#and I get a big polycule
pack-coven-thing · 2 years
I feel like I should mention again our rewrite is very self-indulgent for us and @romeave-wives-club <3
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 2 months
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Then all those years of building - were they worth anything? Yes - they're just hoping you don't realize it.
Rebecca Sugar going in for the kill with some sketches out of absolutely nowhere. Here's my best attempt at getting an okay-ish image out of a blurry vertical phone recording of a screen. Original video was posted on the official rebeccasugar account on TikTok - a big thank you to @jeejyboard for bringing it to my attention.
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chappellcastiel · 5 months
The envy Arthur and Lancelot would have had for each other must have been insane.
Because Merlin is secretive with Lancelot. He tells him things he would never tell Arthur, he opens up to him and Arthur knows he can never have that trust. Never have that closeness not while he’s king and Merlin a servant.
But to Lancelot he’s been secretive about protecting Arthur. It all resolves around Arthur, opening up about protecting Arthur, giggling over using magic to please Arthur. Lancelot knows it will never be him on the other side of the devotion not like this.
just like he will never be Gwen’s because she loved him once yes but at the end of the day it’s Arthur she chooses.
and in Arthur’s eyes Lancelot is Gwen’s first love will always be known as such and will always be looked at as such even if she loves him she loved Lancelot first and Arthur can’t help but think if she could have him she would.
Anyway I’m so sane about them and at the end of the day how they still understand why it’s like this because they would choose the other as well.
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xxcherrycherixx · 11 months
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cupid's gals meet
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rainbowpufflez · 6 months
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Giovanni homophobia arc™️
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crimeronan · 8 months
one big thing about polyshipping for me is, like. you know how some people will have their eyes opened to homoerotic relationships in media bc they'll realize, "wait, if these people were two different genders, i'd 100% assume they're into each other. i have a double standard that i never noticed"?
there's a polyamorous equivalent in certain media that's basically just. "if you didn't assume this character is monogamous, you would 100% believe they have crushes on & are dating all of their friends." OR, "if this character wasn't dating somebody else already, you would 100% interpret this new friendship of theirs as a crush/budding romance."
usually the creators of the media aren't thinking about polyamory when they make it! usually the creators of the media are thinking "i want this character's friends to be as important to them as their romantic partners, we don't get enough of that in media," which is great and true and also EXACTLY WHY IT WORKS AS A POLY NARRATIVE. people will be like you don't Have to polyship why can't you just let platonic relationships be important ugh 🙄 & i'm like i did my years in the "why can't two men just be friends why does everything have to be gay 🙄" trenches. you're not doing this to me. we're not doing it about polyshipping. we're skipping over that whole discourse cutscene because i am Too Tired For It. don't even start
sometimes characters are so full of love and affection and joy for so many people that i start gnawing off my hands about how polyamory isn't normalized. because i'll watch/read certain media and i'll be like. listen. this is a polycule. i know you don't know this because your creators don't know this and that is totally okay but you are a Wildly polyamorous person who's ambiguously trapped in the 2000s/2010s with Big Monogamy psyops eating your brain. please let me free you. please i can give you Everything .
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 4 months
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have a shitty unfinished comic from ages ago
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ohyoufool · 2 months
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Come one, come all It's happening again The empathetic hunger descends We'll tell no one Except all of our friends But I still don't know How did it end?
How Did It End? - Taylor Swift x OMG Check Please
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cryzono · 8 months
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day 5 - hands for holding
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erstwhile-elster · 23 days
It really is bullshit that bg3 was like "yeah you can be poly!" And the "poly" relationships were having a foursome with prostitutes and Halsin
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littlehatmouse · 5 months
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i finished this in the last 20 minutes of lesbian visibility week after not drawing at all LETS GO
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months
you know what's fucking insane though???
it's only been 3 days in the mafia front fic. THREE DAYS= ~34k. (so far, we're still on day three rn)
wow i'm truly insane. three days... mein gott
(potential spoilers for this fic in tags???)
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I would love a drawing about how tiny Pete is compared to Travie, like, Travie scooping Pete up and carrying him around, doesn't have to be nsfw but I can think of sexy ideas of Pete being so tiny if you want
Hellloooooo did you know I love trete so much like so so so much like I made this a year or so ago
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Anywhooooooo here ya go, I drew all of these with hearts in my eyes and I hope you can tell 💕
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acesstark · 6 months
Rolin Jones you have done it again. I am completely floored by the extended trailer this might be the best trailer I’ve seen in my life we’re gonna eat so well next season
Domestic Loumand… armandstat confirmation ARMANDSTAT KISS????… lestat being a complete nuisance (many such cases)… 40s and 70s and modern day Louis/Armand AND 70s daniel… santiago being a freaked up little creep… delainey absolutely taking it as Claudia (so excited for her to go off on Louis cause he deserves it)… Armand being a little bitch ab how much Louis talks ab lestat… the first interview… DAVID TALBOT????… modern day NOLA and Loustat reunion… lestat at the trial… Claudia’s yellow dress… CLAUDIA IN THE YELLOW DRESS IN THE SUNLIGHT???????…
My chest hurts I needed this today
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innytoes · 11 months
I will be shocked if I'm the only one who sends you this, but: found family Thanksgiving, greater polyphantoms polycule
It wasn't like Thanksgiving was the biggest deal, Julie tried to reason with herself, even as she refreshed her phone again, and again, and again. She didn't even like Thanksgiving that much. The Molinas had always been more of a Christmas kind of family. Mostly because Mom liked the sparkly lights and Dad was a fiend for gingerbread.
But her phone still said that all flights to LA were cancelled, and would be until after the holidays, due to the stupidly early snowstorms. She should have just done what most people had done, and skip her last few days of class to catch an earlier flight.
But she really couldn't afford to miss more of her stupid mandatory PE credit dance classes, after she already missed two in a row due to oversleeping after staying up working on her musical composition homework and a bout of the flu. So her dad and her aunt had advised her to not skip, school came first, it would be fine, the news was always being dramatic anyway.
She couldn't even bear to call her dad, knowing that just the sound of his voice would make her burst into tears. Instead she texted him the screenshot, and he sent her back a very long text about how much he loved her and would miss her and he'd send some money so she could get something nice to treat herself. They could video call all day if she wanted to.
She sent him a little thumbs up, before throwing herself at her pillow and having a good cry. Then, she went down the dorm hall to get a hot shower and change into her coziest, most comforting PJs to have a little pity party with the hidden lock box of snacks under her bed. (Her roommate Kayla was an awesome friend but also a dirty snack thief.)
The dorms were echoingly empty. It was almost creepy. The food hall was closed for the holidays, so she quickly heated up some water for instant noodles before hurrying back to her room. She stayed up too late comfort-watching Gilmore Girls and eating an entire roll of Oreos and several mini chocolate chip muffins before falling asleep amidst the crumbs. Excellent pity party.
She woke up to what sounded like three separate people knocking on her door. For a moment, she was confused, before she blearily shoved her glasses onto her face and rolled out of bed. She opened the door angrily, ready to snap at whoever was disturbing her wallowing. "What the hell are you doing knocking so early it's only..." she threw a look at the clock and deflated. "Um, noon."
"Julie!" Oh no. That was Luke, from her song writing class. The guy who she kind of had a crush on, with his cute smile and his pretty eyes and his brilliant lyrics and his- "You were right, Reg, she's totally still here, just like you said."
"Not that I was stalking you or anything!" Oh no, and there was her other crush, red-cheeked and fidgeting. Reggie was in her dance class, one of the few people who showed up yesterday. Which meant that they'd been partnered up a lot. Which had been really nice, except also very, very distracting. "It's just that you were saying you were going to the airport right after class but the news said everything's shut down and we just wanted to check if maybe you were still here but not to like be weird or creepy but-"
"Oh for..." A third boy, in a pink hoodie and backwards baseball cap said. "We wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to our Friendsgiving party."
"Orphan and Stranded People Tofurkey And Epic Sides Meal That Does Not Perpetuate A Fake Racist Narrative Party!" someone called from down the hall, where they were knocking on doors, apparently to see if anyone would open.
"Willie, that's too long..." Pink Hoodie started, before sighing. "Okay. Yeah, that."
"I... I don't have anything to bring," she said, looking at her now sadly empty snack box. "Except for maybe some stray peanut butter cups."
"That's okay," Willie said, moving back towards her room. None of the other doors opened. "We were planning on breaking into the kitchens anyway, there'll be plenty of food there. Besides the Tofurkey, of course."
"Yeah, Alex stole that from work!" Reggie beamed.
"I did not!" Alex, pink hoodie guy, said, his voice high pitched. "I just... used my staff discount."
"You rang it up as a single grape," Luke pointed out.
"The manager is an asshole and ordered way too many anyway," Alex shrugged. "She won't notice."
Honestly, hanging out with both of her crushes and what appeared to be a set of Chaos Gremlins seemed much better than faking internet connectivity issues so she wouldn't cry on a video call home. So she agreed to come if she could change into something more suited for breaking and entering (and impressing her crushes) and then joined in the 'search party'.
In the end, there were seven of them. Willie made picking the lock to the kitchens look easy, and they all had a great time sneaking around and rummaging through the kitchens for food. Flynn took charge, delegating 'the eye candy' to mix and chop and stir when all of the admitted they had no idea how to cook a turkey, much less a Tofurkey. Julie, after a brief rapid fire round of questions, was put in charge of the stove, since 'she could be trusted with fire'.
While they were cooking, the stories came out. Luke wasn't going home for the holidays because his parents had freaked out when they found out he'd switched his major to music. Reggie and Alex didn't have any family to go home to ("none worth our time, anyway"). Willie's uncle was in Paris, but he'd sent a bunch of money so he could eat out 'somewhere they don't serve cranberry sauce from a can'.
"But you're here with us breaking into the kitchen?" Julie asked, pointedly looking at the cans of cranberry sauce on the counter.
"He already spent it all on art supplies," Alex said fondly.
Flynn was stranded, like her. Carrie, who hadn't been very talkative, just gave a curt 'I don't want to talk about it'. Reggie got her to smile, though, by guessing more and more outlandish scenarios, beaming and shouting 'I knew it' when she finally gave in and agreed that yes, her pegasus was in the shop so she couldn't fly home to her fairy kingdom.
By the time her dad called to check in on her, the Tofurkey, rolls, and mac and cheese were in the oven, and they were all laughing. She made the rounds, introducing her new friends, beaming when they all waved back just as dorkily as her dad was.
And if next year she brought them all home with her? The more the merrier.
And if a couple of years after that, they were the ones hosting their friends and family at their own Thanksgiving party in their shared house, trading cranberry flavoured kisses and bites of stuffing while cooking together?
Maybe Julie liked Thanksgiving after all.
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sick-ada · 1 year
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i have no ideas as to Why they would be sleeping over at maries place but ive had this brain worm for like the past month
i was gonna do something for splatfest but i forgor and it starts in like twenty minutes LMAO
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