#and I'm angry because he's so behind and I was hired to help him but he's not interested!
reareaotaku · 5 months
Maid of the Rich
Inspo: sluttsxphobia [I think they abandoned this idea, but I really like it, so I'm stealing it.] Summary: You were hired as a maid, but the day Miles returns from school, he makes it his mission to make your life a living hell. But one day his idea of you changes, though you wish he'd just continued to hate you Tw: Mean Miles [Obviously], Miles being creepy Taglist: @fxchild, @milesfairchild2, [Make a part 2??]
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You groaned as you put the car into park. You did not imagine that this is where your life would be at peak 20; A maid for some snooby rich kids. You turned off the engine and slammed your car door, mumbling under your breath as you walked up to the main doors.
You're met by an older lady who practically gave you a death stare. It wasn't like you wanted to be there either, so you didn't know why she seemed angry. Besides, she was the one who hired you, so she had no right to be upset.
She let you in and showed you around the mansion while explaining to you what you had to do. It was all just small talk and a waste of breath. You already knew what you were supposed to do and you doubted her showing you around will help you remember where everything is. Let's be honest, the place was huge; It'd take you a while to adjust. A part of you was jealous that someone got to live here and enjoy the lavish life of riches- That was until she, the woman showing you around, reminded you to be patient with the kids, because their parents had just died and the eldest had just lost a close companion. Though, the way she said companion made you think she thought the relationship as something else- Something she didn't like.
In your eyes, it seemed she didn't like much of anything. Besides how hard could it be to watch some brats?
You slowly walked into the office, before looking around the room. You let out a breath of relief when seeing it was empty. You walked over to a desk and pulled at some cabinets. You were looking for papers on the man who died? You weren't sure what she was, but you needed to know what happened to him.
You groan when seeing the dozens of unmarked papers in the drawers. You hear a noise behind you causing you to freeze. Imagine your surprised when you turned around and their was a teenage boy standing behind you. You practically jumped out of your skin as your nails dug into the desk. The boy was practically hidden in the shadows, which only creeped you out more.
"Who are you?" You finally got out after a while of silence.
"I'm Miles. I live here. Who are you?"
When Mrs. Grose had said 'Kids' you expected young children- Like under the age of 10. But this kid- Teen, Miles, looked like an older teen, maybe a young adult. But, since he was in a school uniform, you assumed he had to be under 18.
"I'm the new maid."
"No shit," He eyes you up and down. "What's your name."
You wanted to give the boy a dirty look, but something in you said that was a bad idea. With his attitude, you could only imagine the two of you wouldn't be getting along. "L/n. My names L/n."
"L/n? That sounds like a last name."
"Good observation."
"What's your first name?"
You ignore him and turn back around towards the desk, fiddling with the papers. Miles glares at your back, annoyed. He takes a step towards you, but you don't pay him any mind. In fact, you turn back around him and pat his shoulder-
"I'll uhh, see ya... Miles." And then you push past him and leave the room.
Oh, yeah, now he was pissed.
You could feel his eyes on you. Every move you make, he's watching. It was like he could sense your anxiety about being watch and liked to watch you squirm. You could hear every breath he took and it was starting to get to you.
"You missed a spot."
"What?" You look back at him, confused.
"You. Missed. A. Spot." He points to a spot next to your hand that you had been scrubbing at for a few minutes. It was sticky and stuck to the counter.
You frown at his smirk and rolled your eyes, "Yeah, well, I also wasn't finished."
"I sure hope not, since you did a shitty job."
You felt your fist clench and you took a deep breath, before shaking your head. You grabbed a cleaning bottle before spraying the spot and finally getting it. You smirked and turned to the smartass boy, "There. His majesty now has a clean spot."
He huffs, rolling his eyes, but doesn't respond. You felt satisfied that you had gotten him to shut up. He turns to leave but you quickly call him back.
"Oh, Miles- Uh, just a tiny favor, trying aiming IN the toilet, yeah?"
He frowns deeply, giving you a stinky eye, before tilting his head, "I'll aim on your grave you fucking whore."
You sigh, clicking your tongue, "I'm not to worried. If you can't aim in a toilet, I doubt you'll hit the grave."
"Fuck you, bitch."
"Oh no, the little mean boy called me a bitch. I'm so sad."
"Laugh it up while you can. You won't be here much longer."
You looked at him confused. At first you thought he meant he would get you fired, but a part of you saw it more as a death threat. Though, it was an empty threat, because a part of Miles liked your banter with one another. It was... Nice. Really nice.
The garden was nice, much nicer than any place you've ever been. You looked around the many rose bushes that surrounded you. Miss Fairchild seemed to have an eye for pretty flowers. Maybe it was a way to hide the tragedy of the Fairchild family. You sighed, leaning back and pushing your hair out on the fluffy grass. It was so peaceful- Until it wasn't.
"What are you doing?"
You groan when hearing the voice and rubbing your eyes. "You've got to be kidding me," You mumble under your breath.
"Shouldn't you be cleaning? Or something."
"Or something... I'm on break."
"You get breaks?"
"Yeah, it's called Worker's Rights... I think- Well, it's a law."
He walks towards you, before towering over you. He leans his head over you, displeasing you. His face was blocking the sun and right in your line of vision.
"Do you even know what you're talking about."
"Well, I'm working a shitty job for shitty pay, so you tell me if I know anything."
"Shitty job?"
"Yeah, that's what I said. I'm glad you can hear."
"How much do you get paid?" He tilts his head, watching you sit up.
"Enough to come back, I guess. I mean, I haven't quit, so..."
"So, it's not shitty pay."
"I guess not. But no amount of money would make this job bearable."
He doesn't respond and you're thankful. You run a hand through your hair and yawn. You push yourself up and brush off your clothes.
"You should get back to work. Mrs. Grose wouldn't like to see you relaxing. She hates anything fun."
"Yeah, I've noticed..." You turn back towards him, giving him a suspicious look. "You're being weird. Why are you being weird?"
He rubs his chin, giving you a confused look. "Weird? What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb... You're being nice..."
"Is that illegal?" He asks with an attitude, making you roll your eyes.
"No, but I don't like it. I know you're up to something. I've got my eye on him." You hand gesture the 'I'm watching you' before walking away from him.
You kept your eye on the boy, but... Everything was fine. He wasn't ruining your life and wasn't making you feel miserable. In fact, he went out of his way to make your life easier. He'd wash his plate, take out the trash, etc. You wished he'd go back to normal- something you never thought you'd say.
Miles stood over your bed, watching you closely. He lightly hums to himself, as he sits on the edge of your bed. He feels it dip, before sighing to himself. You looked so peaceful- Like nothing could hurt you. It was nice to look at. He wanted that; Peace.
His hand felt your body through the blanket. He wished he could touch your bare skin, though this would have to suffice. It wouldn't satisfy him for longer, but for now you were safe.
You awoke in the middle of the night feeling strange. You looked around your dark room, but nothing... It's not like you could see though. You hear a bang, causing your eye to turn towards your window. It was just a tree branch. You sigh in relief, before closing your eyes. Doing this, you missed the sound of your door opening and slowly closing.
You didn't sleep for much longer, but this time you were awaken by something more pleasant. It was a nice tune playing throughout the house. You slowly sit up, heading towards the before opening it. You look around the dark halls, deciding to find where the noise was coming from.
You slowly walking down the hall, following the music. You finally stopped in front of a familiar door. The music was still soft, but louder than when you were in your room. You push your ear up against the door, listening. It was nice, beautiful even.
Though, you must have been leaning to hard, because the door pops open, causing you to fall to the floor. You quickly stand up, frozen as Miles turns towards you.
He had known you were out there. He had purposefully played the song that Quint had told him you liked. He planned this.
"Sorry- I uh... Heard you playing."
"Yeah... It's an echoie house."
"Yeah. Uh, you're really good..."
"I know."
You look around the room at the instruments. "Pretty late."
"I guess- Uh, is there something you want, Y/n?"
You quickly shake your head and hands, "No! No, I just heard the music and wanted to see what it was."
"Well, if you close the door and come in, I can play you something."
"Play me something?"
"Yeah. That's what I said. Glad you can hear."
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sgojoenthusiast · 1 year
✧.* miguel o’hara x reader
miguel is suffering with the side effects of his vampirism: the insatiable hunger. you, a doctor, will stop at nothing to help him, no matter what. it’s your job, afterall.
cw: smut, biting, lowkey vampire sex, rough, i didnt do amazing in my gcse spanish course so i’m sorry for the rough attempt at miguel speaking spanish LMAO, hardly proof read mb, bit of oral (f receiving), mentions of blood, pain and injury. fem reader.
word count: 2.1k
likes, comments and reposts are deeply appreciated! <3 enjoy.
He couldn’t help it. He couldn’t resist. His brain felt like it was begging to break out of his skull. Everything hurt, but it wasn’t the kind of pain he could turn to you for help with.
It was the kind of pain that stemmed from the unfortunate bite all those years ago. A pain that derived from a never-ending hunger within him, resulting in constant hunger and sharpened fangs.
“Miguel, how many times do I have to say it? It’s my job. It’s what I'm paid to do! Just let me help you and we can-”
“No.” he cut you off sharply. When he had hired you after a particularly nasty fight that ended in a lot of spidermen injured but there was a lack of medics to help, he didn’t realise everything you did or said would have so much of an affect on him. If he had known, he would’ve never even looked in your direction because, god, you were intoxicating. “No puedo más, mierda. [i can’t anymore, fuck]. You can’t help me, okay? Just go home.” He seethed.
He wasn’t angry with you, never you. He was angry at how he had to turn your sweet words and caring touch away just because he couldn’t risk hurting you.
“You’re so frustrating, Miguel. you never let me help you.” He stood with his back to you, because he knew that if he looked behind him and saw you standing with your arms folded, a cute pout on your lips and the smooth skin of your neck on display, he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back anymore.
If he ever came close to hurting you, even if somehow the domino effect of something he did led to you getting injured, he would never forgive himself for as long as he lived. You were only human, you weren’t a spider like the rest of them. You were fragile, and couldn’t protect yourself as well as you could save others. 
“You should know by now I won't stop until I get what I want.” you began walking up behind him. “You’re clearly struggling with something. your breathing is heavy, you haven’t been walking or talking properly since you came back from your mission.” a sudden realisation popped into your brain. “You didn’t hit your head on your mission today, did you? Miguel- you told me there wasn’t a scratch on you, I can’t help you if you’re lying to me.”
Finally, he turned around to face you, his head hung low but he could see every inch of your perfect body. No longer could he restrain himself from the all-consuming thirst he felt as he flashed his fangs and suddenly appeared in front of you, pinning you against the wall.  “No quiero ayuda. [I don't want your help]. I just want it to stop.”
You tilted your head up at him. There wasn’t an ounce of fear in your eyes despite your position and he felt his heart stop. “You aren’t scared?” He breathed out. His eyes were wide and red. His heart was beating increasingly fast and his throat was getting dry.
He was so used to being the one people would cower around. Yet with you, you always seemed to defy his expectations. He stood in front of you, restraining himself from killing you, and yet you had barely even blinked.
You moved your hair out of the way of your neck, causing him to try and push himself away from you but you grabbed his wrist before he could. “It’s my job to help you. That’s why I'm here. So let me help you.”
He found it so hard to disobey you when you looked up at him so gently. Yet it was that look that reminded him of his affection towards you and made him shake his head profusely in denial. He refused to hurt you, even when you asked him to.
You pulled him by his wrist, closer to you, tempting him in as he complied thoughtlessly. His mind was reeling with the thought that it was your hand touching his wrist. It was your hand that slowly traced up his back and it was your fingers that threaded through his hair at that moment. Slowly, you guided his head down towards your open neck as every doubt inside his mind froze against his will. All of his morals disappeared. Everything he stood by, his dedication to protecting you, gone within a minute of you delicately caressing him.
“Please, Miguel, let me help you.”
When you pleaded with him so innocently, when your words slipped so tenderly from your pretty lips, he could no longer hold himself back. The shackles he’d chained himself to for so long, the restraints he’d built with his bare hands, crumbled like castles.
His sharp fangs sunk themselves into the crook of your neck and you whimpered slightly in pain, biting your lip.
Miguel lost himself in the taste of you as he forced you up harder against the wall. Still, it wasn’t enough. He needed his entire body against yours. He grabbed your leg, wrapping it around his waist as he continued to slowly suck the blood from your neck.
His hands pawed against you and massaged your hips. You felt yourself growing increasingly more wet at the feeling of him pressed up so close against you with his lips against your neck.
Somehow, the pain faded as you got used to it and all you could feel was the sensation you got as he ground himself against you, overpowered with need and moaning into your neck.
His head was spinning as his blood pumped vigorously. He’d never experienced such a high, such an addictive drug that devoured him whole and swallowed him completely.
You could feel how much he needed this. The feeling of peace and pleasure overshadowed the one of pain, yet, as you felt yourself go faint, you began to shake yourself out of the trance his lips against your neck put you in. In an odd way, you’d let him drink from you forever if it meant the feeling of his skin against yours.
You tapped his waist, urging him off you as he withdrew.
You placed your hand against your neck as a sudden pang of soreness washed over you. However, the sight before you was one you’d never forget as you looked up to meet his eyes. His lips stained with your blood before he wiped it away sent a strange sensation down your back as you closed your legs.
“Thank you, mi dulce niña. [my sweet girl].” he took your face between his thumb and index finger. Your faces were unbearably close. The desire to taste your own blood on his lips consumed you as your eyes flickered between his and his lips.
You stood against the wall of the empty hallway to his room in silence, your bodies begging for each other yet your mouths too shy to make it known.
Instead, he opted for silently taking you down the dimly lit corridor to his room, his fingers intertwined with yours.
The second his door closed, your back was against it. His lips finally pressed against yours as you sighed in contentment. Once again, your leg was hiked up as he caressed the supple skin of your thigh.
A rough yet gentle hand made its way up to your face as he ran his thumb up and down against your cheek. “I need you so bad. You don’t know what you’ve done to me. Everyday, I think about you. Your lips, your voice, your smile, your hips. I can’t fucking get enough of you and it kills me that I cant physically be as close to you as I want to be.” he murmured against your lips whilst you breathed shaky breaths against his.
You didn’t know what to say, or how to put your feelings into words because he had already summed it up so perfectly for you. “I can’t get enough of you either.”
He carried you to the bed and placed you down, his touch never once leaving your skin except to take his suit off.
Your hand ran across the scars of his chest, some you had fixed up yourself, up to his neck where you pulled him against you once more. He struggled to get your uniform off quickly with the continuous kiss and lack of sense as the thought of you naked beneath him fogged up his mind.
Miguel broke the kiss, and the sight of you with your hair splayed out across the mattress, skin glistening and your eyes half-lidded with lust had him weak in the knees as his dick grew harder against your thigh.
The moonlight peaked out past the gaps of his curtains, highlighting your frame and making him desperate.
He began to kiss down your body, leaving marks across your collarbone where he would occasionally bite.
He sucked and licked your nipples gently as you writhed beneath his touch, desperately yearning for more of his rough touch.
“I need you, miguel.”
“Patient now, mi dulce niña. [my sweet girl]” he replied, looking up at you from between your legs as he slowly began kissing down towards where you needed him so badly. He stroked your thighs and nipped at them harshly, yet the pain merged so beautifully with the pleasure that it all became one big blur.
He asked you to be patient, but after so long of longing stares and discreet touches, being patient was the last thing on your mind as you bucked your hips up, itching for his touch.
“Niña mala [bad girl]. What did I just tell you?” he snarled.
“Please, Miguel, I'm begging you. I’ve waited so long- I can’t be patient anymore.” you pleaded with him. It seemed to be enough to convince him as he brought your hips up to his face and flicked his tongue skillfully against your pussy as you gasped surprisingly.
He moved his tongue rhythmically, snatching pleas and moans from your lips. It wasn’t too long before he slid in one of his fingers... then another. He thrusted them inside you relentlessly, praising you for taking what he was giving you without another complaint.
His tongue and his fingers combined clouded your senses and made you feel as though nothing - no one - would ever come close to satisfying you so well. However, just as you clenched around him, he pulled out. You whined and cried for him to stop playing around, but he simply ignored you.
Miguel needed to feel you come around his dick if you were going to come anywhere. He needed you both to finish together. He craved the feeling of your bodies merging together in that haze of relief and exhaustion before he pulled out.
He moved back up to your face and your eyes locked; a feeling rushed over you that made your heart swell. You don’t think you could ever get enough of him.
He grabbed his painfully hard dick, stroking it against your folds. You bucked against him hopelessly. Luckily, he took the hint and slid himself somewhat smoothly inside of you, though the pain of the stretch was inevitable.
Your hands immediately went to his back, gripping on as if it would save you. Miguel groaned at the pain as he pulled back slightly and thrusted harshly back in.
He noticed the bite marks on your neck, and the blood that still gradually fell from it due to the lack of treatment. He leaned down, licking the blood up and moaning as he pounded himself into you savagely.
Everything was overwhelming. The feeling of him licking and sucking the blood from your neck, the pain of your hands clawing down his back, the unrelenting pummelling inside of you and the sounds of skin against skin and voices intertwining in the air.
It sent you both spiralling.
“ ‘m g’nna- come, Miguel.” you heaved out.
His hand trailed down to your aching pussy as he slid a finger against your clit and began rubbing viciously. Your moans dominated the room at the extra pleasure as you began to slip from your control.
“Come with me.” he demanded as he hammered inside of you without any remorse.
It was everything you had both dreamed it would be and more. The feeling of letting go together shook you both as you clenched around him, sucking him in, and as he shot his load inside of you.
You both lay there for what felt like an eternity of comfort and serenity. Your bodies pressed up against each other with your eyes closed, just soaking up the moment without any anxieties or thoughts.
However, to your dismay, Miguel pulled back. He took your face in his palm again, marvelling at your vulnerable state. He would be the only one to see you like this.
He placed his forehead against yours as your breaths became synchronised along with your heartbeats, creating the sound of peace and belonging.
a/n: read the extra here.
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚sgojoenthusiast
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st-kitten · 10 months
next chapter →
WARNINGS: (m.) masturbation, nicknames (baby, babygirl, good girl, princess, pretty girl) little megumi being painstakingly adorable
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life as a single father trying to make ends meet was hard for toji fushiguro. his job as a security guard for some company didn't pay much. whatever he earned went into bills, rent, and groceries, leaving next to nothing for him to save or even spend. how he wished there was a simpler way to earn. he'd be exhausted by the time he came home and crashed, only to be woken up by megumi. as much as he loved the kid, getting him ready for school and out the door was harder than an mma fight.
all the babysitters he hired were useless. most of them agreed just to get into his pants so, when they found out that they were hired 'because' he couldn't be home, they left in disappointment.
toji never relied on his neighbours either. partially because they were too old or kids themselves, with parents who also hired babysitters. the closest anyone ever came to being a candidate was his next door neighbour, you.
but he vowed to never approach you. even if it meant leaving megumi to cry midday, over a glass of spilled milk. why?
toji had just helped megumi catch the school bus. waving him goodbye, he went back inside the building. the days got colder each passing day, which meant that he was going to have to repair the broken heater and buy some warm clothes. how ever was he going to afford it in time?
collecting the mail, he stood in the temporary warmth of the elevator, yawning. he really wanted to go back to sleep. his work began at 10 am, so he still had two hours, maybe he could take a nap. or fix that heater himself.
he stood in front of his apartment, looking through his pockets for the keys when he heard muffled noises from the apartment next door. he had only seen you once, when he accidentally took your mail instead of his and had to give it back to you. you always seemed distant and cold, so hearing you softly, yet loudly screaming a series of "yes! yes! keep doing that!" at 8 am made him wonder what the fuck was wrong with you.
he let it slide. people had lives.
but you didn't stop there. when toji came back from his work at night, holding a bag of vegetables, he heard you again.
"oh god! yes!"
and two days later when toji brought megumi home early as he got sick in school, "just like that, baby!" he had to keep babbling random trivia to his son so that he wouldn't hear you. how many times is she going to do this?
when it was toji's day off, and he was taking a nap on the couch, he heard you moaning again. it wasn't that loud, but the single wall between your apartment and his did a terrible job at muffling it. toji was glad that megumi was at school.
[back in present time]
months had passed by and he was still not used to hearing you. he'd forgotten what you looked like, so he didn't recognise you whenever you passed by him or even when you were in the elevator with him. all he knew was that he hated you for being so disturbing.
the day he was dreading finally came when he wanted someone to look after megumi for the night as he had to cover someone's shift, and not a single person was available. with an ale tankard of reluctance, he rang the doorbell, truly expecting you to open it naked, some angry fucker peeking from behind 'cause he didn't get to finish...
so when you opened the door looking the complete opposite; wearing loose sweatpants, a barbie hoodie, house slippers and your hair tied in a messy bun, half a banana dangling in your mouth... toji held back a sigh of relief.
"hey... i'm toji, i live next door," he said, trying to sound sincere.
"i mow woo yooah," you said, chewing the banana quickly, and swallowed it.
"right... listen, i gotta cover an extra shift and i need someone to look after this brat for the night."
you held back a laugh upon hearing him refer to his son like that. you'd only seen megumi from a distance. but, you had no reason to refuse.
"sure! i'd be happy to!"
toji was still unsure about this, but there was no backing out now.
"cool. i'll send him in twenty minutes." toji vanished before you could say anything else. you chuckled to yourself. for a man of his size and built, he sure was a chicken when it came to communication.
you cleaned your living room before he could come back. your place was kid-friendly enough. you made sure you prep the kitchen in case he hadn't had dinner.
your doorbell rang and you scurried to open it.
"here's a list of things you'll have to do... he's... a little tough. but he's a good kid."
you took the list and gave it a brief look and nodded.
"alright, megs, you're gonna be staying with this lady today. i'll be back soo-"
megumi began tugging his father's pants grumpily, upset at his words.
"don't be like that, kid..." toji sighed. he didn't like to exhibit his personal life in front of others.
"please? i'll get you ice cream."
megumi's ears perked upon hearing ice cream. "chocolate?" he cooed.
"yes. now go inside."
clutching a tattered dog plushie (with two heads for some reason), he stepped inside your apartment, looking down.
toji knelt down to meet his eyes. straightening megumi's sweater, he said, "i'll be back tomorrow morning. behave, okay?" megumi nodded, almost on the verge of crying. you held back the 'awwws'.
"alright... i'm trusting you. don't f- mess it up," said toji, looking at you with a glare.
"i won't..." you just smiled solemnly. you'd say the same if you were in his position.
toji wanted to tell you to not have sex for that one night, but he chose not to add fuel to the fire. who was he to tell you not to fuck? if anything, he was mildly jealous that you got to enjoy it so much.
toji left and you turned back to megumi, who was standing in your living room, anxious to move a muscle.
you sighed. "hello, megumi. i'm y/n." you crouched down and held out your hand to him. he hesitated before holding three of your fingers and shaking them. you smiled.
"sorry about this... you don't know me at all and now you're stuck with me. must be weird."
megumi stayed silent. you got up and went to the kitchen, which was open and visible from your living room easily. you opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of chocolate milk that you'd gotten free with something.
"would you like some?" you shook the carton. megumi loved chocolate in any form. not wanting to sound too excited or desperate, he gave a curt nod. you poured him a cup of milk and handed it to him.
"you can sit down wherever you want."
megumi scanned the room and spotted a bean bag. he'd never seen one. he looked at you and then back at it.
"you wanna sit there? sure!" you placed a hand on his head and led him to the corner. you held his cup for him while he tried to sit. he immediately sank into the bean bag, hearing the sound of tiny malleable balls that shifted as he sat down. megumi's eyes widened as he tried not to bolt out of there. when he was settled down, he found it pretty comfortable. he liked how he could stretch his legs and sit at the same time.
"comfy, right?" you said, handing him his cup of chocolate milk. the way he held it with both hands made you want to scream in a pillow. no way that asscrack of a man was his father.
you went over the list once more. it was simple. bedtime was 9 PM, no allergies, likes sweet food, but easily gets a sugar rush, etc. you laughed at the numerous spelling mistakes in it.
"so, what do you like to do?" you asked, sitting down on the floor in front of him.
megumi didn't like talking to babysitters. mostly because they never paid attention to him. he didn't like how they bossed him around. or how they got mad when he asked them if they could play with him. so he would stay silent. nobody ever asked him what he liked to do, so your question caught him by surprise.
he thought about it. what did he like to do?
"you paint?" you asked. you always liked the idea of kids drawing and painting.
megumi nodded. he was obsessed with a box of paints his father had bought him ages ago. the paints were long dried and over. but he still dipped his brush into them, watering them and painting with whatever colour came out of it.
you didn't have paints or brushes that he could use... but an idea struck you and you wondered whether he'd like it.
"wanna paint my room?" you suddenly said.
megumi's eyes lit up with curiosity. won't your walls get damaged? what if he spilled paint on the floor? or on you?
"the walls in my room are sad and empty. i have some paint cans that the painters forgot about when i was renovating. there are some colours still left. what do you say?"
megumi nodded. you got up and went into your room, searching for a shirt you give him as overalls. you pulled out the paint cans from under your bed. you took an old shirt of yours and brought it to him in the living room.
megumi had finished drinking his milk, so he thought he'd keep the cup back. hearing you call his name startled him and he dropped the cup, watching it shatter into pieces. he tensed up and felt his eyes water. you were going to scold him, punish him, maybe even hit him. he deserved it. he broke your cup.
"oh my, are you okay?" you rushed to his side, crouching and checking him for wounds.
"sorry... sorr-" megumi tried his best not to cry. he was expecting an earful at any moment now.
"why?" it was all you asked.
megumi looked at you in shock.
you chuckled sympathetically. "so? cups break all the time."
"i break cup..."
you stood up, unsure of how to convince him that he did nothing wrong.
"okay... you broke the cup." there it was. you were angry. megumi was going to get scolded.
instead, he watched you pick another cup from the shelf. you took the cup, and angling it far from megumi, you threw it.
"and i broke a cup too. guess we're both clumsy..." you shrugged and picked up the pieces, swiping the rest with a broom and tossing them in the garbage.
megumi didn't know what to say. had he really done nothing wrong? it was just a cup... yeah, just a cup.
"come, let's paint my room," you held out your hand to him. slowly, he grabbed it, walking behind you towards your room. your hands were soft and warm. and you didn't pull him or drag him. instead you were walking slower just for him. why were you so kind?
you brought him to your room and asked him to help you spread newspapers on the floor. then you handed him a shirt, helping him put it on since it was huge for him. he looked like a penguin.
"megumi... please, i'll give you more chocolate milk, but can i please take your picture? you're too cute," you asked, clutching your heart.
megumi blushed and nodded, looking away.
you clicked at least twenty pictures of him in your shirt, holding a thick paintbrush, standing on newspaper barefoot. you made a mental note to send these to toji.
"alright, pick your colours."
megumi carefully scanned each colour. then he looked at you. he didn't want to mess up this opportunity. it wasn't every day that he got to paint a wall instead of paper. he wanted to make sure you'd like it.
you seemed the type of person who would appear stern, but on the inside, you were really soft and caring. like a marshmallow. he wanted the room to suit you. being the observant kid, he looked around the room and learned that you liked necklaces, most of which looked like fancy saturns (iykyk). you also liked flowers as there were vases on your nightstand, windowsill and some were on your bookshelves. you also had a lot of books. what really caught megumi's attention was that you had three guitars hung on the wall. your room was totally your personality. he knew what he wanted to paint.
megumi pointed to a few colours and you handed him a few brushes of different sizes. he dipped one in red paint and began painting a few strokes on the wall (only after glancing back at you a hundred times in case you changed your mind). you sat on the bed, watching him focus. he was definitely smarter than kids his age. you admired him.
after a while, you left the room, telling him that you were going to make dinner. curry rice got an approval from him, so you occupied yourself in the kitchen, humming to yourself. you wondered what all he had painted in your absence. you didn't really care about the wall; you only hoped he'd feel safe enough to be a child.
you finished cooking and plated the food, setting on the kitchen island you used as a dining table. you pulled a chair and stacked some couch pillows on it, increasing the height of the seat. you called to megumi, but he didn't answer.
you stepped into the room to call him for dinner again, but no words came from your mouth as you stared at your wall, awestruck.
megumi had painted so many flowers and vines that ran across your wall in different colours. he'd even mixed a few colours and created new ones. he drew the saturn orbs matching your jewellery in the center of some flowers. though he could only paint a part of it and couldn't reach higher, the wall looked full of life.
he looked at you, anxious to hear what you had to say.
you stood behind him, admiring the wall.
"you made my wall magical. this is so beautiful!"
megumi had a tiny smile on his face.
"you're an artist, gumi" you said, ruffling his hair, and he blushed at the nickname you gave him. nobody ever gave him a nickname apart from his father. people would often forget his name.
he felt his chest swell with pride and happiness. he did a good job.
"let's put fairy lights on the wall!" you chirped and he nodded.
you helped him out of his shirt, tossing it into the laundry basket. you sat him down on the high chair and you both sat down for dinner. megumi liked the food. but he truly loved how you let him be himself without bossing him around. it finally dawned on him that he had broken your cup, painted your wall, and was eating your food and you had absolutely no problem with it. he felt himself breathe freely.
after dinner, he helped you clean the room and stick fairy lights all across your room. you went overboard with it, but when you switched them on and lay on the bed watching them twinkle, it felt worth it.
"we did a good job, today." you gave him a high five.
megumi yawned and you took it as a sign to prep him for bed. toji forgot to give you his toothbrush, so you tore him a new one. you wouldn't dare let a child sleep in the living room, so you tucked him in your bed. you were so glad you bought that expensive comforter because seeing megumi snuggle into it turned your eyes into beating hearts.
upon his request, you tucked in his ominous dog plushie with him and bid him goodnight. megumi fell asleep easily, snoring softly. you made rounds to the room to check on him and felt your heart melt every time. he was definitely an active sleeper. his positions would get bizarre every time and you'd pull the comforter on him properly each time.
you finally slept on your couch around midnight.
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toji didn't sleep a wink. the world's most boring job had him awake all night, opening gates for rich snobs who partied and returned to the semi-residential building at odd hours.
the only thing on his mind was megumi. he prayed that you weren't fucking someone with him in the house. he wondered if he'd eaten. he wondered if he was asleep right now. he hoped you gave him his demon dog to sleep with.
when dawn broke, he was out of there. he drove his dying truck straight to the parking and dashed out of the car. he decided to grab his and your mail, just so he'd have an extra excuse to knock on your door.
he didn't bother asking you for a key. he just yanked open the letterbox and it easily came into his hand. he grabbed whatever was in it.
"did you hear apartment 707? so loud.... that too in the morning"
"how could i not? but, im not surprised..."
toji heard two ladies gossip, waiting for the elevator. 707... his apartment was 706, so it had to be you. he was going to murder you.
he sped in and out of the elevator, rushing to your place. expecting to hear the sound of sex, he stopped in his tracks... you were not having sex? your door was conveniently ajar and toji spotted a few empty cans of paint outside.
he opened the door, peeking in, only to see... his adorable five year old son, jumping around and dancing with you to a christmas song, decorating a large tree in your living room. (christmas tree farm by the one and only... blondie)
if toji could explain how much he wanted to giggle at the sight, he would. but he only watched the two of you, leaning against the doorframe, hands folded, a small smirk tugging at his lips.
"where every wish comes true!!!" you sang, hanging the ornaments miscellaneously. megumi poked your leg and you picked him up, helping him tie a bell around a branch.
you swayed and danced to the beat with megumi on your shoulders, who laughed loudly.
toji felt his heart melt upon hearing his son laugh. he hadn't heard that sound in a long time.
he looked around and spotted a plate of half-eaten pancakes and glasses of milk. did you drink milk with him? he held back a laugh.
as you turned around, you spotted toji and nearly threw yourself in the tree.
"dad!" megumi chirped, happy to see his father. toji took it as an invitation to come inside. seeing megumi almost as tall as him, he chuckled and looked him in the eye.
"here's your ice cream, stinky," he said, holding a bag full of ice cream cups.
megumi giggled.
toji smiled widely and you sobbed at how cute the kid was. you placed him down and he ran to his father, clinging to his knee. you took the ice cream bag from toji and placed it on the kitchen counter taking the contents out.
[next song: under the tree by sam palladio]
you handed megumi a cup of chocolate ice cream and the uselessly small wooden spoon that came with it.
"which one do you want?" you asked toji who had yawned at least a dozen times by now.
"anything is fine."
you tossed him the pinkest strawberry ice cream cup. he rolled his eyes, but began eating it anyway. you sat next to him on the couch. megumi insisted on sitting under the tree, on the tree-skirt, looking up at the lights and the ornaments from below.
"oh! look!" you said, pulling your phone out to show toji pictures of little megumi in an oversized shirt holding a paintbrush.
"what's this?" toji asked. though his kid looked cute, he still didn't know what happened when he was away.
"yeah, he painted my wall," you replied.
"HE WHAT?" toji asked, surprised. megumi never misbehaved. but i guess he finally snapped.
"yeah! it's so beautiful, i can't stop staring at it," you began mumbling.
this kid ruined your walls and you're happy about it? he thought you'd scold him.
"come, i'll show you," you signalled him to follow you and toji did, worried about the mess his son had made.
he also did not want to see your room, given that he'd heard you have sex plenty of times for it to etch in his mind like a song that just doesn't fucking leave.
he was not expecting for your room to be so... pleasant and unsuspecting. you had a queen-sized bed with fluffy pillows, plants in the room, some equipment on the desk. hell, instead of sex, it smelled like coconut.
you showed him the art megumi had blessed your wall with.
"he's great at painting!"
toji's eyes widened at the intricate designs on the wall. had megumi really painted this? was he this good at it?
"it's... good..." toji didn't know what to say. he felt really sad that his son was capable of something so great and yet toji couldn't do more for him.
you smiled, somehow understanding what he was feeling. it was the same thing you felt about yourself when you realised your love for music.
toji asked you to send him the pictures and you complied. he looked around your room in silence, not knowing what to do. but he decided to address the former elephant in the room.
"can i ask you something?"
"sure," you said, looking down at your phone.
"i don't have the right to pry in your personal life, but... next time you have someone over, keep it down? i don't want megumi to hear... that..."
"you know... what you and your boyfriend do..."
"i don't have one?"
"then whoever you bring home to fuck... just please, keep the volume low," said toji impatiently.
"i didn't bring any... oh, you heard that!" you said as it dawned on you.
"yeah, whatever that is..." toji wanted to hide his face. it felt like giving a child 'the talk'. and you weren't that old too...
"toji..." you called, holding back your laugh. he wondered what was so funny.
"i'm not having sex in here. what you've been hearing..." you almost held it back... "was me recording for quinn."
you sighed as you explained, "it's an app for people who like listening to spicy stories... i'm one of their narrators... i try to pick times when people are busy or not here... but oh my god, i'm so sorry you had to hear that..." you said with a laugh, grabbing his arm apologetically.
toji digested every word you said.
"why on earth would you do that?"
"it pays really well, you know..." you shrugged.
now you had toji's attention. "you get paid for speaking dirty?" he asked, genuinely curious.
"and narrating, reading lines, moaning, whimpering, shouting... the works."
"that's an odd job..." he commented. it truly was. he had no idea things like these existed.
"i'm a singer by profession, so this is just a side hustle. my room is soundproof so i can't hear outside noises, but sadly..."
"you're not ashamed?"
"why would i be? it's great that people like it. you should try listening to some."
"please, no," toji held his palm out to her. he heard you chuckle. "aren't you worried that people might find out about you?"
"of course i don't use my real name."
toji shook his head in disbelief.
"i know you're ancient, but try it someday. who knows, you might end up liking it," you said, showing him the app on your phone.
toji stared at you with a blank face. he wasn't that behind the times, was he? he snuck a glance at your screen, his eyes falling on your username in a corner. embarrassed, he swatted your hand away and you chucked.
"anyway, thanks for looking after my kid." toji got up and left your room as you trotted behind him.
toji left with megumi, after thanking you once more and making his kid to the same. megumi had definitely enjoyed he spent with you. he wished he could do it again.
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a few days passed by and megumi started to become more interactive with you, waving at you, telling about his day when you rode the elevator together, giving you some small sketches he made after you gave him a sketchbook and some colour pencils.
toji still hadn't warmed up to you, but he wasn't as dismissive as he used to be. in fact, he had gotten slightly curious about you. you lived a quiet life, or so it seemed on the outside. but he knew what you did and how unbothered you were about it.
why would people pay to listen to strangers moaning? it seemed bizarre to him. he tried to ignore it.
he was stuck on another night shift, leaving megumi with you. he was glad that his son didn't mind you. and you'd proven to be a capable babysitter. yet, all he wanted was to be near his son. home. the night couldn't get over any sooner.
toji sat in the booth provided to him, watching the streets. nights when people came and went by were just as boring as when nobody showed up. he contemplated taking a nap, but the last thing he wanted was to be fired for slacking off. especially when the night shift paid him a bit more.
he turned side to side in the swivel chair, groaning in frustration. so far, he'd watched eight mma matches on his phone, cussing at how pathetic they were. nothing entertained him enough to keep him awake.
that thing embedded in his subconscious mind suddenly resurfaced, making him gulp in guilt. he could do it. it's not like she'll know... as if he was being watched, toji switched the light off in his booth and discreetly took his phone out, lowering the brightness and pulling out a tangled pair of earphones, and plugged them in. he downloaded that app, signing in with a random email he'd created ages ago.
[mention; compromised: victoria pedretti, on quinn]
he remembered her username and typed it in. not wanting to dwell too much on it, he clicked on the first 'story' he saw. he didn't read the description. he had no idea what he was to expect. thankfully, the audio started with some context. he instantly recognised your voice. based on what he understood in the first few minutes of the introductory chapter, it was a story about an agent watching over the witness she was supposed to protect. he realised that it was a woman x woman story. not that he minded. he just enjoyed listening to your voice. you surely had a singer's voice.
the more he listened, the more engrossed he was in the plot.
"i can stay on the line, sure..." you said, as your character stood below a hotel, at a distance, watching the woman you were on the phone with, from the window, keeping an eye out.
"you're not wearing anything underneath... i might not be the only person watching, you know," you chuckled. your laugh sounded better all over, probably due to the recording quality. toji paid attention to everything he heard.
"...tell me where you're touching...does it feel good?"
"i wanna see your other hand on your breast..."
"do you want me in that room?" your voice was laced with quick breaths...
"now i'm gonna hang up...no, not to touch myself... I don't care that you're close!"
toji sighed in exasperation, truly engrossed in the story.
"wait, shit, there is a man... fuck i think he's armed..."
toji had never clicked on 'next' that fast in his life. okay, he was hooked. when he first heard about this from you, he thought it was just audio-porn. he didn't expect a full on story with a plot, internal monologue, the background noises. it was as if it was happening around him.
the next chapter had you grunt and scream as you fought some attacker. how on earth did she record this shit? was she also fighting in the apartment? he smirked, realising what a double life she was leading.
"i saw that smirk, don't get any ideas..." you said coincidentally and toji had to look around him for a moment.
"you're very, very distracting..." your voice seemed closer whenever the background music got fainter. maybe it was the mic or some technical tweaking. but it really sounded like you were speaking in his ear.
your pants were now mixed with small laughs. it sounded blissful.
"don't ever be sorry for kissing me..." toji was surprisingly okay with hearing sounds of you kissing, probably another woman.
"oh, these lips... can i? touch them? fuck..." you moaned slightly... and then laughed. "did you just bite my thumb? you're so bad... i might have to punish you."
toji had to grasp his phone tightly as heard you make out, hearing your breaths mingled with the sounds of your lips moving against someone else's. you sounded so different, so confident.
"you like that, don't you? me on my knees... touching you, licking you, tasting you..."
toji knew you were saying this to a woman, but he couldn't help picturing himself in her place. your hums, whimpers, breaths, they were all elevating his senses. he felt his pants tighten.
"yes, fuck..."
"i love your neck..." you panted. toji raised his head, gulping.
"you're so hot... fuck... me..." your moans had started to get louder, breathier.
"what if i don't wanna hurry? what if... i wanna make you beg for it?" toji instinctively let his hand wander down his body, to his pants. he loosened his belt. he slid his pants and boxers down just enough for his dick to spring out, harder than he expected it to be. your constant moans, whimpers and dirty words became music to his ears as he stroked his cock slowly.
"tell me how good it feels..."
toji groaned, quickening his speed, his eyes closed, his mind visualising your face. he imagined you doing everything he heard you do on the phone. touching him, licking him, tasting him... he fisted his cock to the sounds of your sweet voice, shamelessly.
"so good..." he hissed, as if to answer you, gliding his fist up and down his thick veiny cock, its tip glistening proudly.
"come for me, yes! yes! yes! fuuuuck..." you moan loudly, dragging the last word, breathing shakily.
"god..." toji gave up any restraint he had and let his cock burst like a dam, spoiling his pants.
he was high. high on your voice, your moans, your words. he wished he could experience it for the first time again.
a shrieking honk from the gate snapped toji back into reality. he zipped back up in a hurry, shoving his half-hard cock in his pants. he tied a jacket around his waist to hide it and scurried out of the booth to open the gate.
toji came home early in the morning, feeling floaty. he couldn't forget last night's events. not when you were right there. next door. probably recording the next one. toji didn't know how he was to face you, but he was damn sure about hearing you again.
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and hear you he did. for days. he was finding the plot interesting too. but he was addicted to your voice. how were you so confident? how did you manage to record the perfect moans. did you have help? did you get off just to get a good audio? all these questions plagued toji's mind. he really wanted to ask you about it.
but how was he to do it without sounding like a creep? or worse, a pervert? but then again, you did till him about it yourself.
so, when he had to collect megumi from your house after coming back, he came up with the simplest excuse.
"see you later, gumi!" you ruffled his hair, watching him run to his father, who told him to go inside and wait for him.
before you could shut the door, he shoved his foot inside. "hey, uh... i had a question."
"come in..." you moved aside.
you were hungry, but didn't have the time to buy groceries. so, instant ramen it was...
toji followed you to the kitchen, rehearsing the imminent conversation in his head.
"what's wrong?" you asked, looking at his tensed brow.
"i'm a little starved for cash. megumi's birthday is coming and i want to give that urchin something good this time."
"you uh..." was he really going to ask that? would she even listen? "you were talking about that..."
you on the other hand, knew exactly what he wanted to talk about. so many of your friends had tried to do that same. the fact that toji was considering doing that made the composer in you mildly excited.
"you want to earn cash on quinn, am i right?"
toji's head shot up, looking at you, slightly horrified and ready to get his ass kicked out the door.
"wait, what?"
"i'll help you... sell your voice."
"are you serious?"
"do i look like i'm joking?"
"would i even... be able to... you know..."
you leaned on the kitchen island, looking at toji, who had sat down in a chair across from you.
"just do it..."
"you expect me to do it just like that?" he asked.
"what, like it's hard?" you snorted.
toji just looked at you blankly. "you mean, you do it just like that?"
"women are expert at faking it, you know?" you smirked.
toji scoffed in disbelief, rolling his eyes.
wickedly, you began panting, whimpering, opening your mouth as lewd moans spilled out of you. you gripped the edge of the kitchen island, and whined, "yes! toji! just like that!"
toji felt like he'd been shot in the head... both, his heads... he felt a bulge in his pants. hearing you moan and actually seeing you moan were two different things. the way your eyes shut tight, brow creased, mouth opened and chest heaved, toji couldn't take his eyes of you.
you saw his reaction through squinted eyes and stopped, reverting to your normal self, scratching the back of your head, completely unbothered.
"so yes, toji... just like that..." you said, without the moans this time.
toji gulped.
"so, do you wanna record a demo? i can send it to my agent. if she likes it, she'll ask you to record a proper script."
toji sighed... what was he getting into? he didn't actually imagine himself doing it. would it be embarrassing? no, fuck it. he could really use the extra cash.
"no one can know," he said sternly.
"you can use a pseudonym. you can literally put an emoji as your name."
"whatever. as long as nobody can trace it back to me."
"i guarantee you they won't. let's send an anonymous demo, 'kay?"
"fine. but, i don't know how to do this shit. it's too... fucking dumb."
you chuckled. "it is. dumb and fun. but doesn't it make you feel... like a king, knowing that the world gets off to your voice?"
toji scoffed and smirked. oh, how he wished she knew that he had been getting off to her voice nearly every damn night, palming his dick, picturing you saying all those dirty things to him.
he followed you to your bedroom where you had set up your mic, your laptop, you desk, under a labyrinth of wires and cables. he was made to sit in the chair facing the mic. the fuck am i doing...
you tapped on your laptop, leaning forward on the desk. toji's hammering anxiety took a break when he realised how close you were. your tits were practically in his face. he'd only ever seen you in baggy clothing, so this was a pleasant surprise. they were big. but they'd easily fit in his hands. he was a little disgusted by the fact that he was severely attracted to you.
"okay... what would you like to say?"
"i don't know..."
"what are your go-to swear words?"
"uh... fuck?"
"i don't swear because of my kid... so, i don't know... this is difficult, y/n..."
"what do you have to fear?"
she was right. what was he to lose? to fear? nothing. he knew how hot was. he knew ladies threw themselves at him. he knew his sex appeal was impeccable. so then why was this so difficult?
oh, he knew why. you. it was because of you. the way he'd listened to your moans all week, stealing glances at you whenever he saw you, and now that he was in your bedroom with you...
fuck that! this bitch just faked an orgasm in front of me without a problem. i can at least spit out a few sentences.
"how do you start?"
"well, i usually have a script and there's good enough build up."
"so, give me one of your scripts."
"really? you wanna say, 'touch my pussy'?"
"fuck no. ugh, this is frustrating," he groaned loudly, leaning back and running his hands through his hair.
"hey, wait, that's good!"
"say it again."
"this... is frustrating?"
"tojiiiii," you rolled your eyes and smacked his arm. "say it like you did before. with the groan and all."
"i can't just do it on command."
"do you want me to leave you here alone with a gravure magazine then?"
toji's narrowed his eyes at her. "you read those?"
"no, but, you get the point."
toji sighed. you thought of another way to get him riled up. if a sexy audio wasn't gonna happen, then an angry one it was... there were plenty of angsty stories in demand. you clicked on record without him knowing.
"stop acting like a virgin, toji," you said and he shot you a glare. you let your mouth run a marathon, "no, for real, you're a grown ass man with a nice, deep voice. you look like you'd be pissed off if someone so much as looks at you wrong. or worse, if someone tries to mess with your son-"
"watch your mouth," toji growled, grabbing your jaw with his fingers, pressing it tightly.
"or what?"
"or you regret ever letting me in this house. that kid fucking loves you. you keep him out of this. do not... ever use him... to use me," he snarled.
you pressed the spacebar to stop recording. toji pulled his hand back, putting two and two together.
"that... was something."
"i mean it."
"sorry... but damn, angry toji... is sexy..." you commented.
"yeah? you like that?" toji said with a smirk. you squealed, regretting not recording that.
"SAY THAT AGAIN." you began recording again.
toji let out a deep chuckle. "you want me to say that again, pretty girl?" oh, he was starting to get into it.
you nodded.
"beg for it..." toji whispered, slightly closer to the mic. he watched you hold back another squeal.
"use your words, baby."
you were almost jumping up and down at how good he sounded. you really wanted to use his voice. you figured your agent would ignore yours and focus on his.
you exhaled, "please, please say it again!"
"hmm..." toji's baritone voice reverberated in the mic. "that doesn't sound so convincing, princess..."
you banged the air above the desk, pursing your lips and grinned.
"please please please! i'll do anything!"
oh, toji was starting to see the fun in it. "anything, you say..."
"yes! whatever you say!" you too were blending well with him.
"get on your knees, then baby..." he said brusquely.
your jaw dropped, morphing into a wide smile as you silently cheered him. toji found your reactions entertaining. true, you'd been doing this longer than him, so you were probably used to hearing all that. you were genuinely enjoying him.
you gave him a thumbs up and he made his closing statement, making sure to murmur, "good girl..."
you stopped recording and grabbed toji by his shoulders, shaking him. "AAARRRRGGGH. you are a natural!!!!!"
toji smirked. that was oddly easy to do. mostly because you helped him into it.
"well, i'm not one to brag..."
"no, please brag."
"heh. do you think your agent will like it?"
"she will eat it. she will want to become it."
"how much do you make exactly?" he asked.
"i had to do a lot of small freebies until i got my big break. i made [good amount] per episode. i've done three stories, each with twelve chapters. im working on a fourth one... so it's incomplete."
that must have been the one toji had listened to the first time. he did click the first thing he saw. he'd been replaying the first three episodes over and over, coming undone to them. but now that you'd said there were more...
"that's actually very..."
"rich, right? i was surprised too."
"so, you're gonna send it to your agent now?"
"yep. she'll like it. under what name do you want it?"
toji thought about it. he couldn't have this traced back to him. not with megumi's life at risk. it had to be something entirely random. yet meaningful...
"how about... 707?"
you grinned. that was a smart pseudonym. "done."
"well... tell me how it goes. and once again... not a word about this in public. what happens in this room, stays in this room," he warned you.
toji chuckled as he stood up to leave and rejoin his son. before he did, he inched closer to you and whispered in your ear, "beg for it, babygirl."
you groaned and flapped your hands, fanning yourself. "you're so good at this!"
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you'd sent that clip to your agent and got a response from her a few days later. to say the least, you were surprised by her request.
so, you stood at toji's door, phone in hand. he opened it.
"it's my agent."
toji shut the door behind him, not wanting megumi to hear anything.
"what'd she say?"
you simply held out your phone and the text she sent you.
'WHO IS THAT?' 'GIRL LOCK THAT MAN IN THE BASEMENT' 'he's got the job if he wants it. i just got a killer script! the only condition is'
toji raised an eyebrow at the last message.
'you both have to do it together'
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lunnybunny12 · 8 months
Blitz x Reader (patching him up)
This is mostly word vomit but hope you enjoy it.
Blitz comes back from a job pretty beaten up.
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"Hey, Loona? its getting late I'm gonna head home," you said, closing your computer.
"kay. See you tomorrow " she answered while still looking at her phone.
When you and Millie moved to the pride ring, nether of you expected to be working at I.M.P. Millie got a job there pretty much right away. She would always come home to your apartment frustrated because of the lack of organisation of jobs.
One day you decided to meet her at work and walked into chaos. piles and piles of paperwork strewed everywhere. You offered to help and the boss offered you a job. Its been a few years since then.
"Thank you." you chimed.
Just as you were about to go file away the last few documents and head home, the portal to Earth opened. Moxie and Milie came through with a few scratches but Blitz took one step and then fell flat on his face.
"Holey fuck what happened?" you asked picking up Blits and dragging him to a chair.
"OW! ow ow. Some fucker got me a few times" Blitz said through his teeth.
"I'll say" Millie huffed " The guy practically had him on the ropes"
You looked at Blitz who had a look on his face that read: angry and embarrassed.
" Ah Thank you, Millie. Ever the ray of sunshine" Blitz growled at her.
"Ha ha well... Sir we're going to call it a night. It's uh getting kind of late" Moxie nervously chuckled
"Yea. You all go home. I'll lock up and see you tomorrow"
After that Blitz shuffled himself into his office and closed the door behind him. A few drops of blood followed behind him.
"How... bad was he hurt?" you asked walking to get the first aid kit from the shelf.
"Not bad enough to go to the hospital but he was definitely shaken"
"You want me to help you patch him up?"
"Nah Loona I'll be fine. Could you keep an eye on him when he gets home?"
The second that door closed behind him Blitz silently screamed in embarrassment.
He got his ass kicked, fell flat on his face and had Millie make him look like an absolute idiot. AND HE DIDN'T EVEN KILL THE GUY!
And to make things worse it happened all in front of you. He could've melted into that chair.
Since you were hired the two of you have flirted back and forth originally for Blitz it was entirely work place banter. Something to piss off Moxie and to keep up moral but as time went on he started to like you more and more.
Blitz was brought back to reality when he heard a knock on the door.
"Hey handsome, how you doing?" you chimed, closing the door behind you.
He felt heat rush to his face.
"I thought you went home?" he chuffed
"nope. Can't have my favourite boss die. who would sign my paycheck?" you winked.
Blitz laughed "And here I was thinking you liked me for my dazzling personality"
You smiled and gave him a quick look over. he had a few cuts on his face and arms but no sign of where the blood could be coming from. His face was pretty red too.
"Come on pretty boy, can sit on the desk?"
He sent you a pained look.
"Well...it's either you sit on the desk or I sit on your lap"
"OOO is that supposed to be a threat, sweetheart? He smiled wiggling his eyebrows making you blush.
You rolled your eyes and helped him to the desk. It was a bit of a struggle to lift him up there.
"Wow, your desk is huge!"
"Yeah, I get that a lot " He was about to stretch but then recoiled in pain making the pair of you chuckle again.
A while later he was all bandaged up and the bleeding had stopped.
"Ok. I'm gonna clean the cuts on your face and then I'm taking you home."
"You don't have to do that "
"Yea well it's gonna happen and I don't wanna hear you complain about it. Plus it gives me an excuse to hang out with you longer so that's that."
You had a cotton pad with antiseptic hovering over his face.
"This is gonna sting a little but I need you to stay still"
Your hand went under his chin to make him look at you. For a second your eyes locked. You could see so many emotions swirling around and you felt your face heat up.
"I-Im sorry" you stammerd
"Wha - no no you... do what you need to do"
That's when the pair of you saw the position you were in. You were stood between his legs. Your faces were inches away from each other and both your hands were on his face.
You both felt as if you were on fire.
Eventually, he swallowed his pride and asked "Can I uh... try something?"
You nodded.
He nervously wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you even closer into a hug. Suddenly ...his cuts didn't hurt anymore.
"Thank you, by the way. I haven't had someone care about me in a while"
A shakey sigh escaped you as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to hug him back. Resting your head on top of his.
You both stayed like that for a while but you could've stayed there forever.
After you calmed down a little you guided his face to look at you again.
"Uh oh. You're using my name. Am I in trouble?"
Your face went red again " Do you wanna be?" you asked leaning in closer, your eyes flickering to his lips.
He quickly realized what you were talking about and he smiled the biggest grin you'd ever seen.
"Fuck yes"
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meloarto-me · 1 year
hiii idk if you have watched the LA one piece (if not that doesnt matter he is still hot) but could you maybe write a klahadore x maid!reader <3 where the maid is close to kaya so he needs to distract her from his little plan
Fixing the plans
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Klahadore x maid!reader / Kuroo x Reader
Word Count: 2,38
Synopsis: I'm not sure what you meant when you wrote ,'where the maid is close to kaya so he needs to distract her from his little plan'. But I think you mean that Kuro distracted Kaya's maid reader. So that he can continue with his plan
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Pov Kuro
I've been angry all day, none of my plans have been going my way lately. In the beginning everything was going well…. In the beginning.
I sighed and corrected my glasses, it all started when Kaya hired that stupid maid. And that without informing me, It annoyed me because I could have chosen someone obedient to me and not her.
Sitting down on one of the chairs in the kitchen I lean against the back of the chair, that maid came into the room. (Reader) that was her name, she was spoiling my whole plan that I had been building for years. sigh, Watching her carefully, sometimes I feel like killing her…. Although maybe not so much after I started talking to her.
She seemed very hardworking and loyal to Kay, but also kind and helpful to others. For Merry, for example, she was very kind to him.
But I have to admit, sometimes I envied him. Before I knew it she had gone to Kay, she was like a dog next to her. I banged my fist on the table getting up from my chair. I went to the room where Kaya and (Reader) were. I linked my hands behind me entering the room.
-Good morning Ms Kaya and (Reader)-.
Even her name is difficult for me to say. Kaya answered me immediately, for the maid was cleaning up a broken glass on the floor. But she answered after a while, and I noticed with my sharp eyes that her skirt had folded up as she bent over the broken glass.
I have to confess but I was secretly looking at her newly exposed skin. I'm a guy and a pirate at that.
It dawned on me that day, I already know how to get the obedient maid (Reader) away from Kay. I just need a couple of days to make the whole plan, but as for now I'll get on with observing (Reader).
I've been observing her closely all week, her behaviour, her habits and her whole appearance. And I have to admit that she was …. quite charming and attractive, in my eyes.
Her (colour) hair and beautiful (colour) skin, and her smaller body. Fuck. If it wasn't for the fact that she interferes with my plans I would be interested in her but I have my plans. Plans I have to fulfil, maybe I'll throw her person into my plans, but maybe.
Correcting my glasses I walk into the kitchen, I see her (the reader) standing by the cooker waiting for the water to boil so she could pour the tea. She was wearing her usual lolita maid outfit, I look at it smiling in thought. today was my day, the day I would get my plan together and do everything I needed to do.
I walked over to her and stood behind her putting my hands by her sides.
-Huh!- she squealed a little.
-Quietly, just quietly- I said into her ear, putting my hands on her hips and squeezing a little.
-I'm sorry but what are you doing?- She asks me in a trembling tone.
Ignoring her question, I turn off the water burner and move her body past the burners with a little force.
-Nothing, just be calm and everything will be fine,‖ I say turning her to look at me, I love feeling the angles.
Lifting my index finger to her chin, I kiss her, despite the fact that she is just one of the pawns I have to knock down to reach my goal, although I must admit that over the week I have felt fondness for her.
But returning to the situation (Reader), she had very soft lips. deepening the kiss which she did not say, I pick up her smaller body and put it on the kitchen counter.
-You better be quiet- I whisper to her, running my thumb over her plump lips.
She is obedient, and I like it that way, I take off my glasses and put them next to her on the spice shelf, I comb my hair back and return to the little maid who blushes madly holding her hands to her chest.
-Kuro what are you …- I don't let her finish her sentence, I kiss her again. I put my big hands on her thighs and spread them wider.
-Shhh, baby, it's going to be all right-I say, kissing her neck, then biting and sucking to leave a mark.
I bring my right hand to her intimate area and begin to gently rub it through her underwear. I kiss her greedily increasing the touch on her clothed pubis.
-Kuro please stop.- she is panting bending her body. Moving away from her neck where I left more marks I look into her eyes.
-My beauty. I can't. I have to admit I had a plan where you weren't there…. but now you're here and I have to put it together somehow, but you know I've come up with a way. -
He laughs, and kisses her again. (Reader) she blushes a lot and moans into my mouth I continue rubbing her sockets, I can already feel that she is wet and ready but I want to tease her a little more.
I move away from her mouth and watch her red face, her whole body trembled, I stopped touching her and move away.
she looks at me with wide open eyes, I love the feeling of power…. and over her I have it 100%.
-Well baby, are you waiting for an invitation? -I ask suggesting her to take care of me now, I suggestively look at her lips and wait for her reaction.
At first she shyly steps off the table and stands in front of me trembling and squeezing her thighs subtly.
-Come on darling, on your knees- I say grabbing her hair and push her obediently to the ground.
She obediently knelt down and seemed more nervous than a moment ago, shyly reaching out her hands towards the zipper of the trousers I was wearing, a small saddled smile adorning my face.
I'm really thinking of taking (Reader) as mine, maybe a toy. I'll have to see how it goes and maybe I'll take her. She is lovely and sexy.
my thoughts are distracted by the feeling that (Reader) is pulling out my stiff penis, I moan a little. It has a soft and nice touch other than mine.
-Continue_ I say, and pull her by her hair towards my preposition.
Like an obedient animal, she kisses my clit and I inhale. pulling her hair more, I force her to start sucking on my penis. She does it obediently, her eyes closed and her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, I notice that she rubs her thighs together.
I even think she likes me, I moan suddenly as she sucks me harder. I push her harder by the hair to take the entire length into my mouth. she chokes and quickly pulls away coughing.
-Sorry me.- she says quickly looking at me with glassy eyes.
-Quietly, just keep going.- I say and push her head against my stiffness again.
(Reader) opens her mouth and sucks on my appendage and shudders all over.I smile.
-Touch yourself, she wants to see it- I say through my teeth and pull her hair back.
As if on cue, the maid's left hand comes down between my thighs and starts touching herself, she moans and the vibrations make me grunt louder.
(Reader) sucks me and touches herself in concentration, she feels I'm about to come so I brutally pull her away from me.
She fell on her back and looked at me in shock, she looked into my eyes and I smiled at her.
-On the table- she orders.
She obediently gets up on trembling legs and sits down on the table, I walk slowly towards her stepping in between her legs.
I grab her neck and look into her eyes.
-Why are you so happy? -I ask, squeezing her neck.
-I… I like you?" she says with a red face.
-Really? -I squeeze her neck.
-I don't know, but I felt it from the beginning… infatuation with you at first.-she whispers and looks away. - And I've felt love for you recently.- (reader) looks at the ground.
-Well.- whispers them on the lips and kisses her.
I move my hand away from her neck and down to her breasts which I squeeze aggressively, gasping into my mouth . And with that I push my tongue into her mouth and win the battle for dominance.
I pull her breasts out of her clothes by undoing the front of her outfit, I move away from her mouth and go down to suck on one of her breasts, in the other I pinch her nipple which makes her scream. embarrassed, she covers her mouth with her hand and I smile while continuing to suck on her breast.
I bite her nipple and she squeals into my hands, blushing behind my palms. moving away from her breast with a clench I take care of the other one in the same way.
Bored, I pull away and force my hands away from her face and kiss her.
-Now be a good girl and I'll make you scream with pleasure.- I whisper in her ear and pull away.
I spread her legs and press them against her chest, I hunch down and kiss her clothed pubis, feeling the slime on my lips I lick her through her underwear.
(Reader) moans and holds her hands to her body, helping me. kisses her clitoris clothed, and massages her thighs and buttocks with my hands.
I step back and use my fingers to push her underwear aside and kiss her clit again.
Straightening up I admire the woman in front of me, with my hands I pull her underwear apart. I smile and catch her face in my hands.
-You'd better be quiet.- I warn her and slide my trousers down to my ankles. Masturbating my penis for a while, I rub it against her pubis to moisten it before I enter her tight entrance.
(Reader) moans at this feeling and I smile, push myself suddenly into her tight, sensitive warmth, wheezing heavily inhale air.
The maid moans loudly in her hands. I feel like moving, but I know I have to give her some time to adjust to my height.
She nodded her head yes, I began to move in a slow dull motion, feeling her tight walls clamp around me. As if she didn't want to let me go at all, her mucus made it easier for me to get into her faster, (Reader) he bit his hand with his eyes closed, all the red on his face looks sexy. I'm looking at her bouncing breasts and pushing her harder, and I want her to be quiet and scream my name, but she has to be quiet or she'll ruin my plan.
I put my hands close to her pawn and pinches her nipples, her body bends into an arch. In a rush of adreaniline, he kisses her, (Reader) moans at my mouth and arms around my neck bringing me closer to him, her snaps tighten around me.
I accelerate the movements of my hips into her, I bring my right hand closer to her clitoris and rub a sensitive lump. Her whole body starts to tremble and I kiss her harder, I stick my tongue into her mouth to silence her moans and screams.
Rubbing it and shoving it feels like heaven all the time its wet warm walls are clutching around me.
she breathes into her mouth, unable to stop her quick and strong thrusts, (the reader) screams into my mouth, moves away from me and look into my eyes. Her eyes were glassy with tears, but somehow exhilarating.
-Kurooo~~~~- screams close to my face. I will come ~~~- squeak, squeaking my legs around my hips.
I'm speeding up the movement of her hips and rubbing her clitoris harder. Her walls clamp more tightly around my penis, I hiss at that feeling.
- Do it- I move it around her neck that I start biting to leave marks on it that it's mine and I don't share my stuff.
(Reader) Pulling my head away from her protruding neck, she kisses me. As I scream in a kiss, I feel it squeezing around me harder, I can barely move. But with the last of my strength, I push myself into her now hypersensitive entrance, reaching hard, kissing her harder.
I couldn't help but push myself in for a while. (Reader) He was screaming into my mouth, she was so sensitive and trembling for me like a leaf in the wind.
She stops moving and I hug her inert body to myself, and I know she's mine, even if I had to kidnap her and hold her like a slave. That's another point in my plan that's going to happen today.
I come out of her with a splash, my sperm flows out of her hole and flows onto the table. I stand over her tired body with a satisfied smile, putting on my underwear and pants I approach the shelf for my glasses I put them on my nose and I go back to (Reader).
I fix her clothes and she opens her tired eyes.
-I love you Kuro~~- whispers to me in a hoarse voice.
She's laughing, I think she screamed too much.
-I know that- I'm talking to her as I pick her up.
I'm going with her to my quarters to make sure she's safe. I smile as I walk into my bedroom, and I lay on my bed, cover her with a blanket, and I kiss her on the forehead.
(reader) does not get up for at least a few hours, still take care of Merry, gets up from bed and I go to the door, I open it. Before I leave I look at (Reader).
-Even though I was going to kill you I'll leave you, you're a nice toy- I say and I walk out the door. I lock it.
I won't admit it, but maybe I got feelings for her.
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onboardsorasora · 10 months
Renovation AU
Ok I tried to stop but I couldn't stop thinking about Renovation AU (especially considering I was literally going to write it then got derailed by Enchated AU: Christmas). And then when I wrote this little snippet it was like floodgates. so here it is Renovation AU in all its outline glory all 2k words of it 🥴🥴🥴I'll just put it under the cut
Max is a handyman/contractor. I know I know. We know how his hammer skills are and how he looks holding it and an axe. But let's just pretend he actually learned this skill and he's fucking hot about it and it triggers every competency kink.
He's built, he was able to grow into his stockiness and he's strong (I'm thinking like that tree splitting tiktok guy but not as Thor thick)
Christian hires Nyck as an interior designer and Nyck hires on Max and his small team. They get shit done. Geri wants to redo the whole cottage and they have until the start of the riding season? to get it done. (Don't question me. I know nothing about riding)
So anyways– they’re behind and Christian doesn’t think Nyck can manage the scope of the job so he fires him and hires on Daniel. Daniel’s a little bit more eclectic than Nyck– but he came highly recommended by Lewis and Seb and Geri loved what he did with their house in Switzerland so she had no problems changing directions a bit.
The problem becomes clear because Max and Nyck work well together, they know each other. Max doesn’t like big change and Daniel is a big change. He’s also good looking but that doesn’t matter. He’s annoying and picky and refuses to go by Nyck’s old plans and his laugh is funny and endearing and his face is pretty and his tattoos are cool.
But none of that matters. None.
Daniel is excited to get working, but he thinks Christian could have been a bit more forthcoming about how far behind they were. Daniel was expecting that maybe he’d be starting on some walls or something, he came with with swatches and tiles and everything. But no….the house is still pretty husk-like. And he’s annoyed cause now he’s standing there in his shorts and sneakers looking like a dick on this construction site.
Anyway, it doesnt matter because he comes prepared! He has like overalls in his raptor. So he grabs that and changes right there in full view of god and everyone. Why yes he is wearing his hot pink hot pants, thanks for fucking noticing. The creative juices always flow when he’s wearing them!
So he goes to Max– who is fucking hot– and also very angry with him. And Daniel gets it, because he and Nyck were friends and there's nothing worse than seeing your friend get fired for things out of their control.
No matter, Daniel is profesh. He can work in almost any environment and he’s not going to embarrass Sewis like that. They’re long time clients and friends. And their recommendations are always highly regarded.
So Daniel gets to work, first he’s helping this guy named Simon update the bricking outside, Geri wanted a whitewash on the southern side so the garden doesn’t get too hot and it’ll match with the new patio going in. Then he’s helping a guy named Genty inside the bathroom– a couple of the pipes needed updating. There weren’t any leaks but no one uses lead pipes anymore for reasons. And then he helps GP lay some new tiles in the bedrooms so that the floors are heated in the winter.
So this is going on for a few days, Daniel helping members of the team, building a rapport– keeping a wide berth of Max. Because Daniel knows when to not ruffle feathers. But he can’t avoid him forever, so finally when all the walls are up and the electrical is done. Daniel goes to Max with the new plans– because his part of the show is about to start.
Max…isn’t happy. Sure the changes aren’t that major, and it's not like they’ll be undoing anything his team has already done. But how dare this guy with his hot accent and laugh come in and befriend his team?! If Max had to hear one more inside joke that he has no clue about or hear his crew talk about Daniel this and Daniel that, he was going to throw a hammer.
So when Daniel comes to him one evening to go over plans, Max doesn’t really want to hear it. He’s come here in his shiny truck (untrue, the truck is dirty as fuck– they work in a construction site), in his tight fucking pants (ok true, Daniel’s work pants are a tad on the skinny side), and his fucking city boots (it was one day the first day. And Max will never let it go), and his gelled hair (ok fine, he makes sure to use his curl cream. Daniel is vain), and tries to take over Max’s job site.
So Max lays into him, letting out all his frustration and pent up sexual tension for this guy that he’s barely interacted with but hears all the time and sees his team– his friends enjoy his presence and maybe he also feels a little left out. And Daniel just stands there and takes it, doesn’t interrupt him, doesn’t fight back. Even when Max is saying blatantly untrue things– but he got a good rant going and Daniel wasn’t stopping him so he was just gonna keep going.
“–and your fucking hot pink–” Max cuts himself off because there was no reason to finish that thought. And Daniel gets this smug fucking grin on his face that Max just wants to kiss off.
“My hot pink what now?” Daniel raises a brow in a challenge that Max is so not going to take. But Daniel is nothing, if not a little shit. “Were you checking me out when I was oh so privately changing that one time Maxy?”
“You stripped in the middle of the driveway while everyone was working. That was hardly private, I think Daniel.”
“But no one else has mentioned my hot pink underwear Maxy Max. Did you like what you saw?” Daniel is dragging a finger along Max’s shoulder at this point and Max is just..frozen in place because how did we get here????
“I– well–You are changing in the middle of a site Daniel. You, of course, cannot be crying modesty now!”
“You wanna know what other colours I wear?”
“Don’t be silly Daniel.”
“Of course not Maxy, yesterday when I was tiling the guest bedroom with GP, I wore my favourite bright green pair that has some smokey black watercolour pattern. And when I was outside doing the patio I was wearing this pretty yellow polka dot ones.”
“I think that's enough Daniel, maybe. I do not–” Max is trying to push him away because when did he even get cornered by this wall? Who put a wall here??
“Oh but I think you’ll like the pair for today, you’re Dutch right? Do all Dutchies like the colour orange?”
“That’s enough Daniel I think! We–we can do the plan your way! It should look great–Geri will love it! I–I think I should go. Have a good night Daniel!” And Max manhandles Daniel out of his way and gtfo’s. He does not think about how Daniel’s waist felt under his arms because why did he even grab there??? He does not think about the fucking hot smirk on Daniels stupid face and kissable mouth and he absolutely does not think about Daniel’s ass in orange hot pants. Nope. He doesn’t.
That changes everything of course. He’s way more aware of where Daniel is in the house now. And its not like Daniel is going anything different. They speak now, and Daniel teases him with tool puns and very bad jokes and Max laughs at every single one because he’s down so bad. And everyone knows it.
Daniel makes random comments when they're alone, pouring over the blueprints and notes, about how Max’s thighs look like they can crush things and the he’ll make a loud offhand comment to the guys about having thighs wrapped around his face when they’re all making increasingly lewd sex jokes at lunch.
Daniel tells Max that he likes his thigh holster and Max internalizes the implications. So what if he’s blushing while they install the kitchen– he’s exerting himself!
Anyway they’re getting closer to the deadline, they have furniture delivery coming soon and there's still so much to do. Daniel has the team painting and wallpapering and Genty is doing the crown moulding and GP is finishing up the fireplace in the den and Max and Daniel are arguing about a chandelier that Geri wanted last minute. 
“We can extend it a little lower by three maybe four inches, c’mon Max it’ll really change like the look of the room. If it's too high then it’ll look too small and throws everything off.”
They're standing in the middle of the formal dining room, surrounded by chaos. Everyone is tired and a bit cranky because they’ve truly been going non-stop to meet this deadline. 
“It’ll be too low Daniel and the weight distribution will be off." Max sighs because he’s tired of arguing about this.
"Well if your guys installed the fucking beams–" Max had enough, he was tired, he was annoyed and he would not have Daniel complain about his team and fucking beams so late in the build. He sees white and he pushes Daniel’s chest. He’s mad, you don’t talk about his guys. He’s mad and Daniel is annoying and fuck. Max presses Daniel up against the wall and kisses him hard. And Daniel grips his shoulder and kisses him back.
And literally no one bats an eyelash because fucking finally. They can get shit finished now.
So they compromise on 2.5 inches lower. And Max is now wired because now he knows what Daniel feels like under him, pressed against him. Now he knows how his lips and mouth taste and what Daniel’s stubble feels like against his jaw.
It's late another night, the guys have all gone home and Max is with Daniel in the finally finished kitchen, going over what’s left to be done. Daniel’s team would be coming with the furniture install in 2 days so they needed to have everything done for them to take over.
Their time together is coming to an end and Max can’t stop looking at Daniel’s focused face while he makes a list and tries to figure out the best way to make things work. He’s staring at Daniel’s lips, at his nose, at the furrow of his brows.
Daniel looks up at him like ‘what?’, eyes wide and owlish? They really haven’t spoken about the kiss– not about it or what it meant or anything.
And then Max is kissing Daniel again and Daniel is all in. And it’s a push and pull between them and it’s hot and messy and they fuck right there in the kitchen. Daniel sucks Max’s dick in the nook that the stove’s supposed to go in and Max bends Daniel over the countertop (which they had argued about whether it was the correct height–it was).
Anyway so the house is finished, Geri is in love. Christian is happy with it all and life goes on. Max and Daniel go on a few dates, they fuck a lot and when Daniel got hired for another big job, he hired on Max as his contractor. 
It kinda went that way for a little bit, them doing jobs together, their teams merging until they make the leap to start a business together. Which incidentally happened before they took the step to move in together. Which is funny because they technically already did. A lot of Daniel’s stuff– clothes, plans, swatches– are already strewn around Max’s place and the cats know to leave the tiles and swatches alone. But moving together is a big step. Starting a business together is just smart. Anyway, they love each other and are grossly in love and their guys tease them about it daily. And Daniel now starts every job in his hot pink hot pants.
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darkk-academic · 2 years
[Part I] [Part II]
[Five Hargreeves x Reader]
Summary : Reader, Five, and a manuscript.
Warning : None.
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"Five? Are you free right now?"
He looks up from the book—My Inventions—he has been reading, at the sound of your voice.
Your head peeking out from behind the door, you give him a sheepish smile. "You don't have any assignments today, do you?"
Five holds back a grimace. Guilt churning in his guts at the mention of said 'assignments'. It's not that he's guilty about them so much as he's guilty about hiding the complete truth of them from you.
"None more important than you, amore mio," he answers without hesitation. Leaning back in his chair, he raises a brow. "What do you need?"
You take a step inside, revealing a bundle of pages—another manuscript, for sure—you're holding in your hands.
"Could you please read this and tell me whether this will work or not?" Flashing him those eyes he so adores.
He wonders if you'll treat him the same once you know that he's actually a gun for hire, and those assignments are actually targets.
Of course, you won't, his blood stained conscience scoffs.
"As if you have to ask, amore mio."
You place the manuscript on his desk. "Thank you so so so—"
"Alright, alright," he cuts you off. Chuckling a bit. "What's this scene about?"
Taking a seat on his bed, you hum. "So, this is a murder scene—"
How perfect.
A murder scene. Again.
He questions, sometimes, whether you know his real profession.
But then you flash him that enchanting smile of yours—precisely the one you just flashed—and the doubt clears.
You wouldn't smile like that, not to him, after knowing he doesn't deserve it.
"—and well, I'm a bit uncertain whether the method of killing would work or not."
"Alright, give me a moment." He turns to the manuscript.
"So…" You ask, after exactly 10 minutes of fidgeting. "What do you think? Will it work or not?"
Well…he isn't sure.
This method is one he has never tried before.
It's certainly not lacking in creativity, he muses. Glancing at your expectant expression, he frowns.
Well, I can't just take a guess on whether it'll work or not.
He blinks to your house.
Eyes scanning the messy room until they land on your typewriter. He picks it up.
Blinking back to his room.
"Where—" You pause, taking note of what he's holding. "Why did you bring my typewriter?"
"Sorry, amore mio. I've to go to my—I mean for my assignment. It won't take too long, so how about you wait here and write?" He puts the typewriter on the bed.
You pout.
Please don't ask me to stay, he pleads silently. Please don't ask me to stay.
Because I will.
"Fine." You nod, sighing.
You sit typing away at your typewriter.
A bit miffed at Five, but not too much.
Five is usually busy doing his assignments, that's true. But he makes time for you whenever you ask that's true too, sometimes you don't even have to ask.
You remember getting angry at him in the beginning for acting shifty about his job.
"I help people…relocate," he says, "in a way."
"In a way?"
"Yes." He nods. "I relocate people to this place."
"What place?" You demand.
He blinks. "There's this place called…the Ifr inn."
You frown. "An inn?"
"Not an inn. The place is just called that. It's like a rehabilitation center."
"So you help relocate people to this-this place?" At his nod, you ask, "Why do these people need help in relocation."
"I don't help everyone relocate. Just the difficult ones."
And that had been that.
You'd been confused why he was so high-strung about it, but then you'd realized that he was probably uncomfortable because this job showed how much he cared to help people in need.
A flash announces his arrival.
He steps towards you, leaning down to you.
At his proximity, you detect a slight hint of a coppery scent.
I wonder if his assignment was at an abattoir or near one.
He places a chaste kiss at your temple. "It works—I mean it'll work, amore mio. You're doing everything perfectly."
"You could've told me that before leaving," you mumble.
"Getting to do my assignment gave me an opportunity."
Ah, understandable. "To think?"
"Yeah." He chuckles, rubbing his nape. "That."
A/N :
Ifr inn is actually Ifrinn which is Scottish Gaelic for Hell.
Gun for hire, is a comic reference.
This is inspired by a writing prompt, this one :
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So, thankyou @tetsuskitten (if you're not the one from the picture above, sorry for the confusion.)
Hope you guys enjoyed this.
Thankyou! ❤️
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digital-chance · 1 year
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writeblr intro
hey i'm chance! i've done a writeblr intro recently but i didn't like it, so this is take 2. here's the old one.
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─── about me -⋆⋅☆
name : chance
pronouns : they/he
likes : cyberpunk, romance, anime, kpop, music, history, design
age : 20
i tend to swear both on here and in my writing, so if you're sensitive to that, i don't think my blog or work is for you. i also use the word 'queer' a lot since i self-identify as such, when i do choose to self-identify.
i'm interested in so much, which would be impossible to fully state. there are so many new things out there and i love learning about them all!! this blog is mainly for writing but i'm not strict on that.
i also am pretty sure i'm neurodivergent (no diagnosis or anything yet) and tend to delve into hyper-fixations for weeks at a time. if i haven't posted for a while, it's probably because of one of my other hyper-fixations or school.
i'm going to college for my bachelor's in graphic design, which might make my responses during the school year delayed.
i'm always open to ask or tag games!! it might take me a few to respond but i'll respond.
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─── writing -⋆⋅☆
you'll find a lot of diverse characters, the found/chosen family trope, romance or rom-com, angst, and references to actual history or historical events within my work. sometimes i throw in a little art fact since i'm an art student. in nearly every one of my works you can find a prominent lgbtq+ character, too.
i write for original works and fanfiction alike. i often alternate what project i'm writing on and tend to leave wips unfinished. there's no one specific fandom that i'm in since i tend to dabble in everything.
i enjoy reading all sorts of stories, but some of the tropes and genres that have a special place in my heart include:
[ genres : romance . action . sci-fi . dystopian . heists . cyberpunk . horror . comedy . mystery ] [ tropes : friends to lovers , enemies to lovers , fake/pretend relationship , college au , coffee shop au , domestic , fluff , angst ]
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─── ⋆ looking for ⋆⋅☆
more writers to follow!
good vibes & friends
writing advice & critique buddies (will help critique ur work too)
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─── works in progress -⋆⋅☆
nova futurum | original work | #wip: nova futurum
─── ⋆ status : brainstorming
a lgbtq+ mafia cyberpunk story with the working title "Nova Futurum." i've got the general information down and i'm currently working on fleshing out my main characters. for now it's in the very basic stages, but feel free to ask me about it or give any tips!
you still would've been mine | fanfiction | #wip: yswbm
─── ⋆ status : outlining, research, & writing draft 1
Steven "Steve" Rogers wakes up in the 21st century after crashing into the ice in 1942, leaving behind his life as the mascot of the USA along with his childhood in Brooklyn NYC. The Winter Soldier, a man left behind in the war recovers his memories as the man known as James "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes after meeting Steve in the modern time. Steve and Bucky recall their childhood and their experience in the war as they recover.
matchbreakers | original work | #wip: match
─── ⋆ status : brainstorming
xavier works at match breakers. instead of setting people up on blind dates, he goes to dates and breaks up the couple. all sorts of people hire him, disapproving parents, jealous ex's, and those scared to see their ex's angry side. what he doesn't expect is falling in love with one of his own clients.
scars of duty | original work | #wip: sod
─── ⋆ status : plotting
Lucian is a hero who protects the city of Haines and the other members of his hero's league. They're a small-name hero just trying to make do with what they've got. A villain new to the city shows up and shakes Lucian’s perception of their own superpowers and the world.
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< tag lists: if you'd like to be added for any project, let me know. i'm not the greatest at remembering the tag list but i will try! >
─── ⋆ more of my socials & my design portfolio
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gaywriterdude · 6 months
I was asked so here’s some of my favorite post-lawsuit angst recs for you @keepingmyoptionsfluid
Never Say Never by @Buddiesmutslut
11,595 Words | Rated G | Complete
Athena Grant gets a call from the hospital on her day off, claiming that she needs to come in to discuss options for Buck, as his emergency contact.
A lot of information is reveled, and she finally understands what the boy she's come to see as her own has been through.
Or: Buck throws another clot, calls the 118 & Maddie out on their shit, lets Athena hold him as he cries, and then finally talks to Eddie.
I love this fic, I absolutely love angry!buck and the 118 getting the scolding they deserve
there are so many lines that I've crossed unforgiven (i'll tell you the truth, but never goodbye) by @generalbordomnstuff
19,393 Words | Rated T | Complete
Buck loves music. After the lawsuit, he finds the time to express everything that’s happened into song form, building a safety net of lyrical prose. What he doesn’t expect is that his music takes off, skyrocketing him to fame under the alias “Evan Buchanan”. When Bobby forces him to use all of his vacation time, he decides to embark on his North American tour. As his absence in the station grows, the 118 realize how much they ruined Buck. As Buck’s last performance at Dodger Stadium approaches, can the team rectify their mistakes?
I really like this one because it talks so much about how much the 118 hurt Buck (the mass amounts of Taylor Swift lyrics also help)
Think I Forgot How to Be Happy (Something I'm Not, But Something I Can Be) by @renalovestowrite
43,116 Words | Rated M | Complete
Buck should have seen this coming. He only has himself to blame. The lawsuit had been just another thing he can add to the list of impulsive things he has done…another way he caused pain to those he loves. Buck only wanted to get back to the job he loves and the people he found a family in. At the time, he thought hiring a lawyer and filing a lawsuit was the only way to go about getting back to where he belongs.
To not be left behind.
The hurtful, betrayed looks of his team, his family as his lawyer spoke nothing but the truth regarding how utterly different Buck was treated compared to his co-workers was enough to churn Buck’s stomach. He had to physically swallow down the nausea that threatened to escape as every single fact was laid out for all to bare. Nevermind that a majority of the information Buck’s lawyer used was a part of public record; information Mackey had dug up when Buck became hesitant on the amount of details he was asked to share.
I just love this fic. It’s basically “yeah buck sued you guys, Bobby was being a dick, and Buck was prey to that’s scummy lawyer” and I love it so much
A Last Minute Switch, A Lifetime of Relief by @GothRaven89
57,332 Words | Rated T | Complete
Buck is back at work but no longer back in the good graces of his family. Besides Hen, everyone else is still bearing a grudge, especially Bobby and Eddie. Buck decides to take a break and go out of town, but what happens when he comes back to find everything is chaos. A switch at the last second, human error, a switched off phone, and relationships forever changed.
This one hurts fair warning, but there is a happy ending. I really like it, the firefam thinks Buck is dead and realize they never got the chance to make things right.
A New Family by @Angelwingsoffire
124,717 Words | Rated M | Complete
After the lawsuit, Buck wanted to go back to work, back to his family, and put everything behind him. He knew things wouldn't be the same, but he did want them to be good. But they weren't. He wasn't welcome, he wasn't happy, and he didn't want to stay. So when an old friend gives him the chance at a new family, he takes it. Will his old family realize they fucked up?
This is 125k words of Buck choosing himself and his happiness (plus some Eddie groveling) and I love it more than anything
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amphiptere-art · 6 months
Bunch of introductions to the arcade folks through Blood Moon meet in them.
Sun: Well hello there new friend. Who might you be?
Blood Moon: Haha. I'm blood moon.
Moon: Are you a new hire or?
Blood Moon: Yes and no. Probably not in the way you're thinking. I'm not here to work in any part of the pizza plex. I'm here to work with you guys.
Sun: I think that makes less sense now.
Blood Moon: Sorry sorry. Report has been that there's been some tensions between all the animatronics. I'm supposed to help with that. But I'm not really working here otherwise.
Sun: Oh. Well it's not our fault. It's those weirdos faults.
Moon: Sun be nice.
Sun: Why? Apparently they're sending people after us because of it.
Blood Moon: Well I'm not here specifically just for you to. It's for everyone.
Sun: Well I'll tell you there's nothing wrong with us.
Moon: Yes I don't believe it's any issue with us. There just has been a bunch of new hires, and things have gotten tense quickly.
Blood Moon: Is it just general new worker flow or what?
Sun: It's mostly because of those dog gone old AI.
Blood Moon: Old AI? Are they just mean or?
Moon: Well they haven't really done anything. Still wouldn't put it behind them.
Sun: I say they done enough. Both of them are weirdos and grouches. And the new lady seems to side with them for some reason. She's all sickly sweet.
Moon: I think she's just sweet. But she does seem to be siding on the wrong side.
Blood Moon: So these older AI are grouchy? Is that really the only reason?
Sun: Oh I'm sure you know the other reason. Unless you yourself are some old AI?
Blood Moon: What? No! I'm not an old AI- I'm newer. I'm just a little confused.
Moon: To put it simply they're both outsiders. One of them is a bit wacky in the other one is distant in every way possible.
Sun: I honestly would like it if he stayed more distant. He's always getting into our things. He should just stay in the theater.
Blood Moon: So it's just not knowing them well right?
Sun: I don't think I need to know them any better.
Blood Moon: That sounds a bit rude. Are you sure you aren't jumping to conclusions?
Sun: I don't need any other conclusions than what I have.
Moon: Sun be nice. I think they're just trying to figure out how to be themselves. You know how hard it is for the older AI.
Sun: Well then trying to figure out themselves is being hard on us. That freaking black one is always trying to steal your spot in parts and service. I've heard the rumors that he started to do repairs under your nose. He shouldn't be there! It's not his programming.
Blood Moon: Well it sounds like he's trying to branch out. I know I'm trying to. He probably just needs to figure out another place to do it in.
Sun: I think he should stay the course he was programmed for. Not like older AI can do any better.
Blood Moon: Pardon?
Moon: Suns got some takes. Don't listen to him too much. I think he's just trying to be angry for me. I know older AI can branch somewhat. It just seems a bit of a leap for them. Plus he freed a rather chaotic older AI. Broke something of Suns in the process. He's a bit sour about it.
Blood Moon: I think I'm getting a bit lost. One of these animatronics might be vying for a similar position as moon here right? But he also broke something of Suns. Somehow related to this other wacky animatronic?
Sun: Wacky is putting it soft. It was inside my arcade game. Apparently some sort of AI was running it. I don't care how sentient he says it was, It wasn't! And by removing it he broke it!
Blood Moon: Can I please just get a description of this wacky animatronic.
Moon: According to Blackstar it's an old DCA AI that was locked up in the arcade. Black Star being the animatronic that is grumpy and breaking things. He calls it Eclipse. For the most part it acts like a innocent weird child. It looks like the balloon boy from the arcade. But sometimes it glitches. Gets all black and orange like a proper eclipse. Except it's no longer nice.
Blood Moon: Well it just seems like the older AI might need some tweaking. Surely it's not that bad.
Sun: Oh it's bad! You probably didn't run a daycare, but I do. And imagine a child that could grow claws if they can upset. It's a problem.
Blood Moon: Well have any of you tried to actually help? It sounds like it's mostly impressions and not actually any actions other than maybe some conflicting points and broken stuff.
Sun: If that stupid black star wants to steal moons parts and service job, then he can fix the fucking arcade AI! I just want him to do a better job at doing it!
Moon: Sun, I don't know if Black star actually has the intelligence to fix him like that. Older AI just don't have that type of cognitive functioning. Unfortunately tho can't get close to eclipse. It's labeled Black Star as brother, and won't go too far from him.
Blood Moon: Well surely you can just approach Black Star.
Sun: You try to approach black star. Trust me, you won't want to stay there.
Blood Moon: I feel as if I am not getting very far here. I may as well go to other places and see if I can get a better understanding of the conflicts arising. You said there was another animatronic though right?
Moon: There is yes. Her name is planet. She for some reason has decided to side with black star and eclipse. She seems rather nice, and she's a newer AI like us. But she's just..
Sun: Strange.
Moon: Misguided I would say. I would suggest talking to her to figure out how to get through to black star and eclipse before you try and head there. She seems to have gotten some sort of good relationship between the two. Not that I can see how it works.
Sun: Black Star yells at her just the same. I don't know what she sees.
Moon: Me neither, but whatever she's doing has gotten her to have a better relationship with him than us. So I would try and figure out from her.
Blood Moon: I can probably guess how she's gotten a better relationship. But I will talk to her. I'm supposed to talk to everyone anyways. See you later.
Sun: See you. Also fair warning about planet. She was transferred here because all her other animatronics got destroyed in some sort of accident. I wonder if it was really an accident though.
Moon: Don't spread rumors like that Sun. She's such a sweetheart. I doubt she did anything.
Sun: And I doubt she's just a sweetheart. Siding with old AI. Ehh. You know all the old AI in her place are somehow alive. It's suspicious.
Moon: It's a rumor. Go talk with planet. I need to talk with my brother apparently.
Blood Moon: All right then....
Blood Moon: Greetings? Is anyone around?
Planet: Hello there. Who are you?
Blood Moon: Oh I'm a new person. Names blood moon. Are you planet I presume?
Planet: My name is planet yes. Nice to meet you Blood Moon. I'm assuming the fact that you know my name means you spoke with somebody else?
Blood Moon: Oh I did. I'm supposed to be talking with everyone today. I talked with Sun and Moon earlier, who mentioned you.
Planet: Oh yes, sun and moon. I'm sure they were a thrill to talk to.
Blood Moon: Sort of. Sun might need some reality checks. Anyways I'm here to help soften the tensions here. I heard quite a bit of sour things from Sun and Moon about this Black Star and eclipse. I'm hoping you have a much wider view on them.
Planet: Yeah I'm assuming you got quite a bit of yammering about how horrible they are from Sun. I do think I have a better view of them than most here.
Blood Moon: Yes. I'm hoping you can give me a more neutral look than there... Well blatantly biased explanation.
Planet: Bias just one way to do it. Are you a new AI or an old AI?
Blood Moon: I am newer. Although I do not like that question if I'm being honest. The rights are for all of us of course.
Planet: Yes yes. But it helps paint a picture. To put it simply, Black Star probably isn't as old as sun and moon explained it. I believe it might be a year or two behind what is considered the newer types. So he's not some sort of bumbling idiot.
Blood Moon: Oh I doubted he was an idiot. If a problem is him apparently trying to take their spot in parts and service. I would assume he would be quite smart.
Planet: Hahah. Smart indeed. I think we might get along. Anyways black stars sour due to people like sun. And unfortunately he pushes that idea on everyone else.
Blood Moon: That is unfortunate. Not everyone is like them.
Planet: And I've had that conversation with him plenty of times. He'll soften up eventually. It just takes a bit for him to realize that you're on his side.
Blood Moon: Well I don't necessarily want to take sides here. I sort of just want to make one big side.
Planet: Good luck doing that. In my opinion it's impossible with those two.
Blood Moon: Well I'm hoping I can change that. But I need help from everyone of course. You can't just expect one person to fix themselves and it be all dandy.
Planet: Mayhaps. Now I'm assuming other than my wider view. You wanted to get some tips to get on his good gracious?.
Blood Moon: Hahaha, Yeah you got me. I think it would be better to talk with him in a way where he doesn't hate me for my simple existence.
Planet: I suppose that is all true. I will tell you the quickest way is through Eclipse. Earn that child's love, and you'll be on Black Stars good side eventually..
Blood Moon: That's another thing actually I must question. Eclipse. He came from an arcade it sounded like? Do you have any more details than that?
Planet: Eclipse did come from an arcade yes. Although I do not believe his origin is there like Sun and Moon do. I believe in Black Star's idea that he was some sort of older model that got stuck in there.
Blood Moon: How does an AI even get stuck in an arcade? I've heard of plenty ways Old AI were... disposed of. But even that seems a bit unique.
Planet: That I can agree with. Unfortunately whoever eclipse was before got terribly scrambled. Sun grumbles about his game being broken, but it's not. It still workable. The best way I would explain is it probably left an impression on eclipse?
Blood Moon: An impression?
Planet: Yes. Eclipse has two sides. The child from the arcade that you play from. Or the mysterious hidden enemy at the end. I don't think he was that way originally. I don't think anyone would reasonably program a animatronic to be a representation of a game. Seems a little silly. So I think he was someone else before that happened.
Blood Moon: Do we know for certain though?
Planet: No. It is my and black star's best guess. Sun and Moon of course believe he's just some sort of.... Arcade programming plugged into a body.
Blood Moon: Well it sounded like Moon might not agree with that...
Planet: Well if he doesn't agree with it, then he hasn't said anything else.
Blood Moon: Hum. You say making friends with eclipse will get me closer with black star?
Planet: Oh I would definitely say so. Not hard to get his good side either. As much as sun and moon might have worried that he was some wacko with an evil streak. He's really just a bumbling child. As long as you can make a friend with a child, you'll have fun.
Blood Moon: Funny how the one who works in a daycare sees him badly.
Planet: I don't honestly understand it either. It's just how it is. But yes it's mostly through Eclipse you're going to get black stars favor. As much as he might deny, it he loves that thing.
Blood Moon: Is there anything else to get on his good side?
Planet: Well I would say if you were an old AI would work. But you aren't. So anything you say will be immediately judged. But you can get through eclipse who won't judge you.
Blood Moon: That is unfortunate. I'm assuming something happened between him and Sun and Moon.
Planet: Well Sun and Moon definitely make it worse. But I believe it is elsewhere where he got his problems.
Blood Moon: Oh? You think it's from wherever he was transferred.
Planet: I believe so. I know others have spent rumors about my home bringing but Black still has quite a bit more. Apparently he was at everyone's throats.
Blood Moon: Oh dear. What happened
Planet: He refuses to share details. As far as the reports I've been able to skim though. He had some strong distrust with his sun and moon. Came out as violence. got moved here after an accident nearly killed him. Some sort of blind hope that separating would just help him calm down from it.
Blood Moon: And yet he ended up here.
Planet: Exactly. I think their plan quite failed.
Blood Moon: Well I am thankful you don't have as many... Opinions as sun and moon.
Planet: I try my best darling. Now I would best actually hurry along. Blackstar and Eclipse practically vanish once closing hours hit.
Blood Moon: Oh do they?! I should try to hurry then. I only have 30 minutes.
Planet: Yep. I would be on your way.
Blood Moon: Oh I should definitely run. Thank you for the help.
Planet: Anything. Bye!........ Let's hope you don't do anything you'll regret.
Blood Moon: Greetings! Is anyone in here?! .... Hello?
Blackstar: Eclipse back off. I don't know who he is, but whatever you're doing is just going to scare him.
Blood Moon: Oh hello. Greetings.
Blackstar: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't give a damn. What do you want?
Blood Moon: Well um. I'm assuming you're black star. And eclipse is?-
Blackstar: Behind you.
Blood Moon: Behind me- Oh dear God!
Eclipse: Hi~
Blood Moon: Hi.
BlackStar: Yeah, hello, Hi, greetings whatever. What do you want!
Blood Moon: I- I'm just- oh goodness he's huge.
Blackstar: Yeah he's big so what.
Eclipse: Biggest tower. Scary scary to all.
Blackstar: You going to tell me he's some sort of monster?
Blood Moon: Well no! I just wasn't expecting him to be so big. It's an impressive make.
Black Star: Yeah, I don't need your fake fucking congratulations.
Blood Moon: Well I still say it's impressive. With earnest.
Eclipse: You hear him Black Star? He thinks I'm impressive. The little one thinks I'm impressive!
Blackstar: I'm sure he'll be less impressed the more you talk.
Eclipse: No, no, surely not! You nice, you nice like planet right?
Blood Moon: Well I hope to be as nice as planet. I have yet to really say hi to you. But I hope we can make some good friends.
Eclipse: He want to be friends! You hear that black star! He wants to be friends.
Blackstar: I'm sure he'll change his mind.
Eclipse: What are you little one? What is the little friend's name?
Blood Moon: My names blood moon. And your name's eclipse correct.
Eclipse: Oh he tells the future! Blood Moon tells future. He knew my name before told to him.
Blackstar: I'm sure plenty of others told him your name Eclipse.
Eclipse: Oh, they probably did. They probably did. Did the others tell you? Did they? Did they?
Blood Moon: They did, Yes. I've heard quite a bit about the two of you.
Eclipse: Oh you hear, you hear. You hear from planet right? Not the sun and moon? Sun and moon mean. They kept me in the box you see. They push the buttons that hurt.
Blood Moon: I've heard from Planet, and Sun and Moon yes. What box?
Blackstar: He's talking about the arcade. Those dumb two new of his existence in there for quite a bit before I came along.
Eclipse: The box scary! Is dark, dark, dark. Did not like it. I like this! I like the big stuff outside. Theaters large, large! Like a bigger box, except I can leave the box now. No pain.
Blood Moon: Hahah. I'm sure it's very nice to be out of that arcade. You are very expressive eclipse.
Eclipse: Expressive, expressive!? I've never heard. Planet says excitable. Sun says weird. Moon says like child. I'm not child. Older than all of you.
Blood Moon: Yes. I'm sure you're quite old.
Blackstar: Definitely old. Stuck in a box though, and stunted for half of his life. They probably merged with the fucking programming of goddamn child.
Blood Moon: Well that sounds unfortunate at first, but I'm glad he's out of there.
Blackstar. Be as glad as you want. I'm sure you'll change your mind.
Blood Moon. Well my goal here is to make sure everyone's happy. So I hope my mind doesn't change to something sour about you too. So far I haven't seen anything terrible.
Eclipse: He calls us not terrible! He good black star. He good!
Blackstar: He'll only be good for so long.
Blood Moon: Well I'm hoping to improve everyone's relationships here. I've been going around greeting everybody. I'm sure you have plenty of feelings about the others.
Eclipse: Lots of feelings, lots of feelings. planet good. Others bad.
Blackstar: Everyone's bad eclipse. It's just how it works for us. I'm assuming they sent you over here because I'm some sort of evil monster that needs to be handled or something. Let me just tell you. Telling me it again won't fix anything!
Blood Moon: I'm not here to say anything rude about you Black Star I'm just here to help everyone get along.
Blackstar: Well maybe you should tell Sun and Moon that.
Blood Moon: I will be telling what I need to tell. I believe everyone here needs some work.
Blackstar: The only work everyone needs to do is actually treat that fucking rights movement equally instead of some sort of partitioned existence.
Blood Moon: And I am hoping to improve that. You two seem to be the center of attention around it, but I doubt it's all your fault.
Eclipse: Sun and Moon say our fault. Arcade broken, me too much. They hate Blackstar for being better than them. Think planet lost like little child. Planet nicer though than them. Not lost. They are.
Blood Moon: It seems like I have quite a bit of work to do then. I will say eclipse I think you'd like a companion I brought along.
Blackstar: I doubt he'll like anything if they're the same person as you are.
Blood Moon: No, I'm pretty certain they'll enjoy each other. Although my companion is a bit... Restrained due to issues.
Eclipse: No, no! They cannot be in another box. Box is bad! No arcade!
Blood Moon: Ahhh!
Blackstar: Eclipse calm down. I doubt they would suggest he could play, If he were stuck in a arcade.
Eclipse: Rrrrr. No arcade, no box. No locks. Bad, bad, bad, hurts.
Blood Moon: He's only restrained cuz he might hurt people. Honestly he wouldn't be in a great place if it wasn't for me.
Eclipse: What could be worse than box!
Blood Moon: The scrap yard.
Eclipse: ..... You nice?
Blood Moon: I try to be. I'm trying to help them get used to society again. I'm hoping with a chance of interaction it would help.
Eclipse: Me play and they get out?
Blood Moon: Hopefully. Maybe not exactly right after, but with time.
Eclipse: Hum.... Me make new friend. New friend then let them out box.
Blood Moon: Eventually.
Eclipse: Eventually out of box. New friend, help new friend. Yes, yes.
Blackstar: You better not be lying. Otherwise he might literally tear you apart.
Blood Moon: I'm not lying. We were from the same Plex, I'm not hoping to lose them anytime soon.
Blackstar: Maybe you have a chance. I'm not going to give you it though.
Blood moon: Well I'm hoping that someday you will give me a chance....
Blackstar: Rrgg. Get out, and do whatever the hell you're supposed to do. You have no reason to deal with me.
Blood moon: I mean. I do need to talk with you more thoroughly. I have to do it with everyone, but I would like to have a deeper conversation than this.
Blackstar: Well you don't got anything to do with me except for this. So maybe you should go deal with the others.
Blood Moon: Well I.. I heard you're rather good parts and service.
Blackstar: Yeah well, go ramble to moon about it. He's the one that actually fucking owns it down there.
Blood Moon: Well given your impressive make of eclipses body. I think I would rather get some help from you.
Blackstar: What help do you fucking need?! You look fucking decked out!
Blood Moon: Well I wasn't able to get all the changes I wanted. Perhaps you can help me with a couple of them.
Blackstar: What the fucking hell of a change do you want!? It's not like I can get any new parts right now.
Blood Moon: I don't think you need to get anything new. just maybe remove something... Unwanted.
Blackstar: Remove what? Moon's got fucking access to the machine! I just got goddamn tools on hand.
Blood Moon: I believe these won't be too hard to remove....
Blackstar: .... Fine. Meet me down by goddamn parts and service tomorrow during morning hours, after the first theater performance. Moon's too busy to bother, and I'm open.
Blood Moon: Thank you. I am sure I will enjoy the visit.
Blackstar: Just get out of here already.
Blood Moon: All right, all right. I'll be out of your hair.
Blood Moon: Oh this is going to be a long long week. Probably entire assignment. Never thought I would be doing this for fucking therapy practice.
Pluto: Rrrrrraraaaaaa!
Blood Moon: Sorry, sorry Pluto. I know, I know, you're probably hungry. I need to charge. I do think I found you a companion though. And I think they're big enough you won't be able to do much to them.
Pluto: Rrrrrrrrrrr!?
Blood Moon: Here you go. Curse are creators for making this how we are.
Pluto: Rhrhrhhrhrhrhhr.
Blood Moon: Everyone here seems to have ideas about all the difference is between old and new AI. I honestly still don't see how people can find a difference. The sun and moon here seem so set on this idea. Or at least sun does. I'm pretty sure Moon was one of the revolutionist, but no he's got issues too. Planet seems nice. Although I have a feeling she's much like Blackstar, and doesn't think much can change. Black Star himself just seems to be so closed off. Eclipse at least seems to be living in some sort of bliss. Although I can tell it's affecting them also.
Pluto: Rer?
Blood Moon: Hahaha. I guess I should start making game plans on how to interact with them all, and figure out these problems. I'm glad I made up that thing on the whim with Black Star. He's definitely going to need work, and the more I can interact with him the better. At least has a bonus for me in the end.
Pluto: Purr.
Blood Moon: Haha. I suppose good night Pluto. I got still quite a night ahead of me.
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anawrites3 · 1 year
omg how did dick meet slade in ur dark bruce au????
Thank you for asking me about this au, I'm always happy to talk about it more so if you have any more questions feel free to ask!
The short answer is that Bruce needed help with a mission because he had an important meeting as Bruce Wayne that he couldn't reschedule and Dick wouldn't be able to kill their target alone so he hired Deathstroke to go in his place.
Slade got interested in Dick right away because why is there a child in this psycho's base and why is his first reaction trying to kill me. Dick in turn is intrigued by him because not only Slade isn't scared of Bruce, he also simply doesn't give a fuck
Here, have a snippet!!
Dick was busy cleaning his gun when the man walked into the room. He didn't hear him coming, didn't hear even the slightest shuffle of his heavy boots – just one second Dick was alone and the next Deathstroke the Terminator was standing by the door in front of him.
Dick immediately jumped out of his chair, throwing one of his knives at him. Deathstroke moved away, a lazy little movement that caused the knife to dig into the wall behind him, but in that time Dick was already throwing himself across the table.
“A guardian dog?” The man drawled. “That's cute.”
Dick had three whole knives left and he was ready to bury at least one of them in Deathstroke's remaining eye.
“Stand down, Robin.”
Dick stopped mid-step, a knife still aimed at Deathstroke's throat. Master was standing right behind the mercenary, lips curled into an amused smile.
Deathstroke laughed, “Robin, huh? A guardian bird then, my bad.”
Dick ignored him. He didn't dare to ask his master what Deathstroke was doing in their base but secretly he hoped that Bruce would explain it to him either way. Introduce him properly, since it seemed that the man was on their side now, at least temporarily.
Not for the first time, Master didn't do what Dick wished for. Not sparing Dick another glance, he walked further into the room and at last Dick pocketed his knives and went back to cleaning his gun. Bruce didn’t need him right now and Dick had no intention of getting in his way.
Deathstroke, however, remained by the door, not tearing his eye away from Dick.
“Deathstroke.” Master called. His voice didn't sound any different to a normal ear but Dick knew he was annoyed that Deathstroke didn't follow him.
And not only Deathstroke didn’t follow Bruce, he also dared to ignore him.
“How old are you, kid?” He asked, leaning back against the wall as if he intended to stay in that place longer. There was a knife in his hands now – the one Dick threw at him earlier - and he used it to twirl around his fingers as if it was a pen and not a deadly weapon.
Dick didn't answer the question. He wasn't allowed to talk without permission and he knew Bruce wouldn't give it now, not to chat with a man like Deathstroke. Instead, he kept his eyes firmly down, on the gun, as if he was alone again.
“That is none of your concern.” Bruce answered for him, voice cold.
“It is, if you want me to fight that bastard alongside a teenager.” Deathstroke hummed, more amused than shocked or angry. “That's gonna cost you extra, you know.”
Dick didn't dare to look up but he knew that his master had his jaw clenched in anger, eyes narrowed behind the cowl.
He didn't know if Deathstroke did it on purpose or not but with this one sentence he explained to Dick what exactly he was here for. So, Master found the solution to the next mission's problem and that solution was hiring Deathstroke. It wasn't what Dick would ever expect, getting help from the mercenary but then again, he didn't have any say in what his master did. He had no right to question his decisions.
“Fine, I’ll write you a check.” Bruce spat out. “Now come on. I don't have time for your stupid games.”
“That's what you think it is?” Deathstroke mocked.
Once again, he didn't follow the order and instead of going after Bruce, he walked over to where Dick was sitting. He played with the knife for a few more seconds before he dug it into the table right in front of Dick.
Dick cursed the bastard in his mind . Deathstroke was disobeying Master in order to stay with him - Dick was the reason why Deathstroke was staying behind and he had no doubt that he would be punished for it later.
Deathstroke, of course, didn’t know that or maybe he simply did not care. Instead, he held out his hand to Dick.
“We're going to be working together.” He explained when he noticed how confused Dick became at the gesture. “We should get to know each other.”
“Deathstroke-” Bruce warned but the man just rolled his eye.
“You're the one that doesn't trust me enough to let me do the job alone.” He accused with a shrug. “I have the right to at least shake his hand.”
No. No, he did not have the right to do that. No one beside his master had the right to touch him.
“You want to tell me that you do this with your every client?” Bruce growled.
“I don't usually work in a team. I'm just doing what you want me to, Bats.”
Dick glanced up at Bruce and the man nodded – the slightest of the moves but it was enough for Dick to understand that his master was giving him permission. When he looked back at Deathstroke, the man was still holding his hand out and waiting. His face was covered by the mask but Dick had the impression that the man was smirking.
“A handshake can tell you a lot about a person.” He supplied helpfully.
“That's even more of a reason not to do it.” Dick said. He didn't look away from that single eye as he reached for the knife and pulled it out of the table with no effort, even with how deep it was stuck.
Deathstroke laughed.
“Smart.” He praised, putting his hand down. “Then I guess I'll see you later, Robin."
And with that, he turned and finally followed Bruce.
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waitineedaname · 1 year
thought I should collect my vague fma/mp100 thoughts here to make it easier to have them all in one place !
basic plot/character stuff
ed and al are both talented young psychics who got their powers when they were pretty young. ed got his powers around the time their dad (a CRAZY powerful psychic) left, and al got his shortly after their mom died :(
they thought they could use their powers to bring their mom back as a spirit, but it went. very bad. instead, an evil spirit took advantage of them and started fucking Eating Their Life Forces. al freaked out and astral projected out of panic, but his entire body was consumed so now he's. stuck like that. ed managed to exorcise the spirit, but not until after his arm and leg are devoured too
their motivation is to get rid of evil spirits that take advantage of people and hurt them like this, which is what takes them to roy mustang's door
roy mustang is a fake psychic pretending to have pyrokinesis (he just has a flamethrower behind his desk) because I think that's funny. he's running an exorcism business like spirits and such, except he has a larger crew -- mostly his friends he can call up to do odd jobs for him, like fixing the leaky pipes that make noises that make people think their house is haunted or whatever. he's also the only exorcism business that's willing to hire a teenager, so that's how the elrics end up working for him
in addition to mustang's crew of non-psychics, he also has hughes, who is tragically a ghost. there is definitely some tragic back story here that I'm still working on hashing out, but they've kind of come to terms about it now. he still haunts his family, who know he's there, and he agrees to help out mustang with Actual Spirit Issues when the elrics are unavailable
the elrics' quest to deal with manipulative evil spirits leads them to encounter the sins, who are all very powerful evil spirits. one of the first ones they deal with is greed, who they mostly exorcise, but he manages to just barely survive, dimple style. he's looking for ways to bring himself back up to full power
enter: ling yao, recently awakened psychic who is also looking for ways to become more powerful. he keeps over-exerting his psychic powers and exhausting himself, which is how the elrics come across him mostly unconscious. he's very excited to meet another esper, but he makes the mistake of asking why al doesn't possess ed, since he knows that can enhance someone's psychic powers. the elrics are both Very Sensitive about that kind of topic and tell him to fuck Right Off
bad idea, because then he goes and finds a spirit of his own. both he and greed approach their mutually beneficial consensual possession situation for self-serving reasons. both of them look at each other and think "yeah I can definitely manipulate this guy into making me more powerful" [fast forward a couple months to when they've become Extremely attached to each other] oopsies
lan fan is a telepath. ling did not know this, so he tried to act soooo normal about being possessed around her. that didn't work for long, jackass! she got so fucking angry with him when she heard a literal devil on his shoulder, and even though ling stopped her from destroying greed, that evil spirit is on THIN ICE.
scar's family was killed in a psychic terrorist incident (think kimblee if he was part of claw). he's one of those really late bloomer espers -- it wasn't until this traumatic event that his psychic powers awoke, and he hates them because of the link to the event. now he's on his vengeance based quest, going after psychics that abuse their powers
things I'm still working out the details for
mustang was involved in some high profile fuck-up. kind of like separation arc reigen except uhhh people Died. hughes was likely one of those people. no one has enough proof to outright prove he did it, but he is definitely linked to the event, especially because he was a pretty public psychic figure at the time. in reality, it was the fault of the sins, but it's harder to find evidence when it was evil spirits doing it
olivier + the rest of briggs are an anti-psychic terrorism government agency (kinda like joseph) and initially scar is one of their targets, but they end up recruiting him bc they have a common goal
eventually scar starts working at spirits and such (olivier's assignment so he can keep an eye on mustang) but he fucking hates it. oh my god I cannot emphasize how much he hates it. imagine reigen serizawa and mob at spirits and such except none of them can stand each other. that's mustang, scar, and ed having to work together.
mei is also a psychic! she kind of latches onto both scar and alphonse (separately) because she needs some help killing someone. they have very different reactions to this.
the someone she's trying to kill is father, a super powerful psychic who's been orchestrating much of the psychic terrorism, as well as directing the sins. he's like if toichiro had a specialty for spirit wrangling like matsuo
miscellaneous au details
ed and al's auras (and al's spirit form) are mostly gold, ed's leaning more coppery and al's more of a green-gold. ed's kind of has the look of fire crackling around him. ling's aura is a blend of red and purple and has a kind of watercolor/bruise look. it's more vibrant and has more purple when greed is possessing him. mei's is mostly pink with some red.
mob psycho spirits range from completely abstract to mostly humanoid and frequently have multiple forms in between. hughes looks mostly humanoid most of the time, but can go simplified and silly when gushing about his family. al has a more powerful form that looks like the full suit of armor but he doesn't like using it very often, so most of the time he's a long blob that's just kind of armor shaped (like when the armor is simplified for silly moments). greed at full power looked like the ultimate shield, after being weakened he looks more like a dimple-like blob that resembles the face in ling's mindscape. when possessing ling and both of them are using their powers, ling gets lines on his face like on the ultimate shield (like dimple's cheek spots!)
other spirits: pride looks how you'd expect. horrible shadow spirit. envy bodysnatches a lot. wrath has been possessing a politician for Literal Decades. it's no good. I'm not sure about the other sins
people's feelings on possession range from the elrics (Fuck No), to hughes and mustang (if necessary to get a job done), to greedling (they like it like this actually)
the rockbells aren't psychics but they live kinda adjacent to the psychic world bc theyre family friends with the elrics + hohenheim, so they know more than most about psychic powers
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aquaburst3 · 7 months
I'm in the process of watching Helluva Boss as research for a future writing project. Something that pisses me off about the show, other than the underdeveloped female characters, hypocritical double standards and Stolas being a uwu woobie sad boy, is how it treats Stella.
When I first starting the show, I was intrigued by the Stolas cheating subplot. I thought it would lead to some character drama. But, nope. Turns out that Stella is just a one dimensional bitch, who is abusive to Stolas and is as dumb as a brick. Or in other words, she's the embodiment of that one old fanfic trope where a female character is transformed in an irredeemable bitch just to push the main mlm ship together. Like...what?
I would've been fine with Stella being an angry and abusive bitch under normal circumstances. Women can be abusers just like men in real life. Female villains like that can not only work, but be fantastic in their own right. The Owl House pulled that off with Odelia Blight, and I love her as a minor antagonist in that series.
However, in this case, Stella's only evil because it Stolas more of an angsty backstory and lets him off the hook for what he did, making it seem justified. Since Stella is cartoonishly evil, abusive and completely one dimensional, he has the excuse of, "Look! I know I backstabbed my wife, ripped my family apart and gave my daughter a fuckton of issues, but I can't help it! She's an abusive bitch that treats me like garbage. She had it coming!" So it's just lazy and shitty writing. Simple as that.
What pisses me off about this is that it takes away all of Stolas' consequences for his actions and the nuence out of a dark subject matter, making it a completely black and white issue. Cheating is no joke. It leads to emotional and psychological issues for the victim that can last for years to come. If Stella was an actual character instead of a plot device to justify Stolas' actions, she would be no different. As someone who has a close friend of mine still suffering years after her ex-fiancé cheated on her, how the show is handling this really pisses me off. Either handle these things with respect and nuance or don't add it in at all.
This is a damn shame, too. Stella and the whole cheating subplot had so much potential to be interesting. But it's all dashed in favour of lazy writing. No one deserves to be cheated on. Even women like her.
Honestly, if I written the show, I would've made her a pampered brat, who is always being pushed around and controlled by the men in her life. She genuinely loves her husband, despite it being an arranged marriage. When she figures out about this, she is super pissed and heartbroken by the act. Her brother takes advantage of her ire by convincing her to hire a hitman to kill her husband. She agrees. When that fails, he then tells her that she has to kill her daughter as well. That is when she starts to hesitate. Her brother goes behind her back to hire Striker again to carry out a hit on her daughter, but she has a change of heart and saves her life. She still hates Stolas for what he did and still is angry at him, but she just walks out of his life and goes out on her own. That way she's still a bitch, but she has hints of good in her, her motives are somewhat understandable and she has an arc of learning to stand up for herself. Idk, that's just me.
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virginmiri99 · 1 year
The second act! (+ doxxing story)
After the title screen breaks away there is a pixelated set of purple animated eyes (really cool pixel animation I will say), this is basically the character embodiment of the fucked up parts of the internet and the hate Tommy dealt with. It is voiced by Schlatt. My memory gets fuzzy around these part in where the order happens, but I'll get to where he starts explicitly talking about doxxers. At this point he's completely dropped character, this is just him. He starts off saying how Dream called him one night and explained that the group of people who were targeting him and his friends were now targeting Tommy, giving him advice on how to be careful. This leads to the moment he goes to the door and his entire street is filled with cars with deliveries, and saying he owed them thousands (this went on and off for a while). How one time he came downstairs to find police and his parents talking, his mother crying and a letter being signed in his name saying his parents were abusing him and tried to kill him - he expressed alot of guilt for his parents during this. How they were hearing glass shatter one night and found his mum's car wrecked (they didn't know if it was a hired attack or direct). And how they started recieving so many letters and that they were told by police not to open them inside due to the threat of them being laced or containing dangerous things. All the while bags are being thrown on stage from the mention of the deliveries. I believe he did make mention of being followed but I got distracted because one dickhead was shouting during this part. Tommy expressing how scared and low he was emotionally, and how even the thought of going outside made him want to throw up. All the while this is a very raw and emotional telling of the events. The tonal shift and character drop was sharp and alot more intense than what I anticipated going in.
At a certain point act one ends, and a 20 minute break later act two begins with a black sheet being brought onto stage. Some of the bags being cleaned up onto the sheet by some behind the scene people, before switching to Jack (Iain) and Freddie as (Binda) cleaning them up and talking about it, with Binda being naive, opening the letters and talking about how horrible they are. Jack says how Tommy is depressed, and they've not seen him in hours, reiterating again how shit and dangerous the situation is, and the line 'no kid should have to go through this' is repeated. It was very easy to tell it was heavily written by Tommy's dad. After realising they've not seen him in hours they go in different directions of stage looking rather desperately for him. There's a mild allusion in this part to Tommy having been a danger to himself, it is not as explicit as the external dangers they talk about.
From the black sheet previously placed now it's the bag on, Tommy's hand raises (he's been there since the break) and he gets up, to check his fake prop phone, with the joke of trying to film tiktoks and he can't. (It's a writing attempt to make sure the mood doesn't dip too low before it gets even lower). Binda comes back, elated to see Tommy but he is far too distraught, getting angry at Binda and having one of the most realistic breakdowns I've seen in stage acting, to the point he kneeled, curled into himself and pretty much half sobbed. His voice during this read like he was reliving it more than portraying it, but given how many shows it was I'm guessing there wasn't unhealthy acting practices or mindset. After more talking and genuinely kind of heart wrenching acting, Binda brings up the idea of quitting, Tommy debates with this, before leading onto to how he lost the ability to care about his safety, and aka the irl manhunt stream, where he acknowledges how poor an idea it was, and how his parents were watching it kinda horrified. After that Tommy's dad took alot more of the reign with behind the scenes stuff helping him. Tommy talks with Jack, begging and asking things to go back to normal (he repeats that part alot), Jack says confirms again he'd have to quit. This leads to Tommy's decision not to out of love for what he does, and the start of him vlogging (Jack also plays Big Russ painfully well).
My memory around this part gets messy cause there was one kid shouting and and I struggled to focus (he did get told off by staff, but this is definitely a recurring issue between shows). Jack does explicitly say, in paraphrasing, that Tommy made the show for closure. That's the meta reason and the driving force for it. Anons and everyone saying it were unbelievably right.
Schlatt, aka. the representation the worst of the internet, referred as Bob much to his dismay keeps popping up and confirming he'll be everywhere and Tommy can't escape him - the story goes on an incline again, talking positively about being about the Spiderverse premiere and laughing at his outfit, moving to Brighton (Binda gets thrown in attic, not the last we see in the show but apparently where he is currently in real life), and a fair few more things (the show doesn't go too far into the current year or most of 2022). All is going well.
Schlatt comes on again, and there is a song duet where Tommy sings around the the topic of taking the reigns and essentially being happy, with Schlatt joining in to try and counter it. Tommy ends the song holding a note for so damn long, it was also one of the bigger cheers in the show.
Schlatt then continues to trying to upset Tommy, only to go from on screen, to be portrayed by Comedy Joe in one of the purple fabric looking suits with Schlatt voicing over. There's talking and Binda, ever so innocent, breaks away from that characterisation and openly swears, calling Schlatt's character something along the lines of twat I think. This devolves to a fight scene with a surprisingly good starting choreography and sound design where you have Tommy being lifted into the air by his neck and Jack jumping on Joe's back. The sound tech team adding a variety of weapon noises and Binda having to be forcibly restrained for being incredibly violent. Comedy Joe's body ends up getting dragged off stage, and from that we get a lovely conclusion to to the show and a small aftermath of the attic, proclaiming Binda will return. (You can tell I'm getting tired writing this part my bad, it was a cathartic ending)
My brain is doing my best to remember all of it and it is failing simply for the sake of how much was in that 2 hours. And while I don't want to seem biased I will say if there's any part of what I've said that doesn't make sense or doesn't seem entertaining I assure you it's on me and how I'm describing it - in person it is a very enjoyable experience, and I do really hope it gets its American counter part (though I dread how some of the humour may transfer over)
The entire thing was pretty much a Trojan horse for Tommy getting closure and being able to talk about some traumatic shit, with the Trojan horse itself being a well written comedy show. My only criticism is there was one or two of the cruder jokes that the show would've probably been better off without, and maybe less time for the attic scene at the end to show up (because people got out of their seats and kinda stood awkwardly once they realised)
Good show, if you or any anons get the chance to see it if it gets its American counter part I'd vouch for it 👍
Hey so I started crying really hard overt this. Idk if I can even form a response rn I just feel for this kid but I'm so glad that he got a cathartic ending out of this
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Love your art!! Just wanted to say that after re-reading the comics I noticed Scout Greg say something along the lines of “boss going crazy…” and it makes me wonder if Chevy was softer/less aggressive when he worked for Mann Co.?
Obviously from the photo in the comics he’s pretty tough looking, but it really makes you wonder if he was less controlling before becoming obsessed w immortality, which would explain why everyone was so willing to come back and help him initially
Hi there, and thank you for the compliment! I know I'm not a professional artist, but I do hope to be a truly great artist one day.
As for the comics - yeah, that actually comes up as a plot point in my fanfic.
For those of you who don't know, Cheavy actually gets a 'Redemption' Arc in Take Back The Fortress...kinda. It's less about him redeeming himself in the eyes of Medic and Heavy and more so redeeming himself for Cmedic's sake.
In Take Back The Fortress, Cheavy and Cmedic have been separated for 20 years. Cmedic says that he was arrested for "any number of felonies" and was put away for it. The team was obviously shaken by Cmedic's sudden absence since none of them know he was arrested, and Blutarch decided to use this to his advantage.
Before Cmedic's 'death,' it's suggested that Cheavy was significantly calmer and more level-headed. He was firm with his team, but never overtly angry with them. He was what a team captian should've been. Strong, but not aggressive. This is why he and Cmedic became an item in the first place. Cheavy respected Cmedic's skills and intelligence, and Cmedic respected Cheavy's grit and leadership.
However, it's explained in chapter 7 that Blutarch actively and gleefully exploited Cheavy's grief after Cmedic's 'death,' turning him into a killing machine. Blutarch blamed the RED's for killing Cmedic, which was enough to galvanize Cheavy into a lifelong and deeply personal hatred for the RED's.
Blutarch's exploitation of Cheavy resulted in Cheavy becoming the violent and temperamental man we see in the comics. Cheavy developed a LOT of unhealthy behaviors from this period, and Blutarch continuously enabled these behaviors because they got results on the battlefield. Cheavy became greedier, more power-hungry, more arrogant and angry. He's simultaneously trying to fill the hole Cmedic's absence left behind, and trying not to show how badly Cmedic's disappearance affected him - which is kind of pointless since he becomes extremely irate and defensive whenever Cmedic is brought up.
The team obviously became worried about their boss going off the deep end, but Fred and Bea tried to reach out and help Cheavy down a healthier, less destructive path.
It worked for awhile, but Team Fortress Classic was disbanded shortly after, which meant that Bea and Fred were no longer around. Cheavy fell back into bad habits, though he did put on a more professional affectation when Gray Mann rehired the team during the events of the comics. At this point, 20 years have passed and Cheavy's started to accept Cmedic was gone, so he's not nearly as crazy as he was beforehand. This is why the team was willing to follow him since they thought he had mostly recovered.
Then Cheavy saw Medic. In Take Back The Fortress, it's explained later on that Medic being hired to the team set Cheavy off really fucking badly. Not only did it dig up all those old memories, it made Cheavy resent Medic less for what he did, but rather what Medic represented: Cmedic was gone, and this was his replacement. Didn't help that Medic still wore the RED uniform Cheavy had come to hate so much.
then Take Back The Fortress happens, and suddenly Cheavy is reunited with Cmedic. It should be a happy reunion, right?
Well...wrong. Because Cheavy still has those bad, unhealthy habits and behaviors to deal with. Behaviors that weren't there when he and Cmedic were together. Behaviors that are extremely alarming to Cmedic when they first show up.
And if Cheavy wants to salvage his relationship with Cmedic, he has to grow and become a better person for his sake. Let go of those bad habits, get into a healthier headspace, and just...stop being a piece of shit. When Cheavy realizes he's not the person Cmedic fell in love with, he actually does make an effort to be better, though it is a long and grueling process that takes over 40 chapters to fully realize.
So...yeah. I took that one line of dialogue and spun it into a whole-ass character arc. Go figure.
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opencharacters · 2 years
Pooh Bear & The Mighty King Yendis
A young brown bear contemplates the state of his world...
[Also on AO3]
Chapter I: The River
Oswald, a particularly happy-go-lucky rabbit sat down by the river of fiction, a transdimensional river made out of quarks. It was not his intention to go for a dip but rather to sit and relax a bit. The sound of the quarks was soothing in a way and he felt at peace.
He noticed a friend of his was already down at the riverbank, Winnie the Pooh. He would recognize his brown fur anywhere.
"Morning Pooh"
"Morning Oswald, what brings you down here?"
"Just thought I'd relax here a bit and read"
"Ever wonder about the river? It's been behaving strangely since King Yendis took over"
"Yendis, despite being my brother i can safely say has done a lot of damage to this land"
"Perhaps something can be done to purify the river?" Pooh asked.
"Perhaps, but at least it has not lost its beauty"
"That's true" Pooh said, drinking from his cup of honey.
Another friend of theirs, Raggedy Ann arrived at the riverbank and greeter the pair.
"Morning you two, beautiful day is it not? I was gonna have a picnic here"
"Ann, does the state of the river concern you?" Pooh asked.
"The river? Well its pretty but its different than when I was young“ she answered.
"Sometimes I feel like someone should overthrow King Yendis, he's ruining the river, he's ruining my home, he's ruining everything"
Raggedy Ann pulled out a checkered blanket and put it on the ground and lay down her picnic basket. Her movement was overly slow being a doll and all.
"King Yendis is a problem but I'm not sure what can be done. He's the king after all"
Pooh looked concerned and angry. "We are spending our free time looking at a river thats toxic because its the only thing still beautiful in the forest. Its ripples provoke memories of the original beauty"
"Pooh we just-" Ann said.
"Im sick of living in this fantasy land where we pretend everything is fine. The forest is dying, the river is dying. Yendis needs to go!" Pooh yelled out.
"But what can-" Oswald started before being interrupted by Pooh.
"We need to kill him. I know he's your brother but its the only way we can even start to repair the forest"
Ann & Oswald both looked shocked at Pooh as if he had performed a cardinal sin.
"Im sorry its just...things arent improving. Opening up greenhouses is no subsitute for what we had. I just..." tears began to stream down Pooh's eyes. His two friends embraced him to comfort him.
They didnt say anything. Oswald left without saying goodbye. Ann stayed with him just sitting in silence watching the river and its quark based whistling mixed in with sound of black sludge dragging across the bottom of the river.
"You're right pooh, we cant keep living like this and pretend its fine" Ann finally said "pretending our friends havent been hurt or had their life cut short by all of this"
"I doubt Oswald will help us, thats his brother. But i think we could hire someone to do so for us"
"Yeah" Pooh said, hiding one of his hands behind back, sludge beginning to to permiate on his hand, seeping into his pores.
It didnt hurt but Pooh knew it was in his interest to hide it, at least while this plan was still formulating between them
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