#and Johnny would have to like move quickly out of the way to avoid crashing into him
greenlitess · 2 years
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Crash Course.
pairing: johnny suh x reader
genre: fluff
tags: rich!johnny, spoiled!johnny
warnings: n/a
word count: 2.4k
synopsis: johnny isn’t really interested in golf like his father is-- at least, until you show up attempting to do your job and have him completely enraptured.
“Come on, Johnny, at least try to look a little more excited about the most intricate sport invented. It’s not gonna kill you— you might even end up liking it once you get the hang of it!”
Johnny offered a heavy sigh, shaking his head lightly with a chuckle that says everything but actual humor. He had been avoiding this … getting together for weeks, but his luck had ran out when his excuses did, and the next thing he knew, his dad had rented a cart at his favorite course. Apparently, he was a ‘regular’ and ‘everyone loved him’. Johnny is sure it’s not so much as genuine care so much as love for the amount of cash that he forked over, but he wasn’t about to tell his dad that when he also forked cash over to him.
“Mmm. You know.. golf isn’t really my speed, Dad.”
“Psh, you said that about basketball too. And rugby. And you excelled in both. You’re getting older too, so who’s to say you don’t need a sport like this.” His dad easily retorts(he supposed that where he got it from), patting the cart seat. Johnny takes a slow, reluctant seat after adjusting his linen shirt and making sure all of the important bits were properly inside the seat. He has to laugh a bit at his dad, because of course he had a point– he’d denounced both sports, despite how bored he was, and multiple trophies later… well, that spoke for itself. He hadn’t really played either seriously since college, but even quick pick-up games showed how much of an athlete he could be.
He didn’t consider golf athletic in the slightest– just another sport to show off how rich people spent their time– aka, his father. But it had been a while since they had spent quality time together, and the weight of being in his father's shoes sooner than later is heavy on his shoulders.
He wasn’t necessarily rich– yet. But he would be. And while he may not have the… want to play a sport like golf, the least he could was learn for the future. Nothing mattered but networking, anyway– and golf was one of the best ways to do it, according to the old man.
Somewhere between being deep in thought they had arrived at the first hole, and Johnny braced himself for the lectures he was about to hear as he stood up a bit straighter. Luckily, the weather is perfect; the sun shining with a slight overcast that slowly warms up the skin without being blistering. He did like good weather– maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
And truthfully, it really wasn’t. His dad was a good teacher, even if he was a bit wordy about it all. It was all in the wrists he loved to reiterate, over and over again, and while his first few hits had been definitely dead ducks, it wasn’t long before he was getting the hang of it, the movement of repeatedly swinging the club starting to become muscle memory as quickly as anything remotely requiring movement on his end did. Soon, balls that were moving only a few were moving several, and when his first ball floated, er, somewhere(he was blinded by the sun), he couldn't help the genuineness that appeared on his face as his dad patted his back.
Soon, he’s as loose as they come. They’re almost done with their path for the day, and he can… confidently be proven wrong with the enjoyment of spending time with his dad.
“How about a drink break, yeah?” His dad is calling out as he walks to their cart, and Johnny offers a soft nod as another cart, this time adorning a young woman( the only woman he had even seen outside, actually, which was mind boggling, frankly, but whatever), comes to a slow rolling stop.
You step off the cart with ease, the tennis skirt you adorn still perfectly white as always, perfectly paired with a pair of pearly white socks and shoes, and the baby blue collared tucked in as if you were a professional in this sort of thing.
Johnny tries not to stare as he picks the golf ball from the hole he had just managed to land, but it’s hard when the light seems to radiate from behind you like an angel. He’s confused for a few reasons; why someone so beautiful had managed to land themselves here in this moment… and even more confused when his father starts to make his way towards you as if you’re old friends.
In a way perhaps you were, though you wouldn’t call it that. He was a regular, just as regular as you were being a cart girl on a Thursday afternoon, so your paths crossed often.
Lucky him.
Your voice rings clear as you greet Mr. Suh, offering a bright smile that Johnny would swear is brighter than the sun, and several are pieced together at once. He walks up as if his legs are no longer really in his own control. Mr. Suh speaks of course, as Johnny offers a soft nod your way, to which you return.
“Oh, yes. This is my son, Johnny. Finally was able to drag him from his job to join the old man in the greatest sport in the world!”
Johnny sticks his hand out, but his eyes don’t leave yours, and somehow there is something oddly striking about them. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen eyes like that… well, ever.
Introductions are short, and sweet. He repeats your name as if he wants it to linger on his lips a little bit longer than necessary, and the smile he gives you has you quickly turning to your cart so you can get their order. “Nice to meet you… uh, the usual for you, Mr. Suh?” You peek into your cooler to see what you had, making sure it available, and he offers a nod as he places a club back into the bag of his own cart.
“You got it, and whatever my son wants. We haven't got much more, but it’s still early.”
You offer a soft chuckle a bit, and that moment Johnny’s father offers a boisterous laugh as he glances over, clearly seeing someone he recognizes. He’s already walking over as soon as the drink leaves your hand, and there’s a soft shaking of your head that’s good natured.
“I can assure you, he’s always that way.” Johnny’s voice is deep, and rich, with a natural rumble that has you turning to him in a bit of surprise, but it’s still light-hearted.
“Like father and son, perhaps?” You tease with a tilt of your head.Both of his eyebrows raise and he lets out a bit of a surprised sound between laughter and a gasp. You had caught him off guard with your response, which was a feat in itself, and he leans against the cart to get his own bearings.
“In some ways, sure. Not in all.”
“Ah, of course.” You say with a nod, and his brow raises again as he waits for you to elaborate-- but you don’t, only taking a sip of your own water, the sun warming your skin. Of course, you didn’t feel the need to. He was the son of one of the richest men you had ever come into contact with at the course, which can be both a good and bad thing.
More bad than good.
Most of these people had way more money than they knew what to do with, and the more money they had, the less manners they seemed to obtain. Mr. Suh wasn’t quite like that– you’d take five of him over some of the others on even his worst days.
And clearly the good genes ran in the family. Johnny was both striking and seemingly remarkable down the earth, as if you could run into him on the streets and he could be modeling some fancy brand.
You come down from your thoughts to look back at him, only to find him nearly gazing at you, eyes almost narrowed in thought and you have to fight to keep your face neutral. “You never told me what you wanted to drink.”
“I’m not picky. Can you surprise me?”
The ask has you blinking a bit. Usually, the drink requested is down to a science, even to the amount of ice cubes, but Johnny doesn’t seem to even waver, and you swear you see a hint of a twinkle in his eyes– or perhaps the sun reflecting just perfectly to see dark brown.
“Hmm. Alright.”
It’s simple enough to make a rum and coke, and he watches with a smirk as you expertly mix up the classic drink, placing three ice cubes exactly before you’re handing it to him and he takes it with a hand that just barely brushes yours.
It’s softer than you expect.
“It’s good.” He nods after a generous sip, and you find yourself looking away since your cheeks suddenly feel hot, but his question makes you focus again: “So.. is this what you do? You just… serve drinks?”
“Pretty much. Gotta make sure the patrons are comfortable.” You reply with a soft sigh, deciding to take a seat. They were your last stop before heading back anyway… and you’d be lying if you didn’t enjoy Johnny’s presence.
The feeling was mutual, and he leans against the cart with intense brown eyes and a gaze you know he knows exactly how to use. “I wasn’t interested in coming here, before.” He suddenly finds himself confessing.
“Hmm? And what changed?” You find yourself asking, looking back up at him, only to see full lips slowly curling up to an almost lopsided, but one-hundred percent devious smile, to which you roll your eyes, looking at the skyline to hide the one threatening on your own lips.
“Mmm. I don’t fraternize with patrons.” You respond— it’s not a lie, and it was technically a rule as well. You couldn’t mix pleasure and play with your work, and even… as attractive as Johnny Suh was, you weren’t willing to jeopardize your job for a pretty man— those came a dime a dozen at the course— along with pretty shiny wedding rings, free dinners and vows to ‘keep things between them.’
Johnny looks wounded, but there’s a twinkle in his eye that you can’t help but laugh at, head tilting back at all as he looks at you with almost a fond wonder. You were beautiful. And he wasn’t willing to give up that easily.
“I’m not exactly a patron, though.”
“Mmm, but your father is.” You retort, making him blow air out of his nose as he glances over to see his father still fraternizing. No matter— gave him more of a chance to change your mind.
“Is that me?” He responds, tilting his head with a rise of a brow that makes you quirk your own. You were sure, with those looks, with his charm, he was used to getting his way. Not that you particularly blamed him— if you looked like that you’d also use it to your advantage. “I’m not my father.”
“Ah, that’s what they all say, Mr. Suh.”
“Call me Johnny. I’m not my father, seriously.” He repeats then, softer, and while the smile is still at the edge of his lips, there’s a hint of seriousness to his words that have you pausing, before you allow yourself to slowly nod.
“… I believe you.” You murmur. And at the very least, a part of you did. Or perhaps you wanted to. So many of the kids were just clones of their  parents. While Mr. Suh was one of the nicer patrons, who’s to say that Johnny wasn’t a spitting image in more ways than one?
Johnny stares then, the sun hitting your eyes just right to highlight the gold flecks in them, and for a moment he grows lost as you seem to think it over. Perhaps it’s the liquid courage he’s barely had half a glass of, but something prompts him to at least try. You miss one-percent of the shots you never take, and while it’s a phrase commonly used by his father... It seems fitting at this moment. “… let me take you to dinner. I’ll show you.”
There it is. The request after work, to which has your cheeks flushing hot and there’s a sigh leaving your lips. “I just told you, I don’t fraternize with patrons.”
“What about friends?”
“We’re not friends. Y-“
His confidence has you pausing as he interrupts you, to which a chuckle escapes your full lips as you shake your head. Of course there was nothing that said you couldn’t hang with friends… but Johnny seemed convinced. “You know nothing about me.”
“… yet.” Johnny continues, and there’s that perfect smile on his lips again you swear could cause a car accident. “…. I want to, though. When do you work?”
“Johnny, I cannot tell you my schedule.”
This time he laughs, a melodic way, calming and familiar, and there’s another eye roll that leaves you, but at least it’s more playful this time.
It seems his father has poor timing, finally done hanging with an old college buddy to start making his way back over… and you move to sit properly to head off, but Johnny clearly has other plans.“You didn’t answer me.” He murmurs, that grin ever so present.
“And I won’t. You think I’ll just give it to you?” You respond with a quirk of your brow, and his tongue finds his cheek. His eyes sparkle with a proposal of a challenge, and you can see before you realize what’s happening. Johnny’s father comes up seemingly five pounds lighter and a pep in his step. He mumbles something as he retrieves a different club from his own cart.
“What did you kids get up to?” He finally asks, dark eyes darting back between you and his son in curiosity. You open your mouth to start, but Johnny gets to it first.
“I was just… telling our lovely cart attendant how much I loved the sport and was planning to come back tomorrow. Maybe even more often.” He says, almost casually, but as he gives you a brief gaze, you can see the way his eyes sparkle.
You’d say you didn’t have a shiver down your spine. You’d be lying.
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desolateice · 2 years
This would’ve been chapter 91 and the start of chapter 92 for Root Beer Floats and Green Tea. Like I said before, originally I’d written a lot in this section and then scrapped it. Some of it may be familiar because I did reuse parts and I am kind of bummed because I feel like I enjoyed a lot of the cobra interactions here. But I went a different direction when I published. You can read the previous to chapters (what would’ve been chapter 89 and chapter 90 here)
It was morning and Daniel had to find Johnny and explain everything asap. He looked through the garden, in the kitchen, the bathroom, all throughout the house and then hurried out into the lot. There was a black car sitting out front and a man was putting Johnny's things into the trunk. He shut the trunk.
"Hey what are you doing? That's Johnny's," Daniel said.
"Yeah, whole point," said a familiar voice behind him and Daniel spun.
Chozen brushed past him, holding the bonsai that he careful put into the darkened back seat. Johnny was in there, Daniel knew it he just couldn't see him. Couldn't find those blue eyes in the darkness.
"What are you doing here?"
"You broke up with him," Chozen said.
"I didn't-"
"Breaking up, like knife, don't say it if don't mean it, don't hold knife if don't plan to use it," Chozen said shutting the door and leaning against it, blocking Daniel from Johnny.
"You didn't use your knife," Daniel said.
"I did, not to hurt, motivate. So now I come and get Johnny-san. Take somewhere safer. Somewhere peaceful and quiet. Johnny-san like Okinawa, take to Okinawa. Far from your," Chozen waved his hand in a circle towards Daniel. "danger."
Daniel stepped forward, "Just let me talk to him."
"Change mind too late, should've caught self before saying it."
"I don't want him to get hurt,"
"Too late."
"You hurt him too!"
"Accident. You led him straight to enemy. Straight to Kreese. Didn't fight back, didn't fight for him," Chozen pushed off the car and pointed a finger at Daniel. "I warned you. You didn't listen. I said You take Johnny-san into dojo, but not defeat his enemies. They will come back. Must squash like bugs. His enemies will become yours. Old sensei will come back, bite harder. I was right. Came back. Bit harder. Hurt Johnny-san."
"I didn't mean to. I was learning how to keep him safe."
"And instead became a cobra. Left your dojo and joined other dojo. Betrayed dojo. Betrayed Miyagi. Betrayed Johnny-san. Worst of all betrayed self," Chozen said shaking his head.
"I just wanted to go somewhere else to practice-"
"Excuse. Silver stroked your ego. Thought maybe false things were real. Stranger saw promise. But you're a coward and stranger lied. Silver lied. Learned nothing."
Daniel stepped closer, "I learned plenty."
"How to destroy enemies? It's not Miyagi sensei's way. Did not befriend either. Failed. Failed Johnny-san. Nearly died. Yet you think you should keep him?"
"Yes!" Daniel said. "I was tricked. I was upset because I was scared. I owe him an apology and thanks for- for coming when he did and I'll learn. I'll learn how to stop Kreese next time."
Chozen let out a mirthless laugh. "Did not even try, and think next time, there will not be a next time," He turned and opened the back door.
"Wait," Daniel said rushing forward, heart pounding, if Chozen left with Johnny he'd never see him again.
"Don't worry," Chozen said. "I will treat Johnny-san like prince. Live happy life. Just away from you. Like you wanted."
The door shut and the car drove off.
Daniel ran to the Ford to try and get it started, to give chase, to get Johnny back. But his keys kept slipping out of his hands, he couldn't find them under his seat. He cursed and cursed and tried again and again.
"Daniel, bud, you should wake up," Jimmy said.
Daniel's eyes flicked open and he looked around. Tommy and Jimmy were sitting up in the bed, a warm hand on Daniel's shoulder. Tommy was looking at him worried.
Daniel jumped up and out of the bed. There was no way in hell he was letting Chozen take Johnny away. He darted out of the room ignoring the calls after him. In the garden was a tent.
Johnny. He ran through the grass, it was unzipped and there were beer bottles outside of it that he stepped around. He didn't know what to say, standing awkwardly in the morning dew covered grass.
Fuck it.
He went in, there was a little bit of space between Johnny and Dutch so he wiggled in. Sitting with his legs crossed.
Johnny was holding his bonsai carefully on his chest.
He'd just talk. So he did. Explained meeting Silver. Straight from the start. How he worried about Barnes getting Johnny because Johnny always got hurt, and Daniel was worried it was his fault, his fault that Johnny was getting hurt. He'd seen Johnny get choked by Kreese in the parking lot after the tournament and hadn't done anything. And he should've. And then Chozen. Chozen had hurt him too, had put that knife to Johnny's throat and yeah maybe the guys mentioned that was fake, but the fear was still there. Fear that the next person would succeed. And he had tried to think the best of Silver because he'd known what it was like to loose someone you cared about and he didn't want to loose Johnny.
"Daniel," Dutch groaned slapping Daniel's back. "Quieter man, my brain is gonna leak out of my ears."
Daniel glanced back outside at the bottles sitting out in the grass. Smelled the beer in the air. He lowered his voice. He wasn't going to stop though.
He had thought some of what Silver had said made sense. It was a bit violent but it made sense. Went over those three rules again. They were worse than Cobra Kai. And yeah, that was fucked, he couldn't believe he'd joined Cobra Kai. But he wasn't a full member. He hadn't paid for classes. He'd really just gone to use their dojo because he couldn't keep his hands off of Johnny when they sparred.
"Oh god," Bobby groaned grabbing the blanket and pulling it up over his head.
"If you're praying over there oh holy father, pray for my hangover," Dutch said.
Daniel scooted a little closer to Johnny as he spoke. He'd gotten so much better. He let people touch him again. Let people touch his neck. Didn't run off if something came near his neck. Could handle hugs, and so much more. Tears filled Daniel's eyes. But because of him, because of Daniel they were back to square one. Kreese had tried to kill Johnny again. And Daniel had once again done nothing. He hadn't saved him. He'd wanted to learn how to get stronger to keep Johnny safe. So that there wouldn't be monsters out there in the darkness to get him. So that the next person wouldn't go after him because like when you supposedly are supposed to scare a bear you pretend you're bigger? Well Daniel was just going to be stronger and scarier so they left Johnny alone. And he'd failed. He'd failed horribly. He'd let Silver get in his head and he'd let Kreese get to Johnny. He was so stupid and he was so sorry. He didn't want to break up with Johnny he just didn't want him to get hurt because of Daniel anymore and he'd failed at keeping Johnny safe.
"Does this mean we can't throw Johnny into the pond?" Dutch asked.
Bobby sighed. "I mean I'd feel better if we could throw Johnny in the pond."
"No one is throwing me in the pond," Johnny said.
Daniel leaned forward, over him. "I-I didn't mean to say that. I was so damn scared. But I'm going to beat Mike Barnes and send Silver and Kreese packing and I'll keep you safe. If-If you'll still have me."
Johnny shifted the bonsai carefully off of his chest, blue eyes looking up at him and reached up to brush away Daniel's tears and cupping the side of his face, thumb brushing over his cheek.
"Do you really want to fight Barnes?" Johnny asked softly.
"Yes," Daniel said grabbing Johnny's hand and holding it to his face. "I think it's the only thing that will stop them."
"Dutch," Johnny began.
"Yes," Dutch groaned.
"I didn't even ask anything yet," Johnny whispered. "Mind chaperoning?"
"You mean cockblocking so you two actually spar and don't act like some nature documentary bullshit?"
"Yeah, something like that," Johnny said softly.
He let go of the side of Daniel's face and Daniel nearly grabbed it back, his heart still pounding, still panicking.
Johnny held out his arm. Daniel curled up next to him, pressing in close.
"How about a deal?" Johnny asked.
"A deal?"
"We both worry about the other. Want to keep the other safe," Johnny said. "I feel better about Kreese. So when we destroy Cobra Kai, you can take him. I'll take out Silver."
Daniel pressed his cheek against Johnny's chest, feeling the steady thrum of his heart beat, and wrapping his arms around him.
"We have each others backs instead, like the balance wheel," Johnny whispered, arm coming around him.
"I will, but you- you don't want to break up with me? You don't want to run?" Daniel whispered because he couldn't calm down until they got this out in the open.
"No," Johnny said. "I'm tired of running. I like being...I like-"
Johnny turned rolling onto his side looking at Daniel, arms wrapping gently around him. "I like spending time with you. I like the way you take your favorite mug from me when I make coffee in the morning with both hands and hold it up to your face and breathe in it, and how sometimes you don't seem like you're really awake until that moment. I like how you hum and sing while you cook sometimes and dance, and the way when you're driving you get so distracted when you're talking by the signs we see along the road that remind you of other things. I like the way you hold my hand and I don't want to let that go."
"I'm sorry Johnny, for saying that, for-"
"You were scared."
"You'll just have to make it up to me."
"Anything," Daniel breathed.
"One billion kisses," Johnny said.
Bobby and Dutch groaned on either side of them.
"A billion huh? That's, that's a lot."
"Problem Daniel?"
There was that playful spark. The little bit of mischievousness. The panic in his heart quelled.
Daniel licked his lips. "I've got a lot of work to do." He leaned in kissing Johnny.
"You two idiots do know that if the goal is to spar and not be horny messes, that this is going to lead to the exact opposite of that, right?" Bobby asked.
"I'm the one stuck with them, while you're off at college," Dutch complained.
"You're birthday gifts for the rest of your lives are just going to be Chap-stick."
"Not that lip gloss all the girls like?"
"Hey, oh, I guess things went well?"
"Please be quieter Jimmy."
"Why are you two still in here, like isn't that a bad idea with... you know?"
"My head would prefer if I didn't venture out into the sunlight yet."
"So we're suffering, on like multiple fronts."
"Poor boys. Can't believe you didn't share the damn beer."
"So everything is better?"
"No, we were really looking forward to our plan."
"Which was?"
"Put Johnny in a tight white t-shirt and short grey gym shorts he'd wear at school and throw him in the pond."
“Oh, that is a good idea."
"Yeah but he requested a billion kisses, so this is like the rest of their life."
"That's- you know I don't know if that's sweet or just overkill."
Daniel pulled away.
"So do we have a deal?" Johnny asked.
Daniel's brows furrowed.
"We take them down together. You fight in the tournament if you want to and we train until then. You train here and Dutch or I guess Jessica can buffer, or heck we can go to my mom's and she can buffer-"
"Oh god," Daniel said, the thought of sparring in front of Ms. Lawrence was scary. "Johnny, I mean Mr. Miyagi said he'd train me, it's-"
Daniel stopped Johnny was trying to repair the damage between them with a carefully laid out bridge and Daniel was jumping on it, testing it's strength already.
"It'd be nice to have both," he said softly.
"And I'll take care of other things. We see Kreese, you can fight him if you want. I see Silver, I'll take care of that."
"Take care of-?"
"I won't kill him."
"That wasn't what i was worried about, he's dangerous Johnny."
"So am I."
Johnny was dangerous? Since when? That first semester Daniel would've barely believed it if he'd had to do a line up of who was most dangerous it would've been Silver and Barnes, then Chozen, and last would've been Johnny. He barely sent up the register in comparison to a scheming monster like Silver. Someone who tried to befriend him only to destroy him, who tried to teach him in a way that actively hurt him, a guy who Daniel had to keep telling that he could stretch on his own and didn't need help. A guy who stalked him.
He worried what would've happened if he'd gone in there without friends. With only Jessica and Miyagi, without people telling him that he didn't need to be treated badly. That it wasn't normal. That it wasn't okay. It would've been worse. It was still bad, but he would've actively sought out Mr. Silver's teachings. Would've let him help him stretch and that sent revulsion through him.
Johnny looked serious and it reminded him of Ms. Lawrence. The look she'd had at their table the first time they'd had dinner together with his mom, in tears but so pissed off. He looked a little hurt but also so damn pissed off.
 Johnny pushed himself up slowly.
"Give me time," Johnny said. "And I'll take care of it."
"What do you need?" Bobby asked.
"I'll let you know," Johnny said looking back at him, then his eyes going over the guys. "Just be on stand-by if that's okay?"
"Of course."
Johnny held his hand out to Daniel.
"Is that okay? Is that a deal?"
"Are we okay?" Daniel asked taking Johnny's hand.
"We're on our way there," Johnny said softly.
And now that he could see him better he caught the somewhat puffy red rimmed eyes. Johnny hadn't slept. Had been crying. Daniel's heart ached. That was his fault.
 "How's it feel to be an ex-cobra?"
There was a little teasing in there and Daniel knew he was trying to make Daniel feel better, trying to show he was okay but he'd been hurt. Daniel pulled on that hand holding his, pulling Johnny into his arms. He held him close, fingers in Johnny's hair and felt Johnny's arms wrap around him.
"I'm going to tell Mr. Miyagi that his adopted mongoose tried on a cobra costume for nearly 2 months."
"I guess it's an inside joke between Mr. Miyagi and I," Johnny said. "He'll probably laugh."
Daniel ran one of his hands down Johnny's back. He'd practice. He'd win. He'd get rid of Cobra Kai once and for all. The ghostly traces of his nightmare whispered in his head and he frowned.
"If Chozen showed up you wouldn't just leave with him would you? Like you wouldn't get into some strange black car and just leave right?"
Johnny pushed back and Daniel thought about tightening his arms so he couldn't, so he could keep Johnny in his arms but he didn't and let his arms slide, brush across him as he moved back.
"Nightmare?" Tommy asked.
"Daniel had a nightmare last night we think, so it was probably that."
"I want to stay here with you," Johnny said gently cupping the sides of Daniel's face in his hands. "For as long as possible."
--- [This was then the start of the next chapter]----
Sometimes Daniel got overwhelmed. Johnny knew that. He'd remembered the last time he'd gone to Jimmy's family bar, how worried he got every time he got hurt. Remembered Bobby talking to him about how worried he got about Daniel and how it'd taken time to remember that Daniel had still won, and kept doing kick ass things and would probably be fine.
They took the van to Bobby's house, Dutch complaining so Jimmy drove, muttering about why no one ever invited him to the drunken heart to hearts. About how he always had to take care of everyone else. Daniel seemed to be wavering by his side between wanting to touch him and not. Johnny turned to him.
"Do you remember when you got hurt the first time in Okinawa? When Chozen kicked you in the stomach while we were out at night? I was getting beni imo?"
"Yeah," Daniel said.
Now that he'd gotten everything he'd wanted to say off his chest he was so quiet.
"Do you remember how I barely touched you when bandaging you up? I was so scared I'd hurt you more. I was so panicked. Like with your knee. I spent a good couple of months, especially in New York, worried about your knee. Was there something on the ground that you might trip over? What if while you were talking and showing us around you missed the step off the sidewalk? Or if a biker wasn't paying attention and bumped into you? But then when you kept getting hurt and I was nearby and couldn't protect you because I didn't see it happen or I was too far away or heck, knocked unconscious, I felt awful. But I remember a lot from that first night I tried to bandage you up. I told you I felt bad that I hadn't been there and you'd asked me if I wanted us both to be beaten and bruised. And then I called Bobby. I pretty much broke down over the phone to him and he told me I couldn't always be watching you and trying to keep you safe. He made me practice my breathing and told me to not beat myself over it. Told me you'd get hurt and I wouldn't be able to protect you. Asked if I was going to get upset every time you got a paper cut. Reminded me that you could take a hit. I mulled it over, and I still worry, but it no longer is that same level. Like it's not overwhelming," Johnny said softly. "So...are you going to get upset every time I get a paper cut?"
"You saw when we went to the mountains how frequently I hurt my hands right?"
"My point, Daniel, is that you will exhaust yourself worrying about me. You gotta trust me. And I know that's scary. I know that it's hard to not be overwhelmed with everything going on, with Silver being a manipulative bastard, trust me that I won't let this end well for him. Let me help you. Let me stay by your side, not just behind you, unless we're back to back to fight, like on the wheel," Johnny took a breath, pulling his eyes away from Daniel and down at the carpet of Dutch's van. "And just give me time. I know you're panicking about yesterday, on like multiple levels, and I'll be honest, okay? It hurt. Kreese scared the shit out of me. I wasn't expecting him to be there. And I was mad at myself for not noticing him. And I'm sure when I closed my eyes it scared the shit out of you. But Mr. Miyagi taught me what to do and that's what I'm doing. And yeah I'd rather not see him again if I can help it, but I feel better knowing I can get out of that move. That I didn't freeze up this time. I didn't give up. Because I won't give up Daniel. I know you want me to run and be safe. But I don't want to run anymore."
Johnny sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I planned to run all the time before. I planned all these places I would run. I'd go here or there if Sid got too bad. If the bullies got too mean. If you didn't forgive me, if you told me to leave. But I don't want to run. I want to stay. And that means digging my feet into the dirt and fighting back when people come for us. And that means I'm going to get hurt. But it's progress in a different way. A different type of healing. I'm not digging my feet into the dirt to fight like cobra kai, like Kreese wanted me to. I'm fighting because I have things worth fighting for. Things I like. Things I want to keep and help them grow and flourish. I'm not asking you to not worry. I think that's impossible for anyone. My mom worries, Mr. Miyagi worries, the guys worry, your mom worries, I think everyone worries. But know that I'm not going to run away from you or leave you for trusting the wrong people or bringing Kreese back into my life. I like you Daniel I'm not going anywhere, even though that hurt like hell. So just, trust that if something's wrong I'll tell you, or like ask. Please don't jump straight for the game over button."
His eyes stung a little but Daniel's hand took his.
"I thought I'd been getting better about it. But whenever I see you hurt, I get scared and angry and it's overwhelming. I shouldn't have said that, shouldn't have put it on the table because I didn't want it, but I was so scared that you might die because I let Kreese back in and I started panicking. I was also so mad at myself. Twice now with Kreese," Daniel said softly. "But, you are right."
One of Daniel's hands found Johnny's cheek and gently turned his face towards him, he'd taken his seat belt off and was leaning close, cupping the side of his face, thumb on Johnny's lower lip. "I am proud of you. Impressed. It was very cool to watch you flip Kreese onto the ground. Very brave," His leaned forward kissing him.
"Daniel seat belt! You two can tongue later when I'm not driving!" Jimmy called from the front.
"How can you even see from all the way up there?" Daniel called back with a pout, pulling away and putting his seat belt back on.
"Because I can see you in the damn rear view mirror, why you thought you were safe from view? I can seem most of you idiots, including those two who can barely function because they drank too much."
"Please just shut up," Dutch groaned.
"Invite me next time and I'll be nicer."
"You're so lucky I don't turn on your damn radio. Do you remember how loud you normally keep it?"
Jimmy laughed turning onto the road into the Hills.
Daniel was holding his hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of his hand, and they were moving past where the mansion used to be and that was weird. He hadn't been on this side of the Valley in awhile. They stopped at Bobby's and they got out of the van.
Johnny wanted to stay in the back, to curl up and take a nap, but Daniel was pulling him along, into the house and through the familiar halls to where the kids sat in the experimental testing kitchen. One was dressed as a dragon the other a witch, they jumped up and charged straight into Bobby who groaned at the loud shriek of his name. He sunk down next to them giving them a hug but the dragon stole his sun glasses.
"Mom! Bobby's hungover!"
"Brat," Bobby hissed, no bite to it, mostly pain.
"How old is your brother again?" Mrs. Brown asked.
The witch wrinkled her nose. "Ancient?"
"Hey," Bobby said.
"90?" the dragon asked.
"If Bobby is 90 how old do you think we are?" Mr. Brown asked.
"25," the witch said with a big smile.
Mr. Brown laughed. "Oh, you flatterer."
"Dad," Bobby whined.
"You know where the aspirin is."
"Want some?" Bobby asked Johnny.
The witch and dragon turned on Johnny. "Are you also hungover?"
"Do I look hungover?" Johnny asked crouching down next to them.
"You look tired."
"And sad."
"But that's normal for you."
Johnny laughed softly. "So is this you testing your first Halloween costumes of the year?"
"Yes," the witch said spinning.
"I'm not sure about this one," the dragon said picking up his tail. "Think people will step on it?"
"Hmm, well you have time."
"What are you going to be? A skeleton again?"
"I don't know. We've been a bit busy."
"Dating?" the dragon asked with a frown.
"Well Daniel's been training and we've been running the bonsai shop," Johnny said.
"Being old sounds boring."
"I like boring," Johnny said then leaned towards them a little closer. He dropped his voice down low. "But we got into a fight yesterday. A karate fight."
"Cobra Kai dojo."
"Why'd you go back there? Isn't it dangerous?"
"Bobby said it was dangerous."
"Daniel was there. I went to go get him."
They turned their gaze to Daniel. "Why'd you go to Cobra Kai? It's dangerous!"
Daniel held up his hands. "I got tricked."
"By a demon?"
"Or a fairy?"
"An elf?"
"An old witch?"
The guys had walked off to sit at the counter and talk to Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Bobby gave Johnny a glass of water and some aspirin that he took. It'd help with his splitting headache at least.
"Demon might be accurate," Daniel said bitterly.
"I like old witch," Johnny said.
"Did you win?"
"Yes, this time," Johnny said.
"Is there going to be another time?" the dragon asked.
"I'm going to fight in the tournament, so hopefully that ends it," Daniel said.
"Aren't you too old?"
"Someone erased his age on the forms," Johnny said, pushing himself up and heading into the kitchen, helping them back onto their stools to wait for what their parents were going to set out.
"How old do they think he is now?" the witch asked.
"16," Johnny said.
"How old is he?"
"18," Daniel said.
"Same age as me, I'm not 19, you little terrors."
"Oh! Mom Dad can we be terrors for Halloween?"
Bobby groaned.
"What makes a terror?" Mrs. Brown asked setting a pile of cupcakes and treats out.
"You want to be gory? Like a zombie?" Mr. Brown asked.
"Or like a different kind of terror? Taxes?" Jimmy asked.
"Oral presentations?" Tommy asked.
"Pop quizzes?" Dutch asked.
"Those are boring," the witch complained.
Johnny took a cupcake off the tray with two little red marks in the icing like it'd been bitten by a vampire and was bleeding. He studied it while the guys went around again saying common mundane fears while the kids complained and he bit in. It was full of a red strawberry liquid. It tasted good but it was messy.
"Okay, too much strawberry filling," Mrs. Brown writing down her note.
"I always thought vampires looked a little too clean, but that is what I'd expect a vampire to look like, just covered in blood," Tommy said with a soft laugh.
Johnny sighed looking for a napkin and turning to find Daniel.
"Stay still," he said wiping off the blood off of his chin with his thumb.
"You okay?" Johnny asked.
Daniel blinked, focused with making sure he'd gotten it all before brown eyes met blue.
"I know this is fake," he said softly, before licking his thumb.
They tried more. Bits of other cupcakes, cookies, little gravestone parfaits with little shovels and chocolate bones that felt a little weird, but the kids loved it. They were shown the designs of candied apples and sliced them so they could taste the glaze and the dips and tell them which ones work and Johnny started to think that maybe going from a night of no sleep and beer was rough. Even if it was followed by a simple breakfast of rice and fish with Mr. Miyagi looking worried between Daniel and Johnny but not saying anything, nodding kind of relieved when he saw Daniel gently take Johnny's hand. Bobby had invited him to come along but he'd declined. Wanted to work on bonsai.
Add sugar on top of all of that and he felt awful. His head hurt. Whatever he'd done to hold himself together was unraveling and unraveling fast. Like he was a cartoon mummy and someone had just taken off in a run past him with a strip of the bandage and he was about to become a pile of dust.
A warm hand sat on his shoulder and then gently guided him off the stool.
"You gonna be sick?" Daniel asked softly. He gently led Johnny through the hall and to Bobby's room. "Maybe you should get some sleep."
"I'm fine."
"See this time? That is a total lie," Daniel said with a laugh.
Johnny laid down on Bobby’s bed.
 He'd heard Daniel talking to Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. Brown but he hadn't paid attention because he'd felt so awful. The bed dipped and after a moment Johnny peeks up. Daniel is sitting with his back against Bobby's headboard with his legs crossed and a pillow on his lap. He pats it gently and Johnny pushes himself up to sink face first into the pillow.
Daniel's fingers immediately go into his hair, gently soothing circles.
"Are you-" Johnny swallows looking out at Bobby's comic book collection, he shut his eyes. "sure you don't want to break up?"
The fingers in his hair still.
"No, I don't want to. I didn't want to when I said it."
"Did I scare you, like me fighting, did that scare you?"
The fingers began to move again. "No."
"You're not still scared of me? Like even a little? Like worried that I'll-that there's something wrong with me?"
Daniel leaned over and gently kissed the side of Johnny's temple. "You don't scare me in the least. Not any more. Not for a long time. I was scared for you. Kreese appearing like that and getting to you before I could terrified me. Chozen also appeared out of nowhere behind you. But you fighting him didn't scare me."
"You weren't worried I'd over do it?"
"I thought I would over do it."
"But you didn't-"
"I was really tempted, I nearly did something I'm sure I would've regretted if the guys hadn't arrived when they did."
Johnny wrapped his arm around the pillow, around Daniel's leg under it, blinking away the tears that had appeared again.
"I should've told you earlier, about Terry Silver teaching Barnes and Cobra Kai. I knew, and I didn't tell you-" Johnny said.
"I didn't tell you either."
"But I knew. I knew that the things you said after my fight with Barnes sounded like Cobra Kai. I knew that and I shouldn't have just ignored all your injuries."
"You didn't ignore them," Daniel said softly leaning back over Johnny and gently brushing his cheek with his thumb. "You patched me up every single time, stayed with me, read to me, said things I needed to hear. If you'd had asked I don't think I would have told you. I was so determined to get stronger so that I could protect you. And the way Mr. Silver had talked about it. I felt like I was betraying everyone for trying to study somewhere else. I wanted to keep sparring for fun with you, to let it lead wherever it led, but I also wanted to continue to prepare and he said he'd be there no strings attached and I wanted to believe that. But he also had such bad teaching methods and everyone who did meet him, or who I talked about it with told me to run. Even your mom."
"You told my mom?"
"She told me to be careful. But I was so terrified that I was making all the wrong choices. I got all twisted up and confused because what he said he said with such conviction and with actions to back it up that I fell for it. I had to try and escape and face it head on. And I'm glad you were there. I just...you getting hurt was everything I'd been terrified of happening happening. Like the nightmare I feared right in front of me and I didn't act. I couldn't act and I'm so sorry Johnny."
Johnny twisted back to look up at him. He looked like he was about to cry again.
"You didn't know Kreese was there," Johnny said softly.
Daniel looked like he was struggling to say something and he leaned down and kissed Johnny instead.
When he pulled back the glassy look was gone from his eyes.
"I also need to talk to you about something else."
"We're doing okay at the shop. Which means we can pay you, I- how do you want to be paid?"
"In kisses," Johnny said.
Daniel laughed. "Johnny I already owe you a billion kisses, I'm going to drown in kissing debt if I also pay you in kisses."
"You're smart," Johnny said rolling over again onto his side and yawning. "You'll figure it out."
"Figure it out? I meant did you want to be paid by a check or cash. How much is each kiss worth? Are different kisses worth different amounts? Like a peck how much is that worth versus like a long slow french kiss? Does it lose value if it's too messy or does it gain value? What if I kiss like your hand? or neck? What if it's a hickey leaving kiss? How much is that one worth?"
Johnny shut his eyes listening to Daniel ramble as he tried to figure out the worth of a kiss and how much he owed Johnny in back pay, adding and subtracting from that billion. He fell asleep somewhere when Daniel whined that he'd never be out of this debt and then realizing, "Oh, that's the point isn't it?" with a soft laugh and pulling one of the throw blankets folded up on Bobby's bed over Johnny's shoulders and rubbing his back. "At the amount of debt I owe my ghost is going to still be in kissing debt."
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anashins · 3 years
What's My Name? (M) || Jaehyun
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“Say it again, who’s making you feel so good?”
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Jaehyun and you have broken up a few weeks ago. But then he finds out you had a fling with Johnny, and he's not amused.
Warnings: fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, cursing and just Jaehyun being a jealous dipshit ex-bf
Jaehyun didn’t knock on your door, because he was pissed as hell. He just stormed into your room and found a shocked you sitting at her desk, reading peacefully. Luckily, you still had your clothes on, he thought. Or had you just dressed yourself very fast?
“Jaehyun!” you exclaimed in surprise as you arose from your seat and let the book fall on the table top. “What are you doing here?”
Yeah, what was he doing here? He hadn't prepared words or anything. He had just been led by his feelings after he got the news that his friend would come over to your place. Feelings which contained anger, jealousy and something so familiarly warm as he looked at you that he was lost for words.
“What was he doing here?” Jaehyun just asked bluntly.
“Pardon me?” you returned, obviously confused. “Who?”
“Johnny. What was Johnny doing here?”
You shook your head. “How do you even know that he was here?”
“Answer me.” This was an order.
You sighed and your face expression only showed disappointment when you looked at him. “You shouldn’t be here, Jaehyun.”
“Y/n, don’t avoid my question. What was Johnny doing here?”
“This is none of your business, okay?” You wanted to sound angry, but your answer was nothing more than a just whisper. “Please, Jaehyun... You were the one who left me because you wanted to see more of the world, or in my words, because you wanted to fuck around. So please, just leave now.”
Your heart tightened so much that all the pain you had tried to suppress crashed down on you at once. You couldn’t endure his presence anymore and especially not that handsome face and body of his which you used to be physically close to so many times.
You couldn’t have him anymore, and the pain almost ripped you apart when he was standing right in front of you. When he left you, you had agreed on never crossing each other’s paths again, but here he was, bringing back all the memories.
“Have you had sex with him just now?” Jaehyun asked with a meaningless expression on his face.
“You heard me. How many times did you do it? Were you doing it with him when you were with me? Was he better than me?”
You didn’t answer immediately. Instead you blushed first until you found the right words. “Excuse me?! It was you who didn’t want to be with me anymore, Jaehyun. I was so in love with you, but you have decided you didn’t want to be tied down to one girl only. So again, this is none of your business!”
“But it is my business when it happened during the time when we were together!”
You buried your face in your hands to hide your flushed cheeks. “Please, just leave, Jaehyun. I can't do this.”
But instead, you could feel him approaching you, grabbing your wrists to expose your face which was mirroring embarrassment and shyness. You instantly looked away.
“Liar." He smirked. “You don’t want me to leave.”
With these words, he leaned in to you, touched your chin with his thumb and index finger to lift your head up, and kissed you. First, he just pecked your lips in a tender manner, testing the waters, but when you didn’t push him away directly, he brought his hand to your neck to pull you closer to him.
You didn’t know what exactly was happening when you felt Jaehyun’s soft lips on yours. Wasn’t he supposed to leave? Wasn't he supposed to tell you that you stood no chance to be with him anymore, because he just didn’t do relationships? Instead, he gave you hope all over again.
Jaehyun knew that he was supposed to leave... now. But he didn't. He just stood there, feeling entirely happy when you finally kissed him back. There were two reactions he had expected: You would either push him away or... this. And honestly, he had wished for it to be the latter. Despite all the hurtful things he had told you the last time you saw each other.
This was against his life plans, against his priorities. But Jaehyun himself just knew that he wanted you. And that he didn’t want to let you go ever again, especially not to another guy. It was then when he realized that letting you go was probably the biggest mistake he had made in his young life so far.
Without parting your lips, you jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist while he caught you by your bum, holding you tightly. Shifting around, you approached the bed where he then softly placed you onto the mattress. His fingers stroked your cheek as he planted a kiss on your nose, looking into your eyes with a slight smile before he began to kiss the side of your neck.
You didn’t want to make the first move to the next step. If you would and he didn’t want to go further, you’d just make a fool of yourself. But Jaehyun just made the first move to the next step himself.
His hands vanished under your shirt, making their way up with the light fabric between his fingers, then taking it off entirely. You wouldn’t ask anything anymore. Even if this was only a one time thing, if it made you that happy only for a few moments after sorrowful past weeks, then you were willing to take everything that came after.
“I missed... this... so much...” he murmured against our skin when he kissed down to your cleavage.
“Me too...”
Taking off your bra with one fluid motion, Jaehyun wanted to work on your breasts when he suddenly stopped.
You got scared that he’d interrupt everything he had just begun and just walk out of the door, but the thought was pushed aside quickly when he laid his mouth on your left nipple, cupping it with his wet lips.
“Did he do this to you too?” Jaehyun suddenly asked, pulling on your sensitive tip with his teeth.
“Ah!" you yelped. “Wha—“
Why on earth was he now bringing up Johnny again?!
“Apparently not. Good.”
He grinned before he left butterfly kisses on the breast he had just bruised like he wanted to apologize, making you shiver in pleasure. Rubbing his thumb around the right peak, he was grinding against your hips. You quickly got wet all over before he suddenly grabbed your other breast tightly, crushing his lips onto it like he had just discovered something he had never seen before.
“Jaehyun!” you squealed.
It wasn’t painful at all for you, it was only surprising. But he just smirked against your skin, moving his tongue around your nipple, sucking and licking on it.
“Who am I?” he suddenly asked, bringing his head back up to your face again.
“What?” you breathed.
“What's my name?”
“Jae... hyun...?” It was more of a question than a confident answer.
“Yes, and I am the one who is doing this to you. The only one. Don’t you dare to forget it.”
“Jaehyun, are you...?!”
But you didn’t need to speak it out. You knew it and he knew as well. Mischievous Jaehyun was playing with you because he was jealous of Johnny. You had finally seen through his facade.
He unbuttoned your pants, removing them along with your panties before undressing himself entirely and tossing all clothes aside. Jaehyun then pressed his length against your entrance as he laid himself back on top of you, sliding his hard-on up and down your folds. A grin appeared on his face as he felt you dripping wet from his movements.
“I’m not even in you yet," he teased.
“Shut up.”
He played with streaks of your hair, making sure every inch of your face was touched by his lips before he went down to your neck, his hips still rocking with yours as quiet moans fell from between your lips, but he was reluctant to fill you all up.
Jaehyun was punishing you for being with Johnny, you now knew. Screw morals, you wanted revenge. So you pushed him away and pinned him down on the bed before you seated yourself on his lap. His length was standing up in his full girth right in front of you.
An evil grin grew on your face. “You’re punishing me? Then I want revenge.”
“Shit," Jaehyun cursed as you went down on him, embracing his dick with both of your hands, dragging them down slowly.
“I wasn’t the one who was sleeping with Johnny," he panted mid-motion.
But you ignored his childish remark. You put your mouth on the top of his length, licking the tip in rotary movements like a lollipop, and Jaehyun just started swearing between his gasps as his breath came in hitches.
You opened your eyes to take a look at him before your tongue found its way to the base, then dragged all the way up to the tip again. You enjoyed seeing him getting exposed like this with his arm on his forehead, his bangs glued on his temples with sweat while his other hand rested on his chest which was heaving up and down in an irregular rhythm.
You grinned inwardly and comprised the upper part of his dick with your mouth wide open, taking him by surprise.
Jaehyun began to thrust upwards, pushing his member into your mouth uncontrollably. You sucked and licked on the tip, teasing him a little before you pushed his full length into your throat as far as you could. Then, you bobbed your head up and down, each time probably a little further than before. You had never had him so deep inside your mouth before, and he knew.
“Did Johnny teach you this?” he then asked, and you rolled your eyes.
You brought her head up, leaving him there, unsatisfied with a craving like he had been abstinent for a whole year.
“Shut up now, Jaehyun!”
“Heck, why—“
But Jaehyun’s whining was cut off by the feeling of wetness and tightness around his length. You sunk down on him, slowly adjusting to his girth after such a long time. He held onto your hips with both hands, grabbing them tightly as you began to rock your hips back and forth, your upper body following wavy movements.
Jaehyun had almost forgotten how hot sex with you had always been during your time apart in the past weeks. He had almost forgotten how much pleasure you gave him just by looking at you, and above all, he had almost forgotten how beautiful you were. And he didn’t mean it in the content of sex only.
Why had his eyes just opened now? Why hadn't he seen earlier what was right in front of him the whole time? He didn’t need anyone else. No matter how many girls he fucked, he would always only want and need you.
You leaned back, bringing yourself up just to slide down on him again and again while Jaehyun simultaneously thrusted upwards into you, but not with his full strength yet, and you knew it. He was still teasing you.
“Jaehyun," you cried out his name, desperately bouncing up and down on him, searching for the pleasure which was slowly turning you impatient.
“Kiss me now," he demanded.
When you didn’t make a move to, he stood his knees up, letting you fall on top of him with a little squeal. Chest on chest, body on body, he made sure that you wouldn’t withdraw again.
He grabbed the back of your head and crushed his lips back onto yours after having pulled you down to him. While you were occupied with kissing, Jaehyun brought his hips up with a hard thrust, causing you to gasp against his lips, and he smiled into the next kiss.
With another strong thrust which filled you up to the brim, he knocked the air out of your lungs and your face landed on his right shoulder, desperately breathing for air. He did it several times more, and every time, your voice would get a little higher and your breathing a little faster.
You held onto his shoulders, hearing him chuckle as he thrusted into you with full force now. It was so good from this angle that you didn’t stop trembling and clenched your fingers into his skin even harder.
“I bet Johnny never did this to you.”
“Stop talking about him now, goddammit!” You rolled her eyes and bit into his shoulder for revenge.
“Ouch! Fine, stop!”
He interrupted his movements and you whimpered.
“Please...” you begged.
“Tell me...” He brought his hips forward, hitting you at the right angle inside.
“Who is...”
Another thrust hit a sweet spot inside of you again. You scratched his shoulders, burying your face in the pillow to scream into it.
“... better?”
He pulled out of you, and just the head of his member remained inside.
So close. You were so close.
“Wrong answer.”
You felt him pulling out almost fully. No, no, no, he couldn’t do that.
“Tell me, who’s making you feel so good?”
“Jaehyun!” you screamed, and he stopped.
“What?” he teased, not making a move to push into you again. "Whose name did you just say?"
“Jaehyun! For fucks sake, you, you you! YOU are better than him! ONLY YOU!” you finally screamed. “Jaehyun!”
He then slid into you again, hard, and a gasp escaped your mouth as you threw your head aside in pleasure.
“I haven’t heard. Who?!”
“Who am I?”
“Jaehyun!... You are... aaahhh... Jaehyun... ”
“Say it again, who’s making you feel so good? Who’s fucking you so good now?”
Now, he thrusted into you so hard that only a few more pushes were enough to send you over the edge.
"What's my name?!"
Your mouth was formed to a silent scream as you dug your nails into his skin when the overwhelming feeling shot through your body. You were soaking and pressed your opened mouth on Jaehyun’s shoulder, keeping your eyes shut when the pleasurable spasms took control of your body.
Jaehyun was holding you tightly during your climax, your walls tightening around him and nearly pushing him out of you. His arms rested on your back, giving you a reassuring feeling while he kissed your temple, your head still dizzy.
Jaehyun smiled at you and rolled on top without pulling out. Well, it was his turn now.
“Let me finish this," he said as he started to thrust into you again, sweat dripping from his forehead. “Did you mean it?” he then asked, continuing his pace.
“What?” you breathed.
“That I’m better than him.”
There was no need to be embarrassed about your remaining feelings anymore, because Jaehyun still felt the same way. You could tell by his smile and the happiness which was reflected in his eyes.
“Well, I’ll still prove it to you.”
That fucker.
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xiaojusaur · 4 years
Let’s Get Wet
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Johnny x Reader
1769 words
TW: fiction, mentions of masturbation, fingering, shower sex, unprotected sex
Neo Smut Collective drabble Wet & Wild
Your brother’s best friend was hot and it couldn’t be denied. Every time he stayed in your house your knees trembled from the thought of seeing him shirtless. But of course, your brother Jaehyun wouldn’t allow it, so he avoided any possible encounter between you two, because he knew you too well and noticed the way you looked at Johnny.
Many nights, in the darkness of your room, you would moan his name while playing with yourself, imagining it was him.
He was home tonight, your brother along some friends had a camping at the beach the next day and since they were leaving early, they were all staying together.
You went to take a shower so you could go to sleep refreshed. You opened the bathroom door and gasped when meeting with an almost-naked Johnny, covering his bottom part with a towel. “OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY!” You screamed in horror, quickly covering your eyes with one arm and closing the door with the other.
“It’s okay, I’m almost finished,” he said with his mellow voice and you saw him open the door again. His hair was shiny from the water and the droplets ran down his toned body. It was everything you imagined in your wildest dreams.
You were panicking, looking everywhere but to him. If your brother caught you, he would either kill you or Johnny.
Johnny was styling his hair in the foggy mirror, running his fingers through his dark, silky mane.
Without noticing, you were staring at him to which he smirked through the mirror. “Like what you see?” He chuckled.
“Very, very much!” You wanted to scream, but you just stuttered, “N-not bad.”
“Please, Y/N, I know how you feel about me. Do you think I don’t notice how you look at me?” He said in a racy voice.
You were shocked to hear those words, were you that obvious?
Johnny extended his arm and pulled you inside the bathroom with him, pushing you against the door, locking it before anyone noticed. He caged you against his body, looking at you with fire in his eyes.
His lips were so inviting, his wet body so tantalizing.
“Tell me, Y/N,” he whispered looking at you fiercely, “do you like me?”
“I- Johnny... Jaehyun wouldn’t allow it...” you explained just to not give him an answer.
“That’s not what I asked,” he said groggily, grabbing your wrist, somehow intimidating you.
“I like you, yeah. A lot,” you confessed.
“I know you do. Do you think I haven’t heard you moaning my name in the middle of the night?” He was making you flustered and was enjoying it.
You tried to talk, to make an excuse, but nothing came out, so you just lowered your gaze.
“Look at me, baby girl,” he took you by the chin to make you look into his eyes. “You’re so naughty. Touching yourself while thinking about your brother’s best friend. What would he think if he found out? Hmm?” He teased you.
“He would be angry, with you and with me both,” you said daring.
“What do you imagined? Tell me what do you think about in the darkness of your room,” he started getting close to your lips. Even though he was wet from the shower, you could feel the heat of his body.
Even though it seemed surreal, two could play this game. “I imagine its your fingers touching me, reaching deep inside. Your body on mine, your lips kissing my neck, while you fill me whole with your cock.”
“Fuck...” he said under his breath. You could feel his hardened member poking your thigh, which made you bite your bottom lip.
“Are you okay with me making it a reality?” He asked for your consent before making any move. So sexy!
“Yeah, of course!” You said desperately.
His expression changed to one full of lust, devouring you with his eyes. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes, please...” you whispered and Johnny didn’t waste any second in crashing his lips with yours. They felt like you imagined, so meaty, so soft. His hand ran down your torso, skillfully pulling the elastic of your pijama pants, arriving to your heat easily.
“Oh? No panties? Such a naughty girl,” he said with a croaky voice.
“I was going to shower, plus, I was about to slee- Oh God!” He interrupted sliding a finger between your folds.
“Shhh... you don’t want Jaehyun to find us, right?” While drawing circles on your clit, he started kissing you again to drown your moans. “Fuck, you’re so wet...”
“Mmm! I wanted you so much, Johnny.”
“Shit... get undressed, baby. Let’s get into the shower,” he commanded and you did as told.
He opened the shower again and then let the towel that was covering his lower part fall, revealing his strong thighs, his big member standing proudly, waiting for you.
“Are you not coming?” He extended his hand, inviting you into the shower with him.
You took his hand, hypnotized by his beauty. He looked like an underwater god.
Under the shower, you two kissed like if it was something natural between you. He ran his hands down your body, kneading every inch of your skin, turning you on more, if that was possible.
Johnny pinned you against the shower wall and guided by lust, his hand reached to your heat. His fine fingers found your hole expertly, making you moan lowly, “Oh~”
He flexed his fingers inside you, back and forth, fast and deep, your eyes crossing from pleasure.
“Fuck, Johnny,” you whimpered in a whisper, trying to keep it low so nobody would notice what was happening. The water running down your body was a plus to the feeling and Johnny looked so sexy huffing to take the drops out of his face. You reached for his member that was begging for attention too, pumping your hand up and down slowly.
“Ah~ Feels nice, baby,” he gave you a naughty smile. “I wonder what that mouth could do,” He was suggesting something.
“You want me to suck you off?” You asked, sounding more like an offer than a question.
“We can do that later, you might hurt yourself here, but I appreciate the offer,” he said and then leaned in for a kiss. “Now, come here. Im gonna fuck you, I’ll make your dreams come true,” he said as he grabbed your leg.
“God, I’m so wet, I can’t wait...” you confessed.
“I love making you this way,�� he winked, making you laugh. “You okay with this, right?”
“Please...” you begged desperately.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy,” he groaned.
He placed your leg on his arm, letting it hang. With his other hand, he held his member firmly to look for your entrance. Your breath accelerated, you were getting ready to receive his all. He was teasing you and enjoying your reaction while he was rubbing your clit with his tip. He entered in you slowly, torturing, so deliciously. The stretch was burning, you wanted to scream but you suppressed it squeezing his bicep, holding on tightly to not faint. “Fuuuck~” you whispered in a breathy moan.
“Mmm... baby, you’re so tight,” he pecked your lips and moved down to kiss your neck, letting you adjust to him.
A few seconds later, he started moving back and forth. You wrapped your arms around his neck, while he held you by the waist. The scene belonged to a movie, with you two connecting while the water ran down your bodies. Every time he huffed or moaned, the drops flew to your face. The sounds coming from where you two united were obscene, making you want more from him.
“God! Johnny!” You moaned a little too loud.
Johnny then picked you up, holding you midair, without stopping from thrusting you. The movement made him reach deeper inside you, touching that supple place that made your toes curls. You gasped and he chuckled.
He was going faster now, making you bounce on his dick by moving you up and down. The slapping sound invaded the tiny space of the bathroom and now you were just praying that your brother didn’t go out of his room, otherwise he would be able to hear everything.
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” you said in a chant of whines.
He grunted loudly, his voice echoing in the room. “Shit! So good, you’re taking me so well!”
“Ah! Yes! Yes! Please!” You hissed.
After a few minutes his arms got tired, so he put you on the floor again and then he turned you around, making you hold yourself from the tile wall. He put his big hand on the small of your back as to make you bend, kneading your skin on the process. Johnny penetrated you again, now holding you by the waist with both hands.
The slapping sound of your bodies clashing increased by the minute of how fast Johnny was going and the water was making it louder. You were feeling your orgasm bubbling from your stomach and you let him know. “Johnny, I’m gonna cum, please!”
“Mmm... good!” He focused his thrusts to reach deeper and consistent to help you reach your high.
You felt it, the explosion of delicious tingles through your body, escaping in a simple sigh from your lips. Johnny held you tightly, helping you to stay on your feet. He kept plunging into you until he felt his high coming too. He pulled out and came on the floor, every proof of what had happened there going down the drain along with the water.
“Babe, we should get out of here. Your fingers should be pruning by now,” he said as he wrapped his arms around your torso and kissed your neck.
“Yeah, plus, it will be a little suspicious if you spent so much time in the bathroom,” you added.
“Nah! I actually spend a lot of time in the bathroom. I’m just worried that someone might have heard us...”
“Hopefully not...”
After you dried yourselves and were dressed again, Johnny said, “Maybe we can repeat this someday?”
“Anytime,” you winked and he smirked back at you.
But as soon as Johnny opened the door he found a Jaehyun leaning on the wall, waiting for him to get out. “Enjoyed your shower?” He sounded so pissed, you didn’t even want to look.
Your brother then pushed the door open, revealing you in the bathroom too. You gave him the bread smile, trying to act innocent. “Get out of there, we gonna talk about this, you two.”
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lenle-g · 3 years
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Oh absolutely! <3333
Scott, making his way up to their Father's desk ready to slide his completed mission report into the holo-records, has no idea that his astronaut brother is even home until he discovers a pale, John-shaped lump sprawled limply in the middle of their circle of sofas.
“What the…?” Scott’s breath catches, his eyes blow wide. His heart does a funny, sharp twisting thing in the middle of his chest that it's probably really not supposed to, and there's a beat or two of pure, unacceptable shock in which Scott's world just tunnels in on the presence of what is clearly blood smeared across John's lax, waxy face.
Big brother's chest attempts a hitched, stunted thing that can only be called breathing in the barest sense before Scott is sprinting across their living space and bellowing into the Comm watch at his wrist for help.
“virGIL?!?” Scott trips down the step and into the circle and, in an action his patella will regret later, crashes hard to his knees at his unconscious brother's side, yelling his head off for the most experienced medic in the family as he does so. “VIRGIL! GET IN HERE, NOW!"
The ‘on my way’ is instantaneous - Scott’s tone had clearly sparked a need for speed. No time to do anything but pull up the GPS location and run because there's a messy line of blood leaking from the astronaut’s nose, similar splotches of red pooling in his ears and an awful jagged slash scabbing across his forehead. John's breathing is light and shallow, his skin tone verging on grey and, perhaps most worryingly, he hasn’t responded at all to all the shouting Scott’s been doing and that’s just strikingly wrong. John's always first awake, first to respond - the young man has to be up and about in an instant if any of Thunderbird Five's alarms sound and so he’s trained to spring awake and into action at the slightest thing. They have to be careful not to walk past his room at night, for goodness sake, in case the sound of feet in the corridor wakes him.
This is not right.
Scott takes a sharp breath, the air like glass and his heart racing with terror as he reaches a fearful hand toward his sibling.
"John?" He tries, his fingers bumping against a hard chest. He lays his palm flat over his brother's heart and gives him a shake. "Hey Johnny, come on, wake up." John’s head lolls limply with the motion, and Scott feels a little sick at it, but gets no other obvious results.
"Ok.” He says aloud to himself, trying to think past the rising gorge of panic in his throat. He feels like a deer in headlights in a way he never would on a rescue. "Think Scott!" He slaps a palm against his own forehead, starting to get angry with himself now. "Patient non-responsive. What do you do?" Try and wake them up seems like the obvious answer, though that's failing so far.
Should he roll him into the recovery position, or should he not move him at all? Should he pinch his nose shut or might he choke? Should he...
"Come on John." Scott taps his brother's cheek softly, then a little harder, getting desperate to stir some kind of response now. Scott has to make a conscious effort to avoid getting blood on his fingers from the sheer amount of it that’s smeared across his brother’s face, still leaking sluggishly from John’s nose and spotted on the cushion that's supporting his head from where it's dripped from his ears. There's blood on the astronaut’s fingertips like he'd been trying to stem the flow before he'd passed out.
Hell. That’s not a sign of anything good.
A hundred horrifying scenarios come to mind. There’s so much that can go wrong living in space, and it can go wrong so quickly that you don’t even know you’re in danger until you’re dead. John could be dying right now in front of him and Scott doesn’t know what to...
"Scott! What's going…?" Virgil, skidding into the room with slippery socks against polished wood, trails off as he goes through a similar process of discovery shock to Scott’s, his eyes wide as saucers. “Jesus.” He says before he can stop himself. “What happened?” 
“I don’t know.” Scott can barely breathe around the anxiety. His whole mouth tastes like it's crammed full of fizzy static terror. He scoots around the back of the sofa, leaning over it to give Virgil, who's had the sense to grab a medkit from the wall, more room to work. “I just found him like this.” Scott explains, “How can I help?” He's kept his palm against his brother’s chest the whole time - the feeling of John's heart fluttering beneath his fingertips is the only thing keeping him from freaking out right now. 
Virgil’s knelt at John’s side, his fingers pressed to the pulse at his brother’s wrist. There's a deep, worried furrow between his thick eyebrow.
"Oxygen?" Scott suggests, loitering nervously, but Virgil shakes his head.
"Wait till the bleed stops. His BMP is a little fast. Help me roll him on his side so he's less likely to choke." Scott, complying, nearly kicks himself for not doing that earlier. It's hard to ignore how limp and silent their brother is as they do so - there's something incredibly unsettling about just how floppy he is - like a dead thing washed up on the beach.
Virgil distracts Scott by handing him a pair of latex gloves, snapping a pair on over his own fingers to match. He guides his brother's hand to pinch John's nose hard around the cartilage, clearly hoping it'll stem the bleed. Scott grimaces like he's just been asked to chop the man's leg off, but, to his credit, he holds on tight.
"What's brought this on then, hmm John?" Virgil asks, busy wrapping a pressure cuff around a limp forearm. "Some kind of sudden onset space-related injury?" He muses, inflating the cuff, honey brown eyes glued to the numbers, "Something must have gone wrong with re-entry.” 
He guesses, “A change in pressure in his head from being back on the planet could have ruptured something." 
And John's just been up here bleeding, alone, for who knows how long.
“Ah, his blood pressure is sky high.” Virgil reports the result grimly, noting them and his other readings down holographically at his wrist. "Barotrauma makes sense." It also means that this isn’t going to be a quick fix, John could be out of action for weeks. But what’s happened has happened and all they can do now is treat the symptoms. 
“Right. Let’s get him patched up. Astronauts typically lose ten to fourteen percent of their blood volume while up in space,” Virgil explains, ripping open a packet of steri-stips with his teeth and fumbling to peel one from its backing with his big fingers. “It usually takes a day or two home to regain it, so keep holding his nose while I patch up this cut. John can’t afford to lose much extra right now.”
Virgil pinches the gash together and works on sticking a neat, clean line of steri strips along it to try and keep it from bleeding.
"He's had long enough to get changed out of his spacesuit." Scott points out, he's been thinking about this while he watches his brother work. "But he didn’t flag anything up with us. It must have happened pretty suddenly." Only that doesn't quite add up because the angry red scrape at his temple that Virgil’s precautionarily sticking back together suggests some kind of earlier accident that they should have known about. “The way he’s hit his head looks like he collapsed, but there’s nothing hard to hit it on here.” There's anxious sweat, sticky around Scott's collar at the puzzle of it all. “Why wouldn’t he have called us?” His fingers ball into tight fists, his nails digging hard into his palms. Both rows of perfect teeth press hard against each other, grinding on his rising anger.
"I don't kn…" Virgil starts, but then stops, abruptly. Scott nearly drowns in a wave of terror that John's just died or something, but then he notices the same flutter of ginger lashes that his brother clearly has.
John’s coming round.
"John?" Scott prompts carefully, leaning further over the back of the sofa in a way that has Virgil worried that he's going to end up on top of them. "Hey, can you hear me, bro?" There's a pinched, pained scrunch appearing on their sibling’s forehead, tugging at the new plastic stitches. Slowly, the fluttering turns into blinking, but it takes a minute or two for hazy blue-green eyes to work out what focus is.
“John.” The relief in Virgil’s voice is almost palpable. “Do you know where you are? Do you remember what happened?”
It seems a bit early for interrogation. John is blinking glassily at Virgil, his breathing a little hitched. He’s clearly just as confused to be there as the rest of them are. Scott lets up on pinching his nose and both hovering brothers are relieved to find the bleeding seems to have stopped.
“H-Happened?” John eventually asks, blearily. He’s... not sure. All John knows for sure is that he hurts very badly, all over. His head is pounding and the world seems distant and fuzzy like he’s viewing it through a veil of gauze. His brother’s voice sounds muffled and warped, like he’s listening from underwater. "I... I don’t know…" John's mouth shapes the words, though they taste coppery and strange and the vowels sound wet. One of his brother’s presses the hard plastic of an oxygen mask over his mouth and throbbing nose and that doesn't much help his comprehensibility either.
"It’s ok, I should have expected you’d be confused." Virgil smoothes a calming hand the size of a dinner plate gently over his brother's hair, the fine ginger strands slippery between his fingers. "Give it a minute or two, ok? It looks like you hit your head.”
While he waits, Virgil finds a sterile wipe and begins ever so gently cleaning rusty red from John’s skin. A horrific amount of colour leeches out into the fabric as he does so, the stain spreading through the wet fibres and creeping up toward his fingers. John sinks into silence again - staring blankly to the side, blinking lots like he's dizzy even though he’s lying down.
Last thing John really remembers clearly he’d been in the Space Elevator, making his way down from Thunderbird Five. It’d been a rougher ride than usual, but nothing that had screamed imminent danger. Though… if he thinks harder about it, he realises his head had started feeling floaty around halfway down, and there’d been that warning bleep on the 02 readings that he couldn’t explain. He remembers a brief, strange spill of red pressure readings onto his holoscreens, a warning error message, or several, but he would swear they hadn’t felt significant at the time. He’d just felt… floaty and distant. Which should have been a warning sign all of its own.
From the way his head is pounding now, John realises that the craft must have been depressuring around him without him even noticing. It’s a lucky thing that the Elevator is so fast from orbit to Earth. A cold, horrible realisation slithers up John’s spine that, had it been any slower at it, he probably would have died.
"I… the readings were wrong." John manages, though as he does so Virgil notices flecks of blood on his lips and teeth from where it's trickled down the back of his throat. “I think the Elevator was venting atmosphere and I didn’t…” He blinks again, slow and sluggish. “It felt off, but not… I didn’t think anything of it.” He adds. “I… My head hurts.” He squeezes both eyes shut again, his face noticeably growing paler.
“Hang in there J, I’ll give you something for the pain and to lower that BP in a sec,” Virgil promises, his voice considerately much quieter. He lays a palm against his brother’s forehead to feel the heat of it, and is relieved to find it warm but dry. No fever. “We’ll get Brains to check the Elevator over before anyone goes near it again,” Virgil promises, from somewhere above him. “Do you remember hitting your head?”
“I think… uh, I think I fell down the stairs.” The astronaut decides promptly without even opening his eyes, surprising neither of them. “I remember being at the top after getting changed in my room... but I’ve got no memory of anything after that…” 
Scott’s got an awful mental image of his brother dragging himself semi-consciously to the sofa before he passed out and feels sick about it.
“Jesus John...” Big brother echoes Virgil’s sentiment from earlier, then trails off, not knowing what else to say. Virgil clearly sees right through him, recognising Scott’s indecision and wallowing fear as something that really won’t help John right now, and shifts into his all-business-get-things-done-mode.
“Right.” The bigger man says, clear cut, “I want to get a brain scan to check everything’s all right in there.” He imagines there’ll be some cerebral swelling and he’ll have to go through all the cognitive and hearing tests, but John seems much more lucid now than he’d anticipated and that’s a good sign. “And we’re having a talk about your platelet count when you're conscious enough to process it." Virgil promises, narrowing his eyes at John, who, to his credit, at least has the decency to look sheepish about it. “If you’re feeling ill from re-entry… more ill than usual,” He corrects himself, “You need to let us know.” There’s a sigh and then Virgil’s voice goes a lot softer. “You shouldn’t feel like the world has to end before you stop working, John. You shouldn’t be working like this at all. If you’re going to live up in space for such long stints you need to…”
“Take the proper precautions. I know, I know.” John rubs a weak hand over his throbbing eyes. He clearly thinks now isn’t the time for a lecture either. “NASA trained, remember?”
“Oh, I remember.” Virgil isn’t letting this one go. “Sometimes you need to remember it too.” He adds, pointedly. “Right, let's get you to bed for now. I'll have to do some scans and a blood test and monitor your pulse and breathing, but I don't see any reason that can't happen in your own room - clean sheets, blackout blinds, the works." He knows the signs that John’s got a space-induced headache from a mile off, and this must be a particular cracker of one, no pun intended. “I'll have to get some saline and glucose in you to bring your levels up to something acceptable." He adds, apologetically, because that means an IV, which John hates, but really it can't be helped. “We'll have to sit with him in shifts.” His focus shifts to Scott. “If he throws up, check for blood and let me know.”
“I’m not gonna throw up.” John tells him, but he doesn’t sound convinced. “Let’s go...” He shifts his bodyweight, his head wobbly and weak and, with both his brother’s diving to provide support, he makes to sit up. The world shutters abruptly into black and white static but, somehow, John remains sitting, waiting for it to pass.
“Hey Virg…” After a few moments, a weak hand curls its long fingers around his wrist, and Virgil finds his bloodied brother looking guiltily up at him. “I… Sorry about this.” There’re flecks of paint at his brother’s cuffs like he’d been interrupted while painting. He turns to his older brother and makes a note of the fear still there. “Scott, I… thankyou.” John breathes, in a rare, awkward moment of vulnerability. “I don’t…” He can’t actually imagine what might have happened if they’d not been there - if he’d been alone like he usually is.
“I’m just glad you’re ok.” Scott presses a warm hand to the back of his brother’s neck, “You sure scared me there, little bro, I thought...” He trails off, leaving Virgil to hum something agreeable in his place as he scoops a thick arm around John’s back.
“Right.” Virgil says again, focusing himself and his brother’s firmly away from the what-ifs, “Time to get you to bed.”
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got-svt · 4 years
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for tonight 
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order up !  large caramel latte at 75 % sweetness, an oatmeal raisin cookie, and a slice of cheesecake with doyoung for anon <3 order notes : doyoung x reader, angst, but the end is kinda fluffy, exes to lovers, some mentions of other nct members look, something’s written on your cup… hi anon! for oatmeal raisin cookies the prompt is either enemies or exes so i hope you don’t mind that i chose exes haha. anyways, i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it! <3 - ren
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summary: it’s taeyong’s wedding and you find yourself having no choice but to share a bed with your ex-boyfriend, doyoung. word count: 2.75k ( so sorry, i might have to change the word count on large orders asdfghkl literally all my oneshots are over 2k why did i think i could stick to under 2k for ca )
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You stared ahead, eyes unblinking at the sight. Sure, the sight of a single bed wasn’t remotely daunting to most of the human population, but not to you. Not when you had to share it with your ex-boyfriend, Doyoung. He wore the same look of shock you did, mouth parted, eyebrows raised, and a cold drop of sweat dripping down his forehead. Beside you, you could see his fists clenching and unclenching — like he was trying to keep himself calm, but to very little success. Unfortunately for him, you were also feeling very on edge as you bit the inside of your cheek — waves of nervousness building up from the very pit of your stomach, soon enough they would eventually have to come crashing down. 
You shouldn’t have come in the first place. If it weren’t for the incessant pestering of your friends, you wouldn’t have come at all. But it was Taeyong’s wedding, it was too big of a deal to ditch just because you didn’t feel like running into an ex. 
“Seriously, Yn?”  Taeyong pouted after hearing your initial hesitation on attending, “You’re skipping my wedding, the biggest day of my life, because you’re afraid you’ll see Doyoung? May I remind you that you were my friend before he became your boyfriend.”
You huffed, crossing your arms in front of your chest, “I know that, but what if things are awkward between us and we ruin your day because of it?”
“Hasn’t it been a couple of months already? I’m sure both of you moved on.” Taeyong rolled his eyes, “I’m not saying both of you have to spend the day together, I just want you to be there.”
You eventually agreed, though it took convincing from at least three other people besides Taeyong to get you to finally go. Johnny promised that he would sit beside you during the ceremony, you subtly asking to sit as far away from Doyoung as you possibly can — which meant tugging on his sleeve the second you caught sight of him. Taeyong was kind enough to move seating arrangements around, placing you in between Jaehyun and Mark and having you four tables away from Doyoung. You spent most of the reception dancing with Yuta and Haechan, laughing loudly whenever you stepped on their feet or when they spun you around a little too quickly. For most of the day, Doyoung had been in the back of your mind, enjoying the company you kept and catching up with your shared friends. But the day eventually had to end, nightfall slowly creeping up on you before shaking you back into the reality you had to force yourself to face.
“Okay, thank you.” Doyoung politely spoke before placing the telephone back on its receiver. His suit’s jacket was now off, neatly folded across the back of a wooden desk chair. The top two buttons of his crisp white button-down were undone.  
You had to stop yourself from staring too long to be considered appropriate, shaking your head slightly. “Well, what did they say?”
Doyoung winced at the sharpness in your tone. You didn’t mean to sound so harsh, or cold for that matter, the effects of the long day had been wearing down on you and you wanted nothing more than to take a warm shower and fall into a dreamless sleep surrounded by the fluffiest pillows this luxurious hotel had to offer.
“Hotel’s all booked up because of the wedding. We can’t get another room.” He sighed, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, the soft mattress dipping ever so slightly.
You pinched the the bridge of your nose, shutting your eyes as tightly as you could — as if that would somehow help you will into reality that this was not happening. The two of you booked this hotel room weeks before you had broken up, the minute you had finally gotten wind of the where the wedding was going to be held. In the sudden whirlwind that was your breakup, neither of you had remembered to cancel and book another room. With the the nearest hotel somehow fifty miles away, you slowly braced yourself to deal with the unfortunate situation of having to share the room with your ex-boyfriend.
You opened your eyes to see Doyoung hunched over, eyes trained on his phone, very clearly frustrated. His fingers moved across his screen quickly, face slightly lit up from its harsh glare. You tilted your head to the side, watching as he eventually shut his phone off and ran a hand through his already messy hair. “I asked our friends if I could sleep in any of their rooms. All of them answered no. All full apparently, so no space for me.”
You scoffed, there was no way none of them couldn’t possibly spare a bit of space for Doyoung. He nodded in agreement at your annoyance. Both of you knew all of your friends rooted for the two of you, they were the reason you had even gotten together in the first place. You knew Taeyong ever since you learned how to walk, and you saw no harm in going on a blind date with a friend he had claimed would be absolutely perfect for you. Their denial only triggered memories of their exaggerated wails of heartbreak when they found out about your breakup. 
“It’s fine, maybe I can sleep on the tub or something. You can take the bed.” Doyoung offered, motioning a hand towards the bed before heading to the bathroom. You rolled your eyes. Always the sweetheart, you thought. He was gone for all of five seconds when you heard his voice from the bathroom, soft yet clearly frustrated, “There’s no tub.”
Doyoung made his way over to you, his hands behind his back. There was a certain nervous energy that surrounded his figure, you wonder what was it about you that made him feel this way. Granted, this had been the first time you were going to be alone with him in months, you don’t even recall seeing him in person before the wedding. He refused to meet your eyes, gaze firmly on the carpeted floor beneath him, “I’ll take the floor instead.”
You knew there was no way you were letting him sleep on the floor, you were already about to protest his suggestion of sleeping on the tub until he made his way to the bathroom before he could even respond. Sure, you were broken up, but that didn’t mean you were that cold of a person to deny him access to a bed. “No.”
“What?” Doyoung looked up at you in surprise, eyes growing wide.
“Listen,” You sighed, not wanting to make this a bigger deal than it already was, “it’s been a long day, we’re both tired, both of us can take the bed. It’s just one night, what’s the worst that could happen? We can go back to pretending the other doesn’t exist in the morning.”
Doyoung blinked back at you, processing your words before nodding slowly. He didn’t feel like arguing with you anyways, not when the last time he saw you was in a screaming match that lasted hours and had you storming out of his apartment. “Fine, I assume you’ll take the right side of the bed? You can have the extra pillow too.”
You stepped back, trying your best to not seem too shocked that he still remembered your sleeping preferences. “Yeah, thanks.”
Doyoung nodded in acknowledgement, before both of you tried to get as much of your night routines done without bothering the other. The silence in the hotel room was palpable, breaking every now and then by the sounds of water running, doors opening and closing, bare feet prodding on carpeted floors, shuffling about as you narrowly avoided looking at or bumping into each other.
This is only for tonight, you and Doyoung thought to yourselves.
“Good night, I guess.” You mumbled, as both of you turned off the lamps on your respective sides of the bed.
The two of you were submerged in darkness, the only whisper of light coming from the moon that peeked through the curtains. You and Doyoung retreated to opposite edges of the bed, leaving an obnoxious amount of space between the two of you as you slept on your sides. You shut your eyes, hoping that sleep would come to you as soon as possible. 
It didn’t, but only because your thought kept drifting back to the man that lied beside you. It was almost impossible to keep your mind at bay, not when he was right there, just at arm’s reach — so close yet so far. You couldn’t help but look for the sound of his breathing, remembering how it used to comfort you on nights you had trouble sleeping, patterning your own breaths after his. Something in you wanted to turn around and face him, to lay your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer in the way he did before.
The truth was, you didn’t know the exact reason for your breakup. All you remembered was crying, screaming, eventually storming out. It was all the little moments that both of you held in, eventually bursting out when it was all too much to hold. All those late nights he came home from work late, the small seconds of jealousy that welled up between the two of you, all the cancelled plans, missed dates, moments of misunderstandings that never got brought up or resolved. 
You groaned as quietly as you could, not wanting to wake Doyoung up if he was already asleep. Maybe it was the effect of a long and tiring day, maybe it was because you had just been at a wedding and love was in the air, maybe avoiding him the entire day wasn’t the right move, not when it only made you miss him more. You couldn’t help but want to reach out for him and little did you know he felt the exact same way.
Doyoung felt cold, a chill creeping up his spine, goosebumps littering the little areas of skin he had exposed. He could hear your sighs, the groans that escaped your lips, and Doyoung knew you were having trouble sleeping. He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms, the warmth of your body pressed against his. When he spent years falling asleep with you close to him most nights, it was hard to forget all of that in a matter of months. 
He remembered how his heart ached when he saw you lead yourself and Johnny away from him, when he saw you seated tables away with him, talking it up with Mark and Jaehyun. But it shattered when he saw you dancing with Yuta and Haechan, smile wider than he had ever seen before, looking like you were having the time of your life without him. 
Doyoung didn’t know how you were only keeping it all in, pretending like it didn’t bother you. 
You turned to lay on your back, eyes wide and wake, looking up at the ceiling. There was nothing to look at, everything was painted in a pale shade of gray. There’s shuffling beside you as Doyoung turned to lay on his back as well, hands neatly folded on his stomach.
“Can’t sleep, Yn?” He asked, eyes also fixated on the ceiling. 
You shook your head but quickly realized he probably couldn’t see you, “No. I suppose you can’t either.”
“Any reason why?”
“Thinking…” You trailed off, afraid of what you’d say if he dared to ask more.
You sighed, unsure if you should actually answer. There was never really any closure to your breakup, you could only remember leaving. “Us, like what exactly happened?”
There was a certain amount of vulnerability in your voice, it was quiet and soft, yet it still pierced through the air and rang in his ears. He couldn’t believe you, how could you ask him that? 
“Yn, you left me.” Doyoung answered back, he tried to sound nonchalant, but his voice cracked at the final word, giving his true emotions away.
You deserved that, the little clench in your chest at the sadness in his voice. “But you didn’t go after me. You just let me leave. You let me go so easily.”
“Did you want me to go after you? Would you have taken me back if I did?” Doyoung turned on his side once again, now facing you, “I thought you were done with me.”
You kept your eyes on the ceiling, trying your best to ignore Doyoung’s piercing gaze. You couldn’t look at him, not when the guilt of your actions finally caught up with you. It was a selfish decision really, to leave so suddenly, not giving each other a chance to possibly work it out. You still don’t know why you had done it, or at least made no effort to contact him after, leaving both of you to just assume that things were over. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring that up.” You bring your hands up to your temple, trying to rub away the headache that was beginning to form. Should you say anything else? Did you even want to? Your chest tightened, feeling tears form in the corners of your eyes. You had spent the entire day keeping it in, spent the months after your breakup pretending that this was for the best, that this was what you wanted. The walls you built around yourself finally came crumbling down, “I just…I missed you. I can’t even remember why we broke up in the first place, why I left…”
You expected him to turn away, to tell you it was too little and far too late. Instead he reached out to you, the suddenness of his action had you yelping in surprise. He pulled you to his chest, closing the distance you had put between yourselves. Doyoung whispered, his breath ever so slightly tickling your ear, “I’m sorry for letting you leave.”
“No,” You shook your head against his chest, tears staining the white cotton shirt he chose to wear to bed, “I’m sorry for leaving in the first place.”
Doyoung didn’t say anything else, letting you cry into his chest as he rubbed comforting circles on your back. You calmed down after a few minutes, but you still gripped his shirt tightly, like you were afraid that you were going to lose him again if you didn’t. 
It was quiet, but it wasn’t the same kind of silence that descended between the two of you earlier in the night. This silence was more peaceful, content. You could hear the sound of his heart beating, relaxing and consistent — lulling you to sleep. Doyoung felt your breath against his neck, warm and inviting, reminding him that you were once again in his arms. The heaviness in his chest that plagued him the past few weeks was suddenly gone, replaced with a sense of peacefulness. 
“You know, something in me says that you didn’t cancel this hotel room on purpose.” Doyoung teased, knowing it would get some sort of reaction from you.
And it did. You groaned as you hit his chest, in the way you always did whenever he teased you when you were still together, your hand still lingering on his chest even after you hit him. Unfortunately, you exerted a little more force than you originally intended. 
“Ouch!” He exclaimed, but you could tell he wasn’t actually hurt when you saw the ghost of a smile making its way to his lips, “Are you trying to flirt with me or start a fight?”
“Which would you prefer?” 
“Definitely flirting.” Doyoung grinned, wrapping his arms tighter around you. 
You hummed, content as sleep finally began to take its hold on you, “What happens now?”
“We can talk about it in the morning.” Doyoung kissed your temple, one hand running through your hair, “We should go to sleep.”
You snuggled further into his embrace, a content sigh escapes Doyoung’s lips. There was still so much left for the two of you to talk about, to actually work on if you wanted your relationship to last. But that was all to be discussed in the morning. Right now, for tonight and this very moment, Doyoung only decided on one thing: there was no way he was letting you leave again.
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274 notes · View notes
sugar-petals · 4 years
Your First Date With Baekhyun
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:: bbh x sm apprentice!reader
words. 10k
warnings ⚠️ idol au hc, pining, brief angst, eventual car sex 👀, tw light injuries bc baek is clumsy in love, oral fixation, finger sucking, rough sex, making out
↳ NOTE. here we go again with the slow burn ✊🔥
It all starts with a divine act of clumsiness. 
An accident, completely out of the blue.
Who is surprised, what else could it be.
Ever since Baekhyun violently bumped into you from behind in the SM cafeteria to avoid Mark spilling red hot Americano on him… life has never been the same. 
That you walked in on him walking around mighty topless, with you wanting to clear the dance practice room many hours after work three times already does not help.
It’s always the same chain of events. He practices for longer than the others and gets sweaty, pulls off his shirt, pauses the music for a five-minute break. That’s unintentionally making it seem like everyone is already gone and the room is empty — you are deceived by it every time, and he almost gets a heart attack himself. We know how easily embarrassed Baekhyun is with showing skin by accident, outside of any shower stalls that is, let alone being caught stripping by himself. 
The first time he screams and you scream, off you run after quickly shutting the door. He tries his best to cover himself up with his hands, but to no avail. Lucas, Kai, and Johnny are no longer the only Magic Mikes under this rowdy fucking roof anymore. Even if you turned around fast, you saw more than a whole lot. 
You know how scared Baekhyun is by surprises, he gets all fidgety. Even after four whole minutes, he still sits with the music off breathing harder than he did from powering through four jointbreaking ligament-snappers I mean EXO choreographies. 
Lot of thoughts on his mind, lot of blood pumping through him. Baekhyun can hear a pretty hefty heartbeat pound in his ears. Eventually, he shakes his head at himself and does switch the music back on. But even that doesn’t distract him, nor can he concentrate on the moves. He keeps on asking himself — what the hell is wrong, what is this, why does he act like that? 
So, he ends up sneaking out of the room to call it a day. You were waiting in the nearby corridor to do the cleaning after he left. But now, you hide behind a shelf with props and miscellanea to avoid him. 
Of course, Baekhyun comes to grab a water bottle from said cupboard. Well, oh shit. He has his shorts on, and his calves are literally 20 inches away from you. He doesn’t see you crouching down there, but your pulse is going through the roof now, too. 
In fact, not even the days when Taeyong is walking around the company in a sexy as hell crop top could cause you such a panic. And that is the highest possible bar already. The average apprentice almost faints.
There’s pungent sweat that can knock you out of your socks… and then there’s sexy sweat scent mixed with men’s deodorant. Baekhyun leaves the latter after rushing out of the corridor. It’s even more intense in the practice room, if not absolutely unbearable. Oh boy. Pheromones, please no.
It’s almost as if you’re taking a bath in cologne. You’re getting nauseous and tingly from how it gets to you. You can hardly focus on scrubbing the mirror. If only the guy knew what horniness he is causing just by infusing the air, what the fucking fuck.
The second time, he jerks up again, but tries to explain himself. But so do you, ending up with a mutual, stuttering word spill in sync. 
Neither of you understood what the other was saying because you were too busy with a knee-jerk dialogue. Anxious all over, you quickly leave and eventually end up hiding behind the cupboard again. The new comeback track blasts even louder in the practice room. 
The third occasion, you no longer flinch at each other and laugh a little, mighty embarrassed still, but apologize with knowing eyes. This time, you enter the room after a small „Can I?“ and at least manage to clear some noodle boxes and unused towels from the backup dancers away, and pin a new schedule to the door. 
Baekhyun quickly pulls over his plain white tee and keeps on mumbling sorry, sorry like he’s Super Junior, practically scraping the ground with his hair because he bows so deep. 
You’ve never seen him this awkward. Instead of his usual one-liners and most effortless conversation starters, he resorts to switching on the music again after frantically looking everywhere but in your direction. He sings his lines right along, getting back into the routine’s intricate steps. 
Very strange.
All day, he is impulsive with lightening up just about any situation. One sentence, hook line and sinker; the mood alleviates. Not this time. He’s ignoring you now that you’re in the room.
The truth is: Baekhyun can’t help but set his pupper eyes on you in all other occasions already, especially when you’re busy at a distance. And it’s making him crazy. Next day at the cafeteria, he deliberately arrives late so he can queue way, way behind you. 
For the first time in all glorious epochs K-Pop history, he would let Sehun enter the line before him so he would have a shield. „Maknaes first“ is his brief comment, and Sehun thinks that Baekhyun must squarely confuse today with his birthday.
And fate says… sike. Two minutes later, a teary Mark rushes toward you and loudly apologizes for the Americano disaster. „Baekhyun was not being impolite, it was me!“
As he says just that, he turns, points right at Baekhyun’s tomato red head peeking out from behind Sehun’s shoulders, and bows to him. 
The whole cafeteria is witness, including Lee Soo Man.
And SHINee, who will have gossip material for five weeks because of this. Key is already taking notes. 
And BoA — who’s giggling because she’s seen it all in the business and knows exactly what’s going on with Baekhyun and you. Oh. Lord.
Baekhyun wants to sink into the ground right then and there. He’s been found out again. Of course he has to step out from his lair now and bow back to Mark, take the blame and explain the whole incident all over, and comfort him with a string of appeasing words. Which he hates for four reasons at the same time. He embarrassed Mark, himself, disturbed you the way he bumped into your back, and now you saw him hiding from… precisely you. Little does he know you did, too. 
Baekhyun quickly retreats to sit next to Sehun once again after Mark has calmed down and he, being the senior as always, has performed another 180° bow to you in front of the entire staff and idol audience, causing his oversized shirt to slip downward, way to his armpits. 
Goodness gracious.
BoA is this close to shouting „get a room“ upon seeing Baekhyun stand in front of you with his stomach all bare until he has hastily tucked his shirt back into this place. Fast as it happens, you can’t hide your reaction face. 
Chanyeol, sitting at a nearby table, does a telling reaction noise himself, and you can tell he’s read the situation to a T. Even worse, he’s whistling. You can fool a lot of people, but not Park „Radar“ Chanyeol. He’s a himbo incarnate, but this guy’s emotional intelligence is too damn strong, and he knows Baekhyun inside out. Oh shit, man.
The next ten minutes are fraught with a weird, sonorous mumbling in the room. Lee Soo Man doesn’t really get it, thank God. But the meaning of Baekhyun silently cowering behind Sehun while eating his kimchi stew is more than obvious to half of the people around. Baekhyun never fucking acts like this, even when he’s sad.
It’s like something is pushing the two of you into humiliating situations like that ever since you started to work at SM since last May. Literally Baekhyun can’t stop apologizing to you all day because he’s suddenly clumsy or the strangest situations happen.
Nope, he doesn’t do it on purpose. But yes, he finds himself enjoying your attention. So what is he going to do? This keeps being stuck on his mind. Especially because half of EXO, NCT, and SuperM is asking him what the hell is going on in three raging group chats at once.
And you? I don’t have to tell you how it feels like when Baekhyun stumbles over to squarely plant his cutesy baby face into your back. Firmly wrapping his hands around your waist on top of that not to fall over entirely. That feeling is locked into your muscle memory. And now, seeing him stripped down for the fourth time already? Goodbye to your sleep.
Special thanks to a jittery Mark for making this first hug I mean collision out of nowhere happen. Just to be sure: Mark really didn’t spill his coffee on purpose, nor did Baekhyun want to bump into you this hard. And we know Mark’s reflexes are usually fast enough to save the day. But he was about to host his first variety show all by himself, so you can imagine how shaky and distracted he was. And nobody will resent him — this is only all about you and Baekhyun… being the most repressed motherfuckers.
Baekhyun constantly almost-crashing into you somewhere or basically crawling on the ground before you makes for a second very shaky guy. What the hell is pulling him towards you wherever he goes? It’s even worse than Minseok moving one inch and accidentally smacking Baekhyun in the face.
It just goes on and on.
Following the second cafeteria embarrassment, the next Friday after lunch, you run into each other at the ground floor elevator exit so you would drop your fries. Yeah, extra crispy ones, with the best mayonnaise. Baekyhun has been feeling so guilty about his curse at this point that he orders extra fries for you at the cafeteria two times a week with his card. Which makes Chanyeol know dear Eros struck particularly hard. Because if he didn’t care, Baekhyun would pay it five times a week like he does for NCT every now and then. But if he does it only two times, something is at stake. He doesn’t want it to be apparent.
Baekhyun can’t even look you in the eye when he puts them on your tray. Instead, he quickly bows three times in a row and then disappears. This guy is a small puddle of blush. 
Lee Soo Man cites him into his room to say what’s wrong soon, but all Baekhyun can blurt out is that he didn’t sleep well and the comeback song won’t get into his head. Which is not a direct lie, so.
Whatever you do, Baekhyun appears out of the blue and falls to your feet. Only two days later, he returns from shooting an MV and slips right in front of your office. Pretty much because his feet stumble over his own pants. You put the paperwork aside and check what the hell is going on outside. A dizzy Baekhyun straight-up hit his head at your door. He declines you helping him up because he knows that your touch is probably gonna make him fully insane. He walks around with a forehead patch during the comeback stage and people online think it’s the latest trend.
Somebody save this man.
The universe just keeps on arranging the silliest things to make shit happen, huh.
At this point, Baekhyun developing a full-blown apprentice crush is as obvious as Lucas being tall.
Now, the reality is. This man is Hitch, the Date Doctor. He notoriously handles crowds, can get along with anyone he’s put together with on camera, helps the other members to juggle their love life whenever they have a problem. Chen is probably a married man because of Baekhyun in one way or another. He isn’t really shy normally in his own words. But when it comes to his own crushes — classic case of everybody’s cupid who gives good advice they would need the most. 
That Baekhyun is helpless with anything that digs beneath the surface of his usual interactions will show to you very soon. There’s tough Baekhyun, there’s cute Baekhyun, and then there’s an utterly speechless little bean who has an internal meltdown when you do as much as take the stairs together. The difference is staggering. He’s fidgety, tense, makes himself even smaller and first and foremost: Is impressionable to an extreme.
In short: Baekhyun has fully converted into a fake maknae.
It’ll show in staff meeting conversations on trivial things about the schedule that he wing-mans everybody but himself when shit hits the fan. He stutters in your presence. Baek’s a mess. Chanyeol takes Baekhyun to the side and raises his brows at him at least five times a day, as in wanting to say: „Are you ever going to do something about it?“
Baekhyun dodges the answer each time and preoccupies himself with social media. Fans will later say that he hasn’t uploaded as many Twitter replies, Youtube videos, and Instagram snapshots in his whole career. And Baekhyun is already quite active online so you can tell how much he’s spamming.
Secretly… hoping you see his online activity. Which you do. 
You’ve memorized his five latest vlogs down to the cute little sound noises he’s making. Still, you hide behind the cupboard, and he is hiding behind an unsuspecting Johnny. Because Sehun is already grumbling about becoming a human shield, and Chanyeol would tease Baekhyun to the hell and back whenever you’re around.
Why does all of that happen? Why is he trying to escape? 
The answer is, Baekhyun feels an overpowering respect towards you. He doesn’t know where it’s coming from, it’s something you exude. To the point where he isn’t able to clown you the way he does with others. It’s literally that bad.
On top of that, Baekhyun is frustrated that whatever extroversion he can switch on during broadcasts, fan meets, and with the other members is suddenly failing him. He tries hard to fall back to his usual humor, but you being around makes him act much more erratic. And, surprisingly reserved, believe it or not.
Eye contact will make him break whatever character he’s trying to tune into for the sake of keeping it together. The exact opposite will happen. All the blushing and boiling hot sweat gives him away. Your own heated af face he doesn’t even notice.
In his mind, he’s going through any possible way of mannerisms to get your attention all while not embarrassing himself. He gives confident SuperM leader Baekhyun a shot, comedian Baekhyun, too, and he will don a pokerfaced version of himself as a last option whenever you are close. 
All unsuccessfully. He can’t keep the façade for long; he knows he’s acting strange and inconsistent that way. Do you even realize what you merely sitting in the same practice room is doing to this guy?  
As you can tell…
It’s up to you to hit on him. Finding an unmistakable balance between being breathtakingly forward and overly subtle. The right way to ask him out is somewhere in between. The way you gauge it, Baekhyun is turned off by all kinds of brazen approaches, but doesn’t want to be nudged with satin gloves and feathers either.
However, you end up playing too lowkey at first try because you’re just as nervous. You think, maybe it’s good to find out how interested in me he will admit he is. Which, given how much he tries to conceal his feelings, turns out to be a difficult idea.
And — Isn’t is crystal clear he likes you a whole lot by the way he tries to retreat from everyone but you? Recently, fleeing to stand behind Lucas. Who has the most hiding surface and won’t question what Baekhyun is doing there all the time, unlike Johnny.
So, how do you learn that your plan is a bad idea? You try to involve yourself in NCT’s Friday night truth-or-dare where Baekhyun always joins to mess with everyone.
But that weekend, he interestingly excuses himself to „practice English, it’s urgent!“. Off he goes as soon as he sees that you are part of the lineup, looking like he’s seen a ghost. 
So, that mission failed. You get Taeyong, Haechan, and Yuta twerking against you at the same time while wearing sailor moon outfits as a dare instead. 
However: You still learned something from this. The way that even Haechan’s wild gyrating and arguably great ass did not have a single effect on you tells you that you really want someone else really damn bad. Hell, if Yuta Nakamoto winds against you and you feel nothing—
And, something else has become apparent to you.
Professional he is, Baekhyun establishes rapport even with people he dislikes or feels neutral about, but when his more vulnerable feelings are in the game, he runs from them. 
Beside Chanyeol and BoA, you’re smart enough to begin seeing what clockwork ticks inside of him. When Baekhyun doesn’t try to get close to someone that’s around him so frequently, something is mighty wrong and his opinion about that someone must be an intense one. And it’s not because he hates that person, the opposite is the case. 
He’s almost less afraid of you than his worries of ruining it. 
But through what, you’re wondering, seriously. 
On the other hand, you get why Baekhyun keeps a viable distance. He knows it’s difficult to be associated with him in the way he wishes you were. Since people were looking at him and you so strange in the cafeteria, he even stopped practicing in the after hours. 
Two weeks later, he even quits buying you fries for lunch and eats in the recording studio instead. Chanyeol remains correct: Much is at stake.
After the truth-or-dare fail, you sit down in sobriety and go through your options. You get all sorts of grand ideas to reveal your feelings, but dismiss the majority of it. You have to start small, really small. This needs the utmost care. Especially because you don’t want to compromise him by accident any further, nor are you anywhere near as ballsy as you believe someone hitting on Byun Baekhyun needs to be. 
Truth be told: BoA would kick your ass for thinking that. And letting so many opportunities pass, as if you aren’t beating yourself up for it enough. Idol mode Baekhyun, well, he would be hard to approach indeed. But what is currently going on… he’s literally showing you his underbelly. He’s begging you to do something.
That he avoids even the lightest touch: More than telling to BoA’s knowing eye. He would be so easy to sway with just one sentence. She knows that at this point, Baekhyun is desperate. His yes would come so fast. You’re far from having faith in this. But you still try. You want this man.
Eventually, you rack your brain for anything understated you could do. 
Then, you get the idea. 
After a schedule briefing, Baekhyun recently said he dearly wishes he could eat fried noodles in the early evening because he’s craving something savory, meanwhile flashing a split-second glance at you. Maybe… You can discreetly bridge the gap by getting him food.
You’re part responsible for doing things like that in the company already so nobody will question you driving around with your little motorbike. 
If you think about it: That’s a good excuse to approach him frequently and visit his apartment. The move is calculated, but it’s what the situation requires. You can’t tell how Baekhyun will react, but if he looked at you this way, it’s worth a shot.
And so, you dare the impossible. You show up with a deliberately small portion of noodles after the last comeback stage, knock twice. He does open. You’re frozen up.
Uttering a hopefully neutral „You said you wanted this. I’ll also bring it tomorrow if you want,“ and then drive off again without even waiting for a reply from a very surprised-looking Baekhyun in PJs. 
Sweating like crazy, thank God your helmet and the upcoming dark of the night was hiding your red cheeks. Shit man, that was robotic as fuck! is what you’re thinking for the entire ride home. Another fail, you sure won’t return tomorrow. Now you can’t look him in the eye, either.
The meal not only saves the day of Baekhyun’s usually very lackluster diet mood that comes out when he is by himself. It also makes him flustered and grateful, curling up on his couch. He couldn’t even remotely try to say no out of politeness or concerns for his food plan. Baekhyun breaks the chopsticks right away after closing the door. Today, his dog’s with him. Mongryong excitedly jumps up and down next to Baekhyun. Your visit was short and sweet, but it made two beans very happy.
In fact, he rips open the box and shoves a quarter of the content into his mouth in the blink of an eye. It’s not just how hungry he is. He’s also overwhelmed that you came to his house. He feels like it’d be the highest level of disrespect to throw it away to begin with, no matter how spartan his eating habits are supposed to be. 
He almost views this little take-out box as a part of you. He imagines how you listened to him talk, decided to drop by, bought it with your own money, and carried it all the way to him. All that extra effort and attention he spins back and forth in his head for the whole next week.
And, on the spot, Baekhyun is so taken aback that he starts deep cleaning his apartment at midnight as soon as he finishes his noodles. 
To your own initial shock, he also drops an envelope with money under your office door the next day. And you thought someone was sending threats.
You get the underlying message, though. This is something just between the two of you, and the envelope is a yes. For another meal. Actually, more than that. There are 30 sorted bills in it, each to buy one box since he knows where you get the food from and what the standard price is. 
Payment for one month in advance. Meetings for one month in advance. This fucker. 
And you thought your sweaty scene at his apartment left him confused or weirded out. Nope, he decided he wants this times thirty. Something you have to let sink in.
The next day you drive along at the same time, there’s nobody there. 
Because Baekhyun has left the door open. Now you can’t just speed away again. Nor do you really want to, for God’s sake. 
After putting your helmet down in the small entrance room, you find an anxiously waiting Baekhyun on the extremely cleaned up living room couch, sitting there with fidgeting feet like it’s a porn casting. 
The tension could kill. You put the box on the table before him like it’s England’s Crown Jewels. You want to calm him down so desperately, but don’t know how.
Given his sparkly eyes set on the food, that he wants to devour what you brought him right away is not hard to overlook. But he still seems hesitant. Insecure. Baekhyun doesn’t manage to say a full word which is the most surreal thing. You work up your voice and pass him the chopsticks in their paper packaging. „Pig out. You didn’t eat since 7AM.“
Again, he breaks the chopsticks. Trying hard not to do it too fast.
You sit opposite to him and revert back to professional mode. Talking about statistics from the comeback that Baekhyun hummingly acknowledges the way he does when you talk to EXO in meetings. 
He stuffs himself like his life depends on it. No stable eye contact from him. 
Both of you know that it’s not what you want to say. But even ten minutes in: Nothing about the cafeteria, the fries, the envelope, the topless incident, the forehead patch, nothing. Just you going on about details from work and him listening, nodding, chewing, making brief little remarks and using all his standard corporate phrases. „Ah, yes, EXO surely benefits from that.“ But it’s a start. You begin small. 
So far, so good. With every evening, the conversation becomes more and more two-sided and the meals bigger. A second envelope soon enters your office, covering the extra costs for the XXL boxes, your fuel, and another month worth of meals. Note: Only one and a half weeks in. 
Fuck, you got yourself into something big. Is it because his dog likes you?
You are starting to like babying him like that, even if you both keep it serious. Unusually so, but at least you don’t get into any more accidents with that suspense off your either shoulders. 
It’s not like that cute little face would leave you any chance in the first place. Baekhyun smiles shyly around you. His big laugh is sweeping, but the small things… lethal. Absolutely lethal.
His manager doesn’t like it, but his genius idol’s mochi factor is increasing since you bring him spicy, richer foods. Baekhyun declines most snacks he’s offered at work, hardly eats up at the cafeteria and gives it to Foodcas Xuxi instead, and even the stylists wished he would gain more weight without any results in their convincing acts. But when you bring him a large portion of extra al dente spaghetti or — as of recently — self-made black bean noodles, Baekhyun would consider it rude not to follow the call of the carbs. 
He eats even more aggressively when he knows you made the food yourself. 
Quickly enough, he pays either for take-out or ingredients meant for not one, but two people. You usually eat a little earlier than he does, but you would not trade the best luxury meal in the world eaten by yourself with being together in Baekhyun’s flat. To the average Joe, this would be the biggest hassle, but to you… there’s no way you can get enough of being around him so privately. You enjoy taking the time to buy food for him. Taking the time in general.
You’re not the only one.
I don’t have to tell you how Baekhyun has to fight getting a vicious hard-on with sitting opposite to you with your motorcycling jacket peeled down to the hip, right inside a staring-not staring-staring-not staring match while you both slurp on your noodle soup pretending to be apprentice and idol.
It’s… bizarre. And hot. And bizarre. And frustrating.
You both don’t know where to take all of this. You end up making it a rock-solid daily routine, but not going any further than that because you are afraid. The excuse: Never change a running system.
In the meantime, Baekhyun works out even more. Not to compensate for the calories or to get rid of the increasingly chubby cheeks. Nope, it’s to impress you and show his fitness, plain and simple. At times, the music once again blasts in the practice room after everyone left. You come in to clear the room with Baekhyun in one of his very tight tank tops. 
You greet each other softly smiling. The familiarity really does begin to show. While you sort and organize, he writes you a little note on what to get for food tonight. He scribbles a little „:3“ emoji underneath. 
You think about that for at least two hours before you drive to his apartment.
So, yeah. Something is going on with him regardless of both of you trying to keep your routine stable and CIA-level secret. 
He finds himself cringeworthy when he carries seven stacked up chairs to a group meeting at once just because you’re attending. But something in him can���t help it, for the love of God. At least in this regard, he thinks, something is running on autopilot in terms of flirting methods. Meaning, he really does hide less and less. 
Meanwhile, Lucas’ eyes are falling out because Baekhyun is mustering new levels of strength nobody suspected he had. In the most random situations, even. Baekhyun’s fitness trainer is also living one hell of a life because his protégée is so eager these days. Mastering everything from weights to pilates. Hormones are one hell of a drug.
Kai frequently remarks that Baekhyun is different. „He’s nagging much less, what’s going on, why, why!“ he says to Taemin on the regular, and they invent all kinds of theories.
Since Baekhyun doesn’t want to miss out on your daily evening visit nor spend 8 hours in the gym, that means: He increases the intensity of the work-outs. For two and a half weeks, he is completely knocked out afterwards.
And so… it happens.
Baekhyun falls asleep before your visit. The door he has opened beforehand as always, but you enter a dim room with dozing Baekhyun splayed on the bed in his red carpet outfit from earlier that day. He worked out in the morning, did some hosting, talked his soul out in an interview, attended an award show, drove home, and eventually collapsed in the sheets. Lights out.
You put the rice box and cake slice you brought along on his desk. He looks so cute when he dozes, but you also hate disturbing his sleepy angel hours. Especially because you know how worn-out his schedule has left him and you feel sorry for it. 
You feel weird for standing there with your take-out and want to hurry outside as fast as possible, but leave a note. 
For the first time in weeks, you eat dinner in your own flat.
After forcefully waking up at 3AM due to his usual sleep cycle being off balance, Baekhyun falls into a spiral of regrets. Once it dawns on him what time it is and he must have missed your visit, he buries his face in his palms sitting at the edge of the bed. 
He resents himself for neither cleaning up his bedroom properly nor staying awake even more so, no matter how eventful his day was. He imagines how you must have seen him sleep, probably in the most humiliating, unflattering position and with terrible hair, judging him for being rude, forgetful, unattractive, messy, and probably a thousand other things.
Until… he finds the note. That one gives him a second almost-heart attack, but an adrenaline-fueled one this time. He stumbles back onto his bed and reads it twenty times over.
„Rest well and dig in. Don’t worry. Text if you’re okay. 03304 68010113.“
After three typos in your number, almost choking on cold rice because he eats so passionately, and several minutes of going back and forth on sending something, he kicks his own ass and writes a little „I’m ok, I’m very very sorry! I’m an idiot 😭“. After you reply that he has no reason to apologize, he rambles on about how he wishes that he’s not being an inconvenience to you with a whole row of sad and dejected emojis. 
You hate that Baekhyun feels put on the spot and obliged because of you this way and try to think hard about how to solve the dilemma. You won’t try to stop the rain of his apologies by telling him to calm down because you know it’ll make it worse, and instead decide it’s time to get going.
The opportunity is now, and there’s only one.
‚So, I have an idea—“
Going to the groovy little underground pizza restaurant downtown is something that Baekhyun immediately accepts as a suggestion. He wants to compensate for his dozing, but he also knows that this is a whopping chance more than anything.
And… a covert first date. 
He knows that’s what it is. It’s about leveling up now.
Before you can write that you’ll treat him and he can relax, he gets firm with insisting that you will pay not a single dime. You know that it’s not just his overworking conscience speaking. It’s also the only way Baekhyun gets an occasion to express that he takes this very seriously via text. 
That he wants to repay you and aims to get the most out of meeting up is something you realize when he steps out of the wardrobe room the next evening after everyone in the company has gone home. 
The stylists he has told that he needs to try this particular outfit on for some time to get used to it. „I need to dance in this, so.“
Actually, it is meant for EXO performing at the Oscars next week, but he got away with the excuse and a promise to take care. 
And… he really did the rest of the styling all by himself. He’s turned into a glamorous neat freak. Every shiny hair glued into its desired place, freshly dyed honey blonde with soft brunette roots. 
In fact, who walks at you is a wholly different Baekhyun in a dark, reddish-violet satin suit, pointy black shoes, matte black tie, mature sultry eye shadow, black square sunglasses pushed up into his hair, his signature lipstick, with a distinct statement tote bag, and black lace socks. I repeat: Lace. This is the fanciest anybody has ever headed to eat $6.50 pizza at a tube station. I mean wow, just wow. The tailored shoulders and how tight the tux cinches in at the waist is on par with Kai’s Obsession crop top. 
Even the much more expensive award show outfit from last week looks like a potato sack compared to how much he dolled himself up and reinvented literally every inch about himself. Like you have to prevent yourself from drooling.
Yep. He. Means. Business.
Funnily enough, Baekhyun realizes his zeal and just how much he is trying to impress you at all costs when you turn up with your standard khaki trench coat, bunny print umbrella, and casual white sneakers that have seen World War 1 and 2. You know, just the way you always come to his apartment and the way it’s inconspicuous. 
Going by his face… he starts to overthink his esteem. You can see how his expression becomes mortified. You promptly decide to put an end to his self-conscious back and forth through taking him by the hand. 
„You’re the best-looking man in the world and I’m asking you for a date. Are you comin’ or are you not?“
You then make it particularly clear to him that if anything, this right in front of you is very much authentic Baekhyun and not someone else you’re in for after all. And, that you’re both in your genuine form tonight the way it’s gotta be, the way you know each other and the reason why you decided to do this. Boom.
Four-step Greek style sermon for tonight: Delivered.
Now he’s gaping at you too much to beat himself up. That mission is very much accomplished. Modern problems apparently require ancient rhetoric. You’re in a kick-ass mood tonight. I dunno, anybody would be, Baekhyun’s accentuated sense of style has the historic potential to make girls reckless.
Baekhyun’s hand is heated like an Icelandic geyser and his heartbeat rate would make the average rabbit look like an amateur. Believe it or not — it’s the first time you’re deliberately touching. It’s ridiculous.
You head to the company garage, he churns out five jokes in a row on how he must look like a Korean Elton John on the way to his best-of concert, you laugh… Baekhyun feels better. Three times as nervous compared to when you usually come to his flat, but better nevertheless. And he drives, so. 
He feels like he’s catching up and giving something back, no matter that you feel he doesn’t have to, but to him, it’s important. 
You joke back to him how it’s a little bit funny — Elton John pun intended — that you saw every inch of Baekhyun’s apartment at this point already but this is the first date. The world is upside down, but it’s SM Entertainment, so. Things get started in different ways, but they do.
That realization is getting to him, too. Baekhyun’s peacock alter ego emerges to bolt over the motorway like a lovedrunk Lewis Hamilton with a foot glued to the gas pedal, but also checks fifty times for how you feel in the passenger seat. Asking about how you like it, if the A/C is set to how you want it, whether your seat is tilted the way you enjoy it. Damn, he really is on edge. 
On top of that, said alter ego maneuvers him right into a 3-kilometer outer ring traffic jam before his innocent self even realizes it. More time to chat… more time to sit so close… more time you get to savor the comfort of his luxurious car. So that was a Freudian slip with a steering wheel right there.
You already know that Baekhyun has never tried as hard to make somebody like him. You compliment his taste in cars vice versa to take that pressure off before he turns into a nervous wreck entirely. And then, also adding that you could get used to this which makes Baekhyun feel like a billion Won. His eyes are downcast, his cheeks are beaming. Figures, light superpowers and such, we know the deal.
Meanwhile, that you really like him already and for a long time is something you challenge yourself to make more than apparent to him. If he’s still this desperate about pleasing you and unsure about how he comes across, there’s some work to do. This guy needs a sign. A football field-sized one. If Baekhyun’s demon is his self-worth tonight, yours is being a lot more demonstrative. You’ve been far too indirect with him all day every day.
That you’re outside of both your professional spheres actually helps: Big fucking time.
Easing him into a conversation happens surprisingly smooth when you recount visiting his apartment and seeing him sleep so beautifully. Which you say was the most gratifying thing which is the truth. It’s been on his mind, hearing about your relief makes a lot of things plague him less. 
You also add how you enjoy bringing him food just because. That he’s nice and good company, even when he sleeps. That assures Baekhyun and makes him laugh.
And yes. He ends up serenading you throughout the entire traffic jam. And yes. When Baekhyun is in love, his singing is particularly on point. You can hear the cherry on top in his registers. No need for the stereo, you can ask him to sing any song you like. 
The traffic jam disperses after 20 minutes, Baekhyun has interpreted your entire favorite playlist at this point. Arriving feels like way too soon. 
You put your trench coat over Baekhyun while he exits the car. There’s hardly anyone around in this part of the town but who knows, making sure not to mess up his hair in the process. Both of you hurry to the stairs leading underground. Meanwhile, the car is parked quite stealthily behind a closed-down fish restaurant with dusty windows.
It feels good to walk around with Baekhyun right by your side. 
The surroundings are cluttered with trash and only few people wait at the tube station that opens up before you with every step downwards. It’s actually perfect as a getaway. There are mostly older businessmen on shift at first glance. 
It’s colder out in the open and surrounded by surfaces of concrete, the car was like a spa by comparison. Baekhyun takes the initiative to put the trench coat back onto your shoulders. You feel flattered and you smile at each other, and walk on with synchronized steps. The pizza bar is almost within sight. In the meantime, the digital board announces the tube arriving in five minutes. He takes your hand.
And then… some real bullshit goes down.
A group of seven scraggly-looking teens lounge on a bench, roughly 200 meters before the pizza bistro. You have to pass the bench close-by given how narrow the walking space next to the train tracks is. 
One of them, the tallest of the bunch, coarsely shouts at you. „How much did that prostitute cost and where does he keep his money, huh?“ He sticks his wriggling tongue out right along. The others are ogling Baekhyun’s shoes and chest pockets, preying and laughing and sneering. It dawns on you that you should’ve asked for one more song in the car.
The mood tips. One of the boys sitting on the left side of the bench starts fiddling with a 3-inch switchblade. And then, something flicks the switch inside you, too. Your Kyoong-protect-o-meter goes through the roof faster than Baekhyun can get his car to the speed limit. 
Cue She-Hulk transformation. In an onslaught of your inner wrestling diva claiming her rights, you take matters into your own hands by hurling Baekhyun’s glitzy designer bag at the guy’s surprised face. Sorry Versace, it had to be done. The whole group gasps out loud. While they’re still caught off guard, you go on to lunge forward and furiously whack greasy knife guy and two other approaching attackers with your Roger fucking Rabbit umbrella using a windmill-motion martial arts technique you came up with from scratch. Baekhyun doesn’t even have to duck… being smol has its advantages. 
The switchblade is sent flying into a bin. Point landing. You proceed to rip into the group to helicopter your improvised weapon in circles until it threatens to plow down the better of them and they back away squealing and pleading. Britney would be so damn proud of you, I’m telling ya.
Needless to say, the mortally terrified group runs and disperses into the arriving tube, probably booking their therapist appointments for Monday morning already. You pick up the bag for Baekhyun a little breathless, dust it off, and say a prayer. Holy shit. 
What the hell just happened. Literally, what the fucking fuck.
An entirely wide-eyed Baekhyun still can’t believe that a whole group of sleazy guys twice as tall as him took an unhinged windmill beating by you to prevent a robbery, and meanwhile he is the martial arts champion. Like, hello? He’s been a Hapkido instructor with several gold medals. How many black belts does the guy have again? He could mow down fifty of that kind and pulverize anyone of them with a mere NCT-style kick. This is ridiculous. He’s mighty impressed.
A few businessmen at the station are looking at you from afar with open mouths. You wave and give a thumbs up signalling all is okay. The security personnel reviewing the CCTV the next day is down for a ride. You hope that there are no headlines with pictures of this. Tube brats get their ass busted by cartoon bunny at 2:15 AM. K-Pop star Baekhyun defended by mysterious umbrella wielder gone wild.
You take a deep breath, brush off your coat. „Um. Moving on I guess.“ Then, interlink arms with Baekhyun, strolling on toward the restaurant. Looking around everywhere, still a little shocked. Walking off your relief helps, as is looking forward to eating. Damn, you do outrageous things when you’re hungry.
The restaurant is the size of the practice room at best, lit with white neon and decorated with Italian flags in every corner. The empty seats are designed like in an American diner from the 80s.
The lanky six-foot-something waiter, Luigi Roberto Maranello Salvatore (his nameplate is really in-depth about this), hurries to the door when he sees how Baekhyun is dressed and probably thinks the King of Korea just arrived. Which he, in fact, did, but that’s beside the point. 
You sit at the very back and get comfortable after breaking your last sweat. An enthusiastic Luigi presents to you the latest ‚delicious couple menu options’ and promises to use the best toppings he can offer. You instantly trust him, Luigi has the most accurate mustache you’ve ever seen.
Baekhyun and you share a huge plate of the curiously named ‚Pizza Puppy Love‘  that might be better described as a circle-shaped late night gala buffet. You dig in because damn, fighting thugs makes hungry, and Baekhyun stuffs himself given how it’s his favorite meal. Luigi sees that you are avid eaters and way too busy looking at each other, so he disappears in the kitchen, proud of setting the mood just perfectly.
In the meantime, Baekhyun says that he thinks of hiring you as a sasaeng protection machine. You muse how the umbrella is sturdier than you thought and you wouldn’t hesitate to use it again now that you think about it. Being Baekhyun’s Jarvis is not a bad thought, actually. Beating up rascals for him is your newly discovered love language.
In fact: Whatever took over inside of you and made you lose your chill, Baekhyun is mighty curious about. He thinks that was very sexy. You get the feeling that this guy could like dangerous women. He might have picked that up from Taemin, credits to him.
After Baekhyun has dramatically recounted the umbrella incident at least five times, the conversation goes on about your embarrassing hiding stories, how hilariously over- and underdressed you are as a unit, and you teasing him about „speeding on the highway, are we“. Baekhyun teases you back about how you acted like his manager with your trench coat over his head. He kind of has a point and you call it a tie.
Seeing Baekhyun all full with his beloved pizza and acting so carefree in his Oscar suit is a cute sight. You take the liberty to cut a particularly large slice out of the puppy pizza UFO and feed him. 
If it’s a couple menu, you gotta act like it.
Baekhyun is making some mighty heart eyes at you, and so — you decide to take it a little further. This whole fight thing made you forget you’re on a goddamn date after… a whole year of eyefucking and that it’s about time to close the gap.
Luigi is wholly busy making order in the kitchen and Baekhyun has some tomato sauce stuck at the side of his mouth. Convenient. You take the chance to wipe it off with the tip of your right digit. 
He realizes what you’re doing and promptly grabs your hand to keep it right where it is. Uh-oh. His tongue darts out, he licks right across your finger. To top it off, he starts to suck it, too. With a typical nonchalance. Seeing how you almost combust, he takes another finger into his hot mouth. And sucks a little more. His lipstick smudges onto your hand. His eyes are like hot coals and the pupils are all blown. Oh my, my, my. 
If you’re just playing, don’t you ever give Baekhyun anything to escalate on like that, ever. The way you were ready to knock down the seven guys, he is ready to get physical once the first step is done. Though, the thing is. You’re not playing. It’s exactly the type of fodder that you’ve been craving to give him. Baekhyun’s oral fixation is something else.
The rest of the pizza is gone in five minutes…
…and Luigi gets the tip of his life.
You walk to the car in much faster steps than before. Even if it’s later than late, nobody is around anymore except a sleeping beggar on the other side of the station. No danger in sight whatsoever. There’s a different reason to get going like that this time and there’s no way you can mentally prepare yourself for what’s coming.
Back to the fish restaurant, back to the car spa. Nobody on the streets, anywhere. This night, Baekhyun does not feel even remotely tired, though.
After you put your umbrella in the trunk — you will honor it much more from now on — the driver’s and passenger’s seat stay empty for half an hour and a little more. Now, the actual stereo is on. There’s a lot to catch up with on the backseat.
Baekhyun puts Delight on repeat, and queues City Lights just because. Guy knows what good music and singing sounds like. You interlock hands and call him pretty. Baekhyun is flustered, but all the more eager. 
It takes barely a minute until you get serious with making out on top of him and grind on his lap like the world ends. The satiny fabric is too tempting not to gyrate all over it in your jeans. Lord knows his legs are great. You know what you signed up for. Those thighs are so delicious to straddle, you can’t even imagine. 
Baekhyun gazes at you so intently and ready, whispering his little you-can-do-anythings and tell-me-all-you-wants, it’s like magic.
To top it off, kissing his little pouty lips has got to be the best thing, running your hands through his sexy hair — even more so. Your mouth and fingers have been begging you to do this. Begging. 
From there, your hands go places. His neatly razored nape of the neck, his waist, the chest. His suit, all that expensive fabric, his gentle skin, it’s so nice to the touch. He smells so hot. Bergamot, cinnamon, and sweet, deep, rich and soothing sandalwood. „Girl, I’m your Candy“ gets a whole new meaning. Practice room memories. As if you aren’t wet enough already. 
By the last minute of the second track, Baekhyun is already hooked kissing your neck and does some very daring acrobatics with his tongue. And you thought the pizza would satiate him. Nope, he eats you up like a whole salad bowl of black bean noodles with three pounds kimchi and ten fried eggs stacked on top. In his own words I mean lyrics: Game over.
The desperation and nervosity adds even more sloppiness and hunger. These have got to be the lewdest slurping and sucking noises you’ve ever heard. You can’t help but curse the ugliest things. Something’s pretty damn hard through the front of his tux already. 
Baekhyun feels that you feel it and the kissing becomes even more frantic. His whole body says: Grind more. Please. Please.
By the time the fourth track starts, Baekhyun’s entirely wet mouth wanders upward. Here goes the French kissing madness. You glide your hips back and forth on his bulge, and his tongue is already winding inside of you like it’s advanced singing lessons. It’s so unreal that you have to grab hold of his upper arms to stay in place. Shit, this guy. 
You can tell that this… is his absolute forte. Nobody can fuck with Baekhyun when it comes to outrageous mouth and throat technique. Your tongue gets a sense of how confident he is in his lip service and works his way into it. Now you know how it feels when Byun Baekhyun pays back your attention. Holy Luigi’s Cannoli, he has so much fun. Way, way too much fun. Like Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
And that’s the last damn straw. Really, the last one. You can’t do this shit anymore. You ask for condoms. 
After freezing up for at least ten seconds, he nods his little head about ten times in a row. It’s as if he can’t actually believe it and didn’t just kiss the shit out of you with the hardest dick in history.
„Okay, I’ll—“
Baekhyun keeps them in a yellow puppy-shaped bag under the driver’s seat and takes three torturous minutes to get them from there since it’s underneath and behind other random things. Which means you get to look at his ass for said time because he is bent forward between the two front seats. It’s not like you’ve never seen Baekhyun from behind, but never this close nor in a suit as tight since he usually wears baggy things. So. He’s not just big in the front, then. For his build? That is Korea’s ass.
And the condoms? You expected they were in his tote or his suit within one reach and rip. Nope, Baekhyun did not leave the company building with intentions. He’s been managing this raging boner for a whole year and did not make any moves on you in his apartment where he could have had you on any available surface in two minutes. Baekhyun wasn’t close to even remotely ask for literally anything. He just sat there on the couch with restless legs, ruffled hair, and an open mouth while hearing you talk. You don’t want to imagine how intensely he must have gotten off. Which he, in fact, did. 
He didn’t deliberately plan sex in a specific place for the first date either. Instead, he was prepared for— what exactly? A slight eventuality? Now that you think about it: Going by how he dressed himself, what Baekhyun probably thought he could get out of this was: A compliment. Even if all of your evening visits were nothing but hardcore sexual tension and this was the chance to bring that to an end. Let that sink in.
This guy’s self-control is not only astronomical, but also completely astounding given his usual character. In fact, you thought he would be entirely sovereign with this. How could he not? He’s Baekhyun!
Going by all that… You conclude that Baekhyun must really feel like he does not deserve you. His shame and self-denial must go through the roof. Given how his deeper insecurities have been in plain sight, it actually makes sense. Looks like you’re the one bringing them out, whatever it is that you do. It’s pretty tough knowing that you rouse something as vulnerable in him but it’s as good as it is bad. You find him very brave and incredible for letting it show. Honestly? It’s better than pushing through all of this pretending.
Plus — You really must have given him the impression that he can look but not ever touch. While that’s the entire opposite of what you want. 
To be fair: Having Baekhyun openly touch you in the company would have been a dangerous act. Even more so than say, you touching him, (which would have been somewhat possible, look at stylists and managers casually or work-relatedly doing skinship). Because that means that the availability his profession suggests to the world is no longer a thing and his mind is set on one person. Which, in his field, is social death. 
That’s why Baekhyun could only ever touch you by virtue of circumstances and whatever higher forces arranging accidents where he bumped into you. Talk about indirect ways. The universe gave you what you wanted, but in a way where there was always the excuse of bad luck and no possibility of other people finding out about your feelings. Risky love breeds risky circumstances.
The same with showing his body or knocking at your door to get your attention. He knows he can’t do that, can’t ask for it. So what happens? You accidentally walk in on him, or he crashes against your office entrance after slipping.
The same with treating you, spending time together, getting taken care of by you. Baekhyun found himself wishing for it. So it happened that you spilled your fries and he bought them for you all over, and he was begging for fried noodles so the opportunity to meet surprisingly came about. The accidents themselves both of you didn’t want nor deliberately stage, but you very much wanted the results of them. Directly you could not express your feelings, not even Baekhyun. That’s how it all came to be and now you see just how much he wants to be close to you in so many ways.
That he feels ashamed and undeserving — that shocks the living hell out of you. 
So, all right then, keeper. Time to show you otherwise. 
It’s crazy how he thinks you’re the one off limits and not him. Then again, he’s not the guy with the savage umbrella technique.
Since his hand is too shaky, you slip one on him and start to ride him without any further ado. You’re already leaking so what’s left to fiddle around about. No wasting any time here. 
The deal is as good as sealed. He feels fucking great inside of you and his wide eyes are the most rewarding thing. Whatever dimension Baekhyun just broke through, the level of whipped is not possible to be described with any human words. His hands are roaming over you pretty much without aim, you can tell your body is too much for him.
After he’s begging you to do it roughly, you grab him by the collar and fuck his soul out until he’s all gasping because his dick hurts. The song’s called Are You Ridin’ with good reason.
Baekhyun’s brains are long screwed out at this point, if not reduced to absolute green and purple jello. Is there actually any mind to lose at this point after you had your fingers in his mouth? Like literally, his favorite thing? Probably not. 
He bites down into his sleeve. Baekhyun is all knocked out by you by the time you get to your second orgasm, and reclines on the backseat bench to starfish the rest of the thing with his mouth hanging open at you. Hormone overload. His entire body shut down except the will to keep it up and not come. Yum, he is fit. Where he takes that godly strength from, only higher powers can tell. The Tree of Life, Zeus, Ten Chittaphon, I don’t know. 
He just has the kind of dick you can really bounce on. Really. Fucking. Hard. You are one spark of insanity close to run on autopilot. I don’t think anybody’s growled like this on him before. Nor was Baekhyun’s cock this close to falling right off, ever. 
This is not sex, it’s a crazy as fuck pounding, with Baekhyun on the verge of being blacked out with drool on his chin and his eyes rolling back. His fingers are absentmindedly trailing down your upper back and all he can utter is a small, yearning „please, please“ and gritting „don’t stop, please don’t stop…“ between his teeth. And hell, you have not a single reason to. Cue Captain America, I can do this all day.
When other people say smashing, whatever they’re referring to is not as smash as this. This must be the dirtiest, wettest slapping noise you’ve ever heard, and Baekhyun’s entirely uncontrolled moans will be forever etched into your memory. So melodic, so goddamn excited and desperate and all fucked out. He’s groaning so well, it’s like it’s meant for you.
By the third time you come, he’s crying and whining and has to cover his mouth not to scream out loud. You have no idea what your body is doing, but whatever it is, it’s taking Baekhyun out. Even you tire after some time, but you keep going. You imagine that every thrust is the meal and attention you wanna give to him.
That’s a lot of fucking and edging you get done in half an hour. Baekhyun’s tongue is hanging out afterwards and you went through a whopping three condoms. So much frustration finally released. Baekhyun’s gonna be emptier than Suho’s wallet after Sehun ordered a lifetime supply of bubble tea. 
You squarely avoid oozing your own cum onto his backseat with one hand. Good lord that creampie would ruin everything if he didn’t wear a condom. You’ve come a long way since colliding in the cafeteria, not gonna lie.
And thank God you’re not fucking somewhere in the company and the Audi is close to soundproof because this guy is LOUD. You need some good eardrums to handle these moans. Unhinged is an understatement. If this becomes a contest outwhoring each other, he’d win by a landslide. 
By the time you slip off, Baekhyun is on the verge to the dreamland, you milked every last drop out of him. Which means… 
…you get to drive an expensive as fuck Audi through Seoul. Your beatdown with the tube thugs you try to refrain from boasting about, but this one you are tempted to brag about to yourself for the next week. Well, in your mind. Just a little bit. It’s a great car. And you feel giddy in your body all over. That’s what sex with Baekhyun does to you. 
Seoul traffic is tame around this time. Half in his sleep, Baekhyun hums and sings on the driver’s seat. He’s all sober, but you made the guy act a lil’ drunk, huh. In his element, he talks and talks and talks and talks a little more. Then, does his tiny 'ㅅ' pup face and dozes for half the ride. Sleeping angel hours.
You can’t really scold him for passing out so fast in the slightest. As always, he went who knows how many extra miles just for you. That includes vowing to hand-wash his Oscars suit because it’s fucking ruined. Since the stylists are guaranteed to flame him, you send the fashion department a message how Baekhyun has to wear a different suit because he’s simply too dummy thick for this one, especially as far as the pants are concerned. Which is almost no lie and they will believe you. 
Much like his name suggests, Baekhyun does go hundred. At his apartment, you basically have to carry him into the bedroom. He says he doesn’t want to sleep. But you won’t kiss him goodnight after you pull off your jacket without a strong word on how his health has to be priority. He gets the point when you say you wouldn’t have had a first date without Baekhyun dozing off before your evening visit.
Sweet baby Jesus, you’d still be awkwardly slurping noodles without Baekhyun’s faux pas. If you look back at it: It’s all a story of accidents that turn out beautiful.
Sleep being Baekhyun’s reset button, that’s the best thing to do in order to give the night a good conclusion. Being alone in his apartment together, you don’t have to discreet about sleeping next to him after setting the alarm clock.
Mark Lee’s piping hot Americano is the culprit for all of this, but you thank him.
© 2017-2021 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed.
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dannys-phantoms · 3 years
DannyMay 2021 Day 5: Doorway
Read also on AO3
Sam and Tucker are directed to a special place in the ghost zone, and told to look around. They would never have guessed the things they see.
AKA Danny gets a lair
(Everlasting Trio)
To say that Danny got detentions often would be an understatement. Normally it was something that he could have probably avoided, like by actually doing his homework or not playing on his phone in class, but this time it was different. He’d fallen asleep on his desk – again – because he’d stayed up all night chasing Johnny 13 and his shadow all over Amity Park until all three of them were too tired to continue. And then, of course, when he was finally getting ready to tuck himself into bed, his ghost sense had gone off again. It’s a wonder that kid ever got any sleep.
Lancer had taken one look at him drooling on the desk and that was it, Danny Fenton would be staying late. It made sense, really, because he had an obligation to teach a certain syllabus, and it was obvious that Danny needed something a little more... fine tuned. Even so, Sam and Tucker both were in agreement that it couldn’t have happened at a worse time.
They loved hanging out together even just as a duo, of course. They did it all the time. Three was never a crowd with them, but two was nice as well. When there’s only two, they’d never have to vie for attention, or wonder if they’re somehow third wheeling in their three-way love story.  The reason they were missing Danny was for something else entirely. It was probably something to do with the eight-foot wolfman that had appeared in the middle of Tucker’s room.
He’d just been showing off his latest PDA (she’s called Norah, in case you were wondering) and Sam had been sufficiently engaged (enjoying seeing him happy more than she was actually following the conversation) when three jagged gashes had opened up between them, green and shimmering in the air and tempting a glimpse into the ghost zone. Then, the rift expanded and the creature swung through, landing heavily on his paws.
“Hi, Wulf,” said Sam, hesitantly.
He put a paw on Sam’s shoulder, and Tucker tensed as though he was ready for a fight. They were all friendly enough, of course, but it’s difficult not to be wary with those claws so close to someone’s face.
“Saluton, amikoj,” Wulf greeted, before pushing both of them through the portal he’d just made. “Vi volos ĉirkaŭrigardi antaŭ ol li revenos!”
They landed hard, and before they could look up to ask what exactly he meant, the portal was closed again. If only they’d put more effort into their Esperanto.
It was a wonder they weren’t both sinking through the floor, humans that they were, but Tucker decided not to dwell on it. There were unquestionably going to be weirder things going on here than that.
The hallway itself looked perfectly normal. Green, of course, but normal. They’d been deposited near the top of a set of stairs, and ahead of them were a series of wooden doorways. Under their splayed fingers was soft carpet.
It wasn’t a house they recognised but it quite easily could have belonged to a neighbour, or a schoolmate. It looked so laughably ordinary that they weren’t quite sure what to do with themselves.
The door closest to them creaked back on its hinges, opening a fraction to let a gust of warm wind through. It wavered for a few seconds before gliding almost to a close again.
Sam got to her feet with a sigh and offered a hand to Tucker. After she’d pulled him to his feet, neither of them let go.
The doorway was wooden and grained, looking more like her own kitchen door than one to a ghost realm. She squeezed Tucker’s hand and pushed it open.
She didn’t know what she’d expected, not really, but she knew it wasn’t this. Despite not having been for years, she still recognised the streets of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, deep in the throes of the Mothman Festival.
Nobody knew how much she’d treasured her memories of this place. Nobody except her boyfriends, that is. Even her own parents didn’t know that she dreamed of it almost every night.
It wasn’t a perfect replica of the place. It was as if the architect had merely been told about it, rather than having seen it themselves. Nevertheless, it was enough to have her mouth hanging open. There were pairs of red eyes everywhere, staring at her from every shop front, every costume, every street decoration and even from the foods in the signature Mothman pizza stores and bakeries. The live band was playing eerie music and, when she really stopped to look, she could have sworn that something was watching her from the trees.
If Sam could have chosen a heaven, a place to let her soul spend an eternity, she would have chosen here.
Tucker blinked owlishly behind his glasses. “Sam,” he said, in awe. “Is this...?”
“Yeah,” she replied. “It is”.
The music was pulsing around her, lulling her into a dance. Arms and legs and wings spun from every side as the crowd moved towards the bronze cryptid statue in the centre of the square. She’d not smiled like this for years. It was as if she was delirious. Someone offered her a Mothman lollipop, and she took it without hesitation.
Tucker took it from her gently as she began to wrestle with the wrapper. “It’s too dangerous. We still don’t know what’s going on. This could all be a trap.” He winced apologetically and, even though she tried to argue, she knew he was right.
She steeled herself and took his hand, marching back into the green hallway and pulling the door shut behind her. As soon as the latch clicked, it was silent again.
“Come on, let’s keep going.” Her voice was shaky.
Behind the next door was a meadow lined with trees. Here, it was the middle of spring. The pollen tickled both of their noses, and they quickly retreated before the hayfever could truly set in.
On the other side of the hall was a bright red door. Tucker reached for the handle, but Sam held him back.
“Red means danger, smartypants.”
“Awe, you do care,” he replied jovially. Then, he quirked an eyebrow and sent her the finger guns. “Red also means love.”
She rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help her lips quirking in a smile. “I’m being serious, Tuck.”
“As am I.”
He reached forward to open the door, and then immediately stepped back again as he got a wave of vertigo.
They were at the top of a huge drop slide, which was the same shiny red as a circus big top. There were a queue of ghost children lining up, but they all stepped aside, beckoning Tucker to go first.
“Don’t you dare.”
“Sorry, Sammy,” he replied, “but this is just too awesome.”
He sat down on the side and then launched his body forwards, sending it into the oxymoronic state of controlled freefall that left him feeling as light as a bird. It was as though all of his worries were flying from the top of his head. He felt a laugh bubble free and crossed his arms over his chest, equal parts Egyptian mummy and child at a water park.
The drop gradually began to round off, until he slowed down and crashed into a ball pit at the bottom. He’d been falling for what felt like forever.
Sam slid to a stop next to him. “Never, and I mean never, do that to me again.”
Her hair was mussed and her breathing was heavy. He declined to point out that she’d followed after him, even though she’d thought it unsafe. It left a warm fluttering feeling in his belly.  
“I won’t.” He smiled.
The ballpit took off, zooming high into the air until they were at the top of the dropslide again. The sudden motion would normally have made them queasy, or at the least lightheaded, but it didn’t. One second they were at the bottom and the next they were at the top. It was more like the space had moved around them.
Tucker looked longingly at the slide, wanting to go again, but Sam grabbed his hand and pulled him back through the door. It would do no good to linger too long in one place.
The door right at the end of the hallway was glowing around the edges, as though there were nothing but lamps on the other side. Sam made a move towards it. What could this one be? A beachside paradise, perhaps? The light room of a photography studio?
She was inches away from the doorknob when she heard a familiar whoosh. A ghost portal. From the look on Tucker’s face, he’d heard it too.
They looked towards the stairway behind them as it was illuminated in a green glow, gone as quickly as it had arrived. Then, there were whisper-quiet footsteps.
They were both rooted in place. Every instinct suggested they should run, but where to? You can’t hide from a ghost in it’s own lair.
Soon though, a shock of white hair appeared over the banister, then a pair of slouched shoulders clothed all in black.
“Danny?” Tucker said incredulously.
The ghost whipped around, immediately at high alert with an ectoblast ready to go. He only fractionally calmed down when he saw who was there.
“Shit, Tucker? Sam? What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same question,” Sam said dryly.
“I’m not ready for you guys to be here yet. I was waiting for the right time... have you been following me?”
“What?” Tucker said. “Danny, no, of course not. Wulf brought us here. Said something about looking around before ‘he’ comes back.”
Danny slumped, hand on his forehead. “Dammit, Wulf. That’s the last time I trust him with a secret. How much did you see?”
“Not enough for it to make sense,” Sam said, arms crossed. “Where the hell are we?”
Danny sighed, then looked her in the eye. He looked defeated. “Its my lair. Its not done yet, not by a long shot, which is why I didn’t want to show you –”
“Wait, what? I thought only full ghosts could have a lair.” Tucker’s brow creased.
Danny let out a hollow laugh. “Who knows what halfas can do, really? It’s not like there’s enough of us to study. This place is half ghost, like me, so I can touch stuff and walk about , no matter that mode I’m in. I’m guessing you can too. It helps, because it means I don’t fall through the bed.”
“The bed?”
“Yeah, it’s just through there.”
He looked between them to the glowing door, which he pushed open with one finger.
They were standing on the edge of open space. A million stars twinkled around them, piercing the blackness like twinkling diamonds on a velvet curtain. A red carpet rolled out in front of them, connecting the hallway to a larger rug, also floating. Below it was a deep chasm, the void never ending.
Danny floated down the carpet, which was rippling in an invisible breeze, and the others followed. It was surprisingly solid.
The rug at the end was covered with bean bags and blankets, and the biggest bed any of them had ever seen, big enough to fit ten people easily. Danny threw himself on top of the plush quilt.
“This is... I didn’t want you to see it, because I didn’t know what you’d think. I didn’t want to scare you off.”
Tucker laughed. “You’re a ghost. If we were going to get scared off, I think it would have happened already.”
“I guess,” Danny smiled sadly. “But... If you’d known my lair was adapting to the wants of all three of us, you could’ve thought maybe it was getting too weird.”
“Are you kidding me? This place is awesome!” Sam flopped down onto the bed next to him.
“I was thinking of asking you to stay here with me. Not all the time, obviously.”
“That would be cool,” Tucker said, trying to hide how excited the prospect made him.
“Think about it, Tuck,” Danny groaned. “You guys don’t belong here. You’re humans.”
“Okay, so maybe it needs a kitchen and a bathroom fitting, but other than that it’s pretty sound.”
“One of those doors opens into a Tomahawk Steakhouse,” Danny smiled.
Sam put her hand in his supportively. “We love you. We’d follow you to the ends of the Earth and beyond, you know that.”
Tucker sat down next to his partners and took Danny’s other hand.
Danny made a mental note to send a ‘thank you’ postcard to Wulf when he next saw him.
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nsheetee · 4 years
take it off
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Pairing: Mark Lee x Reader Genre: Smut, Fluff, slight College AU Length: 3.5k Warnings/Details: mature content (unprotected sex, oral [male receiving], slight exhibitionism), mentions of fwb, mentions of Johnny Summary:  In which you and Mark are friends with benefits, and Mark tries to tell you he wants to be more. a/n: minors, please beware; there is mature content in this writing
Mark’s fingers can’t stop moving. From the volume knob on the radio, to the random receipts that are squished into his cup holders, to tapping a random rhythm on his steering wheel. It’s his nerves. Mark’s stomach is churning and there’s so much uneasiness in him that he can only let out through his fingers.
Tonight, Mark’s going to confess his feelings for you.
He’s not sure if this is the right time, or if you feel the same, or even exactly what he plans to say, but he’s going to tell you something tonight. You and Mark have been fooling around behind your friends’ back for a semester and half now. Your parking passes had you parking next to each other last semester, and constantly seeing each other before and after classes made Mark interested enough to ask you out on a coffee date.
The coffee date ended with a short make out session in his car, but neither of you were going to complain about that. So, that one date birthed the beginning of your friends with benefits relationship with Mark. He cringes every time he calls the thing between you two “friends with benefits.” Mark would like to say you’re two separate people who call each other up when you need to let go of your frustrations and stress. In reality, you two really are friends; the “separate” part is where things get fuzzy.
You’ve never met Mark’s friends and he has never met yours, but you’ve cried on his shoulder about school, a red eyed and snot filled nose sight only seen by him. Mark knows where the birthmarks are on your body and could probably guess how many moles you have on your thighs, but he doesn’t know what you want to do after college— what your dreams, goals, and aspirations are.
Mark wants to know. He wants to hold you after fucking you and he wants to hear about how your day was. As corny and cliche as that sounds, Mark yearns for it, but only with you. And that’s how he knows his heart has crash landed on you, and he can’t go another day without telling you his real feelings.
When you slide into the passenger seat of Mark’s car, he turns in the driver’s seat to face you. You don’t have make up on and your hair’s down, but you still have on your jewelry from today. You smile at Mark, looking a bit tired but he’ll never tell you that to your face.
“Hey, what did you want to talk about” Your voice is low and light, bouncing off of the center console and clutching onto Mark’s heart. It’s only now that Mark realizes what you’re wearing. A big, white t-shirt, much bigger than you and much bigger than Mark. It covers your shorts and thighs, and the short sleeves are long enough on you to almost reach your elbows. Mark recognizes the brand that’s painted on the chest; it’s a men’s brand.
“What are you wearing?”
“Is that why you called me down here, from my warm bed, to ask me what I’m wearing?” You laugh, genuinely amused. “If you asked me that on the phone, I could’ve told you.” Your voice turns slightly teasing and suggestive, but Mark doesn’t waver on his question.
“Seriously, w-what are you wearing.” Mark blinks at you, his eyes trained on the logo. “Where did you get it?” From what Mark knows, you haven’t seen anyone since you’ve started sleeping with him. It was the one thing you both agreed on: If you wanted to sleep with other people, you would break up your agreement to avoid confusion and fuss from anyone in the situation. Mark may be jumping to conclusions here, but he can’t help it. He needs to know if there’s someone else before he says what he plans to tell you.
“The shirt? It’s Johnny’s.”
“Who’s that.” It doesn’t sound like a question. Your sleepy eyes widen as you watch Mark. He looked so soft when you first sat in his car; curly black hair peeking out of his hoodie and basketball shorts riding up his thighs. Now, not much has changed, other than Mark’s white knuckle tight grip on the steering wheel and his usual starry eyes piercing into you.
“He’s a few years older than us, in my major.” Something between your thighs stirs as Mark’s jaw clenches for a second, “I got this shirt from him when mine got dirty during our pottery class.”
The explanation is valid. This Johnny person just seems like an older guy who’s trying to help someone younger in his same major. Mark would’ve liked it if someone did the same to him. However, your answer does not satiate Mark’s curiosity.
“So, like, why are you wearing it now?”
“It’s comfy, and Johnny told me to keep it, so why wouldn’t I—”
“Take it off.” Mark’s words stun you, but his tone doesn’t. You’ve heard that tone before, on the nights Mark has a bit too much stress from exams or a bit too much adrenaline after winning a basketball game. Your thighs clench together at his gravelly voice and your jaw drops slightly.
“What?” Mark’s stomach tightens at that tone you’re using with him, like you’re innocent when in reality you’re filthy.
“I said, take it off.” Mark is blinded by a green hue on his mind. He has lots he wants to say to you, but his dick wins over his mind for the time being.
Not really wanting to find out what happens if you don’t do as Mark says, you drop your phone and dorm keys into the cup holder and grip the edges of the shirt. The fabric teases your thighs, running up your stomach, and then your chest until you’re sitting bare in Mark’s passenger seat. Your nipples harden, partially from the arousal beginning to course through you and partially from the sudden change in temperature.
Mark grabs the fabric from your fingers and rolls down his window a few inches, tossing it outside and leaving the window open.
“Why did you do that?” You pout, already sensing the answer from the envious look in his eyes.
“You won’t be needing that right now.” Mark takes your hand in his, softly bringing you to his side of the car, his actions different from the voice he’s currently using with you. The move is slightly awkward but you manage to straddle Mark’s lap, not for long though. In one swift move, Mark pushes back his seat and leans back slightly, resting one arm behind his head and the other pushing you down onto your knees between his seat at the steering wheel.
“Here? In your car?” You whisper, your breath tickling the skin of Mark’s tummy that became exposed when he leaned back. You’re in the parking lot of your dorm at night, but that doesn’t mean that no one could walk by your car. You notice how the window is still rolled down a few inches. Mark was always a bit iffy about doing anything super sexual out in public, so this new side of him made butterflies rumble in your stomach, your mouth already slightly watering at how you can make him moan loud enough so that if someone does walk by, they’ll hear how good you make him feel.
“Yeah, here.” Mark answers, using his free hand to move your hair away from your face. He quickly leans down to press his lips to yours, the first kiss of the night. It’s shallow but full of heat already, making you almost lose your balance on your knees and float towards Mark when he pulls away, your eyes slow to open.
Your hands pull down the waistband of Mark’s shorts and underwear at the same time, one hand reaching to pull out his cock. He’s starting to get hard, but you help him along with a firm grip on his member while your thumb runs along that one protruding vein and your tongue kitten licks his tip. Mark’s eyes close and he hums, his grip on your hair tightening.
You lean back to spit on your hand a bit, running it up and down his length as you start to suckle on his tip. Your rings are cold around his soft skin, and the constant moving of them on his dick has Mark’s breathing deepening.
Eventually, you take Mark in your mouth, using your hand on what you can’t take yet. Mark doesn’t seem impatient, but he still uses his grip on your hair to pull you down all of the way until your nose is hitting his short happy trail and his tip is grazing the back of your throat. Somewhere in all the mess, his hoodie and t-shirt was thrown into the passenger's seat leaving Mark in his silver chain, and you only realize it when you look up at him.
You breathe through your nose to keep your pace going, but soon regain some control and slow down.
“H-Holy fuck.” Mark stutters at the new feeling. “You’re doing good, babe, just like that.” He praises you, stomach muscles tightening and arm muscles flexing. You hum around his cock, watching his eyes screw shut for a moment at the feeling.
You love watching his fucked out expression from down here, but your focus goes back to what’s in your mouth. Your tongue presses against Mark’s dick, experimentally swirling it around when you come up. Mark chokes out a groan, his hips jerking at the sensation and you’re pleased with his reaction, repeating what you just did.
“Wait, w-wait.” Mark pulls you away, “I’ll come if you keep doing that.”
“Let me make you feel good. Let me make you come.” Your voice sounds raw from the amount of times Mark’s dick hit the back of your throat, but you don’t mind the sensation.
“You have made me feel good, so much.” It seems he has other plans as he brings your lips together in another kiss, this one longer and more heated than the first.
A few months ago, Mark would’ve thought it was gross to kiss someone like this, with Mark’s own precum on their lips and saliva dripping down their chin. But now, it makes Mark pull you closer to his chest, making you rise up from your spot on the floor and straddle him once again.
His lips push yours open until you let him stick his tongue in your mouth. He won’t stop, something in his movements keeps him moving as if he’s trying to prove something or get a point across. The thought leaves your head as soon as it comes, too focused on how Mark can make you clench around nothing just buy how his tongue sucks on yours.
That’s when you feel his nimble fingers, skin rough from gliding against a basketball five days a week and full of calluses from years of playing guitar. His middle finger glides over your clothed core, soaked through your shorts, and he can’t help but smile. You pull away to look at him and see the constellations in his eyes, some strands of his wavy hair soaked and sticking to his forehead while his mouth is wet from kissing you.
“What is it?”
“Hmm, nothing. You’re just so lovely,” He kisses your jaw, “And sweet,” He presses a hot open mouth kiss against your neck, his tongue darting out for just a moment to slide over the area, “And so, so fucking hot.” He presses another kiss to the valley between your breasts. The pressure of his fingers over your shorts is driving you mad; you just want to feel his skin on yours. So you pull down your shorts and panties all in one move, Mark helping you get them off of your legs and throwing them on top of his discarded hoodie.
His fingers lay flat against your bare pussy, and you shiver at the feeling of your wetness coating his fingers. Mark continues his slow kisses along your chest, his middle finger now pushing into your hole. The feeling is almost overwhelming; you didn’t realize how wet and hot you got while sucking Mark’s dick, but now that he has a finger in you, you can’t help but clamp down around it as he moves in and out.
You both hiss at the feeling, your hands finding Mark’s shoulders to balance yourself, and he adds another finger after a few seconds. Mark moves his fingers in and out of you and scissors them, making your thighs shake and causing you to roll your head back. Mark removes his fingers, making you squirm with want and grind up into nothing.
“Be patient, doll. I’ll fuck you good, I promise.” He puts his fingers in his mouth, the two that were just in you, and sucks your juices off. You lick your lips at the sight, your fingers sliding down his bare chest to hook onto his chain and bring him closer to you for another kiss, but Mark has other plans.
“Turn around.” You’re confused, but do as he tells you. During the few times you’ve ridden him, Mark has always preferred you to face him. But Mark is surprising you in many ways tonight, so you let him do as he wishes. The new view makes you realize where you are again, the parking lot. No one is walking around now, but you wonder if someone has walked by your car and heard Mark’s moans or seen your bare back. The thought makes you bite your lip and your pussy throbs, a shaky sigh leaving your chest.
One of your hands grips onto the driver’s seat between Mark’s legs and the other grips the dashboard as you hear Mark pumping his length. You jump a bit when you feel his tip touch your folds, an involuntary whine slipping past your lips. You may not be able to see anything Mark is doing, but the surprise of it all makes you twice as sensitive.
Mark’s tip rubs up and down your folds again, making you wiggle your hips, signalling you want Mark to get his dick in you already. You hear him hum from behind you, and grabs your hip with one hand to lower you down and the other guides himself into you. When he bottoms out, you moan lowly, and then both sit in silence for a second.
Mark leans forward to kiss the delicate skin of your back, his hands massaging your sides while they move up and down your waist and hips. He’s not greedy with sharing his kisses, planting them wherever his lips can reach. His touch and kiss and the wholesome feeling of him being in you makes you move, sliding up and then back down enough to have both of you groaning at the friction.
You try to set a pace, but Mark’s grip on your hip slows you down once again. “Slow, babe, slow. I wanna take you slow.” You oblige, rolling your hips slower than before and arching your back so that Mark can hit the sweet spot inside of you. The new angle makes it easier, and you feel like he’s filling you up more and more with each slow stroke, almost lazy in how languid and sensual each movement on his dick is.
Mark’s right hand reaches for your clit, alternating between tapping on the bundle of nerves and circling his calloused finger. His other hand wraps around and plays with your nipple, squeezing it every so often.
All the stimulation quickly becomes too much for you; you’re not sure where to look, what to do with your hands, at this point you aren’t even aware at what sounds are coming out of your mouth. You find your hands now gripping the steering wheel, your forehead leaning against them and your jaw slacked open as Mark does not slow down with his fingers and you do not dare rush your hips, your thighs burning and your muscles clenching.
“Mark, you feel— Oh, fuck.” You can’t even form a proper sentence, but you don’t care when Mark’s hips start to move up and meet yours with every thrust. His hand leaves your chest to steady you by gripping your waist, but his other hand only speeds up on your clit.
When you accidentally press the horn, you don’t think it’s you who did it. Your eyes open and your head pops up to look out of the windshield, but the condensation on the windows obstructs your view. You only realize that you’re the one who honked when you see the placement of your hands.
“Shit—” You almost laugh at how you got carried away, but you’re glad you saved your breath. Mark’s hips speed up insanely fast, and suddenly he’s thrusting into you with precision. His cock moves in and out of you so fast that you can hear wet noises coming from your pussy and the clapping of skin coming together.
“Oh, God, Mark please don’t stop.” Your words come out choppy as your whole body moves with Mark’s motions. Your tits bounce up and down, your hips move to Mark’s rhythm without you even trying, and his car is shaking from side to side.
“I won’t stop if you tell me who’s making you feel this good.” Mark presses one finger hard onto your clit, making you gasp through your next words.
“You— You, it’s you, Mark.” You feel the familiar knot forming in your stomach, your walls clenching at the delicious feeling of your high coming to its furthest point. “I’m gonna come. For you, Mark.”
“Come on me, babe.” With those words, the knot in your stomach breaks, making each and everyone of your nerves sizzle with heat and pleasure. You feel Mark come undone below you, his hips stuttering until you feel him fill you up and push some of his cum into you as his hips gradually slow down.
You both take a second to catch your breaths, your grip still tight on the steering wheel in front of you, now mindful of the horn, and Mark’s grip is still tight on your hips and waist. You feel his hot breath hit your back and he gently pulls out of you, moving you to sit on his lap as you both lean back in the driver’s seat.
“What’s wrong?” You ask. Maybe you should’ve noticed something off about Mark sooner, and maybe you should’ve brought the question up before fucking each other, but now that whatever emotions were brewing in both of you have been physically released, hopefully Mark can speak more comfortably.
“There was something I needed to tell you…” You turn your head to the right to see Mark's expression. He’s glancing down at his thumb that rubs circles around your hip bone.
“Not who’s shirt I’m wearing?” You’re not teasing him, but Mark giggles at his earlier jealousy. For a split second, it’s hard to believe this is the same guy you were riding just a few minutes ago.
“No. I’m sorry I got so… forceful and possessive. I have no right to do that.” Mark talks with his heart, and he realizes now is a perfect segway into bringing up his feelings. “But I want to.”
“What do you mean?” You ask, but you already know what Mark is about to say, and your stomach churns as you brace yourself.
“I want to do this, what we’ve been doing so far,” He laughs awkwardly, “And more. I want to meet the people in your life and— maybe, I don’t know, go on dates or somethin’.” Mark still hasn’t met your gaze, and the lack of eye contact makes him keep rambling. “Maybe we could study together and meet up before class and— I just want to be more than what we are now. I want to mean more to you than just a fuck buddy.”
“You’re not just a fuck buddy to me, Mark.” You reassure him, cutting him off by turning his chin with your fingertips and making him look at you. “I do have to admit… I don’t have those types of feelings for you.” Your confession makes Mark’s stomach drop and he looks away, suddenly feeling very shy and almost ashamed. His heart plummets and he thinks he might’ve just screwed up; he’s already cursing himself out in his head.
“Mark.” You make his attention turn back to you when you realize he’s already overthinking your words, “You are someone important to me. I trust you in a way that I don’t even trust some of my closest friends. I think… maybe we can see where this goes? Just… take it slow?”
“Really?” Mark’s voice is shaky, as if he was holding his breath this whole time and he finally let it out. Mark didn’t know what he was expecting when he decided to tell you his feelings. He was not expecting you to jump into his arms and live happily ever after, but this is probably the best way tonight could’ve gone.
“Yeah, really.” You sooth, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
“Okay— Yeah, let’s do that. I promise, I’ll make it worth it.”
“You don’t have to promise me that. I already know you’ll be.”
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yutahoes · 4 years
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Yuta Nakamoto x Reader (Y/N) Smut
(Chapter Eight)
Summary: 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐰𝐚 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝.𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐚’𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬.
Warning:   Fluff (?), Mentions of Sex, Additional Characters, Drinking, Teasing
Word Count: 4.2k
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8. Small World
It was Wednesday when a red car stopped in front of the publishing in the midst of a busy day. Johnny welcomed a young guy who looked like he was surveying the whole area. Although this was the first time seeing him, Jungwoo was stunned at how handsome the guy is. Indeed, he is a Jung, with that stunning visuals and dimples to die for. "This is Jung Jaehyun, he will be our new boss." Johnny introduced the guy beside him and the three stared at him in surprise. He scanned the illustrators then stopped at the only girl, smiling widely at her.  
"Hi everyone," he said when the girl obviously shifted from his stare. "I really enjoy your illustrations and I hope we can work well together," Jaehyun mumbled while staring at the only girl in the team that made Jungwoo lightly nudge her. (Y/N) was surprised, why is this guy looking at her like this?
After the introductions, Johnny entertained Jaehyun in his office whereas the three were back to their workspaces. Jungwoo was smiling the entire time, teasing (Y/N) at how the new boss might have liked her. Ten even claimed that this could serve as an inspiration for her work if the romance between the two flourishes but she just rolled her eyes, that would be impossible.
For the whole two days, Jaehyun was lounging around the illustration company that made the four wary of him. It was like he's watching their every move, especially (Y/N). "He really has the hots for you. Have you seen how he looks at you?" Jungwoo teased one lunchtime that made Ten nod. This was the only time that the three were out of the office and away from their busy workload. "This is your chance, (Y/N). A CEO is after you, that's like Cinderella." He continued that made her laugh. Cinderella? Why does it feel so familiar?
Ten shook his head. "Besides this can take your mind away from Paris," he claimed that made her surprised. She glanced at Jungwoo who looked surprised as well. Never trust Jungwoo with a secret. "Seriously (Y/N), you need to go out and get dicked down by a guy. Not stay inside the office until 7 pm and draw that imaginary Parisian guy of yours." he scolded that made her pout.
"He's not imaginary..." she mumbled which made Ten raise his eyebrow in challenge. "He has a name," she said that made Jungwoo gasp, she missed that information when she shared the story. "Nakamoto Yuta."
The younger guy was quickly typing on his phone. Another gasp was heard as he scrolled through his phone. "God, he's hot," he exclaimed that made Ten look at his phone, surprised that he is indeed real. "And he is Jung Jaehyun's friend." The statement made (Y/N) surprised, they're friends? Does her boss know about her and Yuta's rendezvous in Paris? Jungwoo showed her the picture of the two from his SNS account then scrolled to a picture of the Eiffel Tower with the caption 'I wish to see you again.'
Ten looked at the girl who was obviously surprised at this. Didn't she stalk him since she knew his name? Or is it just a Parisian romance to her? Then why is she sketching his face still? "He might be looking for you." The older guy claimed that made Jungwoo nod. "And apparently, Jaehyun knows." (Y/N) nodded, that would be plausible. But does Jaehyun know that it was her?
When they went back to the office, the new boss wasn't there and Johnny told them that he invited the team to drinks later. Both Jungwoo and Ten looked at each other then at the girl who looked curious. This might be the chance for (Y/N) to get dicked down. Instead of doing her work, the girl was stalking someone on SNS. Why didn't she do it before? But this just heightened her want for Yuta. She can't shake off the feeling of wanting to see him again and share a night together, like in Paris. Damn it, how can this guy do this to her?
(Y/N) remained quiet the whole time that they're in a bar and drinking with the new boss that made Jungwoo look after her. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, eyeing the swarm of boys dancing in the middle. The girl just chuckled at the obvious action of her friend then shook her head as an answer. "You should enjoy yourself," she claimed then stared pointedly at the group of boys, urging Jungwoo to go to them. "I won't tell Lucas." And the younger boy grinned as he made his way to the dance floor.
(Y/N) just shook her head as she chugged down the glass of beer, wincing at how bitter it tastes. "Whoa there, cowgirl." someone said that made her turn to the owner of the voice, Jung Jaehyun. He sat beside her, reaching for the bottle of beer and pouring it on her glass. "I didn't know you were the drinking type." he teased as she drank another glass-filled beer. He refilled her cup which she drank again, preventing to have a conversation with him. "Calm down. Hyung will kill me if I get you drunk." She stared at him curiously making him laugh awkwardly. "Johnny hyung."
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him, he definitely knew something. "Jaehyun..." she called feeling the buzzing in her head as she got so drunk. Here goes nothing. She leaned closer, giving him a smack on the lips that made the guy surprised, pushing her immediately. "Fuck, Yuta hyung is going to kill me," he exclaimed that made her smirk. He definitely knew something. And she passed out just like that.
"Hyung, what should I do?" Jaehyun asked that made Taeyong sigh on the phone. If she was a regular girl, Jaehyun wouldn't miss the opportunity to fuck her brains out in his apartment. But she isn't, she's Yuta Paris girl. The girl who made the Japanese guy lovestruck. And somehow, he's scared that Yuta will get angry if he found out that they kissed. "Where are you heading now?" Taeyong asked that made Jaehyun answer the name of a motel. "Babo, Yuta will definitely kill you." the older shouted that made Jaehyun grip the steering wheel tightly. "Bring her to Yuta's place, that's the best you can do. I'll head there as well," he suggested that made Jaehyun swerve on the right.
Yuta was surprised when Taeyong called him late at night just to ask him to see him outside. He was more than surprised when Jaehyun can be seen carrying a girl on his back. "I'm not doing this again, Jung Jaehyun." he claimed while crossing his arms, referring to when Jaehyun got a woman drunk and left her on his house because her present girlfriend was in his apartment. "Are you sure?" Taeyong asked. "Because Jaehyun can bring this girl to a motel and you wouldn't like it." he continued that made him curious. What is he talking about?
Days and nights of just staring at her picture on his phone made him memorize the details of her face, the girl from Paris. "Where...?" he asked but Jaehyun just sighed, asking him to get the girl since she's heavy. Yuta carried her bridal style and that's when he confirmed that she really is that girl. "Yah Jung Jaehyun, what did you do to her?"
"Calm your tits, bro," Taeyong claimed then stared at the younger guy who gave him a look of gratitude. "Be thankful that he didn't bring your girl to a motel." And Yuta just glared at Jaehyun before staring at the girl again. She really does look beautiful when asleep, those lashes and milky skin. Her red lips suck him in that he wanted to taste it again, to wrap it around his cock. And damn, he's getting turned on again. "Jaehyun helped you find your Paris girl again. It's your own problem now on how to keep her." Taeyong claimed that made Jaehyun nod. "Use protection." the younger claimed before running to his car.
Yuta breathed heavily as he brought her inside. Damn it, why do they have to meet again like this? But he must be really lucky to meet her once again. Taeyong was right, he needed to do something to keep her his. (Y/N) stirred on her sleep, pulling her shirt up that he can see the underside of her bra. Red lace. She really knew how to turn him on, doesn't she? "It's so hot," she mumbled, still eyes shut close. "Fuck me, Jaehyun." And Yuta felt his blood boiling at what she said. "I want to forget Yuta so you have to fuck me better than him." This made him so amused that he only shook his head while staring at her sleeping figure. God, what is this girl doing to him?
(Y/N) woke up in an unfamiliar place feeling her head throb in pain, this must be a hotel or a room of someone. She remembered what happened last night and immediately glanced at her body, surprised to see a man's clothing on her. This is weird. She remembered drinking so much because of avoiding Jaehyun. Did he bring her somewhere? Did they have sex? But why is she wearing his clothes? Feeling really heavy, she went to the bathroom to look at herself and was horrified at her reflection. God, she looks really awful, and that only mirrors what her feeling right now. Judging from the bathroom, she can assume that it is a bachelor's pad. So Jaehyun might have taken her to his house. It doesn't look bad; he really is rich.
Before heading out, she gave herself a little pep talk. It would be easy if Jaehyun isn't in the house or is sleeping, like in Paris, running away would be easier. But what should she say when she sees him? Sorry for crashing his bed? Sorry for getting drunk? Thank you for bringing her somewhere warm and not let her wander the streets? Ask him if something happened between them? The opening of the door from the outside surprised her and distracted her from her thoughts. Listening in, she discovered that someone was getting inside the house. Damn, he's here. Should she ask for her clothes first? Yes, she thought, then maybe she can make a run of it.
She opened the door to the bedroom and was greeted with a spacious living room. "You're up." she heard someone say from the kitchen and she scrunched her nose in curiosity, that voice. Following the sound, she found a guy in the kitchen with his back facing her as he put bread on the toaster. This isn't Jaehyun. She clearly remembered him having jet black hair but this guy has brown hair with light blonde highlights. When he turned to face her, she was too surprised. Why is he here? "Nakamoto Yuta." she gasped which made him smirk. "I'm glad you still remember me," he said while crossing his arms in front of his chest, leaning by the counter. "Drink that." he gestured for the pill and glass on the table. Instead of arguing, she obeyed him as the look on his face scared her. He seemed angry, really angry.
Yuta turned around to check on the toasts, clenching his fist at his own frustration. Damn, why is she so pretty like this? The buzzer of the toaster made him snap from thoughts of kissing her. He put the toasted bread on a plate and slid it across the counter to her. "How did...Why am I...?" Maybe she really is messed up right now and the idea of fucking her to repent from her actions last night went down the drain. He can't take advantage of her like this. "Eat first," he ordered as he took some coffee and put it in a mug, giving her while pushing the sugar and cream closer. "What happened last night?" she asked while staring at the coffee mug, playing with the rim using her thumb. He was transported to the memory he had when they had coffee back in Paris, it was the same reaction and habit.
"Don't you remember anything?" he asked while staring intently at her that made her gulp, that is so intense. Why is she getting turned on by just that? "I remember drinking with my co-workers and our new boss," she stated, trying to rake her brain for possible timing where Yuta came. "And then, what happened next?" he asked once again, not breaking eye contact with her. The way he spat those words made her tremble with fear, she felt like a little child who had been scolded by her dad. "I think I got too drunk..." And she gasped when he raised an eyebrow at her. She remembered everything now, Jungwoo dancing with the group of boys he's eyeing then Jaehyun came, they probably kissed but it's too hazy now. "Did Jaehyun bring me here?"
Yuta is mad, he knows she can feel that. Why wouldn't he? She was drinking alone with some guy and it was Jung Fucking Jaehyun, the ultimate ladies' man. She let another man bring her someplace and if Jaehyun wasn't in his right state of mind, they might have done it in a hotel. But what can he do? He can't just punish her and let her feel that only him can pleasure her, she's not his. Yuta was watching her eat the toasted bread, making him lick his lips. God, she's a total hottie. So instead of answering, he leaned in closer. "If you were mine, I'll make sure you'll be so sore that you won't be sitting for weeks." Then he bit the side of the bread while maintaining eye contact with her.
This sexual tension is killing her. She desperately wanted him to take her and do what he warned her about, maybe being a bad girl would benefit the two of them. To make it worst, he removed his shirt while passing by her, claiming that he'll take a shower first and that she should finish the food on the table. Damn Yuta Nakamoto. He is a really dangerous man. While he's in the shower, (Y/N) started raking her brain for some answers but evidently ended up with nothing. Why is she so drunk? Then it clicked, she wanted to forget about him. Forget about Yuta Nakamoto and what happened in Paris. Move on with her life without being too desperate for a good fuck.
She can make a run for it while he's in the shower. But first, she should find her clothes. (Y/N) made way to the rooms in the house to see where the laundry is and ended up in his bedroom instead, where are her clothes? "Are you looking for something?" she heard someone say and turned to see Yuta freshly showered with only a towel wrapping on his waist. Quickly, she turned around which made the chuckle. "Nothing that you haven't seen before," he claimed that made her slowly turn at him, a smug look appearing on his face. Damn, he is really hot. "It's already in the bathroom," he said gesturing to the door behind him.
(Y/N) quickly headed to the said door but he blocked her way, her eyes locked on his broad chest. The water droplets made him sexier in her eyes that she might end up with her legs wide for this man. No, she thought, that will feel really awkward. Her gaze fell down to the towel on his waist, a prominent bulge appearing that made her lick her lips and gulp. Yuta held her chin, raising her head that they're in eye's view with each other. "Staring is rude sweetheart. I'll wait for you outside and drive you home." He said with a smile, the total irony of the sexual tension building.
Showering went too fast with (Y/N). The only thing that made her stay inside was because of masturbating at the thoughts of Yuta just outside the door. She quickly got dressed and was surprised that her bra isn't on the set of clothes that he prepared. Does he want it as a souvenir? If that was the case, then something might have happened between the two of them. "Mr. Nakamoto..." she called which made him call from the kitchen, drinking something orange on a tall glass. "My bra is missing," she said in a soft voice that made Yuta almost spat out his drink. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I'll check the laundry," he claimed as he ran to another small room, coming out with her red lace bra on hand which she immediately took. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave that," he said from the closed-door that even made the girl surprised that he was blocking her way. "I'm sorry," he said while stepping on the side to let her pass.
The guy brushed his hair up at the sight of the girl emerging from his room. "Fuck, I'm becoming a mess right now." He mumbled that made her chuckle, he looked so cute doing that. "Do you want to eat first before leaving?" he asked and she shook her head, actually not in a mood to eat. "Are you alright though? You were pretty knocked down last night," he asked and she nodded, surprised at the sudden concern in his voice. "Are you sure? I can ask someone to cook your breakfast, whatever you want."
(Y/N) just shook her head, "I just want to go home." Yuta sighed as he took the keys and opened the door for her, asking her if she is sure. Once in the elevator, they halted all the talk and just stared at the front awkwardly. Damn it, Yuta wanted to bring her closer and kiss her. But that will make everything so awkward. On the parking lot, (Y/N) was just eyeing the amazing cars on display. If this wasn't a parking lot, she would have thought that this was a car show. When Yuta opened a black car, she was in awe. He really is rich.
"So where are we heading?" Yuta asked as he adjusted the mirrors and started the engine of his car. "You can just drop me off in the nearby subway," she claimed that made him look pointedly at her. The subway? "Can't I drive you home?" he asked as he drove along the streets of Gangnam district. "I just feel uncomfortable." Yuta smiled at her dilemma as they stopped at a red light. "I actually at least want to know where you live since I don't know your name or even your phone number." (Y/N) was surprised at that. "So where are we heading, princess?"
That nickname, why does her heart flutter by that simple word? "Guryong," she said that made him look at her. There? But that place is swarming with thugs, she lives there? "And it's (Y/N)," she said that made him smile. It's like hitting two birds in one stone. "(Y/N)," he repeated that made her look at him, this guy is really weird. "Are you sure you don't want to eat anything, (Y/N)?" he asked that made her shake her head. "You hardly touched your toast, aren't you hungry (Y/N)?"
"Stop that," she whined that made him look at her, teasingly. "It feels weird hearing my name repeatedly," she claimed that made him laugh. "Wae? I like your name," he stated that made her gasp and look at him. (Y/N) watched him with wonder, why is Yuta like this? Back in Paris, she was convinced that it was pure lust, that he just wanted someone to warm his bed during the chilly night in the romantic city but now, she can't help that this might be something real. Maybe, he does like her. But why her? A commoner like her? "Can you stop looking at me like that? You're making me nervous." A tint of red can be seen on his face as he avoided eye contact with her and (Y/N) smiled at how shy he's being. A handsome, rich guy being shy in front of her is new.
"Wae? I like your face." And the blush grew redder that made her giggle. It's true anyway, the impression of Yuta as a God doesn't leave her mind. How can someone be so handsome and hot at the same time? Dating him would be a dream come true and she's sure that everyone will be jealous. The car halted to a stop on the sidewalk that made her curious, Yuta adjusted the aircon to his face, claiming that it was suddenly so hot. (Y/N) giggled at that, making Yuta smile as well. She has a really wonderful laugh. "You're cute, Yuta-shii." the girl exclaimed that made the guy surprised, no one has called him cute before. If this was a normal scenario, he would easily get pissed off. No one can call him cute. But the way she said it made his heart flutter that he didn't know what to react.
When his car entered the streets of Guryong, Yuta was wary of the surroundings. Does she really live in this kind of place? Houses were close to collapsing and the road is too bumpy to ride on. Is there really a place like this in Korea? The guy remained quiet as thug looking guys were gaping at his black shiny car, making him swallow hard. A girl, so fucking beautiful, living in these streets? "You can stop here," she said that made him comply, eyeing the small house. "I told you to just drop me off in the subway." But the guy shook his head, watching as she removed her seatbelt. Yuta was about to fumble on his own when she stopped him. "I'll get out on my own," she claimed then looked at him. "Thank you for driving me home and even letting me stay last night," she said then bowed at him. "I'll also thank Jaehyun... I mean, Mr. Jung for bringing me to your place..."
"Is there a possibility that we can see again?" he asked that made her surprised. He really does want to see her again. "You know things about me and now, my boss is a friend of yours so there's a high chance that we can get to meet again," she stated logically that made him nod. Well, she had a point. "But I don't want to act like a stalker," he claimed that made her laugh.
(Y/N) had to look at the surroundings then at the guy who was looking at her sincerely. "No, Yuta." And his face fell that instant, not believing the words he heard. "I don't want to take advantage of you like this. Paris is enough fairytale. Now, I just want to wake up." she claimed then opened the car door. "Goodbye Yuta," she said before closing it that made the guy in a daze. Is this the feeling of being dejected? How depressing.
The girl felt really bad when she went to work late. First, her head is aching really bad because of drinking too much. The second was because her dad needed the money to pay for rent. Where did he bring all the money that she had given him? Lastly, she felt bad because of the guilt feelings she had over Yuta.
Jungwoo was just looking at her, asking if she was alright last night and that she just went home without saying anything to them. She apologized profusely to both Ten and Johnny for worrying them and thanking the awkward Jaehyun who passed by that afternoon. "What really happened last night?" Jungwoo asked that made the girl look at her in surprise. "Jaehyun looks awkward as well," he concluded that made the two of them look at the guy who was talking with Johnny. "Did something happen between the two of you? Did you have sex?"
The girl frantically shook her head. "It's about Yuta." she said and the guy just looked at her in surprise. Yuta? "Jaehyun brought me to Yuta's place last night." He looked at her hopeful and she just shook her head. "I'm drunk, nothing happened." she confirmed that made him nod. "He asked me if we can see each other again and I said no. I feel bad, Woo."
"Then why did you say no?"
She sighed. "We're from different worlds, Woo. You should have seen the look on his face when he saw where we live," she claimed that made Jungwoo laugh, making the girl lightly slap his shoulder. "Everyone would give you a weird look if you show them your house. That doesn't mean that you're from different worlds. Besides, it feels like Yuta really liked you and you wouldn't feel that bad if you didn't like him." he claimed then stood up as a sign that he's leaving for the day.
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Chapter 7 / Chapter 9
105 notes · View notes
goodlucktkachuk · 4 years
Frantic -- Matthew Tkachuk (Pt.2)
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a/n: And by popular demand we have part two. Hope you guys enjoy!
Part One
Instantly a smile covered your face as you pressed confirm. Your instagram was nothing of scandal, mainly  paintings or doodles, a few pictures of you and Emily, and some vacation photos from last summer in Muskoka that you knew Matthew will enjoy. When Mitch reentered the room he shot you a puzzled look.
“What’s got you so chipper mini?” He teased, using the nickname your mom affectionately gave you when you were four and in a phase where you followed Mitch everywhere.
Chuckling, you shrugged your shoulders, “Emily sent me a really funny video of Nick in a facemask.” He laughed at the thought and the topic was dropped.
Around 1am, Mitch was blacked out on the couch next to you so you took the blanket you had wrapped around you and you tried to place it as softly as possible on your sleeping brother. After turning off the TV, you headed into their bathroom to borrow Steph’s makeup wipes. As you stared at yourself in the mirror for the first time that day and you could really see how tired you were. The all nighters of  homework and the rush and fall of going to games had started to catch up with you. You quickly slipped into Mitches closet and grabbed one of his old London hoodies and a pair of boxers. Once you found yourself in your pajamas and the warm embrace of the guest bed you flicked your eyes on your phone once again.
*Matthew_Tkachuk has sent you a message*
Intrigued by what the boy has to say you slid over the notification and unlocked your phone.
Matthew: first of all, what the fuck? Had I know it was you I wouldn’t have said what I said
Y/N: what?
Matthew: You didn’t think to mention that you're a mini marnie princess?
Y/N: why does it matter matty? Not like I live with him anymore. I’m an adult now Matty
Matthew: You’re still Mitches kid sister Y/N! I can’t just brush that off
Your chest ran tight after hearing him call you a kid. You knew you were younger but didn’t see the big deal about it.
Y/N: Oh give me a break, I’m 19, I’m all grown up now Tkachuk
Matthew: prove it, move this to snap and put your money where your mouth is ;)
Your heart fluttered in your chest but before you could enjoy it you found yourself mentally scorning yourself. This was your brother's old teammate and a family friend. Hell, you and Tayrn were attached at the hip everytime you two were together. There was too much history. Even though everything in your mind screamed no you found yourself accepting his proposal anyway before drifting off to sleep.
The next morning you woke up to find there was a sticky note placed firmly on your forehead. Pulling it off slowly, you flipped it over and it read ‘Went out for lunch with some of the team. Text me when you wake up’ The fact he couldn’t have just texted you that made you roll your eyes. You slowly lifted yourself out of the bed and started your staggered walk to the guest bathroom.
The sight in the mirror this morning was actually pretty cute. Your braids were slightly a mess from the night before but it went nicely with how Mitches sweater fit you and how his boxers hung off your hips. You snapped a picture of you throwing up a peace sign and posted it on your story with some witty caption about stealing Mitch’s clothes and looking better in them before hopping in the shower.
After departing from the warmth of the shower you changed back into your jeans from the night before and kept the sweater on. You ordered yourself some food and pulled out your laptop to get some school work done. Before you dove into art history and marketing techniques you opened a snapchat from Matt.
It wasn’t anything groundbreaking. He was sitting in a restaurant somewhere in a nice polo shirt. You could see half his face and his curls were pushed up with a red bandana. You stared at it for so long that you almost forgot to read what it said. ‘Snazzy hoodie you got there mini marnie, too bad it has the wrong name on the back’
You followed suit with your response, only sending half your face with a smirk plastered to your lips. ‘See Marner suits me so much better than Tkachuk so I think I’ll stick with this one!’
Matthew smiles at his phone. He was at a team lunch with the Flames and a few Leafs to catch up before they had to head back to Calgary. It was nice to see all the boys again, especially Mitch even though he had a different Marner on his mind. The lunch was overall pleasant even with all the dirty looks he had got from Auston any time anyone mentioned Y/N. As hard as it was for him not to spew endless chirps, he knew if he ever wanted a shot with you he knew he had to bite his tongue.
Deciding taking photos wasn’t the smartest way to hide what he was doing he texted you back instead. “Ouch Y/N that one hurt a bit. Hopefully in a few years you’ll change your mind ;)”
Y/N: In your dreams, Tkachuk. The team already has me destined to be with Aus so you gotta get in line.
Seeing those words made a fire erupt in his body. He knew you were probably just joking around but the idea of Auston getting to hold you made his blood run cold. Maybe that friendly warning wasn’t in the best interest of Y/N but Auston being selfish.
Matty: Auston has nothing on me sweetheart.
His words stopped you in your tracks. You never thought the juvenile feelings you had for Matthew would ever be reciprocated but here he was playing the game right back.
Y/N: I don’t know Matty, I’ve seen what Austons packing
As soon as Matthew read your text he slammed his phone down with a ‘Fuck’ that was a bit too loud making all the guys look at him.
“What’s your deal?”  Johnny asks, confused at his sudden outburst.
“Nothing.” Matthew says before he picks his phone backup and answers his text.
Matthew: I’m sorry what?
Before you answered, your mind drifted back to the previous summer. Mitch had invited the team and their girlfriends up to your cottage for one of the long weekends. It was a really fun weekend filled with drinking, boating, bonfires and even more drinking. On the last night there, Auston had a bit too much and proceeded to take off his swim trunks and run full force into the lake. Thinking it was hilarious, a few of the other boys followed suit. Unfortunately, because of where you were sitting when this happened, you saw a bit more of your brother's teammate than you would like to.
Snapping back to realted you messaged him back.
Y/N: you read what I sent
Matthew: tell me how good he was and then let me show you something better princess.
A mad blush crossed your face at the thought of Matthew showing you what he could do. You pushed those thoughts out of your head and began work on the lecture notes you were avoiding. Trying your best to push the thought of him having his way with you out of your head.
A few hours passed and the boys all crashed into Mitches apartment. Mo, Jake, and Zach set up shop on the bar stools across from you as Auston draped himself over your shoulders. Mitch leaned over the edge of the counter, all of them talking over each other. You missed having a house full of players all having fun. Matthew texted you again and you quickly turned your phone over before anyone could see it but you weren’t fast enough. Hearing your phone go off and seeing Auston look over your shoulder, Jake shot him a look to which Auston just shook his head and they both frowned knowing it was Tkachuk. Still typing away on your computer, Aus reached down putting his hands on yours and the pressure alone messed you up. As you went to scold him Jake interrupted you.
“So Y/N did you hear the Sandman and his girlfriend broke up?”
“I didn’t actually, I thought they were gonna get engaged?” Not looking up from your screen you tried speaking with as little interest as possible.
He shrugged his shoulders then continued “Guess it didn’t work out” He took a slight pause while Auston nodded at him  “Maybe you two should go out. Mitch mentioned at lunch you aren't seeing anyone.”
“I’m not sure dating another leaf is a good idea.” You responded still trying to feign interest.
“I think that would be a great idea.” Aus chimed in from behind you.
“I don’t remember asking what you thought, Auston.” You bite back.
You could cut the tension between you and Auston with a knife. After about a minute of no one saying anything, Mitch clapped loudly to catch the group's attention before he spoke.  
“Alright boys I think it's time for some Modern Warfare” The boys all nodded and headed towards the living room.
Auston leaned in close, whispering in your ear before going to meet the others, “It’s cause he’s young right? I know guys my age are more your speed these days.”
You flinched slightly, “I don’t know what you're talking about” You tried to say as smoothly as possible.
“If you say so, pest.” The last word basically being spat at you with a hostility you had never felt from him before. He finally let go of you and headed for the living room.
With that comment you had had enough and excused yourself to head back to your apartment. On your way down to the lobby knowing you were safe from the watchful eye of Auston and Jake you decided to answer Matthew.
Matthew: Y/N? Did I say something that's going to get me in trouble?
Y/N: Sorry, got distracted by some homework. Since when is Matty Tkachuk afraid of causing a little trouble ?
Part Three
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
when jaehyun said he was picking you up to go somewhere, you didn't exactly expect to be found in the middle of nowhere. trees were lining the field from a faraway distance and the tall grasses sunk from underneath you. the two of you were leaning against the side of his car on top of a hill on god knows where with no one else but the stars, the moon, and the both of you.
"drinking wine straight out of the bottle— aren't you a classy man?"
a laugh reverberated from jaehyun's throat and he looked at you under the solace of the inky night sky. "let me have my moments, miss y/n."
you sat beside him on the grassy clearing, lightly playing with one of his hands and you looked up to him, only to see downcast drenching his pretty features. letting go of his hand, you sighed and sat up straight, stirring confusion from the male.
"alright, mr. jung," you narrowed your eyes at him. "what's going on in your head? why are you being all sad?" 
he let out a huff of air, lips upturned into a semi-forced smile as he gently took your hand back into his, lacing his fingers into yours. "is it that obvious?"
"you're transparent, jaehyun."
sighing, he adjusted his position and took another swig at the hard drink. "you know how overboard some girls may get around me, right?"
"i've witnessed first hand during your party," you laugh, remembering how panicked he looked during that time. "it was a pitiful sight."
"it wasn't pitiful."
the words left like a soft whine from his lips and you continued to tease him, saying that he looked like a small mouse (ironic, considering his stature) being fought over by a group of wild cats, much to his displeasure.
"anyways," he coughed out, a light wash of pink dousing his cheeks, both from your previous joking and the slight chill of the night's wind. "there's this one girl named seonha— i've never told you about her— and, uh, i wouldn't say she's obsessed with me, but—"
"she's obsessed with you?"
you finished, quirking your brow at him and he hesitantly nodded. "yes, you can say that."
"hm," you hummed. "why, what'd she do?"
"a lot of things," he sighed. "her family is closely knitted with mine so i'd met here during one of their charity auctions. since then, she wouldn't stop following me around— in my office building, when i'm out with mark and johnny. hell, even when i'm out of the country."
jaehyun's exasperation ran through his voice as he continued to tell you about the girl.
"she'd even stir up dating rumors about us two which is messed up all on its own. you could argue that at least there's only one of them bothering me, but it's like selling off a few floods for one gigantic storm," the now empty wine bottle was long forgotten on the ground. jaehyun went on with his rant, raking his free hand into his hair. "johnny and mark had told me to file a restraining order, but that wouldn't do anything considering their family's influence, so i have no choice but to deal with her."
the light chirping of crickets amplified the depth of the evening. you guessed it was already around ten, maybe even later than that. it crossed your mind for a short moment that you had work tomorrow, but that thought quickly diminished into thin air.
"has she still been bothering you lately? i don't think i noticed her around you before," you asked, moving your head away to look at him. his hair was in a slight mess and he was slightly tinged pink. yet underneath the glow of the moonlight, he was still as tantalizing as the nighttime sky.
"she's been on a trip to italy these past few months," he softly replied, gazing down at you like your very own moon. "but she's also been texting me nonstop so that's something."
"well, at least she's not here right now."
"about that," jaehyun enunciated. "she's coming back here in a week."
you went silent and jaehyun could feel his heartbeat slowly but surely rising. were you upset that he'd just told you now? did knowing about seonha bother you? it's not easy for jaehyun to read people's emotions— he'd always been lacking with that category. the longer your silence, the tighter his chest got.
"will you be okay?"
like a sudden breath of warmth, your voice pierced through him and suddenly he can breathe again.
"do i have to protect you like last time?"
the teasing tone in your voice relieved him but at the same time it caused him to glare at you, feigning fake offense and you laughed at him. at least he knew you're not upset.
"i'll be fine, you don't have to worry," he said, giving you a smile of assurance. you detached your hand from his and decided to scoot closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder and he naturally found his arm around your waist. "but, enough about that— how was your day, miss y/n?"
"you don't wanna hear about my day. it's as boring as it could get," you reasoned, letting out a small yawn afterwards.
"i do want to hear," he pressed. "i don't mind if it's boring or not. i like listening to you speak."
he caught you off guard with that, to say the least, and you quickly snapped your head to face him. your mind concluded that it was a fatal mistake to do that since now your faces are mere centimeters apart, noses nearly touching. the cold air that was once biting at your skin was suddenly deemed nonexistent due to the sudden rising of the heat.
"a—alright," you stammered, diverting your attention to the sky instead. "if you fall asleep listening, then don't say i didn't warn you, jaehyun."
and so you went on about your day. starting from how you almost got late to your first job because jungwoo and donghyuck thought it was a good idea to barge into your house at four in the morning for a sudden non-sleepover sleepover. then you told him about the adorably gigantic dog you spotted while you were headed for lunch. and now you were talking about one annoying customer you had earlier in the bakery.
"there were five other people in line after her, but apparently getting her blueberry muffin to exactly a hundred-ninety degrees fahrenheit was much more important," you groaned, dropping your head back against the steel of the car. "and of course, i went and reheated one damned muffin just so she would stop complaining."
jaehyun swore he was listening to you. he was attentive— very attentive, and paid the utmost attention to any changes on your features— the way brows bunched up whenever you stop to think for a moment, the way your cheeks were slightly flushed and how you tried to hide it with your hair, the way your lips enunciated each vowel and each consonant and—
fucking hell, your lips.
halfway through your muffin story, his ears were suddenly muffled, his surroundings were a blur, and all he could think about was how your lips would feel against his.
"hyuck always tells me that i'm a bit of a pushover sometimes, and i'm starting to think he's right."
he could hear his heart ringing against his ears. you paused for a moment, sinking your teeth over the plush of your lip in the midst of thought and jaehyun felt like he was being driven into a dangerous corner. 
"do you think i'm a pushover, jae?" your head jolted to face jaehyun and his breath was suddenly caught inside his throat along with the sudden thoughts of you overlapping with more thoughts of you, bringing his mind to a combustible state of disarray. "jaehyun? you alright there?"
"oh— um, sorry," he coughed out. "i got a bit distracted, uh, what— what were you saying?"
his fluster was not only demonstrated by the cracks in his voice, but also by the way his cheeks were flaring scarlet and how he refused to look at you.
"distracted by what exactly?" you questioned.
jaehyun was a smart man. having graduated earlier than his peers and landing such a respectable spot in the company at a young age, you'd think he'd be articulate in every situation thrown at him, but somehow he found himself tripping over his own words."will— will i sound stupid if i say i got distracted by you?" 
oh my god.
"no no," you laughed, your heart suddenly caged inside an untamed whirlwind. you gently moved your left hand over his face, making him look into you. giddiness tugged at your cheeks, releasing an uncontrollable smile. "it's not stupid at all."
a simultaneous burst of dizzying bliss ruptured between the both of you— coming in the form of the identical beams on both of your faces, staring into each others' eyes as if the moon wasn't the brightest thing in the night.
and somehow, under the spectacle of a million stars,
you kissed.
it hadn't dawned on you that you'd waited for this moment to happen until it actually did. soft lips brushing against yours, rousing an unspeakable rush of heat. it was gentle at first— like the light tremors on the sea until the waves suddenly crashed onto you. his parted lips incessant against yours, leaving you in a buzz and on the brink of gasping for air.
until you felt him stop, abruptly pulling away from you with guilt ridden eyes.
"jae? is everything alright?"
"y/n, i— i'm sorry."
in the midst of your shared kiss, jaehyun realized something. and he couldn't bear the thought of it.
he had realized that he was in love with you.
so, so in love with you.
"i can't— i can't do this to you, y/n."
you felt a lump in your throat and you stared at him, suddenly finding it hard to breathe. was there something wrong— did you do something wrong? everything felt normal until now, everything felt right. but as you looked at him with tears threatening to spill, you'd thought that maybe none of this was right in the first place.
and maybe jaehyun had realized that, too.
"oh," you sucked in a breath, avoiding eye contact with him, and stumbled to get up from the ground. "right, of course. it— it would be damaging to your reputation if you're with me."
the icy breath of the air hit your face once you managed to stand up, the cold flooding your senses once more. "we both know that this wouldn't work out," you gazed down at him, only to see the glass stained heaviness in his eyes and you nearly broke down. turning your back at him, you swallowed, closing your eyes for a brief moment before choking out,
"i— i should go—"
"y/n, i love you."
you froze. everything froze. 
"my reputation, my image— god, all of those disappear when i'm with you," jaehyun's trembling voice seeped into every corner of your mind, restricting the air from coming into your lungs. "i'm… i'm not an expert when it comes to this but there is no denying that i am in love with you, y/n."
slowly, you went back to face him. jaehyun stood there, bearing his heart to you. the wind brushing against his hair as he looked at you with mist in glazing over his eyes. it was hard to not just run into his arms, telling him that you were also stupidly in love with him, but you held your words back, waiting for him to finish.
"but... with my job and everything," he stutters out. "i—i won't be able to dedicate all of my time to you, i won't be able to take care of you like i should, i—
i can't make you happy, y/n"
"but you already do."
there was a strong gust, breathing against your skin. you felt your heart drop to your knees, a constricting grasp replacing it in your chest as you felt the tears well up even more like a dam itching to break.
"do you think i don't know that? yes, i know you're busy— i know you have a shit ton of responsibilities to the point where you'd probably suffocate from them, and—and i know that sometimes finding time to have a single fucking conversation with you is sometimes impossible," your breath hitched, nearly choking over your own words but you went on. "but that has never stopped you from making me feel happy, jae. because even a single second spent with you can make make me happier than the rest of my life combined, so don't ever say that you can't make me happy because for fuck's sake— jung jaehyun, 
i'm at my happiest when i'm with you."
silence flooded. your breathing was scattered after all the things that you said, chest rising and falling in a repeated rhythm. jaehyun says nothing, only looking at you with an unidentifiable glimmer of heaviness in his face as he slowly walked towards you, closing in the space between you until it was practically insignificant. you could hear his heart beating.
he brings your face into his hands, not even realizing that you were crying until he gently wipes away the tears streaming down your cheeks. you look into him, his eyes pooling with oceans and oceans of emotions.
"i'm at my happiest when i'm with you, too."
a second kiss was shared that night— with a million stars watching over you.
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gold painted canvas
the classic rich boy and poor girl love story but with less prejudice and more happiness
28 // make you happy
a/n: woah it took nearly 30 parts but at least it happened ;)) this took three days of utter procrastination but i hope you liked it jhhxjsjsjs
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pak-pak-suhgar · 4 years
Lost One
Pairing: Johnny x Jaehyun
genre: angst, happy ending at the end.
Summary: In which where Jaehyun caught Johnny and Taeyong on their bed. With Johnny on top of Taeyong— topless. How did the two older guys got into that position? Jaehyun doesn't know and Johnny doesn't either, leaving the younger in a broken heart state.
A/N: My first yaoi fanfic on this blog and my first johnjae fanfic as well. This was written on phone so sorry for the mistakes. English isn't my first language either so I apologize for the grammatical error! Happy reading~
Johnny and Jaehyun has been dating for almost 4 years. Yes, you heard it right. They've been together for whole fucking years. So, why is it one of those times now where Jaehyun has to see an unpleasant scene before him? He stood at their door, frozen in his spot. Both guys haven't realized his presence not until he accidentally chokes out a sob. Johnny looked back, ready to glare whoever it was that interrupted them only to have his eyes widen. He immediately got off of Taeyong while the other older guy sat up. Panic was plastered over their face as Johnny quickly dresses himself and sprinted his way towards to Jaehyun. Ready to explain whatever bullshit he could come up with.
Jaehyun remained on his spot, unmoving but his eyes were avoiding the taller one's who was now grabbing both of his arms. Jaehyun was emotionally drained- exhausted, numb. His feelings was all over the place that he doesn't know what to feel, "Jaehyun.. I can explain... It's not what it looks like-" Slap! Jaehyun could feel the excruciatin pain on his palm the moment it landed on Johnny's cheek, "But it is what it looks like." he replied spitefully, as much as he wanted to sound emotionless and harsh. He was too hurt to even try to sound like one. Jaehyun doesn't want to hear Johnny's explanations, so he swatted the elder's hands and made his way towards their shared closet. He grabs his bag and began to put all of his stuff or whatever he could grab from the closet.
This put Johnny on alert as he stood behind Jaehyun and held his wrist in attempt to stop him, "Baby, what are you doing- where are you going?" he bombards the younger with questions. Jaehyun doesn't bother to reply as he only prys Johnny's hands away, when he settled most of his stuff. His eyes were bloodshot red, he looks at Johnny then at Taeyong who couldn't look straight in his eyes. He wanted to shout at both men and tell them off. But he decides that they aren't worth it, so instead pushes Johnny out of the way and left their room, "Jaehyun- baby, wait!" Johnny calls out but Jaehyun never turned back.
A few weeks had passed since Johnny has last seen Jaehyun, he couldn't contact him either and he was worried sick. Jaehyun wasn't in the dorms, that was alarming. Johnny had tried to contact Jaehyun's closest friends, but none of them spoke about the younger's whereabouts. Or at least they wouldn't out Jaehyun just like that considering of what he did to Jaehyun. Johnny runs his hands through his hair in frustration and punched the wall, Taeyong who had witnessed the scene came up to Johnny and held hos hand, Johnny pushes him away and glared at him, "Don't fucking touch me! I-It's all your fault! Jaehyun is nowhere to be found and our relationship is at stake!" Taeyong could only scoff before glaring back at the taller male.
"If you could have had kept your dick in your pants and didn't allowed yourself to get seduced by me, you wouldn't be in this situation, Johnny. You put yourself into this situation." Taeyong says, before he leaves Johnny alone. He remained speechless and unmoving in his spot, what Taeyong said was true. Johnny wasn't able to wait for Jaehyun that he just let his emotions eat him up and control him to give in to his desires. Jaehyun had been fairly busy with his drama film that Johnny barely saw Jaehyun- let alone have sex with him. Whenever Jaehyun comes home, he was dead tired and would knock out the moment he sleeps in their bed. Johnny blames himself from everything that happened. He was afraid, he was scared- scared to death that Jaehyun will leave him for good. He sat on the floor and hugged his knees as he could do nothing but cry his heart out hoping that the pain will fade somehow.
"Sicheng, I really can't bother you and Kun hyung anymore.. I'm sorry for crashing in but thank you for letting me stay." Jaehyun says, looking so apologetically at Sicheng. The male could only snort and waved his hand in dismiss, "Jae, you're always welcome here. Are you sure you can go back? Are you ready to face him?" Sicheng asks, concern written all over his face as he looks out for his friend. It took Jaehyun a few moments before nodding his head, "Yeah... I have to go home. I can't run away from it forever." he replies, he could feel the tears pricking his eyes but he blinks them away. He had been crying for weeks and his eyes honestly hurt a lot. Sicheng nodded his head in understanding, sighing at his friends' demise before giving Jaehyun a pat on the back, "Fine, but if you wanna come back. You're welcome to." He reassures with a smile, to which the younger returns happily. They hug one last time before Jaehyun went back to the dorm.
A loud banging woke Johnny up from his sleep, he groans at the noise and flutters his eyes open, "Come in." he says in a groggy voice before sitting up, Haechan slammed the door open as he ran towards Johnny, "Hyung. Jaehyun hyung came back home last night" with the information that Haechan spit out, Johnny became wide awake as he looked at Haechan, "J-Jaehyun? Where is he? I need to go see him." he says, almost wanting to fly towards wherever Jaehyun is, "In his old room! At the 10th floor!" Haechan shouted before Johnny disappeared into sight.
He wasted no time going upstairs and instantly inputting the passcode to the dorm, thankfully no one was inside so he invited himself in. He didn't think twice to barge into Jaehyun's room, his eyes searching for the man everywhere and when it landed on the figure. He felt like he could breathe again, like suddenly the air that was knocked out from him came back. His gaze softens as he looks at the man who was peacefully asleep. But his heart breaks when he realizes that Jaehyun may probably break their relationship off. It explains why he went here instead of going back to their bedroom. Of course Jaehyun wouldn't want to be reminded of what happened in that room.
They made so many good memories but also made the most hurtful one. Johnny was about to caress Jaehyun's face when the younger suddenly woke up from his sleep, he suddenly sat up and moved away drom Johnny, making Johnny's heart break into pieces, "What are you doing here?" Jaehyun was the first to break the silence, sucking in a deep breath as he looks everywhere but Johnny, "I... I know it's too late but I wanted to apologize." Johnny said, pausing for a moment and waits for Jaehyun to respond. When the younger didn't, he assumed that he gave him the chance to explain now so Johnny began doing so.
"I.. I let my emotions get to me. You were just so busy that we barely had time together.. When was the last we had sex? Whenever I took the initiative, you'd brush me off. And whenever you're back in our room, you knock out. I know you have drama filming but you didn't give us some time together-" Johnny was cut off by the loud scoff that Jaehyun made, the younger finally looks at him. And he felt his heart break as he sees the tears in Jaehyun's eyes. "And that gives you the excuse to fuck Taeyong? He seduced you and you give in? Have you even thought of me when you let your 'so called emotions' eat you up?" he asks, Johnny couldn't speak and this made only Jaehyun snort. He was right, it's no excuse for him. It's the end, Johnny thinks.
Jaehyun took a deep breath before finally speaking, "Look.. I know, we haven't spent much time these days.. I was planning to take you out on a trip because we finally finished our last filming. As soon as we finished, I came back as early as I could, John. That day... I planned everything out. But you- you and Taeyong hyung..." Jaehyun couldn't continue to speak as he chokes out a sob. He harshly wipes the tears away before covering his face with his hands, Johnny couldn't take the scene anymore and ended up pulling the younger in his arms. Hugging him flush to his chest as he sniffs in Jaehyun's scent. God knows how much he missed holding the younger in his arms like this, Jaehyun didn't bother pulling away.
When he felt the younger calm down, Jaehyun pulls away and wipes his tears. Johnny dreaded this moment, the silence was triggering his anxiety when Jaehyun kept his mouth shut. He was anxiously waiting for the younger to speak and when he did, he cut Jaehyun off. "Johnny, I think we should-" "No!" Johnny imemdiately declines, startling the younger male. "No... please... don't.. I... I don't-" "You don't wanna make up?" Jaehyun asks, tilting his head innocently. This caught Johnny off. He wasn't breaking up? "You won't... break up with me?" Johnny asks, hope fills his eyes, Jaehyun blinks at him in confusion before slowly nodding his head. "I won't... you hurt me, John. But when we first dated.. I told you no relationships are perfect.. and so is ours.. However, I can't really forget about this. But, no matter how painful it is.. My love is still stronger. I just needed a break and to gather my thoughts.. Breaking up with you crossed my mind and I debated over that for a few weeks that I was gone." Jaehyun says, biting his inner cheek as he confesses his feelings out. "But, I realized that my heart will always long for you, it will always love you. Because you are my soulmate, Youngho. I could never leave you."
And maybe, even if things do get toxic. Jaehyun will be too much of a martyr person to ever leave Johnny. So, they eventually make up and try to patch their relationship again.
Johnny kisses Jaehyun's forehead as he held the younger in his arms, "Thank you, Yoonoh.." Jaehyun tilts his head and glances up at Johnny, "For what?" "For not becoming my lost one."
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olligreen · 3 years
No Bad Student | 4 -- On The Head
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Pairing: Lawrusso (Daniel x Johnny) Genre: Angst Warnings: Anxiety, one mention of blood Word count: 1350 Summary: KK2 AU in which Johnny ends up living with Miyagi and Daniel for the summer. Inspired by nadianecromancer’s comic, but I’ll try to avoid making any scenes similar to the ones they already did! Notes: This was originally posted on Ao3 here.
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
“Daniel-san. Move bed inside, work there.”
“What? You’re giving me work when he was the one who--”
“Go!” Miyagi shouted harshly.
After making a final, silent complaint, Daniel stomped off toward the house. He dragged the unassembled parts inside quickly since every second he spent in sight range of that prick was torture. At least he’d be gone soon, once his car was fixed. Then he’d have no reason to even look in his direction again, and their paths would diverge permanently. It couldn’t come fast enough.
The wood planks made a satisfying noise as they settled on the ground. Maybe it would help to get his mind off of everything. Hitting something with a hammer did seem pretty appealing at the moment after all. He knelt beside two of the larger pieces, taking a nail between his fingers, driving it in a half-inch, then, with one swift motion, sinking it fully into the wood, connecting the planks tightly. He grinned, satisfied.
But even as he continued working he couldn’t help but be distracted by thoughts he didn’t enact. He recalled Ali’s face when she left, disgusted, disappointed as if it was his fault she wrecked his car and ran off with some football player. Maybe she got sick of being with a Reseda kid. Maybe her parents finally got to her. Maybe he was always just some ploy to get back at Johnny. He diverted the blame in all directions but inward, his mind busy elsewhere as he brought the hammer down on an unfastened nail. Before he had time to stop himself, it flew off, rolling across the floor and smacking against the far wall. He sighed in frustration, glaring at the empty hole.
Daniel continued as if he had not been interrupted, but the work was slower, rife with mistakes. A nail tumbled, rolling in a wide circle as he thought of what Miyagi said on the ride home: Johnny’s problem wasn’t a car problem. What kind of problem was it, then? And why do Johnny’s problems suddenly seem to matter more than his? As the origin of the questions became clearer, he shut them out. There was a deep, visceral fear under it he didn’t want to look at, but the more he pushed it away the more it presented itself to him in all it’s grotesque ideation. What if he was being replaced? He silenced his mind’s voice with a chorus of other thoughts, rejecting the idea as asinine, which, of course, it was, but he certainly wasn’t kind to himself about it. How could he betray Mr. Miyagi, thinking like that, after everything he’s done for him? He would never do that. Don’t be such an idiot, he thought, his mind’s voice as violent as Johnny himself.
These thoughts did nothing to stop his eyes from welling up with tears, which he swept up promptly as they fell, but did so as gently as he could. After all, if Miyagi saw him all puffy-eyed from this, wouldn’t he blame himself? The thought of it only made things worse, and, through his blurry gaze, he swung the hammer and just barely missed his thumb. He stopped, staring for a moment as the shock went through him. It wasn’t pleasant, but it was a decent way to break him out of his cycle of thought, and so, once it passed, he continued working.
A few minutes passed, and he heard a door creak behind him. He whipped his head around, but saw no one enter, though his heart still thumped loudly in the silence that followed. The fear was promptly quelled by the muffled sound of a door swinging closed beyond the safety of the walls. He sighed in relief, watching for another moment before turning back around.
How was it that such a simple thing was causing him so much dread? It was just a bedframe, a simple structure that he’d seen Miyagi work on without a shred of discomfort. He wiped the remaining tears from his face, looking at the little he’d accomplished with shame in his heart. He thought back to what Miyagi told him the day everything began to fall apart. He was desperate for this feeling to perish.
His hands drifted together at his chest, then pushed upwards, his pained eyes closing. He brought in a slow, steady breath, focused on the feeling of it entering his lungs, then, just as smoothly, passing back out into the room. Once the process started, his hands seemed to move by themselves, their speed managed by the cycle's current. When his tense shoulders relaxed, his eyes fluttered open, like he was stirring from sleep. Nothing had changed, but the scene felt different regardless. His grin returned. His mind was clear, and he was ready to finish this.
But as soon as he lifted the first nail, his mind produced another image and his facade began to crumble. He continued, keeping his breathing steady as he got a few nails in, but with each, it seemed another image of him took over his mind. That look in his eyes, the unrelenting glare, or devilish smirk, the fear he felt when he towered over him -- it wouldn’t leave. Why did it hurt so much to think of him? Why did it hurt the same to stop? Why did his presence take away all the control he had over his own mind? The questions hung unanswered as his body seized up in frustration, rageful tears rolling down his face. The feeling of the hammer in his hand grew distasteful like it was some mark of his success over him. His sense lapsed for a moment and he threw it down. It crashed into the nail box, then smacked and slid loudly onto the floor, displaced nails scattering around it. Then, after all the cacophony, the only sound left was his own muffled whimpering that echoed against the walls.
He couldn’t pretend he was fine forever. His mind was holding onto Johnny, no matter how painful it was, and the feeling was eating him up inside. It wouldn’t be so bad if he understood where it was coming from. It was so inescapably nebulous and it terrified him to no end.
Then, at the very worst moment, Johnny walked into the room.
Daniel turned toward the nearest wall without even checking who it was; either way, it was no one he wanted to face like this. He gathered the nails without looking up, focused fully on stealthily drying his eyes and forcing back any noise that would give him away.
Johnny, meanwhile, had no intention to look at Daniel anyway. Instead, he moved to the very far corner of the room, set down the bedroll Miyagi had given him, untied the thing with some struggle, and unfurled it.
Daniel’s curiosity eventually outstretched his fear, and his eyes made a quick journey in Johnny’s direction. To see the man in person after all of this was odd. He carried no evil grin or hateful glare, in fact, he looked nearly as solemn as Daniel did. Only after a few moments did his eyes move to the bedroll. His brows furrowed.
“What’re you doin’?” His voice was slightly shakier than he expected it to be.
Johnny looked up but didn’t keep looking as he usually did, his gaze staying downward as he tried to keep the thing from curling up at the corners. “Setting up this… bed… mat thing.”
Daniel watched for another few seconds, hoping for further explanation. He got none. “Why?”
“I uh… I gotta stay here tonight.”
His brows shot up in surprise, but he stayed silent, unable to properly respond.
“Just tonight… Hopefully.”
“Hopefully?” He managed to squeak out. “You mean you might--”
“Look, I know you don’t want me here. I get it. It won’t be long.” Johnny said sternly. He glared, but not at Daniel, just at the floor.
Daniel moved his gaze, keeping it trained on his unfinished project. “Alright.” He said, just louder than a whisper, and then lifted a nail.
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fyeahfantasticfour · 4 years
Hi!! What is the age gap between Reed and Sue? And is there power dynamic/grooming since she was way young when he married? I know time changed but has it been addressed? And Happy New Year!!
What??? That’s ridiculous. There’s no continuity where Sue was younger than 25 when they got married and 21 when their romance started, which certainly doesn’t count as grooming.
In Lee/Kirby’s run, Reed and Sue’s backstory was that they were childhood sweethearts who grew up next door to each other—so I’d assume that means they were roughly the same age. This is mentioned in Fantastic Four Vol 1 11:
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So initially, there wasn’t much of an age gap at all.
This backstory was canon for 25 years, until John Byrne rewrote it in the 1980s—and I assume this is the one you’re referring to—so that they met when Sue was 12 and Reed, a college freshman, was 18 or so (age gap: six years). He lived in her aunt’s boardinghouse for a summer, she had a huge crush on him which he was thoroughly embarrassed by, and then he moved out after a month or two and they didn’t see each other again until she was 21 and they ran into each other in the street. That’s when they started dating.
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Reed was embarrassed by and avoided little Sue, and then moved out as quickly as he could, so I really don’t think there was a possibility that anything inappropriate happened. And also because Reed is a very good man who would obviously never do something like that.
Most recently, Matt Fraction rewrote their backstory in Fantastic Four Vol 4 4 so that Sue was a ~20yo college undergraduate when they met, and Reed a young grad student (remember that nowadays he was 14 when he started college, so he could have been the same age as Sue, for all we know):
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And, for the record, between the beginning of the FF and Reed and Sue’s marriage, Sue lived with Johnny in a house of her own in Glenville, NOT in the Baxter Building. That’s why Johnny’s Strange Tales series is set in Glenville—it’s where Johnny and Sue lived at the time.
And since the early FF issues happened in real time, four years passed between the rocket crash and Reed and Sue’s marriage. We know this because Johnny went from a high school student to college freshman right after the ReedSue wedding, and that after taking a year off after graduating high school. So even if Sue had been 21 when the relationship started, she was 25 or so when she married Reed, which is a totally normal age to get married at.
Currently, I’d say their age gap is no more than two years. According to Byrne’s origin story, it was no more than six years, which isn’t that much if you’re out of your teens, which Reed and Sue both were when they began dating.
Edit: okay, just one more thing: I have no words for how profoundly whoever told you this misunderstands who Reed Richards is as a person and everything he stands for if they think he’s even remotely capable of grooming a child. He isn’t.
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honeypwark · 4 years
[ Steamed Bun ]
  ↳ Gone Days era
     ↳ Xiang and Yeosu eat street food.  Yeosu talks about her relationship.  Xiang reveals something.
Note: To whom it may concern, I am confirming now that Yeosu and Johnny do eventually end up together since I felt it is an important part to include in Xiang’s storyline even if I’m not there in Yeosu’s storyline yet.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"Oh, this is really good.  I promise.  Come here."
Xiang lets Yeosu tug her in a direction, sipping from her carton of banana milk.  They come to a stop in front of one of the dozens of vendors selling their goods in Namdaemun Market.
"Hello, can I have one gamja hot dog, please?  Thank you."
Xiang moves to stand closer to Yeosu, "What's a potato hot dog?"
The woman working the booth hands Yeosu what she'd asked for.  Yeosu walks over to the condiment table, Xiang trailing behind her.
"You've had to have had Korean hot dogs before," Yeosu says, squirting ketchup and mustard on the hot dog.
"Only once when I was still a trainee," Xiang tells her.  "It was like a corndog covered in cinnamon sugar and honey.  It was awful.  Kind of set me off Korean hot dogs."
"Yeah, the sweet ones aren't for everyone," Yeosu nods her head.  "This one's different though.  It's basically a hot dog covered in cubed potatoes.  It's nothing like the cinnamon one you had.  Well, it is, but it won't taste the same."
"I'm trusting you on this."
Yeosu laughs, “Just try it.”
Xiang picks the hot dog out of the paper wrapper Yeosu holds it in and takes a bites.  Her apprehension turns to pleasant surprise.
Yeosu laughs, "See?  Good, right?"
"Yeah, that is really good."
Yeosu pulls Xiang's hand toward her and takes a bite of the hot dog as well.
"Okay, your pick," Yeosu says.  "I'm practically stuffed, so let's make this the last one before we head back."
Yeosu had approached Xiang backstage at an awards show once.  She's told her she was always free to talk and could empathize with being the only girl in a group of boys.  They'd exchanged numbers and after Xiang asked her for an unbiased opinion on a song she was making, they grew to become good friends.  Yeosu had picked Xiang up from her dorm earlier to take her out for street food.  They'd eventually fallen into a system of going back and forth to pick which foods to get.
They walk through the extremely busy market for a short while, finishing the hot dog before something catches Xiang's eye, "Oh!  Kimchi-ppang!  I love those."
"Come on, then."
Yeosu loops her arm through Xiang's and guides her over to the kimchi-ppang stall.
"Jae gave me one of these when I ran into him and his members eating lunch.  They're literally so good."
"Looks like a new batch just finished," Yeosu says and nudges Xiang playfully, "Lucky us."
Xiang approaches the vendor and orders two of the kimchi pork steamed buns.  She hands one to Yeosu and they weave their way through the crowd to get out of the market.  Once they reach the street, Yeosu takes a bite of her steamed bun.
She sighs contently, "Heaven."
Xiang laughs but her smile fades as she looks down at her own steamed bun.  She shouldn't have eaten so much tonight.  Eating her kimchi-ppang tastes bittersweet.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"Hey, unnie?"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course."
"... How did you know you liked Johnny?"
Xiang sits in the passenger seat of Yeosu's car, the older woman driving through the streets of Seoul en route to Stray Kids' dorm to drop Xiang off.
"Well... I don't really know.  I'd lost Jungkook and was looking for him.  I was going to ask Jaehyun to call him, since I didn't have my phone on me, and Jaehyun wasn't there but Johnny was.  We talked for a bit.  Flirted a lot.  Then I headed back to my dressing room.  He tried for weeks to get my number but the timing just never worked out.  He eventually got it from Jaehyun and... I don't know.  He asked me out and... everything just sort of fell into place."
"Fell into place?" Xiang repeats.
"Johnny and I, for the most part, avoided any pining stages since we both obviously showed romantic interest right off the bat," Yeosu explains, tapping her fingers to the tempo of the turn signal as she stops at a light.  "Of course, we didn't rush into anything, both of us being idols and all.  We got to know each other and made sure we could make it work before saying anything to our members or companies. From there it just," she clicks her tongue, "Fell into place."
"How do you make it work?  Since you're both really famous idols?"
"We keep it on the low.  We avoid interacting in front of fans and cameras and people who don't know.  With how big BTS has gotten, and how quickly NCT 127 is getting up there with us, I'm not sure when we'll tell the public.  Outside of BTS, NCT, and our companies’ management, I could count on my hands how many other people know about our relationship."
"Would you, theoretically, ever... date one of your members?"
"One of my boys?  God, no.  I could never see any of them like that; they're my family."
Xiang forces a laugh, "Sorry, I asked."
"That would be so many levels of wrong for me," Yeosu continues.  "I don't know exactly what your place in your group's dynamic is, but I'm literally my boys' mother.  They would crash and burn without me.  And they have.  During our break last year, I went to Iceland with John and within two hours of our flight landing, Jin was texting me saying Namjoon almost burned down the kitchen."
The rest of the drive to Xiang's dorm is spent making fun of their group mates, recounting tales of boyish idiocy that range from walking in on Xiang in the shower to dealing with the aftermath of glitter bombing Yoongi's studio.  When Yeosu parks out front of Stray Kids’ apartment building, Xiang unbuckles her seatbelt but remains in her seat.  Yeosu sits quietly beside her, sensing she has something to say.
"Have you ever struggled with how you look?" Xiang says eventually.
"Yes," Yeosu answers, "Everyone does at some point. Some people more than others.  Jimin... He had a rough time for a while dealing with his looks and his weight."
"Did your company ever say something to him about losing weight?" Xiang asks, "Then it's been over half a year and he just can't let go of it.  And whenever the company checks in on his weight, they just comment that he's lighter.  And no one realizes he's really struggling.  And he's hurting himself but he's afraid to ask for help because he's doing what the company asked and he can't tell if something's wrong with him or if he's overreacting because he was already mentally unstable to begin with.  But no one knows about that either because of the prejudice around mental illnesses in South Korea and by the time he realized something is really wrong it seemed like it was too late to bring it up and he doesn't want anyone to think that he's pretending or wants attention because he’s been accused of that before and-“
Xiang breaks out of her ramble as Yeosu says her name gently and reaches across the console to take her hand.  Xiang instantly regrets ever opening her mouth.
She forces a smile and pulls her hand out of Yeosu's, "Thanks for tonight, unnie, it was a lot of fun."
"Xiang- Xiang, wait!"
Xiang has closed the door to the car behind her before Yeosu could even unbuckle her seatbelt.  Yeosu clambers out of her car and calls for Xiang again.
By the time Yeosu makes it to the sidewalk, Xiang has disappeared inside the apartment building and she can't follow her. Hating that it’s the only option available to her, she walks back to her car slowly and heads back to her apartment.
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