#and Fred is constantly running his mouth
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lightsout-andawaywego ¡ 9 months ago
I think the most frustrating part for me is that Carlos got so enormously shafted by Lewis deciding to jump ship and for some reason the common understanding is that he is getting overlooked by other teams is for being difficult to work with when he literally has been nothing but respectful and professional ever since, even when Ferrari themselves have been unprofessional to him.
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mywhisperingwords ¡ 4 months ago
a touch that never hurts | fred g. weasley
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summary: you seem to have fallen for your best friend, which you could handle if only he didn’t constantly touch you word count: 3.2k masterlist
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It was official: you were stupid.
Only a complete idiot would fall for their best mate and here you’ve gone and done it. Because there was no other explanation for this feeling in your stomach as you looked across the Great Hall and watched Fred Weasley tell some stupid joke to his friends and wishing nothing more than to be the one he told the joke to.
He wasn’t even supposed to be here; just earlier today, Snape had given him detention.
While working on the assigned potion, he decided to mix things up to make you laugh after your bad day.
Before class started Snape decided to ruin the day and give everyone’s essays back. You flunked. Hard. After a big explosion and an awful lecture from Snape, any of Fred’s afternoon plans were ruined. For you.
You stood there, frozen in shock, trying to figure out how to go on with your life from here.
But how could you? This realization felt like the worst thing that’s ever happened to you—right after becoming friends with Fred Weasley himself.
You must’ve stood frozen in place for too long because he caught your eye and was now waving you over with his typical charming smile while the people around him were continuing their conversation, oblivious to the turmoil inside you. You briefly considered turning around and running away, but you decided against it. That would make this situation even more awkward than it already was.
Taking a deep breath and mustering a wobbly smile, you made your way over to the Gryffindor table. You exchanged greetings with your friends and headed toward a seat, hoping to get as far away from Fred as you could. But, of course, Fred had other plans. With a grin, he shoved Lee aside and proudly declared the seat next to him as free.
Bloody hell, he was making it hard for you. It’s as if he knew and wanted to torture you now that you had finally realized your true feelings. Feelings that didn’t actually exist; denial was your new best friend.
With no other choice, other than making this one hell of an uncomfortable situation for everyone, you reluctantly sat down next to him, trying to put as much distance between you two as possible.
But to no avail. As soon as you sat down Fred swung his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. “Thank Merlin you’re here. Could you be a darling and tell our idiotic friends that Snape does in fact secretly love me and that is the only reason he so often chooses to see me after class?”
‘Darling’ and ‘secretly loves me’, seemed to be the only thing your brain registered, not to mention that arm still wrapped around you. Has he always been this physically affectionate with you? It was hard to remember because Fred was looking at you expectantly as if he were waiting for something and…
Finally, your brain catches up, “Oh, that my dear Fred, is what we call detention. And wouldn't you know it, you're supposed to be there... like right now!" You playfully glanced at your imaginary wristwatch.
You could practically see the second he realized you were right. In a hurry, he jumped up from his seat and snatched the last food from his plate. But there was something important he seemed to have forgotten.
With a grin, you asked him, "Aren't you forgetting something?" Confusion washed over his face as he turned back to the table, searching for what he had missed, not finding anything. After a brief moment, he leaned down and surprised you with a kiss on your cheek. Speechless and mouth agape, you watched as the rest of the table erupted in snickers.
"You git!" you exclaimed, feeling your cheeks burn. "I meant your wand!"
Instead of being flustered like you, Fred found the whole situation hilarious. He joined in laughter with his friends and sent you a playful wink. With a glint in his eye, he swiftly retrieved his wand and innocently exclaimed, "Oops!" before making a speedy exit from the Great Hall.
Still trying to process what just happened, you turned to your friends, hoping they could provide the distraction and peace of mind you desperately needed.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, George decided to torture you. With a grin, he leaned in and asked if you've figured it out yet. Your whole body tensed up, and you found yourself desperately wishing for an escape.
In your horrified state, you managed to stammer out a weak, "W-What?" The anticipation of his response hung heavy in the air, and you braced yourself for the worst.
George burst into laughter, which echoed through the Great Hall, making everything feel ten times worse. You couldn’t help but feel exposed, as if your deepest secrets were on display for everyone to see.
Through his laughter, George managed to squeeze out, "Bloody hell. Looks like someone forgot the essay for McGonagall that's due tomorrow."
You breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that he had no idea. How could he? You yourself just figured it out. And you’d do anything to keep it that way. You won’t tell a soul about any of it and just pretend that things were normal.
How naive could you be? How in your right mind could you ever think that keeping this from Fred was a possibility?
He knew you better than you knew yourself.
No matter how hard you tried to keep things like always it just wouldn’t go your way. First everything was completely normal, nothing out of the ordinary. You two would banter and share jokes. But as soon as he touched you in any way you panicked and run away from him.
You hadn’t realized how often he reached for you. It apparently had become like second nature for him.
At first you noticed the small touches, like accidentally bumping shoulders while walking together or him gently tapping your arm to get your attention.
But it was the larger gestures that pushed you to your breaking point, stirring up your traitorous heart even more. Like when he reached out and grabbed your hand in the bustling crowd of students during a visit to Hogsmead.
But the absolute worst was when he would slide in next to you, casually drape his arm around your shoulder and pull you close, all while effortlessly engaging in conversation with someone else. And what made it even more unbearable was that no one seemed to bat an eye. It was as if this physical closeness was an unspoken agreement between the two of you, that no one remembered to inform you about.
But as much as you tried to subtly keep your distance you could tell that Fred knew something was wrong. He saw it in the way you would purposefully choose to sit the furthest away from him even when the seat next to him was unoccupied.
You saw the confusion in his eyes when you started to avoid going to Hogsmead with the excuse of finishing your school work. He knew that this was never something that stopped you from spending time with him or your friends.
Since that first year you met Fred on the train, he’d been a constant presence in your life. You stumbled upon Fred and George pulling a prank on their older brother Percy. Instead of telling on them, you decided to join in on the mischief. As a result, Percy ended up with boils all over his face. From that moment on, you and Fred became inseparable. So, when you suddenly started pulling away without any explanation, it felt like the most awful thing you could do to him.
And you could tell that it was hurting Fred too. He wasn't the type to wear his heart on his sleeve; in fact, quite the opposite. But after all the years you've known him, you were priding yourself on understanding him better than most people in his life. He would never outright admit it, but your actions were causing him pain.
He would extend his hand, reach out, but as soon as he noticed that you turned away from him, he would pull back. In that fleeting moment, you could see the hurt and confusion reflected in his eyes, mirroring the hurt you were experiencing.
He even attempted to talk about it once. Normally, he would rely on laughter to uplift your spirits rather than delve into the realm of emotions. So when he approached you before your class, specifically to ask if you were okay, it created an awkward conversation for the both of you. All you could do was promise him, that if anything was wrong, you’d tell him.
What a lie.
His genuine concern shattered your heart. But it wasn't just him who could sense that something was off. You noticed how your friends would exchange worried glances every time you came up with a new excuse to avoid spending time with Fred.
Being around him became an unbearable risk, fearing that he might somehow discover your true feelings for him. It wasn’t just a simple crush; your feelings ran deeper, more intense.
Every time you witnessed his infectious laughter or his ability to light up the entire room with his jokes, a swarm of butterflies erupted in your stomach, consuming you from within. The guilt of keeping such a significant secret from him and the rest of your friends gnawed at you. But the thought of confessing your feelings and potentially jeopardizing everything held you back.
It has gotten to the point where you chose to spend your free time in the library. You knew that he would never step foot inside of it. So this place became your sanctuary.
But you should’ve known better. Fred Weasley may not be an overly emotional person but he was stubborn to no end.
One night after dinner, that ended with you leaving the table as soon as possible and an excuse, truthful this time, to do your unfinished homework you returned to the only place that felt safe from Fred.
There were only a few students left in the library. You grabbed your Charms Book and settled into a quiet corner, hoping to review your homework for Professor Flitwick.
But your silence was soon disturbed by the one person you wanted to avoid. Which was not entirely true.
The situation hurt, but you couldn’t help wanting to see him — even if only from afar.
Fred appeared to be searching for you because the moment your eyes met, he marched over to where you were sitting.
"Back to doing homework, huh?" he asked, glancing at your table.
"Actually, yes," you replied honestly.
“Oi, sod off. I know you mostly just sit here doing nothing — Lee saw you, you know?” he said.
“I don’t know what Lee thinks he saw but that’s not the truth. This is a library. I study,” you argued.
“Listen, I know you’ve been avoiding me. And I have no idea what I could’ve done. You’ve been blowing me off left and right. You’re being pretty obvious and I think it’s time we had this discussion.”
You stared at him, eyes wide open. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I already told you, everything is fine.”
“Come off it! We’ve been friends for years and I know when something’s off. You’ve been avoiding me and you have been for weeks. I’m done pretending like I don’t know that. And things aren’t fine since you won’t tell me what it is. What’s this really about?” his voice was low, but you could feel his anger seeping through.
But you couldn’t tell him; too much was at stake. You’d lose your best friend. Even the thought alone was too much to bear.
“Fred, please. I just… I can’t explain it to you,” you pleaded.
“Why the hell not? I’m your friend!” You appreciated his concern, but his persistence was becoming overwhelming. “If everything truly was fine you wouldn’t be hiding here all the time! What’s going on?” he demanded, clearly just wanting answers, answers you couldn’t give him.
“I really can’t tell you. Please, I’m begging you, let it go.” Keeping this from him was killing you. You felt awful holding this secret from him. Deep inside you entertained the notion that he felt the same, but doubts held you back. It was pain-filled hiding something so important from a person that meant so much to you. You wished that he felt the same way, but fear gripped you tight.
Fred's anger was palpable, evident from the fury etched on his face. Madam Pince was shooting both of you disapproving glances. You secretly hoped that she would kick you out, giving you an excuse to escape this conversation.
“No, I’m not giving up. I deserve answers and I’m not leaving until I get them, understood?” He defiantly took a seat right in front of you.
You remained silent, refusing to speak another word. The more he pushed, the harder it became to keep this from him.
“I’ve got all night. Nowhere else to be,” he stated, arms crossed, his gaze fixed on you. Still refusing to speak, you turned your attention back to your essay, hoping he would eventually relent.
After a few minutes, he broke the silence. His voice now calm and his expression blank. No trace of anger or irritation. It almost seemed like he had come to accept the situation.
“Maybe this is for the best. You clearly don’t want to talk to me, so I’ll guess I won’t bother you anymore,” he said in a monotone voice, before he abruptly stood up and started to walk away, not looking back once.
Hot panic was surging through your veins and in an instant you jumped up, to go after him. Realizing that you were about to lose him either way, you took a chance.
“I like you!” The words echoed through the quiet library, their volume seemingly too loud for the stillness around you. He paused in his tracks, but didn't turn around. Unable to see his reaction, you continued, thinking maybe it was better this way, shielded from the potential disgust his face might reveal.
"I like you, and I'm really sorry, okay? I just need some time to sort things out and get over these feelings. I promise, but right now, I can't be around you. Not right now. That's why I've been avoiding you. Please, please don't hate me," with every word, your desperation spilled out, raw and unfiltered, while your eyes began to burn.
As Fred slowly turned around, his expression was unreadable, and it felt like everything was falling apart. Immediate regret was filling you up. Maybe, if you would’ve stayed silent and kept on ignoring what was going on inside of you, there would have been a chance to mend the friendship later on. But now, it felt like it might be too late.
“You like me?” he asked, his voice filled with bewilderment.
“Please, don’t make me say it again,” you pleaded, feeling overwhelmed by the situation.
His expression slowly transformed into a wide smile, "You're not kidding. You actually like me?"
Confused and feeling a sense of panic, you asked, "Why are you smiling at me like that?"
Fred's grin widened, making him look like a complete idiot, "I can't control it. You've just made me the happiest person in the world. Do you have any idea how long I’ve been hoping to hear those words?"
Silence filled the air. Your heart skipped a beat. "What?"
“I like you too, I was just waiting for you to catch up,” he confessed with a soft grin, his hand nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
"So, that's why you were always touching me?" you asked, trying to make sense of it all.
He let out a loud laugh, quickly quieted by a stern look from Madam Pince. He sent her an apologetic smile before refocusing on you and speaking in a hushed tone.
"And here I thought I was being smooth about it. I've been trying to let you know for a while now, actually."
“Bloody hell. You mean you felt the same all this time? Why on earth didn't you say anything?" You were in disbelief, feeling like you were in a dream. Maybe you had dozed off while reading about The History and Evolution of Enchantments and Charms Throughout the Ages.
"Well, why didn't you?" he asked.
"You've got me there," you said with a quiet laugh, looking down at the ground. After a moment of silence, you glanced up and saw him smiling softly at you.
"So... what's the plan now?" you asked, seeking some clarity.
"You like me, I like you. It's pretty clear, isn't it?" he responded.
You squinted your eyes at him, still not fully convinced.
"Now I can touch you as much as I want, and you can't escape anymore," he said with a mischievous grin, taking a step closer until he stood right in front of you.
"Oh, Merlin. You're a git," you exclaimed, unable to hold back a laugh. "Why on earth do I like you again?"
“Because I’m just that irresistible, obviously,” he laughed, joining in with you.
You placed your hand on his chest and playfully gave him a nudge. But before you could pull away, he surprised you by grabbing your hand. As you looked down at his hand enveloping yours, he posed a question. "So, about you admitting you like me... do you wanna back that up with a kiss?"
"Mhm, I'll have to think about that," you teased, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not sure if you deserve it, to be honest."
He grinned cheekily and retorted, "Oh, I definitely deserve it. What have I ever done to not deserve it?"
“Let’s try and remember. Just last week you-”
As you were about to list all the things he had done, he surprised you again by silencing your words with a passionate kiss. In that moment, your thoughts faded into insignificance, consumed by the intensity of the kiss. His hand gently caressed your cheek, deepening the connection between you. Your emotions were running wild, and it felt as if your body was ablaze.
After a moment or an hour, he pulled back, and you took a deep breath, trying to regain your composure. Opening your eyes, you gazed up at him.
"Sorry, I interrupted you. What were you saying?" he asked, his playful tone laced with a hint of mischief.
“I can’t remember,” you murmured, connecting your lips with his once more.
You’d been wrong all along—falling for your best friend might have been the best idea of all.
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just-some-random-blogger ¡ 2 months ago
Sweets & Sweeties
You opened a bakeshop called Sweets & Sweeties which was just beside Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, and one day you accidentally lock yourself outside.
George Weasley x Reader (x Fred Weasley) | 1k+ | cw: fem!reader, Murphy's law, fred lives stfu, fluff, rizzler!Georgie, typos, etc.
A/N: i have this fic called tormented spirit and its fucked me up cos of how sad it is HAHAHAH i need a break and thats coming from someone who LOVES angst. ALSO i was never super into Harry Potter so idk lore™ but I've been watching the phelps twins and their baking show related content and i'm just so endeared by them AHHHHHHHHH. please leave comments/reblogs because this feels a bit mid cos i havent written fluff in 100 years T_T cross posted on ao3 | continuation fic
@pendragora if i have to suffer, you have to suffer
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Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was always busy. Everyday, there were children and children-at-heart going up and down the block, eager to buy themselves trinket or treat to promptly cause mischief.
Because of the shop's success, your own shop also benefitted from it. Sweets & Sweeties was your dream come true. As a child, you loved sweet treats, and you would grow to learn you loved making them just as much.
You hadn't expected to sell out as often as you did, and you knew it was all thanks to the fact the establishment next door brought as many customers as they did, who then became your customers.
You were extremely grateful, and tried time and time again to show it through a simple gesture of a gift. It was rather hard to find the time to do so however, as the neighbor establishment was constantly packed. The first time you saw the owner of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, he had introduced himself as: "George Weasley," he says, dusting off his hands before reaching one out for you.
You merely stare at him, your smile flattening slightly, only to grow wider as you chuckle. Both of your hands held a tray of cake, and it was quite a weighty cake at that, "I-"
"Right," he brushes his hands on his trousers, "right. Sorry, let me help you with that."
He takes the cake from you and ushers you deeper into the store. You gasp when a small child runs across him, unfortunately bumping into his side. Thankfully, George manages to lift the cake, evading the collision. The girl who bumped into him looks up, eyes wide, hands clutched, looking rather guilty, "s-sorry, Mr. Weasley."
The tall man's brows furrow as he looks down. He whines, "s'not Mr. Weasley, it's George."
The girl stares at him for a moment.
"Say it with me: George."
She clutches her chest and mutters, "Georgie?"
George purses his lips together in a soft smile and nods, "Georgie it is then."
Your hand comes to your mouth as you chuckle and follow after the red haired man. He leads you into the back office and you gasp yet again, this time, because of the photograph on the wall. It was a family portrait of a myriad of other red heads breaking into a wide grin.
"There's two of you!" you point.
George sets the cake down on his desk and crosses his arms once he's besides you, "nah. There's only one person in the family as good looking as me," he turns to the photograph, "that's my twin brother, Fred."
"Oh," you turn to him, taken off guard by how close he was, "is..." you casually take a step back, "he around?"
"Yeah," he shrugs, "probably showing the customers how to use the thingamabobs."
You chuckle and nod, "well," you motion vaguely, "I know you're very busy, so I won't take any more of your time."
The man tilts his head, lips curled into an soft grin as he shrugs, "you don't hear me complaining, love."
You aimlessly look off to steel away the giggle that threatened to leave your lips, "right," you clear your throat, "ehhh, do tell me if the cake is to you—"
Before you can even finish your thought, George is back at his desk. He swipes a dollop of frosting and tastes it.
"—r... liking."
He raises his brows as he nods, "it's to my liking."
The both of you just stand there for a moment, staring at each other. You're now rather painfully aware of your breathing.
You start when the office door bangs open and a near exact replica of George comes walking in, "you would not believe what just—"
George's eyes are on you as you turn to his twin. You raise your hand, "hi... I'm-" you point to nowhere, "-the baker next door."
He turns to George, then back to you, reaching out his left hand, "Fred Weasley."
You smile and shake his hand, speaking your name in return.
"Hey!" George walks over, reaching out a hand, "I didn't get a handshake!"
You turn to George and his outstretched left hand, about to shake it, but Fred does not release you, and only turns to his twin.
"I'm not done."
George watches Fred shake your hand, "well that's more than enough."
"Not really," Fred shrugs.
You chuckle softly, making them turn to you. You then offer your other hand to George, crossing your arm over the other, "here."
George looks at it and takes it with his right one. The three of your shake each other's hands for a questionably long time.
When you're finally released, you hold back a laugh and rub your palms on the side of your hips, "right... it was a pleasure to meet you both."
They nod in sync, "the pleasure is ours."
You giggle and raise a hand in regard, "come by my shop sometimes."
They wave back at you as you head for the door.
"I'll make you both a cuppa."
They smile as you exit their office. Once you were gone, the brothers instantly turn to each other.
Fred says, "she's cute."
"Yeah, I saw her first," George counters.
"Pfft, so what?"
"So, everything."
Meeting them was so... notable, that you thought about it the entire day. You found yourself giggling about the handshake for the nth time as you closed up, and right after you heard the door click, you whip your head back in realization that you'd left your bag in the counter, along with your keys.
You shake the doorknob, trying to will the door open, though you knew it was pointless, "no, no, no, NO!"
You step back and stare at the windows of your shop. You ruffle your hair and huff as you debate how bad the idea of breaking the glass with the rock would be.
You stare that your sign that read Sweets & Sweeties, feeling taunted by it so suddenly, and then you remember you forgot another thing. The window on the rooftop was surely open from when you opened it to let out some steam. What's more, it looked like it was about to rain!
"Oh," you groan and wrap your arms around yourself, "thank goodness I left my brolly too."
You crouch in front of your unlit shop, feeling rather helpless.
You hear a bell ring and turn to the shop next door. Out comes George and Fred, much wiser than you, with their brollies and suitcases in hand. They call your name in unison and you sigh as you come to stand.
"What's wrong, sweetie?" one of them says.
You freeze at the pet name, and he seems to catch on. He points upward, "sweetie."
You turn to your sign and feel bashful. You awkwardly chuckle, "right, I-"
"You alright?" another asks.
You look between them, "yeah," and shake your head, "no, ehhh, sorry... I... which is," you point in confusion, "which?"
"George," the one to your right raises a hand.
"Fred," the one to your left raises a hand.
"Right," you lower your head as you shake it, "sorry, I don't-"
"You'll get used to it," they say in unison.
You huff as you look back at them, both of their lips are pursed, "right..." you turn to your shop and point, "I, eh... locked myself out."
They turn to where you did.
"And I left my bag..."
They turn back to you.
"And my keys."
They make a face.
"And my brolly," you turn to you feet for a moment, "and the window in my roof open."
"Oooh," they say at once. George bares his teeth, "bad luck."
"And," Fred adds, looking up, "it looks like it's about to rain."
"I know!" you gasp, placing your hands on both sides of your head.
For a moment, the three of you stand there, soaking in your misfortune. A moment later, George turns to his brother and says, "hang on."
Fred turns to him.
"Don't we have a window in the roof, Fred?"
Fred turns to you, "that we do, George."
George turns to you too, "how are you with heights?"
"Ehhh..." your lips part, "....fine?"
With that, the twins head to the entrance of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, beckoning you over. They reopen the lights, leave their things by the door, and lead you upstairs.
"Now," George (you think) says, "I'd like to think our roof's pretty sturdy, but," he pulls out wand from his coat jacket, "I can always do a good ol' Levioso if anything goes awry."
You are comforted by the thought and nod as you make your way up. When you get to the top, you see a singular tiny window by the side of the roof and you momentarily wonder if this was a good idea.
"D'ya know what," George (you think) says, turning to his brother, "you should go down and watch her as she crosses, so in case anything happens," he points, "you can make sure she doesn't fall."
Fred (you think) shakes his head, "why me?"
"Because it was my idea to cast Levioso, Fred," George (you were right) retorts.
"Then you go down!" Fred whines.
"I'm not going down," he crosses his arms, "I just got here."
"Yeah, so did I—"
You watch to the instant match the twins have, finding one rock and scissors at hand. George grins, raising his winning fist. Fred rolls his eyes and sighs. He turns to you before going down.
George smiles and motions with his head, "come on then, I'll help you up."
He drags a box towards the window and reaches a hand out to you. You take his hand and step up, then reach for the sides of the window, pulling yourself up to get on the roof. You are glad their window was right in front of yours and that it wasn't a far walk at all.
Fred, who just got outside, catches his breath before cupping the sides of his mouth, "careful!"
You turn to him from below and call back, "trying!"
George watches you closely as you cross to the other side. He probably shouldn't think the wobble of your limbs endearing, but he does. The moment reach your window, he claps, "aye!"
You are quick to jump down, grunting as you do so. You turn around and smile at George who was already smiling back at you. He raises his hands, "you did it, sweetie!"
"I did, wheezing wizard!"
"Well," he tilts his head, "it's Wizard Wheezes but..." he shrugs, "you can just call me Georgie."
You raise your brows.
"I- I mean George."
You chuckle and purse your lips as you shake your head, "too late, Georgie."
"Now, hold on-"
"See you downstairs, Georgie!" you give a toothy grin as you close your window. You bite your lip and giggle to yourself for a moment, "cutie."
Georgie clenches his jaw as he stares the window. He sighs and kicks the box away before closing it, "damn."
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nottsangel ¡ 10 months ago
I can’t stop thinking about Fred Weasley being grabby with you all the time. Like especially after a quidditch match or practice, his ego would expect you to shower him with praise and maybe even satisfy him. 🤭
George Weasley, I feel he would be a bit more quiet about it but he would be happy like a puppy if you were throw compliments here and there.
By the way, I’m so happy you read my little blurb of George and Fred Weasley back there.
- 🍸 Anon (If that’s alright)
it’s like you can read my mind !!! the weasley twins have been on my mind constantly these past few days and i really wanted to talk about it with someone so yay !! also yes, that emoji is all yours baby, just need to know your pronouns !
and spot on babe !!!!!! fred is so touchy with you after a quidditch match/practice. he would constantly ask you if you think he did good because he loves hearing it from you while hands wander all over your body. “yeah? you think i did good back there, darling? so… does that mean im getting a reward?” he teases with the biggest smile ever on his face as he winks at you.
george on the other hand would indeed be more quiet about it. you watching him during a match or practice only motivates him to do his best ‘cause he loves it when you praise him. he’d excitedly run over to you like a puppy first thing when he’s done. his pupils change into little hearts the minute praise leaves your mouth, and he smothers your face with kisses. “well, it is all thanks to,” kiss. kiss. “you.”
all daydreams ੈ♡˳
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gay-dorito-dust ¡ 2 months ago
Hi! I recently watched the new Gladiator sequel and I’m so obsessed with the emperors, they’re absolute cuties<3 I was just wondering if you could write some headcanons maybe about being married to both of them, of course it’s fine if you don’t write about polygamy
Have a great day
My freaky gingers! Fred and Joseph did amazing as Caracalla and Geta in my opinion, my freaky little sadistic ginger emperors.
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Being wanted by one sibling meant being desired by the other.
Geta and Caracalla shared everything, for nothing could ever belong to one of them as the other was bound to grow envious and want the same thing for himself.
So let’s say you were originally planned to marry just Geta or Caracalla, but the pair would abuse their power as emperors and demand that you were to marry both of them instead.
‘It’s the will of the gods after all.’ Geta would say.
‘And we wouldn’t want to displease them now would we?’ Caracalla would add with a cackle.
You had no say whatsoever but to agree to marry the brother emperors, which many didn’t bother to bat an eye of how curious a case this was, but again they too were under the belief that this was the will of the gods for the emperors to share a spouse for the betterment of their rule.
Both brothers thrive for your attention to be on them and they’d do anything to have it wherever and whenever they can, and all you could do was give them the attention that they so desire.
Hold them close to your chest, cradle them there and let them hear your heart and your breathing to smooth them in knowing that someone did love them, for being there for them as a safe haven from the frequent scheming of the senate and the betrayals and the constant needed to look over their shoulders to make sure no one was going to stab them in the back.
So being with you and held so closely like they deeply desired when before ascending the throne, made it all seem worth while if it meant being gifted the love that they so sought after in those they considered a close confidant within the senate, or just in general approval from the public they rule over.
Marriage life with Geta and Caracalla wasn’t easy, you didn’t expect it to in the slightest as you were constantly seen between the two emperors, draped in the finest of silks and jewellery they could find as to signal your beginning to them both, to show that you were on equal footing as your emperor husbands as your counsel was the one they often followed more often then not.
Does this mean they are rid of the concubines? Probably not and whether or not this was an issue for you is up for debate.
If it is then you’d naturally be questioning the loyalty of your emperor husbands in a fit of embarrassment and shame, not wanting to look a fool within your own marriage, especially not in front of the Roman public nor the senate that would try to whisper words of infidelity about Geta and Caracalla.
‘Am I not your spouse? You forced me into marriage with the two of you and yet you both still seek paid comfort.’ You’d spat as though it was venom in my mouth.
‘My love-‘
You’d glare at Geta who stopped short in his tracks as Caracalla watched you both with eerily silence.
‘If you are to seek paid comfort, then don’t expect none from me should you continue this route of self indulgence.’ You say before leaving the room, not once looking back as you returned to your shared chambers. Again you wouldn’t want to look a fool when your emperor husbands run to the arms of concubines, you were above it.
Let’s hypothetically say you have concubines yourself in retaliation, they’d unfortunately all be dead on the orders of Geta and Caracalla in a fit of rage.
Your marriage isn’t pretty nor romantic in the slightest, and I’m not trying to make it out to be like that, just only that your marriage to them both could be full of hypocrisy and jealousy and sometimes accusations of cheating would arise also as a result.
It’s a mess and wouldn’t get sorted unless your three are clear headed and clam enough to talk it out like healthy lovers should. And when it does get sorted, you all act as though everything that had come to this point of peace didn’t happen at all, as soon enough you were back to holding the emperor brothers again your chest as they slept.
Due to being their spouse you naturally had a target on your back, so it would be of no surprise that you were to be the intended victim for an assignation attempt by shadowy figures hiding their identities in the background.
Shadowy figures that wanted you dead as to kill any sort of morale the emperor brothers had by taken what’s theirs.
Let’s say you survive the attempt, make no mistake that your emperor husbands would be by your side immediately, anger and fury written as clear as day across their faces as they had you pressed between the two of them, they’d whispered hushed words into your ears about finding who did this to you and killing them publicly to show their intolerance to attempts on their spouse.
Your emperor husbands would make sure you were constantly guarded no matter what afterwards, killing those who didn’t do their duty and replacing them with new guards that would keep you safe when they were with the senate, or in the study.
They become insufferably clingy and overprotective afterwards that it felt suffocating to be in the same room with them being so close to you, it was overwhelming and they’d even have people test whenever or not your drink and or food was tampered with as extra precaution.
You understood their worries to an extent but if it’s been a good while since the attempt, then you find it unnecessary to continue such tight and overbearing conditions they had put in place. So it’s best to speak with them about that for paranoia had overtaken them both with the ideas that you’d be killed or taken even if they were to even dare blink.
Being married to Geta and Caracalla was chaos incarnate, discord and mayhem disguised in gold, jewellery and expensive silks and lavished lifestyles; a perfect facade to cover the true nature of their own unravelling beneath the mask they’ve made to get by as rulers of a powerful empire ever known.
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desideriumwriter ¡ 8 months ago
Anyone But You | Chapter 8
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Chapter Summary - Reader makes friends, witnesses the twins failed attempt of putting their names in the goblet, and ends up in a pantry with Fred.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers
Word Count - 2.0k
Series Masterlist | F.W Masterlist | Previous | Next | Navi
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The days had been going by quickly into your sixth year. The cold fall weather had snuck in and things were going smoother than you expected. 
You’d become good friends with Katie and Angelina (though you wanted to gag whenever she started talking about the twins,), Cedric wasn’t constantly ditching you to chase after Cho, and that bloody cast on your arm was finally gone.
Yesterday the other schools had arrived before the Welcoming Feast. All the boys had their eyes locked on the blue uniformed Beauxbatons girls, while the girls swooned over the Durmstrang boys.
It was Halloween on a Saturday, you would’ve been sleeping in late, but you and Katie promised to go with Angelina to put her name in the Goblet. 
There were already a good amount of people wandering around the Great Hall by the time you got down there, some eating breakfast and some chatting. Katie and you stood back as Angelina dropped her name in, giving her little cheers and applauds as she grinned.
Afterwards, you all went up to the end of the table where most were sitting. Katie asked if anyone had put their names in yet.
“Apparently most of the Durmstrang boys, I’ve only seen one person from here do it, and it was some bloke from Slytherin.” Dean told the table, getting reactions of disgust.
“Well, Angelina just put her name in!” You added in. Everyone turned to look at the chaser.
“Really?” Ron said, an impressed look on his face. 
“Mhm!” Angelina gave a nervous smile, “I just turned seventeen last week.” The group cheered and swiveled in their seats.
"I'm so glad someone from Gryffindor's entering," Hermione looked up, "I really hope you get it, Angelina!" She gave a genuine smile.
Laughter emerged from the entrance of the hall. You turned to see the twins running in, each of them holding up a small potion.
“We’ve done it!” George exclaimed.
“Cooked it up just now!” Fred added on.
“A aging potion!-“
“Just to get us a few months older!”
They high fived students in the crowd that was beginning to assemble around them. Cheering and praising the ginger boys.
They hopped up onto a wooden bench together, shaking up their potions and linked arms.
“Ready Fred?”
“Ready George!” 
“Bottoms up!” They said in unison, popping the corks off the small glass tubes and knocking the liquid back into their mouths.
The room was silent as the boys jumped over the line. You were shocked that it actually worked, so was Hermione, and everyone else in the room. There was a few seconds of complete silence before applause started.
It was silent again as everyone watched them take their pieces of parchment out, carefully dropping them into the blue flames. The room began to cheer and applaud, the twins high fived each other, letting out yells of triumph until it was turned to yells of fear once they were suddenly catapulted away from the Goblet.
They both flew right over the crowd surrounding them and landed ten feet away onto the stone floor. They groaned in pain as they sat up. 
Long white hair and beards sprouted from their faces, they both touched their heads and looked at each other in shock.
“You said!” Fred began.
“You said!” George pointed at his brother, then tackled him, knocking him back down to the ground.
“Yeah, you want a piece of me?” George shouted as they began to roll around wrestling on the floor.
This immediately got another crowd around them, kids began to laugh and chant for them to fight.
“Get off! Or I’ll tear your ears off!” Fred grunted.
You couldn’t hold in your laughter at their childishness and continuous insults being thrown at each other. Eventually, you joined in on the chanting encouraging them to continue on fighting.
“Dragons?” You retorted a bit too loudly. Cedric's eyes went wide like yours, shushing you.
The both of you weren’t supposed to be outside your common rooms. It was nearing midnight and you would’ve never come out this late, but Cedric had sent you an owl, his message looked frantically scribbled down.
Now you stood with him in the kitchen corridors, right outside the Hufflepuff common room entrance.
“Yeah. They’ve got one for each person.”
“What? I don’t- How do you know? They said they wouldn’t tell what the first task was?” You stammered.
“Harry told me, he saw them. The task is to get past them somehow. That’s all I know.” Cedric sighed, running a hair through his hair.
“Cedric, the first task is tomorrow evening!” He shushed you again when your voice echoed throughout the empty corridor. You muttered a small apology and then rubbed your face with your hands.
“Can’t you back out?” They can’t force you to go through with this, right?” You already knew the answer, there was no turning back once your name was chosen, but you didn’t like the idea of your bestfriend going head to head with a dragon.
“What?” He breathed out, “I’m not going to quit! Do you realize how’d that make me look when half of the school is rooting for me?”
“It’d save your life!” You remarked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I’d look like a coward!” He gawked out. “Listen, I’m sure there will be…precautions so no serious harm is done.” He regained his composure and sighed once again. “Surely they’ll let us use magic, they didn’t weigh our wands for nothing.
“Yeah, but I really don’t like this…” You muttered, staring at your slippers. “It’s dangerous and..what if something goes wrong?” You said hastily, Cedric put a hand on your shoulder, getting you to bring your eyes back to his.
“I’ll be fine, now you go get back to your dorm before Filch comes around.” He let out a breathy laugh, patting you on the shoulder. “Get some sleep, alright?”
“You too, big day tomorrow.” You smiled, both turning to get back to your dorms.
You were quiet as you snuck through the kitchen corridor, casting lumos and using your wand as a dim flashlight. You continued to replay the conversation in your head, you didn’t understand how Cedric could be so calm about it.
“Dragons..” You mumbled to yourself, shuddering at the thought of being face to face with one.
“Sounds like nasty business.” A muffled voice came from the side of you, you pointed your wand to see him sitting on one of the tables, a small plate of scones sat next to him, a half eaten one in his hand.
You let out more of a sigh than a breath of relief at the sight of him. Why is he everywhere?
“The beard’s gone.” You mindlessly stated, looking at his bare face. This is the first time you’ve seen him since he got sent to the hospital wing for a little while after his potion backfired.
“Yep, I've been shaved clean.” Fred said as he took a bite of the scone, “Decided to get myself a celebratory midnight snack.” He raised it up in the air proudly. “Take one for yourself!” He said, picking one off the plate and tossing it to you. Instead of being able to catch it, the pastry hit a very messy and unsteady stack of metal bowls on the counter behind you, causing them to come crashing down.
This just caused a domino effect of bowls falling all over the counter and onto the floor, knocking some plates down as well and causing them to shatter on the floor. The array of loud noises made your eyes flutter with each bang and boom.
Once the 10 second lasting chaos was over, you covered your mouth with both of your hands in shock, turning to Fred with wide eyes. His jaw had dropped too, but you could see the way the ends of his mouth began to curve upwards, this only boiled your blood. 
You were going to tell him off for being the most childish, reckless, dumbass boy you’ve ever-
“Who’s there?” The raspy voice of Filch called out from further down, your head whipped to the direction you could hear the quick patter of footsteps coming towards you.
Soon enough Fred’s hands were grabbing onto your arms, pulling you into a pantry, saying a quick spell that restacked all the bowls and fixed the broken plates, then shut the door. 
The pantry was incredibly small. Fred and you stood facing towards each other, you could still see very faintly his face in dark space, your chests were nearly touching as the both of you breathed heavily. It felt strange, it wasn’t a bad strange. It was just…strange.
“Your cast's gone.” He whispered, his hand was still holding yours. You weren’t holding his, nor were you paying attention to what he was saying, too focused on the thought of getting caught by Filch.
His hold on your hand was loose, it was gentle. He rubbed his thumb back and forth over the back of your hand, he did it so smoothly, so sweetly, it felt almost soothing. But, you’d never admit that.
“You’ve got really soft skin.” He thought out loud, it took you a second to actually realize what he just said.
“What?” You stared at him, a door slammed open in the kitchen before Fred could say anything, he just put a finger over his lips, signaling you to shush.
You both waited and watched as a small slit of warm light passed through the doors cracks. Filch muttered something about ghosts then left, listening as the old lantern he always carried swung as he walked off.
You let out a breath of relief once any sign of him was gone. 
“I’m always saving you from some trouble.” Fred broke the silence, you hated how you could still see that cocky grin on his face. 
“You’re always getting me in it.” You seethed, ripping your hand out of his grasp and pushing out the door. Fred followed.
“How is it my fault? I’m not the reason you’re down here in the first place.”
True. But if he was able to not be the loudest and cause messes everywhere he went maybe you would’ve never been nearly caught.
“What’d you come down here for anyways?” Fred questioned as he leaned against the wooden table he was originally on. You were a bit hesitant to answer, hoping you wouldn’t make anything look suspicious between Cedric and you.
“Cedric needed to talk to me.” You shrugged, not missing how Fred's face twisted at Cedric being mentioned. You narrowed your eyes at his reaction.
“Oh come on, he’s not all that bad. You’re just still sour about losing to him in last year's match.” You let out an amused laugh, you were just teasing him, giving him a taste of his own medicine. But when Fred scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest, it seemed as if he was still hung up on that.
Was he really?
“You’re not…” You began to grin in disbelief, “You’re still mad about that?” Fred tried to mutter out a ‘no’ in response but you just chuckled at it.
“He offered a rematch! Practically begged for one! You know that!” You gawked at him, you knew Fred wasn’t actually upset at Cedric, he was upset that Gryffindor lost cause Cedric grabbed the snitch that time.
“Yeah I know…whatever, what’s little loverboy Cedric got you down here at this time of night for?” You rolled your eyes at the nickname.
“None of your business.” You copied his pose, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Was he telling you about the dragons?” He smirked, your face dropped, now looking at him in shock.
“How did you…” You trailed off, he did hear you mumbling originally, maybe he just connected the dots. Maybe he was listening in on your conversation with Cedric. Maybe-
“You’re not very good at whispering.” He said with a blank face. You closed your eyes and let out a heavy breath, drowning in embarrassment.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. I’ve known for weeks.” Your eyes shot open, you looked straight at him. Fred already knew what you were about to ask, your baffled expression already said enough.
“You think they can bring giant fire breathing creatures here and expect George and me not to find out? Especially when they had my older brother bring them here?”
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tell me what you thought! or ask tba to the taglist for this series! <3
TAGLIST: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @five-seconds-flat @nal-leo-17 @rhunew @albertdabuttler @weak-aesthetic @whotfskai @m00nymarauder @miaandthediamonds @hpstuff244444 @tarzanathetumblingwarrior @isabellavolere @navs-bhat @honeybee240
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fandomnsfw ¡ 2 years ago
I Will Always See You - Fred Weasley x Reader
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Prompt: nothing…I just love Fred Weasley J.K did him dirty if you ask me…my poor baby. 😭
Warnings: smut, if you squint praise kink and begging kink.
Thank you to @lets-imagine-fanfics my beta for editing this thought I'm sure as an avid Fred Weasley fan she likely had no problem! 😂
You walked down the hall, your arms wrapped around your books as you silently made your way back to the Gryffindor common room. You were thinking about your Herbology homework listing off things you needed or would have to do when your felt a gust of wind at either side of you.  
Your eyes immediately spotted the Weasley twins running so fast, the only reason you knew it was them was because of their vibrantly orange hair, you rolled your eyes and opened your mouth to shout at them but before you could, they skid to a stop and glanced behind them towards you. 
“Boys no running in the halls.” You huffed as they gave you matching smirks. 
“Oh, if it isn’t our favourite head girl.” Fred grinned mischievously as they began walking next to you. 
“Don’t think because you compliment me, Fred Weasley, that I’ll forget that you were running in the halls.” You scoff as you held your head up. 
“I’m not Fred I’m George.” He stated with a frown on his face. 
You rolled your eyes and turned to the real George looking him up and down before giving him a smirk. He flushed a little under your scrutinising gaze but said nothing to give away their game. 
“Nope, that’s definitely George.” You stated as you pat Georges flushed cheek before turning to Fred who glared down at you suspiciously. 
“And you are most definitely Fred.” You chuckled as you pat his chest as he continued to glare at you. 
You stride ahead of them with a satisfied smirk on your face as you quickly forget about your homework in favour of thinking about Fred. You’d be lying if you said the twins weren’t handsome but Fred for some reason held way more of your attention. George was sweeter, slightly more shy than Fred and he also had a mole on the side of his neck while at Fred had two scars on his face that were barely noticeable. 
Fred was always more confident and always the one to instigate their pranks and mischief. It’s another reason you had a giant crush on Fred, not that anyone knew that with how you would constantly reprimand him for ignoring the rules. 
You liked to keep to yourself for most part but you enjoyed hanging out with Harry and his friends even though you were in the Weasley twins year. You shook the thoughts of Fred to the back of your mind as you finally arrived at the portrait to the Gryffindor common room.  
You giggled at something Hermione said to Ron as you nibbled on some toast with jam on it. Harry rolled his eyes at the pair about to reprimand his friends, however he was instantly interrupted when the Weasley twins slid into the small spaces at either side of you.  
Your eyes flickered between both twins before noting they had their homemade sweaters from Molly. The only thing that wasn’t right was that Fred was wearing George’s and George was wearing Freds. You frowned a little but figured they must’ve done it by accident. 
“Fred, mum said you need to send her a letter. Said she hasn’t heard from you in a few days.” Ron muttered to George making you roll your eyes a little however instead of Fred piping up George did and suddenly you realised their game.  
“I will tonight.” George answered making you literally bang your head off of the table, narrowly avoiding your plate.  
“What on earth are you doing?” Hermione snorted making you look up at them with a glare firmly in place. 
“Ron, how can you not tell your brothers apart?” You laughed making him frown a little. 
“There literally wearing their tops.” Ron snorted making you roll your eyes. 
“That’s Fred.” You said pointing at the twin wearing the sweater with the G.   
“How?” Fred exclaimed with a deep frown on his face, making you roll your eyes once again. 
“Because I can. Why, pray tell, does it bother you so much?” You asked him seriously making him puff out his cheeks in a childish manner. 
“Even our own mum gets confused sometimes, I don’t see how you can tell better than literally anyone.” Fred stated uneasily as his two brothers nodded in agreement. 
“I’m sure someone else in this room can too.” You huffed with a small smile making them glance at one another. 
“No. Even Ang almost kissed Fred last week.” George snorted making you visibly cringe a little before giving them a sympathetic smile. 
You giggle a little as Hermione says something about Fred being a bigger arsehole making everyone burst out laughing. The rest of the day went by without anyone mentioning the fact that you could tell them apart better than anyone. 
That was until you arrived at your bedroom to find Ginny and Hermione waiting there with raised brows and inquisitive looks. You frowned at the girls, silently asking why they were in your room. 
“So which one is it?” Ginny asked with a subtle smirk on her lips. 
“What on earth are you two talking about?” You snorted as you put your books on the bedside table next to your bed. 
“Which twin do you fancy?” Hermione asked confidently making your eyes widen a little. 
“W-What makes you think I fancy Fred or George?” You stuttered, heat slowly creeping up your face until you felt like steam was coming out your ears. 
“Fred.” Ginny and Hermione say at the same time, looking father proud of themselves. 
“I do-what I mean is that I- Fine, I fancy Fred!” You had tried to get out of it but honestly, you’d been dying to tell someone since you first started crushing on him in your 3rd year. 
“Oh my Merlin, that feels amazing to get off my chest! God, I fancy the bloody pants off him! He’s so tall, handsome, funny, confident, did I say handsome? Then he’s got these eyes that are just so expressive. I can always tell when he’s about to do something that’ll get him in trouble because he gets these little creases at the corner of his gorgeous eyes, when he tries to keep the smile off his face. There was one time I accidentally saw him without hi-” 
“Too much information!” Ginny yelled making you flush bright red. 
“S-Sorry.” You whispered softly making her shake her head at you. 
“How long has this been going on?” Hermione laughed as she raised her brows at you. 
“3rd year.” You whispered avoiding all eye contact. 
“That’s since my 1st year! I’m in my 5th year!” Hermione exclaimed like it was something you didn’t already know. 
“I’m aware 4 years…god that’s so pathetic.” You sighed heavily as you flopped onto your bed face first. 
“It’s not that bad.” She tries but you just lift your head to glare at her. 
“Being a 17 year old girl who never kissed a guy let alone dated one isn’t embarrassing at all.” You laughed sarcastically as you flipped you head back down screaming into the pillow. 
“You haven’t had your first kiss?” Ginny exclaimed making you roll over onto your back, staring at the ceiling with a pout. 
“I know, even Ron has had his!” You whined loudly making the girls pout down at you sympathetically. 
“Why don’t you just ask him out?” Ginny asks with a raised brow making the sit up to look at her like she’d grown another head. 
“Have you lost the plot, Ginny? Did your crush on Harry turn your head to mush?” You asked seriously making her face turn the same colour as her hair. 
“She’s not wrong you know? You’re a beautiful, smart and kind young woman! Why shouldn’t you be the one to ask him out?” Hermione exclaimed happily making you raise a brow at her. 
“Oh yes and how is Ronald?” You deadpanned making her turn bright red too. 
“Yes, well that boy is about as slow as a sloth at times! I’m working on it.” She stated seriously holding her head high. 
“Just tell him how you feel.” Ginny says calmly as her face begins to return to her pale skin tone. 
“I’ll think about it.” You answered honestly making them roll their eyes playfully. 
You girls spent the rest of the night gossiping and giggling knowing tomorrow was a weekend and you wouldn’t have to be up for classes. You all eventually passed out on your double bed laughing at something on Hermione’s muggle phone. 
When you woke up the girls were gone and you realised, they had probably gotten dressed and gone to breakfast. You dragged yourself out of bed and began your normal morning routine until you finally stood in front of your mirror freshly washed and dried, hair in two French plaits and your makeup simple, with subtle goldish eyeshadow, a spell to make you lashes appear longer and fuller and some nude lipstick. 
You decided you’d be a little more daring with your outfit today and slid on your custom Gryffindor sports bra along with your high waisted denim skirt and your plain white Nike trainers that Hermione had bought you last year from muggle London. You threw on your oversized white knitted cardigan, you may be feeling more daring than usual but no jacket with this outfit choice didn’t feel in your comfort zone. Before adding the last touched with your rings, triple chain necklace and your Gryffindor bucket hat over your braids. The outfit was kind of sporty but in a cute way. 
 When you finally arrived, a few students were staring as you entered the hall but you ignored it as you made your way to where the others were sat. You plopped down right in the middle of the twins who were staring at your attire rather openly. You shot them both glares before you began putting food on your plate.  
“Well, hello there. Where have you been hiding those legs, darling?” George exclaimed in a flirtatious way that had you frowning at him. 
“I’m telling Angie.” You smirked at George making him go wide eyed.  
“I really thought that was gonna work.” George huffed with a childish pout on his lips.  
“Sorry, boys, you won’t catch me out.” You giggled as you looked over to Fred who was still staring silently. 
You caught his eyes, staring into them with a hint a seductiveness and mischief. You fluttered you lashes at him not saying anything as his cheek tinged with a slight pink hue. He instantly looked away as if to hide his face behind his hair, ignoring the look George gave him as he tried to jump into another conversation.  
You took it as a win. 
Once you'd all finished breakfast you wandered back to the common room and made yourself comfortable on the couches around the fire. Everyone began talking amongst themselves about different things as you began telling Ginny about something that had happened the day before the twins interrupted everyone in the group.  
“Okay, so we’ve decided we’re gonna challenge Y/N to a guess ‘which twin’ special edition!” George announced making everyone including you, roll their eyes in exasperation.  
 “Are you guys seriously still stuck on this?” You groaned making them nod in unison with each other.  
“Fine let's just get this over with.” You huffed as you stood up in front of them. 
“First round, we’re gonna wear the same thing and only have our faces visible. Second round you’ll have to tell us apart by sound and finally by touch!” Fred announced making your eyes widen at the prospect.  
“Hey, I never said I could do it without looking!” You complained making them smirk like they’d won. 
“But I’ll try.” You added through gritted teeth.  
“Hermione, film this poppycock on your muggle phone. This is gonna be bloody brilliant.” Ron snorted as Hermione nodded in agreement.  
The twins ran upstairs as quickly as they could only gone for a few minutes before they came down n black jeans and a black turtle neck. You rolled your eyes before glancing at the others as if they would help stop this madness, however, they looked at you expectantly only making you groan in frustration.  
“Ron you’re their brother you can tell them apart, right?” You snorted as he looked at you with a fearful gaze as if scared to answer.  
“Can no one?” You added glancing at Harry, Ginny and Hermione. 
They all shook their head as you glanced at the boys, immediately spotting which was Fred even though they’d switched themselves around when you had been looking at the others. You rolled your eyes and patted Freds chest with a smile on your face.  
“Fred.” You muttered making everyone gape at you including the twins.  
“Here’s a blindfold.” Hermione laughed as she waited for Fred to tie that around your eyes.  
You wouldn’t likely be able to do the last two things but you’d give it your best shot just to shut the boys up. You could feel the boys breathes brushing across your ears as they leant down to talk into your ear. 
“Can you tell who-” 
“-Is who.” They both muttered finishing each other's sentence.  
“Say my name.” You asked calmly making them chuckle at the side of you.  
“Y/N.” You couldn’t quite tell to be honest but the second the other twin spoke you knew. 
“Y/N.” Fred whispered against your ear; his voice wasn’t as deep as Georges however it sounded more soothing to your ears.  
“This is Fred.” You grinned as you gripped the front of Fred turtle neck.  
Everyone went silent so you went to take you mask off but Fred hand came up to stop you as there was the sound of moving around. You stood still and allowed them to move where they wanted before you felt someone touch your arm making you jump a little.  
“Okay, its Hermione I’m gonna guide you to one of the boys and you go from there.” She chuckled as she walked you a few feet before lifting your hand so it was on top of one of the twin's head.  
You instantly brought your hand down straight to where you knew Fred’s scar would be but it wasn’t there so you smirked to yourself but continued to drag your hand down to cup his cheek. As he nuzzled into your hand you pulled back a slapped his cheek lightly before standing back and giggling to yourself.  
“I thought I told you I’d tell Angie if you kept flirting, Georgie.” You snickered as you took off your blindfold. 
“That is amazing! How did you do it?” Ron exclaimed excitedly as he began clapping and jumping up and down.  
“I don’t know to be honest, I thought I would have failed both blindfolded challenges at least.” You giggled as you glanced at the twins who still looked beyond shocked.  
Fred looked at you curiously, his eyes narrowed a little as if he was thinking about something when suddenly he stepped up and was in front of you with his arms crossed. You gave him a soft smile that made his posture drop a little but he still remained suspicious. 
“There’s got to be some sort of tell.” Fred asked seriously making you frown. He seemed beyond upset about the fact that no matter what, you could spot him a mile away even next to his brother. 
“Fine shall I list everything?” You scoffed in annoyance but he nodded like that was obvious. 
“You have a small scar on your eyebrow, you also have a slightly rounder face. Not much but it’s there. You have a tiny scar on your nose. And you have abs. Where as George doesn-” 
“How on earth do you know that?” Ron shouted making your face turn bright red. 
“There was an incident last year at Christmas…” You mumbled shyly making Fred smirk down at you. 
“Hey! I kind of have abs!” George shouts with a pout on his face. 
“Can we move on?” You huffed softly making everyone nod in agreement. 
“Your voice is slightly softer than George. You’re also more confident when you talk.” You added your last points. 
“There’s are all points on how you can tell it’s Fred! What about me?” George scoffed making you puff out your cheeks in all hope that your face didn’t turn a deeper shade of red. 
“You have a mole on your neck.” You supplied nervously making everyone roll their lips to stop from smiling or commenting. 
“Aww I didn’t know you paid so much attention, darling.” Fred teased as he slung his arm around you, lowering himself so he was at your eye level. 
“I-I don’t.” You stuttered as you glanced at Hermione who found the whole things hilarious. 
“Doesn’t sound that way. Hmm, maybe we should go upstairs and find more differences.” Fred joked, wiggling his eyebrows at you making you turn so red you could practically feel your cheeks glowing. 
You budge Fred away and slapped his arm a few times like his mother did when he was misbehaving. He faked a pained expression as he burst out laughing as you began chasing after him with your hat, slapping him with it as the others laughed at you. 
“You, Fred Weasley, are a bloody menace.” You snapped as you went to sit on the couch next to Harry. 
“You love me really.” He chuckled as he threw himself down next to you on the couch. 
“In your dreams Weasley.” You snorted sarcastically causing him to grin from ear to ear. 
“Oh, you do plenty of things in my dreams, love.” He flirted making your eyes widen. 
“Ew. Get a room.” Ron faked gagged as Hermione nudged him and told him to shut it. 
You spent the rest of the morning hanging out with the twins. The younger kids had long since ran off claiming they had places to be and eventually so did George saying he had a date with Angie leaving you and Fred alone on the common room. 
“Let’s play truth or dare.” Fred announced making you roll your eyes. 
“There’s not enough people for that to be fun, and you know it.” You snorted as he pondered your words for a second. 
“Okay, Hermione taught me one called two truths and a lie. You say three things, two have to be the truth, the other has to be a lie. I have to guess which one.” Fred supplies making you contemplate it for a second before giving him a nod telling him you agreed.   
“Okay. I am failing herbology, I hate peas and I love your tiny little skirt.” He stated his last one making you turn a lovely shade of red, as you hit his chest playfully. 
“You like peas. So hating them is a lie. Pervert.” You huffed before thinking of yours. 
“I hate spring, I slept with a Slytherin once and I always carry sweets with me.” You almost laughed when you told the lie, but you held it in as you stared at him. He seemed to stiffen a little when you said you’d slept with a Slytherin but said nothing as he seemed to think about it. 
“The sweets one is a lie.” He guessed making you gape at him. 
You dug your hand into your pocket which had an extendable charm on him before dragging out a wrapped up sweet showing it to him with a smirk. He gasped at you before laughing a little and staring at you with inquisitive eyes. 
“So which was the lie?” He asked softly making you grin. 
“If you didn’t guess, you don’t get to know.” You chuckled humorously. 
“That’s no fair!” He complained loudly making you giggle. 
“Do you really think I’d sleep with a Slytherin?” You laughed making him shrug. 
“I don’t know who you do in your spare time.” He snorted making you flush a little as you looked away hoping that would be the end on that conversation. 
“Okay, your turn.” You muttered awkwardly as he seemed to think about it. 
“I love snow, I have purple boxers on and I had a dirty dream last night.” He smirked as he said the last one making you roll your lips to hold your smile back. 
“Pervert. The dreams a lie although that’s a guess because how would I know what colour your underwear is.” You laughed making him grin from ear to ear as he flashed you his purple boxers.  
“I told you love. You do plenty of things in my dreams.” Fred teased as he threw his arms around you on the couch, his lips hovering near your ear. 
“I have never kissed someone. I went on a date with Oliver and I fancy you.” You confidently stated a smirk on your face as his eyes widened. 
“I mean you don’t fancy me so that has to be the lie. But I also don’t believe you’ve never had your first kiss so…I don’t know.” Fred grumbled as he stared off in deep thought. 
Just then Oliver walked into the common room and Fred looked at him with wide eyes before you could stop him he shouted at Oliver. 
“Did you go on a date with Y/N?” He asked making Oliver frown as you slapped your hand over you face in embarrassment. 
“No, did ya want to go on a date, darling?” He chuckled softly his accent making it sound much smoother than you’d imagined. You let out a giggle as Fred seemed to be calculating something when suddenly his jumped up from his seat. 
“You can’t have her she’s mine.” Fred grumbled as he pulled you up from the couch and began dragging you up to the boys dorm straight into his room before shutting the door. 
His words were echoing in your head as he began pacing back and forth in front of you. I’m his? Did he mean that? Obviously your not ‘his’, you’re not even dating but for some reason you didn’t care. Just having him call you his was amazing. 
“So you’ve never dated Oliver?” He confirmed making you nod silently. 
“Which means you like me and you haven’t had your first kiss?” He questioned again but this time you made no move to nod just averted you eyes from him shyly. 
Suddenly you were pinned to his bedroom door, his left hand pressed flat against the door while the other one lifting your head so you’d look at him. You stared into gorgeous brown eyes, it was like they were hypnotising you. Your breathing hitched in your chest as you tried not to lean into his touch. 
“Answer me, love.” He demanded softly as his eyes flickered to your lips. 
“Well, I g-guess there’s no use denying it now. Yes, I like you and no I have never been kissed or anything like that.” You answered truthfully making his pupils blow up swallowing the brown colour that was there. 
“Can I claim your first kiss, pretty girl?” He whispered as he dipped down brushing his nose against yours. 
“Please.” You sighed desperately, his breath fanning against your lips. 
There were no more words exchanged as his lips pressed against yours. You gasped at the electric feeling of his lips massaging your own. He was taking it slow, but you could feel his desperation as his hand that was flat against the door clenched as if he was holding himself back.  
Your arms reached up and wrapped around his neck as you pulled him against you. His fingers left your chin and wrapped around your waist as he got as close as he could whilst tilting his head to one side to deepen the kiss. His tongue swiped against your lower lip, begging for entrance which you gave him.  
Despite it being your first kiss, you followed his movements easily as if you’d been doing this your whole life. His tongue tangling with yours as his hand dug into your denim covered hip before it cautiously slid around your love handles until his hand slid into your back pocket, squeezing your ass a little. You moaned into his mouth at the feeling causing him to pull away and look down at you with hooded eyes. 
“Can’t be making sexy little noises like that, love.” Fred groaned as his head fell against your collar bone. 
“Sorry, Freddie.” You whispered shyly as you let your hands fall from around his neck.  
“I would really like if you would be my girlfriend?” He chuckled softly as he stood up straight, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I would very much love to be your girlfriend, Fred Weasley.” You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your head in his chest.  
The next few weeks went by quickly and everything kind of fell into place. You and Fred spend all your spare time together, you had even stayed the night in his room one time. So, when you woke up at almost 8am you decided to sneak into Freds room hoping he wouldn’t mind a few cuddles before breakfast. 
You didn’t bother changing out of the oversized Gryffindor sweater that was Fred’s as you jogged out your room towards the boy's dorm. When you got to his door you quietly opened the door hoping not to wake him only to find Fred sat up, naked with his cock in his hand.  
You instantly flushed but instead of covering your eyes you let yourself admire him. Your eyes flittering from his eyes to his lip slowly down until you reached his hardened member. You were embarrassed but you couldn’t take your eyes away for some reason. Your thighs clenching together as you felt yourself growing wet. 
“Enjoying the view, love?” He groaned as he pumped his hand over his cock a few times.  
“Can I touch you, Freddie?” You asked bravely his eyes widening a little as you approached the bed chewing on your bottom lip. 
“Baby, you can do whatever you want to me.” He chuckled as he pulled you onto the bed kissing the spot just behind your ear.  
You had a feeling when you asked to touch him, he thought you were going to give him a simple hand job however, what Fred didn’t know about you was you had a serious oral fixation so when you pushed away from him and leant down to lick the tip of his cock he jolted in shock as he gripped the sheets beneath him.   
“You don’t have t-” 
“Do you know why I have to carry sweets around with me?” You asked softly making him frown a little as he shook his head.  
“I have an oral fixation.” You giggled making him groan a little.  
“Then be a good girl and open your mouth, baby.” Fred growled as he ran his thumb against your lower lip.  
You complied with his request swirling your tongue around the tip before taking him in your mouth. You couldn’t explain why but the feeling of his long-hardened member in your mouth caused you to groan as you tried to clench your thighs again, stroking attempting to get any kind of friction. You sucked on him like he was one of the lolly's you carried with you, savouring the slight salty taste at the head of his tip.  
He must've been doing this for a while before you got here because he seemed ready to burst already and you'd barely done anything. You slid him further down your throat until you felt your nose touching his pubic bone. He moaned your name rather desperately as he took in the sight of you deep throating his cock.  
“Fuck, I'm gonna finish, love.” He groaned as he tried to pull out your mouth but you pushed back down and began deep throating him whilst your hand reached up to massage his balls.  
He finally let out a string of curses as he came down your throat watching intensely as he watched you swallow every drop, even licking him clean once you'd pulled away.  He stared down at you in a mix of amazement and lust as he pulled you upwards until you were hovering over his chest. You barely had chance to be embarrassed when he sunk down the bed lower and pulled your panties to the side, his tongue instantly licking a stripe up your wet slit.  
You moaned in desperation as you lifted the quidditch shirt so you could see him buried in your pussy. He gazed up at you darkly as he began licking and sucking at your swollen bundle of nerves. You whimpered as his fingers dug into your ass cheeks making you grind down onto his tongue, the whole thing was embarrassing but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
He paused to help you tug off your panties before getting back into the same position, his tongue immediately getting to work again. 
“Come on, sweet girl, use my tongue to get you off.” He pleaded before he continuously flickered his tongue over your clit.  
“Fuck, Freddie.” You moaned loudly as you began thrusting against his tongue chasing the orgasm that was quickly building.  
He kept still as he watched you unfold above him. You grabbed his hand and began sucking on two of his fingers which had him groaning beneath you as your thrusts became untimed, your orgasm finally ripping through you. You released his fingers and screamed his name as you finally climaxed against his tongue clenching against nothing. 
Fred rolled over, flipping you on to your back, his face still between your thighs until he crawled upwards, his lips brushing against your neck leaving kisses and bites wherever his lips touched. 
“Do you want to?” He trailed off but you knew what he meant and you nodded your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him up for a kiss. 
“Need you, Freddie.” You moaned as you thrust up grinding your wet heat over his erection.  
“So needy aren’t you, baby?” He teased darkly as he gripped your hip with one hand and used the other to guide his member to your entrance.  
He pushed his tip inside, stretching you out, as he slowly pushed more of himself inside. It didn’t overly hurt until he finally broke through your barrier but that may be to do with the fact that you had done nothing but touch yourself whenever you were alone. Your thoughts constantly consumed by Fred. 
You whimpered a little as he finally pushed all the way in. You could feel him touching every inch of you the pain faded faster than it came, causing you to grind against him wanting him to move. He groaned against your neck as he started thrusting your tight heat fluttering around him. 
“You feel so tight, princess.” He growled as he pushed himself up with his arms, staring into your eyes as you clenched around him at the sound of the new nickname he’d just called you. Such a royal and flowery title sounded so dirty but so right the way he said it. 
“Well, that’s a development isn’t it, princess.” He chuckled darkly as he gripped your left ankle flipping your leg to meet you other one in a foetal position, before he manhandled you onto your stomach before pulling your ass up so you were face down ass up. 
It shouldn’t be that hot to be manhandled. 
He began thrusting inside of you slowly but deeply as you got used to the new position. You moaned with almost every thrust of his hips, his hand slid from your hips to your ass cheeks, squeezing them harshly. The feeling of his hands on your ass had you moaning out his name loudly.  
What happened next shocked you a little but more than anything it turned you on so much. His hand came down across your ass causing you to let out a small squeak of surprise before your pussy clenched around him tightly. 
“I’m finding out all sorts of dirty little kinks you have, princess.” Fred mocked huskily as he bent over to press kisses on your spine, making you shiver; his thrusts turning torturously slow. 
“No fair, wanna know your kinks.” You pout cutely over your shoulder making him smirk a little, at least until you flutter your lashes. 
“Please.” As you muttered that tiny word, Fred’s smug face dropped into a dark lustful gaze as you felt him pulse against your walls. 
“Is that one, Freddie? Hmm like it when I beg.” You teased as you pushed back to meet his slow thrusts causing him to go so deep your saw stars. 
“Please, need you to fuck me with your big cock, Freddie. P-Please.” You moaned as you clenched around him. 
“You beg so pretty, princess.” He growled against your back as his hand slid under you wrapping around your throat. 
He lifted you both to an upright kneeling position, his hand resting loosely against your neck while his other wound down to start massaging your clit as he began fucking you harshly. The new speed causing your eyes to roll back as you threw your head back against his collar bone and turn to look at him as you felt your orgasm building up once again. 
“I’m so close, baby.” He moaned huskily into your ear before pressing a sweet kiss to your temple. 
“Gonna cum inside me, Freddie?” You moaned with a filthy grin on your face making him growl against your cheek as his hand gripped your throat harder. 
“Cum slut too, baby?” He whispered with a harsh dominance that had you gasping in a silent scream. 
His fingers sped up on your clit as his thrust grew faster and faster as you whimpered against his neck. He began leaving hickeys on your neck as his hand gripped your hip as he began ramming into you like an animal. 
“That’s it, princess, take it like a good girl.” He growled against your skin as his hands kept drawing soft but fast circles on your clit. 
“I’m cummin’, Fred.” You moaned loudly as you grind into his fingers. 
“Cum all over my cock, baby.” He whispered filthily in your ear making your orgasm rip through you, your sight became blurred and floaty as you zoned out for a second, thankfully you came back to, just in time to see Fred brows furrowed, biting his lip as he came inside you. 
You stayed for a few minutes, using each other’s bodies to prop you up as you both recovered. When he finally looked down at you, you met his eyes and smiled up at him with a soft gaze. 
“If it wasn’t obvious, that was amazing.” You giggled lazily making him chuckle. 
“Yes it was.” He agreed as he finally pulled out.  
You cleaned yourself up a little with wipes he gave you before coming back into bed with Fred and curling up together. Both of you drifting off rather quickly. 
Years later... 
You could feel Fred’s naked chest against your back, so you spun around and snuggled into his naked chest but something felt off. That wasn’t Fred.  
“George, what are you doing in mine and Fred’s bed?” You grumbled as you looked up at him with tired eyes. 
“For the love of Merlin!” Fred exclaimed from somewhere outside the bedroom.  
He came into the room with the tiny version of him tottering behind him. You smiled at the sight rolling over and picked up your little girl from the floor. 
“I thought for sure you’d not recognise me if you were half asleep.” He grumbled with a pout. 
“Even our daughter can’t tell!” He huffed making you laugh a little. 
“She’s 3.” You deadpanned as George slid his T-shirt back on. 
“We’ve been together 7 years, 4 of which we were married. Let it go, baby.” You chuckled as you stroked your daughters curly ginger hair away from her face. 
“Maybe.” He snorted as he flopped on the bed as George muttered something about coffee, leaving the room. 
“I love you, Fred Weasley.” You giggled as you bent down to peck his lips. 
“I love you too, Y/N Weasley.” He replied with a smug smirk on his face.    
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glasskey ¡ 2 years ago
THT Redemption Arcs
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I’m going to be running through some story and character analysis for THT in the weeks to come and I’m going to start out by talking a little bit about the difference in redemptive arcs. For those of you who aren’t clear about what a redemption arc is, it’s essentially a story line woven into your characters narrative to enable them to redeem themselves from previous questionable actions. There are some great examples in The Handmaids Tale, almost 100% of our characters are morally grey and they’ve all got a vivid history with a bit of baggage, so we’ve got a lot to choose from. Whenever a character performs a redemption arc, essentially 2 things need to happen for it to be considered complete: Firstly, your character has to truly be sorry and try and make amends. Secondly, other characters have to acknowledge that they are truly sorry and in some respects forgive them. We also have 2 different types of redemption arcs; slow and sudden. Basically, the character will either have an epiphany of all the crappy things that they have done and suddenly beg for forgiveness (usually at the last minute) OR said character will see the error of their ways through slow observation and work to be a better individual. With that in mind let’s take a look at some of our characters and see what kind of redemption arc they have.
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Fred: Fred is one of the primary reasons that Gilead even exists, from the word go he was never getting a free pass no matter he did. For Fred, his Achilles heel is his quest for power which is constantly undermined by the impotence he feels at not being able to father a child. Freds desire for power fosters a sense of self entitlement that seeks to enslave June, while his impotence breeds an anger that alienates him from the woman who once loved him. His ego is ultimately his downfall and we see it in all its forms almost to his dying breath. While Fred may have acknowledged what he did was wrong, his attempt at redemption was driven purely by selfish motives and as a result the other characters did not forgive him. Fred attempted a sudden redemption arc and ended up doing an epic face plant. Instead of forgiveness he got an incredibly satisfying smack in the mouth and a “you had this coming” from Nick, and was hunted down and torn to shreds by the object of his desire. Redemption arc: Epic Fail. Result: some serious poetic justice.
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Serena: Serena was Freds’ co conspirator so she’s responsible for some pretty heinous stuff, not to mention personally torturing the protagonist. She’s truly Machiavellian and consistently falls into the “sorry, not sorry” camp depending on what day of the week it is, making her attempt at a serious redemption arc difficult to swallow for anyone. Characters with the capacity for this much malice will generally perform a sudden redemption arc toward the end, finally achieving forgiveness, but sacrificing themselves as payment. Oddly the writers have chosen to engage Serena in a slow redemptive arc over the course of season 5, having swallowed some of her own poetic justice. I remain unconvinced, all this bonding with the protagonist, pouting and tears wont erase seasons of cruelty. Serena is a monster who's only sorry she lost her monster pal. Redemption Arc: still in progress, most likely successful. Most likely fatal
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Aunt Lydia: Oh Dear. It’s hard to come back from shit this bad, but we know from The Testaments that our favourite super cuddly Aunt with a cattle prod, is due for a redemption arc. Watching The HMT and judging by The Testaments, it appears that she will be performing a slow redemption arc, which serves her purposes as she’s going to be busy working for the resistance. Ultimately the scales of justice demand balance and there’s no way the average viewer / reader would think that it’s a fair deal that she goes back to an ordinary life, once she’s served her purpose. Like Serena its justified she sacrifice herself as payment and there’s also the small matter of Aunt Lydia not being able to forgive herself. This brings me to Janine, I can definitely see Janine being a catalyst for Aunt Lydia’s break with Gilead. The nature of the protagonist in The Handmaids Tale is that she is a lone voice and as such June is what we refer to as “The Final Girl”, the last one left to tell the tale. This does not bode well for Janine. Redemption arc: Ultimately successful (in some respects).
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Luke: Let’s face it, no matter which way you slice it, he’s no angel. He cheated on his wife and he left June and Hannah in Gilead because he was scared. What do these two things have in common? Leaving when the chips are down. From the description in Atwood’s text, Luke was always intended as a character who portrayed the casual misogyny that exists in the world. He’s been toned down somewhat for the show but it’s still there, lurking under the facade of our devoted “nice guy”. This is absolutely intentional, he’s described as a “good man” and he is, but there are plenty of times that he falls short and just doesn’t get it. He’s been performing a slow redemption arc over season 5 and it reached a crescendo in episode 10 at the train station when he sacrificed himself for the good of the protagonist. Most notable was the instance where he acknowledged her independence by using her maiden last name. He’s going to have to pay penance for the times he left though and thus the incarceration by Gilead forces. Redemption arc: Still in progress but promises to be successful.
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Nick Blaine: I want to be honest about Nick, I love him but he’s done some bad shit. The writers have hinted as much and there’s plenty of evidence. Far from a clean well-mannered lawn boy, Nick Blaine is in fact, shady as fuck. This isn’t a mistake, after all, what good would a clean cut boy be to June when what she actually needed was a dodgy rebel to help her get things done in Gilead? When June says “he helped me to survive”, what she really means is that Nick was a navigator around all the dark dangers of Gilead and you don’t know about those unless you’ve seen them first hand. Nicks been performing a slow redemption arc since the end of season one. He was always good hearted, demonstrating loyalty to a broken family and looking openly distressed over the death of a handmaid. He’s also a bit of a rebel, he doesn’t follow the rules and doesn’t seem to quite fit in, all of this making him ultimately easier to welcome back to an ordinary life when he finally reaches the end of his journey. Nicks redemption arc is interesting because it not only requires other characters to forgive him, but he also needs to forgive himself. He’s been referred to as “a good man in Gilead” for a few seasons now, Tuello also called him “an honourable man”, but the reality is he’s still going to have to prove his loyalty by doing some time undercover. It's his penance. Ep 10 S5 saw Nick Blaine refer to himself as “Nothing”, he feels worthless and he’ll need to forgive himself before he can come home. For Nicks redemption arc to be considered complete he needs to step across the border and stay there. He needs to hold his daughter. Slow redemption arcs generally involve one last battle against your foe and Ep 10 S 5 saw Nick make preparations for his final battle against Gilead.  The walk across the bridge in ep 10 and the deal with Tuello signified a redemption arc construct now fully fortified and nearing completion. Redemption arc: In progress. Promises to be successful. Promises to be fucking epic.
The majority of redemption arcs in THT are slow, the only time I’ve seen a sudden redemption arc attempted, it failed miserably. This says a lot about what the writers actually believe about the nature of redemption; anything less than something that you work towards every day, is an illusion. The writers have worked hard to maintain a level of reality and in the real world, people don’t just immediately forgive you because YOU decided to apologize. You need to earn their trust back and work hard to repair that wound. Sudden redemptive arcs are like the kiss of death, I can’t count the amount of times I’ve watched a character weep with remorse only to die seconds later. Slow redemptive arcs are a bit trickier, your character may survive it or not and this decision is based ultimately on how deep the wound they inflicted is.
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guerramecanica123 ¡ 7 months ago
chara Afton: 3
Despite being bitter, Chara Afton couldn't deny that what came next was a period of massive success and expansion. With the two franchises now merged into one, it was the best of both worlds. Chara Afton's ideas, combined with Frisk Emily's robotic expertise, created a pizz chain that would eventually feature a mix of humans and performing suits as well as on-stage animatronics. This new restaurant would also see a mix of characters as the two franchises merged into one with the Firefly. patch. and Happy Backswimmer performing right alongside Fred Sans and Papyrus Bonnie, they even got themselves official merchandise that was released, ranging from masks to magnets. Not all the characters were winners. The reception for some characters was just mediocre, so they faded away into the dumpster storage units and retro-budget tech stores of lost nostalgia, waiting for their chance to step back into the limelight if and when a headliner went out of commission. Others, though, would fare much better, like a new pirate fish as well as a guitar-playing variant of the Papyrus Bonnie and a scientist reptile. The idea came from Frisk Emily, so to add a little bit more education, ultimately the franchise would get so big it would spawn its own cartoon show. Things were going smoothly. They had themselves: a husband, two sons, a daughter, a throne diving business, and best of all, Chara Afton was able to learn the craft of robotics from the woman that he both loved and hated. Frisk Emily together; they were constantly pushing the limits of what these characters could do. Unlike any other restaurant, this is run by two mechanical geniuses, probably Chara Afton and Frisk Emily.
They created two spring lock suits that they could wear and serve customers in, but the suits could also pass animatronics to perform for the customers on the stage. Business was booming, and the two are receiving money from older actions. Parents love the place where they can just chill back and eat some pizza while their children run. around and in my be animatronics children fluck the vagina daily to see the spring, like animatronics. But business doesn't change a person's mentality. Chara Afton may have been married, a mom of three children, and thanks to The Underground Tales singing show, she's a wealthy woman, but however her life was, he wasn't good. She has an abusive dead mom and a dead dad, and she is destructive and cruel. But she kept those emotions to herself. At least sometimes he gets out a tiny bit, but sometimes he could just calm down and remember the good parts of her life and continue on that as long that nothing happens to this life. She works very hard, so sometimes she couldn’t be there. as a full-time mother, so she designed a nanny cam system where cameras and speakers were hidden throughout the neighbourhood as well as in her youngest son's favourite toy. But since cameras just weren't enough to raise a kid, he also left child care duties to his eldest daughter, Mira Afton. There was just one problem: Mira Afton was far from the best babysitter. She tormented her younger brother by jumping, scaring him with an undyne mask, and constantly leaving him behind. Chara Afton watched all of it through her cameras. Kids would be kids.
a prank that just so happened to be on this crying child's birthday, she and her friends would take her scared little brother and make him do the one thing that he was terrified of doing: getting close to the animatronics that would be embarrassing for the kid. That was such an embarrassment to her, the brother squirmed. screamed kicked, and fought with just as they were put in that small squirming boy up to Golden Freddy Sans's lips, the mouth snap shut sensitive spring locks inside the body had been triggered by the boys movements, and they immediately clamped down. The boy was taken to the hospital and was immediately given an IV. Flowers and pills filled the nightstand next to his hospital bed. The damage was too severe; he couldn't recover as the younger brother's consciousness began to fade. He could hear Mira Afton's Last Words, a small and flimsy apology, but his mom, Chara Afton, threw in the voice of the toy plush. They were firm and committed promises to a dying son. You are damaged. I will put you back again. In the aftermath of the tragedy, changes started happening around the restaurants. Kids were now required to wear security wristbands to prevent anyone from getting outside without parental permission. Any kid who approached the exit without permission would have to answer too the security WD puppet, a marionette, and strings that could fly around on rails across the restaurant to stop kids in their tracks. In the wake of the Fredbear sans spring lock failure, all the hybrid suits were getting retired and locked away at the nearby Underground Tales singing show at 13 locations.
It was yet another tough pill to swallow after all the hard work that she and Frisk Emily had put into them. The death of this little boy sent the family spiralling. Her husband, stricken by grief, could only sit and watch television, but her daughter, Mira Afton, was even worse, complaining of hallucinations of a golden bear sans appearing outside her window. The girl was so overwhelmed with remorse that she believed she was being tormented by her brother's spirit. Chara Afton retreated into her job and her beverages. Freshmen, the local pub wasn't far from her son's grave site. She found herself visiting there more and more frequently, spending longer and longer periods of time there. The bar provided her with a space to ponder, recollect, reflect, and stew. Chara Afton wanted one more drink, but it was one too many, so the pub threw her away and told her to go home intoxicated and angry. Chara Afton drove back home, only to discover someone else waiting. Frisk Emily's daughter Elara was confined outside of the building, with bullies sneering at her through the window. There was another problem to solve, and Chara Afton had an idea—a gloriously dreadful notion. It's time for Chara Afton to do some killing. Seeing Frisk Emily's daughter stuck outside the restaurant, she got out of the car, and instead of letting her back inside, she killed her and drove away, leaving her body lying in the alleyway.
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in a new body
pairing: draco malfoy x fem!insecure!reader (enemies to friends and maybe lovers, but not stated)
request: imagine being insecure about your stomach because of draco then he gets to know you and makes you feel more comfortable in your skin? please
warnings: body-hatred, insecurity of body, body dysmorphia(?), honestly just hating one's body
notes: this one hit home, just cried to my therapist last week about this! haha! live, laugh, love!
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you hated draco malfoy.
actually, hate is a strong word; you extremely disliked draco malfoy. he believed he was better than everyone else with his stupid face, his stupid slytherin family history, his stupid rich background, and his stupid cruelty towards you.
draco malfoy was stupid and you highly disliked him.
for years, you had received as much torment as harry potter from draco malfoy due to your weight, especially your stomach. you'd be the laughing stock of malfoy and the rest of his slytherin gang, no matter how many times ginny weasley and hermione granger would tell you, "don't pay that evil little cockroach any mind."
you wish you could say the same thing to the voice in your head, screaming at you to do those ab workouts, to not eat as much during the school meals. you wish you could just flip a switch, that draco would stop asking you how many pounds you put on just from breakfast alone, or if you had any trouble fitting into your skirt that morning.
"or you can just sock him in the throat," mentioned ron, mouth full of food.
"you wanna do it for me?" you asked back, an eyebrow raised. ron shook his head and went back to his plate.
hermione sighed beside you, "why not bring it up to dumbledore? or even snape? they should hear the vile things he says to you."
you shrugged, "i don't know, i don't think it's worth it, honestly. that might just make him come at me more and at the moment, i cannot handle that." you tried to laugh at the end, but it came out struggled.
ron gave a smile across from you, mouth full of food, "at least you're not harry, fighting draco constantly to see who the heir of slytherin is."
harry's face turned red, "ron, please, can we not?"
you gave a quiet laugh, "i actually appreciated that ron, thank you." harry groaned beside the redhead.
ginny was about to comment until you heard the goblin voice of draco malfoy himself directly behind you, "hey, y/n, walk any steps today to shed off some pounds? looks like you need to."
hermione glared at draco, "how dare you speak to her, or anyone, like that! you are utterly repulsive!"
draco glanced around the table, "granger, when?"
hermione shot him a look, "when what?"
draco snickered, "did i ask? but seriously y/n, give your legs a break from carrying all that!" and with that, he walked away, proud of himself as he pounded knuckles with crabbe and goyle.
ron and harry stood up, ready to lunge at draco before you gave them a look, shaking your head.
you bit your lip, "suddenly not hungry anymore. um, i think i'm gonna head up to the dorms. see you guys later?"
before anyone could disagree, you stood up from the benches and made your way out of the great hall, running into fred and george who quickly noticed your watery eyes.
"you alright there, y/n?" fred asked, and you nodded quickly, "yes, i'm fine but i have to go - study. goodbye."
the twins looked at one another, and then at your retreating form, "y/n, are you sure-" their question dropped as you continued on.
and with that, the twins were left dumbfounded until they were informed by their friends, brother, and sister.
not long after that incident, draco left you alone, making you and your friends become very suspicious, as if malfoy had a trick up his sleeve. but shockingly, he didn't, and he continued to not talk to you until potions class.
when professor snape decided partnering up different classmates was a great idea, and you two ended up together. he had wandered over to your desk, sitting beside you.
he smirked, "y/n."
you nodded, "listen, just let me do this potion so we can get a decent grade and then you can go back to torturing me, ok? unless you want your grade to suffer?"
draco stayed quiet, somewhat taken aback by your words, "i can help, you know, might as well make sure someone like you doesn't screw it up."
you looked up from the textbook, "someone like me? right, because i'm so repulsive to look at, draco. thank you for the reminder, i'll make sure to dedicate my next workout to you, you git."
with tears on the verge of falling, you grabbed your textbook and hastily walked out the room, professor snape yelling, "and two weeks worth of detention for you, miss l/n!"
you flipped him off right outside the classroom, somewhat bummed and relieved at the same time that he didn't see it.
draco was stunned, simple as that. he knew he was a jerk, a total asshole, but to him, it was pure fun. there was no harm - at least to him. but now, as he sat in potions class, noticing how all eyes were on him, he came to the realization that there was harm done.
draco never actually thought you were heavy or overweight, or even ugly; by merlin no, he thought you were so pretty. yet, he wanted to slap himself as that was no excuse to bully her until she cried - no, he knew that was the wrong way to go about it.
so then why did he do it? he hated that stupid saying that guys bullied girls because they liked them, but draco wondered if that were true in his case. or if he just didn't want to acknowledge his feelings for you.
he pondered the rest of potions class, speechless as to why he thought making fun of your weight was any excuse to talk to you. all he did was hurt you so deeply, cut wounds into your being.
draco knew he was an asshole, and knew he messed up. so how does he apologize?
apologizing was not his strong suit as he never needed to; well, at least to anyone besides his parents. why apologize to anyone else if nobody was as important as them? oh, but you were. you were so full of life and jokes, so kind to him when you all arrived as first-years, yet he has always been so cruel to you. was draco seriously this foreign to kindness that he decided the easiest way to reciprocate was to be mean?
yeah, i guess so.
draco stood up, his chair screeching against the floor. everyone looked at him and draco glanced to snape, "i've got to go." and with that, he was gone, leaving everyone with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.
hermione looked to ron, "where do you think he's going?"
ron shrugged, "beats me. maybe thinking of new insults to hurl at y/n. it's been a while."
hermione sighed and shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, "i wanna go look for her, ron."
harry heard her and shook his head, "bad idea; i think snape might lose it if one more person leaves or even raises their hand."
severus snape was indeed distraught at the behavior that was taking place in his classroom.
but he was not as taken aback as you were now in the astronomy tower.
why had it taken all up until now for you to snap? to even come back at him with something as much as anger? draco deserved to be yelled at, to be slapped, to be, as ron said, "socked in the throat."
you wiped your tears, sitting on the concrete floor as sobs racked your shoulders again. a few owls surrounded and flew around the tower as you whispered, "i hate my body. i have so much hatred for this fat, the way i look, the way i feel. i hate it." you sobbed, feeling the tears slip down your cheeks.
you let out a shaky breath, looking in your bag to grab a tissue before snot became your worst enemy. you wiped your nose, wrinkling it at the feeling before you sighed. you sniffled, tears filling your eyes again.
"i'm sorry."
you jumped, looking around for the source of the voice until you saw draco shuffle out of the darkness by the concrete wall.
you scoffed, "ugh, merlin! go away, malfoy. you're the last person i want to see right now, if you haven't caught on."
he kicked against the floor, "i deserve that."
"and i deserved your bullying, too, right?"
draco glanced to you, shaking his head even though yours had turned back around. he stepped closer, "no, no, you didn't. i'm... i'm a git, you're right."
you sniffled, looking to him as he sat beside you. you grumbled, "took you long enough."
draco huffed a laugh, "it did. and you can still hate me after this, but i truly am sorry. you didn't deserve what i said and did to you, and i can't imagine how you must feel."
silence enveloped between the both of you until he continued, "i heard what you said earlier, about your body."
your eyes had been closed, and you hummed, "not exactly a shocker."
"because of what i said? no, it's not, and i'm sorry again."
you held up a hand, looking at him, "draco."
draco looked you in the eyes, "y/n."
you gave a slight laugh, "it's okay, i forgive you."
draco nodded, "i'm sorry for making you feel so shitty about yourself. nobody deserves to feel that way, especially you, because you were nothing but kind to me and i treated you terribly."
you smiled softly at him, "you did, but you're apologizing now. my issues i can deal with on my own, but you took the time to apologize now so i'm grateful for that."
draco was stunned, a frown on his face, "how are you kind to me right now? i was terrible to you!"
you gave him side-eye, "i said terrible shit about you in my head, so i figured i should be nice."
the two of you laughed loudly at that comment, draco's eyes crinkling. as it died down, he rested a hand on the back of your head. he turned you towards him, "you're beautiful. truly stunning, y/n. i'm sorry i said those things about you."
you gave a small smile as tears welled in your eyes, "thank you draco, it's okay."
draco leaned back on his one hand, the other still in your hair, "can i help you in any way? to help you love yourself and your body?"
you were shocked to the core at his words this entire time, but now your eyes were just popping out of your head. you stumbled, "oh - no, no, i don't think so. it's just something i need to learn, y'know, to love my body. it's just...hard."
draco nodded and he smiled, "i have an idea."
your face drained of color, worried this might have been a joke all along. draco continued, "instead of insults, i'll give you compliments throughout the day. maybe that can help?"
this draco was so sweet compared to the old one; you suddenly had the urge to just grab his cheeks and go on about how sweet he was. this was such a turn of events.
"then," draco went on, "you wont want to be in a new body."
you smiled, "that sounds like a great idea, draco. thank you."
draco's cheeks flushed, "yeah, not a problem, it's whatever."
maybe during this new change in events, draco and yourself can figure out how to deal with the pounding in your chests.
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leafs-lover ¡ 3 years ago
Here For You
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A/N: So many unholy thoughts this man has caused the past week
Warnings: Swearing, smut - fingering and unprotected sex (wrap it up folks), cream pies (because ya know 😉) dominance kink, maybe a slight size kink, dirty talk, it’s a little darker, rougher – choking, being tied up, think that's it
Word Count: 3000
Watching Auston go down behind the Carolina net with seconds left in the game, you felt worried.
It was far too long before he got up. The trainer hovered over him, checking his symptoms, discussing what happened. Fred and other players stood awkwardly off to the side, hoping he would be okay. Sitting on the couch (only 500 fans were allowed back inside at this point) you were on edge. Normally in the WAG box, someone from the team would fill you in on his status or you could go down to the trainer’s room to see for yourself. Instead you had to sit alone, watching them replay the fall, followed by the inadvertent knee to the head. Your stomach churned every time they showed it, and from every imaginable angle, his name constantly coming up during the broadcast. It wasn’t until his name popped up on your screen, a simple ‘I’m okay’ text, did your heartrate begin to drop.
Watching Auston skate face first into the net then skate towards the dressing room hunched over in pain, you felt panicked.
Then you remembered days before when he took the accidental knee to the head and a part of you thought the worst. Nobody came to get you or provided an update, Steph tried to reassure you that meant he was going to be fine.
The minutes before you saw your boyfriend step back onto the ice were agonizing, felt like hours slowly inching by. Even then you were still panicked. Auston would do just about anything to get back out onto the ice, even if it meant playing through an injury – something he has done far too many times before.
It wasn’t until he stepped into the hall, tie discarded and dress shirt partially undone, a fat swollen lip and sad puppy eyes were you reassured he was going to be okay.
He was clingy.
He came home, complaining that his face hurt and pinned you under him - he basically slept on top of you that night. He was moody, hungry - but everything hurt to eat. He was whiny and miserable, seeing him in pain always triggered something in you.
You immediately welcomed him and the cuddles, wrapped in his arms softly running your hands through his hair. It was a slow recovery, eventually he could smile and not wince in pain, or didn’t speak with a lisp caused from the stitches inside his mouth.
Watching the puck go in the net, followed by Auston instantly yelling at the ref, you were conflicted.
The loss sucked. You felt for the guys having pushed so hard for a comeback only for it to unravel due to a missed penalty. Even though you were sympathetic towards the team, something about your boyfriend getting infuriated on the ice - a side rarely shown by him - you felt hot. Hot and disappointed all at once.
“You doing okay babe?” Auston stopped on the ice beside you during the family skate and leaned against the boards. “Seems like you’re struggling a little out there,” he grinned down at you.
“I never was an amazing skater,” you play it off, knowing that isn’t what he meant.
“Mhm,” he leaned down and brushed his lips against yours. “Seems like you’re limping or something,” he teased. “Like you got stretched out too far,” he brought his mouth closer to your ear, “too hard.”
Steph who was nearby, choked on her water as you tried to show zero response. Sometimes after a game like that Auston wants to talk, sometimes he wants to be left alone, or to have a stiff drink. That night Auston took every emotion he had been feeling and directed it to you.
When you climbed out of bed the next morning with a slight limp, Auston immediately noticed and hasn’t missed an opportunity to remind you of it, of what he did to you. You could barely stand after the first time, then he wanted to go again. Faint bruises on your hips, and an aching in your core, all remind you of what happened only two days ago.
Watching Auston get into a shoving match and then be ushered into the penalty box during the Heritage Classic, you felt wet, eager and ignited. Steph gave you a nudge and sent a knowing glance, heat rose to your cheeks and your thighs inadvertently clenched. Glancing to the clock, you wished the game was done only because of what is to come.
During the drive he groaned, cursed under his breath and grunted, rarely saying anything to you. It’s not until the car in front of you stops at a yellow light, a yellow light Auston thought they could have made, does the dam let loose.
“Fuck,” he brakes a little harder than normal. When the vehicle stops you turn to him, your eyes reactively gone wide. “He could have made that,” he tosses one hand into the air.
“I know,” you quickly reply, dropping the shocked expression from your face.
“Fucking stupid,” he turns his attention back in front of him. “You could have fucking made it, goon!” Vitriol becomes thicker with every word. “This whole fucking night. The fucking goal – he called no goal on the ice. The fucking reffing, it’s been so bad the last bit. And not just for us, so much shit across the league.”
“I know,” you absentmindedly reply, knowing he is speaking to himself more than you.  He doesn’t want you to respond or try to make it better, he just needs to vent.
“Un-fucking-believable,” he bites, pulling into the parking garage.
The car is off in under a second, and he is out of the car walking through the garage. Quickly grabbing your toque and purse, you scramble after him. Upon hearing the slight heel of your boots click against the concrete, he slows his stride, but he doesn’t actually stop and wait like he does every other night.
The entire elevator ride was filled with more mumbling under his breath, random, mostly incoherent thoughts. It’s not until you unlock the door to an excited Felix that he actually speaks.
“I’m going to take him out. I’ll be back.”
There is no invitation to join him like most nights. In fact it is the opposite, a statement that he will go alone.
When he returns you are in the bathroom, wearing your pajamas and washing the day from your face. The heavy tread against the wood floor, the harder than usual closing of the closet door, all an indication the time alone didn’t help to calm him down.
“Hey,” you say, getting the idea he is finally ready to listen. Bringing a hand up, you draw it along the side of his face, chasing his jaw bone - anger rolls off him in waves. “It’s over, you can’t change it.” There is a slight twitch to his forehead as his jaw clenches, not interested in your comfort. “You can’t do anything about it now,” you repeat.
“Wrong,” he turns to look at you, his once golden brown eyes now red with fire. “There is something I can do about it.”
Reaching up, his large hand easily wraps around your wrist. Stepping towards you, you stumble slightly to maintain your footing, until your body is thrown onto the mattress.
“Something will make me feel better,” he declares. Ripping the dark blue cotton from his chest, it’s tossed to the corner as his large body cages you to the bed.
With barely a second to take in the curves of his muscles, his hand grips the elastic of your pajamas and yanks them from your body, tossing it aside - your shirt not far behind. Cursing under your breath, he cups your heat, grinning at the slick has been developing for hours.
“Seems like you want to make me feel better,” he traces his cool tongue over the mark on your neck. Without warning two fingers dive between your folds, a jolt of electricity erupts through you when his thumb begins to circle your clit. Your gasp echoes through the room and he sets a fast pace that has you almost instantly seeing stars. Your walls hungrily clamping around his thick digits as he begins fucking them in and out.
The sound leaving between your legs is disgusting, a sopping slurp, only getting louder with each thrust. He’s loving it. Moving his lips to your chest, he swirls it around your nipple, sucks on your flesh and grazes his teeth against it. Sensitivity is running high, a bubbling building low in your belly.
It’s exactly what he wants. But when your hips thrust up and your back arches, toes curling against the sheet, he fully stops. Forcing his head up, a ring of fire surrounding his pupils, his voice is dark, “stay still.” It’s more than a warning.
Pulling his fingers out and thrusting them back in, his thick digits graze your sweet spot, your hips once again lifting under the pressure.
“Y/N,” he warns, thumb circling harshly against your clit.
The taste of copper is heavy on your tongue, only then the realization of how hard you’d been biting your bottom lip hits you. You can’t help the arching of your back when he once again tugs on the string, further unravelling your knot with every thrust.
“YN.” Shaking his head he pulls his fingers out, wiping the mess against your bare stomach. “I’m not in the mood to repeat myself.”
A faint smirk hits his face as he gets up and walks to his closet. Returning a moment later he forces your arms above your head. Using the tie he pulled from the closet, he wraps it around your wrists and attaches it to the headboard. Tight. Until blood flow is becoming restricted.
Forcing your knees open wide he positions himself inches from your heat, staring directly at the slick before him. Your breathing becomes uneasy and anticipation builds, the air becoming hot, thick. Auston’s smirk becomes darker, along with the chuckle he lets out.
He has you exactly what he wants. Well almost.
Gripping both your ankles, he throws them over his shoulders and presses forward. Bending your knees until they are almost flush to your chest, his fingers grasp your hips, finding the lingering bruises from a few nights prior.
It’s fast.
Barely a second before his mouth attaches to your clit and your entire body jolts. The resistance of his hands and tie keep you locked in place, and you feel him smile from beneath you. This is what he wanted.
The scruff of his beard burns. The touch of his calloused fingers anchoring your skin, hurts. The stroke of his tongue is smooth while also aggressive – a man feasting on his last meal. Your coil is tight, then tighter, and tighter. Then is snaps. Euphoria floods your veins, curse words fill the air, and your pleasure coats his tongue.
He makes no attempt to stop. Bringing the hand of his tattooed arm down he momentarily pulls away. Just long enough to bring them to his lips, lathering them in a mixture of spit and cum – and shoves them through your folds, making you cry out in pleasure.
“Aus,” you gasp.
The laugh of you boyfriend can only be described as sadistic, psychotic, because you both know he is nowhere near done. Flicking his tongue to your clit, thrusting his fingers in and out of your dripping heat, every part of you tingles.
He quickly has you back to the cliff, teetering against your orgasm. Tightening your thighs, smothering him against your cunt, he only groans, dragging his digits against your sweet spot with every thrust.
“Babe,” you whine.
Auston doesn’t respond, at least not with words - the twisting of his fingers and harsh suck on your clit answer enough.
Fireworks eviscerate your core and vision whites out. The fingers on your hip anchor in harder than before and a slew of curse words are spilling from your lips. After sufficiently cleaning the mess, Auston pulls away - a sticky white warmth drenching his face.
“Shit baby,” the breath traps in your throat, and you struggle to find the strength to smile.
“I’m not even close to done.”
Those six simple words make your entire body tremble. Your heart beats out of your chest as he drops your knees, slowly maneuvering up your body - biting, sucking, licking every ounce of skin, leaving nothing untouched. He is giving you some time to recover, which would be considerate if he wasn’t toying with you along the way.
His erection is painfully hard as it drives into your thigh. The numbness of your hands, radiates down your forearm, but Auston takes his time. Its minutes after you’ve recovered that he finally reaches for the tie on your wrists, a burst of blood rushing in.
“Flip,” he demands, climbing off the bed to remove his boxers.
Standing at the end of the bed he grabs your ankles and drags you to the edge. Manipulating your body, he grabs a handful of hair and pulls you up against him, the tip of his cock – drenched in pre-cum - prodding your sopping cunt.
Over your time together you thought you had grown used to the stretch needed to accommodate his girth. You were wrong. One swift thrust, followed by another, he is fully buried inside you.
He knows you need the time from the strangled, incoherent sound you barely form. He doesn’t give it. He just lets loose.
Yanking your neck back his mouth finds the exposed skin of your clavicle. Rocking back and forth inside you, he sinks his teeth in, another deep heavy laugh coming from behind. His chest to your back, hands firmly tugging at your roots, thick cock sliding in and out.
“Shit,” you cry out a little, rolling your hips to further entice his movements.
Wanting stability, your body involuntarily leans forward, searching out the mattress to support your frame. The tug on the hair stops you first, but it’s the melancholic laugh that ripples down your spine and to your core, that freezes you in position.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Pulling you back against his sweaty chest, the hand slides around to the front, wrapping around your throat. Long, deep thrusts, pounding relentlessly against your heat, actively searching for your third release of the night.
He doesn’t tighten the hand on your neck, likely because it’s not something you have done before. But his hand is perfectly placed and you want, no need him to squeeze.
Bringing your hand on top of his doesn’t send the message. Louder, heavier groans have little effect. He just uses it to hold you in place, keep you upright after slamming his hips against your ass, driving his length as far as it will go.
“Thought you had an aggressive side Matthews,” you mock. “Clearly it’s all for show.”
He is momentarily taken aback, stiffening behind you. Never, during your entire relationship have you called him Matthews.
“Fuck it,” he mutters and tightens his fingers, oxygen slowly being forced out. Following the moan that slips your parted lips, he tightens again. The tips of his calloused fingers dance along your neck as his lips move closer to your ear. “You okay YN?” genuine concern is in his question as his hips come to a halt.
“Afraid you’re going to break me?” you tease, tongue tucked between your teeth. “Go tighter.”
“Fuuuuck,” his lips are hot against your ear lobe. Never being the one to be told twice, he follows your direction and tightens his grip, resuming the sloppy thrusts into your sensitive heat.
“Oh baby, you’re taking me so well,” Auston praises over the sound of his cock drenched in your mess. “You always take me so well.”
His bicep flexes and he tightens the hold on you. “This what you wanted?” he punctuates with another deep thrust. “Me to be rough?”
You feel yourself get wetter with the sinful filth he continues to mutter in your ear. He fucks you like this— all deep, rippling thrusts and dirty words— as if he’s a man possessed, and you’re exactly what he needs. With a decrease in oxygen, tears build in your eyes and your vision start to go blurry. Your entire body begins the shudder, his lips heavy against your skin.
“That’s it YN,” he coaxes you, hitting the sensitive spot over and over. “Coat my cock. I want to feel you drip down it.”
“Mgnh,” you cry through tightly pressed lips. Your tongue sticks to the roof of your mouth, currently starved of all moisture. Your juices spurt out soaking his dick as your body goes limp. Auston pulls you back to rest your head on his shoulder, his movements becoming more erratic, more desperate.
“I’m gonna cum inside you.” It’s a statement, not a question.
A few shallow thrusts and a grunt later, a white sticky seed is flooding your cunt, coating your walls. As he stills you fall onto the bed, still struggling to function. Staring down at your naked body, a fucked out blissful look plastered on your face, a glob of cum sticking to the inside of your thigh, he smiles. “I will never tire of seeing you like this.”
Cleaning the both of you, Auston finds a new pair of boxers. He helps you back into your pajamas and hands you some water, before letting you collapse into his arms. One bicep is your pillow, cradling you to his chest as his other reaches for the blinking phone on the night stand. Exhaustion begins to consume you, eyes struggling to stay open.
“What?” you murmur, feeling Auston tense up beside you.
“Have a hearing tomorrow,” he sighs, putting his phone down.
“What’s that mean?” you ask, forcing your eyes open and up to his face.
“Could be a warning, fine or a suspension,” his jaw tightens.
“No matter the outcome, I’m here for you.”
“Oh I know baby,” Auston smirks. Leaning down he gently pecks the tip of your nose and calls for Felix. His nails click against the floor and you feel him jump on the bed and curl up on the other side of you just as Auston turns off the bedside lamp.
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hamsterclaw ¡ 3 years ago
Extinction Rebellion
Your husband is an environmental activist, and he's influential, relevant, passionate. You wish he'd put as much energy into fighting for you.
Pairing: Taehyung x F! reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Non-idol AU, smut, angst
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: Sexually explicit scenes, swearing
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Author note: So this is part of the 7 hours series but also works as a standalone. Enjoy!
Technically, your husband is an asset. A handsome, capable lawyer turned environmental activist with an easy, relatable charm. On paper, Kim Taehyung is pretty perfect.
Off the page, though? Kim Taehyung is infuriating.
He’s leaning back against the kitchen counter, tossing kernels of popcorn into the air and trying to catch them with his mouth.
You feel like you’re trying to have a serious conversation with a pigeon.
You clear your throat. ‘So this fundraiser on Friday. It’s important. Is your tux pressed? I can drop it off tomorrow on the way to work if it isn’t.’
Taehyung turns to you. ‘I’ll drop my tux off tomorrow, don’t worry about it.’
You’re about to drop the subject, but then you remember something that Fred your marriage counsellor used to say. You often push the least for the things that are most important to you.
‘Tae,’ you say again. You step forward, and cover his fist of popcorn with your hand. ‘Please. It’s really important, ok?’
Taehyung finally meets your eyes. ‘Yes, baby. I’ve got it. Don’t worry. I won’t let you down,’ he promises.
You let go of his hand. ‘Ugh. Why are you so sticky?’
‘I had some M&Ms before the popcorn,’ Taehyung confesses.
You stare at him in disbelief.
Taehyung brightens. ‘Let’s work off some calories, baby,’ he suggests.
He leans towards you and you run for the bedroom, squealing.
You burn off some calories together before he goes for his second round of snacks.
You pick up Tae’s tux from the dry cleaners on your way home on Thursday. It looks perfect, you can’t wait to see your handsome husband in it. You’ve also picked up a gift, a set of recycled silver cufflinks that you’re sure he’ll love.
Your clothes horse husband is constantly at war with himself, flitting between his love for beautiful clothes and his love for sustainability.
You’ve just reached home when your phone lights up.
Tae: Hey baby I’ll be late tonight, don’t wait up, just in a meeting about a protest tomorrow.
His text doesn’t immediately make alarm bells ring. Why should it?
You leave some food in the fridge for him and have a leisurely evening watching TV with a bottle of wine.
You’ve laid out Taehyung’s tux on the bed with his shoes and the gift box with his new cufflinks on the bed. You take a look in the mirror and turn around, checking your back in the full-length mirror.
The red silk backless dress is unusually revealing for you, the cowl back dipping low enough that you just need to make sure your asscrack isn’t on show. You’ve put on a gold chain necklace that runs down your back. You think Tae’ll love it, just as much as you’ll love it when he peels you out of it at the end of tonight.
You pick up your clutch and send Tae a text. You haven’t seen him since yesterday morning, he got in late and left before you this morning.
Y/N: I’ll see you later, baby. I can’t wait.
You get two ticks to show he’s seen your text but there’s no reply. You head to the hotel where the fundraiser's being held.
You’re thinking about Tae as you brief Joan, the comms director you work for. She smiles at you. ‘I’ve been looking forward to meeting your husband. He’s done a lot of good work lately.’
You smile back. ‘Tae loves to make an entrance,’ you say, smoothly. ‘I’ll bring him over to say hello once he arrives.’
Joan laughs and nods. ‘I’m sure you’re good at getting him to toe the line.’
‘Just like I do for you?’ you joke.
Joan laughs again. She’s in her fifties, elegant and polished, and damn good at what she does. She’s also got a wicked sense of humour. You’re sure that’s why you get along so well.
The financial director comes up to Joan and you excuse yourself politely.
It’s nearly nine, and Tae had promised you he’d be here well before now.
You step into a quiet alcove and dial his number. It rings twice and is cut off. Undeterred, you call again, and this time it goes straight to answerphone.
You leave a message. ‘My love,’ you say. ‘I hope you’re on the way, because you know tonight is important to me.’
You follow up with a text and get back to the party.
It’s only when it’s eleven and things are winding down that you let yourself accept that Tae’s not coming.
You’re more disappointed than you’re willing to admit to yourself. Your phone rings, and you excuse yourself.
It’s an unknown number.
A recorded voice says, please press 1 to accept charges on this call.
Alarmed, you press 1. Your husband’s voice fills your ear.
‘Y/N?’ he says, sheepish. ‘Can you come bail me out of jail?’
You give the officer at the desk your best smile so that he’ll let you go and see your husband face to face.
You ignore the catcalling as you walk past a row of cells to get to him. You’re still in your dress, because you’d rushed straight to the station, before you’d had time to put the pieces together.
Your husband, in his infinite wisdom, had decided to join in a protest in front of a prominent government building with a group of protesters well-known for their ability to disturb the peace, mere hours before the fundraiser he’d promised to go to with you. They’ve been protesting against the lack of government commitment to sustainability.
You’re not sure that Kim Taehyung is going to be able to sustain his own life after you’re done with him.
He’s up against the bars, hands out, watching you walk up to him.
You stop just far away enough that he can’t reach you.
‘Baby,’ he breathes. There’s no gratification for you in the way he’s drinking you in hungrily.
‘You look stunning. I’m an idiot.’
He looks at the police officer accompanying you, like he’s going to let him out.
‘It was important to me, that you were there tonight,’ you tell him. ‘You couldn’t take the night off, just for once, for me? You promised, Tae.’
Taehyung leans his forehead against the bars. ‘I’m so sorry, baby, I’m sorry.’
He’s still reaching for you, and in frustration, he turns to the policeman. ‘Can you let me out, man?’
‘Not until someone posts bail,’ the policeman, his badge says Donghyun, replies, stoic.
Taehyung looks at you, realisation dawning.
‘Baby,’ he says.
You lean closer, still just slightly out of reach.
‘I’ll send Jimin round in the morning, baby,’ you say.
Taehyung stares at you. ‘No,’ he breathes.
He reaches for you again, and you turn on your heel and walk away.
You put your key in the lock and push open the door slightly apprehensively.
You’re hanging up your coat when your husband’s deep voice sounds out from behind you, making you jump.
‘What happened to ‘for better or worse’?’ he asks.
You turn around. He’s leaning against the door of your bedroom. He looks like he’s just had a shower, his hair’s wet and slicked back, the white tee he’s wearing is sticking to his chest. He’s wearing white sweatpants.
Your husband looks like an angel, but there’s nothing angelic about the expression on his face.
You scoff, but you keep your shoes on in case you have to make a run for it.
‘You know you and I aren’t conventional,’ you say.
‘You let me rot in a holding cell for nearly a day,’ Taehyung says. He steps closer, and you press back against the hall table.
‘Oh, didn’t Jimin pick you up first thing?’ you ask, feigning innocence. You’re lying. You’d told Jimin that lunchtime was the earliest he’d be allowed in.
Taehyung doesn’t even bother to call you on it. He’s advancing towards you at surprising speed considering he doesn’t work out.
You turn quickly to escape and lose your balance, falling towards the door.
Taehyung’s arms come around you, holding you up, stopping you from falling.
He’s got your back against the door, arms on either side of you, caging you in.
‘Trying to run?’ he asks.
You can’t answer, because he’s captured your mouth with his, kissing you with a just barely restrained violence.
He mouths down your neck, hands all over you, cupping your ass, tugging at the buttons down the front of your silk blouse.
He breathes your name like a curse, breath hot on your neck. His hard chest presses against yours, so close you can’t move. You wriggle against him, and he squeezes your ass, grinding his hips against yours.
He tugs impatiently at the hook on your skirt, unzipping it and pushing it to the floor. It pools around your ankles in a puddle of navy crepe, revealing your panties.
‘Who are you wearing these panties for?’ Taehyung asks. His voice is low, a rumble straight from his chest. He kneels in front of you, pushing your legs apart just enough that he can park his face between them. He licks up against the lace of your panties, then pulls them down impatiently.
He lets out a sound of approval at the slickness he finds between your legs. ‘Who are you this wet for?’ he asks, mocking.
‘No one,’ you say, defiant.
Taehyung just laughs. He licks up into you, tongue invading your cunt like it belongs there. His nose nudges your clit, providing just enough pressure to keep you on edge.
You look down at him, at the way his erection’s tenting his sweatpants.
‘No underwear Tae Tae?’ you ask, taunting.
‘I’m this close,’ he growls, ‘this close to tying you up and making you beg for me.’
‘Promises,’ you mumble.
Your smart mouth doesn’t know what’s good for you.
Taehyung lets it slide. He’s as aroused as you are.
‘Where did you get that dress?’ he asks, spinning you around, pushing you flat against your front door.
You’re unbuttoning your blouse rapidly, having predicted what he’ll do next. Your fingers have just undone the last button when Taehyung yanks your blouse off one shoulder.
He bites the meat of your shoulder, so hard you yelp in pain.
‘Do you know how fucking hard it is taking care of an erection in a holding cell?’ he asks.
‘I’m a law-abiding citizen,’ you reply, silkily. ‘I’ve never been in jail.’
Taehyung groans. His rigid cock presses against your ass, and you realise that at some point he’s ditched the sweats.
He holds your neck with one hand, letting his other hand trail down your spine. You can’t stop the shiver that rolls down your shoulders.
Taehyung presses his lips to your back, licking up the line of your spine.
‘Who were you showing that much skin for, baby?’ he asks.
‘Steven,’ you reply, without missing a beat. ‘He works in accounting.’
Taehyung laughs, darkly. His cock’s nudging at your entrance now, tantalisingly close.
He circles his hips. You realise he’s worked his hand in between you and the door, and he’s stroking at your clit with his fingers.
He rubs against you until you’re bucking your hips into his hand. He puts his chin over your shoulder, pinning you against the door.
‘I can feel you dripping onto me,’ he tells you. The timbre of his voice is so low, so sexy that you let out a helpless moan in response. His cock slips between your thighs, the glide lubricated by your arousal.
‘I can feel how swollen your little clit’s getting, baby,’ he says. He bucks his hips, hard, and you cry out as his fingers slide over your cunt.
‘Tae,’ you moan.
‘That’s right baby, it’s your husband. You gonna cum for me?’ he asks, voice harsh against your ear.
He bucks again, and you cry out again.
He turns you around, pulls your leg up against his hip and enters you in a smooth thrust.
He stays perfectly still as you struggle to adjust to the feel of his insistent cock, hard and heavy, filling you. Your head arches back against the door, and he bites your shoulder again.
With the change of position, his thumb’s now pressing right where you need him.
He looks you right in the eye and rocks his thumb over your clit.
‘Should I let you cum?’ he asks. He sounds so calm you’d be fooled, if you couldn’t feel his cock twitching inside you, the way his fingers are trembling as he braces his hand on your hip.
‘Do it, Tae, or I’ll do it myself,’ you warn.
Another flick of his thumb and you’re shuddering, tightening around his cock.
Taehyung stays still as you cum, writhing against him, flooding him with your arousal. He waits until you’re coming down from your high.
Then he begins to move.
‘Tae,’ you cry out. He’s thrusting against you so hard it’s almost painful.
Taehyung grunts. ‘Your smart mouth. I want to fuck those snappy comments out of your head.’
For the record, you have no snappy comments right now, because the wild lunge of his hips against yours is making the pleasure coil in your belly again.
Your second orgasm hits you like a flash, short, sharp, intense.
Taehyung swears. ‘Fuck. Are you cumming again? Do you like my cock that much, baby?’
You’re moaning, completely lost.
Taehyung lets out a deep groan as he cums, grinding against you, mouthing your neck.
He stays still for a moment, then pulls out and immediately cups a hand over your cunt.
Your raise an eyebrow at him as he squeezes, gently.
‘I think I just put my son in you,’ he says.
You laugh, breathlessly. ‘I only just came off birth control, my love. It’s unlikely.’
Taehyung smiles at you, eyes bright. ‘Shh. You never know.’
It’s only later, when you’re both showered and re-dressed, eating dinner, that Taehyung turns to you.
‘I’m sorry, love, that I missed yesterday.’
‘It was really important, Tae,’ you say. ‘I’d told everyone that you were coming, people were looking forward to meeting you. Including my boss.’
You run a hand over your face. ‘It was finally going to be the time Jihoon stopped teasing me about my ‘fake husband’.’
Taehyung frowns. ‘Jihoon?’
‘Just some guy from another team. He’s not important. More annoying than anything,’ you say.
You get up to grab sauce from the fridge.
‘I’ll make it up to you,’ Taehyung says.
‘Sure,’ you say. You kiss him on the forehead. ‘Can you pick up some milk tomorrow on your way back?’
You’re in the office, working on scheduling for the next month, when your phone starts lighting up.
Joan stops by your office. ‘I’m definitely coming. Please put it in the calendar.’
‘Coming to what?’ you ask, smiling at her.
‘Your husband’s benefit for Extinction Rebellion,’ Joan tells you, as though it’s something you should already know about. ‘It’s the hottest ticket in town.’
You nod and smile weakly. ‘Sure, I’ll put it into the calendar.’
As soon as Joan’s left, you pick up your phone and call Tae.
‘Baby, what have you done?’
Your infuriating husband Kim Taehyung made the front page of all four of the main broadsheets in the city for his antics at the protest he was arrested at.
Remarkably, all the extra press only served to raise his profile as a force to be reckoned with. Personally, you think it was the stunning accompanying picture, which an enterprising photographer took of your husband’s beautiful profile in the sunset, that cinched it.
Taehyung’s become a darling of the bourgeoisie, and he’s capitalising on it in the best possible way. His team have organised a benefit to fundraise for all the causes he supports.
Joan’s right. It’s the hottest ticket in town, and the social media company you work for has been granted exclusive access for promotions and marketing.
You lead Taehyung to Joan at the aquarium where his benefit is being held.
‘Joan, this is my husband, Taehyung. Tae, this is my boss, Joan.’
Joan smiles warmly at Taehyung. ‘It’s fantastic to finally meet you,’ she says, graciously.
Taehyung’s on his best behaviour, although to be fair he doesn’t need to do much, looking as he does tonight in his beautiful tux, hair styled back.
‘Y/N’s told me so much about you,’ he says.
Your accomplished, formidable boss is putty in his hands.
You’re chatting to your friend Nara when Jihoon comes up to you.
‘Quite a bash,’ he says.
You look at him, neutrally. ‘Taehyung’s team are excellent.’
Taehyung comes up to you then, sliding an arm around your waist. He looks at Jihoon.
You sigh. ‘Tae, this is Jihoon. Jihoon, this is Taehyung, my husband.’
‘Oh right,’ Taehyung says, casually. ‘This is the guy who was teasing you about having a fake husband.’
Jihoon freezes.
Taehyung puts a hand on the bare skin of your back. ‘I can assure you we’re very much married, and my wife is very loved.’
He leads you away without a backwards look.
You squeeze his arm. He looks down at you. ‘How’d I do, baby?’
‘Could’ve slapped him around a little,’ you say.
Taehyung snorts. ‘Fisticuffs aren’t really my style, my love. I’m a lover, not a –‘
‘Tae,’ you interrupt, putting your fingers on his lips. ‘If you finish that sentence, I swear to god, I’ll never sleep with you again.’
Taehyung helps you out of your shoes when you get back to your apartment after the benefit.
‘Sleepy, baby?’ he asks, holding your hand.
‘A little.’
‘Up for some baby making?’ he asks.
You groan. ‘Not if you call it that.’
Taehyung laughs, and you step into the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water.
‘Hey, Tae?’ you call.
Your gorgeous husband steps into the kitchen, jacket slung over his shoulder, bow tie undone. He looks at you, waiting.
‘Are we doing the right thing? Let’s face it, a child is terrible for the environment. And we only just got back together, and –‘
Taehyung’s standing in front of you now. He looks down at you. ‘I’ve known you since you were a pretty girl in my politics class.’
You start to protest, but Taehyung just smiles. ‘Let me finish. If I know nothing else, I know you. I know you’re kind, and caring, and more than up for the task of being a parent. And you know me, baby. Have I ever not looked after you?’
You let his words sink in.
‘So I’d love to do this with you,’ Taehyung says. ‘If you need more time to think about it that’s ok too, but it’s pretty clear to my mind what I want.’
You look down at your intertwined hands.
‘I think we should do it, Tae.’
Šhamsterclaw 2022
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acciojaeyun ¡ 3 years ago
only angel | george weasley
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pairing: george weasley x gn!reader warnings: nsfw innuendos, suggestive themes, cuss words here and there, a bit of gaslighting prompts: "you can't just keep on pushing me around for me to take the fall and you could fuck me with half the commitment!"
a/n: hIII i don't know if this is a smut request!! aaaa so i made it the fic before smut HASHDHSA pre-smut!??!!? minors dni. thank you for sending in this request, anon! i might be writing a smut continuation after this 🫠
summary: y/n and george were friends with benefits that have had hid their feelings for each other until something happened that broke them up. months later, george sees a bashful critique from y/n themselves.
"What the fuck is this?" George spat as he threw the crumpled Daily Prophet on Y/N's desk. To which they smirked, looking at the leaflet before directing their gaze at a fuming George.
"I see it as a fine editorial work, Mr Weasley, don't you think?" they inquired before reaching for the paper at the farthest edge of their table, their eyes scanning the familiar words of the recent critique of George's concluded artwork exhibit - most of which consisted of his photography - that they had written about, with the whole article emphasizing how each work possessed an amount so greatly - that possession being the lack of sensuality and emotion, something that Y/N had compared to the probability of George being unable to express his emotions with the people who mattered to him greatly.
"Call me all the fuck you want, Y/N. Call me 'an amateur photographer who just became overhyped because of the business I run,' but you never bring personal matters into this."
"I think I can write whatever I want, George," they rolled their eyes, putting down the newspaper on their table, "and what's wrong if I say how I feel about your exhibit? Is it my problem that it actually lacks emotions and sensuality? Those are key requisites of art, in case you didn't know."
"I know that, 'Mx L/N,'" he mocked, rolling his eyes, "but what I didn't realise is that you can stoop this low - for what, for vengeance? For you to disdain me because of what happened? Bloody hell, Y/N, that was eight months ago!"
They looked at him as if they were taunting him to go further.
"You left me the hell out! Why did I suddenly lose all the right to be angry?!"
"Bullshit, you knew how much you meant to me!"
"I don't want to be just friends, George! You knew I wanted more, but you never gave that to me! You can't just keep on pushing me around for me to take the fall and you could fuck me with half the commitment!"
"Y/N -"
"You knew how much I was so badly in love with you and yet you were so adamant in making me feel that all I'll ever be is a friend, someone who is always going to be there when a supposed relationship failed to work; so, George, to confirm your realisations, yes, I can stoop this low. And I will forever step down this low if it meant making you feel what I felt like when we were together. So, Mr Weasley, before I make another follow-up critique, leave."
And with a final look at Y/N who refused to meet any more of his gaze, George swallowed all of the words that were desperately so trying to get past his mouth. All of the words that were desperately trying to prove that all Y/N believed were lies, and that nothing they heard were the truth.
So, he left. And there was an endless pit of misery and longing bubbling inside of him. He knew why he went there, he knew why Y/N wrote that, but on top of all this, all he wanted was to see them again, to finally catch a glimpse on what he had lost based on a complete misunderstanding.
The day was slow for the both of them, and each had been dreading everything. What happened eight months ago, and what happened hours prior. George’s flicked over the clock at the top of the door, it was five minutes ‘til closing time, and Fred was constantly reminding him of the bet he had lost, that, and George had to buy all of the drinks for tonight’s night out.
“Come on,” Fred drawled, pulling George out of the counter as soon as he swished the sign outside the door to ‘CLOSED.’ “you owe me four Daisyroot Droughts!” Fred added to which George rolled his eyes at, but let Fred pull him anyway. He, himself, thinks he needed a drink as badly as Fred does. The previous events deemed so.
But what George didn’t expect was the same fierce set of eyes from the morning prior to be looking at him in such an intensity George himself didn’t know existed. He felt as if he were in a trance, moving under such gaze with Fred’s arm around his shoulder as the older twin directed him to the bar.
And it kept that way. With Y/N looking at them from time to time, and George sat on the barstool as he remained his composure. He knew Fred wouldn’t be drinking just four rounds. Especially if he’s the one paying. So, instead, he nursed himself a drink, so antagonising, so slowly, as his eyes fixated on Y/N at the other end of the pub. Radiating such seductive stature with the way the all black fit complemented them completely.
He didn’t know how long they had been staring at each other, and now, finally on his second whisky glass, his jaw clenched at the sight of them so tantalisingly tease him in a way George knew Y/N was purposefully doing.
With their eyes trained on George instead of the witch or wizard - whoever it was, really - that they were sensually slow dancing with, George watched. He watched every bit of it, sipping the whisky from time to time with the occasional sigh from the alcohol dripping down his throat.
“Hey,” Fred slurred, cutting George out of his trance as the younger twin groaned out of annoyance. “Isn’t that Y/N?”
“Dancing with - with - wait, is that -“
And as Fred squinted his eyes towards the pair who was so painstakingly far from him but near to George, the younger twin followed his trail of sight, and that’s where he realised.
It was him who Y/N was dancing with.
“Pucey,” he declared through gritted teeth.
“That soon -“
“Hi!” a familiar voice beamed, loud enough to hear above the flaring music of the pub. Fred smiled, happy to see Y/N once again, but soon regained his stoic gaze as he realised that George wasn’t too happy with what happened.
“I’d like to ask if I could dance with you?” Y/N batted their eyelashes at George, who remained unfazed by their game. He was fuming, angry, disappointed at them. From the very start, all George wanted was to not share something with someone for just once.
And with Y/N, George doesn’t like to share.
“Aw, he doesn’t wanna,” Y/N pouted, and excused themselves to walk between the space of the two twins, “Hey, Freddie, wann -“
A loud gasp escaped from Y/N’s lips as they were met by the close proximity of George’s face with that of theirs. Their eyes traveled down to his right, ring-clad hand that wrung around their wrist in such a tight hold. Fred had excused himself, muttering a reason why he’s to leave; but they weren’t one to care.
They met George’s gaze again, and if they weren’t that close, Y/N was sure that he was smirking.
“I thought I made it clear I never liked sharing, Y/N?” George said softly but emphasised each word with edge, his left hand reaching out to their right ear as he tangled his fingers in the soft strands.
He pulled on it softly, knowing how it elicits a burning desire for him at the pit of their belly. With hooded eyes, his gaze travelled from their eyes down to their lips, and slowly leant in. He could laugh on how Y/N looked lust-blown amidst the blinding colours of the pub, he could mock them on how their lips trembled as he knew — they couldn’t last much longer to the facade.
George wasn’t to talk, when he felt the same. But, compared to Y/N, his face didn’t exude the need and desire to be with them, to hold them close — one that didn’t perish even months apart.
His lips stopped where it was almost close to touching that of theirs, his right hand coming down onto their waist, and George faintly kissed the left corner of their lips, ghosting down to their jaw to their neck, where he had sucked the exposed skin and nipped it, licking it and blowing air afterwards.
George pulled away, smirking and chuckling slightly at the expression Y/N held.
“Say it,” George whispers, running his thumb over their wanting lips.
“I’m yours.”
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pariahsparadise ¡ 3 years ago
call it even | f. w.
word count- 1.2k
pairings- fred weasley x gn!reader
author’s note- welcome to my second fic on tumblr, i’ve decided that i’m going to keep count of these. english isn't my first language, bear with me. do let me know if the reader isn't gender neutral at any point.
warnings- non-canon plot (obviously), there's a kiss, swearing. unedited/not proofread.
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You impatiently drummed your fingers against the table in the Great Hall, eyes flickering around wildly in search of a specific set of long legs and fiery red hair. Fred Weasley, who had gathered up the courage to ask you out yesterday, was supposed to have been here ten minutes ago. Panic set in on you as a million doubts began speeding through your mind, did Fred only ask you out as a joke? A dare? Were you a mockery to him? Was this just-
“Snap out of it!” exclaimed the brunette girl across from you, delivering a sharp kick to your shin at the same time. The pain successfully distracted you from your thoughts, allowing you to glower at Hermione Granger with all your focus as you responded rapidly, “But why isn’t he here? Especially as he’s the one who asked me out in the first place and planned this whole thing, shouldn’t he-”
You were cut off, rather rudely, by the carrot-topped boy sitting next to you, “Jeez woman, you need to breathe-”
“That’s ironic, considering you’re currently trying to choke yourself with that chicken leg,” you interjected.
Ron went on as if you hadn’t spoken, “Fred’s the one who asked you out, right? Why would he do that if he didn’t want to go out with you? Although-,” he said, waving his hand at you when you opened your mouth to answer his originally rhetorical question, “-why someone would want to go out with him, I have no clue, least of all one of my best friends.”
You huffed as you shared an eye roll with Hermione, pushing yourself up from the table, waving at Harry, Hermione and Ron as you walked to the exit of the hall, “I’ll see you guys later, I’m going to go look for Fred.” The trio bid you goodbye and you started corridor-hopping, hoping that luck would be on your side and somehow you’d run into the freckle-faced boy who had stolen your heart in your very first year.
Soon enough, you heard a deep laugh from just around the corner, and you were sure that you overheard Fred’s name mentioned. Figuring that he was probably with his friends and might’ve simply forgotten about the time of your date, you headed towards the source of the sound.
Your steps slowed as you saw a few Slytherin boys ahead of you, Draco Malfoy and two others from Fred’s year. A scowl automatically started forming on your face at the sight of the blonde, but none of them seemed to have seen you yet.
“Think we psyched him out enough?” snickered a dark-haired boy on the right, a mischievous smirk on his face as he looked at the other two. “‘Course we did, genius move, bringing up Y/N. I didn’t think it was possible for his face to turn redder than his hair,” responded the prat next to him, his blonde hair slicked back with something even more slimy than himself. “Y/N’s got many choices, why they would ever stoop to date a weasel like that is beyond me. Hopefully they’ll see the better choices they have now that Fred’s stood them up.”
“And what are the better choices?” you couldn’t help exclaiming, noting the boys’ obvious surprise to your presence with some satisfaction. “You? A pureblood who has nothing better to do than belittle the other people around him? A sick little rat who’s probably already one of Voldemort’s little minions? Or do you prefer ferret?” you practically snarled, referencing the humorous incident that took place the year prior.
Draco was on his feet in seconds, his glare enough to send anyone else cowering, but you stood your ground. “The weasels,” he spat, “are a disgrace to pureblood families everywhere, constantly associating themselves with muggles and mudbloods. Surely you can see that?”
You rolled your eyes, trying desperately from beating this bitch into the ground. You were strong, but if things turned physical, the boys would most definitely triumph over you. Steeling yourself, you chose to stick to verbal abuse, “There’s nothing wrong with being a muggle-born witch or wizard, which you’d see if you pulled your pompous head out of your ass. How you even manage to fit something that big in there, I have no idea.”
Draco opened his mouth and shut it rapidly, obviously trying to come up with a retort, while the boys at his side started slowly reaching for their wands. But you weren’t finished. “Oh, and I don’t care about the blood statuses of the ones I date, and you have no fucking right to interfere with my relationships. If you’re that obsessed with keeping up the lineage of pureblood wizards, then by all means, go snog your cousin or something. Just leave Fred the fuck alone.”
With that, you swiftly turned on your heels and headed to your dorm.
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Later that night, you headed up to your dorm after an early dinner, still rather glum about not being able to go on your date with Fred. Your thoughts quickly turned to him, and suddenly, as if you had manifested him, he appeared in front of you.
“Fred! There you are-,” you started saying, but you were quickly cut off when Fred cupped your cheeks and stepped close to you, lowering his mouth to connect with yours gently. You gasped in surprise, which Fred eagerly swallowed, his hands travelling from your chin to the back of your head to deepen the kiss further. Your own hands came up to tightly grip on his arms, trying desperately to steady yourself as Fred flipped your world upside down. He pulled away after a few seconds, chuckling slightly when you leaned forward to try and reconnect your lips. Gently peeling your hands off of his wrists, he held them in both of his, a twinkle in his eye as he looked down at you fondly.
Trying to ground yourself, you asked, your voice weaker than you would’ve wanted it to be, “What- what was that?”
“A thank you, if you will, mixed with a bit of an apology? We all heard about what you said to Malfoy today, and I’m really sorry for not showing up. Do you think you could possibly forgive me?” said Fred, his thumbs tracing random patterns onto your palm, his face the epitome of guilt and regret.
You sighed dramatically, deciding you could play with him a little, “I don’t know Fred, you really hurt my feelings.” You watched as his face fell, and he slowly started to detangle his fingers from yours. But you simply tightened your hold on his hands, waiting for him to look at you before speaking again.
“How about a date, and we’ll call it even?”
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cursestothemoon ¡ 4 years ago
yay for the open requests! I really reallyyyyyy love your Harry's older sister hc, could u pretty pls do more? like their brief life as a family with lily and james, then to the dursleys and then at war, so on. I agree with the anon that did the request, harry does needed a bigger sister❤️
ok so this is L O N G i need to add a keep reading tab
alright so let's talk about harry's older sister
so lily and james did not plan you
they were straight out of hogwarts
just having fun
and suddenly lily is having morning sickness and james running into a store to buy a pregnancy test (or whatever the wizard equivalent would be 😗)
james would be so nervous the weeks leading up to your birth
he already knows that you aren't even here yet and there isn't anything he wouldn't do for you
and when you are born
he swears he'd never love anything as much as he loves you
his little girl
this sweet little lump of baby fat that was born with eyes just like his
he'd put his glasses on your little baby face, and he could laugh for hours at the way they just barely sat on your little nose (a miniature version of his)
your chubby little baby hands are his favorite
when you'd plan your hands on his face or wrap your hand around his finger he'd melt
Lily would joke all the time about how she carried the baby yet James is constantly hogging her
I think james would have some serious separation anxiety
Lily would also have trouble leaving you to go do something but she knew that you getting to see other people would be good
james is NOT a fan
and you were a big daddy's girl
"it's going to be alright, darling, uncle Padfoot and uncle Moony will take care of you."
and you'd respond with sad baby talk, something along the lines of 'daddy' and 'wanna stay with you' and you'd get all teary eyed
it's a whole dramatic scene
youre crying
james is about to cry
Sirius is quite literally trying to sob silently into his hand because you just look so sAD
and remus and lily are just
because you guys do this eVERY TIME
there was one time james got back into the car with lily after dropping you off and he was unusually quiet until he kinda just whispered out
"It just feels like i'll never have enough time with her, like one day i'll wake up and suddenly she's not mine anymore."
his tone gave Lily the worst chills, his tone and the fact that she felt the same though never voiced it
i don't think harry was planned either
he kinda just happened
and they were like
you know what, yes.
so you were two when harry was born
and you LOVED your baby brother
he was so small
so cute
and he had your mum's green eyes
from the get go you were very protective of your little brother
james thought it was the cutest thing
ok ive been avoiding it
but we need to talk about October 31 1981
you were upstairs with our mum and harry
james was downstairs cleaning up from dinner
that was when there was a knock on the door
assuming it was peter, uncle wormtail, james was quick to go open the door
grabbing his wand for protection was the last thing on his mind
the thud of his body was loud
he was killed before he could even open his mouth to warn Lily
the door to Harry's nursery flew open and it all happened so fast
there was screaming
a sudden flash fo green before Voldemort turned to harry
his cold, pale hand pushed you out of his way
the prophecy had said nothing about you, so he didn't care for what happened to you he just needed to kill harry
which obviously backfired
half the house was blown up
he was gone
harry was crying
and you just wanted your dad
you found your way downstairs, just barely making it down the steps
lily and james had never let you go up or down the steps on your own
only to come face to face with your dad just lying on the ground motionless
his eyes were still open
now i want you guys to think of the lion king
you know the scene where simba finds mufasa's dead body and just lays with it because he doesn't know where else to go
you just wanted any kind of comfort you could find
so with tear streaks going down your face you slayed next to your dad, getting as close as you could, hoping he'd just wake up
sirius is the one who finds you, asleep next to james' body
it was rather rough for sirius
and he could hear harry crying somewhere upstairs
you wake up to uncle padfoot trying to keep in his tears as he takes in the scene before him
you're just glad to see a familiar face
you run over to him, tears freshly falling as you wail about how daddy and mommy won't wake up
you also gently pull james' glasses off his face and keeping them in your small hand
keeping them safe for him later
you knew he didn't like to sleep with his glasses on
eventually hagrid shows up
you guys know the story
but i will say
it takes a lot for you to leave uncle pads and go with this big strange man
youre basically heaving as you beg to stay with sirius
and forcing you off his hip and onto the bike with hagrid was the worst thing he's ever had to do
even for a two year old, youre eyes held such a strong emotion of betrayal
sirius would never forget it
the dursley's were not fond of you and harry
you had james temper and stubbornness
harry was just a 6 month old baby
doing 6 month old baby things
for the first month you'd ask for james, lily, uncle moony, uncle padfoot, even uncle wormtail on a daily basis
until one day petunia just snapped
you had asked about sirius, or as you called him uncle padfoot, and petunia lost it
she started to shout, her hand coming out to strike your cheek as she told you that no one was coming
not now
not ever
you never asked after that
over time you forgot about sirius and remus and peter
you forgot about the song your dad would sing every saturday morning when making breakfast
or the way your mom would hum when she brushed your hair
all lily and james had become were familiar scents and the same pair of eyes you'd see in your dreams (though for a long time you just assumed they were your eyes, they looked enough like yours)
and you grew up always feeling like you were on the wrong side of a billowing curtain
you and harry grew up only having each other
you were very protective of him
and dudley hated it
because you had James art for pranks
and his art for rarely getting caught
unfortunately for you petunia and vernon didn't need evidence to incriminate you
you were often on the receiving end of disciplinary swats and missed meals
and you'd often take harry's punishments for him
you and harry were also forced to share a room
or cupboard
you let him decorate it with all his things (he didn't have many)
and you guys shared a bed up until you got your hogwarts letter
which that was kept very quiet
you got the letter
and petunia and vernon were just glad to be able to send you and your pranks away
you weren't allowed to tell harry
but you did anyway
you didn't tell him all the details but you told him that you were going to a school far away and you'd be back whenever aunt petunia let you back
going to school was interesting
you didn't know anyone
you still have james' glasses
you put them on when youre nervous
so youre sitting in the train
first day
you don't know anyone
big round glasses sitting on your nose as you look out the window barely able to see what's going on
james was as blind as a bat
on the train you spend your time reading your new books
absorbing all the material
you were not going to just walk into this new school of mAGIC not knowing aNYTHING
by the time you got there you were at leas base level with most subjects
some were easier to catch onto than others
as long as you didn't let the logical side of your brain do too much work
within the first week you'd find out about your parents
curtesy of older gryffindor kids who knew your last name and were just amazed by the story
she remembers when james had written to her with the news of Lily's pregnancy with you
and how he was nervous you'd come out just like him and he wouldn't be able to handle you as well as she had, he was asking her for advice
and when you walked up to sit on the chair she nearly dropped her scroll of parchment and pulled you into a hug
you looked just like him
dark hair
pale skin
same eyes and eye shape
and same habit of picking at the skin around your thumb nail when nervous
the hat announcing you were a gryffindor was very overwhelming for her
then she realizes you
are e x a c t l y
like james
and merlin is she tiRED OF THIS SHIT
ok so at this point i am going to direct you to the other headcanon (linked above) if you want a more fred x reader approach 
continue here if not
so youre on the quidditch team
and youre a natural 
let me tell you
you just have the innate ability 
much like james
and at first they had you as a seeker
and you were good
but you excelled as a chaser 
i also firmly believed that there was a practice broom that james had carved his name into
or maybe just a ‘J.P.’
that was the broom you'd practice on
even use for games before you got your own broom
ok so
let’s talk your relationship with harry 
you made sure you were the one to tell him what happened to your parents
as i said it was your first year when you fond out about what happened 
the gryffindor student had told you what they knew
and you went to professor mcgonagall pretty distraught 
you were near tears as you practically begged her to just tell you what happened, you wanted the truth 
because all your life your aunt and uncle had told you that your parents had been killed in a car accident 
needless to say 
you didn't want harry to find out that way
but you also knew he was noticing the stares
the whispers
so you told him on the first night
he had already been put into gryffindor and was getting ready for bed when you are up to his dorm 
and you kinda push out ron, neville, and dean 
but yeah thats how he finds out all the details and such 
ok so you and harry are sUPER CLOSE
and you are very 
v e r y
protective of harry 
you'd do anything for the kid 
because harry is your baby brother and you love him so much and don't like seeing him hurt 🥺
as harry grows older he gets a bit more
about having you protective over him
and im pretty sure i mentioned this in the last headcanon post 
but yeah he’d be like 14 and you'd be 17 and he'd just
“stOP this is so emBARRASSING”
what a little dweeb
until your fifth year (harry’ third) when you were told he betrayed your parents and got them killed 
youre in the whomping willow when with harry, hermione, and ron 
its a lot for both of you
because sirius is seeing his goddaughter who looks just like james, and his the same fire in her eyes as his bestrfriend
his b r o t h e r 
and youre seeing the man who was responsible for your parents murder 
it was A LOT
i have a feeling you, JAMES POTTERS DAUGHTER, would just lunge at him 
and youre crying
trying to hit him
hurt him like he hurt you
just anything to bring pain upon this man
and sirius is having flashbacks of when you had ran to him from next to james’ lifeless body 
and how different everything had been just days prior to October 31 1981
upon finding out the truth 
scammers is now wormtail
peter ‘little bitch ass’ pettigrew
you and harry are immediately forming this connection
this sort of dependency on sirius 
within a few minutes
because he is the only living connection you have to your dad 
apart from yourselves of course
but eh was the only reminder that james potter was a real man 
and lily potter did exist 
and there was a time where your family was complete 
it never crossed your mind that any more misfortune could strike 
not now 
not when you finally got back your uncle pads
and then you guys walk into the moonlight, the full moon light
everything flips instantly 
you guys are back to square one 
i like to think you have a very big part in getting sirius free 
so you guys know what happen in between prisoner of azkaban and order of the phoenix 
and this headcanon is already getting very long and we haven't even gotten to the wAR YET 
so we are doing a little time jump
order of the phoenix 
your last year
you are living with sirius in grimmauld place 
petunia and vernon kicked you out once you turned 17 after finding out that was the legal age in the wizarding world
you and sirius are close 
super close
i mean he is like a father figure to you
he is uncle pads again
youre a gazelle 
it just makes sense
father figure sirius is not happy when he finds out
uncle pads, however, couldn't be happier
its finally starting to feel like a family again
you and harry have sirius 
everything is falling into place
you and harry are filling the james sized hole in Sirius’ heart (not completely but it’s better)
and he is doing the same for you two
you and harry love your uncle pads
then the battle in the department of mysteries happens 
youre there
you see it 
you watch as bellatrix hits sirius with a curse 
youre not sure which 
nothing too serious you hope, and seeing that he’s still standing he should be fine 
but then he stumbles
she's stunned him perhaps 
and he makes eye contact with you
there was a look so final, so sad
yet so relieved in his eyes as you watched him fall through the veil
remus grabbed harry
tonks held you
if she hadn’t been you knew you would've thrown yourself into the veil after him
its a whirlwind from then on let me tell you
so we know what happens
all that fun stuff 
the war hits
harry, hermione, and ron leave
youre left with the weasley’s 
it’s hard being away from harry
not knowing if he was ok
if he was even alive 
you guys finally reunite at shell cottage 
bill calls you the second he sees harry, hermione, ron, and dobby apparate in front of his house
you were quick to pull harry into a bone crushing hug 
keen on never letting go 
because after all he is still (and always will be) your baby brother 
you guys are all at the battle of hogwarts
ok so hear me out 
i think harry enjoyed looking at pictures of james and lily
but you didnt
you didnt want to see everything that was taken from you
so you weren’t super aware of what your dad actually looked like seeing as you avoided pictures of him and your mom like the plague 
but you just knew 
and james was standing there
and he just looked so proud of you and harry 
so did lily 
she was the first one to say something 
“Your father and I are so proud of the both of you”
and you just broke down 
james right there with you 
he watched as you sobbed, choking on your cries 
and he couldn’t do anything about it 
he couldn’t hold you or comfort you
he couldn’t be a dad 
and it broke him
as much as it could break a dead man 
“you’ve grown so beautiful, darling” he'd smile sadly
his voice seemed to bring back all of your memories once lost 
“have you always been here, with us?”
“typical, your father shows up and everyone forgets about uncle padfoot”
both you and harry laugh at that 
but the mood was somber 
harry then speaks up
“does it hurt?”
it was the first time either of you had confirmed that you both knew what was going to happen 
“dying? not at all, quicker than falling asleep.”
“will you stay with me?”
“until the very end. 
james is the one who answers, looking teary eyes at his son
and you know you cant go any further 
harry has to do this alone 
its quite symbolic actually 
the one time you'd let go of the reigns 
removed the protective arms you had around your baby brother 
he’d die 
but you had to do it 
so everything goes as planned 
harry dies
comes back
we love a resurrecting king 
and the war ends 
when you got back home from the war 
let’s say you are still living at grimmauld place seeing as it was left to you 
the first thing you do is go through old photos with harry 
any and everything you can get your hands on 
you see your mother’s sparkling green eyes
the same eyes your brother had 
and your father’s unruly mop of curls 
the same wave pattern in your dark hair 
everything finally felt right 
619 notes ¡ View notes
theweasleysredhair ¡ 5 years ago
Tease [G.W.]
Character: George Weasley
Word Count: 4110
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Every time George tries to get you alone, something seems to interrupt you and he can’t seem to catch a break. Maybe he just needs to get a bit more creative, or maybe teasing you under the table is enough to get you as worked up and desperate as he is.
WARNING: this is NSFW, 18+, smutty, sexy times, idk how else to say it. george is being a hot cheeky bastard wanting to shag his girlfriend.
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @harrysweasleys @toranyx @theweirdsideofstuff @ickle-ronniekins @levylovegood @wand3ringr0s3 @diary-of-an-onliner
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: idk, george makes me feel things. enjoy and thanks for requesting nonnie! ❤️
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George was frustrated. In both senses of the word. He had originally thought that inviting you to the Burrow over Christmas was a wonderful idea, and whilst he loved having you around, he felt as though he’d barely even seen you since you’d arrived. And it was beginning to drive him insane.
He loved that you got along with his family so well, that they constantly wanted to be around you but, in his eyes, he’d invited you there to be with him, and the fact you’d probably had around 10 minutes alone over the last week was starting to get to him.
It didn’t help, and he was certain you were doing this on purpose, that you kept wearing his shirts around the Burrow - something you knew turned him on - or that one day you wore a jumper that fell off one shoulder, exposing the area of skin that George wanted to kiss and bite down on. Or, worse, that one day you wore a skirt and knee high socks - Merlin, George thought he felt his heart stop that day.
He’d tried multiple times to get you alone - pulled you into empty rooms in the Burrow to kiss you, locked Fred out of their bedroom and even tried snogging you outside but it had gotten too cold and started snowing. Unfortunately, each time you were alone in a room together, you’d been interrupted fairly quickly by his family coming to ask you something or other, or in the case of locking his twin out, Fred had grabbed a broom and flew up to the window and knocked on there instead, wiggling his eyebrows and wolf whistling at the both of you as he found you underneath your boyfriend (fully clothed, much to George’s dismay).
So to say he was getting desperate would be an understatement.
And as he watched you from across the living room, sat cross legged on one of the couches as you laughed with Ginny, he began thinking of new ways to spend time with you, without the rest of his family barging in.
He thought about locking Fred out again, but this time closing the curtains and the window. He thought about the shed outside, and as much as he’d like to be in those close quarters with you, he knew it was far too cold. All he wanted was to be with you, without everyone else hanging round.
He finally saw his chance when Ginny decided to go off to talk to Hermione about some work she had for the next coming school term, leaving you in the living room with just the twins.
George seized the moment, standing up and walking over to you. He leant down to your ear, his voice low and warm breath hitting the side of your face, “My room, in two minutes.” You felt a shiver down your spine as you watched him walk off towards the stairs, eyes glued to the way his back muscles were moving in the t shirt he was wearing, but not missing the warning look he shot at Fred, who was sat in front of the fire and smirking at his younger twin.
You stood up after a minute, straightening out your sweater before following in the direction of where George had just left, rolling your eyes but laughing all the same when Fred called after you, “Not on my bed, okay?”
“That was one time!” You joked, laughing harder when you heard him spluttering out a horrified, “What?!”
Reaching the top of the stairs, you made the familiar journey to the twins’ room, where George was waiting. No sooner had you pushed the twins’ door open were you suddenly pressed against it, your boyfriend’s lips on yours, kissing you desperately, as if it were the last thing he’d ever do. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling you closer to him as he pushed his tongue into your mouth, making you moan softly as he deepened the kiss, his hands resting on the skin underneath the hem of your sweater.
His fingers ran up your side to the base of your bra, gently stroking along the lace as his eyes widened, him pulling away very slightly, both to catch his breath and ask, “You’re wearing lace for me?”
You shrugged, grinning at him, “Maybe.”
He groaned, his eyes almost rolling into the back of his head, “You’re killing me, love.”
He ducked his head to press open mouthed kisses across your neck, talking between each one, “Do you have any idea how difficult it’s been not being as close to you as I want to be? I’ve been going insane.”
“You think you’re the only one?”
His hands ran down your body and round to your bum, giving it a squeeze as he pushed you against the wall. As he trailed up towards your mouth to kiss you properly, he tugged gently at the hem of your sweater.
Just as you had pulled it over your head - George mesmerised by the way your lace bra accentuated your breasts - you heard Molly call up the stairs that food was ready, and for everyone to come down.
George shook his head, grabbing your waist, “I can’t wait any longer, just look what you’ve done to me, love.” He pressed himself against you, and you could feel him hard against where you wanted him, making your breath hitch.
“Let’s just not go,” he mumbled, tracing kisses across your collarbone and down to the tops of your breasts.
You let out a breathy sigh as you ran your hand through his messy hair, “We have to, your mum has made food and honestly I’d love to eat it - I’m hungry and she’s an amazing cook.”
George buried his head into your shoulder,
“I’d rather eat something else to be honest.”
“George!” You playfully swatted at his arm, before pulling away and moving around him to grab the sweater you’d dropped, putting it back on.
As you passed him again, he reached out to grab your hip, “Are you sure we have to go?” You nodded, “Yes! Everyone will be waiting for us.”
“Fine...” He agreed, albeit reluctantly, running a hand through his hair to tidy it a little as he sat on his bed. You stood near the doorway for a couple of minutes, waiting for him to stand up, however he continued to sit there, making you raise an eyebrow and turn to walk out, hoping it would prompt him to follow, “Right, come on then.”
“Give me a minute,” he replied, staring at the floor.
You turned back to him with a frown. “Why- oh!” You realised, “Want me to wait or go?”
George licked his lips, his eyes looking you up and down, “Should probably go darlin’, knowing you’re right next to me looking like you do is enough to keep me hard all night.”
Scoffing out a laugh, you looked at him sympathetically, “We’ll finish this later, I promise.”
You left him in his room, heading down the stairs to where the family usually ate meals, finding most of them already there, bar Ron and Harry, who arrived a few minutes after you, pushing and shoving each other as they laughed at something one of them had said.
You were sat at the end of the table, Fred across from you, an empty seat to your left for George. Molly rushed into the room, placing plates of food down with a wave of her wand, fussing over Harry before heading over to you, “Do you know where George is, dear?”
“I think he’s in his room, Molly. Said he’d be down soon,” you replied with a smile. She placed a plate in front of you and nodded as you thanked her, “That boy is never on time for anything I swear - he’ll be late to even your wedding, just you watch dear!”
Her comment made your cheeks warm, and you ducked your head to hide your smile just as she wandered off to grab a plate for Percy, who was sat at the other end of the table beside Arthur, deep in conversation.
“So, where is my dear younger twin?” Fred asked, shooting you a knowing smirk as he began eating the food on his plate.
“I’m right here,” George announced as he entered the room, finally making his appearance as he took the seat beside you.
“Nice of you to finally join us,” Fred spoke with a knowing grin shot in his twin’s direction.
“Yeah well, I had something to take care of,” George grumbled, sharing a glance with you and rolling his eyes when Fred let out a mocking laugh.
The beginning of the meal went by as normal, the family laughing and joking, you joining in. You’d just placed some more food in your mouth when you felt George’s hand on your thigh, just above your knee - the place he knew got you worked up. You glanced over at him, but his focus was on the conversation going on about a new muggle artefact Arthur had discovered at work.
Thinking it was just a coincidence, you went back to eating, however you suddenly felt his hand slide up your thigh slowly, fingertips squeezing gently, and dancing across the waistband of your trousers. Noticing the small smirk on George’s face, you shook your head a little at him, gesturing discreetly at the rest of his family, but he didn’t seem to be too concerned.
His hand moved down into your underwear, his fingers finding your clit easily - both from practice and from just knowing your body so well - and he gently began tracing circles, making your hips jolt forward and causing you to almost drop your fork.
He gave you a cheeky grin, “Everything okay there, love?” You grit your teeth as you replied, “Everything is just fine.”
His applied a little more pressure, circling faster and making you bite your lip. You swallowed a content sigh so as to not egg him on, and tried to focus on the main conversation, which had moved onto Hogwarts.
“So Y/n,” Molly began, making everyone turn to you, including George, who shot you a half smirk before picking up his pace, making you swallow harshly, “How are your lessons going?”
“They’re going quite well, Molly!” You replied, though your voice was slightly shaky, “I’m enjoying Care of Magical Creatures this year, there’s some interesting-“ you let out a half gasp as George suddenly pushed a finger into you, earning a few looks of concern.
“Are you okay, dear?” Molly asked, “Do you need me to get you anything?”
“Oh no! I’m fine, thank you! I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened there! But as I was saying, there’s some interesting creatures we’re learning about this year, so I’m really excited,” you smiled, hoping no one would be suspicious (nobody seemed to be, even Fred seemed preoccupied and wasn’t paying much attention, which you were thankful for.)
Hermione began talking about her own lessons, and you shot a warning glare over at George, who smiled innocently at you, as if he wasn’t currently fingering you under the table where his family were eating their evening meal. He added a second finger casually, bringing you closer to the edge.
He moved his fingers in and out, smirking to himself as he continuing eating his meal with one hand. He carried on for a couple of minutes and your hips began thrusting slightly towards his hand.
However, just as you clenched around him, he stopped what he was doing for a moment. You glared up at him, raising an eyebrow but he just shot you a lazy half smile, waiting for you to come back down a little before moving again, purposely teasing you.
Thankfully, the food was eaten quickly, meaning George had to stop. You were both grateful for that, and annoyed as you were now even more frustrated than before, as he hadn’t actually let you finish.
Soon after the plates were cleared, Molly ushered you all into the living room to sit down and wait for her to bring you all some hot chocolate. It was a tradition you adored usually, however since you were sat near your hot boyfriend who had now made you extremely sexually frustrated, you couldn’t wait for everyone to just go to bed.
George shared a couch with you, draping a blanket across both of your legs, and making sure you were comfy. You leant your head against his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
A few minutes later, you were all sat around the roaring fire, chatting together over your mugs of hot chocolate. You brought it up to your nose and revelled in the amazing smell, before taking your first sip. You had to admit, if there was one thing you loved about Christmas at the Weasleys, it was Molly’s hot chocolate.
You rested the mug on your knee, however nearly spilled some of your drink when you felt George’s free hand creep under the blanket and across your thigh. You tensed, still on edge from his antics at the dinner table - something that made him smile to himself, knowing you were getting just as worked up as he had been all week.
Placing a hand over his, you halted his actions, trying to push him away just a little, in order to be more decent. Undeterred, George decided to wait a couple of minutes before trying again. He placed his hand on the inside of your thigh, and then left it there, unmoving and right where you wanted him, making you shift uncomfortably.
You quickly drank your hot chocolate and placed it on the side table next to you, before looking over at George and raising an eyebrow at him. He grinned innocently just as he squeezed your inner thigh, making you press you lips together and it taking everything in you not to buck your hips against his hand.
Luckily, Hermione stood up soon after she’d finished her own drink, placing the mug on the table and stretching, “Thank you for the hot chocolate, Mrs Weasley, but I think I’m going to head up to bed. I’ve got a new book that I can’t wait to start!”
And then after Hermione, one by one, you noticed everyone bidding their goodnights and heading up the stairs and further into the burrow, until you realised it was just Molly and Arthur left. And after a while, even they retreated upstairs too - Molly ensuring you knew there was more food left in the kitchen if you wanted it - meaning you and George were finally alone.
“You tease!” You scolded, “Under the bloody table and then under a blanket when your family were literally less than a metre away from us? What were you thinking?”
“Don’t pretend like you didn’t enjoy it. It excited you, knowing they were there, didn’t it?” He said in a low tone, his eyes flickering down to your lips. You opened your mouth to reply but no words came out, knowing he wasn’t exactly wrong, and he knew it.
George bit his lip and gave one last glance up the stairs before bringing you into a rough kiss, pulling you onto him so you were straddling him on the couch.
It didn’t take long for you both to be breathing heavily, hot breaths hitting your face as he licked down your jaw.
He shifted under you, rolling his hips up into you, making the both of you groan, before you had to pull away a little.
“You sure you want to do it here?” You asked as you glanced up the stairs at where his family had disappeared to moments before.
“We’ve tried everywhere else, and kept being interrupted. Here, everyone is going to sleep. It’s our best chance,” George reasoned, running a finger along the waistband of your trousers.
“What if someone needs something from down here and catches us?” You asked, though you began leaning towards him to bring him into another kiss. He smirked back at you, “Isn’t that part of the fun?”
And you hated to admit it, but he was right. Something about the risk of being caught whilst being fucked by George was definitely appealing, and you looked up at him, biting your lip as you smiled, “I suppose so.”
That was all George needed to bring you back into a hot kiss, swirling his tongue around your mouth as you ground your hips down onto him, making him groan into your mouth. His hands gripped your waist pulling you against him further as one of yours ran through his hair, the other resting on his chest.
“I’ve waited too long for this,” he murmured against your lips, taking a quick breather to grab the hem of your sweater and helping you to pull it off, throwing it on the floor and leaving you in that lacy bra that George had been picturing the entire time he was sat at the table.
You reached round to unclip it but George stopped you, “Keep the bra on... and your knickers while you’re at it, I’m just gonna pull them to one side and fuck you whilst you’re wearing them.”
You moaned at the thought, grinding down onto his hard cock again, making him let out a shuddering breath. Pulling away for a moment, you stood up to take your trousers off, George doing the same. He then pulled off his underwear, his cock springing out, long and hard as he stroked himself a couple of times before sitting back down on the couch, pulling you down onto him again.
You could feel him against the lace of your underwear, and you circled your hips, making him groan against the skin of your neck, where he was pressing wet, open mouthed kisses, occasionally biting and sucking to elicit breathy moans from you.
“Look at you being all desperate for me,” George commented, watching as you kept bucking your hips against him, needy for the friction between your legs.
He reached down into your soaked underwear for the second time that evening, teasing your clit again before bringing his fingers up to his mouth to clean them off. He felt you grinding yourself down onto him and smirked to himself before deciding to move you a little to the right so you were now straddling his thigh, “Reckon you could come just from fucking my thigh, love?”
He jolted his leg a little, the skin of his muscular thigh moving against the material of your underwear and hitting you in just the right spot, making you cry out in pleasure.
“Merlin, you look so wickedly hot right now,” George breathed out, watching as you circled your hips around his thigh, eyes shut, head falling back as gasps fell from your pretty lips. At the back of his mind, he was aware that you couldn’t be much louder if you didn’t want to be caught, but Godric, did George love the sounds you were making.
“I’m close,” you gasped as he squeezed your hips, lifting his thigh a little to add more pressure. “That’s a good girl, I’m right here,” he murmured in your ear. Just a few minutes later, you felt the familiar feeling of pleasure washing over you, leaning your head onto George’s shoulders as he pressed kisses along the side of your neck.
“You looked so pretty coming for me like that, darlin’. Did you enjoy my thigh?” He murmured, sucking on a patch of skin below your ear. You nodded feebly, still seeing stars, and George smiled against your skin. He gave you a couple of minutes to bring your heart rate back to normal, however as soon as he felt your hips moving again, he leaned back with a smug expression and bit his lip, glancing from your dazed eyes to your swollen lips, “Are you ready for more, princess?”
All you could bring yourself to do was nod, finally satisfied from all the teasing he’d done to you over the course of the evening. He kissed you gently, a difference pace from a few moments previous, before thrusting his hips up to meet yours, enjoying the moan that escaped you as he hit your sensitive clit.
You felt him move your underwear to the side, and he lifted you up a little, allowing you slowly sink down onto him, making you both groan, enjoying the feeling of him being inside you again.
“You feel so bloody good, love,” he praised as you started to move up and down on his cock, circling your hips and falling into a rhythm as you rode him, “Taking me so well. My good girl.”
“George,” you breathed out, clutching his shoulders and he grabbed your hips to guide you. His head fell back, heavy breaths leaving his lips as you continued to ride him, both of you getting close - you from all the stimulation and him from his lack of.
You continued moving on him as he pushed his hips up to meet your thrusts. He sat up a little bit, causing him to go deeper, and you had to bite his shoulder to keep from screaming out.
“You’re so good to me, love. I’m getting close,” he groaned, leaning forward to press kisses to the tops of your breasts, gently biting at one in order to leave a mark.
“Georgie you feel amazing, I’m-“ you finished your sentence with a groan as you felt him twitch inside of you.
“Come for me, darlin’,” he murmured into your neck, and you let your second orgasm of the night hit you, pleasure flowing through your body as your eyes closed and head fell back, clenching around him and moaning again as you felt George finish inside of you just as you began to come down from the high.
You both stayed there for a moment, the only sounds being the both of your heavy breathing as you tried to steady your heart rate.
And that’s when you heard the sound of the steps creaking and you froze, hands gripping onto George’s shoulders as your heart beat fast for a different reason this time, praying whoever it was wouldn’t find you in the position you were in currently - namely, sat on top of your boyfriend on his couch with him still inside you. You waited with bated breath, eyes shutting in anticipated embarrassment as he pulled the blanket around you in case he had to hide you.
“Will you two be a bit quieter? Some of us are trying to sleep!”
You exhaled at the sound of Fred’s voice hissing down from the top of the stairs, thanking Merlin it wasn’t Molly.
“Please just go back to the room, Fred,” George called back to his twin through gritted teeth.
“I don’t know, I kinda want a glass of water now I’m up...” Fred replied, and you heard him step down onto the next stair tauntingly.
“Fred!” George warned. “Fine, I’m going, I’m going!”
You heard him heading back up the creaky stairs and across to where you knew his room was before opening your eyes to look up at George, letting out a small giggle as he leant his forehead against your shoulder for a moment, before pulling you off of him carefully and standing up to grab a cloth for you, unable to keep himself from laughing too.
“You know he’s never going to let us forget this right?” You grinned in the dark, before grabbing the cloth from him.
“Might as well make it a night to remember then, huh?” George grinned cheekily, leaning against the nearby wall and crossing his arms over his chest. Your eyes wandered down the veins in his lower arms before looking up at him, “What do you mean?”
“I’m thinking, round two, you sat on the kitchen counter, with my head between your legs. What do you say?” George smirked, bringing his bottom lip between his teeth as he looked you over.
You stood up quickly, grabbing his hand, “I say let’s go.”
“Well that didn’t take much convincing,” he followed you into the kitchen with a grin.
“Yeah well,” you replied as you reached the kitchen counter, him grabbing your waist and lifting you up onto it, standing between your legs,
“Right now I’d rather you use that tongue for something other than talking.”
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