#Daniel kept stopping because he wanted Johnny to walk next to him
jaidens · 1 year
i have a Daniel larusso request! abt daniel gets jelous because reader friend (preferly same gender as reader) gets a little too close to reader? like they start hugging reader and giving them cheek kisses here and there? and daniel gets pissed off bc he like “what dude- i get those privileges not them???”
lemme know if u need more info have a good night/day!!
She Looks At Me Like I'm A Trend And She's So Over It
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pairing [s] : daniel larusso x reader
warning [s] : | jealous danny | I tried to make this gender neutral for the reader, but the bsf is mostly explained in the male sense, but it can always be read in the female \ gender neutral sense |
a/n [s] : requests are open!! tysm for the request
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Daniel wasn't fully sure of whether he should be jealous or not. He noticed small things that your new friend did. Of course, he recognized normal friend things such as small hugs or grabbing of hands, but this was different. Daniel was sitting next to you, eating his lunch whenever your friend sat down next to you.
They wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you tight against them. Daniel couldn't tell if he was seeing things or not, but your friend gave him a dirty look. Daniel leaned into your ear and whispered, “Hey I'm gonna go sit with Freddy.” You turned your head and smiled, “Okay, I'll see you after lunch, bye babe.” You gave him a kiss on the lips before he walked away.
Daniel felt like he wasn't in his own relationship. Your friend was always there, pulling you away and making him go somewhere else for “best friend talk”. To be honest, it made him a little hot-headed and upset every time they came around. He would never tell you, because he didn't wanna upset you with his feelings that he had about your friend.
After lunch finished, he went to the double doors and stood there and waited for you to come through them. He stood there until people told him to hurry up and stop waiting around. Daniel decided to leave and to not miss his class. It was physical education for his next class, so he went to go get his uniform on. He decided to lose the hoodie and go shirtless, as the California summer sun was beating down across the soccer field.
Daniel sees you on the bleachers and gives you a small wave. You smile at him before you're ripped away from his eye contact with your friend. He also gets pulled away by Freddy to get back to the game. His head isn't fully in the practice and he gets yelled at by his coach for being lost in the clouds.
Eventually, it starts to seep into his feelings, turning into rage. Mr. Miyagi gets worried as he watches the balance in Daniel’s life begin to tip. He hasn't spoken to you in a day, telling his mom to hang up the phone whenever you'd call. It was hurting him, watching you never speak to him and it was all your snobby friend.
The next day, he walks up next to you. You're standing in the hallway and picking your books from your locker. Daniel walks behind you and slides his arms on your waist. “Hellooo...” He says stretched out and you smile. You twist in his arms and kiss him gently. It's shortly ended when they pop around the corner and rip you from his arms, giving you a quick kiss on the forehead and one on your cheek and a big hug.
Daniel had almost always covered his insecurities with huge amounts of confidence. He admitted to you one night that he was completely terrified of Johnny and the Cobras. How he cried some nights before school because he was scared for how the next day might go after some brutal beatings. You had gone out of your way calling before you went to sleep to tell him everything would be alright and he was okay.
Daniel follows you and tries to set up date night, pulling you away from your friend which angered your friend. Daniel kept talking and didn't even look at them.
Eventually, your friend walks up to him and grabs his shoulder harshly. “Hey, get the hint asshole. Nobody wants you over there!” Daniel immediately pushes them off which ends in a quick punch from your friend. It sends Daniel into a fit before he runs away in his fit. You chase after him, leaving your friend on the floor. You're yelling his name before he yells across the hall. “Why don't you just go with them? It seems like they're more of your boyfriend than I'll ever be.”
It's intertwined with insecurity and forced confidence as you can see the way his eyes have a protective glass shielding it from any insults. He's angry, his ears are a blushing red and he holds his fists together. He breathes in an attempt to relax himself, just like Mr. Miyagi told him.
You're walking closer to him, your hand covering your mouth. His forehead wound opened up after getting slammed against the brick wall. “Baby.. Daniel. Why would I ever leave anyone for you? They're just a friend.” His brown eyes fall to look at you and he sucks in a tight breath. “Okay. But do you see any friends that kiss and hug the way you guys do? And your ‘friend’ not just being a friend is bullshit!”
Daniel's emotions take the reign on him whenever they get the chance too. He lets them out without thinking of the consequences, which is what Lucille, his mother, told you. It was noticeable as he slowly calmed down. The redness covering his face was falling away and he was back to his normal stuff. “Baby. Danny. I'm real sorry. They have been a little close to me and I didn't even recognize how to explain to them I was uncomfortable. However, they had no right to push you like that. I'm done with them.” You tell him which brings a light smile to his face.
You smile as you see who you know as your boyfriend. The goofy boy from New Jersey who loves his mother and karate. That boy. Not the angry, closed off Daniel you tried so hard to put away. “Either way. Those kisses and hugs are only for me babe. And, I've been lacking.. c’mere..” Daniel says to you as he pulls you in and attacks your face with gentle kisses and pecks.
Daniel stares at your ex-friend that stands at the end of the hallway like a raging bull watching Daniel hit the jackpot with you.
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
I do love when shows and movies use this song in ways like this.
Kreese crying. Not something I ever expect to see.
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The doc coming over to him while he cries is totally how he stole her pass.
Gabriel fake stabbing Kreese, hopping out of the way and grinning as the guards come in.
Though I do want to know how he faked his death fully. Because this guard checks his pulse.
When Barnes slams on the breaks Daniels head hits a tv screen in the back. Tv death #5? or 6? Not Johnny's though so first mini tv death.
"Get your damn hands off him." Hits Daniel in the head. (Second head injury of the night so far for Daniel)
Daniel is struggling to focus due to the two head injuries and being super drunk during Barnes's rant.
We're all drunk, this is a bad idea. Barne's is on something stronger. We shouldn't do this.
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and they left this drunk darling by the side of the road with two head injuries.
You think Sam helped bandage Tory's hand? Since Tory had gone just the ice route and probably wouldn't have been able to do it herself?
Johnny stopping Barnes from kicking down the door because it looks like solid oak, but he'll do it. Still not wanting random people to get hurt. He did the same thing to Chozen. Thankfully Chozen is a karate master and knows to first test and see if the door is open.
They are, as Silver warns, trespassing, so any injuries from here on out are defense from Silver's side.
Also it kinda seems like he has all the sensei's living with him.
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What is the red button in the snakes tongue? Oh right, another camera.
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Johnny running and clothes lining two dudes to hold them down.
Daniel: don't go drunk to Silver's house that's breaking and entering and assault. Also Daniel: I'm taking your truck no matter what, prepared to fight four guys to steal their truck.
Stingray in the cobra kai charger: Mr. Larusso, come with me if you want to live. (It's also started raining)
Amanda popping her head out "Daniel get in the car the kids are in trouble."
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Poor Daniel. He's drunk, gotten two head injuries, had to walk, and now you're throwing a lot of new information at him all at once.
They changed the license plate to say Stingray
Chris calling a warning. Kyler and Kenny have shown up.
Stingray gets the cobra kai group chats, and got the one that they were going to ambush Daniel's students.
He knew he had to warn Daniel...or well Amanda.
Stingray put on sunglasses even though he's driving while it's dark because "Stingrays see better in the dark"
Silver pointing out that he kept crossing the line Chozen told him not to cross.
Silver takes off his watch and bracelets before fighting Chozen.
Johnny is running on whisky and white claw and feels no pain. (Plus a few coors) and then gets kicked and immediately goes 'that hurt'
Chozen got his sai's back.
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Silver got the sword
Chozen: I'm not afraid to kill. Terry: I'm not afraid to die.
Part of me thinks he was hoping Chozen would kill him. Like it'd be an honorable death.
Johnny as three guys fight him. Damnit wait your turn.
oho! TIG is doing a fencing retreat as he's backing up to the pool.
Do you think Terry Silver wanted to die in his pool like Gatsby?
Like he's literally drawing Chozen towards a specific spot.
Terry first slices Chozen's upper right arm.
Meanwhile the four sensei's are beating the tar out of Johnny while Barne's is out.
Terry get's the back of Chozen's left thigh next.
Chozen uses his sai's to knock Terry down into the water. Then holds the sai to Terry's throat and just doesn't do it.
I was meant to die on the battlefield. Do it.
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It's close to what Chozen tells Daniel. Both Silver and Chozen picked death.
Chozen hears Johnny's yell of pain and gets distracted.
Silver pushes him away and slices his back. Instead Chozen gets to be Gatsby. But with like bloody wings.
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Kenny uses the silver bullet on Robby and he can't breathe which they mirror with Johnny falling to his knees.
Johnny to Silver: Well you look like shit
When Silver says Chozen is off the board Johnny lunges forward though he's being held back and says : I"m going to kill you.
Kreese always told Terry that Johnny was his best student, but terry doesn't see it. "You've got guts Lawrence" he says looking around. "I'll give you that. But just not much upstairs. Attacking me on my own turf. Come on. You never stood a chance. But if it's any consolation, you won't be around to screw up another kid." He held Johnny's head up by his hair and Johnny swats him away.
He tells teh sensei's to finish Johnny and then Robby's in a similar fight with like 3 cobra kai's beating him up until Miggy jumps in.
I love that Demetri and Eli swap. Eli started fighting, now he's doing the tech stuff while demetri fights.
He finally got to knock Kyler out.
Protect the egg, all Miyagi-do run into protect Anthony while he as baby tech boy of the binary brothers finishes the upload.
Also fascinated that Miggy has taken off his flannel and has it like wrapped around his hands but hanging in front of him. What are you doing kiddo? Oh he's using it as a weapon.
Kim tries to stomp on Tory's hurt hand, Sam attacks Kim, she even uses her braid as a whip which hits Sam.
I like the Devon immediately flips. Kim you said the young ones like lee would be easier to train, less to unlearn, not realizing you picked one of Johnny's.
"That's it?" Showing that he cheated and admitted it was the whole reason they broke into the dojo?
But the look on Daniel's face when he sees silver and realizes he got out but not Johnny, chozen or barnes
Johnny getting his second wind, and kicking ass, beating up and dodging the group of sensei's.
And of course, Johnny throwing one of them into a TV and it landing on the guy. is that 6 TV's now?
Johnny "I did most of this."
Barnes: "Yeah you did."
Daniel using Silver's Quick Silver against him and blocking the silver bullet.
Silver grabs one of the trophies to fight Daniel with or use as a weapon and for at least a second time in his life, gets throw into glass. (This time with the crane kick). The cobras take off their cobra gear led by Kenny and throw it on a passed out Silver.
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I love the background nerds sharing a blanket.
Miguel tells Sam he didn't want to break up but her figuring things out and being okay was more important because he loves her.
Johnny drove the limo
"we've got to get you to a hospital." "Just a flesh wound." "Yea but like all your flesh." Chozen getting into the back of an ambulance: maybe should've had short long island iced tea.
Barnes's stole Silver's Rembrandt.
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Johnny and Daniel hug.
Appreciate the guard who goes through a facial journey watching the doctor or whoever lift up his 'bloody' gloves to snif and then lick his fingers.
It was melted jello.
the yellow button up and tie look kinda like Johnny's from whenever he had a job interview or to meet the board
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How'd his doctor not realize he lifted her badge? Like it's been hours.
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desolateice · 2 years
This would’ve been chapter 91 and the start of chapter 92 for Root Beer Floats and Green Tea. Like I said before, originally I’d written a lot in this section and then scrapped it. Some of it may be familiar because I did reuse parts and I am kind of bummed because I feel like I enjoyed a lot of the cobra interactions here. But I went a different direction when I published. You can read the previous to chapters (what would’ve been chapter 89 and chapter 90 here)
It was morning and Daniel had to find Johnny and explain everything asap. He looked through the garden, in the kitchen, the bathroom, all throughout the house and then hurried out into the lot. There was a black car sitting out front and a man was putting Johnny's things into the trunk. He shut the trunk.
"Hey what are you doing? That's Johnny's," Daniel said.
"Yeah, whole point," said a familiar voice behind him and Daniel spun.
Chozen brushed past him, holding the bonsai that he careful put into the darkened back seat. Johnny was in there, Daniel knew it he just couldn't see him. Couldn't find those blue eyes in the darkness.
"What are you doing here?"
"You broke up with him," Chozen said.
"I didn't-"
"Breaking up, like knife, don't say it if don't mean it, don't hold knife if don't plan to use it," Chozen said shutting the door and leaning against it, blocking Daniel from Johnny.
"You didn't use your knife," Daniel said.
"I did, not to hurt, motivate. So now I come and get Johnny-san. Take somewhere safer. Somewhere peaceful and quiet. Johnny-san like Okinawa, take to Okinawa. Far from your," Chozen waved his hand in a circle towards Daniel. "danger."
Daniel stepped forward, "Just let me talk to him."
"Change mind too late, should've caught self before saying it."
"I don't want him to get hurt,"
"Too late."
"You hurt him too!"
"Accident. You led him straight to enemy. Straight to Kreese. Didn't fight back, didn't fight for him," Chozen pushed off the car and pointed a finger at Daniel. "I warned you. You didn't listen. I said You take Johnny-san into dojo, but not defeat his enemies. They will come back. Must squash like bugs. His enemies will become yours. Old sensei will come back, bite harder. I was right. Came back. Bit harder. Hurt Johnny-san."
"I didn't mean to. I was learning how to keep him safe."
"And instead became a cobra. Left your dojo and joined other dojo. Betrayed dojo. Betrayed Miyagi. Betrayed Johnny-san. Worst of all betrayed self," Chozen said shaking his head.
"I just wanted to go somewhere else to practice-"
"Excuse. Silver stroked your ego. Thought maybe false things were real. Stranger saw promise. But you're a coward and stranger lied. Silver lied. Learned nothing."
Daniel stepped closer, "I learned plenty."
"How to destroy enemies? It's not Miyagi sensei's way. Did not befriend either. Failed. Failed Johnny-san. Nearly died. Yet you think you should keep him?"
"Yes!" Daniel said. "I was tricked. I was upset because I was scared. I owe him an apology and thanks for- for coming when he did and I'll learn. I'll learn how to stop Kreese next time."
Chozen let out a mirthless laugh. "Did not even try, and think next time, there will not be a next time," He turned and opened the back door.
"Wait," Daniel said rushing forward, heart pounding, if Chozen left with Johnny he'd never see him again.
"Don't worry," Chozen said. "I will treat Johnny-san like prince. Live happy life. Just away from you. Like you wanted."
The door shut and the car drove off.
Daniel ran to the Ford to try and get it started, to give chase, to get Johnny back. But his keys kept slipping out of his hands, he couldn't find them under his seat. He cursed and cursed and tried again and again.
"Daniel, bud, you should wake up," Jimmy said.
Daniel's eyes flicked open and he looked around. Tommy and Jimmy were sitting up in the bed, a warm hand on Daniel's shoulder. Tommy was looking at him worried.
Daniel jumped up and out of the bed. There was no way in hell he was letting Chozen take Johnny away. He darted out of the room ignoring the calls after him. In the garden was a tent.
Johnny. He ran through the grass, it was unzipped and there were beer bottles outside of it that he stepped around. He didn't know what to say, standing awkwardly in the morning dew covered grass.
Fuck it.
He went in, there was a little bit of space between Johnny and Dutch so he wiggled in. Sitting with his legs crossed.
Johnny was holding his bonsai carefully on his chest.
He'd just talk. So he did. Explained meeting Silver. Straight from the start. How he worried about Barnes getting Johnny because Johnny always got hurt, and Daniel was worried it was his fault, his fault that Johnny was getting hurt. He'd seen Johnny get choked by Kreese in the parking lot after the tournament and hadn't done anything. And he should've. And then Chozen. Chozen had hurt him too, had put that knife to Johnny's throat and yeah maybe the guys mentioned that was fake, but the fear was still there. Fear that the next person would succeed. And he had tried to think the best of Silver because he'd known what it was like to loose someone you cared about and he didn't want to loose Johnny.
"Daniel," Dutch groaned slapping Daniel's back. "Quieter man, my brain is gonna leak out of my ears."
Daniel glanced back outside at the bottles sitting out in the grass. Smelled the beer in the air. He lowered his voice. He wasn't going to stop though.
He had thought some of what Silver had said made sense. It was a bit violent but it made sense. Went over those three rules again. They were worse than Cobra Kai. And yeah, that was fucked, he couldn't believe he'd joined Cobra Kai. But he wasn't a full member. He hadn't paid for classes. He'd really just gone to use their dojo because he couldn't keep his hands off of Johnny when they sparred.
"Oh god," Bobby groaned grabbing the blanket and pulling it up over his head.
"If you're praying over there oh holy father, pray for my hangover," Dutch said.
Daniel scooted a little closer to Johnny as he spoke. He'd gotten so much better. He let people touch him again. Let people touch his neck. Didn't run off if something came near his neck. Could handle hugs, and so much more. Tears filled Daniel's eyes. But because of him, because of Daniel they were back to square one. Kreese had tried to kill Johnny again. And Daniel had once again done nothing. He hadn't saved him. He'd wanted to learn how to get stronger to keep Johnny safe. So that there wouldn't be monsters out there in the darkness to get him. So that the next person wouldn't go after him because like when you supposedly are supposed to scare a bear you pretend you're bigger? Well Daniel was just going to be stronger and scarier so they left Johnny alone. And he'd failed. He'd failed horribly. He'd let Silver get in his head and he'd let Kreese get to Johnny. He was so stupid and he was so sorry. He didn't want to break up with Johnny he just didn't want him to get hurt because of Daniel anymore and he'd failed at keeping Johnny safe.
"Does this mean we can't throw Johnny into the pond?" Dutch asked.
Bobby sighed. "I mean I'd feel better if we could throw Johnny in the pond."
"No one is throwing me in the pond," Johnny said.
Daniel leaned forward, over him. "I-I didn't mean to say that. I was so damn scared. But I'm going to beat Mike Barnes and send Silver and Kreese packing and I'll keep you safe. If-If you'll still have me."
Johnny shifted the bonsai carefully off of his chest, blue eyes looking up at him and reached up to brush away Daniel's tears and cupping the side of his face, thumb brushing over his cheek.
"Do you really want to fight Barnes?" Johnny asked softly.
"Yes," Daniel said grabbing Johnny's hand and holding it to his face. "I think it's the only thing that will stop them."
"Dutch," Johnny began.
"Yes," Dutch groaned.
"I didn't even ask anything yet," Johnny whispered. "Mind chaperoning?"
"You mean cockblocking so you two actually spar and don't act like some nature documentary bullshit?"
"Yeah, something like that," Johnny said softly.
He let go of the side of Daniel's face and Daniel nearly grabbed it back, his heart still pounding, still panicking.
Johnny held out his arm. Daniel curled up next to him, pressing in close.
"How about a deal?" Johnny asked.
"A deal?"
"We both worry about the other. Want to keep the other safe," Johnny said. "I feel better about Kreese. So when we destroy Cobra Kai, you can take him. I'll take out Silver."
Daniel pressed his cheek against Johnny's chest, feeling the steady thrum of his heart beat, and wrapping his arms around him.
"We have each others backs instead, like the balance wheel," Johnny whispered, arm coming around him.
"I will, but you- you don't want to break up with me? You don't want to run?" Daniel whispered because he couldn't calm down until they got this out in the open.
"No," Johnny said. "I'm tired of running. I like being...I like-"
Johnny turned rolling onto his side looking at Daniel, arms wrapping gently around him. "I like spending time with you. I like the way you take your favorite mug from me when I make coffee in the morning with both hands and hold it up to your face and breathe in it, and how sometimes you don't seem like you're really awake until that moment. I like how you hum and sing while you cook sometimes and dance, and the way when you're driving you get so distracted when you're talking by the signs we see along the road that remind you of other things. I like the way you hold my hand and I don't want to let that go."
"I'm sorry Johnny, for saying that, for-"
"You were scared."
"You'll just have to make it up to me."
"Anything," Daniel breathed.
"One billion kisses," Johnny said.
Bobby and Dutch groaned on either side of them.
"A billion huh? That's, that's a lot."
"Problem Daniel?"
There was that playful spark. The little bit of mischievousness. The panic in his heart quelled.
Daniel licked his lips. "I've got a lot of work to do." He leaned in kissing Johnny.
"You two idiots do know that if the goal is to spar and not be horny messes, that this is going to lead to the exact opposite of that, right?" Bobby asked.
"I'm the one stuck with them, while you're off at college," Dutch complained.
"You're birthday gifts for the rest of your lives are just going to be Chap-stick."
"Not that lip gloss all the girls like?"
"Hey, oh, I guess things went well?"
"Please be quieter Jimmy."
"Why are you two still in here, like isn't that a bad idea with... you know?"
"My head would prefer if I didn't venture out into the sunlight yet."
"So we're suffering, on like multiple fronts."
"Poor boys. Can't believe you didn't share the damn beer."
"So everything is better?"
"No, we were really looking forward to our plan."
"Which was?"
"Put Johnny in a tight white t-shirt and short grey gym shorts he'd wear at school and throw him in the pond."
“Oh, that is a good idea."
"Yeah but he requested a billion kisses, so this is like the rest of their life."
"That's- you know I don't know if that's sweet or just overkill."
Daniel pulled away.
"So do we have a deal?" Johnny asked.
Daniel's brows furrowed.
"We take them down together. You fight in the tournament if you want to and we train until then. You train here and Dutch or I guess Jessica can buffer, or heck we can go to my mom's and she can buffer-"
"Oh god," Daniel said, the thought of sparring in front of Ms. Lawrence was scary. "Johnny, I mean Mr. Miyagi said he'd train me, it's-"
Daniel stopped Johnny was trying to repair the damage between them with a carefully laid out bridge and Daniel was jumping on it, testing it's strength already.
"It'd be nice to have both," he said softly.
"And I'll take care of other things. We see Kreese, you can fight him if you want. I see Silver, I'll take care of that."
"Take care of-?"
"I won't kill him."
"That wasn't what i was worried about, he's dangerous Johnny."
"So am I."
Johnny was dangerous? Since when? That first semester Daniel would've barely believed it if he'd had to do a line up of who was most dangerous it would've been Silver and Barnes, then Chozen, and last would've been Johnny. He barely sent up the register in comparison to a scheming monster like Silver. Someone who tried to befriend him only to destroy him, who tried to teach him in a way that actively hurt him, a guy who Daniel had to keep telling that he could stretch on his own and didn't need help. A guy who stalked him.
He worried what would've happened if he'd gone in there without friends. With only Jessica and Miyagi, without people telling him that he didn't need to be treated badly. That it wasn't normal. That it wasn't okay. It would've been worse. It was still bad, but he would've actively sought out Mr. Silver's teachings. Would've let him help him stretch and that sent revulsion through him.
Johnny looked serious and it reminded him of Ms. Lawrence. The look she'd had at their table the first time they'd had dinner together with his mom, in tears but so pissed off. He looked a little hurt but also so damn pissed off.
 Johnny pushed himself up slowly.
"Give me time," Johnny said. "And I'll take care of it."
"What do you need?" Bobby asked.
"I'll let you know," Johnny said looking back at him, then his eyes going over the guys. "Just be on stand-by if that's okay?"
"Of course."
Johnny held his hand out to Daniel.
"Is that okay? Is that a deal?"
"Are we okay?" Daniel asked taking Johnny's hand.
"We're on our way there," Johnny said softly.
And now that he could see him better he caught the somewhat puffy red rimmed eyes. Johnny hadn't slept. Had been crying. Daniel's heart ached. That was his fault.
 "How's it feel to be an ex-cobra?"
There was a little teasing in there and Daniel knew he was trying to make Daniel feel better, trying to show he was okay but he'd been hurt. Daniel pulled on that hand holding his, pulling Johnny into his arms. He held him close, fingers in Johnny's hair and felt Johnny's arms wrap around him.
"I'm going to tell Mr. Miyagi that his adopted mongoose tried on a cobra costume for nearly 2 months."
"I guess it's an inside joke between Mr. Miyagi and I," Johnny said. "He'll probably laugh."
Daniel ran one of his hands down Johnny's back. He'd practice. He'd win. He'd get rid of Cobra Kai once and for all. The ghostly traces of his nightmare whispered in his head and he frowned.
"If Chozen showed up you wouldn't just leave with him would you? Like you wouldn't get into some strange black car and just leave right?"
Johnny pushed back and Daniel thought about tightening his arms so he couldn't, so he could keep Johnny in his arms but he didn't and let his arms slide, brush across him as he moved back.
"Nightmare?" Tommy asked.
"Daniel had a nightmare last night we think, so it was probably that."
"I want to stay here with you," Johnny said gently cupping the sides of Daniel's face in his hands. "For as long as possible."
--- [This was then the start of the next chapter]----
Sometimes Daniel got overwhelmed. Johnny knew that. He'd remembered the last time he'd gone to Jimmy's family bar, how worried he got every time he got hurt. Remembered Bobby talking to him about how worried he got about Daniel and how it'd taken time to remember that Daniel had still won, and kept doing kick ass things and would probably be fine.
They took the van to Bobby's house, Dutch complaining so Jimmy drove, muttering about why no one ever invited him to the drunken heart to hearts. About how he always had to take care of everyone else. Daniel seemed to be wavering by his side between wanting to touch him and not. Johnny turned to him.
"Do you remember when you got hurt the first time in Okinawa? When Chozen kicked you in the stomach while we were out at night? I was getting beni imo?"
"Yeah," Daniel said.
Now that he'd gotten everything he'd wanted to say off his chest he was so quiet.
"Do you remember how I barely touched you when bandaging you up? I was so scared I'd hurt you more. I was so panicked. Like with your knee. I spent a good couple of months, especially in New York, worried about your knee. Was there something on the ground that you might trip over? What if while you were talking and showing us around you missed the step off the sidewalk? Or if a biker wasn't paying attention and bumped into you? But then when you kept getting hurt and I was nearby and couldn't protect you because I didn't see it happen or I was too far away or heck, knocked unconscious, I felt awful. But I remember a lot from that first night I tried to bandage you up. I told you I felt bad that I hadn't been there and you'd asked me if I wanted us both to be beaten and bruised. And then I called Bobby. I pretty much broke down over the phone to him and he told me I couldn't always be watching you and trying to keep you safe. He made me practice my breathing and told me to not beat myself over it. Told me you'd get hurt and I wouldn't be able to protect you. Asked if I was going to get upset every time you got a paper cut. Reminded me that you could take a hit. I mulled it over, and I still worry, but it no longer is that same level. Like it's not overwhelming," Johnny said softly. "So...are you going to get upset every time I get a paper cut?"
"You saw when we went to the mountains how frequently I hurt my hands right?"
"My point, Daniel, is that you will exhaust yourself worrying about me. You gotta trust me. And I know that's scary. I know that it's hard to not be overwhelmed with everything going on, with Silver being a manipulative bastard, trust me that I won't let this end well for him. Let me help you. Let me stay by your side, not just behind you, unless we're back to back to fight, like on the wheel," Johnny took a breath, pulling his eyes away from Daniel and down at the carpet of Dutch's van. "And just give me time. I know you're panicking about yesterday, on like multiple levels, and I'll be honest, okay? It hurt. Kreese scared the shit out of me. I wasn't expecting him to be there. And I was mad at myself for not noticing him. And I'm sure when I closed my eyes it scared the shit out of you. But Mr. Miyagi taught me what to do and that's what I'm doing. And yeah I'd rather not see him again if I can help it, but I feel better knowing I can get out of that move. That I didn't freeze up this time. I didn't give up. Because I won't give up Daniel. I know you want me to run and be safe. But I don't want to run anymore."
Johnny sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I planned to run all the time before. I planned all these places I would run. I'd go here or there if Sid got too bad. If the bullies got too mean. If you didn't forgive me, if you told me to leave. But I don't want to run. I want to stay. And that means digging my feet into the dirt and fighting back when people come for us. And that means I'm going to get hurt. But it's progress in a different way. A different type of healing. I'm not digging my feet into the dirt to fight like cobra kai, like Kreese wanted me to. I'm fighting because I have things worth fighting for. Things I like. Things I want to keep and help them grow and flourish. I'm not asking you to not worry. I think that's impossible for anyone. My mom worries, Mr. Miyagi worries, the guys worry, your mom worries, I think everyone worries. But know that I'm not going to run away from you or leave you for trusting the wrong people or bringing Kreese back into my life. I like you Daniel I'm not going anywhere, even though that hurt like hell. So just, trust that if something's wrong I'll tell you, or like ask. Please don't jump straight for the game over button."
His eyes stung a little but Daniel's hand took his.
"I thought I'd been getting better about it. But whenever I see you hurt, I get scared and angry and it's overwhelming. I shouldn't have said that, shouldn't have put it on the table because I didn't want it, but I was so scared that you might die because I let Kreese back in and I started panicking. I was also so mad at myself. Twice now with Kreese," Daniel said softly. "But, you are right."
One of Daniel's hands found Johnny's cheek and gently turned his face towards him, he'd taken his seat belt off and was leaning close, cupping the side of his face, thumb on Johnny's lower lip. "I am proud of you. Impressed. It was very cool to watch you flip Kreese onto the ground. Very brave," His leaned forward kissing him.
"Daniel seat belt! You two can tongue later when I'm not driving!" Jimmy called from the front.
"How can you even see from all the way up there?" Daniel called back with a pout, pulling away and putting his seat belt back on.
"Because I can see you in the damn rear view mirror, why you thought you were safe from view? I can seem most of you idiots, including those two who can barely function because they drank too much."
"Please just shut up," Dutch groaned.
"Invite me next time and I'll be nicer."
"You're so lucky I don't turn on your damn radio. Do you remember how loud you normally keep it?"
Jimmy laughed turning onto the road into the Hills.
Daniel was holding his hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of his hand, and they were moving past where the mansion used to be and that was weird. He hadn't been on this side of the Valley in awhile. They stopped at Bobby's and they got out of the van.
Johnny wanted to stay in the back, to curl up and take a nap, but Daniel was pulling him along, into the house and through the familiar halls to where the kids sat in the experimental testing kitchen. One was dressed as a dragon the other a witch, they jumped up and charged straight into Bobby who groaned at the loud shriek of his name. He sunk down next to them giving them a hug but the dragon stole his sun glasses.
"Mom! Bobby's hungover!"
"Brat," Bobby hissed, no bite to it, mostly pain.
"How old is your brother again?" Mrs. Brown asked.
The witch wrinkled her nose. "Ancient?"
"Hey," Bobby said.
"90?" the dragon asked.
"If Bobby is 90 how old do you think we are?" Mr. Brown asked.
"25," the witch said with a big smile.
Mr. Brown laughed. "Oh, you flatterer."
"Dad," Bobby whined.
"You know where the aspirin is."
"Want some?" Bobby asked Johnny.
The witch and dragon turned on Johnny. "Are you also hungover?"
"Do I look hungover?" Johnny asked crouching down next to them.
"You look tired."
"And sad."
"But that's normal for you."
Johnny laughed softly. "So is this you testing your first Halloween costumes of the year?"
"Yes," the witch said spinning.
"I'm not sure about this one," the dragon said picking up his tail. "Think people will step on it?"
"Hmm, well you have time."
"What are you going to be? A skeleton again?"
"I don't know. We've been a bit busy."
"Dating?" the dragon asked with a frown.
"Well Daniel's been training and we've been running the bonsai shop," Johnny said.
"Being old sounds boring."
"I like boring," Johnny said then leaned towards them a little closer. He dropped his voice down low. "But we got into a fight yesterday. A karate fight."
"Cobra Kai dojo."
"Why'd you go back there? Isn't it dangerous?"
"Bobby said it was dangerous."
"Daniel was there. I went to go get him."
They turned their gaze to Daniel. "Why'd you go to Cobra Kai? It's dangerous!"
Daniel held up his hands. "I got tricked."
"By a demon?"
"Or a fairy?"
"An elf?"
"An old witch?"
The guys had walked off to sit at the counter and talk to Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Bobby gave Johnny a glass of water and some aspirin that he took. It'd help with his splitting headache at least.
"Demon might be accurate," Daniel said bitterly.
"I like old witch," Johnny said.
"Did you win?"
"Yes, this time," Johnny said.
"Is there going to be another time?" the dragon asked.
"I'm going to fight in the tournament, so hopefully that ends it," Daniel said.
"Aren't you too old?"
"Someone erased his age on the forms," Johnny said, pushing himself up and heading into the kitchen, helping them back onto their stools to wait for what their parents were going to set out.
"How old do they think he is now?" the witch asked.
"16," Johnny said.
"How old is he?"
"18," Daniel said.
"Same age as me, I'm not 19, you little terrors."
"Oh! Mom Dad can we be terrors for Halloween?"
Bobby groaned.
"What makes a terror?" Mrs. Brown asked setting a pile of cupcakes and treats out.
"You want to be gory? Like a zombie?" Mr. Brown asked.
"Or like a different kind of terror? Taxes?" Jimmy asked.
"Oral presentations?" Tommy asked.
"Pop quizzes?" Dutch asked.
"Those are boring," the witch complained.
Johnny took a cupcake off the tray with two little red marks in the icing like it'd been bitten by a vampire and was bleeding. He studied it while the guys went around again saying common mundane fears while the kids complained and he bit in. It was full of a red strawberry liquid. It tasted good but it was messy.
"Okay, too much strawberry filling," Mrs. Brown writing down her note.
"I always thought vampires looked a little too clean, but that is what I'd expect a vampire to look like, just covered in blood," Tommy said with a soft laugh.
Johnny sighed looking for a napkin and turning to find Daniel.
"Stay still," he said wiping off the blood off of his chin with his thumb.
"You okay?" Johnny asked.
Daniel blinked, focused with making sure he'd gotten it all before brown eyes met blue.
"I know this is fake," he said softly, before licking his thumb.
They tried more. Bits of other cupcakes, cookies, little gravestone parfaits with little shovels and chocolate bones that felt a little weird, but the kids loved it. They were shown the designs of candied apples and sliced them so they could taste the glaze and the dips and tell them which ones work and Johnny started to think that maybe going from a night of no sleep and beer was rough. Even if it was followed by a simple breakfast of rice and fish with Mr. Miyagi looking worried between Daniel and Johnny but not saying anything, nodding kind of relieved when he saw Daniel gently take Johnny's hand. Bobby had invited him to come along but he'd declined. Wanted to work on bonsai.
Add sugar on top of all of that and he felt awful. His head hurt. Whatever he'd done to hold himself together was unraveling and unraveling fast. Like he was a cartoon mummy and someone had just taken off in a run past him with a strip of the bandage and he was about to become a pile of dust.
A warm hand sat on his shoulder and then gently guided him off the stool.
"You gonna be sick?" Daniel asked softly. He gently led Johnny through the hall and to Bobby's room. "Maybe you should get some sleep."
"I'm fine."
"See this time? That is a total lie," Daniel said with a laugh.
Johnny laid down on Bobby’s bed.
 He'd heard Daniel talking to Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. Brown but he hadn't paid attention because he'd felt so awful. The bed dipped and after a moment Johnny peeks up. Daniel is sitting with his back against Bobby's headboard with his legs crossed and a pillow on his lap. He pats it gently and Johnny pushes himself up to sink face first into the pillow.
Daniel's fingers immediately go into his hair, gently soothing circles.
"Are you-" Johnny swallows looking out at Bobby's comic book collection, he shut his eyes. "sure you don't want to break up?"
The fingers in his hair still.
"No, I don't want to. I didn't want to when I said it."
"Did I scare you, like me fighting, did that scare you?"
The fingers began to move again. "No."
"You're not still scared of me? Like even a little? Like worried that I'll-that there's something wrong with me?"
Daniel leaned over and gently kissed the side of Johnny's temple. "You don't scare me in the least. Not any more. Not for a long time. I was scared for you. Kreese appearing like that and getting to you before I could terrified me. Chozen also appeared out of nowhere behind you. But you fighting him didn't scare me."
"You weren't worried I'd over do it?"
"I thought I would over do it."
"But you didn't-"
"I was really tempted, I nearly did something I'm sure I would've regretted if the guys hadn't arrived when they did."
Johnny wrapped his arm around the pillow, around Daniel's leg under it, blinking away the tears that had appeared again.
"I should've told you earlier, about Terry Silver teaching Barnes and Cobra Kai. I knew, and I didn't tell you-" Johnny said.
"I didn't tell you either."
"But I knew. I knew that the things you said after my fight with Barnes sounded like Cobra Kai. I knew that and I shouldn't have just ignored all your injuries."
"You didn't ignore them," Daniel said softly leaning back over Johnny and gently brushing his cheek with his thumb. "You patched me up every single time, stayed with me, read to me, said things I needed to hear. If you'd had asked I don't think I would have told you. I was so determined to get stronger so that I could protect you. And the way Mr. Silver had talked about it. I felt like I was betraying everyone for trying to study somewhere else. I wanted to keep sparring for fun with you, to let it lead wherever it led, but I also wanted to continue to prepare and he said he'd be there no strings attached and I wanted to believe that. But he also had such bad teaching methods and everyone who did meet him, or who I talked about it with told me to run. Even your mom."
"You told my mom?"
"She told me to be careful. But I was so terrified that I was making all the wrong choices. I got all twisted up and confused because what he said he said with such conviction and with actions to back it up that I fell for it. I had to try and escape and face it head on. And I'm glad you were there. I just...you getting hurt was everything I'd been terrified of happening happening. Like the nightmare I feared right in front of me and I didn't act. I couldn't act and I'm so sorry Johnny."
Johnny twisted back to look up at him. He looked like he was about to cry again.
"You didn't know Kreese was there," Johnny said softly.
Daniel looked like he was struggling to say something and he leaned down and kissed Johnny instead.
When he pulled back the glassy look was gone from his eyes.
"I also need to talk to you about something else."
"We're doing okay at the shop. Which means we can pay you, I- how do you want to be paid?"
"In kisses," Johnny said.
Daniel laughed. "Johnny I already owe you a billion kisses, I'm going to drown in kissing debt if I also pay you in kisses."
"You're smart," Johnny said rolling over again onto his side and yawning. "You'll figure it out."
"Figure it out? I meant did you want to be paid by a check or cash. How much is each kiss worth? Are different kisses worth different amounts? Like a peck how much is that worth versus like a long slow french kiss? Does it lose value if it's too messy or does it gain value? What if I kiss like your hand? or neck? What if it's a hickey leaving kiss? How much is that one worth?"
Johnny shut his eyes listening to Daniel ramble as he tried to figure out the worth of a kiss and how much he owed Johnny in back pay, adding and subtracting from that billion. He fell asleep somewhere when Daniel whined that he'd never be out of this debt and then realizing, "Oh, that's the point isn't it?" with a soft laugh and pulling one of the throw blankets folded up on Bobby's bed over Johnny's shoulders and rubbing his back. "At the amount of debt I owe my ghost is going to still be in kissing debt."
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Johnny Lawrance Vs. His Own Memory
I think we all as an audience can tell that Johnny tends to have a tainted memory about the events that happened in 1984. How he blames Daniel for everything that went wrong in his life. In the very first episode we can see that Daniel is his ghost from the past, appearing out of nowhere in a billboard, on TV. Daniel Larusso’s image haunts him everywhere... especially in his memory.
On the first episode of Cobra Kai, we watch a very angry and sad Johnny Lawrance go off in his car while drinking whiskey and thinking about his past. Thinking about Ali, his friends, Kreese, the dojo, Daniel, Mr. Miyagi in the Halloween, the final fight in the All Valley and he relives most of all the kick to the face. Apparently to this grown up Johnny, that was the moment he lost it all... but that’s just not true. 
As we see where Johnny is going, we seem to arrive at his most obscure memory. His biggest hurt. His trauma. He walks to the exact same place he was 30 years ago when his sensei, his father figure tried to choke him to death. He sees the image as if it’s happening right in front of him. The voices are loud in his head, the words he had to hear are engraved in his mind. Kreese’s hold is strong, almost unbreakable.
So, why? 
Why does Johnny blame Daniel so much? Why is Daniel the one being villainzied in his head? Why does Johnny try to make Daniel the bad guy while talking to others about their past? Why doesn’t he mention Kresse? Why does it seem that he doesn’t remember certain moments? Or does he remember and just doesn’t like to look at those parts of himself?
So many questions, and not so many answer.
Let’s take a dive in Johnny’s memory.
We already have a glimpse at how Johnny’s memory works in episode one, but we only see him articulate about what he remembers in episode 8 of Season 2. In this episode, Johnny talks about Larusso with his student, Miguel, for the first time after hearing he is dating Larusso’s daughter. Johnny says the following: 
“But then Daniel Larusso came to town. Next thing i know, he’s hitting on her (Ali). I see the two of them flirting with each other (...). Well, i walked over to have a civil conversation with Ali but Larusso kept butting in. I told him to get lost,  mind your own business. Out of nowhere the guy sucker-punches me.(...) I did what any dude would do, i defended myself. You know, i figured that was that. But Larusso wouldn’t leave well enough alone. At the Halloween dance, i haven’t seen the guy in months, fricking turns a water hose in my head. So i chase him down, try to put an end to things that night. Turns out the guy’s got a whole karate master of his own. Guy comes out of nowhere, jumps us, assauts me and my friends. Hell, i think my buddy Tommy got brain damage because of that fight. Eventually we decided to work things out at the All Valley Tournament. So we both made it to the finals, it was two to two... (Johnny stops, takes a drink) Larusso won, i lost. But what’s worst, is that i lost Ali.”
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What’s really interesting about this scene is what he leaves out. He forgets to mention the severity of his actions, or even forgets to mention actions he did which leads to certain events. There’s many reasons as to why he doesn’t mention these things, could be because Miguel is young and he doesn’t want him to know about this type of violance, could be because he is ashamed of the things he did or felt, could be because he doesn’t want to taint Miguel’s image of him. Or, he just remembers that way... which it’s hard to believe.
Since we know what happened after he lost, that last statement is simply not true. The worst thing was definitly not losing Ali. The worst thing was losing a father figure, losing his passion, losing a part of himself. But Johnny doesn’t say that, of course he doesn’t. That’s too real, too personal, too revealing. That memory is just too traumatic to talk (think) about, especially with a teenager. 
Just like crying after losing your first tournament, just like giving the trophy to your, once, enemy while saying the words “You’re alright, Larusso. Good match”. No, that’s too real, that’s something he just doesn’t seem to think about. He doesn’t want to think about, doesn’t even dare to... so he just doesn’t.
But why is that? 
Again, why did Daniel become the villain of his life and not Kreese?
To talk about that why, we need to do a throwback to the December 19th, 1984. The All Valley Under 18 Tournament.
We first see Johnny in the venue when he walks in with the Cobras, while Daniel is dressing in the locker room. 
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All the other Cobras are seen laughing, or are bothering Daniel like Dutch does. But not Johnny. He is very serious through out this whole moment, probably the most serious he has been in the movie. When the referee comes in to tell the Cobras to save it for the mat, he is the first to leave. Probably keeping his word to settle on the mat, like Kreese told him to. He doesn’t find it amusing to bully Daniel like his other friends do. He is just focused... right now Larusso is a opponent and he respects his opponents (at least until now).
After Daniel wins his first fight, he goes to watch the Cobras fight and keeps glacing at Johnny.
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Later on, Johnny steps up for his first fight. He wins easily, with a clean kick. That’s something he does for the entire night, fights neatly, almost calm, confident. That’s until he fights the finals.
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Daniel watches it all, looks away when Johnny wins.
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Meanwhile, Kreese is proud of his student winning every point with ease.
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The fights continue, Kreese and Johnny keep watching the Cobras. 
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Daniel watches them, realizes Johnny is close with his sensei.
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Next up, is the fight between Daniel and Tommy. Larusso wins, leaving the Cobras but mostly Kreese surprised, worried and even a bit embarrassed.
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That’s when Daniel starts to become a problem to Kreese, but it’s later on when he becomes the problem.
Daniel is about to fight Dutch. He seems to be extremely nervous but nonetheless listens to Mr. Miyagi’s every word. Looking over his shoulder, he sees Johnny supporting his friend.
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Johnny thinks Dutch is going to win, that much is clear. He looks at Daniel the whole time, thinking that will be his doom. 
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Daniel wins. Kreese doesn’t look, turns away and so does Johnny.
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There is something to be said about Kreese, he doesn’t like seeing his students lose, he can’t stand it. He doesn’t like losing at all. He won’t stand around watching his best students lose to a new little kid, he won’t allow Johnny and Cobra Kai to lose.
We get to the semi finals, Johnny Lawrance, Bobby Brown and Daniel Larusso made it. Johnny as the defending champion.
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Johnny fights, wins and is now in the finals.
Something that makes Kreese extremely proud. Seeing as he does not like to lose.
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Now, it’s Brown vs. Larusso, but Kreese has an order for his student.
“I want him out of comission.”
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To which, Bobby replies, “But sensei, i can beat this guy.”
“I don’t want him beaten”
“But i’ll be disqualified”
“Out of comission”
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Johnny watches this short exchange, but you can tell he is surprised... disgusted even. He knows what that phrase mean, probably is trained to follow that exact order, he just seems to have never heard it before in this setting. The picture perfect painting of his sensei starts to fall apart right in front of his eyes. This order by Kreese shows a lot to Johnny. Shows that Kreese only truly cares about winning, not about them, not about karate even. He thinks Kreese doesn’t trust him enough to win fair and square. But it’s not about Johnny, is about winning.
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He watches his friend and watches his sensei, wonders if Bobby is really going to do it, is he really getting Larusso out of comission?
Just as the fight is about to start, Bobby looks over at Kreese. Johnny knows in this moment, yes, his best friend, always the better one of the two, is going to do it. He watches by the side lines, clearly tense.
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So Bobby does, and Johnny flinches before Daniel takes the blow.
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Kreese is pleased, Johnny is probably thinking and feeling things towards his sensei that he never did before. Apparently this cruel side of him is new, or at least ignored, brushed off. But you can’t deny the truth when is happening right in front of you. When your body is tense with empathy, almost as if he is feeling Daniel’s pain, mixed with his on. Pain that his sensei is not the man he painted in his head, is not the man who believed in him. 
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Kreese claps as Daniel is taken away, pleased that he now knows he will win. Claps as one of his students got disqualified. Doesn’t matter, this means the enemy is finished. They won the war. He won the war.
But Daniel comes back, Johnny looks once again surprised. Shakes his head, smiling a little as Larusso approches limping a leg. Almost as if thinking, “this little twerp never knows when to quit”.
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But now is time to focus, this is a fight. This is THE fight, Johnny has a point to prove, to himself, to Kreese, to his opponent. He clenches his fist, non stop.
The fight begins.
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Daniel gets the first two points, these are the first points Johnny loses in the entire tournament. He gets sloppy, desperate, this no more a clean, neat, well thought out fight. This is something else. Johnny is acting different, distracted and Kreese knows it.
During the second point, Lawrance gets an injury, a bloody nose, and goes to Kreese.
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“Sweep the leg”
Kreese doesn’t need to tell him which one, he knows. He is not stupid, and he knows what it means. 
There is one thing to notice about Johnny and his karate, he doesn’t cheat. He seems so taken back at the mention of it, he knows he is good and he knows he can win fairly. No need for his opponent to be in pain or unable to perform. Kreese on the other hand, sees Johnny distracted and needs to set him straight, remind him of his true ways. Make him let that humanity in him go.
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He seems confused at first, as if he is not understanding. Then, it sinks in.
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At Johnny’s hesitation to a clear order, he asks: “You got a problem with that?”
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Johnny hesitates once again, clearly not wanting to but knowing the soldier built in him will listen.
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“No, sensei”
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“No mercy”
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Remind him of what he learned, of what matters, bring him back to what he knows, to what you taught him. Winning matters, the enemy deserves no mercy. Larusso is the enemy, Johnny. Remember that.
So Johnny does, Kreese is pleased and nods his approval.
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Afterwards the fight gets even more desperate, Daniel is in pain. Johnny scores two points by hitting his bad knee and leg. 
They are both messy, as if all they want is to get the other down. They want to win, sure, but for different reasons.
The final moment of the match arrives, whoever gets the point wins. Is two for two.
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Daniel Larusso wins. He kicks Johnny Lawrance in the head. 
This the first fight Johnny ever lost in the All Valley. 
Johnny stays on the ground for a few seconds, gets up crying. Grabs the trophy and gives it to his “enemy”.
“You’re alright, Larusso. Good match.”
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“Thanks a lot.” is Daniel’s reply.
Johnny crying means so many things. To an outsider, they might think he is crying because he lost. But no. He is crying because he is letting out for the first time in a long time so many emotions, those who he probably can’t even name. Wouldn’t want to name, doesn’t know how to. 
Losing to such a deserving opponent felt liberating, saying for the first time words he probably been keeping inside for so long... is liberating. Daniel Larusso is alright, he isn’t the enemy, we are not at war, he is just a boy... just like i am.
By doing this simple but extremely telling gesture of respect, mercy and good sportsmanship, Johnny is going against every Kreese taught him.
Not only did he lose, he was okay with it, was happy. Not only did he lose, he showed mercy to the enemy, respect. He showed his tears to the enemy. And Johnny knows all that, he was taught that he was a winner. Kreese does not teach losers. Kreese teaches soldiers, and they don’t lose, they obey.
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This little act of mercy, was an act of rebellion. Johnny knows that subconsciously, those words have been engraved into the hardwire of his brain since he was child. He knows that by going against those words, Kreese would never let him back and he didn’t.
Nonetheless, Johnny was proud of what did, he did his best. And Kreese is a really sick man. Then, his father figure tries to kill him. Tries to kill his humanity, his softness, his rebellion.
Because when a soldier is too soft, too distracted, there is only one thing left to do.
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Mr. Miyagi saves him, but what is left is only the shell of a boy... not a man, he wasn’t a man. A boy.
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A boy whose world just fell apart. His father figure, the man he looked up to be there for him, to support him and protect him, just tried to kill him in front of his friends. Those three little phrases he lived by meant nothing now. He already threw them way. No more Cobra Kai, no place where he belonged, no place to go to when things at home got tough, no girlfriend, no nothing. Just a broken home and a even more broken soul.
All because he showed mercy and respect for Daniel Larusso. All because he let those hidden confused feelings out into the world, to be seen... to be judged and killed in the next second.
This is Larusso’s fault, he made me do those things, made me act weird and cry and be a baby in public. Made me embarress myself, made feel these things and not know what to do with them. I don’t even know what they are. Now i don’t have Cobra Kai, i don’t have Ali... that’s why he did what he did. And he was right. Maybe i am a loser. I am nothing, i deserved that. The enemy deserves no mercy, now i will never forget that again. If not, the enemy will ruin my life again. Daniel Larusso was the enemy, and he still is.
A part of Johnny hates Kreese and knows he destroyed his life, he fucked him up. Part of him thinks he was right, he is a loser, he deserved that. Deserved that for feeling those things and letting out, for showing mercy, for not striking hard enough, for not acting as he was taught to, for losing.
Is easier to blame Daniel, he was always the enemy.
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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🍃Blue Lagoon 🍃
@judahlux I wrote this , hopefully you like it
.... . ......
Coming out of the hut where they kept the wood safe and dry for the fire . Mr.Miyagi asked him to cut some , laying down the wood and starts to sectioned them to be chopped .
The old man was inside probably organizing their mess , he will blame it on Daniel later .
The omega himself was laying in the hammock , he was about to tease him about not doing anything like always until he looked at his direction .
He froze .
Daniel looked beautiful , His dark skin shined alongside with his hair . His lanky arms were behind his head , Johnny felt like he couldnt breathe.
Daniel turn his head toward his direction  , the smile on him made johnnys chest feel warm . He looked gorgeous until the omega opened his mouth .
" You know , you should do less starting and do more working . "
Spluttering in anger he throws sand in his direction , all he got back were more gigles .
Beautiful ,huffing at the idea more like little punk .
Focusing on the wood until it was done. Sweat was dripping down his back , the sun was  bright making his skin rosy from the heat .
" Daniel-san go get more fruit for dinner . Johnny-san come help Miyagi to move pot . "
 The old man walked right back to the hut , following him to help him . But he couldnt help to look back once more were Daniel was heading .
Shaking his head and blaming the heat for his behaviour  .
 After helping Mr.Miyagi,  he sat watching the old man finishing lunch for the three .
" Old man , do you ever look at Daniel and just feel annoyed .
" Daniel-san ? No , he just full of energy like puppy . Why ask Miyagi ? . "
" I dont know today he just .... nevermind . " He couldn't find the right words to describe it and he kind of felt embarrased .
They waited for a good while for Daniel to come back but he never showed up .He didn't want to admit but he had been worried , Maybe he had gotten hurt on his way back .
" Johnny , go ." Sometimes he felt Mr.Miyagi could read minds .
" ME !? "
" Hai , check the river . "
Springing up from his spot and started heading towards where Daniel had left earlier .
He told himself the gut feeling of being worried was because the punk was making them wait on lunch .
The omega was knowhwere to begin with , tired walking aimlessly he went to the river where Mr.Miyagi had mentioned .
Catching sight of the headband that Mr. Miyagi gave to daniel when he presented and sinced then he never not once wored it .
Never once to give up the chance to scold the omega he went forward to scare him but the second time of the day the words got caught on his throat .
He felt his face get hot , his mind was confusing him from the thoughts he recently been getting ever since his status was presented as Alpha .
His mind been catching every little thing that Daniel would do . How he whined of not getting to do hard work and then continued to whine when he did .
How when he would eat he would get all the fruit juice all over him when he was in a rushed to go swim .
Or how his wolf kept reminding him to get bigger and stronger , and felt big pride when the omega would notice .
 Not realising how sometimes at night he wants to hold him and touch him without feeling ashamed .
" Johnny !! Come join me the water is fantastic !! .
" While you were busy having fun swimming we were starving . This is why you get on our nerves . "
That pout wasnt going to make him reconsidered his argument .
" Johnny cmon , just real quick ."
He didnt know why he felt like doing what the omega wanted , his inner wolf making him go against his word .
Daniel wasn't lying , the water felt amazing to the days weather . Diving in to take a quick swim , rising up to shake off the water .
The boy infront of him was smiling , he himself couldnt help but to smile . Daniel started splashing water , that little punk tried to swim away from him but he latched on to his waist .
Both were face to face , those eyes reminded him of the book with pictures Lucille had taught them words and animals . Even since he was young he thought that Daniel had ressemblance to a deer .
Yeah , Daniel was bambi . His bambi .
He surged forward to kiss him , the need was killing him inside and once he did Johnny knew he couldn't get enough .
He felt happy .
Until he's pushed him away by angry looking eyes .
" Why did you do that , i was saving my first kiss for an alpha . "
" Im an alpha ! . " Was Daniel dumb , because he clearlt wasn't a beta or omega . If he was he would think Miyagi would have told him .
Daniel looked frustrated , but what he said next made him feel sad that soon turned into anger .
" But it wasn't supposed to be you , now you ruined it ! "
" You know what, I was doing you a favor . Nobody would want to kiss someone that looks like a wet rat ! "
He shouted as he got out of the water , he couldn't believe how stupid he was to kiss Daniel.
" Hey ! Not like your any better ! looking like a .......... "
Saving him the excuse to find the word to insult him with he continued to fight .
" oh yeah , then how come your always drooling as you stare at me . "
But that kinda didnt help when he's been lately staring .
" Haha thats the other way around !  . "
" whatever "
Mood being ruined walking past by the basket full of fruits not even bothering to help Daniel. 
Other alpha ? Why would Daniel want another alpha . It made his stomach upset and his hart ache , arriving to the hut he quickly goes up to his bed not longer having a appetite.
He was grateful that Mr.Miyagi left him alone for awhile and Daniel didnt kept being his annoying self .
When refusing to eat dinner , Mr. Myagi became worried .
" Johnny-san San okay ? "
" Yeah , just not hungry ."
" Miyagi make tea for maybe rut , just in case . "
Mr . Myagi was suprise after arriving on the island that his suppressants tea made it along with Books , knives and some clothing had not once touch the water .
Miyagi himself was a beta he didn't need the tea but Lucille was an omega so she did get her heats once every 3 months .
When lucille passed away when her bite mark started to fade meaning her husband had passed away . With her time left she taught Johnny and Daniel everything she knew .
Johnny was the first to present soon after Daniel presented but it was harder having an alpha around . Myagi knew a smell of an omega in heat made an Alpha Hungry for lust so he started to give them teas to help them with their heats and ruts .
The tea helped him a liitle but his wolf was restless knowing the omega rejected him making his scent stronger every minute he dwelled about it .
In the middle of the night he felt someone get in his bed , the smell of vanilla and cinnamon with a tint of sadness invaded his nose . Opening his eye to see Daniel crawling in .
" What are you doing , were not allowed to be in each others beds. "
Turning around quickly to see if Miyagi had woken up .
" Im sorry about earlier . "
" Its whatever , stop it .stop . Im not gonna fall for your bambi eyes ! . "
" My bambi eyes ? You havent called me bambi in a long time . Can you start calling me that again ? "
" I thought you said that you hated it . Are you blushing ? " .
" Stop asking questions . "
Daniel moves forward , he expected a kiss on the cheeck but he was wrong once he felt lips on his own .Soft and chaste,  it drove him crazy just by a 2 second peck .
" We can kiss whenever you want , but just that okay . "
Nodding , leaning forward to kiss the omega . It was hard to refrain himself while having daniel under him .
Holding daniel in the verge of falling asleep , he wished they wouldn't leave or that no one would could rescue them from their home .
The thought of not being with Mr. Myagi who raised and was a father to them left him sad but Daniel being with someone elses droved him mad .
He didnt want to share what was his .
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youalexturnermeon · 4 years
Chasing the Past Pt. 2 (Johnny Lawrence x Reader)
Click for Part 1 
Request by Anon: Could I please get a Johnny Lawrence imagine where he and the reader (who is daniels sister) are secretly dating. Maybe like an old flame back in the 80s and now they reconnected?
A/N: In the first part (Y/N), Daniel LaRusso’s sister,  came back to LA after five years of being away. She reconnects with Johnny and wakes up in his apartment after getting drunk at a party. In this part (Y/N) and Johnny have to face Daniel and his rage hahaha
Warnings: swearing(!!!), mentions of alcohol, angst, fluff and maybe a little bit of slight smut
Wordcount: 2473
Johnny’s face is almost doubled right in front you, but you see it as a good thing, twice as much of Johnny is great. Four bright blue eyes are much better than just two. But then there are two again. He has you close to him, his strong hands resting on your hips, slowly making their way further down to your ass and he is twirling you around. You dance. “I missed you, Johnny” you slur and cup his beautiful face, on it the dirtiest grin you have ever seen. He doesn’t answer, just squeezes your ass and suddenly kisses you. Almost too much tongue, red lipstick on his face, sloppy kisses on the neck and the jaw. You are melting under his touch.
Blurry way though the dark, you are laughing, Johnny and you still dancing together through the night. In his hand a bagged bottle, you don’t care what’s inside as you take a sip. You stop for a heated make-out session, he presses your back hardly against the wall of an apartment complex and his hands are already making their way under your sweatshirt. The bottle slips out of his hands and breaks on the ground. “God, I’ve been thinking about doing this for five years!” Johnny grunts and almost violently kisses you. “Get a fucking room!” someone shouts angrily in the distance “Get away from here, you fucking pervs!”
White sheets, clothes everywhere, naked bodies, Johnny’s hands all over you, moans. You are enjoying yourself. Johnny’s messy blonde hair.
“Fuck”, you said again, almost in disbelief but this time you were smiling. Out of the sudden, Johnny moved. Your heart started beating, you didn’t know if you were ready for any conversation. You didn’t even know if Johnny would regret this or not. You most certainly didn’t, you just wished to remember a little bit more of the steamy night.
“Good morning, princess”, he whispered, voice all raspy and sleepy, he yawned and stroked your hair, “Did you sleep well?”
“I feel like shit” you admitted and sat up, dragging the covers over your bare chest, which immediately stressed how your head was still heavy and spinning. You almost wished you didn’t sit up in the first place, you wanted to lay on Johnny’s chest again. But you didn’t and just stared at him. God, he was still so beautiful. You then signed over to his naked torso, “Did we…?” You still had to reassure yourself that this amazing night actually happened.
“Oh yeah” Johnny answered proudly and sat up too. You were surprised when the first thing he did was kissing you. This Johnny you didn’t know, you caught glimpses of him, but he never fully showed himself. Then he got out of bed, put on some clothes and turned to you.
“I’ll get you an Aspirin and then I will make you breakfast”
“What is it with you Johnny?” you asked, completely perplexed, “You never made me breakfast, you never cared the next morning” Johnny shrugged: “And you see what it got me, the girl who finally made me get over Ali and the fight with Daniel, who made my life a little less miserable just disappeared on me for five years without a trace. I don’t want you to disappear on me again for god knows how many years this time”
Without a trace was a lie, he still could’ve gone to Daniel LaRusso, ask him about his sister, ask for her phone number, her address. But when you went to college you made it perfectly clear that Daniel would kill him without having second thoughts for banging his sister and if he didn’t manage, you would’ve killed him yourself. And after all this time Johnny asked himself why he cared about that, why he was such a pussy and cared about what Daniel would think and do, above all. Now he didn’t anymore, he had no fucks to give about it anymore. As long as you were by his side for a little while, he could live with Daniel hating him more than he did already.
“Glad, to have been at your service, you asshole” you said rolling your eyes but still laughing.
“You’re welcome. So, are you saying we keep that going or what?”
You shrugged.
“Does that mean you are staying in Reseda?”
You shrugged again, it kind of did but you’d never know for how long. Thankfully, Johnny dropped the topic after that. Just like you, he really wasn’t the type to talk relationships. Maybe you two would’ve taken a different path when he had been the last time but that was again, ancient history.
The breakfast was simple, Johnny wasn’t the greatest cook, but that was okay, you weren’t either. It was more about the time you spent together. It was fun, it felt amazing being with him in his tiny kitchen, just talking about the old times and joking around. It was even fun when he flunked a spoonful of scrambled eggs directly in your face. You ate, you took a shower you scrubbed off all the remaining make-up from last and you felt a little bit better. Johnny enjoyed having you over. Normally, he didn’t let his girls stay that long, he usually made them go home very quickly, not so with you. He’d even be okay with you staying the whole day, hell, even another night or two. But as soon as you got of shower his hope vanished.
“I need to go home now” you announced shyly.
“So soon?” “Yeah, Danny is probably worried sick, I also promised him, we go out for sushi today, just us two.”
Johnny rolled his eyes and hugged you suddenly, almost a little too tightly “Don’t you want to stay?”
“To be honest, I do, but I also want to spend some time with my big brother.”
“I guess, I’ll drive you home then” “Only if you want to, I can walk or get a cab”. Fortunately, you didn’t manage to lose your handbag at the beach, so you’d have enough money.
“That is out of question. I always drive my babes!” Johnny said proudly which was a big fat lie, he didn’t always bother but with you, it was another situation.
The car ride was not as bad as you had expected, you didn’t get sick which you were afraid you would do because you still could remember well enough how fast Johnny drove. Yet, it was great to sit in his red Pontiac Firebird again, it shot your memories straight back to high school when you secretly hung out with Johnny for a couple of times. Sadly, it was over too soon. Johnny pulled up in the driveway to Daniel’s apartment building. He quickly got out of the car to open the car door for you before you could reach the handle yourself.
“Wow, I don’t know if like that new Johnny” you laughed and nudged him, “Far too nice!”
“Yeah, would you like me doing that instead?” Johnny’s eyes darkened and you remembered also seeing that look last night and out of a sudden he pinned you between the red Firebird and him, his face very close to yours.
“Do you like me being a bad guy instead?”, his lips brushed over you when he talked. And you wanted to say yes or even nod but you breath quickened; your hart started beating a faster rhythm.
“Thought so.” he whispered into your ear sending shivers down your spine on that hot summer day. He was just about to kiss you, maybe you should go back to his place after all, you thought, when you were instantly interrupted.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Lawrence!?!?!?” a scream echoed through the whole block, “Get the fuck away from her!”
Johnny promptly jumped to side but as soon as the realized who that was coming from a dirty grin appeared on his perfectly shaped lips. Daniel, face almost grey with fury, was running towards them, eyes all wild, hands clenched to fists.
“Oh fuck”, you gasped but couldn’t hold back a laugh, that was too absurd, “Maybe you should’ve dropped me off a few blocks away”
“Nah, this is going to be fun”
But you thought otherwise, this was going to be anything else bun fun. Comical, but definitely not fun.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, (Y/N)?” Daniel yelled pointing a finger at you when he finally came to a halt right in front of you.
“Nothing’s wrong with me, I’m completely fine, thanks for asking Danny”
“Don’t you fucking talk back to me like that!” “Jesus, Daniel, watch your filthy mouth, you didn’t swear that much since forever.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Daniel kept on, ignoring your sarcastic remarks, “You did not come home the whole night, I’ve got no call, nothing. I didn’t sleep, I was waiting for you, I was so fucking worried and then you finally decide to come here with him and you’re talking to me like I’m the bad guy?” Daniel pointed at Johnny without even looking at him.
“Ok, mom, calm down”
“Don’t you mom me, (Y/N). You smell like a fucking distillery; you look like shit and where the fuck are your shoes?” You looked down on your bare feet, then at Johnny who had protectively placed a hand on the small of your back and you two suddenly burst out laughing. Your drunk ass simply lost them at the beach.
“How dare you even make a sound?” Daniel shouted, this time at Johnny. It was getting embarrassing, even some neighbours were now watching how Daniel took a threatening step towards Johnny. He still was a few inches smaller than him, but he managed to compensate that with his glance. A little bit more wrath, you thought, and he would be shooting sparks out of his usually warm brown eyes.
“Damn, LaRusso, don’t wet your pants. You look like you are about to die from a heart attack” “Shut the hell up, Lawrence” Daniel growled and came even closer, so close the tips of their noses almost touched and Johnny just kept on smiling, he didn't even flinch “You think you’re so funny, huh?”
Johnny shrugged, he did.
“What the hell is my sister doing with you?”
“She just likes me a lot more than she likes you” Johnny’s grin kept getting dirtier and dirtier with every word leaving his mouth “Actually, she always liked me a lot. When I was beating your ass in high school, (Y/N) always has been hanging out with me instead of pitying you. While you were training with your weird-ass sensei, I gave her rides all the time, we were friends. When you won in ’84 she didn’t go with you to celebrate your illegal kick, she stayed behind and cared for me. Dragged me out of the parking lot and brought me into a hospital together with Bobby and Dutch. She just never told you because a delicate little flower like you would simply die from that. And when you were trimming trees, I fucked her every goddamn day until she went away”
Your eyes widened and you looked at Johnny in shock then at Daniel who needed a second to process everything that had been said. That was about it, Johnny dropped the bomb, he told Daniel everything that was kept secret from him and everything that he needed to know.
“You did fucking what?” Daniel asked through clenched teeth, his hands shaking, he was barely holding himself back and you knew, some whit was about to go down real quick.
“I fucked your sister LaRusso, five years ago and tonight and she liked it”
And you couldn’t even say anything against it, every bit of it was true. And when Daniel gave you a quick look he knew exactly. And then, very unlikely for Daniel he threw his first punch, Johnny immediately blocking it. He shoved you to the side so wouldn’t get between them. Both stood in fighting positions and then everything happened so fast. There was a lot of fists and legs and kicks and punches, too rapid for your eyes to grasp it. And you couldn’t believe it. After all these years, these to very still ready to kill each other. But you had enough, you had enough of this stupid rivalry, you had enough of them hating each other for no reason and you definitely had enough of being their recent motive for fighting.
“Stop!” you yelled, they ignored you, “Stop it! I’ve had enough of your stupid Karate bullshit! I’m sick and tired of you two always fighting. I can’t deal with being dragged into it! I fucking hate this. Why is this the first thing that happens to me after being back after five fucking years? Why you always have to be such a drama queen, Daniel? Why are you the only person you care about, huh? And you” you turned your shouting towards Johnny “why do you always have to keep the fire going why can’t you just let it be for once?”
Your screams were much louder than Daniel’s before, but the fighting enemies still ignored you.
“If one of you throws another punch, I’m gonna call the cops and you two can sort it out in a prison cell! I don't want you to kill each other just because you see me as an object that can only belong to one of you. I'm not, I like both of you. You're my brother and I love you. And I fucking love him, Daniel”
These words worked magic on Johnny who immediately let his arms sink and whilst he looked at you, worry written into his face, he received one last kick in the guts for losing his concentration. You threw yourself at Daniel and tried to hold him back from doing more damage, for a second you were afraif he was about to kill Johnny. But with you holding him, he did not dare to keep on fighting. He didn't want to hurt you. And yet he tried to free himself from you.
“Please, Danny” you cried “Please stop and let me be!”
Daniel remained silent and calmed down, you let him go. You went over to Johnny and embraced him, he hissed under your touch but couldn’t help himself than to press you closely to his chest. His face was beaten, his lip was bleeding, and a fresh cut crowned his brow.
“I’m so sorry, babe!” he whispered into your ear and kissed your cheek. He never apologized for fighting. Until now.
“No, I’m sorry!” you said and stroked back the sweaty hair from his forehead, then you turned to your brother, “You better be sorry, too”
“I am.”
“LaRusso is sorry?” Johnny wondered and spat blood on the ground, “That’s new”
“Shut up!” you shushed him
“I am sorry, (Y/N), I didn’t know you liked this jerk that much.” “To be fair, me neither” Johnny admitted “But I fucking love her, too, LaRusso, you know?” Daniel nodded, maybe for his sister’s sake he was ready to give his last enemy up.
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olligreen · 3 years
No Bad Student | 3 -- Nice Things
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Pairing: Lawrusso (Daniel x Johnny) Genre: Angst Warnings: Emotionally-abusive parent mentioned briefly Word count: 1566 Summary: KK2 AU in which Johnny ends up living with Miyagi and Daniel for the summer. Inspired by nadianecromancer’s comic, but I’ll try to avoid making any scenes similar to the ones they already did! Notes: This was originally posted on Ao3 here. I’m much more used to that format than this one, but I’ve seen a lot of people post their fics here and thought I’d give it a shot.
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
The dust had only just settled as Johnny’s car pulled up beside one of the tarp-covered vehicles in Miyagi’s lot. It didn’t belong there, Daniel thought, like a hyena in a pack of dogs. Daniel stood guard as Miyagi paid no mind to it at all, heading back to his work promptly, as if leading him there was just another errand he completed.
Johnny slammed his door with no malice, but the sound still tensed his rival’s shoulders. They met eyes momentarily before he set out toward Miyagi, his steps purposeful. He stopped a few feet from him, crossing his arms and glaring.
Miyagi gave him a nod but was otherwise unbothered.
“So what’s this problem you were talking about?” He spat out caustically.
“Talk later.”
“What? What do you mean? I’m here, my car’s here, now tell me what’s going on.”
“Talk later,” Miyagi demanded.
“This is unbelievable! What am I supposed to do until then?”
Miyagi ceased his work, looking up at him. “Don’t know. Go home?”
Johnny’s eyes drifted back toward the car without his intention as he searched for a proper response. “How the hell am I supposed to go home without my car?”
Miyagi turned his head to Daniel, who was watching from the very edge of hearing distance. Johnny followed Miyagi’s gaze and scoffed, not hiding any aspect of his frustration.
Daniel’s brows shifted. “No! No way! I’m not driving him around!”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Johnny retorted.
“It means I’m not doin’ it, dumbass! What do you think?”
Johnny’s eyes widened with rage. The same, purposeful steps sent him rapidly closer to Daniel.
Fear struck him just as aggressively as before, but he hid it well, as still and composed as a statue. “Look, I’m just saying, man, we’re not friends. I don’t want you around.”
“Yeah?” Johnny stepped close enough that their difference in height forced Daniel to look upward. He hovered there for a moment, letting his dominant stature assert itself before he spoke. “Well, I’m right here. What’re you gonna do about it, LaRusso?”
A sigh sounded from behind Johnny as Miyagi gave him a gentle push, bringing him back a few steps. Still, Johnny’s glare was locked on his opponent, whose defenses crumbled as soon as they separated, eyes looking anywhere but forward.
“Daniel-san. Move bed inside, work there.”
“What? You’re giving me work when he was the one who--”
“Go!” Miyagi shouted harshly.
After making a final, silent complaint, Daniel stomped off toward the house. He dragged the unassembled parts inside as quickly as he could since every second he spent in sight range of that prick was torture.
Johnny watched on with a sadistic grin, feeling, for the first time in a while, like he won.
“Why smile? Something funny?” Miyagi asked in his own form of sarcasm.
“Well, I--...” Johnny launched immediately into defense. “Look, man, you don’t know what that asshole really did, alright? You’ve only seen it from his side.”
Miyagi hummed in understanding, then gestured for him to continue.
“Tell your side.”
“Oh… uh…” Johnny’s eyes glanced to the house behind Miyagi, checking the windows. “I--... Alright, well, first he stole my girlfriend.”
Miyagi hummed again, furrowing his brows.
“Well--... Well, alright, we’d been broken up for a couple of weeks, but--... But it wasn’t over, alright? In fact, we were trying to talk things out but he kept butting into it. And then the guy punches me in the face! Outta’ nowhere!”
Miyagi nodded slowly.
“And so I--… y’know, I defend myself, and--... and--... Y’know what, long story short, she ends up going out with him, and--... And then he dumps water on me for no reason, like an asshole, ruined my joi--... my uh… my costume, and then we chased after him and--... well, you were there for that one, but we were just--... It was justice, alright?! He started that whole thing.”
Miyagi hummed. “That everything?”
“Well--... I dunno, I guess I just--...” Johnny sighed, his voice solemn, quiet. “Y’know, I lost Ali to him, and then--... then--... You have no idea how important karate was to me, man.”
Johnny’s gaze drifted downward, his mouth hanging open as he searched for a response, but found none.
Miyagi nodded, letting the silence hang for a while longer.
But Johnny was sick of silence. “So uh… what about that problem with my car? Is it bad?”
“Car problem not bad, can fix. You problem more important.”
“What problem? What’re you talking about, man?”
“Your trip.”
Johnny’s shoulders tensed as he felt his ruse falling. Still, he tried to hold on. “Yeah, to Malibu, like I said. I--... my family has a beach house there.”
Miyagi hummed, nodding lightly. “What family like?”
Johnny kept his gaze behind Miyagi. It drifted from window to window. “We’re fine. Normal, I guess.”
“Brother? Sister?”
“No, no it’s just--... It’s just me.”
Miyagi nodded, watching Johnny's expressions intently. “Encino, yes? Very nice place.”
“Yeah.” He said with a shallow nod, his eyes drifting downward.
“Not nice?”
His eyes lifted, surprise behind his blank expression. “Oh, no it’s nice and all, it’s just--... I dunno, it bugs me when people assume your life is good just because you’ve got money, y’know?”
Miyagi nodded.
“‘Cause I mean, it’s all good stuff: the pool, my car, our house, but--...” His words drifted off.
“It’s stuff. That’s all it is. It can’t replace everything else.”
Miyagi paused for a moment as he chose his words. “What missing?”
He sighed sharply in frustration, buying time. “My step-dad--...” The words seemed difficult to say, so much so that it stopped the sentence short.
Miyagi indicated again for him to continue.
“He just--...” His eyes moved along the ground as he thought. “He’s an asshole.”
Miyagi nodded, seeming to understand fully.
“Not just to me either, to my mom, to his employees, to everybody. Guy just likes being mean to people.”
“This reason you go on trip?”
His eyes went up to Miyagi’s again, the shock a bit more obvious this time. “I--... Yeah. He doesn’t want me around anymore, now that I’m… an adult, I guess. I don’t feel like an adult.”
“Know the feeling,” Miyagi said simply before starting off toward the house. 
Johnny watched as he moved away, then sped up to catch him. “You do?” He walked at his side, his gaze now fixed on him.
“Leave home alone too, just fifteen years old.”
“Fifteen? Are you serious? That’s crazy!”
“Hai.” Miyagi swung open the door of his home, holding it as Johnny entered after him. He took a turn, then opened a pine chest full of linens and cushions in plain, warm coloration. They looked inexpensive, but comfortable nonetheless.
Johnny made his own search with him, his eyes moving about the entry room, then he sighed in relief as he didn’t find who he was looking for. While he was distracted, he felt a soft thud as something hit his chest. Miyagi had set a bound bedroll against it. He lifted his arms to take the minimal weight of the thing, but by his expression, it was clear he didn’t know why. “What’s this for?”
“Right, but what do I need it for?”
“Sleeping.” He began setting everything back into the chest, organized properly.
Johnny stared forward in confusion for a few more seconds. “Are you saying I can stay here?”
“What--... With Daniel?”
“Hai... Yes.”
“Don’t you think he’ll have a problem with that?”
“Don’t know.”
Johnny watched, puzzled, as the teacher prepared to brew some tea as if nothing important was going on at all. 
It was only now that the surreal nature of the situation hit Johnny. He was inside Mr. Miyagi’s house, the same place that Daniel was given the weapons he used had against him. And yet, it wasn’t a negative experience -- not entirely, at least. He wasn’t sure what it was about the old man, but even having known him for this short of a time he knew that Mr. Miyagi was different from all the men in his life. He was better. Maybe it was the fact that he seemed to know exactly what he needed to hear, or his almost frustrating brevity, or maybe it was just the fact that he listened. He heard and understood what he was saying without forcing his own biases on his words. He saw his emotions even when he didn’t want to express them. Miyagi listened to him, and it felt good.
Johnny smiled warmly at the thought, but the smile quickly fell as he heard a loud thump behind him, muffled by the wall. Miyagi didn’t look up. He was too busy selecting a box from his tea cabinet.
“You sleep there.” Miyagi gestured with an empty kettle toward just about where that sound rang from: a door on the opposite side of the room. It didn’t exactly match the color or wear of the others, as it seemed it was just put there recently.
“I--... But--...”
“Hm?” Miyagi threw up a brow, looking over at the bewildered blonde only occasionally as he worked.
Johnny couldn’t seem to find the words to any of the questions he wanted to ask, so, with confusion still on his expression, he walked into the door, the bedroll tucked under his arm.
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nikkzwrites · 4 years
Oh, Danny Boy | Thomas x F!Reader | One-Shot
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I normally write my x Readers in second person, but I decided to try out a third person x Reader fic! I hope you like it!
Prompt: No Prompt, but the fic is about a woman who lost her childhood love in World War I and the consequences Thomas Shelby has for being... well... Thomas Shelby.
Genre: Angst. Just a WHOLE LOT of Thomas Shelby Angst.
Word Count: 2.7k
When Arthur said that he had another Shelby to inform of John’s death, Thomas bided by, yet he didn’t quite know what his elder brother was speaking about. All he knew was that if they were important enough to alert about John’s passing and about the possible danger, it would be best to get them here so that they couldn’t be used against the family later. When he went down to greet the small family that Arthur had informed to come over, Thomas was taken aback. There before him was a young boy, unmistakably a Shelby, with a woman, who he had not seen for at least the same amount of time as the young boy, next to him. The boy even walked like a Shelby. His head held high and proud of himself. He was frozen as he watched Arthur walk down to greet them.
The year was 1919. They had just gotten back home and were helping families prepare funerals for the men who didn’t make it back. There was one family that had lost a father and brother, but the girl, not much younger than John was there mourning three lives; one of her father, one for her brother, another of her childhood sweetheart. She couldn’t have been much older than the youngest legally allowed into the war when it first started. Then again, that boy was one of the youngest in their squad at the top of the war, so it made sense. At first, she was just another one of the thousands to Thomas, until she opened her mouth to sing with a few of the other widows. Her voice was so gentle, yet overwhelmingly filled with grief. It was as if listening to an actual angel endure the heartbreak of humanity’s downfall. If he were not back from France, had he not gone, he would have broken there, but, alas, he had seen it. He was there on the ground of France. He was never going to be that man again. 
His blue eyes watched as when she went to thank everyone for coming. People were slowly trickling out to make their way to other funerals. This was the Shelby boys’ last stop, though so they stayed behind with her. Arthur grabbed hold of her and cradled her as if a precious being. Before she was the picture of graceful sorrow, but once the towering man’s arms were around her, holding her close to him, she completely let every built agony out. She was alone in this world now. The only anchor she had right now was them. He watched as she clung to his brother. 
Arthur held the poor girl. One arm around her waist and the other massaging her head. “It’s alright love, let it out,” Arthur cooed to her, “I know, I know.” He kissed the side of her head, “Cry it out, love. Get it all out so you can carry on.” He looked towards his brothers and said, “John, stay out here with me. We’ll finish this stuff out here. Tommy, go on in with her, can you make her a bit of tea and send her off to bed?”
Thomas nodded, “Right.” He snaked his arm in between the girl and his elder brother, “Come on, love. We’ll take good care of ya.” He wrapped his arm around her waist to help walk her into her house. 
They walked into a large empty house. Thomas actually preferred it this way, the maids, workmen, everyone else were away until the next morning. It was just going to be her, her horses, her dog, and the Shelby boys for the night. He helped her into the kitchen and sat her into one of the chairs. He chuckled and started to look through the cabinets, “So, I don’t think a girl like you would know where they kept anything, do ya?”
She giggled and wiped her eyes. She slid past him and stood on her toes to grab a tin, “I actually know where everything is. After my father and brother left, I cut the staff down considerably. We only have one cook, one footman, a maid, and the stablemen and farmers.” She turned and started to prepare the tea.
Thomas laughed, “Oh, so only you and like eight people. Okay.” He watched her do her work. She started to stare off though. Thomas knew that the glassy eye look well. He walked up behind her and whispered, “Hey.” He let his arms slide around her waist again. He leaned his head down and kissed right under her jaw, “Aye, love, come on.” He took her hand and said, “Let’s get you into bed.”
Her doe eyes looked at him. He could tell she was looking at someone else rather than him, but Thomas didn’t mind. He understood what that feeling was like, wanting someone else so badly, but accepting any love you can get because that person could never give you that love again. She moistened her lips and nodded, “I can go start the fires in the guest bedrooms.”
He shook his head. He spoke in a rolling soft voice, “I’ll take care of everything.” He kissed behind her ear. He pulled her close to him and asked, “Would you ask him the same thing, hm?”
She laughed, “Well, he didn’t have two brothers to worry about and he’d be sneaking in through the window to avoid my father.”
“Well, you can go upstairs and I can climb my way up,” He kissed her forehead, “you heard me, go on up.”
She started up the stairs, turned back to him, and smiled gently, “He had a pretty, beautiful Shire mare. White as the newly fallen snow. She should still be in the stable if you want.” She turned and headed back up the stairs.
Back in his right head, Thomas wondered what happened to that horse. It was a beautiful mare. He greeted the woman and the young boy. The boy’s piercing ice-blue eyes bore straight through him. That was no question his son. His wavy near unruly, from what Thomas could tell, dark hair was only being tamed by it being cut so short. He looked at the boy and asked, “So what’s your name, son?”
“Daniel,” the boy responded, “I’m named after my father.”
Thomas laughed and shook his head, “No you aren’t. But I’ll talk to your Uncle Arthur and your mother about this. Go on inside. You can meet ya brother.”
Daniel looked up at him, “Uncle Arthur says you have horses. Can I go see em? I’ve been training my own foal.”
Thomas made a face. He was such a straightforward boy. Strong boy. A boy who didn’t follow directions well, but was a boy used to negotiating to get what he wanted. The boy was just like him. Thomas growled, “You don’t want to meet your brother?”
“I don’t have a fucking brother,” Daniel replied with a frigid glare.
The woman looked down at the boy, “Language, Daniel Thomas.” She turned her head up and stared into Thomas’ eyes, “Mr. Shelby, my son adores horses. Could you please allow him to stay with them? Danny has a hard time adjusting to new places if I, Arthur, John, or his teacher are not with him.”
Thomas sneered and asked without taking an eye off Daniel’s mother, “Ada, can you take Danny-”
“Daniel,” The boy interrupted. He readjusted to stand taller as if that had something to do with it, “My name is Daniel, Mr. Shelby.”
“Can you take Daniel to the stables,” Thomas pleaded through gritted teeth.
Ada nodded and put an arm around the boy. She smiled and commented, “Daniel is such a handsome name. You know you are just the age of my son, Karl. Would you like to play with him as well?”
Daniel looked up at her, “Maybe. Does he know how to ride a horse? Or does he know how to shoot?”
Ada looked at Tommy surprised then down at the boy again, “No. He grew up in London, but he knows chess and other fun games.”
Daniel shrugged, “Later then. After dinner perhaps.” He walked with Ada to the stables.
Right when Thomas knew the boy was out of earshot, he turned to Arthur and the mother of his eldest son. “When were you going to FUCKING TELL ME that I had a son,” Thomas growled approaching the younger woman.
Arthur started to try to intervene but she held out an arm and stood her ground. She sneered and stared straight at him despite him trying to tower over her, “Hopefully never. I was banking on this conversation taking place in Hell.”
“Come on you two,” Arthur pushed Thomas away from the woman. He stood between them and tried to reason, “What much better would it have done if she did tell you? Eh?”
“COME OFF IT,” Thomas roared, “You know I would have made it right Arthur!”
“Made what right,” She yelled at Thomas, “Marry me? My heart was buried in the ground! I always was going to love someone else! I had fucking money!”
Arthur turned and pushed her away from Thomas, “Yeah, and look at Daniel. He’s an amazing boy.”
Thomas stormed up to get into her face once more, “For all you know, that could have been my only child! You robbed that boy of a father!”
“FRANCE STOLE THAT BOY’S FATHER,” She yelled pointing down into the ground. Her chest heaving from the screaming match. Seeing his eyes genuinely hurt by her actions, she stopped fighting. She panted out her frustration and took a deep breath. She calmly looked up at him, “But luckily he wasn’t, huh, Mr. Shelby?” She shook her head of her malice. Her voice changed to a softer, more gentle tone, “I’m sorry for your loss. She was a kind woman. She lived up to her name. Now, thank you for inviting me to John’s funeral. May I go now?”
Thomas seethed. He, too, slowly let his anger out from his breath. He could tell her honesty from the way she spoke. He nodded then called to her back, “Be downstairs as soon as you get settled for the family meeting!” He watched as she turned around. He cocked an arrogant smirk, “You are a Shelby after all. You had that blood in you for a time.”
She turned back to her mission into getting into the house, “I’m sorry sir. I believe you’ve mistaken me for someone else.” She walked into his house with two small bags to go and get settled.
Thomas turned to his brother, “How long have you two fucking known about this?”
“Johnny didn’t know until after Danny was born,” Arthur explained.
“And you,” Thomas questioned.
Arthur took in a deep breath, “Since the day she knew she was pregnant.”
“Why didn’t you tell me, Arthur?”
Arthur looked at his brother sorrowfully, “Because she wanted to keep em, Tommy. She wanted to keep em and she didn’t wanna marry you. She had enough money where she could raise him no problem. Look at him, Tommy. That is a well loved boy.” He pointed towards the stables.
“Does he know anything about me,” Thomas asked miserably. He waited for Arthur to respond and when he didn’t he asked again, “Does he know ANYTHING about me Arthur?”
Arthur nodded solemnly, “That’s why John and I would go visit em, Tommy. We wanted to make sure he was a proper Shelby boy. She’s done so much for him. That boy can probably outshoot Finn and definitely out race him. He’s a really smart one too.”
“That doesn’t mean he knows me, Arthur,” Thomas hissed.
Arthur sighed, “Aye, but he does. He knows you from the papers and from me sitting him down and tellin em about you. He doesn’t quite care for it, to be honest.”
Thomas took out a cigarette, moistened it by rubbing it against his lips, then lit it to smoke, “Me neither.” He turned to walk back into the house.
Later that afternoon, after John’s funeral, Thomas sauntered into her room, “Thank you for staying.”
“Didn’t have much choice,” She said, “Arthur asked, I stayed. Nothing to it more than that.”
He nodded, “I saw you, after the gunshot. You stood and drew a pistol. Where’d you learn to shoot?”
She shrugged, “Picked it up after my Papa and Georgie died. I had a Shelby boy and if anyone found out, I needed to be able to protect myself and him until he could shoot for emself.”
“You could’ve eaten with us,” He told her. He poured both of them a glass of whiskey.
The woman shook her head, “I’m not a Shelby. I didn’t belong there.”
“You belong there, because I say you belong there,” He growled as he took a sip.
She shook her head, “I don’t belong anywhere, Mr. Shelby.”
There was a cry. Both of them turned their heads. Daniel walked in with Charlie crying behind him. The boy huffed at the two adults and walked past Thomas to lead Charles to his mother, “He couldn’t sleep.” He walked back out to go to their room. 
Her heart melted, “Oh darling boy.” She scooped up Charles and asked, “Darling, Charlie, would you like me to help you get to sleep?” She pet the boy’s head so that he could rest it into the crook of her neck and started to hum. She stood and walked into the hall to sing to the boy. She sang softly and danced slowly with him until he was completely asleep.
Thomas stood in the doorway watching her. His eyes watched every small twirl she made as she sang to his younger son the spices of Scarborough Fair. Her barefeet against the wood made it easy to gently sway Charlie to sleep as she sang to him. Thomas stared at her, but he was looking at his late wife.
When she returned from putting Charlie to sleep, Thomas’ forlorn eyes pleaded with hers wordlessly. She calmly walked into the room and closed the door behind her.
One morning, he went on a ride with Charles and Daniel. He took in the misty air of morning. For the first time, in a long time, he felt as if he could grasp it. Everything he ever wanted was just there in his veiled vision. When they rode back, he spotted it, the car that dropped her off. He handed Charles to Mary so that she could walk the boys in. Thomas walked to Daniel’s mother, who was putting the bags into the car.
He grabbed her arm roughly and walked them a bit away from the car, “Where do you think you’re going?”
She turned to the man, “Back home. Danny and I belong back home.”
Thomas shook his head, “You said you didn’t belong anywhere. Well now you do. You belong to me and Charlie.”
She sighed, “Thomas.”
“Don’t you dare Thomas me,” His eyes squinted from the searing pain of tears building. His nostrils flared, “Danny deserves a father and Charlie deserves a mother. It’s perfect, ain’t it? This?”
“No,” he roared, “Don’t fucking Tommy me when you’re taking my fucking son away from me again.”
“Lizzie’s pregnant, Tommy,” She somberly forced a smile with a shrug, “What do you want me to do?” The news punched him. His head reeled. He blinked, shaking his head. Why did this have to happen now? Thomas took a step back from her as her voice bubbled back to the surface of his understanding, “- were never going to work. You and I. We both love someone who isn’t there, Tommy. It’s unfair for us to act like anything different. Charlie can still have a mother. You don’t have to worry.” She let tears fall from her eyes.
Thomas was silent as he watched Danny and the woman who gave him Grace again drove away. He gripped Charlie’s hand as Charlie waved them goodbye, completely unaware of what it meant. Thomas closed his eyes and whispered under his breath, “And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be, For you will bend and tell me that you love me, and I shall sleep in peace until you come to me.”
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markleesthighs · 4 years
Pairings: Reader x Taeyong, Reader x Donghyuck Genre: NCT long-distance au, angst, fluff  Warnings: flashbacks, cheating? heartbreak Words: 1.2k Requested by: @chinnamon​
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Song: Falling by Trevor Daniel
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You were dating Taeyong for about a year, and he had to tell you the unfortunate news that he had to leave you for a few months to promote SuperM. He promised he would call you and text you every day at least once or leave you a voicemail so you wouldn't feel lonely. You moved into his dorm recently, so the only friends you had were his members, some going with him, and some training for comebacks. It meant that you would be alone in the house most of the time, and you didn't have many friends outside of the dorm. 
Taeyong did call you every night for a couple of days, but you began to notice that he slowly distanced himself from you, making it lucky if you even got a text. It led you to have a constant cycle of crying every night before you went to bed, clinging on to his pillow in bed, hoping his smell would help cope with you. Some of the dorm members picked up on this also contacting Taeyong, but the moment they mentioned your name, he would hang up or give an excuse saying he had to go. 
You couldn't help but wonder if he didn't want to be with you anymore, or if he had found someone else. One night Taeyong called you, and you got so scared and excited that you almost dropped your phone. You picked it up and answered.
'Tae! Babe, how's everything? Are you doing alright? How's the pro-"
"y/n, please. I'm getting a headache from listening to you speak."
"o-oh, ok, is there something you need to tell me?"
"yes, I think we should break up."
"w-what? w-what did I do-" 
"You didn't do anything it's just- I don't think it's ok to be dating you while I'm overseas, it's just not right."
"what can I do? how can I fix it-"
"You can't. we'll just be taking a break, I guess, let both of us be free of this."
"So was this just prison for you?"
"that's not what I meant. But we should take this time to find ourselves, and see other people. I'm sorry."
Before you could speak, Taeyong hung up, and you could not stop the tears from falling, and you swore that you felt the room filling up with your tears and sobs. But it was interrupted by a knock on the door. 
"y/n, are you ok in there? It's me, hyuck."
"y-yeah, you can come in."
Donghyuck entered fresh out of the shower with his pajama's on and a towel around his neck. 
"Are you alright, your eyes are all red from crying. No one's eyes should ever be crying around here. Maybe some ~aeygo~ will cheer you up ~niko niko ni~."
You giggled at his attempt to make you laugh.
"There's that smile I missed, c'mon,"
"Wh- where are we going?"
"I'm taking you out. You haven't been out in years! I can see the mushrooms growing in your room."
Donghyuck took your arm and threw his jacket over you as he dragged you outside to the night market to get some fresh air and good food. He paid for everything and made sure you had a good time. You both eventually walked to a park and sat on a bench where you two watched the ducks. 
"Thanks for taking me out, you sure know how to give someone a good time."
 "Of course, whenever I was down, my hyungs would take me out to find the joy in life again, and to focus on enjoying what the future has to offer."
"Well, they were right about-"
You looked at him and didn't notice how close your faces were each other, and you could sense the blush on your face. You had liked Donghyuck, but not until recently have you felt differently about him, you just thought he was just a cheesy rascal who liked to tease his hyungs. 
"Oh, I'm sorry, y/n, I, uh, know you're dating Taeyong…sorry."
"Actually, we broke up."
"Yong couldn't deal with the whole long-distance thing, so we are taking a break, I guess."
"Why would he break up over soothing so stupid, if I were dating you overseas my phone would probably die every day."
"Aw hyuck, you're so sweet."
"We should head back. I want you to be still able to get some sleep for tomorrow!"
Donghyuck let you hold his arm as you walk back to the dorms, and he took off his jacket for you when you entered. The rest of the members seems to be up playing video games or resting, so they didn't notice when you two came back from your "date." 
"Hey hyuck, I'm going to sleep on the couch, I'm not so comfortable sleeping in Taeyong's room."
"Oh, of course, y/n, do as you wish."
"hyuck, one more thing,"
"What is it"
You go on your tippy-toes to kiss him on the cheek as you notice a huge grin form on his face as he pets the place where you kissed him. 
"Thank you for tonight. I would love to do it again sometime."
“S-sure uh, a-a-any-y-y-t-tt-time. Goodnight."
You smiled and watched Donghyuck quickly go into his room and shut the door. You turned away to set up your bed on the couch. You took a bunch of blankets and pillows bundling yourself up. 
Later in the night, you found yourself tossing and turning in the night because you were used to being so tired from crying that you fell asleep. You got up and saw that Donghyuck's room light was still on, so you decided to see if he'd let you sleep with him. You walked in and found that Johnny was fast asleep, and Donghyuck was still on his computer playing overwatch. You walked up to his chair and draped your arms over his shoulders. 
"Shouldn't you be in bed?"
"I could say the same for you," Hyuck responded as he kissed your cheek."
"Come to bed. You need the sleep more than me."
"I don't think both of us can fit on that couch y/n."
"We can sleep in your bed…."
"O-oh, o-ok..hey guys, I'm going to bed, keep playing without me."
Donghyuck got up from his chair and suddenly picked you up and carried you lying you down on his bed, curling up next to you holding you. You both adjusted into a comfortable cuddling position, and you just stared into each other eyes. 
"Do you like me?"
"Of course I like you, I dare say that I love you. I love you y/n. I know its crazy- but-"
You stopped his mumbling by connecting your lips with his, joining together in a soft kiss that made both of you blush. 
"Now, don't start saying things when you haven't had any rest Hyuck, go to sleep."
Donghyuck was quick to fall asleep, but you kept staring at him while he slept, looking so peaceful and calm, it amazed you that this hyper man can look so relaxed. 
"I love you too," You whispered before you finally fell asleep in his arms quietly, sleeping better than you've ever had in a long time. 
part 2?? idk
~ n ✧*:・゚
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keiratheraven · 4 years
Bentley 8 Squad: Forgive and Heal
(I dedicated this post for this October AKA Mental Health Awareness month)
Every member of the Bentley 8 Squad has a dark past. All of them were problematic in their late teen or early young adult years.
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Angela Pleasant (Bentley Queen). The miss “perfect”. She was a queen bee, cheerleader captain, honor student, and the girl squad leader. Her parents (Daniel and Mary-Sue Pleasant) put pressure on her to be the flawless daughter. She dedicated herself to become “The Perfect Princess”, but actually she thinks she’ll never be good enough. But she didn’t tell anyone about her battle with Bulimia, and no one believed her when she said there’s something wrong with her body. Everyone just said it’s just bad cramps, nothing more. Then she was diagnosed with Endometriosis at age 19. Although she was surrounded by many people, No one understands her pain and struggles. She's pursuing a master's degree in psychology from Sim State and has the ambition to become a psychologist, but her conditions keep restraining her.
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Lilith Pleasant (Bentley Gothic). The black sheep of the family. Daniel and Mary-Sue favored Angela over her and abused her. They didn’t teach her to talk, walk, and use the toilet. They blamed her for everything. They liked to and slap and yell at her. She and Angela also hated each other and they’re always fighting every day. One time, Lilith ran away from their house because she couldn’t take it anymore. But eventually, the police found her and took her home. Since then, Daniel and Mary-Sue treat her better and Angela apologized to her, but later on, she was diagnosed with Type 1 Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. She pours all her emotions into arts and music, then took the art major at Sim State because her dream is to become a rock singer and illustrator at once. But her fluctuating moods and her addiction to self-harm make her questioning the future.
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Dustin Broke (Bentley Rogue). The delinquent criminal. The death of his father and the way he died made him mad at the world. He took over his late father’s position as the man of the house and eventually became a criminal to support his family. But his mother became an alcoholic who liked to beat him up and throw an open bottle of alcohol at him. He also has substance abuse after he became a drug dealer. One time when he was in his college dorm at Foxbury, he sent Gordon King into boiling rage after he told him that he spent the drug-selling money for gambling besides his tuition, and Gordon beat the shit out of him mindlessly. Because of his drug addiction, he was diagnosed with Mild Schizophrenia. Sometimes, he thinks he’s already wasted. He doesn’t get enough sleep every night and always looking at the ceiling while he lies on the bed.
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Dirk Dreamer (Bentley Brain). The genius, nerdy guy. He always put a good effort to do well in his life. He was an honor student in high school. But the death of his mother really shocked him, and his grades took a downfall. Eventually, he rose to make his late mother proud and his grades back to the top. Although he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 16, he keeps studying hard and he got a scholarship to Sims University Medical School. He became the assistant lecturer of Dr. Worthington. But, not everyone admires him. The son of Dr. Worthington named Dr. Mark punched him hard when he was alone after finishing a class. He said that Dirk will never take over his place as a devoted medical student in their faculty because his father kept comparing him with Dirk. Dirk keeps it to himself and he never told Dr. Worthington. Although he wants to become a psychiatrist to recover his beloved seven friends, He almost gave up as a doctor because of his illness. He muses about it every night when he's alone because he has to act as a strong, resilient young doctor in front of everyone.
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Ophelia Nigmos (Bentley Flower). The mysterious and anxious girl who was desperate for a family. Her parents died when she was ten, and she was raised by an (allegedly) murderer aunt. She was haunted by many ghosts in her near-graveyard house, and Aunt Olive wasn’t the nicest person to be around with. She liked to scold her over the smallest things. She was cold and indifferent to her. One time, she humiliated Ophelia in front of her high school. Many people looked at them, but Ophelia couldn’t do anything to hide the shame. It caused her to have Anxiety and Paranoid personality disorders. Because of this, Ophelia is always anxious when she has to talk in front of many people, so she dreamed to become a novelist and songwriter. Eventually, Aunt Olive died when she was attending La Fiesta Tech. Ophelia mourned her death, but the wounds that Olive gave to her aren’t easy to forget.
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Puck Summerdream (Bentley Fancy). The lucky fairy guy who was adopted by loving parents and also a kid sister. He didn’t want to get involved with Capp-Monty feuds in Veronaville and always be kind to them. He also had a crush on Hermia Capp, who became his girlfriend after they kissed for the first time at Puck’s party. But Mercutio Monty didn’t like it and got mad at them. The next day, he beat Puck's ass and took his money at the schoolyard. "That’s for stealing my girlfriend", he said. Puck hid his feelings and cried when he got home. Later on, he attended Academie Le Tour with Hermia. He took double majors: music and mathematics cause his dream is to become a classical musician. But, a tragedy struck. Hermia got shot in a mass shooting and died when she was buying heart medications for Puck. Puck fell into a Major Depression, and his heart condition got worse. Years have passed, but he couldn’t forget her despite many women want him.
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Ripp Grunt (Bentley Clown). The tragic hyperactive joker. His mother died when he was eleven, and he was raised by the disciplined-yet-abusive General Buzz Grunt. Buzz liked to punch him when he didn’t obey him, and his brother, Tank Grunt, used him as his punching bag. One time, Tank threatened him to tell Buzz about Ripp’s bisexuality just because Tank didn’t like that Ripp partnered with his crush, Anna, at the school lab. But Ripp never showed his real feelings, except for Ophelia and Johnny. He smiled, joked, and laughed a lot, but actually, deep down he’s crying. He cries a lot and is also tortured by loneliness when he’s alone, but he keeps hiding his feelings by “The Funny Guy” mask. Despite the abuse of his father and brother, Ripp has the talent to entertain others by acting, singing, and play the guitar, so he took the drama major at Britechester. He suffers from ADHD, and gastritis caused by the longtime stress of the abuse. He misses his mom so much and always musing about her.
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Johnny Smith (Bentley Leader). The carefree green guy. He was happy. Being the “normal” family in “abnormal” alien descent made him proud of his heritage. Despite having green skin, Johnny was so confident. He’s a sporty jock guy who likes to exercise, play soccer or basketball. He tried so hard to fit in at his high school and every surrounding. His neighbors see him no differently, except Buzz and Tank Grunt. He and Tank always fighting with each other in high school, but it didn’t affect Johnny’s happy life. Then, one night changed everything. When he was 18 and attending as a freshman at La Fiesta Tech, he got attacked by nine people and stabbed on his abdomen due to a hate crime against alien sims. When his blood ran down, the culprits threw him into the smelly and filthy dumpster. He fell into a coma, but luckily for him to have alien blood, he recovered very quickly and regained consciousness after five days. But since then, he has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. He got Minor Depression and having suicidal thoughts as well.
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However, everything gets better when all of them get together. They’re having medical treatments for their mental and physical condition, counseling, and group therapies. They’re completing each other and have special bonds. Their stories might be different, but that’s what makes them united besides their love for Bentley cars. Together, they learn to be stronger, nicer, wiser and be a better person. They also want to recover from their past traumas through medications and strong friendships.
In the end, they learn to let go and forgive everything in their pasts. They realized it’s useless to blame themselves, and everything happens for a reason. Because the past doesn’t define who they are. Trauma might be hard, but eventually, they have to face them instead of avoiding them. That’s the meaning of growing up, healing the wounded souls, and moving on. They never stopped chasing their dreams despite their disabilities and keep supporting each other just like a real family.
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And it was an early fall in Bridgeport, Sim City. At the anniversary of their establishment of Bentley 8 and Im-perfection community, they decided to go to a resort. They had some fun there. Angela made grilled salmon and cheesesteak for their lunch. Johnny and Dirk played soccer. Meanwhile, Ripp, Dustin, Ophelia, Lilith, and Puck roasted some marshmallows. When they are together, They’re creating memories because tomorrow is never guaranteed. But, no matter what happens tomorrow, they are grateful to still have each other.
"The past can't haunt me if I don't let it
Live and learn and never forget it
Whoa, gotta learn to let it go
Learn to let go, learn to let go
Learn to let go" - Kesha, 2017
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pinktintedmonocle · 4 years
A Standing Appointment - A Cobra Kai FanFic - Chapter 3
In which the water damage finally comes to a head, Johnny reasons that large flags and blankets are basically the same thing and Daniel finally figures out what he wants.
The sound of soft footsteps reached Johnny’s ears as he raised the beer bottle to his lips.  He quickly adjusted his gi to show a little more chest as the door swung open and Daniel walked in.
“Wasn’t sure if you were gonna show”, Johnny said, taking another swig of beer before glancing up. The bottle dropped from his fingers as he caught sight of Daniel and he scrambled to his feet, crossing the room towards the smaller man.  “Jesus, LaRusso!  What happened?”
Daniel was not wearing his gi.  Instead he was wearing a suit, a deep crimson stain splashed across the front of his white shirt.  He glanced down with a frown and then up again at Johnny, who was staring in horror at his torso.
“Oh!  No, it’s wine Johnny!”  Daniel said quickly, holding his hands up in a placating gesture. “Just wine!”
Johnny sagged in relief. “You nearly gave me a heart attack, La Russo!  Thought you’d been stabbed or shot or some shit.”  Johnny took a deep breath.  “You - you OK then?”
“No, Johnny, I’m not OK”, said Daniel, passing a hand over his face.  He looked tried, Johnny noticed; there were dark circles under his eyes. “I’m the opposite of OK.  Look – I- ah – it’s been a very, very long day. You got some whiskey?”
Johnny nodded.  “Yeah.  Yeah I got some.”  He fetched the bottle from the corner of the room and poured a generous measure into a plastic cup before handing it to Daniel.
Daniel gulped it down in one and took a long, shaky breath.  He licked his lips and cocked his head to one side, looking at Johnny in surprise.
“This is actually decent, Johnny.”
Johnny shrugged. “Yeah well, thought I’d buy a bottle of the good stuff, stop you from bitchin’ about it.”
“Oh”, said Daniel, and Johnny was alarmed to see tears forming in the other man’s eyes.  “That’s – sort of nice of you.  Thanks.”
“What’s going on LaRusso?” Johnny asked impatiently, crossing his arms and fixing Daniel with a stern gaze.
Daniel let the cup fall to the ground.  He stared down at it for a moment before he looked up at Johnny.
“I told Amanda.”
“Told Amanda what?”
“About us, Johnny.  I told her we were having an affair.  Although to be honest I think she’d already figured it out for herself.  I don’t think she believed me when I told her that all those bruises came from training sessions at Miyagi-Do.”
Johnny gawped at Daniel, at a loss for words.  “You said it wasn’t an affair.” He said eventually.
Daniel frowned. “What?”
“You said it wasn’t an affair.  You said it was a standing appointment.”
Daniel laughed, although there was no humour in it.  “Yeah, well, I got that wrong.  I got a lot of things wrong, Johnny.”
“Oh”, said Johnny. “Right.”  There were several seconds of very awkward silence before he spoke again.  “So how she take it?”
Daniel gestured to his ruined shirt.  “Not well. Also she kicked me out of the house, which I can’t say I didn’t deserve.”
“Shit”, said Johnny. He shook his head, eyes still fixed on Daniel.  “What about your precious reputation and all that other stuff you were talking about last week?”
Daniel sighed and ran a hand through his hair.  “I don’t know Johnny.  I just know that all the secrets and lies were tearing me up inside.  I couldn’t carry on like that; I had to get it all out.”
Johnny was trying to figure out what to say next when an ominous creaking noise sounded from above; he glanced up just as the portion of the ceiling covered by the spreading damp patch gave way.  Before Johnny could even register what was happening he was thrown to the side by Daniel, the brunette’s lithe body moving unnaturally fast as he threw them both free of the falling ceiling.  Daniel curled himself around Johnny, blocking his view so Johnny only heard the crash; a deafening thud followed by a loud splash.
Johnny felt Daniel’s whole body tense for a second, still shielding him, before the smaller man pulled back, his wide eyes staring down into Johnny’s.
“You OK?” Daniel asked.
“Ah, yeah, fine.”, Johnny replied, dazed.  “You?”
“Yeah, I think so”, said Daniel, rolling off Johnny.  He grimaced and shook his head, filthy water and debris flying out of his hair.  “Just wet.  And…oh.”
Johnny followed Daniel’s gaze and saw that the other man was staring at his bicep where a sharp piece of plaster was protruding.
“Shit!” Johnny exclaimed and lunged forward without thinking, gripping the shard with one hand and pulling it free.
“Johnny no!” Daniel yelled as Johnny yanked out the plaster.  They both stared at Daniel’s wound in shock for a moment as blood started to pump out, running down Daniel’s arm.
Daniel clamped his other hand over the gash and gestured frantically with one foot at Johnny’s waist.  “Your belt, Johnny!  Give me your belt!”
“What?” Johnny asked, confused for a second before he understood what Daniel was asking.  He quickly untied his belt and leant forward to tie it around Daniel’s arm, forming a makeshift tourniquet and stopping the flow of blood.
Daniel let out a sigh of relief before glaring at Johnny.  “Why the hell did you pull it out, Johnny?  I could have bled to death!”
“Hey, don’t yell at me, I just was trying to help!” said Johnny as he stood up gingerly and looked around the room, taking in the sodden mess of crumbling plaster and broken ceiling titles that were now strewn across the floor.  “Fuck!”
He glanced back down at Daniel; the brunette had turned pale and had started to shiver, dirty water dripping off him and forming a puddle on the floor.
“You - you want me to take you to the hospital?”
“Yeah”, Daniel said shakily. “Probably a good idea.”
Johnny sat outside the room that Daniel had been taken into, folding and unfolding a brochure he had picked up while one knee jogged impatiently up and down.  A nurse walked out of the room and Johnny jumped up.
“Is he OK?” Johnny asked.
The nurse glanced down at the clipboard in her hand.  “Mr Lawrence, I presume?  You brought Mr LaRusso in?”
Johnny nodded tersely. “Yeah, that’s me.  So is he OK, or…?”
“Yes, he’s fine”, the nurse said with a smile.  “Thankfully the wound wasn’t that deep; it just needed a few stitches.  We dried him off and cleaned him up a bit but he’ll still need a shower when you get home.  Then try and get him to eat something and keep him warm when you go to bed.”
Johnny stared at the nurse incredulously.  “What? We don’t live together.”
“Oh!”, the nurse replied, somewhat flustered.  “I’m so sorry, I thought you two were, uh-”
“Were what?”
“Nothing, nothing.” The nurse’s smile became a little strained and she looked back down at her clipboard.  “But are you taking him home?  It’s probably best he doesn’t drive while his arm is still sore.”
“Uh, I don’t know”, Johnny responded truthfully.
The nurse frowned. “Oh – Ok.  Well, do you know if someone will be spending the night with him? We don’t know what could have gotten into the wound from that rotten ceiling, so it would be good if he had someone who could bring him straight back here if he showed any signs of infection.”
“Uh, I don’t know that either”, said Johnny.
The nurse narrowed her eyes at him.  “Forgive me for asking, Mr Lawrence, but what exactly is your relation to Mr LaRusso?”
“Mortal enemy”, Johnny replied.
They drove in silence, Daniel fidgeting with a loose thread on his shirt while Johnny kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead.
Eventually Johnny cleared his throat.  “So where do you want me to drop you off?”
“Oh”, said Daniel.  He stared out of the window for a moment. “I guess I’ll have to go to a hotel. I’ll give you directions.”
“Or you could stay with me”, Johnny said quickly before he lost his nerve.  “I mean, if you want too.  Just for one night.”
“Oh”, Daniel said. “OK.”
They were silent for a few more minutes before Johnny spoke again.
“Sure you’re OK?” he asked Daniel.  “You don’t seem like yourself.”
Daniel turned his head to look at Johnny.  “Johnny, in the last”, he paused to glance at his watch, “four hours, I’ve broken up with my wife, had a ceiling nearly fall on me, been stabbed in the arm, nearly bled to death, was soaked in rancid water and had five stiches.  How do you expect me to act?”
Johnny snorted in derision. “You didn’t nearly bleed to death, the nurse said the wound wasn’t even that deep.  Don’t be so dramatic, LaRusso.”
“You didn’t know that when you pulled the plaster out!” Daniel protested.  “It could have been lodged in an artery!  I could have died right there in the middle of the dojo!”
“No, you wouldn’t have!”
“Oh, yeah?  How do you know that?”
“Because I wouldn’t have let that happen!”, Johnny snapped.  “I wouldn’t have let you die!”
There was another silence. When Johnny spoke again his voice was low, his tone hesitant.
“Wasn’t sure if I’d see you anymore after last week.  Look, I’m sorry if I hurt you.  I didn’t mean to, I thought you were into it.”
“You didn’t and I was”, Daniel said softly.  “I just got…overwhelmed.”
“By what?”
Daniel didn’t answer straight away, instead turning to look out of the window again.  Johnny had been just about to say something to break the silence when Daniel spoke.
“I’m in love you, Johnny.”
Johnny’s hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white.  “Fuck”.
“Yeah”, said Daniel. “I know.��
Johnny let them into his apartment and Daniel sat down heavily on the couch, rubbing at his arm.
“Right”, said Johnny, turning to leave again.  “I need to go and start cleaning up the dojo.  You just stay here and try not to bleed over anything.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you”, said Daniel.
“Oh yeah?  Why not?”
“Look”, Daniel explained, leaning back.  “If you go and clean up now you won’t be able to prove how much damage the water caused. But if you wait until morning, take a few pictures in daylight, you’ll have evidence.  Then what you do is send them to Zakarian and tell him you’re planning on calling round a few contractors, see who’ll give you the best price to fix it.  He won’t want that; if word gets out that one of his properties has damp then no one will want to rent from him.  So what he’ll do is send someone he knows round to fix it quick.  He keeps his business, you keep yours and you won’t have to pay for any of the clean-up.”
Johnny frowned.  “Why are you telling me this?  Thought you wanted Cobra Kai to close down?”
“Just because I don’t approve of Cobra Kai, doesn’t mean I want to see you suffer.”
“Oh”, said Johnny, “right”. He locked the door behind him and pocketed his keys before joining Daniel on the couch.  “So, what do you wanna do instead?”
Daniel looked up at him through dark lashes.  “Is your shower big enough for two?”
The answer was no, but they decided to try anyway.  As they waited for the water to heat up Johnny helped Daniel apply a waterproof dressing he’d got from the hospital over his stitches before they both shed their clothes and got into the shower, bodies pressed together.
Daniel’s skin had the rotten egg smell of stagnant water.  Johnny scrunched up his nose in distaste.
“You stink, LaRusso.”
Daniel rolled his eyes. “What do you except me to smell like? Sunshine and daises?  I saved your life back there you know, which you still haven’t actually thanked me for.”
Johnny scoffed as the hot water poured down over them and the tiny bathroom began to fill with steam.
“Hey!  I would have got out of the way before it hit me!”
“You were just standing there!  You would’ve been crushed if it hadn’t been for me!”
As they bickered Johnny grabbed a bottle of shower gel and began to lather himself up.  When he tried to pass the bottle to Daniel the brunette shook his head and gestured to his injury.  “My arm is still a little sore.  Could you soap me up?”
“Uh, yeah”, said Johnny. He squirted a good portion of gel into his hands before starting to wash Daniel, slowly cleaning away the blood and grime.
Daniel made a little noise of contentment as Johnny’s hands moved down his body and his eyes fluttered shut.  As the steam rose around them Daniel’s features blurred and softened, the years falling away until the man standing in front of Johnny looked just as he did when they first met.  Johnny allowed himself to imagine for a moment that they were teenagers again with their whole lives ahead of them, rather than middle aged men who had spent far too many years apart.
“I’m sorry”, Daniel murmured.  His big brown eyes flickered open and fixed on Johnny.  “For what I said last week.  I didn’t mean it.”
Johnny pulled his hands away from Daniel’s body, reaching out to grab the shower gel again.  He squeezed it over Daniel’s head before rubbing it in with his fingers, bits of crumbling plaster falling out of Daniel’s hair and swirling down the drain.
“Yeah, you did”, said Johnny.  “But I forgive you.  I’m generous like that.”  He smiled, the special half smile that he reserved just for Daniel.  The one he knew drove the other man wild.
Daniel’s cheeks turned pink although he didn’t say anything.  But when Johnny moved to turn off the shower Daniel’s fingers curled around his wrist, stopping him from reaching the valve.
“We don’t have to get out yet”, Daniel said, voice low.
“That’s what you’re supposed to do when you’re clean, LaRusso”, said Johnny, deliberately pretending not to understand what Daniel was offering.  After all the shit Daniel had put him through, all the sneaking around in the dead of night, all the veiled and not so veiled insults, Johnny was going to make him ask properly.  Hell, Johnny was going to make him beg.
Daniel’s eyes darkened with arousal.  “Why don’t you make me dirty again then”, he suggested, leaning into Johnny.  “Make me dirty then wash me all over again.”
Johnny pulled back properly this time, distancing himself from the brunette as much as possible in the small space.
“We can’t stay here all night, LaRusso.  My water bill will be through the roof.”  He made to step out of the shower but Daniel reached out and pulled him back round with a strength that belied his small frame.
“Please”, Daniel asked, tugging on Johnny’s hip to try and make the blonde move closer to him.  “I need this.  I need you.”
“Oh yeah?”, said Johnny, resisting Daniel’s efforts to pull him in.  “But what if I don’t need you?”
Daniel’s face fell in disappointment and he started to back away.  “Oh, OK…”
Johnny rolled his eyes, unable to keep up the act any longer.  “God, you’re so gullible LaRusso.  Come here.”
Daniel’s eyes went wide but before he could say a word Johnny kissed him, pressing their bodies back together.  After a minute Daniel broke the kiss, panting into Johnny’s ear.
“You are such an asshole.”
Johnny laughed. “Yeah, but you love me anyway.”
“Yes”, Daniel replied, leaning in for another kiss.  “I do.”
After their second shower, Johnny left Daniel in the bathroom to dry off while he went into the kitchen and assessed the paltry contents of the fridge.
Try and get him to eat something and keep him warm.
He pulled out a packet of meat and turned on the stove, putting the meat in a pan to fry.  As it cooked he wandered into the bedroom, pulling out some thicker clothes for Daniel to wear from the wardrobe and searching for a blanket.  He couldn’t find one but he did find a large stars and stripes that he had drunkenly stolen from a fourth of July party several years previously.  Figuring that big flags and blankets were essentially the same thing, he added it to the pile of clothing and carried them into the living room.  Daniel emerged from the shower, towel around his waist, hair damp and fluffy, just as Johnny was plating up the food.
“Some clothes for you there”, Johnny said, pointing with a spatula.  As Daniel dropped the towel and started to pull on the clothes, Johnny carried the plates over to the table, sneaking a look at Daniel’s ass as he did so.
Daniel picked up the flag and raised an eyebrow at Johnny.  “What’s this for?”
“It’s – look, come here”, said Johnny, and Daniel walked over to him.  Johnny draped the flag over the smaller man’s shoulders before guiding him over to the table and sitting him down.
Daniel looked confused as Johnny sat down opposite him.  “Johnny, what is this?”
“Hey, I’m just doing what the nurse asked me to do”, Johnny said, voice muffled by a mouthful of food.
Daniel stared at Johnny incredulously.
“The nurse asked you to wrap me in a flag and give me a plate of meat?”
Johnny shrugged and Daniel sighed, poking at his meat with a fork.
“What even is this, Johnny? Chicken, pork, beef?  I genuinely can’t tell.”
Johnny swallowed. “It’s just meat, LaRusso.  Does it matter what kind?”
“Yeah, it does to me!” Daniel protested.  “I like to know what I’m putting in my body.”
“Oh, I already know what kind of meat you like in your body”, said Johnny, winking suggestively.
Daniel’s cheeks flushed pink again and Johnny shook his head in amusement.
“Look”, he continued, “you can go out and get the food for us tomorrow if you’re so fussy, get us a couple of decent steaks or something.  None of that sushi shit though, I don’t trust fish.”
Daniel smiled at Johnny. “Tomorrow, huh?  Thought you said in the car that I could only stay one night?”
Johnny pointed his fork at Daniel.  “Just shut up and eat your meat, La Russo.”
After they had eaten, Daniel sank into the couch while Johnny prepared drinks.
“What do you want?” Johnny asked, fetching himself a Coors Banquet from the fridge.
“Got any whiskey?” enquired Daniel.  “And I mean the decent stuff, not the paint stripper.  Or was your only decent bottle the one at the dojo?”
“I got another one”, said Johnny, reaching into a cupboard and pulling it out.
“Yeah?” said Daniel, smiling again.  “You got a load of good whiskey just for me?
“I didn’t get a load”, Johnny lied, closing the cupboard quickly before Daniel could see the dozen or so bottles lined up in there.  He splashed the whiskey into a glass and walked across the room with their drinks, joining Daniel on the sofa.
They drank in silence as Johnny picked up the TV remote and began aimlessly flicking through stations.
“Hey!”, he said as a familiar image flashed up on screen.  “Iron Eagle!  You ever seen this movie?”
“Not in years”, said Daniel, taking a sip of his drink.
They let the film wash over them, both exhausted but too wired to sleep.  Midway through an action scene Johnny cleared his throat and put his beer down on the coffee table.
“I’m in love with you too”, he said, eyes still fixed on the TV.
“Oh”, said Daniel. “Fuck.”
“Yeah” said Johnny.
By the time the credits rolled their hands were clasped together, fingers entwined.
Holding on tight.
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meikodenji · 3 years
Part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:
Right Here
Proteins bars? Some homeless-looking guy giving you a hard time? And he busts karate on you? Huh.
Johnny was filling out a form in the office while the teens clean up around the dojo. As Miguel washed the window of the small room, he questioned, "Hey, Sensei, is there any particular way you want us to clean?" "No, I don't give a shit. Whatever's easiest. " He finished up. "You know what? You two go clean the restroom and we'll call it a night." "Okay. C'mon, Joey." "Right behind you.
The blonde smiled, "And do that one on your hands and knees." He chuckled, the boys going straight to work.
Daniel made his way into the dojo. He kept a hard gaze on the cobra right by the doors. Unknowingly, Johnny greets the person, "Welcome to Cobra Kai."
"Somethings never change." LaRusso threw. Johnny stood at his end, "yeah, what are you talking about?" "I heard you beat up a bunch of teenagers in that parking lot." He pointed. "Oh, that." Lawrence said in his defense. "No. I didn't beat up any teenagers." The blonde slowly made his way into the middle of the mat, closer to LaRusso. "I kicked the shit out of a bunch of assholes who deserved it." The brunette scoffed at him. "Wow. Johnny Lawrence calling someone else an asshole. That's rich, man." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Look. I'm not here to rehash the past. Just stay away from my daughter's friends." "Your daughter's friends?" Johnny bit back a smile. "Yeah, that makes sense. Nice company she keeps." "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" "It means those friends of hers were wailing on a kid half their size." All true. "Maybe you don't know your daughter as well as you think you do. Get your house in order, LaRusso." Daniel quickly made his way to his rival. "Who the hell you think you're talking to?" At that moment, Byers and Diaz came out of a clean bathroom. "Bathroom's clean!" Miguel shouted. "Is there anything else you need us to do?" Johnny stopped them The boys were baffled at the sight of their Sensei and Daniel. They apologized, "Sorry, Sensei." "Sensei? Really?" Daniel said, unbelievably. He felt like the boy who stood beside Miguel, looked rather familiar. "Oh my God, kids, I don't know what he's told you but you shouldn't believe a word he says, or you're gonna end up exactly like him." He turned to Johnny. "You and I. This. We aren't done." He went to exit the dojo. Johnny put his arms up. "I'm right here, man." The other man scoffed, brushing him off. J: "Sorry if we interrupted anything, Sensei." M: "20 push ups on our knuckles?" He kept his eyes on the man in his car, chuckling at the boy's question. "Right. Like you could. Johnny smugly smiled at Daniel.
Will knocked on his son's bedroom door. "Joey, ven a poner la mesa." He put his ear on the door to listen behind the blasting 80s rock. He heard his son throwing punches in the air. "Joseph!"
"¡Saldré en un minuto!" He replied. "¡Tu tío Jonathan y yo hicimos tacos de asada!"
Joey sat, eating the asada tacos his father and uncle cooked up. "They're good. So, what's going on, tío?" Will drank his soda as his older brother spoke. "Wanted to stay for a while and Rae told me to take care of you two." W: "And, the wife." Jon winced, nodding. "The kids are out of town and she's nagging right now. Wanting more, uh, sensual things." "Bleh!" Joey jokingly cringed. "Yeah, bleh." His father agreed. "Oh! Have you decided what you're going as for the Halloween dance?" Joseph thought, "Well, yeah, I thought about going as Freddy Kruger but the costume is expensive." "Oh, don't worry, J. He's got you." Jon said with a smile. "And what happened there?" He pointed at his nephew's knuckles. "You don't wanna know." Will teasingly answered. Joseph looked at his father, "What?" The two Byers brothers laughed at the confused child. --
Joseph and Miguel did their training as Johnny went through papers. He walked out of his office, talking to his current students. "Hey, you guys don't happen to have any friends who wanna learn karate, do you?" They were very concentrated, letting his question go. "Aw, what am I saying? You don't have any friends. Sorry." Miguel paused, turning to Johnny. "Hey, Sensei, when will the kicking begin? I saw this YouTube video of a guy breaking boards, and it looked badass." "Yeah, no shit. Kicking is badass. But you're not ready." He further explained, now Joseph was all ears. "If I don't get students in here, I won't be able to teach you anything." Joey reminded him, "You've thought about advertising, right?" "Yeah, duh." He semi-lied. "Of course."
It was the next day. Joey and his friends sat at their usual table during lunch, Counselor Blatt speaking. "Cyberbullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face." The students were either on their phones, not caring. Miguel and Joey kept their eyes on the woman as they ate. "I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity." The teens all darted their eyes on Eli as he covered his scar. Joey sighed,  sick of their insults. "But today, our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students." Miguel turned to the table. "If you're sick of getting bullied, our karate dojo's looking for recruits." Demetri turned it down with sarcasm. "Yeah, right. You hear that, Eli? A little karate training, and you're gonna kick some major ass." J: "He's serious, Demetri. Our sensei's the real deal." M: "Yeah, I'm sure we could get you both discounts." "As enticing as that sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face."
Counselor Blatt continued, "One last thing. While we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of sexy nurse, maybe try gender-neutral hospital employee." The students laughed. Joey's phone buzzed, a notification on the lock screen. PAPA: sent you a photo    
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sisterpiranha · 4 years
The Art of Snake Charming, ch. 6
Pairing: Lawrusso, Daniel Larusso/Amanda Larusso (at the start, I mean, they are engaged)
Summary:  Johnny is a stripper. Daniel has a bachelor party. Louie is an idiot.
Daniel left the doctor with a bandage around his head and a prescription for painkillers. He didn’t have a concussion, which was a relief, but he’d still have to take it easy for the next couple of days. He found Johnny sitting where he had left him, but now the small cut on his forehead was covered in plaster and he was holding an ice pack against the bruise next to his eye. He smiled when he saw Daniel approaching.
“You survived then?”
“Not even a concussion.”
“Not surprising with that hard head of yours.”
“Where did you get that?” Daniel asked, pointing at the man’s face.
“Turns out a friend of mine is working here tonight, she fixed,” Johnny said with a smile. 
“Johnny!” As if summoned by the man’s words, a young beautiful woman materialised next to them. She had curly hair, beautiful tan skin and a bright smile that was focused on Johnny. “Are you leaving already?”
“Yes, thanks for everything Carmen. But Daniel needs rest, so we should be going.”
“So you’re Daniel!” The woman turned to him with a smirk, a strong accent colouring her words, “Johnny told me so much about you.”
“He… He did?” Daniel asked, a smile starting to form on his lips.
“Of course! His old karate friend!”
“Rival! I said rival, she’s still learning English and doesn’t know what she’s saying. And I didn’t tell her a lot, I just might have mentioned you a few times, that’s all.”
“You don’t say,” Daniel said, a smile getting wider. 
“Don’t give me that face, it was nothing. We talked about a lot of people, you were bound to come up.”
“Whatever you say.”
Carmen looked at them with a fond smile.
“And Johnny saved you today, no? He’s very brave.”
“He is,” Daniel agreed. 
“Now take him home to rest, Johnny,” she said to the blonde man hugging him, “and give Migui and Robby a kiss for me when you get home.”
Daniel felt a pang in his chest at the mention of the other man’s boyfriend. Johnny threw him a sideways look, but Daniel tried to keep his expression blank.
“Will do, see you later Carmen.”
“Goodbye Daniel, it was nice to meet you,” she said surprising him with a hug of his own. 
“B… bye!” Daniel responded, still flabbergasted by the whole encounter. 
“Come on, we should go.”
Daniel followed Johnny to his car. The wound wasn’t serious, but he still wasn’t in any shape to drive, so he waited for the man to re-break into the car and then opened the passenger seat door for him.
“You’ll need to get that sorted as soon as possible,” Johnny said as he wired the cables under the wheel and turned the engine on.
“I have an extra set of keys at home. I’ll get the rest seen at the dealership on Monday.”
Daniel told him his address, and Johnny drove in silence for a few minutes.
“She seemed nice. The nurse, I mean. Back at the hospital.”
“Carmen? She is.”
“You seem close.”
“She’s my next-door neighbour.”
“Right. I mean, I don’t even know my neighbours' names, much less let them hug me, but still.”
“What are you saying?” Johnny asked suspiciously, like Daniel was insinuating something. 
“Nothing! Just that it’s nice that you have friends. Close friends, even.”
“Are you saying that you don’t have friends? Because I won’t believe it, I saw them when I went to your bachelor party.”
“Them? I mean, I wouldn’t call them friends, acquaintances more like. People I know from work. I guess Mr Miyagi is my friend, but he’s so much more than that. He’s family.”
“Carmen is like family too. Or as much family as I have nowadays, other than Robby.”
“Who is Migui?”
“Carmen’s son. Robby’s with him.”
“He babysits him?”
“They keep each other company,” Johnny answered with a fond smile on his lips.
Johnny turned on the radio and changed stations until Daniel stopped him placing a hand on his arm. 
“Leave it here.”
“You like Speedwagon?” Johnny asked incredulously.
“What kind of man doesn’t?” Daniel answered with a grin.
Both men shared a smile and spent the next few minutes singing together like teenagers would have done. After the song was over, the ease that had developed between them seemed to have grown.  They spent the rest of the ride talking quietly, jumping from topic to topic effortlessly. Although there were certain things they avoided discussing. As if by an unspoken agreement, neither of them mentioned their partners, Daniel’s wedding or Johnny’s work. Daniel thought that, bizarrely, that precise car ride was probably the happiest and most comfortable he had felt in the last few years.
However, it didn’t last long. One stop at the drugstore and then, all too soon, they arrived at Daniel’s place. Johnny walked him to his apartment, carefully looking for any sign of dizziness or instability in his step. A flare of an unnamed feeling warmed his chest, a feeling for a man who had been his enemy but had still dedicated his night to help him. 
Daniel struggled with the keys for a bit, there was a shake in his hand that couldn’t be solely attributed to his head wound. When he finally managed to open the door, a hand stopped him before he could enter.
“I should be going,” Johnny said, “I’ll get a taxi back to my place.”
“You’re leaving?” Daniel knew it was something he should have expected, what reason did he have for staying? And yet, Johnny saying it felt like a bucket of cold water had just been emptied over his head. The past few hours had brought him unimaginably close to his former rival and Daniel realised that he would miss his presence painfully. The man hadn’t even left yet and he was already craving his company again.   
“You need to rest,” the man said pointedly.
“Of course, I just thought…” Daniel looked down, embarrassed. What had he thought? Johnny had his own life to get back to, and so did Daniel. A fiance, a wedding, a career, where did the blonde fit into? Of course, he had to leave. But then Daniel made the mistake of looking up and the moment their eyes met, he knew he would do something stupid. “It’s just that the doctor said that I shouldn’t be left alone, just in case, you know? So I thought maybe you could stay tonight. I know it’s a huge imposition…” 
Daniel looked pleadingly at the man. Amanda had often called him out on what she had dubbed as his “Bambi eyes” and he wasn’t ashamed to say that he was using them at full force now. He just knew deep down that if he let Johnny go, he wouldn’t see him again and this past two days would have been nothing but a daydream. He couldn’t allow that. Not now that he was starting to get a glimpse of the Johnny that was buried beneath all those memories from years before.
“Wouldn’t you rather have your fiance here?” Johnny said fidgeting.
“It’s late, I don’t want to alarm her. I’ll call her tomorrow and explain. I’ll be completely fine by then, I’ll even be able to drive you home in the morning,” Daniel said earnestly and he could see in Johnny’s eyes that he was about to cave in.
“Ok, I’ll stay. But I’ll have to make a phone call first,” Johnny said with a sigh and both men entered the apartment. 
“Of course, you wouldn’t want Robby to worry,” Daniel said not without a tinge of venom, but Johnny didn’t respond.
“Nice place,” he said instead, looking around. 
“It’s all Amanda, she decorated everything.”
“Right. The phone?”
“Over there. I’ll… I’ll give you some privacy.”
Daniel went to his room and kept himself busy for a few minutes. He changed into pyjamas, washed his teeth and tidied things around the room, all the while, he listened to Johnny’s low voice rumbled. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door.
“Come in,” Daniel called and Johnny entered. He had left the headband and jacket in the living room.
“It’s done.”
“Good, I got you some things for you to sleep on. They are going to be a bit tight probably, but not too bad.”
“Thanks. I guess I’ll just… go change,” Johnny said, taking the clothes and going to the bathroom.
Daniel was nervous. He wasn’t sure what he was doing. He knew that he couldn’t have let Johnny go after everything, but now that he was staying, he didn’t know what to do about it. Deep inside him, there was a part of him, a part that he rarely paid attention to, that had some interesting ideas, but he squashed those thoughts right away. There were certain lines that he just wasn’t willing to cross. All he wanted was to keep Johnny close for a while longer. Was that so wrong? Daniel ignored another part of himself that was answering yes and distracted himself by taking his meds, turning the lights off and getting everything ready. 
When Johnny came out, only the lamp in the nightstand was on and Daniel was already sitting in bed, his back against the headboard. The blonde was barefoot and wearing the clothes he had given him, which were slightly tight, but not too much. The man stood at the foot of the bed, staring at Daniel in confusion.
“What’s wrong?” Daniel asked.
“I thought it’d be best if I just slept on the couch,” Johnny said.
“You can’t! It’s really not good for sleeping. You’ll hurt your back. And really, there’s plenty of space here.” 
Daniel moved the covers to the side as if to show that the bed was indeed big enough for two people. Johnny sighed and laid down next to him, his body stiff. Daniel turned the light off and made himself comfortable next to him.
“Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing.” Johnny’s voice came from the darkness.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Larusso, you can play innocent all you want, I’m not an idiot.”
“You called me Daniel before.”
“What? When?”
“After I got beat up.”
“I didn’t think you heard.”
“I did. I wouldn’t mind if you did that again.”
“Fine, Daniel. Look, I get it, you’re about to get married, you’re getting cold feet, it’s common. It’s a pretty big commitment. But you’re playing a dangerous game here.”
“I’m not playing…”
“Let me finish,” Johnny said forcefully. “I think… I think you know how I feel about you. From the moment I met you, I could never really get away from you. Even these past few years, the memory of you haunted me. That night at the tournament ruined my life, but it took me a long time to figure out that that wasn’t the only reason I could never get over what happened. There was another reason why I felt so angry back, why I lashed out at you.”
“This doesn’t change anything. You’re still getting married. And you and your wife are going to have a great life. And in some years, this will be a distant memory, just a small moment of madness. But for me? This won’t end up well for me, because I know that if you ask, I won’t be able to say no to you.”
“What about…?” But before Daniel could finish, he felt two hands grasping his face and a pair of lips meeting his own. The kiss was short and, just as soon as it had started, everything was over as Johnny was back to his side of the bed, a dark abyss separating them. 
“Goodnight, Larusso.”
“Goodnight, Johnny.”
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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🍭🦁°My Bambi To My Lion°🦁🍭
Daniel and Johnny take the twins to their first valley fest carnival .
Why,why--why can't I walk next to Sam ?" Robby questions,  as Johnny carries him in his arm . He fixes his hold on his son not wanting to drop him .
"You see Pup, Sam holds on to papa's hand as told so, however you on the other hand get distracted easily "
"Distacted ? " his pup repeated the word, not familiar within his vocabulary .
"Yeah man, but it's okay becau-" He stops as he lost sight of Daniel until he sees Sam waving at him at the booth they were stationed .
"Dad you got distacted.", Robby said , happy that he wasn't the only one , with his small hands he patted his dad shoulders in sympathy .
Chuckling at the statement , he heads towards Daniel and his Princess who were waiting for them .
"Yeah kid. You get that from me and your good looks , you'll thank me when your older ." High-fiving Robby , who nodded with a serious expression .
The booth had squirming kids getting their face painted . Looking at Sam who had a big smile , perhaps from all that cotton candy .
" Wow , Princess!, Your the most beautiful butterfly of Encino has ever seen.", Johnny said with a proud voice , his kids were the most gorgeous than any other children .
"Thank you!" Sam replied happy having her dad compliments ,
"We get it from Dad , We have to thank him when were older , Sam ." Robby shouted , catching sight of his sister.
"I want to be a puppy! Wait , Can i be a butterfly! " He handed robby over to Daniel  needing to got to take a leak -after drinking all that coke, but not before promising to come back quickly  .
"Dont get distacted!"
"I wont buddy"
He totally did .
There was some kind of motorcycle wining contest and watched a bunch of loser lose and then he got lost .
Returning back he was expecting the twins and a cranky Daniel waiting for him to give him a lecture but nothing was better as what he imagined .
The twins were having a energetic conversation, he guessed the sugar had not worn off from all the sweets he got for them much to Daniels disdain .
The best part was Daniel , his husband gave him a look that told him 'dont say a word' holding the twins much smaller hands.
"Looking good, Bambi !", He said with a teasing smirk that he knew it would get on Daniel's nerve .
And exactly that he was , his eyes seemed much more deer-like with the black paint that defined his eyes more , a cute snout was painted over his nose and white dots that resembled like the deer from the movie, except this Bambi was ready to hit him in the head.
" Real funny. Your next big guy ", Said Daniel , grinning knowing he wouldn't be the only one to look stupid .
Refusing to do so , his 3 favorite people tried to convince him with their huge adorable eyes but Johnny was a strong man , he wasnt going to fall for that .
Not today.
Walking out the gate , he had to hold back from punching people who kept on looking at his direction because he couldn't do so with having the twins in his arms , tired and sleepy .
In the car , Daniel helped him buckle Sam and Robby in their car seats . Turning on the engine , he turned to Daniel with a smirk.
" What a small deer doing all alone, you never know when a big strong-"
"John." Daniel side-eyed him refusing to play along .
" Your no fun , Bambi." It was silence on the way home until Daniel turns towards him, whispering wanting to wake up the kids .
" I really hope there's not a mean lion at home , Im just a defendless deer ." Daniel turned away quickly once seeing Johnnys giddy reaction.
Anything to make his man happy , even if it made him embarrased.
Johnny didn't care how stupid he looked with his big smile making him look like a real happy lion from the face paint from earlier .
"Don't Worry, Baby . I'll protect you ."
He's a happy Lion , Yes He was . Especially once he get's Daniel in bed.
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wolferals · 4 years
Arón Piper imagine
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saturday, january 18th 11:22pm • Today was Monday, August 22nd and all I've seen since 8am were wannabe actors reading their stupid lines to us pretending they were fucking Johnny Depp himself. God I was so sick of it, but since I've been grounded my dad made me cast people for this movie he was going to direct. Why were you grounded, you may ask. Well let's say, we just moved to Madrid basically to the end of the world since I grew up in America all my life. Yeah, my first days of school didnt really turn out to be super great, my english teacher was super racist in my opinion. She kept making „jokes" about my country/ and at some point i just snapped and told her how she dared to be so fucking racist. My class agreed with me yet my teacher didnt and put me in detention first and then called my dad. So yeah, thats why he's making me do this.
Some might think, its not a punishment to cast people for a „super cool movie" but have u ever been in a all white room for 10 hours listening to the same sentences over and over, being read by the worst people ever? No, exactly.
Its been exactly 4 hours now, its been around 12 when we decided to take a short break to get some food. I walked around the building for a while, grabbed a iced coffee at the bar and then sat down on a couch in the foyer to immediately text my friends from back home about how horrible i was feeling.
I didnt even get to text 5 words until my dad came around the corner saying something like:"Y/n, lets go. The people wont cast themselves. I mean they'd love to but that's our job." He then laughed loudly and almost couldnt stop. One thing about my dad: He thinks he's hilarious but in my opinion he's a little too full of himself. No offense, i love him of course.
Therefore I walked back to the cruel looking white room and sat down on my chair sipping my iced coffee. „Alright, next up, we have a Joshua Hamilton reading for the part of Jamey." I rolled my eyes. Yet again another Jamey. Ive heard the line:"No way Daniel, are you insane?! Have you even thought about the fact that you could get fucking killed?" about 50 times today.
And to be honest, the only person i'd like to get killed right now would be myself.
„Hello, my name is Joshua Hamilton, I'm 22 years old and I'll be reading for the part of Jamey." The tall, skinny looking guy then spoke after *extremely happy looking* entered the room. Well no offense but super happy people make me puke.
He then read his lines, horribly. He was just too enthusiastic and grinning through the entire thing. It was supposed to be a mad Jamey yelling at his brother who was about to attack his ex girlfriend's killer.
Dad then told him, they will call him. But lets be honest here, obviously they wont. • Alright so another 4 hours passed and we had almost all important characters casted, except Jamey. The crew was getting impatient and we were all super tired. „Dad how many are left?" I then asked because I wanted nothing more than this to end. „26." he answered, sounding annoyed. So was I. „Jeez, for fucks sake." I exclaimed and leaned back in my chair. „Y/n, watch your language!" He scoffed and took a sip of his water before leaning back as well.
„Okay next off we have a Arón Piper. He is Spanish-German, which wouldnt quite match with the way we pictured Jamey. But lets get the guy, kay?" Evan, the producer spoke after reading some reviews.
„Mhm." my Dad hummed. He seemed extremely tired and messed up to be fair.
As I said, I was annoyed and super damn hungry but the second this guy walked in, all my senses were on and I couldnt help but stare at him. He was tall, had curly hair, an earring on his left ear, chocolate brown eyes and a smile that could kill. „Hola,, I'm Arón." My dad seemed to like him too because he sat up straight scanning him up and down. „How old are you Arón?" Lucy, the executive producer asked him, smiling as well. „I'm 23." The handsome guy answered calm and sent me his billion dollar smile.
fuck • I smiled back and for whatever fucking reason I just said:"You must be working out, am I right?" Everyone looked at me but I didnt care, I just looked him right in the eyes and saw him laugh. „Y/n what the hell?" My dad whispered sounding pissed yet confused. „Jamey is a fit dude, he goes to the gym 6 times a week. We have to consider the fact that the actor has to be healthy and all as well." I tried to get out of the weird situation but actually I was just wishing for him to take off his shirt to show us -okay, me- his amazing abs I bet he had. „Uhm to be honest, I just dance, thats it. But you could call that a work out since Ive been doing it since I was 7 years old."
The others seemed impressed too, so Lucy cockily said:"So if acting wouldnt work, youd become a professional dancer?" Arón laughed again and answered:"Yeah, probably. But i havent even read my lines yet."
The entire time he was acting his lines, I was just staring at his god like face, every emotion, every move, every little change in his body language was perfect. My dad looked like he was impressed too and he then, after Arón had finished, spoke:"Thank you, Arón. That was amazing!" He smiled happily and answered fully paying attention:"Oh gracias, it means so much coming from you!" He walked up to my dad to shake his hand and then took back his portfolio. „Honey what do you think? Should we put him in round 2?" I looked over to my dad, took a glance at Arón who was smiling cutely at me. „Nah."
Everyone gave me a confused look and in Arón´s eyes I could see pure fear.
„I think we should give him the part.“
My dad smiled, nodded at me and then spoke:“Alright, Arón Piper, congratulations.“
Arón walked over to me and stuck his hand out for me to shake it. I slowly took his hand and, okay that might sound weird, but it felt so damn good to touch him. God I sound like a creep. No but for real his hand was a lot bigger than mine and really warm compared to my -always cold- claws. „Gracias." he said quietly and stared directly into my eyes while smiling. I wanted to say something like:"Of course, you deserve it, you were amazing." but i just couldnt, i wasnt able to look anywhere but into his beautiful brown eyes.
My dad saw that and cleared his throat loudly. „Thank you again Arón, we will call you next week for further information. But for now, since Jamey is the main male protagonist and we will be filming most of the scenes with you, we'd like to invite you and the other main actors to a dinner party tomorrow night. We hope you're free and we would text you further dates later on today."
-„Yes I'm free, that'd be amazing! Thank you so much! See you tomorrow then, bye guys." He grabbed his jacket from off the floor and left the room smiling brightly.
-„We've got it! We found, first of all the perfect Jamey, and we finally have all the actors, people!" Lucy shouted and sighed relieved. „Alright then, lets celebrate!" My dad exclaimed happily and the others stood up after him. „I'll be right out, I'll go to the bathroom real quick." I informed the guys and just simply hit the bathroom next to the audition room. When i checked back to see if the room had been locked, I noticed that a portfolio book was left on the table. I grabbed it, opened it and and noticed it was Arón's.
Right, he grabbed it before, then shook our hands and put it down again. Then he walked out without it.
So I quickly locked the door and ran through the building, past my dad saying:"Be right back." I figured, Arón couldnt have gotten very far, so I sprinted down the stairs, out of the front door of the building and i looked around if I might spot him. I then saw a guy that looked like him walking down the street towards a silver car and i ran as fast as i could to reach him.
„Arón!" I yelled and stopped once I finally reached him. „Yeah?" he was about to get in the car but turned around. „You forgot that." I passed him his book and tried to catch my breath real quick. „Oh god, thank you! I totally forgot about that. Gracias." He took it smiling.
While I was trying to breath, he opened the car door and said:"Just a second." Me, still dying from all the running, I was now leaning against a wall. „You okay?" -„Huh? Yeah. Im.. good." I was kind of embarrassed at how unathletic i was. „U sure?" he came closer and looked actually quite concerned. „Ya dont worry. Uhm.. See you.. tomorrow..at the.. party?" i tried to play it off and stood straight again Arón smiled again and answered:"Of course. Cant wait!" He then walked back to the car and sent me another smile before getting in.
Damn, this guy.
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mamabearlarusso · 5 years
Time for Mountain Magic
Needless to say, I had another early day. I knew it was going to be quiet when I got home--the kids were still in school, but for some reason...after everything that happened today, the house just sounded sad and empty. I could have sworn I heard the fridge click on, the second I closed the front door. On my way to my room to change, I debated on just falling asleep for the rest of the day. I stopped and stared at the spare room door, as if it would help me decide. It was just open...waiting for something...anything to happen. It wasn't like there was a preteen throwing tantrum or an angsty teenager blasting rebellious music behind it...just a quiet room, free and cIear of any present drama. I barely lingered at the threshold, I just walked in, decision already made. I had been thinking about it for days, and now I was too far gone to stop myself. I snatched the clothes from the drawer and changed right there.
I saw myself in the hallway mirror (A thermal shirt and flannel lounge pants...in the pre summer climate?! What?...It hasn't really been pre-summer anything lately...it keeps looking like it wants to rain anyway. What are you doing? I don't know, kinda feels like a wake doesn't it?...gotta be properly dressed, right? Fine...well, you know what they do at wakes.) On my way back down to the kitchen, I stopped off in the den and had another three fingers of Jack...
Down in the kitchen, I saw the leftovers sitting there in the fridge--just waiting to be heated up...but went into the freezer instead...grabbed the half empty, five quart tub of cookie dough ice cream, the bag of chocolate chips, the bag of crushed Oreos, the bag of little Marshmellows and the bag of shelled Pistachios...with a big handful of each, a heavy drizzle of three different syrups and a giant spoon...I made my way back upstairs. Almost lost my balance for a second there, but I was fine.
Flipping on Universal Solider--the first movie we ever watched together--it almost felt like he was sitting up, in the bed next to me again. (It's just the booze. Yeah, well, I don't care) It didn't take long before the inevitable began...(Why didn't I just do something back then? Because you were still married. Didn't stop Daniel. You're really gonna make me say it, aren't you...you're better than that now. When did that happen? Oh, I don't know when I stopped all that crap!...maybe it was when you had Samantha or when you said I Do, maybe it was when we met Daniel and saw those dimples were only smiling for us...or, maybe--and this might be the booze again--maybe it was when I wanted to prove that I was worth all the Reynosas time and energy...wanted to show them that I wasn't going to ruin all they had done for me...that I wasn't going to waste my time in college with all that bullshit high school drama anymore. Yeah, well, look where that got me. You mean graduating from business school, getting married to a man that loved you-- --yeah, but did he...really? Hey, Daniel was good to me...just because things didn't work out doesn't mean you get to trash your whole time together...he gave you a family-- --you already had a family, that cared about you, that took you in...that you threw away the second you thought you had a real chance at the good life. Yeah, well, never said I was a genius. No, I screwed it all up...Joey and the family are gonna hate you, because I ruined everything! Woman...shut up and stop letting the booze talk for you...you're me and I'm you, you know I'm always going to be a part of you, so you might as well learn from me...I've seen every dumbass move we've made, but we're still here to fix it...we still have people that love and care about us...so stop talking crazy and get some sleep...if nothing else, Daniel gave us two beautiful kids that need you to be your best...you can figure everything else out later.)
I don't really remember actually watching the movie, more just looking at the pretty pictures move across the screen, wishing he was there with me...teasing me about liking Jean-Claude again. It must have been the booze (always blaming the booze, aren't ya?), but after that was over, I think I might have kept the nostalgia going with Masters of the Universe. I think I might have nodded off somewhere mid-movie, because I think I was dreaming...Dolph Lundren was in my room...in my bed...in full He-Man get up...eating ice cream with me at one point. We were watching a movie, but it wasn't any of his, it was a home movie of my last two years. He really got into the karate scenes...had a few choice ideas for handling Kreese--and Anthony...even had a pro and con list for every one of my 'love interests' as he called them...but he obviously had his favorite. Then somewhere he disappeared and Sam was there eating ice cream...finally talking to me again. I don't remember what she said, but she was smiling...and laughing.
When I woke up with a tiny bit of a hangover...the ice cream bucket was gone, the t.v. was off and a glass of water was on my nightstand next to a bottle of aspirin and a couple fast food breakfast sandwiches. I had slept through the rest of the day and the whole night...but I wasn't expecting this. (Weren't you though? Don't start that right now.) I also saw a folded piece of paper lying next to it.
I hope you're feeling better when you read this. I know things have been weird with us lately, but that doesn't mean I don't still worry.
I'm taking Anthony into school, he doesn't know about the drinking, just thinks that you came home from work with a cold. Oh, and Sheila called. I answered, only because I didn't want it to wake you. I told her you'd be in late, because there was a school thing...I don't think she really believed me, though. I think she's just worried about you. What happened?
Remember, Mom, I still love you.
I took the aspirin and started eating. Not knowing what the hell I was going to tell her...what I was going to do at all. This will just add to her worries not to mention justify most of them. But I can't just...
*eating through second sandwich, grabs phone and texts* @chickskickasstoo
I had a really bad day at work, Sweetie. But everything will be fine now. Thank you for breakfast and taking your brother. I'll see you later tonight.
I love you too.
(Oh...And...Yes Mr. Lawrence was involved, but things are bat crap crazy upside down again, like always. I'm not telling her that! She'll find out eventually. Not now she won't...I'll keep her out of this for as long as I can...I'm not going to have her playing ping pong with my drama AND everything on her plate...she's only got a few more years to be a kid...I'm not going to ruin it anymore than I have too. Okay, but you do know that's what Mom and Dad did, too. Not now!)
I don't know why I didn't see it until now, but I had a new text notification. My thumb hovered over the icon...worried that it would be Sheila with another work update...worried that it wasn't Sheila about work.
Rattles: Talk to me... please.
*Hard swallows last bite, arms drop, stares out aimlessly...shakes head*
*Texts* @everyonesfavoritegoldenboy
Rattles, I
Johnny, I
'We’re not what you want. I’ve got nothing left. Just remember that I never once doubted my feelings for you. I just wish I was man enough to tell you sooner.'
*looks down, remembering what I'm wearing, pinching and pulling the shirt out, sees ice cream and syrup stains...looks to see the empty space on my nightstand where his picture used to be*
'Mandy, if you decide you’re worth more than him, give me a call.'
*sees Robby's picture next to that empty space...a cute, little elfish smile on his face*
*texts as a tear lands on the screen* I think we need some space.
*lays back down and cries into my pillow*
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