#and I realized that this happened on skype
spinoff-antithesis · 2 years
k. im going to sleep now. but if ur still here from like. god i cant remember 2016? that whole fake twitter su blog discord server era. i miss u guys i hope youre all doing well 🫶
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starfxkr · 3 months
Consistently resisting the urge to trauma dump accidentally. So how would the boys react to a girl who talks so much and changes the topic so fast she randomly drops crazy lore like "yea when I was 11 a 21 yr old said he was gonna put me in a cage during a Skype chat" (true story) and then quickly change the topic to some so uncorrelated and random-🍓
we have lived the same life....shout out to my 20+ yr old situationship I had from 13-18 who loved the book devil in a white city
john b is very much "woah woah woah back up what do you mean by that?" because you dropped the most brain altering trauma out of nowhere and you don't even remember saying it!
jj drops crazy ass lore too. two dumb bitches goin "exactlyyyyy" and subconsciously filing away this information. he probably matches you with a similarly crazy story and y'all both kiki'ng like its normal.
pope goes "pause. rewind. what did you just say?" and when you retell it he looks horrified or starts saying he's so sorry and "that shouldn't have happened to you" and then you realize you're experiences are also abnormal.
rafe also has random lore drops but he tells you "you think thats bad. one time my dad made me walk home for 10 miles when I was a kid because I was crying too much. grow up kid there's much worse things that can happen." like okay bitch damn? its not a competition?
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silverstar70 · 2 months
Fandom: Criminal minds. Character: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
Author’s note: English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes.
Warnings: 🔞‼️smut, vaginal sex, established relationship, oral sex, fluff
Summary: Y/N comes back after months oversea and Hotch makes up for the lost time
Words: 5k
Welcome back
After ten months oversea, Y/N just wanted to lay in her bed and sleep for more than a few hours. Those months had been stressful and exhausting. After three missions in Afghanistan, she got used to the long hours, the heat, and the desert. What she wasn’t used to was missing home. She never felt at home in any of the city she was deployed. Yes, she loved moving around the planet but no one of the houses she lived in, felt like home, not by a long shot. And no one was waiting for her so she never had a reason to feel eager to go back.
Now, things were different. She had someone waiting for her back home. Her relationship with Hotch was one of the best things that ever happened to her. He was caring, kind, loving and most importantly he loved her for her. He understood her job and the long hours better than anyone else, maybe because he was as workaholic as her, but no mattered how much work he had, he always found time for her and his son Jack.
Y/N loved that boy as he was her own. She never thought she would’ve missed someone like she missed the Hotchner boys, and she couldn’t wait to come back home and hugged them. She loved her job, it was the only constant in her live since she was eighteen, her anchor in the darkest days and it still was sometimes. But now she had Hotch too.
Being away from him had been torture. They talked via Skype any time she could, but it was difficult since most of the times the signal was wonky, and it wasn’t the same thing. She missed falling asleep in his strong arms, it was her safe place. She missed his skin under her touch, his kisses, his penetrative stare. She missed feeling him close and spending the weekend with him and Jack.
She took a deep breath before the doors of the elevators opened. As soon as she landed at the base, she went straight to Hotch’s office. She couldn’t wait to see him and didn’t even bother to change clothes, so she was still wearing her uniform. He wasn’t expecting her to come back for another two days before the schedule date, it was a surprise.
As soon as she entered the bullpen, she saw the team chatting around the table in the small kitchen they had and sharing a cup of coffee. No one of them seemed to notice her presence.
“Is there a cup left for me?” She asked rhetorically, and the team gasped in surprise to see her standing in the bullpen.
“Y/N! You’re here!” Garcia shouted as she walked up to Y/N to give her a big hug. “Gosh it’s so good to see you. How are you? Does bossman knows you’re here? He’s gonna be so happy!”
“Babygirl, give her a break.” Morgan said walking past her and welcomed his friend. “Welcome back, ninja.”
“I’ve missed you so much, guys.”
“We’ve missed you too, Y/N.” JJ said while hugging Y/N, followed by Reid.
“Ciao, bella. Come stai?” Rossi welcomed her with a double kiss on the cheek and a cup of hot coffee. “Ecco il tuo caffè.”
Y/N happily took the mug and had a sip. It wasn’t the best coffee she had ever drunk but it was certainly better than the one she had during her mission oversea. “Grazie, Dave. Ne avevo davvero bisogno.”
“Guys, English please.” Morgan complained knowing that if didn’t get stopped Dave and Y/N would’ve started having an entire conversation in Italian and to him it was annoying. The team laughed at his tantrum and returned their attention to Y/N.
“So, how was the desert?” Garcia asked curious.
“Hot.” Y/N joked “Tell me about you, guys. What did I miss?”
“Nothing new. Catching the bad guys here and there.” JJ replied.
Being too caught in the moment, catching up, none of them realized that their boss walked into the bullpen. Hotch stopped in his track as he recognized the woman in front of him. He couldn’t believe she was finally here, he dreamed about this moment for weeks. Like a teenager, he felt the heart leaving his chest at the happiness of having her back.
“Y/N” he said her name in a whisper and as Y/N heard herself getting called from behind, she turned in the direction of that voice and saw that Hotch was standing there with a mixed look of surprise and shock.
“Surprise” she greeted him with a wide smile.
Without wasting time, Hotch embraced her and spun her around a few times. Holding her close as he was scared that the moment he left her, she would leave again. He sniffed her hair having missed her scent over the ten months. He had missed her like crazy. It was strange waking up in the morning without having her by his side.
Once he put her down, he kept holding her close for a few moments, until he heard someone clearing their throat behind them. He had completely forgot that the team was there but couldn’t care less. Y/N was back in his arms. The team’s embarrassment could wait.
“I guess someone is very happy to see you again, Y/N.” Rossi teased, looking toward the couple, and winked to Hotch who rolled his eyes at his words.
“He had been miserable all these months.” Morgan added.
Hotch didn’t care to reply, the only thing he cared about was her. His could have said whatever they wanted, he wasn’t even listening, he was focused on her. It was like the rest of the people in the room disappeared the moment she was in his arms again.
They laughed and chatted for a little more. She enjoyed spending time with his team because she knew how much they meant to him. They were a family, and she could see it every time they hang out altogether. She recalled the first time she had met them; she was terrified they wouldn’t like her; she changed her clothes three times that night and every time Hotch reassured her it only made it worst. To her surprise though, the team was wonderful with her and soon they made her feel part of the family. Hotch and Y/N said their goodbyes and headed up to the elevators, leaving the team behind.
The ride to her house was silent, Hotch was holding her hand and caressing her thumb as the anticipation was growing in both of them. To him it still felt unreal that she was there in his car. He would never admit to his team and especially to Rossi, but they were right; the past ten months had been torture for him, not knowing how she was or if something had happened to her made him miserable.
Arriving at her house, he parked the car in her driveway and walked her to the door after he helped her taking all the bags in the trunk. Once she unlocked the door and entered the house, she left the bags on the ground and turned to Hotch who was standing hesitant on the doorway.
“Are you not coming in?” Y/N questioned him with furrowed eyebrows.
“You need to rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He offered and turned to leave.
“Aaron” Y/N called after him and get his attention back “Stay. Please. I want you to stay. I’ve missed you and I don’t wanna wait until tomorrow.”
“You sure?”
She smiled and nodded slightly. He walked slowly back to her and grabbed her face between his hands resting his lips on hers. She held him tighter to her by his t-shirt and they kissed there on the doorway for several moments until air became a need.
They enter the house and once Hotch closed the door, he was on her again and she jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist. Their lips connected again, and she ran her hands through his hair pulling a little making him groaned in the kiss. He quickly carried her to the bedroom never breaking the kiss.
Standing in front of each other, Hotch slowly started getting rid of her t-shirt. Their lips reconnected quickly but in a more passionate way, taking their time to taste each other. She opened her mouth leaving him the control, her head was resting between his strong hands as her hands were traveling along his back.
Hotch kept kissing her slow and passionate but deep down he was eager to devore her. He didn’t get the chance to do it for too long and even thought they became experts in phone sex, it wasn’t quite the same. He needed to feel her close, to smell her soft skin and take his time to kiss every inch of her body.
His hands left her face and found her belt, that he got rid of in a mere of time throwing somewhere on the floor. She followed every move he was making waiting patiently for him to take her. She was craving his touch more than she could ever imagine. She missed the feeling of his rough, yet gentle, hands on her skin, it always made her feel like she was burning inside from excitement.
Y/N took off her pants, sat on the bed and pushed Hotch to her pulling him by his belt. She started to unbuckle it, looking straight into his eyes. Hotch smiled and caressed her cheek. His look was full of desire and lust, he was almost begging her to hurry up since she was going purposely slow. His cock was starting to feel tight in his jeans. He quickly got rid of his jeans and t-shirt as soon as she finished, standing in front of her just in his boxers.
She could see the outline of his cock and reflexively bite her lower lip. Y/N wanted to taste him right there, he was in the perfect position and went to grab his boxers to free him but was stopped by his strong hands who grabbed firmly her wrists. Hotch knew what she wanted to do, he'd lie if he said he didn't want it too, but he had other plans.
“Later. Now lay back.” He demanded.
She did what she was told, not without a bit of disappointment. As she saw Hotch getting on his knees between her legs, a shiver went through her spine and groaned at the anticipation, he smiled at the effect he had on her. Even after ten months, the desire never faded away, it only increased. And he was ready and determinate to make up for the lost time.
Hotch grabbed the sides of her panties and slid them down her legs, agonizingly slowly and threw them somewhere across the room. And pushed her legs as far apart as he could, making her gasp at the sudden move. He placed a soft kiss on her hip, going further down to kiss the space of skin where the thigh met the hip and groaned.
“Please, Aaron” she pleaded, squirming a little under his kiss.
“Please what, baby?” Hotch asked mischievously, caressing her leg with his fingertips.
“Eat me!”
Hotch smirked and without wasting more time, his mouth started to devour her pussy moaning at the way she tasted. The vibration sent a jolt through her body and made her squirmed under him. He was savoring her like a starved man, and he was so good with his mouth that she never wanted him to stop.
“Oh God!” Y/N moaned loudly, as she felt pleasure filling her body. Her hand was, once again, in his hair pulling a little. He groaned at the feeling and that only increased her pleasure.
He knew she was close; he could feel it and couldn’t wait for her to cum and finally get to taste her again after so long. As he took a breath, one of his hands found her entrance and felt how wet she was, making her groaned more.
“Please don’t stop.” She whimpered.
At her surprise, Hotch pushed two fingers inside her, leaving her out of breath. He started moving them back and forth with a fast pace. Her orgasms kept building in her stomach as he maintained the pace.
“Yes, like that!”
Immediately, his lips were on her; his tongue was moving around her clit, sucking hard. His tick fingers were deeper in her. The combo was enough to send her over the edge as a strong wave of pleasure hit her.
“Oh shit! Aaron!” she came hard on his mouth as he kept tasting her. Hotch rode her orgasm never stopping his movements and in a mere of seconds she cum for the second time that night, arching her back.
“Fuck!” she groaned loudly.
Hotch smirked at the view and pulled out his fingers from her to get up and admire more of her. She hissed at the loss of contact. As she recovered from coming down form her high, they locked eyes and smiled to each other.
“Mmm.” He groaned as he pushed his fingers into his mouth “You taste so good, baby.”
Without losing her gaze, Hotch slowly slipped out of his boxers giving her a small show. She watched him with look that he knew all too well; lust and craving were in her eyes as she bit her lower lip while observing him. Hotch climbed over her, as Y/N positioned herself in the middle of the bed.
“Hi, Mr. Hotchner.”
“Hi, Ms. Y/L/N.” he bent to capture her lips so she could taste herself on him. “I’m not done with you.”
“I hope so.” She whispered smirking against his lips and felt him hardening against her. She smiled at the effect she had on him. Taking advantage of the distraction and with her legs around his waist, Y/N pushed Hotch on the mattress, ending up on top of him. He was taken by surprise but didn’t complain, he loved when she was in control.
Hotch smirked at her and pulled Y/N in a hot and wet kiss, keeping her head firmly between his hands. Her body react to that kiss as she felt a shiver along her spine, making her wetter by the second. Hotch’s hands were caressing her thighs, as she slowly got her bra undone freeing her breasts. His eyes went wide at the view, lust and desire filled his body and she could feel the effect under her.
“I need you” Hotch whispered. Y/N lifted a little for a better access and his cock slid easily inside her as wet as she was. They groaned in unison at the feeling. As he was deep inside her, she paused for a moment hesitant to move since it has been a while. He seemed to understand and gave her an empathetic smile.
“Take your time, baby.” he reassured her softly, and she nodded.
She bent over to give him a tender kiss as his hand tangled in her hair. Y/N started rocking her hips on him slowly, agonizingly slowly, making both moaning in the kiss. She moved like that for a few minutes to adjust again to his thick size.
“Oh God” she whimpered.
For him it wasn’t different. He groaned at every move she made. Her inner muscles were tightening around him, making him groan out of pleasure. Soon he started moving up, meeting her thrusts midway. The only things that could’ve been heard in the room was their skin slapping onto each other, the groans and the heavy breaths.
Y/N stood up to face him and started moving faster on him, taking him every time deeper. She felt her orgasm starting to build in her stomach. As he read her mind, Hotch’s quickly found its way between her legs meeting her clit and started moving his fingers in circle faster and faster.
“Don’t stop, Hotch!” she moaned loudly. He let out a low groan knowing she was close and moved faster.
“Cum for me, baby” he urged rubbing her clit, begging for her release.
Y/N pushed back on him a few more time before a strong wave of pleasure hit her hard. She loved how well he knew her body, how he could make her cum so effortlessly. He always knew how to move with her to give her the pleasure she deserved.
“Oh wow!” she whispered coming down from her orgasm, trying to catch her breath. For his point of view, Hotch took a moment to admire her. She was always beautiful in his eyes but the way she looked post an orgasm always drove him crazy and made him want to give her more pleasure.
She captured his lips once again and Hotch took the chance to roll them over again, making her gulped. He covered her body with his as he remained inside her. He kissed her one more time as his hand traveled along her body and meet her left breast. Hotch cupped it and begging to massage it carefully, stroking her nipple with his thumb. She moaned at the feeling, craving for more.
He went kissing down her neck, on her soft spot. He continued his way down her body, leaving wet kisses all over her chest. As he kept playing with one nipple, he took the other into his mouth making her groaned. He played with both her breasts while her hands were scratching him a little on his back.
“A-Aaron” she moaned softly.
“What do you want?”
“You” she urged. He smirked and stood between her legs. Hotch took his cock and begun sliding it over her entrance. He wanted nothing more than have her right there. He entered her slowly wanting to let her feel every inch of him. They both groaned and he gave her a very little time to adjust and started thrusting deep inside her, increasing the pace every time more.
“Fuck, baby.” Hotch groaned “I’ve missed you so much.”
As she felt the familiar feeling in her stomach, a shiver went through all her body. She wanted to tell him how much she had missed him too. But was too caught in the moment to even think straight, the words didn’t seem to want to come out from her mouth, just moaning and groanings.
She felt the pleasure filling her and wrapped her legs around him to pull him closer and deeper. She was close and he could feel it by the way she was clenching around him. He pounded into her with everything he had while one hand reached for her clit and started rubbing it again in circles, making her squirm under him.
“Oh yes!” Y/N cried out loud as she came hard again. Hotch slowed down his pace enjoying the view of his lover and give her time to recover. Out of breath and still high, Y/N pulled him over her and kissed him deeply holding his head between her hands.
“I’ve missed you too, honey.” She whispered against his lips, and he smiled. His hand was traveling up and down her side with the fingertips brushing her skin. Y/N’s hands were tangled in his hair pulling them a little and making him groaned.
The open mouth wet kisses all over her chest were increasing her desire. His gentle touch was sending jolts to her core as he wrapped the legs tighter around him. He knew she wanted more but he took his time to feel every inch of her soft skin under him. After so many months they really felt connected again, there wasn’t a display between them anymore. It was just them now.
Suddenly, he thrusts hard into her, making her gasped. Before she had time to react, Hotch started moving deliciously slow as he felt her muscles tightening around him every time more.
“Please make me cum, Hotch.”
She was getting closer as he went deeper. Hotch stood up and gripped forcefully her hips, pounding harder on her. He groaned loudly at the feeling of her wet and tight pussy. She was driving him crazy as much as he was driving her crazy.
“You like that, baby?”
“Oh, yes!” she moaned “You feel so good. Don’t stop.”
One of his hands found his way between them and reached for her clit one more time and he started to rub it faster and faster making her squirm under him. She arched her back at the mixed emotions that were going through her body. Pleasure, ecstasy, joy, love, pride, all provoked by the same man. No one had ever made her feel the way he did.
He groaned knowing he was close too but didn’t stop working on her.
“Cum with me, Y/N”
He slammed into her harder a few more time before he finally released himself inside her. That, combined with his fingers still rubbing her clit, was enough to send her over the edge.
Hotch collapsed on top of her, and she wrapped her arms around him wanting to feel him as close as possible. Waiting for their breath to return to normal, Hotch left a few tender kisses down her neck while her hands were playing with his soft hair.
They stood like this for several minutes, enjoying each other’s company in the silence of the room before Hotch rolled off her and laid next to her. He opened his arm for her offering to rest her head on his chest and she happily accepted, snuggling onto him.
“It’s good to have you back” he said breaking the silence and she looked up to him with a wide smile on her face.
“It’s good to be back” Y/N assured him softly and pecked his lips.
“I love you so much.” He took a deep breath, not sure if continue but did it anyway “I was terrified of losing you. I’ve been miserable since you left and didn’t have the courage to admit it. I knew you were doing your job and couldn’t be prouder of you, but every time you leave--“
Y/N abruptly interrupted him with a deep kiss.
“I’m here now. You have nothing more to worry about.”
He smiled softly and kissed her again, cupping her cheek with his hand and caressing it a little.
“You need to sleep now.” Hotch said before kissing her forehead. She nodded slightly and fell asleep at the sound of his heartbeat. A sound she had missed and never failed to make her feel safe.
As the hours passed by, Y/N didn’t seem to find the right position to sleep. Everything seemed to distract her; the lights coming from outside were too bright, the wind, waving the leaves, was too loud. The bed was more comfortable that she remembered, she kept tossing and touring around trying to put much effort to shut her mind and fall asleep, but every attempt got wasted.
She reached for her phone on her nightstand to check the time. It was 2:30 am. She turned to face Hotch who was peacefully sleeping, snoring lightly. She scoffed at herself at the thought of how much she had missed earing that sound. It used to drive her crazy when she was trying to sleep, and now she could hear his softly snoring for hours.
Y/N watched him sleeping for quite sometimes thinking that it would’ve helped her fall asleep but didn’t seem to work. She climbed out of the bed and put on her panties and the shirt he wore and walked to the kitchen, trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake Hotch. Once there, she opted for a chamomile, hoping that it could help her. She sat on the counter waiting for the water to boil and was too caught in her thoughts that she didn’t notice a sleepy Hotch appearing in the room, wearing only his boxers.
“Can’t you sleep?” he asked softly while walking to her.
“No.” Y/N reached for his hand and offered him to stood between her legs and he happily accepted. “It’s not easy to get used to the city again. I kinda miss the desert.”
They shared a laugh before he bent to kiss her lips gently.
“I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No. I turned around and you weren’t there.” He assured her and she smiled.
Y/N captured his lips again and deepened the kiss by taking his head in her hands. He groaned in the kiss and pushed himself into her a bit more grabbing her on the hips. In a mere of seconds, the kiss became hot and desperate. Both were eager for more contact. Their wandering hands were traveling on each other’s body. She felt the heat in her body caused by his touches.
Their session was interrupted by the sudden whistling of the electric kettle, warning that the water was boiled. Hotch hadn’t even noticed the thing on the stove and looked at Y/N with a questioning look.
“I was making some chamomile.” She explained.
“I’ll make you a cup.”
“Actually, I prefer what we were doing.” she smirked at him. Hotch looked at her with a devilish smile and turned off the stove before kissing her again. She wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him closer and felt his already hardening cock against her. He quickly got rid of his t-shirt that she was wearing and assaulted her neck leaving a wet kiss on it and making her shift a little back on the counter.
“Aaron.” She moaned as he kissed down her neck and started giving attention to her breasts, taking one in his mouth, sucking hard, while massaging the other. Her head tilted back as her body was filled of pleasure and her minds was too caught in the moment to think straight.
“Oh God! I need you!” she urged as her hands pulled his hair a little to get his attention.
“What do you need, baby?” he asked, knowing full well the answer but loved to hear her saying it. She groaned annoyed but played along.
“Please. I need you to fuck me!”
No needing to be told twice, Hotch lowered his boxers just enough to free his hard cock and shifted her panties to the side. He slid his dick over entrance a few times to feel how wet she was and entered her slowly, making both of them groaning at the feeling.
“You feel so good, sweetheart.” He whimpered. He started moving right after, going deep inside her. Every thrusts were perfectly placed to give her the most pleasure possible. He knew how to move to satisfy her, and she was amazed by how well he knew her body.
“Oh God! Don’t stop!” she moaned pushing him closer to her, using her legs.
The familiar feeling in her stomach was starting to build again, her inner muscles were tightening around him. He groaned and it took all his strength not to come right away.
“God, Y/N.”
One of his hands moved to her clit and started rubbing in circle, faster and faster, adding more pleasure. With a few more deep thrusts, he sent her over the edge, making her squirm under him.
“Fuck!” she moaned loudly.
He gave her very little time to rest and without notice he slammed hard into her, making her gasped in surprise. He pounded inside her with everything he had. His hand started working on her clit again as she wrapped her legs around him pulling him closer. She knew he was close too; she could feel it from the way his other hand was tightening on her hip.
“Cum for me, Aaron.”
“Together.” He said in a low groan. A few more thrust well placed, combined with his fingers working on her, and they both were hit by a strong wave of pleasure, reaching the edge, and groaning each other’s name in unison. Hotch stopped moving to give themselves time to catch their breath before bending over Y/N and lifted her chin to kiss her lips deeply.
When they parted, he kissed her forehead and caressed her cheek with his thumb. In his eyes, she saw all his love and tenderness. She could get lost in his gaze for hours, admiring those beautiful hazel eyes.
It always amazed her how he could be so stern at work and then at home he was so gentle and loving. She understood why he built this kind of a shield; it was the job who required it, and she did the same. But she was glad that he was comfortable enough to lose it when she was with her.
Without further waiting, Hotch slipped out of her making her gasped at the loss of contact. He picked her up from the counter as she wrapped her legs around him and walked to the bedroom. He gently laid her on her side of the bed and quickly climbed behind her and covered them both with the sheets.
With her back against his chest, Hotch wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled Y/N impossibly closer to him. He could smell the scent of her vanilla shampoo and remembered how much he had missed this. Having her this close still felt like a dream even thought he knew she was there, and he planned to enjoy every second of her presence.
“You’re so much better than chamomile.” She joked and heard him laugh behind her right before he placed a tender kiss on her neck.
“Sleep now. Goodnight, baby.”
“Night. Love you.” She mumbled softly.
“I love you too. Welcome back.” She smiled as those were the last words she heard before falling asleep in his arms, feeling safe. Hotch thought how lucky he was and fall asleep a few minutes after her, smiling at the sound of her gently snoring.
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dnalt-d2 · 3 months
the entire debate on wether or not lea is the cause of quackity getting doxxed or not is a complicated one
many people are arguing that because the information about quackity can technically be found in a public (government) website, then it does not count as doxxing, since a doxx is the publishing of private information with the intent of causing harm
the information lea shared (a paypal payment stub that had an email adress, and was identifiable as the admin "Quid", and then a skype screenshot that showed the same email adress being associated to the skype account, and said account having the full name of Q's brother in it) was not uploaded with the intent of threatening Q's safety via publishing his personal information.... but it WAS published to try and tie in his brother (who had some serious accusations on him back in 2020-2021) to the company based simply on speculation
mind you, what this then cause was for individuals to go "oh wait, you all didn know that? you can literally find every single information on Q if you go to this website and put this information, you even get the name of his lawyer!!!" (paraphrased), and suddenly, screenshots of this website and all the information on him that were in it were being shared on twitter, and getting thousands of likes and retweets, all the while with people justifying it by saying "well it's public information, so it's not doxxing" "q fans upset that people are sharing public info about a public figure" and such
the main issue here is that, while yes, the infromation can technically be accessed by anyone because it's a public website... there's a difference between knowing it's there and actively spreading it to the view of thousands of people who didnt even know or want to know it
so.... no, lea didnt technically doxx Q. however her actions (and her response) actively led to other individuals taking action and actively threatening him, as well as others justifying and even celebrating that is happening
so it's a complicated case imho
That is
Holy Hell
Thank you also for the information, that clears some things up
For starters, I wanna clarify in case it didn't come across correctly before, that while I don't think this is what Lea intended to happen, it definitely wasn't cool for her to put that stuff out there, and it REALLY wasn't cool to add any of those extra comments. (Or certain other comments that at this point I haven't felt it's my place to comment on) Just that I can believe it wasn't INITIALLY done maliciously, but as a result from WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE bombarding and practically threatening her for information. Which is why I'm all for keeping CERTAIN things more private
This all really just feels like a huge snowball effect because people can't fathom that they won't be in the loop for every single decision behind this business's actual behind-the-scenes organization, and some people in that business are feeling way too pressured, causing them to make decisions that MIGHT SEEM OKAY IN THE MOMENT but then realize immediately after that "Oh wait it actually wasn't, oh shit, I didn't think that would happen"
This is why I hate speculating and spreading information I don't have verified without clearly stating I haven't verified it. Because that's how stuff like this happens. It's why I haven't made comments about his brother in the first place, because I just straight-up don't have all the information on all that, and it's not even been proven true. But people hear a whisper and suddenly they're just grasping at it like the thinnest of straws for their argument
Once again though, thanks for the info, I always like to keep informed on things, even if I'm not actively talking about it
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I can't figure out this spacing thing and I'm not about to find out. So hey! I'm Allul (They/Them, trying to figure that thing out)! I'm that fucking creature that's flooding your dash with posts about a boat girl and whatever other shenanigans my mind decides to get up to. I'd say I should apologize but really the longer you know me the more you realize this is just how I live my life
I'm 26 (Not for long) and a terrible chronic gacha addict that probably should've stopped a long time ago. But since i haven't I now have adopted boats (as this blog shows) along with....
horse girls
very bisexual prisoners
food personifications
cinnamon rolls
and plenty of other random things that go in and out of my mind on the daily. This may come at a surprise to plenty of people but I literally haven't even been here a year yet (shocking I know). Most of my writing career has been either super bad fanfics, skype rp (yes this sadly was part of my life), and forums of recently. Only after being dragged here by a few friends did I realize what I was missing out on and I'm glad I joined! I promise you I'm not intimidating as I may seem (If I even come off as intimidating) and really I'm a DM away from blowing your eardrums off about whatever you want. Like lets be real my first blog here was a goddamn pokemon. I think that says everything you need to know.
Anyway next is checks notes about myself and that's problematic. Because I have no idea how to do that :3. According to my friends this meme explains it best
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But as expected writing is my hobby (go figure) and beyond that is probably video games. A lot and a ALOT of RPGS, Fighting Games, and whatever is out there to get my serotonin running. Currently I'm down in the mines playing Granblue Fantasy Relink, Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising (are you noticing the trend), and dabbling in some other ventures (Gundam Versus if you want to know how niche my tastes get. I also collect plushes!
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in line with my crippling Granblue addiction music CD's!
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But yeah if it wasn't obvious I love talking about literally anything. My interests are kinda all over the place but most people can vouch that I'm a damn good listener. And that includes plotting even if my mentality usually is just a "fuck it we ball one" rather than really planning it out (I do love planning too! But sometimes you really just gotta go off and never stop). If you don't find me here on NJ's Blog well don't worry I have like 11 more as well. Featuring...
Morgan le Fay (Fate) (@talesofrainandstars_
Melusine (Also from Fate) (@robustdragonheart)
Nian (Arknights) (@unfetteredfreedom)
Mika ("Archive that may be Blue") (@witchoftrinity)
Architect (Girls' Frontline) (@explosivedesire)
Fenie (Granblue Fantasy) (@sourceoftheflame)
Miyoi Okunoda (Touhou) (@geidonteispostergirl)
"Sparkle" (Honkai Stars Rails) @sparklingsplendor
Hiroi Kikuri (Bocchi the Rock) (@sickhackbassist)
My OC Protag from Armored Core 6 "Raven" (@echoesofcoral)
Beyond that I'm always in Discord if you just want to chat or anything else. You can also find me on twitter where I rant about the most craziest things and cry when my favorites in gachas actually get content (it doesn't happen often). Other then that I have no idea how to end this so here's a picture of my dog
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anyway I think I've ranted long enough. Looking forward to talking with everyone more and anyone else who is willing to put up with my muses!"
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Finished reading Sanderson Secret Project 4! Thoughts below the cut (mostly copied from me messaging my friends on Discord)
the vibes are so scifi. Like it's still Breaths and Shardblades but he's being so science about it
Spren in Stormlight: magical girl fairy companions. Spren in this: AI companion built into your scifi augments
Ooh, Nomad's been to Ashyn? That's the only planet with floating cities near Roshar, iirc
I love that Rosharans always specify shade when they mention eye color. She doesn't just have green eyes she has light green eyes. That adjective is important
Man on the run for his life hasn't slept in a week no way out keeps getting distracted by the urge to do anthropology
Another thing that's very funny is Nomad is talking about how unbelievably low on Investiture he is and it's still, like, unfathomably wealthy by Nalthis standards
Actually I'm gonna look this up. Nomad has 1500 BEUs in chapter one. He had at least 18750 shortly before that.
In Warbreaker, Vasher starts off with around 50 Breaths, which he considers low while acknowledging that many people would not. Most Returned have the equivalent of 2000. This is enough to be worshiped as gods.
Ah okay looking at the coppermind for the Heightenings this makes sense. It's all very consistent
Fifth Heightening: 2000 Breaths: fast healing, high durability, casual magic Ninth Heightening: 20000 Breaths: oh, you know ;) Tenth Heightening: 50000 Breaths: now that's just excessive
Now I will exit the coppermind before I have another "let me just check Rayse's species midway through reading RoW" moment [Fun fact: vital status is listed right next to species!]
I'm sorry did this man break his radiant oaths and then Mayalaran his shardblade back to pseudo life? Is that what's happening here?
Chapter 6 "No. Even in my head I will not admit Rock is right about the airsick lowlander thing"
I thought part of that phrase sounded like Nazh's name!
Gonna be honest, given how very dead He is, I somehow doubt that Adonalsium will remember their plight eventually
Love that "one of them is secretly a dragon" is a legitimate possibility
Huh. I wonder if they're Ghostblood Scadrians, Harmony-sent Scadrians, or just random people
Chapter 9: "Walking into a storm wasn't something usually done on [Roshar]" Unless you're in the middle of dinner and you really need a knife, of course.
I really wonder how confusing it would be to read ssp4 without reading Stormlight Archive
Oh boy. Wit's here!
Like if you only read the secret projects as if they were a standalone series how long would it take to realize that the cabin boy, the coatrack, and the hologram are the same person
"back before God died" You mean before you and your friends killed God? It didn't just happen there was a whole 17 person conspiracy
Hoid has two modes: "I am a silly little man" and "I am older than your planet and I will weep as I allow it to burn". No in between
"Adonalsium will remember our plight eventually" Man who just got off a skype call with one of the people who murdered Adonalsium ten thousand years ago:...
"Can you fly?" "Who told you I used to- oh you mean fly a ship. Yeah probably."
"The Chorus tells of our old world..." "Yes, yes, the forests of Hell, we've all been there"
The implication that there's a thriving interplanetary job market for specifically bronze Mistings...
If there's one thing that I've learned from Homestuck, it's to never turn your back on the body
Every new hint about what went down on Roshar in the back half of Stormlight just increases my fear about what's going to go down in the back half of Stormlight,
"I was destined to unite all of my people" Man who used to work for Dalinar Kholin: l, and I cannot stress this enough, ol
"Your planet shouldn't have different countries. You should have conquered and unified it all" Sir I cannot stress enough how Big Roshar is. They can barely keep the Alethi Princedoms unified there are so many more people on Roshar than here and they are so much more spread out
Now I'm just picturing that Ron Swanson meme. "I laugh at who I want - Wit"
It feels appropriate that this guy's ancestors are from the planet most closely associated with Ambition
It also feels appropriate that Mercy was there, tbh
Love that this guy is not a particularly soldier-y guy by Rosharan standards, but he's got so much soldier energy in comparison to Canticle that no one has yet noticed that he physically can't hurt anyone
Love that they talk about actual rocket science but it's interspersed with phrases like "raw investiture" and "zephyr aether" and "why take all the effort to travel the void of space when you can just walk through another dimension to travel between planets?"
Yes, yes, the plot to kill God, we've all heard of it
Khriss's Second Law :D
I'm really wondering how newbie friendly this book is. Like, they're explaining everything, but they're also throwing a lot of terms around and all of them are things I already know. For me, who read Warbreaker, when he mentions Commands as a thing on Nalthis that's just a refresher. If that's all the context I have...
The fact that this book includes both hoverbikes and a room full of angry ghosts in the same town
Oh that is a very different perspective on the whole lighteyes/darkeyes thing
Ah. Hemolurgy. From Threnodites. He's right, the cosmere is an increasingly small place
What did he even swear to?
I mean "Auxiliary" isn't a very Honorspren name and obviously not all of Bridge Four are Windrunners but Most Of Them Are
262 "You threw out your conscience years ago, I know, though I never had a chance to meet her" Seriously what is going to go down in the back half of Stormlight
Roshar Man: yeah you can totally go into the murder storm my friend Kal does it all the time lmao
They're called Skybreakers because they break you. Storms yeah Bridge Four!
Yessss He did the thing! I was hoping he'd do the salute!
Oh, that's who Zellion is
Hoid, Zahel, etc: I'm changing my name just for fun. Just for the vibes. New planet new me :) Also same planet new me :) Aliases are so fun :) Elegy: I'm literally not the same person anymore but I am keeping the name because it fits me really well. Dead me can change her name idc
Yeah something really bad goes down in the back half of Stormlight. They should not be that surprised to see a Rosharan.
Awakened Steelmind? This tech is so fun
"I like to think that this is all part of God's plan. That He made before He died :)" -- Tootsie Noodles, Starship (2011)
"God had nothing to do with it it was all Auxiliary." "And what's Auxiliary?" [Zellion remembers that spren are fragments of Honor and Cultivation, who are/were themselves Shards of Adonalsium] "..."
"Sigzil was a capable fighter, but far from the Order's best" -- Rhythm of War chapter 6
I'm done btw
Also I didn't talk about her much but I love how down for murder Elegy is. She loves her sister and she's learning all about different kinds of strength but she was so happy when she had that shardblade
Also, speaking of Stormlight, didn't love Nomad mentioning that glowing red eyes remind him of his friends! Hope he just meant Renarin and Rlain but I'm worried he didn't!
In retrospect it makes perfect sense that they already know about the Shattering. They fled Threnody, which is only Like That because of the Odium/Ambition/Mercy fight that killed Uli Da and Splintered Ambition. Those three only existed as Shards because they had already killed Adonalsium.
Also I hadn't realized or had forgotten that Shades are a "being from Threnody" thing, rather than a "dying on Threnody" thing
Fascinating that Auxiliary's corpse can still change forms even when his consciousness is completely gone. That implies that Maya and the others did something on purpose to lock themselves into sword form, rather than it being a direct consequence of the spen dying.
Also don't think I didn't notice Sanderson deliberately dancing around exactly what Sigzil's oaths were. He was Fourth Ideal in two different Orders and everything past Second is personalized
Of course the Scadrians don't interfere except to ruin things. That's so Scadrial
Love Nomad repeatedly going "Okay... I'm Azish, though." Man isn't Thaylen or Alethi it's a completely different culture that happens to share a planet. The Cinder King has no concept of this. The Greater Good doesn't even understand the difference between Roshar and Scadrial
I was laughing at the Cinder King for thinking that you could just conquer all of Roshar (it's so big), and then I remembered the Voidbringer reveal in... I think Words of Radiance? And just started laughing harder. They literally did conquer the entire planet, other than the Shattered Plains and a few other remote areas. That canonically happened
Adonalsium is literally mentioned more in ssp4 than all the other Cosmere books combined lol
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kendallroydefender · 10 months
Somewhere only we know - Chapter 6 (Kendall Roy x Reader)
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Series summary: You met Kendall when you were six years old. You have spent every summer together and now years later you and him are still just as close.
This story follows Kendall and his best friend through their lives. Will they realize their feelings for each other before it’s too late?
Chapter six summary: Logan’s 80s birthday is coming to an end nobody saw coming. Stewy and you have a talk about Kendall while Kendall’s try to reconnect with Rava end up with him thinking about you.
Authors Notes: Thank you all for reading and interacting with this fic! I know I’ve said it before but your comments, likes and asks mean so much and keep me motivated! 🤍
Wordcount: 3.5K
In the past week you’ve went on a date with a random guy. You weren’t really interested in him, you just did it because you thought it would maybe get your mind off of Kendall. It didn’t worked at all. You’re not sure why because you definitely don’t have feelings for your best friend. Plus the guy was really annoying and condescending. It’s been years since you’ve been in a real relationship, sure there were short flings or dates from time to time but nobody you really wanted to keep around for long.
So where do you go after a bad date? Right, to Kendall’s apartment. You tell him about you date and he laughs. It all feels better after you vented to him.
You wonder if he’s seeing anyone but knowing that he’s still not over Rava probably not. And you’re right, he has not seen anyone else. Too caught up with trying to win Rava back and working at Waystar (and probably even harder denying his feelings for his best friend). They don’t see each other much in person at this time and when it’s just if he sees his kids. He Skypes with them a lot too.
When you tell Stewy about this while meeting him for coffee he looks at you as if you’re an idiot. ”Honey, what are you doing?“
”Laura said I should get out there more and go on dates.“ you shrug to what the dark haired man rolls his eyes
”Well, first of all she’s an idiot if she suggested that and then you’re an idiot too because why aren’t you going on a date with Kendall.“ you look at him as if he said something insane ”What? Why would I do that?“
”Come on, you don’t have to convince me that you aren’t hopelessly in love with each other.“ he takes a sip of his coffee.
”It’s not like that, Stew. You know it. Also Kendall is still in love with Rava.“ Stewy makes a dismissive handgesture before saying ”Yeah, well he’s an idiot too for believing that. But you know I didn’t believe you when you told me you two weren’t in love back in college and I sure as fuck don’t believe it now.“ you take a bite of your cinnamon roll. ”Anyway Paul wants me to ask Kendall if it’s okay if he takes Rava out“
”Are you kidding?“
”Nope. What’s your reading on this?“ Stewy asks
”Well I don’t think Kendall is over her. Stew, he still wants to try.“
You two are silent for a few moments
”Have you heard Logan stepping down?“ you change the topic. You nod while swallowing ”Mhm. Do you think he will go through with it?“ Stewy asks something you’ve thought about before that you can’t really talk about with someone else. Stewy had been there too to witness Logan’s abuse all these years. ”Guess you can never be sure about that with him.“ Stewy agrees.
”Tell your dad happy birthday from me.“ you tell him, when he emerges from his closet. You have stayed the night once more and he is off to work. ”And good luck for the deal. I know you’ll get it.“ you encourage him knowing how important the Vaulter deal was for him.
He kisses your cheek before he goes to leave his apartment. The domesticity of the moment is not lost on you but lately it feels like the way you live isn’t friendship anymore. Nothing has happened between the two of you, no kiss, nothing but it still feels like more than just friends. It feels soft and comfortable and so who cares? You don’t want to overthink anything.
You don’t spend the night at each others places as often as you did in the year after he went to rehab anymore but the occasional sleepover’s still happen. Like yesterday night. Now he’s off to work and you will too in an hour. Staying at his house in the morning after you’ve slept over when he’s already off to work feels like something you would do with your partner.
You know today’s going to be a stressful day for your friend, he’s about to close a important deal with Vaulter. Also it’s going to be announced that he will be the new head of the company. He was so happy when he told you about it, you’d told him how proud you were. You knew how important this was for him, he’d always wanted this.
You’re flipping through the channels of your tv when you see an incoming call of Kendall. ”Hey, Kenny, how are you?“ you say and you hear him taking a deep breath. Something must be wrong. ”Yeah, uh not, not so good.“ he takes another inhale ”My dad, he’s, he’s in the hospital. I’m on my way there and I- I’m not sure what happened but it’s, yeah it’s bad.“ your heart sinks ”Wich hospital?“ you ask and after he tells you the name you get up ”Okay, I’ll meet you there.“ he wants to protest even though he feels a slight bit of relief.
You go into the hospital and hurry into the ICU where you spot him pacing in the hallway.
”Kenny.“ is all you say before you hug him. You feel his head in the crook of your neck and you hug him tighter.
”He’ll make it.“ you tell him even though you’re not completely sure.
”I’m okay. Uh, yeah I’m okay.“ he tells you.
You follow him into the waiting area where the rest of his family sits. You go and greet Marcia first. ”Im so sorry about what happened.“ You tell her as she presses her cheek against yours as a greeting ”Thank you.“ She looks at you for a second before she says ”Its good to see you, darling.“.
She sits down again and you stand back to where Kendall is lingering.
”Wait, who’s that?“ you ask, nodding your head slightly towards the right where a tall young man was awkwardly standing. ”Oh, uh that’s Greg- my cou-"
”Oh my god, Greg the Egg!“ you smile slightly and Kendall can’t help the small chuckle that escapes from him.
Connor comes around a corner, he says your name excitedly ”Good, that you’re here.“ wich is met with an ”More like a wonder you’re still around him.“ you roll your eyes ”Hello to you too Romey.“ you say to the younger brother ”So sorry about your dad.“ To wich Connor offers you a squeeze of your arm. The siblings have to go to talk about the company so you take a seat.
You stay and notice Greg’s stomach grumble. Kendall had told you that his cousin needed a job and you doubt he has eaten enough today. Silently you get up from where you’re sitting and walk towards one of the vending machines. The chips tumble out, followed by a bar of chocolate. You walk back into the room where the Roy’s are and sit down next to the X. You let the chips fall into his lap, his eyes snap up to yours. ”Huh? What- why?“ the tall man asks
”I got more than I can stomach right now.“ you shrug.
”Thank- Thank you.“ he says as he opens the bag and you eat in silence for a bit while the siblings are off to discuss
”I’m Greg, by the way.“ he says and awkwardly reaches his hand out for you to shake after wiping the chips residue off on his pants. ”I know who you are.“ you grin before introducing yourself. ”Oh, okay.“ he pauses for a second before he speaks again ”Is it bad that I kind of don’t know you?“ you huff a laugh ”No, you were a toddler when I last saw you. I’m a friend of Kendall.“ this was probably a slight understatement but Greg didn’t need to know all that.
The siblings come back for a moment, Kendall’s eyes finding you. You’re still there and even though everything is hectic and he’s stressed and hurt just seeing you in the uncomfortable chair next to Greg makes his chest feel a little warmer. He wish he could just curl up with you in your apartment right now. Just go home and forget about this god awful day. He gives you a smile and you smile back at him from across the room. His hazel eyes are shining, he looks so pretty. It’s a soft moment in the midst of this awful day.
The siblings rush in and out and Greg was sent away to grab Logan’s things. You talk to Connor who tells you about his farm. You tell him you would love to visit it one day, wich is true. You always loved Connor he was like a big brother to you. Also you knew he cared a lot about his siblings. You had always loved when he came down to visit in the summers in the hamptons and took you all to do fun things.
Roman comes back in and sits down in one of the chairs. ”Oh, she’s here.“ Connor says exited and leaves the room. You have not met Willa yet but Kendall had told you a little about his brothers relationship.
A beautiful young woman enters the room, she seems a little unsure about the situation. Connor gives you a small smile, knowing that you most likely won’t be making mean comments towards Willa. ”I don’t think you two have met yet.“ He says before he introduces you to her.
When Connor and Willa sit down across from you they kiss each other wich turns into a small make out. You and Roman make eye contact and you have to suppress a laugh.
Hours go by and you know it would be perfectly fine if you left, everyone would understand but Shiv has Tom and Connor has Willa but Kendall is alone and if you’re honest you want him to have someone here. He had stayed the whole night when you’re grandma was dying, he even went with you to the funeral, so you want to be here for him too. In a quiet moment Ken sits down next to you, you study him for a second. ”He fucked me:“ Kendall says, not looking at you. ”He didn’t wanted to step down. Said he wants to keep going 10 more years. It wasn’t real.“. You let out an exhale. Of course Logan found a way to torture his son once again. ”I’m so sorry Ken.“ you tell him and reach out to play with his fingers that are resting on his leg. ”The deal, my dad’s birthday, his stroke today was just really bad. I’m just really thankful you’re here.“ you give his hand a squeeze ”Of course Kendall.“ he gives you the hint of a smile. You want to tell him so much more; that he deserves better.
”Hey, have you seen this?“ Kendall asks Shiv as he walks back into the room. ”Im so sorry about your father.“ Willa tells him, sitting up a bit.
”Thank you. Would you give us a minute? “ Kendall says to the woman before he turns to Tom ”Tom would you mind?“ he asks the man to leave the room to. ”Come on. Im not the same as her.“ Shivs boyfriend asks before looking at you ”What about her?“ at the same time Shiv says ” Ken.“. He sighs but lets Tom stay, everyone knows you could have stayed anyway. Kendall trusts you more than anyone else and the others have no reason to distrust you at all. He tells the people in the room about the story Vaulter has just published about the company’s turmoil. ”Shitshow at the fuckfactory.“
They talk about strategies how to deal with Logan’s situation company wise. Kendall says he’s the best for this position. Tom tells everyone he can step up from Regional Parks and start to run North America. Kendall argues that he’s the most logical choice since Logan had planned to announce him anyway. And you silently have to agree with him. Out of the Sibs he is the only choice that would be plausible, even though you are a little afraid what that means for him mental health wise. Roman chimes in to insult his siblings. Shiv starts talking about bringing this decision to court before she brings up Kendalls addiction. You feel your breathing stop. ”Thats enough.“ Kendall tells her leaning forward onto the couch his arms leaning on. You try to deceiver the look on his face. Shiv backtracks shortly after saying that’s not what she’s thinking personally. And to make this whole discussion even more ridiculous Connor speaks up saying that he won’t say that he would make the best CEO.
”What’s your take on this?“ Shiv asks with a nod towards you. You look up from your phone ”Well I think it’s good for the optics if it’s family. The people will eat it up, looks like the family stays together through hard times. But if you’re all against it Gerri makes sense too. Not Karl though.“ you say what’s on your mind. You’re not just saying it because you’re Kendall’s friend but because it does show a picture of unity to the public. ”Uh-huh.“ is Shivs answer as she turns back towards her brothers. You know she doesn’t really take your opinion into consideration but if you had said that you thought Kendall was a bad choice for CEO that he would, at least, think about your words. You doubted he would actually say no if you told him it was a bad idea, it would probably end in a fight between the two of you. Wich would amuse his siblings.
”We have options“ Shiv shrugs
”Fuck your options.“ Kendall says as he turns around to leave the room.
You stay behind knowing he need this time for himself right now. You will go look after him in a bit. Willa comes back in and you talk a little to her, much to the delight of Connor.
The doctor tells you all that Logan is stable and you should get some sleep. It’s early morning already, they have decided for Kendall as CEO and Roman as COO. Rava was visiting for a moment. Greg listened to Shiv instead of Roman and didn’t brought the papers.
You don’t need to talk about it, it’s obvious that you go home with Kendall. On the way to Kendall’s apartment you feel the day catch up with you and you can’t help it when your head sinks onto his shoulder as you fall asleep. His head comes to rest on top of yours shortly after as he drifts off too.
The next days are spend with Kendall visiting Logan in the hospital, you having to go to work and Kendall preparing to become the CEO for the time his father is still sick. You’ve went to the hospital once along side Kendall to visit. Logan gets released on Thursday, you’re glad he’s getting better.
Stewy and Kendall meet at a coffeeshop. Kendall had asked for this to ask Stewy about his opinion on what Kendall should do about the Waystar debt.
”So, dude listen. I could do with a read from uh someone without a dog in the fight.“ Kendall begins
”Actually I gotta talk to you about something too.“ Stewy says with his mouth full of the pastry he got
”This is tight. This is absolutely just us, okay? Because uh a leak kills me.“ Kendall states seriously
”Right. This is about Rava… For a pal." Kendall reacts confused to his friends words ”Rava?“ he asks
”Yeah it’s a mutual friend and they want to know is it cool or are you still hankering for a wankering?“ Stewy ends his question with obnoxious sounds to wich Kendall reacts annoyed ”I- I don’t have time for this… I mean who- who’s asking? What?“
”I can’t say but they just want to know if it’s an issue?“
”Like who fucking Paul?“ Kendall reacts with jealousy laced in his words
”Well if you’re asking I’m assuming it’s an fucking issue.“ Stewy takes a sip of his coffee
”No I mean, look we’re separated. You know? Whatever. Free agents.“ Stewy is slightly amused ”Yeah, no I get it.“ but
he has to ask about you. ”And what about you and Honey anyway?“ Kendall’s brows furry ”What about us?“ Stewy rolls his eyes ”Well you spend all your free time together, you always talk about each other to me. Kendall you sleep in the same bed multiple times a week and don’t get me started on the way you’re looking at each other or these fucking lingering touches.“ Stewy goes on and Kendall gets defensive ”It’s not like that. You know it.“
”I’m just saying but Ken please don’t string that poor girl along if you really want to get back with Rava.“ Stewy knows you and even if you wouldn’t say so it would break your heart. ”Whatever.“ Kendall dismiss his friends words all while ignoring the tightening in his chest.
”I’m gonna have another. You know, if you eat it fast enough it actually burns off the calories? It’s like a loophole.“ Stewy says before heading to the counter before they start to talk about business.
It’s been a few days and you haven’t seen Kendall much. You know he’s having a lot of stress with the Waystar debt and his new role as a CEO. You know Stewy had agreed to give him the money, he had told you in a call earlier today. He had also told you, he would go meet Rava for dinner tonight.
After work you go to a gig from one of your clients. You had asked Kendall if he wanted to come with you, that’s when he told you he already had dinner plans with his still wife. His voice sounded happy, like he was exited and you knew he was. He was so hopeful of winning her back but from the last time you talked to Rava you knew she wasn’t really so enthusiastic about getting back with him.
Rava wakes up the next morning after she went out with Kendall again.
”Okay. I have to go.“ Rava gets up and walks towards the bathroom
”What about Malaya, can’t she?” Kendall asks with sleep laced in his voice
”No, Iverson will freak out.“
She goes to the toilet when she hears Kendall speak again
”Hey Rava? Why don’t we just do it all? You know, back together“
She puts her hands over her face ”Uh, let’s talk later?“
Kendall crawls out of the bed
”Hey? But that was nice, right?“ he asks as she starts to brush her teeth, the other toothbrush next to Kendall’s didn’t go unnoticed by her.
”Nevertheless.“ Rava answers
”Look, I, uhm… I- I don’t know. I don’t know. Maybe it’s, uhm. Shit, it’s like- like you’re moving on and maybe that makes me feel okay about moving on too.“
”No. I’m not moving on Rava. That’s bullshit.“
”Ken. Theres another toothbrush and shampoo in the bathroom.“
”Oh no, it’s not like that. That just belongs to y/n.“
”Yeah and that’s okay, I’m not angry or anything but Kendall please be honest with yourself if you wouldn’t be happier with her.“
And Rava isn’t jealous or upset. No, she’s happy that Kendall has you and she’s sure that last night wouldn’t happen again. She wasn’t in love with him anymore.
”Rava, come on. We’re just friends.“
She gives him a small smile,
”Yeah okay but I’m telling you now that it’s okay if there would be something else. Let yourself be happy.“
”But I am happy with you.“ he starts again after a second
”Kendall, we’ve been over this.“ she groans ”Just- just think about it. I got a lawyer. He’s nice. Let’s just keep this all really, really nice, okay?“ she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. Kendall sits down back onto his bed to take in Ravas words. He doesn’t understand why everyone constantly thinks you two are in love with each other. Especially people close to him. Rava and Stewy should know better. They know him and you. Has anything changed about the way you behave around each other? You sleep over more at each others apartments but other then that? But what about the stolen stares and lingering touches Stewy mentioned? In the end Kendall comes to the conclusion that Stewy is just a dickhead who’s trying to get under his skin. Everything’s the way it’s always been. Just friends. Best friends. The ringing of his phone breaks him out of his thoughts. It’s Marcia, she says Logan is wanting to talk to him. He will send you a message later or call you in the evening.
While Kendall is throwing himself into work you on the other side have kind of accepted your feelings. But it’s not the first time you caught feelings for Kendall. Maybe you could just wait until they disappear again, but then again did they ever disappeared or were you just really good at swallowing them?
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possessionisamyth · 4 months
I think it'd be really cute if Sheva and Chris were great email buddies after RE5.
Like, Chris isn't super verbal post mansion incident from what I notice in the series unless someone is actively engaging him in a way he needs to respond, but he might be better about text communication. It'd definitely start off with work emails where Sheva updates him about clean up and Chris encourages her or offers to pull some strings and see how to help. Maybe just one little slip up leads to them switching to personal emails once the big mess left by Wesker and Tricell is mostly cleaned up.
Sheva asks about Jill. Chris asks about Jason. They talk about any promotions or local events only to realize emails aren't really doing it anymore. Skype becomes a thing. Chris feels bad about leaving Sheva on read sometimes, but the time zone difference often comes into play, and she doesn't mind it. She does love sending him jokes he has to spend time figuring out the meaning of when he checks the application first thing in the morning. They try a video call once but the wifi on Chris' end is too laggy, and Sheva keeps having microphone issues so they return to text.
When their jobs take them out of their respective continents for BSAA stuff in Europe or Asia, they try to sync up the allotted time they have there to meet up. It's like "I'll be in Hungary." "What? No way! I'll be in France." And they're both checking the train and bus schedules to find a good meeting point in the middle so they can spend time together.
This kind of long distance friendship for them would be nice I think. To me it could also match up with Sheva's email to Piers when Chris vanishes during RE6. Maybe she wasn't getting any replies on skype, or his personal email or his work email and had to reach out further to learn what happened. Considering how the BSAA treated them during RE5, I don't think a soldier vanishing would need to be relayed to every single department the organization has. Chris wouldn't be considered extra special for vanishing either since they sent him back on the field with fucking amnesia. So Sheva would be left in the dark about it unless she hunted for her own answers. Such a theoretical conversation history would just mean she wouldn't have to hunt for too long.
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dilf-din · 1 year
Safe Place to Land: Part 3
—A Frankie Morales Series—
WC: 2400
Warnings: language, talk of loss
Rating: T
Chapter 2 // Chapter 4
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December 2004
One perk of his special forces training was that he was home the whole stretch from thanksgiving to new years. Since everything with the funeral happened a few days before he was supposed to leave anyway, and his commanding officer was eager to get home to his wife and kids, he allowed Frankie to leave early. You didn’t expect special treatment or favors like that to be a regular part of your experience being with someone in the military, but right now, you were endlessly grateful to have him next to you for that extra bit of time.
Thanksgiving was hard and Christmas would be harder. Since your mom was in a bad accident that claimed a lot of her back mobility, you had been in charge of wrapping all the presents in the house since middle school. So every Christmas Eve, your dad would sneak out to get you a surprise to unwrap. He would tuck it towards the back of the tree so you didn’t see it until the end. It was never anything extravagant, you didn’t need those kinds of things anyway, but that was one hole in your heart that was extra tender as you found yourself untangling a web of lights for Frankie to hang on your tree that year. He humored you by donning the Santa hat you usually wore all throughout December. His curls starting to peek out under the cap since he was free to let his hair grow during his off time.
The Grinch was playing on the tv mounted over the fireplace and you two were working diligently in the corner where an arm chair had been moved to the opposite end of the room to make space for the tree. A gingerbread candle burned on the table by the front door. There was even snow piling up along the street muffling everything outside with a reverence that only came during winter, but you couldn’t feel less in the holiday spirit. And that was okay. No one expected for you to.
“Babe?” Frankie’s voice cut through your thoughts and you realized you had gotten lost watching the snowfall out the window.
“Sorry what?” you blinked bringing your focus back to him.
“I said we’re gonna need one more strand, are you okay? Do you want to take a break?” he asked stepping down from the small stool he had been using to reach the top. His hand finding your cheek, deep brown eyes under tightly knit brows. He saw through all of your defenses. You wouldn’t have made it through the past month without him.
“No I’m okay, I like doing this,” you said genuinely turning to pull the next jumble of lights out of the box. You sighed, “Every year we take these down carefully and then they spend the next eleven months becoming spaghetti,” you tutted searching for the end to continue fishing him the white bulbs.
That night, his roommates Skyped him. You had become fond of the boys always roughhousing in the background. Will and Benny were brothers, and they called from their mom’s house where they would be spending the holiday. Will, a few years older and more stoic than his rambunctious sibling. It was like watching an old golden retriever with a new puppy tugging at his ears.
“Couldn’t stay away from me,” Frankie grinned answering the call. You sat perched on the arm of the chair beside him smiling at the two blonde boys on the screen.
“I’m so lonely without someone to cuddle me at night,” Benny whined causing Will to crack a smile.
“Hey I get him for holidays, you get him the rest of the year,” you teased about your custody arrangement.
“How ya hanging in there, honey?” Will asked, fully aware of what had called Frankie home early.
“I’m okay, it’s just,” you paused, “Weird. I knew it was coming, but it still doesn’t feel real sometimes,” you admitted. Frankie’s arm snakes around your waist and squeezed your hip.
“What are you boys getting into?” you asked.
“We just helped mom bake cookies!” Benny grinned.
“You probably ate more than made it into the oven,” Frankie mused with a grin on his face.
“Yeah well she doesn’t get to see us often so she didn’t mind,” he rattled on.
The conversation was mostly driven by Benny who excused himself after about 30 minutes to go shower.
Will was a few years older than the others, he had been serving in the special forces for about two years. He was kind, but quiet, thoughtful. He didn’t speak without carefully considering his words first. You left Frankie to have a few minutes with him while you straightened up your own kitchen.
You heard them talking quietly as you scrubbed the pan down from the remnants of your dinner. Your mom was working overtime in the small cafe office to try to close out the books for the end of the year, so it was just you and Frankie most nights. She had told you to not bother with the tree this year, and that’s how you knew she needed it. So you spent the afternoon decorating. Her little snowman collection lined the mantle. Frankie had hung extra lights along the top of the kitchen cabinets so it glowed peacefully when the rest of the lights were off. You even hung small ornaments from her plants that stood or draped in every corner of the house. It started out as all for her, but seeing the familiar items out, soaking in all the memories, it thawed a part of your heart out you weren’t quite sure still functioned.
You stood watching the snow fall out of the alcove the kitchen table was nestled in. The moon shone off of the clean slate of the ground, painting earthbound constellations that twinkled brilliantly. You felt Frankie’s arms slip around your waist as his lips pressed a kiss to the skin between your neck and your shoulder. “Penny for your thoughts, hermosa?” he mumbled, his mouth still buried in that patch of you not covered by your sweatshirt.
You signed and turned to hop up on the end of the counter, his hands resting on your waist drawing slow lines up and down your hip bones. “I dunno, I was just thinking about how beautiful it looks out there, and then I started feeling guilty about not being crippled by sadness for a second, but I know he wouldn’t have wanted me to stop living” you mused, your hands fiddling with the buttons of his Henley. “He really liked you, you know?” you continued, allowing your eyes to travel up his torso, admiring the broad expanse of his shoulders, the way the sleeves of his shirt hugged his biceps. His eyes met yours and he gave a small smile, “And you were his world, hermosa,” he whispered.
His mind traveled back to March of that year. He was sitting on your couch waiting for you to come downstairs. You were headed to go see a movie. His friends that worked at the theater still gave him free passes, this weekend they were for Fifty First Dates. Your dad muted the golf game he had on and turned to Frankie. “Are you serious about my girl, Morales?” he asked. Frankie straightened his posture and turned to face him, “Absolutely, sir.” Your dad smiled softly, he wanted him to know he wasn’t trying to intimidate. The cancer had taken what was left of his hair recently, so he had a beanie you had made him pulled over his ears to keep him warm. “She’s crazy about you, you know? She walks different, talks different,” he smiled at the ground.
“I’m crazy about her,” he hesitated, “I’ve loved your daughter for a long time.”
Your dad blinked back tears, his voice faltering, “Promise me you’ll look after her,” he pleaded. Frankie’s heart lurched in his chest, “As long as she’ll let me, sir.” he replied solemnly. Your dad reached over to pat his hand, giving it a squeeze. “You’re a good man, Morales,” he turned the volume to his golf game back on as Frankie tried to level his emotions before hearing your footsteps coming down the stairs.
“You okay?” you questioned, noticing his demeanor was a little off. He opened his mouth to speak but your dad interjected, “Yeah, I just told him I’d kick his ass if he tried anything with you.” You chuckled before pressing a kiss to his cheek, “You get ONE intimidating conversation, so I hope it was worth it,” you joked pulling your chucks on. “It was,” he said with a wink to Frankie that you never saw.
“Hey,” your voice pulled him back to the present, “Where’d you go?”
He smiled and shook his head, “Nowhere, amor, I’m right here, and thankful as hell to be,” he pressed his forehead to yours. You angled your head up to press a soft kiss to his lips. He smiled into it and laced his arms around you, pulling you flush to his chest. One hand flat against the expanse of your back, the other squeezing your ass. Your legs wrapped around his waist, you reached up to pull the Santa hat off. One of your hands found purchase in the short waves, the other cupping his neck. He pulled away from your lips to slowly drag them up your neck, knowing the way you liked the feel of his beard on your skin. You shuddered, a quiet, “Baby,” escaped your lips before you both jumped at the sound of the garage door rumbling. He quickly pulled himself away from you fumbling for the hat again. Pink creeping up his cheeks, “Sorry.” “Don’t be,” you smiled, pulling one of his hands to rest in between yours.
“Surprise!” you both exclaimed holding your hands out in an exaggerated fashion when your mom walked in bundled in her warmest winter wear. She took in the sight of the house, breathed deep the scent from the candle. “You guys, this is really nice,” she sighed. “You’re gonna have to come back to get all these lights down,” she joked at Frankie. “I’ll tell them it’s an emergency,” he laughed. You leaned against his chest and he wrapped an arm around your waist pressing a kiss to your forehead.
December 24, 2004
Your family’s tradition once you were a little older was to open presents Christmas Eve night and sleep in on Christmas morning. It was usually just you and your parents, so having Frankie there as a third was more comforting than you could admit.
You exchanged a small pile of presents and played a game of scrabble while drinking hot cocoa.
“I still don’t think that’s a word,” Frankie grumbled clearing the tiles back into the bag.
“The scrabble dictionary and the triple word score don’t lie,” you said with your hands up defensively. Your mom had excused herself for a second and came back holding a small gift in her hands. It was wrapped beautifully.
Your heart fell into your stomach. “Is that from dad?” you asked quietly. “For you,” she whispered handing the box to you. You looked at the tag that read in neat cursive “to my angel, love always, dad.”
“He went to get it this summer and made me promise to give it to you,” explained your mother, taking her place on the couch again. “And this is for you,” she said handing an even smaller box to a now speechless Frankie.
You opened it carefully, not wanting to mess up the neat bow or perfectly folded paper, relishing the fact that his hands had touched them. They peeled away to reveal a small black box. You popped off the lid and inside sat a simple silver bracelet with a single charm. The bracelet itself was dainty and round, off of it hung a silver heart with a single diamond in the top right corner. There was a small note folded inside that read, “For all the Christmases I’ll miss, let this remind you that my love will be with you always. —Dad.”
Your eyes welled with tears as you slipped it over your wrist turning to see Frankie. He was holding a small box in one hand reading a note in the other. He popped open the box to see your grandmother’s engagement ring. You recounted all the times you admired it as a child, its classic but beautiful design of one larger stone in the middle offset by three smaller ones on each side.
You placed your hand on his arm and he tilted the note for you to scan. “To my future son in law, for whenever the time is right. Love always, Jack.” A tear strayed down his cheek as he tried to keep his composure. All three of you sat in a mutual silence except for the occasional sniffle. “Well, I’m gonna hit the hay,” your mom said softly leaning forward to place a kiss on your temple. “Merry Christmas Frankie,” she breathed pulling him into a tight hug before ascending the staircase. She had never been one for emotional moments. You knew how to read her, but she definitely wasn’t a heart-on-your-sleeve type.
“That’s pretty,” he said taking your hand in his to admire the bracelet.
“Do you need to head home?” you asked glancing at the clock nearing ten.
“I’ve got a few hours, princesa,” he smiled leaning back on the couch, his arm draped over the top as an invitation to sink into his warmth, one you would never pass up. You sank into his side fiddling with the charm on your bracelet while he picked the ring up out of the box to look at it more closely.
“I’d marry you tomorrow,” he said quietly, dropping a kiss to the top of your head. “I know my love,” you whispered back.
“One day,” he promised linking his pinky with yours.
“One day,” you repeated back.
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Taglist: @littlenosoul @shinypants13 @mirasantidotes @certifiedhunter @daff0dilfs @bannahrae74 @rav3n-pascal22 @evitamarija @reiya-djarin @wonwoosthetic
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xbalayage · 8 months
I was wondering... What's the part about writing you enjoy the most?
Sorry I got to this so late! I've been busy today! <3
The part I enjoy the most about writing, is that it's always been my release, my form of expression and art. I've been writing roughly since I was 11-13 years old. If I remember correctly, I started roleplaying/writing on Tumblr, Deviantart, Myspace, Skype, AOL and on some FB groups back in the day. And BOY, was I terrible at it. But it was fun and enjoyable, an outlet for me in my crazy life. I even did some cringe and silly ones on places like WeeWorld and Club Penguin, hehe.
But thankfully, though I was bad, I never gave up! I started understanding what writing truly was and how much I enjoyed it. School made me realize more with writing assignments like English class and Creative Writing. A book that'll forever stick with me is Lord of the Flies because we had to write it for class but said we had to choose a character and speak from their perspective during the course of events that was happening and I chose Simon! And my teacher loved it!
It gave me a better understanding of truly trying to understand a character to the core of who they are. And it helped make my writing better of the characters I wanted to portray instead of just being silly and cringe with it, I truly wanted to do the character justice to their feelings, thoughts and actions. And it led me to the writer I am today! I love trying to paint a scene for the audience and feel immersed in what's going on. I might've lost my touch a little bit, but it doesn't hurt trying to get back to the roots and water them!
Like, for instance, a character I absolutely loved was Axel from Kingdom Hearts. He was my baby and I miss him so much sometimes. And trust, I was COMPLETELY TERRIBLE at him at first, but after realizing I needed to become better and look at the fundamentals of this character did I finally become better and made so many friends from it. Then I branched off to other characters of different personalities to better my writing.
So to finish this off, what I love about writing is truly getting to understand the characters I adore and want to portray at the center of who they are, and just hope I do a damn good job at it. I'll research, spend time and truly get every ounce of info on the character I can and allow the words to leave my fingers tips and onto the page or keyboard.
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maddiviner · 8 months
Hi and I hope you are having a good day. What were the witches on 4chan like? Until I read your posts about Thelema, I didn't know there had ever been anything like that on there. Did it involve Pepe the Frog invocations? I picture Tumblr but completely the opposite politically.
Witches on 4chan? Were there?
I began lurking the /x/ board in 2010-ish after discovering it as a hub for posting creepypasta. There also were threads on /x/ about Tarot and the occult. I'd been occult-obsessed since about 1999, so I dove right in. That said, I'm not sure 4chan had a "witch community" when I was there.
There was an occult community, but witches?
Didn't know many people called themselves witches on /x/. I didn't use the term at the time. Most people on there kind of shuddered at the idea of being called a witch. Wicca especially had a bad, fluffy rep.
People used words like magicians, mages, and similar. In case that doesn't clue you in, ritual (ceremonial, "high," whatever) magic got an emphasis, as did chaos magic. That said, it's not as if the techniques and concepts didn't overlap some.
(I realize there's nebulous terminology at play here. Where does witchcraft end and ritual or so-called "high" magic begin? What counts as "chaos" magic? Good question, eh?)
The Golden Dawn system was popular. There were plenty of disagreement about the best way to talk to angels or summon demons. Most of it was a xerox of the kind of discourse you see anywhere ritual mages gather.
Aleister Crowley, as a major propagator of the Golden Dawn stuff, got lots of attention on /x/. Thelema became a regular source of arguments on /x/.
In case you're not familiar with Thelemic cultural traditions and customs, arguments are a huge Thelemic tradition. Inside and outside of that, people had slapfights over whether Frater So-and-So was the real Such-and-Such of This-and-That.
Many people tried to charge/cast sigils by posting them on /x/. There was an element of attention equaling sigil success? An ancestor of "likes to charge, reblogs to cast?"
The most popular threads were for Tarot readings, though. People would post using tripcodes and do readings for anonymous users. I did this a bit as practice, but it was hard to get feedback of course.
All in all, it wasn't much more than a chaotic online space with occult vibes. Those aren't exactly rare. You could find plenty on Facebook and Amino. Heck, Tumblr shares some commonalities.
The kind of right wing community 4chan would become known as was only in its early stages at that point. It was also self-quarantined to other, non-/x/ boards, and rarely mentioned elsewhere. I suspect the site, or at least /x/ itself, was more center than right-wing, at least at the time.
Back in the early 2010s, I'd recently left school, where I hadn't exactly learned much as far as I'm concerned. When it came to social/political issues, I didn't know my ass from my ears. It's a good thing I didn't run into too many covert fascist types. Instead, I scrolled through posts about One Man Hide and Seek, OTO discourse, and the Hatman.
Don't get me wrong. There were definitely (some) genuine (loud) bigots and jerks on the site back then, too, of course. And there were small cults that sprang up via Skype, people harassing their exes, and so on. JoS (and we all hopefully know who they are by now) would sometimes try and recruit, with mixed results.
But that alleged Pepe egregore stuff? Not a thing on /x/ when I was on there. Pepe as a regular old meme rather than a political symbol was a thing, though. It was innocuous at the time. He showed up in /x/ memes, doing Enochian evocations or talked to Goetic kings, stuff like that.
I was on /x/ around the same time that Gamergate happened, and 4chan made the news about it. I'm sure this was a huge topic on boards like /pol/ and /v/, but it didn't get much attention from other places on the site.
As a 4chan janitor (won't name them) put it back then, "the girl posting on the origami board doesn't know or care about Gamergate." The media's image of 4chan as some kind of underground attack site has never been accurate.
Overall? 4chan's /x/, at least in 2010-2014-ish, wasn't much worse than (for example) current-day Facebook. A mess, yeah, but not exactly the swamp of bigotry you might've imagined. Mostly just ridiculous, over-the-top, and dramatic.
That doesn't mean I've plans to go back, or that I recommend it, but it wasn't like you're thinking. I don't know what the site, or even just /x/, is like now, of course. I ended up leaving the site and a lot of related communities over the years.
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wickedsrest-rp · 8 months
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Name: Okwaho Samantha Walker Species: Human (Non-powered) Occupation: Owner of Escape Your Fate Comics Age: 28 Years Old Played By: Sunny Face Claim: Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs
"I think I need to step away from the comic books and horror movies for a while…"
TW: Hate crime
Okwaho Samantha Walker was born at a time of unrest. But her birth had been a miracle for her parents. Growing up in Kanehsatà:ke, merely years after the civil unrest between governing bodies and sovereign nations, had proved to be a challenge for Sam’s parents, but the little girl didn’t know any difference. To her, life was good. Surrounded by a loving family, including her grandma and grandpa and many aunties, uncles, and cousins.
It's where she had learned to respect her elders. And grew up with the traditions of the Mohawk people of Kanehsatake. It’s where she first discovered her love of comic books and superheroes. And watched her family cook fry bread and other filling meals during celebrations and loss. But the unrest that remained just in the background of their daily life had once again come to rear its ugly head when the young girl was just eight years old, and it left Samantha’s parents with the tough decision to move leaving behind everything the young girl had ever known about her life, including her family and friends.
Wicked’s Rest, Maine, at first, was boring and intimidating. Sam hadn’t known a single soul at her new school, and she had felt like the odd girl out. The people talked differently and most of the kids stared at her making her feel uncomfortable. For the now nine year old girl, she felt lost and alone. At least until she had met her best friend Zach. It was like an instant connection and as the years went on, the two grew closer and closer.
He introduced her to more than just X-Men comics and bands like Ice Nine Kills and A7X. She introduced him to shitty horror movies and taught him about her culture and introduced him to her family back home via Skype and Facetime calls. They were inseparable; two outcasts who took care of each other when times were tough. And when she got into UMWR for Business, he made sure to celebrate her achievements with the most ridiculous cake and a night out she knew she’d never forget.
Fast forward several years and Sam had finally achieved her dreams of opening her own comic book store aptly deemed Escape Your Fate Comics. Zach was working as a mechanic at his dad’s business, and the two were sharing an apartment in downtown Wicked’s Rest off of Amity Road.
But once again, fate seemed to intervene in Sam’s life leaving her in a state of shock and Zach’s lifeless form laying in an alley just behind the body shop his family owned.
The night had been like any other. Sam had come by after closing up her shop to see how much longer her friend was working and figure out dinner plans, but the instant commotion out back had prompted her to move through the garage and towards the back door to find Zach defending a random stranger who had cowered near a fence. Sam, who had picked up a nearby crowbar, was just about to make her way to her friend, when she noticed a woman, much shorter and smaller than Zach, lift him up by his neck and within a matter of seconds, had squeezed the life out of him, before dropping him leaving her lackeys, including the man who had been cowering in the corner, to feed on him.
In fear and shock, Sam took off on foot, running as fast and as far as she could, before she realized what she had done. It had taken everything within her to go back and to call the police. Life after that had changed drastically and it was as if she were running on autopilot. So much so, that sleep started to become nearly impossible.
Days faded into nights which faded into days again, and while she had thought she had been coping for the most part, she had noticed something strange happening. The people around her seemed to morph and form into what looked like something out of one of the many comic books she had sold. And the longer it went on, the more she realized it was taking her mind off of the recurring thoughts of watching the closest person in her life die.
But now, Sam can’t help but wonder if she’s really losing herself and her grip on reality, or if something more has been going on around her than she previously thought. Whatever it is, she knows that Zach would have gotten a kick out of it, and in some strange way, it almost feels as if he’s still right there with her, but she’s gotta decide if this is really the life she wants to continue to lead and could it lead to answers of what killed her best friend that fateful night?
Character Facts:
Personality: Paranoid, cautious, tired, sarcastic, caring, adventurous, creative, curious, perceptive, imaginative
She was born in Kanehsatà:ke (Kanesatake), Quebec, Canada and lived on the reservation until her parents decided to move to Wicked's Rest, Maine when she was eight years old.
Sam’s first comic book was a random X-Men comic she found in a trash can at school, when she was just six years old. From then on she was hooked and wanted to read any and every comic book she could get her hands on.
Sam has a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever named Scout. He’s her best friend, and she doesn’t go anywhere without him.
Sam was finally able to make one of her dreams come true, when she opened Escape Your Fate Comics a year or so ago.
She graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. 
She has an extensive collection of Converse shoes, which takes up a good majority of her closet.
Sam loves metal and rock music and horror movies. However, recently, she’s started to question her taste in movies after something horrific happened to her and her best friend.
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writtenjewels · 2 years
Stripper part 6
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
Jason was only half paying attention to the movie. His thoughts were on what he hoped was going to happen later tonight. It excited him just thinking about it. When the movie was over, Salim took his hand and together they headed out of the theater.
“Did you like it?” Salim asked him.
“It was all right,” Jason responded vaguely. He did feel a little bad about not really watching the thing since he put his own money into the tickets, but it would all be worth it. “It's still kinda early,” he mentioned as casually as he could manage. “You wanna come back to my place for some coffee?”
“That sounds nice,” Salim agreed, and Jason's heart fluttered. His plan was working!
They got to Jason's apartment and he set about making their coffee. He brewed it decaf since he was already feeling a little jittery. They settled down to chat, Salim launching into a story about his son. It was cute how much he loved his kid: his face glowed with pride just from talking about Zain. Right now Zain was studying in London so Salim could only chat with him over a shoddy Skype connection.
“Kid sounds pretty smart,” Jason remarked. “I'm only tacklin' one class at a time.”
“Oh?” That got Salim's interest. “I didn't realize you were taking any classes.”
“Yeah. It's what I use my paycheck for. Tuition's a bitch.” He could sense Salim's unspoken question and pressed his lips together. This wasn't the sort of topic that would set the mood. “That reminds me,” Jason spoke up. “I'm workin' on this new character for my show.”
“But I like the Luscious Lieutenant,” Salim protested with a playful pout.
“You'll like this too,” Jason promised him. He slid off the couch and hurried into his room where the outfit was laid out. It took a lot of fumbling around and nearly falling on his ass in his hurry to get it on but soon he was ready. Why the hell was he so nervous? He'd done this a thousand times in front of countless audiences. Hell, Jason planned this whole thing hoping he would spark something in Salim.
And maybe that was the difference: his intention. Before it was all an act, he was putting on a show. This time it was for real. Jason took a breath and stepped out of the room.
Salim's eyes slid toward him and fixed there. Jason trembled, feeling the heat of that gaze from all away across the room. His new costume was a pair of tight chaps with the crotch exposed to show off his G-string, held up by suspenders. Over the suspenders was a leather vest and nothing else. Normally he would rub some glitter or oil on his exposed skin but he was too eager for that tonight. Jason had made sure the boots were comfortable to walk around in and took his time in crossing the room. He threw Salim a smirk and pushed the brim of his ten-gallon hat up off his forehead.
“Howdy, partner.”
“That, um...” Salim cleared his throat. “That's a good costume. What's, ah, what's your stage name?”
“I donno, that's usually Rachel's job. Maybe somethin' like Rhinestone Cowboy.” Salim raised an eyebrow, clearly not understanding the reference. “Damn, Salim, I gotta get you to listen to some music,” Jason teased, chuckling. “Here, let me start you off.” He walked over to his music player and turned it on. Of course he already had it set and the music pumping out was exactly the kind he needed for his dance.
This would be a lot better if there was a pole for him to work with. Jason did his best without, dipping and curling his body in time with the beats. It didn't take long for the burning intensity to return to Salim's gaze. It made Jason's breath catch. He recognized that look as the same one Salim gave the night they met. A look that heated Jason's whole body and made him tremble. He wiggled his hips enticingly, silently tempting Salim to break.
“Jason,” Salim breathed out. His voice had gone thick and husky and Jason smirked. He was doing his job well. He grasped onto his pants and tugged them free, tossing them aside. The suspenders were clasped to his G-string and Jason made sure Salim noticed by running his fingers from his shoulder down to his crotch. Salim's breathing was getting heavy, his eyes two dark pools.
“Salim,” Jason called, wetting his lips. “That rule about looking but not touching? It only applies to work.” Salim's eyes flicked up to Jason's face, his expression dazed.
And then his hands shot out, grabbing Jason by the hips and tugging him forward so hard he nearly fell on top of Salim. He barely managed to catch himself in time. His lips clumsily landed on Salim's mouth and it took them a few tries to get their lips in the right spot. Salim's fingers pushed through Jason's hair, tugging hard before raking down his spine. Yes. Yes, yes, yes! Jason arched to follow the touch, panting against Salim's lips.
“I think,” Salim huffed, “you should keep the Luscious Lieutenant.”
“Really?” Jason parted his legs and settled on Salim's lap. “You don't like the Rhinestone Cowboy?”
“I do.” Salim gripped the vest and pulled it off Jason's shoulders. Jason stiffened a little. He never had someone else remove his clothes before. He took a breath and rolled his shoulders, leaning back a little like he would if he were the one taking it off. “This look suits you,” Salim commented. “But I want to keep it just for me.”
“It is for you,” Jason assured him. He rolled forward again and cupped Salim's face in his hands. “Only for you,” Jason emphasized. They kissed slowly, tongues exploring as Jason squeezed his thighs around Salim's hips. He could feel Salim's cock through the material of his pants. Jason moaned and rocked his hips onto Salim's crotch.
He slowed his rocking into a gentle grind, lifting a little and dipping down again. He gave many lap dances before but none like this, none that were so deliberate.
“This cowboy,” Salim mused, gripping onto Jason's hips and shifting him slightly so Jason's next gyrate had him grinding even more down on Salim's crotch. Jason whimpered at the growing press of Salim's bulge. “You did this... just to seduce me.”
“You're goddamn right. Want you to fuck me so bad.” Jason rolled his hips again for emphasis. He squeezed Salim's hips with his thighs and gave him a quick peck on the mouth. “Please, Salim.” He pushed his fingers into Salim's hair and shivered feeling those hands on him. “Please fuck me.”
“Get off my lap, Jason.” Jason froze; the words knocked the air out of his lungs. He pulled back, trying not to look too hurt. Salim's gaze was still smoldering, his expression hungry as he caressed Jason's cheek. “I want to strip for you.”
Oh. Jason smiled shyly and slid off Salim's lap, settling on the couch as Salim rose to his feet. He started with the buttons on his shirt, working them off one at a time until his chest was exposed. He was built a little on the heavy side with dark chest hair. Salim's eyes met Jason's and Jason ran his tongue slowly over his lips. Salim smiled, face turning red, and rolled his body the way Jason had when his vest was removed.
“Nice move,” Jason praised. “What's your stage name?”
“I don't know.” Salim circled the waistband of his pants, spreading his legs slightly apart and raking his hands up to his crotch. Another move he must have picked up from watching Jason. “Maybe I should call myself 'Salim the Stallion' so my cowboy will want to ride me.”
“Um,” Jason gulped. His eyes were fixed on the button of those pants. Salim's thumb pushed under it, sliding out with deliberate slowness. He opened the fly and inched the pants down his legs. Holy shit, he was good. And he wasn't done when he kicked off his pants. His hands went to his underwear next. “Um,” Jason squeaked again. “You gotta leave some on.”
“ 'Cause.” Jason cleared his throat. “I wanna take that off you.” A slow smile spread over Salim's lips. He moved his hands away and waited with raised eyebrows. Jason reached out and slid his fingers under the waistband, struggling to breathe as he slid them down. Salim's erection sprang free and it took all of Jason's willpower to ignore it and focus on moving the underwear off his boyfriend's body.
His own erection was straining hard against his G-string. At last the underwear was off. Jason was shaking and hand to grip onto Salim's meaty thighs to help pull him back on his feet. Caressing up, he got a handful of the man's plump ass and squeezed. Salim was so insanely gorgeous it didn't seem real that he somehow remained single long enough to come across Jason's path.
“Salim,” he began, voice trembling. “That first night, you looked like you wanted to grab me off the stage and have your way with me right then.”
“You were alluring,” Salim recalled. His thumb brushed one clasp of Jason's suspenders, gliding along the band of his G-string to the other. “I have always found men attractive but that night, watching you...” His thumb glided up the suspender to pause at Jason's shoulder. “The 'horny' part of me was wide awake. You're right, habibi, I wanted my way with you.” Salim's thumb pushed the suspender off Jason's shoulder and he shivered, staring at the man with parted lips. “The way you danced,” Salim went on, his thumb now caressing up the other suspender, “made it seem like you wanted that, too.”
“Yep,” Jason breathed out. “I was fuckin' horny as hell, too, seein' the way you looked at me. Wanted you to fuckin' ravish me right then and there.” He shivered again as the other strap was pushed off his shoulder. “Will you fuckin' hurry up and take my damn G-string off so I can ride you?!” Salim chuckled and soothed him with a kiss.
“Lube, Jason,” Salim reminded him. “You are precious to me and I want you to enjoy every part of this.” Jason's face turned red in a blush. Even with his cock jutting out in a full hard-on, Salim managed to pull romantic sweet-nothings out of his ass. Jason couldn't return the favor but he had years of experience learning to express himself with his body.
He gripped onto one of the dangling suspenders, twirling it around and wiggling his hips as he headed into the bedroom. Jason didn't need to check over his shoulder to know Salim was following him. The lube was right there on the bedside table.
“Just like a soldier to always be prepared,” Salim teased. His hands circled Jason's waist and finally pulled down the G-string. There was a slight tremor of nerves being so exposed but that was gone the moment their eyes locked. They reached for each other at the same time, lips crashing together, panting hard as hands grasped onto flesh and tugged to bring their bodies closer.
They tumbled onto the bed with Jason landing on top. He could feel Salim blindly groping around and reached out to help him find the lube. Jason helped himself to some and wrapped his hand around Salim's cock, slicking it up with desperate jerks of his hand. Salim's fingers were equally rushed, barely giving Jason time to adjust to one finger before a second was pushed in.
“Fuck, Salim, fuckin' hurry,” he whined. “Wanna cum with you inside me.”
“I'm trying,” Salim grunted back. Three fingers were in now pumping themselves in a quick rhythm. “Ah, are you ready, habibi?”
“Been fuckin' ready forever.” He probably could've used more prep but he was too damn eager. He grasped the base with one hand and spread his legs wide to take the head in. Jason sucked in a sharp breath feeling it stretch him wide. “Holy shit, you're huge,” he gasped. “You really are a fuckin' stallion.”
“Ride 'em, cowboy,” Salim joked, patting his thigh gently. Jason's heart swelled up with affection. Incredible that he could get such tender feelings for the same man he wanted to drill him into the ground. Jason eased his way down slowly, taking Salim inch by inch, mesmerized by the adoring glow in the man's eyes.
If Salim had ravished him that first night, the sex would've been great. But it wouldn't have felt like this: this deep connection that was heart as well as body. He rose up on his heels and sank back down again, bouncing slowly. Salim's hands slid over his thighs, up his abs and around his back. He left the music player on in the other room and he could still faintly make out the music. Jason moved in time with it, bouncing and rolling his his and arching back only to roll forward again. The pace built up faster, harder, Jason grunting as he tried urging Salim in deeper.
Salim started babbling in Arabic. Jason didn't understand a word of it behind his own name. He placed his hands on either side of his lover to push up, Salim's hands gripping onto his hips tight as the pace picked up again. Their harsh breathing and moans mixed with the smack of skin on skin. This was a dance Jason never performed before. He closed his eyes and lost himself to the feel of Salim's cock sliding in and out, the unfamiliar words flowing from his lover's mouth, the rhythm of their dance.
White burst behind Jason's eyelids and he cried out, throwing his whole body back. The death grip of his thighs and Salim's hands on him were all that kept him upright. Those hands gripped him even tighter and he felt Salim begin to move them around. Jason opened his eyes to see Salim shift their positioning. He was sitting up now and Jason moved to adjust, wrapping his legs around the man.
“Next time,” Salim huffed out, “I want to take off all your clothes.”
“Yes,” Jason agreed, shuddering as he felt Salim jerk him down and hit that sweet spot again. He did it again and again until Jason's orgasm shot hot between their bodies. Jason desperately rolled his hips and squeezed his thighs hard to coax out Salim's orgasm. He felt it rush between his thighs and let his head drop, shuddering in his lover's arms.
He never wanted to dance like this for anyone else. His audience could have the Luscious Lieutenant. Only Salim would ever have Jason.
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In this AU, we see a butch JJ, who allows herself to live relatively open as a lesbian. She doesn't seem to have ever been with men or anything, and she doesn't seem to mind being affectionate with Shy in public. She doesn't let herself be openly butch, though. She was even kind of femme presenting when she met Shy, but Shy still treats her like she's butch and sees her as such. I guess I was just wondering if you can provide insight into what informs the way Shy treats her and interacts with her. I was also wondering if Shy realizes the weight of importance of her treating JJ this way.
jasira is a fan of traditional of masculine/feminine roles in relationships. she's always noticed those dynamics in the relationships she saw modeled for her growing up. a part of the way she treats jj comes from how she saw the women she looked up to treat their partners. and, so, she grew w the image of when u like/love someone, u tend to them in ur ways and they tend to u in theirs, and it's a balanced give and take but the roles/responsibilities are different. so, that's a third of it.
another third of it is her past relationship. continuing the cycle of how the women she looked up to treated their partners within that relationship taught her how it could take the edge off of her ex's brutality. it is partially a survival tactic, too, not just a show of care/like/love. the survival part of it is the part of her that feels like it's a bit of an obligation. over time, the safer she gets w jj, the more lax she becomes about certain things, and the more we see her lean into the pure desire part of the way she treats jj.
the other part of it -- the jennifer jareau specifics of it -- is that she is really is responding to the energy she gets from jj and to the jj she knows. jj is butch, but not openly so; she presents the way she feels in her home, fully and unabashedly. so, a huge huge huge portion of their relationship/connection happens over skype. all that means is that jasira is used to seeing jj at her most comfortable, she's used to seeing herself be her most masculine, most un-repressed self. so, when she calls her things like "sir" or "daddy" or allows people to refer to jj as her "boyfriend" or caters to her in a way that would b considered "submissive" or whatever, all of those things, she does because she's responding to energy and the version of jj she's most familiar with. also, the version of jj she is most attracted to. she's aware that jj isn't as open about that part of herself, because she didn't present that way when they first met, but jasira felt the energy. it was softer then, but she still felt that masculine energy in her, and even then, she was responding to that.
as far as whether or not she understands the weight that her constant, unrequested affirmation carries, the is no? she doesn't really understand the weight of it, but she couldn't ever really get it. she has her hopes. she hopes it makes jj feel good. she hopes it makes her feel empowered. but, despite the fact that she grew up familiar w the existence of studs/butches, it's not like she's ever had anyone talk to her about them. they were jus around them. she doesn't really understand the complexities of the butch identity and what it would b like to navigate the world as a gender nonconforming woman. not jus that, but jj's own journey w her queerness and her unprocessed childhood trauma is a whole other thing that shy has no insight to. so, she doesn't realize that when she treats jj the way she treats her or when she calls her those little nicknames or uses those honorifics that she's slowly healing a lot of deeply rooted past hurts. she doesn't understand that the constant, unrequested affirmation she gives jj makes jj feel less wrong about how she sees herself and how she feels about her identity and her body and the way she wants to b loved/treated in her relationships. she's got the basic surface level idea of trying to help jj feel more confident in her own skin, but she doesn't understand the why behind why she doesn't. so, yeah, the true weight of importance is lost on her.
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eldritchmonster · 2 years
I wanna make an arg with a really stupid premise
Bear with me on this one
So here’s the deal, we start out with a person who legit is in their moms basement on the computer 24/7 who is stuck in the early 2000s mentally like they need to touch grass so bad. They despise anything that goes past 2015 except the pandemic. When the pandemic happened everyone began living like them, they weren’t really outcasted as much and all their online friends were on more often but when life began to continue again this is their breaking point everyone starts leaving them again, it was so much better when everyone was… homestuck.
Here’s where it starts going off the rails. This dude’s favorite thing in the whole wide world is homestuck, they went to all the conventions back in the day, all the meetups that kinda jazz. They love it so much that they want to try to make homestuck real. They catalog it all on the internet and at first it’s like cheesy, corny stuff like painting a symbol on their shirt, redesigning their room to be mostly white (even though their grody ass doesn’t know how to clean shit) but then things take a turn. They get a tips on their videos that start as a lil weird and ramps up to absolutely creepy with strange lil things like coordinates to a random place in the woods where someone ‘coincidentally’ dumped some of the stuff they needed, some ‘cash they had lying around’ given to the cause to a freezer of DUBIOUSLY OBTAINED TOTALLY NORMAL ANIMAL ORGANS THAT IS TOTALLY FINE. All the while there are their friends, family and random internet strangers are telling them something is CLEARLY WRONG HERE but the dude is so blinded by obsession, loneliness and the now renewed hope that this is possible that they continue with this and eventually they doom the world.
Of course this is just a rough outline and knowing my luck it’ll probably never even happen this is legit just in my unmediated ADD brain just having word vomit at the moment but I think I’d be funny and cool.
Also here’s just some of the ideas that are rattling around in my brain:
The person tries to get 12 people in on the world ending project, idk if they’ll get that many it’s probably gonna go from 12 fewer like 6,4 or maybe even just 2
Them trying to sell a disk to a bunch of 12 year olds, one doesn’t know what a disk is some think he’s a creep one of them thinks they have some mental issues (they absolutely do)
They get canceled on Twitter which ends in them going on a rant about how much they hate the modern day and it’s like a crusty YouTube vid with tears
The whole group of future sburb players on a Skype call or something going over how to play the game, some are legit just trolling the guy others help try to explain how the game works some are writing down notes some are having atrocious technical problems and then THEIR MOM WALKS IN
One dude gets in on the project just to troll and goof like legit is memeing about this on his account like “me to a wedding 👕 me to the sburb play through “ and all that shit and just watching the abject horror come upon them when they realize they just helped doom the world, all of their friends and family are gone and there was a chance they could have stopped this
Legit a kid who hasn’t read homestuck gets roped into this because they think it’s cool and doesn’t have any idea what is to come
A lot of people who need therapy
Typical arg bs you know the drill
A lot of early 2000s and homestuck references
Close encounters with ‘trolls’
They try to choose people to play sburb based on their interests like if they have an interest that predates the end of homestuck that’ll be a choice pic, like furries, weebs etc. and their classpect, like you can’t have a session without a time and space aspect and they absolutely DO NOT WANT REPEATS everyone has to have an original classpect
The series finale being on 4/13 , by law it legit has to
Ok that’s all for my word vomit thanks for reading and tbh I’ll probably forget about this tomorrow
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autumnbrambleagain · 1 year
im just saying, wrt Flight of Dragons, Peter started his graduate degree and burned out and decided he wanted to write fantasy instead. Except his book is unfinished, and his board game is something he's trying to get random pawn shop owners to invest in to get off the ground.
He's in the late 90s, even if he succeeds 3.0 is a month or two away. The resurgence of tabletop is coming. And that isn't to his benefit. His one shitty boardgame is going to end up in a handful of LGS and that's about it. People play it sometimes, it's fine.
If he hadn't become suddenly rich from selling magic artifacts irl, he'd have been yet another person trying to ride the tabletop gaming wave and washing out. And the fact that this is the dude that used """logic""" to deny that magic was real despite experiencing it, how much fun do you think his games really are?
Anyway, but that doesn't happen. He gets rich selling artifacts he stole from his adventure and marries Melisande. But you know what? The kind of guy who is big into the IDEA of science but washes out of graduate programs? The kind of guy who can quote random science facts without context you know what sort of asshole that is?
A science fan. Someone who is a fan of the idea of science.
In ten years Peter is one of those biotruth assholes, and he's explaining to Melisande, the literal faery princess who left the world of magic to be with this gashead, he's explaining to her how biological essentialism means as a woman she's obligated to be attracted to the most successful male in the area, and how of COURSE she left everything to be with him, he's very rich and successful now and she is biologically obligated to want to obey him.
But it's the internet age, and Melisande is bored of listening to this guy whose accomplishments were "was okay at delegating tasks during an adventure, and did one single dragony thing I guess" and "got rich because Melisande brought a crown with her when she joined up with him" and she's getting tired of listening to him, and she's spending a lot of time on skype with a transsexual dragon otherkin and realizing she reallly misses home.
In another five years she's the mommy milf to this trans dragonkin, and they've found a way back into the world of magic, remantling their identities as a faery princess and a dragon in truth, and now Peter is blogging about Trump and pizzagate and Jan 6 and about how you really just can't trust women because they're inherently duplicitous.
He and Notch are friends for a year or two before they get into a fight about something completely asinine. Peter masturbates to dragon porn most nights.
Melisande rides her dragon girlfriend around going on adventures and as the world of logic destabilizes because it turns out no, humans aren't ever creatures of logic and we, as Peter proved, use logic systems in a magical-thinking way to create and believe in insane things--it turns out that no, humans don't believe in logic, we believe, largely, in magic, and only replaced the symbology of the charm with the symbology of the chromosome even if we dont know what it means--it turns out most humans just want to do magical thinking.
Peter proved that when he defeated the evil wizard not with clever thinking or explaining HOW his magic shouldn't work, but by holding up statements of science as if they were charms. He didn't explain why the evil wizard couldn't breathe fire--he told him that an object in motion tends to stay in motion. He didn't explain why the wizard shouldn't be able to transform because where does all that mass come from? He tells him he's too gross and ugly to be real.
We don't say Trump lost because people were sick of him and voted him out. We say Trump lost because of a grand pedophile satanic conspiracy. We don't say trans people are just people living their lives--they're an evil cult trying to brainwash children.
We know that chromosomes exist, and instead of referencing them for what they are--constructive blueprints that are not referenced continuously after the sexual system is created?--we call them magic codes and if you have these chromosomes, you are definitively this, because science.
It's magic. Humans turn entirely to magic.
The barrier is no longer needed. Verisimilitude breaks down, as it is. Putin recruits Hearts of Iron players to do military stragedy for him. Polticians say things that are verifiably untrue because it doesn't matter anymore--you just say something and everyone believes it, and by the time we're done fact checking and proving why it's wrong everyone's internalized it and it's too late.
NOW we are in the era of magical thinking.
Melisande and her tg dragon gf return from the world of magic, empowered by relative centuries of adventure. They do not make a call to reason at the world. They descend in sword and fire and unmake the insanity of humankind, as it deserves to be, as it begs to be.
Man wishes to once again be small tribes, reclusive, afraid of one another? It is granted. Their empires are broken. Their cities are scattered.
Man wishes to once again live in a world of feeling, of conspiracy? It is granted. Beasts, monsters, faeries, ghouls, dragons, creatures of all kinds ascend to power. Arbitrary strength, as mankind craves, is the rule of law. It has always been--but they no longer need pretend otherwise.
Things are as it should be. It is the time of dragons, and mankind gratefully makes room, freed of the burden of the center stage.
Peter himself becomes the equivalent of an evil wizard, brandishing """"logic"""" (reciting wikipedia quotes) to create absurdly clearly magical effects. Melisande and her tg dragon gf kill him.
As he dies Peter thinks of Clytemnestra, and about the inevitable duplicity and danger of women everywhere. He does not think about what Agamemnon has done to deserve his murder--as a fan of science, not a man of science, the idea of questioning his own assumptions never occurs to him.
The magic facts he's read are spells that tell him women are the evil ones. He can recite them--they must be true. He is so confused and heartbroken as he dies. Many in this new world will die like this. Most will deserve it.
Melisande and the dragon gf rule eternally atop Peter's former wizard spire. They live happily ever after, and also a cute enby unicorn joins the polycule eventually also.
And that's how the rest of Flight of Dragons goes.
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