#and I'm still on my parents insurance and idk how to bring that up to them
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spookykestrel · 2 months ago
Ok so but fr does anyone have depression coping tools other than the basic "go outside" "talk to your friends" that don't seem to be working anymore
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icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years ago
general update
gonna start putting these life updates under '#byrd's business' (subject to change). actual stuff under the cut.
honestly i just don't have a lot of people in my life right now that are caught up on what's been happening and also interact with me regularly, so it's nice to be able to come back to tumblr where i've made a big-ass post about it (trigger-tagged to the best of my ability, lmk if i missed anything) and can just add to it instead of explaining everything over and over again.
updates so far: i got norovirus and am just coming off of it, i've met some real nice people, all that has been good. plans are still being made for a group home afaik. from what i heard, the home my case workers had in mind is the kind of place where, instead of having one house with rooms and shared common areas, it's a whole-ass complex where everyone gets their own apartment (or maybe has roommates idk) while there's common areas accessible by walking out your front door and staff you can call at anytime. tbh sounds perfect to me.
working on getting ssdi set up too, possibly food stamps (and you best bet your ass i'm gonna be billing my insurance for my gluten-free food since that's usually an option), just surviving at this shelter. Making friends without putting myself in danger, although apparently last night a man literally just walked into our dorms and watched some of us sleep before walking out and saying 'nothing good here,' so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Still better than living with my parents. I fucking hate that I was right about that, but there's not much to be done about it except move on.
Hoping to bring my cello to whatever group home i end up in, along with the rest of my clothes and a few other belongings. Might try and pick up my old pet lizard, see how life has treated him while he was with my vet teacher.
Thanks for stickin with me through this, y'all. It means the world to me. This world may be cruel but I'm still kickin' (/ref).
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hazelhymns · 1 year ago
How did you learn how to be an adult? Like idk where to begin? I’m 19 and I’m still living at home so like how do you do it?
Aww first of all, you're 19 so it's completely normal to not have the answers to things! I think a lot of adulthood is learned through experience. I got my first taste of it when I started college and realized how hard things really are. I didn't have very involved parents growing up, so I think I had a little more independence at nineteen than some. I first started learning smaller chores like doing my own laundry, and learning how to cook. Learning how to cook is still one of the most valuable skills I have in my toolbox. At 19, you're not gonna have the skills a 28 year old will have. And that's okay! A lot of adulthood is "I have no idea what I'm doing but I have to do it anyway."
Once I graduated college, I was fully independent and living on my own. I started a career and all of a sudden had benefits and a 401K and I HATED IT!! I really struggled with the concept of having to work and I was dragging my feet for a really long time. Idk how but it eventually clicked in my head that money and work is just another tool in my toolbox to build the life I desire. I did a lot of internet research about budgeting and found a system that works to keep track of my bills and not overspend. Rent is expensive, groceries are expensive, student loans are expensive. Get one credit card with a $500 limit, do not put yourself into debt willingly. Keeping track of your money is one of the key skills you need, and learning how to budget will keep you ahead of your peers.
I’m also gonna shoehorn in, delete social media or at least limit your screen time. It’s meant to depress you and make you feel inadequate and insecure, don’t fall for it. And read more books!!
Although a lot of adulthood is fulfilling responsibility, it's also about deciding the kind of person you want to be. I like to picture myself at 30, 40, and 50 and think "is the path I'm on right now leading me to the person I crave to be?" You literally get to decide exactly how you want to live! How do you want to treat others? How do you take your coffee? How will you decorate your home? When faced with a crisis, how will you react? I believe a lot of maturity comes from self reflection and a desire to curate the life you deserve to live.
Your early 20s are full of learning experiences, being humbled, and learning how to carry stress without it ruining your life. I wasn't born knowing how car loans work, or insurance premiums, or credit scores. I learned about these when I bought a car for the first time, when I got my first insurance plan, and when I got my first credit card. Your early 20s can be really hard and sometimes scary since you're just starting out! All you can do is be gentle with yourself, and learn how to assume responsibility for your own life. No one is gonna teach you how to do things, you have to want to learn and seek the knowledge for yourself. I didn't really begin to grow up until this past year and it takes a lot of time and real world experience to get there! I'm about to be 26 and these things didn't really start to click until I was 25.
And being a grown up isn't always scary and hard. It also brings freedom. Yes I go to college full time and have a job and so many bills to pay. But I also have hobbies I've developed, I have friends to hang out with, and adventures to go on! When bills are paid and responsibilities are fulfilled, you can choose how to spend your free time. You will find balance between your inner child and your adulthood. You have to nurture your inner child while also honoring your future self. Adulthood isn't always bills and stress, it's also doing literally whatever you want because you can! Get comfortable with being alone, and embrace your relationship with yourself.
I didn't know how to do anything, until it was time to do it. You have a lot of time to figure things out, and a lot of it will come naturally without you even realizing. Remember to be patient, and that a lot this takes time. You have the capacity to become the person you want to be! We all do :)
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thecursivej · 1 year ago
Ooooh is Biden about to rope the repubs into some bipartisan shit? Please do.
What is Republicans huge issue with capping insulin? Truly? Who does it harm? Billionaires still get billions.
Oooooh, how interesting to compare how much perscription drugs are with the affordable care act compared to other countries.
I just know Kamala is getting a leg work out for the years.
HELL YEAH LET'S EXPAND HEALTH CARE PLEASE (me eyeing my parents health insurance expiring when I turn 26)
Ooooh, women's health research?! Okay Jill, get it girl!! That's fucking DR. BIDEN to y'all.
Yes, please crack down on rent increases. I want to be able to move out of my parents house when I graduate (and I'm in motherfucking GRAD SCHOOL).
(Had to pop out so I missed some but here's more thoughts) Who the hell keeps screaming about the U.S. Marine Corp?
MTG Screaming at Biden was a lot dawg.
Mmmm, good use of a pause to establish the importance of his next statement about what his predecessor said in face of a shooting that happened in January in Iowa.
How the hell does taking weapons of war away from civillians an infrignement of the 2nd amendment? Can someone truly explain that to me? I really want to know.
Oh shit, are we about to get a ceasefire statement?
Nope, getting statements about bringing the hostages home (which is fair and needs to be done).
YEAH CAN WE GET AN IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE!? PLEASE!? Israel DOES have the responsibility to protect Palestinians. The words you're looking for is "Immediate Ceasefire" Mr. President.
We don't just need a fucking pier for humanitarian assistance; we need a GODDAMN CEASEFIRE, JOSEPH.
Netanyahu has already proved that he doesn't give a flying fuck about innocent Palestinians. Telling him to simply "let humanitarian aid through" won't do shit. Why not stop giving them weapons and money?
Okay, two-state solution line, but how about...CEASEFIRE!?
Ayiyi. Now we're discussing Houthis and Iran, but we aren't getting anymore of Palestinian aid.
Is America rising tho? Are we really? Because us 'normal' folk are suffering a lot.
Lets not ban TikTok then, okay? Like, what is China gonna do to influence me that the actions of congress haven't already influenced me on? I'm thiiiis close to anarchy, and not cause of China, Joseph. Because of the U.S. itself.
Oh now we ending cancer? Am I the only one who feels that that came out of left field.
Oh thank god, the end.
I do have to admit that him teasing republicans is fucking hysterical. The callout to Lindsey Graham cracked me the fuck up.
I feel like the soul of our nation is being thrown around like a hot potato tbh.
Ayoo where's Dwight when you need him? Shout out to Scranton, PA.
This congress is making me feel like goddamn John Adams in 1776 the Musical.
They're really about to make me run for fucking office at this goddamn point.
IDK who the woman sitting next to MTG is, but I fucking LOVE her.
We're always too young until we're too old. (Oof, that feels poetic tbh).
I really wish Biden would step back and let a younger more progressive candidate take on the Orange Man(TM). Frankly I wish the Orange Man(TM) was lost in a desert somewhere, but here we are.
Lots of good rhetoric used in this speech, though. Like damn. It's a lot of good use of audience relation, ethos, hella pathos, and good connections to ALL of the U.S.
Alright. We're done. It's over.
So. As I guessed, there was no call for an Immediate Ceasefire. Disappointing. But not surprising. My major issue with Biden is the ongoing support of Isr@el. Biden MUST call for an immediate ceasefire, otherwise he's completely lost the Arab American vote, and a good chunk of the youth vote (if not a majority/all). I hate that we're having 2020 pt. 2: Electric Boogaloo, and I hate that third party votes will not be counted. I hate this two party system.
But I do believe that this country can be better. I believe this country can be a safe place for growth, creativity, research, a safe place to fucking LIVE. I believe this country can be a better place. And I can't make myself give up on it until I have no other choice.
So, there was that SOTU. It was rhetorically very good, but I find it lacking with a path forward.
SOTU - 2024
Well, I'm forcing myself to watch the State of the Union while I grade speeches, so I figured I'd record my reactions and thoughts here.
Do I hope for the words "Immediate Ceasefire"? Absolutely. Will we get them? Looking at the track record, probably not. But I remain optimistic because otherwise I'd be six feet under by now; ANYWHO here is a list of my reactions/thoughts/general feelings of the evening's watch.
I do want to give a point of clarity: I technically am identified as a democrat; truly, I'm a socialist, but seeing as how the U.S. is stuck in this godforsaken two-party-system, that is where I am. Though both sides have me feeling very french-revolutionary-esque.
Of course the first thing I see if MTG rifling through her purse on screen. I quite literally despise her.
AP is discussing Ukraine's need for weapons and funding; I would truly rather us align with Ukraine than Isr@el. I will stand unapologetically firm for Palestine and Ukraine.
Who is actually in the cabinet? I know Blinken, Garland, and Buttiegeg. Damn, wish he was running again. Would rather have him than Biden.
How insane is it that the Sec. of Defense didn't even let the White House know that he had to go in for surgery because of cancer. Like, that's just bonkers to me.
Republicans truly look like fucking robots right now. No warm greetings, no hellos, simple nods.
Republicans out here wasting fucking time with that impeachment of Mayorkas. Like how about we house the homeless populations with the money they wasted on this circus.
Oh funky fresh look at the Ultra-Mormon(TM) Mitt Romney.
MTG with that stupid fucking MAGA hat on is just... disgusting. Like this bitch is crazy.
Okay Joe, speed it up down the fucking aisle please. I got papers to grade.
Lowkey Joe looks like he might have had a five-hour energy drink with that big-ole look in his eyes.
I do appreciate that Joe still smiles and is kind to MTG. She truly doesn't deserve it.
Okay this is getting just a wee bit too monarchy for me.
MTG holds up a button saying "Laken Riley..." (couldn't read the rest). Riley was a 14 year old girl murdered by a man who was an illegal immigrant of venezuela, and instead of handling this situation with grace, empathy, and love; MTG and others seem to be capitalizing on her death to push their anti-immigration rhetoric.
Okay, cool selfie skills Joe, but let's get on with it.
BERNIE AND RAPHAEL! I feel like I haven't seen these guys in 10 million years.
Oh thank god we're starting.
Aww the little hand shake thingy he does with Kamala makes my heart happy.
Did Joe just yell "tony"?!
Wow, even got some republicans clapping for him (probs not a good thing but here we are)
Okay, good bit of humor at the top; and a throwback to the 40s. Funky fresh.
Yeah we ain't living in ordinary times for damn sure.
Interesting point of democracy being attacked here in the U.S. AND Internationally. (Mentions Ukraine and Putin; no word on Gaza yet).
Someone busted out a Ukrainian flag and shook it; rock on.
Appreciate the insistance that the U.S. won't send troops to UKR.
Good use of Reagan to connect with the Repubs; and compare to the predecessor (aka Tr*mp).
Mike Johnson nodding instead of clapping about the predecessor comment, trying to save his ass in Orange Man's eyes.
Welcome to NATO, Sweden!
If there is one thing that should connect Democrats and Republicans; it's hatred for Putin. Yet there's a mix of Repubs standing in agreement and sitting to back up the predecessor's comment on Putin doing "whatever the hell he wants"
Talking about Jan 6. What breaks my heart? My parents still believe it wasn't an insurrection. Yikes on Bikes for me.
The line "You can't love your country only when you win" hits hard and even got Mike Johnson to applaud in agreement.
Foreign AND Domestic. Need a hefty focus on that with the right-wing republican group (@ MTG, Gaetz, Cruz, etc.)
Discussing IVF in Alabama; good connection to the overturning of Rowe v. Wade. It sucks that Republicans HAVE THE POWER to protect IVF nationally but shot the damn bill down not even a week ago.
ABORTION IS A HUMAN RIGHT. BODILY AUTONOMY IS A HUMAN. FUCKING. RIGHT. (@ The Missouri Senators who support taking away bodily autonomy).
WOMEN AREN'T WITHOUT ELECTORAL AND POLITICAL POWER; WE ABOUT TO TURN UP IN FORCE MOTHERFUCKERS!!! Bring back the strats from the 1900s; time to use our power and go bonkers.
Someone get Joe a glass of water please. Motherfucker looks a bit parched and keeps coughing. I get that when my throat goes dryyy
Can Biden not restore RvW? Can he not by an executive order make RvW the law of the land already?
Revisiting COVID's start from 2020 (Next week is the four year anniversary since the global pandemic).
PFFT idk who just yelled "LIES" but that was comical AF.
Well, the pandemic still controls a big part of our lives... so...don't agree with that shit.
Man, everyone sitting-and-standing must be getting a HELLA calf work out.
Sure, unemployment is down and new jobs are built; but corporate greed is quite literally killing us. Can Congress or Biden do something, damn it?!
Are we beginning to feel it, though? Are we feeling good economics? I doubt we are.
Good job pointing out how both parties have failed to buy american products, but how this admin has established that.
There's a good two rows of Republicans who stand in applause; but the rest just... sit there. Like robots. It's freaky as fuck.
Joe is actually doing pretty great with the flow of this speech. Only a couple of stumbles, but overall pretty gucci. (He'd get a 9/10 on delivery in my public speaking class).
God these fuckers are really gonna make me run for office at this damn point.
Removing poisonous lead pipes... but there's still a water crisis in Flint, Biden. Like, what the fuckeroni do you mean?
Yes, let's invest in family farms; lets stop selling our farmland (especially in Missouri) to foreign countries (@ China buying up TONS of Missouri Farmland).
I love that the UAW president is here, because he straight up is my kind of people. Dude wears eat-the-rich shirts and calls out the unethical-ness of billionaires.
UAW President pointing to Biden saying "It's you!"; nah dawg, it's you Sean.
Yes we get back up but right now...we might be getting more french revolutionary-esque if y'all don't stop PLAYING WITH OUR LIVES.
Oh jesus not the 4-more-years chants.
Oh now we talking about the future
Says he's not anti-corp; but points out how trickle down economics has only helped the wealthy.
Yeah, how the fuck does it hurt the wealthy to pay just a weeee bit more in taxes? Like dawg, what are you gonna do with another million? What's the point?
Ooooh is Biden about to rope the repubs into some bipartisan shit? Please do.
What is Republicans huge issue with capping insulin? Truly? Who does it harm? Billionaires still get billions.
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chaotictarlos · 2 years ago
I'm less mad, I know I've said this, at the situation after reading a few articles, watching a few scenes again and not letting my emotions get the better part of me.
Not telling the truth / omitting things / not fully coming out with things is in Carlos' character. We see that when he doesn't tell his parents that TK is his boyfriend, and continues to not tell his parents about TK being his boyfriend until Gabriel points it out after they find TK when the medical crew has been kidnapped. And even though it's in character for him to just not talk about big / important things it does not excuse the fact he wanted so long - and was going to continue waiting - to tell TK that was married "in name only". That still rubs me the wrong way. It feels icky. It feels shady. And just. idk i don't like it. does it still feel like cheating to me, yes, but maybe that's just a personal thing and i'll get over it i think i am projecting a little to much.
It now makes sense - and it did before, but makes even more sense now - that his parents maybe didn't bring up him being gay much. He married a woman - they had to know that, and whether or not they knew it wasn't a real marriage is yet to be confirmed (obviously by the time they got engaged it was known, but we don't know how long they knew yet). He got married to please his parents, to feel loved, to be the perfect son, to control - and we know he's a control freak - something.
Silva said he believes any decisions that Carlos made immediately after coming out stemmed from being told “in the culture that he grew up in” that “he was not enough” and from wanting to be loved and accepted by those around him.
“I think Carlos getting married was his way of trying to fix the uncontrollable — something that was completely out of his hands — and that’s extremely human,” Silva explained. “That’s something we can all connect to: Trying to find a way to communicate to the people that you love that, ‘Hey, I know I’m not what you expected, but I am still lovable. Love me for who I am.’ I think it coincided with the fact that Iris was also someone who was not accepted for who she was."
The marriage makes sense, even not getting divorced makes sense. At first, with Iris seemingly dead - he would have been a widow. And then her coming back, needing health insurance and having good health insurance because of being married to Carlos makes sense - America Health Insurance is shit. But he should have told TK sooner and no, I will not stop saying it.
It's a secret that - upon thinking about it - does make sense.
But keeping that BIG of a secret from TK - especially after getting upset because, he felt like Cooper was getting parts of TK didn't get - was wrong.
Carlos was wrong for this.
And it's okay that he was in the wrong. It's okay that our favorite fucked up. People fuck up all the time.
But you have to admit that Carlos should have treated TK with more respect to tell him before they were engaged and actively planning a wedding.
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matan4il · 3 years ago
Hi, first off I will like to say I absolutely love your metas and thank you so much for doing them! I am currently in a personal finance class and we are talking about making a financial plan for people and that you very much have to take their personal life into account. I then asked if my sister hypothetically left me her child would that factor into my plan. (I don’t even have a sister and I was asking purely thinking about Buddie) My teacher said yes it would and that is something that would require both parties to be involved in the planning for life insurance and such. But I also find it interesting that he mentioned he would take into consideration if the parent is likely to pass away sooner or later so that you can have the appropriate funds. Which is especially relevant since despite Eddie being very in shape he has a dangerous job.
Overall it just made me think that a Buddie conversation about Christopher is still so needed and necessary. But also it made me imagine that even before Eddie told him Buck was going to have money saved for Christopher. Because he is that boys second dad and he wants Christopher to be taken care of.
Thanks for listening to me ramble. And thank you for metas again!
Hi lovely! Awwww, thank you so much for the warm and kind words, I appreciate them so very much! :***
OK, first off, I love that you brought up that question specifically for Buddie! XD Second, I'm glad you sent this ask, it's a really good point you bring up here. Anyone deciding on a legal guardian for their kid would take that person's finances into account. To be accurate, the idea of whether the designated guardian can even financially afford to take care of a kid unexpectedly. I know this is why I am not secretly anyone's kid's legal guardian in their will, because while everyone that knows me, knows I adore kids and connect with them immediately, they also know what I do for a living, while really satisfying and allows me to feel like I'm helping to make the world a slightly better place, it is financially a disgrace. I can't raise a kid on how little money I earn. Meaning, my friends don't need to know my specific financial plan to know I am not a candidate for this job, despite how good I am with kids.
My point is, the fact that Eddie didn't just consider Buck for this, but actually wrote Buck in his will, I think it suggests that Eddie has a pretty firm grasp of Buck's finances to know that it is more than possible for Buck to take Chris in. We know Buck is bad with math, so... does this maybe imply he goes to Eddie to help him with his finances, taxes, etc? IDK, but I like the thought that Buck trusts Eddie that much!
And yes, those two def need to have a conversation about the guardianship, plan it out in more detail. Maybe they had it off screen already. Maybe, assuming Eddie returns to the 118 during 5b, they'll have it on screen soon, as part of discussing precisely that risk that Eddie is taking when he does his job... I'm hoping for the latter, but I won't be disappointed if we don't get it on screen, 'coz if we don't, I would still feel they probably had it off screen (just like the show has repeatedly shown us that Buddie are so close, they exchange so much more info than we see on screen).
Thank you sooo much for this, hon! I'm really happy you enjoy the metas and I hope you continue to! xoxox
(Sorry for the length, thank you for the ask and please have a look at my ask tag if you're looking for another ask reply. xoxox)
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years ago
UHMMM EXCUSE ME BUT BOKUTO X ONEE-SAN IS JUST 😳🥵. I'm a different anon from the last one but omg, is it okay to ask more??? Maybe an MSBY Bokuto now or idk what if his onee-san finally gets pregnant (if you're okay with that). Thank yoy so much!
I got like four fics where the reader ends up pregnant I’m definitely fine with writing pregnancy lmao I’ve looked it up so many times I have a notebook of pregnancy symptoms and baby delivery. I do need to start writing down baby names tho bc my computer keeps asking me when I’m expecting
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Mission : Corrupting Onee-san ; Bokuto, part 3
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Kōtarō was a bit upset a week after the.. incident. You weren’t showing any common signs of pregnancy.
He researched it at least six different times, expecting to match something in your behavior to one of them. Each time he realized you weren’t pregnant, it was hard on you. Well, he was hard on you. Forcing his cock into you while you thrashed and tried to get him off, only to be met with the brick wall that is your little brother. He hardly even noticed you, often off in his own delusions until after he spilled his load into you. Even then, your fucked out face and overstimulated hole always had him raring to go again, this time with his focus on how good you made him feel.
With it being a month into his stay at your house, you wondered if your family would get suspicious about it. When he told you he’d be trying out for the MSBY Black Jackals, it fell into place. That’s why he was staying at your house, with the added bonus of being there if you needed anything. From someone else’s perspective, it would seem like he was a golden child with a heart of gold. In your eyes, you just saw a monster with a goal and determination to see the goal through. Kōtarō never shied from any questions your son had, either. Answering every question quickly and maturely, as if he knew the kid would ask it. He’s able to manipulate you and your son but you can’t do anything to stop him, not when he holds power over you.
Kazuki loves his uncle, his Oji-san a lot. You know he does. He’s always enjoyed visiting your parents’ house to see Kōtarō who would tell him stories, but you find he often lets his adoration for Kōtarō blind him. In his eyes, Kōtarō is a perfect human being and can do no wrong.
“Oji-san?” Kazuki’s little head pops up from under the table. You jump at his sudden appearance, especially if he came from under the table. With Kōtarō having you firmly placed on his lap, you wonder how your son would see the situation.
“Yeah, squirt?” He still smiled at Kazuki, not seeing anything wrong with the situation. Not seeing anything wrong with the way he has a steel grip on your hips and keeps rubbing his hardening cock into your clothed pussy.
“When you both go to bed, why does mommy scream?” Your eyes widen at his question, panicking. How do you answer that? He’s so young—
“Oh! Mommy has some bad nightmares, but it’s okay! I’m there to take care of her!” Kōtarō wraps his arms around your middle, warm hands sliding along your stomach. “Isn’t that right, mommy?”
“Yes, Kōtarō, it—“ your words were interrupted with a shriek, feeling Kōtarō pinch the skin on your hips.
“Mommy, are you okay?!”
“Yes, dear. I’m fine. Uh, daddy just startled me, that’s all.” With the new situation and lack of anyone else, Kōtarō wanted to fully move into the ideal family life. Including his title. Kazuki didn’t bat an eyelash, just nodding and eagerly going to play with his toys. A present from Kōtarō.
“We talked about that, nee-san,” Kōtarō’s breath tickled your ear, a warm tongue licking the shell of it. A shiver went down your spine, feeling his bulge get harder underneath you. “Kazuki needs to see me as a father figure now. Especially since he’ll have a baby brother soon,”
“What makes you so sure it’ll be a boy?”
“I have faith. Need strong boys to protect mommy while daddy’s busy at work,” the talk of you having his offspring has him raring to go, a dark cloud covering his eyes as he ruts up against you. You find yourself face down on the dinner table while Kōtarō eagerly strips off your panties and your jeans. It’s nothing for him to pull his cock out of his sweats, eagerly rubbing the mushroom tip against your folds. Even if your mind and heart don’t want it, that doesn’t stop the slick from pooling into your panties and coating your folds. Your hole is nice and wet for him, ready for his fat cock to split you open.
“Kō, we- we can’t! Zuki-“
“If you keep quiet, he won’t know,” he hisses in your ear, his hand digging into the fat of your ass. It’s a warning to be quiet. Kōtarō usually enjoys your voice, how you scream and beg when he’s filled you to the brim, but now he needs you to be quiet since you’re on the table.
Pushing his cock into you is something he’ll never get tired of. He loves the warm feeling of your cunt and how tight your walls are around him, you’re all sticky and wet, allowing him to slide right in. He doesn’t stop, not for a moment, feeling you holding back your moans as he bottoms out. Even with your hesitance, your body knows he makes you feel good. It has him slapping his hips to your ass while he cages you to the table, pressing you down with his chest. Your nails scratch the table, trying to find something to hold on to when his hands snake up under them, squeezing while he rams into you. It’s enough to squeeze his hands while he brings you to an orgasm, his balls slapping against your clit while your walls squeeze around him, sucking him in.
“K-Kō-chan, I-“
“I’m almost there, hold on, baby,” he whispers, his mouth right next to your ear. You don’t know whether he’s talking to you or the possibility of a child resulting in this, but you find his hips stuttering, a low groan as he stills inside you. Your walls milk him dry, another orgasm as you coat him in your own release. He doesn’t pull out, keeping still inside you while you both come down your high.
“It’s Kazuki’s bedtime. I need to tuck him in,” You break the silence, squirming as the feeling of Kōtarō’s cock in you, and his cum, has become awkward.
“I’ll do it,” he presses a kiss to your hair, removing himself from you. He’s quick to pull your panties and jeans back up, keeping his cum from mostly coming out. “After all, I gotta be a good dad, don’t I?”
With Kōtarō constantly leaving the house for practice with the Black Jackals, he leaves you alone. Taking care of Kazuki was your only chore, really. With Kōtarō earning plenty of money and you having the insurance money from your recently deceased husband and daughter, you were not financially unstable. Most of your money had gone to special pills to prevent pregnancy, making sure you had one each time after Kōtarō spilled inside you. Labeled as vitamins, you easily took them all the time in front of Kōtarō as he didn’t bat an eye. They seemed to work, suspending the pregnancy as each day you turned out and took the test, only one line popping up.
You thought you were safe.
When your vitamins went missing, you didn’t know where to turn. After the table sex and the bedtime routine, you needed those pills. Looking through each cabinet, you couldn’t find it. When you asked Kazuki, he seemed innocent enough. The only possibility was that Kōtarō had found out and taken them out. You had to wait until he returned from practice before you could confront him.
When he finally popped through the door, Kazuki went to go hug him. “Oji-san!”
“Hey, hey, hey! We talked about that, squirt,” a darkness looms in his eyes, but his smile is bright and blinding.
“Sorry, daddy. I’m not used to it,” he looks downright guilty, as if he did something wrong. Kōtarō’s big hand plops on top of Kazuki’s head.
“It’s alright. You’ll get used to it eventually, especially once you have a little brother,”
“I’m gonna have a little brother?!” Bouncing on his feet, Kazuki turned to you. The smile you sported was more of a cringe, but you nodded.
“That’s the plan. Daddy, can we talk?” Kōtarō eagerly follows you, handing a new toy to Kazuki as if he doesn’t have over 20 new toys. Kōtarō doesn’t stop in front of you, rather hugging you close to him as you feel his hardened cock rubbing against your leg. “Kōtarō we need to talk. About serious stuff.”
“If it’s about those Plan B pills, I flushed them down the toilet,”
“Wha- flushed? Those were my vitamins!”
“You aren’t taking anything that risks serious health problems if you don’t take it. Not only that, you’re not under any prescription medications. From now on,” he says, voice low and commanding. Pulling from you, you look into his eyes to see something sinister in them, as if his delusion is becoming tangible. “You’ll be taking what I give to you. No more caffeine, no more wine before bed, yes I know you drink a glass while getting ready, and no more vitamins without my permission. After all, our future is dependent on this.”
With his declaration of claiming you, officially deciding to prevent anything that could stand in his way, you felt sick as you took another test, the single line being joined by a matching one. You couldn’t hide it, you couldn’t throw it away, he’d know the truth regardless. You always showed him negative results, so the test going missing would mean he knew it was positive. Kōtarō waits on your bed — his, too, now — as you weigh your options. With shaky hands, you open the bathroom door as he perks up, his face smiling as if he knew the answer already. With his hair down and still damp from the bath, you see how attractive he is, his muscles flexing as he gets up to see the result. Showing him the plastic piece, he can’t hide his excitement.
“I’m gonna be a dad! You’re gonna be a mommy! Well, we are, but this time for reals!” He’s so excited, it’s easy to find yourself smiling with him, caught up in the excitement. When he puts you down, it’s on the bed and he’s quickly crawling to cage you in. “I say this is cause for a celebration.”
“Kōtarō, what about mom? And dad? And our sisters? They’ll find out eventually, won’t they? We’ll be disowned,” your panicked voice stops him, straddling you as his hand goes to his chin. As if he’s thinking.
“Well, lets just cut ties with them. I’m a member of one of Japan’s Division 1 volleyball teams. I make enough money for us to be stable comfortably, not to mention the money you have from insurance. That way,” he licks his lips, leaning over you again, “I can have you all to myself,”
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honeycombstrawberry · 3 years ago
Hi it might triggering u, so I'm sorry to ask this. U can ignore it if u think I'm being much. Ummm I remember in one post u mentioned that u struggle with ED? I hope u get better now and able to beat it.
So I think I think my sister also struggles with ED, idk is it true or not and I'm too scared to ask her. But I see her always checking the back of food containers? Idk what she looks on there, but I feel like she's checking the calories. I ask her if she is in diet? But she just mad. And now she never let me go shopping with her again. I think i did the wrong thing by asked her that question.
I just want to know ur opinion about what should i do to help her without her know it? Like what subtle things i could do to make her feel better? Well I'm not sure if she's really struggling with ED. But better to be prepare right?
I am also trying to learn about it from google and youtube, but I think it's better to know and learn it from real people that been in that situation and have experience on it.
I really didn't mean anything bad and I'm really sorry if I hurt you. It's my first time dealing with something like this and I just i just scared and don't know what to do and have no one to talk to. Obviously not my parents, they just gonna make it worse. And when i ask my friends they just ignore it. Said I'm just being dramatic over small things. And maybe I'm? Idk
I'm sorry for troubling you with this shit. Really, you could just delete this or ignore it. I'm sorry to send u this. I'm really sorry
don't be sorry! i know you must be scared so i get wanting to reach out. this may be a problem and it may not be but it's good that they have somebody there for them if it is. if it wasn't for one of my friends actually telling me she was scared for me and sending me information on how to get help i never would have even realized i had an eating disorder in the first place, let alone gotten treatment for it. as it was i ended up in treatment and i recently relapsed so it is really a lifelong struggle in many ways.
also in that i did recently relapse i want to say i don't think i'm a very good resource on what to do. however i do want to give you resources and say one thing: as long as you care and offer support in any ways you can, sometimes that is all you can do. my friend (and eventually more of my loved ones, when i was able to recognize and process and open up and welcome them into this) was there for me when i needed them and i couldn't have gotten better without them. without them i probably wouldn't be here actually. so caring and trying to offer support is sometimes all you can do, but it's still vital to be done.
i really am not a counselor or anything but i can offer some resources for you. i'm sorry i'm not more help here, i don't want to make anything worse by saying/doing the wrong thing. i know you mentioned your parents may not be helpful resources but if you do have a trusted adult in your life i suggest you try and express to them that you need assistance as well.
here's some links that i hope will help a little bit:
National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) website - this is the best resource i've got, it is a real catch-all for other resources. also had a screening tool my friend made me use that was the first thing that made me realize i was actually very sick.
Eating Recovery Center (ERC) website - similarly a resource for other resources, the specific site i linked here will bring you to a list of specific resources for different diagnoses/specific EDs
The Renfrew Center for Eating Disorders website - when i was placed in a treatment program i ended up with renfrew bc of my insurance at the time, and they did end up being really helpful for me (including providing the best therapist i've still ever had to date) and really not letting me slide on my bullshit. obvs this is for later in a process if there is one but good to have
i'm so so sorry i can't help more but i hope this is at least a good starting point and will help give you hope and a place to start and also reassure you that things will be okay.
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adhdandcomics · 5 years ago
Okay so idk if you'll see this but I'm having the same problem as a previous anon? I'm 16, just now slipping, previously good grades, and have a Lot of matching symptoms/experiences with ADHD. But I don't have a therapist or anything and I'm afraid to bring it up with my parents because every time I mention the possibility they immediately shoot me down. Do you have any ideas about who to contact/talk to if I want to get diagnosed?
i think there’s a couple options here- what i did was actually bring it up at a general doctor’s check up in that moment where they shoo your parents out of the room (if you’re a minor/at the docs with your parents) and ask if there’s anything you need to talk about with them. I actually had my doctor contact the ADHD testing practitioners himself and asked Him to bring it up to my parents, bc I knew they would trust him rather than me trying to convince them by myself.
(I do realize i’m going off of my experiences as an american, i’m not sure how doctors appointments and scheduling tests for ADHD works in other countries)
I think also if you can drive, do some research to see if there’s a clinic that specializes in ADHD or similar stuff and see if you can get an appointment, or at least contact them, tell them what’s up, and tell Them to contact your parents for you. (once again, not sure how that might work if they want to make an appointment first with you)
and, another option that might be feasible, if your parents are Really really against it, (and you plan on going to college or something) a lot of universities have options to see health practitioners without disclosing that information to your parents, and still offering insurance and things. that would be a pretty big wait is the only problem- but there’s at least some comfort in that!!
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janiedean · 7 years ago
Ok, I know it may come as quite offensive for some people, but it's a real question. I'm upper middle-class, as my parents were before me, I was still living with them during the econonical crisis and I barely felt it and now I have my own job, I have no problem having money for myself. And fortunately or not, all of my friends either come from this social class or got into it with their jobs, so I never had a real talk with someone considered "poor". I'm not trying to brag or anything, (cont)
I'm just explaining where I stand and why everyone in my family (including me) is right-winged (not far-right, thanks god, but very liberal). So there is my question, I see so much talk and post about how the situation is awful for people (and mainly young people) and I don't know if it's an exaggeration (aka the opinion of 90% of the people I know, friends + families) or is there a real problem I fail to understand. Thanks for taking the time to read (and maybe answer) me.
Sure I can answer you XD
So, given that the economical crisis hit differently in different countries so there’s different perspectives to be had, the short answer is: it’s not an exaggeration. Long answer:
if you come from an upper middle-class background it’s highly likely you won’t have felt the repercussions, and if you were living with your parents when the crisis hit because you weren’t old enough for college then I suppose you’re in your early-mid twenties, right? If you are, congratulations, you dodged the millennial bullet, which I will rant about further later. Anyway, it’s not like it’s a fault or anything, but like, upper-middle class = you have some degree of privilege.
Now, I also am middle class, though in Italy, which is a whole different thing than being middle class in the US - now I can’t be knowledgeable about the details of how it works in the US tho I know a few things that might give you extra perspective further down, but anyway, I do have the middle-class privilege that comes with having managed to dodge the economical crisis, but... I’m late twenties/early thirties, which means that I finished studying right when the crisis hit here the worst - it caught up with us a bit later than in the US but when I finished university there was literally nothing for anyone with my background and most people my age I know either are working from home somehow or working jobs that have nothing to do with their skill set or what they studied for or are freelancers or work without benefits and/or it took them years to get to economical stability - like, my cousin got first in this year’s chart to teach middle school in her area and she got two schools (if not three) for one year and is still living with her parents and it took her six years if not more to get there since getting the degree, her brother has worked for an ONG for years but his contract’s is meh and he compensates renting a room in a house his parents bought for him and as far as I’m concerned... it took me two years to get a shitty paid state job for one year and now I have to look again and I might end up trying to end up in a program to get a teaching certification that I don’t even want to do, but it’s STATE MONEY with BENEFITS and after four years and so of working without benefits I’m freaking out about retirement and shit, which brings us to another problem.
My parents’ generation (and the previous one) found jobs in a moment of economical growth. When my mother retires and when my father does, they’re going with the old pension system which means they get 90% of their last paycheck. As it is right now, I haven’t put money towards it at all because I don’t have it, and I’ll have to work until I’m like seventy and I’ll get.... an abysmal amount of money, with the current system, sure as fuck not 90% of my last paycheck. I couldn’t buy a house without my parents’ help or without them backing me up (banks don’t let you have a mortgage if your parents don’t grant for you). And like, the generation before mine all managed to lend decent jobs because the economy was pre-crisis, the one after mine is getting better jobs because we’re out of it and everyone is hiring again, and the one I’m in is fucked because we’re too old or too young or too qualified because if you don’t find work you go back to studying and get titles that then mean you should get PAID WHAT A TRAVESTY or not qualified enough because we ended up taking jobs without proper contracts that you can’t put on your resume and so on. Given that I don’t consider myself old and that I come from a background where I’m more or less covered because the parents have good jobs, the situation for me and my entire age group is shitty af because unless you have uber rich parents and you come from money your retirement money will be shit and our retirement funds are shitty af, and good luck when our parents retire and don’t feed the system with their retirement money.
Like, if I wanted hypothetical children (THANK FUCK I DON’T) I could never afford to give them the same level of wealth/living that my parents gave me and that their parents gave them. I could never. Because even with someone else in the house, if they were my age and in the same work conditions it’d be an utopia.
Now, given all this, I’m still middle class. If I, a person with a relative amount of *privilege*, am fairly screwed when it comes to job perspectives (I mean, in this country you work as soon as you finish uni if you studied engineering or economics and that’s it...), how do you assume someone who actually comes from a low middle class or poor background is faring? Spoilers: a lot worse than me. The unemployment level in between young people here is tremendously high and working jobs without a contract to bring money home doesn’t help either. And like, at least here a lot of people my age just dump everything and leave Italy (and I honestly sort of wish I had when it’d have been easier but never mind) because finding a job tied in some way to what you studied for here is a lottery gamble and then people don’t understand that if all the young people leave who pays for their goddamned retirement money? Anyway, tldr: obviously if I had found a government job at 24 just out of university I wouldn’t be here worrying about my retirement money as much, but I don’t have a government job and the majority of people doesn’t, and given the current times it’s not shaping up to look that much better for us, at least.
On to the US, since I assume you’re from the US: thing is, from what I understand especially right now the part where if you work hard enough you make money and climb into upper-middle class is kind of a myth especially when in order to attend university you have to get loans unless you’re on a scholarship and/or come from money, which means that you end university and you have already 40k of debt to repay on you, which already puts a hinder on anything you do because you’ll have to pay that shit off, same as your car, same as your house and so on, which means that if you’re *poor* it’s a lot less likely to get into college or find a good job unless you go in the military (which is imo another whole level of fucked up but never mind), not counting the people who from what I understand end up in debt or broke because they can’t pay off hospital expenses/insurance expenses if they get sick. Never mind that the entire 2008 crisis spiraled from the Reagan/Thatcher ridiculously terrible economical liberalims that people decided was AMAZING in the eighties, but if I don’t remember wrong, what kickstarted it was basically the fact that a lot of people took loans to buy houses with money they didn’t have and the banks defaulted and it all came tumbling down. Now, the people who lived in those houses basically lost everything and got fucked thrice over, and how do we assume their kids are faring? Not well, most probably.
Now, idk how the situation is there because it looks like by the end of his term Obama had managed to create more jobs and send things back on  a better track (if Trump doesn’t fuck that up obv) but like... Obama was there eight years. It took that long. Anyone who finished college and/or was in my age range and on the job market during the crisis or when it hit most probably got very much fucked, never mind that I’m 99% sure that the US don’t have the same retirement system as here when it comes down to it so people are nowhere near as sheltered when it comes to their retirement. Or to get benefits. Though from what I gathered we have more benefits than the average US worker, government or not, so... a lot of people have real issues finding a job or moving on from their crappy one or meeting the living standards their parents had and which from what I gather they’re expected to have (see the credit cards post I reblogged yesterday). And that’s going to be the majority. And since ‘young people’ are usually considered my age range these days and my group (the millennials of doom) was the one most hit by this fuckery when it came to finding jobs... no, it’s not an exaggeration. I can say it’s not from another country where things are marginally better and coming from a background more like yours, I can’t even begin to imagine how worse it is for people who had it worse growing up and have less welfare to fall back on.
also, we’re talking young people but here a lot of older ones got fucked over thrice because the pension reform hit them badly, and most of them weren’t wealthy and worked time/health-consuming jobs, a lot lost their job and who’s going to re-hire you when you’re fifty-five, and that’s without having lost your savings as it happened in the US. if these people had kids, those kids didn’t fare well, most probably. the crisis was a problem for people from every age, not just for young people.
So, again: yes, there’s a problem, and no, it’s probably hard that you’d notice because if you managed to miss the crisis’s effects and you don’t have the retirement/pension funds problems we have here you wouldn’t have any reason to. However, it’s not an exaggeration at all and like, I don’t want to sound condescending or anything and I have nothing against moderate liberals so like don’t take it as me insulting you or anything because I swear I’m not, and I know it’s hard to know people outside your sphere which is usually someone in your same economical conditions, but if you get the chance to talk to someone who’s less economically well-off than you/your friends/your family is I’d suggest listening to them because a) they’d give you a better idea of it than me since I only know my country’s situation well, b) it’s always a good thing to go outside your bubble (but that’s valid for everyone - all people should, from all backgrounds) and check how things are. I can give my perspective (which is bad) but someone who actually lived it worse than I did could give a better one. Anyway, I hope it was a satisfactory answer - it’s not in any way shape or form comprehensive but as I said I can only speak for what I’m sure of. :) 
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