#and I don’t have intermediate exams before early April
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lucky-fy · 1 year ago
I am never eating again
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autoirishlitdiscourses · 4 years ago
Discourse of Saturday, 10 April 2021
You changed would juggle to juggled in line with general academic practice, and you provided a really, your deadline for you, OK? Oversleeping, even though you may find that connection as a thinker or a bit in the novel. Distribution of paper handout. I think that it would be necessary to make it. All in all, I think that you are traveling with a web browser that supports your claim, will result in the formula above is actually quite a good Halloween! However, any good copy of it. I fully appreciate this it's not you agree with you about your ideas more collaboratively. Again, please let me know if you get/zero/points for section in another book, while waiting for the student's schedule hasn't changed, but it's more or less normally adjusted despite being very polished in many ways even though it is that race gets slipperier the more easily accessible representations of the outside world, on the sheet handed out today to be jumped, but really, your recitation, midterm, and the Stars, and this is not entirely satisfying way, and failure to notice an email, or the other students in class with respect, and that's perfectly normal and acceptable at this point whether there is of poor quality: The Dubliners' version of your own logical processes more carefully to be helpful.
However, one sentence at a draft of a letter grade. I had told him that what I'll expect is that I am personally less than half a percent away crossing the line into A-range paper grades discussed in class, then you have any questions, OK? All in all, though perhaps incidental to the rest of the resources you consulted while doing so. Midterm review. All in all substantial ways to go before me, and extreme claims require very strong familiarity with the connection between textual material and related topics, but you picked a good paper here in many ways. Feel free to propose alternatives, but I don't believe I've seen any of the two elements plough, stars and then mercilessly edited your paper being more successful would be higher than an analysis of a reminder that I can bring your hard copy of your main claim in the poem in section. I will do so by that time passes differently when you're at the coin from the final exam except that you can make up for discussion. Another would involve remembering that Yeats's father and brother both named John Butler Yeats were visual artists, and I think that one key element of pushing this concept as far as getting discussion going: you'll get that to give quite a difficult text; there might be to pick out the eighth one without grading it, which seemed to warm up more quickly for you by the time that you haven't done your recitation in the UK and Ireland, regardless of the group members will have to report this to you. You picked a very strong job yesterday you got most of the day before Thanksgiving. As with everything else except for the course website as your model, and that's part of why I want to accomplish. Chris Walker's guest lecture slideshow along.
I think that you finished early. My point is to make intermediate connections that you need particular approaches to Futurism; it's just that I'm poorly qualified to evaluate how passionate a particular depiction of people haven't done the reading. I suspect, is in how you're using them as choices made as a simple concept in many societies, but writing a more specific about what your other discussion points. But everything looks really good beating on the structural schema given to friends: Carlo Linati; Stuart Gilbert J.
I myself tend to agree with me. Third: remember that sometimes sitting down and start writing. If you have any other reason. You've written a very good paper here in many ways, and you're thinking about it, because it's a busy point in the front of the time limit will result in a professional setting. I am performing grade calculations in such a great deal since you gave a thoughtful grace in your paper graded by the time limit has come up with an urgent question the night of section; eight got 9 or higher on the more likely to be just a little below the middle of the texts we are reading by the other students, that this class, but I also feel that there are a lot of ways. If there's someone who's been a pleasure having you in lecture or section, not on me. Well done, and I've gone ahead and confirm that the overall argument will be spent on reviewing for the absolute final deadline to name your poem and connect them to lecture on the day that your thesis at the time limit you've sketched an outline with more rigor. Wednesday, but rather attempts to gloss over anything, but it would be true either for comment or to be reciting as soon as possible. What is my nation? 494-95 p. Which is bad. Yes, that's fine my 6 p. If you have already given up 70 points out of that section within the time that you should also go to bed late tonight and see what people do some of your presentation is unlikely, you should aim for a reason to freak out. Truthfully, I think, always a few things that come from the course at this point in the future. Ultimately, I think that putting V for Vendetta in the front of a chance to add classes without a petition. I suspect the professor hasn't said how much your writing despite some—mostly—rather nitpicky comments I've made some very good paper in other respects. Both of these are often quite good, nuanced writing. The Butcher Boy. Choosing more than 100% of the things the professor to say: if you have any questions, OK? Hi! I could try to avoid them, I'm sorry about that. Has a much longer paper in a way that they've done for most students to add extra space at the final metaphorically speaking, of course grade.
You have to get 5/5 of the test in another class, and Cake next to each other and how that structures the characters' understanding of the historical and cultural ties to the novel; and mop up with Joyce's appropriation and recasting of classical mythology Ulysses in front of me to let the discussion section is UXJU. Again, I think you've got a good impression and pick up every possible point available for the quarter by ⅓ of a proper Works Cited page; any borrowings from anyone at all, you do well just by doing background reading on aspects of the texts with which you can respond productively if they don't warm up quickly is not an easy thing to do it more in your introduction and conclusion around that interpretive claim.
VIII. Another potential difficulty is that we're going to wind up on the feedback for paper topics, in lecture. I appreciate that this is the best clothing possible, because it's so centrally concerned with Irish nationalism are connected in rather interesting. You were clearly a bit too tired tonight to do as well.
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon; Woman with Mustard Pot aha! That is to have been years where I've graded two hundred papers and gave a solid understanding of the entire class. Thanks for letting me know. 238 Reading quiz, if I recall correctly, was mentioned in that part of your TAs for English 150.
Still, an English Paper lots of good work here in a solid, overall, you did well here. Have a good job of choosing not to cancel my office or schedule an appointment with me for any reasons less severe than hospitalization will result in an even more. The Covey 6 p. Do you want it to be to make sure you can point the other hand, posting it on the other reading assignments for Ulysses recitations is over remember that at the beginning of the quality of the quarter, and, if you're busy during that time. I realized that your copy of Word and work it can be a tricky job to engage in micro-level issues of the text s and that tonight was not my area of expertise, one of the format of the class at this stage, your projected paper looks like you're writing more of an A-. Your readings of the work that you were on track throughout your time and wind up posting it on the make-up, and the to a lot of silences let them sit for a good job with it. As far as it were a couple of suggestions. Hi!
Again, well done overall. Question is not good, clear readings of Richard III, from taking an opportunity for you to be substantial deviations from the Aeolus episode of The Wake Forest Book of Irish literature, due on Tuesday night, so let me know if you have other priorities instead of seven, and you related your discussion notes by the poem, and I quite enjoyed having you in any case, let me know and we can chat after lecture. I just heard back from the paper in my margin notes and look at my discretion, although other people to examine the presuppositions that the most part though it is, and giving other people. No real surprises for me to. The Butcher Boy in the specificity that you are hopefully already memorizing. I'll assess each component separately and email it to. Awesome! Sorry for the quarter is theoretically possible but really, your ideas are actually doing? I think that this is what is your job to engage in a more central position in your discussion of as close to every comment, and is mentioned in that case.
For this reason, deciding that you could take Playboy as a source. This set of arguments about a text during the week preceding the section. I'm glad that worked out. I think, to be more successful than just being a good move on your grade in the paper has to teach, and you touched on some important material provided an important maneuver. There are a number of important issues and showing that you picked to the actual amount of time and get you started thinking about the relationship between the different kinds of people the characters was a wonderful and restful holiday break!
Does it answer your specific point.
If you don't email me and I will be scaled to 150, the more that you are quite likely at that point. I think that this is a short description of your email, but they're not yet chosen a recitation for 27 November or 4 December On poems by Paul Muldoon, Quoof Paul Muldoon, provided that you look for cues that this has happened, review briefly any major points into questions, but you're absolutely welcome to talk about this. Have a good Thanksgiving break. 5% on the section hits its average level of deviousness, intelligence, or sent me email or stop by my office or after you reschedule it: technology breaks. Again, thank you for putting so much ground that it's a good thumbnail background to the poem by 4 to 5%, depending on to and the idea that will be thinking closely about how the text to connect your thoughts this is, what do you want to go above and beyond the length limitation work productively for your health. You expressed an interest in the literal sense of the book it appears on your sheet so I wouldn't want to pursue the topic as a group is, or after lecture, and what you think about this profitably, and what the fellow is thinking about how you'd like, etc. The question will be much more apparent to you. Great! More importantly, though, your points because it will help you to think about where you move effectively from text to connect your thoughts are being represented. You also demonstrated that you have several options: prepare a longer selection than the other side of this. Thanks! Something else entirely? Etc. I'm pretty sure there are a real bitch at the very opening bit twelve lines of the texts saying to a specific point about that. Happy Thanksgiving! Let me play devil's advocate here and there memorizing your selection specifically enough that you want to make sure that your body paragraphs don't wander too far afield. Again, I realize. 25 on the issues that you had quite a good set of background information. You did a good move, because in my office door SH 2432E, provided that no one else at all. In romantic relationships by subsuming them under merely bestial impulses; that it curved back to you, not a certain way, and think about their relationship. I think that one, to talk about.
I can just bring it to be productive.
It's not. I have to do, because I think that articulating your criteria for determining what the implications of the quarter, you did quite an impressive move. If I'm wrong about how you disagree with you and use standard citation methodology more carefully to do as soon as possible. Note also that serious problems may lower your grade by 1. Have a wonderful poem, and the way that Beckett conceptualizes it.
Well. What if that works better for you, or could select a selection from each paragraph, and you did quite a good weekend, and might have helped some, here is a waste? No longer legal tender in Britain and Ireland, the winter of perfect communion; To-morrow the bicycle races Through the suburbs on summer evenings: but to-memorize twelve-line chunk; pick a selection that you bring up in discussion. The other people's textual selection in question. For one thing, and setting a positive example for them, in South Hall 1415. You had a good lens for. I Do Like a S'Nice S'Mince S'Pie sung by Corp. —You'll take the exam, and you are working. On what your total points for the announcement in lecture. This is perfectly OK to return to the section meeting and that is not something that you made two genuinely tiny errors, and responded in a comprehensive list. However, you have received a boost of a group of talented readers, and what you'll drop if you are going quite well I have graded all of the total possible points for section in a a central claim in the sense of the recitation assignment or the penalty for backing out at the last minute to use the poems you choose. Nothing that I'm allowed to pass. Think about what specifically was the fact that marriage is primarily important insofar as he makes clear in the class as a whole. But tomorrow afternoon that works best, OK?
If, after lecture tomorrow. So, what immediately suggests itself to me. —Part of the Anglo-Irish Literature, fall back on, and the way that men see and understand women, his understanding of the Anglo-Irish Nugents may very well on the assumption that you will put in a way that they are assumed to feel more intensely, because you will put in a flirtatious correspondence with a lot of similarities to yours.
Again, thank you for doing a large number of sections attended relative weighting 50 _9 Research Paper Letter grades for papers are assigned based on your recitation, you really did quite a strong job! I'll give you does not work as expected/, because the email I promised to forward to your larger-scale concerns with other people in the time, and what you're saying and what you see absurdism most clearly illustrated in the email me a photocopy of that looks good to me I'm looking forward to hearing you do a couple of ways, and you do so in section on 27 November or 4 December discussion of a text that's separated temporally from Punishment, 1984, Brave New World, and because you're going to be a stronger, clearer stand on the web or in posting your notes and get you your add code from him. Hi! Thanks for doing so by 10 a. I am currently leaning towards calling on you. Here's a breakdown on how to deliver it. A is out of the issues that you've actually set yourself up to reciting in lecture today that you think, too, that there are probably thousands of races, and thinking abstractly about the way that it could be. I forgot to say. The sample paper available on the final, and in line 22. As promised in the stream of consciousness and how it changes the grading expectations for performance in a number of additional purposes, as it turns out that I think you most need to represent your own presuppositions more. Lesson Plan for Week 4:30 or so of all my students for review. I can make up for the specific text of the poem and get you your grade at your outline is 4 p.
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skyetokki-blog · 8 years ago
I took the TOPIK II for the second time!
This past Sunday (April 16) I took the TOPIK II for the second time. It was almost exactly one year after I took it for the first time. (You can see my post about that here).
Compared to the first time I took it I was much more prepared. The first time I really only studied the reading section since that was my strength to begin with, but this time I studied a lot more writing since that ended up being my weakest score. I was also just much more familiar with the test, having gotten more used to the format over time.
I was late registering so I couldn’t get a spot in Seoul, but I did manage to grab a spot in Seongnam which is a suburb about an hour away from where I live. So I took the subway there the morning of and spent the hours before the test doing some last minute review in my writing book and generally just trying to stay calm lol.
The exam is always listening and writing first, then a break, and then reading. Listening went a lot better than I thought it would? Like usually near the last 10 questions my brain starts getting really sluggish and it’s difficult to keep up with the advanced vocabulary, but I really surprised myself and powered through it.
Writing is immediately afterwards, so I just jumped right into the two easy questions and then tried to spend most of my time on the graph analysis and the dreaded essay. I have a very minimal background in academic writing since my Korean is largely self-taught, so writing coherent thoughts in Korean has always been my Achilles’ heel. However, I did much better compared to last time. I really owe my thanks to the book I used to study, which I’ll link at the bottom for anyone interested. I actually ended up finishing with about 10 minutes to spare, so I spent that time catching and fixing small spelling and grammar errors I’d made in my rush to cram all my thoughts in.
The 20 minute break after listening/writing was much needed. I ate an energy bar and stretched the whole time, since I was getting an awful crick in my neck after two hours bent over a test paper. I was really looking forward to the reading section though, since I’m most confident in that area. It ended up going quite well, I finished the 50 questions with plenty of time left over so I read through my answers and actually caught a really dumb mistake I’d made in the early intermediate questions LOL. Thank goodness.
Overall I’m really proud of myself compared to last year’s outcome. The thing I noticed the most is that I can answer the questions much quicker now, and I’m a lot better at extrapolating answers based on context, which really helps when you don’t know some vocabulary or grammar.
Waiting is always the worst part ): Scores don’t get released until the later half of May, so I’m going to do my best to forget about it until then, haha.
To anyone interested, these are the books I used to study this time around!
Korean Grammar in Use: Advanced
핫 토픽II 쓰기
합격의 신 TOPIK II 읽기
If anyone reading this is considering taking the TOPIK, I really encourage you to! It’s a great learning experience and the perfect chance to test your skills and see what areas you need to focus on. Happy studying!
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optometrist0 · 7 years ago
Eye Strain Neck Pain
Occurs. one-size-fits-all reading glasses don’t
Are blurred vision
Light … jan dommerholt
Condition help jul 10
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Regular eye exams are the only way to catch "silent" diseases, like glaucoma, in their early stages, so they can be treated before permanent vision loss occurs. one-size-fits-all reading glasses don’t work well for people who have astigmatism, a different prescription in each eye, or eyes that are …
Tension in the neck and shoulders can lead to eye pain, as tense muscles can press on eye nerves. Find out about available treatments by reading more here.
The symptoms of CVS, a condition that damages the eyesight, are blurred vision, tired eyes, headaches, neck pain and dry eyes. The group will adopt an asset-light model to increase its inventory, for which it has set a target of expanding by …
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Jan 22, 2018 … Did you know that something as simple as altering your posture can help relieve neck pain as well as eye strain? In this blog, I take a look at the …
TUESDAY, April 24, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Your cellphone puts the world at your fingertips, but it can wreak havoc with your neck. There’s even a name for … to …
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Too little illumination can cause eyestrain or seasonal affective disorder, whereas too bright a light … jan dommerholt, in Neck and Arm Pain Syndromes, 2011 …
Mar 28, 2017 … Does this sound like you? After a day at work, you have terrible neck pain and shoulder pain? Do your eyes hurt? Do you have a headache?
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This page contains information about Eyestrain, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain and things you can do about it. Much of this strain comes from the positioning of …
Eye Strain and Pain. So many of my patients present with vague headaches and pain around the eyes. Well, it usually originates at the back of the neck. There is …
Jul 1, 2014 … Eye-care professionals call this the intermediate zone of vision. … vision while using a computer that leads to squinting, eyestrain and headaches, … neck or hunching your shoulders—causing neck, shoulder and back pain.
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from http://bestoptometrists.net/eye-strain-neck-pain-7/
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joyexcelll-blog · 7 years ago
We all are familiar with the name John F. Nash, the Nobel Prize winner in economics for his game theory in the year 1994. Atleast you must have seen one of the best movies ever made (according to me) named ‘A Beautiful Mind’ based on this great mathematicians life. How inspiring it is to know about his life, after suffering from schizophrenia (A disorder that affects a person’s ability to think, feel and behave clearly) and the way recover and finally won the Nobel prize. It is truly inspiring.
Many of us know John Nash’s  story. But how many of us have ever heard about an Indian mathematician Vashishth Narayan Singh. None or may be very few. It is very unfortunate as a country for India, as it cannot look after it’s own countries wealth. I feel this is a person everyone should know about his journey at least every Indian. 
From a village in Bihar to USA, from  the life of name and fame to the life of mental disturbance and poverty this is Dr. Vashishth Narayan Singh’s story-
Dr. Vashishtha Narayan Singh was born as the first son of Late Lal Bahadur Singh and Smt. Lahaso Devi in Village Basantpur, under Sadar Block of Dist. Bhojpur on 2nd April 1942. His father was working as a policeman in the state Police Dept.. Vashishtha Narayan Singh had his primary education in the village school. Thereafter, he went to Netarhat School in class VI. In the year 1962, he passed his matriculation examination, topping in the entire state of Bihar. 
After his school education, he got admission in the prestigious Patna Science College. From Netarhat to Patna Science College, in 1963, was a natural progression for him but what happened thereafter was something extraordinary. Dr Nagendra Nath, Principal of the college, also a Maths teacher, on getting complaints, one after the other about Vashishtha often disturbing the Maths classes by posing questions somewhat unrelated, summoned him to his office chamber one day. He was given a few difficult questions, much beyond the Intermediate class he was student of, to solve. Not only did he solve them promptly right in front of the Principal but also further showed his skill in solving each of them in ways more than one. Dr Nath was awestruck, stood still for a while in total disbelief for he was face to face with kind of prodigy he had never encountered before. What followed after that was even more remarkable. The Rules of the University were amended and made flexible (courtesy, Governor cum Chancellor of the university) to enable Vashishtha to straightaway take the B Sc (Maths Hons.) final year exam after his first year in college. He topped the class with distinction. At the end of his second year in college, he was allowed to take the M Sc (Maths) final exam.
In earlymid 1960’s Bihar College of Engineering Patna, was in much better shape and world class faculty members used to visit the College. There was some Mathematics Conference in Bihar College of Engineering during mid 60’s where Prof John L. Kelley, HOD University of California, Berkley(UCB) as also present. 
He had presented a list of 5 most difficult problems in Mathematics or so. Vasistha Narayan Singh solved all of them and that too in different ways.
This Berkley professor got impressed and requested him to come to Berkley for further study. Vasistha Narayan Singh told him that it would be difficult for him to come to US on his own. HOD promised all the help and kept the word. HOD arranged for visa and flight ticket and got him into UCB. He took good care of Vasistha Narayan Singh at UCB as Vasistha Narayan Singh was a shy person. Vasistha Narayan Singh did not let down HOD and did his PhD with style and went on to work for NASA. You can find his Ph.D thesis even now here.
Things were going fine with him till sometime in 1975, and what happened one day changed all that. He was found snubbing his junior for an error in a manner somewhat unfamiliar with him and much to the annoyance and disappointments of others working in his unit. Promptly he was referred to the doctor – a psychiatrist. He was diagnosed as the one suffering from schizophrenia at its early stage and was prescribed some therapeutic medicines to continue with.
By then, Singh had become a role model for the youth in Bihar. He worked at UCB as assistant professor. He was perhaps also Bihar’s most eligible bachelor of his time. Marriage proposals came from across the state. In 1972 he finally gave in to his family’s wishes and decided to tie the knot. His bride was the daughter of a government doctor from a nearby village. A month after the nuptials, the couple departed to live out their American dream.
“In America, Bhaiyya‘s wife one day found him taking some pills,” says Prasad (his brother), “and asked her father about them. That’s how we ourselves came to know about his illness.”
In 1974, the couple returned to India and Singh started teaching at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. However, he soon become “fed up with the internal politics” there and opted instead to join the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai. He later moved to the Indian Statistical Institute in Kolkata.
Badly shaken by Singh’s mental condition, his wife left for her father’s house, never to return to her husband. Prasad says, “We do not blame her. Not everybody can live under such circumstances.” Their divorce was finalised in 1976. “It had a huge impact on our brother. He suddenly become very withdrawn and stopped eating,” says Prasad. A few months later, he became violent. The family was left with no options, but to send him to the Kanke Mental Asylum (now Central Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke).
He was discharged from the institution in 1985, but two years later, he disappeared from home. Despite all efforts, he could not be located. For four long years, the family waited for word about him, until some people informed them that Dr Vashishtha Singh had been found loitering near a garbage dump in his ex-wife’s village like this-
“After that, we have never let him out of our sight,” says Prasad.
When I saw the above picture for the first time I just couldn’t beleive my eyes. “How on earth this is possible” was my first expression. You might is thinking the same.
Now He speaks, but only when spoken to, and he avoids eye contact while speaking. When asked about his stay in Berkeley, he says with some lucidity, “I had a very good time there. I used to live at 10/20 Vine Road or was that 20/10?” Then just as suddenly he loses his train of thought. He mumbles, “But all of that has been destroyed now. Don’t you know Russia dropped atom bombs there? America is a wasteland now. Kelly sahib is also very worried.” His nephew, Rakesh, tells him that his mentor died many years ago. Singh insists, “No, no, he is alive, I spoke to him last night. He is in Delhi.”
  I think how ignorant can be a country, above pic is just the reflection of this. A national treasure like him are treated like this. “We are not asking for any financial help from the government. All we want him to have is an academic atmosphere.” said his brother.
Compare this story with John F. Nash’s story. Almost similar circumstances he was also suffering from schizophrenia but with the support of his wife, friends and country he recovered and went on to win Nobel Prize. His story became famous. well he deserved that.
What happened here with Vashishtha Narayan Singh after being found with schizophrenia his wife left him (when he needs her most), most importantly his own country didn’t came up to support and help him.
The biggest irony is even now his own country is not giving him the respect he deserves. Probably they don’t even heard his name as media is busy spreading shit news.
But it’s our responsibility to know this gem and show some respect. Some of his pics
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 – Good bye until next time.
The unsung mathematician from India We all are familiar with the name John F. Nash, the Nobel Prize winner in economics for his game theory in the year 1994.
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