous lump in your throat.
Hemlock looked around, like a man surveying a kingdom, his attention running over the tanks and for the first time you noticed the screens. Each one had a read out for the occupants vitals and your stomach flipped in disgust.
A presence loomed behind you as Niner almost pressed his armoured chest into your back. Clearly an effort to keep you in place. You’d rather take your chances with the commandos than you would the Doctor. His presence was twisted into something dark and ugly, something that screamed at you to run away.
“You have been holding out on me.” Hemlock turned slowly on his heel, his eyes running over the equipment until it finally settled on you. He cradled his gloved hand in the other, a weirdly vulnerable gesture coming from a man who held nothing humane within him.
The ability to speak had fled, Nala Se’s recent revelation about your origins, kept your lips tightly sealed. Trepidation made your insides quiver as he took a threatening step in your direction. He looked almost disappointed when you didn’t respond. “No curiosity?” He asked in that liquid velvet tone. “Where is the fire you brought with you?” He stepped closer, causing your heart to skip a beat and your breath to hitch in fear. He terrified you.
Hemlock hummed quietly in contemplation, so close now, you could taste the rank tang his presence gave you. The lines on his forehead were thrown into sharp relief, tracking like permanent scars across his skin.
“I have spoken to the Emperor, about you.” He spoke softly but you were not in danger of missing a single word. Still you kept your lips pressed together, watching him step even closer to you. You sunk into Niner, hating how the clone was stopping you from leaning away as Hemlock tipped his head towards you, bringing his face uncomfortably close. “He knows what you are.”
You trained your gaze over his shoulder, trying desperately not to react to the whispered words as they ghosted across your throat. “He has been watching you for a while now,” Hemlock continued, turning his face so he could gauge your reaction. “I have been granted permission to bring you to your full potential. I was told how invaluable you would be to our efforts here.”
“I will never help you!” The words were like acid, spilling from you in a rush. You were breathless, struggling to fill your lungs with air that didn’t make you choke.
“There she is,” he murmured, drawing close enough to brush his nose along your cheek for a brief second. When he stepped back you were helpless against the power of his clear blue eyes, reluctantly magnetising your own to them. He gave the smallest smile but it did nothing to soften the severe features of his face. “I apologise, for giving you the assumption, that you had a choice.” His gaze drifted and firm hands closed around your arms before you felt their intention to grab you.
Instantly you reacted, heaving your body in the hope one of the clones would lessen their grip, but it felt like you were fighting statues. They were rigid, their hold on you like beskar cuffs. Hemlock watched with a sick satisfaction in his expression, allowing you the illusion you could fight, when in fact you were as helpless as a babe. You tried to find something on the smooth floor to dig your heels into when the commandos moved you to stand beside one of the massive machines. Your heart was pounding in your ears as you eyed it, hoping your intuition was wrong.
“Do you know what these do?” Hemlock asked you, his tone mild and conversational. Again, you refused to answer. Blowing an exhale through your nose and glaring at him with as much hatred as you could muster. “This machine has the potential to reshape an individual, to wipe the slate clean, so to speak.”
A dull memory surfaced, one of a clone in a box. He had no name, no designation…he had been wiped clean. You tried again to shake off Scorch and Niner, even though your exhaustion was growing. You refused to be erased. To have your memory wiped until you couldn’t remember anything except what Hemlock told you. To lose what little shreds you had of yourself; the brief months of happiness with the Batch, with Tech, was soul wrenching. Tears teased the corners of your eyes and a small whimper broke free as you squirmed.
“You know what that means.” He looked pleased at your reaction.
“You can’t do this!” The smile that toyed with his lips became crueler.
“But I can. No one can stop me.” He backed away, curling his hands behind him as the triumph gleamed in his eyes. He gave a nod to the clones before turning away and some tether of anger forced you to speak.
“You are just another monster, in a long line of monsters,” you shouted. “Whatever you do to me, will not break me.” Hemlock’s shoulders flexed slightly, his hands gripped each other and you thought he was going to continue walking away.
He turned, a deep lined frown marked his brow, his eyes were so intense they almost glowed as they burned into you. He stepped forward and you automatically tried to shrink away, but Scorch and Niner still had a firm grip on your arms.
Hemlock sighed, heavily. The heat of his gaze tracked over your features, making you more nervous the longer he scrutinised you.
“I admire your sentiment,” he spoke softly, reaching out to run his fingers along the tense edge of your jaw. You jerked away, revolted by the feel of skin on yours, but he snatched at your chin with a bruising grip. “But you have never faced a monster, quite like me.” The volume of his voice did not changed but his words became harder, losing the pillowed edge he usually softened them with. “And, I can assure you…” he sucked in a breath, revelling in how helpless you were against him. “You will break.” His fingers pressed painfully into your cheeks, forcing your jaw to open. He watched you try to fight his grip, gaze trained on your mouth, a faint curl lifted his lip when he succeeded in causing enough pressure so you had to comply. “See?” Hemlock’s velvet tone teased your ears. “No one goes against me…” his eyes locked with yours. “And wins.”
The Doctor finally released your face, the sting in your cheeks a hateful reminder of how helpless he made you feel. “Put her in.”
Your body reacted. You had no idea what you were saying, words spilled forcefully from your mouth. Your feet left the floor, kicking and hitting whatever you could reach, but it did no good. You were pleased to hear Scorch grunt with exertion while he fought your legs into the bindings. Niner had a harder time with your arms as you arched your back and tried to find purchase on his armour with your fingers.
“Hu’tunn!” You screamed, spitting at Niner. You were too worked up to notice he froze beside you, or the way Scorch looked at him from the bottom of the machine. “Ni’duraa!” The bindings rattled with every jerk you gave, ignoring the pain as they lashed tightly against your skin. The tangy smell of blood reached your nostrils but you didn’t care. You just wanted out of this machine.
“A fascinating display,” Hemlock murmured. His soft voice cutting through the screaming chaos in your mind. Your entire body was pounding with each frightened pulse in your chest. Being restrained like this — trapped with no way of getting out — made your panic a living, breathing creature. One you thought you had left behind.
“Please,” you whispered through dry lips, eyes searching for Niner’s visor. Hemlock followed your gaze, his glacial eyes narrowing for a moment.
“You will remain here until you give me what I want.”
Your arms were still moving, shifting and slicing your skin on the restraints. Tears slid out of your eyes, wetting the inside of your ears.
“What do you want from me?” You cried out to Hemlock, desperate to be free while hating how pathetic you sounded.
He smirked, bending at the waist to lean over you slightly. “I want complete control over you.” Hemlock reached in, pressing his thumb in the middle of your forehead. “You have something hidden inside you that I want, a gift you will not acknowledge.” You tried not to sob, grinding your teeth against the urge to wail, ignoring the pain he was creating in your head. “You have secrets,” he breathed, clearly enjoying the reaction he was getting from you. “And they will belong to me, eventually.” You hiccuped quietly, eyes fluttering as the pressure between them vanished and he straightened. “Proceed.”
The machine hummed to life, causing your muscles to tense as you readied yourself for what was to come.
But no amount of bracing could stop the searing agony that ripped through your body, and stole who you were.
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