#and I honestly don’t even mind that im spending it in the library because GUYS IM DOING WORK
boomerang109 · 10 months
sorry i know everytime i “get better” i spam tumblr and that’s probably a sign of mental illness more than anything but
guys know when they tell you to go places and you’re like ‘i don’t want to talk to anybody and places are loud’
go find a library with a quiet room
i am lucky cause im a university student but like. i feel like even some public libraries have this?? idk
but like. i’ve often refused to leave my home because ‘ahh people’ but. the quiet room at the library provides silent enrichment. there’s so many books!! and there are other people but you don’t have to talk to each other! and like rn we’re all suffering together! (cause finals season) it’s magical!
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Teapots, Secret Passageways and Forever - George Weasley
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Title: Teapots, Secret Passageways and Forever Pairing: George x Fem!Slytherin!Reader Warnings: NSFW!!! Dirty talk, fingering, oral (male receiving), throat fucking, orgasm denial, light spanking, degredation. Summary: turns out falling in love with your enemy is more complicated that George and Y/N thought. A/N:  here it is, the sequel to good girl!! This actually ended up turning out differently than I thought I would and im not sure how I feel about that but I’m gonna upload it anyway otherwise it will quite literally never end up on here haha. But anyway, feedback is always appreciated/welcome!! Read part 1 here!
George lets out a sigh, causing Y/N to glare up at him. He had promised to be good when Y/N agreed to let him tag along with her to the library, but they’ve only been there for 20 minutes and this is already the 5th time he’s let out a deep sigh. George grins at her, and even though she wants to be mad, Y/N finds him too adorable to even act like she’s mad.
Y/N rests her chin on her hand, just letting herself watch George for a moment. It’s hard for her to believe that just a few months ago she hated his guts, because now just the sight of George makes her feel dizzy with love. “What do you want, George?”
“Your attention,” George responds as if the answer is obvious. “When you said I could come with you I figured you’d end up sucking my cock or something. Not actually do homework.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, trying to ignore the shiver that runs down her spine. “How can one person be that horny? We literally just had sex this morning.”
George bites his lip, memories of their early morning meeting taking over his mind. Y/N is still apprehensive about spending the night in his dorm, so Saturday mornings have become their opportunity to be together before George has Quidditch practice. There isn’t a deserted corridor or secret passageway they haven’t done it in, and they spent quite a few hours together this morning in the same secret passageway they hooked up in for the first time.
“Have you looked in a mirror lately, darling? You’re absolutely gorgeous and not to mention sexy,” George compliments, reaching out to cup Y/N’s cheek. “I just can’t control myself around you. Every time I’m around you I have the overwhelming urge to just touch you and pull you close.”
Y/N can feel her cheeks flushing, and she tilts her chin forward to silently ask George for a kiss. He kisses her briefly, but it doesn’t fail to make Y/N feel lightheaded. “That’s very sweet of you to say, Georgie. And while I find you extremely, extremely sexy, I do actually have to do my homework. Because of your inability to keep your hands to yourself I’m falling behind in Potions and Herbology.”
“Oh come on Snivellous loves you, he’d probably do your assignment for you if you asked. And Sprout is a total pushover. All you have to do is give her some sob story and you’ll get an extension easily.” George’s lower lip juts out, giving Y/N his best pout. “Please? Just pay attention to me a little bit.”
“Or, you can sit here with me quietly while I do my homework, and when I’m all done you can take me to the room of requirement and have your way with me,” Y/N suggests, picking her quill back up.
“Alright, you’ve got yourself a deal.” George sits back in his chair, just watching Y/N work. She’s worrying her bottom lip between her teeth as she works on a Potions essay and George finds it incredibly cute. He finds it hard to believe that he once wanted nothing to do with Y/N. He’s absolutely captivated by everything she does, and he could spend hours just sitting there watching her do nothing.
“First Quidditch game of the year next week,” George comments idly. He knows he shouldn’t say anything, but he’s been sitting there quietly for the past 45 minutes and he can’t resist his urge to say something. It’s a Saturday evening and they’re the only two in the library, so he doesn’t even have anyone else around to watch and distract himself.
Y/N hums, not looking up from her essay. Honestly she’s surprised George lasted 45 minutes without saying anything, so she’s willing to humor him a bit while she works. “Is that so?”
“Mhm. Angelina’s first game as captain. She’s a nervous wreck. But she’s been doing really good. It’s like Wood is still there.” George pauses, watching as Y/N scribbles a few things down. “You gonna be there?”
“Of course.” She looks up to wink at George. “Slytherin’s playing. I never miss a Slytherin game.”
George rolls his eyes playfully. “But you’re not just going to be there for Slytherin, right? You’re gonna be there to watch a super-hot Ginger whiz around the field hitting bludgers at everyone.”
Y/N shrugs. “I dunno. If you ask me Fred really isn’t that good of a Quidditch player.” When George pouts at her Y/N laughs and leans forward to kiss him. “I’m only joking, love. ‘Course I’ll be there cheering you on. Maybe not as loud as I’ll be cheering for Slytherin but cheering nonetheless.”
“Guess that’ll have to do,” George drawls, fake disappointment in his tone. George bites his lip, watching Y/N flip through her Potions book before she scribbles something down on her essay. “Can I ask you something?” When Y/N nods he continues. “Will you wear one of my extra Quidditch jumpers to the game?”
Y/N looks up at George then, putting her quill down. “And betray my house? George Weasley how dare you ask that of me!” she responds, feigning shock. “How about I wear your Gryffindor hat or scarf? That way you can spot me in the crowd of Slytherins and I’ll be warm.”
George frowns. “But I want you to wear my jumper. You can wear your own hat and scarf and my jumper will keep you warm.”
“It’s just that. I always wear one of Adrian’s quidditch jumpers. And Daphne wears one of Marcus’. It’s like, our thing. Has been since second year when they made the team,” Y/N explains. She reaches out to grab George’s hand, frowning when he pulls it away. “Georgie. Don’t be like this.”
George huffs and crosses his arms over his chest. He knows that Adrian and Y/N are best friends, and even though she’d reassured him that her and Adrian never had romantic feelings for one and other, George can’t help but feel jealous when it comes to him. Obviously Y/N is his girlfriend and he knows that she loves him, but the mere mention of Adrian never fails to drive him up the wall.
“Just thought you’d want to wear you boyfriend’s Quidditch jumper,” he mumbles, settling back into his chair.
“It’s just a jumper, George. I don’t see what the big deal is.” When George doesn’t say anything Y/N sighs and gets up, walking over to George. She straddles his waist and places her hands on his neck, her fingers tangling in his hair. “I’m sorry,” she murmurs, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to George’s mouth. She keeps pecking his lips until George melts and kisses her back eagerly, his hands settling on her hips. “If it really means that much to you, I’ll wear it.”
“Promise?” George asks, unable to keep from smiling.
“Promise. But I’m wearing my Slytherin hat and scarf. Can’t let people think I’ve gone completely soft for you.” Y/N looks back at her homework, before looking at George again. “Ah screw it. I’ll just finish that tomorrow. Take me to the room of requirement?”
George’s eyes light up and he grips Y/N’s thighs as he stands up. “No need to ask me twice.”
“You can’t even have one meal apart from him without making love eyes at each other across the hall. It’s disgusting,” Daphne teases, pretending to gag.
Y/N flips her off, not bothering to break eye contact with George. Ever since they started dating Y/N and George have eaten every meal together, taking turns at which house table they sit at. But since it’s the night before the first Quidditch match George had opted to sit at the Gryffindor table without Y/N, so that Angelina could go over a few last-minute things with the team. He’s supposed to be listening to whatever Angelina is saying, but with how focused he is on her, Y/N knows whatever she’s saying is going in one ear and out the other. Adrian and Marcus join them then, and Y/N finally breaks eye contact with George, since Adrian sits right in their line of sight.
“You guys ready for tomorrow?” Daphne asks as they start to pile food on their plates. Snape had given the whole Slytherin Quidditch team permission to skip their afternoon lessons so they could get one last practice in on the field before tomorrow’s game. And both boys look exhausted, but also excited.
Marcus nods happily, “Oh yeah, Gryffindor is going down, no doubt about it.” He turns to grin at Y/N. “No offense to you or your boy toy, of course.”
Y/N flips Marcus off. “He’s not my boy toy, he’s my boyfriend, there’s a difference, moron. And there’s no need to be jealous, Marcus. I know it’s hard to watch me and George be together and I’m sure someday Daph will want to kiss you when she’s sober.”
Adrian laughs, prompting Marcus to hit him in the back of the head. “Don’t get feisty with me because Y/N is right. Oh, that reminds me.” Adrian reaches into his bag and pulls out one of his Quidditch jumpers. “Here, for tomorrow. I probably won’t see you before the game.”
“Oh, um. I don’t need it.” All three of her friends give Y/N a look and she puts down her fork. “I’m gonna wear George’s jumper tomorrow.”
Daphne frowns. “But you always wear Adrian’s. And I wear Marcus’. It’s a tradition, Y/N.”
Y/N rolls her eyes. “It’s just a sweater, Daph. You’re acting like I’m stabbing him in the back or something.”
Adrian huffs and puts the sweater back in his bag. “If it’s just a damn sweater then why are you wearing Weasley’s? Didn’t know you stopped making decisions for yourself when he started shagging you.”
Y/N whips her roll at Adrian’s head. “You’re lucky there’s a table in between us Adrian or I’d break your fucking arm. Why are you being such a dick? George is my boyfriend and he asked me to wear his jumper. It doesn’t mean anything to me, but it does to him, and I love him so I’m going to wear it.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” Adrian apologizes. “It just annoys me that things are changing. It used to be just us four. Now it’s always us four and George.”
Y/N sighs. As much as she hates to admit it, Adrian is right. They’ve operated as a foursome ever since the first train ride to Hogwarts, when they were all just scared 11-year olds. Throwing George into the mix has changed their dynamic and she’s sure it’s been hard on all of them to adjust. “I’m sorry. It’s not like I planned on getting a boyfriend, it just kinda happened. I’ll wear your jumper to every other Slytherin game, okay?”
“Guess it’ll do,” Adrian settles, taking a bite out of the roll Y/N threw.
“Woo! Let’s go George! That’s my boy!” Y/N shouts, causing the Slytherins around her to all glare. Harry has just caught the snitch meaning of course, Gryffindor has won. Y/N turns to Daphne who’s pouting next to her and shapes her fingers in the form of an L. “Sorry, Slyther-losers. Good luck winning the Quidditch cup now!”
Daphne rolls her eyes and scoffs. “You’re a Slytherin too, you realize that, right?”
“Not today!” Y/N pulls her Slytherin knit cap off her head and shoves it into her jacket pocket as she unzips it to show off the red and gold jumper she’s wearing. “I’m a Gryffindor today, baby! Now come on let’s go, you can go make sure Marcus doesn’t drown himself in the showers and I can give George the congratulatory blow job I promised.”
“Ew! Way too much information, Y/N,” Daphne grimaces.
Y/N laughs as they start to head down to the pitch, unable to keep the smile off of her face. George looks hot just sitting there doing nothing, so seeing him whiz around the field hitting bludgers has left Y/N feeling dizzy with a swarm of butterflies in her stomach. He was gripping his bat so hard his knuckles were turning white, and the veins on his hand were visible from her seat in the stands. He looked so powerful up there on his broom, and it’s a sight Y/N never wants to forget.
When Y/N and Daphne finally reach the ground she’s about to breakaway to sneak into the Gryffindor changing room, when Daphne grabs her arm. “What?”
“Look!” Daphne insists, directing Y/N’s attention towards the outskirts of the pitch.
Y/N swallows the lump that has appeared in the back of her throat. Angelina, Katie and Alicia are holding onto Fred, who’s desperately fighting against them, a dark look on his face. George has an identical look on his face, and he’s trying to throw Harry off of him. Draco is standing in front of them, and while Y/N can’t hear what he’s saying, she knows it’s nothing nice. “That can’t be good.” Her and Daphne rush over, just as Marcus and Adrian start to approach.
“Get back up to the castle,” Marcus directs not even bothering to look at them.
Daphne hesitates, but Y/N grabs Adrian’s arm. “What are you guys doing?”
“We’re gonna back up Malfoy, obviously. You heard Marcus, get out of here.” Adrian tries to shake Y/N off, but she tightens her grip on him. “I’m serious, Y/N. Go back to the castle. Whatever is about to happen is not going to be pretty.”
Y/N looks over at George. Harry now looks just as angry and is struggling to hold onto George’s Quidditch robes. They’re close enough now that Y/N can hear the tone of Draco’s voice, and it’s dripping with cockiness. George’s fists are clenched at his sides, like he’s preparing to knock Draco’s lights out. She’s never seen George like this, and while it turns her on to no end, it also scares the shit out of her. She lets go of Adrian’s arm and starts heading towards George to try and stop whatever this is that’s about to go down.
It’s Adrian’s turn to stop Y/N, and he wraps his arms around Y/N’s waist. “Are you out of your fucking mind? You’re about to put yourself in the middle of a blood bath.”
“Let me go, Adrian! As much as I would love to watch George beat the shit out of Draco this is not the time or the place.” She tries to break free from Adrian’s grip just as George finally looks away from Draco. Their eyes meet for a brief moment, but Y/N doesn’t miss the pure rage in them. George’s eyes drop to where Adrian is gripping her and before anyone can do anything George is lunging at Draco, punching him straight in the jaw.
“What did I tell you?” Adrian growls as he starts to pull Y/N back towards the castle.
Y/N lets Adrian drag her away as watches in horror at the scene unfolding in front of her. Harry has joined in the fight as well, and he and George are on the ground on top of Draco. Fists are flying everywhere and every time one connects with a body Y/N’s stomach lurches. After what seems like an eternity Madam Hooch and several professors are descending on the scene and their view is completely cut off.
Y/N takes the stairs up to Gryffindor tower two at a time, desperately in need of seeing George. It’s been a few hours since the debacle that went down on the Quidditch pitch and Draco has just finished bragging about the event after getting back from the Hospital Wing. What Y/N had wanted to do was grab Draco and hang him in the dungeons from his ankle, but instead she stormed out of the common room in search of George. His punishment is severe, and all she wants to do his hug him close.
“Oh thank god,” Y/N greets Ginny as she reaches the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. She really hadn’t thought about how she was going to get in until she was already halfway up the staircase. Y/N had planned on just standing around until a Gryffindor showed up, so she’s truly thankful that Ginny is already there.
Ginny smiles at Y/N and pushes the Fat Lady Portrait open. “When George got back I figured it would only be a matter of time before you came to find him. He’s up in his dorm”
When Y/N steps into the common room it’s dead quiet. Gryffindor’s parties are notorious around school, and Y/N knows that if the match had ended differently there would be a rager going on right now. Fred is starting daggers at Y/N, and she can feel her face heating up as she heads up towards George’s dorm. Fred is still not the biggest fan of her relationship with George, but he’s usually less obvious about his feelings towards Y/N.
Y/N takes a deep breath as she reaches the seventh-year dorm and she knocks quietly. “George? Georgie? It’s me. Can I come in? ”When George doesn’t say anything, she frowns and pushes the door open anyway. “Georgie,” she coos as she enters, shutting the door behind her tightly. George is sitting on the edge of his bed shirtless, facing away from her. His shoulders are tense, and it makes Y/N’s chest ache.  
“How did you get in here?” he asks firmly, not bothering to look at her.
Y/N bites her lip and starts to tentatively walk towards him. “Ginny let me in, she was waiting for me, actually.” She stops when she’s a few steps away from him. “Are you okay?” she asks softly.
George huffs. “What do you think?” His tone is sharp, and Y/N can feel tears welling up in her eyes. She figured he would be upset, but she has no idea why he’s upset with her.
“I can’t believe that toad banned you guys from Quidditch. Actually I can believe it, she’s fucking awful.” When George doesn’t say anything Y/N starts to play with her fingers. “Will you talk to me George, please?”
“I don’t have anything to say to you, Y/N. Just go hug Adrian or whatever it is you do when I’m not around.”
Y/N frowns and goes to kneel behind George on the bed. She reaches out slowly and places her hand on his shoulder. “Georgie what are you talking about? You’re the only one I wanna be with. Every second of every day. You know that.”
“Do I?” George asks as he stands up and turns to face her. “Because you two looked pretty cozy today down on the pitch.”
Y/N lets her eyes drag over George’s face. His eyes are dark and narrow, reminiscent of the way he was looking at Draco earlier. His lip is busted open and he’s got a pretty daunting black eye, but he still looks like George. “We weren’t hugging down there, George. Is that what you thought that was?”
“That’s what it looked like, Y/N. His arms around your waist like that. Only I’m allowed to touch you like that,” George growls, his fists clenching. “If you hadn’t been standing in front of him I would have broken his jaw, not Malfoy’s.”
“You’re such a fucking idiot, George,” Y/N spits, suddenly feeling angry. Although she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t turned on a little as well. Seeing George so angry and possessive has ignited a pit of arousal in her stomach. “He wasn’t hugging me. He was keeping me from throwing myself at you to keep you from hitting Draco. You know if it wasn’t for Adrian you could have hurt me, George.”
“I’ll be sure to go thank him then,” George sneers. “God, Y/N how can you be so daft. He’s clearly in love with you. I’m sure he was just looking for some excuse to touch you.”
“You can’t be serious George. We’ve talked about this. Adrian and I have never and will never have feelings for each other.” Y/N gets off the bed and comes around so she’s standing in front of George. “And you know what even if Adrian does have feelings for me I don’t return them. I’m in love with you, you big fat fucking moron. So quit it with this jealousy crap, George.”
George suddenly grabs Y/N’s hips and pulls her into his chest harshly before leaning down and kissing her hard. “I’m not jealous,” he insists as he pushes her back onto his bed. “But you’re mine, Y/N. And I’m gonna make sure every person in this school knows that. Especially that prick Adrian.”
“God, George. You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.” Y/N sits up and wraps her hand around George’s necking, pulling him in to a desperate kiss. She lays back against the bed as George forces his tongue into her mouth, pulling him on top of her.
George starts to bite and suck on Y/N’s neck, feeling the need to mark her up as much as possible. He wants there to be no doubt in anyone’s mind who Y/N belongs to when he’s done with her. He nibbles along the underside of her jaw, leaving small purple bruises in his wake. “You look so fucking hot in my jumper, Y/N. Such a shame I’m gonna have to take it off.”
George’s hands have started to run up under the jumper, his cold hands shocking her warm skin. “Then don’t,” she gasps as George bites the crook of her neck harshly. “Leave it on while you fuck me, please. It smells like you, Georgie.” Y/N moans and tangles her hands in his hair as George starts to cup her bare breasts, his calloused thumbs rubbing harshly at her nipples.
“That desperate for me already, darling? So needy for me that you wanna be able to smell me while I ruin your pretty pussy with my cock?” George pinches Y/N’s nipples hard, smirking as her back arches up off of the bed.
“Please, George,” Y/N moans, tugging on his hair. “Just wanna be your good girl.”
Y/N’s words send a shiver down George’s spine and he kisses her briefly. “You sure you wanna be my good girl? ‘Cause the way you’ve been talking makes it seem like you wanna be a bad girl.”
“Yes, George. Always wanna be your good girl, wanna be so good for you.”
George pulls away from Y/N completely and sits up, starting to fumble with the button of his trousers. “If you wanna be my good girl so bad, then you’re gonna use that pretty little mouth to show me just how good you can be.”
Y/N sits up and bats George’s hands away, undoing his trousers and shoving them down to his thighs along with his boxers. She practically drools as his hard cock pops out, and Y/N immediately wraps one of her hands around it and starts to stroke him lightly, while her other hand pulls George down into a searing kiss.
George grabs Y/N’s face in his hands as he lays back onto the bed to keep their lips connected as she settles in between his thighs. He groans as Y/N’s thumb starts to swipe over the tip of his cock and he pulls away from her mouth, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth as he does. He watches it snap back into place, a little redder and plumper before and he starts to shove her head downwards. “Go on then, Y/N. Wrap those pretty lips around me so I can fuck your throat.”
Y/N immediately settles on her knees between George’s thighs, gripping the base of his cock tightly as she takes him into her mouth. She loves it when George is rough with her and tells her what to do. Seeing him jealous and angry turns her on to no end, and she can already feel her wetness coating her thighs. Y/N takes him down as far as she can, moaning when he gathers her hair in a ponytail and gives it a sharp tug. His hips jut up, shoving his cock farther down into her throat, and Y/N braces one of her hands on George’s hip while the other fists his bed sheets.
“Oh fucking hell,” George moans as Y/N looks up at him from under her eyelashes. “Look so fucking pretty like that, darling, with your mouth wrapped around my cock. You love sucking my cock, don’t you Y/N?” She hums around him, and George’s hips surge upwards, burying the rest of his cock between her lips. Y/N gags as he hits the back of her throat and George uses his grip on her hair to keep her there for a moment before he pulls her off slightly.
Y/N lets her tongue run up against the underside of George’s cock as he starts to thrust into her mouth and as his hand guides her head. George shoves the tip of his cock into the back of her throat with each thrust, and Y/N can feel tears leaking out of the corners of her eyes with each gag. She makes sure to pay attention to the tip of his cock every time he pulls her back, letting her tongue flick at it and collect the precum that’s started to bubble up at the top.
George picks up the speed of his hips, groaning as drool starts to dribble down Y/N’s chin. “Always suck me so well, Y/N. Such a good girl for me.” George let’s his cock hit the back of Y/N’s throat one more time, before he pulls her off completely. He wipes some of the drool off of her chin with his thumb and cleans it off on his pant leg. “Thank you, baby for getting my cock nice and wet, perfect for me to fuck you with. Go on then, get on your hands and knees.”
Y/N gets into position as George gets off of the bed to take his bottoms fully off. She feels George push the bottom of his jumper up, so it bunches around her hips and she moans as his large hands grab her ass. The bed shifts as he settles in behind her, his hands tugging at the fabric of her leggings.
“George!” she gasps as his hands tear a whole in her bottoms, suddenly exposing her bare core to the cold air of the room.
“No panties?” George asks as he shoves two fingers into her wet heat. Y/N moans as her walls clench around his digits and George starts to slowly fuck her with them. “Such a dirty fucking whore you are, Y/N. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? For me to use you like a little fuck toy, like you’re just a warm wet hole for me to bury my cock in. Isn’t that right?”
“Please,” Y/N begs as George’s fingers curl and finally brush up against her g-spot. George has never been this lewd with her, and she can still hear the anger in his voice. “Please, Georgie,” she whines, pushing back against his hand.
George smacks Y/N’s ass hard with his free hand, revealing in the moan that leaves her lips. “Answer me, Y/N. If you wanna cum tonight you’ll be a good girl and use your words. You’re just a warm wet hole for me to fuck and ruin, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, George, yes,” Y/N pants as his thumb starts to rub her clit.
George bites his lip as Y/N’s thighs and arms start to shake, and he smacks her ass again. “And you love being my dirty little fuck toy, don’t you?”
Y/N moans as George curls his fingers again, nodding wildly. “Love it so much Georgie, please. Wanna be your good girl, wanna make you feel good.”
In one fluid motion, George removes his fingers from Y/N’s core, grabs her hips and slams his cock into her, his hips moving until he’s buried completely inside of her. “Always so fucking tight for me darling,” George groans as he starts to move his hips. He sets a relentless pace, fucking into Y/N hard and fast. “I want to hear every little noise that comes out of you as I fuck you, understand? Want this whole fucking school to know just how good I make you feel.”
“So fucking big George, holy fuck,” Y/N moans. “Always fuck me so good, Georgie. No one can ever make me feel as good as you do, love your cock so much.” Unable to hold herself up from the pleasure coursing through her veins, Y/N falls forward onto her forearms, arching her back for George. The new positions allows him to slip even deeper inside of her, and she clenches her walls around George as she whines. “Right there, oh fuck. Harder George please. I need you,” she begs.
George tightens his grip on Y/N’s hips and slams into her harder. Normally George prefers to take things slow, but he still has the image of Adrian’s arms around Y/N’s waist and he wants to fuck her so hard that he forgets it completely. “Such a dirty fucking whore, Y/N. Begging for me to ruin you.”
“George,” Y/N groans as his thumb starts rubbing harsh circles on her clit. The tip of his cock rubs her g-spot with every thrust and her hips start to push back against him as her orgasm starts to build. Her body feels like it’s on fire and she can’t help the noises that come out of her mouth with each of George’s thrusts. “Please, George. Been such a good girl. Can I? Can I come George, please?”
George grunts as Y/N clenches around him even tighter, trying to keep his own orgasm at bay. “I don’t know if you deserve it, darling. Fuck toys don’t get to cum, do they? And that’s all you are, isn’t it? Just a little fuck to for me to use for my pleasure?”
“Please, please, please,” Y/N babbles as tears start to stream down her cheeks. She’s teetering on the edge of her climax and all she needs is for George to allow her to feel it. Pleasure is moving like an electric shock through her body and she desperately wants to let go. “Georgie, please,” she begs, the desperation clear in her voice. “I’m all yours, only yours please. Only want you, George. Please, please, let me cum.”
“Fuck that’s right, Y/N. You’re mine,” George growls. “Forever. Understand that? No one’s ever going to touch you or kiss you or fuck you ever again. Just me, only me. Go on then, baby. Be a good girl and cum all over my cock.”
Y/N cries out George’s name as she cums, her whole body shaking as pleasure courses through her. She collapses against the bed as her chest heaves with heavy pants, her body feeling like it’s floating. George’s hips have started to stutter as his own orgasm approaches, and Y/N clenches around him to help bring him to his climax. “Fill me up George, please. Claim me, make me yours forever.”
“Fucking hell, baby.” George collapses against Y/N’s back as he cums, his orgasm rocketing through his body. He doesn’t think he’s ever cum this hard before, and his hips slowly roll as he twitches inside of Y/N. Once he’s finished releasing inside of her George slowly pulls out and collapses on the bed next to Y/N. Silent tears are still rolling down her cheeks and George immediately pulls her into his chest. “I went too far didn’t I? Fuck I’m so sorry Y/N.”
Y/N sniffles as George starts to stroke her hair and press soft kisses all over her face. “They’re good tears Georgie I promise. It was incredible, honestly, love.”
George wipes away a few of the tears before he pulls Y/N in for a passionate kiss. Their lips move together slowly, and George starts to gently rub her back. “I would never be able to forgive myself if I hurt you. I love you, Y/N, so much.”
“I love you too, Georgie. Forever, yeah?”
George pulls Y/N closer to his body and kisses the top of her forehead, praying that the anger he still feels in his chest goes away. “Forever.”
Despite the fact that George had promised her forever that night, Y/N can’t help but feel that they’re starting to drift apart. With their lifetime Quidditch ban in full effect, George and Fred have started to put even more time into their Weasley products and Y/N feels like she barely sees George anymore. He still walks her to class holding her hand tightly and he’s always sure to remind her that he loves her, but they no longer eat meals together and Y/N can’t remember the last time George begged her to skive off her homework to fool around in the room of requirement. But she’s happy that he’s found something to put his extra time into, so she doesn’t think too much is wrong until George misses their next Saturday morning meeting.
“What’s wrong?” Adrian asks as Y/N slumps over to the Slytherin table. Most Saturdays Y/N’s friends don’t see her until lunch time, so they’re all surprised as she falls into her seat next to Adrian.
Y/N sighs and starts to put random food onto her plate, not really feeling like eating. “George never showed this morning. We were supposed to meet in the room of requirement and I just sat there for thirty minutes feeling like an idiot.”  
“You mean your prince charming stood you up? Guess things aren’t as happy in the kingdom as they seem,” Marcus teases. Daphne smacks him upside the head, prompting him to frown. “I was just trying to make her smile Daph no need to try and take my head off.”
“You’re an idiot, Marcus,” Daphne scolds before turning her attention back to Y/N. “I thought something was up with you guys, but I didn’t want to say anything. I feel like I’ve barely seen you two together this past week. George is usually always hovering around you, I mean he practically worships the ground you walk on. You guys get into a fight or something?”
Y/N shrugs, picking at her muffin. “He was pretty pissed after what happened last weekend at the Quidditch match. When Adrian was trying to hold me back from going over there he thought we were hugging or something. I don’t know, he was really angry though. But I thought we uh, worked it out if you get what I mean. But clearly not.”
“What a git. He managed to score the hottest girl in school and yet he still managed to fuck it up,” Adrian murmurs, putting his arm around Y/N’s middle. “You deserve better than him, Y/N.”
Y/N rests her head against Adrian’s shoulder and sighs. “He’s all I’ve ever wanted. I don’t know what I’d do without him.”
“Don’t look now,” Daphne whispers, leaning over the table. “He just walked in with Fred, act natural.”
Y/N ruffles Adrian’s hair as she sits up, trying to pretend that she can’t feel George’s eyes starting at the back of her head.
George slams his quill down on the table, running his hand through his hair. “Fucking bullshit. No matter how many times I calculate it the numbers just don’t match up.”
“Will you chill out? It’s not that big of a deal we can work on that shit later,” Fred urges, watching George carefully. “What’s got your panties in a twist lately? I’ve never seen you this worked up.”
It’s Saturday afternoon, and Fred and George are tucked away in a corner of the common room, working on stuff for their joke shop. George has been trying to work on an input output expense sheet, but all of the numbers keep blurring together and he can’t seem to figure out how to make them balance. It probably has something to do with the fact that things between him and Y/N aren’t quite right, but he doesn’t want to think about that.
“Nothing, I’m fine,” George says flatly, looking back over the sheet in front of him.
Fred sighs and leans back in his seat. “You’re a shit liar, you know that? And I do have eyes, you know. Something’s going on with you and Y/N and you’re clearly upset about it. And I’m not going to stop asking about it until you tell me so just spill it so we can get back to work.”
“I’ve just been so angry with her lately, like constantly. Every time I’m around her it just flares up in my chest and I have this urge to just, I dunno. Yell at her.” George pauses. “I mean did you see the way he was touching her today? I wanted to storm over there and rip him away.”
Fred knits his eyebrows together. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Adrian,” George clarifies, his voice dark. “He’s always touching her, and Y/N just lets him. Even though she knows how I feel about him. Did you know I had to beg her to wear my Quidditch jumper to the game last week? And do you know why? Because she always wears Adrian’s,” he mocks. “I’m her bloody boyfriend and I had to beg her not to wear another guys jumper, it’s ridiculous.”
Fred reaches out and puts a comforting hand on George’s shoulder. “You’re my brother and I care about you, please try and remember that as I say the next thing. You’re a fucking idiot, George. I know I’m not Y/N’s biggest fan, but it’s clear that she cares about you. The way that she looks at you George, even when you’re not paying attention it’s like you’re the only thing in the world she cares about. I don’t think she means any harm when she’s like that with Adrian and deep down you know that too. I mean they’ve always been like that. Remember when you guys got detention before you were together? He showed up to walk her back to the common room and he gave her a piggyback ride. It’s not like they’ve just started being close. I don’t think I ever saw her away from Adrian or any of her friends until you guys started dating. Whatever you’re feeling is all in your head.”
“It doesn’t feel all in my head. The way he looks at her, it’s not the way someone looks at a person who’s just a friend,” George insists.
Fred rolls his eyes. “Okay so say Adrian does have feeling for Y/N. He’s clearly very deep in the friend zone. We all heard you guys last weekend, screaming about how she’s yours forever or whatever. Nearly made me throw up in my mouth, mate.”
George punches Fred’s shoulder lightly. “Fuck off. Y/N said the same thing but-“
“See! There you go,” Fred interjects, cutting George off. “Y/N said it herself. She’s in love with you, not Adrian. So, stop being an idiot and go apologize to her before she realizes what a dolt you are and ends it for good.”
George does leave the common room then, fully intending to go and see Y/N. He still feels angry deep in his chest, but his need to be close to her overwhelms all of it. That is until he finds Y/N in the library, her head titled back in a laugh at something Adrian has said. The anger in George’s chest flares as she pushes him playfully, a wide smile on her face that’s usually reserved for George.
Y/N can tell something has gone wrong, when there’s no Weasley’s in attendance at breakfast on Monday morning. They had all been a dinner the night before, and one Weasley not being around is perfectly normal. Even two being absent is normal if it’s Fred and George. But all four of them is unheard of, especially when Harry never shows up for breakfast either. She tries to keep herself calm, thinking that maybe they’re just doing something for the DA or planning some revenge on Umbridge. But when lunch comes around and Y/N has yet to see George or Fred in class and there hasn’t been a single streak of red hair floating around the halls, Y/N makes a beeline for the Gryffindor table where Hermione is sitting alone.
“Hey, what’s going on? Where’s George and everyone else. I haven’t seen them since dinner last night,” Y/N asks as she takes a seat next to Hermione. When Hermione finally looks at Y/N there’s a worried expression on her features and it makes Y/N’s stomach drop.
“George didn’t owl you?” When Y/N shakes her head, Hermione leans forward to whisper in her ear. “I can’t say too much, Dumbledore’s orders. But something happened and Mr. Weasley was badly injured, he’s in St. Mungo’s. George and the rest of the Weasley’s along with Harry took a portkey home last night, Dumbledore gave them all permission to start winter break a few days early.”
Y/N frowns, a mixture of emotions flowing through her body. On one hand she’s worried about George’s dad and how he’s coping with everything. And on the other she’s hurt that George didn’t feel comfortable enough to reach out to her and tell her what’s going on. Y/N had hoped they could make things right before being a part for two weeks, but it seems that the wedge between them is only being pushed farther and farther apart.
“Is he going to be okay? Mr. Weasley? God George must be freaking out.”
Hermione shrugs. “I haven’t heard anything yet, Harry sent an owl when they got to their destination last night. They hadn’t heard much yet, but I’m sure he’s in good hands at St. Mungos. And I’m sure George will reach out soon, Y/N. I wouldn’t worry too much.”
Y/N gives Hermione a small smile before she goes to join her friends, a pit of despair growing in her stomach.
“It’s Christmas eve, Y/N. You’ve been held up in your room sending letters all break, can’t you give it a rest for a few days? I’m sure Daphne or Adrian will understand if they don’t get any letters from you for a bit,” Y/N’s mother says, reaching over to grab the quill from her hand.
It’s been a week since George’s father was attacked, and Y/N has been sending him letters nearly nonstop without hearing anything in return. Her owl always comes back with an empty beak, so she knows he’s been getting the letters, and her heart hurts every time he doesn’t respond. She just wants to know if he’s okay, if there’s anything she can do for him. Y/N knows she’s been ignoring her parents a little too much, but she can’t think about anything except for George.
“I’m not writing to Daphne or Adrian,” Y/N huffs, finally looking up at her parents. They’re sitting at the table having lunch together, or at least her parents are. Y/N’s owl had turned up without a response from George just before food was ready, and Y/N wants to send another to him as soon as possible.
“Well then who have you been writing too?” her father asks. “I don’t think I’ve seen you write this much in your entire life.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, a pink blush appearing on her cheeks. “George Weasley,” she mumbles, looking away.
“George Weasley? Y/N whatever prank that boy pulled on you can be dealt with when you get back to school. There’s no need to be going on and on with him over break,” her mother tuts with a shake of her head.
Y/N’s parents have spent much of their time over the past few years listening to Y/N complain endlessly about both Weasley Twins, so it doesn’t surprise her that her mother thinks her letters to George are out of anger instead of love. Especially since she’s yet to tell them about their relationship.
“Actually, George is my, um. He’s my boyfriend,” Y/N mutters, sheepishly looking back at her parents. They both look shocked and she rolls her eyes. “Don’t look so surprised, I’m a great catch, of course I have a boyfriend.”
Y/N’s father laughs. “Sweetie we’re not shocked that you have a boyfriend, you’re the most beautiful girl in the world of course. But I’m going to be honest, George Weasley is the last person I thought you’d end up with. Last we heard you hated the very sight of him.”
“Well not anymore. I love him, so much. He’s been going through some stuff recently and I just want to make sure he’s okay,” Y/N explains. She makes sure to leave out the part that she thinks he’s going to break up with her when they get back to school, since she’d much rather ignore that for now. “Can I just finish this one letter, please? And then I won’t send another until boxing day, I promise.”
Her mother sighs and reluctantly hands her back the quill. “Fine, just one more letter. But seriously no more until boxing day. Not only is it the holidays but your poor owl needs a few days to rest.”
“You should write her back you know,” Ginny comments as she sits down next to George.
George hums, gripping Y/N’s most recent letter in his hands. His chest aches at how sad she sounds, but he can’t bring himself to pick up a quill and write her back. “I don’t know what to say.”
Ginny rolls her eyes. “How about I’m a big fat idiot and the second I see you again I’m going to fall to my knees and beg for your forgiveness? That’s probably a good place to start.”
“Dunno why I have to be the one to apologize,” he mutters, wincing when Ginny smacks him upside the head. “What the hell was that for, Gin?”
“For you continuing to be a big fat idiot,” Ginny spits. “You’ve been acting like a huge asshole to her lately George that’s why you need to apologize. It only takes a person with half a brain to see how you’ve been pushing her away. So cut the crap. Either apologize to Y/N and beg for her forgiveness or break it off.”
The thought of breaking up with Y/N makes his stomach lurch. There’s no doubt in his mind that he wants to be with her, but it feels like he doesn’t know how to anymore. It seems that whenever Y/N is around Adrian is right there too, and it makes anger flare up in his chest. He knows it’s not rational, but it doesn’t make it any easier to stop feeling that way. George wants Y/N all to himself, as selfish as that may be.
“She’s probably gonna break up with me, so I don’t see the point.” George tosses the letter in his hands onto the coffee table and leans back against the couch. “Who knew being in a relationship would be so difficult?”
“It wouldn’t be so difficult if you just talked to her, git,” Ginny points out. “She’s written you a letter practically every day of break, obviously she cares about you and is worried about you.” Ginny pauses so George will look over at her. “What’s wrong anyway? Thought you guys were doing okay?”
George shrugs. “I can’t stand Adrian and his smug fucking face. He’s just there. Always. Watching her, trying to get close with her. And Y/N just sits there and lets him. You know I caught them together in the library a few nights before Dad was attacked.”
Ginny’s jaw drops. “You caught them hooking up?”
“What? No. They were doing homework,” George explains.
Ginny punches George in the thigh as hard as she can. “You’re a fucking moron, George. Since when is doing homework in the library someone cheating? Or a reason to get mad?”
“It wasn’t just the fact that they were doing homework. They were sitting next to each other and he was making her laugh,” George huffs, as if Ginny is the one being unreasonable.
“You’re joking, right?” When George doesn’t say anything, Ginny rolls her eyes. “Since when are you this insecure, George? Y/N is crazy about you. And Adrian is her friend, of course he’s gonna be around.” She bites her lip. “I think you’ve been putting too much thought into this George.”
George sits there for a moment, letting Ginny’s words sink in. Perhaps he has been getting a bit ahead of himself. Something about seeing Y/N with Adrian when he was so worked up over what Draco had been saying must have twisted something in his mind. He had felt jealous about Adrian before that, but never in a way that made him question his relationship with Y/N. Usually all it takes is one look from Y/N and all of his ill thoughts flush away. But lately it seems nothing can calm him down. He’s been putting distance between them in the hopes that his anger would finally go away, but as soon as it feels like he’s back to normal the second Y/N is in his vicinity with Adrian it all comes rushing back.
“I think I have been too,” he admits quietly. “It doesn’t feel real, sometimes. That Y/N is actually mine. I thought I only started developing feelings for her this year, but I think I’ve felt things for her for a while, I was just too stubborn to realize it. And now that I have her I want her all to myself. Like if I share her with other people she might just disappear from my life completely.”
Ginny reaches out to pat George on the shoulder. “Then tell her all of that, George. Because it’s actually kind of sweet in a weird way. Y/N loves you, George. And I know you love her. I don’t want to see either of you get hurt because you don’t have the balls to just talk to your girlfriend.”
“What a pep talk you give, Gin,” George chuckles. “But you’re right. I’m gonna talk to her, first chance I get. This is too much to put into a letter. I wanna be able to look at her while I talk to her.”
“Great. Now will you stop being so miserable? It’s really killing the Christmas spirit,” Ginny teases, ruffling his hair.
“Are things with George getting any better?” Daphne asks from her spot on Y/N’s bed. Her parents had decided to do some traveling in the new year, and Y/N’s parents allowed Daphne to finish up the last few days of break at their house.
Y/N shakes her head, flopping down next to her. “Nope. I haven’t heard a thing all break. Every time Aries comes back his beak is empty. So, he’s clearly reading my letters and he can’t be bothered to write back.”  
Daphne puts her arm around Y/N and tosses the copy of Witch Weekly she’d been reading off of the bed. “What a fucking prick. I haven’t said much about it because I love you and you’re my best friend and I know he means a lot to you, but Adrian was right. You do deserve better, Y/N. Your boyfriend should be worshiping you, not ignoring you.”
Y/N hadn’t told anyone about George’s dad, and she’s sure he’d get a bit more sympathy from Daphne if she knew, but if Hermione couldn’t even tell her how his Dad got hurt Y/N is sure she shouldn’t tell anyone about it at all. And besides, Hermione had owled the day after Christmas to let her know that Mr. Weasley was home and recovering well. George’s lack of communication cut Y/N deeper after hearing that.
“I think he’s going to break up with me,” Y/N admits out loud for the first time, tears spilling down her cheeks. “I love him so much and I thought he loved me too, but I don’t know. It’s like overnight things changed between us and I’m the only one trying to fix it.”
Daphne pulls Y/N in tight and hugs her. “This is the second time you’ve cried over George being an asshat and my offer still stands. I will have Adrian and Marcus beat him up.”
“The last time I cried over George he was only being an asshat in my head. But now, I’m sure he’s being an asshat in real life too,” Y/N sniffles. “God I wish break lasted just a little bit longer. I don’t know what I’m gonna do when I see him on that stupid train tomorrow.”
Daphne starts to stroke Y/N’s hair and wipes away a few of her tears. “Well just say the word and I’ll have Adrian and Marcus on him before he can even say Quidditch.”
When Y/N and Daphne get on platform 9 ¾  the next morning George’s shock of red hair is the first thing she sees. She forces herself to stay focused on her parents as they say goodbye, no matter how badly she wants to look over at him. Her heart feels like it’s going to beat out of her chest, and all she really wants to do is sneak onto the train and to her friends without running into any Weasley. But of course, the second she’s on the train she walks smack into a hard, familiar chest.
“Trying to mow me down?” George teases, wrapping his arms around Y/N’s waist.
It reminds Y/N of when they were still dancing around each other, too scared to admit their feelings, and it punches a hole in her chest. “Hi, George.” Y/N pushes away from him and starts to walk away, but George’s hand wraps around her wrist and pulls her back towards him. “What?” she asks flatly, looking up at him. Her eyes catch something shiny stuck to the scarf he’s wearing, and Y/N bites her lip to keep from smiling. “You got your Christmas present I see.”
She had wanted to get him something big and flashy for their first Christmas together. But everything she considered just didn’t seem special or sentimental enough. She had found it in some muggle store in London while shopping with her Mum, and even though it was tiny and simple, it was the perfect thing. It’s a little enamel pin in the shape of a teapot. The hours she spent with George scrubbing teapots is the foundation of their relationship, it was after that night that she first started falling in love with him.
George bites his lip and reaches out to cup her cheek. “I was an asshole to you. And you have every right to be super mad at me. But can we go talk somewhere, please?”
Y/N nods and lets George grab her hand and take her over to an empty compartment. It’s clear to her that she and George have some issues they need to work out, but she’s happy to just enjoy some time with him for now. They haven’t been alone together in nearly three weeks, and she’s been dying for his attention. She takes a seat as George closes the door behind them and pulls him down next to her once he’s close enough.
“I have a lot of things to say and I don’t know if they’re going to come out right so please just stick with me while I try and say them, okay?” George takes a deep breath and reaches out to grab Y/N’s hands in his. “I’ve missed you so much these past few weeks, even before break. I think Draco knocked something loose in my head when he punched me, I’ve just been so angry since that day, and I don’t really know why. Just seeing you and Adrian together fills me with rage. And I know it shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I don’t know what I would do without you. I just kept getting in my head about everything and it made me not treat you the best. I’m sorry, Y/N.”  
“Then why push me away, George? Why not answer one of my stupid letters? I’ve been losing my mind here, trying to figure out what’s going on in that head of yours. I meant what I said that night, I’m yours forever, Weasley.”
George sighs and leans down to press a lingering kiss to Y/N’s forehead. “I started over analyzing everything and I couldn’t tell what was real and what was going on in my head. You mean so much to me, and the thought of losing you made me go even crazier.” George pauses so he can tuck a stray piece of hair behind Y/N’s ear. “I should have written to you and at least let you know I was okay, I’m sorry for that. But this is a conversation I didn’t want to have in a letter. I wanted to be able to see you and hold you.”
“It’s okay, George. I guess when we started dating there was some stuff we should have talked about that we kind of just ignored and that’s partially my fault. I just tried to integrate you into my life that already existed, when in reality we should have started something new together,” Y/N explains, squeezing his hands. “Adrian and I are closer than normal friends, and I can see why that would concern you. Same thing with the sweater. Of course, you’d want me to wear yours, I shouldn’t have even questioned it. I’m sorry, George. I’ll try and do better too, okay? Because I love you and I can’t imagine my life without you.”
“I love you so, so much.  And I’ve been really shit at showing it. I meant what I said that night too, Y/N. Forever.” George leans down and presses a soft kiss to her lips, melting when she returns it. “I don’t deserve you.” George kisses her again, winding his arms around her. “Alright, I think now is the perfect time to give you your Christmas present.”
Y/N holds her hands out, bouncing up and down excitedly. “Come on then, let’s see what you got me!”
George rolls his eyes playfully and takes a long black box out of his jacket pocket. “I do want to preface this by saying that I bought this ages ago before I got your present in the mail, and they do say great minds think alike.”
“You got me a tea pot pin too?” she teases, taking the box from George. A quiet gasp leaves her lips as she opens the box, and she gives George a small smile. “George it’s perfect.” Inside the box is a delicate silver chain with two charms attached. One is in the shape of the letter G and the other is a teapot. “Although I find it quite funny that we both got each other teapot related items.”
“Well that’s the night it all began, isn’t it?” George ask as he takes the box from Y/N. He grabs the necklace and motions for her to turn around so he can put it on her. “After that detention I knew I couldn’t live without you, Y/N. Listening to you talk about wanting to be a healer, and how you wanted to change the world, it made me see you differently. Made me start to fall in love with you. Besides I don’t think I could find a charm of a secret passageway.”
Y/N giggles, and as soon as the necklace is on Y/N turns around and pulls George into a kiss, her hand coming up to grip the charms tightly. When George starts to pull away Y/N surges forward to keep their lips pressed together for a few extra moments. “I love you, George. Thank you.”
“Course, darling. Anything for you.” George pulls Y/N into his chest and presses a kiss to the top of her head, the anger he’s felt for so long finally quieting down.
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wintrcaptn · 4 years
Sparks Fly 2 | Fred Weasley
Part One
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It had been a few weeks since the night in the library. The night that changed everything. It had become the beginning of something you weren’t quite sure what to make of it.
Everyday since, you were consumed by your thoughts of Fred. His adorable smile, the sound of his contagious laugh. You couldn’t help but think of him almost every second of the day.
The thoughts were distracting, causing you to zone out and miss everything around you. And when you weren’t thinking about him, you were busy staring at him; in the halls, in class, out in the field.
Who would’ve imagined that one night could cause so much trouble?
It was frustrating to say the least.
Fred wasn’t someone you ever pictured yourself growing feelings for. It wasn’t that long ago that you didn’t even care for him at all.
Part of you wished you could go back. It was so simple then. Only worrying about yourself and your friends. But here you were, too distracted over a boy who surprised you.
The thing is, you weren’t the only one confused by the sudden change.
Fred hasn’t been able to shake it either.
It was quite strange, he started to notice you more around school. In the halls, he would absentmindedly search to find you.
And the moment his gaze stopped on you, he couldn’t help but curve his lips into a smile.
“So who are you going to ask to the Ball?” George asked his brother.
Fred cleared his throat, returning his attention back, and shrugged. “Haven’t thought about it.” He lied.
The very moment the Yule ball was announce last week, he immediately thought of you.
“Well, better get to thinking, before there’s no one left to ask!”
The boys continued walking, and as they passed you, your eyes met Fred’s.
It was as if something had sparked inside of you. Creating your body to grow hot by the second.
He flashed a soft smirk, just enough for you to notice, making you fluster just a bit.
What was it about this Weasley boy that had you so wrapped up?! How did he have so much power over you from just one night,?!
Immediately, you forced yourself to look away and pretend not to even notice. Though, you were pretty sure it was too late.
Fred was able to see the quick shyness in your eyes just before you looked away and all he could do was smile wider.
In that moment, he realized something new...he enjoyed making you fluster.
“Y/N!” A voice called out for you, grabbing yours and Fred’s attention.
“Oh, hey Cedric.” You said.
Cedric was one of the first people you met at hogwarts. Mainly because the train had been quite packed for the most part.
Ever since, he would always sit by you on the train to catch up on things.
He was sweet, and funny. Probably the only guy that actually paid any attention to you...well until that night with Fred of course.
Fred stopped near the end of the hallway, his eyes jumping from you to Cedric then back.
He didn’t seem to like the way he smiled at you, or the way he stood close, just inches away from your face.
It was weird, feeling this way. And honestly, it was confusing to say the least.
“May I walk you to class?” Cedric asked. “I wanted to run something by you.”
You glanced at Fred for just a moment, but immediately looked back at your friend once you realized he was already staring.
“Sure.” You muttered. “Im all ears.”
With that, the two of you began to walk in the opposite direction of Fred. He kept his gaze on you for some time just until you were no longer visible, and suddenly he was finally able to let go of the breath he didn’t realize he was even holding.
The thought of you and Cedric made him nauseas. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like the attention you were giving him.
“I think I’ll ask Alicia Spinnet.” George muttered, snapping Fred out of his daze.
He didn’t even glance at his brother before he walked away, leaving Fred by himself with his thoughts.
Though, at this time he didn’t seem to mind. He was preoccupied with other things.
Why the hell can’t he stop thinking about you?
In McGonagall’s class, Fred spent most of it gazing at you. Well the back of your head.
He liked the way your hair fell, and the way you mindlessly chewed on your lip when you focused on something.
It was cute. And all he could think in that moment was how bad he wanted to taste those lips.
You answered almost all the questions without hesitation, just like Hermione. And didn’t care about anyone else who happened to be talking about you behind your back.
It’s happened all your life, and you were used to it by now.
“Does she ever shut up?” Pansy hissed, rolling her eyes. “Guess that’s what happens when you don’t have any friends.”
You shot your gaze at her, “Careful, wouldn’t want anything to happen to your hair again now would we?”
Giggles echoed around the room, even Fred couldn’t help but chuckle from Pansy’s expression. It was hilarious to see how quickly you fought back.
Again, Fred loves a girl who can fight her own battles.
And before he realized, the class was over.
As you were grabbing your books to head back to your room, Fred decided to break the silence and go up to you.
The past few weeks of constantly thinking about that night in the library had caused him to draw more to you, and it was beginning to drive him crazy.
“Got any good snacks?” Fred asked, standing in front of you.
You couldn’t help but slightly chuckle and shrug. “Always.” You stated, opening your bag for him to see.
Fred chuckled along with you, his stomach churning from being nervous. Something he never really experienced before.
“I-I saw that prank you pulled last week on Filch.” You exhaled, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “It was almost as good as mine.”
He flashed a smirk, cocking a brow up in surprise. “Oh trust me, there’s a lot more where that came from.” He winked.
Butterflies. Or so it felt, in the pit of your stomach, fluttering like crazy. You could only grow hot by the second.
Clearing your throat, you tried to ignore the feeling. “That’s cute. Let me know when you’re ready to play in the big leagues.” You winked back at him.
That little sass of yours only made him draw to you more. His smile growing bigger at the edges.
Being there with you, no care in the world, he felt whole. Almost as if nothing bad could happen.
If he could, he would spend all day there with you.
“You know, for what it’s worth—“ he stopped mid sentence, crossing his arms over his chest. “I consider you my friend.”
You were taken a back by his sentence, bot knowing what to say or do. Was this his way of telling you that he only saw you as just that? A friend?
It honestly bummed you out, part of you wishing you didn’t have these feelings to begin with, while the other just wanted to cry.
“Just saying.” He said, licking his lips nervously. “You’re sort of brilliant, actually.”
Swallowing hard, you forced a smile and tried to pretend that you weren’t bothered by his words, though, oblivious...he wanted to tell you how he truly felt. He just didn’t know how to. And for that, he knew he would forever regret this moment.
“Uh oh, don’t get all sappy on me now, Weasley.” You smirked.
“Never.” He said.
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Bokuto, Kuroo and Oikawa confessing to their crush who wears glasses
requested: hi omg im new to this thing,, may i request an hc of bokuto, oikawa, and kuroo where the reader always wears eyeglasses and one day takes them off? Then they get curious as to how far the reader can see their faces clearly until they're just inches away from each other, and it suddenly turns into a confession? HDJSHA tbh i see the 3 as the most flirty ones who'd do that but if you have others in mind, i'd still be very happy to read them!! Thank you so much ❤ 
First of all this is such a creative idea I love it and enjoyed writing it! Second of all I had to completely rewrite Bokuto and Kuroo because Tumblr deleted the draft and??? Honestly I don’t deserve this
Also requests are open! I finished everything that was sitting in my inbox so give me more!
Bokuto Kotaro:
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You’ve been friends with him for quite a while and at school you always spend lunch together, you would sometimes come to practice and you’d let him rant about volleyball and what else, but you never left that ‘friends’ state, even though everyone around you knew you had a crush on each other (oblivious babies~)
Anyways he would constantly comment on your glasses and tease you about it? “How much can you see without them, Y/N? Are you blind?” “Do you think I’d look good with them? Let me try them on~” etc etc
So one day at lunch you would take them off because your head hurts a little. You rub your eyes and then lay your head on the table for some peace and quiet. But it didn’t last long.
Bokuto found you just moments after and saw your glasses laying around unsupervised. He took them and then took the place opposite to you. “Y/N-chan, can you see me~?”
You look up at him and perk an eyebrow. He was moving his head from left to right (like in the gif) and looked at you with widened, expectant eyes. “I am short-sighted Bokuto, so no, I can’t. I can see it’s you because of your hair but everything else is absolutely blurred.”
He pouts and gets a little closer. “And now.” You tilted your head a little. “It’s getting better. I can see your huge owl eyes.”
Bokuto smiled and came even closer, leaning over the table now. “How about now?”, he said, but his voice was trailing off a little. It was as if he was looking at you for the first time. Now that he was this close to you he was reminded of his crush and he was glad you couldn’t quite make out all features of his face yet, because a rosy blush found its way to his cheeks as he smiled conspirationally. “Getting better.”, you answer. “Are you blushing?”, you ask immediately after, noticing the pink tint of his cheeks.
He immediately sits back a little, trying to hide the blush. “Let’s go on a date.”, he says instead of answering and now you were the one to start blushing. “W-What?”
Bokuto puts your glasses on and looks at you as if he was thinking very deeply about something. “How about Friday? After my game? We could go and eat something.”
You gulp but nod, your face still feeling hot like hell. “Of course, I’d love to.” Because how could anyone ever say no to Bokuto? Especially when he was looking this good with your glasses on?
Kuroo Testuro:
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You’ve been friends since Middle School and became basically inseperable in High School. You joined the volleyball team as the manager so you guys could spend more time together and when he became captain in his 3rd year - Mom and Dad of the volleyball team, aaw
In Middle School you never gave it a second thought but as you got into High School you noticed how your heart jumped  a little when he looked at you directly, how your breath hitched when he smiled at you or how your guts twisted when you saw some other girl flirting with him.
Little did you know he did all that to subtly flirt with you and make you jealous to finally get a reaction out of you, but it never worked and he got frustrated. So one day after practice, when it was just the two of you in the gym cleaning up, he took his opportunity.
He came up behind you and snatched your glasses, before sprinting to the other end of the gym so you wouldn’t catch him. “Kuroo! What are you doing?”, you confusedly shout across the big empty hall. He stops and raises your glasses into the air. “I wanna test your eyesight! Can you see me?” You cross your arms across your chest. “This is pointless Kuroo! You already now that I am long-sighted so yes, I can very well see you!”
So he comes closer. “How many fingers am I holding up?” “Two.” “Great job!” He comes closer. “And now?” “Five.” And so it went on for some time until he was only a few feet away and it started to become blurry. “Uhm... Four? No wait, Three! Is it three?” He shakes his head in disappointment. “No, it was Four.” You still didn’t get why he was doing this but when he was getting closer until your bodys almost touched you suddenly couldn’t complain anymore.
“And what about now?”, he asks, quieter than before. When the air leaves his mouth you can feel it brush against your skin and you can’t help but shiver. “I can barely see you.”, you whisper and blush so hard that your cheeks could resemble tomatos. You felt hot all over and when Kuroo lifted his hand and touched your cheek you could feel his fingertips shaking. “A pity.”, he murmurs before his lips touch yours in the lightest way ever. Your completely black out and forget how to move for solid 5 seconds before you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him even closer.
By the time he leans back again you’re both breathless and silence fills the gym until you begin laughing and you say: “The next time we kiss I wanna see your face though.”
Oikawa Tooru:
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You met in High School and kinda hit it off as friends since the beginning. You were walking past the gym and one of his balls hit you and you got so mad at him and yelled 5 minutes about who he thinks he is and everyone is just *amazed*
Since then you’ve always been the one that kept him on his toes, so that he wouldn’t get too self-centred and grew a giant ego because of his fangirls. You helped each other through relationships and break ups but after his last break up in his 3rd year something felt different.
And you felt it too, but neither of you really wanted to face reality so you kinda avoided each other for a while, thinking your feelings were something that developed in the heat of the moment and would be over after you wouldn’t see each other.
Anyways today you were at the library studying. It was Friday evening and you were basically alone until Oikawa suddenly showed up and sat down opposite of you. “Y/N-chan! You’re wearing your glasses! It#s been a while since I’ve seen you with them~”, he casually begins and grins at you. He was right. Normally you wore contacts because you thought you looked better with them, but today you didn’t feel like putting them in. “It’s more comfortable.”, you shrug, still trying to avoid his gaze.
But he just reaches for you and takes your glasses and you snap up. “Tooru! No, I need them!” “Really? Are you really blind without them?” He puts them on and looks amazed. “Woah, Y/N, you never told me that your eyesight was actually this bad.” You grunt. “Tooru, please just give them back.” But he just shakes his head and gets up. He walks over to a book shelf and asks. “How clearly can you see me?” “I can see the color of your clothes.”
He starts laughing. “That’s insane! Y/N you’re like a mole!” He walks to the table you were sitting on and sits on the far end of it. “And now?” “Still nothing new. Except that your annoying face is nearer.” He moves across the room a couple more times, until he suddenly stops and walks satright over to you, a sly smirk on his face that you can’t see.
“What are you doing?” But he doesn’t answer. Instead he places his hands on the table right in front of you and leans closer to you. “Can you still not see me? Or my feelings for you? Or your feelings to me? Or will you stay blind forever?”
You can’t even say anything before his lips capture yours and you couldn’t care less about whether he has your glasses or not, or if he’s been your friend for the last 3 years. You’re not gonna be blind from now on.
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diffuserlover · 3 years
hi love !! may i please get personality ship with ateez, txt, and enhypen (but with the hyung line only/sunghoon and up!!! but if you originally shipped me with someone in the maknae line, i'd also love to know too !) i got so carried away with writing, so you can cut the personality part when posting my ship! tysm in advance
I’m an ‘03 liner that’s 5’9.5 (basically 5’10) girl with dark skin, jet black hair (currently in long twists rn!!), and i’m on the curvier side (esp hips and my thighs) !! some of my favorite features are my plump lips (and i have a beauty mark on my bottom lip!), my long legs (they’re 40.5 inches long and look so good in dresses and skirts <33), my kempt and pretty fingernails, and my eyelashes !!! i’m a virgo (and surprisingly i get along with all the signs, i cant think of a sole zodiac sign i DONT mix well with), and i am an i/enfj (i got 51% extravert 49% intra the first time, then 50% for both the second time!! ) and i honestly agree—i’m an ambivert all the way! i often come off as cold/shy when meeting new people (one of my closest friends avoided me for a month before meeting me because i looked so intimidating LMAO), but once you get close to me i turn into a bundle of warmth and love: i will never stop texting them the <3 emoji every morning or buying my friends/s/o their favorite starbucks order when they need a little cheer-me-up.
i’m extremely passionate about the issues and people i care about and the goals and dreams i have. I’m creative, patient, an extremely good listener, caring, a social butterfly, and extremely hardworking. my friends always told me of my heart of gold and how perceptive i am of the people around me—noticing immediately when something is wrong and trying to make them feel better. I’m also very headstrong, detailed, and determined!! my friends also call me a nerd since i’ve had all a’s since kindergarten—i LOVE school/education and would describe myself as intelligent. i really like that i’m empathetic and motivational to those around me. it’s really easy for me to show my affection, adoration, and support for someone because i just want everyone to feel loved and safe :( i HATE seeing my loved ones sad, and when people usually have problems about anything (from family to just school), i’m the one they come to talk to because of my warm and openminded heart. I love sharing happiness with my friends in their goals and always hype them up no matter what, and it makes me so so so so happy seeing my loved ones content, comfortable, accepted, and just knowing that they mean so much to me and that they’re loved. im also really, really funny (my fave personality trait of mine tbh)!! I’m always cracking jokes and laughing (sometimes for no reason LMAOO). i would be in the library at like 7 am with my friends and struggle with stifling my laugh from jokes i told </3 although i’m extremely nice and outgoing, i’m not afraid to stand my ground (most of the time) and am super defensive (esp about topics like blm, antiblackness in our world, cultural insensitivity/appropriation, sexism/racism/ableism/homophobia), so if someone says some shit out of pocket, i will not be afraid to put them in their place !!! a lot of people (especially older/more traditional folk) do not like that but i could care less <3 some useless facts about me: i love love love afrobeats (nigerian gyal here), some k-pop groups (bts, txt, enha, ateez, gwsn, p1h, and some 2nd gen groups!), and r&b (rihanna and bey and aaliyah <33). i LOVE to play roblox, i’ve been to 14/50 US states, i can do VERY simple makeup, people often think my nails are acrylics bc they’re long and i love doing nail art on them), and i know all the lyrics and adlibs to enhypen’s given-taken 😋 if i could describe myself in a word, it’d be openminded!! and my dreams for the future are 1) to be truly happy and comfortable (which includes finding my true love <33) 2) to make a change on the people around me and the world itself (preferably through healthcare so i can mend health disparities in POC and low-income neighborhood!!), and i love junk food (I SHOULDNT but it’s so good). I also LOVE law and order svu and forensic files, princess and the frog, tangled, and penthouse !!!!!
I also love to go out and explore—whether trying out a new restaurant in the city or a newly opened amusement park or trying something new, like skydiving (or some other crazy but fun idea), trying recipes from around the world, or trying sledding for the first time! at the same time, i like really chill, mellow spending-time-alone-or-with-one-other-person activities like baking (my favorite treat to bake is red velvet cupcakes and cheddar bay biscuits) and dancing !! (i’ve been a dancer for more than 12 years!!). i can also speak more than 5 languages (including korean!) and i’m always saying random phrases (like thank you, i love u so much!, gtfo my face, that sucks ass) in a random language too LMFAOOO. i often think being a coffee/cafe lover is a personality trait (i love love love love love coffee) i also love accessories (earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, rings, etc) and would die of happiness when the day i can wear matching accessories with my s/o comes. i also love cleaning/keeping my spaces clean and i hate a dirty house </3
besides being my bestfriend who i can kiss and whatnot (hehe), my ideal type is a TALL (like my 5’9+/i’m already tall but pls .5 of an inch taller would be enough) man who has eyes for me and only me !!! they may look cold/cool/mysterious/laid back at first glance (like “yeah haha 🙂" to any other girls but “hi baby what can i do for u today to please the loml” with me <3) but turn into the sweetest, warmest, cutest honey bun once i get to know them! (kinda like me)!! ALSO a man who can pull off all black outfits like those are my FAVORITE omg. he needs to be FUNNY and have a BIG sense of humor (like i want to laugh every second i’m with him and laugh so hard that our stomachs start hurting and we beg each other to stop making jokes type of humor), fashionable (so i can learn fashion pls and wear coordinated outfits with him). i just want a boy who i could talk to and listen to for HOURS. like i would follow him into the bathroom as he showers and sit on the toilet and just listen to him talk about his day or vent to him, but also a boy that loves comfortable silence!! like we can spend the whole together and come back to the house where im studying and he’s working on a personal project so that just being with him makes me feel warm <3 i want a s/o who’s willing to go out and travel with me so i could take off guard pics of him and make him my wallpaper until he begs me to change it. im also not good at conflict so if conflict arises, id love a boy who knows how to talk me down and open up the room for conversation and make me feel safe and not as if im confronted or wrong, someone where we can just talk, resolve our problem, and make it up with a hug or night out!! this kinda leads to me wanting a relationship where we both help improve each other and our flaws (for example some of my flaws are callousness, taking things to heart sometimes, and not opening up easily, etc), so i’d really appreciate a relationship where my partner and i can help each other grow as people. i also love love love to cook, so i’d love an s/o that loves cooking with me and teaching each other how to cook each other’s cultural foods (i would love to teach my bf how to cook jollof rice and have a cookoff one day). i also want a boy that i can tease (i love to tease people omg) <3 like i could say “u look like a cute tomato when u blush <3333” to “and that’s why you got a fat ass head” and we’d just laugh and he’d tease me back <33 I like ALL 5 of the love languages (im a hopeless romantic ik) but my top 3 tied for 1st are quality time (HEAVY ON THE QUALITY TIME i want to spend everyday with my bf at chinatown or a new city exploring), words of affirmation (someone who reaffirms me of their love continuously, supportively, and in sweet ways), and acts of service (cooking my favorite food when i’m down, doing chores that i cant do when tired). men who are really expressive through touch are also ideal <3 i'd shy away from pda, but inside the house i’d be so happy yet so shy and flustered when they express their love through touch (like laying in my lap so i can play with their hair, holding my hand while watching tv, cuddling while talking about whatever). OR like the SLIGHTEST compliment or act of love (LIKE BACKHUGS OR HOLDING HANDS OR KISSING MY BEAUTY MARKS OR FOREHEAD KISSESJSJSJSJ) i’d just love to be really appreciated and loved and also show the same love, support, warmth, closeness, and happiness to my bf <3
THANK U SO MUCH AAAA i honestly cant wait for my ship!! have an amazing day/afternoon/evening <3
Hiii! Thank you so much for requesting!! I really hope you like it!! Btw you seem like the sweetest person ever and you are literally perfection<3
I ship you with...
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Okay! I literally was going between Mingi and Seonghwa the whole time but when reading your ideal type I was thinking more Seonghwa!
You said you like someone who is kinda cold on the outside but sweet when you get to know them and Seonghwa is literally the definition of that🤣
He can also pull off those black outfits you like(I’m simping lmaoo)😚
Wooyoung might disagree but I think Seonghwa is funny and you guys would always make each other laugh😄
He would 100% wear matching outfits with you(he wouldn’t be able to stop smiling)😆
Seonghwa would be open about his feeling with you🙂
He truly appreciates that you always listen to him and will always just let him talk out his day(he always lets you talk first, what a gentleman)🥺
I could see you sitting at the desk or table studying while he’s walking around cleaning and it wouldn’t be awkward 😁
Seonghwa doesn’t seem like the type to yell at you unless he was really really mad, he is more of the problem solver in my eyes so I think he would be that person to talk you down and have a conversation with you instead of yelling😊
I feel Seonghwa would really want to connect to you on a deeper emotional level, he would open up more the longer you guys are together😭🥰
Seonghwa does like to cook but isn’t like the worlds most amazing chef so I could see you guys cooking together 😋
Little cooking dates where you have fun competitions to see who’s dish is better🤩
He would let you tease him if it’s all light hearted but he would always tease you back💀
I think Seonghwa is a little bit shy about skinship but sees that you like when he initiates it so he really tries🥺
Your height is nearly the same so I don’t think either of you would mind the height difference 😁
He would always complement the beauty mark on your lip or your legs cause he know how much you like it lol😇
You both are extroverts so you guys go out a lot more often🙂
He likes how you take care of him when he’s having a bad day like getting him a drink or snacks or a simple text message when he’s at work🥰
He would be inspired by how passionate you are about issues around the world and would always ask you what he can do to help you or anything☺️
He likes how your always laughing or making jokes because he loves your smile and it always makes him smile😭😭
Because of your long nails he really likes when you play with his hair😚
He loves to hear you speak in all the languages you speak(he is really impressed)😋
You both don’t like a dirty house and you guys are clean all the time lol🤣
Overall, You and Seonghwa have a really deep relationship and really care for each other🥰🥺
I ship you with...
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Yeonjun is effortlessly funny so I feel like he would always make you laugh and you would always make him laugh😄
Yeonjun is really into fashion and would gladly wearing matching outfits with you
He also pulls off a black outfit just like you said you like🤩
He would constantly buy you accessories because he knows how much you like them🥰
Yeonjun is definitely pretty clingy to you😚
He is taller than you by like 1 inch 😋
Yeonjun is cold looking on the outside and is a cinnamon roll on the inside😆
He will probably beg you for a puppy(a welsh corrgi) a lot💀
I feel like Yeonjun would be okay with comfortable silence if he is in the mood
He is a talkative person so I feel like your conversations would never end😊
I don’t know how arguments could go with him, I feel like it depends on how he is that day🙂
You guys love cooking together with music blasting throughout the house😚
If he gives up on helping you he will cling to you and back hug you until your done in the kitchen😭🥺
He loves to complement you until your super super flustered ☺️🤣
He probably likes how clean you are🙂
For your birthday he got you a little necklace with a lock on it and he has the key for the lock and when you open it, it has your guys initials together😭
He would probably take you to the studio and have a little dance battle 🤩
He would be willing to explore with you though I feel he would rather be at home with you alone😁
He finds it inspiring how passionate you are about issues around the world and often looks up to you for it😊
You guys get matching nails!!😄
You guys are on the higher side of zodiac sign compatibility😇
Overall, you and Yeonjun are the cutest and are literally couple goals 😍
I ship you with...
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You guys are the same height😌
Sunghoon would pull off that black outfit you like!😅
I feel like it would take him some time to initiate skinship and be affectionate with you but when he does he can’t let go of you😊
He loves when you play with his hair🥺
I feel like he loves just spending time with you and being with you🤩
He likes to hold your hand😇
He bought you for your birthday match rings☺️
Sunghoon doesn’t know how to cook so be patient with him but he will always turn cooking into some competitive thing😆
I think it would take him a while to completely open up to you but he still likes to talk things out with you🥺
He is so beautiful how can you not take photos of him and set them as your wallpaper(he definitely begs to you to change it but also loves it and doesn’t want you to change it)🤣
He loves how he can always talk to you about absolutely anything😁
Introverts and extroverts go best with each other🙂
He is very cold and distant looking at first but we all know how sweet and baby like he is on the inside😁😊
He is really interested in the things you are passionate about and is constantly asking you questions 🤩
He finds himself smiling when thinking about you😭🥰
You always make him laugh, it’s one of his favorite things about you😄
He would laugh as you guys blast given or taken through the house and you sing the whole thing dancing around(grab his hands and make him dance with you)😂😚
I could see you guys eating fast food in your car in some random parking lot just talking and listening to music looking at all the stars🥺
Drag him out to do this with you😆
He likes how clean you are🙂
Overall, I think you and Sunghoon are so sweet together🥰
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oh-theatre · 4 years
Livin’ It Up: Chapter 2
Chapter title: To Build it Up and Break It Down
A/N: IMMMM BACCCCK!! Loook i know this chapter is stupid! and it sucks! But its finished and like actually here! Also!! the whole thing about Logan having no feelings and hating them is not what it reads as and im not trying to fall into that cliche!! But youll have to keep reading!!
words: 2682
summary: Patton finds himself allowing a slight detour in his plan and allows himself one night to...explore. He wont be doing that again. 
pairings: Eventual logicality, eventual prinxiety, eventual demus, eventual Moceit (Which then goes back to Logicality and Demus)
warnings: Swearing, alcohol, underage drinking, drinking, parties, kissing, throw up, slight self harm, emotional abuse
Ao3 Link  
“He kissed me!” Virgil cries, Patton kicks him softly from under the table. “He kissed me” He whispers once more, shushing his words. Apologetic glances to the people around him and Patton looks back to his friend.
“We are in the library” Patton eyes, Virgil shrugs but nods returning to his doodles he calls work. Patton finishes his work, packing up neatly each and every aspect of his belonging. Panic sets into once he realizes Pattons finished his work and is now preparing for leisurely reading whilst Virgil hadn't even begun. “Virge, I love you but if you don't hurry up or make a plan I'm leaving”
“You're going to leave anyway, you have cheer” Virgil mutters, rushing through his work. Patton sighs, he squeezes his friends hand before quickly leaving him alone. Once settled on the bus his pockets buzz gently.
“Patton!” He greets, he ruffles through some of his things as he gets off the vehicle, thanking the driver kindly. He walks into the school he had become ever so familiar with after all these years. He watched as the sports team made their way out to practice on the field and found his path into the locker rooms as he listened to yet another telemarketing call. He hated them sure, but he felt guilty hanging up. Especially when it was just spoken by a real human, so he listens, nodding along until they go through the niceties and say goodbye with awkward persistence. Finally changed and in his navy blue uniform, he approaches the field. Instantly he's greeted by his friends, giddy jumps as they babble on about whatever they can muster.  
He allows the team to get set up, run out their talk before calling attention forward. He ignores the rampant football team that plays behind them. Though they reserved the field Patton allowed them to use it for practice.
“Alright squad! Listen up!” He claps, a cheery grin and catching his pom poms from his friend Fiona, it begins
“I simply do not understand” Logan huffs, simply bundling himself tighter into his jacket. He follows a sweaty Roman out of the boys room, as he waves goodbye to his fellow teammates they make their way home. “Why must I have attended this practice?” Logan inquires
“Because you need to get out of the house, fresh air, you can't be huddled all day drinking away until your dad gets here” Roman explains, they stop at his locker on the way back through the school, the sounds of giggling call his attention but both continue with themselves.  
“My father returning is truly not the optimal circumstance” He sighs but shrugs, puling out a small bottle from his pocket he takes a swig before a disappointed Roman snatches it away from him. They swivel and resume their trail before a quick crash decides to tumble things down. “Ah apologies” Logan decides before even looking, but his eyes dart and land his eyes on the top of a bouncy and bountiful head of hair, a sweet blushed bow and when the boy looks up he meets his eyes through his round rimmed glasses.
“You going to help?” Roman whispers, nudging his friend adamantly. Logan furrows his brows. “Obviously not” Logan continues staring, they stand frozen while Patton reestablishes himself. “Sorry Pat” The cheerleader finds Romans eyes, “-On...Patton” An awkward moment before someone taps behind Patton.
“Right well, I have to go” Patton shuffles awkwardly, his deep blue uniform fitting him comfortably. Why Logan was eyeing him was a different topic. He begins to walk away but Logan decides he’s not finished, taking his arm with a quick snap as Patton pulls away “Yes?” Logan continues his scan, a smirk.
“Go out with me”
“Cute!” Patton giggles before his somber tone returns “Bye now” he rolls his eyes, Roman can’t help but snicker, clutching to the lockers as he regains his breath. Logan scowls as he watches the man walk away, he decides to abandon his friend and follow Patton.
“Why not?” He questions, skidding in front of him. Patton, though taken aback, nods. “Give me a good reason as to why you wont entertain my company for a night?” Logan pushes. Patton adjusts his glasses, putting away his folders he clears his throat.
“You want one? Ill give you about a million” Patton smiles “First off, even if i was interested I have about a million things to do. I never have a moment off and I'm not so sure I want to spend my only freetime with you” Patton admits, why did that hurt Logan.
“Awe, that hurt” Logan hides
“Moreno im not stupid, I’ve seen how you work around here” Patton scoffs, he checks his phone, quickly replying to many messages.  “You're charming! And honestly...kinda cute” Patton smirks, his small freckles dance upon his cheeks. “But i'm not a one night stand kind of guy” He shrugs
“Well, what if that's not what I want to do” Logan proposes, he pulls out his notepad scribbling done something before tearing a carefully neat crease and handing it to Patton. “You'll never know, if you don't give it a chance”
“I don't have time to give it a chance” Patton refuses the paper and decides the conversation has concluded. Logan flicks the note anyway, watching it land perfectly into his bag pocket. This satisfies him, now...to Roman.
“He asked you out?” Virgil inquires walking alongside Patton to their lockers.
“Eleven times” Patton sighs reaching his locker, he opens it up groaning at the sound of his phone. “Make that twelve” He looks to delete the message but quickly giggles. Virgil looks over his shoulder, quickly looking back as he meets Romans eyes and decides against it. “I have dance today” Patton notes, scribbling neatly in his planner, Virgil nods, squeezing his shoulder for luck as he walks away. “Tap shoes, tap shoes, tap shoes” He mutters searching through his bad waltzing into the auditorium.
“Morning Pat!” He looks up smiling as he greets the students. Walking backstage he fits his shoes on, tying his jacket around his waist.
“Alright students!” The teacher calls over the sound of the children warming up, Patton being the TA goes around checking on everyone and helping them out. He works with some students, holding them up as they work through his warm up. “Alright today's plan is partnering up and working through your partner dance!” Patton waits for everyone to partner up, going to the teacher. “Oh good, Patton, this is Logan Moreno, hes new but hes going to be your partner”
“What?” Patton turns, a smug Logan stands his hand extended and his feet ready. “Delightful” He sighs, he takes Logans hand and waits for the music. Once it begins he leads, and shockingly….Logan can dance. “Where’d you learn how to tap?”
“My mother wanted me to have a plethora of skills, so dance” He replies, spinning Patton in a quick circle. They dance around the room, Patton laughs as the routine moves, Logan feels a genuine rise in him as the smile flashes on the bright eyed boy's face. “Pretty…” He breathes
“What?” Patton wonders, they slow and close the gap between them. A slow dance as their taps echo carefully. “You're not bad” Patton  compliments, Logans never heard it sound so genuine.
“Thank you, although you're quite advanced” Logan notes.
“I've been dancing since I was two years old” Patton epxlains, cheering the class while they take a break. “Ballet’s next” He notes, changing his shoes, Logan flicks his hands away helping him tie the bows. “Thank you” Logan helps him up.
“Go out with me” Logan inquires, Patton chuckles. He hadn't realized they had begun a slow waltz around the room. The space between them closes further, Patton doesn't quite mind the proximity. A quick spin before Logan pulls the boy back in. “If you say no, Ill stop”
“I doubt that” Pattons been here long enough, he heard the horror stories. “You're charming, I won't lie, but I'm not a shop and drop kinda person” Patton fiddles with Logans hand, they seperate landing on their own squares. He begins his pirouettes, focusing on a specific spot. Logan comes behind him, taking him by the waist as he dips perfectly.
“Give me a simple chance, Sorian” Logan begs “Im being serious about this, I don't typically pursue but...there's something I want to explore” Patton finds it sweet, his breath gasping on his neck definitely trying to persuade him.
But he wasn't someone's pawn, and he certainly wasn't trial run.
“I'm not going to be your test dummy” He pulls away, why did this spark excitement in Logan. A quick twirl before they finish their dance, a slow dip before they stand face to face. A smirk from Logan. “However, there is a carnival on friday, I plan to attend...should you be there...” Patton trails off, suggestive glance. Logan nods with quite an understanding, the bell rings and through Patton's rare impulsivity he places a gentle kiss on Logans cheek before he's onto his next class.
“Ill pick you up at eight” He calls, Patton rolls his eyes.
“Well well well, look at you all dressed up!” Virgil mocks from Patton's bed. His fingers tap violently on his console. Patton rolls his eyes playfully, brushing off his outfit. His flower printed shirt complimenting a simple pastel overalls. His legs, though exposed, were warmed by socks.
“Super cute” Patton claps “Ugh, remind me to thank Remus when he calls next” Patton requests, Virgil shoots a thumbs up focusing more on his game. He really went all out, he missed the more chaotic of the twins but alas a parents choice isn't always something he could understand.
“Virge what do you want for dinner?” Patton's dad knocks, leaning into the room. “I can whip up some mac and cheese” Virgil smiles delighted, nodding at the delicious prospect. “Peaches you look great” He moves his attention to his son, the boy giving him a thankful stare. “You be careful ok? Text me when you're on your way home” A nod confirms it and it's just the friends once more.
“Are you sure I can sleep over?” Virgil throws his console to the end of the bed, grunts as he loses. Patton laughs, turning to his friend.
“V, of course” Patton lays on the bed, his back sore from practice. “Never are you not welcome here ok?” his phone buzzes, drawing attention to his home screen. His smile sinks, his two fathers smile bright while he sits a giggling baby in the middle chewing on his dad's tie. Virgil continues playing and the quiet game noises bring Patton back.
Logan: I have arrived at your place of residence
Patton couldn't help but smirk, he really did come to pick him up.
Patton: Ill be out in a moment
Logan: Wonderful, its cold so bring a coat
Patton: Thank you channel five, weather report
“Alright gloom, I'm out, see you later” a peace sign as his farewell and Pattons out and ready.
“Where were you?” Logan blinks as he enters his apartment, setting his coat away. His father stands in the den, disappointed. When was he not? Seems like the man had finally reached home, no doubt his private jet was stalling on the roof ready to whisk him away just as soon as he lectured Logan.
“Madrid, it took longer than expected, but I picked up some spanish” Logan retorts, the amusings were not met well by his father. “At the school's carnival with a friend” He admits, a bored sigh. Everything was so straight forward with his father, nothing ever sparked Logan with excitement.
“I expect you to be home, ready to greet me and tell me of your school life when I return from a trip. Then promptly go to sleep. Not out with a…friend” He snipes. Logan groans slouching as walks, or at least attempts to walk by his father. Hes exhausted and truly wishes the elation of his night wouldn't be tarnished by his father's own wishes.
But of course when did Logan ever get to do things of free will or without the rest of the few seconds dictated and planned out
“Logan Moreno you will stop right there, you will not be going on any more outings, and tomorrow at seven am sharp you will be ready to meet with my sales team to discuss opportunities. A short lunch then you will meet with my associate planner, and from there you will spend as much time as he wants discussing what you will do once you graduate” He finishes, not a breath wasted, or energy. “Goodnight Logan” he disappears into the shadowy darkness of the house leaving a sickly feeling in his son.
Once the house settles and he hears his father locked away in his office for the night, Logan on an impulse grabs an almost empty bottle of the vodka and stuffs it into his jacket pocket before retiring to his room for a night of sickly drinking, binge watching tv until his boredom reaches a peak of exhaustion. His eyelids close and the world sinks into a void of vast expanse where his pain feels numb.
“It was actually sweet Virge” Patton swoons, stabbing at his salad for another delectable bite. Virgil gleams at his friend, the actual happiness is undeniable. “I know its stupid and I know im defintely falling into his trap but...i dont know” Patton sighs
“Maybe theres something there” Virgil proposes, watching his eyes gaze over to a confident Roman, flexing at a table a few miles away. “Maybe hes serious?”
“Guess we’ll find out” He shrugs, mid bite he stops feeling his phone buzz. He checks dropping his food quickly. “Crap! I forgot I had a council meeting” He rushes to pack his things, giving Virgil a little pat on the head much to his friends' amusement. “See you!”
Maybe Logan was messing with his mind, he couldnt remember where the meeting was being held. God, he wishes he had written it down.
“You're the president Patton” he scolds himself racing through the metal halls lined with lockers. Science room or Astrology...he paces. He decides a fifty/fifty chance won't matter, he’ll just end up in an empty classroom or late for his own meeting. He chooses the astrology door, texting rapidly at his phone with severe apologies, the door creaks open but its not an empty room. “Oh! I'm so-” He begins finding he's interrupted a couple and a rather...steamy encounter. But his embarrassment quickly fades and turns to anger.
“Mind closing the door?” Cynthia, Patton recognizes from the cheer team, requests. Her arms and legs wrapped tightly around Logan. He wipes at his lips turning to face Patton. The teen expects some kind of remorse, some kind of apologetic look but his eyes are glazed over. Bored with the world, devoid of emotion.
“Door...please” He basically recites. Patton takes a quick breath, a smile creeps upon his face.
“Of course, pardon the interruption” He apologizes. He may have slammed the door harder than necessary but his fuming was visible. “I will not cry, im ok” He promises, clutching deeply at his palms, feeling his nails pierce the skin.
“Patton! There you are sunshine!” Greta laughs popping her head out of the science room. “Come on! Meetings chaos without you” She beams, motioning him in.
“Coming” He mumbles weakly, one more breath and his smile returns to his face. Plastered. He puts Logan out of his mind, and begins his speech. Completely unaware of the screaming that engulfed Logan's brain. Seeing Patton shouldn't have hit him so deep, but a punch to his gut and a sickly feeling.
What was this?
As the teen walked away feeling shameful for what the planets had seen, he catches a quick glimpse of the cheerleader leading the meeting through the door.
A genuine smile flashes across Pattons face
Do it again...
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glacecakes · 4 years
In which Hugo Nearly Fights a Toddler
Hugo's main rival for Varian's love isn't a suitor. It's a child. A slightly bratty royal child.
I meant to repost this as like, fully available on tumblr, but im a moron and just reposted the link from last night. rip. I am also now taking Varigo fic requests! See my other oneshots here
Hugo didn’t hate all children, it’s just… he hated the one that he knew.
Varian insisted he was being ridiculous, but what did he know? He was her uncle, it was his job to like the little brat. And she certainly didn’t help, with her clinging and yelling and crying, and how Andrea stole the last crepe at breakfast the other day when he clearly called dibs!
The hatred was mutual, too. Anytime Hugo and Varian were together, Andrea would grab onto Varian and drag him away from Hugo. And everytime, without fail, she’d turn and stick her tongue out at him! He always stuck his out in return, of course, because what the hell else can he do? Fight a literal toddler for his boyfriend’s hand?
With Andrea’s 5th birthday came a slew of the festivities Corona was famous for. Dancing, singing, music, the whole shebang. Hugo would’ve been glad to spend it like all the rest: holed up the Library, only coming out to steal Varian from his royal duties and drag him back to their room and not leave until late the next morning, when he would smugly announce Varian wasn’t feeling well and wouldn’t be attending the day’s ceremonies. And he usually scheduled that day to be the final festival day, when the closing ball happens.
Unfortunately, since this was Andrea’s birthday, he was stuck fulfilling the whims of the brat princess, and all she wanted for her birthday was for her Best Uncle Varian to attend a ball for once and dance with her.  
Which meant no sneaking away from the festivities, no stealing his boyfriend, no fooling around and weaseling their way out of royal duties.
The worst part was that Varian was willing to do it! It’d be one thing if they got to share in their hatred of nobility and all the stifling activities it entailed, but Varian was more than happy to agree for Andrea’s sake. He was weak to her puppy eyes.
“Seriously?” Hugo had complained to her. “We could make you like almost anything.”
“No!” Andrea had stomped her little mary-jane clad foot, the perfect image of a spoiled princess. “You always hog him!” She’d whined.
“He’s my boyfriend, that’s my job.”
“Well you’re fired!”
Varian had laughed himself to tears when Hugo told him that.
Here’s hoping any kids they had wouldn’t be as spoiled…
Hugo had mentioned that off-handedly once, and once they all got over the shock of Oh my God Hugo wants to marry Varian and have kids, Varian had been quick to argue otherwise.
“Babe, you will literally drop whatever you’re holding to hug me. Like, let it crash onto the floor,” He’d laughed. “There is no way you won’t spoil our kid silly. You’re just jealous of Andy.”
“I am NOT!”
And it’s true! He was definitely not jealous of a child. Not jealous of how Varian was willing to ditch Hugo for her, or how he let Andrea help him with their lab experiments even if she often ruined them, or how he’d gladly make toys for her but when Hugo asks for something it’s always “Hugo, we’re not building a death ray security system, that’s a terrible idea.” or “No, I’m not getting you a bow and arrow from the market, you’re just gonna try and hunt Eugene down.” Not that Varian doesn’t get him stuff, quite the opposite. It’s just not the stuff that he needs.
(He doesn’t actually need it, he just likes being dramatic for dramatic’s sake. That and it makes Varian laugh.)
Anyway. The point is Hugo is being forced to go to a birthday party ball and he hates it.
Well, that’s not entirely true. Varian looks breathtaking with his hair slicked back and teal work outfit swapped for a more formal beige suit. Hugo was pretty satisfied with his own attire too, choosing just a simple white dress shirt and black pants. He wasn’t the center of attention tonight, and he’d like to keep it that way. If he had to play nice with a bunch of stuffy nobles and diplomats he might actually explode.
Thankfully, he was allowed to play the part of Varian’s arm accessory, a part he adored and took very seriously. Could you blame him? Varian was a hell of a catch, with his enchanting baby blue eyes and adorable freckled face, and his hands were so soft and sleek despite his day job. He wasn’t the only one who noticed Varian’s good looks, clearly.
One noble, whose name Hugo didn’t care nor want to learn, had been eyeing Varian whenever he passed by, and he passed by often. The guy didn’t even try to hide his glances, looking Varian up and down hungrily. Every time he walked by, Hugo couldn’t help but squeeze his arm around Varian a little tighter, and Varian would simply hum and rest his head on Hugo’s shoulder for a moment.
“I gotta go find Andy,” He muttered, letting go of Hugo, but not without a chaste kiss on the cheek. With that, Varian slid into the crowd, awkwardly trying to avoid small talk with the other nobles in attendance as he went. Varian hates these events just as much as Hugo, he just does a better job at hiding it.
Speaking of shitty nobles, here comes that guy again. He’s wearing the red of Ingvarr, black hair slick with gel save for one stray hair on his forehead. His face is etched with a smirk, not unlike a cat about to snap the neck of its prey. He skulks up to Hugo with that smarmy look and Hugo represses the urge to sock him in the face.
The noble looks Hugo up and down like he’s debating whether or not to eat him. “Ah, I see your little bird has flown away for the evening?”
“He went to go find the princess,” Hugo bites out, his eyes turning to scan the ballroom for either Varian or Andrea.
“Sure he did.” Clearly, the man didn’t believe him. “I don’t believe I know who you are, though I doubt that’s a problem.” Oh bitch he did not just do that. “Lord Ricket. And you are Lord Varian’s servant, I presume? Obviously that rose of Corona wouldn’t choose to be near you otherwise.”
His laugh was high pitched, as if the laugh escaped him on accident. God, this guy was everything Hugo hated about court. Varian, a rose? Please, the guy may seem small and delicate but was a walking disaster, anyone who spent more than 5 minutes with him knew it This is exactly why he didn’t want to come-
His steaming anger was cut off by a small hand slipping into his, warm and soft.
“Hugo,” Andrea whined, the u sounding more like an oo sound. Hugo would die before he admitted it was cute. “Uncle Varian needs you.” She tugged on his arm, trying to get him to move with all her little baby strength. It didn’t work. She simply stood at an angle, hair falling to the floor.
Hugo blinked. He’d never seen Andrea act like this to anyone but her parents, grandparents, and of course Varian. Her face was scrunched up with the effort of trying to move someone a good five times her size.
Lord Ricket blinked in shock at the little intruder. Recognizing the princess, his dark grin turned into a neutral frown and slunk back into the crowd of bodies. Andrea let go of Hugo’s hand and fell onto the floor with a soft thunk. Her dress spread out around her like a blanket, undoubtedly getting dirty.
“I hate balls,” She grumbled.
That got his attention. “You do?” He honestly expected Andrea to love this. She thrived on being the center of attention, and this would be no exception. The first of the new generation, all of the older royals loved to crowd her and shower her in praises, and she seemed to eat it up.
“Yea!” She yelled, raising her arms over her head, but making no movement to get up from the floor. “Everyone’s super boring, it’s all ‘nice to meet you’ and ‘I like your dress’! I don’t even like dresses, they’re itchy!”
Her complaints… they sounded so much like his own. The stuffy atmosphere, snooty rich people, awkward clothes, these were the things both he and Varian hated about balls, and it’s why they avoided them at all costs. The only thing that made these things worth his time…
...was Varian.
Hugo remembers his first ball in Corona. He’d been miserable. It was judgemental noble after judgemental noble, looking down at him because of his heritage, his past, his unorthodox relationship. If Varian hadn’t been there, Hugo would not have lasted 20 minutes without throwing an alchemy bomb.
Having Varian by his side to help him adjust his collar, gag at the nobles who tried to flirt, mock the petty arguments, those were what made formal events passable. Is that why Andrea wanted Varian here? Not to steal him for herself, but so she could have a like mind help her power through this? It was her first formal birthday ball, after all. This was technically Andrea’s introduction to court beyond hiding behind her mother’s skirts, hence the big fuss.
No wonder she wanted Varian here.
Hugo sighed. He felt like a total jerk. Well, he knew he’d been a jerk to dislike a toddler, but it felt justified. Now, not so much. Andrea’s arms were still stretched over her head, and Hugo leaned down to grab them in his own. With one quick motion, he pulled the little princess upright.
“Come on, let’s go find our favorite alchemist,” He said, and Andrea’s face lit up. Still holding his hands, she pulled him through the crowds, letting Hugo look over everyone’s heads to find him. It took a few minutes (how many people did Rapunzel invite?), but they finally spotted Varian chatting with Ricket, who seemed much more at ease. Varian, on the other hand, seemed very annoyed, his eyes flashing with rage. In any other situation, they guy would’ve gotten decked by the shorter alchemist.
Hugo and Andrea shared a knowing look. For all her bratiness, the girl was incredibly perceptive and smart. After all, her taste in people was impeccable.
“Uncle Varian!” She called, speeding up and making Hugo trip slightly as he tried to keep up. Said uncle’s face lit up considerably at the interruption, brightening even more when he saw who she was dragging around.
“Hey you two,” He grinned, and Andrea let go of one of Hugo’s hands to grab onto Varian’s. Reaching over the princess, he gave Hugo a peck on the cheek. “I was just talking to… Rickey?”
The lord’s face turned an ugly purple. “Ricket.” He gritted out. “I do believe I’ve been introduced to your…”
“Boyfriend. Not a servant.” Hugo supplied, grin stretching across his face.
“Yes, it was lovely to meet you… and you as well, princess, I’m honored to meet you.”
Andrea grinned a toothy smile. “I’m not.” Varian’s shoulders shook with hidden laughter.
The noble looked like he was struggling to swallow a grape. He at least had the manners to bow to Andrea before making his leave once more, hopefully for good. Varian hummed, leaning his head on Hugo’s shoulder and glancing down at Andrea.
“I see you two are getting along now?”
“For now, yup.” Hugo popped the p. “And I do believe you owe this young lady a dance? For shame, Varian.”
“Alright, Alright!” Varian lifted his head off of Hugo, and the taller mourned the loss. “I’m gonna need you to let go of her hand, though.”
This shocked them both. “No?” Hugo asked.
“You gotta dance too!”
“Oh, now we can share him?” Varian smacked his boyfriend, but otherwise didn’t dispute the claim.
“Just for tonight.” The princess said, puffing up her chest as if she was making a royal decree, clearly copying her mother. She pulled the two of them back onto the dance floor, boyfriends grabbing hands as they went. The three were now forming a small circle, moving in time to the upbeat song now playing.
“Hey Andrea,” Hugo murmured. “You were kidding about the just tonight thing, right?”
“You can have him on weekends.”
“Wha- if anything I need him on weekdays!” The two bickered over custody the rest of the night, the sound of music and Varian’s laughter filling both of their ears.
So maybe Hugo didn’t hate her. But she was still a brat.
Good thing she had Hugo to guide her.
...He was so gonna recruit her to prank Eugene.
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badboysdoitbetter · 4 years
hey dude idk if you remember me but can i please request a regular matchup ? im a female capricorn + INTJ. some of my hobbies are reading, writing, cooking, + making recipes. i’m a GYM + FITNESS BRAT. i love studying astrology + looking @ the stars. i dislike loud people, hypocrites, uncleanliness, + complainers. i like someone who is laid back, loyal, intelligent, + driven. someone who shares some of my interests but also someone who can teach me + introduce me to new things. thank you !!
i normally only do one fandom for a regular matchup, but since this lovely lady helped me out so much with my writing skills, i decided to make an exception for her!
Hunter x Hunter : I ship you with...
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he became interested when he first saw you in the library, sitting alone at a table littered with books.
you were reading, paying no attention to him, but he was enamored with the way your eyes glided through the pages, absorbing everything the book had to offer.
the next time he saw you, he sat down at your table and observed you. he said it was because you were ‘coincidentally’ holding a book that he wanted to read, but from the way he was looking at you, you knew better.
the two of you would spend hours comparing book choices, with him asking you about your pick of the week and telling you about his favorite bible verses.
he wouldn’t understand why he liked spending time with you so much, but one day, when he was telling you about Corinthians, that’s when he realized that what he was feeling for you was love.
love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
when he finally asked you out, he took you to the beach right as dusk was falling, under the pretense that he wanted to learn about different constellations.
he actually saw you reading a book about astrology and wanted to see your face light up at the stars, the same way it had in the library a few weeks prior.
he’d try to avoid it, but since he knows how much you love to learn new things, he’d eventually teach you all about Nen.
the two of you would spend hours practicing, and i think he’d fall in love with the way you get so passionate about the things you want to get better at.
when he introduces you to the troop, you’re a little bit shy, but they don’t seem to mind you. to this day, you have no idea if they were just tolerating you or if they actually liked you.
honestly, they saw how much their boss cared for you, and decided that if he liked and trusted you, so could they.
with how little people Chrollo has in his life, you can sleep peacefully knowing he’s always looking out for you.
Kengan Ashura : I ship you with...
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this edit is by @aloetech !! she has some really cool content on her page that you should check out sometime !!
i can really see the two of you meeting at the gym. you were kickboxing, while he was taking a break near the weight rack.
with his water bottle to his lips, he observed the room with those beautiful caramel-colored eyes, and even though your back was turned towards him, he could tell that your form was a little bit off.
he came up to and offered his help, and while you were skeptical of his motives at first, once you saw that he was a genuinely nice guy you started opening up to him a little bit more.
the relationship progressed slower than average, just because he’d be off at Kengan matches while you were unable to with him. at the same time, albeit, you both appreciated the time to get to know each other before jumping into anything serious.
you’d send him baked goods in the mail, and he’d smile every time he saw the cute little notes you left with them. (you were definitely more brazen on paper than in person...)
Gao, i can’t believe you’re Ken-gone again, but know i’m thinking about you and your goodies ;) while you aren’t here physically, your love is all i knead
while you’re both very driven people, he knows that he can come home to you and you’ll be there to hang out on the couch and relax after a grueling day.
he appreciates that the two of you are both logical, and wouldn’t hesitate to use it to his advantage when he needs help coming up with strategies in fights.
he knows that, while you’re definitely an independent person, you like to learn about his life. the place he draws the line, however, is that he refuses to introduce you to his ‘friends’, no matter how much you ask.
Saw-Paing would 100% come through the window of your shared apartment, only to find the two of you having sex cooking together.
“LET’S FIGHT GAOLAN—oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, i’m definitely interrupting something, right? i feel like i should go...”
“um, hello—”
“don’t indulge him, (Y/N).”
* signifies the character i think would look the best with you.
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calibansprincessx · 5 years
Hell is Hot CH 6- The Coronation
Thank you all for so much love! @kanakalala458 @elizaglad @queenhumanoid @lachicademarcasrojas
Caliban and I enter from opposite entrances meeting in the middle before our thrones. This was  the first time I had seen him since we departed to get ready. He was in a gold trench coat that bared his chest and black pants. He looked so handsome the way the gold meshed with his hair.
“You look rather gorgeous, my queen.” He said grabbing my hand to help onto the throne before he sat in the one beside me. 
“As do you, my king.” I said smiling at him. This was the first time I played along in this flirtatious banter and I hate that I could get used to doing this all the time with him. It felt like a crime to be moving on so fast but i didn't think this relationship would be anything more than political.
Lucifer stood in the middle of us addressing the courts of hell who waited before us. “I present to thee my first born, Sabrina Mornigstar and her consort Caliban Prince of Hell. Sabrina Morningstar, Proud lady of Pandemonium, Maiden of Shadows and Queen of Hell. Caliban, Prince of Hell now King of hell, Ruler of Darkness and Lord of Pandemonium. Hail Sabrina! Hail Caliban!” 
“Hail Sabrina! Hail Caliban!” The court shouted in unison. 
Lilith gestured to Caliban and I to stand up. Caliban stood up and held his hand out for me. I took his hand and stood with him before the Courts of Hell officially coronated as King and Queen of Hell, husband and wife. 
“Now Sabrina and Caliban will dance, as King and Queen to the Moonlight Sonata.” Lucifer continued before stepping back next to Lilith. 
Caliban leads me to the center of the room as we begin to dance. 
“Do you think you can get used to this, Sabrina?” He says looking down desirably at me. 
Everytime he looks at me like that I feel like there's a lump in my throat. “Which part?” I said raising an eyebrow and grinning at him. 
“All of it, Hell and me.” He said seriously but masking it with a flirty smirk.
“You're not so bad to be married too I suppose but maybe we can get to know each other a little better.” I say not breaking eye contact.
“What would you like to know about me princess?” Caliban said bringing his face closer to mine. I could feel his breath against my neck. 
“I uh--uh--” I began before Lucifer came to our side. 
“Shall I cut in for a dance with my darling daughter?” Lucifer said holding his hand out for mine.
“Of course, Dark Lord.” Caliban says handing my hand over to him. 
“Ah now isn't this better? All the power your feeling? Already pulling the wool over my eyes with your little surprise marriage. Don't forget who you're dealing with just because your Queen of Hell, Sabrina.” He says earnestly. 
“I am a Morningstar aren't i? This is what you wanted, Lucifer. You wanted me to embrace all my power, so I am. Things are going to be different around here.” I said firmly.
“Don't get carried away first born, you're still new here.” The Dark Lord whispered in my ear before the song ended and the dance finished. 
The courts danced for awhile while Caliban and I sat in our thrones hand and hand watching. After the coronation Lilith showed us where our room was.
My mouth almost fell to the floor in awe. The room was giant, draped in gold and black with his and hers closets and a full bathroom. The bed looked like it was 3 of my beds all put together with gold satin sheets.
“Wow.” Was all I could breathe out. “Uh thank you Lilith.” 
“Of course, your clothes are in your closet.” She says walking away.
I was sort of nervous to spend my first night with Caliban and I had no idea how to go about it.
“Uh, well i’m gonna go shower and get ready for bed.” I said, scared to make eye contact as I walked towards the closet to grab something to wear.
He smirked devillishy at me sensing my nervousness. “As you wish my queen, do let me know if you need any company.” 
I grab a gold silk slip, black lace bralette with matching underwear and head into the bathroom.
While I'm showering I'm thinking about what could be going through Caliban’s head. Does he think were gonna have sex? Am I ready for that? I mean I'm certainly attracted to him and we are getting closer but I still barely know him. I get out of the shower, towel off and put my clothes on. When I walk out Caliban is in nothing but black boxer briefs and my cheeks feel hot. 
I get into bed and get under the covers. “I took a week off school so I could stay down here while i learn my new powers, how to run Hell and getting to know you.” I say firmly. 
“Hm is that so? You know you never answered me earlier.” He said smirking at me as he walked over to get into bed as well.
“Huh I don't recall.” I say flirtatiously, knowing exactly what he was referring to.
He left no space between us. I could feel the warmth of his body as he began to move a piece of hair out of my face. “What would my wife like to know about me?” he whispered gently but it felt so strong.
“Your character. I want to spend time with you, learning your character.” I said not moving an inch. 
“Whatever you wish to know about me is yours, beloved.” His lips crashed onto mine softly and passionately all at once. 
We began making out, it was the first time I really gave in to kissing him. The feelings I feel with him are so intense I get lost in them. 
He pulls away from the kiss looking at me lustfully. “Should we consummate our marriage my darling queen?” 
I so badly wanted to say yes but I wanted to make sure what I felt for him was more than lust even if are married. 
I lean in giving him a longing kiss before pulling away to look at him. “I like you Caliban and I do think I want this to be more than political but I also want to get to know you more before we move any further.” 
He caresses my face. “As you command, my queen.” 
We lay down and I sleep in his arms all night so peacefully. When I wake up Caliban is already dressed reading a book next to me in bed. 
“Morning my queen are you ready to learn of your duties?” He said looking down at me happily. 
“Caliban what are you doing up already?” I said sleepily as I began to wake up.    
“I don't need sleep remember, my lady?” He said flipping a page in his book.
“So you stayed in bed and cuddled me all night even though you don't sleep?” I questioned.
“After you fell asleep you looked so comfortable so I stayed, I didn't mind.” He said smiling affectionately. 
“I’m going to pop up to see my aunties before I start learning my queenly duties, it will be fast.” I said getting out of bed finally.
“Am I to come?” He says, still reading through his book.
“No it's okay, I won't be long.” I yelled from the bathroom where I was getting dressed. 
I gave him a kiss before flames encircled me teleporting me to the academy.
I walk into what used to be Blackwood’s office and find Aunt Hilda and Aunt Zelda.
“Hey auntie’s” I said excitedly.
“Sabrina! What are you doing here?” Aunt Zelda exclaims shocked as Aunt Hilda begins to coo and pull me into an embrace. 
“Ooooooh dearie how was your first night in Hell? Alright? Do you want me to send you some lemon pie and lavender tea back with you?” Aunt Hilda utters comfortably. 
“It was fine auntie, the room is actually really big and beautiful.” I exclaimed.
“I am sure it was a most eventful night full of consummation.” Aunt Zee retorted.
“Auntie! We didn't “consummate”, it was a long day so we went to bed and that's all i am going to say about that.” I replied.
“Oh Zelda you're so overt.” Aunt Hilda remarks
“Oh honestly Sabrina you're going to have to give into your lust filled desires eventually. Don't make coitus more than what it is.” Aunt Zelda says blandly.
“Oh my god Aunt Zee i am not talking about this anyways what's going on with the academy? Shouldnt you guys be giving a class?”
“The students have the day off as long as they're either studying their studies or reading while Mambo Marie and I put together a new curriculum.” Aunt Zee says putting down a piece of paper and taking a drag off her cigarette.
“And I have a date with Dr Cee to discuss wedding plans” Aunt Hilda comments eagerly.
“Ah yes another wedding but do be back sister I wanted to discuss the curriculum and your position with you. Since Mambo is here I wont be needing your help as much which gives you more time to participate in your extracurriculars.” Aunt Zelda states.
Hilda nods her head. “Well I'm off then.” She says nervously and eagerly walking out of the door.
I wave bye to Aunt Hilda before turning back to look at Aunt Zelda. “Do you know where I can find Ambrose, Aunt Zee?” I asked.
“Probably in the library where he always drown his sorrows.” She remarks. 
“Okay bye auntie i’ll be up to visit again soon.” I said as I began to walk out of the office and towards the library.
As I'm walking towards the library Nick and I almost run into each other. 
“Nick… how are you?” I came out with.
“Uh--Sabrina i’ve been good-- i've um-- i've been seeing someone, thanks to Ambrose. Hey uh-- i'm sorry… for everything. I uh-- heard you got married.” He chokes out.
“I’m sorry too Nick. I should've told you about Caliban’s and I alignment but everything was so off and painful between us. It made the most sense to keep the realms in balance.” I replied heartily.
“Is that all it is? Keeping the realms in balance?” He responded, heartbreak written on his face.
I looked down.”That’s what it started as.” I pulled him into an embrace. “Im sorry, Nick” I whispered into his ear.
“Its okay, Spellman.” He replied joining in the embrace. 
“Friends?” I whispered back. All the pain i once felt for our broken relationship was replaced with guilt for moving on and not feeling so heartbroken
We pulled out of the embrace. “Yeah.” He breathed out. “I’m just going to need some time.” 
I nod my head and begin to walk away watching tears brim in his eyes.
I finally reached the library and found Ambrose sitting at a desk surrounded by books, reading. 
“Hey Ambrose.” I announce.
“Cousin, what brings you up for a visit?” He asks surprised.
“You guys act like i've been gone for a year already. I just came to say hi before I had to do some Hell stuff. Aunt Zee said you were drowning your sorrows here, what's going on?”
“Ah I am alright cousin, Prudence still isn't speaking with me and I don't necessarily blame her.” He says setting his book down.
“Give her a few days she just needs to let off some steam.” I respond hopefully. 
“She’s really beating herself up over Dorcas and Agatha. I should've let her kill Blackwood when we had the chance.” He speaks frustrated as he drags his hands down his face. 
“Wait! Maybe I can help.” I speak with an idea brewing. “There’s not much I can do for Agatha since she’s still missing but I can maybe bring Dorcas back.” 
Ambrose jumps out of his seat. “What? How cousin, tell me?” 
“I should have all the powers I had when the Dark Lord made me his sword. I brought Melvin, Elspeth and you back from death so why not Dorcas?” I state.
“We have to find Prudence. She buried Dorcas here at the academy I think.” He announces hurriedly. So we rush to find Prudence and some time later we find her on the steps of the academy.
“Prudence!” I shouted when I found her. 
“What is it, Sabrina?” Prudence replies confused.
“Where’s Dorcas?” I responded hurriedly.
“She's gone. What do you need with her?” She remarks.
“I know Prudence and I want to try to bring her back.” I state calmly now.
She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “What?” She breathes out.
“Prudence you remember what I could do with the Dark Lord’s power, well I should have the same power now since I am Queen of Hell.” I signify.
She stands up not breaking eye contact with me, never acknowledging Ambrose. “Do you really think you can?” 
“Lets try.” I spoke with confidence.
“Follow me.” she said walking away letting a single tear fall.
We reach Dorcas’s grave and Prudence begins digging before Ambrose stops her and takes over. In no time Ambrose had the grave dug up and was bringing Dorcas out to lay flat on the ground. I kneeled beside her and Prudence kneeled on the other side.
I closed my eyes and placed my hands on her chest above her heart. “Dorcas hear me, your heart can beat again. Your lungs and heart are strong. Take breath into your lungs and wake now. Rise.” I opened my eyes. “Did it work? Did it work, Sabrina?” asks anxiously. Before I could respond Dorcas sits up coughing up dirt from her lungs gasping for air. 
“Sister! Sister!” Prudence exclaimed. She looked up at me. “Thank you, Sabrina.” 
“Agatha.” Dorcas whispered once she caught her breath.
“Of course Prudence.” I beamed down at her. Ambrose came bent down where I was standing handing Dorcas water and a biscuit. I hadn't even noticed he left during the whole ordeal. 
“She’s gone, Dorcas. Driven mad by The God Pan and ran off after-- after killing you.” Prudence whispered holding Dorcas close.
“Ambrose I have to get back, make sure they get into the academy safely.” I said as Prudence and Dorcas stared at me in disbelief. 
Ambrose stood up pulling me into an embrace. “Thank you cousin, thank you.” He breathed out almost breathlessly.
“Anytime Ambrose.” I said before fire closed around me transporting me back to Hell.
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btshogwartsfics · 5 years
hi im the one who sent the first impressions one. i meant the reader's impression of them and individually. also, i would like to see if the reader's impressions were right or wrong! thanks Kate 💜🥰
no problem! thanks for suggesting and i’m sorry for the delay! since you asked for all of them, i made them rather friendship-y generalized. however, what happens after is, of course, entirely up to your imagination! hope you enjoy! this was really fun!! 💕
also: since i’m doing seven different first impressions, they may be rather brief as i don’t want them to get too long since i can’t currently use the “read more” feature!
~peep the mention of this hc request during namjoon’s part if you’re confused!
he had a sort of fanclub.
it was weird. the younger years seemed to just follow him around. wherever he went, you could spot someone else right behind him.
he didn’t seem to know them either. he had his own group of friends, but the students trailing him only seemed to leave once he asked them to.
and every time his ears would flush a deep red.
while you’re sure he was a nice enough guy— (seriously try to name one genuinely mean hufflepuff?) —you’d made up your mind to just stay clear of him.
you didn’t want to get caught up in the paparazzi.
though, it seems fate had other ideas.
after being asked by your transfig professor to re-organize the attic, you ended up spending a rather large amount of time with him.
you found that you were absolutely right— he is really kind and polite. however, much to your chagrin, he also told some really bad puns.
yet they always seemed to pull a laugh out of you.
maybe he wasn’t so bad.
you thought he seemed pretty intimidating.
it’s not anything he did, really. or said for that matter. he was just eerily quiet.
you can count on one hand the amount of times you’ve heard him speak.
eventually, you concluded that he probably just wanted to be left alone. and you couldn’t exactly blame him for that.
it wasn’t until you began to hang out with jin that you started to really see him.
he was sweet. soft. sarcastic as hell.
while you were correct in assuming that he liked his solitude, you found that he really enjoyed having his friends around, too.
even if he sometimes tried to hide it, he could never really get rid of the grin that curled at his lips whenever they were together.
you caught yourself wishing you could see it more often.
you suppose you’d just have to stick around.
he was... loud.
not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just that, for whatever reason, you only seemed to catch him in the mornings.
the room could be dead silent or ringing in your ears, but you’d still be able to hear his voice above the crowd.
he also possessed an ungodly amount of energy.
you had no idea where he got it from, but he never seemed to run out. ever.
which was why it was so strange for you to catch him in the library.
you honestly thought he would’ve been banned from that place.
you’d been on your way out, rounding the corner of a bookshelf, when you ran straight into him.
thankfully, he was able to catch your books before they fell and made a load of noise, but then he smiled at you. small and soft.
and with a whispered, “are you alright?” a “so sorry about that,” and a parting, “excuse me” he was gone.
you couldn’t stop thinking about the gentle concern on his face and the soft velvet of his voice for the rest of the day.
you assumed he was a pure blood.
shortly after bumping into him during midterms, you started to see a lot more of him around.
quickly, you discovered that he was at the top of all of his classes. damn near perfect scores all across the board.
he also ran a tutoring business.
it was mainly for the younger years, but even kids older than him could be found sitting with him in the library, nodding along as he explains the subject to them.
you were, admittedly, quite impressed.
“surely”, you told your roommate, “he’d been born into a wizarding household. he’s a natural! or at least if he wasn’t you’d never know it.”
they shook their head in agreement. “you’d think so, wouldn’t you?”
you frowned. they continued. “suprising, then, that’s he’s actually a muggleborn.”
he was arrogant, you were sure.
okay so, no, you suppose you don’t know him —but you’re positive! you see it in the way he carries himself.
like he’s the most important person in the room. or in the way he smirks when he’s made his point. or the way he plays quidditch.
he basks in the praise and adoration of the crowd.
attempts flips and tricks that you know are completely unnecessary. he just loves to show off. if he can’t be the flashiest one on the pitch, he’s not happy.
point is, you have no shortage of evidence.
at least, you thought you didn’t.
but then, because the universe loves to prove you wrong, you catch him with a first year.
the first year, a young blond haired boy with eyes full of naïveté and cheeks still round, had been crying. you could even still hear his little sniffles. but then you heard his voice and you couldn’t quite believe your ears.
“we all get down on ourselves sometimes.. yes, even me. but you just gotta believe you can do it. and then one day you will.”
guess you were wrong.
quite frankly... you thought the dude was nuts.
in your defense, it almost seemed as if taehyung tried to actively prove this.
the few times you’d actually been in conversation with him, his mind seemed to be split off in a million different directions. like his train of thought had been permanently derailed.
and you were fairly content to leave it at that. but again, someone up there truly seemed to have it out for you.
you’d met him in the astronomy tower of course you did. the stars were out and shining and the moon was bright and full. you hadn’t expected him to be there.
but there he was. smile boxy and mischievous, eyes alight with wonder and curiosity.
he spoke a mile a minute and you’re not sure you were able to gather just about anything he said.
but you realized that night that sometimes a certain beauty comes with madness.
sometimes it’s pretty cool.
you didn’t think that jeon jungkook had one. single. flaw.
really, it wasn’t fair.
he was top of his class, total quidditch star, lead in the frog choir AND he seemed to be hogwarts’ biggest stud.
practically the entire student body was head over heels for slytherin’s golden boy (no pun intended).
the professors adored him, doted on him like their own child, the guy was on everybody’s good side. how do you even do that?
you were ready to admit that, perhaps, perfection had found a human form... but then you’d caught him studying.
you’d merely been passing by, taking advantage of your free period, when you’d heard him practicing an incantation in an empty classroom.
he groaned, struggling to conjure up the desired effect. even after several minutes he remained unsuccessful and you thought he’d try again. until suddenly the door handle shook. he exited.
his eyes found yours and in that instant, he realized he’d be caught. and with a sad, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it, downward tilt of his lips he left.
you watched him walk away, stunned completely into silence.
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missorgana · 4 years
interrupt me
pairing: finn/poe dameron
fandom: star wars (sequel trilogy)
rating: teen and up
word count: 2502
warning: swearing
summary: Finn wants Poe to be his boyfriend, so badly, it's sort of unbelievable he hasn't asked him already. But he doesn't know how. (high school AU)
(finnpoe week 2020 is here yall!!! so excited for my baby event tbh. annddd here’s my first fic for it, i chose high school au bcus well im cheesy ok. if u want to enter finnpoe week with me you can check out the event blog and my post here!! hope you enjoy this fluffy mess!)
read on ao3
When Finn realises this is the only greeting he’s getting from his best friend, he gives her a semi-awkward chuckle, as he always does when he can’t quite figure out what she’s on about.
Very much not the first time.
“So… what?”
And she raises her eyebrows in an offended look.
Offended in the only way Rey can be, because she’s never seriously been mad at him, mind you.
“I can’t believe you.” she simply tells him, opening her locker in the process.
Okay, maybe Finn has an idea of what’s frustrating her. After all, she texted him about it last night. A text he was keen to avoid at that time.
“I got your text, I swear-”
“And you didn’t respond because of the reason I suspect?”
Man, Rey really should be a psychic or something. Kind of freaky how she’s always two steps ahead of him.
Her annoyance did fade slightly when Finn let his defeat show.
“I know, I promised you.” and he tells her while shoving the chemistry book down in his bag, the bell interrupting before he continues, “But, I, uh. It just wasn’t the right time, okay?”
Rey’s shoulders are still tense, she huffs, but ultimately shrugs.
“You also said that after your last three dates, you know.”
He does know. Yes, he knows too well.
Long story short, Finn’s been going out with Poe for nearly three months now. Exactly, pretty Poe, the prettiest person ever in the entire world, probably.
The boy who asked him out after many history lessons of looking at each other in secret, and talks of doing homework together that only resulted in giggling and gushing about Hozier.
Well, Rey thinks it’s about time they became official. Like, officially a couple.
She does this because she loves Finn, and she loves them, and yes, he wants Poe to be his boyfriend, so badly, it’s sort of unbelievable he hasn’t asked him already.
But see, he doesn’t know how.
Or of course, he knows the words, but it’s like, whenever he’s with Poe, his mind implodes and revels in whatever they’re doing, and at the end of the day, he’s none the wiser.
They’re on the way to class, and they’re gonna be late either way, so Finn asks his best friend, “I know. But, you know, what if… I mean, what if he doesn’t want to?”
Rey still looks at him in all her stubbornness, but rubs her shoulder, clearly sensing his worry.
His worry goes deep, because yes, they’ve been going out for three months, but, you know, Poe’s like the star of this school. Star of the student council, if anything.
Finn just can’t help doubting himself. Wondering, Poe’s too good for him, or maybe, Poe hasn’t asked him because what they have, what made him ask out Finn isn’t there for him anymore.
He hopes none of that is the case. But he’s always had a habit of overthinking.
“I love you.” she tells him, a certainty in her voice, tugging on his arm just a bit so they won’t be in real trouble with Ms. Holdo, “And he’s so lost in you. I know it’s scary, but he isn’t asking, and if you don’t ask, nothing’s gonna happen.”
She’s right. So right.
So he links their arms and runs down the hall, figuring it speaks louder than words.
Finn finds himself thinking a lot.
This isn’t exactly unusual, but, you know, sometimes he overthinks.
Seriously, he knows he needs to ask Poe already.
But his concerns aren’t crazy, okay?
He’s actually already met Poe’s mom, last month, albeit it wasn’t planned. It was maybe too fast. They’re going fast. Or what?
Rey’s assured him enough times now that three months is a perfectly healthy time to become an item, or whatever you call it.
It’s not like they’re popular. Poe’s got a bit of hype, but he’s not at the top of the food chain.
And you know, reputation isn’t all that matters.
Or he tries to tell himself that, because what if it is to Poe?
Before his best friend made him promise to make the move, as she calls it, she was visibly upset, perhaps more than himself, when the other boy hadn’t asked him first.
Maybe he’s just as nervous as Finn. Like, it’s valid, right?
But also, Poe’s been in a couple of relationships before, and yes, that might not sound like much, but Finn’s never been serious with anyone prior to this.
And he didn’t really think it would bother him until now, where Finn ponders his inexperience, and might be edging towards a mental breakdown in the middle of the history lesson, when said boy on his mind touches his hand under the table.
Yes, Rey was only bitter for a few days when the boys started sitting together, “leaving her behind”, as she called it. But she doesn’t really mind now that Rose transferred, he’s sure.
Finn always thinks Poe wants to borrow a pencil when he touches his hand, or has a question, or something mundane.
But he might be getting used to Poe reaching out just for the sake of the touch, sooner or later.
Only the other boy whispers when Ms. Holdo has her back turned, “You okay?”
Oh, so he can tell. That’s great.
No, really, it’s great, because this boy’s so empathetic, when he’s not fiercely protective, or sarcastically defensive.
Finn wonders if he’s thinking of the same thing.
He actually got started on a question last time, some form of it, anyway, but they were not so generously interrupted by some of Poe’s friends, Jess and Snap, he’s pretty sure. That scared him off. Embarrassing, he knows.
Besides, it was like, ten minutes, and Poe seemed just as embarrassed, and they more or less cheered them on. Lovebirds, they called them.
“Ignore them, please.” the other boy told him, like, a million times. He was so cute blushing like that.
If only Finn hadn’t abruptly chickened out when he tried to get the question, instead distracting Poe with whatever he saw first, which, very fitting, was ice cream.
Man, the other boy eats so much ice cream, he has to admit he’s slightly worried about his health.
He’s got a lot of things to worry about, huh.
“Of course I am.” he whispers back, and fuck, he’s just barely caught when Ms. Holdo turns around, and he’s got this feeling like Poe doesn’t believe him, but the conversation’s over like that.
The boy’s smile is a reassurance. A little bit, at least.
Is he avoiding Poe? Or is Poe avoiding him?
Finn doesn’t really know, to be honest.
They haven’t seen each other in, what, four days now, because he’s letting his head get the best of him, and he declined the boy’s offer to accompany him for the football game, instead having another nerve wracking conversation, filled with possible ways his crush could call them off.
Rey probably thinks he’s overdramatic, but she doesn’t say, and spends a good two hours calming him down, because she’s lovely.
It isn’t just a crush anymore, Finn realises.
God, he likes him, so much.
And on their last date, it started raining, like in every cheesy teen movie ever, and when he couldn’t hide that he was freezing, Poe, of course, gave him his jacket.
It’s just too much.
Not long after his phone call with Rey, his roommate returns from the game, and Rose tells him that Poe missed him.
Does that make him feel good or bad?
They text a lot.
Like, late into the night a lot, to a point where his sleep schedule might’ve gone for the worse. He’ll restore it sooner or later.
Anyway, Poe seemed like he had something on his mind yesterday. At least, he was taking a while to answer, and usually, his texts keep flying almost a second after Finn’s replied.
But whatever he felt coming never came. The other boy had to go, that is, and Finn thought, maybe this time, he’ll ask.
Or maybe he was looking for a sensitive way to break up. Shit. He wouldn’t break up with him via text, though, surely? Poe’s respectable. He’s got manners.
Or maybe the world just doesn’t want them to communicate anymore, ever, and will just continue to interrupt them, which is rude and totally unfair.
Even at the library this guy, honestly, he can’t remember the name for his life, but this guy had some issue with a suggestion of Poe’s in the council, which he apparently felt the need to bring up then.
The curly haired boy in front of him gave an, “I’m kind of busy, right now.” three times before the other student, finally, minded his own business.
Maybe Poe thinks Finn doesn’t want him around him anymore after avoiding him. Why does he do this?
He hates conflict. It can die in a pit.
Even though it isn’t a conflict, like his best friend so wisely told him, maybe he’s just a bit stupid, or maybe his worst nightmare is true and Poe doesn’t want anything serious.
His head feels like it might explode.
The girl discarding her shoes shoots him a weird look.
Of course, she can tell he’s nervous, just as much as Rey, or probably anyone else, at this point, but Rose has developed a sense of knowing when Finn needs to be left alone.
So, she brews them both tea and lays down with her headphones on, but not before handing him something cold and metal, which turns out to be a pin.
It’s a tiny yellow sun.
Finn doesn’t have to ask who it’s from, or who he’s hoping it’s from, anyway, because the boy is so utterly cheesy that he’s compared him to sunshine on more than one occasion.
Even more cheesy that Poe got him a gift relating to a stupid nickname. But also, he loves it. Loves it a little too much.
It’s ridiculous.
So he’ll opt to sleep now, tugging Poe’s jacket a bit tighter around him.
Poe’s suggested to skip school today, and Rey swears she’ll nag Finn to no end if he doesn’t go along, so here he is.
Of course this boy wants to get ice cream.
And of course he knows a perfect place, as he says, which, surprisingly, is a junkyard filled with old cars, which Finn sees little wrong with.
He’s pretty sure the rich people in this stupid town probably discard these for the newest model. Poe laughs and agrees when he voices his thought.
When they’re side by side on a blue Corvette hood, ice cream and marshmallows long gone, it’s silent, except the other boy’s humming.
Maybe this is the right time. Or the worst time. Wait, he can’t think like that, he should listen to Rey.
Finn might as well get it over with, if the worst case scenario is really gonna happen, right?
And so he decides to open his mouth with his thought along with him, only Poe does the same, and there’s a small cluster of “Hey-”s and “Oh-”s and “Sorry”s.
So maybe the boy has decided to end it on a good note, like a goodbye date.
Could be worse, right?
“I was thinking, uh…” Poe begins, but it doesn’t seem to end, and Finn nods him along, and sits up straighter, maybe it’ll be easier to bite the emotion in him like that.
The boy chuckles at himself.
It’s like he doesn’t want to look at him, cause he’s keeping his eyes on his lap, but then, gaze turning towards Finn again and biting his lip.
“Do you want to be my boyfriend?”
And Finn’s ready to deflect, to shrug off the hurt, get up and leave, when, holy shit, what did he just say?
Exactly the thing he wants him to say? Exactly the thing he wants to say? Unbelievable.
He’s got to have a few seconds to process that. Which is probably what makes Poe freak out, because he’s suddenly, almost, taking the words back, “If you think it’s too fast I understand, I-”
“No!” he exclaims. A bit louder than he wanted, alright, good thing this yard’s practically abandoned.
“No, Poe, I really want that. Like, oh my god.”
The nods are eager, and Poe’s smiling so much brighter now. Finn can barely hold himself from copying it.
“But seriously, I thought you’d break up, or I mean, stop our dates or something.”
Now that offended look is familiar, has Poe been spending time with Rey? Could fool him, at least.
He almost gasps, which reminds Finn how truly ridiculous he is, when he’s not keeping up his status in debate.
“Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?” he asks, and yes, is the answer, and Finn can’t help feeling bad, so he tries to make it better by touching his hand, the same way the other boy’s got the habit to in class.
“Yeah, I mean, I thought maybe I wasn’t good enough.”
Now Poe looks distraught, like Finn told him a puppy died or something, and Finn wants to shrug it off, but the boy meets his lips before he gets the chance.
Okay, he would call this a rude interruption, if he didn’t like this so much. He’ll let it slide, just this once.
“Who put that idea into your head?” Poe says, like he’s already out of breath, it’s adorable, “You’re, like, God. Too good to be true.”
And instead of answering Finn continues this cycle of kissing his boyfriend’s lips and cheek and neck, really, they’re a lot better at this than talking.
It’s so much nicer than talking too, but Poe has to finish his sentence, he assumes, “I would’ve asked sooner, you know. But I feel like everyone keeps interrupting us lately.”
It’s like their minds are one, Finn’s sure Rey’s gonna roll her eyes at them after this.
He almost can’t speak when they’re both laughing, and Poe’s touching his face, now, that’s what’ll take up his mind, “Me too.”
Honestly, Finn would let the boy say more, if he wasn’t his boyfriend now, right, so when Poe is starting on a rant of those exact problems, there’s really no other choice than direct him away from the negativity and back to kissing him again, because he loves his voice, but that’s just about enough talking now, he thinks.
“Boyfriend?” and of course, Poe laughs again at that, tipping his head back, but quick to turn his gaze back, because every quirk just makes him even more pretty.
And he replies, “Can I interrupt you, though?”, not even waiting for an answer before he’s pulling him in for the millionth kiss, it seems, cupping his neck and tugging on his hair.
It’s impossible that Poe can smile even wider, surely, but he does.
“I guess I’ll allow it.”
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Congratz for the 600!! Can i get hq matchup pls? Im an INTJ, Ravenclaw. Im quite dilligent, sarcastic especially to those who r close to me. I find myself get angry easily but never rage that bad cause im quite forgiving Hobbies: read, martial arts, baking. Dislikes: snakes, debt. Favorite color: navy blue n maroon. Fav food: bittersweet choco n cheesee. Fav lesson: math(lol).
thank you so much bby!
I match you with Kuroo Tetsurou
🌟 I HC Kuroo as a Ravenclaw, so you guys would get along splendidly in that sense!
🌟 By default, INTJ personality types are very critical and strategic with how they approach relationships
🌟 For Kuroo, he’s the type of person to connect with a person platonically before he starts to even consider the possibility of a romantic relationship
🌟 (Granted, this might be partially influenced by his experience with his own parents’ marriage or lack thereof)
🌟 You’re both diligent and that’s when he REALLY starts to appreciate you
🌟 The man works so hard in school, volleyball, and life in general and it’s a trait that he appreciates so much in his friends/partners
🌟 And the fact that you’re sarcastic??? That’s just a ticket to his heart haha
🌟 I see Kuroo as someone who is level-headed, despite his provocative nature. So if you’re mad? That’s fine! He doesn’t mind at all. He’ll take it in stride, especially since he knows that you don’t hold your anger
🌟 TBH, he’d rather you BE expressive than bottle it up because y’all both know how unhealthy that is
🌟 But if it’s something that you SHOULD be mad about?? Like someone is mistreating you or something? The man will have a frank and honest discussion with you so that you’re both on the same page 
🌟 OK NGL THOUGH, he’d find you so attractive if you could flip him over or do some typa damage with martial arts
🌟 (I only have experience with aikido and i KNOW that shit was hella attractive and so cool to witness!)
🌟 (the man also thinks it’s so attractive that his partner could KICK ASS - including his!)
🌟 I can also see him stealing your dark chocolate hahaha
🌟 (Health benefits, am i right? the fkn nerd)
🌟 but honestly, dark chocolate is delicious 
🌟 And the fact that you hate snakes?? LMAO ironic because he hates Daisho
🌟 He’d probably joke that y’all were a match made in heaven haha
🌟 Ideal date: Y’all will probably go to the library or a book-store and spend time in the cafe reading your respective books - y’all will also probably take breaks to discuss the books you’re reading and wow am i soft rn
Honourable mentions: Tendou Satori, Akaashi Keiji, Kenma Kozume 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Would you ever try Fear Factor for one million dollars? Why or why not? Yes. It would make for hilarious stories for get-togethers and I think that winning a million dollars that I could use up for the rest of my life doing some dumb dares for a few hours would be worth it. If you have a camera, when do you use flash? Only if it’s dim. I don’t like the effect that flash gives. What would you do with eighty-three crazy straws? Find an aunt or uncle with a kid who’s having a birthday party soon so they can use the straws as giveaways or something. If you use hair spray, what brand do you use the most? I don’t.  Is Catcher in the Rye in your library by any chance? It’s probably in another college’s library, most likely our college for the arts and letters. There’s no reason for it to be in a mass communication library.
What if there was no such thing as the word 'one'? Then that would imply that we have/have to have plurals of everything, which just sounds a bit bizarre to me.
What do you have automatic sympathy for? The 11,000 employees of the country’s biggest broadcasting network that was recently officially shut down by our – surprise surprise – government. These are people who weren’t even involved in the network’s franchise renewal status (which was/is the main issue), people who have families, people who relied on these jobs to get by during a worldwide pandemic, people who loved their jobs, people who found family in these jobs, It’s absolutely crazy how people can defend their stance against the network and justify the loss of 11,000 jobs. What is a cool disposable object? I don’t know who looks at disposable objects and thinks they’re ‘cool,’ but the first thing I thought of was my vape pen of choice, which are disposable. It has enough puffs to last several months with me so it’s more convenient for me to keep buying them than spending a large amount on a refillable one. Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan? Why? Hilary Duff as Lizzie McGuire is more nostalgic to me; I used to watch it nearly everyday. I never watched Lindsay’s movies other than Herbie. What do you think of the actor Michael Cera? No opinion but I remember the time when he was often used on 9Gag memes. Simpler times lol. Anyway, I haven’t seen any of his movies. What is the best thing about a Barbie doll? I think it’s really fun how they’ve come up with a bazillion outfits for Barbies and Kens. And different versions too – as far as I know there’s been a Filipino Barbie for a while :) What is something you'd say in your will? If I passed any time soon I’d like to include some things about my dogs and how they’re supposed to be taken care of. If we’re talking about what I’m putting in my will if I ever reach like 80, I just wanna make sure every person who’s been in my life and stayed for a bit is mentioned and thanked and I wanna make the list as expansive as I possibly can at that age. Idk, I’ve always been sentimental. Any thoughts on fake abortion clinics? What??? I don’t know what those are and what they do, but they sound awful. What was a username you'd thought wouldn't be taken but was taken? I’ve tried using my full name as a username in a few websites and seen them being taken. My first and last names don’t make a common pair, so I’ve always found it surprising. Cherry or peanut ice cream? Peanut. Not gonna lie, it’s an unusual flavor – but Asians kinda put peanuts on everything heh. What is your dream cellphone? Why? Whatever new phone Apple puts out because unfortunately I buy into toxic consumerist shit like that lol Would you rather be watching The Bachelor or The Bachelorette? Neither. From one to ten, how big of a movie buff are you? I’d give myself an 8. I’ve seen my fair share of movies and I can honestly say that my favorite films are not cliche picks, but I’ve also yet to see a bunch of classics that other ~movie buffs~ hail as being excellent movies like Taxi Driver, Silence of the Lambs, Rocky, American Psycho, etc. I also haven’t been watching movies as much as I used to, which takes down another point for me. Who is a celebrity you think will never get into trouble? The Irwin kids. I wouldn’t call them celebrities per se though; they’re in the spotlight for the most wholesome reasons. I’ve seen every segment Robert Irwin has had on Jimmy Fallon and it’s amazingly precious. What is an important holiday to you? Why? Probably the EDSA Anniversary because without it we’d still be under a dictatorship. Name a catty girl you really dislike. I wouldn’t call anyone I know that. What is a museum you would like to go to? The top 3 museums that I would love to visit are the Anne Frank House, the Met, and the Art Institute of Chicago. And wherever Monet’s paintings are, because he’s my favorite artist. Personally, do you look better with short hair or long hair? Short. Long, frizzy hair does not look good on me and on anyone else. What was the reason why you last blocked a person from your IM? He was a stranger who hit on me. I added him back only because we had a considerable amount of mutual friends and I thought that maybe he used to be a classmate or something, but he messaged me some shit that he had probably copy-pasted to 700 other girls saying like ‘hey do you mind if you and I talk? I find you really pretty’ like six seconds after adding him back. It was so fucking creepy and I never blocked someone so quickly. I was already in a foul mood that night so I also showed the brief interaction to Gab and I gave her freedom to curse the shit out of the guy if she wanted to. What is a cliche thing that happens a lot in anime? I don’t like anime and have never watched it. What are your views on the cartoon show Invader Zim? I’ve never seen that either. If you have some, what is tonight's homework about? I don’t have homework anymore. If you have one, what is your favorite sushi flavour? Cream cheese salmon rolls from a local place called Torch. What is the first thing you think of when I say 'Jack'? Rose. Do you understand JavaScript coding? A teeny bit, thanks to the theme customizations I used to do on Tumblr when I was 14. What would you do if you found a gun in your best friend's bedroom? Confront them, and maybe even scold them. I definitely would be angry. Not even just because it could mean they’re suicidal, but because I don’t believe in guns. What do you call your grandparents? I call both sets Lolo and Lola. When I say 'Go', you say: I just remember the song Green Light by Beyoncé because the chorus on that is her screaming ‘Go.’ What colour do you usually paint your nails? I never paint them. They’re pretty, but I never saw them as a necessity. What would be a cool earring design? People come up with cool designs all the time now though. I’m completely sure there are a million versions of this now but I would love sriracha sauce earrings haha. What do you think of raccoons? No opinion as I’ve never encountered them. Any thoughts on the actor Paul Rudd? NEVER AGES Who is the better liar: your mother or your best friend? Mom. Gab will lie to me sometimes but I can always tell. Are breast implants something you'd consider? Why or why not? I considered it when I was a teenager because people used to pick on me for being flat-chested, as if I had a choice as to what size my body would end up being. Also, flat chests were the butt of so many jokes in the early 2010s so it made me insecure for a very long time. Nowadays the environment is a lot nicer and I’m seeing many flat-chest positivity posts (if that’s even a thing) so I’ve changed my mind about implants.  Besides nightmares, what is the scariest thing about sleeping? Sleep paralysis. You can wake up from nightmares. Do you find the phrase 'nom nom nom' annoying? Not as much as ‘rawr’ annoys me. Do you look better with red lipstick or black lipstick? I look good in neither but I would go with red. When was the last time you had chocolate milk? Oooooh it’s been a while :( I feel like that’s something people have to start selling more, honestly. I don’t see chocolate milk being sold other than at the grocery or convenience stores and ugh, I just want more restaurants to add it on their menus lol. That being said, the last time I had it was in January, during a journalism workshop that we hosted in a school in Marikina. The teachers offered us that and a Fudgee Bar as thank-you snacks :)
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lothalite · 6 years
Dating Peter Maximoff Would Include...
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the best piggy back rides (not in bullet time obviously because you’d get “w-h-i-p-laaaaash”)
during school days at the institute he’ll zoom to your location, kiss you, then zoom away
he taps his foot at light speed in class because he’s SO ANXIOUS to see you
he loves carrying you for some reason ??
peter always treats you like royalty
his favorite pet name for you is “princess”
whether you’re a girl or boy, it doesn’t matter.  you’re peter maximoff’s princess
he’s the kind of guy that would buy you pads and tampons with no question or backlash
this boy can give the best massages given that he can vibrate his entire body
you’re feeling stressed about school ? family life ? peter is there in a second
he’s the little spoon when you cuddle
his preferred sleeping spot is directly on top of you
he says you’re the one that made him “slow down and enjoy life more”
his little sister adores you
“peter, will s/he get to be my big sister/brother?”
peter will shyly smile at her
“i sure hope so, sis.”
his mom cherishes you and everything you’ve done for peter
“please marry him i don’t know what i would do without you you’ve made peter such a better person and he actually attends classes now im—“
whenever peter has a rough training session with the xmen he goes to find you and takes a nap on top of you
it literally does not matter one bit to him where you are or what you’re doing
studying in the library?
cool now you have a peter on your lap sleeping
he’s clingy, but not the bad or unhealthy kind
like he’ll gladly give you space when you ask for it but other than that he’s snuggled up to you
peter’s the kind to get jealous easily
he’s not possessive, just insecure about himself sometimes
he’s so precious don’t you ever hurt him
there are things he doesn’t like about his appearance
his silver hair, average height, nose, and his lil tummy
^dont fucking fight me on the last one
you always make a point to shower him with love, affection, and reassurance
peter, crying: “*sniff* i love you s-so much, princess”
peter’s got the nicest ass
he gets so flustered and blushy whenever you give it a smack as you walk by him
it’s the cutest butt ever you can’t help yourself
peter fucking LOVES when you play with his hair
you lower his crime rate by a huge 7%
if he’s struggling with schoolwork (which is almost all the time) you always help him
he tends to get “distracted” during your tutoring sessions and starts kissing down your neck
you’ll swat him away and he whines
“but princesssssssss!”
and so you came up with a system
“every time you get a question right, you get a kiss”
now peter has straight A’s
but sometimes he purposely starts to fail a class just for Study Reward Kisses
peter’s a cocky bastard as we know
he loves to tease and make suggestive comments to you
but if YOU tease him and make suggestive comments?
he gets so fucking flustered and stutters
peter’s a whole ass virgin
but he’s your whole ass virgin ;))
have i mentioned peter is very sensitive
he lowkey gets sad and cries a lot
at first he’s really bad about it and he doesn’t share his feelings with you
but one day you find him sitting on your bed, rubbing his eyes trying to make the tears go away before you see him
you practically hurl yourself onto the bed and pull him into your embrace and ask him what’s wrong
there’s nothing you hate more than seeing your baby upset and not knowing why
now he tends to be much more vocal about his problems and will lay his head on your shoulder as he explains them to you
peter has literally no idea what he would do if you weren’t there in his life
sometimes he cries because he’s thinking about how much you love and care for him
you guys have movie nights all the time
there’s so much candy that you lawfully paid for
ping pong tournaments in his basement (he finally has someone else to play with !!)
his sister is your ultimate cheerleader
if you like makeup and like experimenting with it, peter will let you use him as a model
peter has some BOMB ASS eyebrows now thanks to you
if you put eyeliner on him he’ll purposely smudge it and walk around in black calling himself a “goth” for the rest of the day
if peter is having daddy issues over erik you help him with it
charles loves you for keeping peter in check
all the professors do tbh
peter honestly wouldn’t be able to function without you
you remind him to eat, drink water, sleep, exercise (even though he probably doesn’t need the reminder), do his homework, and anything else on his agenda that has now become yours
peter isn’t one for going out to fancy restaurants or anything like that
he tried once, to be the cliche romantic like in the movies, but you could easily tell he was uncomfortable
so instead, you sat on the roof of the institute and played uno while occasionally making out
also pink floyd was playing
this boy goes ALL OUT for valentines day
he’s never had a real “valentine” before and he was so excited
he bought so many chocolates (you let him eat half of them), a huge bouquet of your favorite flowers
he’s a sucker for sappy romance :,)
there’s almost no fights in your relationship
there’s so much loyalty and love between the two of you
if you did get in a fight it was probably about whether pac man or galaga was better
all the young mutant kids think your relationship is adorable
you joke around with it and kiss him aw
they do the typical kid thing
so of course peter kisses you again
charles has to lower the volume of thoughts in his mind because all he can hear is peter’s amplified thoughts about how much he loves you
charles tells you
“That boy loves you more than anything in this world, Y/N. Don’t lose him.”
“don’t worry, professor.  i could never dream of a life without him.”
peter overhears and nyooms in, kissing you on the cheek and wrapping his arms around you from behind
“that’s my princess.” :,,)
christmas is peter’s favorite holiday to spend with you
it’s the first time he ever said “I love you”
you were cuddled up on the couch in your fluffy christmas pajamas
there was a blanket draped over both of you, and you were running your fingers through peter’s hair which makes him extra sleepy
as he started to drift off to sleep, he mumbled it into your neck
“mmm... i love you, princess..”
you stopped what you were doing for a second to process what he had said
you leaned down and kissed his temple
“I love you too, peter.”
I hope you enjoyed these as much as I did making them!!  Feedback is welcomed ~
for more soft peter maximoff headcanons, look here: x
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gotatext · 5 years
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hello, it’s swamp witch nora again…. i couldn’t stay away.... hitting u with a tiny baby boy who is also terrible (sometimes).  musical softboi who loves karl marx and hates children dying in cobalt mines to make smart phones. as is tradition, here’s the pinterest board, have a peruse. fyi sorry for those of u who have read this intro a thousand times i literally.... can never b bothred to change it n i think thats really sexy of me x
CHARLIE PLUMMER / DEMI-BOY — don’t look now, but is that rory bergström  i see? the 23 year old music student is in their junior year and he is a rochester alum. i hear they can be whimsical, impassioned, self-indulgent and nitpicky, so maybe keep that in mind. i bet he / they will make a name for themselves living in griffin street. ( nora. 24. gmt. she/her. )
bed hair from a permanent state of slumber, calloused fingertips from strumming bass into the early hours and djing into the blacklit night, self-help books thumbed once and thrown beneath your bed, battered copies of choose your own adventure books, spliffs passed half-arsed across rooftops while light pollution obscures low-hanging stars, marxist literature in stacks against your bedroom walls, a burner phone twice-shattered and a stash of replacement sim cards.
tw ocd, anxiety, drugs
half-swedish, half-british. the swedish is on his mother’s side. he’s bilingual but thinks in english. only really speaks swedish around his mother. only child, and kinda put a lot of pressure on himself to be the perfect kid when he was young, but his parents are honestly, quite decent? and just want him to have a nice life, they don’t care if he isn’t successful or rich or anything, they’re honestly rather solid. (wow imagine having nice parents, a first for all my characters, im literally this meme)
grew up in peckham, a suburb of london. growing up, his mum was a model / actress / waitress who later retrained as a speech therapist and his dad worked in her majesty’s service at buckingham palace. his dad wasn’t allowed to tell his family what his job entailed but rory suspects it’s probably very boring and just involves a lot of…. logistics n security.
was bullied a lot at school. [cole sprouse voice] he didn’t fit in and he didn’t want to fit in. unironically wore a trenchcoat to school every day of his life. spent most of his lunchtimes in the library because it was his safe space. as a result he knows…. loads of useless information because 30% of his school years were spent reading anthologies on space and the vikings etc. would be good on a game show. obsessively recorded every episode of university challenge as a child.
middle-class and lowkey quite wealthy but rarely talks about money, one of those well-off people who still wears really old shitty shoes and only spends money if they absolutely have to
virgin who can’t drive
into star wars, not into the big bang theory. feminist. can’t watch horror movies
favourite film is where the wild things are. also loves the florida project. thinks kids are the sweetest thing and can’t wait to be a dad to some
has been musical for as long as they can remember. first picked up guitar because he thought it would make this girl esther who he was in love with like him, but he just ended up falling in love with music instead.
formulated several different bands as a kid but ultimately had to give it up cos he was quite controlling and got fixated on making a certain sound so it wasn’t really fun for the others. got into electronic music because it was something he could do basically on his own and keep tweaking until he got it perfect
always drumming their fingers or strumming invisible guitar strings. tends to avoid parties bc he has quite has specific tastes when it comes to music and doesn’t like listening to r&b for eight hours while people throw up into plastic cups.
a techno connoisseur. has been making electronic music since he was about twelve.
after his parents divorce, when he was fourteen, rory & his mother moved to run-down suburban neighbourhood, pittsfield, massachussets.
big into photography. he mostly uses a canon 35mm camera, but occasionally uses disposable ones when he wants that more rustic feel.
moving to the states, their photography became more focused on suburban neighborhoods and are often quite dark and cinematic (think gregory crewsden). here are some shots of pittsfield i really like which rory has on his wall [1] [2] [3]
falls in love 12 times a day. never had a girlfriend or boyfriend. gets sweaty when someone cute looks at him. flirting?? what?? would prefer to idealise them from a distance
gender??? hm. rory don’t really know where they fit yet, sometimes he feels like a guy and sometimes they dont feel like anything at all!! slippin out of his physical form into the spirit realm! isn’t really bothered, cos they think it’s a social construct anyway. uses he/they pronouns interchangeably, but currently feels like ‘he’ is more fitting. won’t necessarily pull anyone up on it cos he knows having an identity that’s constantly…. in flux.. can be annoying for others … and doesn’t want to be a burden even tho it isn’t at all?? rory internalises guilt
everything is socially constructed. mirrors let you move through time. the whole thing’s a metaphor. he thinks he’s got free will but really he’s trapped in a maze. in a system. all he can do is consume. people think it’s a happy game. it’s not a happy game — it’s a fucking nightmare world, and the worst thing is, it’s real and we live in it!!!!
has ocd. tries to let it affect his life as little as possible, but obviously it’s incredibly hard to control a compulsive disorder. was teased for it at school when other kids started to notice. he was obsessed with the number five, would wash his hands five times, count stairs i groups of five, he could only use the corridors in one direction and always had to keep his hands busy. it manifests itself in hyper-fixations (trains when he was a child – specifically steam engines – then later he became obsessed with space and the patterns of constellations, and now he’s obsessed with synthesizers) and repetitive behaviours like counting stairs. doesn’t really affect his social life at all, he can jst get a bit locked-on n hyper-focused sometimes.
has insomnia. barely ever sleeps. finds it hard to switch off from work / writing / gaming / whatever’s preoccupying him in that moment. he’s always awake at 5am and quite often sleeps in through classes but still gets really good grades because he’s very good at his course. rarely attends classes. prefers to work independently. doesn’t really trust his tutors are intelligent enough to be teaching him, and is particularly suspicious of the lockwood tutors. a music snob tbh
occasionally deals weed n pills when strapped for cash, but only 2 ppl he knows, and on a very small scale grass-roots level!! (so its ok???) rollerskates around campus dealing cos they dnt have a car. we love to see it
aesthetics: bed hair from a permanent state of slumber, calloused fingertips from strumming bass into the early hours and drumming into blacklit night, self-help books thumbed once and thrown beneath your bed, watching vine compilations until your eyes turn square, battered copies of choose your own adventure books, spliffs passed half-arsed across rooftops while light pollution obscures low-hanging stars
likes: techno, the webpage cats on synthesizers in space, allen ginsberg, vintage gramophones,  floating points, lcd soundsystem, marijuana, soft dogs that let you pet them, late-night strolls talking about the universe, independent films, cigarettes, herbal tea, gallows humour, long showers, brown eyes, tchaikovsky, dr. seuss, constellations, photography, late night jazz, vintage game boys and girls who could rip his still-beating heart out of his chest and use it as an ashtray. dislikes:  weddings, funerals, formality, button-up shirts that people actually button-up, bananas, hot coffee, social media, people who watch and play sports, rap music – especially of the misogynistic variety, indie wankers in wire-framed glasses that play ed sheeran songs at open mic nights.
plot ! with ! me ! i’d say all the usual “exes fwb hookups spiel” but rory… has never hooked up with anyone… i feel like a deer in the headlights of love……. so give me
study buddies,
people who are also into techno and are music snobs about it,
people who love all kinds of music,
people who are in bands that maybe rory’s recorded and produced stuff for,
people he actually jams with (he plays bass and synth),
unrequited crushes!!
actually i think rory had sex w delilah in the last version of this rp so if u want a hook up plot its possible just unlikely. they’d hav 2 be the driving force i reckon cos rory doesn’t really act on impulses like desire or anythin.... jst bottles that shit up !!! but yea we could do a spicy hook up plot maybs, depending on the person
someone they met at a knitting club in freshman year and have remained friends with despite no longer going to it
people rory knows from open mic nights and gigs
library girlfriends / boyfriends that he stares at longingly while paging through leatherbound volumes
gamers !!! social recluses !!! hermits !!
people he deals weed to on his rollerskates (why r all my characters obsessed with rollerskates)
skaters. rory is really shit at skateboarding. like really shit. help the smol
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softforcal · 6 years
hiiii listen i love hogwarts!5sos so please do HCs for gryffindor ash x gryffindor reader x hufflepuff calum bc it would honestly be the cutest poly relationship ever
gryffindor ash x gryffindor reader x hufflepuff calum
-you and Ashton have been best buds forever
-there’s always been something there but neither of you have ever acted on it.
-Calum and Ashton are their Quidditch House Captains so they know each other and they get along
-they have a few classes together and often sit next to each other, as a sign of ‘house bond’ but they genuinely just enjoy each other
-they’re always discussing Quidditch or muggle tattoos or shit like that
-you show up at lunch one day and Calum is sitting at the Gryffindor table, they’re both deep in conversation but when you sit down next to Ashton and across from Calum, they stop talking
-Ashton introduces you to the GORGEOUS Hufflepuff who you’ve seen around but never actually talked to
-Ashton has a way for slotting people into conversations and making sure people don’t feel left out and within minutes, you’re laughing with them and its a great time
-you go to your next class and they go to theirs, while walking Calum just sort of states, “she’s pretty cute.” and Ashton is shook that his lil Puff friend just said something so bold and out there. but like… “yeah she’s gorgeous.”
-”so uh… is she single?”
-Ashton is so shook.
-no one has ever asked him about you before because everyone in your house sort of knows Ashton’s had a thing for you since first year but this little Puff boy has no clue
-”yeah she’s single.”
-something spurs to life inside Ashton
-because like… he’s never had legit competition before?
-but also… he and Cal are such dope friends already so he’s like… woah. like part of me wants my bro to succeed but i want myself to succeed to so wtf is this feeling
-the whole day he’s thinking about a way for it to work for everyone
-and polyamory comes to mind
-and he is WAY to ahead of himself
-Gryffindor Ashton exists on a plane of being where he’s like a month ahead of everyone else cuz boy thinks ahead
-so Calum has no idea Ashton’s thinking about this so hard but the next day at lunch when Ashton shows up, you and Cal (who were waiting for him) can both tell there’s something off about him
-”you look like you’re thinking real hard, stop.” you giggled
-”what do you guys think about polyamory?”
-Calum chokes on his drink and Ashton has to pat him on the back.
-”why are you bringing this up?” you ask, watching in amusement
-Ashton tries to act suave and you buy it because you have no reason not to. the three of you chat about it, Cal looks super distressed but you can’t tell why, and after lunch Calum pulls Ashton aside and is like “what the fuck man?”
-Ashton explains he’s been into you for ages and Calum’s like “well i’ll back off if she’s taken man, no harm done.” and Ashton’s just like… “but… but Polyamory sounds kinda dope don’t you think?”
-and Cal kind of thinks about it and is like… “okay im in but we have to ask the girl out first right?”
-they plan all day
-like… extensive planning
-which mostly consists of Ashton coming up with ideas and Calum telling Ashton they won’t work
-”we could take her to The Three Broom Sticks-” “too many people and she’ll totally think it’s a friend thing unless we call it a date.”
-”we could go for a swim in the black lake.” “first, kinda rapey bud, second, its like October.”
-”we could go to the forbidden forest” “Ashton.”
-they’re walking down the hallway discussing it and suddenly a door appears.
-Ashton opens it and starts laughing, “the room of requirement is our pimp now.”
-yeah, the room has set the boys up well
-like. there’s a full on king sized bed whenever they need it and it seems the room is like Ashton, always thinking steps ahead
-Calum finally suggests just doing a study date in the library
-”well she’ll think we’re just friends.” “we gotta tell her its a date.” “right.”
-so they both come ask you
-”we want to take you on a date.” “a study date.” Calum clarifies. “still a date.”
-you’re kind of shook then you glare at Ashton, “this is why you asked about polyamory!”
-he shrugs and grins, “it seems like a good idea.”
-i mean. kinda false.
-but it’s not like you’re going to turn down two of the most gorgeous guys in school who are also complete adorable dorks
-so you go to the library and find the most secluded corner
-it’s honestly just studying but you know they’re both into you so thats fun
-and then Ashton’s arm confidently goes over your shoulders and Calum rests his hand on top of yours and you’re just like… i could get FUCKING USED TO THIS
-so Cal is so soft and adorable
-and Ash is cocky and giggly
-so wow. they’re both perfect
-and then you ask the age old question
-”so if we do this… which house colours do i wear to Quidditch games.”
-”mine.” they both say at once
-a small discussion about it
-”but… she’s been wearing your colours forever-” “thats because she’s in my house Cal.” “well… yellow would look cute on her.” “red looks cute on her.”
-these boys
-finally Ashton concedes and is like… “if we do this, you can wear his colours first if you want but we have to switch each time to be fair.”
-the first poly agreement is made and it wasn’t actually that hard. compromise was found.
-this could work
-spending the whole week testing it out with cute dates and hand holding and shit but no kisses because who the fuck knows how that shit’s even gonna work
-finally you’re in the library and you’ve all been giggling about something dumb that Luke Hemmings did earlier and Calum just leans in and kisses you
-Ashton is shook that the puff had bigger balls than him
-so as soon as Cal pulls away, Ashton kisses you too
-when he pulls away they both look at you and Cal is first to ask “was that okay?”
-it was better than okay fam.
-”think we should try it again just to be sure.” you’re a Gryffindor, you gon take this opportunity sis
-Calum shocks you both AGAIN by being the first AGAIN, grabbing your face and kissing you harder this time, putting all the little Puff can put into the kiss
-when he pulls away, Ashton is sitting there stunned like “wow. how am i supposed to compete with that man?”
-no jealousy. just support and awe and general good squishy stuff
-Ashton kisses you again and he tried to be softer, going for more of a Hufflepuff vibe and you were getting whiplash from these boys
-so now that the first kiss is out of the way, everything cums comes easier
-Hufflepuff and Gryffindor have a match and you go in Cal’s scarf
-Hufflepuff wins but as soon as everyone lands, Ashton and Calum are shaking hands and Calum’s assuring Ashton that he played really well and was just unlucky
-they’re such good friends.
-they go to the change room and when they both come out all showered and cute (curls curls curls curls curls) you’re like… “you both played so well, i kind of feel like we should go somewhere and celebrate.”
-”well Hufflepuff is having an afterparty and you can both come-” Calum begins but you and Ashton grab his arms and begin to drag him because was a SWEETIE
-”So room of requirement or prefects bathroom?” Ashton ask as you call head up to the school
-”the room of requirement is pimping for you now?” you laugh
-”thats what i said!” Ashton grins
-”i vote room of requirement.” Calum quips
-so of course you do what the Puff wants
-getting to the room of requirement and Ashton notices there’s something a little different as he closes the door behind you but can’t place his finger on it until Calum goes “is that a weighted blanket!?” and runs to the bed
-”aren’t weighted blankets for people with anxiety?” Ashton asks.
-you elbow him because your little Puff looks so amused. its obvious who the blanket is for, lets be real. what a smoll baby
-so like… there is a little bit of a discussion that needs to be had about HOW exactly this is going to go down… if you catch my drift
-Ashton just starts whipping out words like “choking” and “spanking” and phrases like “fingers in your mouth” and “marks where people can’t see”
-and Calum just sits and watches the two of you sort out all the schematics
-Hufflepuff baby is honestly there just for a good time, he don’t mind HOW it happens just as long as it happens
-when you and Ashton finally agree on everything you turn to Calum who looks sort of dazed cuz he’s honestly spaced out at this point
-as soon as he notices you looking at him he just grabs you and throws you on the bed, tearing your pants off and devouring you
-Ashton just laughs cuz “i guess we had a plan but this works too.”
-Hufflepuff Cal is a pleaser thats for SURE
-he keeps surprising you and Ashton
-like he makes you cum twice from his mouth before Ashton’s finally like… “okay mate, gotta give me a turn too.”
-they’re VERY good at sharing apparently
-it would be kind of wild lets be real
-they’re only down for what you’re comfy with but… if you’re down for it… Ash is the ass man always
-Cal is oddly down for anything which is a bit of a shock
-like he spaced out when you and Ash were discussing it but in the heat of everything, his hand is going around your throat and you and Ash are shook
-laying there after, between your two boys and you and Ashton are just speechless about Cal who has shaken you both to your core
-”so are you sure you’re not secretly a Slytherin Cal?”
-”im just pretty good at finding the right spots.” Calum. what the fuck. you funky little Hufflepuff.
-lets be real. the three of you stay there all night
-being addicted to each other
-like, Ashton is always down for a quicky but even Calum starts toeing the line and putting his hand VERY HIGH on your thigh while you’re in class
-yeah, you are trying to keep it a secret but ya’ll aint suave
-everyone fucking knows
-like people see the three of you go into the room of requirement ALL the time
-finally there’s a Quidditch game where it’s Slytherin vs Gryffindor and Gryffindor kicks their ass
-as you get on the field with Calum you catch the Slytherin team captain saying to Ashton something SUPER offensive about you and Calum
-Calum just DECKS this guy
-like the Slytherin team captain is KO’ed like a MOTHERFUCKER
-and once again, you and Ashton are looking at your little Puff and he’s just like… “uh… my hand slipped?”
-what a baby
-you and Ashton take good care of Cal
-the first time his dom side comes out you’re all shook again
-Hufflepuff Cal just has a lot hidden up his sleeve
-yo. Hufflepuff Cal teaching Ashton how to find your sweet spots
-would be hot as FUCK
-they’re such a team
-like. Cashton is a dream team but these two would be hot as fuck in these houses
-yeah i love it.
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