#and I'm starting to plant stuff outside
thethingything · 1 year
pro tip: if you learn to recognise flies as wildlife and start noticing the different species, you get to experience a fun little thing where it vastly increases how much you get to be like "ooh look! nature! yay!!!"
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Reader commenting on Spencer’s hands being cold, and he starts excitedly rambling about the best ways to heat them up, like putting them under armpits. Only to get completely thrown back when she stuffs his hands in her under boob to keep them nice and warm and strong :) <3
Your eyes are drawn to Spencer's hands when he starts curling them into fists, rapidly clenching and unclenching them in the chilly Chicago air. You're sitting cross-legged on the stoop of a witness's home, waiting for JJ to return from questioning her. She'd been uneasy with such a heavy government presence in her home, and you don't blame her for it, so you'd elected to stay outside with Reid.
"Cold, Spence?" You ask, and he nods sheepishly, his curls flying.
"I'm trying to get circulation back to my fingers," He explains, shaking his hands out for a brief second before curling them again, "Moving your fingers gets your blood flowing, but there's only so warm I can get in 30-degree weather."
You smile sympathetically at him, watching as his nails dig into his palms once more with a curl of his fingers, "Maybe we can bribe JJ to get us coffee on the way back to the precinct."
"They never give me the sugar I ask for," Spencer laments, shaking out his fingers once more, "I think they think I'm trying to steal their supply, but I really just like having eight packets in one cup."
The snort that you let out releases a puff of visible breath into the cold morning air. As it dissipates Spencer tries breathing into his hands, but his skin is still pale, nail beds dangerously close to turning purple, and you sigh resignedly.
"Come here, Spence," You hold your hands out, and he looks curiously up at you. His head tilts just barely to the side, and you're reminded of a confused puppy.
"Give me your hands," You urge, emphasizing the way that you're holding yours out. He does so without question, but you can tell that you've certainly improved circulation to his face, because his cheeks are blazing hot with a rosy blush when he obeys.
"Body heat really helps," You promise, unzipping the fabric of your FBI windbreaker. You hold both of Spencer's hands in your free hand now, but when your jacket is properly unzipped you lead his hands straight to your torso. They're posed on your ribcage, and Spencer stills, watching the way that they touch you with wide eyes.
"Under- there," You slip his hands up an inch, letting them slip into the space beneath your bra, your skin flushed with natural heat that soaks into Spencer's veins like sunlight to a wilting plant. Contrary to the body heat now flooding his limbs he's frozen, eyes wide and jaw slack as you stuff his hands beneath your chest.
"That better?" You ask, shimmying slightly in place and jostling his hands. Your bra slips further over the backs of his hands and only makes them warmer, enveloping him in even more of your body heat. He gulps, you actually see his throat bob, and nods silently, still leaned forwards to take in more of your warmth.
"Thanks," He breathes, trying very hard, and failing very miserably, to pretend like he's not about to combust.
You're almost certain that his hands are barely thawed at all when JJ steps abruptly out of the front doors of the building, and her boots skid to a stop in front of you and Spencer. You glance up at her with a warm smile, but Spencer yanks his hands away, wringing them out in his lap with wide eyes.
"Uh, she was- we were just... my hands-" Spencer babbles, and the more he struggles, the more her smirk grows over her face.
"His hands were cold," You explain, reaching out to grab them once more and squeezing the barely-tepid skin, "Let's hurry and get into the car, we can turn the heat on full blast."
You've seen Spencer exhibit a mild jog while chasing unsubs, his gun held at his side like it's a bag of bricks, but he skitters to the SUV faster than you've ever seen him move, leaving you and JJ behind on the steps of the apartment building.
"So, did he put his hands there, or did you?" JJ asks, and you don't need to see her face; you know from the mirth in her voice that she's still smirking as you stand up.
"I did," You grunt, trying very hard, and failing very miserably, to pretend like you're not about to combust, "He was shivering, JJ. What was I supposed to do, let him freeze to death?"
"No, no," She raises her hands in a gesture of surrender but her voice still contains that sadistic amusement, "You're right. A word of advice, though: next time, stick his hands between your thighs. It's a lot warmer down there."
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grimandghoulish · 2 years
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afro-hispwriter · 4 months
Hearts on Fire
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Tom Glynn- Carney x reader, Ewan Mitchell x reader, Glytchell x reader(eventually... maybe)
Summary- falling for either of your co-stars was NOT on your bucket list 
Warnings- single mom!reader, both boys are single, mentions of past pregnancy
A/n- I don't know exactly how sets work but I'm pretty sure actors all meet each other way before the first day, so everyone knows the baby already 
It was like yesterday that you were still auditioning for the role at 9 months pregnant. Now it was the first day on set and you had nobody to take care of your six-month-old son. Your cousin could only stay with you for so long and you were no way in hell leaving your baby with a stranger. 
There was a bus that would pick up cast members but you weren't sure how they would feel about you bringing your baby on the bus and then to set. 
But a call wouldn't hurt. And it didn't. Your assistant made sure something would be there. The set managers were more than happy to accommodate you as long as you brought everything needed. 
You got a text from Olivia that they were close by you instantly gathered up your things and put the playpen outside, along with the baby bag.
"Okay Miles, you're coming with mommy to work today." You picked up the chubby baby put him in the travel car seat and walked outside just as the bus pulled up. You waved and shut your door and locked it. You bent down grabbed the playpen strap and swung it over your shoulder, it clashed against your backpack making you stumble. You grabbed the bag strap and started hauling it all towards the bus.
The bus doors slid open and your co-star Ewan Mitchell came running out. 
"Let me help you out there."
"No Ewan I got it." You smiled at him but he shook his head. He grabbed the playpen and baby bag from your arms and gestured for you to go first. 
"Thank you." You sighed and walked up the steps of the bus. Everyone greeted you and moved their stuff so you could set Miles down. Ewan came in behind you and handed you the baby bag.
"I'm going to take this to the back." He says and takes the playpen. 
"Thank you again." You say. 
"Don't mention it," Ewan says and walks to the back then back up to the front to sit directly behind you. Miles' car seat was secure and you took your seat right next to him. 
The next stop was Tom. He stepped on the bus and his eyes instantly matched with you. 
"Hey, Y/n." He sat down next to you in the other set of chairs. His eyes dashed over to the little have stretching. "You brought your baby!?" Tom instantly cooed and tried to get a look. And just at the same time, Miles started getting fussy. The kind that he wanted to be held. 
"Okay okay." You cooed and started unbuckling him. You pocked him down and tried to sit him down on your lap but he planted his tiny feet on your thigh to stay up. "Oh, we want to stand today." He looked around the bus as it was completely new to him. 
"Hi there." Tom waved at the baby with a big smile on his face. "I don't think you remember me but I do remember you." Miles giggled as if he understood. "You were so much tinier." 
"Now he's a big boy." You say and tickle his sides making the baby squirm and giggle. Then he stopped as his little eyes caught onto Olivia. His tiny mouth was open in awe. 
"Uh oh, I think someone's got his first crush," Tom says and you look at Miles who was staring intently at Olivia. 
"You think she's pretty huh, I know she is." You say in a tiny baby voice.
"Oh, that is adorable," Olivia says with a smile which triggers Miles to smile as well. He sat down abruptly, digging his knees into your stomach making you huff then stood up with force to look at Olivia again. As if he was playing peek-a-boo. 
The whole ride Miles had everyone smiling and laughing. You were only 15 minutes away when Miles suddenly leaned over to reach for Tom. It was like something clicked to Tom and he instantly reached out but then hesitated and looked up at you for reassurance.
You were going to be working with these people for who knows how long. You had to trust them. 
You nodded and passed over Miles to Tom. He gladly accepted it with no issue. He sat in the man's lap contently while Tom kept a secure hold on him.
Once you deemed he was okay you let yourself relax as much as you could.
 Ewan tapped your shoulder and you turned around. 
“How old is he now?” He asks looking at Miles. 
“6 months.” He nodded then looked at you.
“You look absolutely amazing by the way.” He says. “I wouldn’t have guessed you had a baby 6 months ago.” 
Your face heated up and you broke out in a big smile. 
“That is very kind of you Ewan, I appreciate it.” He gave a satisfied smile and grabbed his phone.
“Can I get your number? I have pretty much everyone but yours.” 
“Yeah!” You grabbed his phone and typed in the number and handed it back to him. The bus pulled into the lot and parked. Everyone stood up grabbed their stuff and got off the bus just leaving you with Ewan, Tom, and Miles.
“I can take it from you, thank you.” You tell them but they don’t budge. 
“We’ve got you, don’t worry. I can carry Miles.”
Tom says and stands up, bouncing Miles slightly. 
“I can carry the other stuff. You worry about yourself for a bit.” Ewan says and grabs the baby bag and walks to the back to grab the playpen.
“Guys I’ve been doing this for months, please let me carry my stuff.” You pleaded but they didn’t budge. Tom waited for you to start walking and Ewan waited in the middle of the aisle. 
“We know you’re doing this, but you’re basically by yourself Y/n, let us help. We’re going to be around each other for a long time. I'm sure everyone in there is going to want to help you as well.”  
You didn’t know what to feel. Your chest tightened but your belly fluttered at his words. Your breath hitched and you bit your lip. The boys worried you were about to cry but you just nodded.
A/n-  this was more of an intro but, more to come!
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ETA: I wrote up a guide on clues that a foraging book was written by AI here!
[Original Tweet source here.]
Okay, yeah. This is a very, very, very bad idea. I understand that there is a certain flavor of techbro who has ABSOLUTELY zero problem with this because "AI is the future, bro", and we're supposed to be reading their articles on how to use AI for side hustles and all that.
I get that ID apps have played into people's tendency to want quick and easy answers to everything (I'm not totally opposed to apps, but please read about how an app does not a Master Naturalist make.) But nature identification is serious stuff, ESPECIALLY when you are trying to identify whether something is safe to eat, handle, etc. You have to be absolutely, completely, 100000% sure of your ID, and then you ALSO have to absolutely verify that it is safely handled and consumed by humans.
As a foraging instructor, I cannot emphasize this enough. My classes, which are intended for a general audience, are very heavy on identification skills for this very reason. I have had (a small subsection of) students complain that I wasn't just spending 2-3 hours listing off bunches of edible plants and fungi, and honestly? They can complain all they want. I am doing MY due diligence to make very sure that the people who take my classes are prepared to go out and start identifying species and then figure out their edibility or lack thereof.
Because it isn't enough to be able to say "Oh, that's a dandelion, and I think this might be an oyster mushroom." It's also not enough to say "Well, such-and-such app says this is Queen Anne's lace and not poison hemlock." You HAVE to have incredibly keen observational skills. You HAVE to be patient enough to take thorough observations and run them through multiple forms of verification (field guides, websites, apps, other foragers/naturalists) to make sure you have a rock-solid identification. And then you ALSO have to be willing to read through multiple sources (NOT just Wikipedia) to determine whether that species is safely consumed by humans, and if so if it needs to be prepared in a particular way or if there are inedible/toxic parts that need to be removed.
AND--this phenomenon of AI-generated crapola emphasizes the fact that in addition to all of the above, you HAVE to have critical thinking skills when it comes to assessing your sources. Just because something is printed on a page doesn't mean it's true. You need to look at the quality of the information being presented. You need to look at the author's sources. You need to compare what this person is saying to other books and resources out there, and make sure there's a consensus.
You also need to look at the author themselves and make absolutely sure they are a real person. Find their website. Find their bio. Find their social media. Find any other manners in which they interact with the world, ESPECIALLY outside of the internet. Contact them. Ask questions. Don't be a jerk about it, because we're just people, but do at least make sure that a book you're interested in buying is by a real person. I guarantee you those of us who are serious about teaching this stuff and who are internet-savvy are going to make it very easy to find who we are (within reason), what we're doing, and why.
Because the OP in that Tweet is absolutely right--people are going to get seriously ill or dead if they try using AI-generated field guides. We have such a wealth of information, both on paper/pixels and in the brains of active, experienced foragers, that we can easily learn from the mistakes of people in the past who got poisoned, and avoid their fate. But it does mean that you MUST have the will and ability to be impeccably thorough in your research--and when in doubt, throw it out.
My inbox is always open. I'm easier caught via email than here, but I will answer. You can always ask me stuff about foraging, about nature identification, etc. And if there's a foraging instructor/author/etc. with a website, chances are they're also going to be more than willing to answer questions. I am happy to direct you to online groups on Facebook and elsewhere where you have a whole slew of people to compare notes with. I want people's foraging to be SAFE and FUN. And AI-generated books aren't the way to make that happen.
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sheepwasfound · 2 years
thanks everybody for the cat tips!!
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jihyoruri · 1 month
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ PRETTY WHEN YOU CRY kim chaewon x reader
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↳ warnings richgirl!yn, read these three parts before this one if you haven’t already, getting glimpse into yn, chaewon is chaewon…, mentions of weight & throwing up, yn’s family (a real warning fr), pre debut stuff
yn knew who she was from a very young age.
she came from an old money family, the moon family, but it wasn’t just any old money—it was wealth built over generations of hard work, or so her father would tell her.
her family was extremely important, involved in almost every major company in korea. they held a high status and were regarded with the utmost respect, held to the highest standards imaginable.
and oh was that standard installed in yn.
the numbers four, ten, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen and nineteen is something that yn will always remember for six important reasons. It's likely the reason she is who she is today.
age four is the last time yn remembers really crying.
she probably cried before that, but she obviously didn’t have the memory to recall those times.
ever since she was born, she remembers being in her father’s arms, never her mother’s. her father took care of her along with her brothers.
yn knew her father wasn’t the best man, but he wasn’t the worst. at least he acknowledged all three of his children. while he definitely paid more attention to her brothers, he still looked after her.
her mother, though, never acknowledged her. even when yn was a little baby, her mother’s focus was always on her boys.
both parents’ attention was always on the boys—they were the future of the family, the men of the family. at least her father made a little bit of effort when it came to yn.
at age four, yn was at the age where all she wanted to do was play outside, winter had fallen and disappeared and it was finally getting warmer outside, so it was the perfect opportunity to go play outside.
she asked her dad to accompany her but he was getting ready for a meeting.
“go play out front,” he said patting her head, “it’s beside my window, so I’ll be able to see you, the gate is locked so it should be safe, it’s big enough for you to run around, just watch out for the flowers, the maid planted them yesterday.”
yn excitedly ran out of her father's office, dashed down the large marble steps, and headed for the front door, but not without bumping into one of her older brothers.
“where you are going?” daeun asked his sister.
"outside! dad said I can play out front," she replied eagerly.
the ten year old clicked his tongue and shook his head. "lucky you. after jae’s done getting ready with mom, I'm next." he was about to remind her that the whole family had dress fittings today for the ball they were hosting, but she was already out the door.
yn basked in the sunlight as she ran out front, rolling in the grass and sprinting on the concrete.
suddenly, her foot slipped, causing her to fall and hit her knee on one of the decorative stones. blood started to paint the stone red
yn let out the loudest cry imaginable, clutching her knee, not even caring about the blood on her hands.
yn looked up, she furrowed her eyebrows confused to see her mother running towards her and not her father.
“oh my- what happened?!” the woman asked kneeling in front of her daughter.
“I was running and tripped.” yn sniffed as her mom lifted her up, she wrapped her arms around the woman’s shoulders leaning her head down, “where’s daddy? I need him to look at my knee.”
“he’s in his meeting,” the woman informed the crying girl, “I’ll look at your cut.”
“but he always looks at them! do you know how to look at mine?”
the woman patted her daughters back as they made their way inside the big house, “I look at your brothers all the time, let me patch you up and then get you ready for the dress fitting.”
instead of arguing more yn just sniffled tightening her grip on her mother who walked further into the house.
“we also can’t be crying like this anymore yn, we don’t do that here.”
age four is also the first and last time yn remembers being held by her mother.
it was also the last time she remembers fully crying.
age four the standard was officially introduced to her.
yn thanked her father as he passed her a second piece of bread. "jae, pass me the butter, please."
"you're having another piece of bread?" her brother asked with a grin. "slow down on the carbs, yn."
"pass your sister the butter," their father said sternly. jae immediately quieted his laughter and slid the butter over to yn.
daeun gave jae hard nudge, “leave yn alone it’s not her fault she’s menstruating.”
yn's mouth dropped open as her brothers laughed. She looked at her mother with a betrayed expression. "you told them?"
"I had to," her mother shrugged, cutting the beef on her plate. "they might have been concerned about why you're eating so much."
yn pressed her tongue to the inside of her cheek. ehen she realized she was having her first period, she wanted to go to her dad, but what could he do? she knew she had to go to her mother, even if it made her uncomfortable
“yn is always eating though, especially this year.” jae said, “even the maid brings her snacks.”
“always snacking and writing those poems.”
"can you shut up, lardass?" yn snapped, getting ready to lunge over the large dinner table.
"leave your sister alone," their father said, taking a sip of his wine.
silence fills the table for their mother speaks up, “actually yn, I got your dress in a size four.”
yn looked up from her now abandoned bread confused, “size four? I’m a size eight though.”
“I know.” her mom shrugs, “I feel like you can be a little smaller, it would make you look attractive.”
“why does my ten year old sister need to be attractive?” daeun asked in a joking manner.
“you know what I mean.” their mother said before looking at yn, “you need to slim down a little honey, cut out some things.”
“can you two talk about this on your little girl hangouts.” jae cut in.
yn scoffed, “what girl hangouts.” she muttered to herself, her mother barely talks to her much less have girl hangouts, “may I be excused?” she looked at her father who nodded his head.
“where are you going?”
“the washroom.”
it had been two months since that dinner, yn stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom. her size four dress fitting perfectly.
“see,” her mother started, “you look so beautiful, size four is the size for you, I’m glad you took my advice on cutting out some food.”
yn stayed silent just look at herself in the mirror, she looked up at the ceiling as she felt the back of her eyes start the burn, the water threatening to spill out.
“are still sick?” she turned to look at jae and daeun who entered the room that their mother had exited.
“she was sick?” daeun asked look at his younger sister who sat her vanity, looking through her expensive perfumes.
“yeah for like the past two months.” jae said, “sometimes after dinner I would hear her throw up like crazy in the washroom.”
daeun raised his brow at yn who barley acknowledged jae’s words.
“can you guys tell dad I’ll be downstairs in a second.”
"Sure," jae said, tugging daeun along with him. daeun looked back at yn before shaking his head and following Jae out of the room. along with him.
there’s a reason yn will always remember the age ten.
the starting of age fourteen was weird for yn.
jae was eighteen and daeun was twenty , they were barely in the house these days cause they were making their way through training for the family name, they were slowly becoming more and more important to the family business.
while yn was stuck at in the big mansion she called home, her father was also out of the house, always at meetings and press conferences and if the boys are out the house her mother is also out the house.
so yn was really alone.
and she wanted out.
she was tired of the same routine, waking up, going to school, coming home, sleeping.
she laid on her big pink bed, humming along to the lyrics of hoot by girls generation that came from her cd player, she owned every album from the girl group.
yn loved music, she loved the singing, dancing and rapping, she could totally see her self doing that for living.
isn’t sm entertainment holding auditions…
she jumped up from her bed and and ran down the marble steps of her house while she called her dad.
“hey daddy! I’m going out, where? oh nothing just want to get some fresh air, I won’t leave the gated community I promise.”
she knew if she called the chauffeur to drive her, he would tell her dad. yn huffed as she adjusted her skirt and her pink chanel sweater. she slipped on her Mary janes and turned off her phone.
she was going to have to make a run for it.
yn has never ran like this in her life, her father would kill her if he found out she was doing this but it felt so right.
she ran and ran until she was right in front of the recognizable building, sm entertainment.
she walked in to see a woman standing there with a paper in her hand, she look at yn and raised a brow, “hi! are you hear for auditions?”
“yes,” yn nodded her head, adjusting her sweater, “yes, I am.”
the woman scanned yn’s expensive attire, “really?”
“yes.” yn stated firmly, she could sense the woman’s thoughts, and if there’s one thing her father has always thought her, is to not let people underestimate you, she was above them. “is there a problem?”
yn adjusted her sweater even more, showing off the costum family crest that was sown into her sweater, causing the woman’s eyes the widen.
“oh nothing, the audition rooms is down this way.” the woman says gesturing down the hall, yn’s stern face melted into a kinda smile.
“thank you.” she said before walking down the hall.
as she walked she saw a line of people leaning on the wall beside the room.
yn made her way to join the line, standing beside a girl with bangs.
the girl looked at yn and smiled, “are you nervous?”
“this was kinda a rushed idea, so I don’t know how I feel yet.” yn said looking down at her mary jane’s.
the girl laughed and scanned over yn, “hey what’s up that that logo thing, I’ve seen it everywhere since i’ve been in korea.”
yn looked at the crest, “oh, it’s my family crest.”
“that’s cool, so your family is pretty big huh?”
“I guess who can say that,” yn said before looking at the backpack the girl had, “can you actually do me a favour.”
“depends on the favour.”
“can I put my sweater in your bag? and take it out after the auditions.”
yn unzipped her sweater while the girl opened her bag and stuffed it inside, “thank you so much.”
“no problem.” the girl says before looking at the shirt, “ I like your shirt.”
“thanks, it’s miumiu.”
“that sounds expensive, I’m yizhuo.”
“I’m yn.”
“good luck yn.”
“good luck to you too yizhuo.”
the girls stood in line for about an hour, yn listened to yizhuo talk off her ear about if they both made it into sm all the way until it yizhuo‘s turn.
yn looked at the time on her watch, her family wouldn’t be home for another couple hours, she should be able to get home on time , hopefully.
she watched as yizhuo walked out the room with a smile on her face, mouthing a good luck.
if they weren’t there before the nerves were definitely catching up to yn now, she took a deep breath and walked into the room to see three adults sitting.
she gave them a charming smile and stood in front of them.
“hello.” the woman out of the three said to the younger girl with a smile, “state your name and age.”
“I’m moon yn.” yn looks at the three adults, they were scanning her face as if they were trying to figure her out, “and I’m fourteen years old.”
“okay yn, what’s your specialty?” one of the men ask, looking the girls mary jane’s, how is she gonna dance in those?
“uh…” yn didn’t even know what to say, this was definitely an impulse decision on her end.
“always snacking and writing those poems”
“rap.” she states causing the three to raise their brows in surprise, obviously not expecting the girl decked out in pink to say that, “I love rapping.” she lied.
“show us you skills.” the woman said causing yn to mentally curse herself.
she looked deep into the back of her mind to find one of her writings, shaking off her nerves she recited something she wrote a while ago, her flow becoming better as she went on, trying her best to free style.
as she finished the woman nodded her head impressed, “did you write that yourself?” she asked writing on the paper in front of her.
one of the men hummed nodding his head, “now what song are you performing for us today?”
I guess her days of memorizing and singing girls generation songs and choreography is finally gonna pay off.
“I will be singing into the new world.” yn says shaking out her nerves.
the three nodded their heads surprised, this girl kept surprising them.
“let’s hear you.”
as yn started, all she did was think of the words her family members would tell her, to always show confidence, to show people that you’re better, and that’s what she did.
once she finished, she put her hand on her chest to smooth out her breathing, she can’t believe she just did that, the only time she’s done something like this was in the comfort of her big bedroom.
“thank you yn, you will definitely be hearing back from us.” the woman said to the girl who smiled and thanked them.
yn was about to rush out the room but was stopped by one of the men.
“are you related to the moon family, you look so familiar, like I’ve seen your face on tv.”
yn hesitated, she thought about lying but they would easily search her family up, “yes.” she nodded her head.
all three of them looked even more surprised, but yn had no time for more conversation rushing out the room and bumping into yizhuo, who had yn’s sweater in her hand.
“woah, you’re in a rush.”
“yeah, I have to head home.” yn said taking her sweater from yizhuo’s hand and dragging it on.
“wait can I get your number.” she asked handing yn her phone.
yn rushingly typed out her phone number in the girls phone and rushed out the building.
���it was nice meeting you!” she heard yizhuo yell.
and just like how she got to sm entertainment she got home the same way, she ran miles making her way to the gated community that she called her neighbourhood.
yn was about to make it through her gate, when she heard a familiar sounding car, she immediately ran to the back of the house and climbed the tall fence falling to the ground with a big thud.
she didn’t have time to whine about the pain and ran towards the outdoor stairs that lead to the balcony of her bedroom.
she slide open the clear sliding door and rushed into her room.
she took off her sweater letting out a sigh of relief until she heard foot steps heading towards her room, she threw the sweater across the room and jumped on her bed right on her stomach.
her bedroom door opened to reveal daeun, “dad wants to talk to you.” he said before closing her door.
yn felt a nervous feeling bubbling in her stomach as she got up from her bed and out her bedroom.
it was silent as she went down the stairs to find her father standing at the end of the stairs looking at her with a stern face.
“have a nice walk around the neighborhood?” he looked at yn who laughed nervously.
“yeah I got back an hour ago.” she lied forcing a smile.
“come with me.”
yn nervously followed her father into the dining area where the rest of her family sat staring down at her.
she sat beside jae who side eyed her before looking at their father, she hasn’t had much of an relationship with her brothers now that they’ve have started officially working with the family company.
she could brush of the obvious favouritism towards them when she was younger but as she got older the more she resented her brothers.
her father stood looking at her as she looked down in her lap.
“look at me, we don’t look down.” he said sternly causing yn to snap her head up immediately.
“now tell me why,” he starts, “one of my associates is telling me that they saw my daughter running around the city and entering the sm entertainment building?”
yn winced at the sound of her fathers voice before looking at her mother and brothers that just stare at her waiting for her to talk.
she couldn’t stay silent, if someone is talking to you, you answer them.
“I want to become an idol.” she says quietly, silence fills the air after her words.
“you want to become an idol?” her father asks shocked, why in the world would his daughter want to become an idol, “no, I won’t allow it.”
yn inched up in her chair looking at her father with pleading eyes, “come on dad, just look at it, if I debut and I have a perfect idol image, everyone will praise you for raising such a good daughter and bringing a good image to the family name.”
her father looks at her processing her words the look on his face made her hopeful, “I’ll be the best trainee to exist, I’ll be at the top of everything, I’ll be better than everyone, I’ll show them that the moon family is multi talented and not to be underestimated.”
there’s more silence.
“you’re gonna be at the top of everything, if you aren’t number one of everything I will take you out.” he says looking at yn who couldn’t fight her smile but dropped it immediately.
“thank you.” she replied in a level toned as her father just nodded in response.
“go to your room.”
she rushed out the dinning room and up the stairs to her room, as soon as she closed her door a smile broke onto a big smile.
she heard buzzing from her phone only to see an unknown number.
hey it’s yizhuo, I really hope we get to train together, wanna call rich girl ?
yn couldn’t help but playfully roll her at the nickname before typing out a sure.
she spent the whole night on the phone with yizhuo, she had never talked to a person like how she talked to her, she felt relaxed.
if she gets into sm she really hopes yizhuo gets in as well.
and her hopes came through.
yn squealed on the phone as her and yizhuo opened their letters at the same time, both of them being accepted into sm entertainment, meaning they’ll be training together.
yn will never forget fourteen.
age sixteen, was a age full of accomplishments and hardships.
she was number one for every single monthly evaluation since she started training at fourteen, living up to her promises she had made to her father.
the compliments that the trainers and senior idols that visited the trainees would say to her felt good, she had grown a passion for the little lie she made in her auditions she loved rapping, it was what she felt comfortable with.
but under all the accomplishments she has had, there was a girl who wanted to burst into tears everyday.
her father really took her words to heart about her being better than everyone, he told the company to make sure yn trained on her own in another practice room, making her isolated from the other trainees.
after a year yizhuo and her stoped texting and calling each other, yn’s head was full of training and being the best that she has barely paid attention to her phone.
she thrived in the praises her father would throw her when she would tell him that she hadn’t slept because she was training so much.
his thats my girls made her feel like she was on top of the word, with her father’s praises she didn’t need friends she didn’t want friends. all she wanted was to make him proud, maybe even have her mother finally notice her.
the other trainees would call her untouchable, and not in a good way she was pretty stuck up in their eyes, with her rich girl mentalities. when she was in the same room as them the aura always shifted she never laughed at jokes, she never cried at harsh feedback, she was always stone cold, when people tried to talk to her she would always say something shady and mean and walk off.
but she somehow came on top every time, even with her in their opinion shitty attitude.
she was like a robot, some of them wondered how she didn’t get tired.
but oh she did.
it was was five am and yn was currently passed out on the practice floor, she had been practicing since the early morning before with zero breaks, she didn’t remember the last time she had eaten anything but that didn’t matter when she was practicing.
voices were heard outside the door but yn didn’t even flinch completely out like a light.
“I never saw her leave yesterday.”
“why do you care yizhuo? didn’t she stop talking to you.”
“yeah but… I’m just worried.”
“is the door locked.”
“I don’t think so.”
“let’s check on her.”
the door creaked open and gasps filled the air, yizhuo and two other trainees jimin and minjeong ran over to yn’s passed out body.
“yn!” yizhuo shaking the girl who could barely open her eyes at the action.
yn tried to open her eyes fully but it was so difficult, she felt yizhuo pull her up to lean against her, “jimin unnie give her your water.”
jimin pulled the water bottle out her backpack and handed it to yizhuo who had to force the water in yn’s mouth since the girl could barely grip anything with how weak she was.
yn leaned against yizhuo as silence filled the air, the three girls looked at her with concern as she attempted to sit up.
“this is humiliating.” yn mumbled to herself as she looked at the three girls with red eyes.
“what happened?” jimin asked looking at the girl that she always thought was at the top of the world who currently looked like she fell off the top of the world.
“I don’t know,” yn said trying her best to keep eye contact with the older girl, “I was practicing and then I wasn’t.”
“you’ve been practicing since yesterday?” minjeong asked the girl shocked, she didn’t have much of an opinion on yn like how the other trainees did, she thought the girl was hard working to be honest, but now maybe a little too hard working, “have you eaten?”
“no, its whatever.”
“it’s not whatever.” yizhuo said looking at yn, “this is crazy yn, you’ve been blowing me off because you’ve been depriving yourself?”
all yn did was lean back onto the girl, exhaustion surrounding her.
“I was wondering how you stayed in shape, I guess the secret is you don’t eat.” minjeong said mindlessly, causing jimin to nudge her.
“hey,” the oldest started, “how about we go to the cafe across the street and get you something to eat, for yizhuo’s sake at least.”
yn looked at the older girl before letting out a sigh, allowing her to pull her off the ground.
jimin had firm grip on yn who could barely stand up as yizhuo and minjeong got off the floor.
“I’m practicing with you in this room for now on.” yizhuo said dusting herself off, “jimin and minjeong unnie are as well now.”
yn side eyed the girl, “I don’t think that’s allowed.”
“I don’t care, right?” yizhuo turned to jimin and minjeong who hesitantly nodded their heads in agreement.
yn stayed silent, looking at jimin In shock when she interlocked her hand with yn and guided her out the door, she barely knew the girl but was already acting so kind.
“I like your bag.” minjeong said to yn as the four of them walked, she picked it up for yn when they left th practice room, “how much was it?”
“actually never mind don’t tell me, It’ll hurt too much.” the girl cut yn off causing the other three to laugh.
yn will never forget sixteen because she acquired three of the most important people in her life at that age, plus another a year.
age eighteen was when yn officially thought it was the end of the world.
after letting yizhuo, jimin and minjeong into her life she grew a sense of freedom.
she still worked just as hard as she did at sixteen but this time she had people looking after her, there was also a new addition to the friend group a year later.
yn laughed as aeri took photos of her in the practice room.
the five girls were put into a group together, they were told that they were gonna debut together, yn was just glad that she was debuting and with people she considered her friends.
“no fansite’s please.” yizhuo joked as she stood in front of yn guarding the girl from aeri’s phone, “that’s how we’re gonna act like when we debut.”
“knowing yn she’ll pose for them.” minjeong cut in laughing at the three girls.
“I’m made for the cameras.” yn joked posing for aeri while yizhuo kept blocking her.
“yn your phone is ringing.” jimin cut in on their fun, “I think it’s your dad.”
yn furrowed her eyebrows, why would he be calling her?
she took her phone from jimin’s hands and brought it to her ear, walking out into the hallway, “hey dad.”
“hey honey, I’ve got some news for you.” she couldn’t pin point her father’s tone as he talked, “the company is doing a partnership.”
“that’s good?” yn replied not understanding why her father needed to tell her this, the family barely talked to her about the business, “is that all?”
“no actually, it’s with hybe.” he said into the phone while yn tried her best to understand why he’s telling her this, “okay?”
“meaning you have to leave sm,” he says nonchalantly while yn felt like water had been poured all over her.
her heart was in her stomach, “what?”
“yeah, you’ll be transferred to be a trainee in source music.” he says it like he’s reading off of something, “you’ll be guaranteed a spot in their upcoming new girl group.”
“dad- I’m already in a group- I’m literally debuting in a couple of months.” yn felt like she was gonna throw up, all this hard work, her friends for nothing.
“this is business yn.” her father said sternly, “I can’t have you in company that could be a possible threat to money.”
“but you said, if I stay on top of everything I can stay in sm, I’ve been number one for the post four years almost five years.” she argues, this couldn’t be happened.
“I said you could be an idol if you stay on top of everything, nothing about the company.” her father said.
“dad please.” yn said into the phone her voice cracking.
“are you about to cry?” her father asked sternly, “we don’t do that, stop it.”
“I’m not crying.” yn said looking up, “just this is so unfair, I’ve worked hard.”
“so have I,” her father replied brushing off his daughter’s words, “it’s either you move to hybe or you’re not training anymore.
and with that he hung up.
yn took a deep breath to calm her nerves and opened the practice room door to only be met with four girls staring at her like they’ve seen a ghost.
“did you guys hear anything.” she asked, throwing her head back when they nodded.
“I’m sorry guys, he’s just such-”
“an asshole.” aeri cuts off looking at yn with sad eyes, “so you’re really leaving.”
“I guess I have to, this was just dropped on me out of thin air.” yn trying her best not to burst into tears.
“maybe we can all audition for hybe and become a group there.” minjeong said look at yn who slide down the wall and wrapped her arms around her knees.
“no you guys have worked too hard for that.”
“so have you,” jimin said, “this is so unfair.”
yn shrugged she looked at yizhuo who stared back at her, she could see the tears rushing to the girls eyes.
she smiled weakly at yizhuo who rushed to her side and bursted into tears, “this is so unfair, we were supposed to debut together, now what? you’re back to being a trainee?”
yn and the rest of the girls hugged the crying girl, “it’s okay.”
“it’s not okay.” yizhuo said harshly, “you’re supposed to be crying with me.”
yn couldn’t help but laugh at the girls words, “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to convince myself that this is fake.”
the girls huddled together in silence, “he said I have guaranteed spot in the line up for their new girl group.”
“so I guess we’ll see each other music shows?” aeri tried to lighten the mood, causing the girls the weakly laugh.
yn will never forget age eighteen, it was the year all her hard work went down the drain.
age nineteen was the age of complete chaos.
yn’s year of training at hybe was a lot, it was draining.
she trained under source for a while and hated it, she met a couple of girls that she was in the lineup with for the new girl group, they were pretty cool but it wasn’t the same as sm, she was the oldest out of all of them and didn’t connect with the girls much.
she had to watch aespa debut from behind the screen while she was stuck in the source music practice room, she still couldn’t believe her father, she always had a feeling that the family business would be put above her feelings one day but I guess she didn’t think that day would actually come.
she still talked to the girls who were now idols but it never felt the same on both ends, they were supposed to be together.
her days under source honestly felt like they were merged into one, everything was the same.
that was until yn was told that she was going to be moved under another label under hybe called ador with five other girls.
the six of them were gonna be the first new hybe girl group.
the girls were sweet, it was obvious all of them looked up to yn as a big sister, they also thought how rich she is was pretty cool.
but it was like the world was against yn because as soon as yn and the other ador girls were getting closer and getting ready for their debut yn got a call from her dad.
yn leaning against the mirror of the practice room, “hello?”
“hey honey did you get then news?”
yn slide down the mirror and say on the floor crossing her legs, “what news?”
“you’re getting moved back to source.” he says nonchalantly, “tomorrow to be exact.”
yn squeezed her eyes, “dad, you’re joking right?”
“when have I ever joked with you?”
he’s right, “so what? just like last time I can’t debut.”
“not exactly, plans changed I was told that your groups debut was gonna be postponed and that another girl group was gonna be debuting,”
yn furrowed her eyebrows she was not told this at all, “so what?”
“so, I told them that you would be a good asset to the group, you’re probably the most talented and would bring a lot of attention,”
“so I’m debuting in another group?”
“yes, you can thank me.”
yn rolled her eyes into the back of her head, “thanks dad…bye I have to tell the other girls.”
as much as she didn’t want to admit it she was excited to finally become an idol, all this hard work would finally mean something.
it was weird walking into that practice room full of other girls that have been working together, she was the new girl.
“this is yn, she will officially be apart of the lineup and will be working with you guys for now on, we’re gonna try our best to help her with the choreography and help her catch up with things, make her feel welcomed, she’s a really important figure, I’ll leave you guys to get to know her for a little.”
she tried her best to ignore the last sentence, her family followed her everywhere like a shadow.
“hello.” she said confidently even though she felt slightly uncomfortable under the eyes of the six girls.
she gave them a charming smile, “don’t worry I’m a fast learner, I think.”
she heard a giggle come from a girl standing in the far right causing yn to raise a brow at her.
“sorry,” the girl cleared her throat, “I’m kazuha.”
yn gave her a smile “nice to meet you kazuha.” she says before looking at the other girls.
she nodded along as they stated their names before looking at the last girl who just stared at her, “and yours is?”
“you don’t know me.”
“no sorry.”
“I’m kim chaewon.”
yn furrowed her eyebrows at the way the girl said her name to her, like she had some sort of authority over she, she didn’t like it.
“I’m moon yn,” yn responded, she didn’t have to say her name, that was already told earlier, but she felt like she had to.
chaewon raised a brow at yn’s tone, “rich girl huh?”
yn narrowed her eyes before turning towards the girl who had introduced herself as kazuha, “you seem cool, wanna show me some of the choreo before we have to start practicing?”
yn hasn’t acted this stand offish since she started at sm but it seemed needed, she couldn’t just let anyone talk to her the way they wanted, that’s not what she was taught.
the girl smiled at yn, “sure!”
as yn let the girl drag her to the other side of the room she heard the chaewon girl say something to the taller girl beside that she learned was yunjin, “this is who we lost ruka to? a stuck up rich girl?”
she decided to brush it off, it was the first day, they would probably warm up to each other.
oh how wrong was she.
nineteen was the age things officially went both uphill and downhill for yn.
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this is just a chapter before things get worse ngl
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Hello again everyone! Since the "Merlin accidentally conquers Camelot" au won the continuation poll, here's part 2!
NOTE: Part 1 can be found here!
EDIT: Part 3 can be found here!
As a quick recap of this au, during the season 4 finale Merlin was caught by Morgana while trying to plant the burning doll curse that would temporarily lock away her powers, and they have a magic battle that ends with both Morgana and her army slain. Merlin thought that no one saw what happened, but Camelot's lords who serve on the council secretly saw everything. So, when Arthur storms Camelot, ready to take back his throne, he's met with the news that Morgana's already dead and a new sorcerer has claimed the throne of Camelot through the right of conquest, and the lords have unanimously agreed to make this powerful sorcerer king in order to appease him. To everyone's shock, Geoffrey then puts the crown of Camelot on Merlin's head, and Merlin promptly passes out.
And now, onto the new stuff!
When Merlin finally woke up, he jolted awake with a start, frightened by what must have been a terrible nightmare! And truly, it was one of the most horrifying scenarios Merlin's sleeping mind had ever conjured to torture himself with: everyone finding out about his magic, Arthur thinking that Merlin betrayed him, and unintentionally stealing Arthur's kingship!
If the idea wasn't so frightening, Merlin would almost laugh at the absurdity of it: Merlin, king of Camelot! What nonsense! Merlin was Emrys, the other side of the coin to the king; he was certainly never meant to be king himself.
Still, the idea gave Merlin a slight chuckle as he climbed out of his bed and changed into his usual clothes, the soft light of the dawn flittering in through his window. Thank every god out there that his outfit didn't involve a crown!
After he finished tying his neckerchief and pulling on his boots, Merlin opened the door into the main area of Gaius's chambers, ready to eat a quick breakfast with Gaius before collecting Arthur's breakfast and starting his work for the day.
Stepping out into the main chamber, he couldn't find Gaius anywhere, but that wasn't too unusual, given how busy Gaius could be with sudden injuries or illnesses popping up in the lower town at all hours of the night. Humming a bit to himself, Merlin began fixing himself a small bowl of porridge in the chamber's cooking pot, making sure to leave an extra portion for Gaius whenever he returned from his duties.
Merlin ate his breakfast quickly, enjoying the birdsong outside and the beautiful sunrise. Yes, this was exactly what he needed to wash away the awful ideas that his nightmare had conjured up.
After cleaning up their dining table, Merlin made his way towards the door, ready go about his day and do his job as a manservant to moderately acceptable standards! Besides, on the heels of Morgana's invasion, Arthur would need a supportive friend far more than a manservant today.
As Merlin opened the door from Gaius's chambers, however, something was conspicuously different. Namely, the fact that there were two armed guards standing on either side of the door, standing with their backs to the door.
The two guards stiffened and stood at attention as soon as he opened the door, uncrossing their polearms so that they would not be blocking his path as he left Gaius's chambers. Merlin froze at the sight of the guards, staring at their backs. What... what was going on?
"Is... is everything alright? What's this about?"
Was it just him, or did the two guards somehow stiffen up even more at Merlin's words?
After a tense beat of silence, one of the guards cleared his throat and replied, "We were assigned to stand guard over these chambers."
Merlin's brows furrowed with confusion for a moment before he figured out what must have happened, realization dawning on his face.
"Oh, I see! Arthur must have increased security around the castle since Morgana's latest attack. I'm not sure why he considers the physician's quarters to be a potential target, but I'll ask him about it later. Well, I'd better get going or else I'll be late to wake the prat up. Say hello to Gaius for me when he gets back!"
The guards looks confused at his words and opened their mouths to call something out to Merlin, but Merlin was already down the stairs and halfway down the hall before either of them could blink.
Merlin got a lot more strange stares than usual today as he made his way towards the kitchens, with many people outright stopping to gawk at him as he passed. Did he have something odd stuck to his hair or something?
Merlin shrugged off the strange stares for now. He'd have time to look in a mirror and figure out what was so odd about how he looked later, after Arthur had eaten and gotten dressed.
Merlin was still a few minutes away from the kitchens when a caped figure emerged from a servant's passageway and barreled into him, drawing him into a sudden hug. Instinctively, Merlin tensed up at the perceived attack, but he quickly relaxed at the familiar smell of ale and apples that surrounded his laughing "attacker".
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you, Merls!"
Merlin sighed with both relief at seeing his friend in one piece and in high spirits, but also is exasperation.
"Gwaine, I'm very glad to see you again, but what are you doing here? You just spent a week in captivity under Morgana, you're supposed to be resting and recovering, not ambushing unsuspecting servants!"
Gwaine pulled back at Merlin's words, wearing a look of confusion as he studied Merlin's face.
"Ah, but I'm not ambushing a servant, am I?"
"Yes, yes, you're ambushing your friend, since friendship gives you more rights to pull stunts like this and give me more reason to worry over your health."
At that, Gwaine's face pulled into an outright frown, a rare sight to see on the perpetually-grinning knight. Merlin shifted around a bit nervously, unsure of what exactly was happening. Finally, Gwaine spoke again, this time very slowly and gently, as if he was trying to calm down a spooked horse.
"Merlin, what do you remember from yesterday? What was the last thing you remember before falling asleep?"
This time, it was Merlin's turn to frown in confusion at Gwaine's odd questions. What did any of that matter?
"Well, I suppose the last thing I remember was... was storming into the throne room with Arthur and Gwen and being informed of Morgana's death anything after that... I don't quite recall."
He must have hit his head or something after that point, because everything after that was what happened in his nightmare, and there was no way any of that was real. Right?
Merlin watched as Gwaine's frown pulled into a strained smile, his confusion only growing. What was Gwaine so nervous about?
"Well, Merls," Gwaine began, slinging an arm around Merlin's shoulders as he started to lead Merlin away from the kitchens, "a lot happened in between then and now, including some great news!"
Gwaine turned to face Merlin, his smile genuine and mischievous this time, and Merlin knew that grin. That was the grin Gwaine wore right before he was about to get himself into some trouble for a noble cause but would hide it under the guise of "fun".
Merlin sighed deeply, not awake enough to deal Gwaine's antics, even if they was coming from a good place.
"Alright, what's this news of yours?"
If it was possible, Gwaine's mischievous grin grew wider.
"For starters, I got a promotion!"
Merlin stopped in his tracks with shock, halting their walk to... wherever Gwaine was leading him.
"A promotion?! How? Why? What's your new title? Will you be leading other knights?"
Gwaine just shook his head, his hair whipping around and smile still present on his face. He started leading Merlin again as he answered Merlin's questions.
"I know, I had hardly believe it myself! But I took some initiative when it really mattered, and I landed myself this new job! It's not really a leadership role, but I might be leading some knights, and probably some guards too!"
Gwaine finally started to slow their march down as they reached what Merlin assumed was their destination: the doors to the main throne room, where Arthur took his audiences.
As Gwaine stopped before the doors, he turned to look at Merlin again, his smile still bright, but his eyes, Merlin noticed, growing strained again, like there was something greatly troubling him.
"You still haven't told me what this new job actually is though."
This time, Gwaine's smile faltered a bit, and Merlin knew at once that this new job was what was causing Gwaine so much inner turmoil. What job could possibly give Gwaine of all people so much stress?
"Ah, silly me, how could I forget! You'll want to hold onto something before I tell you this, because this will blow you away my friend! I got promoted..."
Gwaine leaned in close, almost like he was about to share a secret with Merlin. Merlin leaned in as well, curious about what position Gwaine's surprising promotion had been to.
"to the king's official bodyguard!" Gwaine revealed in a stage whisper, playing the moment up for dramatic effect in a very Gwaine-like manner.
Merlin jerked backwards in surprise, startled by such unexpected news, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.
Arthur did seem to be stepping up security in the aftermath of Morgana's latest invasion, so it made sense for him to appoint a loyal and trusted knight to look after Arthur's own safety.
Merlin was strangely pleased with Arthur's decision on this. Arthur was finally prioritizing his own safety, and he had picked a great knight for the job! This might make Merlin's own secret job of protecting Arthur much easier! Gwaine would certainly take any of Merlin's warnings of danger to Arthur seriously, and he trusted Merlin enough that he wouldn't question where Merlin got any of his information.
Merlin smiled back at his friend, happy about both this new opportunity for his friend and about the changes it would bring. Yes, this was great!
"That's amazing Gwaine! Do you want to stop by the tavern tonight to celebrate?"
Gwaine laughed a bit at that, still looking oddly tense. For some unknown reason, apprehension started pooling in Merlin's stomach, telling him that something wasn't right here. No, there was something else going on.
"Thanks for the offer mate, but I'm afraid that it wouldn't be a good look for me to be seen drinking on my first night on the job. Besides, I have a feeling that you'll be a little busy this evening too."
Merlin's confusion only grew with each passing second.
"What do you mean by that?"
Gwaine didn't answer him, only giving Merlin a small, almost sad smile. It looked disturbingly out of place on the boisterous Gwaine, ratchetting Merlin's confusion and dread up even further.
Without another word, Gwaine turned and opened the doors to the throne room, revealing the entire council of lords congregated within, giving Merlin rather violent flashbacks to his nightmare.
No, no, nothing as disastrous as Merlin being publicly announced as a sorcerer and then getting crowned king in front of Arthur and Gwen could ever happen in real life. It was simply too absurd.
Merlin watched, frozen at the threshold of the room, as the lords' heads all turned towards the door at the sound of it swinging open. To Merlin's rising dread, they all rose from their seats at the sight of him.
No no no no....
Merlin frantically looked around, hoping to all of the gods of the Old Religion that Arthur was somewhere nearby, because the council only rose for the entrance of the king...
Merlin turned around, hoping to find Arthur standing around somewhere, anywhere, as dread began closing its claws around his heart, which was beating at the rating that Merlin would be concerned about if he could process anything other than his own all-consuming terror at that moment.
Because it wasn't a nightmare, was it? No, that was real. His worst fears had come to life in the most horrifying way possible, and he was powerless to stop it now.
If the lords of the council noticed Merlin's frantic terror, they didn't acknowledge it. Instead, apparently, they decided to only confirm Merlin's deepest fears. After a tense moment of utter silence in the room, broken only by Merlin's jagged breathing, Geoffrey finally stepped forward.
"Ah, welcome Your Majesty! I hope you're feeling better now after you've rested and recovered from your battle against Morgana. There is much to discuss concerning these first crucial days of your reign, including your public coronation, having all knights who are willing to renounce the Pendragon line swear their fealty to you, and determining the fates of those who already refuse to accept your rule."
For what felt like an eternity, Merlin simply stood there, his mind refusing to cooperate or even process what he was being told. He couldn't move a single muscle in his body, paralyzed by horror. He was only snapped out of his fugue state by Gwaine taking ahold of his arm and guiding him towards the table.
Inhaling sharply as he was pushed by Gwaine closer to the lords, he finally processed what Geoffrey had told him. Oh gods, a coronation?! So all of Arthur's kingdom could see how he had stolen Arthur's throne?! Forcing knights to turn their backs on Arthur and renounce their loyalty to him?! This was madness and, not to mention, the exact opposite of what Merlin wanted!
And what was that about punishing people for refusing to accept him as king? Hell, Merlin should reward the dissenters if anything, since they were apparently the only ones who still had any good sense left in this kingdom! Who in their right mind would immediately accept Merlin as their king anyway?!
Right, Merlin thought as his eyes wandered over the faces of the lords, spineless cowards with no loyalty who would turn their backs on their true king to save their own hides, that's who.
Well, the applied to the lords at least, but that still didn't explain what Gwaine was doing here, by Merlin's side, when he should be with Arthur and the other knights!
... Where were Arthur and the other knights?
A jolt of fear once again shot through Merlin, this time alongside guilt. Where was Arthur? What had happened to him? The council had foolishly stripped him of his title, and then what?
Clearing his dry throat, Merlin finally responded, "Geoffrey, what happened after I lost consciousness yesterday? Where is Arthur?"
After Merlin was finished speaking, the lords started shifting around nervously, which began to set of warning bells in Merlin's mind.
Something had happened after he fainted yesterday. Something that involved Arthur.
"Well, Your Majesty, following your loss of consciousness yesterday, the former King Arthur lost his temper and began yelling, shouting everything from accusing us of lies and treason to cursing out the sacred laws of the land. He then ran throughout the castle and began calling upon his knights for aid, explaining the situation to them in crude terms and demanding that they take back the crown from you by force."
Merlin grimaced at Geoffrey's monotone explanation, horrific visions of Arthur calling for his execution as a sorcerer and traitor running through his mind.
"Many of Arthur's knights rallied to his cause, but there were some who were hesitant to turn their blades against you, no doubt recognizing your power and your true claim to the throne. It was from that group that your loyal Sir Gwaine arose, leading a small group of knights and guards in a surprise attack that concluded with the former king and his knights locked in the dungeon cells, awaiting your judgement."
Merlin eyes flew wide at Geoffrey's words, his heading whipping around to meet Gwaine's gaze. Gwaine had betrayed Arthur in such a terrible way? For him?
In response to Merlin's horrified stare, Gwaine simply gave him his most innocent smile, as if nothing was wrong at all and Merlin's world wasn't crumbling around him.
No, this wasn't happening. Merlin had to fix this, and he had to fix it now.
"Look, Geoffrey, I am honored that you and the other lords feel so strongly that I am supposed to be Camelot's king, but that is not meant to be. I was never meant to rule over anything. This is Arthur's kingdom, and I will not be the one to take it from him."
All of the lords around the table look utterly confused, as if Merlin was speaking a completely different language. That was expected, Merlin supposed, if they had never seen anyone willingly give up power. Gwaine, however, just looked amused, like he knew that this was exactly what would happen.
"While that is a most gracious sentiment Your Majesty, I'm afraid that it isn't that simple."
Merlin groaned at Geoffrey's words, bemoaning the fact that the world could never let anything in his life be simple.
"Shouldn't it be?! I'm apparently the king now, so I order you to release Arthur and the knights from the dungeons and to give Arthur his kingship back!"
This time, it was Geoffrey's turn to sigh deeply, as the old man pulled a rather hefty- and dusty- scroll from his bag.
"This," Geoffrey began as he unrolled the yellowed parchment, "is Bruta's code, written by the Great King himself. This set of laws are the foundation on which all of the five kingdoms are governed, and Camelot is no exception. All kings of this Isle, no matter how powerful, are subject to these laws, lest the entire realm fall into anarchy."
Merlin was valiantly holding back the urge to bash his head into the council table. Why couldn't he clear this situation up as painlessly as possible?!
"The code addresses many subjects, and both the right of conquest and the rules of succession are outlined within. I'm terribly sorry Your Majesty, but the code clearly states that when a king who is not of royal blood ascends to the throne through the right of conquest, the previous royal family loses any and all claim to the throne, alongside their lands and wealth, essentially leaving them with no titles or claim to nobility at all. This measure was originally put in place to ban the defeated family from endlessly challenging the victor of the conquest in a bid to regain their former throne and wasting the new ruler's precious time."
Merlin's heart dropped even more at Geoffrey's words. Great, he had not only stolen Arthur's kingdom, but he had also stolen everything Arthur owned! Gods, what did Arthur hate Merlin more for at the moment, being a secret powerful sorcerer ever since they met or inadvertently stripping him of his title, lands, and all his possessions?
"I still don't see why this would forbid me from freely giving Arthur the throne back."
"Your Majesty, the former king is no longer a noble, as the Pendragon line is no longer recognized as a noble house. As such, Arthur is now, by law, a peasant, and it is against Bruta's code for a ruler to cede their throne to anyone but a noble for any period of time."
Merlin bit back a frustrated scream. Why, why?! Why couldn't he just make Arthur a noble again and be done with this farce and-
Wait a minute.
There was a way to make Arthur a noble.
Oh no, Arthur was going to hate this. But, Merlin steeled himself, this was the only way to make things right.
And that's all for now! I had a lot of fun making Gwaine the ultimate "ride or die" bestie for Merlin in this situation lol! I'll definitely be doing a part three of this au soon to resolve this cliffhanger!
Please let me know what you all thought of this continuation!
A huge thank you to everyone who supported my last au post and asked for this continuation! I'll try to tag you all here, my apologies if I missed anyone!
@cookie-player , @miyriu , @nebulousconstellationwriter , @insane-multifandom-brainrot , @elementalpirate4 ,
@tidalwavesandthunderstorms , @gaiussleechtank , @arrowlovesdragons , @lordmushroomkat , @bucketheadpunk14 ,
@retro-wallflower , @ryeallytired , @verxen , @mind-of-a-crow , @aostrek-236 ,
@thedragonkinproject , @orliththedragon , @theroundbartable , @my-own-quiet-corner , @tireddruid ,
@coffee-shop-gay , @sable-nakahara , @deadhotpocket , @bennedict , @samwinjester ,
@linotheghost , @aerismoon , @merthurogies , @ahumoki0 , @chairwiththreelegs ,
@achillesuwu , @pancakesandpigs , @the-king-and-the-druidess , @sugar-coated-prat-dragon , @isaidno ,
@justaz , @auldsusie
And, as always, thank you for reading through my ramblings! :D
EDIT: A question for those of you I'm tagging, I'm not sure if this is a tumblr issue or if I'm screwing something up on my end, but after the first few tagged blogs, it shows up on my screen like the tags are just plain text and not linked to anything. So, for those of you that are tagged, can you confirm that you're getting a notification when I tag you? I want to make sure everyone who requested a continuation knows when it's posted!
2nd EDIT: I've tried to fix the tag problem, I'm very sorry if you already saw this post and then got a notification!
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blkluci · 3 months
MHA boys and the reader fighting p2 please!!
Aizawa Shoto
Sero Hanta
Denki Kaminari
Shinso Hitoshi
Shigiraki Tomura
You don't have to do all but if ur able to, TYSM!<3
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𝑴𝑯𝑨 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔/𝒎𝒆𝒏 and you fighting pt.2...
CHARACTERS )) hanta sero, denki kaminari, hitoshi shinso, shota aizawa, tomura shigaraki.
PLOT )) a headcanon of the boys seeing you fight.
A/N )) thank you for your request @thisisxli!! i'm glad that you enjoyed the last part :) hope you enjoy this one and to everyone thanks for all the love on my other posts, i truly appreciate it. feel free to send in more requests guys! reader is a pro-hero in aizawa's hc!
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[ 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀 ] sero is a laid back guy; which is one of the reasons you decided to date him (on top of his charm). when he was there to experience a random girl from ua, get into an argument with you, he stood and analyzed everything. he made sure to not let anything go overboard and pull you away when things got intense. "how 'bout we avoid her from now on, yeah?" now two days later when shawty pulled up talkin' bout fight me, he let you have her.
... hanta's eyes watched every movement intensely
... he made sure that no one jumped in while you handled that
... you were on top of the flailing girl
... knuckles meeting her face every time
-> "keep punchin' bae."
... when some friend of the girl try to jump in, he taped them up
-> "it's a fair fight, back up."
... when he seen that you've got girl leaking he pulls you off
... strong frame holding you in place
... his lips curve into a smile while watching you yell at the girl
... he's proud of you standing on business
... makes sure that you avoid all fights after
... there for you when you get scolded by aizawa
[ 𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐊𝐈 ] this boy kaminari loves the drama as long as he's not a part of it. and most definitely wouldn't want to hear his beautiful girl's name out of anyone else mouth, even ms kendo from 1-B. he brings the situation to your attention. nonetheless asks you to no fight, in school at least, and tells you to let him know if she say anything else. "I'll put on a wig if needed." it turns out he'd need to for the next day.
... when you texted denk to let him now you beating her after school
... he made sure to pack it up real quick after class
... you catch the girl outside, asking her wassup and she dropped her stuff
-> "dayumm!"
... denki winced when you punched her jaw
... the sound echoing along with the other heavy hits you planted on that head
... his capturing everything he screamed from behind the camera
-> "WORLDSTAR! beat her 'ah babe!"
... possibly tased the girl while you beat her
... just then cementoss pushed into the fight to break y'all up
... denks acted like he wasn't videoing and helped out
... was sent to the principal with you
... makes sure to zoom in on the girl bloody face on cam
... denki most def seems the type to post it to twitter
[ 𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈 ] shinso ain't bout all the confrontation. he will totally brainwash the person to walk away. that's how much he doesn't care. hearing you tell him about some girl antagonizing you, he asks you if you want him to brainwash her. you told him it wasn't necessary because she wasn't gon do anything. "even if she does try something, walk away." easy for him to say.
... toshi looked for you during his bathroom break
... your class was in the gym for combat practice right now
... opening the door to peer his head in, hitoshi spots you
... however, you're soaked with water
... next thing he knows you jump on this girl
... you pull her hair and knee her face
-> "damn."
... people crowd and alert ectoplasm
... toshi decide to brainwash him just to give you extra mins
... the pent up annoyance in you fueled your punches
... when the girls friends start pulling you off
... toshi wastes no time rushing to you and breaking the brainwash on ecto
... hitoshi pulls you away at takes you to the nurse to ice your hands
... softly kisses them while smiling because of how you handled her
-> "i think you be her enough baby. she can't take no more."
... keeps a keen eye on your every move from that day forward
[ 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐀 ] aizawa told you about ms. joke being obsessed with him when you first coupled up. and he knew you wouldn't be fond of hearing that. saying the day she gets too comfortable, you'd smack her up. "that won't be necessary hun." oh but it is. she really thought showing up to his job was a good idea. toshinori being a real one, hit you up and let you know.
... you walked down the ua hall and looked for the teacher lounge
... nearing the door you heard a woman laughing
... your blood was boiling
... in an instant your eyes fall upon shota being cornered by ms. joke
... all he heard was rapid footsteps when he turned and seen emi get punched
... eyes widen at the culprit; YOU
-> "y/n!"
... you were about to attack the girl again but used his bands on you
… you shouted for him to let you go
… the lady charged at you in that instant
… ngl, she got you one good time on your eye
… now you felt mad
… aizawa sighed as he loosed his grip and let you go
… you started wallin’
… your first was like super smashing her face in and aizawa sipped the coffee that he made
… eventually he decided to break them up as students that passed by were whispering and some even videotaped
… when he pull you off, all might walked in helped the joke get up
… aizawa wrapped your lips up
-> "i told you that wasn't necessary. but thank you."
[ 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐔𝐑𝐀 ] i feel like shigaraki wouldn’t be to fond to seeing you fight. more so over petty things. he doesn’t have a care in the world about people fighting being that he has hatred in his own heart. but to know you wanna fight over him, he thinks it’s stupid. “fighting over me is a stupid idea when i’m already yours. but knock yourself out.” his response wasn’t what you wanted but he gave you permission so cool.
… there was a new girl member added to the group
… she was young too
… but her attitude stunk
… so during the meeting you asked her if she wanted to fight
… little miss attitude stood up
… and you popped her
… y’all was going at it and she tried to pull you to the ground. ultimately failing
… kurogiri tried to help break y’all up
-> “no. let 'em fight. that's what she wanted right?”
… hearing him say that made you a bit more angry
… you used that on the girl
… pulling hard at her hair and repeatedly thumping her face in
… hit after hit, the girl was giving up
… when you knocked her out, shiggy allowed kuro to interfere
… shiggy walked over to you and pulled you away to a different room
… he takes the hand off his face and stares you in the eyes
… his face serious
-> “did you get it outta your system?”
… you grumble and he tells you that you got her good and no more fighting
… or else he’ll get you
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in every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ ‭AMP‬‬)
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chubypotato · 5 months
When they kiss you
This one was a request by @Isimsiz
I'm so exited to have my first request please go on ! It actually motivate me a lot!
Including Umemiya, Sakura, Suo, Kiryu
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I feel like Umemiya would be very affectionate.
Like he's not the type to be shy around people if he want to hug you he will no question.
One day you were on the roof with Umemiya you were on your phone while he was doing some garden.
When you saw a shadow on you, you lift your head just to see your boyfriend happily smiling at you showing you his new plants.
You smiled at him before you started to look at your phone again.
Umemiya took your phone away from you.
When you lift your head with an angry face you couldn't even say a word before you felt soft lips against yours.
"Do I have your attention now cutie ? "
No need to say that now you weren't on your phone anymore for the all afternoon.
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Oh that boy is so shy. Don't get him wrong he loves you more than anything. He's just shy.
Not being used to all this attention he doesn't know how to react. He would love more than anything to see you in his arm (wear one his white shirt and boy will malfunction)
Whenever you get close to him boy will blush so hard more than you think it would be possible.
No need to say he's not into PDA boy already got enough trouble to show you in private affection without being shy. In public can you imagine?
But he would never refuse any contact that you initiate even if you guys are outside.
You guys were outside with the gang just walking and spend time together. When you put your hand in Sakura's hand he didn't say anything just slightly blushed a bit.
You guys were starving so you went grab something to eat. When you guys were only the two of you (other went ordering) you looked at Sakura and be like I want a kiss.
He would like at you blushing like crazy and after a few second he would put a quick kiss on your lips.
Unfortunately for him the boys saw you and started to tease Sakura while he was blushing and trying to hit them. You otherwise you were very happy and smiley.
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Suo wouldn't be the guy to be bothered by PDA I think he would be the type to hug every chance he gets. Walking in the room? Hug. Talking about something you like? Hug. He just love to be close to you.
I think he would be very careful to you if you don't like PDA he won't do it he just stick to what is the more comfortable for you.
Even though he likes to hug you and have your hand in his I feel like private touch like kisses would be more things to keep private.
Don't get me wrong he loves to kiss you he just think is better when you guys are alone.
You guys were together at your home doing your own stuff like reading or trying new tea.
When he gives you a cup of tea you thanked him before going back to your book. Suo would sit in front of you before starting to look at you with a soft smile on his face.
He couldn't help but thought you were cute. And cute thing of his are meant to be kiss.
That's why he pulled away your book before pressing his lips against yours.
Its naturally that's your hand found their way to his hair while his hand was on your face.
When he pulled away you just wanted him to stay close to you so you asked him to cuddle with you.
"If that's want you want princess"
You guys went on the couch you between his legs your back on his chest while his arm were around your waist and you started to read a book together before falling asleep.
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Kiryu would be the type to also don't be bothered by PDA in fact he would love showing other he's yours and you're his.
Dude would love to hug you by behind while his chin is on your shoulder.
Also I think he would be the type to put his cardigan around you while he hugged you by behind. No thought it's just cute.
You were on Kiryu's bed while he was getting new controller cause the other died.
When he get back to his room he just put the controller away before jumping on you and start to kiss your fave everywhere while you was just laughing and trying to get him off.
You guys were just playing fighting together while the room was filled with your laugh. It was such a nice moment.
After a few minutes Kiryu make you fall before taking your wrist between his hand and start tickling you.
You were laughing begging him to stop when you felt his lips connected to yours.
It was a chaotic moment but finished by a soft kiss. After that you guys managed to cuddle your back on his chest playing and kiss from time to time.
.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・
My first request omg thanks a lot it means a lot to me!!
If you guys want me to do any scenario with any manga just tell me!
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leahswife · 6 months
the in-betweens
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summary: in which you and aitana go from normal best friends to best friends who kiss.
a/n: this is the before of "where do we stand". gotta post some aitana fluff after all the jenni filth. i'm sorry if this feels rushed but i just couldn't find any more ways to describe the goddamn act of kissing 😭
prequel, part one, part two, part three
"ven a bailar conmigo, porfaaa." aitana begged as she grabbed your hand. 
"no no no aita–" you tried to protest but the girl's strong arms pulled you up from your seat, in the direction of the dance floor. you looked back at where you were seated besides caro and marta, sending them a pleading look to save you. they sent you an apologetic look but knew even they couldn't reason with a buzzed energetic aitana. you groaned at being dragged, you weren't in the mood for drinks tonight and you pretty content sitting next to the calm couple.
you don't know where aitana managed to find so much energy to party after a long game. but she did. and insisted on trying to force some of it into your worn out body.
you danced for a while, aitana screaming along to the spanish songs playing. you were unable to keep your frown on, with a smile pulling at the corners of your lips as you saw how happy she was.
she finally calmed down and wrapped her arms around your neck which made you comfortable enough to wrap yours around her waist, pulling her closer. you felt like your heart could combust with how close she was. she was breathless and clearly still high on a buzz when she got closer to your ear to shout "quiero besarte!" you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, not quite understanding what she said, a mix of language barrier and loud music not allowing you to. she grabbed the back of your neck to pull you closer and shouted again, "i want to kiss you!" she smiled excitedly.
you felt like your eyes couldn't grow wider if you wanted to, shocked at what you just heard. "you want to kiss me?" you asked her, disbelief in your voice. she just nodded with a happy smile and kept on dancing like she just didn't drop those 'too drunken' news on your 'too sober' self.
you went along with her wishes for a while but the pressing of sweaty bodies against you was starting to make you uncomfortable and so you got closer to aitana to shout in her ear, "i'm tired, tana. i'm going!" she nodded, starting to get drained too and both of you went back to your friends' table to gather your stuff. she tripped a bit on her own feet and you quickly put your hand on her waist to steady her, "okay, i'm taking you home." you say as you grab her stuff for her, she just giggled and let you take the lead, "at least take me to dinner first."
once you got to her house, you search for her keys in her purse and open the door, planting your hand on her back to guide her inside.
"so much better." you let out as you relished in the warmth of aitana's apartment, compared to the night's relentless cold outside. you turned to aitana to see her shivering in her dress, holding tightly onto her jacket.
"aitanita, go change into your pajamas." you rubbed up and down her arms and she nodded, "you can use my pajamas too" she suggested quietly, sleepiness taking over her.
"oh that's okay, i can go ba–"
"i'd like for you to stay." she whispered, looking up at you. she was sobering up by now and you could see it in her eyes there was something she needed to let out. did she remember what she said earlier? about you two kissing? she could really just let it go and blame it on the alcohol but you knew aitana felt the need to carefully explain any behaviour that could come across as weird. so you nodded. you went to grab her pajamas and got ready in her bathroom while she got dressed in her bedroom.
when you walked in, aitana was sprawled in her bed, dead asleep. you looked at her for a moment, heart beating slightly faster at the thought that your best friend might like you back. anyway, that was something for you to obsess over later. you chuckled at her figure and tucked her in, pulling the warm covers over her. you grabbed a blanket and made yourself comfortable on her couch.
"why did you sleep on the couch?!" 
you groaned and reluctantly opened your eyes as a scolding aitana woke you up.
"you don't have a guest room." you mumbled sleepily.
"so you should've slept in my bed." she crossed her arms.
"hm. couldn't disturb your beauty sleep." you put one arm over your eyes to keep away the light.
"idiota." you heard aitana mutter under her breath as she continued to throw complaints in catalan at you.
"aita, aita, aita" you repeated in hopes of interrupting her, in which you were successful, resulting in aitana shutting her mouth but not without sending you a scowl.
"has anyone ever told you that you're extremely loud and talk way–" you're interrupted by her rolling her eyes and moving towards the kitchen, ignoring you, "-- way too fast!" you yelled after her.
soon after, you feel a body sit down next your lying one. you opened your eyes to see aitana offering you a plate with fruit and eggs and some orange juice. you sit up, a smile forming on your face. "you didn't have to."
"as i speak."
you looked at her, getting slightly anxious at what was about to come next. but you nodded and started diving into your plate.
"i said something last night." she started, hesitantly. you nodded again, focusing more on your plate rather than looking at her so she wouldn't feel so much on the spot.
"i didn't– i don't want to make you uncomfortable with what i said."
"did you mean it though?" you finally lift your gaze towards her. 
"i– i did mean it. but i don't know what that means for me. if that makes sense." aitana was looking at her hands, fidgeting with them. this was clearly a sensitive topic. you noticed her breathing starting to get irregular and you put your plate and glass on the coffee table so you could get closer to her.
"i just don't want to lose you and i'm sorry if i made things awkward or different–" she started rambling the same time her tears started flowing down her cheeks. you pulled her into a hug and held her tight, "hey, tana–" "i don't want you to look at me differently or avoid me–" she was trying to control her breathing at this point, so you grabbed her cheeks, "aitana. stop." you said firmly, trying to ground her. she finally regained control of her breath and looked at you with slightly red eyes. 
"aitana, i can assure you that you wanting to kiss me is not a problem. at all. i don't feel weird or uncomfortable or whatever. hell, i feel flattered that aitana bonmatí wants to kiss me." you winked at her, trying to lighten up the mood. she giggled and wiped her nose. you felt relieved when you saw the smile back in her face, "i know this is probably overwhelming for you right now and you have a lot to discover on your own. but i can't lie and say i don't want to kiss you either." 
she looked up at you, eyes wide at your confession. 
"but if that's something you're not ready to explore, let's leave it at that and let it go."
and you did. let it go, that is. for a little while.
none of you spoke about it. you figured aitana should be the one to bring it up when she's prepared, so you went back to normal. as if nothing happened.
until it did.
you and almost the whole barça team were hanging out at mapi and ingrid's house for bonding night. you had played a few games and were now gathered around the living-room, watching a movie.
you were sitting at one of the ends of the couch, with aitana cuddling you by your side. you'd often whisper things to her to explain some scene from the movie or make some joke about what was happening. you'd do anything to see her smile and give you her absolutely lovable giggle.
at one point she nudged you to face her. "hm?" you asked, highly aware of how close your faces were. "i'm going to take a nap, wake me up when it's over." she whispered and you could feel her breath on your lips, which was far too intoxicating. you could simply nod and try to not look at her lips. 
she smiled as a thank you and flicked her eyes to your lips before gazing back up at you. you felt her inhale a short breath before looking down at your lips again and moving closer, pressing her own against the corner of your mouth. if your heart wasn't beating fast before, it definitely was now.
you started at each other, both understanding that that changed something.
she leaned her head on your shoulder again to try and take her nap but there was no way aitana was able to fall asleep now with the thundering in her chest.
the ride back to aitana's house was silent. there was unspoken tension between you two and you both knew it.
you got out of your car and walked her over to her door, not quite sure what to say and feeling like a teenager with a crush who's just dropped her date off at home and doesn't know what to do.
you huffed in frustration. the silence was killing you and you had to do something about it. you stepped closer to aitana and carefully cupped her cheeks, looking at her as if asking for permission. she didn't pull away so you leaned in, noses touching, you giving her another chance to back out if she wanted to.
she didn't. so you took your chance and softly pressed your lips against hers. 
you honestly didn't know how to describe it. it was tentative, gentle, delicate but - comfortable? like your lips were always meant to touch hers and knew exactly how to move against hers as if you've kissed a hundred times before. 
after what felt like ages to you but were actually seconds, aitana kisses you back. you keep kissing for a few more moments before you pull back, hands still cupping the catalan's cheeks and stare at her, breathless.
"i swear, aitana, if you still don't speak after that i–" you're cut off by her sweet little giggle before she presses multiple kisses on your lips. "you want to come in?" she asks, biting her lip to try and keep her grin from widening even further.
"damn, bonmatí. a girl gives you a finger and you want the whole arm." you shook your head in fake disapproval.
"callate." she grabbed your hand and pulled you in. 
the rest of the night was spent with you two letting your lips and tongues explore each other's mouths. it started off as shy and tender but as comfort and boldness started to settle in, your kisses got harder and provocative.
however, no matter how much your hands and lips delved into each other, no labels were defined. 
and they wouldn't be for the next months to come.
a routine started to settle in. you would show up at each other's houses for "best friend's night" and it always ended up with you locking lips. whether it was while aitana was cooking or when she beat you at a board game and you wanted to shut her up.
the same conversation also started to settle in between make out sessions. "just friends, right?" aitana would whisper breathlessly against your lips, and you would nod, agreeing with whatever she wanted so you could press your lips against hers again and again.
"i just," she would cut herself off to kiss you, "can't be," kiss, "in a relationship right now." kiss. you would agree because you would accept anything aitana would give you, no matter how small or little it could be.
you couldn't keep off of each other even at training, with you often pulling her inside closets so you could press her against the wall and muffle her giggles with your mouth. or when she would drag you into the changing room while others were at lunch to playfully bite your lips and leave you winded up.
but aitana was a busy person. she had family, friends and her career to focus on. but all she seemed to focus on now was you. and that was starting to worry her. she never had to make room for someone else in her life since starting her career, except for the casually meeting friends once in a while and visiting her family when she could. but to share everything with someone?
so she started to pull away, she wouldn't reach out to you during trainings, choosing to focus on getting there earlier for gym sessions and staying after to practice some more. this was her life, this was her focus. it had to be. so the "best friend's nights" started to disappear as well, aitana claiming she was too tired after trainings. and she was, she really was. as much as she trained, she didn't feel as fulfilled as before. the more she pulled away from you, the less accomplished she felt. but she also pulled these feelings away.
football was once her entire life. and it would be again.
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homesweetgoodneighbor · 6 months
Okay, so, like, you can get summer squash now.
In Stardew, I'm not even out of Spring yet on this save, and I've already gotten something like 18 summer squash seeds. Not gonna lie, I twitch nervously every time I see that number in my storage chest, but also find it exceedingly hilarious.
In Real Life, if anyone who has ever gardened or been gardening adjacent, you know that summer squash is prolific. Very Prolific.
You don't plant more than a couple of plants of the stuff. Three is pushing your luck; four is lunacy.
If they are happy with your soil and your care, they will produce lots of squash.
And, keep producing.
You quickly figure out that you can't eat it all and you run out of freezer space and you think "I can't afford a chest freezer in this economy" and then you think "I'll give it away!" So, you give some to your neighbors and more to your friends and you think "Yay! I have lots of healthy food, and I shared! Community!" But, then you go outside and you see there's more squash. A lot more. Because the plants love you...or hate you depending on your point of view. So, you have a little cry and give more away to neighbors and more away to friends and maybe even to a food bank if they take it, then you think "Yay! More community! And, godsdamn I'm starting to hate squash." Then, you go outside, and seemingly overnight, even MORE squash has appeared. And, now you're sobbing as you load them up into bags, but you can't give them away anymore because your neighbors and friends now hide behind their couches when they see you coming up the walkway like your one of those door-to-door evangelists. Food banks or shelters are always happy for it, but now you're getting a reputation. You're now the Crazy Squash Person. And, you dare not look out into the garden, but you know it's there...waiting... You know now you are in the Squashpocalypse and look upon what you wrought and despair.
If it's just a weirdness with the update, I don't want Concerned Ape to change the fact you can get so much of it so quickly because a) it's pure freakin' profit since the seeds are free, and b) everyone needs to learn the lesson of being mindful of the ridiculousness of summer squash.
Edit: Now all we need is for him to add mint plants to the game, but they are only acquired through a witch's curse. Once you have it, you can keep it for some amazing recipes but you have to be wary of its ability to spread like wildfire. Every day it is in the ground, the chances increase that you will wake up and find it has overrun your farm and taken the animals hostage.
Seriously, don't plant mint in your yard IRL. Keep it in pots.
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windvexer · 1 month
On magic as being a chore, and why I think that's fine and probably a helpful way to frame it for a lot of people who want to do practical sorcery
On the topic of wards, have you ever had to dig a drainage ditch so water won't accumulate around your house?
Or, put one of those little gates in a doorway so a new puppy can only stay in one area? Or, have you ever put out ant bait?
Hung up a "no solicitors" sign? Built a fence so the chickens can stay over there, and out of the garden? Built a shade cloth over the garden?
Because when you're building a shade cloth over the garden, you're casting a ward against the sun, right. You're binding the puppy and the chickens so they are constrained to certain areas. You're crafting a spirit trap to redirect the water so it won't harm your foundations. Casting a hex most vile upon the ants.
But I really do think that in some conversations, wards and protections get framed in a weird Bonnie and Clyde way, where they're assumed to be only for witches living in the Wild West, having witch wars and doing Risky Magic.
I do enjoy the sinister mysticism that can sometimes surround witchcraft. But sorcerous strategy is a big interest of mine, and I think that a very useful way to arrive at useful strategy is to de-mystify the whole operation.
It's just that we've got these weird labels, like hex, bind, banish, ward, protect, conjure; but when you get down to it, you can just be doing the most mundane stuff with your magic.
I can use a shade cloth to ward the garden against the sun. Then, I can string garlic on a red thread to ward against illness.
I can put up a fence to keep the chickens on that side of the back yard, then hang up a magical no solicitors sign because I'm tired of getting knocks at my door.
This is what gets my goat, sometimes, about people saying magic has to feel all wonderful and beautiful and everything. Yes, I love the experience of being productive with a hammer on an early spring morning, but building a fence is tedious. When it comes down to it, it's still just building a fence. Even if I build it with wax and bits of paper instead of wood and nails.
I feel like there is so much magical housekeeping people could be doing, or would greatly benefit from, that people just don't do because it's wrapped up in these sinister-adjacent terms.
I don't think magic is actually hex/bind/banish/ward/protect/conjure. I really do think magic is a lot more like hammer and nails. Needle and thread. Oven and dough. Etc.
Is it a fast cash spell, or are you just going out to search for the eggs your prosperity hens have already laid?
You can have it either way you like; you can frame going out to get physical eggs from mundane hens as a rapid-manifest prosperity spell. Behold, after I cast a spell of going outside for two minutes, I have manifested five eggs, better than any store could provide.
But taking all the mystical stuff and letting it just be mending holes and baking bread and digging drainage ditches I think is helpful.
All in all, I think demystifying the language we couch practical sorcery in can have two helpful results, which are:
It's easier to let yourself do things you want to do, because while it's normal to say "There's no good reason for me to cast protections because there's no reason to think anything will come after me," it's also normal to say, "you know what would be a good investment for this property? A nice privacy fence, it would make entertaining feel more cozy and then we could start fostering puppies."
It's easier to compel yourself to do the things you need to do, because it stops being, "I really want to cast a prosperity spell but I just haven't been in a magical mood," and starts being, "it is my job to water the plants and if I don't they will wither and die. So I'll make myself a nice tea to bolster my resolve and get to it before work."
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dorcas4meadowes · 9 months
Love on a high - Luke Castellan
Pairing: Luke Castellan x fem!Reader
Warning: weed and kisses
Summary: smoking alone when an un requited love (you’re also oblivious ml) joins you
W/c: 1.5k
Master list
You were never fond of the high, but It was the quiet that you craved.
The serenity you yearned for at the end of a blunt rolled by a Demeter kid who owed you a favour. You were thankful to the small match box container – which held a few joints – it kept you at ease when you brother was at prominent distress or when you best friend was blissfully oblivious to your every advance to flaunt your affection towards him.
Your eyes fell shut as you took a long drag, holding the smoke in your chest until you could feel the soft buzz drift to your head, making everything appear blurred and sharp simultaneously.
You surveyed the water under your feet, each melt of the waves making your eyes follow new curvatures that were being generated.
The fish and the plants contently dancing to the rhythm of the tides pull.
You did not notice when the weed created a dim haze around you, but when the wind proceeded to whisper and the moon mumbled back, you became numb in its presence and within a few moments you were completely and utterly stoned.
"You shouldn't be out here".
You shouldn't be with me while I'm so amiable.
His voice was a mere breath against your skin. His tone lethargic in contrast to the melody which mused from your headphones. You were unaware of truth that his voice brought you, but when your gaze dimly caught his and you smiled.
"I doubt you should be lecturing me, you are out here too Luke". Your voice was soft, it routinely was with him.
"I have duties".
"And I have a recreational hobby".
He paused for a moment. "Which requires you to be outside this late?" he asked, his eyes lingering on your stained fingers.
"I enjoy the placidity", you quietly said, bringing the joint up to your lips to further dull your surroundings.
"I thought you stopped?"
"I tried". You were ashamed of your habit, mainly because Luke didn't indulge in it.
"Let me then". The enthusiasm in his tone confused you, your eyes following his every move as he perched close beside you, his prying fingers nearing yours. He had never once expressed his want for the flower, he were not interested in your soother, so his question caught you by surprise.
"Luke" you muttered, momentarily  forgetting his question.
"Oh Luke".
Your leer on him softened as you admired him, his features becoming a blur of endearment and simplicity. You had always known he was handsome, but in the dim shading of the moon and rippled reflections from the dark water you couldn't help, but study him, concentrate every lasting thought on him.
Your squinted a little, light playing through your lids as you appreciated the way your surroundings painted him, encapsulating him into nothing that could be defined other than pure charm.
He thawed against the blue around him gently, his eyes searching for something you could not quite answer, because all you were fascinated by was the pull of his brow, the line of his jaw and the way he adjusted against your indigo so tranquilly.
You were so intent on smoothing the ridge above his lip that when his hand brushed against your you startled, before sympathising to his original demand, passing the blunt to him. You observed him tug the joint towards his lips and almost instantly convulse as swiftly as his inhale were. 
A hum left you throat, "it takes time Luke, most good things do".
"How long did it take you?".
"Demeter's flowerings are always more - potent than usual and contributing a dejected childhood to the process and a prior tolerance, a few months".
He placed the joint in the small gap between you then spoke, "so how long till I start seeing leprechaun?"
"You have to hold your stuff, before anything happens", you said, distracted by chatter.
"And then after that?"
"It sort of just happens, like the moments before you fall aslee-", before you could continue your sentence you became preoccupied by a lull from the sky.
 "Hear the stars Luke?".
"Should i?" he asked, his voice filled with amusement, "what are they saying?”
You sat in a dropped silence, attempting to decipher their whispers, too conspicuous for you to repeat.
Your fates are spiralling Y/n, like a spider's web, too delicate to tear apart, one hushed.
Child of the sea, live up to your lineage, find the tide in his storm, another prodded.
We know how you feel, you feel too deeply to keep it to yourself, you're being selfish, tell him.
Further mutters echoed in your ears, sending thoughts through your stoned mind. You closed your eyes for privacy, but even then you could see him, you could trace his every fibre with your memory let alone, every contemplation consisting of him.
"They are being stupid" you finally replied, turning your head away from constellations.
"How so?" he questioned.
"They are saying - things".
"Can I know?"
You smiled and shook your head, "you can listen". You took the blunt between your fingers and relit the ends with a light.
"What are you thinking?" he asked, not dismissing your sudden notion.
"Can I show you?" you queried, the high in your body blinding you from reality.
When he tried to reply his voice caught in his throat, but three words escaped, three words which solidified you next move.
"I trust you".
You took a drag of the blunt and allowed the smoke to linger behind your closed mouth, attempting to retain it from traveling down your throat. He watched you every so intently, pondering your next move as you pressed your fingers into his jaw turning his face, so he had no other option than to meet your intrigued gaze.
Then you leant closer - nearer than you ever consciously allowed yourself to - his reflexes shattering as he too drifted closer to your warmth allowing your lips to brush against his ever so slightly as your diffused the bitter smoke into his mouth. You wouldn't have noticed the refined press if you weren't so vigilant, so when you when the smoke dispersed, you were unaware of what to do? Where to go? You couldn't ponder your decisions a mere few centimetres away from Luke's face, so you spoke.
He responded instantly, "do you trust me?", his words swift.
"What – I always what's the-".
You could not finish your sentence before a soft kiss was pressed to your lips, everything changing in a matter of moments. The sour tastes of weed stirred between both your parted mouths - which you invited pleasantly - allowing his hands to kneed the soft skin of you hip as yours found his curls.
Any form of life coming to a pause in declaration of this action.
His lips were as soft as they appeared, so when you separated you couldn't help but drag your thumb across his them, a small laugh falling from your mouth. You took a short breath and blinked, watching him reach out heedlessly to discover your hands - which he clasped in his own - bringing them upwards to brush his lips over your knuckles.
You allowed him to be close with no aversions - bathing in his presence - dazed a little at your distance since he had never made an effort to prove his fondness to you, it all felt surreal.
"I can hear the stars" he stated.
"Oh really?" you questioned, planting a mindless kiss to his lips.
"Mhm, they're saying you should meet me by the woods tomorrow at midnight".
"Hm, mine are saying we should take this back to your cabin".
"As much as I would love to do so, I would rather remember whatever would happen and besides the new kids sleep like a new borns". You rolled your eyes, "come on, let me walk you back to your cabin".
You accepted his help and stood, and knocked your blunt and lighter into the water -whispering a few words of flattery to which the tide would keep your belongings safe – and out of Percy's reach – placing a reassuring kiss onto Luke's cheek before lacing your fingers together once against to walk back to the warm sheets of your bed.
To an impercipient eye you were the epitome of adolescent affection, but amongst the brawny vegetation – across from where you sat - lay an observant spectator, one who often doted of Luke and yours growing devotion to one another and watched with poise, waiting for the inevitable misfortune.
"In the realm of profound sentiment, the pinnacle of love is its culmination to embrace tragedy".
Aphrodite uttered these words to her unbothered accomplice who sat at her side simply because the sun was far from its obligation to rise.
"Perhaps he may choose her" Apollo spoke, toying with his bow.                                           
"A boy cannot forsake a prophecy; the world will burn for her or it will blaze, because of her. Kronos has already whispered into the son of Hermes' ear, it is unescapable- his fate - but she, her's is undedicated".
"So you will watch their eventual decline?" Apollo asked.
"With decided scrutiny, where ever she proceeds allow her muse to inspire her steps".
"You're just glad amongst the uprising there's something cute to follow".
"Indeed and i will grant her every step with calamity".
Thanks for reading cuties <33
(In a Coriolanus and Luke chokehold rn)
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demonic0angel · 11 days
So far ever since the new epic musical album came up I've been seeing a lot more people come up with the idea of the god games but Danny Phantom
And I was just imagining how funny if in that song Dan was Aphrodite and Danielle was Aries
I'm about to get more as Danielle being a goddess of trickery and chaos of all types and can being considered to be three-faced like having like a three-faced mask that she wears around a lot and using her ability to melt as a way to appear behind people vastly without them noticing and she's really protective over Dan since she considers herself to be his older sibling because in her opinion he came in the family last
Dan being the ancient of love being so terrifying because love can also be considered to be a scary thing with his symbol being eagles and stuff and he is much more terrifying and violated the most people expect from the god of love but also when he needs to be complete and loving
I imagine Tucker taking up the sense of being Apollo with him being The reincarnation of an old pharaoh they're kind of being like a lots of Egyptian things around him but also like a theme of more technologically advanced with him working on a PDA all kind of having modern clothes on with hints of Egyptian pharaoh
oh and Sam acting like Hephaestus would be more interested in the plant she has in her garden then the heroes her clothes are kind of nature-like invite but also give all of a sense of golfness with like her plant giving off the shape of a large Palace that looks terrifying on the outside but the inside is filled with plants of all types
I imagine Jazz has like a therapist like setting office but like it's a open Greek palace like things of gold and bright blues and just being laid around it looks like an conference room but also like an open Palace I feel like her simple animal being Wolf's and bears would be so funny also be a hint to the little bear plush that she owns
I kind of feel like Danny's level would be a mix of Jazz's and Sam's with Danny's being like an open Palace room that kind of has like the hints of someone young is there with random bean bags being scattered around or miniature handcraft spaceships but also stars all around I feel like it'd be cute if his symbol animal was jellyfish which like jellyfish Stars kind of like float around
But I've just been imagining that song with Danny Phantom x DC I can probably start off with the Justice League like always getting into something this year now than having to deal with the consequence of it and the consequences is six teenagers taking a vote or not to kill them
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Gods, I can’t wait for the Vengeance Saga
I am in love with the idea of Dan being Aphrodite and Dani being Ares, especially bc they’re both gods of war. And in EPIC, Aphrodite’s argument is about a mother’s love!! I hope you like the quick sketch of them :3
I don’t agree with a few of your ideas, but they all seem really fun. The idea of the Justice League having to argue against 6 teenagers is funny, bc imagine that they think they can argue against Dani and she just stabs them. Meanwhile, Jazz is like: so how did you feel when you got stabbed? when they come to her later to argue against her.
Actually, I also had thoughts about DP x EPIC, except Sam and Tucker were Odysseus (they shared the role idk) and Danny was Penelope. Jazz was Athena, Dani was Aeolus, and Dan was Scylla 😩
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withlove-xixi · 11 days
— SANJI NSFW THOUGHTS: sanji x reader
ᥫ cw: nsfw, pet names, praise, also cum, roleplay ★ my favorite white guy ... sanji my darling boyfriend ... i miss him i need to start watching one piece again — MINORS DNI! —
first things first, i'm putting my foot down and saying sanji is simply too service top for me to see as a power bottom. im sorry, as much as i know he would be wrapped around your finger, he's not completely powerless. sure if you told him to bottom, he'd be bent over and spread open before you've even finished asking.
that being said, his submissiveness is done completely out of love. he's always treating you like you're the most precious thing in the world, because to him, you're nothing less.
hes definitely not that kinky i'd say, hes just willing to try things you'd like. sure, there are some things that would turn him on (doesn't everything lol?) but i think there would be very few of what hes actually into and definitely some he'd absolutely refuse to do.
ive seen other people say it, but idt he'd be big on like spanking or other kinds of pain play, simply because the idea of hurting you (consensual or accidental) will actually drive him insane and he'd explode. he's a bit wary of things like bondage too because what if you get hurt? your safety is always his priority, he'd do anything to ensure it.
idt he's keen too on the idea of threesomes, voyeurism, etc because hes a bit .. possessive of you. at least, maybe he would allow sharing you if he had the reins. like if he was able to dictate how things would happen and stuff, because otherwise he wouldn't dare even entertain the idea. i think sanji finds sex to be intimate more than anything, it's a way for him to show his love to you, so why must he share that? that isnt to say he hasnt thought about having multiple partners during sex, the idea's passed through his mind once or twice before and it's gotten him flustered, but it's hardly anything he'd really want to do (again, unless he had control of things or if you really begged him for it)
oh and he is so good with praise. he's always showering you with complements even outside of sex. it's always "good job, darling" or "i've got you, sweetheart" and aughhh!! he's just sweet like that. he's always planting kisses on your thighs or chest, on the back of your hand on against you palm. PLUS PETNAMES! he loves calling you all sorts of things, comparing you to summer days or sweet flowers. it was like he was always finding new ways to tell you he loved you.
i think sanji likes looking at you too. sometimes he could be a bit too mesmerized by you, staring intently, hungrily with those pretty blue eyes. he's taking in every detail of your face and body, every bead of sweat on your skin, the shine of slick on your thighs, the rise and fal of your chest. sometimes he gets too busy staring he stays completely frozen lmao.
and ... i think he likes watching you covered in his cum. like he'd cum as deep as he can inside you snd spread you apart just a bit to watch it ooze out, or he'd cum on your belly and smear it over your skin eith his fingers, or he'd cum all over your face and watch it drip off your chin (oh he is definitely getting a nose bleed from all that)
his favorite thing though is when you dress up for him. whether is frilly revealing tops or lacy lingere, he's getting hard as soon as he sees you. again, idt he's got too many kinks, he's just willing to try things out with you, but if there was anything he liked the most it might be roleplay. there's something about seeing you in different outfits and seeing you play the role of a nurse or a doctor sends his blood rushing to his dick lol.
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