#and I feel like a case could be made for keep it movin too
Now that I’m actually paying attention to the song titles for the 8.5 soundtrack a surprisingly high number of them have time references
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bluebearial · 1 year
Comfort Zone: Chapter 2
A loose sequel to Contact Heal.
Click here for Chapter 1! CW for Vore mention???
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A short while later, you would find Lupa in the living room. She is splayed out upon a couch that’s a few sizes too small, resting her chin on the backrest and looking out the window. Her ears angle back towards you, and her head whips round as you step closer. As her gaze lands on you, her tail begins to wag. It isn’t the happy, unabashed wag you’re used to. It flits left and right, betraying a worrying sense of tension.
“Oh! Um. Hey,” she greets you with all the smoothness of a cheese grater, “I was wonderin’ where you were! Thought you mighta gotten lost.”
“Lupa, are—”
“We should really get movin’, huh? What’s that thing you always say? Um, ‘early to bed, early to rise’?” You absolutely do not say that.
“Are you alri—”
“I mean, hey. Good thing you don’t work today, huh? That would’a been a disaster. Though gosh, I don’t blame you for bein’ so scared earlier. Like, who really wants to lay around and snuggle all da—"
She hushes up immediately. Her ears flatten, her tail freezes, and she even winces under your voice. The sight of it makes you immediately regret it, but you breathe deeply and press on.
“…Lupa,” you nearly whisper in an effort to level your voice – and your emotions. “What, is, um…” You sigh as you catch yourself, opting to choose your words more carefully, “Is something the matter?”
“…Nnno?”, she puts her paws together, awkwardly fidgeting her fingers. She speaks delicately. “Nothin’s the matter. Everything’s… fine.”
“You ran away! You left your collar behind.” You take a moment to hold it up. She paws at her neck, a look of realization flashing across her face. “And you’re acting str--…” You catch yourself again. You figure you should be careful.
“Something’s… off.” You decide to settle on that. “Did something happen?”
“Oh my god, dude. I’m tellin’ you, nothin’ ha--…”
Her voice croaks and falters as you give her a pained look.
“—ah... It’s... hard to talk about?” she offers instead. You sigh, climbing onto what little usable couch space there is. She huddles up a bit to make room for you.
“How come?” You play with the collar, rolling and squeezing it between your fingers. It’s a big, heavy thing with a soft, leathery surface. Its metal spikes glint in the light. “Come on, Lu… I want to help.”
She doesn’t answer. Not verbally. You watch as she continues to fidget with her paws, looking down and away from you. Every now and then, she steals a glance at you. Every time, her eye darts away as she realizes that you’re still looking at her. She moans, she grumbles as her words fizzle and die before they’re spoken. She was so comfortable with you before. Things were going so well before… Before…
“…Is it the ‘babe’ thing?”, you carefully ask. She nods, an embarrassed grin forcing its way across her face.
“But—But why? What’s wrong with that?” You ask, thoroughly confused. You even find yourself tilting your head, feeling your stomach begin to knot up.
“I, y’know…! I, uh, kinda made it awkward, didn’t I?” she squeaks out, tilting her head away and rubbing her arm. You didn’t know her voice could go that high. She doesn’t stop there.
“I, I’m getting too comfortable. I keep making it sound like, like-- As if we’d actually, like, be together or, somethin’. I kinda regret it. I was so, y’know, sappy,” she says, sticking her tongue out as she practically spits that final word. Okay. Ouch? That knot only tightens.
“…Do you really regret it?”
“I... Well…” She looks away now, putting a paw up to her mouth. Her tail has long since stopped its wagging, lifelessly draping over the couch’s front instead.
“But- But why? Why are you worried about being sappy? We literally kissed before, you know.” You didn’t mean to sound so indignant, but - You figure she couldn’t have forgotten that. Though from the way she looks at you, you suspect it may be the case. “And we snuggle every night. There’s nothing sappier than that.”
“…Oh. Oh yeah.”
“Lu…” You coo, standing from the couch and walking alongside her. “What—”
“But—” she cuts you off, “Look. Come on. Would’ja really like me if I was sappy all the time? I mean, with the way you looked at me when I called you, uh. That. It…”
“Wait. Did you—… Did you think I didn’t like it?” You look up at her, and she looks right back. The edges of her mouth twitch, before breaking into a nervous, wry grin. Her paw pomfs the back of her head, and she lets out an airy little laugh.
“…Yyyeah… A little…” She almost sounds forlorn. As she deflates onto the couch, you sigh. Relief drowns your own despondency for the time being, but now…
“Hey, it’s okay…” you take her paw in your hand – as best as you can, at least. “The truth is, I love it when you’re like that. It makes me feel…” you stop yourself, feeling your body heat up. You squeeze her paw. “…It felt really, really nice.”
She hums indecisively. From this side, her hair obscures her face, so her expression is hard to read. She gently pulls her paw out of your hand, rolling over on the couch. Crossing her arms, she curls up a bit. Looking at her, you do feel bad. Thankfully, you’ve got just the thing for this.
“…Lupa...” You put your hands on your hips. She offers a hum in response, looking nowhere in particular. “Lupa.”
“Mmm,” she angles her head just enough to look at you, “What?”
“Come here.”
“I’m right next to you, dude.”
“No, like. Come closer,” you clarify. With a scoff, she rolls slightly, leaning her big, soft face towards you. You pounce on the opportunity, pinching her fluffy cheeks and giving them a nice tug.
“Ah—Ahh! Wha’ are you doiiiing?” she whines, grimacing as you pull and stretch her face.
“Making you feel better,” you say matter-of-factly, holding fast in the face of her token efforts to pull away from you.
“It’sh nawt helpii~iing,” she grumbles and growls.
“Oh? Oh yeah? I guess you’re right,” you relent. The tugging stops, and you instead cup her cheeks. They fit so snugly in your palms, tufts of dark grey fur slipping between your fingers. She doesn’t look sad anymore, just a little annoyed. You figure it’s because of the tugging. Oh well. Thankfully, you also know how you can help with that.
You kiss her.
You pull yourself closer, closer, until your nose meets her snout. You always did like the way her plump, dark lips felt against yours. You hear a short, quiet moan – betraying her surprise before she leans into it herself. A familiar thump-thump-thump reaches your ears as her tail whips the couch. You don’t hold the kiss for too long. By the time you pull away, she looks much more relaxed. You feel a lot better too.
“Ha, woooow,” she teases, “You are sooo corny.” You roll your eyes as you wonder which is cornier - the fact you tried it, or the fact that it worked? You don’t say any of that aloud, though.
“Alright, alright. You don’t want to be ‘sappy’ all the time,” you begin, “I get it. But. If it makes you happy… Why don’t you lean into it? I’ll love you just the same. Who would I be to judge?” Her, wide smug smile falters.
“I’d be judgin’ myself, more than anything…”
“…Well,” you stumble for a moment, “Aren’t you the big, bad wolf? Wolves do whatever they want, don’t they? They don’t let their inhibitions stand in the way.”
“And… you’re not gonna judge me for it?” she asks, resting her head against the cushion. You shake your head.
“When have I ever?” you ask. She stews on it for a second, before cracking a smile.
“Fair enough,” she says with some acceptance. “Sorry ‘bout that. I, um. …Thanks.” She stammers it out, but you really appreciate hearing her say that.
“I love you too, Lulu.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she huffs, waving her paw, “Don’t get too comfortable ‘cause—”
“Hm?” You act coy. You don’t give her any time to react before continuing. You hold up her collar, gently swinging it from side to side. “Oh, you forgot something. Since you ran off earlier, I couldn’t put this back on for you.”
“…Oh!” You could practically watch her mind switch gears. “Right, yeah. Alright, stick it on me then.”
“I dunno…~” You lilt, putting it behind your back, “Do I want to, though? Maybe I don’t.”
“Wh—You can’t do that! That’s mine,” she sneers, crossing her arms, “It won’t even fit on you.”
You… weren’t thinking of wearing it yourself, but you roll with it. “…Maybe not. But if you want it back, then… I think my big, bad wolf is gonna have to work for her prey.”
“Oh?” Her ears perk up. Then, a much more understanding “Ohhhh…~” as she puts the pieces together. “You want me to chase you down, huh?” You nod, and she barks out a laugh.
“You wouldn’t stand a chance,” she taunts you with a grin. “You really think you can outrun me?”
“Maybe,” you say, “Maybe not. Let’s find out.”
“Hah! Alright, your funeral,” she says with a worrisome lack of care. With a grunt, she gets up from the couch, taking a moment to toss her hair. She looks down at you with the most confident grin you’d ever seen, a far cry from the shy, awkward wolf from before. She paces around you, gradually bending over until her forepaws touch the ground.
“Nnh-hnnh-hnnh,” she stifles a chuckle. “Well? You gonna make the first move or what?” You’re practically glued to the floor. Even on all fours, she’s as tall as you are. She had an animalistic edge to her before, but seeing her like this only amplifies it. You get the growing feeling that you’ve made a mistake. She lets out a snort, and you watch as she creates some distance. After a few feet (paws?), she turns to face you. She lowers her front, keeping that butt in the air, wiggling it as her tail whooshes gleefully behind her. Her claws dig into the carpet and her arms tense a bit. Then…
You yelp! Just the shock from her bark made you slip and fall. Good thing too – if you hadn’t, she would’ve gotten you then and there. Instead, she sails right over you, landing back on all fours a few feet away. You scramble to get up as her claws dig into the carpet again, signaling her impending charge. You hear two pairs of paws gallop behind you as you sprint into the kitchen, nearly wiping out as you round the corner and duck behind the counter. There’s a soft fwoosh behind you, then a heavy thump. Satin paw pads lose their grip on the slick tile floor, sending your hunter careening into the wall. Looking back, you could see that she was stunned, only just beginning to dust herself off. You take the opportunity to hide. But where? Your eyes dart to the sink, the garbage can, the oven – all terrible spots. You decide that in the absence of anything else, the cabinets will have to do? It beats trying the oven anyway. You slip into the nearest one, pulling it shut behind you. You leave it cracked, just a little bit. Enough to see out without making it obvious.
From what you could see, Lupa was still rubbing her head, groaning and growling and cursing to herself. She runs her paw carefully along the wall, checking for damage you suppose, before scanning the room. She’s back up on just her two legs for now, thumping her way along.
“Where aaaare you~?” she ponders. “You little lamb.” She kicks the garbage can over with a clatter, snorting as nothing but balled up papers and tin cans tumble out. You watch as she scans the counters, before “Ah-ha!” No way – she opens the oven. And then, “…Nope,” she mutters with resignation as she pushes it shut. You weren’t seriously going to hide in there. Come on. You almost feel insulted she’d even think that.
But then…
Sniff sniff. Sniffff…
Lupa angles her head up as she samples the air. Her eye widens. Then, she grins. Then…
She just sits there. More than that – she sits down in that doggy sort of way, curling her tail around her forepaws. Then, she lays down. All the while, she’s looking right at you.
You put your hands to your face. Oh my god, you’ve actually trapped yourself. You forgot she could just sniff you out. She’s a wolf. What are you going to do? You opt to make a break for it – to burst from the cabinet and run. You figure you might have a chance, right?
The moment you hop out, Lupa leaps into action. You make it a few feet at least, but she nearly pounces you before you get far. Somehow, you manage to escape. For now. You grab at the wall as you round another corner, darting down the hall back towards your bedroom.
“C’mon, babe! Y’gotta run a lil’ faster than that! I’m gaining on youuuu~!” You know she’s just messing with you, but oh god she sounds close.
“Sh-shut up!” You bark, looking back at her. You immediately wished you hadn’t, because that wolf is hot on your heels. You could tell she wasn’t putting her all into it either. With legs like hers, she was almost trotting along—
For a few seconds, your world spins. Then, a thunk as you come back down. The ceiling is all you can see, and you realize that you’re laying against the floor. Lupa’s head slips into view as she skids to a halt nearby, worry coloring her face as she looks down at you.
“Oh no! Hey, hun, are you alright?” The gruffness disappears from her voice as she kneels down.
“Yeah—Yeah, I’m good,” you offer, rubbing your head. It doesn’t hurt. That bad, at least. “I think I tripped. Must have.” You look towards the doorway, specifically where the hallway’s wooden floor meets your carpeted bedroom. Maybe your foot got caught in the seam?
“Do you… Do you wanna call it off? I don’t want you to, y’know—”
“Nope! I’m, I’m good,” you grunt as you get back up. You try not to stumble. “I’m alright. See?” Lupa squints…
“Come on,” you sag your shoulders. “Collar? Remember?” At that, she rolls her eyes.
“Alright, alright…” she seems to relent. Putting a paw to her mouth, she closes her eyes and politely clears her throat.
Growling and baring her teeth, she gets back on all fours, prompting you to gingerly step away. Your back hits the bed, and you feel your way along it, not once taking your eyes off the wolf as she stalks you down. You find your way the other side of the bed, hoping to keep it between you and her. However, she hops on top of it, causing the mattress to creak under her weight. This, wasn’t good. Your back is against the wall, figuratively and – if you stepped back just a few more feet – literally. You grab at a nearby pillow, and toss it at the creature. To your astonishment, she catches it. Clamped in her jaws, she gives you a smug look. Lupa shakes her head, chewing on it, before tossing it up. As it comes down, she manages to completely wolf it down. It forms a bulge in her neck that disappears as it slips into her depths. You really hope you aren’t next.
Okay, a part of you hopes that you’re next. You wonder just what it’s like inside her, especially with a tummy that soft. As your mind wanders, you consider giving in to her.
But. You’re supposed to be running. So, you do just that! Priorities, after all. You slip into the space beneath your bed. It’s a little tight for you, which means that it’s impossible for Lupa to follow. She hops off the bed to have a look for herself, and she sneers at you.
“Oh, c’mon! This has to count as cheating, right? How’m I supposed to even try and get you?”
“Dunno!” You act coy, “Guess I win this time.”
“Oh. Wait,” she says in a flat voice. You hardly get the chance to ponder what she could’ve meant before a big, grey arm jams its way under the bed towards you. A fat, wolfish paw grabs your arm and tugs you out. You start to kick your legs as your panic begins to mount. You clutch the collar tighter, ever tighter, using your other hand to grab at the carpet. It’s fruitless. Your fingers find no purchase against the floor’s short fibers. Light blinds you for a moment as you are dragged out from your hiding place. You let out a grunt as the paw, formerly grabbing you, now pins you to the floor with its soft, smothering weight.
“Almost forgot,” she says with a tinge of humor in her voice, “I have paws. I can just grab you.” You, on the other hand, don’t find it very funny. You were sure that you were going to win that time. You give her your best pout, crossing your arms as she looms over you – something she loves to do, you note.
“So,” she continues, “Little mouse. Guess this means I get to eat you up, huh?” She tilts her head, pausing for effect. You can only watch as her tongue laps over her lips, revealing her sharp, shiny teeth for just a fleeting moment. However, that moment was enough to make your heart leap.
“Um—Uhh…” For some reason, words are hard to come by. Lupa hushes you with a deep snarl, giving you all the reason you need to keep quiet. She keeps her eye on you as she leans in, and you flinch as her muzzle brushes against your cheek. That tongue makes itself known again. This time, she licks across your face – the pink satin of her tongue leaving a faint wetness in its wake. The wolf is completely over you now, dominating you with her sheer size alone. Her nuzzling moves further down, and you feel her plastic teeth start to pinch at your neck. The feeling jolts you out of your stupor.
“Ah—H-Hey! Lupa! You can’t eat me yet!” You sputter, squirming beneath your captor. Her nibbling stops, and she lifts her head.
“How come?”
“You—You need me to put your collar back on! Remember?” You make sure to hold it up for her to see. An amused huff is her response, and she pushes herself off of you.
“I guess you’re right,” she says with a roll of her eye, “I almost forgot. And here I thought you were just my breakfast.” She turns around and gets on her knees, brushing her hair aside to reveal her neck. You… can’t help but stare for a moment, trying to ignore the heat in your cheeks. It isn’t until she looks back at you, muttering a commanding “Well?”, that you feel prompted to get up.
“Goodness, Lu…” you mumble as you shuffle behind her. You don’t bother standing up completely, instead opting to move along on your knees. You try to heft her tail aside, but it keeps placing itself in the way with an audible flop. You suppose that that’s what happens when you have a tail this thick and fluffy.
“Somethin’ givin’ you trouble?” She lilts, just before that tail whaps you. You almost fall over, and you swear you hear a snicker. “All you gotta do is put my collar on! What’s the big deal, dude~?”
“You’re not making it easy!” you retort. Another snicker. You grumble as you regain your balance, and you decide to straddle her tail as best as you can. It squishes beneath you, allowing you to sink into that fine, grey ocean of fur. That appendage moves beneath you, rhythmically shifting left and right. The lower half of it, free from your weight, swishes through the air behind you. You have to lean against her back to reach her neck, so you do just that. Unlike the fine, grey and white fur of her front, her back is covered in a pelt of dark grey. You can’t resist. You sift through her back fur, noting how much longer and coarser it is than her cushy front. Your hand could outright disappear under that coat. Small, white spots break up the dark monotone, and you aim for one of them as you nuzzle up to her.
“Oho~ Hey-hey, dude~ Did you forget something? Eyes on the prize,” she teases, arching her back. You open your eyes – when did you close them? – and reluctantly rip your face away from your comfy, comfy wolf.
“Oh my god! Right. Uh, sorry.” You clear your throat, keeping a shred of composure. “Sorry. It’s just so easy to…”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry,” she mercifully interjects, “I know.” Then, a pause. “…I feel the same when I look at you.”
“…Weren’t you worried about being sappy?” You ask, cracking a smile.
“Holy shit, shut up and put the collar on. You dweeb,” she rolls her eye. You let out a wistful sigh, and do as she says. You lean up against her again, straddling her tail to use it as leverage (and to keep it from whipping you). She keeps her hair lifted out of the way, allowing you to slip the collar around her neck. You briefly let go of one end of it, before reaching around her neck to pull it tight.
“Hey, can you keep it loose this time?” she asks, turning her head slightly, “I don’t like it when it’s tight. It chafes my neck sometimes.”
“Yep,” you reply with a nod, “Don’t you worry.” You buckle it up, making sure to adjust it so that it hangs a bit loose.
“Hey, thanks,” she beams. You open your mouth to say something, that it’s not a problem, but you notice that her back is coming closer. And closer. Her forepaws leave the ground, casually swinging forward as she threatens to come down on top of you. It’s only through sheer luck that you manage to escape, diving to the side as your fluffy skyscraper collapses next to you.
“Lupa!” you scold, dusting yourself off as you stand, “I just washed your hair!”
“Ah-ah,” she holds up a stubby finger, “You didn’t wash it. You brushed it.” You puff out your cheeks. Still… You’d’ve liked it if she didn’t get herself dirty…
“Hey. C’mere,” she reaches out toward you, making grabby-paws in your direction, “I’m supposed to like, eat you or somethin’, right?”
“I think you’ve had enough breakfast, Lu,” you cross your arms. “You ate my pillow.” She snorts as you tack on an “Again.”
“Oh yeah! I did, didn’t I? I didn’t mean to – it just kinda happened. Hey – look at it this way.” Her paws start to run across her chubby, thickly-padded middle, before giving it a nice squeeze. “It’s still in here. Maybe it’s better this way.~” she coos, a soft pomf reaching your ears as she gives herself a nice pat. Your cheeks redden, and you know damn well why. You didn’t really mind her… eating habits, too much. They’re the reason why she’s so big – why she’s so soft. She was a better pillow than anything you could buy. Her layers of memory foam, supported by the thickest, warmest stuffing… Her dense faux fur is always so incredibly soft to the touch. It was like, to avoid the more obvious comparison, having a big fursuit to snuggle on. What ties it all together is the fact that it’s all attached to such a charming personality. You couldn’t ask for a better housemate. All of that is to say, it’s the reason for which you kneel down and wrap your arms around her middle, resting your head against her plush, round tummy.
That, and… you feel a headache coming on again.
White fur against your face as you nuzzle in a bit. Absent-mindedly, your hand wanders to the top of her fuzzy belly. Gently at first, you start give it a rub. Her tail sweeps the floor, and she lets out a “Wrrrff…”
So, you ramp it up. Digging your fingernails in, using both hands, you tousle her fur as you really get in there. Lupa bites her tongue, trying to keep any more doggy noises from coming out, but you still hear the odd “Rrrff,” and “Mwrrrffff…” every now and then. Her tail’s still wagging, that’s for sure. After a while, you slow down, settling back against her with a sigh.
“You okay?” You hear her ask.
“I think that fall might’ve hurt a little more than I was letting on,” you admit. Your head throbs a bit, confirming that notion.
“…’M sorry about that,” she says quietly.
“Not your fault…” you groan. You feel a weight atop your head, and - you already start to feel better, as her pillowy paw gently strokes through your hair. It’s a moment before you speak up again. “…Hey, why don’t we head back to the kitchen? I think some breakfast will help. …And it’ll help me stomach the aspirin I’ll probably have to take.”
“Hm. Hmm…” You hear her hum. “Tch. Youuu… know, what’ll help even more, though?” From how awkward it sounded, you could tell she was leading into something.
“Mmwhat’s that?” As you try not to doze off against her, she picks you up. Lupa kneels in front of you, and you find yourself kneeling as well. She tilts her head, as if to size you up. She furrows her brow, rubbing her cheek and glancing away. With a flick of her tail, she sighs. Moving closer, she plants her lips squarely on your forehead. Her paws smush your shoulders as she uses you as leverage – not the best idea, you figure, as you nearly flop over under so much weight.
“Um. There.” Once she’s done, she rubs her cheek again. “Feel better?” Her expression looks as complex as before, though you notice her paw awkwardly rubbing along the ground.
“Yeah,” you say, “I do actually.” It’s your turn to rub your cheek, heart a-fluttering. You sigh.
“I love you, Lupa,” you continue. Her pawing stops as her ears angle towards you. She stares, but her expression soon softens.
“Love you too, babe.”
For now, the idea of breakfast, and time itself, slips your mind. You’ll get to that. Eventually.
-- THE END --
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thepeculiarbird · 10 months
I love that song and I think that fits almost perfectly Jacob in the first book
the lyrics :
My Grand-pops was a man of respect, had to sweat Just to cash checks working from sun-rise to set Every day he'd get challenged, no trades or talents Barely scraped by, he found faith to balance the straight line And pace feeling worn and grey Poor with four seeds, one more on the way It was hard days indeed all work and no play He made sure things on the surface were okay, but Something disturbin' within his mind was lurkin' A slight twilight breeze would ease in through the curtains at night
It's like the sermon of a twisted apparition Was urging him to listen to the train in the distance At first it wasn't intense, just one little instance Sure, it didn't occur, he turned to resist it As if it wasn't much more than just a figment Of his imagination but for days it was persistent And it went, "follow me, follow me. follow me, follow me" then it got louder "Follow me, follow me, I have something to show you"
With time people noticed he was actin berserk Granny got a call saying he was absent from work And that was a first She ran to the pastor at church To ask him what was up with this disastrous curse But bad went to worse
He came back three days after, no money in his wallet and his shirt on backwards Stumbling, walked awkward he called out for his daughter Right before he split the last lesson he taught her was this "If you ever have a son let him know that his granddad loves him But by the time that he's grown Be sure this seed is sown deep down into his dome Don't ever ever walk to the train tracks alone"
With that he backed up reached out for his jacket Told her not to act up and cracked up laughin' After all that happened he left never to be seen Fifteen years later is when my mother had me Her dad lived a life people can't understand Went from a, family man to rambling man A gambling man that burned both ends of the candle Folded his hand in it was too hot to handle
Sitting on the tracks waiting for the night train Looking down the road ain't never gonna go back Listen for the whistle through the wind and raindrop Who's gonna ride the devil's train tonight? Sitting on the tracks waiting for the night train Looking down the road ain't never gonna go back Listen for the whistle through the wind and raindrop Who's gonna ride the devil's train tonight?
When I was a tot my mom dropped fables and stories To warn me of the dangers that were layin before me To keep it interestin' she would hide the lesson To guide my direction, provide the right message In time I developed a sense of her embellishment Since I was rebellious against what she was tellin' me When I was a teen I pretended that my demons were friends I defended the place. yo and that was the case Slurred speech drippin' off of my face The world creeped as I slipped to the awfulest place you could imagine
Not the average things you see on acid My granddad bloody hovering on a speaker cabinet Laughing in a rasp, he turned covered in maggots That snacked on his ass with a bone, I couldn't grasp it Did a double dismount off of the couch, flipped out Broke the closest window I found, then I dipped out Suddenly, I discovered little voices mumbling up in my head It had me wondering what was it my mother said Back when I was younger it had my brain ragged As I stumbled off of the night towards the train tracks
Sitting on the tracks waiting for the night train Looking down the road ain't never gonna go back Listen for the whistle through the wind and raindrop Who's gonna ride the devil's train tonight? Sitting on the tracks waiting for the night train Looking down the road ain't never gonna go back Listen for the whistle through the wind and raindrop Who's gonna ride the devil's train tonight?
So there I was, stalking through the dark with a buzz I figured I should walk that'll ease me off of these drugs It's like a shark had to keep movin' it's that or be ruined If I sat still I was doomed and that wasn't doin' So I marched through the park slow gone like Donnie Darko The sparkle of the starlight, glowed like charcoal Despite my demeanor The night seemed more serene than a morphine fiend in a morgue scene Like I lost it, that was when my grand-pops carcass emerged from the dark Gurggling his words of carnage, but he couldn't talk
Something about the birth of sadness I scurried off, I was on the verge of madness I raced fast pace in the landscape was strange Like a plane parallel to this one but rearranged Came to a slope to a steep, beggin' for sleep As I climbed up taking my focus off of the creeps Within the foggy distance I saw a silhouette that got bigger as I stepped The train tracks were wet, I saw a shiny grin from afar like it was happy This is what he said as he started to walk passed me "It's a nice night for a walk, would ya mind if I joined you?"
"Do what you wanna do" "Well that's great cause I'm going to And not to annoy you but see I really have to ask What a young dude like you doin' out by the tracks? "you waiting on a traaain?"
"Nah man let me explain I'm mindin' my business so maybe you should do the same I just been a witness to something sick and sadistic So twistedly disgusting you should feel real lucky you missed it."
"Ooh easy with the tongue son, try to listen carefully What you seen's scary but nothing can compared to me I could show you things that paint all your dreams haunted Or I could make you scream if I wanted Or I can be the bee in your body, your best-friend forever And you never have a need to beg work or steal If all this sounds worth it then lets make a deal All you want in life for price of your soul All the money you can fold, power that you can hold I'll put you in control, only if you're down to roll down these train tracks tonight."
"But where we gonna go?" Sitting on the tracks waiting for the night train Looking down the road ain't never gonna go back Listen for the whistle through the wind and raindrop Who's gonna ride the devil's train tonight? Sitting on the tracks waiting for the night train Looking down the road ain't never gonna go back Listen for the whistle through the wind and raindrop Who's gonna ride the devil's train tonight?
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abrushwithdeath · 1 year
Continued from here !
She knew she was being a bit of a bitch. In hindsight, she wouldn't feel great about it- the poor nurse was only trying to do her job. But Rogue was angry. And scared.
If Remy had been under Hank's care, not only would she know he was okay, but he'd be with other mutants like himself and she'd be at his side right now. Instead, he was stuck in a hospital. A normal, every day, hospital. And she didn't trust a damn soul in this place with his care if they knew what he was. Add to that that they weren't letting her in to see him…
Oh, her anxiety was through the damned roof. And that meant her temper was getting there, too.
"Miss, it's against policy-"
Rogue pointed a gloved finger directly at the nurse, this simple action (coupled with her tone and the expression she wore) enough to get the other woman to stop talking. "I know. It ain't visitin' hours. I ain't his wife. I'm not family. So you won't lemme see 'im. But I'm tellin' ya- that's my man in there. An' I ain't movin' from this spot 'til ya let me in t'see 'im. Ya understand me? So you can take yer policies an'-"
Her eyes snapped towards the door at that sound. Remy had hit the call button and alerted the nurse to his need for something. Rogue's heart raced.
The nurse quickly excused herself then... had to shut the door in Rogue's face because she had followed the nurse closely, as if thinking she could sneak right in behind her. Which, of course, didn't work and left the southerner practically fuming. She was right there on the verge of stomping her foot like an angry child or, worse, kicking in the door. Why the hell couldn't they just let her in? Just for a couple minutes. Just long enough to check on him. To see him. (To... probably then refuse to leave his room, all things considered.)
But she needed to know: Was Remy okay? Were they treating him well? Was the nurse being kind? Or was she the type to be short and bitter with him all because of his eyes? Oh, if that was the case…
Her foot tapped rapidly against the floor, and the sounds of the rest of the hospital still busy at work were starting to grate on her. Too loud. Too much. Too crowded. She felt it in her stomach, in her chest, a pressure at the back of her head that made her feel like she might explode…
She just wanted to see Remy. Even if she had to make a scene. There wasn't a soul who'd be able to keep her from him.
Yet she still took a small step back to let the nurse out of the room when the door opened. Except, the woman didn't shut the door behind herself this time…
Rogue's eyes narrowed at her.
"He said to let you in," The nurse explained, though she didn't seem too happy about it. Maybe she was just frustrated that she'd argued with Rogue all that time for nothing. Or maybe she was just tired of the whole situation. Rogue… hadn't been making it easy on her.
"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Rogue asked. Then, realizing she was being snarky despite getting what she wanted, she felt a bit of shame. Her next words were said more genuinely. "Thank you. I'm just worried 'bout 'im..."
"I know," Was the only answer back before the nurse walked away and Rogue was stepping into Remy's room, shutting the door behind herself.
She breathed a sigh of relief as the door clicked closed, then she raised her gaze to look at Remy. Her Remy. Lying in a hospital bed. Patched up. IV in his arm. Oxygen being fed to him through a cannula. They hadn't told her what was wrong with him, just that he was stable. He was alive.
Her chest tightened as she stared at him, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to start scolding him for his recklessness or if she just wanted to kiss him. 
She couldn't kiss him, unfortunately, so a bit of scolding was in order. (Besides, it was always easier to express herself through anger...)
"Remy Etienne LeBeau, you reckless idiot," There was some fire behind her words, arms crossed, that stern look finally spreading across her face as she approached his bed. Brows furrowed. Lips pursed. Jaw clenched. There were about a thousand things she wanted to say to him, but they were all bouncing around in her head a thousand miles per hour and she was having trouble sorting them out. So the silence that followed that first sentence wasn't because she wanted to be silent, it was because she was struggling with what to say next.
Her eyes moved from him to take in the room, as if searching for anything to be wary of. Any signs of tampering or cruelty. She saw nothing of the sort, but that didn't mean she wasn't still slightly on guard. What she did find was a chair near his bed. One that she dragged even closer, seating herself so near to him that her knees were bumping that hospital bed frame that cradled his mattress. 
Now that she'd had a second to sort her thoughts, she was back to speaking. Whether that was a good thing for Remy or not, she wasn't quite sure yet. "What were you thinkin'? Goin' out there by yerself. Ya coulda been killed!" She quickly raised a finger to stop him from chiming in despite her question- speaking was probably hard for him right now. She would do the speaking, instead. "Ya can't go doin' stupid stuff like that, ya hear me?" And there, finally, was that wavering in her tone that gave away the fear she'd felt. The bit of relief that she was holding onto for the fact that he was alive. "If you'd've died, I woulda brought ya back just t'chew ya out for it." And, she wasn't a religious woman, but god help whoever the hell managed to kill Remy LeBeau, because they'd have to face her.
She reached out towards him, trying to keep her hand steady. Carefully, she placed one hand against his. The other found itself moving up, fingers gingerly brushing through his hair. She just needed to touch him. Even with the fabric of her glove between. She needed to feel him beneath her fingertips. She was quiet again, just for a few seconds, just long enough to watch him, to calm her racing heart.
When she spoke again, her voice was softer. "Ya ain't leavin' me. Not like that. Got it? Ya want outta this relationship, yer gonna have t'do better'n tryin' t'get yerself killed," A joke. A small one, maybe ill timed, but it was an attempt, nonetheless.
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aeoki · 1 year
School Festival ☆ Tamayori’s Haunted Dollhouse - Chapter 8
Location: Hallway (In Front of Haunted House) Characters: Mika & Shuu
< A few hours later. >
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Mika: Oshi-san, look, look! The line is huge~♪
Shuu: So what of it? You find joy in seeing a line? You truly are odd.
Mika: Ahaha… It’s not that. I was just happy to see the flyers were successful.
Shuu: Right, you and the two in “2wink” went off to hand out flyers, didn’t you? And that’s how you got Rei to help.
Mika: Yeah. The “Butler Cafe” is a huge success. There were around the same amount of people– no, maybe even more, linin’ up for it.
Ehehe, no wonder he’s your friend, Oshi-san ♪
Shuu: And what of it? …Good grief, don’t make me repeat myself.
You’re innocently pleased with everything but did you forget our reason for taking part in the “School Festival”? We’re doing this to win that reward for the best booth or performance.
The Boy said second and third place will also be rewarded.
But to think my creation will stand second or third best won’t make me happy at all. If anything, it would feel like an insult and I’d be extremely offended.
Mika: Yeah, I haven’t forgotten. But, you know~ Don’t you get happy seein’ your friend’s booth doin’ well?
It looks like Naru-chan’s booth is doin’ well too. Naru-chan told me about her booth and I felt happy since it sounded like I was there too ♪
Oshi-san, yer okay not payin’ a visit to the “Butler Cafe”? You went to see the Drama Club’s performance 'cause yer friend was performin’, right?
Shuu: Wataru invited me to watch so I had no choice but to go. Ahh, I suppose that isn’t quite right. I went to see how the outfit turned out and I watched the play while I was at it.
Mika: Geez, you sure are fussed about the trivial things… There’s nothin’ wrong with watchin’ a performance yer friend is in. I guess rather than being fussed about the details, you can be kinda difficult at times, huh.
But I also like that part about you, Oshi-san…♪
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Shuu: Don’t create such a creepy atmosphere.
In any case, that’s the reason why I went to watch the performance. Ahh, just recalling it is embarrassing. If there is a hole, I would like to enter it.
Mika: Ngh, really? I thought it was really pretty ♪
The main actor who played Cinderella was a boy but they looked just like a girl… That means the outfit you made was really well made, right, Oshi-san?
Shuu: Hmph. You can fool a lot of people with makeup.
Mika: You might be right, but… If yer sayin’ yer embarrassed, I think the actor playin’ Cinderella must have been even more embarrassed.
Ahh, is that why their movements were kinda stiff? Your friend, “Ryuu-kun” was also movin’ really stiffly.
Shuu: That was simply lousy acting. Well, Wataru prefaced it by saying it was “truly a comedy”, so I suppose it was rather brilliant and successful as one.
But I don’t watch comedy so I don’t actually know if it was truly outstanding or not.
It seems the performance went smoothly so I’m sure Wataru was satisfied with just that.
Wataru won’t cut corners when it comes to theatre.
The actor who played Cinderella stood on stage until the very end and wasn’t forced to exit the stage in the middle, so I’m sure he is someone up to Wataru’s standards.
Mika: Ahaha, that sounds like one of yer friends, Oshi-san…♪
Oh… if we keep talkin’ outside the haunted house, people will think we’re in line.
Oshi-san, let’s go somewhere quiet.
Oh, but break time is almost up, huh. It’s a shame but we’ve gotta head back.
Shuu: It’s too early. Besides, we’ll be the ones to scare those visitors.
I don’t like noise. We can return to our work once there are fewer visitors.
Mika: Then, where do you wanna go? Hmm~ The “Butler Cafe”?
Shuu: Why that? It seems it’s made quite a name for itself as the sweets are exquisite and the tea is perfect, however.
The one who provided them with the tea leaves is none other than that damned Tenshouin! Ahh, I feel disgusted just mentioning his name!
If I could kill someone by cursing them to death, I’d say his name over and over again! Tenshouin, Tenshouin, damned Tenshouin!
Mika: O-Oshi-san, don’t make such a fuss so loudly~ Everyone’s wonderin’ what’s goin’ on and lookin’ our way! Nghh, I feel embarrassed just feelin’ their stares on me…!
Shuu: Embarrassed? Don’t say something ridiculous. You’re a failure as an idol if you don’t like attention.
Mika: No, it’s not that! A-Anyway, let’s get outta here!
Shuu: I don’t mind moving elsewhere, but where?
Mika: Huh? I’ll go wherever you wanna go, Oshi-san ♪
Shuu: You’re a doll with no independent will… I’ll rephrase that: Where do you want to go?
Mika: Ngh? Like I said, I wanna go where you wanna go, Oshi-san?
Shuu: I watched Wataru’s play already so there’s nowhere else I wish to go.
Mika: What? Nn~ That’s troublin’. If that’s the case, then I’ll decide where we go but is that okay?
Shuu: Will you not understand unless I say, “Do whatever you want. I’ll go with you to the places you want to visit.”? What a failure of a doll.
Mika: Sorry, Oshi-san. I don’t have much of a brain, so I won’t understand unless you tell it to me straight.
Ehehe… Then, let’s go outside. There'll probably be some stalls there. It’ll be a lotta fun~♪
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stelliferousduo · 1 month
"Not only are ya skilled you're also really, really smart - when it comes to most stuff, obviously you're about as clued in on this whole 'love' thing as I was before,"
The Oni would chuckle as she hit his chest a few times, he could tell she was just doing it to do it, though if she hit him too hard she might have wound up hurting her own hand. He was built rather solid, after all, something to do with his training. As she sighed and said she'd try he'd nod, he could tell there was more on her mind, but he didn't want to upset her further, or anything.
"Yeah, yeah, I know about that. Trust me, everyone's been talkin' about how you're movin' on to Natlan next. Well, maybe not everyone, but those ya know well enough that know about it are."
He'd personally never reacted to any of the conversations he overheard. The people discussing them weren't those who would try to harm him or anything, but they were people he wasn't overly close to. Lumine was someone he considered a friend, and the way he acted around her was like a goofy brother sometimes. He was trying to be supportive.
"Showin' up in your dreams... and describin' 'em as sweet, hmm..."
He'd let out a hum as he mulled over what she'd asked of him. He knew a bit about dream interpretations but he wasn't sure what she was expecting from him. In any case, he'd cross one arm over his chest, and place his other hand beneath his chin in thought.
"Well, dreamin' about someone tends to mean that ya spend a lotta time thinkin' about 'em, even if ya don't really notice. The sweet dreams bit... might just mean that they're 'nice' dreams. It's possible that after ya dream of such an interaction, ya wake up feelin' pretty good, right?"
He'd grin briefly at her before finishing his response to her 'asking for a friend' bit.
"Obviously, you'll have to ask your 'friend' how they feel upon wakin' from such things."
He needed to help her keep Paimon out of the loop after all.
Everything the Oni said made a lot of sense. In fact, Lumine had interpreted those words in the exact same way. So perhaps it was not just in her head after all? While on one hand she felt relieved knowing others would deduct the message similarly, it did not exactly make things easier on her.
( Well, at the end of the letter it did say that I could always speak his name if I wished to meet up but...It's been a while since then, so he might be upset with me for taking so long... )
The more she thought about it, the more she was making herself stressed out. People always talk about love as if it's this wonderful, magical thing but they never mention all of the hardships that come with it!
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"Mmh. Will do..."
Perhaps talking was the right thing to do. The longer she waits, the more difficult it will become. Besides, she is bound to return to Liyue at some point - whether it's for the Lantern Rite or some other event. If she has been on radio silence the whole time, that would only make the situation tenfold as awkward.
"Itto. Uhm...Well...Thanks. For everything." Lips curved upwards into a small smile as she raised one hand to pat the taller one's shoulder. "You're really a great friend."
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dishtothedeath · 1 year
head start | bonbon 3.1 | re: jun'ya | attn: party hat discourse
There’s only so many things that one can say when confronted with the glassy eyed stare of a beheaded friend. Just this morning, a few feet apart from one another, Bonbon and Emil woke up, went through their respective morning rituals, got dressed, and made way to the rest of their day— the same person he’d given the miniature plushie of themselves a day or so ago, the same person who told Bonbon a secret too unfortunate to repeat after the end of the first trial, meek but strong, cherry sweet Emil.
Hard to think of a worse way to go out than bone to the blade, blade off the head. Hard to think of anything Emil had done to deserve being the target of such a long winded plot. Hard to think of returning to their room while Bonbon’s here and they are not.
Hardest of all to see how the killer had set it up. No question about it, cake, party hat, the, the surprise message, the leading trail like a marvelous museum of horrors on display, might as well have slapped a card on the front that read HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and point over at Bonbon. It had evolved from a cruelty abject to a cruelty of which someone wanted him to receive the blame, and from the first sight of that lobbed off head, Bonbon’s stomach dropped so far he thought he’d been skewered on the same logic thread.
Only one thing anybody can do. Follow the clues, get the conclusion, bring justice to Emil, another two dead. This is the way of things, and whether or not the last case shook the moorings of his convictions, this was different. A full blown murder plot with no mistakes, one that churns his gut. Sympathy dries up. The game only has a few rules by which it is played. House always wins, and today's just another terrible murder-y game,
Jun’ya starts, thank God for him, and Bonbon jumps in where the rhythm feels appropriate.
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“This was a plain evil, no way about it,” he says. “Jun'ya's right. To, go in while someone’s strugglin’, you’d have’ta have some kinda experience with it. Strong enough’ta keep ‘em pinned down while they. Hack at it, Lord above. Same kinda stuff was on th'lower half of the cut too, while we're on that."
He has to take a moment to compose himself. Collect his breath, pick at his cuticles.
“The head was taken over t'the bakery, but there wasn’t anythin’ too bloody ‘bout the cake itself even though, the, that. So it makes me think we got somebody who really knows how’ta handle stuff like blood movin', which’s. Well, it’s scary, t’say the least. Time of death was 3:45 PM, a ‘lil less than an hour 'fore the time of findin’.”
He wants to keep it civil, but, the mounting pressure, knowing quite a handful of people here wouldn’t be sad to see this clown gone, knowing what the immediacy of the scene shows? How could he not address it, stand up for himself?
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“Look, jus', I'm sorry, but. I know it, we all know it, the cake an’ party hat were sick, an’ it makes you think’a clown, sure, but hear me good an’ clear now— I don’t got any party hat like that. All my props fer occasions are colored in my purples an’ yellows, not in that kinda red. That whole store’s got plenty’a stuff they coulda pulled from off the shelf. What I’m sayin’ is, it’s not mine, an’. Well, if Emil was still with us, they could tell ya, but, plenty’a folks’ve been in my room. They can vouch fer that.”
There, a little bit of his piece for people to chew. Distrust is hot in his lungs, but he keeps controlled, not at the start of all this, he’s already been made enough of an embarrassment these last few days.
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smalliishbeanss · 2 years
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the Sakamaki brothers as break-up or unrequited love songs (plus scenarios / headcanons)
A/N: Before I dove into the world of Dialovers, I actually wrote smut angst fics and I usually listen to sad songs (no, I am not brokenhearted and my love life is doing well). This made me picture scenarios that would fit these bastards (cause as always Yui deserve better)
WARNING: Contains violence and a bit of smut (NSFW in short)
"So sad, so sad, I could never make you stay
Too bad, too bad, I could never walk away"
Hmm a brokenhearted Shuu is like a blank canvas whatever
He basically doesn't want to do anything with his broken heart
I picture him falling in love with a mortal so deep but at the same time he didn't want to indulge in those feelings
Cause the last time he got attached with a mortal, they died (Yuma is still alive but still)
So yeah he be just listening to some sad songs all week
"And now I know I will regret it,
I'd rather keep it all inside"
But in case he decides to pursue this mortal, I think she would be at arm's length
Like he wouldn't indulge deeper than what they have cause someday she will die and boy he has attachment issues
Hence the second song
"I know I'm just a fool who's willing
To sit around and wait for you
But baby, can't you see there's nothing else for me to do?"
Hmm honestly Reiji was the hardest
And yes, I had @yourlocaltea to help me on this one
Because I can't see Reiji crying over someone tbh
I picture girls crying over him and this famous Olivia Newton-John song would really work
Cause we all know that Reiji has dated girls for the sake of image so maybe one of them really fell in love w/ him
Too bad, he only sees them for his family image
But if he does fall for them, the second song will fit
"I’m no longer alone when I’m by myself
I can feel you even when you’re not here"
If you have watched the ending of this Kdrama aka What Happened in Bali, you prob know what I mean
Let's say the girl left him and found another man
You might think Reiji is being Kanato here but this man won't let you betray him after all he did
He prob gonna murder you in his own Reiji way 💀💀💀
But if he doesn't go the yandere route, he just gonna give you up... hmm... hopefully
"First you say you won't then you say you will
You keep me hangin' on and we're not movin' on"
I am excited for this one cause as you all know Ayato is my first main diaboy (even before my Kanato simping arc)
I have actually told this to @moonderly and @samsvenn about the possibility of Ayato having an ex who has the fickle heart of Jenny (as mentioned from the same song)
Like at first they're okay, then afterwards they fight over nothing
I even think she's gonna cheat on him w/o him knowing
Or perhaps he knows but decides to think like "oh you want to play then fine I'll play your game and win"
But he is a sore loser
Ayato would prob be the one doing the begging (w/c is unlikely him) and it's all bcos he believes the girl will call him Oresama afterwards
Too bad she doesn't
"Last year's wishes are this year's apologies every last time I come home
I take my last chance to burn a bridge or two
I only keep myself this sick in the head 'cause I know how the words get you off"
Another song that would fit him would be this one
Cause I swear Ayato can be a target of those girls who just like to have fun and dump boys
Ayato be spouting he's an Oresama but these girls would give no sht abt it
If Ayato decides to get a bit serious, it would also be the time they dump him
This fuckboy is a loser in a friends with benefits situation
"Good for you, you're doing great out there without me, baby
God, I wish that I could do that
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night crying on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it"
This one is also hard
Because I have so many scenarios for Kanato
But breakups and unrequited love don't end well for Kanato so he prob would add this poor being to his doll collection
He's actually sarcastic abt it... at first
"Wow, you're smiling now. How shameless of you."
And afterward, he says, "How dare you do that to me? It's unfair, you know? Why isn't it me? Why him?"
Or "I gave you everything you want and now this is how you repay me?!"
"I won't let you betray me, NEVER AGAIN"
"And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone"
But once he comes down from his rage and intense emotions, that's when he really starts to cry and mourn
Kanato actually has nightmares of this person staying for a while, only to leave him crying
Like he would have an internal conflict where he wants you to go leave him, but he doesn't want you to belong to someone else
"This is all your fault! I'm suffering bcos you left me! (uhhh... you killed her???) 🤡🤡🤡
"You should've just dropped dead even before I loved you."
Anyway, she's a part of his doll collection now so she won't be going away anytime soon
"The other woman will never have his love to keep
And as the years go by, the other woman
Will spend her life alone"
This song would actually be more about the girls he be toying with
Cause honestly loving Laito is like agreeing to be his plaything and there are many of you out there
In short, every single one of you is the other woman
Fvcking perv
Ofc what do you expect
This guy will never be serious and he would prob mess with your mind and heart until he throws you away
But if you manage to crawl deep in his heart and leave it wounded, then...
"You were the mermaid for me
Till one day, you found your feet
Leaving me in the God-awful bottle,
a model of heartache and grief"
I picture Laito drinking somewhere, prob a nearby pub or by himself at the manor
Like he would waste the night away because of a woman he can't mess with
For some reason, this reminds me a tiny bit of Helen and Laito's relationship (shoutout to @nutaella-kookie)
Like what if Helen broke up with Laito and she's like no turning back 💀💀💀
But what do you expect? Laito never believes in love anyway
"I should actually hate you
The more I embrace you, it hurts
Although when morning comes,
I will look for you again"
In relation to my headcanon abt Subaru falling in love w/ his teacher, this is actually a song that identifies his moving on stage
Like he probs like to tell this little lie that he'll move on but he actually doesn't
The type to do anything for a girl to stay even tho she can't give up her humanity for him
This guy gets waaaaaay attached emotionally
But unlike Kanato, he accepts his fate and takes all the blame
He's also actually like Shuu and would prob play sad songs on repeat
Most of them will be really sad, like how Scarlet Heart Ryeo made me cry
But in case he wants to switch things up, he'll prob play this one
"So what if I can't forget you?
I'll burn your name into my throat
I'll be the fire that'll catch you
And what's so good about picking up the pieces?
What if I don't even want to?"
Like ya know emo hardcore heartbreak ya know???
Actually, in my headcanon, Kanato sang Scarborough Fair to him and he cried at the lines "Remember me to the one who lives there. She once was a true love of mine."
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sunnygrey99 · 3 years
The Silent Witch In The Woods Pt. 3
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A/N: This chapter has been rewritten and future chapters will shortly be updated and marked with an author’s note stating as such. Thank you for your support!
~Trigger Warning: Minor depictions of injury. Minor references to sexual assault, typical TWD triggers~
Daryl was just relieved from his watch duty when he hears the call about a living person outside the gates. Everyone is still on edge with letting new people in, especially the ones that just show up. Daryl nods to Rick as the man pulls his gun from the leather holster on his side. Daryl opens the gate on Rick’s nod.
Rick points the gun straight at the woman’s head as he asks, “Were you bit?”
The woman moves her hands up and looks up at him before dropping to the ground. Her much too pale complexion and blood-soaked cloak only having him second guess himself for a moment before he is next to the woman. Her identity confirmed the second he moves to see her face. It was Y/N. Rick holsters his gun before going to investigate. Daryl just swoops down and picks her fragile body up starting to walk to the infirmary.
“Daryl, what the hell are you doin’. She could be bit.” Rick says in a hushed tone, as he rushes after him.
“It’s her Rick. She ain’t bit. No way. Just this damn pole. We gotta save her.” He just keeps marching on with Rick left dumbfounded and trailing behind the man. Daryl had told him so much about this silent witch that saved him months ago but he never believed she was really real, that is until now. Just some tall tale that Daryl believed to get through trauma while he was hurt and alone. Even thought the things he brought back he had just found in a town he was going on runs to. Now there are just more questions piling up for this new woman in town. Rick is adamant about getting answers, but not as adamant as Daryl is about making sure the woman is cared for. He feels the electricity running through his arms as the panic surges him fast to the infirmary.
The slow throb in your side is what finally wakes you up. Your eyes start creeping open and light floods in despite your efforts. It takes a moment to adjust before spotting a figure stretched out on a loveseat on the side of the room. You inch your way quietly up the bed hoping to get a better look but instead, you hiss at the pain in your side. The figure shoots up and is next to you in an instant. Eyes screwed tight as you grip the sheets waiting for the pain to subside you feel that familiar electric shock as calloused finger touch your arm. You know in an instant who it is and relief floods your system. His thick accent suddenly flowing into your ears like a favorite song.
“Hey don’ go movin’ so damn much. Yer gonna be alright. They got you all stitched up. Even made em put some a that stuff ya gave me on it to heal faster.” He rubs his thumb soothingly over your forearm. It takes a few seconds for you to calm down fully and realize your situation. Suddenly panic rises back up in you with a second wind and your hands fly up as you look at him frantically signing and hoping he’ll understand. He only shakes his head before pulling a notepad and pen out from the table at his side, then handing it to you.
I thought I’d never see you again. My hut burned down along with the entire woods that it was in. Did my bag make it here with me? I know I had it when I left but I don’t remember much.
He takes a moment as he reads over your shoulder. He nods before turning to grab your bag and slipping it on the bed. You give a long sigh of relief as you gently pull it closer and open your bag. It takes a minute of rifling through the tattered bag before you find your emergency healing kit and start right away. Pulling the bandaging off your side gently with a hiss, and slowly fingerpainting several complicated runes around it. The thick, orange paste is hard to work with and is difficult to do on yourself, but you need to be ready in case Daryl’s people aren’t as kind as him. You roll up a nearby towel and bite it as you place a blue dogbane on your wound. Pulling your ritual knife out and placing it gently against your hand, you hear a slight gasp.
Daryl’s juts out to stop you and looks at you like you’re crazy. You stare at him with pleading eyes hoping he’ll understand that you are doing this for good reason. He sighs and steps back letting you continue. It’s only a surface cut and draws only a slight bit of the thick red liquid, but that’s all you need before pressing it over the flower, runes, and original wound. Your hand grows hot along with your side. Your back arching in pain as you let out a silent scream. The pain is written clearly over your features. Daryl is right there again trying to hold on to you and keep you from falling off the bed. You pass back out only momentarily before pulling your hand away with groggy intent and looking at the angry red but basically healed wound on your side. Your breathing is still heavy as you look back over to Daryl. He only stares in awe at what he just witnessed.
You quickly shuffle up to your feet off the bed. He tries to stop you for a second but you are still too panicked about being in such a strange place after so long on your own in the woods.
“Y/N, please jus’ slow down. Ain’t no one pushin’ ya out a door.” He finally speaks up and grabs your attention. Your frantic breathing starts to calm as you put the last item back in your bag. You nod at him and that’s when another man knocks and walks into the room.
He stops quickly seeing you standing next to the bed when he knows you were pretty badly hurt before. “Well, I guess this is that witch you were talkin about huh?” The man looks to Daryl who nods and gives you a reassuring glance. “I’ve got a few questions for ya if you don’t mind.” He gestures for you to sit back down. You follow his every move distrustingly just as Daryl had the first time you had met him. You make no attempt to sit and only stare at the man with defiance that tells him you aren’t to be messed with. He waits only a moment before nodding in understanding.
“My name’s Rick. I get ya probably ain’t too trusting. I only wanna ask you a few questions. See if I can let you stay around my people.” He nods to the pen and paper you’d left on the bed hoping you’d get the hint. You write your name down in return. “Alright well let’s just get to it then. How many walkers have you killed?” hundreds. “How many people have you killed?” Five. “Why?” Three were bit and I couldn’t save them. You hesitate at giving the reason for the other two. When you show the answer to Rick he doesn’t seem entirely happy with you leaving the other information out.
“I gotta know why you killed those other two.” He presses further. If I answer, It doesn’t leave this room. You give him a look that you hope would be more threatening than pleading, but you know you are giving off a pathetic look of fear. He only nods in return. You decide to keep it a short undetailed answer. They were rapists. They don’t need to know if it happened to you or anyone that you’d known before you lived in those woods.
Rick rubs his eyes and sighs, “Right. Well, you are welcome to stay here, we can find an empty house for you to stay in.”
Daryl had been quiet and you can feel his tense aura before he speaks, “Ain’t no more empty houses. She can stay at mine. Got a spare room anyway.” Rick looks at Daryl with a slight smirk before nodding.
“Alright, then Daryl here can show you around. He’ll be basically glued to your side for a month. Standard protocol now when we let new folks in.” Rick genuinely smiles for the first time since he’s been in the small infirmary room. It isn’t much longer before you and Daryl are out the bleak infirmary doors and he is leading you down a road of houses that seem like they are all the same basic design. The last one on the road has his same aura around it. It’s green door calling to you like a second home. The feeling leaves you unsure if the future you’d have here would be full of brightness or darkness. Daryl was kind, but how long would that kindness last? When you think about it you don’t really know this man or any of his people. This was a dangerous road you are going down but unfortunately, it's your only option right now.
Part 4
If you would like to be tagged in my works please feel free to message me and let me know who/what fandoms you’d like to be tagged in. I plan to write for at least The Walking Dead, Shameless(US), Marvel(MCU and Comics), DC(All), and Teen Wolf
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Starshine o’ Mine
A Drifting Stars AU one-shot, in collaboration with @clownwry​ (who made this GORGEOUS piece of art! PLEASE go follow her and check out her other work!).
1st, 3rd, 4th.
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Ford held his knees, curled up into a ball against the wall of his cell. It was quite big, clearly built in case it needed to hold larger prisoners, but it made the human feel more alone than he already did, the large room looming over him like a monster. There was no bed or bench, only a barred window for air at the very top of the cell, that leaked moonlight into the hopeless situation and displayed the stars.
This wasn’t the first time he had been thrown in prison. This was his fifth time being captured.
The first time he had been out in the Multiverse for a year and had been caught by a tribe of hunters in a desert, clearly looking for a large meal, but Ford easily escaped with his ray gun and ran for the next wormhole.
The second time he had accidentally eaten a planet in his fifth year of dimension-hopping, and only managed to escape prison thanks to some mad scientist with blue hair.
The third time he was captured by slave-sellers, and he was lucky enough to be bought by an undercover rebellion, who only bought slaves to free them.
And the fourth time he had been captured Ford dropped his pants because the species were extremely uncomfortable with nudity and he walked out without a struggle.
This time was different than the other times, however. Every other time he had been captured, his mind was only occupied with survival and escape. No sense in panicking, that only clouded his thoughts and made it harder to think of a way out. But this time was different. It was extremely hard to think of a way out. It was nearly impossible not to worry. Because this time he cared about someone. This time he had someone that needed him to escape.
Ford wasn’t just thrown into a cell; He had also been chained around the neck, wrists, and ankles, and the chains were bolted to the wall. There was dry blood in his fluffy gray hair from the blow that had knocked him out. He had burrowed Mabel away just in time and begged her to stay hidden and stay safe. Ford had no idea if she had been caught and didn’t dare ask the guards that had dragged him to his cell; what if they had no idea she was out there and Ford’s questions only informed them of another prize? No news must be good news, but how long could Mabel stay safe without him to protect her?
He had to think of a way out, he had to! But nothing came to mind. He had nothing but the clothes on his back, he was chained and bound. He thought of a dozen escape plans, all of which were futile and doomed to fail. At least…
Ford’s ears detected movement. It resembled a mouse on pavement. Maybe a small rodent was climbing a bricked wall close by. But then he heard a puff of hair that sounded too big to come from tiny lungs. Ford looked up at the barred window and his eyes widened as he saw Mabel climbing up to the window, just the right size so she could balance on her knees and cling to the bars and block the moonlight coming into the cell.
Mabel smiled brightly at him, and Ford happily returned the grin. He instantly stood and forgot his chains, until he nearly choked himself getting to the wall of the window. He looked behind him and saw that he had run out of chain, but he maneuvered and pulled and allowed his throat to become uncomfortably tight, so maybe he could reach her. Ford reached a hand up to her as much as he could, and Mabel met him by leaning against the bars and stretching a hand down to him.
It was just enough. They could hold each other’s hand, Ford safely keeping Mabel’s fingers between his own fingers and his thumb, caressing his thumb over her small joints in the middle of her fingers.
It was miraculous how quickly all of his fear and worry left him at the sight of his niece. Ford was more than happy to see her again and to be holding her hand, but his smile dropped when he saw Mabel’s eyes water, and some tears escaped as she shut her eyes and turned her head away in a sad attempt to hide them.
Ford, surprisingly enough, knew exactly what to say, but he couldn’t risk a guard overhearing him and endangering Mabel, so he settled for squeezing her hand and silently begging her to look at him. The little girl met her eyes with his and he said a million things to her with those brown eyes that matched her own. He smiled kindly, proudly, at her, and Mabel managed to smile weakly with a trembling lip. Ford stretched to try to wipe her cheeks dry, but the chains were too tight and held him back, and the bars of the window stopped Mabel from leaning any closer.
Ford smiled apologetically, but Mabel understood. She wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her coat, and there it was. That smile that coated Ford’s soul in peace. That smile that would drive him to destroy a whole dimension if necessary. That smile that he felt was only worthy for a daughter to give to her father.
Mabel and Ford both heard it. The sounds of casual chatter and bumping armor. Mabel looked to her left and saw the shadows of two guards coming around the corner. She had maybe a minute to get away.
Ford smiled mournfully and let go of Mabel’s hand, gently pushing her limb away, but Mabel was quick and grabbed his hand again, begging not to let go. Though it was hard to keep it together, the old man made himself do it for her. Ford smoothed the little girl’s fingers with his thumb and squeezed her hand goodbye. Mabel bit her lip, and forced a smile. She squeezed him back, and then slowly their hands parted as the uncle lowered his aching arm and the niece backed away, and then climbed down from the window.
Ford had no idea why, but he continued to look out the window, as if somehow he would catch a glimpse of his girl. But all he had was a clear view of the star-filled sky, and was curly blessed with a small shooting star. Ford blinked, and only just now became aware of the tear on his cheek.
He wiped it away stubbornly and cleared his throat. He had to find a way out, he had to! He resumed his spot on the floor, and he buried his twelve fingers into his hair as he combed his mind for a successful idea.
About ten minutes after his last visitor, Ford had a new one. The door for the cells opened and the prisoner watched as two guards came towards him, one wearing a backpack. He scowled, ready for whatever they had planned, and one guard unlocked his door and asked weirdly casually, “How’s it going, eh?”
Ford gave him a suspicious look. “Erm…”
The other guard opened his backpack and Mabel popped out like a happy jack-in-the-box. “Hi, Grunkle Ford!”
“Mabel!” Ford gasped and stood, meanwhile the first guard was detaching the chains from the wall with a small key. “Wh-What is going on?!” He hissed.
“I made some friends!”
“I can see that.”
“G’day, there.” The first guard replied calmly. “Okay, here’s what’s gonna happen, see. We’re gonna pretend we’re movin’ you, but we’re gonna take you to the mouth of the sewers. It’s a clear cut to the woods where you’ll be safe, y’hear?”
“Uh… I hear.”
“Okay, back in you go, Lil’Bit.” The second guard said, and Mabel nodded and hid in the backpack again.
Ford was almost in a daze as he was escorted across the prison in chains. Somehow, Mabel had not only convinced two loyal guards to not turn her in, but to also assist in his escape. How, he has no idea. But maybe he doesn't need to know. Maybe he just needs to trust his niece. He thought he did, but clearly he needed to improve on that. And he fully intended to.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
Roxy and flowers drabble?
So um. There's no way I can count this as a drabble. I had an idea, tried to keep it short and it's now at 1676 words and the flowers are only really relevant for the end of it.
Well, it's under the cut. It can be read as a Roxy/Chica ship or as a platonic ship I don't think it leans too far either way. Enjoy!
“Alright, Chi. You ready?” Roxy grinned at Chica who nodded resolutely. They’d been planning this for weeks now – as they did every few months or so – but today was the day they were finally ready. Tonight was the night they were actually going to do it.
They were going to break out of the Pizzaplex.
They could only be out there for a few hours tops before they would have to be back to avoid suspicion but they didn’t care. They wanted to see the world outside for themselves. They wanted to feel the breeze on their faces, to hear the birds sing and the trees rustle, and to smell the freshly fallen rain and run through the dew soaked grass and wild flowers. They wanted to climb the trees and chase the pigeons and gaze up at the stars together. They wanted to watch the clouds go by, hear the owls and the bugs keeping the silence at bay and to jump into the muddiest puddles they could find.
And they were gonna do it all tonight!
“As I’ll ever be!” Chica grabbed her paw, with a nervous smile. Of course, if they got caught, there’d be severe consequences. The worst of which… had already happened to two of their old friends. They had to be clever about this or they were dead.
In quite the literal sense of the word.
Roxy flashed her a confident smirk, knowing that Chica would see right through her. The fur on her casing had bristled from the nerves and anticipation, almost like this was going to be the biggest race of her life. Anyone that had known her for even half as long as Chica would know she was just as anxious about getting caught and of what they’ll find outside.
“Then after you, m’lady.” Chica giggled, her effort to break the tension a little seeming to work a little. If only it could have worked on herself…
Chica led the way, climbing up support beams and along a route they’d been practising for a while now. They easily traversed the rafters before Roxy took the lead to navigate through one of the few large vents they could use. Chica gently grabbed her tail with one hand so as to not get separated in the darkness she was being led into, through twists and turns that were beginning to become more familiar to her the more they did this. They popped out of the vent, close enough to another ceiling support beam for Roxy to be able to reach across and pull herself onto. She moved out of the way to let Chica do the same and to take the lead in navigating them to the security camera that watched the exit.
They were in its blind spot, and once Roxy was close enough, she was able to reach down and pry one of the wires out. She stuck a picture of the empty loading docks in place over the lens at just the right distance before plugging the wire back in. Chica led them the rest of the way down, waiting by her side as she fiddled with the door controls to give them access. As soon as she pressed the button and the doors opened, the pair approached the doorway and paused for a moment.
Roxy glanced at her friend, noticing the slight fidgeting and the obvious second guessing going on behind those beautiful blue eyes. She placed a paw on her shoulder and smiled as she looked up at her.
“You ready?” She asked again, half expecting her to back out. She wouldn’t be surprised. The both of them had each backed down once they’d gotten this far a few times already and could anyone blame them? The risk they were taking for just a couple of hours was huge.
But after a few moments, a determined smile pulled at her beak and she nodded. Roxy pulled her paw back as Chica took a deep breath and crossed the threshold of the unknown. She made it a few more steps, then a few more. Roxy took a deep breath as well before moving to join her, only to pause. Her ears flicked and her eyes widened in realisation.
Chica turned to her, an excited smile that Roxy could never hope to take away from her and she knew what she was going to have to do.
“She’s here. Go.” She snapped to her as she spun and bolted for the button to close the door. She heard Chica’s footsteps but it was too late. Her paw slammed down on the button and the door closed before she could get through.
Roxy leapt up to the supports to the camera, ripping the picture off it before jumping back down, just in time for Vanessa to walk in.
She bit back the tears threatening to form in her eyes as Vanessa scolded her for trying to tamper with the vans again. She’d missed her chance and she probably wouldn’t get another one for a long time now.
She was escorted back to her room, getting a few side eyes for how quiet she was being before she was alone again. The frustration bubbled then. She and Chica had been planning this for months! How come every other time when they’d gotten that far and decided not to do it, no one even noticed they’d gone, but the one time they were both ready to go, they’re caught before they’re out the door? How was that fair?!
Her claws tore through some of the large plushies in her room, her teeth sinking into others as she ripped them apart with a fierce and angry snarl. She’d been looking forward to this and Vanessa just had to show up and ruin it, didn’t she?!
She didn’t know how long she spent tearing up the stuffed versions of her in her room but as she stood in the wreckage, bits of their innards trapped under her claws and between her pointed fangs, she really hoped Chica had fun without her. Then at least one of them got to enjoy it…
After the few hours was up, she snuck her way back over to the loading docks, replaced the photo over the security camera and dropped down to open the door. She could already see Chica pacing on the other side and as soon as she re-entered the world they knew best, she felt a relief she couldn’t explain wash over her.
Chica beamed at her and Roxy tried to look happy for her, tried to hide her disappointment at not being able to go with her but she had a feeling she wasn’t very successful. She was tackled in a tight, comforting hug that she eagerly returned.
“I take it you had fun?” She asked rather redundantly, more curious about all of the new smells she was getting from Chica’s casing. Is this what the outside world smelt like?
“Woulda been more fun if you were there...” Chica’s voice was muffled a little by the fur she’d buried herself in but when she pulled away, a new spark had lit up her face. “I brought you something~!” She said in a sing song tone. Roxy tilted her head, ears flopping with the movement and her eyebrow raising. Chica held her loosely closed fist in between them before gently opening it. An awed gasp escaped her, her nose itching to get the scent of the new thing.
“Are those flowers?” Her ears perked and she felt her tail start wagging a little harder. She’d always wanted to know what flowers were like in real life! The two of them had theorised for hours on what they must feel and look like, with Roxy wondering what kind of smells she’d get from them too. Chica giggled and nodded vigorously.
“Yup! I got them just for you! They’re wild daisies!” She lifted them closer to her snout, silently encouraging her to give in and learn their scent. The moment Roxy did, the scent was subtle and so very nice but she didn’t last a second before she had to back away sneezing. Chica laughed at her misery, waiting for the sniffles to settle before closing the distance between them again.
“At least now I know where all that pollen comes from…” Roxy grumbled with a final sniff but her tail had yet to stop wagging.
“There’s more~…!” She teased in that melodic tone again with a merry little giggle. She hummed, curiosity returning tenfold as she watched Chica gently take the stem of one of the wild daisies. Another gasp escaped her and her eyes glittered at the daisy chain she had created. Chica stepped closer, and held the loop of little white flowers in the air.
“With this flower crown,” Chica’s voice went lower, slipping into a dramatic, awful imitation of an old man from a storybook, “I proclaim you,” Roxy could hardly stay still as the chain crown was placed on her head, resting softly under her ears, “King Roxanne Wolf!” Roxy lifted her chin, playing along with pride.
“I’m honoured, Sir Lancel-Chi.” She couldn’t keep the awe out of her words no matter how hard she wanted to sound as dramatic as she did. Chica snorted, clearly struggling to keep up the act as she bowed to her. As she looked up though, she completely dissolved into giggles. Roxy soon joined her, the disappointment of earlier now a distant memory.
They laughed, playing their new characters up as they made their way back to Roxy’s room to spend the rest of the night in high spirits. Chica babbled about the outside world while Roxy constantly fiddled with the amazing, soft petals around her head, tail thumping against the couch she sat on long into the night. Before Chica could go, Roxy pulled her into a strong hug, nuzzling the side of her face a little. She had just one thing to say to her after all of this.
“Thank you.”
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usmsgutterson · 3 years
Certainly- Kaz Brekker
The reader is a bit of an astrology and astronomy alike geek for this, which I hope y’all don’t mind! Also, in this case, phones exist so lets pretend that phones exist in Ketterdam, making it a bit of a modern au, I guess!
Also, this’ll probably be a bit ooc for Kaz
Fic type- angsty fluff
Warnings- blood, mentions of death, and the reader is sick (nothing specific, I just kind of took random symptoms and made up a word for the sickness)
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You were determined to see the stars before you went, and as you grew sicker, none of the crows knew when that would be, so, after a little convincing, the crows had gotten Colm to let you spend a couple of months at his farm in Novyi Zem, where the stars were the clearest at night, not burdened by light pollution or the screams of lively cities. 
It was the seven of you crammed into a basement, sharing beds, but none of them cared, and you were just glad to be with the people you called family. You were happy that they were with you, that Kaz was willing to wheel you everywhere when you got too weak to stand, that Jesper still made jokes, even despite watching you deteriorate. You were grateful for Inejs smile, Wylans music, Ninas impeccable tastes and Matthias and his big arms that could lift you and put you down without issue. 
The six of them had started taking shifts taking you outside. Nina took you outside Sunday nights, Matthias Mondays, Wylan Tuesdays, Jesper Thursdays, Inej Fridays and Kaz Saturdays. Wednesdays you rested up; ate when it was time to eat, used the bathroom when you needed, took a shower if it were the appropriate time, but other than that, you slept.
It was Kaz’s day to wheel you out, and you’d had a particularly rough day that day. Inej went with him, promising not to intrude on the time that you would spend together. She’d do backflips and run across the roof of the farm if you asked her to, but she’d not interrupt otherwise. 
“I love the stars,” you whispered, leaning back in your wheelchair and tightening the hold of the blanket over your lap. “Thank you both. For doing this.” 
“Don’t you worry, love,” Kaz murmured. “Just keep your eyes on the stars, okay?”
“We’re happy to do this,” Inej added. “All of us are. Really.” It was like both of them could sense it as well as you could. You had a feeling that the night would end terribly, just like the morning had begun.
You’d woken up only to need to rush to the toilet immediately, blood coming up your throat like bile, staining your skin and leaving your bottom lip red as a cherry. 
Kaz had been at your side in a minute, Nina and Wylan right behind him. Wylan kept your hair away from the sides of your face, Nina slowed your heartrate and Kaz wet a cloth with cold water to get your body temp down. 
Kaz had forced himself to stay in the moment, to not let his thoughts stray to the urge to sleep in the same bed as you to make sure that nothing happened while you slept--to be there in case something did--but to stay on the sun as it set and the faraway sound of Wylan playing his flute with the window open so that you’d be able to hear it. 
Once you’d gotten settled under a tree, Inej ran off, making her way inside and up to the barns roof, where she sat, keeping a watch from a distance as Kaz let you rest your head against his shoulder, gloved hand interlaced with yours. 
“I love you, Brekker,” you murmured. “Please don’t forget that. Ever.” 
“I won’t,” he whispered. “You’re gonna stay around and get better until we can spar again, and you can beat my ass even though I’ve my cane as a weapon.” 
“You know full well I can’t promise that,” you wished that you could. You desperately wished. “I’m going to die young, Kaz. I’m not gonna get to eighteen, much less eighty.” Kaz hated you for that.
He hated you because everything that you said somehow managed to be right. It was like you had a sixth sense for that kind of thing, and while, on missions, it proved useful, in that scenario, it just proved annoying. 
“You’re gonna make it to eighteen if it kills me,” he informed you. “I’ll take you around the globe if I need to, just to make sure you end up okay. I will not live a life without you in it, Y/N.” 
“You’re sweet,” you murmured. “Incredibly sweet.”
“Only to you, L/N.” That was the last bit of conversation for a long while as the sun set and the stars came out.
“Did you know that the moon isn’t circular?” You pointed lazily to it, bright and beautiful amongst the even brighter stars. “According to scientests, it’s actually shaped like a lemon!” Kaz didn’t fight his smile.
Of course you’d be spouting off the little factoids you knew about space. You loved it, how vast and crazy it all seemed. 
“And that the clouds at the center of the Milky Way smell like raspberries and rum?” Kaz snorted.
“Okay, now, theres no way that ones true!” 
“Oh,” you leaned up, booping his nose without a care in the world. “But it is! It’s in a study somewhere, I think! Look it up!” He laughed, pulling you closer to him as you rambled.
Inej had started doing running flips across the roof, spinning and dancing and no doubt laughing as she did. Kaz knew it was an elaborate effort to get you to smile, and it seemed to work as she moved; a delightful silhouette amongst a star filled sky. 
“I love you, Kaz Brekker,” you whispered. “You don’t need to say it back, but I really, truly do love you with every bone that exists in my body.”
“I love you too,” he said it without hesitation. “And I’ll love you until we’re old and grey, I swear it.”
“Don’t hold me to that promise,” you murmured. “You know how bad this is. Stop thinking that I’ll make it into the new year. I probably wont.”
“You will if it kills me, Y/N,” he gave your shoulders a gentle squeeze. “I’ll drain the bank dry if I have to, I swear to Ghezen.”
You didn’t say anything after, too exhausted to even think about starting an argument with him, simply not wanting to. 
But then, an hour later, Kaz felt fear trickle into his stomach like it hadn’t ever in his life.
“And then theres Supernova. It’s like a star that’s dying having it’s last celebration. Like when we get a really big win, or when we get away with what we intended to get away with, and we all get shitfaced before we collapse onto our beds and sleep for the night? A supernova is a dying stars explosion. It’s the last celebration that the star has before it dies out.” you’d been rambling.
“Tonight is my... tonight is my...” Kaz had called for Nina right then and there, screaming her name while he felt you go slack against him.
“Zenik!” He screamed, not caring at all if he were to wake up Jespers father. “Zenik, call in that fucking favor with the bloody Ravkan prince!” Matthias came barreling out after her, phone in hand, already speaking to someone as Nina began working, steadying your heart and trying her hardest to keep you alive. 
Kaz had to force himself to walk away from it all, pushing his feet away after giving your shoulders one last squeeze and walking far out into the field. 
Once he was sure he was out of earshot, he couldn’t stop himself. Tears flooded his eyes and he found himself glaring at the sky, wanting to scream, wanting to shout, wishing that there was someone around that he could gut like a fish. 
“Saints,” he murmured through gritted teeth. “Sankt Ilya, Sankt Adrik, Sankta Alina of The Fold, I know I am a terrible person, but Y/N is not. They’re good, they smile, they laugh, they’re kind to others when those people probably don’t deserve their kindness. I know I’m damned, I know that you probably strongly dislike me, but they’re different.” He’d never asked the Saints for anything before, and he never would again.
“Please, just, let them live. Let them get the life that they deserve. I’ll do my best to make them happy, but you have to let me,” he wiped the tears from his eyes as they came. “They deserve the life that you’re so willing to take away, and all I ask is that you don’t take it.” He heard the sounds of the ambulance car and raced back to you, gripping your hand as they helped you onto a stretcher and out of the field, through the house and out the entrance. 
I won’t lose them, he told himself. A world without them is one that’s unbearable. 
O N E Y E A R L A T E R 
You laughed as Nina chased you through the halls of the Little Palace, running quickly through the endless corridors, your laughter carrying through them as you kept yourself in front of Nina.
Nikolai had kept you in the Os Altan palace since that night, where Inej laughed and danced and did her flips, whilst Wylan played the piano and Kaz sat beside you, listening to your ramblings without a care in the world. 
“You seem delighted,” Nikolai noticed as you stopped in front of his office. “I’ve never seen you walk without that Brekker boy at your side, much less run while Zenik is on your tail!” You shrugged, laughing as Ninas front crashed into your back.
“This is the best I’ve felt in a year,” you murmured. “I figured I’d see if Nina was up to chase me around this morning, and I haven’t stopped running since!” You peered in through the open office door, looking for that familliar mop of dark brown hair.
Nina wrapped her arms around you and gave you a gentle squeeze. “He’ll be here any minute,” she murmured. “He and the boys are just finishing up a job for Nik in East Ravka, but Matthias told me the second that they’d left!”
“Trust me. Y/N,” Nikolais smooth voice murmured. “I put them on one of my fastest boats. I knew how long it’d take them to get from here to east Ravka and back, and I promised him he’d be here when you finally awoke.” 
“Hows it feel, anyway?” Zoya appeared at his side. “Eighteen, I mean.” You shrugged.
“I miss Kaz,” you murmured bluntly. “I hate that I have to tell him that he was right, but I still miss him.” 
Nikolai took Zoyas hand, pulling her close as you and Nina watched, smiles on your faces. 
“Young love,” Zoya teased. “Zenik, let go of them so that they can turn around.” Nina obeyed, letting you go and moving to lean against the doorway with Nikolai and Zoya. 
You turned, and smiled when your gazes met. “You were right, Brekker,” you murmured, walking toward him as he held out your gift to you. “I’m better now, and the second that you’re ready to spar, I’m gonna beat your ass, even though you’ve your cane as a weapon.” He grabbed your pinky with his the moment you were within distance.
“How’d the heist go?” You murmured once the two of you had walked out of earshot. 
“Good,” Kaz let himself be close to you as you two moved, squeezing your pinky as you slowed your steps. “Plan went off without a hitch, for three idiots and a mastermind with a limp. I brought you this from it,” he held the gift out to you again, and you took it in your free hand, examining it.
“I had to ask permission for that,” he murmured. “I had to get the Ravkan kings seal of approval to steal that for you.” You laughed, looking it over.
It was a journal. Black and leather bound, pages crisp and untouched. A pen was tucked into the cover. 
“I promise, we’ll go home soon,” you responded. “I miss Ketterdam. I could go for some waffles.” 
“Don’t they have waffles here?” Kaz questioned.
“Not Ketterdam waffles, love. Ketterdam waffles are unlike any pathetic waffle from here! Doused in syrup and whip cream--” You let out a satisfied sigh. “So good it’s almost surreal!” Kaz smirked.
“Waffle date when you’re well enough to return home then?” 
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lustbile-archive · 4 years
Wanna Watch?
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Word Count: 3.2k
Summary/Warning: Smut. Yangyang swears that tentacles are hot, just watch one video with him and you’ll see. He promises.… this was supposed to be a blurb but then I got very carried away. and because of that it might be a little rambley at some parts im so sorry
You’d be the first to admit that you and Yangyang had a weird friendship. Your other friends had clocked it, saying that even for best friends, you were way too open with each other.
And they weren’t technically wrong. Something about being around Yangyang deleted your filter, made you say shit that you never thought you’d say to another human being, but in your defense, he was exactly the same way.
It started with a few dirty jokes. It wasn’t anything serious or any different than ones you’d say with or without each other, but you two did encourage each other. It was as if anything one of you said, the other had something to add. It didn’t take long for things to begin to spiral and for your friends to decide that you two together were lethal.
After that day it was like you were attached at the hip. Something about your shared vulgarness made you click and it wasn’t very long after until it went a little far.
It was the first time you stayed over at his place, a bottle of liquor tucked in your bag. Tipsy off a half a bottle each, you both let it slip what turned you on the most. It wasn’t weird at the time, but the next morning there was a tension there.
That tension eventually faded, leading to another sleep over. And another. And another. Each of them somehow leading to some form of sexual conversation.
But the one that happened tonight was different.
Some joke about porn was made. You two sat side by side in your own chairs as you watched him play some game you quickly forgot the name of, and he had deemed it appropriate to mention that it would be kinda hot if the woman he played as were to get fucked by the tentacle monster that she fought.
You started by jokingly scolding him about how, though you weren’t sure exactly in what way, what he said was chauvinistic. But then you followed it with teasing about how he was a weirdo for being into tentacles.
“Oh come on,” he goes on, much louder than he needed to be, “you cannot tell me you’ve never looked at tentacle porn. Not even just because you were curious?”
“What porn I watch is none of your business Yang,” you retort as you push your finger in his face, a bratty giggle bursting from you when he smacks your hand away in irritation.
“So you’re not denying that you’ve seen tentacle porn,” he hums, nodding to himself, “if that’s the case I’m just gonna assume you have.”
You move to retort again, but he quickly interrupts, “actually I’m going to assume that you only watch tentacle porn and it’s something you get off to very often.”
“You think about me getting off a lot Yangyang?” you ask, but you quickly realize maybe the question was a step too far once the words are in the air.
Thankfully, he seems to ignore your question as he suddenly closed his game, the incognito tab he opens immediately after making your mouth run dry.
“How about this,” he starts, his fingers running across the keyboard as he types in the the link to a porn site. You divert your eyes quickly when you see the bars auto fill pop up, the idea of seeing whatever he looked at when he forgot to go incognito making your stomach flip, “let’s just take a little peek and we’ll see who’s right.”
“See who’s right about what?” your voice pitches and your back straightens as you ask.
“About whether or not tentacles are hot,” he turns to you briefly as if he’s explaining a math equation to you, “come on dude keep up.”
“Man I don’t know,” you hesitate, but you quickly notice he already has a video picked out and queued.
“I’m not gonna force you to watch it if you don’t want,” he reassures as he hovers his cursor over the play button, “but I also won’t judge you if you’re curious.”
You gnaw on your bottom lip for a moment as you think, your heart beating faster as the seconds pass, “okay fine just play it before I change my mind.”
And that’s how you got where you are now. You and Yangyang curled into your chairs, eyes wide and curious as a slender woman, with a disproportionately large chest, screams and whines while she’s brutally fucked by a weird tentacle monster.
You feel your face twist in fascination, first at the amount of detail and time that must have went into animating each frame, but then slowly but surely, just how weirdly hot you found yourself finding the video.
Something about the way the multiple tentacles cover her body as they suspend her in the air. One is shoved deep in her mouth, gross gagging noises added as a result, two attached to both of her nipples and another set fucking her open from both holes. It was easily one of the weirdest things you’ve ever seen, but you couldn’t ignore the growing wetness it caused in your underwear.
You try to not let it show in your body language, the idea of Yangyang noticing your arousal and then most likely making fun of you for it making you want to crawl in a hole.
You eyes dart over to him for a moment to try and gauge how he’s feeling. The first thing you notice immediately is the way he curls to block your view of his crotch, the second being the fact that he looks at you as well.
“So… what are you thinking?” he asks slowly.
“I don’t know what are you thinking?” you throw back almost too quickly.
“I… I think you know what I’m thinking,” his words continue to spill out like molasses, his head quickly nodding to the space between his legs with a embarrassed flush to his skin, “I’m asking how you’re feeling.”
“I don’t know,” you double down, your head shaking with a jerk, “I- I don’t know how I’m feeling.”
“It’s okay if you like it-“
“I don’t know if I like it,” you lie, your tone defensive and sharp.
“You do know that you’re not a bad person for liking it right?” He continues to reassure as he tries to keep his patience with you.
You only huff in response, the video still loudly playing as you talk. You try to shift in your seat to create distance between you, but it only makes you aware of how your arousal grows.
“Okay im not gonna lie,” he starts, a joking tone to his voice in the way that tells you he’s trying to ease the tension, “I think it’s hot, but you probably guessed that. I’m just saying I could totallly jack it to this.”
You know it’s a joke, but that doesn’t stop the words from making your face warm and your thighs flex. And even though you try and advert your eyes, you know he is analyzing every move you make.
“Do you maybe…” he trails off as he considers what to say next, “ack, no no it’s weird never mind.”
“What?” you dart up in panic, “is something im doing weird?”
“No no no,” he panics as well, “you’re fine… I was just gonna ask if you... if you maybe wanted to see how much you like it. Like see if you can get off to it?”
It was in this you found out that maybe your friends were right. Maybe you were lethal together, too comfortable and relaxed and willing to do and say the worst in front of each other. If that wasn’t the case there was no way in hell you’d end up where you were now.
If someone had told you that when you first met Yangyang that one night you two would be masturbating to tentacle porn together, you would have told them they lived in a fantasy, that they were just delusional perverts that don’t like people being just friends, but they would have been right.
You felt weirdly eager as you pushed your pajama shorts and underwear to his floor, the air of the room hitting your skin and making you come to the terms of how wet the video had gotten you.
And the fact that Yangyang seemed equally as eager as he pulled himself from the restrains of his sweatpants both put you at ease while putting you incredibly in edge.
You tried to ignore him as he sat next to you. Your eyes taking an iron lock onto his screen as a new video played. It was the same idea, pretty girl with literally any possible hole stuffed with a slimy tentacle getting pleasured in any way possible, the only difference was a slight change in art style.
It took you a moment to get into it, your fingers gently tapping against your clit as you tried to build the courage to touch yourself the same way you do in the safety of your own room, but after one particularly hard thrust from the monster and a desperate cry from the girl, you couldn’t hold back.
Your fingers dipped into your entrance gently as you coated the tips in your arousal, your hips jumping slightly at the friction.
Yangyang tried to ignore you as well, his fist moving slowly as he tried to focus on the scene in front of him, but the way you jerked next to him and the bubbles of noise that slipped unintentionally from your lips, he felt like a starving tiger being tempted with a steak.
You tried to bite your tongue to hold in any moans as your fingers started to roll circles gently on your clit, but with the way you grew wetter and wetter and the rising sensitivity in the bundle of nerves, you couldn’t help the quiet whimpering that rose from you chest.
It wasn’t that you could get off to it, it was actually much easier than you had anticipated. Something about the way the girls in the videos were being stimulated in every way possible had you hot and dripping in your arousal, and maybe your best friend pleasuring himself next to you was making it a million times sexier.
You weren’t alone though. It didn’t take long for Yangyang to lose his internal battle, his eyes straining to his side and his gaming chair rolling back slightly to allow him to watch you from the side. He knew he could crank one out easily to the videos in front of him, he had done it plenty of times before, but if he let the opportunity of watching your chest rise and fall with labored breaths while your fingers moved quickly over your dampened skin pass him by, he’d be kicking himself forever.
He was moving before he could even think, the finger of his free hand working with a mind of his own as they tap gently on the side of your chair. His heart beat sky rockets when you jump, but he only feels himself get harder when he sees it doesn’t stop your rapidly moving hand.
“Say no,” he whispers regardless of his growing need to touch you, “say no cause I cannot ruin this friendship.”
“No offense Yang,” he almost collapses at how winded you sound, but also at the promise that you’re still comfortable enough to shorten his name, “but if what we’re doing now didn’t ruin it, I don’t think anything will.”
“Thank fuck,” he speaks too loudly again as he moves his chair next to yours, his hand brushing against the side of your bare leg as it leans against the arm of your chair, “cause I wanna touch you so bad dude.”
“Hmmmm,” you hum out as his words swirl your brain like a blender, your heart rapidly pumping against your chest. You’d be a liar if you tried to act like the idea didn’t cause a new wave of arousal run over your body. Your answer comes before you can even think of the consequences.
“Please,” the word being your only verbal response before you rip your hand away from your body, your legs falling wider apart as an invitation. Your body jumps in protest as you deny yourself the orgasm that was slowly building, and Yangyang immediately jumps into action to compensate.
The first touch of his fingers is unsure, a hesitation in his muscles as he tries to convince himself that what’s happening is real. He isn’t sure what’s hotter to him in that moment, the way you whimper with a slight pout to your lips when he finally presses his digits to your swollen clit, or the way your eyes remain locked on the animated porn.
He’s battling between the two, when you show him something better. Your hand moves wildly in the air for only a moment, before you're pushing it under his arm. It doesn’t take you much exploring before you find where his hand slowly moves against his length. Your hand swats gently at his in a way that weirdly reminds him of the way you swat at him when he does something he’s not supposed to, and after his brain catches up with your motions, he lets go.
He thinks his heart probably stops when your hand wraps around him, your wrist immediately moving at the same pace as his fingers. His eyes slam shut for a second, a desperate attempt to hold off his orgasm, before they open slightly again.
He tries to do the same as you and keep his eyes trained on the video, and it works a few times, but as you gush and twitch against his unrelentingly moving fingers. He feels like one of his biggest fantasies has come to life in front of him, the whining sound of his name from your lips music to his ears.
You babble and squirm, your orgasm approaching you much faster than it has ever before. There’s something so jarring and new about the video that flashes in front of your eyes, and combining that with your best friend playing you not much differently than he’d played his game not long before made you feel like you were losing your grip on reality.
You’re vaguely aware that your hand flexes around his length, and fear that maybe your hold may be too rough immediately leaving your mind when you hear him let out a pleased groan. The sound also momentarily replaces the fear that filled you from actually looking at the boy that sits next to you, and you feel your head jerking to look at his face scrunched in pleasure.
The wind is knocked from your lungs when your eyes meet his again, neither of your stares faltering like you assumed they would. Instead the eye contact encourages you both, and you feel your hands pick up their pace.
You thank the universe for Yangyang’s reflexes as he finds no trouble in following your antsy jerking hips, his fingers never shifting away from your buzzing clit. He’s also completely unfazed as your thighs clamp around his wrist, and instead his now free hand moves to grab at your knee that’s closest to him, and pull harshly to hold your legs spread.
The angle his body is now turned leaves him leaning on his side, and he shows no hesitation to using the new position to his advantage as he begins thrusting his hips to fuck your fist.
You feel as if there’s another force around you that forces you to stare at one another, your hands and hips becoming frantic as you both inch closer and closer to your finish.
The video had ended moments before, but neither of you move to choose another. Too distracted by the other bodies, both of your breaths pick up right before the point of hyperventilating.
You feel yourself right on the edge, the beginning of your orgasm making your toes curl and your back arch off the back of the chair. Just from the stimulation on your clit, you can feel yourself falling, but when he notices that you’re starting to crumble, his fingers slip down until they push into you making you gasp loudly.
With his middle and ring finger pistoning in you at the same pace as his hips and the heel of his hand digging and rubbing into your clit, you finally start to come. If it wasn’t for his determined pace, your fluttering walls would push him out, but he fights against your body with a deep grunt as he curls the digits to pull against the nerve inside you that makes your eyes roll back into your skull.
With your mouth hanging open, silent moans and squeaking whimpers popping from your throat, he’s sure he stares at a defiled angel. He knew he always found you attractive, even more attractive when you first took his raunchy jokes in stride, but as you come so beautifully around his fingers, he decides you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen.
Just watching your come is enough to push him over the edge, but as it makes your muscles tense, your hand flexes and shakes as you hold him. With a few more pulses of his hips, he’s coming with his lip tucked between his teeth and his eyes trained on where you wrap around his fingers, your noise of surprise at the feeling of his come shooting across your hand only making his orgasm stronger.
With shaking legs, he falls back into his chair, his hand pulling from your sensitive skin, and his softening length slipping from your fingers.
Silence falls over the room, the only sound being the angry sound of his computer's fan and your evening breaths. You pull your limbs into your body as you try to get more comfortable in the seat, and as you try to wrap your arms around yourself, you notice the evidence of his orgasm that sticks to the side of your hand.
You’re moving before you can even think about your actions or how weird they could be to the boy next to you, your hand lifting up to your face and you tongue peaking out to lick at the sticky substance. You jerk slightly at the taste, but in a thought of self challenge and a simple ‘fuck it,’ you slide the flat of your tongue up the side of your hand, collecting everything he left behind, before swallowing deeply.
You hear a muffled sound of surprise to your side, the sound making your head whip to the side as you remembered your possible audience. Your heart beats fast as you panic at the idea of him finding your action gross, but as you look you see him in a very similar position.
Yangyang grins around his fingers that were once drenched in your orgasm, but now sit licked clean in his teasing mouth. There’s a slight popping noise as he pulls them hesitantly from his lips, and his devious smile only grows before he speaks.
“Oh so we’re both like gross, gross huh?”
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liibrii · 3 years
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fem!Miya!reader x Suna Rintarou || mostly platonic || part of the Third Miya series
Synopsis: A glimpse into your friendship with Suna during your 1st year at Inarizaki High school.
Warnings: barely proofread, general stupidity, there's a serial killer joke, reader is a lil shit
wc: 1.6k
a/n: naming chapters is hard 😭 as always feedback is greatly appreciated and if you wanna be tagged in future chapters let me know!
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Friendship with Suna is one of those where you can't quite remember how or when it started. One week he was just that lanky guy sitting at a desk to the right of you, the next week you walked home together and you told him your brothers' embarrassing childhood stories in exchange for chemistry homework. In a way it's an echo of all your childhood friendships forged on the beach with other kids you only knew for a week but during that week you'd take over the world for them if they asked. But the one week friendship with Suna became two weeks, three weeks, and after the fourth you stopped counting.
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Suna Rintarou is a funny guy. Not funny as in telling jokes or spouting quips and smirks. He's funny in a way that even now you can't really tell who he is. He's quiet. But not shy in the slightest. He moved over from Aichi and you cringe at the memory of saying: “Oh so that's why ya talk funny. I thought yer just pretentious,“ when he told you. Your ears catch on fire by just thinking about it. So embarrassing. But he must have pretty low standards for his friends because at the time he didn't really seem bothered by your slip of the tongue. The next day he offered you a chuupet and that was enough to buy your undying loyalty.
Suna's a funny guy. You don't know how he became your friend, you don't know what he sees in you that makes him put up with you. But you're glad to have an inside man on the volleyball team.
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Years of living together with the same person makes one develop the ability of sniffing out trouble before they even start to happen. In this case it's four empty pudding packages in the trash bin that make you decide to nope right out of there before Tsumu tries to blame you for their mysterious disappearance. Again.
You put on music and walk aimlessly through the streets, one of those walks where it doesn't matter if you get lost because you have no clue where you're headed anyway. Everyone needs a stroll like that from time to time. Often they lead to situations that would otherwise probably never happen. Like running into a serial killer, but luck is on your side today so the only person you run into is a familiar lanky figure stretching by the side of the road. “Sunarin! Didn't expect to meet ya here!“
He looks up and his blushed sweaty face wears the same expression as ever. In the last months you've learned Suna has two expressions, the deadpan one, and the deadpan one with furrowed brows. “O, Miya. Well, I live nearby.“ Oh right, you did pass the bus station where he exits just a song ago. “Taking a stroll, are you?“
“Samu and Tsumu are having a screamin' match right now so I decided to get myself out of there before they'd drag me into it.“
“Tragic. Where are you headed?“
Your destination is 'who cares' so you join Suna on a walk. It's good he already ran his evening route because you're not in the mood to reenact a wanna be healthy person's only free time activity.
Just a short walk between the apartment buildings by the side of the road you reach a path of cobble stones that leads further between trees.  
“What? You didn't know there's a park here?“ Suna smirks and you're surprised his face muscles are even capable of stretching so far.
You shake your head, slightly embarrassed. “No, I really didn't. To be fair this neighbourhood used to be ruled by another clan so we never played around here,“ you quickly add as if children clan wars from years ago are a better excuse than simply being unfamiliar with this part of the town.
Suna doesn't comment but the corners of his mouth keep tugging up even after you walk through the park. Or maybe that's because you tripped over nothing while watching a cat cross your path.
“We have a cat back home,“ he tells you and shows you the picture of his little sister with a big fluffy orange cat on her lap.
“So cute,“ you coo, “looks just like ya.“
“Oh yeah, lots of people say she looks just like me. I think I'm more handsome though.“
“No, I meant the cat.“
This time you're the one prepared to jump away form a well aimed kick but Suna only gives you a disappointed glare. “I thought you were the nice Miya.“
You sympathetically pat his shoulder. “Sorry. My sincere condolences. Shall I send some flowers for the funeral of yer last brain cell? Samu always wanted a cat but dad wouldn't let him.“
“Really? Why not?“
“Oh he made the mistake of asking just after the mango incident.“
“Only Miyas are allowed to know about it,“ you say, snickering at Suna's furrowed brows. You know curiosity is going to eat at him for weeks to come. Maybe you should come up with a cover story, just in case. “Do ya miss yer friends? Ones from Aichi I mean?“
Suna thinks for a moment, maybe still trying to figure out what a mango incident could possibly be. “Sometimes,“ he says after a while and a poke to his side, “but I met a lot of new people at the dorms. Inarizaki isn't that bad either. There's you and Ginjima, and your brothers sometimes, and ehm,“ he mumbles as he tries to remember whom else he could call a friend.
“If Tsumu or Samu bring this topic up just let them know ya were my friend first,“ you pout. That's the problem with having had siblings in the same class for the entire grade and middle school; all your friends were also their friends. “It can't be easy,“ you say, half trying to make him feel better, and half just changing the topic that's starting to turn his ears red, “movin' over here I mean. Ya really left all ya knew behind for volleyball. That's pretty admirable. Ya just might be as crazy as Samu and Tsumu.“
“Please don't compare me to your brothers,“ says Suna.
“That bad, eh? So what's it like? Livin' in a dorm?“
“Oh. Well. We're four in a room-“
“Yikes. And I thought havin' two other people in your room is a lot.“
Suna laughs. Oh, so he can do that. It suits him, you decide after a moment. “Now take into account that two of those keep leaving dirty socks around.“
“Oh I know what that's like,“ you nod, all too familiar with dirty socks under table, under bed and other parts of bed you'd rather not think about.
“I doubt you'd get in trouble for punching them though.“
“Oh I would.“ You look him over. “Ya don't really look like a punchin' type to me. More a very petty guy. Soy sauce in mornin' tea kind of guy.“
“You're giving me ideas.“
“Thanks, that will be one kit-kat. Or none if ya put some in Samu's water bottle.“
“All in all dorm isn't that bad,“ Suna tells you once you both stop laughing over the prospect of putting soy sauce into Osamu's drink. “Wish I could sleep a bit longer in the morning but what can you do? And I miss mom's cooking. We cook ourselves and the food is good. Usually. It's just not the same, you know? Want a chuupet?“
“Ya brought a chuupet to an evenin' run?“
You still gladly take the fruit stick. It's a rare occasion in which it isn't in danger of being snatched away by one of your co-spawns. You don't comment but the next day a neatly wrapped bento box waits on Suna's table.
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Suna doesn't quite remember when you became friends. One day you were a girl from his class that looked suspiciously similar to those loud Twins on the volleyball team (the moment he realised your last name is in fact Miya too he felt incredibly stupid for not noticing sooner), the next day you're hanging with him during breaks and sending him messages along the lines of 'I'll buy you as many chuupets as ya want if ya tell me what happened at practice yesterday, I need to let Tsumu know who's the boss' that usually arrive in the middle of the night. Even if they wake him up your name popping on his screen still makes him smile.
Really it takes impossibly long for Suna to realise he doesn't enjoy being in your presence only because being friends with you is as easy as getting the ball around a block or because you're the one Miya to voluntarily share your food with him.
The moment the cogs finally fell in their place and began to spin, making the little 'there might be something more' thought appear is one he'll remember for the rest of his life, and will quite probably haunt his nightmares too.
That's the thing about emotions (truly the revelations of that day are almost too much for his volleyball focused teenage brain), they take over neurones in charge of sending information around the brain, bribing the ones running toward mouth to run faster than the ones heading towards the comprehension centre, and then you find yourself in awkward situations such as saying your name out loud in the packed locker room followed by: “She's really funny and amazing. I like her a lot.“
But the situation being awkward is the least of Suna's problems as two pairs of almost identical brown eyes stare him down.
Oh, shit.
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tag list: @espressons @trashy-simp @nachotrash @megumiisee @foxxtrot-116 @e-wwis​
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veryreallyfuckinbad · 3 years
FIRE AND MOSS // Daryl Dixon X Reader// CHAPTER 6
TW: Strong language, implied abusive relationships, injury.
The Greene farm basked in the light of the impending sunrise, coating the land in a blanket of oranges, yellows and pinks. Birds began to sing, chirping away, oblivious to the dead people stalking every corner, every street, hiding in every shadow. Your heart filled with strange nostalgia and envy,- you wished you could be as free and uncaring as the winged critters. A strange phenomenon began taking place when the apocalypse hit; the world ended only for people. Nature seemed to be thriving more than ever without people slowly but surely killing it. Vegetation grew from cracks of abandoned houses’ floors, apartments previously filled with chatter and laughter were now home to wild animals. Nature took back what was hers quicker than you expected, signs of her healing around every corner, in every single flower, weed, blooming tree, moss. Most of the previously heavily populated areas smelled like death, the sickly sweet-ish stench of rotting bodies, both of the ones that perished forever and the ones that walked. The forest and the Greene farm, however, smelled like the life you knew. Like carelessness, confidence.
Your feet made slow but steady steps, avoiding making too much noise- Daryl was asleep in his tent and the worst thing you could do was wake him up as he hardly ever got any shut eye. You were certain you were the only one awake, so you stepped through the grass with care, avoiding any twigs that could snap and wake the others up. As you made your way to Dale’s trailer, deciding to take watch duty, you heard a faint, familiar sound coming from behind the trailer. Jake heard it too, instantly tensing, ready to pounce at any danger that might cross your path. You signaled the fox with your hand to relax when you recognized the sound- it was crying. You peeked from behind the RV and instantly felt your heart drop.
Carol was sat on the wet grass, crying, her hands on her head as she tried to control her weeps. Deciding it’s best to let her know you’re there instead of sneaking up on her, you spoke in a half-whisper, “Carol? Are you okay?” when the words left your mouth you realized how plain stupid that question was. Her daughter, all she had left, was missing. Carol’s head whipped to face you, her eyes red and puffy from crying, her cheeks stained with many glistering patterns of where her tears rolled down. When she realized it was only you, she sighed with a mixture of relief and something akin to confusion. She tried, immensely at that, to stop herself from breaking down once again and gave you a sad, unconvincing smile. You dipped your head and took a step towards her, taking a seat beside her.
“I’m just so scared, (Y/N). What if we never find her? Or if we do, it’ll be too-“ her voice trembled, just like her hands did.
“Stop it.” You silenced her, choosing your next words carefully. “I’m not going to say that I have no idea what you must be going through- it’s true, but you’ve heard it a million times already” you looked at her and stared deep into her horrified eyes. “Carol, I know you’re afraid. I do. Hear me out, though; you’ve got two grade A trackers at your disposal.” You gave her a warm smile.
“You can track?” she asked, clearly surprised.
You chuckled lightly, “Nope. He can.” you stroked Jake’s soft fur and watched as Carol’s eyes lit up slightly and shimmered with a glimpse of hope.
“How can he do that? I-I mean,” she stumbled over her words, “what does he need? A scent?”
“He’s not trained or anything, but he’s fantastic at finding stuff.” Your hand left Jake’s head when he shifted and stood up, walking up to Carol and sitting between you and her. He must’ve felt how heartbroken she was because he lowered his snout down to the woman’s hand and after giving it a brief sniff, he licked it and bumped it with his nose slightly. You smiled with pride and happiness.
“See? He promised he’ll do his best.” You said and watched Carol’s eyes light up again.
Carol sniffled and dug in one of her pockets, quickly handing you the item she was looking for. It was a piece of fabric, carefully cut around the edges.
“It’s a piece of her blanket. I keep it in my pocket to at least have a piece of her with me.” She explained and handed you the soft fabric. You knew she trusted you- she wouldn’t give the last of what she had left of her daughter to just anyone.
“We’ll go search right now.” You smiled at her and felt her fall apart all over again, this time because of gratitude. She crawled up to you and wrapped her arms around you, engulfing you in a warm, thankful embrace.
“Thank you so much” she nearly cried again. You hugged back and whispered a soft ‘you’re welcome’. Carol let go of you to face Jake and look into his eyes with the same respect she’s given you. “Thank you, too.” She extended her arm to touch him and you were about to jump in to stop her, afraid of Jake’s response, but stopped when you saw him pull his head into her hand, allowing her to touch him. It seemed like he was comforting her, as well as reassuring her he’ll do everything he can.
The farmland was still covered in the pink-orange light when you returned to your tent to retrieve your bag, just in case you found something worth taking. You’d hoped Daryl was still asleep and worried that your shuffling might’ve woke him up, so you carefully stepped closer to his tent to make sure he was sleeping. With each step, it became increasingly more clear that the archer was, in fact, not in his tent- the zip entrance was left open. You didn’t want to be nosy…but you wanted to check if he was okay. At least that’s what you told yourself- you’ve always wondered how his tent looks from the inside. You couldn’t tell whether it was pure curiosity or the burning need to find out more about the man. Before you could poke your head inside, you felt a presence right behind you, looming over you. Daryl stood right behind you.
“Found what ya were lookin’ for?” he asked, his voice not carrying as much weight as you’d expected it to. He didn’t appear mad, just irritated. Or so you hoped. You tried your best to keep your cool and turn around to face him, taking a step back when you realized how close he was.
“Now I did.” You smiled at him but your eyes betrayed you- he could feel your anxiety and uncertainty. He was usually frustrated with how hard you were to read, but the look in your eyes seemed familiar, like he’s seen you do it before but couldn’t put his finger on it.
Ever since the night Jake allowed Daryl to touch him, he was more confused than ever. The archer couldn’t understand how you- someone who’s been through so much, more than you’d let on, could be so friendly and loving towards her group. She never took and only gave, thinking of her fox and the group before herself. There was one more thing he couldn’t wrap his mind around and it drove him crazy- why would she give him special treatment? She opened up to him and him only, never allowed anybody except him see her cry, gave him handmade gifts, trusted him with her beloved companion. Not that you didn’t annoy him at times, but everybody did. Sometimes, you didn’t know when to stop talking and while he tolerated it for the longest time, sometimes he just had to send you back to your tent to give him room to breathe. He loved that you never took it personally, always conscious of his need for space.
“What’s the bag for?” he eyed you and patiently awaited your response before adding, “Ya movin’ out?”
“Oh, I would never.” You smirked at him and crossed your arms. “You’d miss me too bad, Dixon” you teased and expected a grunt or shrug in response, but to your surprise he retorted.
“ ‘f course. Who would sit with me when I cry my eyes out?” he smirked back at you, clearly a jab for the time you broke down in front of him. You rolled your eyes and stood on your tiptoes to affectionately ruffle his hair, much to his displeasure. You enjoyed how you could crack jokes at each other now, he had a dry, sarcastic sense of humor that you found hilarious in his own, strange way.
“You know you love me.” You teased him while turning your back to him and walking away, finally about to go out searching. “I’m going out to look for Sophia with Jake.”
“I’m comin’ with ya.” He said matter of factly, as if you had no say in it.
“If you do, Shane won’t get off my ass for the rest of the day. He already dislikes me, just wait until I ‘unnecessarily take away manpower from the farm’ or some shit like that.” Everything you said was true. You got along with every resident of the farm, with the exception of Shane. He never began trusting you and didn’t even think of trying. He always tried to control the group, but you never listened to him, probably because of the lack of mutual respect. The only people anyone in the group took orders from were Rick and Hershel.
“He can try. Screw ‘im. I’m comin’ with.” His mind was made and you decided not to argue with the stubborn archer.
“To be fair, I can see why you’d want to spend time with me. I’m the shit.” You heard Daryl scoff and shake his head, but once you looked at his face more closely, you realized he was smiling. “C’mon, let’s get the horses ready.”
Hooves hit gently against the ground, the horse’s head swaying subtly as he walked. You felt quite confident on the animal’s back, but Daryl seemed anxious. His broad shoulders looked even wider as he tensed, cautious- he didn’t trust the animal. Jake trotted alongside your horse, occasionally running off to check something out, but always came back. Your trusty knife was sheathed and safely buckled to your pants- ever since you got it back, you didn’t leave camp without it.
“You know, you gotta trust the horse a little. At least try.” You tried to nudge him, but you knew it was futile. If you were honest, you just wanted the awkward silence to end. Daryl looked at you and raised his brows.
“These things are unpredictable though,” he began and shrugged, “Merle ‘n I once…borrowed a neighbors horse, he had a stable or some shit.” He smiled to himself “Fucker bucked me off ‘n I fell right on my ass.” He finished and looked at you, awaiting your reaction. When you burst into laughter all he do was shake his head and grunt in response. “Couldn’t sit proper for days.”
You chuckled some more, your smile so contagious that even he mimicked it. For some reason, he didn’t mind you laughing at his story all that much.
“So it is a childhood trauma?” you nudged him again, half-joking and offered him a playful smirk. To your surprise, that didn’t seem to amuse him, his smile quickly fading before he gave you a sad smile. You realized you probably hit a nerve with that statement. “I’m so sorry.”
“ ‘s fine. What hurt me more was yer laughing at my sore ass.” He turned his head slightly to look at you from the side with the same smile as moments before appearing on his face. Quickly, silence fell upon you once again. This time, it was almost deafening and you didn’t understand why- when you sat with him by the campfire, you felt completely comfortable in silence with the man. It was like the warmth of the flame engulfed you like a soft blanket and made you immune to the man’s frustratingly quiet nature.
Daryl grasped the reins tightly as if to comfort himself- the feeling of leather straps digging into his palm was strangely comforting. The hunter’s hair fell upon his forehead; it was growing longer. He didn’t care but wondered whether it was practical to live in the death-ridden world with strands of hair falling over his eyes. He glanced upon you, your eyes on Jake. You stared at the fox with such love, nothing but pure affection. Not in the way you’d look at a puppy or any other pet- you looked at him as a valuable, fully capable member of the group. You saw him as a survivor, and Daryl admired that. He watched as your hair swayed and jumped gently with every step your horse took. He was lost in his own thoughts while he gazed at you, he wondered why he couldn’t force himself to push you away or tell you to move your tent back to the group. He guessed that that’s what it was like to have a friend.
“So, since we’re gonna be riding for a long time” you began, cutting through the silence and Daryl’s thoughts as he immediately averted his gaze and hoped you didn’t catch him looking at you. You did. “Tell me something about yourself” you smiled at him sincerely.
“Ya sound like a god damn hairdresser” he scoffed and shrugged, “make sure to ask me how’s school, too.”
You chuckled and shook your head, giving him a side-eye. You awaited his response, but it never came. If you had to take one more minute of that awkward silence, you’d rather dig a hole and jump straight in.
“Let me start, then.” You began and rolled your eyes. “I’m (Y/N)” you heard him mumble a ‘wow’ underneath his breath and shushed him with a smile, “For real, though. One thing you might have noticed about me is I make horrible decisions.” You grinned at him
“Such as?”
“Like setting my tent up next to yours” you joked and heard him chuckle- it was a fantastic sound. It made you happy in all kinds of ways, maybe because it was so rare, it was special. “Anything, really. Laying on broken glass that one time”, you grinned at your dry joke, reminiscing about how that very day led you to meeting your new family, “I dunno, anything really. School, back when that was a thing, the people I hung out with, relationships.”
He stilled at that last word. Not because he was uncomfortable or unwilling to listen to her talk about it but because he was worried that someone hurt you.
“What d’ya mean?” he glanced at you curiously, “The relationship part.”
You smiled uncomfortably, unsure whether you should share or not. You mentally slapped yourself for letting that last part come out- you should’ve expected him to ask. Even though you’ve somewhat healed, talking about it out loud was never easy. Moss still grew on your heart.
“Oh, you know. Jackasses that, uh…” you stumbled over your words as Daryl watched you carefully, “Whenever they were mad, they took it out on me.” You gave him a reassuring smile, trying to show how confident you were, how you’ve healed. It was only partially true- sometimes it still hurt. “This one dude,” you began, this time with a chuckle, “got so pissed at me for wanting something stupid, flowers I think, for my birthday.” You smiled at him half-heartedly. Daryl stared at you and tried to decode your expression. He, however, was easy to read at that very moment- he was pissed. Not at you, but at the men you’ve been with. The archer guessed you didn’t want his pity, however. He knew it would only make it worse.
“Ya didn’t lie when ya called him a jackass” he smirked at you for a brief moment, “I get it.”
You’ve finally reached your destination- a small creek with a two-way path. Twigs grew out of the ground where the drop of a small trench-like pit began. Deciding it’s best to split up to cover as much ground as possible, Daryl took the left and you- the right path. You’d promised each other to meet at this very creek later on.
As the hours passed, nothing came of your search. Jake ran around, sniffing the cloth Carol gave you from time to time but found nothing, say for a rabbit that he promptly caught and ate. You couldn’t believe the girl was just gone, without a trace at that. You couldn’t allow yourself to believe that- you’d lose all the hope you had left. With a heavy sigh, you turned around and began heading back through the dense woodland, back to the spot you were supposed to meet Daryl at. The forest smelled fresh- the repulsive stench of death was replaced with the sweet scent of flowers and the gentle smell of grass and trees.
When you reached your meeting spot you looked around and quickly came to the conclusion that Daryl was still out looking. With a sigh, you hopped off your horse and tied it’s reins to a sturdy branch. Before you could sit down and relax, you heard a horrifying grunt coming from the trench. Sure it was a walker, you grabbed your knife and took careful steps, making sure not to slip on the wet, muddy grass. Jake beat you to it, running to whatever was making the noise and immediately beginning to shriek and call for you. Your legs moved on their own, not caring about being cautious anymore. When you arrived to where Jake stood, just over the ledge, you looked down into the hollow and felt your breath get stuck in your throat.
Daryl was trying to climb out of the trench, slipping on the mud and desperately grasping for any branch that could support his weight to pull himself up. He was covered in blood, his mouth was red and something was hung on his neck. Blood was trickling from his side and dripping on his pants, staining his shirt. He quickly noticed you and stared at you. He looked different, no life in his steel-blue eyes. None of the spark they usually had, they were glossy, confused and afraid. Thinking quickly, you grabbed onto a root sticking out of the ground for support and extended your hand to him. He looked dazed, as if unsure what to do, whether he should grab your hand, but quickly decided to do so. You felt his strong grasp on your wrist as you tried to pull him up, heaving and wincing from the pain of his grip on your wrist. Your feet began slipping and you almost fell down the trench. The grip of his hand was so strong that you were sure he would eventually break it.
“Hold on!”
You braced yourself and with one last, painful pull he was out of the creek. He laid on his back next to you, both of your chests heaving and breathing deeply. You didn’t allow yourself to rest though, quickly kneeling next to him and inspecting his wound.
“What the hell happened?” your eyes were full of fear and worry, “Daryl, talk to me. Please.”
He grunted, clearly in pain and in a feverish state.
“Arrow. Fell on it”
A/N: I'm so sorry this took me so long, I was super busy and then had a massive writer's block. This chapter definitely isn't the best but I promise the next one will be much better! <3
taglist <3
@writers-adversary @kimchiwen @mileysnavely @srhxpci
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