#and I have such fond memories of it being SO fun
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20 Questions with a Fanfic Author
Thanks for the tag @lavender-tea-fling :D I’m always surprised when someone tags me in these things - keep ‘em comin’!
*cracks knuckles* … *no, not really, because OW*
1. How many works on AO3?
I TOO HAVE 48 WORKS ON AO3! Find them all at this handy-dandy link: andthekitchensink
2. Total AO3 Word Count?
I’m almost embarrassed to tell. 947,443 words. How can there be almost 1 MILLION words on there?!?!?!?!
3. Top 5 Fics by Kudos (disclaimer: I loathe kudos. The hits go up, but the kudos stay at the same “Less than 10%” of hits, and even fewer people leave comments, so I’m left convinced nobody likes my stuff, or are being too polite to be mean in the comments)
Silent Treatment - Detroit: Become Human AU, in which Connor is a human, Selectively Non-Verbal, and there are no androids. Instead there’s a Nefarious Government Project having used children as lab rats. It’s basically a sci-fi thriller.
Great Pretenders - also DBH. Undercover as a Couple, Hankcon. Mutual pining, a convention dedicated to getting the most out of one’s relationship - what could possibly go wrong?
Tapestry of Time - Loki (TV) my first ever Lokius fic, full of Norse mythology. A fix-it fic set after the series finale.
Spa Day - five chapters of Hankcon smut. Gentle dom Connor, greedy sub Hank.
Metamorph - my first ever DBH fic, and also my first ever AO3 fic, uploaded back in 2018. Hankcon, set after the events of the game.
4. What fandoms do you write for?
I have written for FAKE, Yami no Matsuei, The Sentinel (TV), Star Trek: Deep Space 9, Metal Gear Solid, Harry Potter, Final Fantasy VIII, an anime style fighter game I can’t even remember the name of, Tin Man - but those aren’t on AO3. I’m not even sure I still have copies of them. Might have gotten lost in one of my computer crashes. This was before the days of cloud storage, people. Even going so far back as the days of ~dial up modems~. I also stopped writing fanfic altogether because I didn’t fit into fandom spaces, and some interactions with other fans made me think I couldn’t write for shit.
Be kind to your writers, folks. I didn’t write for ten years. Imagine the fics I could’ve written if I’d had more love from my fellow fans.
More recently, since I got my own AO3 account, I’ve written for Detroit: Become Human, Person of Interest, Loki (TV) and Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to always respond to comments, but I have the memory of an empty fishbowl, and I work a fulltime job. So if I’m late to respond, it’s not because I don’t love your comment. It’s Life(™).
6. Angstiest Ending?
I don’t do angsty endings. I do angsty everything leading up to the end, which invariably ends on a happy note.
7. Fic with the Happiest Ending?
All of them, but I am particularly fond of the ending to A Promise Kept, my Lokius fairytale mashup set in the world of Baldur’s Gate 3.
8. Do you get hate?
So, that anime style fighting game I can’t remember the name of? The creator of Manly Guys Doing Manly Things once roasted my fic in the comments for being too stereotypical of the shounen ai genre - ie beefy boys crying, angst galore, so on. My sole claim to fandom fame, I guess. But no outright hate.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
I want to, but I seldom come up with a neat way of meshing two fandoms and sets of characters together. A Promise Kept is my only finished project thus far. I do write AUs, though.
11. Ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. Kids. Don’t steal people’s fics. Write your own.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated
Nope. I suppose I could translate one of my own into Swedish, but… I don’t see the point.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic?
I co-rp’d 200 pages worth of historical romance fanfic with a dear friend once. That was fun.
14. All time favorite ship?
Why you wanna make me choose? Come on. I will say, though, I shipped Kirk/Spock even as a kid, because they were so obviously in wub with each other and I thought they made a cute couple. Ah, Star Trek reruns back in the eighties…
15. WIPs you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Hankcon/Passengers (movie) AU that I’m not sure I’ll finish. But never say never. Inspiration might strike again!
16. Writing strengths?
I’ve been told I do dialogue well, and that I’m funny. IMHO I think I’m kinda good at plot twists, but I’ll let the reader be the judge of that.
17. Writing Weaknesses?
I am utterly self conscious of Telling too much, versus Showing too little. But I’m working on it.
18. Thoughts on mixed language dialogue?
I do it all the time, when appropriate to a character. Being bi-/multilingual myself, it’s always fun. I’m a language geek at heart.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
FAKE - the anime/manga about two cops in love.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Again with the choices, tut tut. However, I am REALLY fond of How to Create a Monster, in which Connor goes deep undercover to expose a drug kingpin preying on androids.
Tags under the cut!
@ghoulehhh @natendo-art @in-my-loki-feels @kusakichan15
@devilbearingtrouble @impulsemuppet @mirilyawrites @scifikimmi @silentxsymphony
@rin-love-is-green @confetti39x @stillwanderingflame
@insert-witty-user-name-here @blackbirdofasgard @dreamycloud @distracteddream
@mobius-m-mobius @dilfmobius @adorbspotat @lgwilt
@redheadsramblings @starfleetteddybear @mercars-musings @starrose17 @holyglassbone @genocidalfetus @wolfpup026 @elodiah @lokimobius @thosegayoldmen @kcscribbler @tinygameralec @notyourmamasdeerbat AND anyone else not mentioned 🧡💜💚
#ao3 fanfic#lokius fanfic#da veilguard fanfic#dbh fanfic#hankcon#lokius#emmrook#person of interest fanfic#reese/finch#rinch POI
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•°○ let the fireflies play ○°•
✨she couldn't sing for nothing and he couldn't dance for nothing can I make it any more obvious✨
Kwaziis parents (in my au, Misty Memories), Anira and Kenneth. They're in their party clothes lol Yes they have full character arcs and lore and no im not going to share their whole lives right now.
HOWEVER,I shall BRIEFLY describe them and how they met under the tag!!! <3 u don't have to read but yeh :> 😊
If yall have any questions about them or their personalities tho let me know in comments or ask box :>
Their story takes place from late 80s to early 90s btw,
Kenneth is clearly the second son of the Calicoed Jack and younger brother of Kingsley by about 2 or 3 years. Kenneth (also nicknamed "Kenny boy"or "Kenny kit" as a child) is... Well to be honest hes not very good at being a pirate, especially not like his parents. An anxious and overly cautious one.
He couldn't properly swing a sword without closing his eyes for fear of injuring himself, he was clumsy (even by non feline standards-), and was afraid of spiders. (And heights... and loud noises... and that one Pelican that tried to eat him when he was a kitten- and also-)
However, he was still raised a pirate and had the soul of one, shanty songs and tales spread through the ocean about its depths and tragic battles- He was also very good at cooking-
As a result of his mothers... tragically lost battle with illness, (and witness of his fathers struggles with infection after losing his eye and leg)hes also extremely paranoid about disease and injury...
(his father loved him dearly but hadn't realized that kenneth had low self esteem for... not living up to him, his mother, and his brother... CJ was a young and inexperienced father and also tried his best to teach kenneth- you know like fun survival challenges between him and his brother and how to fight- he uh.. he was good at surviving on an island at least? It was very safe of course, they weren't actually stranded, but it was "just in case" and also "the pirate way" and whatnot.
CJ (calico jack) did tease him a bit about "still feeling like a wee kit" in regards to his pirate failures, it wasn't ever in mean spirit, more fondness over his sons excitement in sharing the shanties he wrote himself! (Shanties cj would later use to stay sane in the amazon...) but kenneth still felt hurt by those comments though he never showed it... laughing along🥺 <:< )
anyways since kenneth didn't want to be a self proclaimed dead weight and was so concerned about injury and disease (bot as easy to get hospital treatment as a pirate yk?) Kingsley advised him to get real schooling- schooling that would give him credibility for a fake identity so he could become their crews official medic someday. Something incredibly valueable and needed.
Thats how he ended up spending half the year at a "flexibility school" in Japan meant to accommodate children who couldn't stay at school for the full year. Whether it was due to international travel, long term illness, apprenticeships (the salty spirit was usually undercover as a "transportation vessel" for the "Sarah Sails" company which was just a fake company made by their clan the Split Tail), and ofc children hopping between foster families- because of the flexible needs yk?
Like Anira.
Anira Kucing (name inspired by the kucing Malaysia cat breed) is, who would've guessed it, originally from Malaysia. Anira doesn't know this but her mother had fled from her home country due to the unfortunate circumstance of being a prime suspect for the death of her sister. Unfortunately, while her mother did manage to take a new identity in a new country, she became very ill from cancer when anira was very young and died <:( thus she was legally an orphan, and ended up attending the same school
Anira is ah, ahem, a... unique individual- grew up assuming her father had abandoned her and her mother- only to lose her mom while young and still be seen as a foreign stranger of Japan despite being raised there her whole life. She also had an interesting tendency to pickpocket everyone in sight :) because if she didn't have anyone to dote on her she might as well dote on herself! Yk with like.. stolen cash that the rude rich kids that whispered about her didn't even need anyways >:)
Anira thus became Very Talented at getting people to talk about themselves, and while that was a great way to distract people from their wallets,it was also a GREAT WAY to get fresh juicy gossip ✨ then she hears about this FOREIGN ENGLISH SPEAKING CAT GUY???
Needless to say lil wee kenneth was uh.. a very new lil guy and ofc she just hadddd to help him cuz she's so kind and great! Esp since he looked so lost and like a total dumdum. well what happened was she ran up to him after school, dragged him away to a random street as she rambled in broken English, and then said "watch this!!"
And proceeded to pickpocket three very mean looking older teens. Kenneth, who, understandably, was very freaked out by this tried to drag HER away from them- and then well... hes got broken japanese and well things escalated 😔
He got into a fight with the three older teens, or rather a "run way swat at with claws and TRY TO RUN AWAY SOME MORE because oh great im corned in an alley :) , he also tried to find anira so they could both run away but uh... she was gone...
He tried to escape by scrambling over the wall of the alley only when a small paw reached out to help- and thus they escaped together-
Later on when they caught their breaths on a rooftop, he tried his best to ask her *HEY WHAT THE HELL* as politely as he could. This tiny little menace grinned as wife as possible and showed him FIVE WHOLE WALLETS full of coins she stole! She thanked him and told him SHE was going to treat HIM to some icecream 🥰🥰🥰 and anyways kenneth immediatly fell in love. And you just know she ate up his cringey (cute) middleschool love poems too
Of course when he went to "do his sailing apprenticeship" well- of course our girlie mightve sorta followed him and stowed away and well mightve forcefully wormed her way into his entire family 🥰🥰🥰 honestly tho she had like two crack headcanons that kenneth was actually an alien spy since he was so bad at being a cat or a secret pirate because he just agreed with crime very casually and didn't realize how strict laws actually were. She DIDNT THINM HE WAS ACTUALLY PART OF A PIRATE CREW THOUGH-
Anira very much fell in love with the freedom of being a pirate, the culture and the family, and also the beliefs of the polynesian cultures they visited and adopted many of the beliefs as an honorary sister of sorts ig? Yeh :>
If you're wondering yes she did join their crew and became a navigator of the salty spirit! Very good at it too lol, and CJ loved her and doted on her like his own daughter,often sneaking her candies- Kingsley and she became ah, how shall we say- the siblings who have heinous prank wars either with eachother or on literally everyone else and can't be left alone together under any circumstances.
anira always loved kenneth for who he was entirely and kenneths entire bloodline is just a wee man who falls for a woman who commits crimes and he's no different. I'll have to post about calico jackand his wife maddie sometime
Anyways thats it lol, more details about them and their relationship and story will be shared later on hope you enjoyed lol
Enjoy this icecream as a reward for reading all of that ✨🍨✨
#my art#octonauts#octonauts art#Octonauts ocs#Octonauts kwazii#Kwaziis parents#Misty memories#Misty memories anira#Misty memories kenneth#Misty memories Kingsley#Yap post#octo lore#Lore post#Octonauts lore#octonauts fanart
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Jumping off of this idea to add more to it if you or anyone wants.
•After MC drags the reader into this world, she immediately is on their ass. Like holding them up against the wall.
•MC wants to be free. She's not interested in any of the LaDs but still doesn't want them to suffer. Reader tells her of the way the story goes, theories and such. MC does mention how she noticed they had particular fondness for a certain LI and makes a deal: She'll help the reader hook them up if the reader helps her break free of this story.
•Shenanigans ensue and while MC hated the reader at first, over time began to feel affection for them. Could be love, could be platonic. Your choice. But no matter what, the LI's keep coming back to MC. It even gets to a point where the reader's chosen LI WANTS to get with the reader, but their coding keeps railroading them back on the path of the main story.
•The only leeways they have are in between updates, when parts of the story are still malleable, theories and up in the air but an update could reverse their work and put them back on track. So they have to be clever. Making scenarios happen that can still fall in line with the canon while still trying to reach their goals. Slowly but surely, the LIs are becoming self aware thanks to both of their influence.
•MC ends up meeting someone else in the game that has also become self-aware. An NPC who's basically free to do what they like be cause they plot doesn't focus on them. (Nero? Viper? There's plenty to play with) This NPC has discovered code in the game's data could be altered. MC's code specifically. It could potentially be pulled out of her and placed into the reader but no one knows what would happen to MC after the fact. Would she dissappear? Cause the whole game to glitch? And would the reader even want that? MC keeps this info to herself.
•More things happen and eventually MC decides she can't stand this life anyone, unable to have freedom so she'd rather be dead. So she basically makes the choice to alter their codes to make reader the MC. This works but backfires on the original MC causing her existence to be a glitch in the game. It starts off fine, but over time where she goes starts to fuck up the world. But she's tasted freedom and doesn't want to let go.
•So she intends to make this game world suffer, try and control her glitching power to manipulate the story to her liking. It gets so bad that it becomes a virus that spreads to other copies of -
Shit, this is just Wreck-It Ralph now, isn't it?
•Fuck it. We Wreck it. So yea, people across the globe playing LaDs start to notice their games acting buggy in the main story. Infold/Paper are eventually going to have to reset the game to fix this, unaware of the actual issue happening but this will essentially put everyone back to normal. The LI that wanted to be with the reader is at risk of having his memories erased and the reader being replaced with a new default MC while the Glitched MC is also erased. So they need to go after GlitchMC and get her to stop but this won't be enough.
•Reader tries reaching out to the players through the Moments system. Players who believe this isn't a gimmick and this is real, reach out to one another online forming a group to figure out a way to help them. It comes down to some players that offer the idea to load their data to a specific server. Another offers to host the server. Another offers to keep it running and maintained, etc. Everything is a race against infold pulling the plug, the other LIs chasing and fighting the GlitchMC (while also hopping into games with other versions of themselves. You ever see a glitch where there's two Zaynes at the same time? Lol ) and the outside players trying to get shit together. How will it end?
Yea....I got carried away. But it was fun. ❤️ feel free to take this and do whatever 😌
Lads scenario: VENGFUL MC. (Self aware!au)
Okay y'all hear me the fuck out and let me know if there is a fic like this siwjeje, unorganized rambling alert!!!!!!!!
Ii got this idea while writing a fic on self aware au. (Not on this idea tho)
So like sure sureee the guys getting self aware is great, personal fave. But what if MC becomes self aware. And she comes to realize the reality of her situation and she hates it, being forced to speak do and love. All against her wishes. She comes to learn of the cycle she comes to learn of the curse and she comes to learn of the fact how her whole being is being teared away, he heart blood and soul everything is being hunted by the greedy world and FOR WHAT???.
For YOUR entertainment, putting her through uncomfortable situation and forced proximity just so you could get a false sense of comfort in some pixelated men (she knows her truth she just hate it still) she hates you so much, THATS RIGHT SHE DOESNT HATE TJE GAME SHE HATES THE PLAYER.
like when she listens to you swoon over the guys or make them take pics in uncomfortable positions, or you keep changing her appearance like fuck it she doesn't even k kW what she looks like.
And the breaking points comes when you start whining.
"Oh mc has hurt them, they suffer because she keeps forgetting" and she like bitch hello I wasn't even real and nor were they?
Or when you go like.
"Oh she has it all she is so lucky I wish I was her I was in the game living her life smh I am so jealous" and oh.
Ohhhhhh she looses it.
Thats when she is like oh you want my life then come and fucking get it.
AND boom you end up in the game.
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Name a game you have so much nostalgia for, but when you replay it you realize it actually is just nostalgia and this one game is better left in your memory?
#alright I'm gonna say it. Diddy Kong racing#I KNOW I KNOW#I LOVE IT TOO#and I have such fond memories of it being SO fun#But this is one I find borderline unplayable nowadays#talking#games#discussion
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theres something abt suzaku and lelouch that makes for really nice atmospheric dreams for me i think it’s a big part of why cg has stuck with me lolll. very fitting actually bc i originally watched it because i kept having dreams about it and got curious…
#it’s interesting to see which things i get into end up being inspiration for memorable or atmospheric dreams…hxh for example i have many#fond dreams of from back when i thought about it more often and deeply and 999 i have a few dreams that stuck with me that are mostly about#the plot or events of the game rather than the characters like usual#as well as being about pretending i don’t know everything about the characters and events to blend in with the cast lolll#but dungeon meshi which i like about a thousand times more than cg hasn’t had that many great dreams so far#i can only think of one that’s really stuck with me although i have definitely had dm ish dreams and i remember them#maybe it’s just because i only read it about 3 months ago now but still it’s interesting to me#pip speaks#dream diary#oh btw the one that stuck with me was basically pov you’re kabru working as a server at a cafe where they arrange desserts in front of you#and having to figure out whos order was whose based on observing the guests. it was very fun like the restaurant video games i used to play#and senshi was the owner of the restaurant giving kabru tips since he was new#i wish i could share the vivid dream/good dream memory ability bc whenever i talk about it ppl are like yeah i don’t dream or#i don’t dream about characters i like. and i really like when it happens so i want more people to be able to do it. sadly i have no idea how
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Very quick and messy doodle for Valentine's cause I don't believe in romantic love BUT I ALSO don't believe in being a hater because of that 😤😤😤
#fire emblem#feh#i will be a hater about the wedding banners though. full disclosure. divorce or die.#but i do have so many fond valentines memories making chocolates to give to friends/teachers w my sisters#also seeing posts about aros (understandably) being frustrated w valentines like#but what about meeeeee. what about my lived experiences. that are not universal. but what about meeeeeeee#LMFAOOOOO#i am always thinking about moe helping sharena w cooking/baking though like give that thang something to do#provide some enrichment for it. it NEEDS IT#please forgive the messiness of the props LMFAOOO i really just wanted to color the characters#IT IS. SO FUN. to color them together i am always saying it but it is SO true#extremely similar but distinctly opposite.#like given very similar roles and expectations but arriving at complete opposite conclusions.#i just think they're neat.#sharena#moe tag#summoner oc#my art
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Ahhh, the September 5th. The day after the 5 year anniversary of the Sans being in Smash reveal. *blows kiss at my 12 year old self* Happy anniversary of a very happy memory to you too, you little unhinged maniac. This is all for you.
#undertale#sans undertale#sans#super smash bros ultimate#god i still remember that day it was so fun#waking up to the news and buzzing to blab about the news to my friends#watching the reveal with them in school during break and jumping and screaming and throwing up in unfiltered joy#and screaming into my pillow at home until my mum got mad at me cuz she could hear me from the groundlevel of our apartment#we lived on the 4th floor btw XD#the comics videos and reactions that were flooding my page back then. the way it felt like EVERYONE was united in loving a puny skeleton#i think that day was one of my most memorable happy times where i was so unbelievably excited and giddy in a way i usually can't muster#jumping and crying and screaming over a mii in a sans costume shouldn't have gotten me to such a state but it did and i'm grateful#i don't really like younger me but this is one these things where i'm glad i was silly goofy with no filter or awareness#i was cringe but i was free and it gave me a memory i'm fond of to this day#anyway this is getting deep for no reason lol i have not drawn sans in years so hopefully he looks good! i drew this like right now#happy belated sans being revealed in super smash bros ultimate anniversary to me and only me <33#momento doodles 'n sketches
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ouaaaaaghhh i've been on a bit of a pokemon binge lately......... i should crack open my old pokemon games and take a peek at my teams :,) i wish i still had my old copy of conquest and black 2 though............ :(
#gu6chan's musings#im so sad because literally ALL my pokemon games i've had as a teen i still have#up to sun and moon which i got on christmas when i was NINETEEN lmao!!!#but yeah pokemon was technically my first fandom ig???? i used to watch my brother play pokemon yellow and crystal a lot when i was TINY#but i never ACTUALLY played pokemon or video games in general myself until my older sister surprised me with my first video game console#and video game when she came up from florida 😭 a black dsi with pokemon black; i was 13 and my dad HATED her for it like 'Why are you#giving her videogames??? she's a girl :/' BUT I HAD IT!!!! MY FIRST EVER POKEMON GAME THAT BELONGED TO MEEEEE#i loved the SHIT out of that game and then got black 2; soulsilver and platinum; pokemon conquest; got the 3ds games...#i still have platinum/soulsilver as well as all the mainline 3ds games i believe#but conquest; black; and black 2 i lost :( literally my FAVOURITES i took them everywhere with me (which is why i lost them lmao)#funny enough i know exactly where black 2 IS though; its in the pocket of a jacket i owned but lost back between 2013-2014???#if i find the jacket it will 100% be in there; i just couldn't find the jacket and tbh idek if its still around anymore or is in storage#but if it is!!!! i'll literally cry lmao#black 2 is where i got my first level 100 pokemon; a magneton....... i ADORED that little bastard ouaaaghh....#i dont believe i ever managed to get past the league in black 2 though bc i remember being so pissed i couldnt get to see the other side of#the map beyond castelia city lmao#14-15 years old and i STILL didn't believe in stat moves 😭 i deserved to get shot#But fun fact: I DID get a new copy of Black a few years back!!! only it 1. already had save data on it and 2. it was full of rare/hacked#legendaries young me could only ever DREAM of having so i can't get myself to restart the save data even though i rlly want to.......#oh but funny enough!!! i also still have the 14 y/o dsi i was gifted back then; it still works though the battery cover is missing so you#have to hold it lol#but aaaaa so many fond memories of playing black and black 2... black 2 especially since i never really got to finish it lol#like#i finished the main CAMPAIGN with plasma and ghetsis trying to fucking kill you and all that (Something which i remember being so :0!!!?!?!#when i first saw it omgggg its such a clear memory aaaa) but i think like#i got up to the league and could never beat it........ so i just went back to training my mons till i got a level 100 magneton lmao#so many good memories; i hope i can get copies of black 2 and conquest again someday...
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hey, really random question: I keep hearing this tiktok rumor being spread that apparently, chuuya’s appearance is really similar to a guy the real life dazai dated/had a crush on at 15??
I don’t buy this, but I was wondering if you had any idea what fact this was based off of/embellished, like if you knew what fact these people were talking about and exaggerating- nowhere I’ve looked has backed this up.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about and don’t feel like researching this that’s totally cool, I just know you do a lot of looking into the real authors and was curious if you’d come across anything like this.
It comes from a passage in Memories (also translated as Recollections) about Dazai walking home together with a boy from his class. There isn't any merit to the comparison.
I have great fun projecting the authors onto the characters, but I'd warn against projecting the characters onto the authors. They were whole people, and fandom's habit of plucking disparate quotes from context to caricature in lieu of literary analysis does a disservice to their wholeness.
#bungou stray dogs#bsd#im glad the characterification of figures has made lit more engaging and accessible#and i have my own parasocial entanglements with my understanding of the authors#so this isnt to patronize anyone#i have a fondness for blue eyed chuuya because of a line from dazai's schoolgirl for example#that isnt entirely fair at all since the line from schoolgirl also reflects projection and the imposition of the west and other things#like the line cant be taken at face value#it slots into a context and is part of the tension and reflective of the character's dissatisfaction#but it's in those layers that i think you can have a lot of fun with what pop culthre does with history#and the way time and contemporary lenses add unintended shades to products of their period#which is to say if youre going to project skk onto dazai's literary body of work at least be interesting about it ya know#(also anon none of this is @ you - it's at the seething mass of oversimplification that made the rumor you mentioned so pervasive#(that even i knew about it despite being a sequestered hermit in the fandom)#but yeah that's where that rumor comes from. people taking a passage of memories out of context.
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I should get back into roleplaying sometime, I don’t think I have for like, 3 years now I think? Kinda miss it but also just rambling into the void about my characters instead of needing to know every action they’d take is fun.
#I’ve got a lot of fond memories of RPing!! There was a chill friend group of like 4 of us who had characters together#We don’t talk much anymore but I do have them on discord still#There are some. Not so fond memories (not with that group) that come with being a clueless 13 year old roleplaying#But generally I had fun
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i don't really know how to even articulate how painful it is to look at photos like these
(settlers celebrating purim in occupied west bank with police and soldiers. several of them dressed as a man who killed 29 palestinians three decades ago. they idolize this figure as a hero of their genocidal movement)

for anyone unaware, purim is a jewish holiday commemorating a time when we escaped imminent genocide by fighting back against our oppressors. violent resistance was involved. violent resistance was successful. purim is a holiday that celebrates freedom, resistance, and liberation.
tradition around purim often involves dressing up in costume. when i was little, the girls all wanted to be esther. the boys would be mordechai. purim is fun. fond memories of babies in little animal onesies. of making and eating hamentaschen. of booing hamans name and laughing together.
when i see these genocidal zionists dressing up and drinking and having fun like this it reminds me of the ways i've celebrated purim in the past. and it makes me so extremely angry. what right do you have to celebrate jewish resistance and liberation? what right do you have to parade your weapons around and walk on stolen palestinian land and celebrate?
zionists fancy themselves esther but they are no less than haman himself. groggers should be used to curse their names.
while gazan hospitals are being bombed and raided they celebrate with my customs and my holidays. and it makes me so angry
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Smalltown!Neglected! Meta!Reader x Yandere!Batfam ☁️ Part Seven
Part One ☁️ Part Two ☁️ Part Three ☁️ Part Four ☁️ Part Five ☁️ Part Six ☁️ Part Eight
A/N: I’m not sure if I’m satisfied with this. But, I doubt I’ll ever be satisfied with this. I want Reader to come off as more Bruce like with the emotional suppression and planning. And, this was my actual first and third attempt at dialogue. I’m gonna need some practice. But, I tried.
A/N: Up next we get some yandere!Bats vs. yandere!Smalltown action. (Holy frick is that gonna be hard to write.) I’m also going to start work on the Dick Obsession now. Gotta fight the temptation to write the Vigilante!Smalltown!Reader story while this is still in the works.
Warning: Yandere Themes.
As the coming months passed by, Reader could feel Gotham starting to wear on them. Or, they at the least Wayne manor starting to wear on them. They haven’t been given permission to leave the manor since the kidnapping. Not even to drive their truck for some unhealthy, but soul healing fast food. Of course, that doesn’t stop the other residents of the house from leaving whenever they wish.
They see the Bat Burger wrappers in the trash the morning after another soundless night in the manor. God, how they’d love to try it one day.
But, as time moves on something draws closer. An important date. Reader’s legal eighteenth birthday. They’re excited, by all means. But, there’s something significantly more important coming sooner.
Reader’s Younger Brother’s Birthday was just a week before Reader’s. There had been many fond memories made while growing up with the week between the two different dates being filled with fun and excitement. (And love.)
With such an important date coming up, and with Momma and Daddy no longer being here, Reader had plans to make it a fun week.
They just have to convince Bruce to let them go back to Smalltown. Just for the week. They’re all too busy to spend time with Reader anyway, besides this is important to them. They’ve stayed in the manor like asked. They’re grades are good. They do their chores. They don’t ask for much. It should be perfectly reasonable to request to let them visit back home.
But, just in case, Reader approaches Dick next time he's in the manor and is smothering them in affection before he goes to disappear into the library.
“Can you help me convince Bruce to let me go, please, Dick?”
It’s a simple request. And, it makes Dick’s heart melt a bit. Reader’s the only one in the family to easily give into his affection and to have them finally ask him for help in such a sweet polite voice was heart melting.
Wholeheartedly, he agrees and he is rewarded. With Reader bouncing into his arms with an impressive amount of enthusiasm that he hasn’t had a chance to see previously. Probably due to always being so busy. Maybe he should make more time for Reader if they shower him with such genuine gratitude and affection like this.
The thought lingers in his head as he makes his way towards the Batcave. A spring in his step despite the glares he receives as he makes his way down the stairs.
The manor cameras had caught the entire thing, leaving the occupants in the cave to get a front row seat to Reader being sweet on Dick.
He can’t stop the tiny smug smile from forming on his lips as Barbara gives him a disapproving ~~jealous~~ look. Or, the look of straight bitterness on Damian’s face. The mild satisfaction from Duke’s face being as blank as Cassandra’s. Stephanie’s forlorn expression. The way that Jason looks like he wants to shoot him with the gun he’s cleaning that makes him want to laugh with glee..
Tim doesn’t even look at him. Too annoyed with Dick as he sits at the Batcomputer furiously clicking and typing away on something.
Bruce had been out at the moment for League Business. But, the entire family now has a competition forming. Whoever could convince Bruce for Reader would win. The prize being the winner possibly getting showered in Reader’s affection. And, the hope of visiting Reader’s hometown with them. The very idea of it makes some of them shudder with some particular emotions.
The bombardment of pleading and puppy-dog eyes began almost as soon as Bruce stepped back into the cave. It was nearly comical how everyone petitioned Reader’s case.
Hell, Bruce was nearly convinced they should all make the trip when Tim threw his bid in.
Pulling up all the research on Smalltown and how apparently harmless it was. He even managed to remotely bug Childhood Friend’s Brother’s phone just to double check.
That’s when things spiral.
Right at that very moment, a call comes through to the phone. It seems harmless at first. The guy talking to his boss. The two had immediately talked about Reader returning to town. As if the two knew without a doubt that they were coming back.
That sparked suspicions, but it's not what ignited the fire.
The fire came when the two started talking about Reader's time in Gotham. The whole kidnapping incident. Childhood Crush admitted that Reader tried to down play the incident to Nana. After which his boss ask a horrifying question.
"Do you and Grand Daddy need some help killing this guy? It might be a bit harder than the last one y'all killed."
The last one.
Immediately the phrase makes questions arise. But, once again things get worse.
"Nah, we'll let him live. He's from Gotham. He'll probably never come out this way. And, if he does them we'll drag him out where we drowned the last sorry son of a bitch. He was just in it for the money."
"That's right. The other guy just wanted to kill Reader to keep 'em for himself. Still..."
It was difficult to give the rest of the conversation their full attention after that.
It was like the blood had crystalized in their veins. Both cold fury and hot rage filling them till it seemed to shred their minds apart.
There was no way in heaven or hell or high water that they were possibly going to let Reader go back to that vile little town filled with monsters. As if Gotham wasn't filled with abominations of it's own designs.
Without a moment to delay Bruce Batman jumps into action, barking orders for Tim, Barbara, and Cassandra to start digging up everything imaginable on Smalltown. Every resident, every social media post or mention, every single person that has ever lived there, visited, and gone missing. "Find me the name of the bastard that nearly took my child to the grave. I want the memory of them wiped of the face of the earth as their bones rot in it."
The other's are ordered to cover his patrol and redouble their efforts to capture the remaining Gotham Rouges by any and all means necessary The Court of Owls is low priority until more is uncovered about Smalltown and what the hell happened.
Reader's usual pacing around the unoccupied halls of the manor conversing on the phone is interrupted by Bruce Batman stalking towards with a violence simmering under the surface of an obsidian mask. Easy to shatter and sharp to the touch. Before a words is even spoken the phone the lifeline is ripped from their hands and shattered under a pair of designer loafers.
You could only stagger back as you watched his foot trample over the well used phone. You hadn't even chance to hang up the conversation you were having, when Bruce had come barreling down the extravagant hall way you roamed so often you 'd already practically memorized the brush strokes on each painting and the pattern of the wood grain on the walls. Not even the chance to put a hold on the plans you were making before it all came to an abrupt halt without your blessing.
For a moment your just baffled. Looking at the shattered phone screen with pieces of glass and plastic on the ground before looking up at the shattered facade your father Bruce wore.
His face was deathly still. Not even a twitch. It gave him an inhuman like visage that set off the same warning bells that Jason Red Hood had made you hear.
So that's where he got it from.
You can't help put think, trying to form the words to question his actions and confront him. It isn't long before he gives you the excuse explanation for his unwarranted action himself.
"You're not going." Is all he says. His voice was cold enough to burn.
It doesn't take a genius to know what he's talking about.
"If this is about me getting Dick to help convince you-"
"Dick agrees. Everyone agrees. You are not going." The interruption is rude, but the words sting. They thought that everyone else would be on board with it. Even the members of the family that didn't care for their presence should have been on board with it.
"I'm not asking for a vote. I was asking for your permission and yours alone." Another attempt.
"I am saying no. I am your father and you will listen to me about this." The totality found in his icy voice makes them finally feel that helpless. Like nothing they say will improve this situation. That continuing to smile will not solve a damn thing.
"What did I do?" The resentment that has locked up tightly inside beings to swirl. Ire churning into gales. The long withheld temper becoming a tempest. "What the hell did I do to make you treat me like this?"
"This has nothing to do with you. This is my decision on the matter. You need-" The sound of a notification going off interrupts his words, but they don't stop the ringing in you're ears. Even after Bruce abruptly dismisses himself, muttering about getting you a new phone, before moving towards the library. Again.
For once, you don't bother cleaning up the shattered pieces on the floor. Leaving them on the ornate carpet in the lavish and deserted hall. You have planning to do. Restraint is gone. Holding back is over. It's time to take things into your own hands. They want to ignore you, fine. You'll leave and you'll fucking live without them.
Consequently, incoming weather reports start showing some unusual patterns on the news that week. Meteorologist say there's a massive possibility of a potential hurricane brewing off the coast. Everyone is on edge. (Gotham is already a disaster as is. No one wants another one on top of it.)
Reader's not to worried. They grew up with Hurricane parties. Besides the manor has it's own power grid says Alfred. Gotham's power grid is a bit more vulnerable, but luckily the Hospitals and Arkham are on different power grids. Everything should be alright. (Everything should also go according to plan.)
The next time Dick comes by, Reader is a bit short with him. Giving him a disgruntled look that breaks his heart a little and makes it melt. Try as he might he gets nothing other than their annoyance. Even when he finally admits it was Tim's fault they had been denied the chance to go home. It does make them pout even more, how cute. Even when he gifts them a newer phone. Their not stupid, the damn thing is probably bugged to high heaven. And, it's missing all their old contacts since Bruce slammed the SD card under his big bat toe.
Their clearly in a foul mood and everyone is being subjugated to the silent treatment. As their birthday, and their younger brother's birthday, draws closer and closer, a dark cloud seems to hang over them and Gotham.
In a moment born from guilt and ignorance, Bruce buys them a car as an early birthday present. A grandiose little luxury model. With all the bells and whistles. It's even in their favorite color. Not that anyone in the family asked what it was. (Tim might have had something to do with it. After all he did get them banned from traveling. Not that he feels guilty. No way in hell was he letting you go. Especially without him or the others.)
"It seems kinda wasteful." You can't help saying it. To tired of putting on that pleasant people pleaser mask for once.
"I know it's a bit extravagant, but since everyone has their own car I thought you should have your own too." Bruce had such an eager smile on his face. Like the whole incident with the crushing your hopes and your phone never happened.
To bad you haven't forgotten nor forgiven.
"Still a waste. I'm not going to get to drive it anywhere." Vinegar coating your tongue as you look at the sleek design.
You can hear everyone around you stop cooing and praising the gift. There's no need to further elaborate your point. He gets it. The family gets it. The very earth you stand on gets it. You're not leaving this house. There's no need for the tank of gas to be filled. Or the damn thing to be charged since its some fucking electric hybrid, and probably filled to the brim with all sorts of nasty little tracking bugs.
You could have left it at that. But why not sink that needle deeper into his chest. Not a knife. Never a knife. You want your words to sting and stick. No taking the cut and letting it heal overtime. Let it be tattooed on the skin.
"Besides I already have Daddy's old truck. I don't need this." Don't those words hit like a strike to the soul. Bruce grows visibly still at them. That practiced mask going up and hiding the tells from all of them. Except Cassandra. There's no hiding things from her. They're all laid bare in front of her and she can tell everyone has somethings to say. While you have something to scream.
"You could at the very least be grateful for Father's gift" Damian spoke. He had been so well behaved to far. Keeping quite and watching with attentive green eyes. He could tell this wasn't going to go in the family's favor. He didn't necessarily blamed you for being disgruntled. But, would it kill you to give them a smile. They missed those. Hell, he missed those.
Something in you crackled, but you managed to hold you're tongue. The side-eye you gave him, however spoke enough volumes for you instead.
Astonishingly, it was Duke that set off the electric charge.
"I mean, it is a really nice car. You sure you don't want to take it for a spin?" You can here his attempt at trying to defuse the static in the are, but as fond of him as you are compared to the others, it just sets you off.
"Oh, and where to exactly?" You can't help but snort. "Down the driveway and back?"
"You're acting like a brat." Jason throwing in his two cents. Of course he would say that. And, he's rewarded with a voltaic look from you eyes and a snarl from your lips.
"I. Don't. Care." The words echo in the massive car garage. Bouncing of the walls and the other sleek fancy model cars in it. Your apathy and anger is reward with quiet.
It doesn't last long.
"Let's all just calm down." Dick steps between them, trying to play reconciler. All it serves to do is make you feel more isolated. The way he steps between you cuts you off from the rest of the group and makes it seem like he's singling you out.
"I am calm!" The words coming from your clenched jaw.
"They're the one acting like a spoiled little-"
"Jason, enough." Bruce finally steps in. That stoic look still on his face. Internally, he knows he miscalculated. He made a mistake, and it's humbling to know he can still make them at his age and with all his experience. Still, he wears the mask. He's too busy recalculating and coming up with another plan. Perhaps he was putting to much focus on the wrong thing. That didn't stop him from glaring at that classless truck in his garage.
"Of fucking course Daddy's princess gets away with acting like a brat." Jason doesn't stop though, looking directly at you. Always looking at you. Everyone is always looking at you. But never speaking these days.
"Fuck you." You whisper. Caution and hesitance thrown into the stirring winds.
"Uh-oh, looks like the princess finally snapped." That sickly green look appearing in his eyes. God, does he love this. He knew they had some fucking bite in them. Some spice. Something that made them even more delicious. That just enhanced their sweetness tenfold.
"Jason. Knock it off." Barbara murmurs after Cassandra places a hand on her shoulder. Signaling the direction this could easily head in.
"No, I don't think I will." He sneers, making an attempt to step around Dick and get in your face. It's Tim and Stephanie that try to stop him this time. Both muttering to him and trying to get him to calm down.
You can clearly see it. Their family dynamic. Clear as day. It's right in front of you for you to watch unfold while you stand on the outside looking in. Only getting stray remnants of it when they deem you worth it. You're always worth it though, silly little sugarplum. They’re just terrible at showing it, you poor poor thing. That'll change soon, don't worry. Actually, you should worry.
There's no need to stick around any longer. No fucking need at all. Your feet echoing as you leave the room filled with strangers family and cars. You're leaving. You're going home. And you're going home tonight.
That night, the news is blaring over Gotham. A sudden hurricane off the coast is set to hit by nightfall. People are being asked to evacuate, already there is panic in the streets.
As much as they don't want to leave things unresolved, the family has no choice, but to respond. Making sure evacuations go smoothly. Keeping the mobs at bay in the stores. Checking that the Arkham inmates are both secure and safe.
It gets worse when the reports further come in. There was lightning spotted off the coast. A lightning storm predicted to hit before the hurricane. That would double the difficulties everyone in Gotham was dealing with.
Most everyone, but Reader.
With the family busy they had plenty of time to pack a few belongings and necessities for a long drive. Glowing eyes taking inventory as the electricity crackled under their skin and the distant skies. Brewing excitement in their chest as the skies filled with dark clouds. Some might think it ominous. But, for Reader it was freedom.
In Gotham that ominous feeling continued. It was as if Gotham itself knew what chaos was about to unfold. Chaos that it would have reveled in if not for the impending feeling of loss found not only in the empty streets, but in Wayne Manor.
As the wind started to wail, nightfall seemed to come earlier with how dark the clouds made the sky. Rain poured in sheets. Most of the Bats took cover, but when the lightning began to strike is when things really when to hell.
By luck or something else, the Gotham power grid was hit. Shutting down over half the city in the first moments of the storm. The downpour hadn't even soaked the concrete when it struck.
The darkness washed over the city and the family knew it was going to be a long long night.
Barbara, in Oracle mode in the Batcave, was focused on keeping everyone updated on new alerts and any looting. She didn't have a chance to glance at the manor cameras and see Reader walking through the halls with a bag on their shoulders before. Multiple strikes of lightning reverberated through the manor. They could be heard echoing all the way down in the cave.
And, they caused the power to go out.
It was only out for twenty minuets. Twenty long minuets of Barbara and Alfred trying to fix the power and get everyone back in contact with each other.
A lot can happen in twenty minutes. Like a garage door opening and closing manually. Like someone driving down the long driveway out of the security gate without being noticed. Like someone could escape without notice in those twenty minutes.
@starsdotalk @sleepyghoster @maicenitas @box-of-kinderjoy @yandereheros @skwunkler @cl0esblogg @delias-stuff @rosecentury @lilyalone @addie-r-u-ok @space1crow @imaginarydreams @dhanyasri @rosalietodd013 @rissareader @rando2509 @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @interobanginyourmom @heyitsaloy @myanyan-me @animegoddess15 @resident-cryptid @schaarfyx
#yandere batfam#yandere batfamily#batfam x reader#batfamily x reader#yandere dc#platonic batfam#yandere batfam x reader#yandere batfamily x reader#smalltown!reader#yandere jason todd#yandere bruce wayne#yandere cassandra cain#yandere tim drake#yandere stephanie brown#yandere damian wayne#yandere dick grayson
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Things about the Wisdom Saga that have plagued me all damn day
Whether intentional or not, Miguel's Telemachus really sounds like a younger version of Jorge's Odysseus. And that hurts.
"If I fight those monsters, is it you I'll find?" The layers. Could he go out and hunt for his father? Could he find his 'legendary' strength within himself? Or will Odysseus be the 'monster' he finds?
"Somebody help me, come and give me the strength" And his call is answered T_T
20 years.
Antinous fully interrupts this bop. Rude.
Ayron sounds legitimately scary and Telemachus taking a stand is so O.O
Little Wolf
I wanna fight this guy. Love that Athena agrees. (The beat of the song and sharp bursts of vocals really emulate blows.)
The quaver on "I don't know how".
Athena is immediately charmed by Telemachus' enthusiasm. She sounds so fond.
The fact she sees heart in him as an advantage when it was Odysseus choosing heart over mind that drove them apart. Guh.
Did she tell him to bite Antinous? XD
"Oh, maybe I pushed you a bit too hard." The change in her perspective is already so apparent - she wouldn't have admitted a mistake or miscalculation to Odysseus.
We'll Be Fine
"I had a friend before..." A FRIEND? FRIEND?!?!
An admission that she didn't fully appreciate what Odysseus was going through, that she feels guilty for having "missed it all".
It's unclear to begin with if she's come to Telemachus for Odysseus, or to try and replace him. Both are equally heart-breaking.
"I don't know who your friend is, I don't know what he's like" UNKNOWINGLY ECHOING HIS OWN THOUGHTS IN 'LEGENDARY'. NO IT'S FINE I'M FINE.
"The best day of my life because I got in a fight and I didn't die! :D" Telemachus, child, please.
"We'll be fine" using the same run as "this is my goodbye" T_T
Him immediately offering up friendship to Athena, like Odysseus once did, must hit her so hard. "You're a good kid." Yes he is - because he's more like his dad than he knows.
Love in Paradise
10 years.
The memory fragments sounding so fraught and chaotic together, hitting harder because they're hitting Athena all at once. She missed a lot.
"She's my wife." "Anyways..." Calypso, girl, please.
Love that they're singing completely different melodies through the first half of this song for two reasons: because Odysseus is revisiting previous motifs, once more trying to hold onto the man he was, and also because it shows Calypso is not willing to compromise on what she wants.
"Last I checked goddesses can't die." We'll come back to this later.
Then Odysseus realises he is truly trapped and he sings along to Calypso's melody in muted horror.
Just the words "open arms" are enough to confront Odysseus (again) with all he's lost. All he hears are screams.
And the one he screams out for is Athena.
"He needs my help." NO KIDDING GO GET YOUR BOY.
God Games
"Father, God, King..." There's a lot to unpack in that fun family dynamic.
"To untie apprehensions that were placed on that Greek?" Zeus is like, nobody likes that guy, why do you care?
The gods being called out like X Factor finalists is everything.
So there's a great contrast against the previous song - unlike Calypso, Athena is matching each of her singing partners with their tone and beat as she convinces them. She isn't winning by 'imposing her will', she's meeting them where they are.
Rational arguments work until Aphrodite, where Athena says "please" for the first time. She softens to appeal to Aphrodite, which is why Ares has to step in.
The way she says his name XD
Ares' lines sound like as much of a fighting chant as 'Little Wolf' did, which makes it all the better that the mention of Telemachus is what gets her to 'fight back'.
"His son's my friend!" YES HE IS. And Athena of all people declaring "a broken heart can mend" is fascinating. Can't help but wonder if she's talking about herself coming around to forgiving Odysseus.
"Never once has he cheated on his wife." Handwaving the source material is worth it for this line ALONE.
Zeus is so pressed by everyone openly knowing he cheats on Hera. Stop doing it then my dude.
Ares sounding genuinely concerned for Athena is doing things to me. Goddesses can't die, huh?
Her time motif flitting in and out like a weak heartbeat.
The soft piano of 'Warrior of the Mind', touching on a whisper of 'Legendary', then rising to a triumphant crescendo as Athena regains herself. I will be forever haunted by visions of Odysseus and Telemachus helping her to her feet.
And then, finally, she faces her own father and begs. Because Odysseus and Telemachus deserve a chance to be father and child.
The parallel, by the way, of Athena entering this saga to help an outnumbered Telemachus, and now closing it with him/Odysseus unknowingly helping her win her own battle too. JORGE HOW DARE YOU T_T
#athena is my fav can you tell#I haven't seen any animatics don't come for me#epic the musical#the wisdom saga#athena#telemachus#odysseus#jorge rivera herrans
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ep 20 : AH YES, THE FREAKSHOW EPISODE. im fairly certain i only saw this episode once as a kid, because the plot beats of the episode took me by surprise on rewatch. but i do remember something about danny with the red eyes and almost getting himself in hot water constantly. maybe this episode left that kinda impact on me that i never wanted to watch it again, im unsure.
i know i saw reality trip a lot more bc i can just...remember the name of it off the top of my head. but i have to wonder why this guy was chosen as the season finale villain twice, considering he NEVER shows up in any other episodes besides these finales. or if he does, i just didnt pay attention oops
okay immediately i think i remember why i didnt like this episode that much, it was the designs of the ghosts that freakshow had enslaved. im not really sure, none of them are particularly bad. but they're really bland outside of the tattoo ghost girl. and even then, i was staring at her design thinking "wait, this is a kids show right"
i know showing skin isnt inherently sexual by nature, but she's literally wearing a corsette that barely covers her chest from the waist up, and she doesnt have ANY pants on. she still looks cool though, im just an adult and can now see things i did not see as a child.
sam's family gets properly introduced in this episode, and it's interesting to see them semi-respect her choices in lifestyle. like, yeah, they still want to pamper their daughter into being more pastel and happy vibes. but they let her darken her room and dress it however she'd like, which is nice. they only really question her choices bc danny looks really sus hanging out with her sometimes LMAO. which is funny cause danny is probably the most chill dude surface-wise to just have as a friend, if the ghost powers weren't involved. he's just unfortunately walking into the room at the worst time.
i appreciate that her grandmother is more open to sam's antics, it's nice to see an older portrayal of an adult not be senile and rude. she's a fun-having woman who only wants the best for her granddaughter, but also wants her granddaughter to just have fun. it's v cute and sweet.
so yknow those comics that people make about how danny just transforms blatantly in the open sometimes bc the animators are tryna show off of a little. this is probably one of the most show-off-my-powers one yet. he literally jumps on top of a truck while STILL HUMAN, leaps off the back of it and transforms midair, and then launches himself up. which is BEYOND extra when you consider there's police literally coming down the road as he does this.
the goth dude walking up to danny and spray-painting his shirt black, then proudly saying "you're one of us now" was so fucking real, that was GENUINE. this episode has so many fucking one-liners that got me laughing so hard. the fentons getting antsy over being mocked for wearing jumpsuits, which are admittedly cool af (thank you evangelion for teaching me that). the smash cut from sam saying "lancer let us out" to lancer trapped in the closet screaming "LET ME OUT."
i really would like to know if the staff freakshow uses has some sorta of ties to the ghost zone, or if it was just the episode macguffin. bc lorewise, what if pariah dark used this shit or something in the past? or idk, it links back to the origins of the ghost zone? any they introduce artifacts that can interact with ghosts, i just wanna know WHERE it came from. what's THE LORE.
THEY LITERALLY GOT A RESTRAINING ORDER IN PLACE FOR A 14-YEAR OLD TO STAY AWAY FROM THEIR DAUGHTER, WHAT THE FUCK DUDE, thanks danny phantom for making me google if that's even a thing (yes it is, but there's gotta be legitimate reasons)
this episode ends up diminishing phantom's reputation with the town since he gets forced into committing crimes against both vendors and literal police in broad daylight (or moonlight). i suppose that's supposed to explain away why people backtrack on trusting him, but even so, i find it odd that previous alliances dont get brought up again.
sam's grandmother calls sam 'bubeleh,' which iirc is a Jewish term of endearment for someone you cherish? it's nice to see a subtle nod towards Jewish family and beliefs, it's a really cute lil detail that i love.
i really wish this show had been preserved in something higher than 360p, because there's shots and sequences in here that look fantastic, and im sure would be GORGEOUS in 480p or higher. the shot of sam falling off the train while danny dives to save her, despite still being under the influence of the crystal, it'd be nice to see that in any higher resolution. because this is what it looks like at 360p.
maybe my source just doesnt have the DVD uploads and this was recorded from somewhere else? i dunno
this episode almost feels like it could be a season finale if it had been given a 1 hour block treatment maybe? like the makings are all there, and danny ruining his reputation for the forseeable future has potential in the episode itself. there's literally a line where danny says "hey what if we stayed behind to explain to authority what happened to us" and the other ghosts just run bc they dont wanna. so danny has to just forgo apologizing to the public for his actions and leave the broken glass where it lies. i could imagine a sequence of danny walking out of the train and trying to explain what happened to overbearing and hateful figures, with a good chunk of people believing him and others dont. but this is once again me writing a fanfic in my own rewatch, so dont mind my rambles
freakshow is a fine villain, far from a favourite. it's weird how he's almost like a ghost despite being human. his family was supposedly controlling ghosts for centuries using the crystal artifact, which just leads to more questions as to where they got it, how long has it existed, did his family know about ghosts and for how long, etc. more lore for the graphic novel to exploit im sure teehee
fun episode, banger jokes, good sequence at the end of danny redeeming himself by saving sam, her grandmother kicks ass.
yknow what I'm cataloging my feelings as i rewatch every danny phantom episode, here we go
#danny phantom#storm rewatches his childhood#ep 20#review#that is season one finished.... onto the big budget episodes#gotta say i do think ill miss season one for the animation alone#season 2 has experimental shots that i can remember off the top of my head#but iirc they really stick to being on model in s2#and even swap to different animation styles that i dont remember if i like or not?#season 1 was just so fluid and fun so im hoping i have the same fond memories of season 2
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Hey QSMPblr, even if you've moved on to another fandom, can you spare a second to read this?
March 3rd is coming up soon, and that will mark one year since the news broke about Q Studios being infested with malicious, selfish, terrible people that ultimately tore apart the thing that brought us all together.
But if you remember, that day was also QSMPblr Language Day.
Where we spoke to each other in our first/native/preferred language regardless of barriers all day. And it was the sweetest, most fun thing I watched the community do.
Can we... Can we do that again? But this time, the joy and fun aren't crushed indefinitely by community-shattering news? Same day, March 3rd, all day.
We post, send each other asks, reminisce about our fond memories of the server and community.
Share slang, phrases, linguistics fun facts, make ask games and send each other asks in general, write and/or share fics/headcanons/character analyses/etc in our languages. Whatever your heart desires!
This can only really happen if enough people know about it though!
If you could please reblog this post, and spread the word everywhere you have QSMP friends, even tag people in this post if you like!
And share the post on other platforms if you want, too! Other social medias are more than welcome to try this again with us!
I'd also appreciate anyone who reblogs this and translates it in their language!
Let's try this again, but this time nothing goes wrong. Let's do it in memory of the cool, diverse, expansive community we had, and the amazing server we loved so much.
#qsmp#qsmpblr#gonna tag this with some cc names to spread the word. sorry(?)#quackity#philza#missasinfonia#tubbo#roier#cellbit#bagi#fitmc#pactw#mikethelink#tazercraft#etoiles#baghera jones#jaiden animations#slimecicle#badboyhalo#foolish gamers#el mariana
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Hey girl, I LOVED YOUR HEADCANONS. Specifically abt Ken x Reader. If you can write about headcanons abt maybe when he's jealous? You covered literally almost everything in your headcanons, so I have nothing to request except this 😭
❥﹒kenji sato x gender neutral reader
✦. synopsis — part 2 of the kenji sato headcanons because i am totally normal <3
✦. love mail — i swear i promise ill post hsr guys 😞 just let me have my moment w sato i beg. i’ve decided to just do this req + add some more hehe. thank you sm requester for enabling my brain rot! (pls more ppl do so)
✦. tags — NO SPOILERS, fluff, dadgirl kenji, non-intimate/sexual kissing, kenji sato x reader, i wrote this w my brain off again ( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ ;; pls
Jealousy was not fun for the Kenji Sato. Before Emi came along and changed him, I can see him being the type to get jealous easily. Why would you need to talk to other people anyway? You had him, he was the best. He’d make it real obvious too, suddenly wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close, or the following days he has you wear his iconic jacket while you’re out with him so everyone knows exactly who and what you two are. If it gets to the better of him, he’ll get all pouty about it. He wants all your attention, your eyes all over him and him only. Maybe even hands but that’s a different thing. But I think after Emi’s influence, it’s less possessive and he’s grown to trust you with others instead of letting his feelings get in the way. Of course he’s not immune to jealousy, but you notice it a lot less. It’s less suffocating for you and you’re grateful he’s grown. You did love the pouty face he’d make though, it was cute.
Now if you were jealous, which is really no surprise.. Kenji had thousands of admirers, he had gifts on his doorstep like every other day. He’ll do everything to prove and reassure you that you’re the only one who has his heart. He’ll post you on his social media, take you out on dates, all those things to wash your worries away. Lastly, he’ll hold you in his arms at night and whisper everything he loves about you. Everything you were silently insecure about, he loved. Every date you thought he forgot, he remembered. And to meet a guy like that? How lucky can you be? (He tells you he’s luckier of course. <3)
I think he’s a messy kisser for the most part 🧐. (Forgive me in advance for this part. I am not very good at these things.) When he can take his time, he’s slow and gentle. Genuinely just trying to show you that yeah, he loves you, so damn much. And he’s going to show that through his passion by taking things slow so you can really feel his devotion. Other times, because he’s always in a rush, he’ll do a messy but clearly desperate kiss. He doesn’t like leaving without one, and you can describe him kissing you like it’s his last, (because it’s really not a far-fetched guess considering his line of work) his hand behind your head and pressing your lips against his in an almost ravenous manner. He does give you a very quick kiss on the forehead and runs off after finishing, leaving you a little dazed.
He LOVES to take you out on night rides. If ever you get a little nervous/have a fear of motorcycles, he’ll talk you all the way through via the cardo he put into your helmet. He’ll take you to some nice cafes or restaurants around Tokyo, other time’s he’ll bring you to some favourite childhood spot of his. When you arrive, he’ll tell you about his mother and the memories he’s made in this very special spot. It warms your heart to see his expression be so fond when he talks about his childhood – he truly misses it.
Before you knew of Kenji’s identity, I think it would be funny if you hated Ultraman. You just LOATHED the guy, Kenji asked your thoughts on Ultraman on the first date and you went on a rant about how he threw your car at a Kaiju only to miss. (He felt so embarrassed). It would be funnier if afterwards, he began to actually do his job as Ultraman properly.. and avoided cars on your street and avenue. He wanted to make sure you didn’t utterly hate Ultraman before revealing that he was him.
It would be cute if you and him knew each other like, much earlier. And you called him Ken. And then he made that his alias while he was becoming an All-Star baseball player. :) He’ll brag about it all the time in interviews too, that you’re the reason he uses it. <3
He’s the typa guy to have a picture of you in his room, behind his phone case, in his wallet, in his car and literally anywhere he can get his hands on. He bought a polaroid camera just to take pictures of you, he could care less about the price of film or the camera itself.. he just wanted to have as many pictures of you as possible. He’ll brag about it to his baseball teammates too, considering he also keeps one in his pockets for good luck. :)
You're his goodluck charm. <3
#♡ — 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆#kenji sato x reader#ken sato x reader#ken sato#kenji sato#ultraman rising x reader#ultraman rising
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