#and I do think forget but don’t forgive is very Jason
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the-star-rigel · 10 months ago
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devils that you know / raise worse hell than a stranger (THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT + Jason Peter Todd)
the black dog / Robin / Peter / the smallest man who ever lived / who’s afraid of little old me?
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ladytauria · 1 year ago
"tell me a secret" with jaytim if youre still taking prompts, been enjoying all of the snippets!
this one ran away with me. a little bit.
it's. it feels very messy. but i like the direction i ended up going with it. i think--- i think i might revisit this premise again. but for now, nonny, i hope you like it!
(also, i'm glad you enjoyed my snippets~)
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There are few things worse than truth pollen, in Tim’s opinion. Give him fear gas or sex pollen any day of the week. Losing control of his tongue, confessions spilling from his mouth, helpless to do anything to stop it… It makes him shudder just to think about.
He would gladly have taken a blast of truth pollen right to the face, if it meant Jason wouldn’t have.
Jason’s locked himself in an isolation cell, now, while Tim synthesizes an antidote. The general pollen vaccine had done little to help the effects of this strain. Confessions had tumbled from Jason’s lips all the way home, all through the blood draw. Tim tries hard not to think about them, to forget them completely, but they linger in the back of his mind. Whether he wants them to be or not, he knows they’ve been imprinted in the back of his mind, where they’ll be sorted and cataloged, brought out later if ever he needs them.
He never forgets. It’s something of a curse.
As soon as the antidote finishes, Tim sends it to Jason through a panel in the isolation cell. It should take an hour for it to kick in—Tim will be upstairs, whenever Jason is ready.
Two hours pass before Jason joins him. Tim sits at the kitchen island, hands around a mug. Steam still wafts up from it; his face warm and damp where it caresses his skin.
“That better not be coffee,” Jason says. He sounds even grumpier than usual—not that Tim can blame him.
He chooses not to comment on his mood, for the moment.
“It’s not,” he says. “It’s tea.” He pauses. “Herbal tea.”
Jason grunts. 
“There’s some for you on the counter.” He gestures.
Jason rounds the counter, finally coming into view. Tim’s shoulders loosen a little at the sight of him; curls and skin damp from a shower, cotton tee sticking to him. Sweatpants ride low on his hips. His socks have little gray cats on them.
“Did your cameras alert you I was coming up?”
Tim ignores the confrontational sneer in his tone. “No.”
For a moment, Jason’s body tenses like he’s going to challenge him on it—turn it into a fight, until one of them storms out or ends up sleeping in the guest room. Then he finds his tea, in a thermal traveling cup. The tension drains from him, then; weariness in the bow of his shoulders. He takes the cup and joins Tim at the island, settling onto the stool next to his.
Their shoulders brush. Tim knows it’s as close to an apology as he’ll get right now. He brushes against him again when he raises his mug to his mouth; a silent forgiveness.
Jason drinks his tea. He hums softly; a quiet, pleased noise.
They drink in silence. Tim wouldn’t describe it as comfortable, but the air isn’t as thick with tension as it could have been. He knew they would have to address it before they went to sleep; knew, for a while at least, that things would be… delicate. He’s not looking forward to walking on tiptoes—but it’s better than the alternative. It’s better than Jason leaving.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” Tim murmurs, finally. “I’m not— I won’t ask. We can pretend like you never said anything.”
Jason is quiet for a moment, and then he says, “Thank you.” It’s barely a whisper. Tim isn’t sure he would have heard it, if he hadn’t been listening for it.
He brushes against him again, as he gets up to put his mug in the sink. He smooths his hand over Jason’s back; from one shoulder to the other as he walks by—both touches a silent reassurance.
He puts his mug in the sink and stops by Jason again. This time, he kisses his temple. “I’m going to bed,” he murmurs. “Join me when you’re ready.”
Jason leans into his touch—turning, when Tim pulls away, to catch around the waist and pull him close. He kisses the corner of Tim’s eye. “I love you,” he murmurs.
Tim squeezes his forearm. “I love you too,” he breathes.
They stay like that for a moment—a long moment. And then, finally, Jason lets him go, smearing another kiss against his skin when he does. Tim lingers a moment more, and then he heads off to their bedroom.
It’s maybe ten, fifteen minutes before Jason joins him, curling up in Tim’s arms; letting Tim plaster himself against his back, sighing sweetly when Tim’s chin rests atop his curls. He tangles their fingers together over their stomach.
Tim falls asleep knowing everything is going to be okay.
Tim doesn’t just forget about it. He can’t—though he tries. The things Jason said turn over and over in his mind, every time there’s a lull at work, on patrol, in the quiet moments he spends with Jason. He keeps his word. He doesn’t ask about them. He doesn’t even go digging through Batman’s files, or the city’s files—although the temptation sits heavy on his shoulders.
Instead—he ends up thinking, again and again, about secrets.
About Jason’s. About his own. About all the things that sit, buried deep under his tongue, where he would never dare to speak them aloud. But the more he thinks about the more he sees them as cracks—fissures, things not sitting quietly in himself but things keeping them apart.
He finds himself wanting to dig them up. To look at them in the light, offer them to Jason; see if he finds even those parts of him worth loving.
He wants to do the same to Jason. To look at the ugliest parts of him again—this time without the wrongness of pollen coating them—and cradle them in his hands, tuck them in the spaces between his ribs. Soothe the hurts they left behind.
Tim knows Jason won’t let him.
Tim has never needed reciprocation.
He starts offering them, impromptu, in their quiet moments.
“Sometimes I feel more like myself in a dress and heels than I do in a suit,” he confesses, while Jason is reading; Tim’s head in his lap while he plays on his switch. “I’ve thought about looking into it—but honestly. Exploring... that on top of everything else just sounds exhausting.” 
Jason pauses, fingers in Tim’s hair, and says, “If you ever want to, I’ll support you. I’ll love you, no matter what you decide.” 
Tim turns and kisses his stomach.
A few days later, they’re cooking together. Tim stirs noodles, while Jason chops vegetables. “The first time I dressed up as a woman, I looked so much like my mother I almost couldn���t leave the manor. I don't think I would have, if not for the mission.”
The knife pauses; the sound of chopping stops. “That must have been a lot,” Jason says, tentatively. 
Tim doesn’t have to look over to know Jason is giving him a weird look. He can feel it on the back of his head.
“It was,” he agrees. “Are you sure I salted this enough?”
His next confession is delivered when Tim is donning one of his aliases for an undercover job. Jason is sweet enough to do up his zipper for him.
“I created my first alias when I was seven. I mean, I guess it was more playing pretend, but... I dunno. It felt more serious than that, even then. I kept making more as I got older, trying them on... whenever I felt like it. Now it’s something I do as a hobby, to keep my skills sharp, but there was a time when I wanted to be anyone other than Tim Drake.”
Jason meets his eyes in the mirror; gaze unfathomable. “What changed?”
Tim’s lips quirk. “It’s hard to fall in love as anyone but yourself.”
The flush on Jason’s face is vivid red. Tim is helpless to do anything but turn and kiss him.
After a fight, Tim calls Jason. It goes straight to voicemail—not unexpected. It still makes his heart clench. He ignores it, instead offering, 
“Jason… I’m sorry, for what I said, earlier. It— It wasn’t true. I meant it when I said I can live with you killing. I don’t—I don’t… The truth is, I don’t disagree with your methods. I’m tempted to join you, sometimes. A lot of times. I’m tempted to go even further, too. I… Sometimes I think the only thing that keeps me from going bad is Dick’s disappointment. Bruce’s, too, but. I don’t care what he thinks as much anymore.
“Some days the temptation is stronger than others, though. And that— It scares me. I cling tighter to the rules in response. I… It’s not an excuse for me to hurt you, though. I’m sorry. I love you. Come home whenever you’re ready.” He’s crying when he finishes, hanging up the phone. Thinks about staying in the basement; distracting himself with cold cases instead of going to bed.
He decides he’s disappointed Jason enough.
Jason comes home that night. Slips into their bed, gathering Tim in his arms. 
“You could never go bad,” he whispers. “You’re too fucking good, Tim.”
Tim shakes his head, burying his face in Jason’s neck. “If I convinced myself it was right, or for a good cause…” He holds him tighter.
Jason is quiet. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” Tim doesn’t even hesitate.
“Then trust that I wouldn’t let you.”
Tim knows Jason has broken his own moral code more than once.
He also knows that Jason is far more careful with the people he loves than he is himself.
It’s a trait they share.
So he nods. “Okay.” 
“And you’ll do the same for me,” he says, softly—almost tentatively.
Tim holds him tighter. “Yes.”
He’s quiet for so long Tim thinks he falls asleep. Then, he offers, quietly, “Sometimes I think I’ll go too far, and— You’ll leave. Or that you’ll wake up one day, and realize I’m not going to change, that… That you can’t handle the killing after all. I don’t… I don’t want to lose you.” He doesn’t say, I thought I was losing you tonight, but Tim hears it anyway.
He kisses Jason’s neck. “You won’t,” he says, confidently. “But— If you ever do, or if it looks like you’re going to— I promise I’ll tell you. Warn you. I won’t just disappear without giving you a chance.”
Jason shudders in his arms. He tucks his face in Tim’s hair—Tim cups the back of his neck in response. “Feels like all you’ve given me a hundred second chances,” he whispers.
Tim nuzzles him. “I’ll give you a hundred more. You’re worth it.”
Jason starts making his own confessions, after that.
He lights a candle on the coffee table, filling the air with the scent of sandalwood. Then he stops. Turns his lighter over in his hand—flicks it on, then off again.
“I didn’t stop smoking because of how I died, or the Pit, or Talia, or for my health, or—any of the bullshit reasons I told everyone else. Sheila— Cigarettes remind me of her. The way she just sat there and watched.”
Tim stands, stepping into his space. He winds his arms around Jason’s waist. “You deserved better,” he says, quietly.
“We both did.”
‘We’ means Tim and Jason. It also means Sheila and Jason. Tim doesn’t know if he agrees with the latter—but. Whatever else she was, she was Jason’s mother, and that means something to Jason. So, he says nothing. Just presses a kiss to Jason’s shoulder.
After a rough patrol, another argument between Jason and Bruce—one that took both Nightwing and Red Robin to break up—Jason sits in the medbay of Tim’s nest, letting him stitch up his arm.
Tim is almost done, when Jason says, “I’ve given up on Bruce killing the Joker for me. I wish he’d let me do it. More than that—I just. I want him to tell me, to my face, that he missed me. That he loved me. That the loss of me was something painful. That—That he still loves me. I don’t. I don’t want to hear it from someone else. But I know— I know he won’t. The man who would have died with me, and sometimes I think that’s the worst of it all.”
Tim snips the thread, laying the needle down. He kisses the skin just above the wound, and lingers there. “I’m sorry.”
Jason is quiet. Then he turns, pressing his nose into Tim’s hair. He doubts it smells great—he hasn’t had time to hit the showers yet—but Jason doesn’t seem to care. “Me too,” he whispers.
Tim gets a box of cologne samples in the mail. He’s going through them, just for fun—handing the ones he likes best to Jason. As he passes over the third, Jason says,
“I don’t remember what Mom’s voice sounded like anymore—but. I found the perfume she loved. It was one of the most expensive things we owned. She only got it out for special occasions, or—or when she was sad, and needed something to help remind her of the good times. I— When I smell it, I can almost hear her again. Singing in the kitchen, or… Reading with me on the couch.”
Tim puts the cologne samples down. He tucks himself against Jason’s side and holds him tight. The vulnerability in Jason’s voice, in his expression… It scares Tim almost as much as it awes him. He just— He wants to protect him, to hold the softest parts of Jason close, where nothing and no one can hurt him again.
It’s an impossible wish, but. That won’t stop him from trying.
“Tell me about her?” he asks softly, laying his cheek over Jason’s heart. The steady beat is calming.
Jason does.
It keeps going. Back and forth.
“Sometimes I think no one actually wants me around—that people are happier when I’m not there.” 
“I think I left a piece of myself in the grave. It hurts less that it’s missing these days, but. It still hurts.”
“I never felt like I was alive until I became Robin. That’s part of why losing it hurt so much.”
“Sometimes Bruce and Dick will mention things—and I don’t remember them. They sound like happy memories, but, when I go poking around, all I can find are blank spaces. It’s fucking terrifying.”
“In the early days—sometimes Bruce would forget, and call me by your name. I… It feels awful to admit, but. Those nights were my favorite.”
“I hate looking in the mirror. For—for a million fucking reasons, but one of ‘em is how much I look like my dad. Like Willis. He wasn’t a bad man, except when he drank. He just… he drank a lot. I don’t want to be him.”
Secrets traded, back and forth. A lot of them big, some of them small. Always in the quietest moments, in the carefullest tones. Each one met with acceptance, with love.
Tim feels freer than he ever has. Not even swinging between buildings leaves his step so light.
He thinks Jason feels the same; thinks he smiles more, now. Tim has caught him humming in the kitchen more than once—finds himself humming the same tune.
Tim has never needed reciprocation to love someone.
Jason has given it to him anyway.
Ivy’s not done with truth pollen—determined to perfect this strain. This time, Tim is on the other side of the city when Jason catches a face full. He doesn’t miss a beat; working with Spoiler to wrangle her back to Arkham. As soon as it’s handled, he beelines back to the Nest.
Tim meets him there.
Jason doesn’t lock himself in an isolation cell, this time. He works with Tim to distill the antidote. Tim isn’t foolish enough to believe that all of the secrets Jason has buried in the recesses of his mind have come to light. He knows his haven’t. He knows, too, that for both of them, there are some which never will. That's okay. Jason has shared enough that the pollen’s compulsion has little to cling to; little to nourish its roots.
So this time—he doesn’t talk as much, this time; only the occasional confession spilling from his lips.
Most of them make Tim blush.
It’s a torturous hour—albeit for entirely different reasons than last time—and it ends not with a shared cup of tea but Tim pinned to the wall in the Nest shower, Jason on his knees, worshiping him until stars burst behind his eyes.
Tim turns the tables on him as soon as he remembers which way is up—and then they stumble upstairs, to bed, curling into one another like two mis-matched halves.
Jason tangles their fingers together. “Tell me a secret,” he whispers, to the darkness of the room.
Tim does.
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cahrlotah · 2 years ago
𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘐𝘝: 𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭
part I , part II , part III
Word count: 1.3K
“What?!” I mouth to him, clearly annoyed, angrily walking towards him. His jaw is a little bit clenched, but after the lunch act he pulled, I know he is trying not to show that he is mad. 
“ We’ve been waiting for like 10 minutes,” he says, clearly annoyed. 7 pairs of eyes are now judging me, just because I would rather not be an asshole and give everyone a try, but I turly don’t give a fuck about what these dumbasses have to say, so I will just ignore them.
Five of them enter a black car, owned by Andy while Jason, Jake and I get into my brother's car. Andy and his fill to the maximum car goes first while my brother follows them, I turn my head towards the parking lot just to see a heart-warming scene, Eddie and Dustin playing around, while Mike is clenching into Gareth’s arm holding himself. I smile at the warm scene, it is nice to see that even though my brother and his friends make school hard they still have fun. 
The ride to Jake’s house is awkward as none of us say a word. He lives in a nice house, pretty close to ours. The white and brown house will look amazing as the leaves start to fall and change colors, I’m sure about that. He hops off the car, waving goodbye while he walks towards the dark brown door. Jason waits for him to get inside, after that he starts the car. The tree tunnel that goes along our street looks amazing, with it’s green leaves, the sun  shining through the trees and the sound of children and birds can be heard, if I’m being honest, this could be a movie scene or something. The ride back home is way more silent, our breaths and the cat engine are the only few things that can be heard, if I’m being completely honest I never thought I would be awkward around my twin brother. 
He slowly pulls into the garage, the engine sound echoing inside the big room. The click of the door lock lets me know it is open but before I can get out, Jason grabs my arm. My head turns around and I can finally see my brother, his guard down, looking apologetic, his face relaxed, like when we were kids and popularity and appearances didn’t matter.
“ I know I’ve already said it, but i'm sorry for what happened today in school. I shouldn’t have reacted like that” his blue eyes looking at me like a child who has just broken it’s mother’s favorite flower vest, looking for forgiveness.
“Let’s just forget it, okay?” I immediately hug him after this. The house is empty as no sound can be heard. “Where is mom?” I ask as her being gone this time of the day is kinda off. 
“ She has this class , like swimming lessons , I think. I don’t really know if I'm being honest” he explains to me while biting an apple. “ Tomorrow after class the team and I are going to hang around Jake’s, do you want to come?” he starts to climb the stairs. 
“ I was planning on going around town and then to the cinema, was about to ask you if you wanted to come. But no worries, maybe next week?” 
“Next week it is” he goes straight into his room and starts taking a shower. The wooden stairs creak beneath me and I slowly climb to my room. I hang my bag pack from only one shoulder so I can grab a small package of gum from the small compartment on it, when I put my hand inside I find a very bad folded piece of paper on top of my gum. A note , from someone. 
“ Call me - Eddie” is written on the paper  alongside his phone number. A big smile appears on my face, but the question of how he managed to smuggle that note intrigues me. 
I don’t waste any time and I use the time Jason is showering to call the metal head. I run to my room, next to my bed there is a cream phone, a personal phone line just to have some privacy in the house. I quickly dial Eddie’s number. One ring. Two rings. Not even in the half ring someone hangs up the phone. 
“Hello? Who is this?” a raspy voice asks. That’s not Eddie, maybe his dad? 
“ Hello, is Eddie around?” I ask, trying to sound as polite as possible.
“ Eddie!” he shouts, I can hear Eddie ask. “what?!” “ Some girl is asking for you on the phone, should I hang up or is someone you know?” the raspy voice says. After this question, a body falling into the ground can be heard, followed by running. 
“Hello?” He tries to sound seductive but his out of breath voice gives him away. 
“ Hi, there Munson, desperate to talk to me?” I ask, twirling the phone cord in between my fingers. My tummy is on my bed while my feet are up, moving around of excitement
“Nah” his breath is heavy but not as heavier as a few seconds ago.
“Yeah, sure is that why you fell and came running towards the fun huh?” I ask playfully.
“Shit you heard that!?” he asks
“yeah..” we continue to talk about nothing and everything at the same time . He tells me his future plans for his D&D campaign and I tell him a little bit more about myself. In mid conversation there is a knock on my door. “Wait a second” I say to Eddie “ My brother is knocking on my door” “ Yeah?” I ask the person behind the door. He opens the door slightly, his blonde hair peeks through the door followed by his face. 
“Mum just got home, she asked me what do you want for dinner” he explains to me. 
“Whatever you crave, I don’t really mind. By the way, do you know if dad is coming tonight?” I ask him as he, for what I can remember, tends to come home late. 
“I don’t think so, he is going to have dinner with some client,”  he says.
“ Alright. Let me finish talking to my friend and I will come downstairs, okay?” I reply to him.
“Sure” he closes the door and I go back to the phone call. 
“Eddie?” I ask, a slight huh can be heard. “Sorry about that.”
“Oh no worries, does the princess need a room delivery service for her dinner?” he asks playfully.
“Oh shut up Munson. Anyway, I think I need to go and help my mom.” I say, feeling a little bit guilty as I don’t want to end the call. 
“Yeah, sure no worries. I will see you tomorrow at school” he says sadly, when I suddenly remember one thing. 
“Eddie!” I exclaim “ Are you free tomorrow afternoon?” 
“Yeah…Why?” he asks, suspecting something. 
“Do you want to come to the cinema with me? I mean, I’m going to the bookshop and then to the cinema, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.” I say nervously while I play with  my hair instead of the phone cords, while a knot in my stomach starts to form.
“Um… the two of us alone?” he asks, and he sounds as if my request is weird? FUck i think to myself, he doesn’t want to fucking go. I guess I just misinterpreted our little scenes earlier in the day. 
“I mean… you can ask if anyone in Hellfire wants to join. That would�� be perfect.” My voice is a mixture of fake confidence with a little bit of awkwardness and  disappointment thrown in there. 
“Yeah sure I will ask them. Goodnight” he says in a rush. 
“Goodni-” I can not even finish when I hear the silent void sound of the other line being cut. What the fuck was that.
TAG LIST @eddiesdungeon @ajkamins @buchanansbaby @elleeeee21 @moviefreak1205 @strangerthingsstories5255 @percyjacksonspeen @munsonswhore86
Sorry it took me forever to upload, love u all <3
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daringyounggrayson · 2 years ago
If you are still taking requests, could I ask for a Jason Comes Back Right with Alfred? I'd love to see Alfred validating Jason's anger while also denying that he never cared about Jason. Even better if Alfred keeps the fact that he's talking to Jason and trying to reconcile from everyone else. I would love it even MORE if Jason cooked for Alfred for once?
you got the last bingo prompt! thanks for the request, I hope you like it :)
i think we're haunted (also on AO3)
“Ah, Master Jason, good to see you haven’t left the grounds after all,” Alfred says as he enters the kitchen. “Shall we inform Master Bruce?”
Jason glares at the pan, waiting for the pancakes to be ready to flip.
“Still giving us the silent treatment, I take it.”
Jason pushes the spatula under one of the pancakes and takes a peek—still too pale.
“That’s alright. You need time to process.”
Jason huffs, finally turning around to glare at Alfred. The man doesn’t seem to notice, or just doesn’t care.
“I understand why you’re angry,” Alfred says after the staring contest goes on for a moment too long. “We should have told you about Master Tim much sooner, but I cannot change the past. I hope you can forgive us, given time, and that we can move forward.”
For a moment, Jason forgets his vow of silence. “Bruce replaced me! How am I supposed to just forget about that?”
Alfred’s head tilts slightly to the left, and a fresh wave of empathy washes over his face. “Oh, my dear boy, he didn’t replace you. Tell me this, do you believe you were merely a replacement for Master Dick?”
Jason says nothing, and not because he’s taken up his vow of silence again; he just doesn’t know. Part of him almost wants to talk to Dick about it, get his perspective. Was it just odd timing, Bruce finding Jason so soon after Dick, and then finding Tim so soon after Jason? Or can Bruce just not stand being alone? Has he ever cared about any of them, or have they all simply been tools, distractions?
Alfred rests his hand on Jason’s shoulder, and Jason lets him. The older man says, “I imagine it hurt to see him working with a new partner. It must have seemed like he hadn’t grieved you at all, or that all you were to him was a soldier. But that’s not true. You know that, don’t you?”
Jason turns sharply as his lip begins to tremble and tears build in the corners of his eyes. He flips his pancakes. When he has control of his voice, he states, “None of you ever cared about me. And you all wish I was still dead.”
Bruce has been avoiding him more often than not, too busy with the new recruit. And when he visits—or Alfred or Dick—he knows it’s just out of some obligation. No one enjoys spending time with him these days.
“I believe you are angry and hurt and upset, and this is clouding your judgment of both the past and present. We have cared about you since the day we met you, and we grieved your loss so deeply that there were days I feared we wouldn’t survive it,” Alfred confesses. “Your return has been nothing but a blessing, and we are so grateful to have you back. I admit that we have not handled everything perfectly, but that comes with the nature of uncharted territory. Perhaps you need to be a little more patient and understanding with us as well.”
Jason scoffs, moves his pancakes to a plate and pours more batter into the pan. As far as he’s concerned, he’s the one who died, which means he gets a free pass to be as harsh and snarky as he sees fit.
“I also believe that Robin and Master Tim are not the only things that have made you angry.”
“Oh yeah? And what else am I angry about?” Jason snaps.
Alfred remains calm. “That is not for me to presume, lad. Though I’m here if you would like to discuss anything.”
Hmm, what could possibly be making Jason angry? Could it be that his murderer is walking free at this very moment, having recently broken out of Arkham (again)? Could it be that the clown was never even charged for his murder and has thus never been brought to proper justice? Or maybe the fact that his own birth mother betrayed him and led him to his death? Or maybe that Bruce, the man he used to consider a father, was too late to save him and hadn’t even bothered to avenge him?
And now he’s alive again, having to deal with all of these things he never should have had to deal with. Worse, he doesn’t even get to try to go back to living his life. Jason Todd is still legally dead, and according to Bruce, not stable enough to leave the house anyway.
He feels like he's being haunted by his past and the kid he should've/could've been. Or no, maybe that's wrong. Maybe he is the ghost. An angry ghost cursed to haunt his old home, his old life. Maybe the rest of the family can sense it too; maybe they feel like they're being haunted.
Jason flips the next set of pancakes.
Alfred doesn’t speak again, but he does squeeze Jason’s shoulder comfortingly, and he allows it. Alfred stays in the kitchen, too. He thankfully gives up on conversation and sits at the counter, and Jason hears the scratch of a pencil against newspaper; the crossword, he guesses.
After the pancakes finish, he grabs two plates, one for himself and one for Alfred. He also pours two glasses of orange juice and grabs silverware, napkins, and the jug of maple syrup.
He sits next to the man who helped raise him during the last few years of his life, the man who’s still trying to raise him now.
They sit together in silence and eat pancakes.
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unnerving-presence · 3 years ago
could you possible do the slashers like Micheal Jason and which ever others you feel and how they would react to having self harm scars? if your okay with it ofc!
of course! i have to admit i think about this concept sometimes since i’ll look at my scars and be like ‘dayum. why i do dat”
i decided to make this more fluffy and comforting and showing that you shouldn’t be ashamed of your scars so these boys will not be completely in character so forgive :))
also i only decided to write for jason and michael since i feel i could best write them more than any other character since i’m not really feeling great
CW: mentions of self harm, mentions of depression/mental health
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Michael Myers:
You sometimes forget that you even have scars, so eventually when one day you wear a short sleeved shirt or some shorts, Michael will be curious as to how you got them. He won’t go out of his way to demand answers, but if you happen to be sitting next to him while you both are watching tv, he’ll slowly turn his head towards you and rest a finger on the scarred area with a small tilt of the head. His own way of saying, “What happened?”
When he hears that it was because you would harm yourself, he immediately grips your arm or thigh, inspecting the area with a keen eye. You’re not harming yourself still, are you? You reassure him that you haven’t done in it a while, and his tense shoulders settle just a bit.
If you’re ashamed of your scars, Michael will try to comfort you by showing you his. He got his from killing of course, but he still views both of your scars as battle scars. Yours more figurative, and his more literal. He won’t tell you, but by showing you that he’s not ashamed of his scars, he wants you to know that you shouldn’t be ashamed of yours either. He’s trying, okay?
Michael won’t change completely as a person, but you can tell that after you tell him about your scars, he allows you to do a bit more than he usually would.
It’s actually pretty noticeable. You’ll notice that when you both are just chilling together he’ll have a firm hand on the scarred area, lightly caressing it with his thumb. Another way he shows his softer side is by letting you be more affectionate with him. Michael isn’t very comfortable with hugs and kisses unless he’s the one giving them, but he will allow you to be closer to him when you’re feeling down. Truth be told Michael gets a bit worried about you sometimes, and he wants you to know that he cares for you.
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Jason Voorhees:
Honestly he doesn’t really notice them at first. Depending on how recent they are, he’ll just think they’re from you accidentally scraping your arm or leg on some thorn bushes. You’ll actually have to tell him what they’re really from for him to get it.
Jason can’t help but go into a bit of a panic when he hears that you’ve harmed yourself. Are you okay? Do they still hurt? He’s already grabbing what he can to help you. Please calm this man down he is so worried! Once you calm him down he’ll quickly give you a little check up just to make sure you don’t have any bleeding or infected cuts.
Jason will make sure you’re as happy as possible when you’re with him. He knows that you’re an independent person and can take care of yourself, but he can’t help but feel like he could do better for you. He doesn’t want to be overbearing, but he also wants you to be happy. When he’s not going around killing teenagers that trespass into his home, he’ll be trying his absolute best to pamper you. He may not know how to cook, but he’s trying, so at least take a bite of.. whatever he’s made you.
Don’t be ashamed of your scars! Jason loves them! He won’t over do it to the point that it makes you uncomfortable with how much he does it, but if he sees you looking at your scars with a sad look on your face, he’ll try his best to comfort you. He’s not very familiar with being gentle all the time but he will try for you. His usual rough grip is replaced with gentle touches on your scars and he gently traces the area. He’ll look down at you as a way of asking for permission to move on. If you give him a smile or a nod, he will lay his mask on your arm, thigh, stomach, or wherever you have any scars, and will rest there for a moment, slowly closing his eyes.
He wasn’t exactly sure how to get his point across, but he hopes his actions tell you that your scars won’t make him view you any different. Jason knows how it feels to feel ashamed for how his body looks. He never wants you to feel that way, especially if you are someone he holds dear. Your scars do not make you any less of a human being and sure do not make you ugly. Jason loves you so much and he will do anything to let you know that your scars are nothing to be ashamed of.
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marauderundercover · 3 years ago
Crashed Dates (Day 2: Scarecrow)
Marinette grins at her boyfriend, swinging their intertwined hands back and forth as they walk around the pumpkin farm. It was so nice, finally being able to go on cute dates like this. They’d first started dating while he was in Paris on business, around a year ago. Sure, he’d made trips to Paris and she’d made a few to Metropolis, but it was different now that she had moved to Gotham. Now they were able to go on random, unplanned dates, instead of dates that had been planned for weeks. He was definitely worried when she first told him she was moving to Gotham, but she had reassured him that it would be fine. (Not that she had a choice in the matter, Tikki had informed her on her last trip to Metropolis that Gotham was sick, that it was calling out for help and that as the Guardian, it was her job to help it). Gotham was….interesting, but she’d settled in just fine in the two weeks she’d been there.
And so, when he had called her out of the blue to tell her he found a place he thought she’d love, she made sure she had enough layers and jumped at the chance for a day with him. So far, the day had been absolutely perfect. They’d drank hot apple cider, ate warm donuts, taken a trip around the farm on the hayride- everything was great. But for some reason, her amazingly stubborn boyfriend didn’t want to go into the corn maze. 
“Please! You’ll be my favorite person in the whole world.” She begs again, her grin quickly switching into a pout. She keeps pouting, leaning against his arm, until he sighs.
“Fine, we can do the maze.” He says and she cheers, standing on her toes and tugging him down slightly to give him a quick kiss. 
“You are the best!” She says, over enunciating every word. He just grins, giving her another soft kiss. 
“If we get lost, I’m calling the Demon Spawn to come get us out. Pretty sure he has a tracker on my phone.” Jason says, letting her tug him along towards the maze. She just rolls her eyes, grinning. 
“You know you’re secretly touched that he cares enough to track you.” She teases as they near the entrance of the maze.
“Yeah, yeah.” He grumbles, glaring at the scarecrow situated at the entrance of the maze. Marinette raises an eyebrow. 
“You have a problem with men made of straw?” She asks, legitimately confused by his reaction. 
“Geeze M, I knew you were new to Gotham but I forget how new.” He says, pulling her closer. She melts into him, still confused by his reaction, but happy to be close. As they walk through the maze, frustratingly running into deadends, Jason explains Scarecrow. Marinette decides that he’s number two on the list of villains she never wants to meet. Joker is number one. (Joker is also number one on the list of villains she wants to meet, but that’s because she’s always wondered what it would look like to cataclysm a psychotic clown). She’s just about to suggest they call Damian and utilize the tracker that was, undoubtedly on Jason’s phone, when the screaming begins. 
“There isn’t a haunted house here, is there.” Marinette says, her face pale. She wasn’t ready to be a hero again. She’d only defeated Hawkmoth a year ago. Just before meeting Jason. She didn’t want that part of her life again, not now. 
“No, no there’s not.” Jason says, eyes glancing around wildly. Marinette’s heart breaks at the panic on his face. She knew that, despite his tough guy appearance, he struggled. A lot. He had nightmares, constantly, mostly of the time Joker had kidnapped him (hence the whole, cataclysm Joker thing). Pushing down her own fear and doubt, she tightens her grip on his hand and squares her shoulders. 
“Come on.” She instructs, tugging him behind her as she darts through the maze, determined to get out. She stumbles over a rock and lets go of Jason’s hand in time for her to fall into a larger clearing. She curses as she falls, her palms stinging. 
“What have we here?” A voice says. Marinette sits up, staring up at a man in a scarecrow costume and suddenly, Jason’s fear, or rather, dislike, of scarecrows makes more sense. So much more sense. She glances around and lets out a sigh of relief. She’d let go of Jason quick enough. He wasn’t caught up in this. Hopefully, he could call his father. She wasn’t sure if the rumors about Bruce Wayne and Batman dating were true, but Batman was always quick to interfere if it was a Wayne or Wayne adjacent involved. 
“A girl who’s a little pissed that you crashed her date.” She retorts, standing up and brushing her stinging palms off on her jeans. She’d have to get the blood out later, which would be a pain. Better than having the blood on her palms mix with the dirt that also now covered her hands. 
“You’re either very brave or very stupid, little girl. Let’s see how you deal with my newest strain of fear toxin.” He says, and she lunges towards the man, not willing to go down without a fight. Almost immediately, a sharp pinch on her neck has her stumbling back away from the man as she tries to take in her new surroundings. 
She was back in Paris, but it wasn’t the Paris she had left. The city that was healing. Instead this Paris was underwater. Buildings were toppled over, and the moon was in pieces in the sky. She was back there. A place she hadn’t seen in person since she was fourteen, a place that had haunted her nightmares for ten years. She inhales sharply when she sees him. Chat Blanc. But instead of fear, she’s just angry. This isn’t real. It can’t be. Adrien Agreste was Chat Noir. And Adrien was….turning, she realizes that she can almost see him. Out of the corner of her eye, she can almost see Scarecrow, watching her. Waiting for her to react. Anger coursing through her, she charges the man, tackling him all the way to the ground. She pulls back her fist and punches him, repeatedly. 
“How dare you! How dare you use his face like that! You son of a bitch!” She screams as she hits, the roaring in her ears blocking out all other sounds. She keeps her focus on feeling the man she’s hitting, because the second she lets her focus wander, she gets sucked into her surroundings again. The way the sky just looks wrong. The odd haze over everything. And now, the corpses floating in the water closest to her. Adrien. Maman. Papa. She’s not scared, she’s pissed. Sure, those were her biggest fears and that’s definitely why she was seeing them all like that, but she’d already seen it. She’s lived it. They were gone, not coming back. And she sure as hell wasn’t going to fall down and break about it. Not when some asshole with fear toxin was running around randomly injecting people. Suddenly, something is wrapped around her and she’s pulled up. She kicks frantically, trying to get out of the steel grip she’s trapped in. She had to- what did she have to do? Another sharp pinch in her neck makes her eyes droop sleepily. She struggles again, barely able to hear the voice calling her name as she succumbs to the darkness.
Jason Todd feels like a major prick. He watched his girlfriend trip and instead of helping her up, he uses it as a distraction to try and call B. How the fuck was he supposed to know she tripped right into the Scarecrow? He’s cursing himself mentally as he rushes towards the ambulance. Replacement had texted him. 
Marinette was injected. At ambulances near front of farm
And Jason felt like shit. She’d never forgive him, not that he deserved it. He’d left her with one of Gotham’s biggest villains. His heart sinks when he sees the blood on her, and the oxygen mask attached to her face. Fuck. He’s almost to her, when one of the asshole cops stops him. 
“Excuse me, sir, you can’t go over there.” He says and Jason scowls. 
“Like hell I can’t. She’s my girlfriend, let me through.” He says, and the man shakes his head. 
“Family only.” He states. Jason’s about to argue, when a hand lands on his shoulder. 
“I still need to get a statement from Mr. Todd, if you’ll excuse us.” Replacement says, leading him away from the cop. 
“I left her.” He says, the second they’re far enough away. Tim frowns.
“What do you-”
“I mean, I left her. She tripped and instead of checking on her, I was a complete and total asshole and left her so I could call B to get his ass over here and solve the goddamn problem.” Jason says, feeling like even more of an asshole now that he’s said it out loud. 
“Did you see Scarecrow?” Replacement asks. Jason scoffs. 
“Of course not! You really think I would’ve left if I had?” He asks with a glare. 
“No, I don’t. So stop blaming yourself. I literally peeled her off of Scarecrow, she was beating the crap out of him. She’s gonna be tired and scared and confused when she wakes up. Just be there-”
“Jason!” Her terrified voice echoes out and Jason turns, sprinting for the cot he’d seen her on a minute ago. She had ripped the oxygen mask off her face and was looking around while arguing with the paramedic. 
“Ma’am please-” “Marinette!” Jason calls, and her face relaxes as she leaps off the cot and launches herself into his arms. He holds her as she shakes, sobs wracking her body. 
“I saw them.” She mumbles once she calms down a little. He frowns. 
“Saw who?” He asks. 
“My parents. Adrien. Their bodies.” She says, and suddenly, Jason has another name to add to his kill list. Being a complete asshole to all of Gotham, sure. Making his girlfriend see the bodies of those she’d lost? Nope. Now the bastard better hope he didn’t meet Red Hood in an alley. 
“God, Mari, I am so sorry. I’m so sorry I left.” He apologizes, his heart aching when she pushes him away. She frowns up at him and he winces, certain she’s about to break up with him. 
“Left?” She asks and he nods. 
“When you tripped, I swear, I didn’t know Scarecrow was there.” He says. 
“But you got Batman here.” She says and he jerks back. How the hell had she figured it out? When did she- “I know Bruce said he isn’t dating Batman, but honestly, I think he’s just in denial.” She adds. 
“I- what?” 
“Batman always comes when anyone in the Wayne family is in danger. Like, so quickly. And I know that Bruce says it’s just a bunch of rumors, like the whole ‘the butts match’ thing? But I also think that Batman is head over heels for Bruce, and your dad is just kinda clueless.” She rambles. Jason just laughs before pulling her into a deep kiss. She was okay. They were okay. He pulls back and grins at her, until he notices the blood again. 
“Shit, that’s a lot of blood.” He says, taking her hand in his to try and find the source. He glances at her face and raises an eyebrow at the blush that had taken over her face. 
“Oh, um, it’s not mine.” She mumbles. 
“Then who-” “Apparently I beat the hell out of Scarecrow. In my defense, that fear toxin sucked. And I was kinda pissed.” She says, frowning down at the blood on her hands. Jason takes one of his hands and gently tilts her chin up so that she’s looking at him again. He grins at her, giving her a short, soft kiss before pulling back. 
“I love you.” He says, and if the kiss she gave him in return meant anything, she felt the same way.
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pandoraimperatrix · 3 years ago
Wandering Worlds
DickKory | Core Four Centric | Cannon Divergence | Longfic
Dick Grayson is dead. His life taken by his own brother. The Abel to Jason’s Cain. Consumed by grief, Rachel gives in to despair, losing control, a portal opens, but from it no destroyer of words come through. Instead a man who looks just like him, how can he be?
*90's infomencial voice* Tired of Dick Grayson getting no character growth every season? Can't stand the lack of development? The fact that we barely got any DickKory content since season one? I have just what you need! *normal voice* Okay, so in this fic Dick died, and Rachel pulled an alternative version of him from a dying universe, a version of him that will not take his family, Kory and his life for granted, he's not perfect, but he's doing his best.
Chapter Eighteen – All my pretty follies flung aside
Kory had completely underestimated how having her powers at her disposition boosted her humour. After being stuck in that nebula of sorrow, grief and anxiety for so long, right now, soaring  through the San Francisco sky, she felt amazing.
And her fortuitous meet with Dick let her skin sizzling. The hungry way he had looked at her, X’hal…
Too bad all that hunger and desire wasn’t exactly for her, but to someone else that she just happened to look exactly alike.
Still, if Rachel wasn’t there, she didn’t think she would care very much if his heart didn’t belong to her. Despite her tamaranean considerations of reciprocity, right now, she liked him enough for the both of them. And if she had found him alone that morning, and he didn’t object, she would have pushed him against the fridge, fallen on her knees, taken him in her mouth and made him forget that there was someone else he wanted.
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X’hal… When had her become the desperate type? This was getting ridiculous. She needed to do something. But what? Donna didn’t do anything to help. Terrible friend she was!
Kory closed her eyes and charged forward toward a cloud, hoping the cold mist would help quench her ardour but instead, the wetness that took over her mostly exposed body only made her wish to dive back down and tempt him further.
She floated in the sky until the wind and the mid-day sun dried her body and hair completely. As much as she loved Earth and never wished to leave, it was important to remember who she really was. There, up above, away from humanity, she finally felt like herself. It was a sensation she never wanted to lose again.
When she landed back on the Tower’s rooftop, Donna was waiting for her with a terrible smile playing on her lips.
“Just look at her…” Donna teased, “are you sure that nothing happened in Metropolis?”
Kory rolled her eyes despite the smile that insisted on not leaving her face and just walked past her friend.
Donna held her wrist making Kory turn to face her.
“Donna, for fucks sake... ” If she wouldn’t help she could just stop rubbing in.
“Hey, chill. Look,” she shed her teasing tone for a more serious one, “I wanted to tell you first so we don’t ruin Gar’s party tonight, but Dawn called me, she needs help with a case…”
Kory’s glow faded a bit and she turned her whole body towards her friend.
“You’re leaving us.”
Donna gave her a sad smile.
“It was time. This was never my thing, I never wanted to be a Titan again, nevermind take a leading role. You and Dick are ready to take over now.”
“I know…” Kory sighed, she caught the hand that Donna had used to intercept her in her own hands, as if that would be enough to keep her friend by her side. “But it isn’t the same without you.”
“I damn well hope so! And for Eros sake if I leave and you and Dick still don’t get your shit together I’ll-“
Kory pulled Donna for a hug, muffling her threats against her hair. Closing her eyes shut, memories of her friend dying flashed under her eyelids and Kory held Donna a littler tighter before letting go.
“Take care of yourself there, Troy, I won’t forgive you twice for dying.”
Gar’s birthday commemoration was filled with all the things he liked the most, vegan food, videogames and electronic 80’s music. At first, he was a bit shy in his requests, not used to being the one on the e receiving side of attentions like that. Kory’s heart broke a little when she noticed that. She adored Gar, and wanted more than anything that he realized how cherished he was by her and their little Titans family.
“I have a surprise for you,” Dick said when they were all reunited in the living room, he had just pushed a huge box wrapped in colourful paper from inside the elevator. The scene was almost comical, as the box was as tall as Rachel. “You know I didn’t have my assets until very recently, so I didn’t know if it would get in time, but I’m happy it did.”
“Oh my god, Gar!” called Rachel slapping the birthday boy on the arm and looking more excited than he was.
“Please don’t tell me you put a dog in a box, Dick,” begged Gar cringing and rubbing his abused arm. He and Rachel had been throwing hopeful lines about adopting a dog since Krypto left with Conner.
“It’s not a dog, we are not getting a dog,” deadpanned, Dick. He then tapped the box as if to prove that nothing alive was inside it. He had his forearms naked that night, had pushed his jumper’s – that was skin tight, mind you – sleeves up. He was decided to ruin her life.
 “Open it, Gar,” Kory said, “I’m curious,” her eyes met with Dick’s for a moment, and she shifted, needing to be in movement.
The boy handed her his cup of soda and moved towards the box. In very Gar fashion, he tried to unwrap the present neatly, but as the thing was massive, he started to struggle rising muffled laughs from his audience.
“Rach, some help!” He pleaded and his sister joined, pulling chunks of paper and cardboard and urging to do the same, soon, even Dick was helping. Under the paper and cardboard there was a lot of bubble wrap and Gar let a screech of frustration. “Come on, man!”
“I didn’t personally packaged it, Gar,” explained Dick, also looking very frustrated, he had grabbed small knife she never had noticed before he kept hooked to his belt to slice the tape used to hold the bubble wrap encased around the mystery present.
Finally, Gar seemed to pull a huge piece of wrap from the object and the stylized word “Gauntlet” appeared in yellow and green.
“SHUT UP!” Gar shouted, eyes and mouth agape, Kory exchanged an amused look with Donna who was badly hiding her snickering behind her margarita.
“What?” asked Rachel clearly not getting Gar’s excitement but wanting to join him at it.
“Just the best game ever! And in original arcade!” Gar then ran to Dick giving him a bear hug and then stepped back, as if uncertain, Dick then pulled him closer, his eyes shut and a warm smile in his lips. Kory felt her heart float to her throat and finished her margarita to force it to its place.
Realization fell over her, and it came with a mix of sadness and a huge chunk of relief too. Dick had ordered that while they were at Mertropolis. Somehow, in the middle of all that storm of complicated feelings he had remembered Gar, remembered and taken time to make their boy happy.
That, somehow, out of all every single sign, made things pretty clear to her.
 “What is this?” Dick asked as they met later, alone in the corridor. He looked so much more alive than he had since he dropped from that tear in fabric that separated the universe. With his bright eyes and dimples, the hair wasn’t entirely neat either after all the partying with the kids, making him look young, boyish.
Everybody had already gone to bed, bellies full of cake and fingers hurting from playing for the best part of the night. Donna was terrible and cursed a lot, Rachel moved her whole body following the character’s actions, Kory was forbidden from playing again after hitting a button too hard and almost breaking the toy. Gar attempted to spend the whole night trying to beat Dick’s high score, but was sent to his room, since was after midnight and his birthday-boy voucher expired.
Kory had taken the opportunity of her banishment to get something from her room. It was not easy fit, but the margaritas Donna prepared helped her to gather courage.
“An apology,” she said in a tight voice, “give me your hand.”
“Koriand’r, I don’t w-“ he started, with a hint of impatience, he must have seen the hurt in her eyes, because he stopped, took a deep breath and stretched his hand to her. “You’ve already apologized enough.”
“I know,” she breathed, eyes lowering to his hand, taking it first with her free one, her thumb caressing his calloused palm with yearning “this is the last one,” she smirked at him and added, “I hope.”
And then Kory took a deep breath, “I am sorry. I used you, that night in Gotham.”
He sighed, tightening his jaw.
“I consented.”
Kory smiled sadly at his mater-of-fact answer.
“Yes,” she agreed, wrinkling her nose, “but I still regret it.” His hand twitched over hers as if he was about to pull it, but to her relief, he didn’t. “It wasn’t fair to neither of us, and the way I left…” His eyebrows rose at that, it was clear that he didn’t think he would ever hear her acknowledging that, “and how I acted after… Well,” she pushed her hair away from her eyes, “I know I hurt you then, but… I needed you to understand that, back then, you were not who I really wanted, and I felt like I was betraying those feelings… I wasn’t who you really wanted either,” her voice faltered, “not really, and I felt like… Like I was disrespecting you and her too.”
Her lip trembled and she finally placed the object she was holding on his palm. It was a batwinged domino mask. Nightwing’s mask.
“But now… Everything changed and… Well, even if I’m not her, and you don’t want me… You don’t need me to be Nightwing, or the leader of the Titans or Gar and Rachel’s dad,” Kory caressed the black lines of the mask with longing. “X’hal knows you’ve done a better job than… He ever did. Tonight with Gar… I can’t place him in that scene but I can see you in all the memories I have with him. And it breaks my heart, because I loved him, I love him, but I’m also proud of myself to have honesty enough to say this, because it’s true.”
They remained in silence for a moment after that, hands still linked, then, Dick covered her hand with his.
“I’m surprised and happy you think so,” he finally said, voice just a little louder than a whisper, “but I don’t think I get your point, and I don’t agree entirely either.”
She licked her lips and rose her eyes to gaze into his again.
“You don’t need me to fit in this family. Never did. I tried to pretend you didn’t to protect myself, because I was so ashamed… But I don’t know what I am protecting anymore when none of my fears are turning into reality.”
Something crossed his eyes then, was it fear or hope?
She meant to only give him that mask and nothing else, but it seemed impossible to stop the words coming out of her mouth.
“And I really tried to stay away from wanting you, because... And I’m being honest here when I say I tried with my all to separate the two of you inside my head and my heart, but I can’t… Look… I’m so tired of denying something obvious, we’ve both lost enough and if I’m wrong, if you do want me-“
She never had the chance to finish that sentence.
And it took her a moment, although a very small one, to realize that his lips were moving over hers. But after that first shock, Kory seized power pushing her body flush to his, with the all the desperation for his touch that she had been feeling. The last thought that crossed her mind before it was overtook by passion was that, there was no way all this intensity was product of only how her body was responding to the return of her powers. This was about him, it was about them. 
Kory’s hands went straight to his lower abs, pulling his jumper up and seeking skin, one hand sliding to his hip while the other went even lower, checking over his pants how far he was and momentarily breaking the kiss with a moan when she found him rock hard already. Dazed eyes mirrored hers and Kory let out a shaky satisfied laugh.
Then, she jumped on him, tying her arms around his neck and legs around his waist, as he answered by supporting her weight by grabbing her thighs as if their moves were rehearsed. Dick took advantage of their position to bit her chin and lick down her throat as he blindly guided them to his room.
As soon as the door clicked behind them, Dick pressed her against the wall, she could feel the familiar shapes that formed his body hot and real and so impossibly close, but she wanted closer, she wanted more, she wanted every part of him, she wanted to forget they were two separate beings and merge her skin to his forever.
She wanted to feel him inside and all around her, wanted to feel his breath inside her lungs and, his blood running in her veins, wanted to end this spell of separation.
Her fingers entered his hair, undoing his bun, massaging his scalp with the tip of her fingers and running her nails over his skin, a move that made him moan loudly against the valley of her breasts where his exploration of her throat had lead him. Trying to pull him back to the kiss, Kory pulled his hair, their eyes met again and he understood immediately, kissing her again, pulling her lower lip between his teeth. For a moment, it looked as if he was about to say something, but Kory bucked her hip forward and his eyes fell shut in pleasure, she used the opportunity to kiss him once again, one of her legs slid down hooking around his thigh giving them a deeper angle to their dry humping.
It wasn’t with considerable regret when she finally pushed him away, his confused look made her stomach flutter with expectation, but she didn’t give him opportunity to complicate things, by moving her hands straight to his belt. Somehow, her hands were still steady enough – feat her knees were barely accomplishing – to undo the buckle and pull the leather strip in rapid smooth movements. His fly was even easier and soon enough he had her hand full of his throbbing cock.
“I want you inside, now.”
“But Kor-” he panted, always with the complications that one, always with his objections. She didn’t have time for that. They could make sweet sweet love late, now, she needed to be fucked.
Kory turned around bending forward and pulling her short skirt up with one hand while the other slapped flat against the wall for support.
The jerk took his time, pulling her hair aside and kissing her back while he pulled her soaked panties down.
“For fucks sake, Grayson!” Kory protested with a strangled voice.
He actually chuckled at her anger and then he fucked her against the wall. The first thrust so had and sliding so easily into her that Kory’s eyes watered. She was so glad he had enough brain remaining to help her to support her own weight, unless she would have crashed her face against the plaster in a very unsexy way. His hand crossed her chest with no regards for the annoying barriers of her shirt and bra, forearm giving her a little additional support as his fingers kneaded her breast hard. Kory rocked back with him and turned her head behind, for a moment regretting her choice of position, desperate for having his mouth against her again.
She let go of the skirt she was somehow still holding in a vicious grip and reached behind, pulling a fistful of chestnut hair. In that position and with their frantic movements, kissing properly was impossible, but they settled for a sloppy half-way thing that didn’t last because as soon as his fingers started playing with her clit, all presumption of control was lost. Her arms gave and Kory found herself flat against the wall, mouth half open in a long gurgling moan, as he let go of her breast to pull her leg up, bending it over his hip for a deeper penetration. This new angle, together with his onslaught on her clit made Kory shatter, the universe breaking in a million pieces as her body shook between Dick and the wall.
He pulled out of her and all Kory manage to do to protest was as weak sob, suddenly, he was gathering her pudding structured body from the wall, and turning her to face him, he sweetly kissed her eyelids and held her against his chest petting her hair as she calmed down. His gentleness somehow not feeling at all out of place when he had just gave her an orgasm that made her legs useless and his cock was still hard as she could feel it against her belly.
Suddenly, Kory found herself being carried to his bed like a bride.
“Don’t get soft on me now, Grayson,” she teased drunkenly sucking at his neck and playing with his hair.
He responded by taking her hand away from his locks and leading it to his dick.
“Do this feel soft to you, Princess?”
Kory gave him her deepest dirtiest laugh and bit his shoulder.
“You wanted rough,” he stated putting her on the bed and raising his hands to take off his shirt, “I gave you rough,” he climbed on the mattress, one knee at each side of her body as Kory herself shimmed to the centre of the bed, “but I plan to make this last.”
“I like a man with a plan…” he smiled at that and leaned for a kiss, but Kory stopped by cupping his face, looking intensely into his whiskey eyes. “But Dick, if you’re worried that this is another one-time thing… It isn’t.”
“Koriand’r…” he said her name like a prayer, eyes closing.
“It isn’t just about sex either, hey, look at me,” he did. “I want you, understand? You.”
He bent down to kiss her slowly, but instead of continuing with more exploration of her body, his hands went to his own neck, and Kory followed with the corner of her eye, as he blindly placed a metallic chain on his bedside table. The object slid down to the floor with a small thud, but before it disappeared Kory recognized the tamaranean ring, her family’s royal shape. She pulled back from the kiss, he didn’t say anything, just stared at her. Parallel version or not, he still wasn’t very good with words. He held his face in her hands, followed the path of the scar on his temple with her thumb. There was no way to change the past. She might see them both as one, but it was clear the divide when he thought about her and the other woman.
It didn’t matter.
She wouldn’t let it matter.
He belonged to her now.
“Take me out of these clothes,” she ordered against his lips.
“Hmm,” he made and started with her corset top, pulling its frontal zipper down, and feasting on her feverish skin. Kory saw stars when his mouth closed around her nipple. She had no idea of how he had taken off her bra so fast. He was everywhere at once, and despite his claims of making it last, soon enough he was biting her naked hip and her skirt was gone too, and Kory was pressing her thighs together desperate to have him inside again.
“Boots on?” Dick had the cheek to ask, his lips now on her knee.
“No, I want to feel you with my entire body.”
“As you wish,” the intensity with he said those three little words rose tears to her eyes again. And when he finished taking off her boots with reverence you’d think he never loved anyone before, Dick seemed to notice the tears escaping from her eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Kory said with a teary laugh, wiping her tears away with the tip of her fingers, “nothing at all. Come here before I continue without you.”
“You say like that’s a bad thing,” he said with a boyish smile.
Kory rose one eyebrow at that.
“Another day?”
“It’s a date,” he tested.
“We can do that too,” she said in a tone she hoped was enough to quench all remaining suspicion.
“You really mean it, then?” Realization seeming to finally get to him.
Kory just rolled her eyes and pushed her body up, tired of waiting, she walked on her knees until they were face to face. She leaned in, pretending she was about to kiss him, and then pushing him down on the bed, her heart swelling with his sigh of elated surprise when she only turned her back to him to straddle his torso, offering her dripping cunt for meal while busing herself with his cock.
A boost of desire made her whole body sizzle when he cursed loudly at the feel of her mouth around him, but it didn’t take long until she felt his tongue reciprocate, first cleaning her juices around her lips and then lapping at her clit as his fingers fucked her opening. Trying to not lose concentration would be a challenge, thank goodness for those long talented fingers of his. She bobbed her head up and down, cradling his balls with one hand as the other stead herself by grabbing his thigh.
It was with quite an air of victory that she was dragged off his body by his strong arms, she was giggling, when her back hit the bed again.
“Too much?”
“You are a witch,” he accused her and then dove back to her pussy, pulling one of her legs up his shoulders and turning her giggles into a mute scream as her walls closed around his fingers in no time.
He as the one full of mirth when she resurfaced.
“Too much, she said, and then came immediately,” he said with an air of self-satisfaction.
Kory rolled her eyes.
“Tsc. You still bailed first.”
He was licking her juices out of his fingers.
“For a good reason.”
“Yeah?” she swallowed.
“Come here,” she whispered stretching her arms for him.
Then, he was inside her again, their foreheads against each other, her leg hugging his hips in a vicious embrace, almost too tight for them too move.
“Koriand’r…” he called kissing her cheeks, his long hair tickling her nose, adding tenderness to the suffocating pleasure.
“Please, Dick, please… Hader.”
“Whatever you want,” he panted against her ear, “come to me again.”
He lifted them up, sitting on his heels, her legs remained locked around him as they rocked together, Kory’s orgasm came with a tearing scream, he gave a couple fellow thrusts upwards before finding his own end too.
They stood there, in that embrace until, Dick seemed to get uncomfortable holding both their weights and lied her down, still wrapped around her body like a lazy octopus.
“We need a shower…” she whispered but didn’t move a muscle, her legs were very much trapped and X’hal… He was still inside her, and although it felt weird, she wasn’t exactly ready to let go either.
“Uhum,” he agreed, but was as spent and immobile as she was.
Kory’s eyes refused to keep closed as much as she only wished to get comfy and pass out.
“We are really disgusting.”
He agreed with another hum, but didn’t bulge.
“Need to change the sheets… I’m not sleeping on a puddle of cum.”
That did something, he started to shook, he was laughing. Oh X’hal, why was that making her heart race so fast? His arms loosened around her and he climbed off her, she hissed at the feeling of emptiness as he pulled out, and then cringed at the sensation of his warm seed leaking to the mattress.
“In a few moments, princess,” he assured her, “just let my soul return to my body.”
Kory turned to her side, resting her head on his shoulder.
“That good?”
He gave her half-smile, he looked properly fucked with messy hair sticking up in places and other glued to his sweaty forehead, eyes so bright you’d think they could actually shine like hers.
You couldn’t say it was the same man that carried tragedy like an armour and a shroud.
She made that.
Not anyone else.
She was that good.
Sooooo, what you think? XDD
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bigskydreaming · 4 years ago
Part of why I harp on about Last Laugh all the time is because its not just about Dick killing the Joker which is what Jason always wanted someone to do for him, to know that he mattered enough for that......but also when you erase Last Laugh or discard it because it just doesn’t fit into your perception of the characters as fanon has dictated, like.......another huge factor of the Jason-Bruce-Dick dynamic falls by the wayside as well.
And that’s how Jason’s not only always been convinced that Bruce would kill to avenge Dick’s death.....but in ADDITION, Jason has always been convinced that Bruce would be more forgiving of the kinds of actions Jason has taken, aka murder, if Dick had been the one doing it.
Because see....the other thing Last Laugh showed aside from Dick’s feelings about Jason’s death......is that Bruce very much was NOT okay with what Dick had done. Bruce always said he brought back the Joker because he knew Dick wouldn’t be able to live with having done that, but IMO it was NEVER about what Dick could or couldn’t live with, it was about what BRUCE could live with Dick having done.
Because regardless of the Joker being resuscitated.....Dick was still keenly aware of the fact that he’d still beaten him to death first. Jason’s resurrection, Dick being revived after his own death, those never erased the impact of their actual deaths, rendered them moot, and neither did resuscitating the Joker. If Jason died and it matters? Coming back doesn’t make that unmatter. If Dick only was dead for a couple minutes tops, that doesn’t mean Luthor DIDN’T kill him and he wasn’t still dead; he’d still actually died.
The same is true of the Joker’s death, no matter how short-lived it was. Dick still DID it. Dick was still very cognizant of that. Dick actually struggled with this for a number of issues, though I don’t think that really was about regretting what he’d done so much as that he’d let the Joker ‘win’.....AND it was ALSO about how Bruce saw him now.
And IMO you can’t argue that Bruce only resuscitated the Joker for DICK’S sake and because DICK couldn’t live with that.....when Bruce notably, distinctly, NEVER EVER EVER actually....engaged Dick on the topic of what he’d done there. 
He went back to Gotham and never made a single appearance to help Dick process things, even when others like Wally showed up in Bludhaven while Dick was holing himself away from the world. Bruce and Dick literally NEVER spoke of it again. Because Bruce wasn’t okay with what Dick had done. He didn’t know how to forgive him or look past it, so he basically did everything in his power to make it so it basically never happened. 
And the difference with UTRH is....when Jason showed up, by the time Bruce knew it was him, pretending Jason hadn’t done the things that Jason wasn’t the least bit ashamed of was never actually even an option.
So I don’t actually think Bruce is any more inclined to forgive Dick of things like murder because its Dick.....I think Bruce had to force+quit all thoughts of Dick actually killing, in order to preserve his relationship with Dick. 
(Even though his relationship with Dick still suffered, because Dick was still keenly aware that Bruce was not okay with what he’d done, and like, not trying to understand WHY Dick had done it or that he was actually maybe okay with having done it albeit outside of the context of it having played into what the Joker wanted him to do. Like, Dick after Last Laugh still very much angsted about Bruce’s assessment of him after it, and did need that reassurance that Bruce still loved him and forgave him....and what Bruce actually gave him is “I’ll agree to never reference it as having happened and look past it for the sake of our relationship” which is very much NOT the same thing. And with, as I’ve also gone into before, this no doubt being HUGELY central to why Dick was so lost and shaken by his fears of having let Bruce down AGAIN by letting Blockbuster die. These things are absolutely connected.)
The flip side of this is that......I don’t think Bruce was any LESS inclined to ‘forgive’ Jason of murder just because he was Jason and not Dick. In that case, it was just more about the fact that there was no way for Bruce to even TRY to force+quit out of his awareness of what Jason had done. Denial wasn’t going to cut it in the same way it had with Dick, because Dick’s ‘crime’ had been one and done.
But THEN, the flip side of THAT - or maybe we’re just on a tangent now, oh hell, who can keep track, let’s all just agree that flips were flipped and tangents were...tangented - like, the other interesting facet of this for me is if Bruce HADN’T been so intent on forcibly ignoring or forgetting that Dick had killed the Joker, for the sake of their relationship or whatever, or if someone else had brought it up - not only could this have improved Dick and Jason’s relationship, it also could have forced Bruce to confront the logical fallacy inherent in like...his MAIN ARGUMENT for why he was so deadset against Jason’s choices. 
And that all goes back to how Bruce has a tendency to project his own worst flaws onto his children, and be paranoid that they’re going to go down the same dark paths he constantly is trying to keep himself from straying down - ironically in part due to how he uses his childrens’ similarities to him in order to build common ground and see a place and purpose for himself in their lives in the first place. He sees himself in his children, that’s what draws him to them in the first place, and makes him act to bring them into his own life and build a home for them....but there’s a double-edged sword element to this too, as Bruce I think often perceives his worst fears for HIMSELF in his childrens’ actions and choices....and acts based on that. Rather than keeping centered his awareness that for all that they are LIKE him in various ways, they are their own people. As different from him as they are alike.
See, because like....Bruce’s primary reason for why he can’t ever allow himself to kill, even someone like the Joker....is because he KNOWS himself, and knows that if he ever allowed himself to cite precedent by doing it even just once.....he’d open up the door and progress through it past a point of no return, whereupon he’d never STOP being able to come up with justifications for why he should also kill this villain and this one and this one. Its the slippery slope argument. He can’t ever start down that slope, because he doesn’t trust himself to ever stop.
And he projects this same logic onto his children, who he seems so much of himself in....the good AND the bad. And so his fears AND his judgment, for both Jason AND Dick when they kill, even just in one special case....is that it sets them both on the same slippery slope. Because they are after all just like him, right?
But also they’re not....as evidenced by the fact that Dick DOESN’T KEEP KILLING. The Last Laugh is basically an outlier (assuming we don’t count Creighton, which I don’t rate the same because while I think Dick definitely did kill him, it was a clear cut case of self-defense and thus a totally different ballgame). Its significant that Dick killed, not just because he did it, and not just because Bruce didn’t actually ever forgive him for it....but also because...despite Bruce being afraid to face or acknowledge it because of how it played into his own fears for his own worst self and choices.....Bruce facing it is exactly what needs to happen in order for Bruce to ever acknowledge that his actual fears of the slippery slope....DID NOT HAPPEN, with Dick. Dick’s never used what happened with the Joker to cite a precedent, to justify to himself the choice to do that again with another villain he had just as much reason to hate.
And from THERE....once you connect all these dots and all these parallels and contrasts and intersections......its notable not just that Jason has killed, and with intent and without regret....but also that there IS no rationale for taking it for granted that Bruce acts differently with Jason’s crimes than he would if Dick committed them, just because its Jason and not Dick.....because the key difference is not WHICH of them did it, its the CIRCUMSTANCES of them doing it....and Jason’s circumstances not affording Bruce the same luxury of denial.
And then from THERE, finally, the coup de grace at the end of it all:
Is it also makes it equally notable that....just as Dick’s lack of killing again after the Joker, like, establishes a counter argument for Bruce’s fears that such a thing is inevitable once Dick killed even once....and with this fear being WHY he comes down so hard on the topic of even his children killing villains guilty of heinous crimes....
Dick’s lack of killing others after the Joker ALSO establishes a PRECEDENT....for the fact that no, killing someone does not make it IMPOSSIBLE to ever step BACK from that ledge if one so chooses. ‘Pulling the trigger’ as it were, even just once, initially....does not doom one of Bruce’s children to a lifetime of never being anything BUT a remorseless killer who can never choose a different path.
And of course, the fact that Jason killing certain people DOESN’T mean that he can’t ever stop, like....this is actually central to the entire Batfam’s dynamics as a whole?
Because after all.....literally every canon story, continuity or fanfic that has Jason reunite with the family to ANY degree, after having killed....which is like, basically all of them.....
These all take it as a given that....Jason is absolutely fully capable of choosing not to kill. He is not LOCKED into anything, beyond the possibility of having any kind of relationship with his family whatsoever, just because he’s killed....with the proof being like....literally all the stories where he still has a relationship with his family despite having killed previously or even still killing in some circumstances in the present!
The slippery slope does not rule all, is the thing. And the proof that Bruce’s fears of the slippery slope once slipped upon, being a one way street straight the fuck to hell, like.....the proof that that’s more a HIM problem than a hard and fast rule that can only ever play out one way for everybody Bruce see himself reflected in?
That proof literally begins with Last Laugh. With Dick. Paving the way for Jason there, rather than making a case for how actually things with Jason and Bruce would look totally different if it had just been Dick and Bruce there instead.
The second you acknowledge that the comics and most fanfics ALREADY take it as a given that Bruce’s projection of his own fears of the slippery murder slope is like....NOT actually any more of an inevitable death knell for Jason’s relationship with his family than Jason’s own actual death knell meant shit about his own longterm survival.....
Then Dick’s killing of the Joker in Last Laugh becomes extremely relevant not just because of what it reveals about how Bruce’s views on murder and his sons doing the murder is NOT actually conditional, based just on which son it is that does the deed most dirty....
It also becomes extremely relevant because of the precedent it establishes in countering the very argument/view that is central to keeping Jason from having any real relationship with his family until Bruce gets the fuck out of his own and everyone else’s way on this front.
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years ago
Until The Last Star Dies
Jason Todd x Tamaranean!Reader
Word Count: 2.4K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst, Mentions of Past Abuse
Author's Note: Old story I edited and am now posting again! This is technically the start to all those Outlaw x Reader ones. Guess I gotta work on those next! Enjoy! -Thorne
The all knew something was going to happen between the two Tamaranean sisters when the Titans and the Outlaws teamed up for a dual mission. Something usually did when the sisters got together, one of them asking for help for the last of their people, the other completely devoid of and inclination to help. Kory had brought up the conversation once during the mission when she was beside Dick and Jason, but the two had shaken their heads and reminded her not to do personal during a mission—else it risk the best outcome of said mission.
Kory hadn’t been impressed with the answer, but she’d relented at least until they were back in the Titan’s Tower, and the moment she brought it up with her sister, she knew she’d made a mistake.
Everyone watched as the two Tamaraneans stood at each other’s throats; Kory pointed a finger at her sister, her voice accusing. “They are our people, (Y/N)! You cannot just turn your back on them!”
(Y/N) scoffed incredulously. “Our people? You mean the people who turned their backs on us? Them?” A bitter laugh echoed throughout the room and most of them shivered at how cruel it sounded. “Damn them all.”
Kory reared back, emerald eyes wide with shock. “How can you say that, (Y/N)!”
“Easy! With my mouth!” She countered, then let out a sigh. “I have no desire or want to help them, Kory.” (Y/N) turned and began walking to the door. “They can die for all I care.”
When Kory spoke, her voice was low with disappointment. “Mother and Father would be ashamed of you, Kiyahnd’r.”
(Y/N) stopped dead in her tracks and turned around, her face and voice etched with disbelief. “What did you just say to me, Koriand’r?”
Kory stood up to her full height, imposing to most but her sister. “You heard me, Kiyahnd’r…they would be ashamed of your attitude and disassociation with our people.”
A crimson haze colored (Y/N)’s vision and she exploded in a fuming rage causing the others to step back in apprehension. “OUR PARENTS SOLD US INTO SLAVERY TO AVOID WAR! THEIR OWN CHILDREN! AND YOU EXPECT ME TO FEEL SYMPATHY FOR OUR PEOPLE?!”
(Y/N) felt an all-powerful energy surge through her, and an ominous white-hot aura surrounded her. “I HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR OUR PEOPLE! I HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR KOMAND’R! OR FOR OUR PARENTS!”
They watched as Kory matched her power, shoulders and back glowing green. “We have a duty to our throne as they did to Tamaran!”
“Of course I have not! But we are heirs to the Tamaranean throne, Kiyahnd’r! We must—”
She was cut off as a bolt of ivory energy flew by her head; it slammed into the wall with a catastrophic explosion, putting a hole through the entire seventeen walls of that particular side of the building.
Kory turned to stare at the gaping hole in the wall before facing her, her eyes narrowed, voice twinging dangerously. “Did you just challenge me, Kiyahnd’r?”
(Y/N) bared her teeth as she took a menacing step forward. “Do not make the mistake of laying your hands upon me, sister. We both know full well who would win that fight,” she promised, then her eyes darted to the members around them, eyes either widened in worry, or narrowed in expectation for a fight.
She inhaled shakily and shut her eyes, and the energy around her began to fizzle away until all that was left was her. She opened her eyes, gazing sadly at Kory, then, she spoke, the words coming out pained. “I do not want to save them, Koriand’r. The day they gave us up was the day I cut my ties with them. You want to play the high and mighty Tamaranean princess? Be my guest.”
She spun on her heel and walked to the door, but as if remembering something, she stopped and glanced over her shoulder, affirming, “But do not assume that I will do the same.”
The group watched as she left; Kory sighed and hung her head.
She looked up at Dick and Jason who each gave her a look of concern; she opted for a reassuring smile. “Do not worry for me, Dick. I am okay.”
Jason stared at the door (Y/N) walked out of, offhandedly mentioning, “I’m more worried for (Y/N).”
Kory nodded at Jason’s words. “As am I.”
Dick placed a hand on her shoulder. “What’s been going on?”
She collapsed down in a chair and sighed again. “Though Tamaran was destroyed, our people survived and started over.”
“New-Tamaran right?” Jason asked, though it appeared he knew more than he let on.
She tipped her head side-to-side at Jason’s question, not entirely sure how to answer the question in terms of a plain yes or no. “In a way. Our people are now considered nomads.” She paused. “Komand’r reigns as Queen, but she is not fit for it. I have tried many times to convince Kiyahnd’r to help them. We have a duty to them to do so…but she will never forgive our people or Komand’r for what happened to us.”
“Can you blame her Kory?”
Her head tipped to look at Jason. “What?”
He shrugged. “Can you blame her?” Jason repeated and knelt in front of Kory. “You both were enslaved and experimented on. Memories and feelings like that aren’t exactly erased…or forgiven.”
“I know,” Kory said, reasoning, “But…I just wish she could work towards it.”
“It’s not always that easy.” He answered, then nodded at Dick and rose to his feet. “I’m going to go find (Y/N).” The two of them watched Jason leave the room in search of her.
After an hour of searching, Jason eventually found (Y/N) on the roof, staring up at the moon, her legs dangling over the edge.
He walked over and stood beside her. “Mind if I sit next to you, doll?”
(Y/N) didn’t shift her gaze from the glowing, natural satellite. “Do as you wish, Jason.”
There wasn’t heat in her words, and he wasn’t bothered by the indifference as he sat beside her, quietly admiring the moon.
It was quiet until she broke it, murmuring, “Kory wants us to forgive our people and move on…as if nothing happened to us.” She paused and shook her head as if the very idea were incomprehensible. “We are a naturally open species when it comes to emotion, but I do not understand how she can let go of everything so easily…how she can turn aside years of consistent abuse and smile so easily.”
Jason observed her for a moment, mulling the thought on his tongue. “What exactly happened to you, (Y/N)?”
(Y/N)’s face morphed into an anguished expression; she breathed deeply before sighing and speaking. “When my grandmother ruled Tamaran, she gave herself up to appease the Citadel. When my father took the throne, he did the same…but instead of giving himself…he gave Kory and I away.” She swallowed thickly. “We were…tortured…raped and humiliated…for years.”
She rose as she felt the rage flowing through her again. “Then we were given to the Psions…and we were experimented on. Again!” (Y/N) shook with indignation and her hand shot towards the sky, a bolt of energy leaving her palm. “She expects me to let it go! To forgive the very ones who put us in that position!”
Her hand released a succession of star bolts, and Jason watched as she fumed with unadulterated fury. “I will neverforgive them for it! They will never understand what we went through! They will never know what it is like to beg for death because you know it would be better than what was to come!”
Jason’s eyebrows drew in sympathy and (Y/N) clenched her hand into a fist, energy gathering within. His eyes widened, and he worried, “Uh, doll? That’s a big star bolt.”
(Y/N) studied the night sky. “I know.”
She uncurled her fist, and the bolt released, slinging into the sky, then it exploded, and Jason was reminded of fireworks as it shattered into millions of gleaming shards.
(Y/N) sucked in a breath and her shoulders squared as she spoke adamantly. “I will never forget the time I spent within the Citadel’s captivity…or the Psion’s. And I will never forgive Tamaran for putting me there.” She turned to Jason and looked down at him, her fists clenching. “For as long as I breathe, I will never help Tamaran. I would soon rather die.”
Jason rose from his seated position and gently took her hands in his own, uncurling her clenched fists; he smiled sadly at her. “You don’t have to, (Y/N).”
She wasn’t expecting him to say that, and her jaw went slack. “…What?”
His smile widened a fraction, and he squeezed her hands. “You don’t have to forgive them. Not until you want to.” He paused and raised a hand, pushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Hell, and if you never want to, you don’t.”
(Y/N) gazed at him. “You will not think me ill-disposed and bitter?”
Jason voice took a solemn tone. “If anyone has the right to be bitter, (Y/N), it’s you. You’ve seen and experienced horrors that would break most people…and if it didn’t, it would leave them a shell of what they once were. But you? You’ve come out reining victorious over it.” He paused. “I know it doesn’t do much to alleviate the memories, and this might make me sound like an insensitive ass, but your past doesn’t define you, (Y/N). You aren’t what they made you.”
She dropped her gaze and side-stepped from his grip, her arms wrapping around herself. “…But I am.”
Jason tipped his head and walked with her. “Why do you say that?”
She stopped and turned to him, her hand gently rising into the air; her power flowed up her arm and into the air smoothly. “I am what they made me, Jason. I am literally a walking nuclear reactor.”
(Y/N) stared at him. “Tamarans do not possess the talents that Koriand’r, Komand’r, and I possess. We received them unwillingly at the hands of the Psions. We are different…and it is because of them. We were tainted by their heinous experiments…and my life is scarred from it.”
Jason gazed at her before taking her hand again, his thumb caressing the back of it. “Perhaps…but your past was a lesson, not a life sentence.” He met her eyes. “Don’t let yourself be bound to it, (Y/N).”
She regarded him for a moment before raising an eyebrow. “You speak of moving on, but you still allow your past to haunt you.”
Jason nodded. “I do…but I’m trying to work on it.”
“How what?”
“How do you work on it?” She looked at their hands. “You will never forgive him for what he did to you Jason…so how do you move past it to better things?”
“You’re right.” (Y/N)’s gaze moved back to his. “I won’t ever forgive that bastard for what he did to me. And for a very long time, I did not and could not forgive Bruce for letting me die. But I had to come to the realization that I was partly to blame for what happened to me, and that Bruce tried his best to save me…he just wasn’t fast enough. And that wasn’t his fault.”
He paused and brought a hand to her cheek, caressing it. “It’s different for you, (Y/N), because you were forced into those situations by measures beyond your control. But you have the power and ability to say that this isn’t how you are going to be defined.”
(Y/N) took in his words and whispered softly. “Why have you always been so kind to me, Jason? I am underserving of it.”
He smiled. “Because I’m in love you.”
Her eyes widened and she felt the breath leave her lungs. “…What?”
Jason snorted. “I’m in love you, (Y/N).”
Jason chuckled as she floundered. “Why are you so shocked? The Batfamily tends to lean towards Tamaranean women. I mean look at Dickhead and your sister.”
(Y/N) was still in stunned disbelief. “I—no…you—no.”
Jason’s hand let go of hers and wrapped around her waist. “In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”
“You cannot love me.”
He flashed a grin. “I can love you…and I do love you, Kiyahnd’r.”
(Y/N) gazed at him. “…Why?”
“Because you are beautiful and strong and the literal walking definition of goddess.” Blushing slightly, he added, “You’re also badass…so that…certainly factors into it.”
(Y/N) lowered her head and laughed, then looked at him. “You are something else, Jason Todd.”
He cocked a brow. “I hope you mean that in a good way, doll.”
(Y/N) snorted and wrapped her arm around his waist before rising into the sky; Jason’s grip tightened, and she smirked. “Do not be afraid, Jason…I will not drop you.”
Jason grunted. “I wasn’t afraid of you dropping me, (Y/N).”
“So…the steel grip around my waist is just…because?”
“As you say.”
The two of them rose higher until the sight of the building and ground below them was a shrunken image.
They stared up at the stars. “Beautiful…are they not?” she asked.
Jason nodded in wide-eyed astonishment. “Absolutely.”
(Y/N) glanced at him. “Your eyes reflect the stars so clearly.” Jason’s eyes moved to hers and they gazed at each other; she lowered her head and sighed. “I do not know if I am the best person to love, Jason…I am…damaged.”
A hand curled under her chin and coaxed her up; she met his eyes again and he smiled. “Yeah, you are.” He paused. “But I don’t know a single person who isn’t. You aren’t alone, (Y/N).” Jason leaned forward and pressed his forehead to hers. “You have me. Until every last star in this universe dies. You have me.”
An easy smile grew on her face, and she leaned in, lips stopping just before his. Her eyes narrowed in adoration and she whispered, “Thank you.”
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sky-berrie · 4 years ago
How would the batboys react to a female SO with Paranoid Personality Disorder?
Hi there!
Thanks so much for the ask. I hope this is okay :)
As a person living with paranoid personality disorder, you might be terrified that people are out to harm you. Your place of residence, Gotham city, does nothing but exacerbate your paranoid thought patterns, since criminals run rampant through the streets. It’s hard to distinguish between paranoid thoughts and substantiated concerns. Is that sketchy person with the full face covering one of Black Mask’s False Face Society members sent to abduct you, or are they just a conscientious citizen taking extra precautions to avoid contracting or transmitting the COVID virus? Being in a state of constant fear prevents you from living your life to the fullest. Luckily, your S/O happens to be Batman in his free time.
Bruce eases your mind just with his presence. He’s probably the smartest, strongest, and most resourceful person you know and being with him makes you feel safe. Bruce is the kind of person who you’d blindly listen to during an emergency – if he told you to jump out of a burning plane, you’d do it without a second thought because he’s never let you down in the past and you’re confident that he never will in the future. If you’re feeling fearful in public, Bruce will grab your hand or put an arm around you securely and soothingly whisper in your ear that he’s right here and there’s nothing to worry about. Having paranoid thoughts means that it’s difficult to reason with you, so you probably aren’t convinced that there is no threat, but you do experience some relief from his soft touch and gentle words. He’ll ask if you want to leave and he’ll take you to your safe space. If you’re feeling fearful in private, Bruce will hold you close and rub your back to reduce your anxiety. If you’re by yourself and start to have those racing, panicked paranoid thoughts, you can always call Bruce. He’ll drop whatever he is doing and come take care of you.
Bruce will teach you self defense to help you feel more comfortable around people. He won’t arm you with any dangerous weapons because he doesn’t want an innocent person to get hurt if you get spooked. Bruce will ask if you want to move into the manor since it has strong security and comes with several vigilantes. If you would rather stay at your own place, Bruce will install a variety of safety systems to make you feel protected. He’ll even spend most nights at your place so you can sleep peacefully. Overall, Bruce is like your lifeline. He’ll know just what to do to help you through your difficult thoughts.
Dick is a social butterfly who’s had his fair share of romantic partners in the past so it’s natural for you to feel jealous when he spends time with other people. Dick will adamantly declare that he’s with you and only you. At first you might try to ignore the prickly feeling of jealousy because you don’t want to come off as a possessive S/O, but the clues accumulate and suggest that he’s cheating on you. For example, he’ll rarely spend the night with you. You’ll catch him sneaking into bed at ungodly hours of the morning. When confronted, he’ll make up an excuse that he just went to get a drink of water or use the bathroom. You’ll spot bruises scattered over his chest knowing you definitely did not leave those there. He’ll play it off as a gym injury.
When you raise your suspicions, Dick is hesitant to explain. You take this as confirmation of infidelity and you’re ready to walk out. At that point, he has no choice but to come clean about his secret identity as Nightwing. That sounds farfetched and you likely think he’s a pathological liar. Finally, Dick proves it to you and explains that he didn’t want you to be dragged into his dangerous nightlife. While you accept that as the truth, you’ll always wonder if he’s hiding more secrets. Furthermore, you’re probably pissed that he was gaslighting you. Dick will do everything he can to make it up to you. He’ll apologize profusely and in extravagant ways, be more transparent, and shower you with excessive love and affection. It might take a long time, but eventually Dick will worm his way back into your good graces.
It doesn’t take long for the green-eyed monster to rear its’ ugly head again. Now that you’re in the know, you’re hyperaware of the attractive vigilantes that Dick works with and it’s emotionally draining to be jealous all the time. You don’t want to be the type of person who tries to control their partner’s life, but when the suffering becomes too much to bear, you might ask him to stop seeing certain people. Dick will calmly assure you that there isn’t anything going on with any of his vigilante friends. If that doesn’t appease you, he’ll suggest that you hang out with the team and get to know them. He hopes that you’ll see that there aren’t any romantic feelings between them. Whatever you do, please don’t force him to choose between you and his hero life. It will tear him apart.
Trust is very important to Jason. He doesn’t trust many people as it is and needs a S/O who he can trust wholeheartedly and who will trust him in return. He believes that this relationship will fail if you don’t have confidence in each other. He’ll take it personally if you distrust him. Jason will get defensive and frustrated if you accuse him of being unfaithful, especially if you don’t have a shred of evidence to support your claims. He’ll be offended and deeply hurt that you think so negatively of him but once he’s had some time to cool off, he’ll be able to process everything more objectively. He’ll accept that you can’t control the way you feel. You’d explained it to him once that you do trust him, but there’s a separate voice in your head that tells you otherwise. Jason won’t give up on you though. He’ll come up with a proposition - he’ll agree to install a tracking app on his phone so you can monitor his whereabouts if you’ll promise to work on learning to trust him, whether it be via professional psychotherapy or reading self-help books.
On the other hand, if Jason is one of the only people you trust, he’ll be elated to know that you two have built such a strong connection. It’ll be easy to confide in him because he’ll gladly listen to your worried thoughts with no judgement. At first, he’ll reassure you that nothing bad is going to happen to you – he’s Red Hood and nobody is going to pull anything on you if they value their life. Eventually he’ll realize that trying to reason with you isn’t helpful so he’ll stick to active listening when you’re experiencing paranoid thoughts.
However, if Jason is fresh out of the pit and emotionally unstable, you two will probably bond over your mutual distrust and cynicism about the world. Although you and Jason will get along exceptionally well, it’s possible that your irrational thoughts may feed each other’s paranoia and exacerbate the feelings of mistrust and suspicion. If you find yourself unable to let things go, feel free to vent away when you’re with Jason. He is the king of holding grudges, so he’ll probably support you and even join in on trash talking that person with you when you’re angry. Learning to forgive and forget is something you and Jason can work on together. In a way, it brings you two closer together since you understand each other on a level that others can’t begin to comprehend.
Tim very compassionate and patient; however, he’s afraid of triggering you so he’s often walking on eggshells around you. He just wants to be the perfect supportive S/O for you and doesn’t want to mess up the relationship. His worst offense (in your eyes) is using ambiguous language that lends to multiple interpretations. For example, he might innocently compliment your clothes/hair/makeup and you might assume that he only likes you for your appearance or that he’s implying that you’re vain for wanting to look nice. The moment you shoot him daggers, he’s realized his mistake and starts to furiously backpedal. He tries to explain himself, but he usually ends up digging himself a deeper hole. Eventually, he gets better at expressing his thoughts carefully so that they can’t be misconstrued.
Tim diligently tries to learn your other triggers and how to help. When you’re stuck in a cycle of paranoid thoughts, Tim will get you to focus on what’s real instead of trying to make you see sense. He’ll help you relax by walking you through breathing exercises, playing soothing music, or whatever strategies you find helpful.
Tim isn’t proud of this, but he’s resorted to deceiving you when necessary. For instance, if you’re experiencing paranoid thought patterns and want to be alone, Tim will hesitantly leave, but he’ll probably secretly monitor you only because he’s worried about your safety. If you’re afraid that others are reading your mind, he might pretend that he invented an anti-mindreading helmet to ease your suspicions. He knows you would feel betrayed if you ever found out about his dishonesty, but he reasons that your safety and comfort are more important in the moment.
Arguments with Damian are brutal. No matter how insignificant the disagreement is, Damian refuses to back down when he believes he’s right. Paired with your own stubbornness and contentiousness, these quarrels generally result in an impasse. Eventually your anger subsides and the depression sinks in. You might assume that Damian doesn’t love you anymore and that fight was the end of your relationship. Maybe you start packing your belongings to move out right away. Damian comes up behind you and asks what you’re doing. When you tell him that you’re leaving because he doesn’t want you anymore, he’s instantly remorseful. He takes your bags out of your hands and proceeds to pull you in close as he tells you how much he loves you. He assures you that two people can disagree and still love each other.
Damian doesn’t want to argue with you and he certainly doesn’t want to see you upset so he’ll always excuse himself before the argument becomes too heated. He hopes that some time apart will allow you both to calm down and come to a compromise, but it’s never that simple. Most of the time, you’ll need a third-party mediator, like a therapist, to resolve your dispute. The act of seeking out a therapist will be a huge accomplishment for your relationship. Damian likes his privacy and doesn’t want someone else in his business and you might be afraid to share intimate information with a stranger in fear that it will be used against you. Nevertheless, you both want to make this relationship work, so you’ll continue to seek help.
Damian has a habit of being blunt. He doesn’t mean to criticize or insult you – in his mind, he is only stating the facts or his opinion for the purpose of helping you improve. Despite his goodhearted intentions, it’s easy for you to take his comments the wrong way and perceive it as a personal attack. If he sees that his remarks have upset you, he’ll acknowledge all the positive aspects of your performance. Still, you might cling to the disparaging comments and ignore the praise. Going forward, Damian will try to be more encouraging and constructive and will only express feedback if you invite him to do so.
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cooloddball · 4 years ago
This is going to be a super long analysis of jib3 starting with the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony so brace yourselves. 
Please note I believe in the breakup theory so maybe my opinion in this one might be biased so please don’t come for me, lol.
I will put it under the cut to avoid overcrowding your dashes with cockles shenanigans. 
Also, watch out for profanities and mature language.
And so it begins...
Opening ceremony
The camera used to record the opening ceremony is shaky. 
Misha, Jason Manns, and Jarpad seem to be having a lot of fun together and Jensen is just looking at his besties talking to the man he loves and he knows he can’t have that so he just stands there looking at them. Poor guy.
Jarpad asks who took Misha’s riffle? Things are awkward, I honestly don’t know what’s going on.
Misha kisses a plushie while making eye contact with Jensen and Jensen is like “oh, oh, wow” while making eye contact with Misha. LOL. Jack help me. This is a lot!!!
Jensen takes a plushie from Sebastian and Jared takes the one Misha had.
Are you guys flirting about trying to see whether you can keep plushies alive?
Misha throws something at the fans, I think he was throwing treats from earlier or whatever it was and Jensen says “Misha is still throwing” I mean why?
Cockles Panel
Jensen is so extra in this panel.
First of all, when he and Misha come out (no pun intended) a song starts playing and he starts dancing. Jensen is usually so poised while dancing but he is over the top throwing his back and shaking his tush for the mish.  I think he was trying a little too hard. Misha spares his ex-boyfriend’s tush a glance smiles and looks away. LOL. The whole thing was cringey, tbh. It was so unlike Jensen.
When Sebastian touches Jensen’s shoulder and says something to Jensen, he [Jensen]  laughs way too hard. I would say he laughs abnormally-it’s loud and he throws his whole body into it like he’s trying to prove what Sebastian was funny and it probably wasn’t. He laughs so hard he ends up right on Misha’s side. and Misha laughs at that though.
Rich says something about something in the sac that hurts(It’s incoherent) and Jensen says it hurts right here pointing at his heart (I can’t hear what they are saying exactly so if anyone knows please let me know)
I don’t know if Mark P. was going to hug Jensen or not or he was pointing at something behind Jensen, but at that moment, Jensen sees Sebastian going to hug Misha and whips his head away from Mark P’s direction so fast he almost broke his neck.
Sebastian humps Misha (these two are so playful I love them) and Jensen is just there acting awkward 
There’s a comment by Rich about “It’s over, the convention’s over I’m no longer your bitch” I don’t know who this is about.
Now, now, now. This whole time Rich is doing a kissy mouth with his fingers on the monitor behind Jensen and Misha. His hand is right where Misha is standing (you’ll understand once you watch it) so Jensen makes a kissy face back and Misha is blushing? Ummm wtf is going on here?
Jensen also does something strange that he never does during cockles panels he pulls his seat away from Misha.
Misha makes a very weird comment about Sebastian’s libido drying up and they have a weird conversation about libido and Viagra ads. It’s weird.
It gets even more awkward Jensen talks about bringing a total stranger, and a blind date. And it goes downhill from there with them. The it wasn’t you it was me speech. It was special. So heartbreaking. It was clearly not about the show but about their relationship. I always have a difficult time getting through that part. It’s so awkward that the fans are just there wondering what the hell is going on.
They decide to take questions and the fan is all over the place so Misha interjects but Jensen won’t let Misha say what he wants to say so he says, “This is why you make it awkward. You never let people finish what they are saying.” Ouch. Domestic dispute vibes anyone?
The way Jensen is looking up at Misha when he’s answering that question. It’s like he wants to sear his face into his memory before they leave Rome.
Jensen is explaining to a fan how one of the four sound stages they had on set was full of furniture and Misha adds “and soiled mattresses”  I mean what was the reason? Did they soil the mattresses with their [redacted]
A fan mentions something about Dean and Cas so these two adorable dorks smile and share a look. Things are starting to look up. Thank Jack.
The fan says something again (I can’t make out what he’s saying) but it must be something nice because they look at each other with smiles on their faces again.
Jensen playing with the head of his microphone. Is it just me or did the temperature rise a notch higher?
The way they look at each other when the fan says to help him choose the hottest female cast member on the show 
Then something freaky happens they say the exact same thing as twins or bffs do sometimes. LOL.
When they start talking about the hot women with the fans Misha moves his entire body and now instead of looking at the fans, he is seated facing Jensen.  The tension is simmering down.
A point to note is that in all their panels they always sit angled facing each other as opposed to facing the crowd save for this panel and DCCON 2019. But for DCCON I can understand that they weren’t comfortable being meant to be a J/2 panel and a creation event. So you know some people in that crowd are super mean to Mish and others to Jensen, so they had to tread carefully. But I digress back to the chaos.
They ask who wants to have a cockles panel the next year and they both raise their hands. I thought that was sweet
 It’s adorable how Jensen keeps repeating everything Misha is saying.
Misha forgets himself and moves too close to Jensen to listen to the song on the phone. Jensen turns to look at Misha, I don’t know what that look is but Misha backs away laughing.
Jensen’s face journey while listening to that song is gold.
Misha moves closer to listen to the song.  I have to say the way they are standing is not usually how two bros listening to music usually stand. If you know what I mean
 Misha agrees that’s definitely Jensen singing. Of course, he knows because Mr. “Jensen sings to me all the time”
He looks so proud of him.  I’d venture to say he’s happy to hear Jensen sing because he has always been so shy about that fact about himself. He even gives him a standing ovation. That’s so adorable. He loves him. My heart.
Jensen is so cute trying to deny it’s not him singing that song.  Yeah, it’s you, Jensen. Even your ex agrees it’s you and we bet he knows how your voice sounds in all kinds of situations ;)
we get a tingly feeling so we know it’s you. Jensen’s adorable smile when Misha says that. Aww.
The way they are not even looking at each other but they are seated the exact same way.
Allow me to explain to my friend here. Explains how his parents didn’t know whether he was a boy or a girl. Misha with the steel chair, “when did they figure out that you were a boy?”
How many years did they call you holly?
For six to seven years
Is it just me or is this conversation a flashback of teenage twink-lesbian Jensen years?
Fan asks whether Dean will ever forgive Cas. Watch Misha’s body language, he is trying to pacify himself by rubbing the back of his neck and fumbling with his shirt.
When Jensen says “ No!” without a moment’s hesitation, Misha looks distraught? I don’t know maybe I’m reading too much into this but I feel like this hit too close to home being that they were most likely broken up.
Misha however has a different opinion, “I think he has” 
Jensen says, “Wishful thinking” and that elicits a smile from Misha.
A fan asks about Dean giving Cas the trenchcoat back and things get interesting.  Weirdly, that Jensen can’t say the word gay out loud. He literally uses the word “unmanly” in its stead in the guise of censorship? It’s not a bad word Jensen you can say it. However, Misha and the fans say the word so I’m wondering who is censoring Jensen’s use of that word. He eventually says it but super fast.
Jensen says that saying “I always knew you would come back” is not something he would say to another human being, especially a man. Jesus, there’s nothing wrong with saying that to another human being you care about. He’s the one making it gay. He was extra when answering that one.
They spent one and half hours making that scene just to end up not saying anything and it ended up looking gay anyway. Anyway, that’s interesting.
 Jensen angles his body towards Mish and says in a very low soft and sexy voice “I guess I really hoped that you would come back some day” I would venture to say that Jensen at the moment in the panel was actually saying them to Misha. Who knows though?
They talk about it a whole lot for something that bothered him that much. 
Misha being so excited about recreating a scene when a fan told Jarpad he’s amazing and Jarpad said "you are welcome. 
 “I think I understand what she wants. I’m not sure what she’s gonna get.” This is a very good line Misha. I will be using it often.
The way they awkwardly stand too close and whisper to each other. Umm…what is going on here?
Jensen folds over laughing because of something Misha says. They are back. The tension is almost 90% gone now and they are in their element.
The chaos of recording the alarm ringtone for the fan was just great to watch. They kept getting closer and closer and I think they might have shared spit at that point. Gross….LOL
The way Misha is sitting is he you know.
Jensen asking Misha whether he was saying anything or just screaming while they were recording. I think he just wanted to see Misha smile.
Jensen’s joy when a fan mentions that they have Misha’s résumé.
Jensen saying the word shit made my day. I curse a  lot and it made me feel validated somehow.
Misha calls him dickhead in return and Jensen stops functioning and laughs instead . He also gets all hot and bothered trying to fumble with the lapel of his shirt.  He does this a lot when he is turned on. He has a humiliation kink I think.
They start talking over each other about Misha’s special skills. Looks like Jensen might have known beforehand because he went straight for that. Or maybe he didn’t know but he knew since Misha is a mad genius there must be some amazing things in there. Either way, it was a good moment.
OMG Jensen is so excited and the way he motions to Misha to bring that résumé to him, LOL. This man was thirsty AF.
He even goes down from the stage to meet Misha and invades his personal space trying to reach the résumé. I think this is the moment the tension between them dissipated completely and they were back to some form of normalcy.
Misha holding Jensen’s shoulder trying to get his résumé back. Unsucessfully, I should add.
They read something funny and they fold over laughing and spin around like overjoyed seals. It is far removed from the mollusk family but at least it’s still a sea creature (I don’t know what I’m saying please don’t mind me)
Jensen is still on his knees laughing and can’t get up. As I said, he is being too extra in this panel.
 Misha is trying to talk but they both can’t stop laughing. I think Jensen laughed so hard he got an extra set of abs that day.
Jensen is still laughing and you know what he is laughing at? Misha’s special skills being acting on camera. I mean it’s funny but man, prayforjensen.
 They are still laughing. Jack, help them.
The way Jensen looks at Misha with pure adoration here makes me so happy and reminds me of the fictional characters they played being all heart eyes for each other.
 Misha laughed so hard he cried.
Jensen trying to read the next ‘special skill’ Misha has but he can’t even talk because of how funny he thinks it is. He’s trying so hard not to laugh but he can’t help himself.
Jensen agreeing and also asking the audience to agree that Misha has a knack for certain accents. Accent kink anyone?
 Jensen is so excited when Misha starts Tibetan throating singing and does the unicorn laugh facing away from the crowd. Bet he has experienced Misha’s Tibetan throat singing skills on a personal when they are (loud overhead helicopter noises followed by thunder rumbling)
Jensen falling to the ground after feigning a heart attack once he saw that Misha is a certified EMT. I mentioned before that I honestly, 100% think he wanted mouth to mouth. There’s no other explanation. He could’ve feigned a nose bleed or just about any other illness but he chose to fall on a dirty floor and lay down so Misha could either give him the breath of life or straddle him. Luckily for him his dream came true 7 years later at Jib9 when straddle gate happened. But I digress
Too bad Misha was still mad at him and heartbroken so he kicked him instead.
Jensen knowing that Misha kayaks seems to be part of his personal knowledge. Maybe they did it together sometimes.
Horseback riding. Hmm is it just me or do they seem awkward here?
 Misha is so close to Jensen’s armpits. Must be missing his man’s musk and being held in those muscular arms again. Poor baby.
Misha can’t talk because of how funny he finds bicycle touring. I mean…I don’t see what’s funny but I guess he knows why it’s funny.
Misha laughing and raises his legs because Jensen is elaborating on the bicycle touring. Maybe it’s an inside joke or maybe it’s no longer funny to me because I’ve watched this panel like 5 times.
 I think Jensen’s goal was to see Misha laugh and be happy because he turned to look at Misha who was still laughing hard and the joy on Jensen’s face. Aww.
Misha gravitating towards his man again. He must smell really nice Misha. And those arms. Bet he used to lift you against the wall and (this fucking thunder won’t stop rambling. Are chuck and Amara fighting again?)
Jensen marketing his man’s carpentry skills but then makes sure to make it ‘no homo’ by saying he would never sit on anything Misha has built. Sure Jan. Then he circles back and says that he knows that he can build things.
Misha walks away from him and he looks up to make sure where he is going. Maybe he was afraid Misha was walking out on him. (PTSD from their breakup?)
They mention acting on camera again.
And laugh 
Jensen keeps talking about the acting on camera and watches to see if Misha is still laughing  He still is and Jensen is happy that his baby is happy. He looks at him again and he is still happy that Misha is still happy. Then once the laughter dies down he starts talking about bicycle touring  and checks again to see if Misha is laughing which he is so Jensen throws his head back  unicorn laughing and then looks at Misha again to see that he’s still laughing. Then they look at each other and say something maybe it’s about that was a good laugh. Jensen is wiping tears from his eyes because of how hard he laughed  Misha does the same. That entire thing was insane and they seemed to love it.
 Jensen starts saying that being this happy or goofing around is how they are on set sometimes and have to take a 5-10 minute break and Misha doesn’t seem too happy at the mention of the set. 
Jensen knowing that you can buy résumés on eBay. Did he buy Misha’s and then plant someone in the audience to bring it up or? Okay, yeah I know I’m reaching here but it’s probable.
 I guess my theory wasn’t farfetched because Jensen says that he’s pretty sure that Jarpad put it on eBay the previous night so maybe he is the one who did all that to win Misha back?
Jensen knows the appellation clogging is a stretch. Seems like Misha has told him about it before.
Jensen looking at his watch to see if they have time for  Misha to be telling a story about his high school sweetheart and now wife. I bet he wishes Misha could tell their love story so openly. He can’t stop looking at Misha.
The way Jensen is looking at Misha here. WTF man? He’s literally confused about what the question is.
The personal space question. This whole thing was just so many things. It was awkward, cringey, thirsty, funny.
when the fan asks whether there’s a funny fact between Jensen and Misha. I almost fainted. What? And Jensen repeats it. The two men are so stoic. They are not even looking at each other. They are looking at the fan like the way a statue stares at you, unmoving. Cringe.
The room is so quiet. Poor girl, I hope she didn’t feel awkward afterwards because if it were me, I would’ve cried from how stoic they looked and how quiet everyone was.
How they both scratch themselves, Misha on the head and Jensen on the nose. Maybe the question hit too close to home
Jensen turns to look at Misha as if to say ’help me out here man. We don’t wanna disappoint our fans.”
Misha gets it because he gets up. This whole thing is gold.
The way Jensen breathes out in anticipation. I know it was like they were playing a skit about personal space but why was he breathing like that? Shouldn’t he have been playing it as ‘uncomfortable’ not ‘turned on.’ Boudoir mannerisms.
Moving on Misha is unsure on where to touch Jensen 40.31. This is weird in and of itself because usually, they don’t have a problem touching each other’s faces, tush, eggplants, (jib4 anyone), backs et cetera. But now it’s weird? *cough* breakup *cough*
Misha touches Jensen’s ear and Jensen literally moans. He frigging moans people. In case it is not clear in the video, here is an isolated audio version of it. Jensen is also fumbling with his shirt like he’s all hot and bothered. Just like Misha did earlier. Was Jib3 their couple’s therapy that reminded them how happy and horny they made each other?
Jensen is really not answering the question, to be honest. He’s fumbling for words and trying so very hard to make sense but his word are  incoherent.
Misha going in for the nose dip. I know friends do this all the time but you have to be very close and familiar with someone such as a friend friend or a sibling for you to poke a finger in their nose. I mean noses are slimy and eww…anyway. That happened. They seem so comfortable with it. Jensen I love you but please stop talking.
The way Jensen looks at Misha. He has the cutest smile on his face as if saying thank you for making that fun and making me horny, I still want you.
Misha wiping his pinky that touched Jensen’s nose on his pants. (I wanted to add something disgusting about what heshould’ve done with that pinky but I won’t so let’s move on)
Jensen wiggling his nose.
When Misha suggests that Spn moves to Nickolodeon. Jensen laughs a bit too hard.
Misha talking about spn being a puppet show reminds me of how he mentioned them having a puppet show in Jensen’s backyard after the show is over.
Jensen also saying that in a way spn is a puppet show. I mean is someone making snide comments about how their strings get pulled and sometimes they are not happy about it. Like how they fired his boyfriend. It seems like it’s an inside joke.
They named the plushie Zippy aww :))
For jack’s sake guys, the way they look at each other when they mention that the  résumé was the highlight of the panel.
Jensen saying the more dirt you dig up on Misha, the more rewarded you are. Aww, someone’s trying to win his man back by any means necessary. You go girl…I mean Jensen.
He talks more about how he’s looking forward to next year when fans have more dirt on his friend Misha. Jensen didn’t want to leave the stage, he was lingering so he could spend more time with Misha.
It’s over guys.
Closing Ceremony
I know you didn’t ask for the closing ceremony but here you go. It’s a free gift.
Can I just mention how Jarpad is an overactive puppy? He has to play with anything and everything he finds.
The mc announces Misha twice for some reason. The second time Jensen looks in Misha’s direction with a small smile on his face. He [Jensen] is also chewing vigorously.
Jensen and Jarpad being typical dude bros and karate chop Rich. This is why the difference between his relationship with Jarpad and Misha stands out. He would be too busy making heart eyes to Misha to kick another guy. LoL.
Jensen hulking out when Jarpad is taking a video of everyone. Lol. This video keeps reiterating my point that his relationship with the two men is just different.
Jensen keeps looking in Misha’s direction, Misha who is busy talking to Steve and having fun. Let me also mention Steve is Jensen’s bestie and so are Jarpad and Misha, but I’m sure that Jensen felt some type of way, jealous when they were having so much fun with his man and he couldn’t. Jarpad also takes a while filming Misha for Jensen of course. They remind me of me having a crush back when I was in school. Wait, did Misha look at Jensen? It’s hard to see because the angle of the video is not expansive but I guess he was.
As soon as Jarpad gets back, Jensen takes the camera from him and starts filming fans. I’m sure he just wanted Misha to look at him
Rich mention’s Misha and something about acting on camera and Jensen licks his lips looking at Misha (I think).
Jensen then vigorously grabs the microphone from someone immediately and mention’s Misha. Jarpad’s reaction at that moment tells you everything you need to know about what’s going on between Jensen and Misha. It looks like he is pleading with Jensen in his head saying, “Don’t embarrass yourself bro. Please don’t” but it’s too late.
Jensen again talks about Misha’s résumé and specifically about acting on camera, the thing that made Misha laugh out loud during their panel. Someone’s smitten. Defending his ex-man.
Jarpad goes to whisper something to Misha. And they laugh while Jensen is thanking the jib staff for doing an amazing job. But when he sees the duo laughing, he loses track of thought and says “and they are all getting married”  dude what ??? How do you go from thanking people who worked on the convention and in .1 seconds you are talking about they are all getting married? Who is? Are you okay? Do you need to sit down? No one gets it, he says he’s kidding and gives Jarpad the microphone, spares a glance at Misha and he seems distraught from that moment on. I wish I could see Misha’s face through all this.
He’s glancing in Misha’s direction again. Man’s got it bad. What?! Oh to be loved by Jensen Ackles. Misha must be a prize, I know he is a mad genius and gorgeous and sexy as hell with that golden skin that looks like it was dipped in gold and honey, big blue eyes that are bluer than the bluest blue, but Jensen wtf man? You are in public.
 I think Jarpad is telling Jensen something maybe it has to do with what he and Misha were talking about earlier?
And it’s over people.
Overall, I agree with the breakup theory. I mean the way these two were acting around each other was very strange. If you watch Misha and Jarpad, they seem okay from the opening ceremony up till the end but Jensen and Misha are just being weird.
The panel was mostly fun but their body language told a story that something was definitely going on between them. 
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stxleslyds · 4 years ago
And the issues that followed that story (Batman and Robin vol.2 #34-37)
DC and the fandom really let Bruce get away with what he did to Jason in that issue. DC because they had Jason go back to Bruce a few issues later to finish their story and the fandom because this moment in comics isn’t talked about enough which has led people to believe that the the concept of “batfamily” as it is in fandom belongs in canon.
This type of moments in stories should make a bigger impact on comic relationships and fandom’s perception of said relationships. From where I am standing Bruce’s actions in that issue are right on the edge of unforgivable and they could have used them as a key moment for Jason to finally move on from all Bat related bullshit without thinking that he had to stay and finish the job (of getting Damian back).
Making Jason move on so easily from that situation really makes it look like if Batman is physically, emotionally, or mentally abusive to his children then it’s not that much of a big deal, it’s just a subplot to a bigger story.
And that is something that happens repeatedly in current comics and it’s disgusting.
Anyway, now that I am done with my rambling, I will start talking about the issues that I mentioned.
Batman and Robin (2011) #20 – Written by Peter Tomasi.
For a little context, this issue is set after Damian’s death and Bruce is looking for ways to resurrect him.
And in this particular issue of this run, Batman recruits Jason Todd between the events of RHatO vol. 1 #18 and #19, that’s why in the cover of the issue the name of the run is changed to ‘Batman and Red Hood’.
A bit more context is that in issue #18 Jason finally recovers from the injuries that he got when the trap that Joker had put on his helmet detonated, and Jason was also having an existential crisis after the Joker convinced him that he was always present in Jason’s life and that he shaped the man that Jason had become (If you want to read more about that and the times' Joker has played with Jason’s mind, I have this post in which I talk all about that).
Good, now I can finally talk about this hellish issue.
Bruce asks for Jason’s help because he wants to take down some marksmen and women that are based in Ethiopia that might or might not have been the same people who took on the job of looking for Damian when his mother had put a bounty on his head.
One would imagine that Bruce calling Jason for this job means that he would let Jason kill some people, bounty-hunters that are money-driven enough to kill children seem to be the kind of people Jason would have in his black list, but Jason is smart and he knows that Batman won’t let him kill so he asks why is Bruce asking him of all people to join him on this mission, Batman replies with “Because I am seeing red”.
If you, like me, don’t understand why Batman would ask the Red Hood to stop him from killing some very shady people then don’t worry, Batman was lying, he didn’t ask Jason to go with him to beat some bounty-hunters, he has ulterior motives.
I will give it to Tomasi, he wrote Jason as the smart cookie that he is because Jason doesn’t stop picking up on the weird technicalities of the mission, and I will go as far as to say that Jason never truly believed that Bruce was being honest about the true nature of their mission. Smart Chonky, I miss you and love you.
Once they get to Ethiopia Bruce starts setting the rules of engagement (don’t shoot to kill, only hands, knees, and elbows), and off they go. Bruce even makes a comment about how it “feels like old times” and Jason is all happy and warm that Bruce invited him to beat some baddies and he also brings up the fact that Bruce stayed by his side while he was recovering from his injuries, very lovely stuff that will soon mean nothing (and that should have meant nothing because Bruce and his lies had resulted in Joker knowing all of their secret identities and messing with all of them in horrible ways, but the Bat can get away with that too).
Here is part of Bruce’s speech about trust and his lies, “You don’t ever need to thank me, Red Hood, for a family always looks out for each other” to which Jason says, “Yeah but a family also needs to earn each other’s trust” and Bruce continues his speech with, “comes a time when having to keep earning someone’s trust stops and you hope the people you’ve put your faith in will always have your back no matter what”.
Batman, everyone, master detective and master manipulator.
As Batman is talking manipulating Jason he beats every bounty hunter almost effortlessly because he had brought some bat-gadgets that were going to make the fight really easy. And as the fight is over in what looks like a minute Batman and Red Hood get on the Batmobile ready to leave Ethiopia… or not.
Jason is very aware that Batman didn’t need him for that so-called mission so he starts to ask more and more firmly about the real reason as to why Batman brought him to this place.
Batman brought Jason back to Ethiopia, but most importantly back to the Magdala Valley because he wants to see if Jason going back to the place where he died will make him remember how he was resurrected.
Yep, talk about having messed-up parents. Bruce is positively the worst at this moment, but it gets worse.
Jason is rightfully pissed off, he says, “You lied to me, this wasn’t about taking down those mercenaries. You wanted to bring me here, to the worst place in the world and here I was starting to believe all your crap about trust and faith...”
To which Bruce says, “I thought bringing you here could jog your memory, maybe retrieve a detail buried deep in your subconscious that could help piece together how you came back to life so I…”
And my man Jason really continues his thought process only to later tell him how much of a piece of shit he truly is (I love this Chonky, go Jason show this man that he ain’t shit).
“…could apply it to getting Damian back. Yeah, I get it. Did it ever occur to you I might like keeping whatever the hell happened to me buried deep? If you cared about me, you wouldn’t want me to dredge up the one thing I’ve been trying to forget. I don’t want to remember the most horrific day of my life all right? You may like wallowing in your tragedies, Bruce, but I’m done looking back!”
Jason, bravo, tell him exactly how you feel! Any sort of good human being would surely accept that they crossed a massive line and that they should ask for forgiveness next, right?... Right?
No. And that’s because Bruce is a horrible human being, I am sorry but it had to be said, this man has zero empathy for Jason and he proves it when he says the following.
“If you cared about me and what I’ve lost, you’d want to dredge this up! Don’t you see, there is a chance you can help me erase one of the worst days of MY life, Jason! You can give me the greatest gift of all and help me figure out how to bring my son back”
Fuck Bruce Wayne. This man has no right whatsoever to talk this way to Jason, no matter how you see this situation, the whole thing is fucked up. Bruce puts his needs above Jason’s feelings and he diminishes Jason’s position as his son because Bruce only refers to Damian as his son. This whole thing is incredibly nasty.
Here we should have had the point of no return for Jason and Bruce’s relationship, although if you are like me, you might think that the point of no return happened way back in Batman (1940) #650 when Bruce decided that saving the Joker by throwing a batarang at Jason’s neck (how did he know that Jason would survive that, I have no idea, maybe Bruce can see the future) was a better option compared to Jason finally killing the clown. Because that’s the thing, Jason was going to kill the clown but Bruce didn’t let him because he didn’t want more blood in Jason’s hands, I laugh until this day about how stupid Bruce’s thinking was there.
Anyway, the point I was trying to make is that Jason should have said bye-bye to Batman and all related Batman crap from this moment on. It would have been perfect but DC can’t help themselves and Lobdell’s self-insert-Jason really wants to be part of this amazing family so, no luck for Jason or us.
If you have read my latest post about Joker getting under Jason’s skin or read issue #18 of RHatO you know the context of what Jason says next.
“Yeah, and how about me? How about the gift of not knowing that the Joker manipulated my entire life, huh? The clown tainted everything, the good, the bad, hell my life’s even been tainted by you!”
Yup, Jason was going through it, and he had talked about these feelings with Bruce previously in issue #17 of RHatO, he had asked Bruce if he thought that Joker had created him and Bruce said, “No Jason, He didn’t make you, I never did either. You made you” and Jason was extremely thankful for that. And now, here we are, these feelings are being brought up again but in a very different situation.
Them arguing becomes a physical fight and after Jason asks Bruce “why are you making me stand in the exact same spot he beat me to death?” He replies this “Because I want to watch Damian grow up damn it! Damian earned that right! And I want to give it to him!”
This conversation only gets worse and Bruce’s most horrible side comes to light, like, I understand that Bruce wants Damian to be alive and all that but he is saying all the wrong stuff to Jason. I feel like as the reader I am being told that Bruce values Damian more than he ever did Jason because he is willing to put Jason through his own personal hell for Damian but refuses to see the reasons as to why Jason doesn’t want to do it. Bruce is being incredibly selfish and he is not caring enough about Jason to notice that he is hurting him. He even doesn’t notice after Jason says, “I was ready to stand by your side and you’ve thrown it all away!”
It is incredibly sad but it's also a bit of a look into what Bruce will do to Dick in Nightwing vol. 3 #30. It has the exact same vibe in both issues, Bruce going completely berserk on his children and telling them that he “trained them to be better”.
This issue ends with Jason punching Bruce several times and Bruce taunting Jason by telling him that he might as well continue because he is “still standing”. The levels of manipulation that Bruce had going on here weren’t as high as the ones in Nightwing #30 but he sure was a little bitch every step of the way.
Jason, being smart, doesn’t take the bait and tells Bruce that he is leaving and he is taking the car.
Wouldn’t this have been an amazing moment for Jason to finally rid himself of all Batman-related events and bullshit? How did DC miss this amazing opportunity to make Jason Todd/Red Hood a character that can stand on his own and with his own rules?
The potential that was wasted when they made Jason go back to Bruce and help him get Damian back in issues 33 to 37 of this same run is immeasurable. And just like Joker being able to get under Jason’s skin, him going back to Bruce and the “family” for plot purposes harmed Jason’s characterization greatly.
Batman and Robin (2011) #34-37 – Written by Peter Tomasi.
Whatever kind of respect I held for Tomasi because of the way he wrote Jason in #20 is now gone. Issues 34 to 37 have Jason fighting alongside Batman and him being all buddy-buddy with him.
Now, let me make something clear, Bruce wanting to bring Damian back to life/from Apokolips is absolutely fine with me, a father fighting for his son’s life can always make a good story, the thing is that at this point in time not only the events of Batman and Robin #20 have happened but so have the events of Nightwing #30.
So, Bruce going through all of this for one of his kids (that keeps being brought up as if he were his only son) after he emotionally manipulated Jason and Dick makes this story very bitter.
But I understand what DC is doing, you know? Here is how they manage to make this story as bitter-sweet as possible. In issue 34 of this run, Dick shows up in his Spyral get-up and offers his help in getting Damian back, because the kid meant a lot to him but Bruce can’t have Dick helping him out along with Barbara and Tim because Bruce has everyone convinced that Dick is dead. So, DC was like “here is this big brain idea, let’s have Jason, Barbara, and Tim helping Bruce get Damian back”. And that’s exactly what they did.
They dragged Jason back to Batman-related crap after he was manipulated, insulted, and punched by the man that is supposed to be his father. And this issue is also happening after Jason had such an immense existential crisis that he decided to have his memory wiped so he could cleanse himself on any doubt that the Joker had manipulated his free will.
How on earth are we supposed to believe that Jason is dumb enough to go back to Batman after all that? Does DC and its writers read their own material? Do they check if the characters that they are planning on using have contradicting narratives?
It’s so messy, the opportunity that DC, Tynion, Tomasi, and Lobdell got to make Jason his own man and his own character was completely wasted, just for a Batman event!
And it isn’t like Jason’s participation in getting Damian back was crucial, it really wasn’t, if I am planning on taking a team of heroes to Apokolips for a rescue mission, Jason, Barbara and Tim wouldn’t be my first options. Jason was put in that book only so they could have someone making snarky comments and for Jason to be like “Bruce we are family, we will always have each other’s backs” I mean, who is Jason supposed to be, Dom Toretto?
Here are some of the moments that seemed the most out of touch for Jason in these issues.
Batman and Robin #34
In issue 34 Bruce gives a long speech about him not wanting to hide things anymore from them (like he did during the events of Death of the Family) and that he wants a new start because they “have been broken long enough” so from that moment forward “good or bad, the truth rules”.
The audacity of this man, my god, how dense can Bruce be? “we’ve been broken long enough”? YOU have broken your relationship with these people time and time again! As you are standing there talking about the truth you are hiding the fact that Dick is alive and well somewhere far away because YOU sent him on a very dangerous mission after he died and you manipulated him.
THE AUDACITY OF THIS PIECE OF SHIT! Am I becoming an anti-Batman blog? I think I am and quite honestly, I am having the time of my life. Fuck this guy.
But back to the issue, after Bruce says that the truth is all that goes now, Barbara basically says that she doesn’t believe him, that all it takes for Bruce to go back to lying is “another situation that justifies you going dark on us in more ways than one” HA! You go, girl! But he is already hiding something from all of you.
Jason being himself supplies a situation like the ones where Batman lies to them in order to get them to work for him, he says, “or bringing me to Magdala Valley on a sightseeing trip to reminisce about the good old days of crowbars and explosions”, ah yes, sure, Bruce did all that back in issue 20 and now it is brought up as an afterthought… how wonderful.
Bruce, of course, lies to their faces when he says “I promise that nothing gets held back. We speak our mind no matter what the cost” to which Jason says “Unconditional truth now and forever, Bruce, otherwise this is all a load of crap”.
Man, what a mess, poor Dick. He had to wait there and watch his father lie his ass off. And he really wanted to help Bruce get Damian back. Even after Bruce told Dick (as well as Barbara, Tim, and Jason) that he had to go to Apokolips alone Dick still helped Bruce in other ways, Dick really is the MVP, what a man, I love him so much!
(I really needed to show my love for Dick right then and there, sometimes you just have to do it. Dick Grayson is, after all, the greatest comic character to have ever been created).
Batman and Robin #36
First of all, seeing Jason and Barbara wearing the Robin symbol really makes me laugh. It’s just weird to see Barbara wear it, it almost feels like it’s something that shouldn’t have happened and in Jason’s case, well, the last time he wore it he died and it’s kinda funny to see beefy and tall Red Hood wearing a Robin symbol, it’s just funny not a critique.
What I am going to critique from this issue is that after they (Jason, Barbara, and Tim) go to Apokolips and find Bruce they say, “You’re here in this hellish place for your son, Bruce” and Jason continues that with, “And we’re here for you”.
Ah, the irony. Of all people, having Jason say that to Bruce is wild. This man has done nothing for Jason and here Jason is, in Apokolips, of all places, to help a man that does not deserve it. This is proof that Jason is a good man but its also proof that he is an idiot in the New 52, I am sorry but come on, writing Jason this way after what Bruce did to him in issue 20 seems like DC is confirming the fact that even though Batman does the most horrible stuff to his kids, he can still get away with it because his kids still love him all the same.
I understand, loving your parents when they are flawed but Bruce had been written at this time like an abusive father, and he was written like that towards Jason and Dick, so it is not a good look. Bruce saying that he promises that he won’t do it anymore isn’t enough DC, make the man pay for being that way, make his kids stay away from him for a while (or forever).
And here is the other thing, I say that Bruce is Jason and Dick’s father but DC doesn’t, they only acknowledge Damian as Bruce’s son and they do it because the New 52 timeline is non-existent. After all, they deleted a lot of history from these characters, I think it’s fair to assume that Bruce never adopted Dick or Jason and that both of them were Robin for a very short time. What I am trying to say with this is that not only is Bruce getting away with being abusive but he is also getting away with being an abusive father. Because Bruce is their father, at least I see it that way, he isn’t just his friend/mentor/tutor he is their father. He used to be before New 52 and that’s not something that we as the readers are ready or want to let go of.
All in all, Jason didn’t do much in these issues thus confirming (to me, at least) that the only reason he was invited to the party was because they couldn’t use Dick. And that’s an insult to Jason’s character, it would have been better if Jason didn’t appear in this story and he actually had the chance to do something else, like go back to being the proper Red Hood, an anti-hero that does what Batman won’t do for Gotham and its people.
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slasherwife · 4 years ago
I wonder, Slashers do something that makes their S / O very hurt (maybe they said something they shouldn't have or something else) they turn around and find their S / O crying, she says "Why do you hate me? I love you, but I'm making you suffer ... do you want me to leave? "
First off, ouch 😭
How the Slashers react to hurting their s/o
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“Why do you hate me? I love you, but I’m making you suffer... do you want me to leave?”
Thomas Hewitt
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Okay tbh our bab Tommy would never do anything to hurt his S/O. Like... ever
But hearing you say those words in pain? He wished he was dead, so that your pain would end.
This situation makes him so stressed he sees black spots and he gets dizzy. He starts to hate himself entirely 😭🥀🖤
How could he ever hurt you? His love, his light, his angel?💖🖤
You can see he is hesitant, but his eyes tell everything. They swirl with regret and desperation for your forgiveness—
He just stares into your eyes as they well up, and he wants to reach out to wrap his arms around you— in the familiar warmth— but he falters
His hands are no longer worthy of you
He ends up running away.
Jason Vorhees
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The only time he hurts you like so is on ACCIDENT. He’s too soft 🥺💖
If he could speak, he would say, “Don’t leave Jason.”
Over and over again.
Soft and stoic abt it, but internally, he’s wrenching in pain
He wants so desperately to tell you he loves you more than anything— that he’s sorry
But nothing emits from his deteriorating gash of a mouth
His eyes tell you a thousand times he’s sorry, he wants to go to his knees and beg for you to forgive him— beg you not to leave him 🥀
How could you say that? He’s genuinely confused, because you’ve never done anything to upset him😞💖
You’ve only been his sweet angel, who brings him joy and happiness, and loved him through everything ☀️🌷💕
He would shed oceans of blood for you❤️
It hurts him beyond consolation, so be upset, be cross, but do not leave him 🥀
Michael Myers
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First off. No.
Stoic man is stoic
But internally he’s like, “I need u, dumb bitch.” uWu ❤️
You will get no reaction from him WHATSOEVER
He will stand there idly while you stare back, waiting for a response. Just know you’re wasting your time if you wanted a reaction.
I know it says “do you want me to leave?”, but if you tried, lol I dare you to even act remotely suspicious near a door or window.
He is EXTREMELY possessive and the thought of letting you slip through his fingers brings him tremendous rage.
Don’t stare too long and challange him tho uWu he will probably break you 🤭❣️(not in the fun way)
Blocks his emotions out of instinct so he probably won’t feel bad because of what you said.
I recommend distancing yourself and stop doing things for him if you really want an answer. He’ll realize he needs you, emotionally and all.
He’ll go out to kill some lady for her jewelry and leave out a couple necklaces and rings he thinks you’ll like, and that’s as close to an apology he’ll ever get 😊💜
Bubba Sawyer
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U did not just say that 🥺
Even moreso than Thomas or Jason, he will n e v e r be mad at u or give u the impression that he hates u
If u ever said that to him, he would probably stare down at you, his eyes welling in pain before it all comes crashing down—
“Why would u say that Y/n” 😭😭
He’s a dramatic boo so he’ll probably drop to his knees and hug your waist, sobbing.
He might blubber out, “no leave bubbb.... *hiccup* no leave—“
He’s probably more of the vocal slashers, assuring you in broken English that he loves you and doesn’t want you to leave. 😭💖💕
Bo Sinclair
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Looks behind him at you, before turning away and leaving.
This man doesn’t do emotion. Uwu 🖤
Tbh he’s embarrassed to be in this situation and puts the guilt on himself 💔🥺
He’s all in his head about this, to be honest 🥺
He probably will treat you like normal, hoping you forget about it and get over it lol
PDA doesn’t change a bit uWu. Whether you’re mad or happy, you’re Bo’s and nothing can change that hon. U don’t have a say in the matter uWu 🥀💖💖
But in his head he tries to think about what he did wrong, blames himself for a lot of stuff, and begins to think he’s not worthy of you 💔💔🥺🥀
This is when he’ll be very remorseful and at most will probably stroke your cheek while gazing intensely at you when you’re sleeping, and just a lot of lingering touches.
Just know that he’s sorry, even though he doesn’t say it 🥺💖💕
Brahms Heelshire
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100% lil shit will dote on you with affection like “noooo dont leaveeeee 😏”secretly already prepared for your eventual escape with like 400 diff traps and a panic room
“I need youuuuu to make me cereal” 🥺🥺💕💖💕💖
Super touchy, uses his child voice to coax you into his arms as he gives you affection and love uWu
Will probably make u forget everything in the span of five minutes as he probably attaches himself to your leg and calls u sweet names in his child voice lell 💕💖😊
Tbh I don’t really see Brahms feeling necessarily bad about how you feel. He probably doesn’t understand the concept of healthy love so, hearing you say that stuff makes him think you’re not going to do things for him
Uwu sorry he’s like Michael but a brat🤭💕
So he’ll make sure you don’t think that uWu 😚💖 he’ll probably make u a pb and j with milk and cuddle u while u eat and sneak a few bites
Hope u liked ittt 💖💖
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slasherhaven · 4 years ago
Hello, I can’t remember if I requested this or not (if I did ignore this ^-^) but could you write slashers reaction to their s/o being taken or held hostage by an escaped survivor? I need some angst please 🙏🥺😩
The Slashers reacting to their S/O being taken or held hostage:
Thomas Hewitt
Held hostage by an escaped survivor. They had escaped from Hoyt (which means he’s about to get a lot of glares and hostility from Thomas, as well as a lecture from Luda May). You had been in the kitchen when the survivor grabbed you, hoping to use you as a bargaining chip. Unfortunately for them, it only made Thomas angry.
Thomas doesn’t take pleasure in his kills, this is different. For Tommy, killing is a job. If he didn’t have to do it, he wouldn’t. This time it’s different. He still does take pleasure in it exactly but he does defintely think that this person deserves it more than anyone else. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.
Still makes it quick, more worried about you. He just wants to quickly dispose of the person hurting you and get you away from the scene, he doesn’t what you to see all of this. Once he’s took the body into the basement, he washes up and returns to you. Fussing over you and making sure you’re alright and unharmed. He promises to never let anything like that happen again. He holds you extra tight that night.
Michael Myers
Taken by Loomis. This time the doctor had gone too far, using you to get to Michael. Michael had been Loomis’ pet project all his life and you had grown to hate the man from the stories you had heard of him. Michael was furious. You belonged to him, Loomis had no right to be anywhere near you.
Has to prove a point. He will stop at nothing and spare no lives in order to get you back. He wants everyone to know that if they touch what’s his, they will meet the same fate. Nobody was ever going to touch you again.
Shows an uncharacteristic amount of concern. Once he gets you somewhere safe, he’s checking over you for injuries, his touch slowly turning from rough and near panicked to gentle and cautious. He’ll be satisfied with what he sees eventually, he just has to see it for himself no matter how much you reassure him.
Jason Voorhees
Held hostage by an escaped survivor. You had been out in the woods, even though Jason always told you to stay in the cabin when trespassers came around.
Makes quick work of the escaped survivor. He doesn’t want you to see anything more gruesome than you have too, so he makes it as quick and clean as possible before whisking you away from the scene entirely.
Fusses over you. As soon as you get back to the cabin, he is checking you over for injuries. Once he knows that you’re alright, he’ll pull you into a tight embrace.
Brahms Heelshire 
Held hostage by an intruder. They had broken into the house with the intention of robbing the place but you had been awake, resulting in them holding you at knifepoint.
Brahms is absolutely furious. As soon as he sees the scene, he’s dealing with it, not caring about how much blood there was. He was protecting you. And if you didn’t already know about him, you did now. 
Promises to take care of it. Normally he’s determined to get you to do all the chores around the house. But if you want him to dispose of the body and clean up, he will. Though, you might take the more sensible route of calling the police and being honest about this being self defence.
He’s going to give you lots of hugs and kisses afterwards. He was so scared when he thought he might lose you and, he’s going to be extra clingy for a while.
Bo Sinclair 
Held hostage by an escaped survivor. Even if it was his fault they got away, he would find a way to blame someone else. Especially when it puts you in harms way.
See’s red. He can be an angry guy but you’ve never seen him like this. He’ll handle it though, dealing with the victim brutally. Even if he’s using a gun, he’s shooting multiple rounds into them.
Get’s Vincent and Lester to clean up. They can dispose of the body, he’s more focused on you. He’s never going to apologise for being a reason that you got into this mess in the first place. But you know that he knows it because he’s being extra nice to you. Ask him to do something during his time of silent remorse and he will do it with out a snappy comment, which is a miracle.
Vincent Sinclair 
Held hostage by an escaped survivor. As soon as he found out about the escapee, he hurries to find you, to make sure you don’t encounter them.
Wants to protect you, both from the survivor and from what he had to do. He knew that he had to get the victim away from you, he had to deal with them, but he doesn’t want you to see him kill somebody if you’re not comfortable with that. So, he’ll make it as quick and clean as possible, getting you away as quick as possible without having you see too much.
Will fret and won’t leave you be for a while. He’s going to fuss over you, even if you’re completely unharmed. But if you are harmed, he won’t stop until he’s satisfied that he’s tended to it as best he can. Work can wait for a while, Bo and Lester can deal with things. He just wants to hold you for a while, after being so afraid that he might lose you.
Lester Sinclair 
Held hostage by an escaped survivor. You were just about to head home and let the twins deal with the victims, but one had escaped, grabbing you before you could leave.
Doesn’t have problems with killing this person. Lester doesn’t usually do any of the killing in Ambrose and when he does have to do it, it never sits quite right with him. This is different, he’s protecting you, so he has no problem killing them. He will likely just shoot them, only resorting to his knife if he has no other choice.
Apologises for ever getting you in this mess. He’s so apologetic for being the reason you’re in this town and in this mess...in danger. He’ll relax a little while you reassure him you’re alright and that that isn’t his fault. But he’s taking you home straight away, the twins can deal with all of this, his attention is more on you right now.
Bubba Sawyer 
Held hostage by an escaped survivor. One of the brothers let them get away, Bubba would never forgive himself is somebody got away from him and hurt you.
Panicked but determined. He’s absolutely terrified of you getting hurt, making him panic. But your well-being being at risk focuses him all at the same time. He’s quick to deal with your capture and get you away from them.
Lot’s of concern for you. Bubba completely forgets about the survivor once they’re dead, all he cares about is making sure you’re alright. He goes to reach out for you but stops when he remembers the blood on his hands. But you don’t care, pulling him into a hug and thanking him for protecting you. Once he’s holding you, he won’t let go for a while, fussing over you, making sure you’re alright, lot’s of concerned babbling and cooing.
Billy Lenz 
Held hostage by an intruder. Somebody broke into the house, a burglary that ended with you being held at knifepoint.
Billy is quick to get to you both. As soon as he sees what is happening, he scrambles to get to you. He catches the intruder by surprise, attacking before they even really notice him. You’ll have to calm him down, his hands will be bloody and shaking, looking at you with wide eyes. He just experienced a lot of adrenaline and panic.
Either take your chances with the police or help him dispose of the body. Sure, it’s technically self defence, this person broke into your home, but there is definite overkill that law enforcement might question. Still, the adrenaline rush and panic might be enough of an explanation for them.
Both of you need some love afterwards. Of course you had been scared, and he had been terrified of losing you. So, plenty of cuddles and reassurance is in order.
Asa Emory (The Collector) 
Held hostage by an escaped survivor. He’s ashamed of accidently letting a victim escape, he’ll need to be more thorough in the future. He’s even more ashamed that they got to you and were able to put you in harms way.
Takes you and the survivor by surprise. He wants them to be off guard, to think that nobody is coming, before striking. They’re subdued quickly and smoothly by Asa. He is then turning his attention to you, making sure you’re unharmed and alright, wiping any tears, before taking the victim somewhere secure.
Oh, they are definitely doing to suffer for this. If they thought they had it bad before, they’re going to be in hell once Asa returns to deal with them.
Is extra nice to you afterwards. He knows that this was his fault, that you being at the hotel with him had put him in danger. He’s gentler, softer, sweeter. You notice it but don’t comment. You wouldn’t want him to stop.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull) 
Taken by an enemy. Jesse had lots of enemies, all wanting to get to him in some way. And one of them decided that the best way to hurt him was to hurt you.
Goes to extremes to track you down. He will do whatever it takes to get you back, go wherever he needs too, and go through whoever gets in his way.
Will make them suffer. They don’t get a quick death, Jesse will make sure that they suffer for what they did. Even if they never managed to hurt you, they took you, they had the intention, and that’s already crossing too many lines for Jesse.
You are going to be treated very well, even more than normal, for a while. First, he makes sure you’re alright and gets you whatever help you might need. When he gets you home, he’s upping security and making sure you’re safe and sound. If you want something, just ask, he’s getting it for you. He’s also staying home for a while, both for security and because he was genuinely worried about losing you.
Otis Driftwood 
Held hostage by an escaped survivor. One of the victims had escaped from the basement, taking you hostage when they found you upstairs. Otis was seriously pissed when he saw the sight.
They’re going to pay for ever touching you. There is no way of calming him down. He is going to torture them for as long as he can before they eventually die. Even then, he’ll be furious that they dared lay a hand on you.
Once you offer some affection, he’s quick to accept. He’s still fuming but he wants to check on you. So, he’s ranting as he makes you’re alright. As soon as you try to calm him down, assuring him that you’re alright, and telling him to just be with you for a moment, he’ll give into you.
Baby Firefly 
Held hostage by an escaped survivor. They had gotten out of the basement and ran right into you. Recognising you as part of the family, they took you hostage, trying to bargain their way to freedom.
Going to make them suffer. There is no way Baby is going to let that happen. She’s quick to attack them and get them away from you, wounding them but not killing them. She’d be taking them down to the basement to punish accordingly.
You deserve lots of cuddles when she’s done. Once she’s made sure you’re alright and has let out her anger on the victim, who is now dead, she will return to you for the night. She understands that you might be shaken or just need her to be with you for a moment and she is more than happy to provide that.
Yautja (Predator) 
Taken by an enemy. He doesn’t have many enemies but there would always be something that comes up. They had taken you to get to him.
His search will be ruthless. He would search to the ends of the universe for you, ripping through galaxies if that’s what it takes. Nothing is more important to him than his mission, finding you and bringing you home safe.
There is no way he’s letting your capture live. He will kill the mercilessly, sending a message to anyone else who even thinks about laying a hand on you. If anyone hears about the extremes he would go through for you, they’d be smart to stay away.
He’s apologetic. No worries, nobody is ever going to hurt you again. That’s a promise. But he is apologetic for being the reason you might have gotten hurt. He’ll do whatever he can to make it up to you.
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marauderundercover · 3 years ago
This Side of Normal Ch. 9
Marinette blinks at the house in front of her in shock. She didn’t know what she had expected when Dick had mentioned a trapeze at his house. She definitely hadn’t expected the house to look like...this.
“Your house is freaking huge.” Marinette says.
“Not my house. It’s the guy who adopted us. Me and Dickie bird.” Jason says, slinging an arm over Adrien’s shoulders to reach over and ruffle her hair. 
“Are you sure that it’s okay we’re here?” She asks, frowning. 
“Sure! Besides, B’s probably still at work.” Dick says, grinning as the door opens. 
“Master Dick, Master Jason. I see you’ve brought guests.” An older man says, quirking an eyebrow. Marinette smiles awkwardly. 
“Hi. I’m Marinette, and this is Adrien.” She says, extending her hand. The man nods, shaking her hand. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Miss. I am the family’s butler and caretaker, Alfred Pennyworth.” He says. Marinette smiles. 
“Nice to meet you as well, Monsieur Pennyworth.” She says. 
“I’m gonna go try and show Mari here some trapeze moves.” Dick explains with a wide grin. 
“Very well. Should I plan for two more at dinner?” Mr. Pennyworth asks. 
“Oh, no, I don’t-” Marinette starts to argue, but Dick cuts her off. 
“Yes please!” He says before hurrying down the hallway. “Come on slowpokes!” He adds with a grin. Marinette looks at Jason pleadingly. 
“You’re the one who said you were gonna adopt Dick as your brother. This is all on you, Pixie Pop.” He says with a smirk, continuing to walk after Dick. Marinette groans, but follows, glaring at Adrien who snorts at her pain. 
“You’re a little bitch.” She mumbles under her breath, glaring at him. He rolls his eyes. 
“You know you love me.” He says. Marinette speeds up her walk, careful to keep Dick in sights at all times. This place was huge. She bumps into Adrien, nudging him with her shoulder as they walk down the hall. 
“Okay, okay, are you guys ready for this?” Dick asks, stopping in front of closed double doors. Marinette nods and Dick grins before pushing open the doors. Her jaw drops as she looks into the gym. It had everything you could possibly want or need. Including a bunch of gymnastics equipment, aerial silks and a trapeze. It was amazing. 
“Wow.” She says, eyes wide as she looks around. This was even cooler than she’d imagined. 
“Man, this would’ve been helpful a year ago.” Adrien mumbles, and Marinette snorts, knowing he’s thinking back to their rooftop training sessions with Jason. And all the times they got scraped up from the rough roofs. She glances over at Jason, noticing the thoughtful look on his face. Probably thinking the same thing, she thinks before turning back to Dick. 
“So, how do we start?” She asks, bouncing back and forth between the balls of her feet. This was going to be so freaking cool!
This is so worth a trip to Gotham! Marientte thinks to herself as she flies through the air. Dick was surprised at how quickly she caught on for her first time (she pointedly ignored the snorts from Adrien and Jason who both knew this was not her first time flying through the air). Once they get back to the platform, Dick’s phone starts to ring and he smiles apologetically. 
“I’ve really gotta take this.” He says, darting down the ladder and rushing out of the gym to answer his phone. Marinette shrugs and follows him down the latter, punching Jason’s arm as she walks by him to grab a drink of water. 
“Ow, what the hell was that for?” He asks, rubbing his arm and glaring at the girl. 
“I saw you two idiots laughing at me.” She replies, shrugging. 
“Why do you still punch so hard?” Jason asks, and she can tell he’s starting to be concerned for her. She recognizes the look on his face. 
“Pent up aggression from fighting an emotional terrorist for a good chunk of my adolescence.” She deapans. He raises an eyebrow and she huffs. “Okay, I took up boxing.” 
“So have you both kept up with training?” He asks, visibly concerned. Marinette shares a look with Adrien, trying to decide if she should be honest or not. But...it’s Jason. So she has to be. 
“Yeah….” She draws out the word before sighing, pushing her bangs back from her face. “In our defense, it’s hard to go back to being a civilian after being a hero for several years. It’s just- especially with Guardian shit, right? Like, that’s a lifetime commitment. If I give it up, I give up my memories. I can’t do that, Jay. I’d forget you and Adrien and I can’t do that. So I don’t-” She pauses and lets herself take a breath. “I don’t have a choice.” Jason’s face drops into a scowl, but she knows it’s not directed at her. As much as she admired Master Fu, he was not the best mentor. And he left her without a choice when it came to hero work. Something she knew that Jason couldn’t forgive him for. Even if she tried to.
“Come on, we’re gonna spar.” Jason instructs, not giving her a chance to object. She sighs, but follows him over to the mats, immediately getting into position. 
“I fight better than I did a year ago.” She warns, and Jason grins. 
“That’s what I’m counting on Pixie Pop.” He says, immediately lunging towards her. Marinette jumps back, staying light on her feet as she gets used to sparring with Jason again. He wasn’t slow by any means, but he was much bigger than her, which meant he couldn’t jump around as lightly as she did. She’d have to use his weight against him. She leaps to the side and then brings a swift kick up, using her foot to kick his thigh, hard. He stumbles slightly, grinning widely before throwing a swing. Deciding to use his momentum, she grabs onto his arm and lets the swing of his arm lift her up so that she can wrap her arms around his neck in a chokehold as she clings to his back. 
“Oh come on Jay, don’t tell me you’ve already lost!” Adrien teases from the side. Marinette feels Jason tense and can tell he’s about to throw himself down, which would definitely end the fight for her. Instead of letting him get that far, she moves her hands to grip onto his shoulders and vault herself over him, rolling out of the leap and jumping back up, grinning from ear to ear. 
“You’ve learned some new tricks.” Jason praises, squaring his stance once again. 
“Enough to beat you, old man.” She teases, snorting at the faux hurt on Jason’s face. 
“You wound me, Pix.” He says, clutching his heart and shutting his eyes as if in pain. Marinette decides to use his momentary theatrics to her advantage and delivers a swift kick to the back of his left leg, throwing all of her weight into the kick. Jason yelps in surprise, and falls to the ground. 
“Jump rope!” She calls out to Adrien, knowing she saw one earlier. And also knowing that there was no way she could keep Jason pinned without assistance. She holds her hand up, catching the rope that Adrien tosses to her, using it to quickly tie his ankles and wrists together. She steps back and admires her handy work, snorting at the shocked look on Jason’s face. Slow claps coming from the doorway make her snap to attention, turning and glancing at the intruder. Her eyes widen at the boy, who appeared to be around their age. With dark spiky hair and brilliant green eyes- No. Bad Mari, stop falling for green eyes. Ugh. She blinks, shoving the thoughts from her mind. 
“Er- hi.” She says awkwardly, glancing over at Adrien who simply shrugs. 
“Who is it?” Jason asks, since he’s currently not facing the door. Marinette glances down at him and smirks. 
“Oh, you mean you can’t see, Jay? Why ever would that be?” She teases. He huffs. 
“I don’t know, some crazy Pixie chick tied me up with a freaking jump rope like an angry kindergartner.” He gripes back. She crosses her arms. 
“You do realize that ‘angry kindergartner’ is the only one who can untie you, right?” She asks, choosing to ignore the stranger in the doorway for now. 
“Not true. Someone else came in, and Adrien can also untie a couple knots.” Jason argues. Marinette glances at Adrien who shakes his head, despite the fact that Jason can’t see. 
“Yeah, sorry Jay. I’m not going against Mari. She’s kinda scary.” Adrien says, making Jason whine. 
“Who the fuck is at the door then?” He asks, obviously starting to lose his patience. 
“Tt. As if I would help you, Todd.” The boy says and Marinette feels herself melt slightly at his voice. It was so- NO. BAD MARI. STOP. NO. 
“His name’s Jason.” Adrien pipes up, and Marinette turns to him, frowning. Because, yes, his name is Jason. So then what-
“His last name is Todd.” The boy says, and Adrien’s face turns red. He rubs the back of his neck- his go to ‘I’m feeling awkward right now’ pose. 
“Oops.” He says with a lopsided smile. Marinette rolls her eyes playfully at him before turning back and looking right in the boy’s eyes. 
“Hi, I’m Marinette Dupain Cheng. That dork over there is Adrien.” She introduces with a short wave. 
“Pleasure. I’m Damian Wayne.” The boy, Damian, introduces. Marinette smiles at him, feeling herself start to get lost in his eyes again. It wouldn’t hurt to look for just a minute, besides, he wasn’t looking away either. And his eyes were such a pretty color-
“Could someone please fucking untie me.” Jason groans. Marinette blushes furiously, dropping down and swiftly untying Jason. 
“Sorry Jay.” She apologizes, wincing at the annoyed look on his face as he stands up. He simply grunts and ruffles her hair, making her protest. 
“S’okay Pix. Besides, now you can take me down without using Adrien as a distraction. Big improvement.” He compliments and her annoyed face quickly morphs into a wide smile. 
“Alfred sent me to let you know dinner is ready.” Damian says, an annoyed expression on his face. Marinette immediately blushes again and glances at Jason who simply raises an eyebrow. She groans and falls back in line with Adrien who had a knowing smirk on his face. 
“Shut up.” She mutters, elbowing the boy. He snorts, shaking his head at her. Jason starts to walk out, trading insults with Damian as the group makes their way to the dining room. 
“Whatever you say, Bug.” He says, throwing an arm over her shoulder. She narrows her eyes at him. 
“Say anything, and I’ll beat you with your own arm.” She whispers. He holds up his hands in surrender and she sighs in relief. Hopefully they’d make it through this dinner without Adrien embarrassing the hell out of her. Following Jason and Damian into what had to be the dining room, she’s surprised to see a guy a couple years older than them, and a much taller man who had to be Jason’s dad. 
“Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met.” He says, extending a hand. “I’m Bruce Wayne.” He says with a wide (but false, Marinette notes, watching how it doesn’t reach his eyes) smile. Marinette’s eyes widen and she glances at Jason who just rolls his eyes. 
“Mari, Adrien, this is my….father.” He says the word as if it’s bitter. Marinette makes a note to ask about that later. They’d already sent one asshole father to prison, she had no problems sending another. 
“Nice to meet you.” Marinette says, shaking his hand, her smile not reaching her eyes either. She wouldn’t give him a real smile, not until she’d talked to Jason about it. He had helped them so much, it only made sense to help him too. Dinner should be interesting.
Tag list (open) @toodaloo-kangaroo @laurcad123 @kittenmywaythrulife @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat @queenz-z @daminette-56 
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ahugenerdynerd · 4 years ago
So I think a lot of us can agree that Titans isnt a great show. But not just with their portrayals of the characters but also with the writing.
I personally can forgive what Titans has done with the different takes of the characters, don’t get me wrong it’s still shit but that’s not what this post is about.
The show is just packed full of bad writing. This coming from someone who has studied film for over 4 years. But anyone who knows anything can see how bad the writing is.
(I will be waiting to pass judgment on season 3 until the entire season is out, so this will be focusing of season 1 and 2)
Analysis under the cut
Firstly they will establish something, only for them to completely forget about that fact next episode. Case and point in episode 7 of season 2 Dick finds out that Deathstroke has been stalking them and is in the tower. After that he rushes back, visibly distraught with a gun in hand dramatically declaring that Deathstroke was there in the building. Only for in the very next episode for that fact to have been completely forgotten and now they’re all just leaving and it never gets brought up again.
This isn’t the only time something like this has happened but it’s the most glaringly obvious one.
Something that they also do which is most prevalent in season 2 is the spacing of the events between episodes. Titans will dedicate entire episodes just for one part of the story. This may work for some shows, specifically sitcoms that are aired on tv. Shows like The Big Bang Theory or Friends that viewers generally aren’t going to be watching in the correct order so they’re made to be stand alone episodes. But Titans isn’t a sitcom nor is it being aired on tv. What they really should have done is spread these scenes out over several episodes as flashbacks rather than to condense them down into one episode. Because by having the full flashback episodes it makes the show feel disjointed and they interrupt the drama and the suspense. It’s like getting to the climax of a film only to be interrupted by a 40 minute ad. You end up not really caring for the episode because you just want to know what happens with the cliffhanger from the previous episode. When really the events of these flashback episodes should be the most important and interesting part of the show. Where we get to see what happened between the Titans that made them brake up and character backstories and the like.
I think the most disappointing use of this is with the episode ‘Connor’. Rather than condensing Conners entire backstory up to meeting the Titans into one episode leaves a lot to be desired. I would have much preferred to have seen his backstory of escaping Cadmus and his relationship with Eve spread out over sever episodes in tandem to what was happen with the main cast. It would have created a lot more build up and anticipation for him finally meeting up with the rest of the Titans. Whereas what we got was one episode where we could easily guess exactly what was going to happen and where too distracted by Jason supposedly falling to his death to really appreciate the episode.
Secondly, is the shows pacing. It is all over the place. Season 1 was especially bad when it came to this and season 2 was only marginally better. Obviously I’m going to be talking about what happened with Trigon.
Fist of all the decisions for Trigon to be the big bad of the fist season was an interesting decision to say the least. But let’s forget about the comic book aspect and look at what made this season so bad writing wise.
Basically it all boils down to set up and pay off. The set up obviously being how the show sets up the climax, in this case the battle against Trigon. And the pay off basically being how rewarding the climax feels for the audience. With good writing you will have a pay off that is equal to or greater than the set up. If there’s not much set up then it’s easier for the pay off to be worth it for the audience. However in Titans case they set up the battle against Trigon right from the get go slowly building it up over the season, painting him as this neigh unbeatable force. Admittedly Titans was already of to a bad start with their decision to include Trigon in the first season what with the comic fans already knowing about his character and having to live up to the pre existing show Teen Titans as well as the animated movies. In a way they set themselves up for failure.
However where they really let themselves selves down was with the pay off. After having all this build up for the battle against Trigon, the final product falls extremely short. Where they really went off was not including the finale for the season in the actual season but instead moving it to the fist episode of season 2. I don’t know about any one else but when I went into season two after how season 1 ended I was expecting a majority of the episodes to be about the trying to defeat Trigon. But not even 40 minutes in and he’s defeated. This felt extremely unrewarding and underwhelming after waiting an entire season and the time in between to find out what’s going to happen next, only for him to be defeated almost immediately with little to no fuss.
This battle should have definitely been drawn out more. Taking place over several episodes or at least and entire one, where all of the Titans have to work together and struggle to defeat him. Rather than Raven just going out there herself and beating him instantly. There was no reward there. It was just over.
They had a similar problem in season 2 with Deathstroke, one of the Titans main villains. Going through all this build up and emotional turmoil only for him to just be stabbed and oh look he’s dead. You don’t just kill Deathstroke.
Side note: no one checked for a pulse, so I am personally of the opinion that he wasn’t actually dead but was just laying there playing dead hopping no one realised
Finally in this list of examples of bad writing is their tendency to introduce something new out of nowhere with no previous foreshadowing. The most obvious example being in season 2 episode 7 where out of no where we find out that Dick is hallucinating seeing Bruce. This came out of absolutely no where when there should have really been some build up to this. Maybe we could have seen Dick acting oddly, or Talking to no one or really anything. But we got nothing. It felt like someone had just come up with the idea on the day of filming with no previous forethought. Not to mention the fact that it basically only lasted the one episode, with it briefly coming back in episode 11.
Tl:dr: Titans had so much potential to be a great show but they just fell short with the writing. Everything just feels very rushed and not very thought over and they definitely could have done better.
P.S There is definitely still good writing in Titans however. Mostly to do with their portrayals of mental health. So don’t take this post as me just dissing on Titans. Maybe I’ll write another post about the good writing or analysing their camera usage, idk.
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