#and I'm making my friends happy aswell
ghostydrawsstuff · 1 month
Oh boi I shouldn't have started drawing porn, ah what am I doing with my talent? A lot of bs that's what, but at least I'm having fun I guess
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harmoonix · 9 months
(astrology observations)
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~ I wanna be the ocean to your shore ~
🌊 - Asteroid Erato (62) aspecting Mercury/in the 3rd house or in Gemini are erotic vocally, they can write/read/talk about eroticism
🌊 - Asteroid Erato (62) aspecting Sun/in the 5th house or in Leo can be erotic in their personality, they have this eroticism aura surrounding them
🌊 - Moon aspecting asteroid Nessus (258) harshly could've went through a lot of emotional abuse or manipulation abuse
🌊 - Nessus (7066) in the 12th house/Pisces can have an subconscious pain, sometimes even nightmares that contain pain aswell and lucid dreaming
🌊 - Venus in the 2nd house/Taurus may develop a passion for collecting things/making a collection of some certain things for example perfumes or clothes
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🌊 - Mercury aspecting Moon may like to listen to music when they want to light up their mood, or to feel better because it can help them
🌊 - Nessus (258) in the 4th house/Cancer can have or had abusive family members, and the word "abuse" is highly sensitive here because they can have addictions aswell
🌊 - Saturn in the 7th house/Libra need to learn how to value the true side of a love relationship, that comes with patience and time
🌊 - Capricorn Venus can symbolize "traditional relationship" but in some cases it can indicate a relationship where they can focus more on work and career
🌊 - Moon at 8°, 20° degrees can have a hard time to open up about their feelings, and to open themselves. They have a fear to not getting hurt again
🌊 - Moon at 2°. 14°, 26° degrees can be the most romantic person or the hopeless romantic partner, sometimes they can be both (ambient)
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🌊 - Neptune in the 11th house can at some extent indicate an addictions with getting addicted to your friends/relationships with your friends/online friends/ social circle
🌊 - Chiron aspecting Sun can be that type of person anyone misunderstands, and when you'll learn to know them deeper they can be the nicest people on earth
🌊 - Venus and Moon aspects (all aspects) can have a fear to not get hurt in love/relationships, all they truly seeks for is a healthy relationship with healthy boundaries and reciprocating love
🌊 - Chiron in the 7th house/Chiron in Libra can be pretty misunderstood by people aswell, with this placement you can often met partners who were hurt by others and will want you to heal them
🌊 - Please don't attack me for what I'm gonna say but people with Chiron in Sagittarius or Chiron in the 9th house have a big indicator of wounding religion, they can be the type to judge other people for their religions if the placement is not healed enough (This observation is mostly made by my own experience, I met so many wounded religious people who had this placement in their charts and it was..🤯🤯)
🌊 - Venus at 11°, 23° degrees have a really great fashion style, and they can get most of their attention because of the style these natives wear
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🌊 - Moon or Lilith (h12/h13) aspecting Mars can get into a rollercoaster of emotions daily, they can be happy, the next mine they get angry, the next they get overwhelmed etc..
🌊 - Venus in the 9th house can be an indicator of meeting your spouse far from your homeland amd probably a foreign spouse
🌊 - Aquarius/Sagittarius and Capricorn over your 6th house sign can make you to stand up for animals, like a volunteer who needs to help some animals in a bad cause
🌊 - For natives with Sun/Neptune/Moon or Uranus in the 12th house, their bed must be the palace they feel the most comfortable, they love to sleep a lot
🌊 - Sagittarius or Gemini over your 2nd house sign may like to eat food from other cultures/nationalities
🌊 - Mars or Pluto in the 7th house and sometimes Lilith (h12/h13) can get into scandals for being in a relationship with some specific people/ like drama about "Omg look who's he dating."
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🌊 - South Node in Libra/Capricorn can make the native interested in the history/past/ and everything that happened in the past agss
🌊 - Venus in 7th house in the solar return chart doesn't always mean that you'll end up in a relationship that year, it can also mean that you'll be more open to the social people around you
🌊 - Libra/Capricorn/Leo Rising in your solar return chart can be a big indicator of having a glowup happening in that year for you
🌊 - Moon in the 9th house natives can hate you for life if you are being strict with them, especially if you are taking their freedom sway. They are born to explore not to follow toxic orders
🌊 - Virgo Moon/Moon in the 6th house are always there for people, somehow they are the cutest when it comes to supporting because they can be so encouraging of others
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I'm not sure if this is the last post for 2023 since today is the 30 December,is close to the new years and I'm so so happy about it!! I think 2023 for me definitely was a changing year with good and bad things and I hope for 2024 to be a better year!❤️🫶
Thank you so much to everyone for the support you gave me this year and for all the good vibes we shared with my posts in 2023!!❤️🫶 I know a lot of people are busy during these days as well!!❤️❤️❤️ Happy Holidays and a happy new year to everybody!! Nay 2024 bring good things for all of us!!
With all the love, Harmoonix ♥️ 2023
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soapsilly · 8 months
Oblivious - Zoro Imagine
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Summary: Zoro isn't known for being nice. Quite the opposite actually but with (Y/N) it's different. The problem? Everybody seems to notice but her.
Requests are closed
"Hey, can I get a Cuba Libre, please? But could you maybe use lemonade instead of cola?", (Y/N) leaned over to the barkeeper to order her drink.
"No", the man deadpanned.
"What? Why?", the girl furrowed her brows.
"Because that's not a Cuba Libre", he retorted.
"Well, yes obviously. That's why I'm asking to put lemonade instead", she questioned him - seemingly more confused than angry.
"No accomodations. Just order what's on the menu"
"But Cuba Libre is on the menu?", she inquired.
"And you do have limonade?"
"Then just swap the two ingredients?", her voice grew louder, not understanding why the barkeeper was being so difficult.
Zoro silently watched the interaction. He was sitting only a few barstools over drinking his rum.
"It's easy, sweetheart", (Y/N) and Zoro both pulled a face at the condescending nickname, "if I start accomodating your request, soon everybody in this dump will want to have their own special creations", the barkeeper ended.
"Fine! Just a beer then", she exclaimed.
"See? Was that so hard?", the barkeeper said as he slid the bottle over towards her.
(Y/N) sent him a mocking smile as she slammed a few coins on the counter, grabbing her beer and then leaving before she did something that would result in a house ban for her and the crew.
Zoro's eyes followed the girl as she took a seat with the others, who managed to find a table in the corner of the room.
It only took a few minutes for Zoro to follow her aswell - in his hand a drink that, for some reason, was still full.
"Here", he shoved the drink towards the girl.
"What is this?", she asked but didn't even wait for an answer as she already took a sip. Her eyes widened when she realized what it was that she was drinking, "That's a Cuba Libre with lemonade! How did you do that?"
"I asked nicely", he grinned.
"Oh god. What did you do to that poor man?", she scrunched up her face, knowing her friend likes a hands-on approach to conflict.
"Nothing he didn't deserve, sweetheart"
"Uh, don't call me that...", she shuddered, "Anyways, what do I owe you?"
"Oh no, it's fine...", he shrugged.
"Are you sure?", she asked again just to make sure but when he confirmed yet again, her face spilt into wide grin, "You're the best! Next round's on me!"
Nami raised her brow at the interaction. It wasn't like Zoro to be so nice - especially not without any type of reward.
"Oof, I'm tired", (Y/N) moaned not feeling like doing the night watch at all.
"Too bad, it's your turn", Usopp mocked the girl, a happy laugh leaving his lips which earned him a raised middle finger.
"I need my beauty sleep", she whined knowing there wasn't a chance to get out of the situation.
"What? No! You don't need any beauty sleep, (Y/N)-san! You're already so beautiful ~", Sanji gladly protested.
"Oi, whose side are you on?", she scolded the cook, "Do you want me to suffer?"
Sanji started to back paddle immediatly. It wasn't his intention to upset her further but rather to compliment the girl.
"I'll do it", Zoro's voice cut through the discussion.
"Huh?", (Y/N) thought she misheard the swordsman.
"I'll do the guard duty for you", he repeated.
"What? No!", now it was her time to protest, "I can't ask you to do that for me! It's not that bad... you know, I was just being silly"
"It's no problem at all. Really!", he insisted.
"Are you sure? You love sleeping even more than I do", she wasn't quite convinced yet.
"Yeah, yeah! Don't you even worry. You said it yourself, you need your beauty sleep and I'll be napping anyways", he shrugged.
"Hmmm", she seemed to consider it for a moment before finally shaking her head.
"If it's that important to you, you can keep me company until you get too tired. That way you didn't completely abandon your responsibility while still getting at least some sleep", he grinned sheepishly.
The girl hugged the taller man happily, "You're the greatest!"
"Oi, how come you never offer to take over my guard duty", Luffy furrowed his brows.
"Do I look like a charity to you?", Zoro's voice was harsh. The kindness replaced by a holler.
"You're tired, go to sleep", he told (Y/N). He had lost count of how many times he's seen the girl's eyes flutter shut only for her to jolt awake immediately after. She was struggling to stay awake.
"Nu-huh", she weakly protested.
"It doesn't make sense for the both of us to lose sleep", his voice was soft.
"It's fine, I'm awake. You can go to sleep", she mumbled, eyes already half-closed as she leaned her head on his shoulder.
"Yeah, I can see that", he chuckled but didn't get an answer anymore as her even breaths indicated that she had finally fallen asleep.
He looked down at her. There was a strange feeling in his chest and he thought to himself that he could get used to this. He laid his arm around her to make sure she wouldn't start freezing later on as he prepared to spend the rest of the night like this - his plans for a nap long forgotten, not wanting to miss any moment of this.
The sun was already out when Nami found the two of them like this.
"You really like her, huh?"
"Do you even know what you're talking about, woman? I was just helping her because now she'll have to do me a favour in the future... Quid quo pro or something", he denied Nami's accusations but couldn't hide the soft blush that turned his ears a deep shade of red.
The navigator defensively raised her hands. Usually she would've kept pushing but she noticed how uncomfortable the swordsman was.
"Well, night watch is over. Sanji is serving breakfast as we speak. Wake her up and come eat before Luffy eats your portion"
With that Nami left Zoro to deal with waking the sleeping girl tucked underneath his arm.
"Hey, uhm... (Y/N)?", if he was completely honest, Zoro didn't feel like disturbing their togetherness just to be confronted with these other idiots, but he knew that wouldn't be fair to her as she was probably pretty hungry, "You have to wake up now... Uhm, breakfast is ready..."
(Y/N) groaned as she woke up not wanting to leave her perfect pillow but when she realized what position she was in, she immediately slipped away from him.
"Oof, Zoro, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you! Why didn't you wake me?"
"I uh- Don't worry about it. It was only for like twenty minutes. We had to be up soon anyways so I just didn't bother", he lied, not wanting her to think bad of him for not re-positioning her.
"Oh... Still though. I owe you one", she laughed happily, "Twice actually. Once for saving me from guard duty and twice because of the absolutely amazing nightsleep I just had"
Zoro was glad that the girl was already stood up with her back towards him so that she wouldn't see the stupid smile that he couldn't fight back. What was wrong with him? He already gathered that he had a crush on (Y/N). As much as it pained him to admit but he couldn't deny it any further. The thing that bothered him about it was rather that he couldn't conceal it better.
"I sure hope Sanji made pancakes", she said more to herself than to him.
Zoro stared daggers across the room. The bar was loud but he still clearly made out (Y/N)'s laugh - he would've loved the sound if it weren't for the guy who was the reason for her happiness.
The swordsman knew he should probably look away. That he'd only hurt himself if he continued. But still his eyes were glued to (Y/N) and the way her hand reached out to touch the stranger's arm.
"You should ask her out, you know?", Nami seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Usually he'd be more aware of his surroundings but at the moment he wasn't thinking straight.
"Don't you have anyone else to annoy?", he answered her without taking his eye off of their target.
"You know? I'm just trying to be nice here. You're making it hard though", she retorted.
"Did I ask you to be nice?", his question was clearly rhetorical.
Nami raised her hands in defense and left the man standing. If he wanted to stay there and wallow in his self-pity, then so be it.
Zoro's heart skipped a beat as (Y/N) came over towards him and the crew - her little flirt seemingly forgotten. The swordsman felt stupid when he realized how giddy it made him.
"Hey guys", she smiled at her friends, "We're staying here a little longer, yes?"
"Uh, sure", Nami was confused, "We're staying for at least another night until the Log Pose recalibrates"
"Great, don't wait up for me", (Y/N) grinned, "Because this gentleman over there has asked me to dinner"
(Y/N) turned around and sent a flirty wave towards her suitor, who was already waiting for her by the door.
"My drink's empty", Zoro murmured.
"Can you bring me another one, aswell?", Usopp shouted after the swordsman.
"No", his answer was short as he left the group to make his way towards the bar. Nami's eyes following him closely.
"Uhm, (Y/N)? Can I talk to you for a minute?", she didn't even wait for an answer as she already grabbed (Y/N) by the elbow, dragging her away from the group.
"So what's up?", the other woman furrowed her brows. What was the problem?, "Do I look bad?"
"No, no, no! You look great actually"
"So what's the problem?", (Y/N) didn't want her suitor wait for too long.
"I'm not trying to spoil the mood but you do realize Zoro's got a crush on you, right? I mean, you can do whatever you please but maybe don't do it infront of the mosshead" - there was no sensible way to soften the blow, so the navigator just said it.
"What? Zoro? Nah, he's just being nice", (Y/N) waved away her concerns.
"Yes, exactly!" - how oblivious could one person be? - "When did you ever see Zoro being nice to any of us? Except for maybe, MAYBE sometimes Chopper?" - Did she have to spell it out for her?
(Y/N)'s eyes moved rapidly as she thought about what her friend just told her. But when she finally realized what Nami was not so subtely implying, her eyes widened.
"Oh my God! I think you're right...", she could've slapped herself.
"Yep", Nami popped the 'p'.
"Shit, I-I need to go", and with that (Y/N) let Nami stand there as she made her way towards the man that was still waiting for her by the door.
Nami shook her head. She didn't have a problem with innocent flirts and sometimes even one-night stands but to say she wasn't at least a little disappointed would be a lie. The red-head shrugged as she made her way back to the table - she did her due diligence in telling (Y/N) about Zoro's feelings, now it wasn't in her hands anymore.
Back at the bar, Zoro downed his cup for what must've been the fourth or fifth time. He stopped counting after a while. He didn't even know what he was so upset about. (Y/N) didn't owe him anything. She had every right to go back home with that guy. This didn't mean that it hurt any less though.
"Hey, is this seat taken", he didn't look up from his drink as (Y/N) greeted him.
"Shouldn't you be with your date?", he asked bitterly.
"Nah, told him I changed my mind", she said almost nonchalantly.
Zoro was shocked when he heard that - finally looking up from his drink.
"Why?", there were a thousand thoughts running through his mind. He was happy to hear that she decided against leaving with some stranger. He knew that she could take care of herself and he knew that he didn't have a chance with her anyways but the thought of some random man placing his hands anywhere near her made his blood boil.
(Y/N) shrugged, "I thought, I'd rather spend my evening with you"
"You- you don't have to", he hated how insecure she made him feel. He was a master swordsman goddamnit! Why couldn't he think clearly whenever she was close to him?
"I know that I don't have to, Silly!", the little nickname made Zoro's heart skip a beat, "But I want to"
(Y/N) slowly maneuvered her hand towards his own, interlicking their pinky fingers. Usually the swordsman would've pulled his hand away - not a big fan of physical touch - but with her it was different. When she realized that he allowed her advances, she decided to test the waters a little further. Almost gently, she leaned her head against his shoulder like she had during their guard shift together. The position felt right to her.
As she looked up at him, she met his eye. His gaze was so full of love and she asked herself how she didn't notice sooner.
"Zoro?", she casually continued, "You know, I was promised dinner..."
"Dinner?", he didn't catch on to her proposal immediately, which made her chuckle.
"Yeah... I don't think I should have to miss out just because I changed my mind"
Finally the pin dropped and a goofy smile lit up his features.
"I could eat", he said as he hopped off the barstool, helping (Y/N) down in the process.
With his hand on the small of her back he guided her towards the entrance.
"Oi, where you going?", Luffy yelled over to the two lovebirds when he noticed them leaving.
"Dinner", (Y/N) yelled back - a happy smile on her face.
"Oooh, dinner sounds good", he already was about to join the two when Nami held him back.
"Nope, leave them alone. Sanji can make us something back on the Sunny. Right Sanji-kun?", she knew how to play the cook to get what she wanted and of course the blonde man was like putty in her hands with the way he immediately started to assemble a possible menu for the crew. Nami only listened with one ear though - too occupied with patting herself on the back for successfully playing matchmaker.
Once outside, (Y/N) turned towards Zoro. That same happy smile that made his heart beat fast and his mind go blank still on her face. She laced her fingers with his calloused ones and decided she liked the feeling of it.
"So, where are we going?", he awkwardly asked. He still couldn't believe that this was really happening.
"I think I passed a nice little restaurant on the way here", she already pulled him with her towards the direction she remembered the restaurant to be. But then she stopped abruptly. She didn't want to overwhelm the poor guy but decided to press a sweet little kiss on his cheek anyways. A dreamy smile lit up his features and (Y/N) asked herself yet again how she never noticed how handsome the swordfighter was.
"I'm sorry for not noticing sooner", she almost whispered but Zoro didn't care at all. What mattered to him now was that he finally had the girl of his dreams right next to him, holding his hand.
"You should probably thank Nami though", (Y/N) continued, "If it weren't for her I'd probably still be oblivious..."
"Ugh, she already has such an inflated ego to begin with", he dismissed the thought - not wanting the red-head to boast about her achievement. In fact, he didn't even want to think about her at all at the moment. The only thing on his mind was getting (Y/N) to that restaurant and having dinner.
"C'mon let's go", he told her as he lead the way.
A soft chuckle disrupted his plans though.
"Zoro... the restaurant is the other way!"
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kindestofkings · 10 months
what came first, the chicken or the dickhead? [3/3]
f1driver!reader x lando norris
authors note: book a dentist app guys this shit is sweet !
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liked by landonorris and others 
yourusername 😭 🥺 guys I, I, I just won at my home race with my best friend alongside me. those two kids dreamed of days like these. lan you next 💓
to the tifosi for your unyielding support, to scuderiaferrari for helping me achieve things like this, and to charlie the best teammate a girl could ask for <3
view all 890 comments
landonorris so proud of you luv but PLEASE let me win soon, we dont need another max situation
yourusername lando tries to be sentimental challenge: FAILED f1fan hahahaha mate please grow up and make a move !
danielricciardo incredible stuff mate! landonorris you were so cute, what happened?
landonorris ha ha ha 😑
​​taylorswift you are killing it girl !! I see you're stateside later this year maybe you could join us at the era's tour?
yourusername 😀😀😀 I need someone to confirm this is real, landooooooooo landonorris its real so please stop hyperventilating in you drivers room alex_albon do you forget you have millions of followers and a mega superstar yourself?? yourusername and what she's TAYLOR SWIFT. she writes works of art like folklore and i drive in circles. alex_albon AT A VERY INSANE SPEED learn your worth please ynfan1 you did so well with him lilymhe
maxfewtrell you know what they say couples who win together stay together !
[this comment has been deleted]
ynfan2 max you are not quick enough for me I saw that 👀👀
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liked by ynlando4ever and others
taylorswiftupdates after a long time of online interactions the f1 ferrari driver yourusername was at tonights show!! it appears the driver was joined with fellow drivers lando norris,charles leclerc and daniel ricciardo.
view all 20 comments
ynfan1 can you imagine your favourite singer of all time making that face at you 🥺
ynfan2 and she got one of tonights secret song dedicated to her aswell!!
ynfan3 no way really!! what was it ynfan2 it was randomly Crazier, the song taylor sang in the hannah montana film 😂
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 liked by yourusername and others 
landonorris hope you enjoyed your birthday cause you're never receiving another birthday present again. why WHY is your favourite taylor swift song so obscure??
view all 300 comments
yourusername you are the best of the best of the best of the BEST
​​taylorswift you guys are the most adorable 🥺
charles_leclerc cause shes a country girl at heart come you know this 😂
yourusername ahem country girls shake it for me 🤠
yourusername posted on their story:
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eras tour READY
I lied nothing could've prepared me for this ....
taylorswift so glad you could come and enjoy 💓💓 that boy of yours is such a cutie.. yourusername he's a keeper for sure! hate keeping it all so secretive but like someone amazing once sang romance is not dead if you keep it just yours 😂 ❤️
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 liked by landonorris and others
yourusername I dont do tiktok but I love the its all too much for little lando norris cause he falls asleep during my taylor swift rants 😤
view all 700 comments
ynfan1 BABE?? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THE HOUSE OF COMMENTS yourusername oh fuck lan landonorris HA and you said it be me who would out us ynfan2 US? theres an us??
yncharlesshipper what happened to charlie??
ynlando4ever VICTORY
danielricciardo hahahahahah wait why does norizz look kinda ??
landonorris you can say it 😏😏
landonorris LOOK AT YOUUUUU ynfan1 k im obsessed with them even more now
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liked by yourusername and others
landonorris since she messed up I can FINALLY show off how I got the girl 2 years ago 😎
happy to announce i'm accepting apologises for all those norizz comments cause LOOK at who's my girl
view all 500 comments
yourusername thats right baby your girl !!
maxfewtrell FINALLY
danielricciardo agreed, and you're never hearing anything from me norizz alex_albon still in shock carlossainz55 can relax now, yn is scary
charles_leclerc we got there eventually! looking forward to not being shipped with you now yourusername 😂😂
yourusername I don't know what you're talking about I'm a catch!
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 liked by mclaren and others
yourusername car failures are a teams worse nightmare and unfortunately my hard truth for today's race in Singapore 💔 being ruled out during the formation lap is something I hope to never experience again, so sorry for disappointing everyone and the team!
ON ANOTHER NOTE its time for a hardlaunch cause LOOK WHO JUST GOT HIS FIRST WIN! congrats bro 😎 👍❤️‍🔥 💖
view all 290 comments 
scuderiaferrari could never disappointment, we win as a team and lose as a team!
yourusername you guys xx ynfan1 the teams support never fails to make me emosh, all you that deserve!!
f1fan still a slay in my eyes!
landonorris the use of bro here is conflicting to all the pride driven kisses i've been getting 🤔🤔
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liked by f1fan1 and others
f1fanupdates gasly is once again providing all the drama for the viewers! after another dnf the alphatauri driver made a jab at mclaren's first driver, lando norris...
view all 90 comments
f1fan1 why have one feud with a driver when you can have 2!! right pierre?
ynfan2 man is just realising he can't blame yn anymore so he's picking on lando
ynfan3 do you think its all related? like continuous beef that all links back to her?
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liked by yourusername and others
landonorris the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake
japan its been real!
view all 473 comments
pierregasly imagine being this cocky all while being overshadowed by your rookie teammate
landonorris imagine ruining your own career because a girl told you she didn't want to go out with you pierregasly if shes going out with the likes of you, think I dodged a bullet landonorris do you or do you not have a girlfriend rn? yourusername enough of this. pierre you are a broken record stfu and focus on your driving
ynfan1 OH MY GOD its all clicking, all this mess cause of a bruised ego...
ynfan2 men being men ugh
yourusername tay tay 🥺🥺 in your caption 🥺 love you
landonorris and the edit! i want all the brownie points baby 😏
yourusername "OH MY GOD," BUT I'M JUST GONNA SHAKE IT charles_leclerc AND TO THE FELLA OVER THERE WITH THE HELLA GOOD HAIR maxverstappen1 WON'T YOU COME ON OVER, BABY? WE CAN SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE landonorris wow wdc winner with the taylor swift lyrics in my comments??
ynfan1 OH MY GOD its all clicking, all this mess cause of a bruised ego...
yourusername posted on their story:
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my man my man my man 💓
landonorris where gasly wishes he could be 👀 landonorris love love love you
AHH I hope this was worth the wait guys!! the beef is so squashed in but I was consumed be the full by then lol
@vellicoranorca @toasttt11 @dzastinocha @dzastinocha @landosgirlxoxo @2bormaybenot @jpg3 @celestialams @dreamsarebig @dreamercrowd @dracosswhore @kissesandmartinis @inejismywife
weirdly couldnt tag everyone sorry !!
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 13 days
may i ask for a little spronkle of fluff? Donna goes out to town to buy fabrics, the neewww (oh, wow!) cleric selling it to her, Reader, has almost the exact same scar on their face (except for it not being unnaturally deformed, -- reader got it from like, an encounter with a rabid animal, or something),
Donna gets curious and asks about it, leading to a casual conversation, which led to Donna wanting to come back and chat with the new hire, seeing as how, unbeknownst to Reader (because, obviously, Donna wears the veil, Reader wouldnt know she had the same mutation) they had something in common, their scarring
Make it so that Reader (very slowly) catches on ?? And they develop feelings overtime ?? But, doesnt know if 'big-lady-Donna' feels the same way, so they just.. shaddap? (i had to use that 'big-lady' reference, or it wouldve haunted me, forgive, forget)
Reader asks to see Donnas face (although, very nervously, because of, yknow, Angie staring down Readers soul, aswell as Donnas rank/title), Donna complies, although hesitantly, and Reader is just so entranced by how similar the size/placement/colour of their scarring is, that theyre just so hyped, and cant help to call Donna beautiful, to call her newly-revealed, singular eye 'enchanting' and whatnot (make Reader a nervous sap, i beg and i plead, i need this prompt to rot my teeth),
Donna gets fed up from how clueless Reader is to how much Donna appreciates them -- leading to, very reluctant, and/or peeved (take that as you will, im unsure how to topic Donnas nerves, tremors, mood-swings and whatnot) confession, coming from Donnas side. (Meaning: Donna confesses first, very awkwardly, and shyly, and Reader obviously accepts, because, .. They're girlfriends, your honor!)
Angie, meanwhile, is hurling in the background because of how cheesy, and forced, Donnas confession was, (although, secretely, Angie is over the moon that her Donsie made a new (girl)friend). Maybe add a little bit of like, restless, over-thinking rambling in Italian to that mix. (Ex: Donna just going over about how cool it is that they have matching scars, maybe Reader could come over to her estate and see her portrait without it. *Mumble mumble, something nervy in italian*, do you wanna come over? Do you wanna see my workshop? Do you wanna see my dolls? I can have one resemble you. Do you sew? We can make dolls -- *Mumble, trips over words, Italian*)
Make it from Donnas prospective, Please and thanks!!
No smut, just wholesome wholesomeness, and ofcourse, happy, diabetes-inducing ending, where Reader does agree to come and hang out with her -- make them Girlfriends with your writers-magic from that point on, because i have no idea what else to add to explain how overtime THEY FALL INLOVESIES!!! (AGHH! SUCH ROMANCE! THEYRE SO INLOVE!!!)
No mention of G!P or just, like, any arousal in general (since ive seen it mentioned on other posts, by other people, when asked for no smut, i just wanted to clarify)
hope i explained this okay?? Sometimes im pretty vague/too specific while typing and add too many '()'s and '/'s (overthinking autism brain -- HEY! LOOK! I JUST DID IT AGAIN!)
wish ya the best of luck, aswell as the best of day, may Angie bite your fingers (not really.. aha.. joking! Or am i?), Ciao, Blusy!
Yesss!!! Wow, it was a curious request! Thank you!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :))))
Two broken faces
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings:¡ fluff, Donna being Donna, Donna's POV
Word count: 9,376
Summary: She's so simliar, but so different...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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I thought I had everything I needed.
I had my dolls, my books, the peace that solitude offers a woman like me… Always afraid of people, always hiding, I found in my isolated world a peaceful place to live, for all eternity.
I didn't ask for this, I never asked the Black Gods to have mercy on my soul, I didn't ask Mother Miranda to adopt me, I never asked anyone for that second chance, I just wanted to die.
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if my family hadn't been noble, if my ancestors hadn't been part of the founding of this village. Maybe I would have had the chance to live in a different way or maybe my wish to disappear would have simply been fulfilled.
Donna Beneviento, a young woman who stopped fighting. Yes, surely they would put something similar on my grave. I would have become a legend, that woman who lost everything, who was cursed with an illness, who was condemned to watch how little by little, the world around me faded away behind that horrible waterfall.
But… After all, after that mercy that I didn't ask for, the result wasn't very different. To think that I was no longer alone would be to deceive myself. Angie was already speaking before I insisted on giving her life with my new gifts. Angie was me, I was Angie.
Maybe she's still me, even if I don't realize it, maybe I’m not even a Lord, maybe I wasn't even alive anymore. It was hard to know. That position of power that the Gods granted me only served to make my horrible thoughts to take shape, to find in cruelty a way to relieve the pain of my soul, the rage I felt at having been unjustly deprived of a normal life.
Josef was the first, but not the last.
What was the fault of the man who took care of me after the death of my family? None. Why did I do it? Because I could.
I try to look in the mirror and not see that reflection, the reflection of my horrible appearance, of that punishment for the sins I didn’t commit, but I only see a monster, a monster on the outside, a monster on the inside.
Surely that was what Miranda expected of me: another terrifying being to keep the flock under control. I cannot deny that she succeeded. I myself became the fear, the terror.
That legend that I thought I would become by ending my life became a dark tale, a nightmare story, the story of the terrible doll maker, Donna Beneviento.
I could not say when she stopped mattering to me, I cannot even say that one day she stopped. Loneliness was my fear, until it became my refuge. You did not love me before, when I was just a girl with a scar, now that I am a monster your punishment would be to fear me.
None of that matters, not even my brothers, nor this cursed village. I only care about Angie, my dolls, those that do not judge, that do not laugh at me, that do not fear me, that do not feel anything. The flesh deceives, lies, harms, porcelain does not. Porcelain is malleable, it looks the way I want, it is beautiful, soft and does not hate me.
I wish I could have been a doll, I wish I could free myself from the hatred that was inside me…
“Grigio,” I said in a whisper, while I was devoting my soul to making my dolls, to creating those emotionless beings that I envied.
Angie nodded, walking around the work table, looking for the fabric I asked for.
“Grey again, Donna?” the doll asked, in a mocking tone. I nodded without looking at her, finishing correcting the imperfections of that new companion.
“What's your problem with grey?” I asked, cleaning the smooth porcelain, with my gaze fixed on it, trying not to let Angie distract me, as she usually did.
“It's boring,” the doll said, handing me a too small piece of fabric, making me frown.
“It's not enough, I need much more,” I said focused, shaking my head. The doll shrugged, walking over to her new friend.
“There is no more grey fabric,” Angie mocked, hands on her hips.
I sighed, snapping out of my concentration, searching through the drawers. I would never trust Angie, I would never trust myself.
“There isn’t?” I asked confused, searching the workshop for the desired fabric. The doll growled angrily at my distrust, crossing her arms.
“I already told you, silly Donna,” she mocked, getting down from the table. I sighed, rubbing my eye. I had been in the workshop for hours, I couldn’t say how many.
“Angie…” I sighed tiredly, shaking my head and finally abandoning my dolls, walking through the dark basement hallway, through that comforting darkness. “I'm not in the mood for your nonsense.”
“Are you ever in the mood?” the puppet asked, with a mocking tone.
I didn't answer. I simply walked towards the phone, looking in a address book for the number of the village merchant, the Duke.
“Oh, oh, oh, ask the fat guy if he has yellow wool balls,” Angie said, tugging at my dress.
 I looked at her, unable to help but smile. Who it was didn't matter, my position as a Lord didn't matter, I was sure that, without Angie, I would have given up a long time ago.
“What do you want yellow wool balls for?” I asked amused, picking up the phone and dialing the number slowly, indicating to Angie that she should let herself be picked up. I still needed her to speak for me.
“I don't know, they're funny,” she commented, taking the phone while I lovingly put her old clothes on. “Hello, hello? Fatty?”
Nothing, no one seemed to answer.
“He doesn't pick up,” Angie whispered so I frowned, snatching the phone from her and checking she was telling the truth.
“Maybe he's not in the village,” I sighed, hanging up and shaking my head. “How convenient, I need that damn fabric.”
“He might be in his warehouse,” Angie commented, going back down to the floor. “Although I doubt he will fit through the door,” she mocked amused, making me smile again.
“What do we do now?” I asked, looking at the crumbling ceiling.
“Why don't we go to the village?” Angie suggested. “We can look for the Duke there.”
“No,” I said dryly, hardening my expression.
“Silly Donna... I want my wool balls!” the doll protested, in a childish way, irritating me again. “Let's go to the village, to the village!”
“Madonna… I said no, Angie,” I snorted, in a brusque tone.
No, I didn't want to go to the village, I didn't want to see anyone, I didn't want to see fear in people's eyes, I didn't want to see it again.
“Silly, you stupid pasta thing,” the doll hissed. “Stupid Donna”
“Are you done yet?” I asked with irony, with a dangerous look. As expected, the doll shook her head.
“Donna, you coward, I want my wool balls!” she shrieked irritatingly again, making me lose my patience.
“Chuidi quella cazzo di bocca!” I shouted furiously, completely out of my mind, causing the puppet to flee in terror, hiding behind a table.
Once again, I had lost control for no reason. I would never be able to escape my sentence.
I tried to relax, to make the trembling in my body disappear. I breathed deeply, lowering my head.
“Perdonami, Angie…” I sighed in a calmer tone, walking slowly to the doll's hiding place. She, timidly, peeked out. “I shouldn't have yelled at you.”
“You're very tense,” the doll whispered. “You have to relax...”
“I know, forgive me, please,” I said with my voice broken by the rage of my behavior, extending my arms towards her, who timidly approached, letting me pick her up from the floor.
 “Of course I forgive you, silly,” the doll said, hugging me in a childish way, bringing the smile back to my face.
“Fine… W-we'll go to the village to get the fabrics, what do you think?” I finally said, trying to compensate my only friend for having to put up with me day after day, for having to live… With a monster.
“Yay!” the puppet celebrated as I carried her in my arms, leaving the comfort of that dark basement.
I never liked going out, feeling the cold on my body, feeling insecure, outside the safety of the cracked walls. Maybe no one had the misfortune of seeing my face, but my mere presence was already uncomfortable enough for anyone.
Just think about it, a woman in black clothes, with her face hidden by a black veil, a lifeless figure which comes walking slowly towards you. It was terrifying.
Luckily, there didn't seem to be many people in the village, it was a cold morning. I also didn't want to notice if there were eyes watching me, if there was a child trembling in its mother's arms when it saw me walking.
The Duke's warehouse wasn't far away, and I headed there as quickly as possible. My breathing was uncontrolled, my anxieties were already starting to make me too nervous. I wanted to go home.
“Duuuuke!” Angie called when we entered the cabin. “Duuuuke! Where are you?”
There didn't seem to be anyone there and we both looked at each other, shrugging our shoulders. Not wanting to wait for that vermin to appear, I approached the place where he kept the fabrics, looking for that desired grey tone my doll needed.
“What do you think, Angie?” I asked the puppet, who was curiously rummaging through the merchant's things, nodding disinterestedly. “Where are the grey ones...?”
“Hello,” an unknown voice startled me, a female voice that was not familiar to me.
From among the boxes, a girl appeared, a young girl with a splendid smile. I didn’t recognize her, I would remember that face. Near her left eye there was a horrible scar. I couldn’t help but bring my hand to my face when I found a similarity between that deformity and mine.
The girl shook her hands, with an elegant gesture, without that smile disappearing.
“Lady Beneviento,” she said softly, lowering her head. “Surely the Duke would spend the whole morning flattering your presence but I believe in naturalness, do you need something?”
“Where is the fatty? Who are you?” Angie asked, letting me pick her up again while pointing at that unknown girl.
“Oh, the Duke is on a business trip, or so he told me,” she said, amused, shaking her head. “But I'm sure I can help you, or try, at least.”
I looked at her curiously, unable to take my eyes off her scar, one that didn’t hide her beauty at all. I couldn't say why, but my cheeks began to blush.
I didn't say anything. I just looked at her confused, just like the doll did with me, waiting for me to react.
“Oh, sorry, I haven't introduced myself,” the girl said with an apologetic look, extending her hand towards me, a hand that seemed very soft… “I'm (Y/N), the Duke hired me to be his assistant when he wasn't around. I manage the warehouse too.”
I hesitated for a moment. My instincts pushed me to reject that greeting, to ignore that smiling young woman, but, for some reason, I didn't. I slowly extended my hand towards hers, shaking it briefly, feeling for myself that I wasn't wrong, her skin was very soft, warm.
“It’s, it's a pleasure to meet you too,” she joked, confused by my shy greeting, with a natural, beautiful smile... “I never thought I'd have the honor of having one of you here.”
“Shut up, you stupid village girl! We've come for...” Angie said, interrupted by a sudden movement of my arms, letting her fall to the floor. “Hey!”
“I ne-ne-need fabrics,” I whispered with a hoarse, timid, barely audible voice. The girl frowned, coming a little closer to me.
“Excuse me, but I didn't hear you,” she said amused but with a kind look.
“Fabrics, stupid! Fabrics!” Angie shrieked, startling the young woman, who, surprisingly, kept her composure masterfully.
“Oh, fabrics, of course,” (Y/N) said, nodding and passing by me, letting me get a closer look at that scar so similar to mine, one that had me quite interested. “If you would be so kind as to come with me…”
I nodded slowly, following the young assistant through the warehouse.
“Are you looking for something in particular?” she asked naturally, rummaging through a pile of fabrics.
“G-Grey fabric…” I murmured, clearing my throat, with Angie looking at me strangely. I couldn't blame her for it, I was very nervous.
“Grey…” (Y/N) commented, searching with her eyes. “Oh, yes, here,” she said amused, pointing at several fabrics of that same color.
“Wool balls, we want wool balls,” Angie said with a haughty tone while I touched those fabrics with curiosity, unable to avoid looking at that girl out of the corner of my eye.
“Wool balls?” she asked confused, scratching her head. “Mm, yes, this way,” she said, gesturing for the puppet to follow her.
I paused for a moment to look at her again, my heart beating fast and my eye unable to stop studying each of her movements. She was a really beautiful young woman, who surely hid some terrible story, maybe one as horrible as mine, maybe… Oh, I didn’t know why I was thinking about it.
“Do you see anything you like?” she asked me when finished attending to Angie, getting closer to me, maybe too close, allowing me to look at her more closely again.
“Um, yes… I…” I stammered nervously, clearing my throat again and pointing at a random roll of fabric. Luckily, it was a grey one.
“This one? Good…” the young woman commented, taking the roll and heading to a small counter. “How much do you want?”
“No, I… I’ll take the entire roll,” I said, nodding, putting my hands together in front of my body, playing with them discreetly to try to stop shaking.
“The entire roll?” (Y/N) asked, frowning. The Duke never questioned me, why did she?
“Is there a problem, silly?” Angie asked mockingly, comically wrapped in a wool ball.
“No, there’s no problem but… I don’t know if you can handle it, it’s quite heavy,” the girl said amused, leaning on the counter and looking at that large roll of fabric. “I mean, I’m not saying you can’t… I mean, I…”
I laughed at that shy side, that nervous side my presence provoked in her. Normally I would have groaned or sighed at the sight of her body trembling, but on that occasion, I didn't. Even when she was nervous, she couldn't lose that bright smile.
“Calm down, I know what you mean,” I said in a different tone, louder and noticeable, as if my own voice was eager to talk to her.
“Uff, okay...” she sighed, running a hand over her forehead in a playful way. “Sorry, my lady, I'm not used to dealing with... Lords, you know.”
I laughed again, shaking my head. I could feel Angie's eyes looking at me inquisitively, but I didn't pay attention to them. Not wanting to look stupid, I took out a bag of coins, leaving them on the counter. (Y/N) picked them up, writing something down in a notebook.
“Fine...” the girl murmured, leaving the pen on top of the notebook. “Do you need anything else, my lady?” she asked kindly.
I shook my head, turning to leave, picking up my doll again, who was still staring at me.
“No, thank you,” I muttered before walking out the door. Something, something made me stop and turn around. “Uh, actually, I do.”
“Mm?” (Y/N) hummed, with that same kind smile, following me with her gaze as I approached the counter again.
“I don't remember seeing you before,” I said with a dry voice, with an indifferent tone. I didn't want to show her how nervous I was, besides, I didn't even know why I was that nervous.
“I'm elusive,” she answered amused, leaning on the counter in a casual manner. “But the truth is that I've been here all my life.”
“Working for the fat guy?” Angie asked, with a curious tone, shifting in my arms.
“No, no,” (Y/N) said, shaking her head, laughing amused. “I mean, I've been in the village all my life.”
“Really? It's funny, you don't sound familiar to me,” I commented, with a slightly dark tone, analyzing her expressions. The girl shrugged, as if it wasn't the most comfortable question for her.
“Well... I'm not very fond of masses...” she murmured in a cautious tone. “Don't get me wrong, I adore Mother Miranda, and you, and of course I pray to the Black Gods every day and...”
“Mmm…” Angie got out of my arms, walking along the counter until she was very close to her. “She's lying.”
“What? Oh, no, no, I’m not,” the assistant said, now a little more scared. “No, my lady, no, I'm not lying.”
“I don't care if you are, (Y/N),” I commented, moving the doll away from her, laughing shyly again. “I'm not judging you.”
“Oh, okay…” the girl sighed, with an exaggerated gesture of relief. “Well, to be honest, I've never had a particular interest in… All that stuff about the Gods.”
I nodded nervously, wanting to ask a thousand questions, without knowing why, without knowing what exactly was keeping me in that warehouse.
“But, but I go to masses,” she said with a more relaxed tone, pretending sincerity. “Um… Um…Do you want… Do you want something else?”
“No,” I answered abruptly, turning around again and walking towards the door.
When I arrived, I realized that my legs weren't moving, that my head wanted to turn towards that girl again. My behavior was strange, but I couldn't help it.
“Yes,” I said, entering again, causing her to laugh amusedly and look at me in amazement, probably because of my pathetic attitude. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Lycans,” she answered, relaxing her expression. I frowned and shook my head, confused.
“My scar, I know you were going to ask me about it,” she said with a relaxed tone, pretending to read the notes in that account book.
“No, I…” I stammered, embarrassed to know that it was really what I wanted to know, what had caught my attention.
“Don’t worry, my lady, nothing is wrong. I’m not ashamed of it,” she said with a sincere look, one that made me see that her left eye had a slightly whiter tone, as if it had no life.
That was how I was like when I was a child, when everyone laughed at me.
“What…? What happened to you?” I asked in a cautious, strangely curious tone.
“When I was 10 I made the stupid mistake of going into the forest at dusk, you know, I wanted to be the bravest girl and blah blah blah…” (Y/N) commented casually, gesturing with her hands. I nodded for her to continue. “How was I supposed to know that there were lycans in the woods? It seems unlikely in a place like this, right? Um, sorry, it was, it was a joke.”
“Uh-huh,” I whispered, frowning. “A joke?”
“Yeah, well… I've learned that, in order to be happy, you must learn to laugh at yourself,” (Y/N) explained, with a smile adorning her beauty again.
“Do you find that some lycans hurt you funny? You could have died,” I said annoyed by that attitude. No, that wasn't funny, it couldn't be.
“I know, but… Here I’m,” she said sighing, spreading her arms in a playful way. “I lost the vision of my left eye, but… I'm still alive, and that's the important thing.”
“You seem like a very optimistic girl,” I commented, with an amused laugh, inadvertently getting a little closer to her.
“Mm, well, it can't be any other way,” the girl said in a relaxed tone, tilting her head.
“It must have… It must have been… difficult for you, you know…” I said stuttering, raising my hand to discreetly point out the deformity of her face. “Children can be very cruel.”
“Oh, not at all,” she said with a wider smile, shaking her head. “There hasn't been anyone brave enough to mess with me.”
I laughed again, incredulous at that attitude, one so different from mine. So similar and so different at the same time… Like the two sides of the same coin.
“Why you say so?” I asked curiously, with Angie starting to get impatient, tugging at my dress probably wanting to go back home.
“Because if they did… Well, they were very likely to go home with a black eye,” she whispered in a lower voice, as if she wanted to tell me a secret. “You know what they say: an eye for an eye, right?”
She was a mysterious girl, one who, with every thing she said, brought a soft laugh to my lips. It had been a long time since I laughed so many times, that the smile refused to leave my face.
“Um, I…” I murmured after a moment of awkward silence, holding Angie's hands, which pulled at my dress harder and harder. “I'll leave you alone, I've already stolen too much of your time.”
“You can steal all the time you want, my lady, as you see, there's no one around here,” the merchant said amused, looking around.
“Um, yes, well, I… I'm, I'm leaving, th-thanks,” I stammered, closing my eye because of my pathetic stammering, ready this time to really leave, to control my desire to stay and chat with that girl.
“Wait,” she said, leaving me pinned to the ground, walking out the counter. “Wait, I…”
“Um, hey, you're not as scary as they say,” (Y/N) said nervously, biting her lip to contain her words, words that, apparently, came out of her mouth on their own. “I mean, I, I liked meeting you, Lady Beneviento.”
“Oh, I…” I stammered, struggling between joy and anger. I couldn't blame her for fearing me, everyone did and everyone would, forever. “Me… Me too, (Y/N)…”
It could have been just another day, but it wasn't. Meeting (Y/N) made me start to smile. It didn't matter what I was doing: cooking, reading, working with my dolls... The beauty of her face was always present in my thoughts.
Chance is a capricious God, one that made me suddenly find myself with my distorted reflection. Yes, a scar identical to the one I had as a child, a face deformed by misfortune, just like me.
But, even though we had that in common, we were very different. (Y/N) was cheerful, outgoing and didn't let anyone make fun of her. I was the opposite, like an evil double, like the negative of a photograph. It might seem silly, but, as the days went by, that urge to want to go back to the warehouse became more and more intense.
Sewing in my workshop, as always, I searched in my head for a logical explanation for my sudden interest in that young woman, like every time I did, without finding an answer.
“Angie,” I said, frowning, looking at the old sewing machine. The doll, having fun with her new wool balls, walked towards me comically getting tangled in the yellow thread.
“I hope it's not something to do with the girl from the warehouse,” the puppet hissed. Poor thing, she was sick of hearing me talk about her.
“No, no,” I said with a look that gave away my lie. “Look,” I helped the doll to get on my lap while pointing at the old machine.
“What's wrong?” she asked, looking at the machine and then at me, confused.
“Don't you see it?” I asked with a frown, picking up a piece of freshly sewn fabric. “Look at these seams, they're not right.”
“They’re just like always,” the doll commented, playing with the piece of fabric in her hands.
“No, no, not at all,” I said, shaking my head again, blinking, giving away my lie. “There's something wrong with the machine.”
“Do you know what's wrong? Your brain,” the doll mocked, causing me to grunt. “There's nothing wrong with the machine, Donna.”
“I'm telling you, it's broken,” I insisted, pretending to look for the fault that old machine didn't have. “I think there's something stuck… I should take it to (Y/N). Maybe she can take a look at it.”
“Oh, of course, of course…” the doll sighed, moving her arms in an exaggerated way. “You just want to see her again.”
“No, I… Non è vero…” I muttered, stumbling over my words. “It's, it's the machine…”
“There's nothing wrong with the machine, silly Donna, stop making stupid excuses. If you want to see (Y/N), why don't you just go?” Angie said, putting a wooden finger on my nose, which I wrinkled in displeasure, determined to deny the evidence.
“It’s not about that, Angie,” I protested, pounding my fists on the table but relaxing instantly. “I want her to take a look at it.”
“A look?” the doll scolded me. “Oh, yes, what a great idea… What are you going to tell her when she realizes that the machine is perfectly fine?”
I tried to fight back, but I couldn’t. I huffed angrily, gritting my teeth. Angie was right. My legs trembled nervously as my gaze wandered to the old machine. I didn’t even think about it.
With a quick gesture, I pushed the sewing machine to the floor, crashing against it with a dull sound, indicating that something had broken. It was a pathetic, almost desperate plan. I still didn’t know what I was doing, why I was doing it, or rather, I didn’t want to know.
“Silly Donna! Nonna’s machine!” Angie shrieked, getting down to the floor to check the condition of the machine. I remained serious, but I adopted a haughty pose.
“What do you say now? Diamo un’occhiata?” I asked mockingly, bending down to pick up the broken machine from the floor, ignoring the insults and protests of the doll.
It was too easy for me to put the veil back on and leave my house. I had a fixed destination. I had her beauty waiting for me. I think I was starting to get too nervous. Breaking my grandmother’s machine so I could see that girl… It sounded crazy, but I didn’t want to think about it.
“Oh, my lady, what a surprise,” (Y/N) said, coming down a ladder, with a, as always, beautiful smile. “The Duke has already returned from his trip, he should have brought you the fabrics.”
“Yes, I…” I murmured nervously, holding the box under Angie’s fierce gaze. “I wanted, I wanted to see you.”
“Me?” the girl asked, approaching curiously, brushing the dust off her dress.
I could only nod, leaving the box on the counter.
“I thought you could help me with this,” I muttered, with a broken voice, much more nervous than in our first meeting.
“Wow…” the young woman commented, taking the broken machine out of the box, observing every detail. “A Singer 66k, from 1917… What happened to it? It's in pieces…”
“Angie threw it,” I lied cowardly, earning a furious gasp from the doll.
“What are you talking about?!” the doll shrieked unpleasantly. “Liar, Donna liar, Donna…!”
I silenced the puppet with a subtle movement of my hands, making it stop screaming and move away, unable to stop it from glaring at me as it did so.
“Oh, that was a nasty fall…” (Y/N) joked, studying the machine. “It's a shame, it's a beauty.”
“C-Can you fix it?” I asked timidly, starting to regret what I had done. Her smile showed me that I shouldn't do it.
“Mm, I think so,” she said nodding, moving the machine to a small table with tools. I followed closely, watching her curiously. “Let's see…”
“I can, I can leave you alone if you are more comfortable,” I murmured when she started working, checking the pieces with a frown. She stopped and looked at me, shaking her head, with that wonderful smile…
“Oh, no, well… It's good to have some company, besides, that way I can prove that I'm not scamming you,” the assistant said amused, carefully unscrewing the machine.
“I trust you,” I said without thinking, playing with my hands again, trying not to look at her face, not to notice that scar that told me we had something in common, even if she couldn't know it.
“You must be the only one,” she commented sighing, searching for something in a box of spare parts. I tilted my head curiously. “Normally the people of this village are quite distrustful… I can't blame them, my boss is not exactly a… reliable man…” she said smiling, making the gesture of quotation marks with her fingers.
“You are not like him,” I said, stating a truth of which I was completely sure.
“Mm no, I hope so,” the girl joked amused, struggling with the machine. “Okay…”
Silence reigned again in the warehouse. She worked on the machine with surprising skill while I watched her, memorizing each of her movements. If she had noticed how I looked at her… Well, she would surely be terribly uncomfortable.
“So… Do you use this machine to you make clothes for your dolls?” (Y/N) asked, taking me out of my thoughts. “Y-you made dolls, right?”
“Cosa?” I said distractedly, thinking about her past, about how she had to live through that attack, about her courage when facing mockery and offensive comments, how did she do it? “Oh, I… Yes, yes of course…”
She smiled, nodding, without stopping working.
“You know? You can tell the quality of a handmade product…” she commented distractedly. “I mean, there are modern machines now but… If you ask me, I prefer the old ones, like this beauty”
“Y-Yes, I… I think the same,” I said with a smile that she couldn't see, luckily.
“I think… I think it's done,” she said, moving the crank to check that it worked correctly. “Just like new.”
I didn't expect it to end so quickly. I got nervous, like every time something didn't turn out the way I had thought.
“You are… You are skilled,” I flattered her, taking the machine and checking that, indeed, it was already fixed.
She shrugged, with an amused smile.
“There had to be something good about me, right?” she joked, getting up from the table and passing by me, allowing me to look even more at her beauty.
“Uh… Tell me how much I owe you,” I said, putting the machine back in the box, searching in my head for an absurd excuse to stay a little longer, just a little longer…
“Oh, nothing,” she said, looking at me amused, shaking her head. “It’s not necessary.”
“W-Wait, I have, I have to pay you,” I said, with my hands starting to sweat again. You relaxed your expression, sighing and shaking your head again.
“No, that it’s not necessary,” the girl said with a confused smile, surely due to the trembling of my body. “I’m happy to help you, my lady.”
“No, don't be condescending to me for who I am, I beg you to let me pay you,” I insisted with a darker, almost angry voice. Her smile was worth more than all the gold in the world...
“I'm not condescending, I'm just doing you a favor, I like you,” she murmured, frowning, as if she was trying to meet my gaze.
I pointed at myself in surprise. The words refused to come out of my mouth.
“Do you... do you like me?” I asked stammering, puzzled by that phrase, one that couldn't be true.
“Yes, you're kind,” she said, looking away. “It's not something that's especially common in this place.”
“Oh, well, I... I...” I said nervously, having the imperative need to run out of there to hide my embarrassment, the invisible blush on my cheeks. “Grazie, (Y/N)…”
“Prego,” (Y/N) said, with a wider smile, as if she knew the reaction that hearing her speak that way would provoke in my body, paralyzing it completely.
“D-Do you know Italian?” I asked curiously, with my voice shaking at the same time as my body. She laughed amused, with a clueless expression.
“Nope,” she whispered in an ironic tone. “I know the basics.”
“Oh, of course…” I said, even more nervous, looking for Angie with my gaze. “I… I'm, I'm leaving now and… Well, we'll see each other, and…”
“Whenever you want,” (Y/N) said, sitting on the counter casually, swinging her legs and picking up what looked like a cup of coffee. “Um, my lady,” she said suddenly, when I had already turned around. My blood froze again. “I hope your doll doesn't break any more things.”
“Hey!” Angie protested, rummaging through the counter. “Shut up, you idiot!”
“Angie…” I sighed, gesturing with my head so the puppet would stop stirring everything up.
“She seems to be funny,” (Y/N) commented, looking curiously at Angie.
“Yes… W-Well… She's… I don't know how to describe her…” I said, more and more nervous. “I guess she's one of a kind.”
“I see, she's like you then,” the girl said in a low tone, one that betrayed nervousness. The doll was making her nervous.
“Angie, basta,” I growled at the puppet, who was staring indiscreetly at the cup of coffee.
“Do you like coffee?” the saleswoman asked in a kind tone, looking at Angie, letting me see her beautiful, damaged face. It was so similar to mine…
“I don't know,” Angie said, in a petulant tone. “What I know is that calling this thing coffee is blasphemy, how disgusting.”
“Angie…” I protested, losing my nerves, kicking the floor pathetically.
“Hey, it's not that bad, is it?” (Y/N) asked, bringing the cup to her lips and making a face of disgust. “Well, maybe it is.”
“Don't mind her, (Y/N)…” I sighed, noticing how the sweat ran down my forehead, how my nerves kept increasing. “Angie, dai!”
“Don't be mad at her, my lady, she's right,” (Y/N) said, pouring another coffee into a different cup. “Maybe you can give me your opinion… You, you Italians are good with coffee, aren't you?”
“Me?” I asked, leaving the box on the counter, timidly reaching out my hand for the cup she offered me. “W-Well, I wouldn't know how to answer that… Actually my, my family was Italian, I… I was born here.”
“Well, but I'm sure you have better taste than me,” the girl commented, leaning on the table, frowning suddenly. “Oh, it's not mandatory, I'm sure you have a lot of things to do instead of wasting time with me.”
“Not really,” I whispered, breathing heavily at her apparent nervousness. Not wanting to think, not wanting to feel the things I felt when looking at her, I brought that steaming coffee to my lips, moving my veil aside.
(Y/N) looked away, not wanting to be indiscreet, respecting my decision, but fighting with herself to do so. I could see her confused face, her desire to look at me.
The bitter taste filled my throat. It was really horrible, I hate having to agree with Angie.
“How is it?” the young woman asked, with a fearful look. I shook my head, pushing the disgusting coffee away from my sight and smell.
“È orribile…” I murmured, trying to sound amused. I never knew how to do it.
“I thought so…” the girl sighed, making a face of disgust at that cup. “No matter how hard I try, I can't handle that thing,” she said amused, pointing to an old coffee maker.
“Do you want me to show you how to do it?” I asked without thinking, I asked without wanting to, without being able to help it. She looked at me curiously, then at the coffee maker, and finally at me again, nodding with a shy smile.
“Well, it's not necessary,” she murmured, scratching the back of her neck, downplaying it.
“Please, consider it… A favor,” I said, mysteriously sure of myself. “Because, because of the machine.”
“Mm, well, okay,” she said quickly, gesturing for me to follow her.
As calmly as I could, I taught the young woman how to make a real coffee and how to handle that coffee maker properly. She listened to me attentively, looking at me from time to time and writing down my advice in a notebook.
She was so close to me, her bright eyes were so close to mine… I don't know at what moment I was stuck in her gaze, in her almost perfect face, no, no, in her perfect face.
“It smells so good…” she commented, inhaling the intense aroma of coffee, closing her eyes, granting me the blessing of contemplating her relaxed face, her tender gaze. “I was definitely doing everything wrong.”
I laughed shyly, pouring some coffee into a cup, offering it to her kindly, praying that she wouldn't notice my shaking hands.
“Try not to fill it with too much water,” I said with a serious tone, pretending disinterest while she tasted my creation, with a look of satisfaction. “Always pay attention to the valve.”
“Yes, this is wonderful…” (Y/N) sighed. “Oh, sure, um… Let me pour you one cup.”
“I… Okay…” I stammered, accepting the offer to sit next to her in a couple of chairs.
Without having thought about it, we were together, enjoying a quiet coffee.
I couldn't remember when I felt so calm, so relaxed and at the same time, so nervous, with my heart beating too fast. I guess it was the coffee…
“And then I told him: I don't need to see with both eyes to notice that you're a complete idiot,” (Y/N) said, chatting with me in a friendly way, as if she had known me all my life. I wish it were like that.
“Did you tell him that?” I asked amused, unable to stop smiling. She nodded with a serious look.
“He wanted to go on a date with me to give me a chance, can you believe it? A chance, as if I couldn't choose...” she asked ironically, shaking her head.
I didn't answer, I just listened attentively. Her anecdotes were funny, but hearing them through her lips... That was out of this world.
“Bah, I don't need a stupid boy to tell me nice things... I know he would only do it out of pity,” she said with a slightly sadder tone.
“Mm,” I murmured, playing with my hands in my lap.
“Every morning I look at myself in the mirror and think: what would my life be like if I didn't have this thing on my face?” she commented distractedly again, stirring her coffee with her spoon erratically. “I always come to the same conclusion: Here I am, this is me, and if you don't like it, fuck you... Oh, I mean, sorry... Go to hell?”
I laughed again, a bit sadly. I saw so many things about myself in her, things she didn't consider a problem. She was brave, I was a coward.
“I wish I could think the same way,” I murmured with a broken voice, attracting her attention, drawing a confused look towards me.
“Why do you say so?” she asked in a different tone, with a more discreet smile, with the glint of caution in her eyes.
I suppressed a sob. (Y/N)'s attitude was admirable, enviable. I was never able to accept reality, to look at myself in the mirror in the same way. I was a monster, and she wasn't.
“Forget it, it's nonsense,” I sighed, getting up, wanting to go home, wanting to cry for being unable to recognize the meaning of my heartbeat, wanting to scream, to curse the Black Gods for being unfair to me.
“Oh, have I, have I said something wrong, my lady?” (Y/N) asked, suddenly standing up, putting a hand on my wrist, making my whole body shudder.
“No,” I said in a cold tone, moving away from her grip, perhaps too abruptly. “Dai, Angie,” I whispered to my doll, who was playing with the junk in that warehouse.
“W-Wait, I'm, I'm sorry,” the girl said, stopping me from continuing, standing in front of me with a pleading look.
“Why are you sorry?” I asked, with an involuntary resentment in my voice.
“Well, I, I didn't want to offend you… If I’ve said something I shouldn't have… Oh, of course, it's because of the: fuck you… I don't usually swear, really… Not always…” the young woman stammered nervously, with her gaze traveling everywhere, unable to focus on mine.
“You haven't offended me,” I said, trying to sound softer so my demons wouldn't overwhelm me again, not at that moment, not with her. “I have to go.”
“Sure, I…” she stammered, helping me to pick up the box again, with a fake smile. “Um, if you're not mad at me… Maybe you'd like to come tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” I asked, surprised by that offer.
“Yes, you know, I, I'd like you to check if I've learned anything about coffee,” she said nervously, with a strange blush on her cheeks.
“Do you want me to come here tomorrow?” I asked again, unable to believe her words.
“Yes, well… Yes, if you want,” she whispered, biting her lip and looking away.
“Mm, maybe I will,” I murmured, smiling, taking advantage of the fact she couldn't see me, my smile was hidden from her, as my monstrous face was.
That was the beginning, just the beginning of my constant visits to that old warehouse.
Funny conversations, exploits and experiences of (Y/N)… Any reason was good to hear her voice, to look at her beauty under the aroma of coffee. I could no longer deny myself my feelings. I couldn’t stop thinking about her, every minute, every second.
“Donna and (Y/N) under a tree …” Angie sang, jumping around while I, like every day, walked towards the village. I growled angrily at the doll, wishing she would shut up.
“Angie, per favore…” I sighed, shaking my head. “Don’t, don't talk that loud…”
“Oh, come on, there's no one here,” the puppet protested. “Besides, you're offended because you would like to be with (Y/N) under a tree.”
“Yes, it's true,” I said with a murmur, taking the doll in my arms so she wouldn't entertain me any longer. “(Y/N) is wonderful, don't you think?”
“(Y/N) is wonderful, beautiful, good, kind, fantastic, the best… Yes, yes, you've been repeating it constantly for weeks,” the doll mocked.
I smiled embarrassed.
“I've never felt this way about anyone,” I sighed, walking slower. “Angie, I'm… I'm in love with (Y/N)…”
“I know!” she complained, crossing her arms. “You're so annoying, Donna…”
“I'm not annoying, I'm talking about my feelings,” I said with a frown. “Hey, do you think, do you think she…?”
“Oh, no, no… Don't try to make me believe that I'm a fortune teller or something, I've already told you that I don't know if she feels the same. I can't read minds,” Angie said, shaking her head.
“But you're always with us,” I said, stopping before crossing the door. “Maybe, maybe you saw something that…”
“Oh, yeah… She doesn't take her eye off you,” the doll mocked with an evil laugh. “You get it? her eye.”
“Cazzo… I'm serious,” I said with a stern tone, starting to breathe hard.
“Me too,” Angie said, defensively.
I sighed, frustrated for not knowing, for not being able to read her thoughts, to decipher her smiles, to know if in any of them, she expressed something else than friendship…
“Oh, but that's not what I'm looking for,” the voice of an unknown woman made me stop in front of the warehouse door. (Y/N) was not alone.
“Who is that witch?” Angie asked, peeking through the door. I covered her mouth, hiding behind a wall.
“Mrs. Gravic…” (Y/N) sighed with a tired voice. “If you would be so kind as to tell me what you are looking for…”
“How rude, girl,” the woman protested, with a tone that made me burn with rage. “I don't know why the Duke hired you…”
“Donna… What do you think?” Angie whispered, rubbing her hands in a playful manner. I nodded, concentrating and gently reaching out my hand towards that unpleasant woman.
“Let's see… What do you say about this?” (Y/N) said, leaving something on the counter, something I couldn't see.
“Mm… Well, it could be that… Oh, Black Gods… Grandpa Igor…” the woman sighed and I smiled in satisfaction.
“Excuse me?” the girl asked, confused.
“Oh, I didn't mean to steal Grandma's jewels, don't chase me, leave me alone… No!” the woman screamed, running out of the warehouse in horror.
I nodded to the doll, high-fiving her. Mission accomplished.
“Hey, Mrs. Gravic?” (Y/N) said, looking at her confused, smiling when she saw me walk through the door. “Oh, Donna.”
“Ciao, (Y/N),” I said with the tone I always used for her, a calm one, increasingly sweeter, increasingly obvious.
“You came early today,” she commented, closing the door, like every time we were together, as if she wanted to save that moment just for the two of us. I shouldn't mistake that kindness, but at the same time, I couldn't help but do so.
“Well…” I said disinterestedly, leaving Angie on the floor, sitting on my usual chair. “I hadn’t anything better to do… I mean… Ugh…”
She laughed amused, shyly looking away, pouring the usual coffee.
It seemed like any other conversation. My words lost their fear. They became bold, even funny. All conversations developed the same way, all except that one.
“Um, forgive me for asking you but…” (Y/N) murmured, with a serious, different tone, with a look far from usual. “You probably think I'm stupid or… Well, that I'm butting in where I shouldn't but… I'm, I'm curious.”
“What are you curious about?” I asked, confused by her different attitude, by the fear I began to see in her hands.
“That,” she said with a sigh pointing at my covered face, one to which I brought my hand, with my breath frozen, lacking air.
 No, not that, my love…
“Um… What?” I asked nervously, diverting the conversation, saying with my gestures that this was the wrong path, that it would only bring her problems.
 “Well, you know, your veil… Why…? Why are you wearing it?” she asked again, her voice increasingly blurred by nervousness.
“Hey! Don't dare to say that to my Donna!” Angie shouted, staring at her, as if she was trying to do me a favor by deciphering her expressions.
“I…” I muttered. My hand was shaking so much that I dropped the coffee cup, breaking it into a thousand pieces on the floor. “Oh, porca miseria!”
“No, it's okay!” she exclaimed, putting her hands in front of her body. “It, it was my fault, I shouldn't have asked that… I, I… I'm, I'm sorry, shit, oh, no, no, I mean, dammit! I'll go to get a broom.”
I stood up, looking at the mess beneath me, nervous, seeking Angie's comfort, one that always brought me back to my senses. I couldn't find her, but I made a decision, the last decision, one last act of stupid bravery.
“Wait,” I said in a whisper, grabbing (Y/N) by the wrist as she swept the floor. “Wait, (Y/N)...”
She looked at me scared, guided by the movement of my hand, which forced her to keep her eyes on mine. Slowly, letting her go, I brought my hand to the black fabric, removing it from my face, revealing my deformed face to her.
Neither of us said anything. (Y/N) blinked in confusion, staring at me, getting a little closer, squinting, mouth agape. I looked away, suppressing my desire to put the veil back on, to run away and never come back.
“Wow...” she sighed, reaching out her hand to my face. I breathed nervously, holding her wrist tightly so it wouldn't reach its destination. I was about to lose my mind, in front of the love of my life… “Donna, wait, let me do it, please.”
I closed my already wet eye, holding back my tears, letting the softness of her hand caress my horrible scar, touch my hair with a rapt look.
“It's, it's incredible...” she murmured again, without stopping caressing me while I, nervous, unable to move, let that tear run down my cheek.
(Y/N) took her hand away, bringing it to her own scar, shaking her head. I couldn't speak, I couldn't even move.
“Donna, you are, you are... You are such a beautiful woman...” she said, smiling in a nervous but sincere way, illuminating me with the light of her beauty, returning her hand to my deformity, as if she herself were as nervous as I was.
“What are you talking about?” I said with great effort, almost furious, clenching my teeth. “N-N-non mi mentire…”
“I'm not lying…” she sighed, touching her own scar again, with a look of astonishment. “Wow, it's… Incredible… We have almost the same scar… Wow… Forgive me, it's just… What a coincidence, isn't it?”
“No, you're beautiful and I'm horrible,” I said sobbing, not believing her words, not even for a second.
“Oh, you must be joking,” (Y/N) said in a calmer tone, almost amused. “You have… You have a beautiful face… And well, what about that eye? It's, it's the most beautiful eye I've ever seen in my entire life.”
“What? Have you gone crazy?” I asked nervously, letting the veil fall to the floor. “Are you laughing at me?”
“Do you really think I'm laughing at you? Really?” she joked, pointing out her defect with a smug pose. I shook my head, trying to control my thoughts. “No, Donna, I'm telling you, I'm telling you the truth… Wait, what did you say?”
“Mm?” I muttered confused, running my hand through my hair, feeling unable to handle the situation any longer.
“That, that thing you said before…” she said, gesturing with her hand, accidentally stepping on the remains of that cup. “You know, that I'm…”
“You're beautiful,” I said with my head down, clenching my fists tightly.
“Mm, and how do I know you're not lying to me? You're my friend, there's no need to be accommodating,” she joked with an amused face, completely ignoring my subtle statement.
“Friend? Are you stupid?” Angie asked. “Donna, please… Tell her now.”
“Tell me what?” (Y/N) asked, curious. I cursed my doll. I was becoming more and more nervous.
“I don't know what she's talking about,” I stammered, having to stop my legs from running away right then and there.
“Hey, you can tell me anything, Donna…” the girl said, whispering in a tender voice, lowering her hands to mine, caressing them in a way that I thought was friendly, that I didn't think was romantic. “Really…”
“No, I…” I said, blinking nervously.
“Is there something worrying you?” she asked again, getting closer to me. “Come on, you can trust me.”
“(Y/N), I…” I stammered again, becoming almost hysterical as I looked at her peaceful gaze.
I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it was so difficult for her to understand my feelings. I had taken a definitive step, I couldn't go back. I couldn't turn back now that I had come that far.
“Cazzo! I, I like you, (Y/N)!” I squealed disproportionately, making her widen her eyes and frown.
“Oh, is that it?” she said, still smiling, not getting the not-so-indirect hint. “Oh, Donna, I like you too.”
“Angie’s right,” I hissed angrily, shaking my head. “Are you stupid? I’m telling that I like you, damn it!”
Her face immediately changed to a confused look. I growled again, kicking the chair roughly.
“What do you mean?” she asked again. I froze, turning to her slowly and dangerously. A thunderous laugh filled the warehouse. Angie seemed to be enjoying that.
“Porca puttana!” I squealed again, kicking the floor in rage. “I love you, (Y/N)! I’m fucking in love with you! I can't stop thinking about you day and night, counting the hours until I can see you again! I love you, ti amo! You're the woman of my life!” I squealed abruptly, making her blink comically.
“Oh…” she sighed, with an amused look.
“Is it clear now? Or do you need me to write it down for you?” I said, losing control of my emotions.
(Y/N) shook her head, but didn't say anything, so I growled furiously again, grabbing the notebook from the counter.
“I…Love…You. That's it, you still don't understand?” I said furiously, tearing off the paper and angrily putting it on her chest. “Taci, Angie or I'll deactivate you!”
“Hey… Come on… calm down…”(Y/N) said, putting a hand on my trembling shoulder, turning me around slowly. “Calm down…”
Her soft voice relaxed me, but the tears were already traveling freely down my horrible face.
“Shh…” you whispered in a tender voice, taking my hands again while I, desperate, shook my head.
“I-I'm in love with you, (Y/N)… Ti amo…” I whispered more timidly, coming back to my senses little by little, dying of embarrassment for my nervous outburst.
“Yes, I've already realized,” she said amused, bringing one of her hands to my intact cheek, wiping away one of my tears. “Donna… Listen to me… I… I feel the same way about you…”
“What?” I asked nervously, startling myself.
“The truth is that I didn't expect to fall in love with a Lord but… Well, I guess life has brought us together for a reason, don't you think? And I'm not just saying that just because... Well, you know," she said in a pleasant voice, pointing at her scar.
“You... You have feelings for me...” I said, not knowing if it was a question or a statement.
(Y/N), still caressing me, nodded.
“Please! I'm going to get diabetes!” Angie shrieked, breaking the magic of the moment. “Yuck...”
“Angie...” I lamented, just when I was starting to enjoy that moment.
“It doesn't matter, Donna...” she said, amused, still looking at me, still piercing my heart with her gaze. “You can tell she’s happy...”
“Well...” I said, laughing nervously.
“Hey... I thought about closing the store for today,” (Y/N) said, moving away. “Maybe you'd like to do something together...”
“Vu-Vuoli... Vuoli...fare qualcosa... in-insieme?” I stammered awkwardly, not keeping control of my own language.
“If you told me what I think… Yes,” she joked playfully. “Let’s do something together…”
“Oh, okay, I… Io… We can, go… You can… You can… You can come to my house if you want… I, you… you liked sewing, right?” I said nervously.
She nodded with a funny look.
“I can, I can show you my workshop, and… I can, I can… We can sew together… se… se hai voglia… E… And, I can, I can show you my bam… My dolls, and… I can, I can make one like you if you want, and we can, we can…”
“Donna,” she said, interrupting my pathetic attempt at conversation, relaxing my nerves with a soft caress, one to which I also joined my hand. “I would love to go to your house…”
“Really?” I asked, nodding, with a sincere smile, far from my usual nervous look. “Would you like to?”
“Yes…” she sighed, getting dangerously close to me. “But first, I'd like to do something…”
“Oh, okay, wh…?” I said nervously, interrupted by her lips, which kissed mine, caressed them in a tender way, in a way I never expected to feel. I don't know what her first kiss had been, but mine… I would never forget mine.
“Much better, don't you think?” she sighed still on my lips, letting the rhythm increase on its own, so I could kiss her without fear.
“Ugh, they’re kissing!” Angie protested.
We both smiled, resting our foreheads on each other.
“Come on, honey… I'm looking forward to see your dolls…”
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fuxuannie · 1 year
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╭₊˚ ๑︰babysitting sigwinne :)
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:★: relationship : wriothesley x g-neutral reader
:★: warnings : none! fluff
:★: a/n : saw a pretty mf and took my chances 🦕 disclaimer : i'll be going with the popular hc that hes nearsighted / blind but if what i write is incorrect or innacurate, please let me know & i'll immediately change what i've written! i'm always welcome to constructive criticism especially in areas im unfamiliar with. i talked with a partially blind friend to help me with this huhu.
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You really didn't know what to expect when your boyfriend WRIOTHESLEY tells you that he's coming over.
He could be happy, angry, sad, it's just really hard to tell his mood over paper.
But when you hear that doorbell, you walk over to the door and see him standing there but.. there's a child holding his hand? "Hi!" The little bunny girl waved, smiling brightly however when your eyes shift back to your dearest lover - he seems exhausted, almost the verge of passing out.
"Hello!" You reply with a smile, watching Wriothesley let go of her hand, trudge past you and on his way to your very comfortable couch. "What's your name?" You inquired to the little lady. "I'm Sigwinnie, but I know all about you (name)! Mr. Wriothesley talks about you very fondly."
You couldn't help but feel your heart squeeze at the idea of him talking about you so sweetly, you move away from the door to let Sigwinne in and look at her surroundings - familiarizing herself with the home. "So, do you mind telling me why you're here? Since my boyfriend seems just about dead on my couch."
"I can hear you."
"Great! You can answer."
Picking Sigwinne up into one of your arms, you approach the couch and stand infront of him with your free hand on your hip. "So?"
"I'll kick you out. Explain."
You can hear a defeated groan into the couch cushions. "I have to take care of her, but work came up.. I'm really exhausted but I really didn't want to disturb you like this." He mumbles softly, a hand through his hair while sighing.
Already knowing how much your boyfriend works, you were happy to do this for him and Sigwinne seemed to be a very behaved child at heart. "Alright, rest well." You murmur, bowing down to kiss his forehead softly.
. . . . 💐 . . . .
A few hours pass, Wriothesley is awoken by the sounds of giggling in the distance. His eyes take a moment to adjust, rubbing them softly as he yawns. He looks over to the table to what seems to be a bunch of markers and papers, all depicting what seems to be a happy family.
"Shhh! You're gonna wake him up!"
His head turns to what he can remember to be the general location of the kitchen, hearing hushed giggles followed by the sound of cups clanking.
Of course, it doesn't sound like anything that could cause trouble, but he may aswell check what's happening. Due to the fact he has your home layout memorized, he really has no struggle navigating through the furniture and towards the kitchen.
At first the sight is a blur, what seems to be Sigwinne in your arms reaching up for something in your pantry until a little 'Oop!-' escapes your lips when you realize you've been caught.
Wriothesley takes a moment to adjust his eyes, taking a few steps closer until your smile comes into clear view. "Good morning!" You giggled, the girl in your arms waving enthusiastically as a greeting.
Maybe he's yet to properly process anything, but the sight of you and Sigwinne getting along makes his heart melt. It's adorable to see the light peeking from the windows into the scenery of the kitchen and almost illuminating you in his vision.
"Ah- well- um.. Good morning." He murmurs, turning his head away as he feels that oh so familiar warmth on his cheeks. "Are you blushing???"
To shift the topic, "What were both of you doing?" He asks, remembering the giggles and whispering he had heard. "Oh! We wanted to make you tea."
He then feels a tug on his sleeve, looking down at the Sigwinne who had the sweetest smile on her face. "Tea!"
He hovers his hand over the cup and chuckles.
"I prefer my tea hot, this is ice cold. This is one of your drinks, isn't it?"
"Huuuh?! Not fair! How does he always know.." Sigwinne pouted, her ears flopping downwards in defeat.
You ruffle her hair with a smile. "Oh well, we tried."
"You were apart of this?"
Wriothesley pulled you by the waist and buried his face into your neck, his laughter echoed into your as his breath tickled your neck. "You really are a handful.."
"Are you guys gonna kiss?"
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
AITA for torturing my soulmate after he ditched me?
I know how the title sounds, but bare with me for a second.
So for context, a couple months ago I (27F) was put in a hunger games sort of death game with a couple friends where we'd have a random amouth of lives assigned to us and the last one standing would win. We could gift eachother lives or trade with them. To make it short, I got 6 lives, putting me in dark green, but my ally (28M), let's call him S, got 2, and was on his yellow life. So we partnered up and I ended up gifting him TWO of my lives this season, and we became best friends.
The problem started about a month ago, after he won last season and we moved into the next one, yet another death game, this time with only 3 lives each, however, there was a twist. Basicly we were all soulbounded to another person there, and when one took damage their soulmate did aswell.
Everyone went on their own separate ways, looking for resources to start off and testing if anyone they met along the way was their soulmate or not. I did this aswell! And ended up sticking around my friend M (33M). We separate for a little bit, and when I find him again M asks me if I wanna go to the NETHER with him. Worst. Mistake. Of. My. Life.
But I thought "Yeah, a quick trip to the Nether cant hurt, as long as we're careful, our soulmates wont mind!", thats where I was WRONG. Once we got back we called over everyone else in the server who hadn't found their soulmates yet, and two people quickly arrived, S and C (42F), both of which were my friends and allies from the first season! M made us play a little game called "Lost and Bound", or would've if we hadn't figured out early who my soulmate was, when a goat attacked S.
Turns out S was my soulbound and C was M's! And they weren't very happy about our little adventure. They called us cheaters, told us we abandoned them, said they'd be eachothers soulmates, and practically broke up with us… in a soulbound way? They also claimed to HATE us for just a small Nether trip. I was heartbroken I'm ngl. My two best friends and past allies, abandoned me just like that, and claimed I was the cheater!
Not only that, but M was quick to ditch me aswell! He even said he blamed me for it. After that I was left alone with my precious dog Tilly (??F), I built a tower alone since I had nobody left with me. But guess what? Everyone started calling me a WITCH and S stared acting like I was some sort of "crazy ex girlfriend".
This is where I feel like I might've been wrong with how I acted. So my other friend, lets call him R(41M), gave me the idea of taking small amounts of damage to "torture" S. I know its bad, but I was very angry at him for what he'd done and said at the time. So I took R up on it and accepted his powdered snow gift, I'd chill on it often to "tickle" S and scare him a little bit. I'd do this almost every day, sometimes standing next to a cactus aswell once I got one.
But in the end, M, C, S and I teamed up together until we all turned red. From then on I kind of went all in at C and might've sent my pack of dogs after her… and of course killed M in the process. Then S told me to meet him where it all started, before blowing himself up with tnt to let me take the win.
It's been a bit since that happened and we're probably gonna start another of these games soon. I've forgiven him for what he did, and it seems like he did aswell, but… I cant help but feel a bit guilty for all that pain I put him through. AITA?
Edit: I also forgot to mention how C tried to burn my dog?? So I was also very pissed at her about it.
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extendedtimeline · 2 months
Batman: Bloodstorm & Queerness
READ: this has been posted on twitter aswell, so if you find that, it's me lol! This will be an even longer version of that, with more description as I don't have the pesky world limit here! I wanted to start this out by saying I may get some things wrong, and this was something I'd originally had posted on a Mastodon Server my friends are running so I wasn't checking it over very much, just wanted to get my thoughts out! There are probably a lot of different ways this comic can be read, but I'm particularly enamored by queer readings of comics so that's what I'll be focusing on today. This won't be exhaustive on the queer metaphors in this comic, and I'd be happy for people to add on to what I say! I'm not an expert on making analysis posts, so forgive me if anything is unclear or out of place. I'm also getting used to Tumblr formatting, but fans here tend to be more active so I really wanted to share here! With that, let's get into it
Brief Summary
Before getting into my reading, I thought it best to give a (semi-) brief Summary of the comic itself. There's also someone context from the previous comic (as this is part of a trilogy!) that I'll try to provide too, but a lot of the material I'll talk about isn't really dependent on the fact you have the experience of reading Red Rain.
In "Batman: Bloodstorm" Bruce has been turned into a vampire (the previous comic delves into how this happened, but just know he's sort of shed the identity of "Bruce Wayne" and has given in to being Batman more "full time"). Batman finds out there are vampires he has not "killed" yet (as he had killed a large sum of them in Red Rain)(Because Vampires are undead he does not consider it murder to take them out). While he hunts these vamps down he is heavily resisting the urge to suck blood, and because he has resisted it, he is getting progressively weaker, to the point it's hard to do much of anything. In the first comic, Tanya (a vampire woman he had become friends with) had synthesized this replacement for blood, that would keep her alive and well without the need to kill. Bruce tries to recreate this, but it's not enough for him and he continues to become weaker the most he resists sucking blood.
While this is happening Joker has started working with the vampires LOL he's just being Joker using his charm and stuff to get them to comply.
Cut to Selina who we see get attacked by a werewolf like creature, and she becomes a werecat from this attack (I'd like to note, the way this was framed it very much reads like sexual assault). She intends to get her male attacker back for what he did to her.
Selina attacks Batman believing him to be the man, but they clear it up fast that he is not. She wants to help him, but in Batman fashion he denies her help.
There's this woman who Batman has been going to, trying to gain information on these super natural occurrings. He asks her if it's possible for him to survive when he doesn't drink blood, and asks what an alternative may be. She basically says GET A BITCH! (he needs the loving touch of a woman or something)
When he runs away from the woman, Selina finds him and takes him to her apartment where they cuddle until morning, and he DOES feel better after this. Like a considerable amount. He feels like his weakness is going away. So he lets her in on his scheme to catch the Joker and the rest of the vamps. They go to find them and take them down.
During the scuffle Joker shoots Selina with an arrow and she's killed. Batman, filled with rage, finally gives in to his urge to suck blood, and he sucks the Jokers blood. Making sure to take the necessary precautions afterwards to ensure Joker doesn't come back to life as a vampire.
In this world, if you suck blood, you become impure, and start to have reactions to stereotypical vampire deterrents. Batman believes himself to be unsafe now that he's sucked blood, and tasks Gordan and Alfred with killing him.
How is this queer?
In this section we will operate under the assumption queerness and vampirism are inherently intertwined in this story. That is to say, vampirism is just a stand in for queerness or queer experiences. Vampires and vampire media has been queercoded and littered with queer subtext for DECADES. I recommend reading up on it, or if you're into Video Essays I really enjoyed this video about the bisexualness of Dracula, specifically!
In these next images Batman is talking to another vampire about his vampirism (or more like the Vampire is talking AT him and Batman tries to deny it).
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Batman says that he does NOT drink blood, and the way the vampire responds seems almost erotic lol? He tells Batman that he knows he WANTS to drink blood, and that sooner or later he'll just have to give in to it. Again, batman denies, denies, denies, but it's because he knows it to be TRUE, the desire is only getting stronger.
The vampire calls him a "filthy blood junkie" (to me this seems akin to calling a queer person "faggot" perhaps). The way he says that the vampirism is just "tempting the natural predator in [him]." struck me as a way of saying "you've always been queer, but the urge (to do something about it) is undeniable now, so what are you going to do about it?" The vampire goes on to say he used to HATE the site of blood (perhaps that he used to hate his own queerness and hid from it) but now that he's a vampire he craves it. It gives him satisfaction, exactly what he needs, he can't get enough of it.
This whole interaction reads (to me) as this man describing his queer awakening to Batman, connecting his own experience to Batmans, recognizing the signs. But Batman doesn't believe this. He doesn't WANT to give in.
These next images I share focus on Batman denying himself blood.
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He describes how he's become addicted to the idea of something he's never even had before. This resonated with me, when you're discovering your queerness it seems a lot bigger than it is (bc being queer would be something easy, if there weren't societal pressures), and craving to have this experience you've never gotten. He seems afraid of himself. He sees himself as a predator, as someone people should fear. He doesn't want to be "tempted" by Alfred. I dont think he'd ever do anything to Alfred here, in a queer reading, I'd say this is the result of being told by people that you are predatory for who you love, and it becoming so Ingrained in your sense of self you BELIEVE it.
Next, I want to touch on WHY Bruce is so comforted by Selina. Why she literally makes him stronger, I have two ways I think this could be taken in my reading.
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After cuddling with Selina all night, Batman feels MUCH better. He is getting his strength back just from being near her.
1) This is an interpretation I think is sweet, above anything else, that I was thinking about while reading. Selina is a werecat, Batman is a vampire. They can relate to eachother. They're both queer. They're both feared for something they cannot control. The reason Batman finds comfort in Selina is because she is his community. Living in places where there aren't a lot of openly queer people, finding another queer person is a major comfort. You feel less alone. She is giving him something he's desperately needed, and that's the hope that his future isn't doomed because of who he loves.
2) The reason she comforts him is because she validated his heterosexuality. He is cuddling with her and doing things that are stereotypically romantic and that comforts him because it means he can still "mask" (for lack of a better way to put that) his queerness. When he is with her, he can pretend that he is not fighting this battle with himself. He can pretend he is what society deems "normal".
When Selina is killed, Batman refers to her as "[his] last hope."
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I think my second reading makes sense in this context, she was literally his last hope at denying his queerness, but with her gone he no longer feels he can hold back what he's been dealing with.
Batman is shown resisting what would normally hurt a vampire because he is still "pure". He hasn't tasted blood (had a queer experience). he brings up Selina having selfless love for him, she made him stronger. (Side note: that's really fucking sweet and I love batman and Selina sm)
This next image made my jaw drop, because to me, if you replace the word "sane" with perhaps "heterosexual" or "straight" it would make A LOT of sense.
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Batman has completely given up on hiding his queerness. There's no point in resisting it anymore (was there ever when he knew how this would end eventually?).
I'll leave a transcription of the cursive in the alt text for these next pages. I feel the experience is a lot better when you read them yourself.
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So yeah, Batman describes (very erotically might I add!) sucking the Jokers blood. Literally saying the Joker has WON. And like, I feel like this is speaking for itself but I'll try to describe how I felt while reading.
Batman giving in to something he's always wanted, and immediately feeling Shame and guilt at what he's done. Much like how, when things stay in your mind, you can deny them, but when you act things out (like being queer with someone-) you can no longer deny what you desire. He becomes impure once he sucks Jokers blood, so he runs away from all that can hurt him, and asks Gordon and Alfred to end him. Because what is he supposed to do now? Live on knowing what he has done, what he will become if he keeps going? If it's just one person, he can destroy the evidence of it ever happening, continue to deny what he knows to be true, but if there were more? he simply wouldn't be able to stay in denial.
I think Joker being the character here too, adds so much for me personally (as someone who likes batjokes) because in the literal sense it is Batman giving in to his urge to kill Joker, but from a queer standpoint, it seems like something entirely different. He hates the Joker, but he cant help but give in to this hidden desire he has that has been taking over his mind. It makes so much sense it's the Joker, because he is his greatest temptation.
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Oh mah God, your jasper fanfics are so stinking cute! A continuation of the baseball one would be perfect!
Like maybe after hanging out with her the feelings get stronger and he decides to distance himself in worry, and the reader, albeit confused, respects him and is a little heartbroken. Maybe at one point he worries about her for a moment when Emmett tells her she didn't look well (she's sleep deprived from stressing about him but trying to keep it to herself) so he pulls a creepy (can't find a better word) Edward and shows up outside her room and senses her heartbroken ness and feels like he has it too but brushes it off thinking it's just hers instead of his own. She starts getting closer to the wolfs and he tries acting like it doesn't bother him and pretends he could care less when she starts sitting with them in the cafeteria after he shows back up at school. And it's not until Alice has a vision of her getting discovered by volturi and "ended" that he starts keeping an eye on her again, and when a guard of the volturi blends in at the school and he notices does things begin and yeah....or something like that lol take the idea into your jar of boredom writing or something 😂
I feel like you'd write this perfectly! And spot on with the jasper and his accent..
Uhm...YES!? You're so creative this is such a good idea. I should be doing my college coursework right now, but this is all I'll think about so I'm doing it right now!! Also forgive the gammer 🥲😫
Okay, it won't be a DIRECT continuation of the Baseball one-shot bc it's already part of of a different fic I'm writing. I'm just gonna take out Y/n's friends but the baseball game still happened okay?
(sorry 🙏) (I don't know if that made sense.)
>I just like the cold.
>As I said, not a direct continuation but instead the start of a new series? (lmk)
>could be a tad longer that what I'd usually write 🥲
>TW, Panic Attack
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°Jasper's POV°
When I saw her eyes for the first time, in that cramped hallway, I melted inside. My icey veins (filled with the venom that could end her life in an instant) were fueled with warmth as they must've once been long before. And that all too familiar burning sensation at the back of my throat hasn't left me alone since I caught her scent for the first time.
I thought it was just me being hungry. I hadn't eaten that day and it could've been that she just had tasty smelling blood. But knowing my luck, that obviously wasn't it. I can't put my family through this again, I just can't. I've tried to maintain a friendship with her for the fair few weeks she's been here but it's getting harder and harder.
I can't believe I was once angry or annoyed with Edward for falling for a human. I guess karma's a bitch huh? Y/n has no clue about my feelings, I hope. Why would I tell her? So I think it's best, for her safety if I just stop being friends with her. It'll keep her so much safer I know it will.
"I thought that too" Edward said, appearing in the corner of my room.
I didn't jump, I heard him race up the stairs.
"What?" I asked, annoyed I was interrupted by Mr Thought Police himself.
"About Bella. Remember when we left for half a year? And I left her? I thought it'd make her happy. Safe. But it took us both almost dying for me to realise we were safer together.." Edward said, reminding me of the very thing I wanted to try and avoid.
"But that's you, Eddie. You and Bella, by then she already loved you, by then she knew the risk and by then it was too late for stupid mistakes. I'm in a grey area right now, where she doesn't know a damn thing and I just want to keep her safe." I said, sighing as I heard Emmett approach my room aswell.
"Bro, she really likes us.." Emmett said, racing over to the other corner of my room. "I mean for some reason you specifically, but she's told me! We're actually like best friends now so if you want me to be the middle man..just let me know." He said, winking.
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I've seen you together before, walking around the school. You've been especially close ever since you almost abliterated her head with a baseball...but oh well."
"Do I detect a hint of jealousy, Jasper?" Emmett teased. Edward laughed as he joined our brother over at his side of my room.
"No Emmett you don't, because I have no right to be jealous in the first place, she's not mine to be jealous over." I said, not meeting thier eyes.
"But you want her to be." Edward said.
This drew my attention as I looked up and saw his face. Care and amusement radiating off of him.
"I'm glad you find my dilemma so amusing, none of us ever laughed at you, you moody asshole" I said, throwing a pillow full force in his direction.
He caught it. "It's just funny to see how much of a little boy you're being about something that is so crystal clear" he said, tossing back the pillow.
"Oh yeah? And what's that?" I asked, fed up now.
"She's your singer. Just like Bella was mine. I've heard your thoughts, they're too loud to ignore. That feeling? that burning? It's nothing you've felt around anyone else is it?" he asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yes, but I don't want to have to go through the same old debate of “do we turn her or not” and that's even if she feels the same way.." I said.
"Dude, you're literally an empath. You can find out yourself" Emmett said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"I hate using my gift on her as it is. The thought of manipulating her in any way makes my skin crawl, alright? If it's to help her then I can deal with it but I won't just use it to be nosy, that's not fair" I said. "you can still be friends with her if you want Emmett but I can't do it. I won't let myself drag her into this life. I know you wanted the same thing for Bella, Edward but maybe I can make it happen for Y/n. If anyone deserves a blessed life, it's her." I said, walking out my room, speeding out the house and into the forest to clear my head.
I just need to keep away from her. I'll keep her safe that way.
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°Reader's POV°
This week had been..strange. Emmett had been even more friendly then he usually was; it was perhaps due to the fact that he could've killed me the other week with that baseball, but y'know, life goes on. And at no point had I even had a chance to speak to Jasper. Even in class, he'd moved seats. Of course, that was his last resort after they wouldn't let him change his lesson plan.
It ached my heart a little because, I really liked him and for some reason it's like a flip had been switched in his brain and he no longer wanted anything to do with me. It was Friday, and I was determined to atleast get a conversation with him.
While Emmett was babbling on about something to do with gorillas, I interrupted him. "Emmett when did you..uh...see Jasper last?" I asked.
"last I saw he was with Rose and Bella in the cafeteria.." I saw a small glint in his eye as he answered. "But..i don't think he wants to talk to you.." he said just as I began to walk off.
"Have I done something wrong? Did I say something? Is he..is he mad at me for something? Why won't he speak to me?" I rattled off a few of the questions I'd kept to myself all week.
"Woah, calm down. It's..." he hesitated. "it's not my place to say but I think he might just be trying to avoid talking to you because he knows if he does, he won't be able to not talk to you. " he said, in a really confusing tone.
"You've complicated this way too much than you needed to. Is he still there now?" I asked reffering to where he said he saw him.
"Pretty sure, yeah."
I took off without a thank you, which I felt bad about, but I was too focused on getting that conversation with Jasper.
I was almost running to the cafeteria, as I knew the bell was going to ring at any moment. I made it in the cafeteria and spotted him immediately, and he saw me too. His eyes met mine for less than half a second, before he looked to the floor.
He left his conversation with his sisters and went to walk out the opposite way that I was coming in. I ran this time, and caught up to him.
"Hey! What's going on? Have I done something?" I asked, needing answers.
He audibly sighed and closed his eyes, breathing in. "No, you haven't. You haven't done a thing, I promise." He said, and began to walk away again. I moved infront of him to stop him from walking away.
"Don't walk away from me, I wasn't finished. If I haven't done anything then what's the issue? Why can't you talk to me I want to be here for you." I tried to take a hold of his hands but he wouldn't let me touch him. And he didn't meet my eyes, he refused to even look at my face.
"Because...Y/n" I heard his voice shaking. "I just can't be around you, it's not your fault, you're not the reason why I just-" he paused, and bit his inner lip. "I just can't okay?" he said, pushing past me. He sped off down the hall not looking back, leaving me behind.
The bell rang through the halls, louder than I'd ever heard it before. It started to hurt my ears but my eyes couldn't pull away from his figure.
Tears swirled in my eyes as I watched him walk off, and my breath quickened. Then, what I feared, that feeling tightened up in my chest. No. Not a panic attack. I can't, not at school. I took one last look at Jasper walking off before racing back out of the cafeteria and into the school parking lot.
The cold air hit me like a kind wave, and the small droplets of rain coated my face as I looked up at the sky, desperaty wanting it to swallow me whole. It was a small sense of relief before the feeling washed back in like the tide. I ditched my backpack and jacket, throwing them on the floor, needing the coldness on my skin. I tried to slow my breathing down but it wasn't working. I made my way down the steps, now in a short sleeve t-shirt, tripping slightly on the last step as I made my way across the lot. My breathing wasn't slowing and I couldn't stop it, I guess I'd just have to ride it out.
"..Y/n?" I heard from the trees.
I span around, my breath not halting and my panic increasing. As my heart rate was about to rocket even more, Seth Clearwater stumbled out from the trees. I had met him a few times, he and his friends all the way down at the Reservation were good friends with the Cullens.
"Seth?" I aksed, I didn't want to start hallucinating people. That would be a whole new area for me that I wouldn't be able to keep up with.
He made his way over to me. "Yeah, it's me. It's Seth. What's going on? Hey...hey" he was inches away from me now. I tied to move away but he stepped closer in fear I was going to somehow hurt myself. My tears wouldn't stop and my head was looking very which way "Y/n. Look at me."
His order sent a small shockwave into me for a second and I snapped my eyes up, his face blurred due to the tears streaming from my eyes. He took his thumbs and wiped under my eyes, but new tears replaced the stains he wiped away.
"Breathe with me okay?" he asked.
I wanted to try, there's nothing I hate more than this shit. But sometimes you can't help but just ride out the attack until it's done. I nodded my head vigorously and he began to breathe, waiting for me to follow suit.
"Okay in..." he took a breath in and let it out softly. "..and out.."
I tried my best to follow suit but my throat needed as much air as it could get. And it kept speeding up the pattern.
"No Y/n with me, c'mon you got this.." he said, holding my hands.
"In.." he breathed in once again and I followed suit. "and out" he breathed out again.
Slowly but surely my breathing returned to a somewhat normal pace but my shaking didn't stop.
"there you go.." he continued the pattern as he slowly walked me over to a stone wall, and sat me down.
"You're freezing, Y/n." he said, touching my cheek after wiping yet another tear..
"I'll be fine..I like the cold when these things happen.." I laughed slightly, to ease the awkwardness, if there was any.
"I know, it helps a lot doesn't it?" he said, sitting down next to me.
"wait, you've-"
"yep" he cut me off, with a sheepish smile. "I get it. You're inside somewhere when that ugly feeling hits. You beeline it for the nearest exist and the air just gives you something else to feel. It doesn't stop it, but it definitely helps. The cold, it..it helps you feel something different other than that thing in your chest.." he said, describing what it was like for him.
I nodded along as he said so. "yeah..that's...exactly it." I smiled.
He looked up from staring at his feet and smiled back at me, before frowning. "Y/n your lips are slowly going blue, I know how much the cold helps but I won't let you catch hypothermia.." Seth said, pulling me into his chest and offering me a hug.
He was so so warm. It wasn't a stuffy warm either, the kind of warm where you feel sticky. It was that cozy warmth. That homely warmth on a winter morning.
I shivered in his arms at the contact. "Oh..jeez your pretty hot. Are you ill or something?" I asked.
He chuckled slightly. "No Y/n, I'm just a warm person.." he admitted.
"C'mon, let's get you back inside.." he said, rising us up to our feet.
"No!" I wriggled out of his grip, my heart fluttering again, in slight panic. I feel if I see him again today, I'll get worse.
He took hold of me again gently. "Okay..I'll take you home yeah? We just gotta grab your stuff that you graciously dumped on the stairs.." he said, smiling.
I laughed slightly as we walked slowly over to the steps. He jogged up them and picked up my stuff. He placed my jacket over my shoulders and carried my bag over to my car.
He walked confidently over to the drivers seat.
"I swear you're like..16 can you even drive?" I asked, a smile paying on my lips.
"I'm 17 now actually. And it's fine don't worry, hop in" he said, unlocking the car with my keys he must've taken from my pocket.
We got in the car and threw our seat belts on.
"Thanks for this Seth. Aren't you missing a lesson right now though?" I asked, I didn't want to ruin his education.
"Oh nah, me and the boys are on a part time timetable for this school and the one down by the Rez, so don't worry about it...anyways.....where's the handbreak?"
My eyes shot in his direction only to see him holding in a laugh.
"Uh. What do you mean where's the handbreak?" I asked.
He finally giggled. "Don't worry, I'm just joking. We'll be fine. I've never been to your house though, so you can be my sat nav" he smiled turning on the car, and pulling out of the car park.
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°Jasper's POV°
I walked away from her. Every fibre of my being telling me to look back. I fought against it, but gave in. I looked back and saw a glimpse of her as she rushed out of the cafeteria.
What am I doing?
I felt the dread and panic leaking from her as I started to walk away. And I just left her. I left her feeling that way. I know I'm doing this to keep her safe but I can't pretend that I'm perfect, leaving her in fear.
Special thanks to my power, I'm extremely sensitive to even my own emotions and with years of practice I've managed to get a good control of it, but Y/n..I feel her emotions so much more than anyone else's.
My still heart is telling me not to go near her, to keep her safe...but her scent, as much as it tempts me, it deals me a great source of comfort..I can't explain it. I'm near her and I feel safe. I'm a monster and have nothing to fear really, but in her presence it's like we're the only two on earth.
Which is why I must do this. I can't that let angel be manipulated by the devil deep inside me. I won't allow it.
I let out the breath I was holding in during that encounter, again not that I needed to, but I think people would notice if I wasn't breathing. I made my way to the science block and yippee! I was next to Sire Brain Detective and his wife.
I was waiting outside the classroom to catch Bella before Edward got there. I caught her scent in the hallway and rushed to her side.
"Hey Bella, can you just maybe kinda block my thoughts from Edward please?" I asked, a sheepish smile following close behind.
"Why?" She asked, squinting her eyes a little.
"Well you've never had the problem, but Edward is very nosy. And I'd just like my thoughts kept to myself for today." I said.
We kept on walking into the classroom and to our seats.
"So it's nothing to do with Y/n then?" she quizzed.
Even hearing her name makes me feel sick.
"No. Bella..just please can you do it?" I was begging her at this point as I smelled Edward down the corridor.
She looked up as she caught his scent too. "Okay, but you owe me" she said.
"Thanks Bella." I said.
Edward walked in the class and met my eyes immediately, a hint of confusion crossed his face before he sat down next to his wife and realised. "Oh c'mon how is that fair?" he said.
"How is what fair?" Me and Bella said at the same time. We looked at eachother breifely before opening out books as instructed to.
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°Reader's POV°
Awkward, sweaty and sleepless. That's all I feel right now. I close my eyes and he's there. I open my eyes an he's all I can imagine. Everything I tried, I couldn't get him off my mind. I even tried counting sheep, but the sheep soon morphed themselves into horses, then I soon saw him riding a horse, actually imagining him as a Cowboy. I snapped my eyes open and drank some water I left by the side of my bed, before making a last attempt to get some sleep.
After what seemed like hours of tossing and turning in the same directions over and over again, I got up and opened my window. Again, the cold air washed over me and it was almost instant relief. Just like Seth said, it gives you something else to feel.
I watched the trees as they swayed in the wind, thier green leaves brushing against eachother at each breeze. Out of all the places my Mum had placed me while she did her book tour, Washington was probably my favourite so far, well specifically Forks. Since the beginning of the year, (when my Mum's book tour started) I'd been placed in a random city in the state she needed to visit, and Forks was this really nice and small town. Where everyone knew everyone. Of course, the thought of litteraly everyone talking about me as the new arrival didn't appeal to me at all, but when I had moments to myself, it was impossible for me not to gawk at the nature around me. The grey skies, while annoying to some, gave me a nice comforting feeling. The rain, which everyone hated, was my favourite weather. I don't know what it was.. I guess I just like the cold.
I was pulled from my thoughts as my phone buzzed under my pillow. It was my mum calling, I answered of course, but I wandered why she was calling at 4am.
"Mum? what's up?" I asked, trying to hide my tired voice.
"Oh my god Y/n I'm so sorry.. I forgot about the time zones...go back to sleep, I'll ring you at a better time.." she said.
"wait what do you mean the time zones? you're in Washington too?" I questioned, wandering what she meant.
"No..honey, that's why I called. I got to my hotel and they said they had my reservation booked for next year, so they flew me out to the state I was supposed to be in." She said, sounding ashamed. "I tried to mention you, and say how I could catch my own flight..but.. they-they wouldn't listen to me..."
"Mum... Mum it's okay, don't worry about it I'll be fine okay? Just make me proud." I said.
"but I only gave you enough money to last a couple months not over a year..nearly two! And you're in your last year of school, what will you do all day? How-"
"Mum" I cut her off "I'll get a job, it'll be fine. You've been doing book tours since I was like 15, I know how to live on my own." I said.
"but that was when you were 5 minutes down the road...or a bus drive away..now I'm on the other side of the country!" She panicked.
"wait, the other side of the country? where did they fly you to?" I asked. The phone went silent for a few seconds before she answered.
"I'm in Georgia, honey.." She said. "I called you as soon as I had time, I'm sorry I've left you there, I can book a flight and cancel the tour-"
"-No, Mum don't. I'm not gonna pretend hearing you were in Georgia didn't scare me a little bit, but I'm perfectly fine here in Forks. I like it here.." I said honestly.
"but honey-"
"No 'buts'." I said. "Mum some kids leave the nest at early ages, some never leave..maybe it's my time to make a life for myself.." I said, with tears threatening to spill.
"I-in Washington, are you sure?" Mum's voice was shaking by now.
"Mum, I'm old enough. I know it's scary, it'll be difficult too but.. sometimes life just throws you in a new direction and you can't help but see where it takes you.." I said, wiping a tear from my cheek.
"Hey, I'm supposed to be the one full of wisdom little lady" she joked. "well...I guess it isn't the craziest idea you've had." she said, sadly.
"so yeah?" I asked.
She took a deep breath "Yes Y/n, yes. Start your life.." she said.
"Okay.." I said.
It wasn't long before I was off the phone and trying to sleep again. I prayed when I rested my head on the pillow, he wouldn't plug my mind, but much to my dismay he returned and my heart ached.
I closed my eyes and managed to drift off to sleep just before my alarm rang for me to start getting ready for school. The ringing of the bell threw me back to that moment. That moment he left. Just like that.
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°Emmett's POV°
Since the day Jasper told Y/n that he couldn't be near her anymore, she hasn't been in. And I'm worried about how she's taken it.
I didn't tell Jasper I was gonna go pick Y/n up today as I didn't want him to go all emo and be like “ugh you're gonna smell like her all day!” so I instead took my absolutely, positively, non-judgemental wife.
"So why are we on our way to a humans house right now?" Rose asked me from the passenger's seat of my jeep. "what purpose is she serving us other than pleasing our noses?"
"Babe, she's my friend..and I'm worried about how she is. She didn't come in at all last week since Jasper didn't want anything to do with her, and I'm not gonna let my idiot of a brother be the reason she fails school.." I said, keeping my eyes on the road.
Rose went silent and looked out the window. "Just let me know when we're there.." she said, closing her eyes.
"That would be now.." I said, pulling up outside her house.
I got out the jeep while Rose stayed in, and made my way to the front door. I hesitated before knocking and waited for an answer. A good minute went by, so I knocked again and as I did, the door flew open.
"I told you three times already, Mrs Henderson doesn't live here anym-" she cut herself off when she saw my amused face.
She rubbed her eyes. "Emmett?"
"The one and only!" I replied.
"What are you doing here?" her voice was drained, and she looked a lot less bubbly than before. Her eyes drooped slightly and dark circles hung below them from lack of sleep.
"To get you to school, missy!" I said, not wanting to comment about the elephant in the room.
"But Emmett, Jasper said-"
"Fuck what Jasper said, it's your life and it's your school too. What..just because he's being a little bitch right now that means you can't get educated? I don't see how that's fair.." I said, crossing my arms.
She rolled her half-lidded eyes. "Okay, let me get changed.." she said, turning back into her house and shutting the door.
I celebrated my victory behind the wood of the closed door and waited for her to open it again. I sat on the step and prepared to wait, when the door swung open again. She stepped out with all her stuff. "C'mon then, let's go." she said, plastering on a fake smile.
"I thought you were atleast gonna cook some breakfast? It's like half seven in the morning..." I said, standing up and leading her to the jeep.
"Nah...not hungry." she said, climbing in.
I got in too, and put the radio back on.
"Hey Rosalie" Y/n said, tiredly a sheepish smile across her face.
My head quickly turned to my wife and I begged her with my eyes to be nice. But she didn't even look at me and instead looked for Y/n in the wing mirror.
"Jasper's an idiot, but he cares about you and he's doing this for your own good, I'd take it as a win." she said, before closing her eyes again and turning up the radio.
I started the jeep up again after a small awkward silence with nothing but the music blaring and began to drive to the school.
"yeah but does he know how much it's actually hurting?" Y/n whispered, any normal person wouldn't have heard it but of course me being a beautiful, immortal, gifted being...I did.
Passing through the familiar streets of Forks, it didn't take me long to get to the school, I parked the jeep and Rose got out. I turned around in my seat to face Y/n. Her sleep-deprived look catching me off guard once again.
"You ready girl?" I asked, grinning.
She sighed. "Not really, Emmett" she replied sadly, staring at a particular stone wall in the car park.
"Well c'mon, you got this. Let's go" I said, getting out.
It wasn't long before she climbed out herself. As she shut the door.
"Thanks for dragging me in Emmett, but I'm gonna go incase he appears from around the corner or something.." she said, with low energy as she dragged her feet toward the doors of the school.
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°Reader's POV°
I couldn't thank Emmett more, I wouldn't have been able to get here on my own accord. It's just a shame I didn't have the energy to express my gratitude to him as much as I wanted to.
It was about 10 minutes until my first lesson so I walked to the cafeteria to get a drink. As I opened the doors, I saw Seth and some of his friends from the Rez sat at a table and so I wasted no time in going over there.
"What are you lot doing here?" I asked.
"Part time, time-table in each school! How do you keep forgetting that?" one of them said.
"Uhm..Seth?" I looked to him for help, I could barely remember any of the other's names.
"Alright, sit down." he pulled a chair from the table behind him and turned it next to him, facing their table. "Here we have Quil, Leah my sister, and Embry." he said.
I had only met the rest of them once but Seth I had seen a number of times, and he's who I was closest to...now for a very obvious reason.
"So what's your first lesson?" Quil asked.
"Science.." I said quietly, biting the inside of my cheek afterward to simmer down the anxiety I felt creeping in.
I started boucing my leg too, which Seth took notice to. He offered me a smile, which I returned, weak as ever.
The bell rang, louder than before, and I covered my ears, burying my head down against my chest. Each time I hear that bastard bell it gets louder and louder, and the memory of that last conversation with him gets clearer and clearer in my mind.
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°Jasper's POV°
"I'm telling you man..she's-"
Emmett would not stop. I told him I didn't want to hear it, but he was following me all over our house, not leaving me alone.
"her eyes don't look the same, she doesn't have nearly as much energy as she used to, I haven't seen her smile, and if I'm being honest I don't think she's eating properly.." Emmett said.
Hearing his words made my non-beating heart ache.
"I've been picking her up all week and she never eats breakfast, and when was the last time I saw her eating in the cafeteria? Uhh let me think, I haven't!" he said, in my face.
I was looking at the floor, guilt riddling my body. She's like this because of me.
"I get it. Emmett. Okay?" I spat, my voice quavering.
He moved back slowly, almost realising that this was hurting me too, and left my room.
After staring out the window for another moment or two, I sped off out the house before anyone could question it. I ducked and dived between branches, breaking them if they were too big for me to dodge. I raced through the woods rembering the route to her house when I met her before school, when we first started to talk to each other. I ran to her. Wondering what I was going to do when I got there, would I beg her to forgive me? Would I stop this madness and just tell her everything? At this point, I couldn't see anything but her angelic face, and hear her sweet voice and before I knew it, I came to a swift stop by the trees of her house.
I approached it slowly, still deciding what to do, until I lingered by the side of the house where her bedroom was. I climbed up a tree that rested just by it and waited to see her or atleast hear her.
"fuck sake..just go away!" I heard her complain as she slammed the door to her bedroom. "You don't want anything to do with me so why won't you get out of my head!" She panicked, her voice wailing as she spoke.
"It's not fair.." she said after a minute of silence. She got up. "It's not fair." she repeated. She tossed her chair on the floor. "It's not fair!" she threw a picture frame against the wall. She repeated those three words, growing more aggressive each time and trashing a new part of her room until she ran out of energy.
She breathed heavily and sunk against the wall, sobbing. She cried, and it was like a thousand hot knives were cutting me all over. She cried and I had to fight as hard as I could not to rush in there.
She cried and I felt heartbreak. My breath quickened too, as her emotions laced with my own. Sat in the tree in that moment I didn't know which emotions were mine and which were hers.
She cried and cried until she fell asleep, and that's when some of her emotions filtered away from my body. Though she fell asleep and tears were still staining her cheeks, the aching in my heart wouldn't leave or subside. It stayed.
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nishiyako · 1 year
Sex Addict (NSFW)
Pairing : Hypersexual!Amajiki x Reader
Tags : Blowjob, Hair pulling, Slight Femdom, Friends w benifits, dorm life
Summary : Tamaki explained that one night that he was hypersexual. He feared that this would bring down the friendship, except it only made it better. One night, Tamaki comes stumbling into your room just for you to eagerly help him out.
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Tamaki has walked in your dorm room for the 5th time this week, while drunk he explained that he has hypersexuality and he conffesed that it would drag down the friendship, it surprised you for your preception of him was a timid friend who never liked talking about sex, little did you know that even the slightest mention of it turns him on.
You we're stressed and lonely, so it was a perfect match.
He walked in sulking, bulge in his pants. He looked at you with eyes like he was apologizing. You assured him it was fine, and you'd be more than happy to help. "Don't you think it's pathetic or something..?" He asked sheepishly. "No, I think it's kinda hot," you said, walking towards him.
"Just tell me if you don't want to!" He said, panicking as you inched closer,
"Just let me work my magic," you said as you got on your knees.
Tamakis back was pressed against the door preventing anyone to enter as you started tying your hair in a ponytail, his face was flushed red while he twitched in his sweatpants, you pulled them down and his cock springed up immediately. You smiled and licked your lips as Tamaki sighed under his shakey breath.
He thought you've alredy gotten annoyed but he loves seeing you so eager to help him out, you licked and kissed up his shaft, he was sensitive and desperate, even your smallest tounge movements made him whimper.
He was shy but he wasn't shy to make noise and he defenetly wasn't scared of telling you what he wanted. he begged for you to suck his dick already. He spent almost an hour contemplating about this, and he can't wait for it any longer. All he wanted was your mouth around him, so that's what he asked for.
"Just suck my dick already.." he begged, his shakey voice making it sound less threatening. You started slow with licking his tip and suckling on it ever so slightly. His desperate whimpers made you want to spoil him even more.
Before he knew it, he was already down your throat. he was starting to go crazy for you, he was going crazy for the warmth of your mouth, the spit driping down your chin, the buldge in your throat, the way you bobbed your head up and down. He could list these forever, but his mind was starting to go blank.
He loved your wet and warm mouth around him, your tounge stroked his shaft as one of your hands ventured in-between your thighs, they reached under the oversized hoodie you were wearing, and under your thin panties.
Tamaki heard you making noises aswell, he looked down as he watched your hand move slightly and repeatedly while between your thighs, "Are you... touching yourself?" He asked with a heavy breath throughout his sentence. You nodded your head between the bobbing as you hummed as a 'yes'.
He cursed under his breath as you felt him twitch at the information. You got off to his sweet sounds, and he sounded so thankful cause he had you in his life. Before, the most he'd do was multiple rounds using his hand or a flesh light, but now he's got something intimate with a close friend.
He tuged at your tied hair as he was close, his legs were restless as your tongue moved faster, and his whimpers grew louder as fluids started dripping down your thighs.
"Fuck! I'm gonna.." he said with a cracked voice and a breathless tone. you deep throated him, gagging. Your mouth filled up as some of his fluids dripped down your chin.
His whines were music to your ears. He tugged on your hair as he started to chant your name in praise. You always knew how to make him feel good, so he'd always trust you to help out with his needs.
Tamaki came down as he softened in your mouth. He pulled up his pants as you swallowed and cleaned what he had left on your tounge.
Disclaimer : I am NOT sexualizing sex addictions/hypersexuality, I've experienced these myself, and it sucks as it starts to take over your days and break some of your relationships. I just wanted to write some raunchy fics!
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kentosbabes · 1 year
Hello dear how are you?! First of all thank you for your hard work!! If it's alright for you may I ask dating hc of young high school time gojo x (fem)reader? How would he act around the person he loves and is he a Heartbreaker? Please take your time.thank you!
I'm good! Hope you are well aswell <33
Highschool Gojo X Reader hcs
Gojo who is a 'what he wants he gets' type of person, so when he sees something or someone he wants he has to have it. His cocky nature would thrive in his high school years. He walks through the corridors sliding his sunglasses down his nose to give the girls a peek of his eyes and smirking at how flustered they all get.
Gojo who always has a new girl at his side with pride thinking that they'll be the 'special' one. Gojo doesn't pay too much mind to them, to him it's just a bit of fun and he has no interest in protecting their feelings. His 'heartbreaker' reputation doesn't bother him at all, instead, he sees it as a way to just get more girls.
Gojo who can't help but feel offended as you just roll your eyes at him and scoff as he flashes a charming smile at you. He doesn't pay too much mind to what others think of him yet his ego is hit every time you scoff at him.
Gojo who can't stop watching as you giggle at a joke his best friend Geto told you. His eyes are attached to the way your plump lips move and your eyes sparkle as you look up at him. Gojo's only broken out of his trance by the blonde girl who sits at his side rubbing his arms up and down.
Gojo who can't hold back and gets up from his seat with the girl and strolls over to you. 'Heyy look who it is, my two favorite people' He says throwing an arm around his best friend. 'Gojo what do you want' you say rolling your eyes at him.
Gojo who after failing at winning you over with charm he opts for a different tac-tic. He becomes more invested in his relationships and being more affectionate within school hoping you would notice and be jealous.
Gojo who doesn't realize how much his change in behavior affected you. He doesn't notice how you stare as he hugs a girl around the waist, or how you play with your fingers as you see him pull a girl into a storage room.
Gojo who can feel you stare at him during training, and decides to confront you later that day at a small party. Gojo stands at your side as you watch everyone dance around. 'you know you could just keep a picture' he says looking down at you. 'shut up Gojo'
Gojo who managed to kiss you that night and from then on he's been inseparable from you. He was never too fond of the girls who threw themselves at him but you, you made him feel giddy inside. And when you were too far away he felt sick, so he made sure to keep you close.
Gojo who is all for the little things. He remembers your favorite flowers and makes sure to buy you a bouquet at least once a week, he remembers your coffee order and favorite food. Gojo loves kissing you, from kissing your knuckles to showering your face with them. He just can't help himself.
Gojo who is obsessed when in love. The thought of you plagues his mind and he feels a hole in his heart when you're not near. He can be a little possessive when you talk to other guys but with a strong hand wrapping around you and pulling you into his lap he is a happy man.
Gojo who although is still in high school enjoys cuddling with you and planning out your future. He knows a lot of his is destined because of his six eyes but he can't help but fantasize about a simple domestic life with you.
Gojo who as soon as you mention being jealous of some girl he spoke to, blocked all his ex-girls and girl friends from his phone. He has you as his lock screen and has you and Geto stared as his favorites in his contacts.
Gojo who loves to show you off to others. From talking about you when he and Geto are together, to showing random strangers photos he has of you on his phone. He just can't get enough.
Gojo who spoils you like crazy. He's buying anything you say you like and point out at the shopping mall. Gojo takes you out to fancy restaurants and luxury vacations just to see you smile.
Gojo who although hates seeing you cry, is more than happy to take care of you. His first response is 'Who hurt you? I'll kill them' but quickly he's cuddling you in his arms and kissing your forehead telling you your okay. He also makes sure to run a hot bath and order your favorite takeout.
Gojo who wouldn't let anything hurt you and vows to protect you for life. He's always worrying about you even in the smallest of situations. For example, when the coffee cup is too hot and burns your hand, he is all over you for the rest of the day making sure you're okay.
Gojo who was the first to say 'I love you'. He made it a big deal, with rose petals, candles, and a fancy dinner. That night was the first time you had sex and he couldn't help but repeat 'I love you' over and over again.
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ivysturnss · 1 month
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Transition -Sturniolo Triplets
Summary:Where the triplets come back home and have some news waiting for them.
Warnings: FLUFF!!! Usual swearing , mentions of surgery , crying ,questioning ur gender and I think that's it.
Pairing: older bro!triplets x ftm!reader
A/N: reader is 17 in this and I'm sorry if its bad I thought of this on the spot
Nick Matt Chris MaryLou You
You was currently sat up on the kitchen counter with my mom infront of u calming u down whilst small tears run down ur cheeks "What if they don't accept me!" "Buddy look at me please" you wipe ur nose with a tissue your mom had given u a few minutes prior then drifting ur eyes to look at her. "Are you listening to yourself right now , one of your brothers is gay and they accepted him ur not any different sweetie!" "I am though , nick hasn't changed he just likes boys but ive changed completely I haven't seen them in 9 months and the last time they saw me I was their little sister with long curly hair and braces." you say slightly raising ur voice and tears were now flowing heavily.
It was true the last time u had seen ur triplet brothers u had curly brown hair what hung just past ur chest , braces with pink bands , nails did but very short what u was forced to have done by ur best friend. None of ur friends and family knew at the time but just before ur brothers had came 9 and a half months ago u was questioning ur gender , long nights spent scrolling through tiktok and Pinterest looking at hairstyles for boys , male clothing just anything "boyish" in general and that's when it dawned on you. Im trans! You took inspiration from matts anxiety journal to make your own journal but instead of it being for anxiety you named it "Transition Journal". Any spare time you had you would write down ur thoughts , ways to tell ur family, name ideas and in the end it was full to the brim. It was a mix of a scrapbook and a diary it had photos cut out of outfits and where to buy the clothes and accessories from written next to it aswell as haircuts cut out so when u came out and got ur hair done you could show the barber what u wanted.
"No one else in the family views u any different so I highly doubt they will but if they dont they are getting the next flight back to la and never coming back in this house!" This makes you let out a little laugh and smile "That's not very nice you can't just kick them out like that" " I suppose that is a bit mean but whatever it takes to have u happy!" "Thanks , I'm so tired after all this crying so I'm going to get out of this and take a nap but can u text me when they are here and where they are in the house?" "Of course I can I'll also tell them not to go in your room have a good nap!"
3 hours and 15 minutes later
Your pov:
I wake up from my nap and automatically hear shouting and laughter downstairs so without even checking my phone I know my brothers are home , I sit up against my headboard and grab my phone and reply to a few of my friends who messaged me before checking my moms message.
-Hey buddy , we are all sat in the living room but we are watching a film so they are distracted so if you want a drink you will be able to get to the kitchen if you move quick enough.
-Alright I'll come down now please keep them distracted
I put my socks back on and fix my hair a bit before grabbing my phone and putting it in my pocket then quietly making my way to the stairs. I get halfway down and look to my side to see them all engrossed on the tv so I make a run for it running down the stairs and into the kitchen. I open the fridge and take out one of my Arizonas and slowly walking into the living room. When I reach the couch i sit down beside Chris casually taking a sip of my drink placing it on the small wooden table next to his pepsi. "There you are how was ur nap flo?" he asks still not taking his eyes of the tv but hearing him call u your dead name just felt weird the last time u was called it was a few months ago by a substitute in school but that wouldn't happen anymore as u had just graduated. I didn't answer him as technically he was speaking to no one and this makes him look at me , his head hadn't even turned half way before he quickly stands up Infront of me "What the fuck are u standing up for!" All i do was stare back at him as my body just froze there was two ways this could go he could either hug me and support me or could shout at me and leave and i wasn't sure what was happening. Matt and nick look over at me and do the exact same thing as chris and stand either side of him and because none of them where speaking i decide to.
End of ur pov
"I um.. I transitioned" your voice came out quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear. Your parents thought it was best for u to have this moment alone so they got up and walked into the kitchen shutting the door behind them. "We can see that, when did this happen" he asks in a soft tone but still in shock. It was pretty obvious to those around u that you wasn't a girl anymore u had short hair, a light stubble , you looked more masculine and u was currently wearing black and blue plaid pj bottoms with a vintage tee u had thrifted a few days ago. "Before u came the last time I was questioning it and I made a entire notebook full of things I still have it if u wanna see but anyway I told mom and dad like a month or 2 after u left and it just went from there I guess." "And why did u not tell us sooner?" "Well I wanted to tell u guys in person so that's why I waited till u came back and that's what I'm doing now". The 3 just nod and sit on the floor infront of u "Do you have a name like a name u want to be called from now on?" Matt asks putting on of his hands on ur knee comfortingly "Yeah I do actually , it's Finn but mom and dad call me buddy aswell!" "Good choice bud I like that name". "Do you think you'd ever get surgery?" "Well we looked into it and I'm at the right age as u have to be 16 and I'm 17 but we want to wait a bit before I do as we just wanna go day by day and not jump into it all at once y'know!". Matt looks over at nick and nick just nods knowing what he was going to say "Finn I don't wanna sound rude but who do u like?" "What do u mean who do I like?" "What's ur sexuality like I'm straight so is Chris and Justin but nicks gay so what are u?". I take a deep breath knowing this question was coming and try to hold back the tears but that doesn't happen. Nick is fast to move and sits beside u pulling u into a hug. "You don't have to tell us right now if u don't want to we can wait." "Mhm we will wait as long as u want us to wait" "No ill tell u" you sit back up but take nicks hand and he rubs his thumb against the back of ur hand. "As you now know I'm trans so ur probably thinking I like girls but I don't I still like boys". "Thank you for sharing this with us we are proud of you" "Just so you know we love you even more" "I love you guys aswell" "Guys do you know what this calls for?" "If I'm thinking what ur thinking I'm totally down" "Celebratory McDonald's?" "DUHHH". Nick and Chris run off to the car whilst matt stays back with you. "How about u get that notebook of urs and we can look at it whilst having our McDonald's." You nod and run up stairs to get the notebook whilst matt goes to the car.
35 minutes later
You was all sat in the McDonald's parking lot finishing up ur food and going through ur notebook. "Whys there a photo of my head? Chris questions pointing at the photo "It's because this is one of haircut pages and I liked ur hair back then so I was going to get it but I didn't in the end." "I think you would suit it you should definitely try it one time". "Hold on this is a very important question." "What is it?" "Do u watch RuPaul?" "I love that shit I watch it all the time" "MATT DRIVE US HOME RIGHT NOW ME AND FINN A STAYING UP ALL NIGHT AND BINGE WATCHING RUPAUL START THAT ENGINE!" the car erupts into laughter as matt starts the car to drive you guys home.
@6ix9inewiturmom @nicksbf @thenickgirl @soontosturniolo @delilahsturniolo @dirtylittleheart333 @pvssychicken @nicksbestie @talulahinthestars @nicksgirlfriend @schlutt4matty @obsessionsarenotfortheweak @zariyam @little-bisexual-intern @toysizee @sturniolowh-0-re @sturnobsessedwh0re @vanteguccir @mattthemunchsbiggestfan @delimeats-000 @sturnfannn @slutforsturnioloss @evie-sturns
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jangofettjamz · 10 months
The Birthday Boy
Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader
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Summary: You finally get to celebrate your birthday for the first time, and with the one you love.
Words: 1552
Today is my birthday. I've never really celebrated it; family never really bothered. Now that I'm older it just seemed more insignificant. No one to celebrate it with, and let's be honest and no one wants to celebrate it on their own.
Jenna was out working, I never told her when my birthday was because I didn't want to interrupt her filming schedule, she's already got enough on her plate she doesn't need to worry about getting me gifts for my birthday she has a career to grow.
I've turned 20 today; Jenna turning 21soon. 20 years feel a bit surreal not gonna lie, crazy to think it's been that long since I was born. I try not dwell on that to much, it'll just send me spiralling.
I do wish I had a good birthday though, the feeling of being celebrating. I know this may sound narcissistic, but I always wanted to be celebrated, have a day just about me. I wanted to feel like everyone could come together and show support for me even if it was just for one day, I never had that kind of love growing up so I'd like to know what that's like, though I doubt it'll happen.
My father never paid any attention to me growing up, saying I was too much of a hassle to put up with. You know you have a bad parent when they have to "put up" with you  instead of loving you unconditionally, but hey beggars can't be choosers, right?
Me thinking about how life could've been was making me depressed so I decided to go out for breakfast, I got dressed and got the keys to my car and went out get food.
On the way there I get an incoming call from Jenna, thought she would've been busy this morning so this was a pleasant surprise. I answered but kept my eyes on the road.
"Hello darling, how'd you sleep" she asked, she knows I don't sleep well when she's gone.
"Um... I slept okay, probably could've got more sleep though. I'm just going to that Italian place we went to a month ago for some breakfast. How's shooting going" I asked, she's currently filming for her new movie 'death of a unincorn' with Paul Rudd.
"Filming's going great, Paul's really cool and I can't wait for you to meet him, he's knows you're a marvel fan too." She giggles mischievously, that little minx.
"Jenna why'd you say that." I whine feeling embarrassed.
"Aw babe, don't be shy he thinks you're really cool." She says reassuringly.
"Yeah sure he does" I say sarcastically, making her laugh. "Do you know when you'll be home?" I miss her dearly, I need to see her soon.
She let's out a sigh, I brace myself for bad news. "Sorry, sweet boy. I won't be back for another week." I let out sad sigh and a whine, I missed her alot.
"Hey, hey, don't be upset baby boy, I'll be home before you know it and we'll have so much fun together. The week will go by quick I promise." She cooed, she always knew what to say to put me at ease.
"Alright sweetie I have to go, drive safe for me and I'll see you very soon." She blew a kiss through the phone "I love you, sweetheart"
"I love you too, Jenna." We end the call and I continue my journey.
I arrive at the restaurant, this is gonna drain my social battery for today so I hope I don't have to to anyone that much, I just wanna get my food, eat then leave.
I ate my food peacefully, the staff were wonderful, definitely going there again for breakfast. I leave the restaurant and do some birthday shopping for myself, figured I may aswell treat myself to something nice for my "big day"; I sound miserable.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I feel my phone vibrate, a few text messages from some of my friends and cast mates from scream 5 and 6. I read them and I was shocked, how did they know...
Hey Y/N/N, hope you're having a lovely birthday. Can't wait you see you soon.
Howdy stranger, happy birthday my love, you're 20! Hope you're doing well and I'll see you soon... very soon. 😈
Looks like someone has a birthday today... AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME! HOW DARE YOU! Besides that betrayal I miss you so much Y/N, happy birthday my sweet.
Hey man, looks who's 20 years old! Happy birthday bud, hope you have a good one.👍
Hey hey, it's the birthday boy! Happy birthday honey, you deserve the best birthday in the world. All the best from me and my husband.
Jack Quaid
Hey buddy, happy 20th birthday! I miss you alot pal, Karl and Antony send their birthday wishes too. Hope to see you soon, buddy.
I was shocked; flabbergasted even. How did they know, they couldn't have possibly...unless. I looked the last message, it was from Jenna, the mastermind behind this.
Hi baby boy, guess who found out when your birthday is! You never told me when it was but I asked around and viola! Happy birthday sweet boy, I promise we'll see each other very very soon. I love you so much, sweetheart.❤
That little minx... this is why I love her so much, I can't begin to express how much I love her and this just solidifies that. I sent her a message back saying I love her and continue to the mall.
But as I walk to the shopping mall I see three woman who look very familiar, they're wearing party hats too. No... no way... it can't be...
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Jenna POV
The look on Y/N's face is priceless, he looked shocked, excited, and emotional at the same time. I think me, Jasmin and Devyn did good on surprising him.
"JENNA?!" He says with glassy eyes.
"C'mere sweetheart" I say and open my arms, he runs towards me and I wrap him in a tight hug.
"I missed you so much" he said while crying, he's such a cutie oh my god.
"Aww sweetie, I missed you too, so much honey. I've been tracking you on Life360 and we intercepted you here. Happy birthday my love, I know you don't like big crowds so I brought Devyn and Jasmin with me" they spoke up.
"Happy birthday, Y/N/N. It's so good to see you, I've missed you alot." Devyn says making him smile widely.
"It's been too long since we've seen you Y/N, how have you been?" Jasmin asks. He lifts his head from my neck and speaks.
"Better now that you guys are here, I haven't really been feeling the best since I've been on my own, I'm so glad you're here Jenna." I hold him and rub his back in comfort.
I want him to really enjoy his birthday today, I already have stuff waiting for him at home. I think he's gonna love it. "Let's go do some shopping and then we'll go home, I have a surprise for you." His eyes lit up and I kiss his cheeks.
- 2 hours later
Y/N drove behind me as we made our way back home. Jasmin and Devyn went home soon after we shopping. We park up to the driveway and he joins me at the front door.
"Close your eyes, birthday boy" I ask and he looks at me with caution.
"What are you planning now, Ortega?" He asks me; suspicion in his voice.
"Just close them silly" he obliged and I take his hand to guide him to his surprise. We reach the living room. "Okay, open your eyes sweetheart."
He opened them and is met with countless presents ranging from: action figures and Lego sets from their favourite franchise, new clothes, PC parts and much much more. I wanted to spoil him and make up for the 20 years of birthdays he missed out on. He looked like he was on the verge of tears.
"Jenna... is this all mine?" He asked, still not believing that he finally had a proper birthday.
"All yours, sweetness" I hug him as tight as I can, he cries into my shoulder out of, what I can only assume, happiness. "Don't cry honey, it's okay. That's all for you because I love you so so much, you deserve this my love, you deserve the world." I cooed softly.
"Thank you so much" he said through his cries.
"You're so welcome, my beautiful birthday boy." I say then kiss his forehead, cheeks and lips.
"Wait here, baby boy" I head into the kitchen and grab his cake. I light the candles and head back into the living room.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Y/N, happy birthday to you." I sing and he blows out his candles.
I cheer and set the cake on the table. He smiled so brightly, he finally got to have a real birthday to celebrate.
Happy birthday Y/N.
Not my birthday, but I thought it'd make a good story. I hope you enjoyed.
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
could you write a walker x transmasc!reader oneshot? if not, that is fine aswell! - 🗡️
of course I could!! just beware any random shit because I don't know much about being transmasc and I did a lot of research on reddit and tiktok for this for like mannerisms ans shit ; thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy! ; for any regulars on my blog, ik I've enforced the gn reader only thing but I updated my rules list, where I'll only do trans masc/fem readers on request. that doesn't mean request a thing and add one of those solely for a set of he/him or she/her pronouns though. ; post writing robin and this was actually so fun to write LMAO I hope you like this even tho it's so short
summary ; youre transmasc and properly come out to walker and co + some stupid shit for two parts
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; idk shit about awards shows + imagine middle school auditorium seats for the first part
word count ; 723
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You, Aryan, Walker, and Leah sit in the audience at the 2025 Emmy Awards, chatting before the cameras turned on to watch the proper show begin. You and Walker sit together, with Aryan and Leah right behind you. The thick, tan, plastic chairs were going to do a number on your ass later. For a million-dollar award show you'd think they would upgrade the seat situation a little bit.
Leah and Aryan sit forward in their seats, holding a conversation with you and Walker, both turned around in yours.
"No, and like, you will not be calling me that, thank you!" You laugh and smile, "If you get your grimy hands on my legal name I will actually throw myself away. I am a man!"
"Wait, what?" Walker questions, eyebrows furrowed. "Legal name?"
"I changed my name" You clarify. "Cause like..." You look yourself up and down, hands following your gaze. "Y'know?"
Walker blinks, pushing his blonde curls away from his face. "Wait... you're trans?"
You nod, a playful yet unbelievable smile on your face. "How did you not know?"
"Even I knew" Leah comments, glancing at Aryan, who nods in agreement.
"I thought it was kinda obvious." You chuckle, seeing his surprised reaction. "I had to keep correcting people about my name like, a million times"
"I never knew you had another name? I thought it was always Y/n!"
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"This is going on my story"
"Which one?"
"The Boys"
Walker smiles, his right arm slung over your shoulders as he watches you caption and post the picture you'd just taken with him on your public Snapchat story. It was titled The Boys, meant for you and all your close friends.
He was glad to see that you considered him one of your close friends, but also on such a deep level, though it was just a title to you. He saw the deeper meaning that you didn't. Like an over analyzing reader to a writer. He was happy you also considered yourself a boy, that you could happily parade that around and feel comfortable with your identity. He truly couldn't be more proud to see you happy and smiling in this moment.
You look back up at him, a cheesy smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"What's that look for?" You ask, a little confused.
"Nothing" He replies, patting your right shoulder blade as he moves his arm around a bit. "We should definitely make a playlist and put it on your story for people to listen to" He suggests with a slight shrug.
"For what?" You ask again, a little puzzled as to where this was going."
"Just cause"
"Okay, Mr.-Won't-Explain-Shit-Scobell"
"You just went on a five minute tangent trying to avoid the word homophobia"
"I was testing the waters with your gaydar, cause apparently it was broken the first time"
"I don't have a gaydar! I'm just, like, here! I'm just a guy"
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"Look at this handsome man! Dude, wear purple more, I'm so serious"
"Okay, I see you, Y/n!"
"Fix your tie!"
"I'm trying, I'm still learning! I didn't have this chapter of boyhood"
"Here-" The blonde mumbles, reaching forward to fix your black tie.
You tilt your chin up, giving him easy access to the cloth wrapped around your neck. Leah and Aryan watch, smug looks on their faces.
You send them a glare, trying not to alert Walker to it. He quickly reties your tie, sending you a thumbs up as he backs away. You quickly thank him, a warmth heating up your cheeks, physically unnoticeable.
"Walker, you look like a divorce lawyer." You comment, stuffing your hands in your purple pockets.
The blonde dramatically scoffs, a hand rested on his heart. "You're so mean to me! You're not welcome to the next boys sleepover"
"I don't wanna be a part of that dorky shit anyways"
"Okay, meanie"
"What are you, twelve?"
"...Did you just attempt to quote me?"
You shrug with a side nod.
Leah speaks for you, "Yeah, he did"
"How do you know?"
"He told us that he was gonna try and quote you at least once today" She chuckles.
The three look back at you, lining your jawline with your finger, clearly sucking up your tongue.
"Dude, stop mewing, we have to go out there in like, a minute"
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sixsixtwenty · 7 months
Scp 049 x Reader
It was a calm evening in the foundation more calmer than you expected really, you thought you were gonna have to do more tests with researchers doing Experiments on you.
But to your luck they didn't, they let you rest and have a nice calm evening all to yourself. But you knew you're never alone
Those damn cameras in your room always bugged you, you felt like you barely have any privacy because they wanna study you 24/7 you thought.
You were casually laying on your bed staring at the ceiling thinking of what to do, you missed your friend 049. You never knew his real name but it didn't matter to you apparently.
You really appriciate his company even though of his well. Hobby. But you just let him do what he wanted, if it'll make him happy and he doesn't attack you it's all good you thought.
You started to twiddle your fingers together deep in thought as you suddenly hear one of the chamber doors opening as you saw one of the guards entering your chamber.
"Y/N L/N, you will be visiting Scp-049 again, it was requested by the higher ups because you both seem to get along quite well and he has no intentions in 'curing' you. Now get up and follow me and don't do anything stupid."
You simply nodded got up and followed the MTF to 049's chamber, well he wasn't wrong about those statements you both did get along pretty well you think. He was all chill and calm around you.
Soon you arrived at 049's chamber along with the MTF, you can already see a researcher inside the chamber as if he was awaiting you eich he probably was.
"Ah miss L/N, you're finally here. You already maybe know why you're here, so just go inside 049's chamber and interact with him"
You sighed and nodded, you were kinda tired because you hadn't gotten too much sleep the past days those tests with other scps just took a bunch of energy out of you wich just makes you wanna plop down onto your bed and hope you can sleep
With your all will power you walked inside as the door closed behind you eich cought 049s attention and looked to you giving you a small wave and greeted you.
"Greetings my friend, how are you today?" He said in a calm voice as he laid the cutting knife down that he used on one of his patients before to perform surgery.
You ignored that and simply just replied back in a calm voice aswell keeping things cool.
"I'm doing fine 049 just a bit tired, i didn't get that much sleep lately"
He then slowly walks to you and without thinking he just quickly hugs you making you flinch and panic, his hands are deadly and kill anyone who gets touched by them.
Wait, you were still alive? How? You didn't even know what to say as you look over at the researcher and MTF who were behind the glass window who were observing you.
The researcher was frantically scribblings notes down all fascinated as the MTF stared at you big big eyes as they looked to each other and then back at you again
It took even 049 a second to realize that he hugged you as the quickly backed off from you and his hands back behind his as he stared at you.
He was just as surprised as everyone was as the gently took his shaking hand back and carefully touched your forehead, nothing happened.
You both realized you couldn't get hurt by his power as you just pulled him into a bone crushing hug that took 049 to a surprise as he quickly hugged you back.
You were still under a bit of shock but happyness, truth is you haven't gotten many hugs in your past and nowadays you were quite touch starved.
So just suddenly getting and giving a hug just pulls out all your happyness knowing you're finally in someones arms again.
As you felt 049 hugging you tighter your face felt wet, you came to the thought it was tears but your eyes were dry. And then you realized. Those tears weren't yours but 049's
You quickly looked up at his mask where his eyes are exposed as you can see faint tear drops falling and trailing down his mask as more tears are forming at his eyes.
"049?! W-why are you crying? Are you okay? Did i do something wrong?"
"N-no my dear. I'm just so happy you didn't die.. and that. That i can give you the hug i wanted to give you before!"
You were in awe seeing him in happy tears after that nuztling into his neck as the puts his bird mask beak on your head simply just resting there.
"You're Amazing Y/N, you're quite the smart woman and you can't let yourself be stepped over just by some researchers. You're worth more my friend and i am willing to help you by protecting you and being there for you."
049 says to you still with a bit of tears in his eyes
"I-id like that 049. I'd like that." You reply with a warm smile still being a bit worried for your friend. But you knew he was somewhat fine.
In the end you both stayed there in a hug until the MTF had to pull you away until you meet again.
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adirajackson · 5 months
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First time, eh?
Luke Castellan x fem!poseidon!reader MDNI!
(Smut) (in this, Luke isn't bad bc gf make happy 😊)
Summary: Luke has been crushing on you for a long time and now he decides to take you into the woods and claim you as his. But you've never done anything like this before and Luke is here to comfort you.
TW!⚠️: cursing, SMUT!, the pov changes from 1st to 3rd/1st halfway through the story?, size!kink??
Heyyy!! This is my first story so sorry if it’s bad :P
(Btw I’m using emojis but how do u do the banner thingy??)
You woke up in the middle of the night to a knock on the door. Your brother, Percy was still asleep and snoring. You put on some clothes and opened the door to see your best friend, Luke, with a picnic basket and a velvet pouch with the brand name Adam & Eve on it—What was that thing?— in his hands. "What's up?" you whispered to him, carefully shutting the door behind you and stepping outside to talk to him with waking up your brother who, by the way, was overly protective. "I just eh... Wanted to hang out, follow me," he said with an awkward smirk. "In the middle of the night?..." you questioned, following him. "Yeah. But I found a spot in the woods where no one will find us, trust," he said, leading the way. "Alright... There better be snacks in there, Luke," you said, giggling.
You both walked deeper into the forest and you saw a large picnic blanket with a bunch of pillows, a small projector that was facing a white bed sheet that was hung from two branches from some trees that were close. There were fairy lights hung up from the trees, casting a dim glow so you could see. "Luke... This is beautiful..." you smiled at him and he shrugged but you could've sworn he was blushing though it was still a bit dark. "It's the least I could for you... " his voice was barely over a whisper. "Thank you! I love it!!" you smiled and sat down and leaned on one of the fluffy pillows which were layed with many other ones, propped against two tree trunks. "Eh.... So, y/n," Luke sat down too and looked at you. "Can we try something... New before we start this movie night?..." he asked. "Sure..? What-" you were cut off by his lips plunging onto yours into a passionate kiss. "Should I stop or?..." omg Luke was being so gentle! Much different from his golden boy, tough guy appearance. "Please... Continue..." He continued the kiss and climbed on top of her before breaking apart. "What's your safe word?" he asked. "My what?" you asked back. "Your safe word, if you need me to stop." he was patient with you, gently explaining it to you. "Oh. Uh, stop?" you said. Luke chuckled and nodded his head before lifting off your shirt. "Oh! This is where this is going?" you blushed as you internally cursed at yourself for being so blind. "Yeah...? Where did you think I was going with this?" he smiled." it's just... I'm a virgin." she blushed as she admitted this. "Do you want me to stop?"
"Alright, I'll be gentle."
"Thank you."
"Of course, angel."
Your face turned bright pink at the name. He started undressing you until you were only in your bra and underwear. You were exactly the skinniest, you were more gaining muscle than losing weight when you trained, but Luke admired you like you were a prized gem. You tried to hide your body but he tilted your chin up with his finger. "Relax. your gorgeous, your not even that chubby, and even if you were you would still be the most gorgeous thing in the world." he undressed himself aswell, only wearing his boxers. You could tell he was rock hard but he was patient. Patient for you. "I brought you a surprise," he said as he reached an grabbed the small, velvet, pouch. He opened it to reveal a small, pink, vibrator. He gently pulled down her underwear. "Is this ok?" You nodded. He turned it on low and pressed it to her clit. “gods~" you moaned. “More?” He asked. “Please.” You responded. He turned up the level and moaned loudly. He continued this until it was too much stimulation. He turned it off and rubbed your clit. “Shit…I don’t have any condoms, I swear I’ll pull out though.” He said. “It’s ok, I’m on birth control for my period, so don't worry." he nodded and reached up to unclasp your bra."this ok?" he asked." yeah- yes." she responded. He groped her right breast—his left.— and suckled on the other ones nipple. "gods, how are you so good at this..?" he chuckled and then pulled away. He moved back down to her vagina and licked one finger before slowly entering it into her. "How does this feel?" he asked. "Good." she clenched around his single finger. gods, if this is how she clenches, imagine how will it feel on my dick, Luke wondered. "Are you ready for my dick or you still want to adjust?" he asked sweetly. "... I'm ready, I think." she said. "You sure?"
He pulled down his boxers to reveal his hard dick. He stroked it a few times and looked at her. She had wide eyes. "Will that thing even fit?" she asked. He laughed. "It will, don't worry." he spat on his fingers and smeared it on his dick. He entered only the tip and looked up at her. "Tug on my hair when it starts to hurt." she just nodded in response. He entered about a fourth of it in, then another, now it's halfway in. She tugs on his hair slightly. "Sorry.. Keep going." he nodded and slowly put the whole thing in. She tugged again. "I'll let you adjust." her virgin walls clenched and stretched around his dick, it took all his willpower to not fill her up right here, right now. "Ok... It hurts less now." she said. "Ok, do you want me to start moving?" he asked. She nodded so he slowly thruster in, and out, in, an out. "Faster..." she said. He obliged. After a while, they were both a moaning and whimpering mess. "Luke!~ I think im-" her walls clenched around him and. Milky ring built itself at his base. Her legs started squirming. "I know angel, just a little longer, I'm almost there." he finally cums and releases deep inside her. He looks down before pulling out and notices a lump in her stomach. "Aw... Look at how big my dick is inside of you, angel." he traced the outline and she whimpered. He finally pulled out and his cum leaked out of her. "All mine. Forever. Right?" he asked, cuddling her. "Forever." she agreed. He cleanes her up and then dressed her before doing the same to himself.
"You hungry?" he asked, turning on the projector to watch a movie. "Very," she said. H handed her the basket of food. "Dig in, angel," he said, turning on Moana, her favorite movie. They watched the movie and Luke turned to face her to see her sleeping face. He smiled softly and turned off the projector to then fall asleep as well.
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