#and I watch this for my mental health too FFS
juliasdowntonstuff · 3 months
My dearest Darling Chapter 56
After taking a bit of a mental health break from writing this story (and actually writing in general) I am now back with another chapter of My dearest Darling, available online on ff and on ao3 as usual.
"Donk, it's your turn," George said, sitting on the ground close to his grandfather next to their board of ludo. In recent weeks, the boy had taken a special liking to this particular game and pulled it out almost every day when Nanny brought them down after tea. It had easily ousted snakes and ladders, which had been his clear favourite before. And lucky for him, Robert had nothing against a fair game against his eldest grandson. As long as he won.
He was mesmerised by her, there was no denying it. Even after all these years. Although he would try to deny any such allegations if confronted. He watched her mouth move and he could not suppress the bright grin as her lips curled into the faintest of smiles. He watched the way her nose crinkled ever so slightly and how her eyebrows were raised in playful astonishment looking at the children surrounding her on the settee. She was replying to something one of them had said; or maybe she was just reading from the book open in her lap? It was probably the latter, now that he was thinking about it. But to him, it did not matter, not really. She looked carefree; an impression that she had made on him all too rarely in recent months. He enjoyed seeing her so at ease once more. If he weren't such a forlorn fool with words, he might have even told her that the sight warmed his heart.
Alas, he knew he could never say as much to her, and so he simply continued to watch her. She sat somewhat crouched over the book of old fairytales from their daughters' youth with Marigold and Caroline perched on the red couch to either side of her. It was an unfamiliar sight for him, even though he wished it was not. Marigold was trying her best to keep her half-brother still in her lap and away from the apparently very fascinating pages in their grandmother's lap. The blonde boy had still somehow managed to grab the edge of one of the pages and began tugging at it with as much strength as he could possibly muster. And once again she was saying something, this time turned to look directly at the little boy to her left, joy and playful rigour reflected in her eyes and face as she carefully pried the page from his tiny and surprisingly strong fingers. Then, while her granddaughters were laughing about the whole scene, she went back to reading them the story as if nothing had happened. She squinted her eyes, a ray of sunshine directly falling on her face now that she was leaning forward again. She looked so beautiful, so serene, so at peace. And healthier. Her road to complete recovery was still a long one, but she was looking more and more like her old self, before her illness had taken over their lives for so long.
"Donk?" George inquired again.
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ohchosen · 4 months
AUTHOR PORTRAIT ... get to know the author behind the blog! repost, don't reblog !
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NAME:        val AGE:         24 PRONOUNS:         she / they YEARS OF WRITING:          ok how specific are we talking. because i can say like circa 2010 i was on facebook writing bad twilight fanfiction + rp ( which then progressed into bad thg fanfiction ) or i can say elementary school and my little short stories i was always ad - libbing. regardless, it's definitely something i've had a knack for my whole life and it was literally just a matter of time before i found out about rp. and yes before you ask it was my personal facebook. when i was 11. that had all of my relatives added. yes they saw it. years writing on tumblr is different and i think i jumped ship and found out about tumblr rp around 2012 / 2013 and with that came my first formative decision which was to watch supernatural. you know where this is going. yes it was bad. no i'm not showing anyone.
WHY DID YOU PICK UP WRITING?           i needed a hobby and had unrestricted internet access. i kind of answered this in the question before so jokes on me blah blah blah but without getting too personal i had a very difficult time in school with mental health and tumblr, known weird kid haven, was my little safe space where i could freely pursue what i enjoyed and was really my first venture into fandom spaces. i started in the supernatural rpc [ horror music ] and slowly meandered my way through book fandoms, to animanga, and finally settled on the video game community where i've been good and SAT for like six years now.
DO YOU HAVE ANY WRITING ROUTINES?          not necessarily. it's a miracle if i'm able to sit down long enough to open up my drafts and get going, but if i can lock in i'm all set. i find it hard to listen to music while writing because my brain cannot separate the two and i will accidentally start writing down the lyrics but i've never actually considered tuning into instrumentals so ,, thank you vos. writing that down............
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT WRITING?         stealing from vos in stealing answer solidarity but the rp community aspect. it can be awful and exhausting as some of us know good and well but it can also be incredible depending on who you surround yourself with. it's so validating finding people who share your little niche interest or even niche - er pairing ( hi vos ) and then to just completely devolve into sending memes and posts and screaming until 2 am in dms. i've met so many of my closest friends through rp, and stealing vos' answer again, but the characters i write who turn out the most developed are those who have been shared with friends. noctis would be nowhere near as fleshed out as he is if not for the people i met in the ff fandom all those years ago.
THREE THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOUR WRITING.         oughhghh, um. i'm bad at taking compliments and even worse at complimenting myself so bare with me.
i've definitely grown a lot in terms of style and prose, and i'm actually pretty happy with what i'm able to spit out in terms of aesthetic styling as compared to even a few years ago. one of my biggest insecurities ( that still pops up here and again mind you ) was never being able to match length, and i was in the worst writers' block for a few years that i finally managed to escape out of around 2020 and now i can confidently say i'm writing more regularly than i ever have. so to answer the question: it has been my personal growth in my writing and it turning into something i can be confident in and proud of.
i really do enjoy the mundanity of editing my replies. i love to see the progress i make edit by edit and how cohesive and put together a piece of writing becomes the longer i work on it. i fully 100% devote myself to one reply at a time, which is a nightmare for quantity but sooooooo rewarding if it means i can put something out to the best of my ability and not stress myself out worrying about whatever else i owe. i am a self appointed slowpoke, and i've learned over the years to not let myself feel guilty about that because as long as it can become something i devote time on and put effort into, then it really shouldn't bother me how long it takes.
three things is too much to ask for lets all just walk away slowly.
HAVE  YOU  MADE  ANY  STRONG  CONNECTIONS  /  FRIENDS DURING YOUR TIME WRITING?          i'm pretty sure this question was intended for vos only but its way too late now and i've already written your accolades so you have to deal with it. this post is just going to be exceptionally long now.
vos @stagehunt my right hand man who has been with me for every gacha related poor financial decision. everything you said i'm literally sending right back to you. i knew no one in that fandom and was in way out of my depth before stumbling across you and your blog. i am so thankful we crossed paths and shoved our little barbie dolls together and said kiss because developing, and i mean really developing tomo would not have happened without your input. at this point you definitely deserve writing credits on him too because the way he turned out would be nowhere near the same if not for your influence. i've had a blast experiencing genshin's story with you and knowing without fail you'll be thinking the exact same thing whenever hyv fumbles the bag again, and yes. one day i GUESS i'll play more than 7 hours of hsr. luv u xoxo.
plum, @sherez, my love, my heart. it's crazy how fast the years have flown by and now all of a sudden i've known you since 2018??? i still remember seeing you from afar on ez and always being blown away by how much love and devotion you put into your characters. we are quite literally bonded for life after surviving the [ redacted ] rpc and i can't think of anyone better to come out beside than you. you can't get rid of me bitch!!!!!!!!! the amount of effort and care i've seen you throw into v, and how far she's come in terms of development blows me away. she is easily one of the best written characters i've ever had the pleasure of reading and i am so excited to keep following her growth. besides how freakishly talented you are, it's astonishing how much we have in common. bc who tf else would i be talking to about forgotten mcr lore in the year of our lord 2024. if no one got me, i know plum got me. booket....... booket for my sweety.......
lu @tactition its crazy how in the short little time we've spent together how much i've bonded with u. if i got down on one knee and pulled out a ring would u say yes.... my yaoi soulmate........ its INSANE how well our character Types (tm) mesh together, and i know karma is coming with its kiss for me when i finally download nier and have to atone for what i put u thru when i made you play final fantasy. please be gentle with me im delicate........... real talk tho.. you have so quickly become such an important person in my daily life and i literally feel myself go !!!! whenever i see a new dm from you because i know its always gonna be good. your character takes blow me away and even for myself who's nearly 7 years deep into the final fantasy scene, it amazes me how you still manage to shed light and new perspective on characters i've known for years. let’s kiss freaky style.
i've very much condensed my little bubble into people i actually want to surround myself with atp, and there's always a handful of mutuals on every blog that i don't necessarily talk to but who have been with me for years now so. sorry you can't leave or i'll become a danger to myself and others. kisses :*
WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE MOST INSPIRATION FROM? this is definitely a muse - specific question since it varies from character to character. with noctis specifically, it's mostly music. i have a few different playlists for him after writing him for so long, and while i can't listen while i write they all offer different types of mood setting for him. other times, its media involving fantasy tropes or characters that have similar struggles to him, off the top of my head ( and something i connected early on ) is the character u.enoyama r.itsuka from given. there's a lot i could say here regarding which aspects i took inspiration from but the majority was the similar personality he has to noctis, the internal thought process he offered when i read the manga, and the way he struggled with his sexuality that struck the loudest chord. don't quote me on any of that since i haven't been caught up with given for like 5 years now but !!!!! yeah the end.
NEW QUESTION: how do you relate to your character personally? are there any overt similarities to the two of you?
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tagged by @stagehunt my lover..... tagging - @lunabrae @tactition @sherez
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vamqiredove · 5 months
OKOK @indigoartistqueen i'll ramble and elaborate err i'm keepin it here cause this rlly isn't smthing i want on slaingelo especially bc i get a bit mad in this oops
CAMERAS LIKE THAT ARE USELESS. ALSO THEY MAKE SHIT WORSE IF YOU ARE PARANOID. having them inside your house is unnecessary unless you're convinced someone's living in your house without you knowing. otherwise it does nothing but take up electricity or batteries and money ect ect whatever. If you unnecessarily install cameras you're going to be checking them constantly. and also within the context of just "waah my big strong man is out for a week i'm so scareed i'm going to put cameras inside my house" WHAT IS THAT GOING TO DOOOOOOOOOOO SOMEONE HAS TO /ALREADY BE BROKEN IN TO YOUR HOUSE/ FOR THAT TO BE "USEFUL" AT ALL AND BY THAT POINT IT'S NOT SECURITY WHATTTTTT
like other people said in that post, security like that makes it impossible to get out of your house fast/give first responders a hard time getting in. I have a bar in my window. it's removable from the inside very easily and all it serves to do is keep the window from opening more than a few inches. this mf would install damn prison bars if her husband had to go away for a month.
IF YOU'RE THAT PARANOID ABOUT LOCKS GET A FUCKING DEADBOLT AND/OR CHAINLOCK OH MY GOD. first responders are more likely to know how to get around those than "mobile locks" what the fuck is a mobile lock. OH WAIT !! SHE ALREADY HAS A DEADBOLT AND SHE'S DOUBLING UP WITH THE MOBILE LOCK. HUH ???????????????????????????????????
YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW YOU ARE HOME.... when I'm home alone I actively try to make it look like someone's always awake. do I go over the top locking every door and window in the house and leave the curtains facing the backyard closed and did I once move furniture to block my bedroom door in order to sleep ? yeah sure but I'M MENTALLY ILL. WHAT I'M SCARED OF ISN'T EVEN PEOPLE BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE FFS IT'S MONSTERS THAT AREN'T REAL BUT MY DELUSIONAL BRAIN CONVINCES ME IT IS REAL TO THE POINT OF INSOMNIA IN PARTICULARLY BAD EPISODES. I AM NOT THE AVERAGE WHITE AMERICAN WOMAN FOR I AM NOT EVEN ANY OF THOSE THINGS
literally the only way I can see someone going this far for security in a way that ISN'T just "this is an ad" and/or "i am trying to brew fascism" is if someone fell into the delusion of being gangstalked, and in which case, they probably aren't posting their entire security system online because they'd be convinced their stalkers are watching their every move online and offline lol... it sure as hell wouldn't be framed like this either. also if it was the case she'd still be scared while her husband was home. it wouldn't magically appear when he's done, it would be constant.
doing shit like this isn't normal nor healthy, it's either a sign of going severe into the alt right pipeline and/or severe mental health issues that are going unchecked bc those are absolutely not mutually exclusive.
even the "keeping a flashlight nearby" thing is stupid in the sense that I DO THAT. BECAUSE WE FREQUENTLY GET POWER OUTAGES HERE ???????????????? what's it going to do if there is an intruder are you going to shine it in their fuckin face. what, can't see them thru your aesthetic lighting ?? what's the fuckin whistle going to do ... you've isolated yourself your home alone it's a WHISTLE. at the veyr least get a fucking weapon, HUH ?????????????
honestly I don't even know how coherent any of this is, it pisses me off a lot. I've done a lot of shit to try and feel "safe" and frankly it feels insulting especially given my minor agoraphobia too [ can't leave the house alone, i always need a friend or family w/ me ] especially the weird way this shit is made aesthetic. AGAIN. LIKE THE FUCKIN PURPLE LIGHTING IN THE VIDEO. AND ALSO THE SLEEK TECH.
the aesthetic-ification of that video is probably what REALLY gets me mad about it though.. like it really just makes it feel like an ad playing both on white peoples fears and mentally ill people.
blah blah my experiences aren't universal and my delusional paranoia isn't "that bad" compared to other ppls. whatever. i don't like it either way
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lieslab · 3 months
I need some serious comfort from my situation and I feel like im overthinking it
I go to church and obviously have friends but I dont go much and it is pretty random when I go and this time so I greet my friend and he heads over to his spot to sit and I turn around and watch him and j feel like her gave me a look of disgust but im not 100% sure and then when church was over ahen we were outside I was with my other friend and the same dude and her were talking and I felt like invisible to them and then I went to my other friend and now I just feel like im not important to them at all or im just a hassle and i have been at the church since LIKE FIRST KR SECOND GRADE AND WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I DONT BELONG, and going through my memories when we were doing a competition between one vs one, non of my friends (were all friends and there is many) were cheering for me and they were cheering for my other friend, and that was before I went to church randomly at times, now I feel like I dont belong
So if you can, can you write a ot8 friend group where they never make anyone feel left behind and they are always worried when one of them arent with them (me ofc but if you can, can you use the name Vanesa if nor just use y/n it is fine) and like they make me/her feel like she belongs and not (…wanting to die or disappear to another reality) but yeah, and to mention for ideas in where settjng is, I like the beach (when nobody is there) and when it is raining or thundering (not when im outside cause you can het struck by lighting) and I like the midnight but not creepy midnight and stars (jellyfish etc)
So yeah idk if this is too much but heres some extra if you wish to add more
Like from afair my friends are there just watching how happy I am and are confused (I dont think they leave me out or make me feel that way on purpose I hope) why I so happy with StrayKids and not so much with them since im mostly have a blank expression
For the group we are like messing around singing and/or dancing and being unhinged but caring and PLEASE HUGS AND HUGS AND HUGS and like not immediately into the ff but put where I(or y/n) confesses why she is sad and they comfort her and shit
Sorry if this is to much
Life can be really complicated sometimes and sometimes our brains tend to make us feel really insecure. It's easy to overthink at times and it can be quite the challenge to come back from. Whether your friends like you or not, I'm not sure. I do know, however, that you should feel really comfortable with your friends. Whenever I'm friends with people, I only surround myself with people I feel happy with. If a person is super negative or just has an off feeling, I try to steer clear of them.
Friendships can be complex and I think I'd approach this by talking to your friends. Sometimes if you just take a deep breath and go "hey, I've been feeling a little insecure lately" and if you open up and talk to your friends, I think that would help you understand their viewpoint.
If my friends came up to me and announced that they're not sure how I feel about them, I'd happily reassure them that I like them. Anxiety can be stressful and overthinking the situations only makes you feel SO much worse.
I know it's difficult to do that and work up the courage, but on the other hand, if you don't do that and you ignore it, you're just going to continue to work yourself up mentally and stress yourself out. Plus, if you start doing it now, sometimes it can lead into conversations with your friends about mental health and those are important.
I think with friendships, you should be able to freely discuss those topics. Friendships are different for everyone, but healthy conversations are so important, I can't stress it enough. I've had a few times in my life when I ruined friendships when I should have just spoken up about things I disliked or wanted clarification on instead of running away.
I wish I could have told my younger self to speak up. It's totally okay to speak up!! Sometimes that's the only way we know what the people around us are truly thinking.
As for the request, I usually make things gender neutral because I like it when everyone is able to read and enjoy my work, but yeah, I can do that. It might take a bit, but yes. I'll make it take place on the beach and it'll have some funny moments, I think. Super fluffy and something lighthearted and fun <3
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borathae · 7 months
You cover your eyes on instinct, “why are you naked?” me when i saw naked kook in the gcf I LIFTED MY EYES UP AS IF LIKE I WOULD HAVE SEEN SOMETHING 💀💀💀 and then went to twitter to oggle freely cuz its a free real estate
but his hips are your favorite part of his body. 136% CORRECT
His dick looks mouthwatering in this light call that aesthetic dick, aesthedick
steal a glance at his butt as he does. “Hot damn”, jungkook when he walked in when hobi was showering
the mask para reminds me of hobi slapping skincare on to his face
*also starts playing nct baby dont stop
“Too late for that”, you say giggling she said oops hee hee
"sounds like a song doesn’t it?" he jokes it does lol my man is so funny *
You secretly hoped for his towel to fall. It didn’t, THEM DAMN TOWELS HAVE BABY GRIP STRENGTH IN FFS LIKE THEY DONT FALL AT ALL
i dont know if havent said this before, but i love the way the characters talk during sex in your writing, sexy or not, they are all soo wholesome
You idiot left the show running. Fuck you probably missed the best parts. ...best parts are definitely happening right now. CORRECT JUNG FUCKING HOSEOQUE IS FUCKING YOU, NOTHING IS BETTER THAN THAT
Outside guns and sirens were going off.  WTF IS GOING ON definitely not the best thing to hear right after fucking lol
Or are we in an official apocalypse?" very funny to think that u didnt know what was going to happen in 2 years . haha nobody knew
ok so back to the glowing dick alien IM SORRY U SAID NO MORE BUT I CANT STOP THINKING U KNOW *plays twice
imagine the same thing( tv on and siren going off) idk when oc and alien AND OC IS TRIGGERED cuz they moved to a different planet when oc was really young cuz of some apocalypse and she grew up and met alien bangtan
me when i saw naked kook in the gcf I LIFTED MY EYES UP AS IF LIKE I WOULD HAVE SEEN SOMETHING 💀💀💀 and then went to twitter to oggle freely cuz its a free real estate
bruh same HOLY FUCK I was at work watching the stream and went from -.- to OoO within seconds fjadjf thank god my back was turned to the rest of the office hahhahah
call that aesthetic dick, aesthedick
BLOCKED hahahahhha (i love puns)
the mask para reminds me of hobi slapping skincare on to his face
YSES HAHAH it was inspired by that hafjdsj
legs wide open tbfh
You secretly hoped for his towel to fall. It didn’t, THEM DAMN TOWELS HAVE BABY GRIP STRENGTH IN FFS LIKE THEY DONT FALL AT ALL
HAHHAHAHA the ffs towel says "content besties" JFJADSJF
i dont know if havent said this before, but i love the way the characters talk during sex in your writing, sexy or not, they are all soo wholesome
omgmg thank youu <333333
ME NEXT nfadsnf istfg I need to inhale him
HOLD ON IM GETTING MORE THOUGHTS AAAAAAA ok so back to the glowing dick alien imagine the same thing( tv on and siren going off) idk when oc and alien AND OC IS TRIGGERED cuz they moved to a different planet when oc was really young cuz of some apocalypse and she grew up and met alien bangtan
ooooh daaamn bestiieie the angst is angstingnn 👀👀 and him coming to rescue her and hug her cause he can't bear to have his sweet earthling be upset fdnasfn 😩😩
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fratboykate · 1 year
kybgau - but tell us some of those "I need security at this dress fitting" moments. You know Kate is like "she can't resist me half naked." and Yelena is like "jokes on you, I'm a trained professional" until it's just them in a room and Kate's in her underwear and the stylists are off plucking the new outfit out of a corner and Yelena's eyes are everywhere BUT her stupid client's abs or her stupid client's ass or her stupid client's V-Line. She is a professional and will not succumb to baser instincts even if her client is looking DOWN at her and Yelena hates that and is like "I will fucking put you on your knees" but Kate's like "please. I'm starving. I need a stop at the Yelena gussy buffet." and the whole thing is just a MESS because they're horny. Horny AF. But this is business.
scenarios where yelena is like 'you definitely DO NOT need security for that why are you making my boss make ME SPECIFICALLY go???!!!"
-kate suddenly decides that she can't see her own movies with other people around for the first time so she requests private screenings in movie theaters...and yelena is all like 'have fun' and kate's like...you have to come' and yelena is like "???????????? why?" "im the only one in there what if somethign happens" so its just the two of them in a movie theater watching a film where kate has like three sex scenes (yeah no she didnt need to see shit she just wanted to get yelena alone in a room with her and watch her squirm during the sex scenes)
-kate's like 'i need a mental health getaway. need to get away from the noise, the city, the people. maybe time to write some new songs.' and yelena as usual is like "go be rich and have fun" and kate is like "i rented a house. in the desert. by myself. OBVIOUSLY i need you to come. when i meant 'away from people' but that doesnt include you. we're basically one :D" and yelena is like ffs "WHAT DOES YOUR ASSISTANT EVEN DO WHY ISNT SHE GOING WITH YOU???" "what's my 5'2 100 pound assistant supposed to do if my stalker breaks into the house im renting in the middle of nowhere?" "get a bigger, stronger assistant" "that's you :)". so thats how the end up spending a week at a mansion in the desert where kate wore nothing but thong bikinis all day and she got to watch yelena workout in the desert heat.
none of those (or the fifty other insane things kate tries) work. yelena holds strong. so kate's like "mkay...guess im dressing to drive you crazy now. let's see how far long this lasts now"
outfits kb picked SPECIFICALLY to see how far she could push this woman:
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turns out it doesnt last too long lol. before she knows it, kate's bent over a sink at an awards show after party, feeling pretty damn pleased with herself. who says perseverance doesnt get you what you want?
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thetearsofadove · 1 year
I honestly love writing and writing for other people, but after doing it for years and seeing just how rude people can be is really making me reconsider releasing my writing for other people.
I love fanfiction. I've been writing it for almost 10 years. Started when I was 12, I'm 21 and turning 22 in February. I've blossomed. Fanfiction, both reading and writing it, has helped me grow as an author.
So obviously I'm going to want to share it with people. But...my god, it's become a horrible experience every time I've tried.
First, the entitlement that I see from readers. Sometimes, even from fellow writers. I don't know what's worse; when a reader is being an entitled douche, or a fellow writer.
Stop clogging my inbox with "UPDATE!! UPDATE!!" or things along the lines of begging me to update. I have a life. I have animals to tend to, I have money to make, I have mental health to keep in line. I'll update when I get to it. And if I don't? Apologies. But don't make it worse by making me panic.
I was nice enough to release free shit for you. Show me respect.
Also, stop telling authors what to write. Stop dictating what they should be writing. They don't have to write for a specific audience if they don't want to.
I wrote for DBD at one point and stopped because one asshole spammed me saying "write for Adam!! Horrible author, won't write for Adam".
I was going to in the future, I only started writing a few of the characters so I could work my way up. But I gave up.
Go find a writer that suits your tastes instead of insulting and demanding a random ass author to do it for you. Or, better yet? Do it yourself. We cannot read your mind, we have no idea what you want.
Wattpad is one of the worst sites for this. As a writer? Fuck Wattpad. Some of its users are so immature and entitled, it's insane.
I also cannot stand how people treat authors/writers like we're just these emotionless writing machines. I've specifically stated I am not taking requests right now, it's on my profile, so why are y'all sending me requests after I've stated they make me anxious and make me feel pressured? I left my ask box open for questions, that's it. I'm urged to now close it.
Authors/fanfiction writers are writing stuff for YOU for free. I am more than happy to write. I write for fandoms I'm not too involved in. I educate myself about said fandoms and characters in those fandoms so I can write them the best I can. I do it for YOU. Stop treating me like I'm not a human behind the screen with a life.
Also the lack of manners drives me fucking INSANE. Say please and thank you. Show some appreciation instead of "write this 4 me kthanx". It feels horrible, and like I said above, I am not some emotionless AI that writes for you. I have feelings. I spend an hour at the least out of my day writing for YOU when I could be writing for myself, drawing, watching my favourite TV shows...whatever.
Like...in general, be nice. Be kind. You wanna request? Add a please and thank you. Don't pressure authors. Also, don't make authors feel like they're responsible for your moods. I've been guilt tripped with "write this bc I feel sad and if you won't, I'll be more sad and it'll be your fault :((" and it makes me feel horrible.
I gave up writing for people in the past because I am let down every. single. time. It's 2023, fanfiction has existed for a VERY long time, the fact that being kind, patient and understanding isn't common knowledge is mind boggling.
Also? Get to know me a little bit, ffs. I have emotions. I have interests. Don't use me for just my work. It feels awful when I post something rambling about an interest or asking a QUESTION and I end up being ignored. It's fucking horrible.
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2 4 5 18!
2) Album of the year?
The cast album for the '95 revival of How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying - the story and songs are dated in much the way you'd expect a 1960s musical about office politics would be, but the orchestrations for this revival are INCREDIBLE and so up my alley. The brass is tight, punchy, big, and so much more in your face than the original cast album or the '68 movie version (not Nelson Riddle's fault, I believe he was contractually barred from significantly altering the arrangements?). The Daniel Radcliffe and Nick Jonas recordings sound downright puny in comparison. Like THIS is how the orchestra for a splashy Broadway musical should sound imo. It sounds like an orchestra, not a tiny pit band (though that works for some shows, but I have a preference for the former). And it's well recorded/mixed. I remember one of my professors years ago told me of a renegotiation with the musician's union that happened in the early 2000s allowing producers smaller orchestras than originally called for in revivals. Also the change in vocal style - I frankly find the current prevailing vocal style on Broadway annoying and have for some time (too forward, too chewey, too contrived, the R's are so hard and nerdy and annoying). Anyway but yeah it's very fun and I've listened to it a lot in the past few months.
4) Movie of the year?
Probs The Slender Thread (1965). It was the 1st movie I saw at the TCM FF this year and it was just as good as I was hoping it would be, if not better! Sidney Poitier and Anne Bancroft were great. Sydney Pollack's direction is stylish, dramatic, and sensitive. Though in some ways it's very dated, it's exploration of someone in a mental health crisis is still very relevant and has imo aged better than you'd expect a movie from the mid-60s to. That movie's stuck in my brain more than perhaps anything else I watched this year, and just become a little part of my life. Also Quincy Jones' score is very good and this track from it was my wakeup alarm most of the year.
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5) TV show of the year?
Hmm, probably Mad About You (1992-9)! I started watching it I wanna say last year with my mom when I was living back home for a while, but It's something I've watched a lot on my own this year. There are so many sitcoms about nuclear families or perpetually-single adults, it's nice to see one about a newlywed couple with a fundamentally loving and healthy relationship who aren't awful human beings (looking at you, Jerry). The writing's witty and warm, and also it kinda brings to mind what things might have been like for my parents being childless newlyweds in the 90s. Also the older I get the more accurate I find these sitcom 'I'm adult and my parents are insane' interactions. Aaaand Paul Resier's chest hair and silliness make me feel things...
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18) A memorable meal this year?
@sailor-freddie-mercury and I went to a nice restaurant called Yamashiro up on a hill above Hollywood blvd. Gorgeous views, great food, great atmosphere, it's kind of expensive but worth it for a splurge.
Send me more End of the Year asks !
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Finally saw 3x11. I have thoughts. I could talk about the bad, but I’m not in the mood now.
What I liked was, of course, Jon’s awesome self being awesome. I also liked that finally, Jordan & Sarah’s mental health issues were acknowledged again. As someone who (1) has depression, and (2) has experience in helping a sibling during their panic attacks, the portrayals for these weren’t terrible! On that whole, getting a job to combat one’s depression, it could go either way depending on if the work isn’t suited to Sarah and/or what she needs from it, but it is true (ime) that ‘useful distractions’ can help - empty distractions, like just watching whatever is on TV or something equally as unengaging, are more likely to worsen things. Having a reason to push yourself out of bed that you don’t hate, especially if it’s something that you could work with your brain to latch onto - like, for Kyle, he cares a lot for his people, so as he said, reminding himself that what he was doing was for them, helped him do what he needed to each day - can be vital.
Sometimes, all I’d get out of bed for, when I woke up in the early-hours after not getting any sleep yet again, for another awful day of school and other terrible things, was making breakfast for the other kids, because I knew they wouldn’t have time to eat otherwise. To that point, I could then push myself to also eat. It was like picking up breadcrumbs, so very tedious and possibly pointless, but, if I focused on the task and found a way to tell myself it was for someone else or the like, it was easier to pick one up, then one after it.
(I imagine this is what Jon does, btw.)
Not to quote a depression commercial, but: a body in motion, tends to stay in motion, while a body in ‘rest,’ tends to stay as such.
Anyway. I have panic attacks, too, but mine are the ‘silent’ type (it’s the trauma. Or the caregiving-sibling thing? Whatever), so for Jordan’s anxiety portrayal in this episode, I had to draw on my experience in Jon’s spot. I think the dialogue was actually terrible, so that sucked (that NEVER helped my sibling to calm down, BECAUSE THEY COULDN’T, IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT, if they’re panicking, you can’t just say ‘calm down,’ ffs). But Garfin did great and so did Bishop; Jordan was self-soothing AND not lashing out, which I appreciated seeing. Jon kept a calm and steady presence and voice, which was also appreciated. I still immediately had several ideas of how the dialogue SHOULD have gone, as I was watching, but, it’s S&L.
Overall: I was still disappointed in the ep., I imagine that’s not going away, but at least we got to return to Jor, Jon & Sarah dealing with mental illness. And no ableist curing!
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absolutequeertrash · 2 years
ok so i would like to preface this by saying i have not watched the movie nor do i plan to so if there are slight inaccuracies i apologize. i have better things to do in my life than watch the trash that j*ff d*avis calls an amazing teen wolf movie.
this will also contain spoilers tho everyone and their mother has been publicly announcing said spoilers so you’ve probably already heard it but if you haven’t been spoiled and don’t want to be i suggest you stop reading here. this is going to be a long one.
i would bet my last fucking dollar that j*ff goes to sleep at night thinking he did something soooo deep with his derek eli parallel and really came full circle with derek’s arc but like my guy (derogatory) IT WAS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING TO PARALLEL/GO FULL CIRCLE WITH.
for those that don’t remember (which tbh is probably no one if you’re scrolling through any of these tags) when derek was 15/16, kate manipulated him and killed his family by setting fire to the house, leading to him then blaming himself for his entire family dying. so someone tell me why j*ff had derek die by burning to death in front of his own child.
there is quite literally no way in hell derek would willingly choose to inflict the same trauma and guilt onto his own child who, which from everything i’ve read and heard, he loves very much. it is such an incredibly out of character decision that, if i didn’t know how much j*ff hates both us and derek, i would question whether he and i were even talking about the same character.
when we meet derek all the way back in season 1 of the show, he had lived as an orphan for like 5ish or so years (idr how old he was but it was something like that) and you can tell he is traumatized. he literally had the whole “bad guy” persona going for him which is typically reserved for someone with immense trauma (tho i would like to note on a larger scale that it does not excuse anyone’s actions. if they do anything bad they should still be held accountable for it. trauma/mental health can be a reason but it is not an excuse). he knows what it’s like to be lonely and grieving—it’s not really something someone just randomly forgets. and its because of that knowledge that there is no way derek would subject his son to not only being an orphan, but being present at his own orphaning.
and that’s the other thing too. eli was right there when derek sacrificed himself. you can probably imagine the trauma of losing a loved parent/loved one, but now try to imagine the trauma them suffering and burning to death right in front of you would cause. add on the fact that derek literally did it to save eli and now you’ve got an orphaned kid with survivors guilt and depression who will very likely have problems being around fire for the rest of his life.
from a literal standpoint, sure, everything comes full circle. the derek we know formed because everyone he loved died in a fire he blamed himself for, and we ended with his child losing someone he loved in a fire he too likely now blames himself for. but it completely trashed his character arc.
it’s not too dissimilar from dean winchesters death at the end of supernatural (which hey, maybe there’ll be a spanish version of the teen wolf movie that ends differently). dean always believed he’d die in a hunt, alone, without a family or anyone that loves him. a good character arc would show him realizing that he deserves good things in his life and deserves someone that he can settle down with and finally stop hunting (*cough* castiel *cough*), which is decidedly not what we got but anyway back on topic.
derek had all of this guilt and trauma that caused him to push people away, not think he’s deserving of good things, and really think of himself as a shitty person for being the reason his family died. a good arc is not having him sacrifice himself and prove that he can only be considered a “good person” if he’s useful to other people. it would show him (similar to dean) realizing he is deserving of happiness and being selfish for once in his life. it would be deciding he doesn’t want to die and give his son trauma but rather he wants to live and see his son grow up where the hardest parts of his childhood are losing a lax game or getting a bad grade on a test.
this is getting really long ik but i have one more thing. derek’s death was completely unnecessary. granted i haven't actually watched the movie, but you're telling me the only way to stop the demon thingy (i have completely forgotten what it acc was) was to hold it and burn it to death? i have 2 problems with this. firstly, when has anything in the teen wolf series been as easy as just fucking burning something to death. like genuinly. it's the "big bad" of the entire movie. why would the answer be to just burn it to death. there had to have been another way to kill it off. i get that there's no stiles to do the research, but lydia is literally a fucking genius. she definitely could've found another way to kill it and spare eli the trauma of watching his dad unneccesarily burn to death to save him.
my second problem is that they couldn't tie it up any other way??? like cmon they're supernatural creatures. you're telling me that the only way to stop the thing from moving was to grab it and sacrifice yourself? you couldn't trap it? tie it up maybe? grabbing was seriously the only option?
it just makes no sense to me. i understand parents not wanting their kids to suffer, but when there's a possibility of another option that isn't just burn to death in front of them you'd think they'd want to take that one instead. cause yeah, while no parent should have to watch their child die, that doesn't mean that children should have to watch their parent die a gruesome death. and the fact that derek was like well it can't be scott cause scott's the alpha of the pack and that would cause some problems oh well guess it'll have to be me. i don't have time to get into that especially without really knowing all the information and dialogue, but like ???? wtf ????
tldr: actual derek would in no way consider inflicting the same trauma onto eli that was inflicted onto him especially when there had to be other ways to kill it.
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lorenlily · 2 years
hey, feb anon here
sorry for not messaging for a couple days, i meant to but kept being distracted and forgetting, sorry
yeah, i think that i might watch the new ant man movie cause i do like those ones, but overally marvel and disney+ just annoys me now, especially since everything i want to watch is on it and i don't have it (yes i may be slightly bitter, but no mind)
i really need to get round to watching the amazing spiderman movies, they seem really good.
oh i love the songs maisie has on the trying soundtrack, especially party and i want you to change. the list is also like one of the most comforting songs ever, i listen to it all the time when i'm feeling bad.
i think right now my favourite maisie song is details. i love the ones where she's just being really honest about not necessarily being in the right and being kinda mean and rude and abdigfahbab i just love the song
like yeah, i don't want to hear about the mixtapes, or the cigarettes she smokes, and i don't want to hear about the one time you met up in that park we'd always go, so i'll ignore her and she'll be really nice to me, and i know i'm being bitter and jealous and mean.
sorry i've gone on about maisie for too long now
ok yeah, now i'm done with the chatter about maisie.
derry girls is amazing, i'm watching it as i'm writing this actually! if you haven't tried it yet then you really should, it's absolutely hilarious!!!!!
i have to get around to reading djats, it sounds really good.
ok, onto taylor. i appreciate the support for my top three, and it hurts my heart to see people hating on my beloved coney island and labyrinth. no taste, they have absoluteluy no taste.
i am most excited for speak now when it comes to rerecordings because it has some of her most intense songs, both lyrically and vocally, so hearing her grown up 33 year old voice when she's belting in haunted and dear john and mine and sparks fly is something i'm so excited for, not even to mention hearing a 33 year old taylor singing dear john and innocent and never grow up with 14 years to have spent looking back and growing up and learning. it'll just be amazing.
when it comes to vault tracks, funnily enough i think it's 1989. because we know now that she was struggling a lot with her mental health in that era, but she didn't really want to release songs about it or talk about it in the public eye like she does now, and the only song on that album that even gets close to adressing stuff like that is clean. but now, i think she will feel more comfortable talking about that and i think there will be a lot more emotionally intense songs, or just songs referencing those situations. like how in red tv we got things like nothing new and forever winter, that she never would have released in 2012.
also, by that time in her career she was a lot better about not having leaks occur, so we really have no clue about possible 1989 vault songs, unlike speak now or debut.
i haven't watched any of the movies or tv shows you said but i'll have to check some of them out. i'm really excited for maybe a trailer from pjo series as well though!!! i can't wait!!!!!! i think that you would write an amazing book!!!!!! but i get the whole not being able to actually get the ideas down on paper. i started writing a couple stories (ff) in 2021, and i haven't updated them since februrary of that year, which is slightly crazy, but yeah that's how long it's been.
omg, i just realized what day it is.
exactly two years ago yesterday, i was watching a gyoutube video where the woman making it went off on a tangent about how amazing and heartbreaking the song dear john was. i immediatly went and listened to the song, over and over, and then watched every reaction to that song on the internet. then i, over the next few months, listened to the entirety of taylor's discography. goddamn, i can't believe it's been two years, that's crazy.
good thing i did though, it's the reason i even know who you are and am sending this message.
anyways, wow that was a lot of rambling, i swear when i write these on a computer it just completely gets away from me and i end up writing a ridiculous amount
hey maybe you should try writing your stories in asks to your friends, i can vouch that it makes you write a ridiculous amount.
how are you doing today? and how was your valentines day? i hope it was good and i am sending you flowers and chocolates and little heart pillows and just general happiness.
so yeah, i hope all is good with you and this puts a smile on your face.
and hey, you are over halfway through februrary, and i am so incredibly proud of you <3
yep absolutely the amazing spiderman movies are my faves but prepare for a lot of tears in the second one (sorrry!)
i really love the list i just saw a video of her performing it when i was on tiktok and details omg i really love when songs are a little mean!! like high infidelity and skip that part by x ambassadors ft jensen mcrae (that one is really mean!)
the good witch is such a great name for an album and i really really really love the whole album cover for it! i'm very excited for it and the rest of the imagery and sound especially saying the songs sound like spells and hexes (ahhhh more mean songs pls!!)
coney island and labyrinth my beloveds <3 and omg i love how you found her through reaction videos there's so many now especially with more people listening to album tracks! dear john is still my favourite track 5 and until folklore/evermore and onwards, speak now has always had my favourite vocals from her albums and i can feel like speak now tv vocals could be so incredible especially her deeper tone on songs like last kiss and haunted and innocent and never grow up omg it's going to sound like an older sister singing it to you
i too am most excited for speak now tv (duh!) but 1989 has always had my favourite deluxe tracks so the vault i have high expectations and i didn't think about how it could have songs like forever winter (thats my favourite vault track rn) and i really hope sweeter than fiction gets a chance to be on 1989 tv (and safe and sound and eyes open get to be on speak now tv!!)
i hope you had a good day! did you take part in valentunes? that was really fun for me and how is it already mid feb??? that means you also got through it and i'm really happy you sent that first message <3
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amane-kamisama · 4 months
Man- I'm this close 👌🏻 leaving yuumori fandom whenever I see Eurus being mentioned 😭
(TW: Sherlock BBC spoilers, RKDD spoilers, supervillain acting the most pitiable sympathetic character and mental health disorders mentioned)
Sherlock BBC didn't healed me, it traumatized me. Yup— I better be sticking around in RKDD fandom because at least the mangaka is more respected with the actual ACD version (maybe Ron is still similar like Benedict Cumberbatch but in a positive light)
I know there are Eurus fans out there but I am not sorry about this post. All I wanted is someone to save me from this horrible nightmare fuel of Sherlock BBC hysteria, not even God can take me away from this hell of redeeming the most psychopathic creature that has nothing to do in ACD book-
I'm not even surprised she's the youngest, I do not wanted to be associated as her. I prefer to be associated as Mycroft, a autistic government who has not stepped outside of his office room (Unfortunately, that is who I am throughout my childhood years)
In conclusion, (points at Eurus) she is Mary Sue. Such mary sue coded because she's too overly intelligent and easily overpower Sherlock and Mycroft. My main concern is Mycroft. He got berated, criticized from his parents and thinking why their son put their daughter in private prison- Ffs Mycroft never once get comforted by them at all, I could already tell who's the golden child here in the family-
How come Jim Moriarty, Charles Augustus Milverton and that quaky cereal villain got punished and died early on? That doesn't make any sense why Eurus got away from killing staff members and causing chaos everywhere. Oh, that's right, she's Eurus Holmes, their youngest third sister and a redeemable antagonist supervillain. A psychopath at a young age who killed Sherlock's best friend. Firstly, she killed someone, Mycroft found out she's dangerous and decided to send her off to the Sherrinfold private prison institution out of fear letting her hurt Sherlock. Secondly, her intelligence and abilities grew outsmarting anyone in the room and third, Mycroft gives up in the end and gives her "reasonable" motive presents.
I never once like season 4 or The Final Problem episode, everything feels out of place and it doesn't feel like Sherlock and Moriarty's death battle anymore.
Tragically wasted potential. RKDD done it way better than that. Instead of Eurus Holmes being in the manga series, that personality of hers was imported to Alice Moriarty as a character. Humming as she sings, Mylo almost kill Alice at their young age but she survived in the end. Alice treated Mylo the same treatment as Mylo did in the past. At first I didn't think too much about it until I finished watching Sherlock BBC, the pattern was too hard to ignore the more I investigate where Alice's personality came from.
Last but not least, Eurus Holmes is a character only for BBC, nothing more. She has no interesting quirks, only mind games like an unredeemable villain. If I was her little sister, I would be disappointed, angry and have many mixed emotions all at once for having a sibling who lost her morality as an human being. "But, Mycroft and Sherlock accepted her!" No, that's lazy writing. A realistic siblings wouldn't accept it as it is. They will think you're crazy, a criminal, disappointment in the family and probably be the first people to kick you out of the house for breaking family code rules. And as for them, they might as well tell the parents about their youngest daughter had killed thousands of people compared to Moriarty, Charles Augustus and quacky cereal killer.
That's all for my Ted talk. If you want to voice your opinions, that's fine as well but I won't tolerate any comments about defending Eurus as a character, she's already a vile mess, what do you want to argue more about 😭
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mmmcheetos · 10 months
AND THE BEST BIT RIGHT LYX's spiritual weapon is a chain whip so the lyrics are just made for them!! And ig I forgive you for the danganropa 😒😒
Lyx can't make the first move because he'd get too embarrassed but FFS JYR I KNOW YOU HAVE THE CONFIDENCE -
He fully believes he is the Villain of his own story and that's not okay <3
PFFFT I WAS MOST WORRIED ABOUT THAY SONG LOL it was my favourite at 11 and then I just. Stopped listening for five years lol
Jyr is obviously doing great with his mental health 👍👍
The entire story atp is sad JYR hours. He's so unwell 😭😭😭
It isssss but also!! "I crumble completely when you cry" being jyr watching his once cruel guoshi now shixiong lowkey crying and just being like. Oh. Also the last lyrics being "and a smile" because LYX never smiles??? Jyr sitting there wishing that, if he did, he'd smile about him
All the guoshi realising as they kneel before him that they're not getting out of this one alive being the first lyric..... Then the "what if [he's] fine? It's my mind that's wrong/and I just let bad thoughts longer for far too long" is very LYX trapped in the tower
You get me lmao!! They're are all barely holding back rn haha, it's a miracle they've not tried to go on a killing spree yet
They just need to be cuddling while that plays in the background, just some soft 2.0 FR!!
Why thank you!! Yes I do consider myself a ✨genius✨
You just KNOW he was so scared of lyx at first that, even if he thought he was being subtle, everyone else noticed....
My recommendations are the best, it's true lmao I'm glad you liked it!!!
the chain whip was truly the perfect choice. thank you for your kindness ik it's hard to forgive such a sin
oH now that you mention villain of my own story by unlike pluto is a good fit !! esp the last two lines it's literally made for jyr (i feel unlike pluto would have more songs that fit them cos he's the best fr) also why are there so many good songs with villain in the title (e.g., by stella jang, k/da, gidle) and why do they all fit yuxue to some extent
someone needs to get jyr a therapist fr
"Jyr sitting there wishing that, if he did, he'd smile about him" ough this is so. yeah.
"it's a miracle they've not tried to go on a killing spree yet" they probably would have if jyr didn't get around to it first 😭😭
soft 2.0 !! soft 2.0 !! soft 2.0 !! (important things must be said three times sgjgajsgjs)
love this style of wattpad-esque replying of things it's so fun hjdfhkjhfdf
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
260 of 2023
Name: Joeri. Country: Belgium. Age: 32. Gender(s): Male. Height: 180 cm. weight: I don’t even know, 60 kg or something? eye color: Grey. skin color: White. Heritage: Belgian lol. Also Dutch and German, and further French. Relationship status: Married. Are you physically healthy? No, but I’m still full of energy. Are you mentally healthy? More than not, but I have anxiety. Job?: Rail electrician. school: My uni is on hiatus now.
Favs: Animal: Cat. Flower: Tulip. Movie: I don’t watch movies. TV show: Old British sitcoms. Music: Metal, particularly djent; industrial, particularly EBM and futurepop; and hip hop, especially Dutch. Band: HRFTR, Vildhjarta, Katatonia, and some hip hop artists. Video Game: I don’t play video games. Gaming Console: None. Name: Joris. Person: My husband.
Love life: 1: Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
I’m married.
2: Do you love them?
Why would I marry him otherwise?
3: Are you still in love with an ex?
No, I love him as a friend now.
4: How many people have you dated?
I don’t date people. I’ve been in three relationships, including the current one.
5: Do you think you’ll get married?
I’m married already, ffs.
6: Have you ever been emotionally/physically abused in a relationship?
Yeah, by my first ex.
7: Have you ever hurt your partner by accident without knowing it?
Who knows, ask him.
8: Whats important to you in a relationship?
Loyalty and trust.
9: Do you have to see them everyday? ( or hear from them)
We live together.
10: Do you think you can love someone within 2 weeks?
Friendship and Family: 1: How many friends do you have?
Too many to count.
2: What type of friend are you?
Probably the funny but helpful one.
3: Have you ever been friends with someone for longer than 7 years?
Obviously. Still I am.
4: Do you have one best friend, more or none?
More, definitely.
5: Have you ever had a friend just stop being your friend and you never knew why?
Yes, but later on I found out and I coluldn’t be mad anymore.
6: Do you get along with family?
Mostly yes.
7: Do you have a family member you hate?
No, I don’t.
8: Does your family accept who you are?
They have no choice, but it was difficult.
9: Are you an only child or have siblings?
10: Do you have parents that still live together?
School: (not in school, so skipping it) 1:What grade are you in?
2: Are you in Middle, High, or college? ( or neither)?
3: Whats your favorite class?
4: Do you have a fav school year?
5: Are you a good student?
6: Do you think homework is good or bad?
7: Have you ever had a teacher who was really funny but had poor teaching skills?
8: Is your GPA high or low?
9: Do you like to particpate in conversations in the class room or are you the listener?
10: Do you take part in extra school events? (eg. Plays, sports, leadership,clubs)
Health 1: Do you need to lose or gain weight?
Lose. I always need to lose, I’m almost underweight.
2: Have you ever had the swine flu? (H1n1)
No. Never had any flu in my life.
3: Do you like to go to the doctors?
I don’t mind it. I like to know if something improves.
4: Have you ever puked in school or at work?
5: Have you ever been extremely sick where you couldnt even leave your bed?
I was paralysed, does it count?
6: Do you hate puking or does it make you feel better?
I don’t even have a gag reflex.
7: Have you ever coughed up blood?
8: Should you be eating healthier ?
Maybe, but I prefer veggies over meat.
9: Do you lie to your doctor?
No, I’m absolutely honest. It’s very important with my disorders.
10: Have you ever taken too much advils?
What’s advils? I’ve never heard it in my life.
Mental Health: 1: Do you have a mental illness?
Is anxiety an illness? If so, then yes.
2: Do you take anti-depressants?
Yeah, I do. They help with anxiety as well.
3: Are you mentally stable?
Trying to be.
4: Have you ever been misdiagnosed?
Happened once.
5: Do you think you have an disorder but havent been properly diagnosed yet?
I think I might have ADHD or something, but I’m not gonna say for certain without diagnosis.
6: Is self diagnosing good or bad?
Bad. It’s fine if you think you might have something and then you consult it with a professional so they can confirm it or not, but saying that you 100% have something without getting diagnosed is kinda degrading to those who have diagnosids. You’re not a doctor.
7: Should we give more money to mental health research?
Yeah, but I don’t know how it looks in other countries.
8: Do you think everyone has a chance to over come their mental disorders?
I mean, they can get into remission, but can you fully overcome them? I don’t think so.
9: Would you ever not date someone if they had a severe disorder? ( Schizophrenia,BPD, mood disorders)
I’m not that tough. I would be friends, but dealing with them 24/7 would be too much for me, especially that I have my own troubles.
10: Does mental illness run in your family?
Not really.
SEX 1: Virgin?
No, I’m not.
2: what age did you lose it?
I was 24.
3: Did you take sex ed?
Kind of.
4: Does size matter?
Yea, the smaller, the less painful.
5: Whats your favorite poistions?
No. Sex is boring.
6: Does virginity exist?
I think it’s more mental than physical.
7: Do you think sex is overated?
Very much so.
8: Is making love and fucking different?
It is, probably.
9: Is it important for both genders to understand eachothers bodies?
What’s the point if someone is homosexual? There are more genders than just two, by the way. Gender and sex are two different things.
10: If someone was a virgin and was raped, did they lose their virginity?
No, in my opinion they didn’t. They didn’t give consent to that.
Check the box: (gonna bold, thanks) 1.My hair color is: [] Brown [] Black [] Blonde []Red [] Funky colors [] Auburn [] more than one color 2.Eye color: []Blue []Grey []Brown []Light brown []dark brown []green []amber [] I have two different colors of eyes 3.I am a : []Male [] Female []Trans Male [] Trans Female []Gender Fluid [] I dont have a gender []Non Binary [] other 4: I am: []Fit [] Average []Skinny []Fat 5: I love my : []Hair []Eyes []Smile []Teeth []Skin []everything about myself []None of these 6: I hate my: []Hair []eyes []smile []teeth []skin [] everything about myself [] I dont hate anything about myself 7: My feet are: []Small []Wide []Narrow []long []large []Ugly []Pretty 8: I have a hard time: []Finding something to wear []Making Friends [] making food []staying focused 9: I am: []Employed []Not employed []retired []I can’t work []Self employed []Looking for a job 10: I love: []the moon []the sun []the stars []our galaxy []planets
Bold what is true: I am Funny I am a girl I have no hair I have curly hair ^ I hate it I have straight hair I have a dog I have a cat I have both I love to get drunk I don’t drink I love to smoke weed but i hate smoking cigarettes I love both I rather have one best friend than 20 friends who i am not close with My dad died My mom died My parents are both dead My parents are alive I like to touch my bruises I have funny teeth I love Mcdonalds fries Sometimes when Im alone I sing as loud as I can even if i cant sing I believe in God I believe in the butterfly affect I hate video games I wish I was taller I can’t understand math I am very good at writing an essay I never had sex before I love Mac N Cheese I love Disney Movies I prefer Dreamswork over Walt Disney I am going to College I finished college I wish I went to college I hate my job I am the boss at my job I have a feelings for a friend but i cant tell them because it would ruin our friendship ^ I have feelings and i told them I wish soda was healthy I sleep with the window opened This survey was too long
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
well! my school banned the use of any browser except microsoft edge and installed a new surveillance program onto every school laptop to make sure that we can't use them at all :))))
#also they can now view everything we search and download and every website we visit and every program we open or work on#they can see when we're working/not working and also it put new restrictions on websites we can/cannot view#im still digging to see if they can look thru our cameras tho. i question the legality of that but i wouldn't be surprised if they could.#by They i mean admins and teachers. literally any of them can watch what we're doing at any given time. including at home :)))#i wonder if i can somehow start a movement to get rid of it. i know both students and some teachers would prolly join in#i may talk it over with my english teacher to see if he can offer advice for how to contact the admins for that#just. i NEED other browsers for class. like legitimately a lot of the sites and stuff we need are blocked or dont work in edge#idk how my history class is gonna work now bc we need to use chrome to view a lot of our blocked videos bc the system blocks any -#- supposedly controversial topics. aka racism homophobia xenophobia antisemitism etc etc. which are major topics in my history class 😐#also english class too#and science sometimes#just. i hate it. there's too much surveillance in my opinion. the system restrictions were already enough. we don't need teachers to have -#- the ability to watch everything we do on our laptops.#this is coming right after our governor considered making schools legally required to put live feed cameras in every single room inside -#- school buildings except for bathrooms. any teachers could tune in to watch any classroom at any time. thats a fucking awful idea#like. okay it might discourage a couple fights. but you'll also be giving creeps access to watch your kids at any given time#it would be shockingly easy for someone to steal a teacher's login to watch a kid and figure out their schedule#its a safety hazard. i could not see any way this could go well#also just.. think of the mental health implications ffs. it cant be good for kids psychological well-being to know that you're being --#- monitored 8 hours a day 5 days a week 10 months a year for 13 years of your life. like that's gonna absolutely fuck ppl up#its different in a business setting of course. cameras are obviously fine there for security purposes. but schools???#outdoor cameras are fine and cameras near the entrances or major hallways could be okay but inside every single room?? thats too much#also like.. so many kids will inevitably get in trouble for shit they didn't do bc cameras can only pick up so much#you KNOW ppl are gonna get in trouble bc of a bad camera angle making it seem like they were doing smth they weren't#also just. more ppl are gonna get in trouble for harmless shit.#joking w a friend? trouble. doodling instead of writing? trouble. going on coolmathgames in class? trouble.#OH. also i forgot to mention but parents could watch the cam feeds too. which is awful#itll be a fucking nightmare for closeted queer ppl or ppl with abusive family or ppl who wanna talk to a counselor without parents knowing#also. creepy parents will absolutely take advantage of it. it's just bad all around.#sorry this devolved into a huge rant about surveillance in schools. i just have a lot of opinions.
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wrenling · 7 years
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@infectedmetaphysic @opulentdesigns @fearfulwonderfulmonster
It’s honestly really sad that this is such a common thing that happens with anime and especially since this is a show (I’m pretty sure) geared towards kids. Even PMMM which is definitely not geared towards kids shouldn’t have this happen (they’re what, 14??). I really wish there was less of a subcommunity around this stuff because it literally flourishes on exploiting young female characters in anime.
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