#and I was going through my docs and thought it would be cute to finish cause it fits in this prompt
fanaticsnail · 3 months
Snail, mad props, I love all your writting but your Hey Doc series hits me in all the right spots! So fun and cute!
I've been thinking, Doc's in a pirate crew.. Does Doc know how to fight? Because here's a fun scenario that has been on my mind...
Doc is buying/gathering ingredients and gets attacked by thugs or other crew. Doc puts up one HELL of a fight but gets beaten up pretty badly 😩
Upon returning to the ship, Doc tries to hide away and lick the wounds, acting like nothing happen.
So who do you think would come barging in Doc's office yelling "Who the fuck this that to you?" Daddy Killer? Or the Captain himself?
If you feel like writing a little drabble to go with this I would die! 🫶🏻🫣🥹
Love! ❤️
Hello my darling. I hope you enjoy this interpretation of your request. This is how I saw it playing out in my head. Thank you so much for your beautiful contribution to the story!
What do I do, Doc?
Hey Doc Masterlist
Word count: 2,900
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Synopsis: Dressing as a civilian on the usual supply run with Wire does not go according to plan. Your past finally catches up to you, and your crew scrambles to come up with a way to treat you from your injury.
Themes: kid pirates x gn!reader, platonic kisses, hurt, injury, graphic pain, impaling (reader receiving), Wire/Heat/Killer/Kid x reader, partial Bubblegum x reader, angst, fluff, delirious Doc, poison. You are "Doc", the doctor of the Kid Pirates. Pet names used: hon, honey, sweetheart, baby for Doc.
Notes: I have been feeling some sort of way for a while, and this request was singing me their siren song. I also wanted this in a fic pretty bad, and I wanted to make it sadder.
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“Hey Doc,” the soft growl in Wire’s tone had an edge to it, a warning felt in his dangerous aura, “You gotta stay awake. We're nearly there, hon. Stay with me.”
The grogginess you felt masked the pain from the spear protruding from your thigh. Your life escence pooled from the wound, the stain dripping down your leg and onto Wire’s stomach as he cradled you into his chest. Each slow blink grew heavier and heavier, the frequency between them coming closer as unconsciousness called to you.
“Doc! Hey, Doc!” Wire jolted you in his arms, forcing your eyes open in shock to his ferocity, “Doc, I need you. Stay awake, damn it!” You offer him a fluttery smile, your lashes batting up at him as his expression contorted in fear.
“Keep-... Keep the pressure on it,” you managed to stutter, your teeth chattering through each syllable as you spoke. “Don't take it-... Don't take it out. Leave it in u-until the bleeding stop-...” Eyes rolling back into your skull, you never finished your instructions to the larger commander. He cursed beneath his breath, sprinting towards the Victoria Punk where the remainder of the crew were waiting for you.
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This was not your fault, nor was it Wire’s. You both thought yourselves to be safe: both dressed in loose civilian attire away from your usual garb. Compliments were given to both you and your older commander, praise that would make even the most hardened pirate blush.
You were both seeming to be the least conspicuous and recognisable of the amassment of crew. Your reputations and bounties were both high, but away from your regular clothes, your vacant and stripped-back appearance was the perfect disguise.
Unfortunately, this base had someone you thought had long since forgotten your face. A person from a past you attempted to keep hidden, trapped beneath lock and key in the chest kept in your mind's eye. The spear came out of nowhere, impaling you against the floor and successfully rendering you immobile.
While pinned stationary, the only warning you gave was a choked gasp, Wire turned and immediately sprung into action. Trident aimed back in arms, his motions struck true: claiming the life of the attacker immediately. Usually one to extend the pain, Wire’s instinct to protect came before anything else.
“Doc,” his whisper hissed through his teeth, “Honey, what was that? Who was that?” You were struck in shock, looking down to the spear leaving a welt in the ground; a familiar engraving on the wood having your eyes scrunch tightly shut.
“Wire, just-,” you started, halting when Wire dropped to his knees and hovered his hands over the spear.
“-Doc, you know how to fight. What the fuck is this?” he pointed to the spear, the pain of the sting leaving you and dulling the longer you remained stationary. “Explain, now.”
You sigh, lip beginning to tremble as his eyes finally gaze up to join with yours. Noticing the quiver in your lip, the pooling in your eyes, his demeanor immediately changed.
“Oh, honey,” he gasped, rising to a soft crouch and cradling your cheeks in his palms. A small tear managed to spill from your waterline and trickle down your cheek. “Talk me through what to do. Tell me how to help you.” Closing your eyes, you lean into his touch and take a moment to calm yourself within his palms.
“Break the spearhead at the neck,” you informed him, “And keep the fucking thing in until I get back to the sh-...” You fell forward, your forhead brushing with the commander in front of you as your eyelids drooped.
“...Fucking coward,” you huffed out a soft laugh, floating your eyes to the injury. Gazing down at the spear, you nod against Wire's head with a sarcastic smile on your face.
“Poisoned. They used the poisoned one.”
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Finally reaching the ship, your mission long since forgotten, Wire used his great height to his advantage in propelling himself along the top deck. Several crew members attempted to stop him, Bubblegum immediately shrieking and running before Wire to open every door towards your office.
The captain and the lingering two commanders trailed behind Wire, Killer halting as he bore his eyes down at the ground. A trail of bright red spattered over the deck, his piercing blue orbs glaring at it as his lips curled back. Clicking his fingers, he gestured to the nearest crewmember and gestured to the closest mop and bucket before trailing behind Heat and Captain Kid.
Once below deck, Wire set you down on your medical bay and immediately began readying gauze to replace the linen satchel you used to make a basic pressure aid. You mentioned about not making a tourniquet, nothing to aggravate the complications of the wound. Heat was immediately through the doors next, the Fire-Breather gazing through hollowed eyes at the injury first before running immediately to your desk.
“What,” a rumbling growl barked, “the fuck,” your captain ducked beneath the threshold of your office door, “happened?” Wire couldn't speak, his own manic state prohibiting him from thinking anything other than cutting away your pants with your scissors and placing the scraps in a damp pile beside you. Nothing was to pull him away from his task, keeping pressure on the wound while he cleaned you up best hr could.
“Wire,” Captain Kid roared, a jolt felt deep within his chest as he fell away from his transfixed attention. Turning to Kid, Wire managed to bark back at the captain.
“We were recognised,” he called over his shoulder, “Someone knew Doc.” He peeled away the final fabric, your doll-like state limply moving with each push and pull from the taller man.
Eyelids fluttering, slipping between consciousness and slumber, you peeled your eyes open enough to gaze at Killer as he entered the room. Offering him a weak smile, you attempted to move your lips to speak. Killer raised his hand to hush you, wordlessly telling you to save your strength for something more intentional than a greeting.
“The fuck recognised Doc?” Kid growled, “Doc's been with us for ages, changed their look and everything from that stuffy shit they wore before.” Kid bullied his way to Wire's side, shoving his hands away from the spear and assuring his one good hand be weighty enough to force the wound shut.
“I know as much about it as you, Cap,” Wire stuttered, his panic tangible in his shaken hands. “One of the first things Doc said about it was they were cowards for using poison.”
“Fuck,” Heat finally added, carding through his lengthy pale hair as he searched through the medical and personal journals in your desk for any information. Finally stumbling across a filagree design on one of the pages, he shook his head and clapped the book shut. “There's nothing in here. I don't know what to do. Doc just writes about weaponry in the journal, but nothing about poison.”
“What do I have to do about the spear? What does it say, Heat?” Wire yelled at the scarred commander, his Glasgow smile grimacing at the tone. Looking back to the desk at the open pages, Heat shakes his head and looks back at Kid.
“Doc needs a surgeon,” he uttered darkly, placing the journal back on the desk beside him, “Closest one is the marine base, next up is Trafalgar. Make a choice.”
The captain never tore his eyes away from your thigh, his deep frown growing in size the longer he lingered on the thought. The marines wouldn't help, they'd likely kill you and anyone else that entered on behalf of you. Trafalgar was days away, and there was no way wyou could make it. He didn't know how to treat this injury himself, that's what he had you for.
Considering there was poison in your leg, likely spreading to your blood at this point, he clamped his eyes shut and finally looked up to your face. Eyes open and glazed, you offered him a soft smile.
“What do I do, Doc?” he drew his metal hand up to caress your cheek, “What do I do?” You dart your eyes between his while slowly blinking in your daze.
“Under my bed,” you whispered, your vocal fry straining as the pain lingered, “Antidote.”
Killer was already out the door as soon as you stated ‘under your bed,’ refusing to daudle as you lay there bleeding out. Kid nodded to you, the cool of the metal palm soothing your scorching flesh. Beads of sweat flooded your skin, your hair sticking to your forehead as you bit back the ache.
“And the fucking spear?” Kid laughed down at you, “What you wanna do about that?” You snickered weakly, trying to best phrase how to proceed next.
Ideally, you would want to: remove the object, clean and sterilize the area, remove any necrotic flesh, provide antiseptic, antiinflamitries and suture it back up. Unfortunately, none of the crew were you; and you were in no position to do it yourself. Before you even had a moment to speak, Heat was at your side, pushing past Wire and glaring up at your captain.
You lazily lolled your eyes to the side of the desk, noticing the page Heat opened and let out a preemptive whimper in preparation. Heat looked down at you, watching your brows raise in a triangular peak in the center of your forehead as you nod to him.
“Antidote,” you hissed out, gulping while closing your eyes tightly shut, “And rum.” Heat nodded, immediately walking to your desk and almost instinctively pulling the leaver to reveal your secret stash of rum. Kid gasped out a laugh, smiling playfully down at you.
“Little shit,” he affectionately chastised you, “Where the fuck was that when I asked for it last week?” You choked through a soft laugh in response while biting back the pain.
“In my fuckin’ desk, hiding from you.” He laughed at you before his lips curled into a soft pout. Leaning forward, he kept the pressure against your wound as he pressed his forehead against your own. Clamping his eyes shut and grinding his teeth, he shared your breath with you in a bid to draw you closer.
“When you live through this, Doc,” Kid hissed before nuzzling his head against yours, “I'll-.”
“-Kill me?” you chirp playfully up at him, prompting him to open his eyes and glare down at you. The pain was in every follicle of your face, even in the radiance of that grin you wore so much.
“No, Sunshine,” he whispered, no humour in his tone aside from his melancholy smile, “No.” He learnt up, pressing his painted lips against your forehead while inhaling a sharp breath through his pointed nose. “I'll give you that raise you've been asking for. I swear to you, Sunshine.”
Pulling away from your face, he gazed down at you with hardened resolve and absolute unwavering compassion. Darting your eyes between his two, you lazily draw back your lips to a lazy smile.
“You know, Cap,” you utter whimsically, “From a distance, your eyes look almost orange.” Reaching up your hand, you gently take his cheek in your palm. Your weak grasp feels foreign on his hands, your usual steely demeanor slipping away, “But up close?” you whisper intimately, his breath catching in his throat, “You've got a band of gold in the middle.”
Kid attempted to keep his composure, staying strong in front of his commanders, and you, as you speak in nonsense. Your eyes held this foreign affection that he had yet to truly witness. Every part of your usual abrasive attitude diminished, your soul raw in your expression as you stared up at your captain.
“D-Doc-...” he gasped, Wire watching the interaction between the two of you and choking on his breath. Heat's eyes never left your face, waiting for the exact moment you give him that nod of approval to inact your unspoken agreement.
Stampeding through the threshold of the door tumbled Killer, each movement intentional and deliberate while weighty and desperate. Shoulders arched and chest puffed, he slid to your side and uncorked a vial of viscous liquid.
“Here you go, baby,” he leaned forward, taking your neck beneath his hands and cradling you up to steady you, “Easy does it now.” The vial ridge was placed at your lip, your eyes not leaving your captain's as you swallowed the contents of the vial. Barely tasting the liquid, the vial was replaced by the lip of a rum bottle to numb the pain and drown the pain you were about to endure.
As soon as the amber liquid hit your chest and trickled down your throat, Heat removed the spear from your thigh with his larger hands. A spurt of liquid pooled in your Captain's palm the moment he did as such, the scream you let up caught in the rum bottle. Killer leaned forward, placing his helmet covered lips against your temple and holding you against him. In your panicked state, you barely registed the next phase to Heat's agreement.
Slapping the captain's wrist away from your thigh, Heat placed his lips over your wound. Engulfing the area completely, Heat ignited his gullet and immediately seared the wound shut with the intensity of his flaming breath.
The sizzle of flesh lingered in the air, the scent of caurterizing skin and burnt hair tainting the burn of liquor in your throat. Your screams were stifled in your mouth as you grit your teeth, the widening of your eyes and glaring at that golden band within your captain's eyes.
He had no choice but to look down at you as Heat scorched your flesh. Heat's lips pressed a heart-shaped mark into your skin, the guilt of marking you with his ability ate at him from the moment he read the passage on cleaning and sealing wounds. Manuevering your thigh with ease, he released the topside of your skin and immediately pressed his lips to the underside of your leg.
Another roar of flickered flame ignited in his chest, this time your back arched and head lulled in Killer’s arms. Your vision went white, the lingering ache of pain and swell of poison leaving you as you fell into unconciousness. Four voices painted the air with their plea, your ears ringing with their unique cadence.
“Doc, I know it hurts. Forgive me, please.”
“I should've protected you, Honey.”
“Baby, hold on. Just hold on a minute longer.”
“...Don't. Don't, Sunshine. Stay with me now.”
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Hours slipped into days before you managed to rise from your slumber. That first taste of air expanded your lungs felt fresher, cleaner, than what you felt in years. The weight of your past had managed to catch up with you, the cost being higher than the one you were ready to pay with such hastiness.
As you looked to your bedside, the signature purple jagged locks of your sensitive crewmate lay unravelled beside you. Bubblegum’s face burried itself against the plush duvet, both his hands lay cradling your own as you roused with a sucked gasp.
Where were the commanders? Where was the captain? Why are these bedsheets so comfortable? Questions you would not be plagued with for much longer.
Door sliding open, the towering figure of Wire entered your chambers and slipped to your side. His eyes met with yours just as his breath caught in his throat. His great strides close the distance between you as he kneels by your head. Forehead first brushing with your mattress, he slowly and silently raises his gaze up at you through his eyelashes. Rounded eyes: wide, guilty, and pleading at you.
Before he had a chance to utter his confession and explain his emotion verbally, you silenced him with a look.
“I'm so sorry, Wire,” you whisper beneath your breath in an attempt to not wake Bubblegum. “I hesitated. I should've reacted faster-.”
“No, honey. No,” he whispered, shaking his head and rising to stoop over your bed. “You don't owe me anything you're not willing to give. It's not my place to reveal you, just as it's not yours to interrogate me.” You sigh out, a flood of emotion washing your heart in waves. Each passing wave has Wire lean forward, his lips casting over your forehead and holding you firmly beneath his kiss.
“We love you, Doc,” he whispered softly, “Doesn't matter who you were, only who you are now.” You scrunch your eyes shut as you bite-back your emotion. The wound, the familiar unfriendly face, the sting of poison still flooding through your veins, everything spilled over the rim of your emotions. Each moment replayed in echoes, Wires arms and desperation reminding you of his compassion.
“I'm ready,” you whisper, feeling him peel away his lips from your head. He searches your eyes for meaning, your own orbs darting between his.
“But first,” you added, your smile returning to your lips as you teased him with it, “Send me Heat. He's likely to be feeling like absolute horse shit about the whole thing. I can't bare to have him beat himself up about it.”
“As you wish,” he smiled at you, releasing you from his grip and pulling himself away, “I'll bring you your Fire-Breather, honey.” Giving you one more playful wink, the larger man exited your bedside and sauntered down the hall to do as you asked. Bringing you the man who used his abilities to cleanse you from your ailment as he lay in the mess hall with the captain, finding reprive from their guilt at the bottom of their rum bottles.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @nerium-lil @sinning-23 @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady @a-killer-obsession
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hihello-pinky · 5 months
Sight (5)
Suna Rintarou X F! Reader
Sometimes, it takes losing someone to finally see them. He wished he knew this before, but Rintaro had to learn this the hard way.
Genre: Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents my views of the original anime/manga characters.
WARNINGS: nothing, just fluff, and OH, did not go through proofreading lols
Word Count: 1.6k
Surprise quick update! I know I said in the last part that things are about to get downhill starting from this chapter. However, I really enjoyed writing this one that I had to cut out the angst portion. So... this is also quite a short read. Happy reading, though!
Kindly reblog, like, and/or leave a comment if you loved this chapter and let me know what you think! xoxo
part one part two part three part four
kofi ~~
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“I’m very happy, Y/N,” Dr. Hirai says in front of you as she examines the papers. “These results look good. You haven’t been stressed much lately?”
You beam at the woman. “I guess so. My headaches have rarely occurred as well.”
”Great.” She smiles as she picks up her pen and starts to write. “I’m going to prescribe you some vitamins and supplements. But remember, rest and sleep is top priority, okay?”
You respond with a nod, akin to a child receiving instructions from their parent on the first day of school.
As you wait for Dr. Hirai to finish writing the prescription, a knock comes on the door. After the doctor’s “Come in”, your husband’s head peeks inside.
”Hi, Doc.” He greets before looking at you. “Hey. Something came up at the company and I have to go there. Would you want to wait for me at the cafe across the street?”
Other times you would have felt disappointed about his need to leave, but the mere fact that he’s informing you - through a cute peek at the door nonetheless - makes your heart flutter instead.
“Okay, sure.”
Rin shoots you a smile that almost melts your heart. “Great. I’ll keep you posted.”
And just like that, the door closes again. You turn to Dr. Hirai to see her looking at you. “Anything’s the matter, Doc?”
The woman just smiles before handing you the prescription. “Oh, nothing, Y/N. Nothing.”
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
You watch the busy street through the window, your hand tapping a pen against your journal. You’re not one to miss writing daily but these past several weeks, you have been too preoccupied to jot down your thoughts.
Then, there’s also the matter of an irrational fear.
Truth be told, you’ve been happy since that night Rintarou admitted his attraction to you; the night he asked you to give him a chance and for you two to get to know each other.
You’d love to pen down those memories but there’s a voice at the back of your head telling you that it’s a bad idea. That it’s a prelude to something terrible happening.
You place your pen on the table and flip through the older entries on your journal, only to remember the entries you are looking for are no longer in the notebook’s binder. You had them removed and placed in a box the day before you asked Rin for divorce, thinking that it's time to give up on trying to make things work for both of you.
But then, things have changed now.
Or have they really changed? That voice in your head asks in skepticism.
What if, just like before, this “peace” is a fluke? What if Rin ends up hurting you again?
You close your eyes tightly and rub at your temples. You shouldn’t be entertaining this kind of thoughts. Overthinking and worrying about things from five years ago…
”Hey, Y/N? Is that you?” A familiar voice brings you out of your thoughts and you open your eyes only to be met by a friendly smile.
”Oh,” you say in pleasant surprise, “Hi, Hajime. What an unexpected meeting.”
The older guy's smile widens as he gestures for the seat across you. You nod in reply, closing your journal and putting it at the side.
”What brings you here?”
”I had a check-up with my doctor at the hospital across the street. How about you?”
At your question, Hajime scratches his nape. You notice his ears redden and you try not to smile at how boyishly embarrassed he looks. “Um, I’m visiting someone.”
”A friend?”
He locks eyes with you and groans at the teasing look that you know is visible on your face. “Okay, okay. She’s not technically a friend. I… met her one night through an accident, my motorcycle bumped into her. Thankfully, her injuries are not serious.”
”Oh my god,” you cover your mouth in reflex. You compose yourself before continuing, “I’m assuming she’s okay, though?”
Hajime waves his hand in front of you. “No worries! She’s fine and getting better. In fact, she’s about to get discharged tomorrow.” He suddenly clicks his tongue. “Am I bad to feel sad about her being discharged? I won’t have a reason to see her anymore.”
This time, you’re not able to stop yourself from laughing. “Hajime, that’s silly! Why won’t you just ask her out? Or her family and friends, maybe? You probably have met some of them, right?”
He smiles sheepishly and it’s a contrast to his usual demeanor when in the playground with his son. “I’m nervous to ask. Also, her family’s not here. She very recently moved back to the country from living abroad several years before. She also mentioned she has yet to reconnect with any of her old friends.”
”Oh, I see. But isn’t that reason enough to ask her out, if you’re really interested in her?”
”I guess so…”
Seeing the flush on your friend’s face makes you smile. “Who would have thought you’d get yourself in a classic meet-cute scenario?”
”Ugh, Y/N, please stop teasing me.” You know he means to reprimand, but Hajime still joins you in your laughter.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
“Fuck.” Suna resists the urge to throw his phone after the screen died on him. The battery had been on the verge of dying and he couldn’t find his charger anywhere. So, he’s on the way to the cafe, hoping that you didn’t decide to go somewhere else.
As he approaches the entrance, it amazes him how he’s quick to spot you in a crowd now. He sees the baby pink dress you’re wearing, your cardigan looking soft and comfortable over it. He also notes that you had tied your hair into a bun, a few strands framing your face.
And then he notices you’re not alone. To his dismay, he recognizes the person you’re currently with. Before he knows it, Suna is already brisk-walking the short distance from the entrance to your table.
You notice his presence as you look up at him and smile. That very sweet and innocent smile instantly calms him down a notch. He takes a deep breath. “Hey. I wasn’t able to send you a message, my phone died on me.”
”That’s okay.” Then, gesturing to your companion, you ask, “Rin, you remember Hajime?”
Suna tries to sound as nonchalant as possible as he faces the man. “Yeah. What brings you here?”
Hajime gives him what he assumes to be a friendly smile and Suna reminds himself that there’s no acceptable reason why he should give in to the urge to punch the smile out of the man’s face. “I was gonna visit someone at the hospital.”
Before Suna can respond, the man quickly checks his watch as if suddenly remembering and curses under his breath. “Oh, shoot. Uh, I should go.” He gives a wave before going over to the counter to make his purchase.
Suna shakes his head, a small scoff leaving his mouth. “Rin,” you call his attention. “Let’s go?” He watches you zip your bag close and before you can put the strap on your shoulder, he swiftly grabs to carry it for you.
If he didn’t turn his back as soon as he does so, he wouldn’t have missed your blush and smile.
˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚ ˚₊⁎⁎⁺˳༚
Once you reach Rintarou’s car, he asks if you have your phone charger with you. As you say yes, he asks again if you would plug it in the car’s charging port as he maneuvers the car out of parking.
You do as he asks and, as you place his phone on the console, notice some things that spark your concern.
”Yeah?” He responds, eyes ahead.
”I know we both have sweet tooth, but didn’t we agree not to give Risa and Ryuu too much candy?”
”Lollipops and gums,” you answer, finally tearing your eyes away from the items that had caught your attention. You turn to Rin and watch as the confusion leaves his face.
To your surprise, he only chuckles in response. “Those aren’t for the kids, Y/N. They’re mine.”
Now, it’s your turn to feel lost. “Huh?”
Rintarou bites his lips. “I’m trying to quit smoking. I heard those are nice alternatives.”
”Oh.” You’re at a loss of words for a moment, remembering the many times you have told him in the past that smoking is bad for the health. As you struggle to find what to say, Rin continues.
”It’s gonna take a while though. To be honest, this isn’t the first time I’m trying and it’s really hard.” A small laugh. “I’ve been smoking even before I was legally allowed to. But god, I do hope I can finally quit this time.” He shoots you a quick smile. “I don’t want my wife to leave me because of nicotine problems.”
And just like that, whatever response you’ve been able to come up with in your mind gets forgotten, chased away by the butterflies in your stomach.
Rintarou has been doing this a lot lately: calling you his wife.
Of course he had done so in the past, but they were all said in mockery, with the intent to spite and hurt you. It’s the very opposite now. He knows he makes you flustered and you know he enjoys seeing you blush.
You turn your head to look out the window, hoping he can’t see your very red face. Behind you, he laughs a little. It does not help in calming the beating of your heart. “What’s the matter, Y/N?”
”Shut up, Rin!"
to be continued.
taglist (lmk if you wanna be added or if you changed your user): @warrior-of-justice @alisa--things @wolffmaiden @kurookinnie @simp-nerd-16  @alex-is-100 @k4g3hika @harukaaaaa172993 @themoonreflectsthesun  @lvjycrow @cantbedenied @sweetlikerockcandy @sirimiripetrichor @yamiakari-chi  @noideawhothatis @nervouscoffeetaco @lovemyfamily4ever-blog nervouscoffeetaco  kamukayakmonyet  yuqixidle ieathairs  cantbedenied  gariben  beomeomgyu  esmeisdrunk-blog  123j456l  iluv-ace  semitje @justablogforreblogs @alienvarmint @itohsi @tamimemo @mshope16 @jeonsfizz @syndyj @susuarin @ssc7514 @tkooooop @lialoveskaisersomuch @dilucsleftshoelace @bakingcuriosity @appepel
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Floyd/Reader Mafia AU
Injuries, masochism on Floyd's end, stitching wounds, mentions of violence, no sex but Floyd is weird and busts a nut.
They/Them used for the reader.
Floyd is going to get himself killed…young too.
They couldn't help but think it as they kneeled between the needlessly long legs of said man, seated on a well-worn leather stool. The make shift surgery room was quiet save for the sound of their shared breaths and the dripping of the near by sink's leaky faucet. 
From what they heard from the others the job was supposed to be something simple. “Just in and out.”
I really shouldn't be surprised. It made sense Floyd would be the one to complicate things…again. He’s a smart and clever person, they knew this well but…boredom can be dangerous when it comes to certain people.
They couldn't help but let out a tired sigh.
Of course, he would be the one to turn it into a shoot-out.
And now they are picking buckshot and glass of out Floyd's bleeding side. His face would tighten up in pain for a moment, showing off sharp teeth, before relaxing slightly and letting out a giggle.
Floyd always did seem to enjoy the strangest things. 
They look from their work for a moment and into his eyes, they see that manic spark that always seemed to glow brighter whenever he saw them.
Floyd…wanted them, they knew that. Why he did? They really didn't know. They weren't self sure like like him or the others, not strong, or particularly interesting. Hell they weren't even a real doctor, just a medical school dropout. 
Not breaking eye contact he spoke. “Fuck Doc, it hurts.” He let out a groan before a grin becgain to spread on his face.“I gotta make sure to kill that fella next time.”
They quickly looked away, bringing their eyes back to their work. 
Aaah I really hope I don’t have to see when it happens.
Nervously they picked out another piece of glass, being as gentle as they could with the jagged tear in his flesh. 
They heard a hiss coming from him when removing this shard before dropping it into a metal container with the others. A large hand suddenly gripped their shoulder and pulled them up some, causing them to let out a startled noise.
“Eh, Doc, can't ya be more careful? It might leave a scar.”
They tried to keep neutral it but couldnt help but make a face at that.
Oh please. They knew full well he liked his scars, he even thought they made him look cool. They lost count of how many times he would show them off and insisted they touch them and…he keeps calling them that. He must really like making fun of them.
“Stop…stop calling me that.” 
“Huh? Nah, don't think so. You're my cute little Doctor Shrimp, always patching me up.”
They look over his shoulder to stare at the wall as he speaks, eye contact would be too much. Especially with their position. Being between a grown man's legs certainly wasn't helping with their anxiety, nor did they make it a habit to be around men in such a way.
“You ignoring me Doc? That aint very nice.” Floyd muttered.
They shook their head, they weren't. 
“Then why don't you-”
The interrupted “I, uhm, I need to stitch your wounds now Floyd.” They spoke quickly. Whatever Floyd wanted them to do, they really shouldn't. Best to finish this as soon as they can.
And so they stuck the needle into him.
Floyd yelped. His body twitched and he squeezed his eyes shut as the needle moved through his flesh. In and out it went, sewing his skin together. 
“Worst pain I've ever felt, Doc.” He said, but he was lying through his teeth. How could this be worse than everything else he's been through? Shot, stabbed, and even suffered through broken bones for god's sake…all things they took care of for him.
They pulled at the thread and Floyed trembled, high spots of red rising in his cheeks. With each stab of the needle, his body shivered. 
As they dragged the wound shut, a different kind of groan tumbled out. 
They stopped at hearing the sound, heat rushing to their face. Without meaning to, they brushed against his thigh, and Floyd went stiff.
They looked down and saw the state of Floyd's pants. He was hard.
The pain. Jeez, he was getting…off on the pain. It was either the pain, the attention, or both. Jade had the weirdest reactions to everything. 
The air around them turned hot. They were sweating, but their hands were cold and clammy under thier surgical gloves. Whatever Floyd thought this was, whatever he was feeling, they really shouldn’t encourage it.
“Go on, Doc, finish the job.” Floyd said, his tone taunting. When they looked at him, his expression was heated and almost…desperate. He looked so wrecked.
The sight of Floyd, his sounds, how pathetic he was right now…a wave of arousal went through them, followed by shame and further anxiety. They felt like thier were going to pass out.
I need to leave and soon.
They pulled the final stitch closed, finishing it.
With shaky hands they fumbled for the rubbing alcohol, letting the cap fall to the ground. Staring at the blood they hwsitated for a moment before carefully emptying the entire bottle onto the wound.
They poured it until the bottle was empty and tossed it away to be cleaned later, the plastic bottle bouncing off the floor. 
They didn't truly want to hurt Floyd but they needed that heated expression to go away.
Floyd made a choked noise, sounding almost pathetic, and arched off the examination table. Rivulets of alcohol flowed down his skin, mixing with his blood. It dripped down his side, his stomach, and past the vee of his hips, soaking into his blood-stained pants.
He threw his head back, convulsing with pain. His mouth opened to utter a broken cry before falling backward, back hitting the examination table and body going limp.
They let out a gasp. “Oh…oh god.” Eye's locking onto a new wet patch at the front of his pants. 
They...really shouldn’t have expected anything different. Floyd had made his…want of them clear. In his strange mind pain was just another outstretched hand to him. Part of them knew nothing they could do would dissuade him. It scared them but also…made them feel something else they really... shouldn't. 
Floyd's mismatched eyes found them again, looking up at them half-lidded. With a smile, he licked his lips with a long inhuman tongue.
With a trembling hand, they reached for the door and quickly left the room.
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mrwinterr · 1 year
enjoy the ride | ~preview
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x PornStar!Female Reader
Summary: Eddie meets his favorite actress. It's you. You’re his favorite adult film star. 
Warnings: None right now, but will be 18+ (smut) so no minors plz.
Disclaimer: None of the spooky events of the Stranger Things (2016) series take place in this piece. Everything is just where it’s at because this is made up. 
Pre A/N: I've had this in my docs for a while, so instead of letting it rot, I'm posting a preview. Enjoy, I guess.
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Eddie didn’t have plans for the weekend. No event to deal at, no gig booked, no campaign prepared, just the prospect of hoping to relax, a simple night in. 
So for him, it was a surprise to run into you since you’d graduated. He couldn’t help but notice the slight transformations you’d undergone. You had seldom spoken to Eddie throughout the school years except for in passing or the occasional transactions involving substances, which had been mere business rather than personal. He thought you were cute back then, but with the passing of time, it had brought about significant growth and development, catching Eddie’s full attention once more. 
His mind raced as he contemplated the possibilities that lay before him. The thought of reconnecting with you, a gateway to a possibility of exploring a potential deeper connection. Would he come up and say hi to you? Spit out something witty? Sell you more weed? Ask about what movie you’re looking at or how have you been since leaving him in the educational prison? Not that it was your fault he got held back… Caught in a whirlwind of emotions, his fight or flight mode was activated and he chose to flee. 
He nearly knocks heads with Steve as he crashes into the counter, startling Robin at the register. 
“Jesus, dude, what’s the rush? We still have half an hour before we close,” Steve says, annoyance seeping in.
“Did you guys know you have a fucking movie star in your store?!” Eddie whispers loudly disregarding Steve’s remark and the weird stare from Robin. 
Bewildered by this question, the two exchanged confused looks in response to his words. The store was so dead, and your hushed presence as you browsed through their selections, had caused them to forget they weren’t alone. As far as they were concerned it was just Eddie inside the building with them. They just wanted to close up shop and go home.  
You weren’t looking for any movie in particular actually, but when you noticed Family Video now had added an adult section you were curious to see the collection they offered, even more that some of your films made it on the shelf. 
You didn’t care that your face was on display, especially in a small town of close minded people to see. It was your life after all. You were here for a good time, not a long time, right? Not to mention it was kind of an ego booster to know that the people who didn’t give you the time of day now wanted you or at the very least, good or bad, thoughts of you invaded their minds. It was sadistic and at the same time amusing because oh, had the tables turned. 
A smirk etched its way upon your lips as the realization washed over you - you had made it…in some sense. Perhaps not to the heights of stardom, but in that moment, it felt as though you were on top of the world, a quiet victory.
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie was a fan of your work, a fan of your movies. It had all started when he rented a different tape starring his then former favorite actress. You were in the bonus scene included. You instantly stole the spotlight for him that instead of finishing off to a full movie, he managed to with a short three minute preview of you. It didn’t take him long to make a connection as to why you looked familiar.
Going back to her closing duties, Robin turns away from the conversation as Steve holds his slightly irritated gaze at Eddie trying to make sense of what he was talking about. 
“Who are you talking about?” He asks, response laced with confusion seeking clarity. 
Eddie’s disbelief was evident as he blinked once, then a few more times, and shaking his head, unable to comprehend that they were unaware of the other person that was in the same building as them. 
“Y/N!” He finally answers them, “Y/N is here,” he says again, pointing discreetly in the direction of the secluded area of the store, the pair realizing it was from the adult section. 
Met with blank stares, Eddie let out a sigh of defeat escape his lips, shoulders slumped in the process, displaying clear disappointment in his friends. You were a big thing to him and the lack of shared enthusiasm only deflated his mood. The disconnect between their understanding of your presence and his own excitement weighed heavily on Eddie’s spirit as he quickly realized that they didn’t recognize you. 
“Y/N. Y’know…Hawkins High Class of ‘84. Pornstar Y/N,” Eddie hints.
“Pornstar?” Robin questioned, surprise evident in her voice. 
“Y/N? Sweet, quiet, Y/N?” Steve asked, seeking confirmation as if he couldn’t believe what his friend was saying. 
“Yes, that Y/N!” Eddie affirmed. 
The same sense of smug satisfaction stayed with you and only increased with the conversation you overheard when you made your way to checkout. 
As you eavesdropped on Eddie’s hurried conversation with Robin and Steve, you couldn’t help but be intrigued by the intensity and urgency in his voice, especially when he was talking about you. The words spilled from his mouth in a rapid succession that left Steve and Robin struggling to keep up. 
“Hold up. Did you say she’s a pornstar now?” Robin asked, needing further clarification to which Eddie nodded in response. 
“Wait, how do you know that?” Steve asks only to be met with Eddie’s widened eyes conveying a “how else do you think, idiot?” kind of way. 
“Oh! Ew, dude!” Steve yells, expressing his disgust before backing away. 
“You had to ask,” Robin chuckled, finding the situation now amusing. 
“Come on, man. Grow up. It’s totally normal,” Eddie retorted, debunking Steve’s appalled demeanor. Robin nodded in agreement. 
“Still, I don’t want to think about it,” Steve insisted, crossing his arms. 
“Whatever. Did you guys know she was even in here?” Eddie asked. 
“No. I guess we forgot when you got here. She’s probably been here for a while,” said Steve. 
“She got here a little before you did,” Robin suddenly recalls,  "I remember now because Dingus flirted up a storm with her.”
“Don’t start with that,” Steve quickly defends himself, “I wasn’t the only one doing the flirting,” he added as the two revived their unsettled debate from earlier. 
“Shut up!” Eddie shouts, silencing the two, “She’s been in here that long and I’ve been walking around this place like a damn tool wasting my time?” he exclaimed in frustration. 
“Well, what would you have done if you knew I was here?” You piped up, throwing Eddie a curveball, your smooth voice catching all three of their attention. 
Eddie spun around, his mouth opening and closing without uttering a single world. He struggled to grasp his own thoughts, attempting to decide on his next move. Every ounce of self-confidence he just had seemed to evaporate from his being as his eyes traveled up and down your figure. 
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Post A/N: I'll finish this someday...but thoughts?
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sleepy0s · 2 months
Such a strange man
Grian: “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy” I would. Pussy.
Grian: “I’m not gonna sink to their level” I will. Coward.
Grian: “I’m the bigger person” I’m 150cm tall give me the gun bitch.
Hi guys :> Felt like being nice, have a long one! (Long for my standards lol)
1399  Words
Look, growing up on the streets does a lot to a man you know? Grian was never taught that ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’ No, no he was taught ‘You want something, take it.’. Like seriously, man has no morals.  Of Course... The hermits don’t actually know much about his past- Even Pearl HIS SISTER doesn’t know more than everyone else.
Most strangers look at Grian and see a cute, small avian who wouldn’t hurt a fly when in reality he is an eldritch being who grew up in mafias and will not hesitate to pull a gun on you. (Xisuma keeps trying to take them off him but he just keeps showing up with more???) This leads to some interesting experiences. For everyone else, not Grian.
The ‘first’ one.
It took Grian some time to open up when he joined hermitcraft (Yk, he had just spent the last couple of years locked in a cage in the end dimension lol) So, for the first month or three everyone assumed he was some nice parrot hybrid who was just shy. He didn’t talk in meetings and usually, you had to find him if you wanted to hang out. Even after he had come out of his shell he was still polite and kind (He is still kind but like, more open and friendly) 
Anyway, getting distracted. 
Xisuma had just finished talking about the important stuff, and everyone was chatting away. The hermits would probably stay in the meeting room for a while longer- the area was comfy.
Around half an hour into the hangout someone had pulled up a video on their comm of a server being destroyed whilst a player was still inside, which had become the current topic. “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy..” Tango mumbled, the blaze hybrid looked horrified with one hand covering his face as he tried to look away.
Now, Grian had been on a server whilst it was being destroyed, multiple actually in his many attempts at escaping so he was fully aware of the agony and pain someone felt when being essentially erased from existence. He also had many enemies, which he would wish this upon, but his worst enemy? Without a doubt, Sam Gladiator. The bunny hybrid that had tortured his childhood, and god he would probably laugh if he got to watch Sam go through that torture.
Unknowingly, Grian had started laughing to himself just at the thought, which meant some people were looking at him weirdly. “Grian? Why are you laughing?” Xisuma asked.  
“Wha- nothing- nothing I was just imagining something.” He had stopped laughing but still had a smile on his face. “I would like- totally wish that upon my worst enemy.” He added simply, sitting up in his chair.
The trip to the main hub.
Some of the hermits had decided to go on a little trip to the main hub for shopping purposes. The small group included; Xisuma (He wasn’t letting them go off on their own.) Doc, Gem, Pearl, Scar and Grian. And it was going well. They each had budgets that they couldn’t go over and everyone had their own bags full of materials. 
They had been told to meet up at the portal at 3 pm, and it was currently 2:55, and the only person not at the portal was Pearl. Oh- wait no Xisuma can see her. The Moth hybrid was rushing down the street, trying to get to them on time. “I’m not late yet- I’m not late- Ouch!” She had run head first into some older-looking man, luckily she hadn’t dropped anything.
“I'm sorry- I wasn’t looking where I was going! Are you okay?” She apologized, but when she looked up she was slightly shocked by the look on the man's face which was rage and disgust. “Ugh. Hybrids ruining everything, I'm going to be late for my meeting now because of you.” The man spat at her, before shoving her and causing her to drop everything.
Grian immediately ran over to his sister's side to help pick everything up, as with the others. “Are you just going to let him do that? Aren’t you going to do anything?” Grian asked as he handed her the stuff. 
“No, I’m not going to sink to his level,” Pearl responded, but it was obvious she was upset. And look, he knew his sister could handle herself but if she was too shy to stand up for herself in public then he would do it for her. That was one thing he had learnt growing up as a hybrid, if you want to be respected then you can’t play nice. “Grian- Don’t!”
It was too late, he had stormed up to the man and was tapping him on the shoulder.  “Sir? Sir. Sir!!!” He spoke, continuing to tap the man until he turned around. “What? I don’t have time for this.”
Grian didn’t look bothered by the man’s attitude, still smiling. “I would like you to apologize to my sister.” 
The man laughed, “You think you can get me to apologize? No.” And Grian’s attitude switched, kicking him in the crotch and grabbing his collar, his face emotionless as he stared into his eyes. “It wasn’t a question. Now, Apologize before I pull my gun out.” He whispered into his ear, before letting go of him.
“Yep- yep understood!” He whimpered, rushing over to Pearl and continuously bowing. “I’m sorry for using such language- are you okay? Please be okay or he might kill me.” 
The Intruder!
Hermitcraft is famous for being a very safe server, with some of the strongest protections. So, it’s very unlikely that someone can break in. Unlikely, but not impossible. 
So, imagine everyone’s surprise when they wake up at 2 am with their comms ringing alarms that there had been a breach in security and that they all had to go to spawn. So, all 25 or so hermits had met up at spawn. Grumpy, cold and tired. 
“Okay, so everyone is here yes?” Xisuma called out from the dirt pillar he had just built, “So.. uhm I’m not sure how to say this but there is an intruder on the server.” This, immediately caused an outburst among everyone, beginning to talk and whisper, despite Xisuma’s attempts to get everyone to listen
“SHUSH!” Doc screamed at the group, causing everyone to immediately go silent.
“Uh- thank you Doc.” Xisuma coughed, “So, we are all going to go into groups and find the intruder, thank you.”
The groups were decided quickly, and Xisuma ended up with Grian, Pearl, Scar and Mumbo. Everyone was on call, the comms acting as a radio. Xisuma’s group was near Grian’s base, walking through the trees behind the large rocks (Season 9) when Mumbo let out a yell. “Mumbo! What’s wrong- Oh.” Pearl ran over only to find Mumbo being held at gunpoint. 
Grian, immediately reached for his own gun only to find Xisuma holding it, “Grian, be the bigger person.” Now, Xisuma was probably about to shoot himself in the face because he had never held a gun before so it would probably be safer to give Grian the gun (God thought I’d never write that) But also, Grian is a tiny guy.
“Xisuma, respectfully I am 5 foot give me the bloody gun.” He responded calmly, in a hushed voice so the intruder wouldn’t notice that they also had a weapon. “It’s him or Mumbo X, what are you gonna choose?” 
“Oh god fine.” Grian really was very persuasive. The second the gun was back in his hands Grian was gone, completely disappeared into the trees.
“HAH! What are you gonna do? You call for help and I’ll shoot this... Strangely tall man.” The intruder threatened, seeming much too proud. “Now- I, Oh what do I want? I didn’t think I’d get this far..” Scar and Pearl had attempted to negotiate with the man.
“OH! I know- HEY!?” He didn’t get to put in his request as he got tackled from behind and didn’t have time to shoot Mumbo as he felt the cold feeling of a gun at his own neck.
Grian was sitting on top of the man, a scary smile on his face and a gun aimed at his neck and he genuinely looked excited at the chance he might get to shoot him. 
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I am IN LOVE with your writing!  I’m a dedicated reader! 💓💓 thanks for taking the time to do it!
Hear me out. Reader pulls a 24 hour shift in the local clinic on a busy day and we get a protective worried din?
He would also be busy but he would definitely pull reader out and make her take a nap AT LEAST. 😂 anyway, I just thought that would be cute to think about.
I hope you have a wonderful day and keep up the good work! 
[a/n: anybody wanna guess how many times it took me to try and post this b/c tumblr wanted to keep glitching and destroying it?? FUCKING FOUR. lord, im gonna go scream in a pillow. anyways, thanks anon for the great idea! also pls consider this my apology for the cliffhanger that i am so sorry (but not really) for.]
Din Djarin x Female!Reader
Warnings: reader overworks herself, mentions of injuries (burns specifically) but not in great detail
Word Count: 1,934
Summary: Everyone needs a break, and Din is hell bent on ensuring you don't skip yours.
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[so not between chapters, but a scene within one of the time breaks in chapter 17.]
"be with someone who will take care of you. not materialistically but take care of your soul, your well being, your heart, and everything that's you." -unknown
Trying to get the emergency clinic established was not easy. You agreed to the job, and Karga had given you free reign. The High Magistrate was essentially allowing you to run the clinic as you saw fit. Which in part was fantastic because it gave you incredible freedom, but it was also your worst nightmare. All your training had taught you was how to handle the medical aspect of an office. The business and organization side was a whole other issue. Especially because the people of Nevarro were not understanding that this was for emergencies only. 
“My ankle hurts.”
“Alright, when did this start? When did you get hurt?”
“I twisted it while jogging three years ago.”
“You⏤ Wait, what?”
In order for this to work the way it needed to, you’d have to focus on actual emergencies only. Alone you would never be able to handle the patient load that would come with servicing an entire city. Plus, you really didn’t want to. The amount of time it would take to even attempt that was insane, and Din needed your help with Grogu.
So, the plan would be to establish that this clinic was emergencies only, emphasize it to everyone who walked in the door, but for today you’d manage all the small, routine problems.
Just for today.
By lunch time, you had already seen 47 patients. None of which were emergent. In fact, the biggest injury was a young man who had dropped a glass plate at home and accidentally cut his hand. He needed four stitches. 
“Four more in the waiting room, doctor!” Aayla called out without even having to be asked the question. She was a gift from the Maker today. Already, you had decided to try training her more in depth medically and hire someone else to work the front desk. “You also have a guest.
“What?” You breathed, barely able to catch her words.
Aayla didn’t need to repeat herself because that was the moment Din swept into the room with the same confident strut he naturally seemed to have. At the sight of him, you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as your lips curled up into a smile.
“What is going on?” Din asked as he drifted closer to you. There were still two patients sitting on cots waiting for you to finish with them, but Din commandeered your attention by settling his hand on your lower back and staring down at you. Even through the helmet you could feel his concerned gaze. “Why are you so busy? I thought you were hired for emergencies only.”
“I was, but apparently nobody told all of Nevarro that.”
Din stiffened. “Did Karga⏤”
“No. I don’t think he tricked me into this or that this was on purpose.” You said quickly. “And everyone who comes in, I’m telling them that from now on it’s emergencies only.”
“But today?”
“Today, I am seeing every Nevarro citizen.” You chuckled. “You want a check up, Mando?”
“Ner kar’ta,” Din shook his head, “Have you taken any breaks at all?” You shot him a sheepish smile. “Come. Let’s get lunch.”
“I can’t. I’ll just get further behind.” You mumbled. Din looked like he was ready to argue with you. In fact, his hands even drifted to his hips as his head tilted. You had seen him take on the same stance before lecturing Grogu. You wrapped your hands around his forearm and gave him the most reassuring smile you could muster. “It’s fine. I’m just sorry I’m bailing on you for lunch.” He sighed. “You poor thing, now you’ll have to spend more time with Mayfeld.”
Din huffed and you chuckled. Aayla called out that more people were filling the space, and for a second you thought the Mandalorian Marshal was considering sending everybody home just so you could have a moment for lunch. You squeezed his forearm. 
“Fine.” Din grumbled.
“Also, I know this won’t help my argument or convince you of anything, but,” You scrunched your nose with a small wince, “Do you think you can pick up Grogu today?”
Din seemed taken aback based on his voice alone, “How long do you plan on staying?”
You knew his question was one more focused on the concern of you staying here for too long versus him being upset that you couldn’t get Grogu. When you shot him another sheepish smile he just grumbled under his breath in Mando’a. Din caught you off guard by leaning forward to lightly rest his forehead against yours for a second. 
“This conversation isn’t over.” Din said simply and you just chuckled in response.
He squeezed your hand once before leaving and you were forced to return to the patients you had. Ten minutes passed at the most, you got two patients out with Aayla’s help, when Din’s heavy footfalls returned. You glanced over your shoulder to see he was holding a bag of food. He crossed the space to set the bag in your hands and you peered in to see it was your favorite sandwich from the local shop. Your eyes glanced back up at him with a grin. The warmth of being seen and known settling in your chest.
“Eat.” Din said firmly.
“Thank you.” You replied. “I’ll eat it as soon as⏤”
“No.” He interrupted. A tilt to his head and a challenge in his voice. “I’m not leaving until I watch you take a few bites. At the least.”
You rolled your eyes, in good nature, and handed him the bag so you could wash your hands in the sink off to the side. On your way back to Din, you asked Aayla to bandage one patient’s knee and get imaging of another patient’s hand. Din had already pulled out your sandwich to set on the desk you had brought into the corner. Before you could reach for it, Din pointed to the desk chair. With a chuckle you dropped down into the seat, the first time you were off your feet all morning, and only then did Din push the sandwich toward you. 
“Thanks.” You said after your first bite. More sincere than your last. Din was leaning against the desk beside you. Close enough that your arm could press against his thigh if you moved it over even an inch. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“Apparently, I did.” Din chuckled. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t have eaten at all.”
You couldn't argue. Instead, you just shook your head, “Not gonna lie, I always did have a bad habit of getting caught up in my work.”
“Why does that not surprise me?”
“Doctor, can you take a look at this?” Aayla called out.
You quickly took one last, large bite of your sandwich before standing. Din pushed off the desk to tower over you again. He nodded. “I’ll pick up Grogu, but if you’re not home by 5 I’m coming back to drag you home.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?” You teased.
Din leaned over to lightly tap his forehead against yours and you chuckled. He reached over to pick up your sandwich and held it up towards you. You raised an eyebrow at him, but he didn’t budge. Rolling your eyes, you leaned over and took another bite. Holding a hand over your mouth, tucking the food into your cheek, you spoke. “Happy?”
“Yes. Be careful. Message me if you need anything.”
You watched him leave with a bemused smile.
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Never before had you been so acutely aware of the saying ‘when it rains, it pours’. Today had already been stressful and busy so it would make sense that at 4:25 in the afternoon an actual emergency rolled in. Nothing to test and stretch your skills like having to handle a trauma case after a full day of working. There had been an incident, on the other side of this world deep in the lava plains, where a group of smugglers got a bit too close to a river of lava with their weapons and nearly blew one another sky high. 
The least injured of the three had flown them in. She had some superficial burns all along her left side. Then the other two had third degree burns that required some serious fluid replacement. You didn’t stop working, barely paused to take a breath, until all three were stable and resting comfortably. Only then did you drop down into your desk’s chair and rest your head on your arms with a sigh. 
About twenty minutes later, a pair of hands settled on your shoulders, squeezing in comfort, and you would’ve been startled if you didn’t recognize the creak of Din’s leather with the comforting smell of his flight suit’s detergent and the polish used on his beskar. 
“What time is it?” You groaned.
“You’re nearly four hours late.”
Din squeezed your shoulders once more before letting a hand settle on the back of your neck. You found the weight of it grounded you. “I got here at 4:50. Saw you were busy with something important. Left then came back.” His thumb caressed your skin, and you pushed your head up to glance at him. Din had the hand not on your neck resting on the desk. “You alright?”
“Just tired.” You mumbled and rubbed your face with one hand. “Grogu?”
“He’s with Peli. Missed you at dinner though.” Din replied. “He acts up when you’re not around.”
“No, no. He’s a perfect angel, always.”
Din snorted at that, and the sound made you chuckle. You glanced over at the cots that held the three smugglers who slept soundly. All their vitals still stable. Din’s hand slipped down to rub your upper back soothingly. “You coming home?”
“I can’t. Not until the emergency shuttle gets here to pick those three up.” You sighed. “They have to be at a facility with a higher level of care than just me.”
“‘Just you’ saved their lives.”
“You know what I mean.” You shrugged. “You should go though.” Din tilted his head. “There’s no telling how long it’ll take for the ship to get here. I already sent Aayla home. I’m just babysitting right now. You should pick up Grogu and head home. Get some sleep.”
Din shook his head as if it were the stupidest thing you had ever said. He gently wrapped his hand around your upper arm and pulled you up from your seat. You let him drag you along to the fourth cot in the room which was currently empty. “You sleep. I’ll babysit.” 
He lightly pushed down on your shoulders until you were seated on the cot. You stared up at him in question, but he just shook his head. “If something changes with their status I’ll wake you.” Din pushed you down a little further so you were laying down. The moment your body hit the relatively soft bed you felt yourself sink into it with exhaustion. Din went to walk, but you grabbed his hand and tugged him toward the cot as well.
“You can babysit while laying down, can’t you?”
“My armor isn’t gonna be much of a pillow.”
“Neither is this cot.”
Din chuckled and dropped down to lay beside you. You rested your head on his chest, the cool metal of the beskar biting into your warm cheek, and just sighed. It hadn’t occurred to you how tired you truly were until now. Din had an arm wrapped around you so he could grasp your shoulder with his hand and use his thumb to trace patterns there.
“Take a break, doc.” Din hummed. “I got you.”
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@aheadfullofsteverogers @yyiikes @kneelforloki @c-ms1ut @sgt-morgan @luthienaliceisilra @fawn-kitten @missbabyjay @coldlamaspersonspy @dilfsaremyfavourite @jamesbuckybarnes @yorkeylover @teawrites01 @emily-roberts @djarinxore @impala1967666 @shelbyteller @faithrenner @dindjarindude @dankfarrick29 @rh1nestonecowg1rl @garbo-lesbo @anythingforattention @tearfulsolace @onceinamando @catharinaroxastova @uwu-i-purple-you @modiddys-blog @stagerightlauren @mini-bees @xxinvisblexx @adoringanakin @sagegreensensei @spidey-3 @sydney-1209 @thepascalofus @hrtsforpascal @banana-lol @daybleedsintonightfall11 @lil-dragon-draws @guccistardust @ideajpeg @harriedandharassed @leithatnight @elfamosotoga @damnzelsoul @the-anchored-sailor-girl @morks-watermelon @katelynmarieyt @taylorann2013 @chonkercatto @dheet @liadamerondjarin @fallinallinmendes @missdicaprio @jennaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @alphaash99 @djarinsmixtape @pcrushinnerd @closedaddition @thelovelyhann @harrys-sunflower-bakery @mayaaaaah @theway-thisis
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tmntxthings · 2 years
I am loving your fics my dude!
Just read your love potion fic for raph and it was adorable- we love a soft king.
Could I possibly request a Mikey version of the love potion scenario? Possibly casey ? But if you don't write for casey that's cool I would just love to see Mikeys reaction lol
Keep up the awesome work dude 👏
My Muse
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requests: ‘hi, I’m sure you’ve already gotten this request and are probably working on it but what about a Mikey love potion one-shot? But what if instead of Mikey chugging the potion y/n/we do? Have a good day’ ‘I’ve read all your love potion docs for the turtles and if your up for it could we finish off the set with Mikey?’ ‘Mikey love potion, please? I swear I can see him making art of his beloved.’
author’s note: c: thank you guys for all the kind words, here is mikey’s, and maybe in the future I’ll get around to casey <3 but for now I hope you all enjoy~~~~
warnings: nothing but FLUFF, established relationship,
> leo’s < > donnie’s < > raph’s < > casey’s <
Mikey was looking up at you sweetly. “Say what?” You said incredulously. You had to hear this again. “I saiddd, could you drink this super special po- I mean tea, and tell me how it tastes!” You narrowed your eyes down at him as he shoved a bubbly pink liquid in your face. “This isn’t what made you go bananas last week is it?” You questioned him and Mikey looked away, his telltale sign that he was lying, “whaaat noooo!”
You sighed, “really Mike I think it’s pretty obvious that this is the so-called love potion” and he heaved out a sigh as well giving up on trying to be secretive. “Yeah you got to see how I acted so I just wanted to you know, be attacked by a love monster too,” he smiled shyly. You shook your head, this was unbelievable. As one could guess Mikey had been the clingiest under the influence of a love potion. He latched onto one of your legs and you struggled to walk as you dragged him around with you. “Mikey puhlease let me goooo,” you had begged and he had just giggled cutely. “Y/n your voice gives me the warm and fuzzies inside!” He’d beam up at you, snuggling his head into your leg.
“I swear you use your cuteness to your advantage!” You had harrumphed, to which he just winked smugly, and you knew he was silently admitting to it. “When this is over somehow I’ll get my revenge!” You muttered and he had only caught the first part. Immediately jumping to his feet and wrapping his arms around your middle. “When what’s over?!” He wailed thinking you were talking about breaking up, and he squeezed you into a tight hug. “Oomp- wait!-“ you tried to reassure him as he continued to squeeze. “The love potion!” You said with the last bit of your breath and he loosened his grip, “ohh hee hee,” Mikey said with relief and you grabbed his face.
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” you said teasingly as you squished his cheeks between your hands, he looked up at you with heart eyes. “Me neither!” He said through duck lips and you couldn’t help but give him a quick peck. “You got that right,” you smiled softly and he latched back onto you, hugging you filled with so much joy and happiness. Squealing not so quietly at the feeling of your lips on his.
Yeah that had went on for a week and Mikey hadn’t been that embarrassed. He was the most in tune with his emotions among the turtle bros, so he wasn’t shy to admit how much he liked you. Daily. His love language was definitely words of affirmation and physical affection. Though now that you thought about it Mikey had went on an art spree. Saying you inspired him and motivated him to paint and create art. You had watched him work, a smile on your lips as he would finish and show you with a ‘ta-da!!’ He would be nervous for your reaction but you always loved anything he made. It warmed your heart even more to know that every single piece of art he created that week had been because of you. It was so flattering, you blushed at each one he showed you. “This is amazing Mikey!” you would say and he’d gush, “really?! You think so?? You keep it!!” So maybe he liked to give gifts as well! You practically had a private collection of his art from just those seven days alone. His love language was a bunch of things!
“Aren’t you curious???” Mikey said bringing you back from the flashbacks. Waving the glass in front of your eyes as you rolled them. “Curious to see how much I can embarrass myself in front of your entire family?! No thanks!” You said shaking your head in refusal. “Awwwww c’mon Y/n just a sip, I’m sure one tiny sip would be just one day maybe even one hour!” He said trying to reason with you. You smacked your palm to your face, he wasn’t going to quit. “One itty bitty sip Michelangelo, that’s all you get from me!” You finally gave in.
He rocked back and forth on his heels with excitement as he dragged you to his room. “Okay okay okay, one sip!” He agreed as you took the drink from him once in his room. One sip later and the two of you locking eyes, you hummed. Mikey took the drink from you slowly. “Welll?” He said in anticipation. You were staring at him, but not jumping on top of him or anything like he expected. He frowned and ran a finger over his chin, “I don’t get it, maybe another sip?” He asked going to grab the glass from the dresser he had placed it on. But the second he turned away you stopped him. Snatching his hand. And he turned back immediately beaming brightly.
But that’s all you did! He looked down at where both of your hands were connected, and he pulled his hand away. And you let him. “Hmmm” Mikey made a low noise of contemplation and stepped one foot away. And you followed him. “Y/n? Are you okay?” He asked wondering why you weren’t saying anything. “Peachy!” You nodded, and he continued to contemplate this, at your answer and your actions so far. “Wanna order some pizza?” Mikey said at last, giving up on trying to figure out whether the potion was working or not. “Sure, let’s get your favorite!” You replied and he smiled at you, nodding as he grabbed his phone.
He went to his bed, laying down while he scrolled through the pizza place contacts that he had. You had followed suit, laying next to him and scooting close to see what he was doing. When all of a sudden a message came through, and Mikey’s attention diverted to that, clicking to see it was another friend of Mikey’s from his art page on a social media! You smiled to yourself as you watched him type out ‘thank you!’ to all the kind words the person had left. But as you watched the texts go back and forth and the pizza thoughts were forgotten. You had this nagging feeling in the back of your head.
You shifted in his bed, watching Mikey’s face spread into a smile. But it wasn’t towards you, it was to his phone and you frowned. Feeling… jealous. Abnormally so, and you just knew in the back of your real, conscious state of mind that it was because of the potion. You wouldn’t be so worked up otherwise, because Mikey had many fans, you included. He always took the time out to thank everyone and he wasn’t the type to shy away from conversation. You let out a sigh, wondering if he would notice. He didn’t!
You decided to take a more hands on approach. Moving to climb on top of his plastron and put your face between the space where his phone was from his face. “Hi..” you said shyly and Mikey blinked and blushed finally noticing you. “Hey cutie!” Mikey smiled, as he closed his phone, “hungry for pizza?” He joked thinking that’s why you were regaining his attention, he lost track of focus a lot of the time. So he was very used to you bringing him back to the task at hand. “Mmm no,” you admitted, looking down at where your hands rested on his plastron. You let one of your index fingers trail along outlining some of his stickers.
He moved underneath you, unable to stay still as he started to chur slightly. He wasn’t embarrassed but he couldn’t stop the blush, “if you’re not hungry then what’s up?” He asked as his own arms went around you, holding you. “Just, wanted some attention..” you said not looking up at him. He was cheesed out now, this wasn’t like you at all, and it was so obvious that the love potion had done some mystic magic. “You’ve got all my attention babygirl,” and you smacked your hand down on his plastron at the nickname. “Stop it!” You flushed and Mikey laughed, knowing out of all the sweet nicknames he had for you, you hated that one the most.
“Okay okay,” he relented, not wanting to tease you any further, and you mumbled something under your breath. “Hmmm” Mikey said turning his face to the side to lean an ear closer to you. “Someone else had all your attention..” you pouted quietly. And Mikey had to rein in his laughter, you were so cute, “was someone a little jealous~~?” Doctor Feelings, guessing correctly and you didn’t try to deny it as you nodded. “I’m telling you, Y/n you’re my one and only, my muse,” he said reassuring you whole heartedly. You smiled, “good” you cuddled into his plastron, “cause you’re my one and only too!”
And Mikey’s heart turned to goo as he hugged and kissed you repeatedly. Not able to stop because you were just so adorable and he couldn’t help himself when you were acting this way. The potion faded away after the two of you had finished eating some pizza. “That wasn’t soo embarrassing was it?” Mikey smiled, waggling his eyebrows and you huffed. “Don’t ask for it to happen again!” You said eyes closed and crossing your arms as he quickly pulled his hand back away from going for the pink liquid. Maybe he’d convince you another time!
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crabonfire · 1 year
Pre and post octofication? If possible?
I wanted to request but didn’t get the confidence until you started demanding TSSM requests :)
Hope this is ok!
Taller!S/O flustering TSSM Doc Ock!
character: pre and post accident TSSM Otto Octavius
note: babe don’t be nervous!! I’ve been into spider-man and tssm related shit for years now, I just never thought anybody would be interested in my work. I’d love more tssm requests!! It’s my main interest now anyways :)
anyway, request away!!! hehe :)
ALSO I love pre accident otto he’s so cute :(
last note, I wanted to add some uh, tiny, tiny TINY bits of lore between the two of you in the pre octofication, just to make it more interesting :D!
warnings: none, fluff :)
♡Otto Octavius♡
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- He was always a pretty insecure man in terms of how he’d look, (and his personality too aw man) he always saw his body as something he wasn’t proud of. People under minded him for it, especially at work. Which is why he was surprised to find out you really liked him. When you had asked him out he asked multiple times with a red face, “Y-You’re joking!” or “Did someone put you up to this?”
But when you smiled at him so genuinely, shaking your head no and telling him you liked him…he felt like he was going to burst.
- When you two started dating, he found it a bit hard to make eye contact for very long. For he found that he’d get lost in your eyes, mesmerized by you completely. He was a shy man, and he never spoke his mind much when it came to how you made him feel. He was always quite flustered with you.
When you realized this, you started to use it to your advantage.
- On one occasion, he was in his office, typing away and sorting through files on his latest project. After hours of working he had finally stepped out to get a drink from the kitchen. You decided to try and stall him a little, maybe convince him to take a break. You had him backed up to a wall, hand resting beside his head, as you leaned down to his face. His cheeks are as red as tomatoes, looking at you mouth agape and eyes widened. You can’t help the smirk that forms on your face, eyes gazing at him intensely.
You tilted your head a bit, blinking, still staring at him. The tension is killing him, your so close he can feel you breathing.
“Take a break hon, you’ve been cooped up in that desk for so long…”
He huffed, looking awkwardly at the floor. “Oh, I mustn’t…it’s I-important I finish this..” you took your hand, taking his chin to face you again. You frowned slightly, “But I miss you. Just one break, please?” He blinks, his lips quivering trying to find the voice to deny you. He swallows, “W-Well…I guess one break w-wouldn’t hurt.” He mutters. You smile at him, leaning in to kiss him, which he immediately returns. When you pull back you can see the slightly disappointed look on his face. You quickly step back with a whole different mood, grinning at him. “Great! Come sit with me, I was watching a movie.” You walk over to the couch, leaving him speechless as his heart doesn’t stop its pounding.
He’s flustered, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stands there wondering what the fuck just happened to him.
- He found himself in this situation many times, pinned to a wall or how your head rested on-top of his with arms wrapped around him, engulfing him in a hug.
And every single time he couldn’t help the red that’d seep to his cheeks, the racing of his heart and and the wanting to drop everything he was doing to look up at you all day.
Oh yeah, he has to look up when he talks to you. It’s adorable 😭
♡Doctor Octopus♡
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- No longer has he have to suffer the neck pain of looking up at you, because now… HE HAS HIS OCTOPUS ARMS!!
- But on the rare occasion where he’s just standing like a normal guy, you always take your chance to try and fluster you like you did before. This time, he’s not so shy about his feelings.
- You’d have him pinned against a wall just like before, it was difficult to get into this position but you did.
“Hey doc.”
He smirks, “What’s this, Y/N?”
You mirror his smirk, “What ever do you mean, Doc? I’m just, having a conversation with you.”
He chuckles, shaking his head and looking up at you with tinted cheeks. “I see. My apologies, I just never considered being pinned to a wall was a way to talk to somebody.”
“Oh, so this your first time?” You snickered at your own dumb joke, he found that cute.
“No, I’m very well experienced actually.”
You laughed. You rested your other hand to the other side of his head, trapping him in as you leaned down to kiss him. He kissed you back, passionately and slow. One of his hands had cupped your cheek, the other firm against your chest as his receptors pulled you in. He felt himself melt whenever he’d kiss you, even with his newfound confidence he still never got rid of that sweet ache in his chest. When you pulled back, before you could say anything, he flipped you over.
Now you were the one pinned to he wall, his receptors lifted him slightly to be eye level with you, a hand over your head as he leaned while the other had held your chin pinched between his pointer index and his thumb. He had an obnoxious smile on his face when he saw how your face reddened, eyes wide in surprise. He chuckled, whispering in a low tone;
“What about you Y/N, is this yours?”
spot the harness your hopes refrence and I'll give u a cookie :)♡
HOPE U ENJOYEDDD request more tssm shit I love them
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valley-of-headcanons · 4 months
Can you write a fanfic where Harvey saves and counsels his nephew who is struggling with his alcohol addiction. Harvey later seeks solace in the farmer (Richie is on Nexus btw nexusmods com stardewvalley/mods/19654)
don't overwork yourself, doc || harvey x farmer oneshot
at a time of need, harvey needs a friend to go to for comfort.
warnings: alcohol addiction mention (+ talk of relapsing), harvey has some self-hating inner dialogue, severely heavy tone. a reverse comfort (?) fic if you will. friends to lovers :)
requested by: anon! hii, thank you so much for requesting! this a pretty specific one, so i apologize if i didn't do it justice! i started the fic with harvey interacting with the farmer, if that's okay! but, i tried and i think i made a pretty cute fic out of it. hope you enjoy! :) mod link is here if you wanted to check it out, i didn't get a chance to but it looks pretty interesting!
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The night was young and you had finished your work for today. It was calm, but it wasn't necessarily peaceful. It felt eerie, living alone on your farm. It wasn't the best feeling, but it could be ignored. This feeling seemed to be interrupted when you heard a gentle knock at your door. Raising up from the couch you had plopped yourself upon, you wandered towards the door. “Who is it?”
“Hey, it's Harvey ... if you're not busy, would you mind talking to me for a second? I need a second opinion ...” the voice behind the door trailed off. Stressed poured from the usually collected voice. This was definitely odd coming from him, as he usually had everything put together. Something was wrong.
You opened the door with a small smile that soon fell after seeing the disheveled man in front of you. His clothes were wrinkled, his tie loosened and practically falling off. His green coat was missing, only wearing his now un-buttoned white shirt. His hair looked like he had raked his hand through it several times due to stress. The most alarming aspect was his eyes. They had such a far off look in them, like he was scatterbrained. It seemed as though, for the first time in his life, he didn't know what to do.
“Harvey ... please, come in. Are you alright ...?” you asked, taking him by the hand and leading him to your couch. You rushed to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before sitting down beside him, placing the bottle in his hands and unscrewing the lid. He looked so weak, you wondered if he had been taking care of himself enough.
Harvey leaned back against the couch, taking a sip of the water and closing his eyes. “I haven't slept in a few days. My ... my nephew is struggling. I'm trying to help as much as I can, it's my job as a doctor! But your job is supposed to come before emotions- and the relationship I have with him is preventing that. I- ... I'm so worried.”
You rested a hand on his shoulder. You felt his tensions ease under your hand. “Harv ... you need to rest. You look exhausted,” you said gently.
He opened his tired eyes, raising forward and resting his face in his hands. “I-I can't! There's so much to do still- I have to keep caring for him! I haven't done my laundry either, I look like a wreck! I haven't eaten in two days- I don't think I could! I feel sick and I just- ... I don't know what to do,” he said with a sigh.
You thought for a moment, raking your mind for solutions. “Let me call Maru and explain the situation. She can watch over him for the rest of the night and tomorrow. Let me take care of you until you feel better,” you said as stood. You were about to walk towards the phone before Harvey tried to object.
“Don't worry about me, I'm fine ... he just fell asleep and my legs just ... kind of ... took me here. I didn't really think about it, I should go. I shouldn't be burdening you,” Harvey muttered, standing as well.
You grabbed his hand, not letting him go. “You're working yourself to the point where you're putting your health at risk. You're a doctor. You should know better. Now sit, I'm gonna call Maru. Drink your water,” you said sternly, sitting him back down on the couch. Then, you stepped over to your phone in the other room to call Maru.
Harvey took off his shoes and laid down completely on the couch, attempting to calm himself down. He noticed how aggressive his heartbeat was and how sweaty his palms were. He took deep breaths. In ... hold ... out. In ... hold ... out. His mind was cleared, but he was still shaking a little. He needed food. He felt like such a defenseless child who couldn't take care of himself. But everyone deserves to be taken care of, right?
You walk back into the room and head toward the kitchen. You know that Harvey enjoys pickles, so you make him a sandwich with some pickles and bring it to him. Sitting down beside him, you offer him the plate.
Harvey takes the plate silently, taking a bite. He shows a soft smile. You were so thoughtful, it warmed his heart. It was probably the most relaxed he had been all day. “Thank you ... I'm sorry for coming over with no notice. It's so unprofessional, I apologize,” he said, taking another bite afterward. He was starving.
You shake your head, your brows curved and your frown evident. “No, don't apologize. You needed a friend, and that's okay. No need to be professional,” you say with a smile. You thought for a moment before a lightbulb struck. “Can I give you a massage? You can talk about all your worries, and you seem really really tense.”
Harvey's face shifted to a gentle pink, letting out a nervous laugh. “I mean ... sure. Just be careful, I don't want any nerve damage,” he said, shifting to where his back was toward you. He tried his best to let his shoulders relax, stretching them slightly before reverting back to the same position.
As you put your hands on his shoulders, he felt himself begin to relax. He let out a breath of relief before beginning to open up. “My nephew has been struggling with alcohol abuse for some time now. I believe it's comparable to Shane, but I can't be too sure. I know that it's horrific, and it's been worrying. I thought I was making some progress, but he relapsed when I was dealing with another patient. I went to his room and I- I freaked out. He was lying there, a bottle in hand. Asleep, thankfully. I automatically assumed the worst, though ...”
More shuddered breaths left Harvey's mouth, his eyes closing tightly. He took another sip of water because of the dryness in his mouth. “I-I got him to wake up, but he wasn't all there ... not sober anymore, for sure ... I sobered him up enough to make sure it wasn't alcohol poisoning. He looked like he was doing okay, but my nerves were out of control and I almost had a panic attack. When I made sure he was asleep, I just ... walked out. I couldn't handle it, and my legs took me here. I think I blacked out, I may have had a panic attack on the way up here ... it's the first one I've had in a really long time ...”
You stopped massaging his shoulders for a moment. You wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him from behind, resting your forehead on his back. “You're safe here. Everything will be fine, Harvey. You hold too much weight on your shoulders, distribute it if you can. Let Maru take some of this workload. You need your rest, please. Call in sick tomorrow and stay here,” you practically begged, worried for his health.
He tapped your arm, asking you to release him. He turned around quickly, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you. There were tears threatening to fall down his cheeks. He was really trying to keep it in, but he'd wanted to hear those words for a long time. “Thank you,” was all he could say.
You both stayed there, a few tears falling onto your shoulder. You laid back on the couch, adjusting so that Harvey was laying on your chest. You didn't mind that your shirt was tear-stained, you could just change tomorrow. All that mattered to you right now was that Harvey felt safe enough to open up to you and relax. He was always working so hard, just like you. Maybe you both need to take a step back, focus on yourselves for once. Or focus on one another.
Harvey couldn't make eye contact with you. He was embarrassed, but at the same time ... he was more comfortable than he had ever been before. He sniffed a little before clearing his throat. “Do you mind if I just ... stay here, all night? I- ... I don't mean to intrude or anything ...” he trailed off.
“Harv, it's fine. That's what I've been asking you to do! Just stay here, get your mind off of things for once. Fall asleep right here if you'd like,” you suggested, rubbing soft circles into his back.
He gave you a soft nod, letting out a quiet “thank you” before holding you a little closer. That was the last thing you heard from him that night, aside from a few quiet snores and mumbling in his sleep. He was so comfortable in your presence; he could not be moved.
You pressed a small kiss to his temple as he slept, whispering a soft goodnight to him before closing your eyes. Your cabin felt much more like home with Harvey around. The quiet wasn't as eerie, it was peaceful. You both were hellbent on protecting each other, nothing could happen to either of you in the moment. Maybe everything could be alright.
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cricketnationrise · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks to @cha-melodius, @kiwiana-writes, and @happiness-of-the-pursuit for the tags!
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
RWRB, Check Please!, Tortall, verrrry occassionally The Parasol Protectorate
Top five fics by kudos:
Going Platinum - camboy!Alex AU
Burnin' Through the Sky - speed dating meet-cute
Set in Platinum - camboy!Alex sequel
warm from the inside out - some stuff happens under a desk 😉
Downburst - In The Shadow of Two Gunmen/West Wing AU
Do you respond to comments?
I have responded to every comment so far!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't tend to write angsty endings. That being said, this Check, Please! ficlet I wrote for @shygryf is very angsty: Hotel Room, Mar. 1 (I did fix it with a later ficlet, but on it's own...)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them tbh. I'm an unrepentant happy ending lover.
Do you get hate on fics?
Nothing that comes to mind--I've been extremely lucky. I've gotten some baffling ones and some with a strange tone, but I think that's more down to English not being their first language, not hate.
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover:
I tend toward fusions/AUs rather than actual crossovers. Although there are Check Please! easter eggs in the Going Platinum universe.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of, although I would hope that any translator would have let me know so that I can flail in overwhelmed gratitude.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, although there's one that's been sitting for a year-ish that I'm gonna be really excited to finally get to.
All time favorite ship?
I won't choose and you can't make me.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Not right now. All the wips I've got that are more than just like, one line or a title, I'm really excited about writing and sharing.
What are your writing strengths?
Immersive descriptions, humor, and metaphors. This bitch loves a metaphor.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes. I'm getting better, but any time I have a particularly big action scene I beg on my knees for @cha-melodius to get into the doc.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Only If I feel confident about the translation. I'll usually get a native speaker to check it over if it's more than an easy phrase I already know/can google, especially if it's a whole conversation.
First fandom you wrote in?
Check, Please!
Favorite fic you've written?
You're so mean to me making me pick. Le sigh, fine.
Check, Please!: How Delightful if that Were True - Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society AU (100% homegrown epistolary baybee)
RWRB: More Than Brick and Mortar - sentient Brownstone AU, magical realism
Tortall: i'll rise up in spite of the ache - hockey AU of First Test
Parasol Protectorate: No Small Matter - 5+1 pranks on Conall that I wrote for @homobiwan
(narrowing these down was absolute agony, btw. hope you're happy.)
Tags under the cut, but if you wanna do this, who am I to stop you? Aka consider this your open tag.
@celeritas2997 @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine @leaves-of-laurelin @anincompletelist
@firenati0n @missanniewhimsy @montrealmadison @doggernaut @parvuls
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capn-rikshu · 5 months
"Boulder and Graham Have a Talk" (WIP)
Words: 469
This has been sitting in my docs for a long while, since last year I believe. It's definitely not finished but I did polish it up. I may consider extending/completing it based on feedback.
That is welcome.
The soft drape of her auburn hair over her shoulders and the small white clip that pinned her hair behind her ear, her snorty laugh whenever he made an unfunny, corny nerd joke—a joke only she would understand—her round glasses matching her cute round face, the simple feminine fashion choice of a knee length skirt and a cherry pink sweater. There was so much he could say about Amy and with no one to air them to besides he’s too embarrassed anyway. Though he does have Boulder.
“Graham? Graham?”
Graham blinked twice. “W-wha-?”
He looked up and found his big green robot partner staring at him with a coy grin.
“I was going to ask you for your thoughts on this blueprint but it looks like your mind is elsewhere.”
“Sorry, buddy, I’ve just been thinking.”
“About what? Amy?” Boulder guessed correctly.
“Yeah, her,” Graham rubbed the back of his neck as his eyes focused on a distant object.
“How’s it been going?”
“Steady, good, great. I think we can really make this work.”
“Ah, that’s nice.”
Graham never thought about it before but suddenly he had a question: do Cybertronians have relationships like humans do? Even though their bodies are not, their thoughts and feelings are very human and the relationships they form are as well. It wouldn’t be farfetched to assume. He also wondered if Cybertronians have the concept of marriage as well. Maybe he should just ask considering he’s talking to one right now.
“Hey, Boulder,” he began, “so do you guys, Cybertronians, y’know get together, form relationships?”
“Y’know, of the romantic kind specifically?” Graham smiled sheepishly.
“Hmm…” Boulder rubbed his chin and got himself comfortable by sitting down on the floor in front of him. He could tell this was going to be a long discussion. “Yeah, I say we do but it’s not ingrained in our society as you humans have. It’s not really a conversational topic, there’s no legally binding documents like how your society created with marriage."
“You guys don’t reproduce the way we do?”
“No, there’s no male or female, there’s no such thing as sex. Our planet creates us, Cybertronians are born from its hotspots.”
Graham ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, figures.” 
“It seems that you humans pair up together for the purpose of reproduction, Cybertronians don’t do that for reasons I've just explained to you. Instead a lot of us pair up for a closeness factor, we don’t have words like ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’ or ‘spouse’ to describe it, you could use ‘lovers’ but it’s not really a widespread term. You’d probably see us call each other friends no matter how close we look.”
“Have you ever been in a relationship before?”
“No, nothing you could say is romantic, it seems nice though.” Boulder smiles sweetly.
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octoberobserver · 9 months
Those Days In Between - Sneak Peek 3
Continued from the Reddie-fucked-during-the-27-years-and-forgot-then-remembered snippet from here & here
“So we…lost our virginity to each other then?”
“Seems like it, Eduardo.”
“Yeah. Huh.”
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
“That sorta…changes things.”
Richie caught his eye.
“It does?”
“...Doesn’t it?”
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
The clock seemed to be getting louder somehow.
“You want a drink?”
Richie shrugged, breaking eye contact and gesturing to the half-empty bottle of bourbon on his coffee table. A ‘gift’ from Steve that read a lot like a bribe for him to go on James Cordon and explain his shock exit on stage and subsequent absence from the public eye.
There was not enough bourbon or top-shelf whiskey in the world to make him go anywhere near that vapid asshole.
But it was cute of Steve to think one bottle of 12-year-old Van Winkle would do it.
“I uh…I remember us drinking straight bourbon once or twice over the years,” he murmured as he crossed the room to get some of the fancy glasses out of the pristine, mostly empty liquor cabinet.
'Bout the only straight thing we did do.
“And I don’t know about you, Eds,” he coughed lightly, his face on fire, “but I feel like I need a drink for this conversation.”
Eddie merely hummed his response. Richie could feel his eyes trailing from one side of the room to the other and fought the shake it brought to his hands.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were in New York, Rich?”
“Bev told me you’ve been in New York for the last three weeks. That you had coffee with her when she was in town last Wednesday.”
“Uh, yeah.”
“I live here, and you didn’t say a word. Why?”
“I dunno, man! Maybe it’s ‘cause I was worried that you’d burst in unannounced and say, ‘hey, we fucked like rabbits then forgot multiple times,’ and I’d have to deal with that Twilight Zone bullshit?”
Eddie’s face was pinched.
“Is that why you’ve been avoiding me since Derry?”
“I haven’t been avoid—”
“I called you four times over the last three months, and they went to voicemail every time.”
“Who calls these days, dude? I text you back—”
“You sent me some stupid Spongebob meme. That does not constitute ‘texting back.’”
“I knew it,” Eddie shook his head, hands karate-chopping through the air. “It’s weird. You're weird. <i>We’re </i>weird. We’re not gonna be able to get past this, are we?”
Richie felt himself deflate, his entire body crumpling in on itself as a rush of images, rife with those days in between…those days in the twenty-plus years where they were forced apart by an evil, supernatural entity yet still managed to find one another. Someway, somehow.
He let out a long, deep breath and spoke to his glass.
“We don’t need to get past it, Eddie. It’s…it’s part of us, I think. Part of our history. And yeah, it’s a little weird that we forgot that we had sex a bunch’a times in the ‘90s and early ‘00s, but it’s not gonna break us, man. Not if we don’t let it.”
idk if people are still interested in this but I've been finishing up Helpin' Hand and it has just been sitting unfinished in my google docs so I'd thought I'd share more @fandoms-are-gonna-kill-me @gravitykeith @allaboutthedrama @4nemo1egend
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write143 · 1 year
✨Reading Master List (PART ONE)
Here's a masterlist of what I have read and/or am reading on AO3! Currently everything I'm reading is primarily SKZ fics (some have referenced TxT or ATEEZ and it's cute) but I'm generally just reading to read and learn what people are writing/passionate about. It's honestly enlightening, in a good way (most times). Reviews are below the cut. ♥
You can find change notes in the QRTs, where I list if anything was added, removed, edited, etc.
Also apparently this post got SO LARGE that I now have to break it up into pieces...will likely make a Google Doc of the Other Finished Fics section.
Number of fics I've finished reading: 114
my ao3: think143 🔖 - unfinished work 📗 - completed work 📖 - currently reading/tracking
My Favorite (Finished) Fics
(In order of completion, not best/worst or anything like that)
hands-on learning 💖 (E) 25.2k Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Porn with Feelings, Friends to Lovers My Notes: I thought I would have more to say about this one but it's just really really good. A nice quick nighttime read before bed. There's just something about the ones with "feelings revelation" that make me sooooo happy. And yes, all of the smut is *chef's kiss*.
MFA (Most Fuckable Ass) 💖 (E) 53.2k Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: Teacher-Student Relationship, Professor Lee Minho, Student Han Jisung, Slow Burn, Daddy Kink My Notes: I burned through this fic in an evening and I am fanning myself like a Southern woman in the heat of summer on her front porch. So incredibly well-written, and I've found a fic author that I'll be following closely for a long time.
don't leave me tongue-tied 💖 (E) 57.5k Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Friends to Lovers, Friends With Benefits, Porn with Feelings, Light Angst, Denial of Feelings, Emotional Slow Burn, Misunderstandings, Fluff My Notes: This was honestly really endearing to read and see actual feelings come to light. Author commented to say that it's based on a manga called "My Quiet Best Friend's Just Tongue-Tied", but without the dub-con elements. Well-written and reads easily; comical when it needs to be!
Haebang 💖 (E) 193.6k Relationship(s): Stray Kids Ensemble/Stray Kids Ensemble Notable Tags: Fluff, Smut, Porn With Plot, Sex Work, Dom/sub Undertones, Daddy Kink, Explicit Consent, Subspace, Porn with Feelings, BDSM, Polyamory, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Possessive Behavior, Feelings Realization, Safewords My Notes: Okay, hear me out; there is a LOT going on in this fic. A lot. The point of the Haebang retreat is that each member specializes in helping you find liberation with one aspect of sex; be it intimacy, dom/sub, etc, and each chapter follows each member at the start before things start to get a bit more involved. However, any time I try to word why I like this fic so much, I simply cannot. Also Seungmin is a nerd and we love him for it.
instinct 💖 (E) 53.4k Relationship(s): Bang Chan/Reader Notable Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Alternate Universe - College/University, Light Dom/sub My Notes:This was the first ABO fic I read and it makes every other one I've read after it pale in comparison. I love how the author describes what's going on in the reader's head without over-explaining or spoon feeding it to us. The relationship between Reader and Chan, plus all of the other housemates, is so so so good.
come on home 💖 (E) 206.7k Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: Angst, Smut, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Violence, Strippers & Strip Clubs, Denial of Feelings, Referenced Homophobia, Domestic Violence, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Feelings Realization, POV Alternating, Gangs, Guns, Shitty Exes My Notes: The guns are there for a split second, but this fic is very centered on a incredibly difficult to read domestic abuse situation, and the liberation from said relationship. There's also the orientation realization of another character, but that instills a lot of angst and fear of loss while reading. However, the fic is still incredible, a powerful read, and definitely on the recommended list.
Wannabe Poet 💖 (E) 134.2k Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: Bad Poems, Bullied Han Jisung, Friends with Benefits, Loss of Virginity, Exhibitionism, Smut, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Sexual Assault. My Notes: I'm all about found family and I feel like this fic really hit the nail on the head for it. I loved the concept of this fic from the beginning. Han texts a bad poem to a random number and makes a friend in Minho. Most of this fic seems centered on Han becoming comfortable with his true self and what he wants, not what his family wants for him. I really love the love that he finds not only in Minho, but in everyone around him. ♥
Five Stars 💔 but 💖 (E) 420.7k Relationship(s): Hwang Hyunjin/Yang Jeongin, Han Jisung/Lee Minho, Lee Felix/Seo Changbin, Bang Chan/Lee Minho Notable Tags: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT, Cannibalism, Dismemberment, Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Some Fluff, Explicit Sexual Content, Animal Abuse, Animal Death, Grooming, Murder, Mutual Pining, Minor Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Implied/Referenced Suicide My Notes: I have to stress so so so so much that the writing on this fic is one of the best I've ever read. HOWEVER, it's also one of the most fucked up pieces of fiction I've ever read. Mental health issues are at the center of this bloody, sexy, kinky fic. It would truly be a horror movie if it were put onto screen. Please please please make sure to read ALL OF THE TAGS on this fic before deciding whether to read it or not. I had to take frequent breaks but it was difficult to make myself look away because I wanted to know what the hell was going on. I have never screamed so much at a fic before in my life. I cried at least six times and four of those were in the last 50k words.
Heart Song 💖 (E) 63.1k Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho, Bang Chan/Lee Felix, Hwang Hyunjin/Seo Changbin, Kim Seungmin/Yang Jeongin Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Alternate Universe - College/University, Angst with a Happy Ending, Physical Disability My Notes: I just...I cried so much during this fic. In this universe, soulmates are identified by a dream that people have on the night of their 16th birthday. They dream about a significant memory from their soulmate's life, and when they awaken, their soulmate's first impression appears on their body written in their handwriting. The only problem is that...Han Jisung is blind, so he has never seen anything. Lee Minho leads his whole life thinking that he doesn't have a soulmate, because he saw nothing in his dream. I LOVE the author's storytelling style, the way they use angst in believable ways, and the way that they bring the characters together.
Speak With Your Eyes 💖 (E) 164k Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Space, Hybrids, Androids, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Space Corps, Miscommunication, Slow Burn, ONLY ONE BED, Found Family, Smut My Notes: A ROMANCE IN SPACE?! Lee Know is an android hybrid, and unfortunately this universe has a lot of not very nice things that are in place regarding people who are not fully human. Lee Know saves Han's life, then Han saves Lee Know's life, then Lee Know saves Han's life again...you get the picture. It's incredibly well-written, a lovely drop into a different setting than I'm used to, and devourable in a day. Will be following this author for a while!
so sweet like chocolate 💖 (T) 71.7k Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Fluff My Notes: I cannot stop gushing about this fic. The mutual pining is written incredibly addictingly and just aaaagh! Lee Know is a librarian, Jisung is a student who has never visited the library before, Jisung may have accidently thrown a pencil at Lee Know...it all becomes very fluffy at just the right pace. I read this so quickly and when it was over, and the author's note popped up saying "and that's the end!" I had to check the % progress on my kindle. I would devour any further stories written about this story, but I am also okay with how it ended, and imagining what happens next.
The Curse of Saturdays (T) Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
opposites attract (E) Relationship(s): Bang Chan/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
chances taken (E) Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
Let Your Love Walk In (E) Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
LMCat_98 has joined the chat (E) Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
i need you now, but i don't know you yet (M) Relationship(s): SKZ Ensemble/SKZ Ensemble Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
he ain't heavy, he's ours (M) Relationship(s): Han Jisung/SKZ Ensemble Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
A Beautiful Mess (E) Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
strawberry chapstick (E) Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
Promises to keep, we won't ever need Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
Loves Me, Loves Me Not Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
After Lust Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
abode of the saints Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Hwang Hyunjin Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
why did we ever meet Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho, Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Minho, Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Felix Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
Lonely Street Relationship(s): Lee Felix/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
break in case of emergency Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
Finger Lickin' Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
Poles Apart Relationship(s): Bang Chan/Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix/Seo Changbin, Han Jisung/Lee Minho, Han Jisung/Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Felix Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
boys, biology, and other inconveniences Relationship(s): Lee Minho/Yang Jeongin Notable Tags: TBA My Notes: TBA
To Be Read/Reading List
Charmer 📖🔖 (E) Relationship(s): Stray Kids Ensemble/Reader
Quaver and Storm 📖🔖 (E) Notable Tags: SKZ Member/Reader, Dom/Sub, Fluff, Smut, Polyamory, Non-con elements
Leap of Faith 📖🔖 (M) Relationship(s): Stray Kids Ensemble/Reader
Kerosene 📖🔖 (E) Relationship(s): Bang Chan/Reader
The Stray Kids Gang 📖🔖 (E) Relationship(s): Stray Kids Ensemble/Stray Kids Ensemble
In Too Deep 📖🔖 (M) Relationship(s): SKZ Member/Reader
We'll Be Alright 📖🔖 (E) Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Minho
Connected 📖🔖 (E) Relationship(s): Stray Kids Ensemble/Original Female Character
I like the view right now 📖🔖(E) Relationship(s): Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Felix
The Force that Drives the Flower 📖🔖 (E) Relationship(s): Lee Felix/Lee Minho
Animals Without Direction 📖🔖 (E) Relationship(s): Stray Kids Ensemble/Reader
Everything you Crave 📖🔖 (E) Relationship(s): Stray Kids Ensemble/Reader
A Crack in the Glass 📖🔖(E) Relationship(s): Stray Kids Ensemble/Reader
Sin 📗 (E) Relationship(s): Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Felix
Boyfriend for Hire 📗 (M) Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho
Waiting For Us 📗 (M) Relationship(s): Bang Chan/Yang Jeongin, Han Jisung/Lee Minho, OC/Hwang Hyunjin, OC/Lee Felix
You Are My Safe Space. 📗 (NR) Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Reader
Ocean Sounds 📗 (E) Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho
I Kiss Boys 📗 (E) Relationship(s): Various ATEEZ/ATEEZ and SKZ/SKZ pairings
The Pink Rose's Promise 📗 (E) Relationship(s): Bang Chan/Lee Felix
Stalking Tiger 📗 (M) Relationship(s): Lee Minho/Yang Jeongin
Wandering Eyes, And Spreading Thighs 📗 (E) Relationship(s): Han Jisung/Lee Minho
Other Fics I've Finished Reading
Due to Tumblr being a general jerk about post size, this is now in a google doc. You can view the list by clicking here. Sorry, I wish I could make this work better!! :(
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aliypop · 1 year
Double Trouble
Tumblr media
Word Count: 1,742
Writers Note: This was a request from @rjmartin11 Who wanted to know more about Elaine and Jesse, the Presley twins I mentioned in Let Yourself Go,
Warning: mostly fluff
Pairing: OC x Elvis
Plot: With Elvis back from the war and finishing up filming GI Blues, Cecelia starts to notice she's having funny cravings.
California June 1960
"I'm telling you, Midge. Something's wrong with me..." Cecelia said while Midge was helping her get dressed, 
"What's wrong, Cil..." Midge asked as Cecelia took a deep breath. Maybe it was stress from filming her own movie, Cecelia sighed. As she looked at her feet, they had been swelling lately and aching like crazy. 
"Well, for starters, I've been sick lately... " Cecelia sighed,
"How sick?"
 "Like last night, Elvis and I stayed in, and I made this great big dinner and..."
"And then what?"
"Well, it came back up. I just haven't kept anything down lately, and I've been having bad headaches." Cecelia groaned, "I've been real sleepy!" she yawned, "A bit snappy too." she then began to pout, "And did I mention it was a steak dinner... A great one, too..."
"Cece. that sounds like you're pregnant..." Midge laughed as Cecelia blushed. She'd never think she was pregnant. It wasn't a thought that crossed her mind. 
"Me pregnant ?"
"It's not unlikely, after all, you and E have been going at it like Lovebugs in Florida."
"And I haven't had a period in a month..." Cecelia thought, 
"I'll call a doctor to come and check it-"
"If I'm pregnant, is it too soon in our careers? Can we afford a baby? Wait, we can afford it-"
"Out..." she sighed, "Calm down, Cecelia, for all you know, it could be a stomach bug." she shrugged.
"I can guarantee it's not a stomach bug..." The doctor said, gently pressing on her stomach. Cecelia looked up to know what it was then, 
"Then what is it..."
"A baby, Ms. Valmos," the doctor said, "So if I were you, I'd lay off any fatty foods and uh... milkshakes." he smiled, "Unless you crave them..." he shrugged. Cecelia nodded as she tried to figure out how Cecelia would even tell Elvis she was pregnant. Would it be through a song, shouting it out, or maybe asking about kids? Course, they'd talked about kids before he'd gone off to Germany and before their secret wedding, but of course, things could change, and maybe he wouldn't want kids anymore or worse, he wouldn't want her anymore, but those were just thoughts. 
"My advice to you is to tell your lover. You don't want to raise this baby alone," he commented as Cecelia gulped, 
"Thank you, doc." Midge sighed, watching him leave. He could see it in her eyes. She was worried. And overthinking, 
"What if El-"
"Cil... Elvis wouldn't leave you for being with child, especially 'cause it's his." Midge smiled, "If anything, you'll tell him, and he'll say." she cleared her throat, trying her best impression of Elvis, "Well, it seems my mama's gonna be an actual mama, ain't that right honey," Cecelia laughed as she stood up,
"No, he'd say it like this. Mmm, my favorite little mama's gonna be a mama, and a cute one at that," she winked as Midge chuckled, 
"Oh god, you even got his smolder down!" Midge had tears in her eyes,
"He is my husband." she laughed, 
"Do another thing!" Midge asked as Cecelia tried dancing like him, the two of them falling over in laughter,
"Cece darlin... " Elvis saw the two as she looked up from off the floor,
"Hey, sugarpie!" her smile and laughter were music to his ears, 
"I got some news for ya." the two said in unison,
"And that's my que to leave." Midge laughed,
"Later Midge." Cecelia smiled, "So what's the news, dear?" her attention back on Elvis. 
"Well... We finish wrapping up soon, which means you and I can finish what we started back in Memphis..." he kissed Cecelia's neck, hearing her breath hitch, 
"What would that all include sugar..." 
"Whatever you want it to be, I know we've been busy since I returned, and I don't think I've given my wife much attention lately,"
"Oh, I beg to differ..." Cecelia mumbled.
"What was that?"
"I'd just love not to beg you to dinner," she said as Elvis glanced at her.
"Honey, what's going on?"
"Nothing..." Her eyes shifted to the left. He now had his hands on his hips, looking down at her. She forgot how piercing those blue eyes could be sometimes.
"El..." she said,
"The truth, little darlin..." 
"You sure? What if I tell you this truth, and it changes how you see me or love me?"
"What did you do? Pull a prank or something?" 
"No, El..." she took a deep breath,
"Baby, you know you can tell me anything-"
"Well... you're gonna be a papa..." she mumbled
"You're gonna be a daddy."
Elvis was in shock, and Cecelia was standing there hurt, not knowing his thoughts, until he scooped her in his arms and spun her around, 
"Baby, this is the happiest day of my life."
"I thought our wedding was?" she joked,
"Second happiest." he laughed, peppering her face with kisses, "How long have you known?"
"Just today."
"That explains the strawberry and pickle milkshakes."
"What can I say? The kid already eats like you." Cecelia joked as Elvis peppered her face with kisses
February 1961
"Baby, don't worry, I got it." Cecelia smiled as Elvis had a worried look on his face. Cecelia was due any day now, but she wanted her independence too. Trying to reach for her guitar to compose yet another song was even a struggle with her pregnant belly in the way. 
"Cece honey... Let me at least help with something." Elvis asked as she glanced at him. Elvis was attentive and connected to her to the point he even started picking up on her cravings. 
"El... I..." she tried to reach over her stomach,
"What would you do without me here, mama..." picking up her guitar, as he kissed her forehead, 
"Well, daddy-o, probably not much," she laughed, patting the side of her stomach, 
"Elaine's kicking again?" he asked,
"No, that would be baby number two."
"T-T-Twins..." Elvis had a bittersweet look on his face,
"Mhmm... hey hey hey, what's wrong?" 
"You stuttered... " she looked at him as she held his hand, 
"Baby, I-I-I'm fine."
"You did it again... somethin's eatin at'cha, isn't it," Cecelia asked. Damn her for knowing her husband too well. 
"I guess you could say somethin is, but..."
"Elvis Aaron Presley, take a deep breath and look at me," she said as he did so, getting lost in her eyes. They seemed to ground him most when he needed to land from any storm. 
"It's just...Well, you know I told you about how my mama lost my twin brother at birth and..."
"You're afraid it could happen to us." 
"Yeah." he sighed, "It's stupid. But..." 
"Ah, ah, it's not stupid. I get it. I do."  
"You do..."
"See, There were supposed to be more Valmos children than just me, but my mother had two miscarriages. Well, she had an abortion a year later after having me." she nodded, 
"No..No.. It's for the better. One of me was enough." she laughed a little, 
"I don't want anything to happen to our babies..."
"I don't either, El..." she felt a sharp pain. 
"I mean besides. What if we have two precious princesses," 
 "Or the others, a baby boy, and he's a handsome devil or-"
"ELVIS!" She squeezed his hand hard,
"Cecelia, you're not pullin another prank, are ya..." he then looked at her face,
 "Oh shit... This, Th-Thi-This is real..."
"You can stay by the door if you'd like, Mr. Presley..." one of the midwives said,
"I think I'll stay by her side." 
"The whole time?"Elvis gave the woman a nod as he went in. The babies were closer to arriving, and laying there in the bed with sweat on her face was Cecelia, who still looked like a heaven-sent angel,
 "El..." her voice was soft and a bit tired, 
"Cece..." he kissed her hand, 
"We could put her under Twilight sleep..." The doctor said as Elvis looked at him confused,
"The hell is that..." Cecelia asked as she held his hand,
"Well, we'd sedate you, but you'll have no memory of any of this." 
"Does it include a needle..."
"Well, yes..."
"With all respect fuck that..." Cecelia growled, they already poked and pried her enough, and soon after everything was set and ready, the real fun began to start. 
"Just Keep pushing, Ms. Valmos!"
                "Just push!"
 "One more!" 
             "Come on, you can do it!"
      "Oh! It's a healthy baby boy!"
 In Cecelia's arms were a healthy baby girl and a boy. Elvis was trying not to still have the face of someone who just witnessed the most disturbingly beautiful thing he'd ever seen, but here he was by his wife's side. 
"Elvis, they're precious..." she said. Out of breath and tired, he kissed her forehead. 
"Have you seen who gave birth to 'em both..." 
"No, I haven't." She joked,
"A pure Angel." 
"Have you figured out a name?" one of the nurses asked them both as Cecelia nodded,
"Elaine Marie Love Presley, And Jesse Veron Presley." Cecelia smiled, she could see the tears in his eyes at the names of each as she kissed his hand. 
"You two shouldn't cry so much when your mama's sleepin..." Elvis said it had been a week since the twins were born, and Elvis was rocking Jesse and Elaine back to sleep. Elaine was a spitting image of her mother, with her copper skin, and her hazel eyes, but she had streaks of blonde in her hair. Oh how he knew she'd be a firecracker and his best friend, but then there was Jesse, his twin with his light blue eyes and black hair like Gladys. 
"You know... I may not be the best daddy to ya... cause well uh... I- I ain't never been a daddy before, but I can promise you, I'll love you both." he kissed their foreheads, "But your mama... Well, she's gonna spoil you both to death I just know it." he laughed,
"Is that so, Mr. Presley..." Cecelia asked as he turned to face her. The night sky always did reflect so beautifully on her,
"It is, you know why?"
"Cause all mothers do." he smiled, watching as she gave him a kiss on the cheek, taking Jesse from out his arms and rocking him slowly as she hummed love me tender, they both couldn't wait for what the future would bring.
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knotwerk · 4 months
holy shit i fucking love editing. (remind me i said that in two weeks.) 
i’m working on the proper hydration series finale aka PH6. i finished writing the first draft on 4/6/24, clocking in at 85k words. and then i sat on it for a few days before rereading it, did an extremely cursory once-over edit, and sent it off to my first reader & og beta @demolitionwoman-blog (CHEERS!!!). she started working on the beta, and by the time she hit chapter 3, she made the observation that the next step in the editing process for this might not be a typical beta read, but a structure/development read, and maybe a reverse outline would be a good next step. 
and i was like, i have never heard of a reverse outline. like, i have never heard of most things, really; i just started writing fiction in fucking august 2022 and am having a FUCKING BALL learning by doing. so i googled reverse outline, read the top three hits lol, and was like OH FUCK YES. 
because i do not Outline-outline when i write. all respect to those who do!!!!!, but i just Can Not. i have tried, and i get both daunted and bored, and that combo is like fucking kryptonite to my brain. for a longer piece (or a piece that doesn’t just burst out of my fingertips in response to a gifset or bts drop or tweet or gc comment 😅), i do make a sort of vibes outline. like, i open a fresh doc and splort down all the themey ideas i’m able to put words to at that point, and i make notes on whatever beats have already formed in my head, but it’s loose and sketchy at best. and then i write and see what happens as the story unfolds, and i go back to that notes doc to sort of talk to myself about it, to update the vibe outline as i get further in my draft, etc. 
but PH6 is the longest & most complex thing i’ve written yet, so by the time i got to the end of the first draft—by the time i’d put the whole story into words—i was like, oh my god, what is this. like, has this done the thing i wanted to do, per my vibe outline, and also, what did it actually do, and is it legible (whatever that means; like far be it from me to tell the reader what they should get out of something, but, generally speaking, is it cohesive.). now that i have told the story, like… what the fuck is the story about please, and does it "work." 
so i “finished” my reverse outline yesterday and omfg it’s helping so much and it’s SO EXCITING!!!! LIKE, THIS IS HELPING ME WRAP MY MIND AROUND THE THING I DID, SO I AM BETTER ABLE TO SEE WHAT I AM TRYING TO DO!!!! AND I CAN WORK WITH THAT!!!!!
it’s like i had a bunch of kittens scrambling around in my brain and while i was writing i was like 'oh i love these kittens so much, and i really hope this story herds these kittens effectively so they slow down just enough that people can really see their cute little faces (including me, i am people)' and then i finished the first draft and was like 'ahhh did the story herd the kittens??? i can't tell, they're still moving too fast in my brain' and then the reverse outline showed up and was like I COME BEARING TUNA AND FIFTEEN CARDBOARD BOXES and now i can see the kittens better. 
and then! i slept on it last night, and this morning my brain was like, “oh, here, why don’t i just efficiently articulate the vibes and arrange them in a tidy visual diagram that reveals how they all flow through the story for you?” WHEE!!
and then i got so excited that i had to put it down and write all this instead of working on it further 
(this, which could probably use its own reverse outline lmao)
like, i’m reading Mary Ruefle’s Madness, Rack, and Honey, which is a book of collected lectures that i cannot stop screaming about and that slaps so hard i keep having to throw it across the room, and just the other day i read, in the chapter “On Secrets,” 
I used to think I wrote because there was something I wanted to say. Then I thought, “I will continue to write because I have not yet said what I wanted to say”; but I know now I continue to write because I have not yet heard what I have been listening to.
and i think the reverse outline is helping me hear it a little better, and that is fucking exciting.
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vanillaheartzxx · 11 months
(very very long post! i tried to section everything incase there is only certain things you care about hearing my opinion on.♡︎) and i did put the name of the video(s) i was mainly talking about at the top, but i’m talking about other videos as well, so please be aware of that! and apologies for any grammar mistakes, i tried to read through it, but i like to have inspiration af late hours of the night where i can barely type 🙂 (i also won’t be talking about project meridian just because i haven’t even caught up to the most recent video, nor vega because i don’t feel like rewatching atm!)
1. hush
2. avior
3. brachium
4. solaire clan
1. HUSH⇩
•You Save A Mysterious Stranger’s Life
•There’s A Stranger In Your Apartment
•Getting To Know Your Mysterious Stranger
okay i absolutely adore the voice erik has been using for hush like it’s super like ‘plain’(?) but it’s like perfect for his character. it’s not crazy deep, high, monotone or anything like that. (it’s sweet!)
when his first video came out i wrote some things about it, and here’s what i said (with a couple of edits LOL)
(intial thoughts!)
hush is very, VERY intriguing. but most importantly,
(i was feral??)
anyways my hush first episode deep analysis 🤗 (bullshit)
now for hush, i feel like we’ll guess everything under the sun, from that he’s a sovereign, he’s a shade, he’s a demon shade hybrid whatever, and then come to find out he’s actually david’s left asshole hair but i do have some small theories of my own
i feel like he is genuinely a part of the meridian. like a chunk of it. i don’t know what he looks like, (probably a human like body, obviously, or the listener wouldn’t have tried to help). the only reason i say this is because when he was giving the ‘complicated’ answer of what he was, i couldn’t even begin to tell you what the fuck the visuals might have been. (if there were any) i don’t know what the meridian looks like, but maybe that’s what it sounds like? also he has no core.
i would like to mention when the video might have taken place. we have no clue is what i wanted to point out. this could be before the inversion, the day after, the next decade after, the decade before, hundreds of years before, etc. it has become a bit troublesome in that department as erik likes to drop random time and date drops in his story push videos. (ex; avior and elliot, which is very convient i might add)
i’m scared of hush’s intentions like he tied us up after we saved him and i hate when i like evil kind of guys 😭
i didn’t finish writing everything i was thinking, but with the most recent videos this is what i have to add on.
hush literally told us straight up ‘i can understand why they think (the articulates, chorus) they have to (send articulates to kill him). oh that’s easy. because they think i’m going to free their god from the prison they’re in. well they think that because that’s *exactly what i’m going to do.*’
UHM OKAY?? huge bomb dropped on us. BUT that solidified to me he was a chunk of meridian. no core, not exactly human, not a demon. (okay thats probably wrong but what the fuck else 😭)
and besides that all i have else to say is for the timing thing, i still have no idea, i want to think it’s after inversion but i’m not sure. (if you have any theories on the timing please let me know what you think!)
but besides all that i think he’s sweet and its cute he’s trying to learn stuff for doc especially cooking 😭💓
•Facing a Disaster With Your Demon Lover
there was definitely a lot happening in one episode. (also i watched it when it was released so my memory of every detail is bit iffy, spare me 🙏) it was like heartbreak all over again, hearing lasko stressed out and all the people screaming and yelling definitely wasn’t pleasant, but it was interesting seeing what else happened on the outside besides what we already know.
also, the inversion has been almost two years ago now. so i really wonder how starlight and avior are doing in present time. i would say ‘hopefully peaceful’ but present time isn’t even peaceful 🙃
honestly its been a while since i’ve watched all avior lore, and i think when the next lore(?) video of him comes out i’ll theorize a bit more, this post is definitely long but i don’t want it to be too extensive. (bullshit)
•What Lies Below
my heart broke when he agreed to that ‘deal’ just to find out why blake’s lover would die and HE DIDNT KNOW WHAT HE WAS AGREEING TO. AND THEN TO FIND PUT HE HAS TO HELP THEM?? WHY
now he has to do whatever they say to help?? why 😭
and why do the sovereigns need to use blake and bestie(?) i only ask because is hush not going to free them? well to be fair we have no idea when this thing with hush is even taking place, or when bestie is set to die, or what blake is even going to do when he ‘breaks’ to free them.
and what if his will is strong enough and he doesn’t break? or his listener doesn’t die? 🤗 (wishful thinking guys!)
but actually going back to the audio whoever brachium was talking to DID say,
‘He is a tool. One that has to be broken so that it can be refashioned to a new purpose.’
KEY WORD: REFASHIONED. maybe hush is a chunk of meridian, but with blake’s body..? but he has not core. OKAY IDFK BUT he must be related to hush somehow i just don’t know how. i’ll think on it more. but blake is only a seer so i really don’t know what he could do with his current power, but who knows really.
also the entity (that’s just what i’m calling him idk) brachium was talking to said (in response to: ‘Accept a deal that I have no details of?’) ‘You’ve done it before. The blind choice to become a deathwalker.’ that has me so very curious on what the process of becoming a death walker was like. (okay it probably was explained sort of somewhere, but i don’t remember.) the entity also said ‘You say it was in service of lives.’ whose lives? i have no idea! wow great! 😀
but actually i have no ideas so hopefully everything will be explained eventually 😭
•Supporting Your Vampire Prince Lover
•Drawn In By An Alluring Vampire
•The Vampire Boys Have It Out
•The Monarchal Summit
i’ll start with first vincent’s video regarding the summit. WILL IS ACTING FISHY AS FUCK?? he’s hosting the monarchal summit, but he’s just NOT GOING TO BE THERE?? and is leaving everything to vincent?!? how does that even equate?? and then his fishy attitude towards ALEXIS?? that just seems sketch. (i want to get into william more, but talk about porter rq, ig.)
porter solaire. HES BRITISH.(🎊🎉) he’s quite charming, (when he wants to be,) but i can see where vincent and porter’s disagreement came from, but it was semi-resolved (they still have a bit of conflict) so i’m not going to go into and i’m just gonna dissect the summit!
okay the beginning made me so freaking happy to see the boys hanging out with each other!! and especially the friendly banter 😭💓
and idk if michaela (william’s secretary!) with have anything to do with the story but it’s cool when characters have names even if you don’t know them 👍
anyways into the more not so heartwarming parts, alexis solaire.! SHE HAS THE PERFECT PERSON TO VOICE HER. that is EXACTLY how i’d imagined she’d sound. and honestly how’d she act as well. i didn’t think she’d be nice to darlin, but i was definitely thinking more of a nasty glare, growl, show of teeth or something and not full on banter, and insults, but i guess that’s just how she acts.
WHERE IS WILLIAM SOLAIRE?? WHERE. like there is no way he just was like, ‘yes vincent, take of the entire planning of the summit, that i’m supposed to be hosting. 😊 and also, i’m not even going to tell you why! and the day of i’m not even going to talk to you! let alone on the phone! 🥰’ LIKE?? AND THEN SOMEONE DIES?? (we’ll get to that.) SERIOUSLY?!
and then ‘House of Baz(?) (truly not sure how it’s spelled) starts saying ‘Make sure Quinn burns.’ ‘It’s not only your pack who wants him dead.’ ‘Quinn has friends and you can’t count on William to keep them at bay.’ (not quotes btw just a summary!) EXCUSE ME??? 😭 WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? DROPPING BOMBSHELLS AND WILLIAM ISNT EVEN THERE TO SAY ANYTHING. AND NOT ONLY BUT HE HIS DISSING ALL OF THEM 💀 ‘Even the golden prince Vincent has spent most of his afterlife as a covert risking menace to the region.’ AND THATS A DIRECT QUOTE. HE IS FLAMING THEM 😭 and with each sentence i swear he is backhandedly insults William and he can’t even be there to defend his name LMAO
but, it does say a lot about him. (i guess if this guy is a semi-reliable source.) ‘William is a horrible judge of character.’ ‘He can throw a fabulous party but can’t surround himself with the right people.’ ’He shields and excuses Alexis and her misgivings.’ ’He apparently delights in trusting the wrong ones.’ HE IS VIOLATING HIM. VIOLATING. this is not me saying all that is not potentially true, but damn 😭 i mean he’s 500+, give him a break? but then again WHERE IS HE??? (lowkey concerned for his safety)
a small little thing with alexis and porter, then the main event.
alexis and sam still must have a small little understanding since she decided to leave darlin alone (as she said at least) but alexis full on said that darlin was dog and he didn’t say anything 😭 i mean i guess he wasn’t trying to argue further but i just took notice.
i was trying to theorize where porters info came from, and all i can think of is a seer. (boring way out ik) now if it was a seer he talked to before the event, (which is why he came back in the first place, possibly, maybe.) he knew they were going to have that conversation, and so he told sweetheart to spy, but then im not sure if he knew that death was going to to happen, but im not sure. or maybe he heard rumors, or overheard them saying they may had that conversation which makes more sense, but hopefully more will be revealed.
‘If we had waited for you to make decisions two years ago “King” then the entire Inversion would have been for nothings” EXCUSE ME??! okay, okay, i kinda don’t believe this. maybe they had some connection to it. and yes i skipped some so let’s talk about them funding closeknit.
okay so they are funding closeknit because they want to people to join, but the amount of people joining and staying are plummeting because the inversion was two years ago. i have a sneaking suspicion that the reason they were like ‘the inversion was for nothing’ was because closeknit had convinced them somehow that they were the cause, and it would draw people in, and then they’d(house of bennett) would have power. there isn’t a lot of context, but definitely eye openers.
the only thing we have right now to go on is that the sovereigns caused the inversion, (releasing the dead ig? idfk too much shit to keep track of) and i don’t know if they have the power, (or closeknit even) to cause the inversion.
also regarding the timing thing i said about hush earlier, i do believe his whole shabang is in present time because nothing is happening. everything inversion related, sovereigns related, whatever is happening is IN THE PAST. which means in present time blake’s listener could already be dead AND he could have already have ‘broke’ and has something to do with hush (possibly) to help free them.
i was trying to think if closeknit didn’t actually cause the inversion (what i think) but tried to convince the house of bennet to fund them, (if they weren’t already,) it would be showing them the shade. idk bro im grasping onto loose strings here 😭 but PLEASE let me know your theories (that might be the case that blake ‘broke’ in maybe 2022 and he was being kept for a while like the articulate who came to doc’s apartment said.)
(back to the summit♡︎)
okay so the obvious suspect is sweetheart right? king of bennett and prince(?) of bennett having a VERY interesting and PRIVATE conversation, sweetheart goes in to spy on said conversation, those two hear a sound, it wasn’t just a mouse, and then the king of bennett is dead. i think it’s easiest to assume murder. and what could have naturally killed him…? nothing. to my knowledge. 😊
MURDER ( only viable option..?)
first i want to quickly talk about porter and vincent’s interaction before i talk about how the king may have died. porter tried to start a fight with vincent which i assume was for one of two reasons. one, to make a distraction so people would pay attention to them and sweetheart had a chance to leave, OR because he had something to do with the murder and maybe a distraction was apart of the plan. i think the latter.
i don’t think alexis is the killer. ‘but she knew he was dead before anyone!’ what motive did she have? none that i know of, and neither did porter(well maybe he knew that conversation was happening could be one but whatever.)
BUT i guess sweetheart may have had a tiny ass motive as they might have been angry at what they heard, (after all milo went through) BUT i don’t think they would do that. and even if they got caught they would have to murder both of them for them not to get in trouble. now my tiny theory is that sweetheart DID get caught spying and maybe the prince thought the king sent someone to assassinate him and then yk but whatever (far fetched 😔) IDFK we don’t even know the cause of death. 😭 Alexis just said he’s dead, not ‘the king of Bennett was killed’ or some shit so we don’t even know. and as a vampire, how many causes of death could he really have? does garlic and wooden stakes apply?? can he get murdered in regular human fashion?? WAS HE EVEN MURDERED??
as you can tell this post has many questions and zero fucking answers. like could he have been poisoned?? what can vampires be killed by in the redacted universe?? i’m guessing the number one suspect is the person who was in the room with him ‘alone’, but i feel that’s too obvious. and i mean we don’t know the exact time jump from when the king was killed, from when porter was trying to instigate a reaction from vincent, from when alexis found the body, when sweetheart went to spy, etc. we don’t even know exactly where the body was found. 😭 so i’m not going to settle on any one person being ‘the killer’ for now until another video is released but i have a feeling it won’t be like an exact continuation of the summit and maybe like an aftermath type video. idk but we’ll wait and see i guess.
Random(er) Thoughts + Conclusion
(calm before the storm, great!) 💔
also credits to kilarthmac in the youtube comments!! i don’t know if you have a tumblr but your comments helped with this post immensely, (and many others,) thank you! 💓
im also interested in when the wedding might be!! i know the timing is usually around a year of engagement before marriage so maybe in early spring 2024!! just a thought! (super exciting)
anyways i hope maybe my thoughts and opinions could help you with any of your theories or anything, maybe expand them or something idk. if you read the entire thing thank you for doing so! i hope it was somewhat enjoyable 👍 (and my apologies for it being so long ♡︎) i’m excited to see what comes next with everything, erik is very talented with his writing and acting so we’ll see what’s to come. if you have any comments about anything i said (adding on, reasons why things may or may not be true) PLEASE SHARE THEM WITH ME!! i would truly love to hear them! thank you!!
BYE BYE!! ♡︎
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