#and I really wanted to play around with poly QPRs
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limboneto · 18 hours ago
Now that all the relevant characters have been brought up I must scream from the rooftops--
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An excerpt from my notes app the other day
This started out as a silly fun "What if" because of Tomodachi Life. No seriously 😂😅
Eidal and Vena were supposed to get together in that game, but Eidal ended up with someone else and was madly in love with them so I decided "Ugh fine, then I guess... Vena and Mae" (cuz Kana wasn't added at the time) and bro... Vena and Mae being so cute and lovey with each other had me go "Haha wonder what that'd actually be like with the actual characters"
...... and I absolutely love it???? All four work really well in my mind??? I'm????
Eidal × Vena × Kana was already gonna be my goal, but adding Mae??? Further adds some angst, wholesomeness, fun shenanigans, and so much more I can't 😭👏🏻💕✨️💜
Eidal and Vena are the types to have things bottled up at the beginning of the story. Each for different reasons, but they're both quite reserved, though Vena even more than Eidal at first. Eidal starts falling for Vena first, but both get feelings for the other over time but just refuse to say anything until WAY later because they both believe there's no way the other feels the same (despite both having access to abilities that let's them see how someone is feeling)
They're absolute blushing dorks about it and Tilo watches the whole time like 😑 just wanting them to spit it out already because jeez it's awkward
Vena and Eidal are also incapable of sleeping (literally), so most nights are spent relaxing in each other's presence if they each haven't gotten stuck with either Mae or Kana falling asleep on them/their laps
Vena and Mae both bond over feeling immense guilt in the parts they've each played in the plot, and both help each other heal over time. Each starting out believing they don't deserve love or even friends but assuring each other that they absolutely do
They're very sweet and gentle with each other but still have fun joking around eventually
Kana and Mae are both mischievous shits together and Mae enjoys helping Kana with some of the crazier inventions but also the general ones. They're both the types to talk about techy stuff and a lot of it goes over Eidal and Vena's heads. Kana and Mae also ground each other really well
Eidal and Mae start off as mainly friends or queer platonic, but get a lot closer as time goes on and trust each other completely even before a relationship is established with them and the others. Even after finding out Mae's involvement with some big events/characters, Eidal doesn't care and knows she was forced into her role
I may or may not have a random scene in my head where Eidal is dying in Mae's arms but assures her nobody hates her for what she's done and says that they trust her no matter what lifetime they're in
Once Eidal let's loose later on and feels more comfortable being a bit more carefree and open they are just as chaotic as Kana and Mae some days. Vena loves them each dearly but it's that meme of the person struggling to hold the leashes of 2 other people but also add Mae now
Kana and Vena both bond over having shitty divine parents and what that was like growing up. Vena with a parent that leaned into the whole "I made you so you listen to me I'm all powerful no I'd never make a mistake ever you're just a bad kid" and Kana's parent being very overbearing and affectionate but also high energy and messed up and possibly telling Kana she may have to take them (the Gods) all out some day. No pressure. These two like to have long calm talks and often can go well into the night until Kana drifts off to sleep
Kana and Eidal having grown up together and Kana telling the others how messed up Eidal's family is and the others immediately being ready to throw down upon visiting. While Eidal is also a Godling, they've never met their divine parent but Kana assures them that's for the better and they are inclined to agree. These two mesh really well and bonded over childhood
Anyways thank you if you read this far! Kinda just dumping my thoughts here but I've been having so much fun thinking of this group!
Have a bonus doodle from almost midnight last night!
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watchingyoufromthestars · 11 months ago
Finally cleaned this up so here’s my DnDads ultimate ship opinions list. I was waiting until after s2 ended to clean this up in case I had any final opinion changes with the last few episodes. Please don’t bash me for any of these. The DnDads fandom is generally very nice but shipping discourse is something that can get heated no matter the fandom.
Henry Darryl: very neutral. I understand the ship I just never fully got on the boat
Henry Glenn: absolutely fucking feral about them do not get me started on Glennry
Darryl Glenn: feral in a different way that I don’t know how to describe other than toxic yaoi in the way that they’re damaged but refuse to talk about it so they kiss about it instead
Loveeeeeeee polydads but only as Henry/Glenn/Darryl. Not really a Ron shipper I love him and Samantha too much. Ron and Glenn’s friendship is very important to me though
In terms of Jodie, I don’t really ship him with any of the main dads, ESPECIALLY not Glenn. Even if Jimmy didn’t play Jodie I’d still never ship them. Wish Scamster was real and not completely a scam because they’re literally a crackship become real except it was never a crackship before canon. It’s surprising to me that they weren’t really shipped beforehand
Henry Mercedes: THE T4T OF ALL TIME BABEYYYYY. Absolutely iconic couple, fate was in their favor with how they met they were destined for each other
Darryl Carol: After hearing how Darryl talked about his family in Heaven, I was actually really happy they ended up not getting divorced. They clearly had a rough patch as seen in s1, but they genuinely love each other and I love how devoted to her Darryl is. The little finger puppet he made of her in the time out zone… :,)
Glenn Morgan: GLORGAN!!!!!!!!! Oh my god these two tear me apart. I am feral for Glorgan angst there’s too much to work with. More people need to start calling them Glorgan instead of Morglenn please please please please pretty please indulge me in my silly ship name
Ron Samantha: sobbing. They’re so sweet. The distinction that Samantha is also a little silly is very important to me. They love each other so fucking much
Nicky Sparrow: didn’t realize how much I love them for a good while but when I did oh god I love them so so much. T4T it’s so real to me that they’re both trans
Nicky Lark: used to like it but yall mischaracterize Nicky so much in fics. If yall want toxic yaoi just ship Grant and Lark I’m so serious
Nicky Terry: sobs. They were best friends. I don’t personally ship them but the fact that Terry said he was his best friend… that line rattles around in my brain so often
Nicky Grant: recently learned this might get shipped and has THE coolest ship name. Crossfire I love you but for the ship name alone
Sparrow Terry: I think I’ve seen this shipped a few times but only in the context of Terry/Nicky/Sparrow. Not my personal cup of tea though
Sparrow Grant: I don’t see this shipped too often but they have the worst ship name ever /aff. Wtf is a spant lol. Also I’m too much team transfem Sparrow to feel comfortable shipping this
Lark Terry: do not know the appeal of Gun Control but their ship name is fun
Lark Grant: toxic yaoi central. They both need intense therapy but them both being so fucked up is what makes them interesting not that that’s healthy though
Terry Grant: I see them more in a qpr place than anything romantic. I have one fic of them that’s bookmarked on Safari because I think about a part from it from time to time
Don’t have any poly ships for them
In terms of s2 spouses I so desperately wished we could’ve seen more of them. We barely get to see them
Nicky Cassandra: Telling Taylor his dad was a good man and that she misses him every day makes me think they parted on good terms. But then Nicky disappeared because of FBI shit. In another life maybe they could’ve worked.
Sparrow Rebecca: more ugly sobbing. I’m unsure on my sparroace thoughts if they’d end up getting divorced post-finale but I know they’re not fully separating or breaking up. They really are in love but it’s unconventional and messy.
Terry Veronica: I think the reveal that Terry is infertile is a nice touch to their relationship. It sounds weird to say and I feel like I might word this all weirdly. Him being unable to have bio kids but finding love in someone who wants to raise a kid with him anyways. Veronica finding new love again after a supposedly abusive relationship. Both of those combined is something I really love.
Grant Marco: Canon gays ftw. The Titanic episode was so generous in letting us get to see their dynamic. Obviously Grant still has a long way to go in finding self love but I’m so happy he found someone who can support him and loves him back like this.
Normal Scary: ugly sobbing over them I love them so much. Cradling my madomagi and tma aus with them as madohomu and jmart
Normal Taylor: yearning for the early s2 days like when they went to Sonic and made some devious plan off screen I wish they had more silly interactions together. Was truly fed with the kareoke intro and them bonding over costume making for a minute. Tayloak could be so interesting if there was more material to work with
Normal Link: Childhood BFFs to Lovers; I wish they could’ve hung out more as kids but all that happened
Normal Hermie: I get the hype but I have personal reasons for feeling neutral on them that I wish I could get over. Good soup though /ref
Scary Taylor: see them too much as a sibling dynamic to ever ship them
Scary Link: respect to all y’all shippers but I do not gothcleats and will leave it at that forever. I can only accept the finale with my transfem Link hc
Scary Hermie: I love Scene Partners. These stupid kids and reflecting each other /aff
Taylor Link: one that I can’t believe I didn’t ship sooner they’re so silly
Link Hermie: I think this one is very funny (/pos) but not my personal vibe
Love love LOVEEEEEEEE Marloakworthy AUGH. A giant triangle of everyone paralleling each other
Polywagon I love you; cannot believe you’re real and genuinely canon. This is just Homestuck again when Hussie said all ships are canon (DnDads never beating the Homestuck allegations from me)
Scary Erica: wish there were more interactions I love Erica so much but alas she’s a guest NPC. “You awaken a lightness in me” sapphic ass Scary I know what you are
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fountainpenguin · 2 years ago
So about the recent Origin chapter, are Anti-Bryndin and H.P. on good friend terms again? (Or more Flour King patented manipulation?)
High Count Anti-Bryndin has never manipulated anyone in his life!!
They're definitely working on it. The Origin chapters leading up to infamous Chapter 37 were intentionally written to paint Anti-Bryndin as a guy who seemed to be pulling a lot of strings. Everyone talks him up as being the guy who's buddy-buddy with the nature spirit of communication. They talk about his silver tongue... Talk about the rumors that no one is immune to Anti-Bryndin's charm and that he can seduce absolutely anyone.
Then H.P. meets him and considers him a goofball, a pen pal, and friend. He falls head over heels for the guy, but insists he's not being manipulated because his QPR with Anti-Bryndin "isn't romantic, so it doesn't count as being seduced." Love that for him.
As time passes, there are signs that Anti-Bryndin might be hiding things, and that splinters the relationship between them for a while... supposedly.
Personally I think their friendship splintering was on the Head Pixie being possessive, not on Anti-Bryndin. When you start looking into it, Anti-Bryndin was super upfront with H.P. about how he's, like. poly. Like, he literally cannot get any more obvious about how many people he is married to and/or dating and/or in a QPR with and/or seeing on the side. His relationships are extremely public knowledge.
Yet H.P. went into this thinking he could dominate all of A.B.'s time. That didn't work out for him... and then things kept snowballing, getting increasingly worse as he shifted towards a more desperate attempt to impress and/or flirt with A.B., to the point that he started disrespecting Anti-Fairy cultural beliefs in the zodiac and genuinely making Anti-Bryndin really upset with him. H.P. has such an immense fear of being forgotten that he sabotaged a QPR he was really happy in because he couldn't handle the stress of knowing A.B. snuggled with other people.
This isn't to say A.B. is completely innocent, because he was definitely setting up some manipulative tactics (like making a point to scry H.P.'s crystal ball / scry bowl when he knew H.P. was busy just to force H.P. to pay attention to him, dubious boundary crossing, playing with trading cards, slathering him with attention when he was around, nudging him to vote on certain political topics, etc.)
Like, yeah, Anti-Bryndin was absolutely manipulating him... I just also find it hilarious that H.P. panicked and backpedaled before A.B. really got to play that card. Everything that went downhill was definitely "H.P. in panic mode" and not "A.B. screwed things up and was revealed to be blatantly toxic" and that's funny to me. I mean, it's terrible because H.P. was definitely blind to that toxicity (which is why he's falling back into the friendship all over again), but the fact that there was an entire plan being laid that got wrecked because H.P. switched gears is great.
I talked more about "How much of their friendship was a lie on Anti-Bryndin's side?" in a previous Ask HERE if you're interested in reading more about what Anti-Bryndin was going for.
Anyway tl;dr - I like to think of "On the Notion of Cutting Ties" as Anti-Bryndin and H.P. coming together after the timeskip, looking back on who they used to be, and saying "Weren't we jerks?" They're both trying to come clean about their faults and start over.
idk, I had to split this chapter in half because the first draft focused only on the machine H.P. and A.B. are collaborating on and not on their relationship, so all the wordcount that came from that conversation was brand new to me. I really like how it came out. The genuine "I'm sorry I offended you with how I treated your culture, I want to try again" is nice and soft and I love that for them. The QPR may be over but we can still enjoy... they.
Let's not deny that A.B. forced H.P. past his comfort level with Fairy culture things (preening), but H.P. definitely came back and forced A.B. beyond his comfort level with Anti-Fairy cultural elements. It was good of them to talk about these things and I'm glad they did. They do consider each other friends, or at least they're trying to. H.P. will never fully repair his trust in Anti-Bryndin, but he's trying. He regrets how forceful he was and this is one of the things that will make him hover around the neutral middle zone instead of fully committing to being an ally of the Anti-Fairies.
Whether it looks manipulative or not is up to you... The war from "Balance of Flour" is on the horizon, tho, and Flour King will be doing his Flour King thing. Should be interesting.
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yak-leather-whips · 11 months ago
Yeah, 100% I get you! I’m also not interested in an idea of Riz in any kind of “monogamous” QPR. Like, I think of Riz as being in a sort of QPR with ALL of the bad kids. They’re his family, they’re his people, his party, his polycule if you will! I hang around a lot of poly people, and there’s a lot of joking about how in every polycule there’s one guy who isn’t dating anybody, he’s just kinda there, and in my little portion of my local polycule, that’s me! I’m that guy!
More than anything else about Riz, I identify so hard with that fear of always coming second, of being left behind, and being a perpetual third wheel. For me, discovering QPRs felt like a way for my friends, who I valued and loved more than anyone else, to acknowledge those feelings as being reciprocated, and to confirm that my love doesn’t mean less because I don’t want to make out with them or date them.
Having someone explain the idea of QPR to me for the first time felt like an acknowledgement that I can be someone’s priority, that I can be an important person in someone’s life without being in a romantic relationship with them. It makes me feel secure in my place in their life, and lets me off the hook of thinking I have to “prove myself” over and over to be worthy of their time and affection, which I see SO MUCH in Riz. Like, maybe Riz doesn’t want to be “partnered up,” but maybe he does want deep connections where he can feel secure about his place in these people’s lives, even as they do go find romantic relationships. Most of the people I’ve been in QPRs with are poly, so many of them were in romantic relationships. What QPR gave me was the feeling that I didn’t have to compete for their time and attention in a losing game. That we could be best friends without being ‘just friends.’
I like to ship Riz in QPRs because that feeling of security and reciprocity is really precious to me, as an aro person who gained so much from discovering that my love didn’t have to be seen as lesser, and I want to give him that. I think Riz can be unpartnered and also have multiple healthy QPRs with people who are also in their own separate romantic relationships WITHOUT feeling like he is constantly playing second fiddle.
As an arospec person who is currently in what i would describe as a queer platonic relationship with another aroace person, I feel kind torn up seeing posts that put shipping Riz in a QPR in the category of being just as invalidating as putting him in a romantic relationship. Cuz like, I get the frustration, I am also fuming at the amount of people willing to just go “Lol, fuck all that aromanticism shit, I wanna make my dolls kiss.” Like do what you want, but you don’t have to be a dick about it.
At the same time though…My aro-ness isn’t less aro because I’m in a queer platonic relationship, and my queer platonic relationship isn’t “basically just a romantic relationship with the serial numbers filed off.” Hearing other aro people kinda concede to the idea that it is has been…really disheartening.
Like, I’m also aromantic, and I see Riz as my representation too. Am I not allowed to ship him in a QPR, which is a real part of my own experience of aromanticism, because it makes other aro people feel uncomfortable?
Idk, not sure how I feel about this, but I do feel really icky with both ends of the spectrum right now
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jojo-mlm · 2 years ago
Idk you do multiple characters for QPR requests, but I'm gonna ask anyway; can you write a poly QPR with Jotaro, Kakyoin and male reader? And if it isnt too much to ask, can you also make reader AroAce? I've never requested to a blog so I'm a bit shy.
I do do poly stuff! As long as it's mlm that is! I hope you like it! It's cool I'm your first blog request! Sorry it took so long for me to get around to it...
ℙ𝕠𝕝𝕪 ℚℙℝ 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕁𝕠𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕠 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕂𝕒𝕜𝕪𝕠𝕚𝕟
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Vocabulary: QPR - A type of relationship that doesn't fit the conventional labels. An example of this might be people who are in a committed physical relationship, or go on dates without a romantic intent.
None of you particularly started the relationship as much as the three of you just phased into it from a particularly strong friendship.
Both Kakyoin and Jotaro are also aroace, although Jotaro is oriented towards men.
Jotaro doesn't like being touched very much by anyone, but you and Kakyoin are the only ones he allows to be physically close to. You're both allowed to do things like hold hands and cuddle up together, but it's a general understanding he only wants those things in private.
"EXCUSE ME, he asked for NO pickles!"
Kakyoin is actually a very big fan of dance, and he regularly takes you out to his favorite places to play DDR. He's very good at it, and even plays doubles with you if you want to.
They get visibly annoyed when other people assume things about your relationship, and have thrown out rude comments to people who have imposing questions about it.
Jotaro and Kakyoin are infamous for showing up where you are and inviting themselves to hang out. Your other friends have started to get used to it.
Kakyoin really enjoys physical touch like cuddling or hugging and frequently offers you a spot next to him so you can lean on each other.
You occasionally all sleep in the same bed together watching older movies, usually with Clint Eastwood.
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weirdo-with-a-nametag · 5 years ago
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Me. Just now, to spite you.
2. Are you outgoing or shy? I’m loud, and friendly, but terrified. Sometimes I go out of my way to socialize with a lot of people, and sometimes I try to be as unnoticeable as possible. It takes a lot out of me, but it seems necessary to be social.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My best friend, my sisters, my dad
4. Are you easy to get along with? I’ve been told I am by reputable sources
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I have a pact that my best friend and I are to get drunk together one of these days, and he’s nice so he would care, but knowing myself I’ll probably be the one taking care of him, or I’d just pass out on the floor and he’d go sleep
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? nah
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? nah
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? what opposite?
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? not really? I mean, wait, my approach to talking about sex is somewhat clinical. If other people talk about it in other ways, I can get really uncomfortable really fast. That’s part of what I mean by “sex-averse.” If someone’s talking about sex including me, I freak a little.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? mm, probably my dad. We talked things out a few days after I moved out, which was recent.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? it says, “Who?”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? I am So Bad at favorites. No, thank you, today.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Some people, if I know they’re going to, for sure.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Yeah. The world would be less interesting to me without luck.
15. What good thing happened this summer? I got an Infinity Cube (and proceeded to mess with it nonstop fr so long that I had to hide it for the next week until my hand stopped hurting), and I made several thousand dollars for my savings.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? The last person would be my little sister’s goodbye kiss. Absolutely, I love her.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Of course.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? who?
19. Do you like bubble baths? bubble baths are nice in concept. I always end up hurting my back by lying in bathtubs, though.
20. Do you like your neighbors? My neighbors hate my family. But me, personally... I’ve never been anything but nice to them, and I think we’re on okay terms. We don’t interact much.
21. What are you bad habits? I bite my nails, ignore my “eat food” alarms, stay up until after sunrise for NO REASON I cannot go to sleep, I get kinda snippy if my mom starts a conversation we’ve already had, use wrappers as coasters instead of throwing my trash away, and rarely stick with something long enough to make anything of it. I have a 95% assembled 3D printer sitting in my room. It’s been at that point for 8 months at least.
22. Where would you like to travel? Oh, yes, I want to learn languages and see the wildlife and touch the water and lay in snow outside of Oregon. Please.
23. Do you have trust issues? Doesn’t everyone? I recently figured out another level to mine, though. Fun!
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? putting on tea water and music while I do the dishes
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? Check the dysphoria for that one. But runner-ups: it’s really uncomfortable to feel my skin-on-skin when I bend my torso too far, fat rolls are a bad sensory experience for me. Amy oily or overly dry skin is distracting, and my ears always feel like they need to be popped.
26. What do you do when you wake up? During quarantine it’s been go back to sleep, eventually turn on some tv, wait for my housemate to get up .
28. Who are you most comfortable around? mm, my two closest friends, or my housemate.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Have one ex, who asked me something that smelled like it was leading toward “do you want to get back together?” recently. But I don’t think either of us regret breaking up, when we did. It was the right choice.
30. Do you ever want to get married? Eh, how are the tax benefits? I wouldn’t mind, but I have a hard time believing it’d be because we fell in love, and it’s also terribly restricting. I’d honestly rather have a household of 4, a big poly qpr specifically, so I’m not lonely and I can put my love somewhere, and we can support each other. That sounds great.
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? mhm
33. Spell your name with your chin. l,kianaz       --I did that twice and it’s identical
34. Do you play sports? What sports? Nah. If you count climbing, then yes, but not competitively. I played ultimate frizbee for a bit? And I like playing hockey. 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV. No question. Music is the  foundation of the machine that pulls me through my day-to-day. That sounds dramatic, but a more precise explanation would be annoyingly long. Someone gets it.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? mm, I “like” my best friend in some kinda way, but I’m sure he knows my feeling as well as I do. (still not very well, but the point here is that I’m an open book and we’re close)
37. What do you say during awkward silences? I either don’t register them at all, or I do and immediately divert to some mental or physical activity. Usually blurt out a random thing on my mind, change the subject, or... throw something. Sometimes I throw things at people I want to talk to. Not sure how to explain that one.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? ?
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Clothes shopping is exhausting, what with the endless textures and noises and flourescent lights and linoleum floors and I come out of it with one (1) acceptable shirt and a feeling like I’ve been sanding the edges off of my brain with a belt sander for the hours I spent in the store. Grocery shopping can be fun, but it’s usually more pain than the food is worth, and I like looking for art supplies - SCRAP here in portland is fun. Oh, and lumber stores or carpet warehouses, if I can get away with climbing.
40. What do you want to do after high school? I want to go to college for physics, graduate and move out of the country for grad school, and end up on a research grant teaching somewhere. On my current trajectory, I’ll probably flunk out next year and go to the Job Corps for Forestry training. Look for a job as a ranger, maybe. Volunteer with rescue crews. Not a bad life at all, but I love learning and I’d feel a bit cut off, I think.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Yeah. People deserve second chances in life, but we need to answer for our actions. And no one has the right to demand a second chance from a person. You don’t “deserve” that. You might get a second chance, if you’re lucky. But it’s luck and kindness and trust, not deserved, that you are responsible for taking care not to break.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? Probably I’m just thinking, in some way or another. Sometimes I’m keeping myself from running out of the room, sometimes I’m focused on my music, sometimes I’m coming up with something to say
43. Do you smile at strangers? Usually. I try to smile when I make eye contact with people, try and be nice, if I feel safe
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Space is attractive but I think I’d see/discover more with a physical deep sea trip than a physical deep space trip. Faster, certainly.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Music, usually, or someone yelling, or I need to pee.
46. What are you paranoid about? my actions having a “butterfly effect” and hurting people, every person, every time I interact with them, but the effects seem so small that no one notices. It’s already too late.
47. Have you ever been high? no? I get a weird loopy reaction to Ibuprofen sometimes, but I’ve never been intentionally intoxicated
48. Have you ever been drunk? see above
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? I stole some pez? But people know about that. Oh. the answer is yes.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? black
51. Ever wished you were someone else? mm, not really. I’ve wished I didn’t exist, but not to be another person who does exist
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? If I could trust my sense of right and wrong, that would be nice. But physically? I want wings, big enough to fly with.
54. Favourite store? my favorite tea shop was Townshend’s, but they changed. There’s a kombucha place under my kung fu place that’s good, though.
56. Favourite colour? I usually say cobalt.
57. Favourite food? no idea
58. Last thing you ate? 5-am-midnight-dinner-tacos
59. First thing you ate this morning? I am denying the fact that it is morning.
60. Ever won a competition? For what? I won multiple boat races in my 8th grade shop class. Oh and my robotics team went to state two years in a row
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? nah. Got detention for something in middle school, and a lot of trouble in elementary school, but no suspensions.
62. Been arrested? For what? .....no
63. Ever been in love? questionable
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? my what
65. Are you hungry right now? I’m very rarely hungry. Also just ate. No.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? I have 1 1/2 tumblr friends, none of which I know better than my real-life friends, so my bonds with them are not as strong, no
67. Facebook or Twitter? neither
68. Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr 
69. Are you watching tv right now? no
70. Names of your bestfriends? I refuse
71. Craving something? What? sleep
72. What colour are your towels? whatever color is cheapest
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? right now there are five pillows on my bed. Not a personal choice. If given the option, one, maybe two.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? not really
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? probably 12, including in storage and display-only
75. Favourite animal? there are too many cool animals. It was the wolverine for a while though
76. What colour is your underwear? blue today
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? usually chocolate. Been on a vanilla kick lately though
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? used to go for mint chocolate chip whenever it was available, but I like cherry, moose tracks, I like most things without marshmallows or cake batter, unless you get really weird.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? blue.
80. What colour pants? orange, with white dotted plaid striping
81. Favourite tv show? how to pick. I’m rewatching Leverage this week, and the Magicians is visually appealing
82. Favourite movie? uh? It was Treasure planet for several months when I was 7, and I have a deep appreciation for the movie adaptation of Holes, but I don’t know abou favorites right now. The Usual Suspects is good though
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? I don’t think I’ve watched either
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? again, no clue
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? I
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Dory, or the manta ray, or the baby sea turtle
87. First person you talked to today?... my mom? I think
88. Last person you talked to today? my mom
89. Name a person you hate? no
90. Name a person you love? my sisters. both of them.
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? god. Let me sleep.
92. In a fight with someone? kind of in a fight with my mom over cleaning? Not much of a fight though.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? three? Maybe more if you expand the definition
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? 3 sweaters, 4-5 hoodies
95. Last movie you watched? Holes
98. Do you tan a lot? I burn in 10 minutes or less, guaranteed, and I don’t really tan no matter what
99. Have any pets? yes! Lots! 4 cats, 3 dogs, 2 snakes. Lovely sweet creatures
100. How are you feeling? vibrate-y
101. Do you type fast? no, I cheated in typing class and now I type with three fingers and a braille keyboard
102. Do you regret anything from your past? most of it
103. Can you spell well? I think so
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? I miss my best (and only) friend from elementary school. We haven’t talked since the summer after 5th grade.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? I have thrown many bonfire parties, and been to those of others
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? I have no idea. Oh. Maybe a little? But we’re still friends, so I think it’s ok
107. Have you ever been on a horse? yeah, horses are fun
108. What should you be doing? sleeping!
109. Is something irritating you right now? my hip
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? “liked”? probably not
111. Do you have trust issues? isn’t this on here twice? Yes, I have trust issues.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? mm, my dad and a psychologist
113. What was your childhood nickname? I didn’t have one until middle school, and then it was “Lemur” for about a year. Now it’s Murphy
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? I’ve been everywhere between Oregon and Virginia (drove across to move here), Idaho, California, Indiana, DC, Washington, Texas, Vegas specifically, Florida, Canada, and China.
115. Do you play the Wii? Used to play mariokart with my dad
116. Are you listening to music right now? yeah, right at this moment it’s “Tribulation” by Matt Maeson
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? I guess. Usually the noodles are disgusting, usually it’s canned, and that’s not good
118. Do you like Chinese food? there are definitely dishes in amaricanized Chinese food that I like, and for sure dishes in authentic Chinese food that I love, so I guess so?
119. Favourite book? Ah. No comment.
120. Are you afraid of the dark? I don’t think so.
121. Are you mean? I think I can be, but everyone outside my family seems to think I’m an angel, so
122. Is cheating ever okay? Listen, if you can’t tell your SO you’re interested in another person and talk through what that means with them, I think you have more important things to do? That said, I have no experience here. From other people talking about it and my general idea of the fallout and trust, no. Don’t.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Highly unlikely. I have never tried, or wanted to
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? I don’t even know what love feels like
125. Do you believe in true love? I’m sure whatever it is can be as “true” as you believe it to be
126. Are you currently bored? always
127. What makes you happy? making things, making people happy, seeing beautiful things, and music
128. Would you change your name? I might
129. What your zodiac sign? Cancer
130. Do you like subway? no
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? I ask “what are you looking for in our relationship that is not currently there,” and we move from there. Communication and understanding. This is what happened with me and my (now) ex. We’re closer for having talked through our relationship and breakup, honestly.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Another repeat? My dad and a psychologist.
133. Favourite lyrics right now? mm, “I want my answers to be questioned” from “Take Me Back” by Kongos because reasons I can’t explain right now. Also a bunch of Lake Ponchartrain by Ludo because I like that song and a bunch of The Mountain Goats but I can’t think sorry
134. Can you count to one million? If I dedicated the time, but why
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? Convinced my neighbor my name was “oop” or something like that? And that my real name was actually my middle name. Completely on impulse. I did convince her, though. 3rd grade me did know what was up, apparently.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed. Windows open, though, it gets way too hot in here 
137. How tall are you? 5′5″ish
138. Curly or Straight hair? straight
139. Brunette or Blonde? n/a. Red.
140. Summer or Winter? winter. I overheat and I love snow and ice skating
141. Night or Day? night. Stars and no sunburn or sunlight-headaches
142. Favourite month? no idea
143. Are you a vegetarian? nah
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? dark
145. Tea or Coffee? tea
146. Was today a good day? today was long
147. Mars or Snickers? snickers, I suppose. I don’t like either of these
148. What’s your favourite quote? I’ve come across several quotes I thought were terribly clever and I wanted to remember, and I remember none of them. Although recently “anything worth doing is worth doing halfway” has been good to me
149. Do you believe in ghosts? can’t think of a reason not to
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou) I’ll level. It’s 7:39am, I haven’t slept, and everything hurts, I don’t really want to get out of bed and look for a book for this. I’ll pull up the book I have on my phone, though. “so unnerved was he at the sight that he leaned against the wall with his hand to his throat to stifle his inclination to call out.”
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raviposting · 8 years ago
how about disney descendants headcanons? (esp the poly ships like evie/mal/ben or uma/gil/harry)
Ooh nice I have a few (and shameless plug but if y’all ever want polyamorous headcanons you can also 10000% request them on the other blog I’m part of, @polyamoryinfandoms).  :D
Ben is really nervous about asking Evie out but Mal soothes his worries and tells him that it’s fine, that she’ll do it with him and that Evie will love it - and that honestly they both know Evie is down they don’t need to ask her in a spectacular way, but Ben insists. 
He does it right at the next pep rally. Boy gets the entire team to do a choreographed dance for her, and Ben & Mal sing a song (there’s definitely a Three’s Company pun line somewhere in there) and then ask her out and Evie is blushing but she says yes and everyone cheers. 
Uma/Gil/Harry are very open so they  have date nights, but one of the three will sometimes bring another person to them if they’re dating someone at the time. 
Back when Uma and Mal dated, Mal would be there a lot, but Gaston will sometimes bring the Queen of Heart’s daughter around. Gil is more into casual dates so he’ll kind of just bring a date if they’re down to come. 
Date nights are fun. Mal/Ben/Evie are the most Extra - and by that, I mean Ben is the most Extra. Mal mentioned once to him that she always wanted to see Atlantis, and the next thing she knew, he had taken her and Evie on a magical ride that took them underwater to see Atlantis. 
Mal swam with the mermaids and Evie was wide eyed talking to the mermaids and Ben was just smiling at the girls giggling to each other about how wonderful the kingdom was. 
 So I’ve seen the headcanon that Jane is aro, and I really like that so Jay and Carlos are dating, and Carlos is also in a QPR with Jane.
Jay and Carlos will have awesome date nights and I honestly forget if disney descendants have stuff like movies but whatever modern AU I guess they would 100% have movie nights and play video games and go out for laser gun fights (which they always invite Jane to, and cheer whenever she says yes) and cuddle on the couch at the end of their dates.  
Jane was still struggling with her identity when Carlos asked her out, and Carlos was still nervous about admitting that he’s genderfluid, so dating between the two was a great experience for them. There was a bit of strain because they both kind of drifted away from each other at one point - Carlos kept slipping between pronouns and was afraid Jane found it weird, Jane was worried she was being too cold to Carlos. But they talked to their friends and they all reminded them that communication was key (Ben tried singing about it to Carlos. Carlos noped out of the song and went “okay got it Ben thank you”).
Carlos finally sat down and told Jane, and then Jane breathed out that she loved Carlos but not in a romantic way, that she didn’t think she loved anyone in a romantic way, and the two spent the night validating the hell out of each other and there was probably some singing involved. 
I firmly believe Mal/Ben/Evie and Uma/Gil/Harry somehow accidentally went on a double date. I have no idea how it happened, but it did. There was awkward silence for 10 minutes, Ben trying to make conversation about the weather for the next 5 minutes, Mal and Uma trying to fight each other for the following 15 minutes, 20 more minutes of everyone trying to pull them away (and Evie, who got mad at Uma for fighting her girlfriend), 30 more minutes of passive aggressive chats, and then 5 more minutes of awkward silence before Ben went “all right, let’s do this again that was great see you all next week”.
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