#and 2: I've been observing it from in and outside the house as a reader my whole life
That YA post you reblogged is not really accurate. There are some good sources in the notes, you should check it out
I know, I'm a five times published YA author :D However, it is funny!
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alessiasfreckles · 8 months
Advantage (Leah Williamson x reader)
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After colliding with another player, you have a concussion and have to stay home. Leah volunteers to look after you.
warnings: injury / concussion, sick, very mild angst if you squint
A/N: based off this request! I hope you like it! also any doctors pls don't come for me i've never had a concussion idk what the recovery looks like. part 2 here!
The crowd went silent as your body fell limply to the ground. The game had been going so well up until that point, you were 3-0 up, and you were racing towards the goal with the ball high in the air, your eyes never leaving it as you jumped up to hit it with your head. That was all you could remember. Your teammates rushed towards you, the ball lying forgotten on the grass as the ref ran over. 
“Shit, she’s not moving,” Katie exclaimed, turning around to flag down the medics who were already making their way across the pitch. “Get over here, she needs help, now!”
Leah was knelt down by your side, careful not to touch you in case it was something serious, like a back or neck injury. “It’s going to be okay, y/n,” she said, her voice wavering slightly. She was mostly saying it to calm her own nerves, trying to convince herself you were okay.
“What happened?” Lotte asked Alessia, who was stood anxiously chewing her lip. 
“I’m not sure, I- I was so focused on the ball as well,” she said, feeling guilty for not paying better attention. “She jumped up for the ball and the defender, fuck, what’s her name, the big one, went for it as well, they must have hit heads.” 
Everyone was gathered around you like a protective wall, guarding you from the cameras and the crowd, who were talking quietly amongst themselves, worry rippling through the stadium. The medics carefully moved your limp body onto the stretcher, and the last view most of the girls on the field had of you was your body being carried away. 
Your eyes fluttered open to see the overhead lights of the hallway as the medics carried you towards an ambulance waiting outside. “What’s- what’s going on?” you asked, groaning slightly.
“You’ve had a head injury, y/n,” one of the medics told you gently. “You have to go to the hospital to be checked for a concussion.”
“Oh,” you said weakly, “okay.”
The hospital released you after keeping you in for observation for a few hours, determining that whilst you had a concussion, it was only a mild one. The team doctor drove you home, telling you to rest up and make sure to drink lots of fluids. You were surprised to see the lights on in your house, when you pulled up, but brushed it off thinking that maybe you’d forgotten to turn them off that morning. 
When you opened the door, however, you were surprised to find Leah, Beth, Viv, and Katie sat on your sofa. 
“Y/n!” Leah exclaimed, standing up quickly and rushing over to give you a hug. “How are you feeling? Thank god you’re okay.” 
“Remember, Lee, don’t crowd her,” Katie said with a grin, but she couldn’t hide the concern on her face. 
“How are you feeling?” Beth asked. “Jonas told us that they said it’s a concussion, but not too bad, right?”
“Uh, yeah,” you said weakly, with a smile. “yeah, I’m okay, mostly. But, um, what are you guys doing here?”
“Oh!” Leah blushed. “Well, we thought someone should be here, so you’re not just home alone, and we all wanted to make sure you were okay- well, the whole team did, obviously, but we thought it’d be better if it was just a few of us so we weren’t crowding you!”
“That’s really thoughtful, thank you,” you said, stomach fluttering at the thought of Leah being so worried about you. “The doctor did say that it’d be better for someone to be here tonight and tomorrow. Sorry, I know it’s our day off, so everyone probably has plans, but-”
“Don’t be silly, y/n!” Leah said quickly, and behind her, Beth and Viv shot each other a knowing look. “We’re all happy to look after you. I can stay, at least tonight.”
“Thank you,” you smiled warmly, before you were hit with a wave of nausea. “Oh, I think I’m going to be sick-” 
You clapped a hand over your mouth as Katie grabbed a bowl they’d put nearby and quickly put it in front of you. Leah held your hair back and rubbed a hand on your back as you threw up, and you grimaced.
“Ugh, ‘m sorry, that was gross,” you said weakly. 
“Here, have some water,” Viv said, holding a glass. You took it gratefully as Katie stood up. 
“I’m sorry, chick, I’m going to have to head out,” she said apologetically, looking slightly queasy herself. “You know I can’t handle sick. But I’ll come round tomorrow to check on ya, with some of the other girls?”
You nodded, feeling your head start to pound. “No worries, thank you for being here. I’m starting to feel pretty tired, actually, and my head is killing me, so I think I might just go to sleep.”
Beth and Viv stood up as well, both hugging you before saying their goodbyes. And then it was just you and Leah. 
“Hey, um, what actually happened, on the pitch?” you asked her. “I don’t really remember much. The doctor said that’s normal, but it’s weird, not being able to remember.”
“Well, it was the 39th minute, I think,” she began, frowning, and you couldn’t help but smile at the fact that she even knew the exact minute. “You were running for the ball, and you went to header it, but that big defender from the other team was going for it too and their head hit yours. Then, well, you just… fell to the ground.”
“Oh,” you said quietly. “Was the other player okay?”
“She was bleeding a bit, a cut on their head, but she was fine other than that.”
“That’s good. I’m… sorry,” you told her, and she looked confused.
“Sorry for what?” 
“For not paying more attention. I should have seen the other player-” you started, and she cut you off with a vehement shake of her head.
“Absolutely not, y/n, don’t apologise. You didn’t do anything wrong, okay?” she said.
You nodded, still feeling somewhat guilty, but too tired to argue. Leah chuckled as you let out a big yawn. “Bed?” she asked. “For you, I mean. I’ll sleep on the sofa.”
“What? Don’t be silly,” you told her, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach. “There’s plenty of space in my bed.”
“Okay,” she smiled. “Right then, sleepy head. Did the doctor say anything about sleeping, or anything we should watch out for?”
“Um, just that it’s important that I rest a lot, I think,” you frowned, suddenly not sure. “I don’t really remember. Oh, I think she gave me some paper with information on it.”
You found the info sheet in your bag and showed it to Leah, who read through it quickly, nodding. “Well, let’s get you to bed.”
It wasn’t the first time you and the captain had shared a bed. After all, the team was like a family, people sharing beds all the time when you went away or slept over at someone’s house. Still, if you weren’t so tired, you probably would have been more nervous about the idea of sleeping so close to Leah, who you’d been harbouring a crush on for a while now. As it was, you fell asleep fairly quickly, exhausted from the day’s excitement. Leah however, still worried about you, laid awake for a while, thoughts racing. She listened to your slow, steady breathing as she scrolled on her phone, first googling ‘recovery from concussion’ and ‘what to do when someone has a concussion’, despite the fact that she knew full well what the recovery for a concussion looked like from having had one herself just a couple years before. Still, she couldn’t stop thinking about you.
“Lee?” you groaned, rolling over in bed as the sun shone through your curtains. “What’re you doing here? Fuck, it’s so bright. Ugh, my head.”
“Oops, yeah,” she said, quickly closing the curtains a little more and dimming the bright morning light. Smiling at you, she sat back down on an armchair in your bedroom, her laptop balanced on the armrest. “Sorry about that, I forgot. Anyway, morning sleepyhead! I slept over, remember? To keep an eye on you.”
“Oh, yeah, right” you mumbled, pressing a hand to the side of your head and wincing in pain. 
“Here,” Leah said, jumping up and picking up a glass of water and some pain medicine she’d put on the bedside table. “Take this, it should help your head.”
You nodded, taking it from her gratefully. 
“How are you feeling?” she asked.
“M’ head hurts. And I feel a bit weird. Head feels fuzzy,” you said, before sitting up. “Wait, what day is it? Do we have training? We’re going to be late!” 
You stood up quickly, grabbing onto the bedpost as your head started swimming. 
“Woah there!” she put her hands on your shoulders, gently pushing you back onto the bed. “Today is Monday, we don’t have training, remember? We played yesterday.”
“Oh, yeah,” you say, frowning. “I forgot.”
“That’s okay,” she told you. “It’s normal to be a bit confused after a concussion. My brain felt so fuzzy after mine.”
You nodded. “Yeah, fuzzy is a good word to describe it. Wait, you were here when I got home, right? How did you get in?” 
“I have a key, remember?” she said with a laugh. You’d given her a copy of your key at some point after you started hanging out more outside of training. It came in handy when you forgot your own key, which happened more often than you’d like to admit. “Speaking of, some of the girls are going to come over later, if that’s okay? Or do you want to rest a bit more?”
“Um, I think I'll rest more for now, but it’d be nice to see them later?” you asked, still feeling tired despite having slept in.
“Of course,” Leah said, smiling warmly. “Do you want me to stay? I don’t mind, but I can come back later too, if you want? Or, I mean, I don’t have to come back at all, if you’re sick of me already.” she teased, her voice confident but a hint of worry behind her voice. 
“Oh, if you have something you have to do, that’s okay, you can leave,” you told her, feeling guilty that she was spending her day off looking after you. 
“I don’t have anything to do!” she quickly said. “But, I might do some shopping? I had a look in the kitchen last night and honestly, y/n, I don’t know how you survive. All you had in was some milk, a half empty jar of pesto, and some bread.”
“Oops,” you smiled lazily, the pain medicine starting to kick in. You couldn’t remember what the doctor said it was exactly, but it was strong. “I’ll be okay whilst you go shopping, Lee. I can handle myself!”
She raised an eyebrow at you and laughed. “Yeah, okay hun. Look, I’ll be back in half an hour, an hour tops, okay?”
True to her word, 45 minutes later the front door opened. You had slowly made your way over to the sofa after she left, planning on putting some TV on but had ended up falling asleep. Your eyes opened to the sound of the key in the lock, and when Leah came through the door carrying multiple shopping bags you smiled widely.
“LeeLee!!” you beamed, rubbing your eyes sleepily. Oh yeah, the pain meds had definitely kicked in. 
“I see the pain meds have kicked in,” she said with a grin, and you gasped.
“OMG, that’s what I just said! Well, in my head. Said in my head. Ha, that rhymes,” you chuckled to yourself, before getting distracted by how many bags Leah was carrying. It was at least three. 
She laughed. “Is that right?”
You nodded seriously, sitting up. “Yep. Anyway, look at all those bags! You must have bought soo much. And you’re carrying it all! You’re so strong,” you swooned, and her cheeks had a slight pink tinge to them.
“Wow, those pain meds must be strong. They’ve turned you into a right little loopy Lou,” she said as she carried the shopping through to the kitchen.
“Loopy Lou, loopy Lou,” you repeated quietly a few times. “Huh. That’s fun to say.”
“How are you feeling?” Leah asked as she came back, sitting down next to you on the sofa.
“Good,” you said, drawing out the word. 
“Any nausea, any pain?” 
“Hmm, nope! Actually, head hurts a bit. Right here,” you said, poking the lump on the side of your head. “Ow.”
“Yeah, that’d be where you knocked heads,” she said, carefully brushing your hand away from the sizeable lump, and you blushed when her fingers touched yours.
“You’re so pretty, Lee,” you sighed, a dopey smile on your face, and Leah let out a surprised laugh. “And your hands are so nice.”
She raised an eyebrow, curious to hear what else you had to say, but not wanting to push it. “Is that right?” she asked, her voice light. 
“Yup,” you nodded, trying to make your face look more serious, but you got the feeling that it wasn’t working. “So pretty.”
“Okay, y/n,” she laughed, but the flush on her cheeks was undeniable. 
“You’re blushing!” you exclaimed gleefully, poking her dimple with an outstretched finger. “You’re so cute!”
She batted your hand away playfully, still blushing. “Yeah, yeah. You’re the cute one,” she said, not looking directly at you, like she was scared of your reaction. 
“Me?” you gasped dramatically. “You think I’m cute?” 
“Sure do,” she looked back at you and smiled, a hint of relief in her eyes. “But I’m guessing you won’t remember any of this by tomorrow.”
“Oh,” you pouted. “But I like that you think I’m cute.” 
“You do?” 
“Yeah!” you nodded emphatically, then stopped quickly, wincing at the throbbing in your head. “Oof, ouch. That was a bad idea. Can I have some more pain meds?”
“Uh, yeah, I’ll get them,” Leah said, standing up. Despite her excitement at learning that apparently you felt the same way she did, she felt a twinge of guilt, a voice in the back of her mind telling her that she was taking advantage of the state that you were in. 
“Thanks, LeeLee!” you beamed when she brought you some meds and a glass of water. “You’re the best.”
“Haha, yeah,” she said, shuffling awkwardly. “Um, look, y/n, I’m going to go, if that’s okay? Katie and some of the others will come over in a bit to check on you.”
“Oh, okay,” you said, frowning, and within a few minutes Leah had packed her things and left. 
A week later you were almost back to normal. Your head still hurt a little occasionally, and you preferred to wear sunglasses when up and about, still a little sensitive to bright lights, but the lump on the side of your head had almost disappeared. You’d spent the week recovering at home, Leah by your side for the first day and girls from the team coming by after training every day since. Leah had pulled back somewhat after that first day, and you weren’t really sure why, though you had the feeling that maybe you’d said something stupid when you were on the particularly strong pain meds you’d been given.  
You’d been instructed to come back to the training grounds so that the team doctor could give you a check up and you were looking forward to being back, even if you weren’t officially back yet. You were also hoping to see Leah. The checkup didn’t take long, the doctor declaring that you could come back and slowly start training again the next day, but to take the rest of the day off. You didn’t see any of your teammates on your way to the doctor’s office, and figured that they were outside on the training pitch, which was fair enough, but you were still a little disappointed. 
You left the doctors office and started to make your way to the car park, when the door to one of the changing rooms opened and someone came out, almost knocking into you. 
“Shit, sorr-,” they said, holding out a hand to steady you, when you both looked up at the same time. “Y/n! Hi!”
“Hey,” you said softly, looking at Leah. You still felt like things were weird, but you didn’t know why. 
“Did you just have your checkup? What did they say?” she asked, and whilst her excitement at seeing you felt genuine, you couldn’t shake the sensation that something was off. 
“Oh, that I’m looking good!” you told her, debating whether or not to say anything. “Yeah, they said I can come back tomorrow. Not, like, full steam ahead, obviously, but I can slowly start training again.”
“That’s great!” she said, and then bit her lip. “Um, I should probably get going.”
“Wait-” you started as she began to turn away, and she looked at you with wide eyes. “I, um, did something happen? Did I do something? I feel like you’re upset with me, or not upset but, I don’t know. Something seems wrong.”
“I’m not upset with you,” she frowned.
“Then what’s going on? Please, talk to me, Leah,” you asked, your stomach tying itself in knots.
She sighed. “Do you remember much from Monday?”
“Not really, I guess. I vaguely remember you being there, and then some of the girls being there, but that’s kind of it,” you said, and knocked on the side of your head, smiling wryly. “A concussion and strong-ass painkillers will do that to you.”
She let out a forced laugh and you felt your stomach churn. Oh god, had you embarrassed yourself by telling her about your crush? “Why, did something happen? Did I say something?”
“Kind of,” she said, not meeting your eyes. She thought about lying but had a feeling that you’d know if she did. “You, uh, called me pretty. A few times. And cute. And, um, said that I had nice hands.”
“Oh,” you said in a whisper, desperately fighting the urge to run and hide. “I’m sorry.”
“No, no!” she interjected. “Shit, sorry, no, that’s not what I, uh. No, please don’t apologise. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
You frowned in confusion. “What do you mean? Why have you been avoiding me then?”
“It’s my fault,” she started, and sighed again. “Look, I said some stuff back, okay? And it wasn’t professional or even just okay of me to do that, whilst you were in the state you were in.”
“What kind of stuff?”
“I, well, I might have said that you were the cute one.”
“Okay…,” you said slowly, waiting for the rest. When nothing came, you let out a laugh. “Wait, that’s it? You’ve been avoiding me because I told you I think you’re cute, and you said it back?”
She shuffled her feet, looking down. “Well, I didn’t want to be taking advantage of you!” she protested, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“I hardly think that counts as taking advantage of me,” you lightly countered, stepping closer to her, emboldened by her confession. “So, you think I’m cute, huh?”
“So, you think I’m pretty, and cute, and have nice hands, huh?” Leah retorted, the guilt and worry she had been feeling fading away.
“Sure do, Williamson,” you smirked, taking another step towards her, figuring that you’d already told her once so you might as well admit to it. Now you were only a few inches away from her, and as you glanced at her lips and back up to her eyes, she reached up a hand to cup your cheek. Leaning forward, she placed a soft kiss against your lips, and you tried very hard to ignore the way your stomach felt like it was flipping, focusing on the way her lips felt against yours, something you’d spent so long imagining. 
“You know,” she said as she broke away, smiling teasingly. “Last week you kept calling me LeeLee, not Williamson.”
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spidergrysn · 4 months
Spider!Mark origins: Mark Lee x Reader part 2
cw: slight angst??? a bit of violence.. corny dialogue!! mark is such a cute little dork .. virgin! mark LOLLLLLL, loss of virginity, soft sex, praise, spider webs🤗
wc: 7.4k
For the next few weeks, y/n and Mark spent an increasing amount of time together. Every day after school, they would head straight to y/n's house, which had basically become Mark’s superhero 101 training grounds.
The routine was established quickly: they'd drop their bags at the door and head straight to the backyard, where y/n already had a training area set up. Because y/n had been trained in combat from the minute she exited the womb, she made a pretty damn good teacher. She would make Mark spar for hours, not stopping until he couldn’t move a muscle.
Mark, despite coming a long way from when they first started, still found himself on the losing end every time, but each loss only made him want to work harder and harder. He had to prove to y/n he was worthy enough.
Outside of the tedious training. y/n helped Mark research about the spider, scouring through scientific journals, news articles, and even sub-reddit conspiracy forums to gather every scrap of information they could possibly find.
At each training session, y/n made sure to mark down and careful observe Mark’s abilities. She noted every nuance, every change, every new detail. From there she was able to, to weigh his strengths and weaknesses, applying it to training making sure he can get out of every possible scenario.
Despite the intensity of their training, there were moments of rest. They would take breaks to snack on y/n's homemade cookies or binge stupid tiktok’s they found on each others fyps. In those moments, they could feel each other becoming more and more comfortable with one another.
As the week came to an end, y/n had happily invited Mark to join her and Haechan for a movie night. Mark, brimming with excitement, swiftly made his way out of his room, only to be intercepted by his aunt just before stepping out the door.
"Where exactly are you running off to again? You've been going out a lot lately," his aunt lightly scolded, a knowing glint in her eye.
Mark scratched his neck nervously, struggling to come up with a proper response. "Uh, I'm going to a friend's house... I mean, I've been going to a friend's house," he stumbled over his words.
His aunt eyed him curiously, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. "Uh huh, and does this friend have a name?" she inquired looking him up and down.
"Y/n—her name is y/n. We go to school together," Mark replied quickly, hoping to evade further interrogation from his nosy auntie.
"A GIRL! Oh my god, my little Minhyung is growing up!" his aunt exclaimed, her excitement evident as she squeezed his cheeks affectionately. "Wait, why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend, Minhyung?" she added, playfully scolding him and insisting that he invite y/n over for dinner.
Mark sighed, patiently explaining to his aunt that y/n was just a friend who happened to be a girl, and that they weren't dating. His aunt chuckled knowingly, giving him a knowing look before shooing him out the door.
"Oh, and Honey, one more thing," his aunt called after him as he turned to leave.
Mark paused, turning back to face her. "Use protection!" she shouted, earning a groan from Mark as he dashed off, his aunt's laughter echoing behind him as she closed the door.
Texting back and forth, Mark impatiently waits outside, his fingers tapping anxiously on his phone screen as he texts y/n.
mark 🕷️: yo I'm right outside & it's cold,so please open the door.
y/n 🎧 : yo who is this????
mark 🕷️: ihy sm.
Finally, the door swings open, revealing y/n standing there with a warm smile. Mark, bundled up in a hoodie and baggy pants against the cold, returns her smile as he steps inside quickly trying to escape the cold air.
"Sup, Mark," Haechan greets, rising from the couch to dap Mark up before they settle on to the couch together. Y/n smiles at them both before heading to the kitchen to whip up some popcorn for their movie night. She pops the buttery goodness in her mouth as she rejoins them on the couch, sandwiching herself between Haechan and Mark.
As the movie begins to play, the trio immediately focus on the screen, their laughter and mid-movie talking filling the room. They transition from loud conversations to moments of silence, absorbed in the film's emotional rollercoaster. At one point, tears threaten to spill from Haechan and Mark’s eyes as y/n giggles at their dramatics.
Before the movie could even end, both Haechan and Mark leaned against each other softly snoring dead asleep. Chuckling softly at the sight, y/n reaches for her phone, thinking this is the perfect time for a funny candid picture to embarrass the boys with later. However, before she can even open the camera app, Mark stirs awake, disrupting her mischief with a sleepy smile.
"Uhh, y/n, what are you doing?" Mark questions, slightly startling the girl.
"Uhhh, shit, oh, nothing, I was just making sure you didn’t choke on my brother's drool the way you guys were sleeping," y/n retorts quickly, causing Mark to laugh embarrassedly and wipe his mouth just in case.
She laughs at his reaction before poking Mark on his cheek.
"Hey, Mark, I have a surprise for you," y/n says, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. Mark perks up at this, his curiosity piqued, as y/n grabs his arm and leads him to her backyard.
She urges him to close his eyes as she opens the back door, taking his hand and guiding him outside. When he uncovers his eyes, Mark finds a big paper bag covered in spider stickers and cute little spiderwebs. "TA-DA," y/n announces proudly as she signals for Mark to uncover his eyes.
Mark chuckles at the sight of the decorated paper bag. "Oh, dope, you got me a decorated paper bag. I've always wanted this," he jokes, but y/n urges him to open the bag.
Mark grabs the bag, raising an eyebrow at its weight. He carefully removes the tissue paper and discovers a red and blue skin-tight suit with a dark black spider emblem on it. He notices that the suit even has a hoodie attached, reminding him of the day he saved y/n in the alley while wearing a hoodie himself.
He then pulls out a matching mask and notices a rectangular box in the bag. Curious, he opens it and finds a cool technological device that looks like it should go on his wrists. "It’s for your webs. It’ll help you aim them better and make them stronger," y/n explains, smiling at her friend's reaction.
Before y/n can say another word, Mark embraces her tightly, expressing his gratitude. "Thank you so much, y/n. Seriously, this is so fucking awesome. When did you even have the time to do this? It's just... wow?!"
Y/n laughs with him, enjoying his excitement. "You wanna try it on and test these bad boys out?" she suggests, raising an eyebrow daringly.
"HELL YEAH," Mark responds enthusiastically, scrambling to the bathroom to try on his new gifts.
Mark can’t help but admire himself in the mirror. He also couldn’t help but laugh, at the fact that his cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. This was easily the best gift he’s ever gotten. The fabric hugged his frame perfectly, and he can't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through him. He genuinely felt like a real deal superhero.
"OKAY, princess, quit checking yourself out in the bathroom and come out. We've got some brainstorming to do," y/n calls out, knocking on the door.
Mark fumbles with the door, a bit embarrassed at the fact that he had been staring at himself for so long. "Sorry, you were taking forever. I was almost gonna break the do--" y/n starts before her gaze trails over Mark's figure. "Whew, that fits nicely in all the right places... Turn around real quick, Mark."
Mark hesitantly complies, turning around as instructed. "Yeah, your butt looks great. Any villain would be intimidated by that," y/n jokes, causing Mark to giggle slightly, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"So let’s get down to business... You have the skills, you have the suit, and all you need now is a superhero name," y/n declares, beaming at Mark.
"Now, I've compiled a list of super awesome amazing brilliant names I've come up with, or I've found in articles from your recent crime-fighting, and by articles I mean tweets. Now let’s pick one out," y/n continues, excitedly.
"Spider-boy," y/n suggests.
"I'm a grown-ass man. Why would I go by that?" Mark responds.
"Okay... What about Arachne Man?" y/n proposes.
"Hell no," Mark replies.
"Uhhh, Super Spider 3000?"
"What's with the 3,000, y/n?" Mark questions.
"I don't know, I thought it sounded kinda cool." y/n shrugs.
“The Weaver?”
"That makes me sound like an old lady in a knitting club," Mark protests, running his hand through his hair in frustration.
"Okay... How about Your Amazing Friendly Neighbor Spider-Man?" y/n suggests, sounding a bit exasperated.
Mark considers the name for a moment, running it over in his mind. "You know what, y/n, that's not half bad... Just a bit long, I will say."
"Jesus Christ, you motherfucking idiots, why not just Spider-Man?" Haechan interjects, finally chiming in from his spot on the couch.
"That's probably the smartest thing you've ever uttered," y/n teases her brother before turning back to Mark. "So, what do you think?"
"Spider-Man... I like it," Mark responds with a grin as y/n yelps out a big YES!
"Testing 123... 321... Amazing Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, can you hear me over?" y/n's voice crackles over the intercom built into Mark's hood.
"I heard you after the testing... Also, aren't we shortening the name?" Mark questions as he gracefully swings from building to building.
"Sorry, it's just so catchy! Just testing to make sure you can hear me all good over the intercom," y/n responds from her laptop in her room.
"Well, I can," Mark confirms.
"Okay, good. I'm gonna power up the camera feed on your suit so I can navigate you the right way," y/n explains.
"THERE'S A CAMERA ON HERE?!" Mark exclaims, amazed.
"Yup! There's one built into the spider on your suit, and then there are a couple on your mask, so whatever you see, I can see," y/n confirms.
"Jesus Christ, this is giving me motion sickness. Do you ever get sick swinging from those damn webs?" y/n asks, hearing mark chuckle in her intercom.
"No, I'll have to take you for a ride one day," Mark responds, almost confidently, before adding with a stammered, "if you want."
"I'll have to take you up for that one day, Spider-Boy... For now, let's focus on getting you out of this mission alive," y/n finishes.
"ALIVE?! I COULD DIE?!" Mark's voice rises in panic.
"Mhmm, there's like a 50% chance... But you'll be okay. NOW MARK, A SHARP LEFT!" y/n directs, a bit muffled.
"Are you eating chips right now?!" Mark questions, swinging to the left.
"Uhh—nooo," y/n denies, crunching on another chip before changing the subject.
"Okay, so here's the rundown: BABY'S FIRST DRUG BUST," y/n announces.
"You say this like you've done one before," Mark retorts, but y/n goes silent for a moment before giggling.
"ANYWAYS, back to the subject at hand. In exactly 10 minutes, you're gonna arrive in Hell's Kitchen," y/n explains.
"That sounds like fun," Mark says sarcastically before y/n shushes him.
"There's some big meeting happening in one of the buildings I'm navigating you to. Supposedly, it's some kind of drug trafficking scheme run by Wilson Fisk. I'm sure you know who that is, right...?" y/n prompts.
"Kingpin?" Mark responds.
"Yes, him! The meeting is gonna be all sorts of big drug lord mafia guy wannabes. Your job is to interfere with the truck shipments. I don't know exactly how yet, but you have to stop it from going anywhere," y/n instructs.
"Okay, got it... Hell's Kitchen, beat some bad guys, and stop drugs. Okay, makes enough sense," Mark acknowledges.
"AHT! This is supposed to be a stealth mission, Mark. Whatever you do, DO NOT interfere with the meeting. They don't need to know you're there. Just stop the truckloads. The only people you should be interfering with are the drivers," y/n emphasizes.
"Got it," Mark says hesitantly, listening.
“Okay, Mark, swing right, and there should be a big building leading down that alley," y/n directs.
Mark gives a sound of acknowledgment before landing on top of a large building. He carefully surveys the area, making sure he can't see anyone.
"Okay, Mark, this may be a bit risky, but see if you can get in through a vent and record audio of everything going down," y/n suggests.
"Okay," Mark whispers, finding a vent that he barely fits inside.
"Okay, so what you're gonna do is carefully press the spider that's on your chest," y/n instructs.
Mark follows her guidance, watching as a tiny spider emerges from the big spider print on his chest, crawling down the vent.
“What the hell?!” Mark exclaims in awe.
“Oh yes, that’s a mini spider camera mic thingy me and Haechan worked really hard to develop for you,” y/n says casually. “It should be able to record everything going on. When the meeting is over, press the spider on your chest again, and it’ll come back. For now, just sit tight until it’s over.”
Mark hums in agreement, half wondering about what’s going on in the meeting and half wondering about what other surprises lay in his suit.
Y/n pulls Mark out of his thoughts, her voice coming in sternly. “Okay, I’m loading everything recording onto my computer. Look to see if they’re moving yet.” Mark gives a quick yes and looks through the shielded vents, observing a bunch of suited men carefully. “I think they’re wrapping it up,” Mark says.
“Gotcha, I’m gonna give you some instructions on how to leave. You should end up on top of the building facing the loading truck,” y/n directs.
Mark begins to move before he sharply pauses when he hears the room below him suddenly go silent. An alarm sounds, and the men below start talking about a "rat."
“Uhhh, y/n... I think they might have heard me,” Mark reports.
“Aht, okay... Keep following the exit instructions. I’m gonna get you out of here. Return back here immediately,” y/n says sternly as she types some commands on the computer. “But the mission?” Mark protests before y/n cuts him off, insisting once again to come back immediately.
Mark safely exits the vent, standing on the building, watching the few trucks he sees as he observes some men loading them up. He takes a deep breath before muttering a sorry and diving down there.
“Mark, you fucking idiot,” y/n says, screaming over the intercom before it goes silent on both sides.
Y/n screams, shutting her laptop with a snap, and jumps off her bed. She quickly paces to Haechan’s room, whisking the door open.
“Woah, woah, I could’ve been naked or, better yet, jacking off. What happened to knocking?” Haechan yells.
“Shut up and grab your car keys. Something went wrong with the plan, and now Mark is going to get himself killed. We need to do something about it,” y/n says quickly as Haechan groans, heading to the garage to get his car out. Y/n rushes to the garage, typing a code into a safe before taking a briefcase out and hopping into Haechan’s sleek black sports car.
"Told you he wasn’t ready, and now you’re gonna get your only friend killed," Haechan says, whistling. "Shut the fuck up and drive," y/n says, clearly annoyed.
"Sup, guys! Did I crash the drug dealing party, or is there still room for one more?" Mark says, trying not to show how nervous he was to the group of crooks.
"Who the hell are you, tough guy?" some guy says, sizing Mark up before spitting on the ground next to him.
Mark slowly backs up before accidentally tripping over his own foot. "Fuck," he exclaims, falling down as he sees the men crowd around him, getting ready to attack. Mark quickly shoots a web, hitting one guy in the face before swiftly jumping up and punching someone to his left.
"Hey, guys, it’s not nice to jump people! Ten versus one, now that’s unfair," Mark says, swiftly spraying his webs, sticking two bad guys together as they hit the ground with a thump. Before Mark could take a break, he hears gunshots and quickly jumps up, sticking to a wall to avoid it before carefully shooting out his webs, taking the gun from one of the bad guys.
"COME ONNN! What happened to hand-to-hand combat? You guys are killing me here," Mark says, jumping down in front of another. He winds his fist back, getting ready to punch the guy in the face before he gets a tingling sensation and turns around to see a giant man towering over him.
"Hey, Big Guy, let’s take it easy now," Mark says as the man gruffly laughs at him.
"I knew there was some annoying insect ruining my plans," the man says in a deep voice, closing in on the boy.
"Ah, well, actually, spiders aren’t insects," Mark says matter-of-factly, getting ready to shoot his webs before he’s thrown roughly into a wall, groaning in pain at the impact. “I’ve heard about you," the man says, briskly leaning over him.
Mark coughs; he swears he can taste metal in his mouth before he’s cut off again, getting punched. "Some low little sorry excuse of a hero, stopping petty crime, tcht," Kingpin says, his voice laced with venom.
"Well, now is where you get crushed, spider-boy," Kingpin says, raising his fist again before Mark quickly musters his strength to get up, dodging the attack and landing a swift, hard punch in his opponent's face.
Fisk barely flies back but chuckles, wiping where Mark had hit him. "Not bad," he exclaims, getting ready to retaliate.
"TURN HERE!" y/n's urgent command pierced the air as Haechan slammed the brakes, the tires screeching in protest. "If I don’t come back in 15 minutes tops, I want you to know that one time I let Jaemin take your car to a party, and that's why the paint looks slightly different on one side. He made me promise not to tell you," y/n confessed in a rush, while Haechan muttered something along the lines of hoping she wouldn't return.
Swiftly, y/n snatched the case, darting into an alley to change into the sleek, black attire inside the case . A mask obscured everything but her eyes as she armed herself with two lengthy black electrical escrima sticks. Emerging from the alley with a determined stride, she set out to locate Mark.
Breathless, y/n stealthily approached Mark's location. Her heart caught in her throat as she witnessed most of Kingpin's henchmen strewn unconscious, only to find Mark, weakened and bleeding, slumped against the wall as Kingpin pummeled him relentlessly.
"Fucking dumbass" y/n muttered, taking a deep breath before springing into action with catlike agility. "Hope there's room for one more," she exclaimed, aiming to divert Kingpin's attention from his assault on Mark.
Kingpin's laughter echoed as he turned his attention to the smaller figure before him. "This is who came to save you, Spider-boy? Oh dear, you're both as good as dead," he taunted.
Launching himself at y/n, Kingpin found himself thwarted by her flawless agility. She retaliated swiftly, delivering a jolt of electricity with her weapon, causing Kingpin to recoil in agony. Annoyed, he lunged again, only to be met with another swift dodge, as y/n striked him somewhere solidifying the fact he probably wont be having any kids anytime soon. He crumbles in pain as y/n eyes quickly meets Mark’s body.
Rushing to Mark's side, y/n hoisted him up, supporting his weight as they fled, knowing Kingpin would soon recover. They dashed from the alley, Mark's pained groans echoing through the street. Pressing an intercom in her ear, y/n reached out to Haechan for assistance.
“Earth to Haechan, are you there?" she pleaded desperately.
"Dammit, you're alive," Haechan's voice crackled through the earpiece.
"Not the time for jokes; Mark is badly hurt. We need to get him back home ASAP. Can you track my location? He's weighing me down, and at this rate, I don't think we'll make it back in one piece," y/n stammers in a rush.
"I got you. I'll be there in 5 minutes tops," Haechan assured, the engine revving to life.
While supporting Mark, y/n raced as fast as she could, her senses on high alert to evade any pursuers. "Dammit, Mark," she muttered, observing his agonized state.
“Hurry, get in!" Haechan's urgent voice echoed as a group of men closed in on them. Swiftly, y/n ushered Mark into the back seat, taking her place beside Haechan, urging him to step on it.
Haechan navigated the streets with precision, maneuvering crazily to shake off their pursuers. Finally, they arrived home, the garage offering a brief break from the chaos outside.
Together they carried Mark to the living room, laying him gently on the floor, both sighing at his injuries.
“Go get the first aid kit," y/n commanded, her voice slightly hoarse, as she swiftly began to strip away Mark's bloodied clothing to assess his injuries. Haechan darts off, returning moments later with the first aid kit clutched tightly in his grasp.
Y/n sighs as she tended to Mark's wounds. His eyelids fluttered, struggling to remain open as waves of drowsiness washed over him.
"He's gonna have a giant headache when he wakes up," Haechan remarked, a note of concern lacing his words. Y/n shot him a wry look, her eyes brimming with exhaustion and tears as she finished up his bandages. "Just take him to one of the guest rooms so he can rest," she instructed, her tone firm yet full of concern for her friend.
Haechan nods in understanding, carefully lifting Mark's limp form into his arms. With a gentle touch, he cradled his friend, carrying him away to a guest room where he could recuperate in peace. As they disappeared from view, y/n exhaled a weary sigh, her mind racing with thoughts of the night's events, her hands cover her face as she can only think of what could have happened to Mark.
When Mark finally awoke, he was greeted by a pounding headache, his consciousness slowly emerging from the depths of hell. Groaning softly, he blinked, attempting to figure out where he was. The memories of the brutal encounter with Kingpin's henchmen flooded back, each blow replaying in his mind and it was like he could feel the pain all over again.
Struggling to push past the throbbing pain, Mark sat up abruptly, his gaze scanning the room in confusion. His eyes fell upon a note perched on the bedside table, it urging him to meet y/n into the backyard. He takes a deep breath, rising from the bed, as his legs unsteady beneath him make his way to the backyard.
As he stepped into the familiar place, he spotted y/n seated on a weathered bench, her silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight. She turned her head, sensing his presence, and offered a gentle smile as he carefully approached, slightly limping in pain.
“Hey," he murmured, his voice hoarse from sleeping as he joined her on the bench. Before he could utter another word, y/n's hand collided with his cheek in a resounding slap, leaving a bright red mark on his left side. Mark winced, his gaze dropping as he slightly whines.
"I deserved that," he admitted, his tone apologetic.
y/n's expression softened, though traces of anger flickered in her eyes. "You're an idiot, you know that," she half-yelled , her voice carrying a mixture of frustration and concern. "If I say come back, you come back immediately. You could've died out there."
Mark's shoulders sagged, his gaze fixed on the ground. "I know... I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to prove that I could do it, that all of your training was paying off," he admitted, a sense of disappointment filled the air. y/n looks at the boy softly before shaking her head attempting to break the tension
“It is paying off. From what was left of Kingpin's men, you did pretty great, Spider-Man," she reassured, a faint smile playing on her lips.
Mark nodded, appreciative as his eyes met her gaze. They both sit in silence, a distant rumble of thunder echoed through the night sky, signaling the onset of rain. Y/n tilted her head back, gazing as the sky, a smile gracing her lips as droplets danced upon her skin.
Mark watched her, captivated by the ethereal beauty of the made y/n’s h/c hair stick to her forehead which somehow, framed her features beautifully in the cool rain. Mark leans in closer, his heart pounding in his chest. As he breaks the comfortable silence.
"Your eyes are pretty," he murmured softly, his breath mingling with hers in the cool night air.
“and your eye is very swollen.”
y/n's playful retort was met with a soft smile, her fingers brushing against his swollen eye and then equally swollen lip with a tender touch.
"Promise me you won't do something dumb like this again?" y/n demands, her voice slightly shaking.
Mark shook his head gently, a tender smile playing on his lips as he leaned in to plant a soft kiss on the girl's plush lips. "I can't promise I won't do anything dumb," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "but I promise I'll always bounce right back."
With that he embraced her in his warm arms as, they watched the gentle patter of raindrops.
It had been nearly a week since y/n last saw Mark. His absence from school and the silence of his phone left her restless, her mind couldn’t help but overthink everything that had gone down last week.
"What if my breath stank, and that's why he's avoiding me?" she exclaimed, as she vented to her brother, who was engrossed in a video game, only half-listening to her concerns.
"It probably did, like it does right now," Haechan quipped, a smirk playing on his lips as y/n rose to switch off his playstation , her irritation reaching its peak. "Why did you do that? I was about to level up!" Haechan protested, his pleas falling on deaf ears as y/n stood her ground.
"Because you were being mean," she retorted, hands firmly planted on her hips, her frustration bubbling over. "Why don't you have any friends to annoy with this mess?" Haechan grumbled, shooting his sister a disgruntled glare.
"Because people are meaner," y/n sighed, sinking onto the couch beside her brother. "What if he's dead or got kidnapped, and I'm just overreacting?" she mused aloud.
"Well, at least if he's dead, I don't have to hear you talk about this again," Haechan retorts, earning himself a punch from his sister before she stormed off to her room, frustration etched into every line of her face. Seated before her makeup desk, y/n resolved that if Mark was still alive, she'd knock some sense into him.
Adjusting her dress and pulling out an annoying wedgie, y/n stood before the doorway of a quaint, beautiful house, her heart pounding in her chest as she rang the doorbell.
The door swung open, revealing a middle-aged woman whose warm smile instantly eased y/n's nerves. "Hello, dear," the woman greeted, her eyes twinkling with kindness as she greeted the girl.
She smiles again before saying, "give me a sec." With a wink, as she vanished behind the door. From behind the closed door, y/n could hear the muffled voices very clearly, giggling at what was being said.
"Benji, you would not believe it! Mark has brought a girl home, and she's beautiful at that," the woman exclaimed.
When the door finally opened, the older lady reappeared, this time accompanied by a man whose almost warmer smile put her even more at ease. "And who might you be, young lady?" he asks, friendly as ever.
Returning the smile, the girl nodded before speaking, her voice cheerful than usual and very respectful. "Hi! I'm y/n. I've heard so many nice things about you, Mr. and Mrs. Park," she said, extending her hand for a handshake. To her surprise, Mrs. Park enveloped her in a warm hug, squeezing the girl tightly.
"You have to excuse Jennie; she's a hugger, and Mark doesn't have many friends over, let alone girls, so it's a big deal," the older man chuckled, breaking the moment with laughter before ushering her inside.
As she settled into a seat, Mrs. Park's went on and on not knowing in advance about y/n's visit, promising to bake a cake for her next time. y/n simply thanked her profusely, a genuine smile not leaving her face.
"Just sit tight, dear. Mark will be home soon. You know how he is, always ripping and running," Mrs. Park reassured her. As y/n nods in agreement.
y/n's anticipation peaked as she heard the door creak open, and Mark's aunt rushed to greet him. "Minhyung! You have a visitor here. Next time, give me a heads up before your girlfriend comes; I would've baked a cake," she scolded, her playful reprimand filling the room.
Caught off guard, Mark's eyes widened as they met y/n's, a flicker of surprise in his gaze. "Oh, Minhyung, hi!" y/n greeted him with an overly cheery tone, her demeanor sending a shiver down his spine for reasons he couldn't explain.
As Aunt Park suggested they retreat to Mark's room, he led y/n upstairs, his mind racing with questions. "How did you find my house?" he finally blurted out, his surprise evident.
"Why are you avoiding me, Minhyung?" y/n countered, her eyebrow arching as she studied him intently. Mark's gaze darted away, avoiding her intense eyes as he struggled to find an answer.
"I've been busy," he replied, his words sounding hollow even to his own ears as he stared at a poster behind her.
y/n sighed, frustration bubbling to the surface. "Busy? Doing what? You haven't been at school, you haven't texted me back since our fight, since we kissed—never mind," she trailed off, her voice tinged with disappointment.
Sensing her frustration, Mark joined her on the bed, his eyes fixed on the floor before meeting hers. "I just—" he began, only to be cut off by y/n's exasperated interruption.
You just what!," she snapped, her annoyance cutting through the air like a knife.
"I just... I don't want to disappoint you like I did last time. So I've been training hard and staying up all hours of the night so I can prove to you that I can take this whole superhero thing seriously, for real," he confessed feeling the most vulnerable he’s ever felt with anyone.
As y/n softened her gaze, she observes him more closely, noticing a few bruises peeking out from beneath his clothes, concealed with makeup to avoid his aunt's prying eyes.
y/n sighed, her hand reaching out to grasp his. "I'm not disappointed in you at all, Mark. I really do believe in you," she reassured him, her touch gentle as she moved to caress his face, locking eyes with him. He bit his lip, his gaze lingering on her before he leaned in, craving the softness of her lips against his. As their kiss deepened, he tasted the faint sweetness of her strawberry lip gloss, savoring it all despite the stickiness it left behind. In that moment, he felt like he could kiss her forever, losing himself in the warmth of her lips.
Breaking apart, they both gasped for breath, their eyes locked in an intense gaze, pupils dilated. Mark opened his mouth to speak, his voice barely above a whisper. "You know, you were my first kiss," he confessed, his gaze dropping to the floor. "To be honest, y/n, you're my first real friend too," he admitted
"You're so funny, snarky, and beautiful, and I don't want to disappoint you or mess anything up," he continued, his emotions threatening to overwhelm him.
"For the first time since my parents died and i had to live with my aunt and uncle , since l've moved from place to place, for once, I feel like I belong, and I have someone who cares about me, and that's you," he confessed, his voice cracking with emotion. y/n reached out to comfort him, gently stroking his head as he let his tears fall.
They sat together in a comfortable silence, finding comfort in each other's embrace until Auntie Park's voice shattered the sentimental moment. "Y/N, Mark, dinner is ready!" she called out, barging into the room with a cheerful smile, only to pause as she caught sight of them holding each other.
"Auntie," Mark groaned, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he urged her for privacy. With a playful giggle, Auntie Park retreated, reminding them to be safe before disappearing, leaving Y/n and Mark to exchange amused glances.
With a shared chuckle, they eventually straightened themselves up, and made their way to downstairs for dinner.
"Thank you so much for dinner, Mrs. Park," y/n said, enveloping the older lady in a warm hug as she and Mark stood outside the doorway.
"Anytime, my dear. You're welcome anytime," Mrs. Park replied, her gaze shifting to her nephew. "Minhyung, make sure she gets home safe," she instructed, her concern evident in her tone. Mark nodded , offering a quick "Yes, ma'am" before hugging his aunt.
As they walked side by side to y/n’s house, they go back and forth catching each other up on their week. When they finally reached her door, y/n punched in the security code, only to find her brother not there.
"Hey, Mark, do you wanna maybe watch a movie? Haechan isn't here, so..." y/n trailed off, a mischievous glint in her eye as she heads towards her bedroom. Mark's smile widened at the invitation, and he followed her inside without hesitation.
The night started out innocently enough for y/n and Mark as they lounged on y/n’s bed. It was nothing out of the ordinary; they had done this dozens of times at this point, after every hangout or training session. But this time, it felt different.
As the movie played on, y/n couldn't help but sneak sidelong glances at her friend. She didn’t even know what they were; they had kissed twice but never taken it further than that. Lost in thought, she couldn’t help but gaze at Mark, eyeing his chiseled features and toned physique in his white tank top and unbuttoned polo. For some reason, it made her heart flutter, and her thoughts started drifting to things she knew would never happen.
But GOD she wanted Mark badly. She wanted to rip his clothes off and fuck the nerd out of him. Now, this wasn't the first time she had such thoughts.
A few fantasies had slipped into her mind here and there, especially after a sweaty training session or even after he kissed her that first time. All she could think about was him.
Now, y/n wasn't a virgin (thanks to Jeno at summer camp a few years back), but it had been quite some time, and even then, she still lacked experience. And then there was Mark. She knew for a fact that this man was a virgin, mostly because y/n just so happened to be his first kiss.
y/n sighed quietly , feeling as though the air had thickened with tension, but she waved it off as her hormones being crazy.
“ah what are you thinking about?”
y/n snaps back to reality hearing mark’s voice question her.
"Ah, nothing," y/n stammered, her face heating up. Mark looked her up and down before slightly laughing. For some reason, his laugh sounded extra beautiful today, pulling at y/n's heartstrings. "If it's nothing, why are your cheeks turning pink?" Mark questioned, tilting his head.
y/n sighed again, unable to resist any longer. She leaned in and captured his lips in a heat-searing kiss. It started off a bit slow, each of them carefully kissing one another, trying to find a steady pace.
But as soon as y/n heard a small whine from Mark, the kissing quickly deepened, hands began to roam over one another.
y/n squeezed Mark's arms, feeling his muscles, as Mark gently put his hand on y/n’s back, softly rubbing it. "Do you wanna take this off?" Mark asked between kisses, gesturing to y/n's shirt, to which she nodded, letting him take it off.
"Wow, you're so gorgeous," Mark exclaimed, looking at her toned body, kissing her body, causing shivers to go up her spine as she urged him to take his shirt off. Mark obliged, pulling it off swiftly in one motion, showing off his sculpted body. "Whew, I really got you right, huh?" the girl giggled, sliding into Mark's lap as he simply hummed, going back into kiss her before she broke apart, before he could protest.
She began to trail kisses down his neck and across his chiseled torso. Mark groaned with pure pleasure; he could feel his cock twitching in his pants as his body overheated with need. He'd never felt like this before, and he couldn't get enough of it. As if by instinct, his superhuman strength took over, and he flipped y/n swiftly, pinning her down on her soft mattress, causing a small yelp to leave her mouth.
y/n's eyes widened at the surprising gesture. Mark's eyes widened as well as he went to apologize for being too rough before y/n cut him off, saying she liked it, getting another well-earned moan out of Mark. He couldn't help but pause again to just look at her beauty and melt in it.
"You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen," he said, sighing as he watched her take off her bra.
She smiled, throwing her bra across the room before pulling his face down to meet hers.
"Quit talking and show me," she said, giggling, getting a "Yes, ma'am" from Mark as he began to trail kisses all over her body, eliciting so many beautiful noises he could get lost in.
He kissed carefully between her thighs before his fingers trailed her clothed pussy. He groaned at the wetness from her panties as she moaned at the light touch of his fingers.
"Can I take these off?" Mark asked, dazed.
"Mhmm," Y/N eagerly agreed as she watched Mark loop his fingers in her panties before taking them off.
"Fuckkkk. I need to taste you," Mark groaned as he gazed at her cunt, all sticky and wet, just waiting for him.
y/n let out a measly please before Mark opened her legs and his mouth latched onto her cunt. Mark's tongue moved fast and then slow, a bit confused on what to do but somehow still enjoying himself as he got lost in the taste.
y/n slightly giggled, looking down at him before bucking her hips, urging Mark to follow the same pace with his tongue.
And that's all Mark needed before y/n was rhythmically riding his tongue, both of their minds lost in pleasure, as y/n went down to fist Mark's hair.
"Aa-h, tastes sooo good," he moaned in between eating out her cunt. He looked up with the biggest puppy eyes, his chin wet before tilting his head and asking y/n if he's doing "good." Something about Mark being in between her legs, eyes all big and chin all wet, practically begging for praise only made y/n get wetter.
"Mhmm, doing so good, Markie, so good baby," y/n stammered as Mark moaned at the nickname, as he went a bit faster, soaking up all her juices on his tongue.
"M-Mark, slow down, l'm gonna-" y/n huffed out, trying to pull away from him as he held her down, going a bit faster.
He moaned against her cunt, making her head spin and legs shake from pleasure.
He pinned her thighs down, lapping her pussy up a few more times before he felt her thighs clench around him, her voice gets higher and he felt even more wetness on his face as he lapped up her cum. He moaned at the taste as y/n backed up, overstimulated from pleasure.
"Mark, ah, enough, uhh," y/n moaned as the boy quickly sat up, giving the girl a sorry as she giggled & trying to catch her breath.
She sat up on the bed, looking at him with such adoration. "You did such a good job, thank you," she said, smiling.
"Ah, you taste really good, I could do it for hours," Mark said shamelessly as y/n eyed his pants.
"Do you want me to help you too?" y/n asked, staring at Mark's hard cock in his pants.
Mark nodded before opening his mouth."I want to be in you... if that's okay," he said sheepishly, like he didn't just eat her pussy like he hasn't eaten in years. y/n giggled before laying on the bed, gesturing for Mark to take off his pants.
He groaned, pulling them down, and y/n almost passed out as his cock sprung from his underwear.
"What the fuck Mark, you're huge," y/n groaned, a bit shocked.
"Yeah, I think it had something to do with the spider bite," Mark playfully joked before hovering on top of Y/N.
"I don't have a condom," Mark said quickly, getting ready to get off the bed before Y/N stopped him.
"No worries, I'm on birth control," Y/N said, making Mark grin widely.
"Ah, okay-uh, one more thing," Mark quickly added, not wanting to ruin the moment anymore.
"Mhmm?"y/n asked, curious.
"I just really like you, and we spend so much time together, and we've kissed, and now we are doing this, but I just... please be my girlfriend," Mark said sincerely, looking into the girl's eyes.
y/n smiled, giggling before saying a yes.
"Okay, yes, but ask me again when your dick isn't out, Mr. Romantic," y/n said, making Mark warm up a bit at his sudden outburst.
"Now come here, Spider-boy, I need you," and with carnal speed, Mark was on top of y/n trailing kisses down her neck again, feverishly kissing and bitting her lips trying to get those sweet noises out he lips again.
"Can I please?" Mark moaned as y/n nodded, signaling him to put it in. Mark groaned one last time, getting a good look at the beautiful woman under him before slowly sliding the tip in her even wetter cunt, causing a moan from both of them.
"Fuckkkkkk, you feel so good and warm and fuckk, oh my god, I feel so wow," Mark blubbered in pleasure as he pushed in deeper.
"Oh my god, y/n, you're clenching so fucking tight around my cock, you're so fucking wet I can't," Mark said mindlessly as y/n groaned at the words coming out of his mouth. Mark started to go slowly, rhythmically, as they both moaned in unison at how good it felt.
"Fuck, baby, you're so pretty and tight," Mark threw his head back, speeding up his hips, not stopping anytime soon.
"Mm, Markie, so big... I'm so full," y/n stuttered as Mark went even faster at the praise.
"Mhmm, yeah, baby, it's good?" Mark moaned out softly, caressing y/n's face with his hand.
"So-so good,"y/n whimpered, eyes rolled back in pleasure.
Mark took one more good look at y/n before his hips stuttered, he came into y/n's warm cunt, his mouth spewing out loud "fucks" and "baby" as he slowly fell on top of y/n, lost in bliss.
y/n caught her breath before laughing a bit, holding the boy tight in her arms.
"You did so good, Markie, I'm proud of you," she said quietly into his ear as the boy gave her a quiet "thank you."
They both lay there for a while in each other's arms, comfortable.
"Hey, y/n?"
"Mm, yes, Markie?"
"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Mark asked again, giggling.
"Of course I do. Now let's go get cleaned up; you can stay the night if you want," y/n said, a smile hinting in her voice.
Mark got up, helping y/n off the bed as he carefully guided her to the bathroom, hand in hand with stupid smiles on both of their faces.
did u guys see mark’s new accc and his posts??????! SPIDER MARK IS ALIVE AND WELL AHHH😭😭😭😭😭😭🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️💔💔💔 also i turned 20 LOL
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Hi! so according to my close friend who’s also my beta reader, i apparently have amazing descriptions when it comes to character movement and dialogue but what i lack is describing my surroundings, and according to her it makes her only able to imagine the characters ‘in a void’. how do i make my writing more immersive without constantly breaking character action to describe the surroundings (which seems to be all that i can do to avoid that effect)?
i know i’m probably struggling with this because i myself am the author so i can imagine my character surroundings perfectly fine, so how can i still spot and avoid this in the future?
Incorporating Surroundings Into Description
There are three tricks you can use to help you incorporate your character's surroundings into the scene:
1 - Incorporate description of the setting into the beginning of the scene to set the stage for where everything is about to unfold. For example:
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, 2nd paragraph of chapter three, after Katniss describes being led into the Justice Building:
Once inside, I'm conducted to a room and left alone. It's the richest place I've ever been in, with thick, deep carpets and a velvet couch and chairs...
Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon, beginning of scene two, chapter five:
The laird received me in a room at the top of a flight of stone steps. It was a tower room, round, and rich with paintings and tapestries hung against the sloping walls...
2 - Have the characters interact with the environment throughout the scene. For example, your character could:
-- sit on furniture, peek inside a door, or look out a window -- notice decor items like photographs or paintings -- touch or fidget with an object, like skipping a rock on a lake
3 - Have the environment interact with your character throughout the scene:
-- change in weather or lighting and its effect on environment -- sounds or smells related to the environment -- movement or action related to the environment
So, using all three of these techniques... let's say this is a couple paragraphs in, after some exposition:
Andrea stepped onto the patio and marveled at the yard setup. Twenty-four chairs--twelve on each side of a white-carpeted aisle--were positioned in an arch facing the three-part trellis. Bright pink and deep purple flowers stood out against the white trellis, their green leafy tendrils and delicate petals draped daintily over the top of the arch. White fairy lights twinkled from the trellis and surrounding trees, and even in the golden sunlight of late afternoon, the effect was magical. At sunset, it would be breathtaking.
While the bridal party finished their own preparations, Andrea went to the bedroom where her child was putting on their wedding outfit. Outside, the low din of voices was beginning to build as the string quartet played soft music.
While Zen's best friend fussed with their hair, Andrea peeked outside to catch a glimpse of the spouse-to-be. They had chosen to wear a tuxedo with a short black skirt, and although they looked nervous, their eyes kept flickering to the house, and Andrea smiled, knowing their eyes would light up when they saw Zen in their amazing outfit.
So... this scene is going to be a wedding, and we set the stage early by describing the setup of the backyard wedding. In the next paragraph, we have the environment interact with our character by creating sound (string quartet, din of voices) which reminds the reader about the yard setup just beyond the bedroom. Finally, in the last paragraph, we have the POV character interact with the immediate environment (the bedroom) to peek outside and make observations that again root the reader in the outside environment (the wedding setup) but also reminds the reader that the character is currently inside the house, and the wedding will be outside the house.
By using all three of these tricks, you can avoid having your character exist in a void, because the setting is setup initially and actively exists for the reader throughout the scene.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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sssigil · 1 year
summary: you came to this party to drown your tears away with alcohol and a curly haired angel cant seem to take his off of the sad girl, you. basically love at first sight^_^
warning: use of alcohol, so so cheesy n tooth rotting
might make a part 2 tbh
Ethan Landry x reader
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You felt the crisp cold air hit your skin as you walked out the frat house. The college party you used to drown all your sorrows away with the alcohol provided long gone, you felt tipsy and tears had began to fall down to your soft cheeks slipping down your neck. Fuck you mumble softly in a broken voice sitting down on the grass outside the house.
You observed the people coming in and out the party with tears in your eyes, they all looked so happy I mean fuck its halloween, why cant u just enjoy yourself. You let out a small whine as you felt another wave of tears start pouring out your eyes. You lift your hands up from where they were laying to wipe all the new incoming tears, you knew your make up was getting ruined but you didn't care you just had to let these feelings spill until there was nothing.
Ethan noticed you, he noticed you when you first came into the party in a cute little white lace babydoll dress and your hair was in two low pigtails which were being held with white bows, you glowed under the dim lights. You look ethereal, so so beautiful. He watched every step you took he just couldn't keep his off of eyes on you, such an angel he thought to himself. but he noticed your behavior didn't match your presence, you had been drowning down the alcohol left to right that was until you ran out the house with tears in your eyes. who on earth hurt you that bad.
He was quick to follow slowly after you not wanting to seem weird or creepy, he needed to know what was wrong. It took him a while before he finally did make his way to you after watching you sit on the green grass the moon illuminating on your skin your tears shinning down your face like diamonds, he wanted to comfort you.
"hey are you okay" Ethan spoke in a soft but loud voice, he didn't want to scare you. He felt himself start to lower in front of you so he could be, or try to be, face to face. Ethan swore he heard you say something softly but you didn't budge you did not want to look at him. You kept your small hands on your face as more and more tears spilled after you heard him ask you that stupid questions. does it look like I'm okay you thought to yourself groaning before finally looking up at the boy.
You noticed the way his big brown eyes softened once he got a good look at you, some of his curls fell just perfectly on his forehead and he had the sweetest looking face you almost felt your mouth slightly agape when looking at the boy. he's so.. beautiful you felt your worry, anger and sadness leave you once your eyes met his dark doe eyes.
"how -you began- how come I've never seen you around" you said almost breathless, you felt as if air had been sucked out your lungs when staring at this new face. A face you never want to wish to forget. You tilt your head to the side just wanting to look and analyze every inch of his face, oh did his eyes just sparkle? you felt your hand lift up to his face, as if it had a mind of its own, and began to rub your thumb softly against his cheekbone.
Ethan felt starstruck as he felt your soft hand caress his cheek. Never in his life has he felt so nervous but also in euphoria with another person. He could feel his cloudy mind start to settle with the shape of your face, the way your bangs sat nicely above your thin brows. How your eyelashes were curled and was that silver glitter all over your top lid? your lips were red and glossy and a little chapped with how much you've bitten them. He could see all the flaws on your soft face all the things you'd think are ugly but in reality just perfect for him, you looked as beautiful as a renaissance painting, even more.
"I'm sorry, I'm Ethan'' he revealed still admiring you, just taking you all him. He could feel your breath hit his face softly, he just wanted to breath you in, hold you in. He could see the twinkle in your eyes shine just perfectly, he could almost hear a piano softly playing just like in the movies when the main character finally finds. the one. god he's cheesing for someone he knows nothing about someone he met just now but he will learn every single thing, every thought, every saying just to be with you.
"Hi Ethan, why does it feel like I've known you for a long time" you uttered, tilting your head to the side, but you didn't let him answer you.
"I want to get to know you" you muttered out faster than the speed of light. He nod his head not trusting himself to speak, he was too nervous. You giggled softly missing the way his eyes glazed at the sound of your laugh. Ethan heard you mumble out your name finally, he repeated your name softly to himself. He held your name on his tongue, chest blooming with nothing but warmth after finally learning your beautiful name.
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odyssean-flower · 8 months
The Winding Path of Fate Bonus Chapter - The Kingdom of Sunflowers
Pairing: Neuvillette x Female Reader Summary: There once was a realm split in two. One was the domain of the sea, and the other was a kingdom of sunflowers. Tags: Voyeurism but it's wholesome (?), fluff, one-sied Note: This is set between Chapter 7 and 8 of The Winding Path of Fate. I've been working on this for so long that I don't know if it's good or not anymore haha Note 2: If you want to be on the taglist for this fic, please make a reply to this post, send a message or send a private ask
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Have a pic of Neuvillette as some sort of byronic hero
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The small, green sprouts. They were lined up neatly in three rows. You had tried to make them as evenly spaced as you could. 
Their shiny, smooth leaves. You liked to rub them between your fingers and feel their fuzziness. The texture was pleasant to the touch. 
The white pages of your notebook. They were filled with tables and daily measurements. Just scanning your eyes over them gave you a satisfied feeling. 
Your worn pencil and ruler. They were trusty implements that had been with you for such a long time that you don’t even remember when you got them. You hoped they would continue to accompany you in the future. 
A prickle on the back of your neck. It was a bump in the train track of your thoughts. A train track you tried very hard to follow since you came out here half an hour ago.  
The prickle was not the sting of an insect or a small stray object blown against your nape by the wind.  
No, the cause was far more terrifying than both of those things.  
You turned your head to the house, looking up at the second-floor window that faced the front yard. You had never been in that room before, and for good reason. 
It was haunted. 
A flash of white. The curtains fluttered shut. 
The prickle on your neck came from a ghost’s lilac gaze. 
The dining room of the house with a lovely view of the sea was, for most of its existence, quiet. Every once in a while, that quietness would be broken by the lively chatter of small creatures with bright eyes, but otherwise it was only used by the master of the house. 
Recently, a change occurred. If the tranquility of the dining room was a perfectly still body of water that was broken by occasional loud splashes, then now there was a series of gentle ripples regularly making their way across the surface. 
On this day, one such ripple formed. It looked to be a particularly large one. 
“Monsieur Neuvillette, I’m afraid I have some troubling news.” 
The ripple—in the form of a young woman’s voice—made its way to the other side of the table, where the master was sitting. 
The cutlery he was holding dropped into his plate. “What is it, Madame? Has something happened? I will do everything in my power to help you.” 
“On the contrary, sir, I think you are the one in need of help. Your study is haunted by a ghost.” 
“I saw a glimpse of it in the window today. I think it was staring at me when I was out making my sunflower observations. It almost gave me a heart attack when I saw it.” 
The young woman carefully sliced a piece of steak and brought it to her mouth. The master was as still as a statue. For a few seconds, the water was as smooth as glass. 
“I think you should do something about it. It’s quite troubling. Creepy, even.” 
“...I-I’ll...see what I can do.” 
“I’m very glad to hear that.” 
The young woman finished her dinner, nodded to the master, and went to put her dishes away in the kitchen. The master didn’t stir. An outsider might mistake him for a flawless statue, if not for the gradually reddening tips of his ears. 
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The ghost did not disappear. In fact, it seemed to have grown bolder. It moved to the dining room now, which had a nice view of the front yard. 
Perhaps there were some things that even the Chief Justice couldn’t do. 
If even he couldn’t get rid of it, then you supposed there was nothing you could do except put up with it. 
It wasn’t so scary. It was more amusing than anything, really. 
The ghost wasn’t always there. It was missing from its usual post whenever there was a court case or a hectic day at the Palais Mermonia. It wasn’t as though it was missing much, though, considering how you just did the same thing in the garden every day: examine the sprouts, measure and record their heights, feel the moisture of the soil, make some sketches, and repeat the same thing in the back garden. Very thrilling entertainment, you were sure. 
Maybe it wants to keep an eye on me to make sure I’m not ruining its garden, you mused as you lay on your side, studying the underside of a leaf. It makes sense. This garden belongs to it, after all.  
Well, if the ghost wanted to bore itself to death (or whatever counts as death for a ghost) by watching you, then it might as well. You were a mere human with no power over it. But you had no intention of changing your routine for it either. 
As for you, you decided to focus all your attention on what turned out to be a surprisingly engrossing project. You weren’t exactly an avid gardener, but you had fond memories of doing similar activities when you were a child and with the young students back in your hometown, which was where the sunflower seeds came from. It gave you a certain sense of pride to watch over them as they grew, slowly but surely, under your care.  
Of course, it wasn’t all thanks to you. These sunflowers were of a specific breed, one that required plenty of water—about three weeks of constant watering—to ensure the seeds could germinate properly. In your region, sunflowers were usually planted just before the rainy season in order to take advantage of all the precipitation, but it was summer now—the rainy season had long passed.  
You mentioned the matter to Neuvillette, who said he would see what he could do. You imagined that he would have sprinklers installed or something. 
What you did not expect was the daily rains that came after you planted the seeds. 
Each day, there would be two rounds of showers. One in the middle of the morning, when most people were at work or school, and one in the afternoon (strangely, it always ended around the time that Neuvillette came home). It was more like a faint drizzle than a shower, a light curtain of mist over the world. You didn’t even need an umbrella.  
You were no expert on rain, but you couldn’t help but feel a sense of calculated deliberateness in the weather. The housekeeper remarked that it was quite out of season, more fitting for spring than summer. 
Whatever the case, you were very thankful for it. 
After the rain, the sun would come out brighter than ever, as though to make up for lost time. That was your favorite time to go into the garden. The heat of the sun’s rays shining down upon your back felt pleasant, and you swore that the scent of the grass and flowers after the rain had some sort of addictive quality to it.  
Neuvillette never said anything about these suspiciously timely rains, so you didn’t either. But this mystery was something you turned over in your mind quite often. 
You looked at the dining room window. The ghost was sitting at the table, reading a newspaper. You weren’t fooled of course. You could feel its gaze burning into the side of your head just a few seconds ago. 
The ghost was staying within the dim shadows cast by the afternoon sunlight that streamed into the dining room. That was good. After all, you knew that it would fade away if it stepped outside. The ghost should really learn to leave things to other people and relax. You had already made it clear to him that the sunflowers were your responsibility, and that he should just wait patiently until they bloom in two months, so— 
The ghost, seeming to sense your gaze, turned his head to you. Driven by a sudden vindictive urge, you gave a little wave and saw the ghost jerk a little in his chair. You stifled a laugh.  
Who knew ghosts could be adorable? 
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The dining room continued to be full of ripples at dinner. 
“Monsieur Neuvillette, the ghost has not gone away. In fact, it is now haunting the dining room.” 
The young woman calmly took a sip of her stew and met the lilac eyes across from her. 
“I’m very sorry to hear that, Madame. It troubles me greatly as well. I do know of one way to rid us of this ghost, though.” 
“Oh, what is it? Why haven’t you done it yet?” 
“That is because it requires your assistance.” 
“What do I need to do?” 
“Allow me to accompany you in the garden, of course.” 
The young woman blinked. It was evident that she had not expected that direct appeal. “Why?” 
“To make the ghost disappear.” 
“But you know how long I spend outside in the sun. I can’t ask you to accompany me for so long, especially after a long day at work.” 
“I’m not so fragile that I can’t withstand a bit of sunlight.” 
“I can’t forget that expression on your face when you joined me in the back garden the last time. It was heartbreaking.” 
“...Was it that terrible?” 
“Yes,” the young woman nodded vigorously. “There’s nothing about what I’m doing that would necessitate you needing to accompany me, anyways. It’s incredibly dull work. You would have a far better time staying inside.” 
There was a brief, weighted silence. The young woman shuffled her feet anxiously. 
“I would not make such assumptions.” The master’s voice sounded more solemn than usual, a contrast to the lighter tone he normally used at home. “For one thing, you seemed to be enjoying yourself with this so-called dull work.” 
“That’s because I—” She was cut off before she could finish her sentence. 
“I won’t argue with you anymore, Madame. You need not worry. The ghost will disappear in due time.” 
The rest of the dinner was spent in silence. But as they say, still waters run deep. 
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This is probably payback for how I was acting before, you mused to yourself as you rubbed one of the leaves between your fingers. I think I just have a really warped personality. 
When you first moved in, you had been curious about him. But out of a desire to not disturb his life any more than you already did, you opted to watch him discreetly (or so you thought). It was an embarrassing time that you still blushed to remember even now. 
But afterwards, you told him that you would like to be friends with him, and he agreed. Yet here you were... 
Though the curtains were drawn now, you didn’t even need to turn your head to know that the ghost—no need for this pretense anymore, it was Neuvillette—was sitting in his usual spot behind the window. It was as though he was a cursed spirit, unable to move on from this world. 
I thought we were somewhat alike...but I guess not. I just can’t tell what he’s thinking. 
You sighed. You genuinely didn’t want him to force himself and to take it easy, but there was another aspect to it. The idea of someone wanting to accompany you in such a monotonous activity simply never occurred to you in the first place, so you automatically rejected it. You enjoyed solitude and doing things on your own. Or perhaps it was more accurate to say that it was your natural state of being that you couldn’t quite break out of. If you had the choice to do something on your own or with someone else, you would go with the first option most of the time. It had become second nature for you to brush people off.  
You assumed that Neuvillette was like you in that way, that he also felt more comfortable being in his own company.  
But being comfortable with something...isn’t the same as liking it all the time. 
Your throat felt a bit parched. “I need water...” you muttered to yourself. But just as you were getting up to go back into the house, the housekeeper Marie came out of the door with a cup of water. 
“Monsieur Neuvillette thought you might be thirsty. He said that this was your favorite,” Marie said. 
You stared at the clear liquid in the cup. It looked just like the water you’d get from the tap. Neuvillette had you taste a lot of samples from his collection—you probably said one of them was your favorite at some point. He remembered it, because of course he did.  
You still didn’t really understand this whole water tasting business, but he always seemed so pleased when you asked him questions and wanted him to elaborate on the mouthfeel (or whatever it was). The way his eyes would light up, the way his voice would soften, made you want to keep going along with him. 
Neuvillette, you were slowly learning, was a terribly sincere person. So sincere that it was a little embarrassing for someone as jaded and awkward as you. 
He said it looked like you were enjoying yourself. What kind of expression did you make when you were outside with the sunflowers? Did Neuvillette see it?  
What did it say about you that you liked that he saw it? 
There’s probably something wrong with me... 
You emptied the cup in one big swig. It tasted like regular water, but the taste lingered in your mouth long after you finished it. 
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You told him that you weren’t going to let the Chief Justice dig around in the dirt and that he should leave it to you. He didn’t understand why it was okay for you to get dirt on your clothes. He wanted to tell you that he had no qualms about getting stains on his clothes or even his hair if it was for your sake. 
You told him to stay inside where it was cool and shady instead of keeping you company in the sun, where it was bright and hot. He disliked summer, though he always kept this opinion to himself because it was the favorite season of the citizens of Fontaine. It appeared that you were no exception. He thought he could put up with it a little. Maybe with regular breaks under the porch. 
You told him that he should look forward to seeing the sunflowers when they bloom in a couple of months and that there was no need to be concerned about them right now. You would take care of them until then. Time had always been a trivial thing to a long-lived being like him, but now, it felt irritatingly omnipresent. Rather than being in the thrall of something so oppressive, he would rather while away the hours with you until that time came. 
You were kind and considerate in your refusals. You shared your notes with him in the parlor. But you made it very clear to him. 
This was your domain. Your kingdom for you alone to reign over and no one else. 
Very well. If that was your wish, so be it. 
But still, might I be allowed a small glimpse into it? 
He supposed that he had no right to ask that. There were many things about his work, duties, and identity that he could never divulge to you or anyone else.  
The window glass only refracted the bothersome sunlight in awkward angles. It irritated his eyes. He had to learn to position himself so that he could stay in the shadows and look at the garden at the same time.  
If he had but one selfish wish, it would be that you might perform this work later in the day, when the sun was not quite so glaring and the air cooler. Maybe then, you would permit him to be by your side. But one thing he found both endearing and frustrating about you—you were stubbornly set in your ways when it came to the things you cared deeply about. 
You wore a large straw hat with a floppy brim when you worked. He himself had no strong opinion on them, except for the knowledge that most of the ones he tried made him look faintly ridiculous. He was aware that they were popular among the fashionable ladies and gentlemen in the Court of Fontaine, popularized by Furina’s well-publicized love for them. He was familiar with the ordinance passed a few years ago that limited the heights of the hats in the opera house, on account of the complaints that they obstructed the view greatly. He liked the one you wore for your wedding. 
But he couldn’t say that he was terribly fond of hats at the moment.  
They really do obstruct the view...he thought as you pulled down the brim, hiding your eyes. 
He saw your mouth scrunch in concentration as you stuck your ruler in the soil, carefully lining up the notches with the top of the plant. After you confirmed the height, you dutifully jotted down the number in your notebook. The corners of your mouth turned up a little, or was that just a trick of the light? Did the sunflower grow taller than you expected? Ah, how he wished he could see what gave you that look on your face. 
Sometimes, you would lie down on your stomach. You brought a blanket outside for that reason. He was glad for that, since the grass was usually damp after the rain. It would distress him greatly if you caught a cold.  
You seemed to enjoy feeling the leaves between your fingers. It feels really nice, you told him. He also started to rub the leaves when he left for work in the morning and found that he agreed with you. 
The wind sometimes blew your hair into your face, and you would tuck your hair behind your ear, only to have the effort be in vain when the wind came again. His fingers would twitch on these occasions. He didn’t know why.  
Once, he had almost leapt out of his seat when he heard you yelp and jump away from the sunflower plot. A bee had flown past your cheek. 
Once, you went out to look at the garden when it was raining. It was when the first of the strange rains had begun. He directed his gaze to his house and saw you walking back and forth in front of the tiny seedlings like a general in front of rows of soldiers. The tiny raindrops looked like pearls in your hair. He had felt somewhat guilty about manipulating the elements to this extent and ruining a great many Fontainians’ day, but that guilt had mysteriously disappeared after he saw your sparkling eyes. 
Neuvillette knew very well how pathetic and unnerving his actions were right now. 
He understood that according to human etiquette, staring at people without reason was considered terribly offensive. He himself preferred to avoid the public gaze when he was off work.  
In the early days of his interactions with humans, watching and observing was how he learned to fit into society. Humans had always fascinated him, but the nature of that fascination changed throughout the years.  
Perhaps this is just the next stage of it, he mused.  
From observing many humans from above to a single one in close proximity.  
But he didn’t think he was learning anything. In fact, he found himself more confounded and self-conscious than ever. 
Why do you sometimes smile and sometimes not? Why do you draw me closer sometimes and sometimes push me away? What should I be doing? What is this restlessness whenever I see you on the other side of the window...? 
Perhaps this was what it was to form a bond with another person. Fumbling around in the dark, trying to figure out how each other worked, what was off-limits and what wasn’t.  
The rays of sunlight momentarily disappeared. A passing cloud blocked the sun. Then another. Then another. 
Ah...how troublesome... 
Neuvillette anxiously glanced out the window. You seemed to have noticed the clouds as well, for you were frowning up at the sky.  
He closed his eyes, trying to calm his roiling emotions. But the worry that he would ruin your day only added to them. He could almost taste the first raindrop that would make its way to the ground. 
A knock on the window glass startled him out of his concentration. He opened his eyes and saw you standing in front of it, staring at him. “Monsieur Neuvillette,” you said. 
Neuvillette got up from his chair and moved to the window. It was the only thing separating the two of you. As ever, he was unable to read the emotions in your eyes. 
“What is it, Madame?” He could see droplets scattering onto the ground. How he longed to be outside right now. Perhaps that would calm his disturbed heart. 
“Let’s sit together in the back garden. I want to take a break.” 
“In this weather, Madame?” 
“It’s only a little bit of rain. I’ll be sitting under the canopy, anyways, so I'll be fine. But you don’t have to join me if you don’t want to...” you looked away, as if a bit embarrassed. “It’ll be well within your right to refuse me.” 
“No, I’ll happily accept your invitation.” The speed at which the words came out of his mouth surprised even himself. 
You nodded. There was no smile on your face. “I’ll see you there, then, sir.”  
You proceeded to go to the back of the house. Neuvillette turned around and found Marie standing there, holding a bowl of watermelon diced into cubes and a pack of toothpicks. 
“Share these with Madame, sir,” she said, holding them out to him. 
He thanked her and accepted them, then walked swiftly to the patio doors. However, on his way there, his hair seemed to have chosen the worst moment to take on a life of its own. It seemed determined to get caught in every crack and crevice. By the time he emerged onto the veranda, the rain was steadily pattering onto the canopy. 
Thankfully, you were already there and seemed to have escaped the rain. You were staring out at the white sky, lost in thought. You looked up when you heard the doors open. 
“Oh, watermelon!” you exclaimed when you saw the bowl. You stood up and took the bowl and toothpicks from him, then stuck a pick into a watermelon cube and brought it to your mouth. He watched you as you savored the refreshing fruit. 
You looked up in surprise when you saw him still standing. “Why aren’t you sitting down?” 
Neuvillette cleared his throat. “Madame, I must apologize to you for my disgraceful behavior over the past few weeks. It is no way for a lady like you to be treated. I swear to you, I will never do it again. I shall leave you be.” 
You were silent as you ate several more watermelon cubes. Your face was closed tightly, like the doors of a tomb. Neuvillette’s heart sank a little. The rain intensified a little. 
“You really should sit down, sir,” you said after a while. “I don’t like having you stand while I sit.” 
You patted the chair next to you, and he obliged. He crossed his legs almost automatically before deciding against it. It felt too casual. 
There was more silence. The moist air usually calmed him down, but his brain was occupied by the horrifying possibility that you might not forgive him, that you might not speak to him ever again, that... 
“Monsieur Neuvillette, I forgive you.” 
The words struck him like a lightning bolt. “...You do?” 
“Yes,” you said. You still weren’t smiling, but something in your eyes changed. They looked lighter, like storm clouds had receded. “I mean, it certainly was off-putting at first, and I definitely don’t recommend that you do this to any other ladies. You’re very lucky that I'm so merciful.” 
You smiled a little bit there. It reminded him of the sun peeking over gray clouds. He always felt a sense of disappointment at that sight, but right now all he wanted to do was to carve the image into his memory.  
“I would never,” He was so elated that he almost missed the first part of what you said. “Wait, did you say, ‘at first’?” 
Now you looked embarrassed. “I got used to it at some point, but then I started thinking about how you must feel, and that made me realize...I haven’t been fulfilling our promise to be friends at all.” 
After you said that, you proceeded to eat three more watermelon cubes in succession. He noticed that your cheeks were dusted with red.  
“How did you think I felt?” What a novel thing to have someone try to guess his emotions. He unconsciously leaned forward a little, curious to hear what you were going to say. 
You seemed a bit taken aback and lowered your eyes. “Well...I thought you might have been feeling a little hurt and confused about why I kept pushing you away, and probably quite disgruntled about being treated like a child who doesn’t know his limits. I’m guessing it’s that mix of emotions that made you behave in such an uncharacteristic manner.” 
“Uncharacteristic manner? I’m curious to know just what you think is in character for me.” 
“A gentleman who knows well enough to stare at young ladies so intently.” 
Neuvillette cannot deny that he felt a jab in his heart at your words, but he knew that he deserved it. It felt like he was back in his early days, stumbling blindly through the basic tenets of human etiquette. He was about to apologize once again, but then you continued. 
“But I think...you probably also felt lonely,” your voice was softer now, like the gentle whisper of the rain. Despite that, it reached his ears clearly and distinctly. “And I don’t want you to feel that way. Especially in your own home. So if you want...you can accompany me when I’m out in the garden. Or continue to watch me from the window. Although, this is your house, so you don’t really need my permission to do anything...” 
“Ah, but how can I do that, Madame? I can’t possibly intrude into your kingdom without your express permission.” 
“...Huh?” You stared at him quizzically.  
“Never mind that,” he shook his head. The watermelon looked vibrantly red and juicy, even more so than before. He used a toothpick to bring one to his mouth. The sweetness filled his mouth and quenched the dryness he hadn’t even realized was there. 
“Was I right?” you asked, putting your chin in your hands. “Did I guess your feelings correctly? I’m not very good at this kind of thing.” 
Neuvillette thought your question over in his mind. Hurt, confusion, disgruntlement...those emotions might have flitted through his heart like minnows at one point.  
But loneliness...that was far more than an emotion to him. It was his natural state of being, one that he had chosen to take on. It had been with him so long that when it was pointed out to him, it became a revelation all over again. 
You looked at him expectantly. Your eyes were like mirrors. Lying to them would be lying to himself, and that was something the Iudex didn’t do. 
“You’re right,” he said, gazing straight into those mirrors. “I was feeling somewhat lonely.” 
You blinked. Then you closed your eyes and nodded. “Okay then,” you said and stood up. “Let’s go look at the sunflowers together.” 
The rain had stopped a short time ago. The sky was blue again, and the remaining rain clouds were quickly dissipating. 
Neuvillette also stood up and winced. His hair got caught in the gaps of his chair and he had to untangle it. You didn’t appear to notice. 
The two of you went to stand at the sunflower plot side by side. The sprouts were small and weighed down by the raindrops, but they continued to aim upwards all the same.  
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Taglist:@just-simping-over-genshin, @xalphafox, @jqnehr, @favficdump, @thetwinkims, @cielclassy, @the-mxs-of-many, @mxyarylla, @lynettezz, @rosedpetal
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runningupthatvecna · 1 year
the law of seat partners | part 2
a/n: ok so the response to part 1 of my first ever eddie blurb has been quite surprising and i've had ideas for a second part while writing it so i guess that's what's happening here now. this part is definitely longer (you're welcome) and will lead to a part 3, so no worries there everyone. i definitely recommend reading part 1 first though to get more context. enjoy and i live for reblogs and comments so i'd appreciate you leaving me some :)
summary: the bus ride continues and so does your feeling that eddie might like you a bit more than the others. also, he eats all most of your snacks and it (among other things) makes you realise that you're down bad for him. also you learn that his hands are just generally quite warm.
cw/tw: more of eddie being a touchy menace while trying real hard to make reader aware of his affection. kinda friends to lovers with eventual spice in part 3. slow burn, kinda? slapping of butts, a bit of mutual pining (reader is emotionally ... confused), mentions of eddie being treated poorly by people, mentions of eddie partaking in illegal activities, also a lot of eddie being a sweet bean. no mentions of y/n.
read part 1 here
It was the halt of the bus that woke you up from your pre-noon nap on Eddie Munson's head.
His hand was still resting on your thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze before he lifted his head from your shoulder and straightened himself.
The touch wasn't entirely new to you, since you had figured out this was the primary way he expressed a certain level of affection. Because he also was like this with the others of your group and you hadn't dared to read too much into it. At least until now.
"Looks like the babies already need a diaper change."
His mumbled comment on what seemed to be the first break on the road made you snort.
You loved the fact that he seemed to share your disapproval of having a rampage of middle schoolers sharing the bus with you on this trip.
Eddie turned his head to you, his deep brown doe eyes slowly wandering over your facial features while is mouth was lightly curled into a smile. Yours was slightly tilted towards him, reciprocating his gaze right before a familiar voice made both of your heads turn.
"Hey, you guys wanna head outside for a stretch?", Steve's pretty lean figure had appeared in front of your seats, he stood on one of the lower steps of the staircase leading out of the back door.
Again, Eddie turned his head to check on you. Because if you would rather stay in your seat, so would he.
You cracked a smile at Steve who was just now followed by Nancy, Robin and Dustin, all of them awaiting his exit in the aisle.
"Sounds good", you replied, while your friends hopped out of the vehicle into the warm Indiana sun which was, thankfully, still more than visible in the blue sky.
It was warmer outside than on the parking lot this morning, which made you decide leave any additional jacket or hoodie inside the bus. You weren't the type to get cold easily anyway. Following an energetically bouncing Eddie down the stairs, you both made your way over towards where Steve, Robin, Nancy and Dustin were gathered.
Not long after, you had the Byers brothers standing among you as well.
"Anyone going for a wee?", Robin asked in her blatant straight-forward no filter fashion you celebrated her for. It made you smile. "We still have six minutes and I've been holding it since we left the parking lot."
"Yeah I'll come", Nancy replied to her, before they wandered off towards the building together and left you among the group of boys who wouldn't have minded just stepping out into the bushes along the fence of the road house.
Steve was the only one who seemed to take the going outside for a stretch literal, because right now his entire figure was bent in half as he leaned forward to let his arms dangle towards the ground while he tried his best to keep his legs straight.
And Dustin's observant facial expression, which was slowly turning into a grin told you that he was desperately fighting the urge to playfully slap Steve's ass.
I mean, fair.
Eddie also had seemed to notice and it took him only a mere few seconds to decide on executing Dustin's obvious thoughts.
"Hey man, stop that!"
Steve snapped back up and let his fist hit Eddie's shoulder with a laugh.
"Just giving you what you don't seem to get anywhere else these days, big boy."
It left both Steve and Dustin speechless. Witty comebacks? Not existent in their brains.
You blurted out a laugh, since you knew that Eddie's remark was true. As one of Steve's best friends, you just knew.
The metalhead grinned widely, threw his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close enough for you to hear his low voice, while moving the both of you back towards the bus.
"Come on darling, napping always makes me hungry."
Yeah. His love language was touch.
"Alright everyone, get back into your seats, we're leaving!"
Ms Kelley's voice echoed through the microphone she picked up from the driver's booth while standing in the very front of the bus, trying to get everyone's attention.
Unlike the middle school kids further in the front, you and Eddie had already settled back in long ago.
The vehicle started moving again.
"Is there anything besides being around children of course, that you're particularly looking forward to this week?", the metalhead asked with a genuinely curious tone.
"Oh please, there's nothing I enjoy more than having screaming kids around me, I thought you knew that about me already."
You pretended to think really hard for a few seconds and let out a chuckle, before you continued.
"No, but I get to spend time with you guys. Outside of school, outside of Hawkins. And I love lakes and being in nature. The fresh air, the cool water, I prefer that over any hotel room in any city, if I'm hone– ... Eddie, what are you d–"
While you were speaking, the boy next to you found it to be the perfect time to lean forward and try to reach for the snack bag you had carefully placed between your feet.
"Keep talking sweetheart, I'm listening." He had turned his head towards you, unable to hide another one of those big grins that you secretly adored on him. So much.
You couldn't necessarily see his movements, but you sure as hell could feel them. His right hand kept brushing and his fingers kept tapping against your jean covered calves and shins and ankles, pretending to be on the search for a certain bag, but the more time it took him to actually get it, the more it dawned on you that he was doing this very much on purpose.
What a fucking menace.
And by the way, where were his snacks?
"Eddie, just fucking grab it", you said with a laugh, letting him know you were well aware of the little game he was playing.
"Hm, it's quite nice down here to be honest. Could get used to it."
You just rolled your eyes at him with a smile, let your head hit the rest behind it and turned your head towards the window, while you felt the bag being pulled away from inbetween your feet.
In the corner of your eye you watched him peek into and rummage through it. He was sticking out his tongue, like he always did when he was trying to focus. You'd seen him do it too when he would be working on writing campaigns for Hellfire during lunch break in the cafeteria.
"Like what you see?", you asked him, without breaking contact with the headrest. You didn't dare to turn your head either.
Four hours had passed since you left the high school parking lot in Hawkins, and you don't think you ever spent that long with Eddie. Certainly not in this close proximity.
There was some form of tension building between you two. And you couldn't quite place it. He was his usual charming self, yeah sure, but there was an additional something to it.
"Yeah, I do."
If you would have turned your head, you would have noticed the fact that his eyes weren't taking in the selection of your snacks anymore.
You would have certainly placed his entire demeanor in a new context if you would have paid attention to the way the tone of his voice changed to something more soft and warm, saying those three words.
You turned your head towards him. And you were way too far down the road of overthinking for you to catch the spark in the dark brown of his eyes and the way the corner of his mouth slightly curled up.
As if he actually liked liked you.
But you still smiled back at him.
"Go ahead then pretty boy, all yours."
And maybe you also weren't referring to snacks anymore. But you didn't expect Eddie to catch that.
What you did notice though was him catching your compliments. The way heat was visibly rising to his cheeks.
Eddie Munson had never received a lot of them. Sadly so, due to the fact that he was known as the freak of the town. Being a nerd with a bunch of tattoos, always involved in some kind of trouble, hotwiring cars, dealing drugs and of course the town's favourite classic: worshipping satan. When in fact, he was just trying to be a good friend, going out of his way to make the people dearest to him feel good (and maybe not using the most legal methods ever while doing so), and just heavily enjoying things he found really cool. He was always just being himself.
You had to admit to yourself that you were more than curious to see and explore the effects of your compliments on him. Because you were sure that if you just kept dropping them, they would eventually help him feel better about himself. And you knew from conversations with your friends that he did need that. And most of all, deserved it.
Soft baby cow personality, yeah.
For more general coziness on a ten hour bus ride, you had taken off your shoes right after the first break. You slightly turned your back towards the window and pulled your legs up to let them rest on the little barrier in front of both your seats.
And just after that, you were handed the snack bag by the boy next to you.
Before you knew it, he grabbed both of your legs a little above your ankles (with his really warm hands, like, really warm hands) and pulled them over his thighs. It made your breath hitch in your throat.
Then he took back the snacks. Between his torso and your legs.
"Gotta set the table then, right?", Eddie flatly said with a smirk, while pulling out a box of crackers. It made you snort.
Why did he have to be like this? And why did you like him so much for it?
You ended up sharing half of the contents of your snack bag with Eddie. Seated like this, one of his hands fumbling in whatever plastic bag or cardboard box of snack he could find, holding them out to you when he noticed you going empty on your last grab, his other resting on one of your shins, while his thumb kept rubbing slow, small circles into the flesh through your jeans.
The warmth of his hand felt like fire.
Eventually you had to keep him from munching through the remainders too, reminding him that you still had at least half of the journey ahead of you.
He had pouted at you all cute, and you had felt your cheeks heat up at him dropping another pet name at you while protesting.
You seemed to keep pushing the right buttons for him to be all sweet with you. And yeah, of course you couldn't deny that you enjoyed his attention.
During your time munching away, you both even came to learn new things about each other.
There were conversations about your families, milestones of your lives, hopes and dreams that some you surprisingly seemed to be sharing, similarities in your outlooks on life, Eddie's slightly questionable moral compass when it came to illegal activities, and your shared love and passion for music.
Pretty much everything he told you was confirming or adding to your already existent image of him.
After a content sigh, Eddie suddenly made attempts to get up into the aisle (he was kind enough to softly place your legs on his seat first though) and reached up into the luggage compartment. He was searching for his own bag of stuff that you were surprised he hadn't forgotten on his bed in the morning.
And yes. Your eyes just had to travel over the stretch of his Hellfire shirt down over his torso, all the way to where a sliver of pale skin revealed itself to you and the light trail of dark hair disappeared into the waistband of his black jeans, which was tied to his hips with his iconic handcuff belt. And it was giving you ideas.
It was pretty much the first time you saw any other part of his skin other than his forearms, even though you'd known him for like, half a year now. There just hadn't been any moments yet where this situation could have happened.
You were so lost in thoughts about Eddie Munson's happy trail that you missed him catching you. Looking. In fact, you seemed to keep your eyes glued to his belly until his voice snapped you out of it.
The growing smirk on his face you saw next was as prominent as your awareness of your own feelings towards him. Just now in this moment you started to realise that if you kept this up, if you kept letting him in, there would probably be no escape. No escape from tripping over the edge and falling into the endless void of pining after him, probably forever.
Ever since you had first met him at one of Steve's infamous parties, it had been crystal clear to you that you were going to have a thing for him.
The way his wild mane had accentuated his beautiful face with his round dark brown eyes and the plushness of his lips in the warm light of Harrington's living room, his smell, a mix of cigarettes, bergamot, cheap cologne and something you couldn't make out but was so distinctly Eddie, the omnipresent leather jacket and Dio jeans vest, tattoos you'd spotted on his forearms, his entire rough metalhead aura that you always found to be so captivating.
"You know that as your designated seat partner, it underlies my absolute obligation to not only eat all your snacks you brought just for me of course, but in return to also make you listen to the best songs in the world.", Eddie explained to you with raised eyebrows, wide eyes and an equally wide grin after he had seated himself again and gestured for you to put your legs back on his thighs.
And who were you to say no to that?
He waved a self made mixtape under your nose. It made you chuckle.
You prided yourself on being a music nerd, so the fact that he was willing to share his music with you was definitely one of the most meaningful things he could have chosen to do with you at this point.
"Oh, how gracious of you, Munson, considering it was you who kept a seat for me", you smiled while taking out your headphones and walkman, which was so technically advanced that it had two plugs for two pairs of headphones. How convenient.
He let out a small, low chuckle while nudging your shoulder with his own.
You held out the second plug of the walkman out in his direction, and he didn't waste the opportunity to place his hand above yours which was holding out the device, to give it more support while his other hand connected the cable of his own.
And just when you were about to press play for the first song to fill your ears, Ms Kelley's microphone filtered voice filled them instead.
"We're going to have lunch break now, everyone! Please be back here in thirty minutes, yes?"
tagged: my dear @josephfakingquinn and @ghost-proofbaby
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yepperoniro · 1 year
Alpha Hashiras x Omega Reader x Kamado Gang Part 2
Okay, okay, okay, first request in years! I've been working on this since you asked for it. I hope it's what you were looking for. [I highly doubt it is doe... especially since i went completely off topic at the end.]
[I aged up the Ubuyashiki Quadruplets]
It all started five months ago when you were unknowingly stalked by a demon. The slayers took it out, but the Kakushi made note of your secondary gender. And you got Kayaga Ubuyashiki's attention.
Kayaga started observing you to determine if you would be a good incubator. Which was his intentions with you. He decided to send the Kakushi to bring you to the manner so that he could talk you into willingly choosing one of the Hashira to mate with.
After you get brought into the manner, Kayaga couldn't help but notice how strange some of the Kakashi and even his son were reacting to your unconscious form. So, to protect you, he declared that branch of the manner off limits.
Two hours before he expected the anesthetic to wear off, he planned a Hashira meeting.
This is when the problems began.
"There was a surplus of demons in the Kanto region...." He stops himself as he senses that he doesn't have anyone's attention. "What is going on?" He asked his two children that stood next to him.
"She's awake and approaching." Kiriya states as he takes in a deep breath.
"That's no good. I was hoping to talk to her privately before introducing her to you all. But it seems as if that won't happen. Kanata, Kuina, Hinaki, and Nichika, go gather Lady ____ and bring her here."
"Father, can I also go and get her?" Kiriya asked, and his father shook his head lightly. His daughter ran off.
"Who are you?" You hissed at the terrifying sight before you.
"We are of little importance. Master wishes to meet with you." One of the four matching white-haired androgynous figures said as they approached you.
"No! Fuck that." You shout as you began to run away from the four of them. The Kakushi joined the chase, and you made a fatal flaw.
You threw open the door, and to your chagrin, there stood 9 Alphas and two Betas.
You stare in horror as everyone's attention fell onto you. You shook your head in horror and begin to back up before you bolted down the hallway.
That was actually your biggest mistake. It was as if your parents never taught you to never turn your back on your opponent. And eight of the alphas almost instantly gave chase. With very little care about respect.
"Father! You need to do something!" Kiriya yelled as he pulled on his father's kimono.
"This isn't how I wanted this to go..." He says as he adjusts his position, so he is facing his son. "There isn't anything we can do. This is her fate."
"But father, I want her."
"She was never going to be yours, Kiriya."
"Stop that woman!" One of the Kakushi yelled at the butterfly girls as you approached the butterfly estate.
"Stop, Intruder!" Kiyu shouted. As she Sumi and Naho began to charge you. You sneakily entered a room and barricaded the door.
Then you let out a sigh of relief that the whole thing was over. "Ma'am?" You heard, and you stare in horror as you turn around and see three men in sea foam green pajamas laying on three of the beds.
"Open this door!" Tengen yelled.
"Fuck that!" You shouted back.
"I'll help you." Tanjiro whispered to you as the alphas were yelling and begging you to let them in.
"Inosuke! Give me your uniform!" Tanjiro whisper yelled.
"Why do you want it, Gonpachiro?" He asked queitly.
"Just give it to him." Zenitsu says. "Get changed, and I'll help you out the window."
You stare at the grossest, stinkiest demon slayer uniform you let out a sigh and begin to undress. As you were dressing, the window opened from the outside. "Ara! Ara! Did you think you could hide from me in my own house?" Shinobu says with a sick smile as she enters the room.
"Did you hear that?! Shinobu got in! We have to break the door down and get in as well."
"I'm in here as well!" Kyojuro says as he jumps in through the window. "Best Buddy, if you are also coming in here, be warned she as pushed a lot of things in front of the door!"
"I figured this much, thanks, Rengoku." Tengen yelled from the other side.
"You know a proper lady only shows her nude body to her husband!" Kyojuro says as he takes off his cape/haori thing and threw it at you. "Cover up!" He says as he tries to take his eyes off of you. Once the clothes that held his scent so strongly was in your grasp did you notice an important thing that you somehow missed until now. The burning ache in-between your legs.
You slink yourself to the ground as you watch the Flame Hashira and the Insect Hashira begin arguing. The two's argument almost fight was interrupted by an explosion as the door and your makeshift barricade were blown away.
The betas made their way around the group of fighting alphas to your side.
Your brain couldn't comprehend what exactly was going on as your pheromones clouded your judgment.
Next, you knew two arms wrapped around your waist, and you were picked up.
Your Instincts told you to fight back to be by the alphas's sides, but your brain knew better. Whoever was carrying you was a beta, and they were looking after you. Even if your omegahood ached for something they didn't possess.
"Ms. Can you put this on, please?" A soft spoken voice asked you, and you nodded and put on the pink and purple gown.
"I know you probably don't understand why we are being so cruel to you right now, but I'm happy you are cooperating." Tanjiro says as he approaches you.
"I understand. Thank you." You says as you snuggled into the Alpha scented fabric you still had.
"It's only a matter of time before the hashiras are able to find us! Then what? Look, I didn't mind helping her escape but protecting her from being mated... that's a totally different thing!" Zenitsu says.
"We stall. Soon, her heat will subside, and we can have a proper conversation with her." Tanjiro says.
"How many demon friends do you have Kamado?" Genya says as he looks over you.
"Only three, I swear!" He says.
"This is a pretty sweet power. Invisibility..." Inosuke says.
"We aren't invisible. It's just hard to track us." Tanjiro says.
Genya makes his way over to you. "Ohayo, y/n. This belongs to my brother his scent is still on it. I think you could use it more than me." He says as he pulls out an old wife beater. You grabbed it from him and snuggled it into in-between your legs. "I think you'd be a perfect little wife for my brother. It's just a matter of getting the two of you together. And I think I know just the plan." He whispered into your ear.
"Guys I'm going out to get more food. We are running out."
"No, we aren't..." Zenitsu says and he stared the yellow haired boy down. The staring contest is broken off by Inosuke who burped as loud as possible.
"Yes, we are." He says
"You could say excuse me you know!"
"Why the hell would I say that?!"
With that Genya left.
-_-_- Back with the Hashiras. -_-_-_-
"That stupid trader! I knew he was no good when he showed up with that Demon!" Sanemi hissed.
"I agree. What should we do?" Obanai asked.
"We should follow Uzui. He and Rengoku left a few seconds ago." Mitsuri says.
"Hello, Demon Girl." Tengen says as he opens the door of the young girls room. Nezuko is still asleep.
"Demon Girl, wake up and get in the box." He says.
But the girl doesn't wake up.
"I'm going to kill you and your brother if you don't wake up and get in the box!" Tengen yelled. And the demon girls eyes snapped open. "In the box!" He says as he points to the box she looked at him, and the fire owl beside him and knodded as she shrank herself and got in the box.
"Good job!" Rengoku says. "This way best buddy!" He says as he leads his friend and him off in the direction the group went off in.
"Sanemi!" Genya says as he approaches his brother whilst he was alone.
"What Are You Doing Here?! Why Do You Smell Like Her?!" He yelled back.
"Follow me, Kamado thinks he can prevent her from being mated."
"Hello, Shinazugawa!" Rengoku says as the five of them come across each other.
"Look, this Omega is mine. So why don't you go home to your three Omegas waiting for you. Maybe share one with your 'Best Buddy' if your that desperate to get him laid." Sanemi says.
"Absolutely not!" Kyojuro says as he stares the Wind Hashira down. "Let me say this you are an impressive man, Shinazugawa Sanemi! However, you are not worthy of an Omega such as her!"
"Kamado! Come out, come out wherever you are! You have someone I want I have someone you want!" Tengen yelled. As he shakes the demon box around.
"Come with me." Genya whispered in his brothers ear, and he led him to an opening.
"There is nothing here! Your wasting my time!" Sanemi hissed.
"No I'm not See!" He says as he puts his hand into the barrier and it rippled around his hand it disappearing once it enters the border.
"What the hell?" Sanemi says as he walks into the opening and he can see them. Zenitsu and Inosuke pointed their blades at him and Tanjiro and Kanao staring at him and Genya. But most importantly, you were there currled around his tank top. "Give her to me!"
"So you can force yourself on her screw that!" Zenitsu says. "I knew when he left, he was going to bring his meathead brother back with him!"
"Shut up!" He yelled back at the boy.
"This is why Kanae rejected your offers to be your mate! You are a ..." Kanao added after fliping her coin. The sound of him unsheathing his blade silenced the group.
"Give her to me or die."
"Tanjirooooo! We have bigger fish to fry out there, Tanjiro! That stupid three wives crazy man has Nezuko! I can hear him approaching!" Zenitsu says.
"Nezuko!" Tanjiro yelled as he ran off following his noes.
"Forehead, Yellow, Borekid! Where is the Omega?" Kyojuro says as he disrupts the mirage from the opposite side.
"You're too late, Rengoku! She mine!" Sanemi yelled as he quickly grabbed you and began running.
"Get back here, you scoundrel!" He yelled. "Best Buddy! Shinazugawa is taking off with her!" He yells as he starts to chase the wind Hashira.
"Oi! Brat! give her back to us! You know she doesn't belong to you."
"In two seconds, she will!" He hissed as he tried to adjust your position just to be tackled by the sound hashira, causing you to go tumbling into a tree.
"Heavens! Are you okay?!" A new voice says as you feel your body get lifted up by two strong arms. "You lot are immature! Delving this low all because an omega is near. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. I will be taking care of her for the extended period. Until the lot of you start to behave."
"Hinejima-san! Give her to me she might be concussed because she was thrown into the tree!" Shinobu says.
"No can do! You are no better than them. Chasing her down like this."
"Oh, and you are better than us? You chased her just the same!" Sanemi hissed.
"I followed after you lot to protect her." He argued.
"The way you swung at Giyuu after he said he wanted to put a couple of pups in her says otherwise."
"He deserved it. Speaking like that is distasteful."
"Yare Yare... just give her to me, I'm the one with a medical degree!" Shinobu says.
"Actually, the Kakushi and I will be taking her to be looked after until further notice none of you acted without the sqauve and grace that is expected of a Hashira!" Kiriya Ubuyashiki yelled, getting the groups attention.
"Like hell. You think because you Might become the master, you get to order us around? Fuck that!" Sanemi hissed as he looks over at you in Gyomei's hands.
"Shinazugawa! Enough!" Gyomei says as he lets out an exasperated sigh and hands you to one of the kakushi. "Show him some respect."
"I have no respect for the likes of him." He hissed as lunges toward you. Tengen quickly, with one jab, knocks the wind Hashira unconscious.
"I think we should compete for her affections. Flashily, of course. To win her hand."
"That's a perfect plan. Best Buddy!"
"Like what?" Kiriya questioned as he went to reach out for you, but Kyojuro, Giyuu, and Mitsuri intercepted him.
"Like a muti event festival!" He says. "A race will definitely be one of them. Another could be Discus. And another could be wrestling."
"Abuch of unimportant competitions that you are good at no thank you." Giyuu says.
"I agree perhaps racing is a good one, another could be arm wrestling, and what about best provider? That way, it can actually be valid as a mating games festival." Obanai suggests as he looks between Mitsuri and you.
"What does provider mean? In this case? Who's got the most money? Because that would be Kiriya. No question." Mitsuri asked.
"What about a cook-off? There was one at the world fair the year I went. We all bring a meal cooked by us and she'll choose her favorite." Kiriya says.
"What a flashy idea!"
[The day of the Tournament]
"Ohayo, Tokito, what are you doing here?" Tanjiro asked as he approached the boy.
"I could ask you that same."
"I'm here as moral support for Lady Y/N. We all are." He says as he waves his pointer finger around his crew. "I'm sad that it has to come to this. A competition. As if she is just an object to win and not a person."
"She is. She's an Omega. An Absoulte Omega. That's rarest of all of the secondary genders. She's like a status symbol." He says.
"Are you here to complete for her then? I thought you were a beta like me."
"I am. Master Kiriya Ubuyashiki asked me to compete for him in the physical aspects of the trail. I don't see the point, but I'm not going to reject a direct order."
"Who are you rooting for?" Zenitsu asks the group.
"Should I say?" Kanao says as she flips her coin. "No..."
"Bug eyed is the best mate for Sujiko. You've seen how bad ass he is back with that beastly creature. Or I guess the God of Festivals would also be a good mate." Inosuke says.
"Her name is Y/N, and I think she would be a cute mate for Mr. Rengoku. Or perhaps Mr. Hinejima." Zenitsu says.
"None of them. I think she'd be better with someone who wouldn't objectify her." Tanjiro says.
"I understand where you're coming from, but I don't know if you truly understand. As an absolute omega, this is her fate. Actually, it might be better than any other she could have. I read somewhere that Absolute Omegas sometimes are sold as sex slaves to presidents and kings. They are rarely taken as wives and not just concubines." Zenitsu says.
"I don't know who I'm rooting for, but I know who I'm not rooting for." Kanao says.
"Agreed." Zenitsu says.
"Kiriya Ubuyashiki." The whole group says.
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Sorry, that's all I got.... it was only a bunch of thoughts...
If you're looking for more ABO KYN, I have an O!Giyuu x A!Reader x Yan!O!Kyojuro. I've written four or five chapters on and have been debating posting it here or on AO3.
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imaginesbymonika · 2 years
Oh, baby, baby, have you seen Dave tonight?
Part 2 of 2
Previous Part
Pairing: Dave (Darf) England x fem!Reader
Warning: mentioning of puke, swearing, Darf being an asshole, a bit angst, humor (this is a comedy) and fluff
Plot: It's like Britney said "there's only two types of people in the world/ the ones that entertain/ and the ones that observe" and your crush of four years just happens to take "well, baby, I'm a put-on-a-show kind of girl" a bit too serious when he is drunk.
A/N: I am working on the Knoxville finale, I just needed something else for a moment to break out of my writers block.
Song to listen to while reading:
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Dave is completely silent while you walk over to the sink with a towel in your hand, you could buy Johnny a new one after all. From outside the bathroom, the music is as loud as ever and every few moments someone punches their fist against the door.
You sigh and turn on the warm water before you hold the fabric underneath it: "Is it just one cut, or did you break something again?" But when he still isn't reacting you turn around.
Dave is standing right in front of you, his eyes travel down to your lips and you sense how your cheeks begin to burn up.
"What-?” "I've been thinking about you all day.", he mumbles as he gets closer: "All fucking day, I-." But before he can reach you, a female voice from outside the bathroom slices the tension open.
"Dave?", she lets out, and knocks a few times at the door: "You've told me to wait for you in the garden like ten minutes ago- but you never showed up. Are you okay?"
You bite your lower lip while you softly push the blonde man back, away from you. Dave is squeezing his eyes shut in frustration and takes one deep breath. He drunkenly unlocks the door before you step past him out into the hallway. You can feel how his eyes are burning holes into the back of your head.
"Chris!", you announce loudly as you re-enter the living room, the long-haired man who is standing behind Johnny's bar instantly looks at you.
"Didn't you say my drink was too-."
You nod and lean closer to him: "Make me one the way you drink it!" As soon as your request leaves your lips you can watch how his eyes light up.
"You're-" "Not going to regret this?", you aim to complete his sentence but he just shakes his head.
"Youre absolutely going to regret this! Big time!"
Meanwhile, Dave drunkenly tried his best to get rid of Stephanie, so he could take off to look for you. The brunette woman makes an effort to get him to kiss her, but whenever she got anywhere near him he shifted. He senses how he slowly begins to panic.
And while his thoughts are going crazy he understands that there is only one thing he can do. One thing that will certainly make her loathe him.
Chris watches you with big eyes as you try the drink he made for you. You wrinkle your forehead: "I can't taste the alcohol." He giggles and looks at you with an expression that notifies you, that he is more than proud of himself: "Just wait a few minutes."
"What's going on over here?", Jason inquires and sits down next to you on the barstool. "Chris made me a drink.", you explain and take another sip.
"Did he force you?", Jason asks and his eyes widen when he notices at what tempo you are swallowing the yellow liquid: "Why the fuck would you ask him to mix you a drink? Do you have a death wish or something?"
But before you have the opportunity to answer your friend, a loud scream fills the house with tremendous pressure. It seems as if everyone flinched because all eyes are directed at a young woman. She is jogging through the door into the living room, and when you observe the large puke stain on her shirt your eyes widen in shook.
"I'm so sorry.", you hear Dave say as he enters the room, but the brunette woman just shakes her head as she runs towards the front door. You hear how Chris and Jason are laughing hysterically behind you and when you make eye contact with Dave you shake your head.
"That's disgusting.", you say when Dave reached you. He nods. "Darf goes full barf.", Jason lets out and Chris nods. "That's very poetic."
"Can we talk outside?", Dave asks and you take another sip of your drink before you follow him through the crowd of people. Outside, you two discover a quiet spot next to a koi pond. "Since when does Johnny have Koi fishes?", you ask and look down into the water.
"I have to admit something.", Dave announces and you can watch out of the corner of your eye, how he nervously shifts his weight from one foot to the other.
"Look at them.", you tell and kneel: "They are beautiful."
"I puked on her on purpose!"
Your head snaps in his direction: "You did what?!"
"She just wouldn't leave me alone, I told her over and over again "Stephanie, please leave me alone, I don't want to make out with you" but she didn't go away!", he explains and makes sharp and anxious hand movements. He gets closer with each second and you realize how you are slowly losing your balance: "Dave-."
"I told her that I wanted to kiss you, but she didn't leave me alone, so-."
"Wait, what?"
"Shit!", Dave whispers as he watches you swim in the koi pond, and without thinking about it he follows you. You let out a high-pitched scream when he comes down right next to you.
"Why the fuck would you join me?!", you ask a few moments later while you slowly get out of the water. Your clothes are soaking wet and you notice how more people walk towards you.
“I don't know, I panicked." You stare at Dave for a moment before you burst into laughter.
"Are my fish okay?", a very much infuriated sounding Johnny makes his way towards the two of you and shoves you to the side as he kneels to count the animals. You fall right against Dave's chest, who puts his arms around you to support you.
"So you wanted to kiss me?", you inquire and the blonde guy nods slowly. "Then what are you waiting for?"
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randominagines · 3 years
Could you please make a part two for Falling in love with Nick Clark would include. I need to know if they got together
Thanks for the request!
Pairing: Nick Clark x neutral reader, mentions of Troy Otto x neutral reader
Warning: angst, fluff, violence, blood, you get hurt
Gifs belong to their creators.
Pt. 1 here.
Days kept going on but you felt like nothing was the same anymore;
You still had Alicia and Madison and they both couldn't believe that Nick found someone else;
You tried your best to avoid any activity which involved Nick;
When you used to see him around the Ranch, you simply pretended not to see him;
Nick, on the other hand, just wanted to see you;
For as much as he didn't manage to break up with Luciana, he still loved you deeply;
He couldn't help himself but stare at you from far away, not daring to talk to you because he felt like he was not enough for you;
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Alicia was the one trying to talk some sense into him;
"Nick, we all know you love y/n since forever. We were just kids and you only had eyes for my your best friend. Why are you with Luciana?"
"Alicia, I've never been enough for y/n and I will never be."
That's all Alicia could make him spill;
You started to convince yourself that you needed to get distracted so you decided to work in the infirmary to help people who were hurt or injured;
One day , Troy showed up with a bleeding wound and you finally meet him;
"You're young to be a doctor."
"And you're young to be the owner of this Ranch."
You immediately started flirting with each other;
Days passed and you started to get closer to Troy;
He seriously liked you and found you interesting;
Since Troy was the one who organised the shifts and the activities, he made sure to always stay with you;
You obviously noticed but you slightly liked him too, so you thought that this was your chance to finally move on;
Nick isn't stupid and he observed you quite often, so he realized Troy's intentions too;
"Troy, isn't it funny?"
"What, Clark?"
"That you always end up in the same shifts with y/n."
"Yes, Clark. It is a funny coincidence."
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Despite the palpable tension between them, they did not say a word to you;
Nick was clearly jealous but he knew he had no rights to be;
One day, he saw Troy tenderly hugging you and he lost it;
He realized he couldn't give up on you and he immediately broke up with Luciana, explaining the whole situation and apologising for all the lies;
Then he rushed to you only to see Troy getting out of your house;
His heart skipped a beat and he decided not to be impulsive and telling you that he still wants you;
The following day, Jake Otto asked to the whole ranch if someone wanted to go outside to buy necessary supplying;
"There is a storage ran by a some powerful men at 2 days from here, someone has to go."
Troy would have been leading the group, so you thought to go, mostly to get away from Nick;
But he surprisingly volunteered too;
"Nick, are you serious?"
Troy asked and Nick nodded;
So you ended up on a trip with the both of them, which was embarrassing enough even before Troy started acting like you were a married couple;
Nick mostly stayed quiet, his stomach twisting any time Troy hugged you or managed to make you smile;
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You hadn't been this close to Nick since weeks and you realized how much you still loved him;
You started being more confused than ever, not understanding if you actually liked Troy or you were simply trying to forget Nick by falling for someone else;
Coming back from the storage you saw a wave of zombies on the road and decided to avoid a fight by spending the night in an abandoned house;
"Well, there are two bedrooms so you guys can take the other one and I'll sleep here."
You said, mostly disappointing Troy, but they both nod;
You took a deep breath, glad to have the chance to think about the whole situation, but they both came to your room;
"Uhm, y/n, well..."
"There is no mattress on the bed there, someone took it."
You cursed inside, finding yourself sleeping among the two boys you had feelings for;
You couldn't even close your eyes, and Nick couldn't either;
So you both found yourselves awake while Troy was asleep;
"I'm sorry if I ruined your trip with Troy."
"Nick... please, the whole thing is already weird enough."
You felt your heart skipping a beath at the sensation of talking to him again, even if the situation was tensed;
"So, you and Troy..."
"We're just getting to know each other."
"Does he make you happy?"
You couldn't answer that question for you hadn't been feeling happy since Nick left;
You started talking, your usual harmony still there and strong;
He also managed to make you smile at a certain point;
Then the conversation escalated quickly;
"Y/n, I'm sorry for what happened with Luciana."
"It's okay, Nick, you love her and--"
"We broke up. I mean, I told her that I couldn't do it anymore, I still love you."
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He casually droped the bomb and you gasped, your breath stopping and your eyes widening;
In that precise moment, you heard footsteps;
You stood up and Nick did the same, waking up Troy;
"Guys, what the he--"
"Shh, there is someone in the house."
Nick said while grabbing his gun and passing yours to you;
The three of you walked silently with your weapons unlocked and you spotted four men;
They saw you too and that's when the mess begun;
They shoot and you do the same;
Troy killed two of them and Nick another one, you managed to shoot to the last one but he did the same;
You percieved the bullet hitting your stomach and looked down, your shirt becoming red;
Nick yelled while catching you before you hit the floor;
"What happened?"
Troy immediately ran to you too;
They both widened their eyes in total panick while you started to explain them what to do;
You saw many of those wounds at the Ranch in the last weeks and knew how to proceed;
"Remove the bullet, use some alchool to disinfect, then heat up a knife and cauterize it."
"There is no way we are burning you."
"Troy, you have to."
They both did their best to remove the bullet while you fought against the pain to stay awake and guide them;
"Troy, you did it. Thank you."
You thanked him while he ran to find some alcohol; he lucky found some Vodka;
"Nick, I want you to cauterize it."
You asked while squeezing his hand, the pain making you flinch;
"Y/n... I can't... I don't want to hurt you."
"You can, I trust you."
He looked at you and realized that you pnly trusted him to do it;
"Guys, if I die, please... don't let me turn, shoot a fucking bullet in my brain."
You asked between your tears and they both nodded while praying to not end up being forced to do this to you, the person they both love;
Nick cauterized your wound while squeezing your hand, your eyes stuck into his;
You screamed your heart out and passed away, not able to hold the pain anymore;
You woke up in your bedroom at the ranch, your head hurting and your stomach pulsing;
It took you a couple of days to be able to stand up again, but you were safe;
"Nick and Troy's work wasn't perfect but they saved you. Waiting for you to be carried here would have been fatal. They told me you guided them, the doctor said you did a great job. I'mglad you're okay."
Alicia explained while caressing your head, her hands shaking at the idea of having almost lost you;
You told her everything that happened with Nick and asked her to call him, you needed to see him;
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay, Nick. You saved me, you and Troy and I... I thought that I was about to die and my greatest regret was not having the chance to tell you that I still love you too and I want you back and I never stopped wanting you, not even when I used to see you walking hand in hand with Luciana or laughing with her. My heart was broken but you are and always were the love of my life."
Nick widened his eyes, his heart pounding faster in his chest and his arms automatically reaching you to hug you;
You started crying between his arms, his touch making you feel like nothing bad ever happened;
He squeezed you and you flinched, your hand running to your wound;
"Oh my... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--"
"Nick, I'm okay, I've never been better."
He kissed you, his lips so familiar but the sensation of kissing them again making you feel like it was the first time;
He smiled on your lips;
"I have something for you."
He said and took out your necklace from his pocket;
You gasped in surprise;
"How do you..."
You finally connected the dots;
"Nick, you thought I was dead... that's why--"
"I thought you were gone and I was desperately trying to move on."
"Why haven't you told me?"
"Because I believed I was not enough for you, I've always had this fear."
"Nick, you're more than enough. You just gave me back two of the most important things of my life: the memory of my mother and my heart, since you are the love of my life."
He smiled while laying down next to you and looked at you in total admiration, love, happiness;
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He pulled you to kiss you again, promising himself to never let you go again.
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cafeinthemoon · 3 years
Portrait of a Monk - Chapter V
Chapter 5/?
Wordcount 3,5k
Title Innate Technique
Fandom Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing Geto Suguru X reader
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 🖤
Warning (s): reality hits hard on reader this time 😭; difficult revelations and mentions of past trauma
Tagging @darling-imobsessed
(if you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just send an ask or a message 😉)
N. A. Yes, I'm alive and I'm still able to write 😭😭😭 I won't bother anyone explaining what I've been doing all this time though it can be summarized in the word SURVIVING and how life wore me out, so I didn't do half of the things I wanted to... In this chapter we will see more about reader's past and what her technique is all about. There will be also a hint of Geto's powers that got her impressed (and a bit scared). I love how this story looks unplanned and full of secrets, but believe me, I planned most of it 🤣🤣🤣
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The Spring sun reached your skin at your legs’ height as you stood on the porch, but its rays were still warm. Last time you checked on the clock, it hasn’t reached nine, so that it would take a while until the heat forced you two to seek for a shadow.
You were on your feet, behind a chair that was now occupied by your master. He had his hands resting on his lap as his legs were crossed, with his bare right foot leaning on the wooden, waxed floor as the left one was dangling on the side; he was observing the garden around the house, having his hair brushed by you. Despite the informality of the occasion, he was wearing the traditional sacred clothing, as he used to do every morning (the only exceptions were when he was ready to sleep or when he would spend a whole day at home, which was rare). The last days have been hot and you were wondering if it was healthy to wear such amount of stuff around the body, but soon you found out the fabrics were made of thin fibers, neutralizing the heat.
In fact, each detail seemed well planned when it came to his things.
You’ve been taking care of his hair every morning since you came to live with him: Geto explained that the person responsible for it – and for other services as his personal assistant – was sent to a distant temple some time before he met you and the position was vacant, but fortunately he found you at the right time. According to him, you were the ideal person for such work: you were quiet, attentive and had delicate, soft hands that would contrast to your sharp eyes. Well, that was the way you would describe him, so it was only curious that he saw you like this. Maybe he enjoyed being surrounded by people who reminded him of himself. Apart from that, he noticed you were nervous with the idea of leaving the house you’ve been raised to live in a different place where you didn’t know anyone but him, so staying close to your master would help you to adapt until you were ready for the works he had for you.
You were now in the middle of your task, and it didn’t look like you were going to finish it so soon: as you noticed right in the first day, his hair was not only long, but thick; you had to separate it in various sections, and then divide them in even thinner ones, so that the lotions would be applied in all their extension; finally, you would untangle the knots, starting on the edges and finishing on the roots, sometimes doing it with your fingers before using the brush. Patience was a crucial factor in this process.
Despite the time you had to stand on your feet while you did it, you wouldn’t complain: running your hands through those dark, silky locks, enjoying their texture, absorbing their smell, was more of a hobby than a morning obligation to you. It was just another sign that the life you were living was real, that he was real, made of flesh and bones, not a mere ghost of ink, meaning nothing to your senses. It was an act of affection and devotion.
It was a pacific morning, you thought. One more day starting with simple, domestic work on the outside, among the breeze and the music of the birds. It has been only a week since Geto Suguru brought you to his own house, to live among a few, selected group of his children, but you felt like you’ve been there forever; it was funny how time would always pass differently when it was about him.
Suddenly, you heard him giggle. You interrupted your hand’s movement and swallowed.
- What happened, Geto-sama?
- Nothing, my dear – he moved on his seat – I was just remembering how careful my previous assistant used to be, just like you are now. However, they never made me feel sleepy as you do – and with a sigh – I feel like my head will fall ahead if you keep this pace.
You bit your lip.
- I apologize for this.
- Oh, you do not need to – he turned his gaze to you, catching you in a surprise; he didn’t look sleepy at all – I am loving this. These last weeks have been such a source of anxiety… It’s been a long time since I felt so relaxed. Thank you.
Your cheeks got warmed with the compliment, and you smiled with modesty.
- It’s good to hear that.
You were going to select another lock of hair to brush, but his hand wrapped around your wrist, making you stop. It wasn’t a brute gesture, of course; Geto-sama was incapable of such things. It was only enough to indicate that he had something important to tell, something that needed your entire attention.
- Is there something wrong, Geto-sama? – you asked, out of habit instead of preoccupation.
- Nothing wrong, my child – with his free hand, he took the brush from your hand and put it upon the small table beside the chair, where you would keep the hair products and accessories, then turned his attention to you – I just need to ask you something.
- W-what is it?
- How much your masters taught you about innate techniques?
Whatever the question you were expecting to hear, it was not that one. Was he wanting to test your knowledge? The only way to find out was answering it.
- Well, they taught me as much as they did to the others at our temple. They started explaining what innate techniques are when we were still kids, but we only had proper training to develop our individual abilities when we were teenagers. Most of the times, they used the wild territories for that.
Geto seemed to think of it. You didn’t know if your answer was exactly what he wanted to hear, but you had no other to give.
He was still holding your wrist. You felt a soft squeeze around it with what he asked next.
- And what about your innate technique, my dear? It has something to do with memories, right?
Yes, it did. But how did he know? You couldn’t recall telling him anything; he didn’t even question you about your abilities before taking you from the temple. The masters must have told him something. That was the only possible explanation.
You swallowed your surprise and told him about your technique.
- Yes, my Lord. With simple commands, I can make people forget about specific facts or events, even if what they witnessed happened a moment ago. I can also alter an already existent memory, making it seem like a dream to their owner or changing their meaning, but this only works if I have a previous knowledge about the person and their thoughts on the said memory. I can use both techniques in one person at a time or in a group of people – you hesitated – But I never tried them in a large group.
Geto thought of your words for a moment, then turned to you again with a soft smile.
- This matches what your masters told me. But there are some things about your abilities that I need to learn from your own mouth, my dear.
Before you could wonder what he could possibly want to know, he uncrossed his legs and led you by the hand to the opposite side of the chair, making you stop in front of him. He raised his free hand and asked for yours; you obeyed him, and only noticed how eager you were to feel the warmth of his skin again when he closed his finger around yours.
- Tell me. Do you remember that stormy night when I found you at the temple’s door?
Yes, you did. How could you possibly forget something like that?
- I’ve never spent a single day without thinking of that night, Geto-sama. I thought I was going to die there.
- But fortunately you didn’t – he smiled – Now… Can you remember how you got there? Where you came from, if you were running from something or someone, these kind of things?
You forced your memories out, but they just wouldn’t come. That was something that always bothered you: the memories never collaborate when you needed them most. All you could remember was the moment when Geto took you in his arms and brought you inside the building. You had no idea of how you reached that spot under the storm and the exhaustion.
You shook your head.
- I am sorry, but I can’t remember anything. It’s like I just appeared there. Like I haven’t had a life before that moment. Somehow, I always thought I used to live in the streets, without a family or friends, seeing all types of people crossing my way, and among them the strange creatures that I’ve came to know to be curses, but I have no way to be sure. I don’t even know why I believe in this. I just got used to the idea and thought of it as the only possible truth.
- I see – he commented; and, after a silent pause – As you already know, the groves around that temple are full of cursed spirits of different levels. Apparently you crossed them before reaching the place where I found you. Judging by what you just told me, you have no idea of how you managed to keep the spirits away from you during this?
To speak the truth, there were only scattered scenes where you would run from a monster and hide behind a tree, or when you would fall on the soaked soil and crawl with growls on your ears; you would turn to see the owners of such terrifying voices and then they would just stop and disappear until the next ones would arrive. You never knew how, or even if you did something to make them go away.
Using this as an explanation was useless, so you kept your reply simple:
- I… I don’t know.
Geto sighed, but it wasn’t a sigh of annoyance. Instead, it was the sound one does when they found out an unpleasing thing was true.
- You know, my child, I had my suspicions about your case, but now that I hear it from yourself, I guess I can confirm them. While you had no training for your innate technique, you might have used it in yourself without noticing, and now you cannot access the memories of that day. I also believe you somehow used your technique in the curses, making them ignore your presence while you escaped. I cannot find a different explanation for what happened.
So your technique worked on the cursed spirits? Strange how you never thought of that. You always used physical combat and other techniques to fight the spirits in the wild territories because you believed your innate technique was passive, not appropriate to direct conflicts. But when did you start thinking like that? Was your child version braver than your grown one?
You only noticed your hands were shaking when you sensed your master holding them with firmness.
- I… used my innate technique in myself? – you mumbled – It means that I…
- Yes, probably. Something serious, even traumatic might have happened to you at some point of your early life, and served as the trigger for your innate technique’s awakening. You might have wished so bad that this thing – whatever it was – never happened, or that you could erase it from your memories... And then it did. And, without realizing what you were doing, you repeated the process after every unpleasing event, sometimes even using the technique in other people, making them forget about you. Otherwise, anyone from your family, friends or teachers might have started searching for you. Without understanding your own powers, and even less how to reverse what you did, you moved on until life led you to the temple, where we met.
You felt something strong, cold surrounding your heart while you heard those words. They were the truth you’ve been denying to yourself all this time, yet without finding any better excuse to replace them along the way. Now there was nowhere to go, and even when you felt your body starting to shake, you kept quiet and listening.
- According to what your masters told me, you didn’t know your own name, nor where you came from or who were your parents – Geto continued – That was worrying, of course, but the thing that caught my attention was the fact that you could barely distinguish curses from human beings, which means that you have seen them for a long time, despite not knowing what they were. Your case got me impressed, even a little disturbed if I’m being honest. Someone who cannot tell the difference between people and curses… I’ve never seen something like this before. I could not just leave this aside. However, I had other responsibilities outside that temple, so I left instructions to your masters on how they should educate you, starting with basic activities where you would interact with other humans, so that you would learn to recognize them without a doubt, until you were able to understand deep concepts concerning cursed energy and spirits. They would send me updates concerning you, and then I would give them new orientations as you improved.
You swallowed. So all the rules, the discipline and the routines you had to follow came from him… he was watching over you for all this time, even at a distance? You could never imagine that! Still, you had some doubts.
- But, Geto-sama… my masters always seemed reluctant whenever I tried to ask them about my powers. I mean, they taught me everything I needed to know, including how to avoid accidents involving other people, but somehow their lessons felt…
- Incomplete? – Geto finished the phrase with the word you hesitated to use – Let me tell you that it was not their fault, my dear. Truth is that they never knew much about techniques like yours, and even fed some prejudice towards them. Do you remember what I told you about the master who painted my portrait? He went through this while living among them. His technique and yours are of the same type: they manipulate people’s acknowledge or perception of reality to a certain level, depending on the summoner’s capacity. Because of this, they are naturally hard to master, and accidents might happen during their use, sometimes with irreversible consequences. Many of our most talented children have been through this. It seems that this is the price they must pay for carrying such potential.
Anxiety came like a strong hand grabbing your throat, squeezing it as to force out anything you might have been keeping inside it, while you would fight to run from what you didn’t want to face. All the things you just learned – they were true, they had to be – yet you didn’t want to think of them. You almost wished you’ve never heard of them.
You were brought back to reality by Geto’s voice, calling you with a note of preoccupation among its usual softness.
- Y/n-chan? Y/n-chan, can you hear me? Oh, my dear, was this too much for you?
Yes, you could hear him, but your mouth wouldn’t obey and give him an answer. You were stunned and susceptible, too scared of your own thoughts.
You barely processed the moment when he took you in his arms. You just saw yourself resting on his lap, as his hands were still holding yours, peppering them with kisses while he whispered comforting words.
That wasn’t the first time it happened, though: since you came to live there, he has been putting effort in creating physical bonds with you, sometimes hugging you, holding your hands or kissing your forehead; it was something you saw him doing to other people as well, but since you were the one who has been spending the longest time in his company those days, you’ve been receiving more of his attention in this sense. Not that you would complain about that, of course: you loved your master, and were more than willing to see this love’s reciprocation.
You spent a countless time in silence, with no reaction besides the trembling on your hands. However, Geto patiently waited until you calmed down; you didn’t realize you were crying until you felt him wiping the tears on your cheeks.
- Oh, my child – he was mumbling more to himself than to you – I am so sorry for putting you through this, but there was no other way to tell you what you needed to know, you understand?
You breathed deep and were finally able to speak again.
- Yes, I do – your fingers squeezed the fabric of your clothing in nervousness – Of course I do, but I can’t help…
- You can’t help…? – he encouraged you.
- I can’t help this… feeling. Knowing all of this about myself brings me more sadness than comfort. It is hard to explain. It’s like I’m being separated from the other people once again. I wonder if it will always be like this – you sobbed, looking down to your own hands – It’s so… Lonely.
You felt his finger brushing your hair behind your ear. When he spoke again, you sensed the change in his tone.
- You are right, y/n-chan. This loneliness you feel… I understand it because I feel it too.
You raised your eyes to him with such surprise in your manners that your master couldn’t help looking at you with a gentle smile.
- Have you never you never wondered why there are so many of you in our houses?
You shrugged.
- Well…
- A big family keeps you occupied, not focused on your own feelings – he explained – Still, this sensation won’t go away, and whenever I stop working, it comes back, haunting through my heart.
It was good to know you weren’t the only one who felt that way, but you didn’t like the resignation in his words.
- So there is no use in trying to get rid of it?
- Not necessarily. After a while, I found a way to soothe this: you must join people who share these feelings with you. Just like we are doing now.
With your cheeks still warm by the tears, you gave him a sweet smile.
- That sounds good to me, Geto-sama.
Your response pleased him.
- I am happy to hear that. Now, besides sharing feelings and experiences, it is also important that we know about each other’s innate techniques. You told me what you know about your technique. But let me ask you: did your masters tell you about mine?
That question caught you unprepared.
- No, they never even mentioned it. And to be honest… I never thought of asking.
- That’s no problem, my dear, for I was going to tell you sooner or later. Now, look!
Geto stretched his hand toward some spot at the yard, no so far from where you were. At the place he pointed out, a shadow appeared, soon taking the form of a monster with slim body and a pair of wings. You covered your mouth to suffocate a scared “Ah!”; you immediately recognized the creature as a cursed spirit.
With a second gesture of his hand, Geto called the curse back. It growled and took a turn around a tree on the yard, its multiple pairs of feet not touching the ground, then flew toward its master, as fast as the wind. You thought of moving away before it reached your place, but it disappeared without reaching Geto’s hand.
You sighed in relief when the spirit was gone, but still needed an explanation for what you just saw, which was promptly given by your master.
- Y/n-chan, this is the reason why you never saw any cursed spirits wandering around this house, bothering your partners. Thanks to my innate technique, I collect and control all of them. They have no power here, unless I give them my permission.
You were impressed. That was a scary technique, indeed – much more than your own – but it was stunning in all senses. You felt a sort of pride in this, too: it was good to have such powerful individual as your master.
He laughed with your surprise, then approached you and kissed your forehead.
- You see? You do not need to be afraid. You and all the other children are safe here.
- We were always told that we had to fight the cursed spirits – you commented with a smile – But optimizing their power… I never thought something like this was possible!
Geto stared at you with an enigmatic expression in his small eyes.
- There are many things that are possible in our world, my child, and I am more than willing to teach you about them.
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geliditramonti · 3 years
When The Night Comes
(What We Do In The Shadows)
Viago x Fem!Reader
Part 1
2. The Dinner
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At this very moment, as I observe in silence this great grey brick house in front of me, I'm no longer that convinced I want to do this. I've been standing in front of this door for at least five minutes with a mop in one hand and a bucket full of detergents in the other, undecided as to what to do. I mean, there's vampires living in this house. Despite my relationship with Vladislav and my desire to become one of them, well...they're still predators and I don't know why but I guess I'm not gonna find any Pitt or Cruise in here. I even don't know what will happen to me once crossed the threshold: the chances of being torn to pieces and making new friendly friends are, as far as I am concerned, the same. I'm like a delicious italian takeout for them.
I take a deep breath and I'm almost determined to knock when suddenly I hear a voice from above, marked with a very distinctive Romanian accent.
"Come on in, the door is open."
When I raise my head I see Vladislav up there at the window, smiling slightly at me.
Who knows how many are in here. Two? Five? Ten? Aware that this may be the last time my skin is caressed by the light night breeze, I close my eyes for a second and enjoy the moment. Come on, that's what I wanted, right? Well, maybe I didn't just want to be vampire food, but so what.
"I suggest you get in before Petyr gets you, young lady!"
The trees and the darkness behind me were scary enough, now I also feel...predated. I can no longer tell if I'd be safer inside or here on the edge of the door. With a quick gesture I open it and then close it behind me, looking around as fear paralyzes me. I don't really know what to expect. The lobby is that of an old ruined Victorian house. On the walls there are many paintings, mostly portraits, scattered on a turquoise wallpaper ruined by numerous stains of moisture and dirt. In front of me stands the bust of a stuffed ibex is staring at me with his glazing eyes, hanging on the wall just below the long wooden staircase leading to the second floor. I'll probably end up like you tonight, ibex.
"Welcome" Vlad's voice, now louder and clearer from the top of the stairs, makes me jump "...come upstairs."
Step by step, slowly, I climb all the steps reaching Vladislav on the upper floor. The air is full of a strong smell of humidity and it's awfully quiet.
"So, uh...you said there were others." I say as I follow him down the hall, walking slowly behind him.
"That's what I said."
"And how many...where...?"
"Okay, this is the bathroom."
In a second I feel my skin turning white as marble. My heart stopped for a moment. I've never seen anything like this in my life. My eyes wander inside the bathroom and my mouth barely opens in search of oxygen. The walls, the bathtub, the curtains, the floor, the mirror...everything is smeared with blood. Thick, dark and copious blood in a staggering amount. It looks like a slaughterhouse.
"...and you call this 'a bit of a mess'? Are you serious?"
"Yeah, well...like I said, there was a little accident..."
"It'll take me hours to clean up everything!"
"Better start now then. Have fun!"
Vladislav leaves me alone inside the room and walks away while I keep looking around wondering why I stuck myself in this shit-hole situation.
I don't even know where to start.
*     *     *
I've been in here for at least three hours. On my knees, on the floor, I wiped all the blood. Removed it from the bathtub, from the mirror, from the cracks between the tiles...but as for the wallpaper and the fabrics I think there's nothing more to do. For as long as I've been in here I didn't hear any noise, just the wind between the leaves outside the window shaking the trees a little bit...but sometimes I felt watched. Maybe it was just a feeling but it was like someone was watching me in secret. My pink rubber gloves have turned dark red, I take them off carefully before throw them into the bucket. I feel like I'm on a horror movie set.
"Nice job, my darling."
Vladislav's voice takes me by surprise once again, making me jump.
"You did a great, great job. This bathroom has never been so clean"
"Cleaning up toilets by gallons of blood it's my thing" I sarcastically reply. He smiles.
"You must be tired. Come on, dinner's ready."
Dinner? Vladislav takes me by the hand and I'm sure he noticed I'm shaking. He says nothing, not a word as we go down the stairs and walk in the long corridor lit only by a couple of abat-jours. When we reach the dining room, with in the center a large solid wooden table garnished only by a plate full of spaghetti, I notice that there are two other people expecting for us. Instinctively my legs stop working and I freeze.
"Let me introduce my friends to you. This is Deacon."
Trying not to let anyone in here know that I'm terrified, I smile.
"Who is this pretty girl?" Deacon asks getting up from his chair and slowly approach me. With one hand he grabs a lock of my hair, bringing it to his nose and smelling it loudly.
"Keep your hands off, Deacon!"
With an hiss he walks away again, returning to sit at the head of the table in a nervous, annoyed look. With a murky noise and defiance he raises his leg and puts it loudly on the table, taking a crooked and rude position. I observe him in silence: he wears a military-style jacket, a pair of dark leather high boots and a couple of icy eyes that won't come off me.
"Forgive him, he doesn't know how to behave in front of a woman. And this is Viago."
I turn my head and meet two big and dark eyes, looking curious at me. I can't tell if his smile, which looks so friendly, is reassuring or terrifying...but there's something comforting about him.
"Hello, nice to meet you!"
He stretches out his hand to me. For a few seconds I stand still, watching the dark stone set on his ring and then hold his hand with my own. God, it's really cold.
"So, now that we've made the introductions, I think we can sit down and get something under our teeth, right?"
Yeah, not me I hope.
Vladislav moves a chair inviting me to sit down. My life is in his hands and I know well that I've no decision making power tonight. I slowly sit on the other end of the table, in front of Deacon who keeps staring at me. I've never felt this uncomfortable in my life. My scared eyes wander on their faces, then they start looking for a possible escape in case things get bad.
"So, Y/N. Aren't you hungry?" Viago kindly asks me pointing the plate in front of me.
"Well, I'm actually not..."
"Why don't you eat some busghetti?" Deacon chases me with a higher tone of voice, on his face there's a disturbing grin and not even the look of Vladislav can calm me. Not even a bit. Deacon's question doesn't sound like an invitation but more like a threat. Busghetti? What does it mean? I lower my eyes and look at the plate in front of me, at these horrible spaghetti drowned in a smoky orange tomato sauce. They look awful and disgusting.
"Uhm, I..."
"Please, Y/N. Eat some busghetti."
With my hand still shaking I grab the fork. Oh my God, I don't want to eat this horrible thing. My heart is pounding as the three of them stand in silence, with their eyes fixed on me, waiting. I bring a small piece of pasta to my lips and without thinking twice swallow it, quickly and hoping not to notice. It's cold and it really sucks.
"I didn't realize you enjoy eating worms."
What? Viago chuckles through his teeth and Vladislav smiles satisfied, looking inside my plate and waiting for my reaction. I frown and don't understand, I don't see anything strange.
"Yeah, the live worms on your plate."
"I don't see any worm on my plate."
The three look at each other not understanding what's going on.
"Oh, now I get it. These canned spaghetti were supposed to turn into worms and scare the hell out of me, right?"
I don't know where I've found the guts to use my sarcasm even in a circumstance like this, but...I'm sure it wasn't such a great idea.
"You making fun of me?"
I start to panic.
"No, no, I swear I d-don't..."
"Don't you dare mock me, human!"
I just need a second, just need to see him that with a snap he starts to float in my direction with eyes as black as the abyss to start running in panic in the dark corridor. My heart is about to burst, I don't know where to go and this corridor seems endless, the rooms all the same.
"Deacon, no!" it's the only thing I can hear from Vladislav as I keep running for the front door. I thought I knew where it was but now this house seems to have become a fucking maze.
"Please...please...please..." I repeat breathing hard as I feel his presence closer and closer behind me, I'm so terrified that I cannot even cry.
When I feel Deacon's fingers touching my hair and his hissing in my ear, I slip into the first room and close the door behind me.
My chest goes up and down at an excessively fast pace, I can't see anything in here and my only hope is that there's no one else besides me. My legs give out and I fall to the ground, with my back against the door and hands in my hair. It's over. How do I get out of here? I can't, there's no way. I knew coming here was a bad idea, I knew it, I knew it...
"Y/N? Are you in there?"
It's Vladislav.
"Please, open the door"
"Fuck off!"
"Listen, I'm sorry about what happened. You know, we vampires can be a little...red-blooded. Open the door and I promise no one will hurt you."
I don't have a choice. Either I'm stuck here, waiting to die somehow, or I trust him and open the door in the hope that it's not a rip off.
"If I open this door, will you promise me that asshole won't eat me?"
"I promise."
With my heart still running I begin to slowly open the door. Vladislav smiles at me embarrassed and seems sorry.
"It wasn't supposed to happen."
"Yeah, well..." but when I open the door completely I find myself in front of Deacon, who just stares at the floor.
"Get the hell away from me!" I exclaim while instinctively do to close the door, but Vladislav stops it with his hand and speaks gently.
"Deacon would like to tell you something."
With his eyes down and his voice being a whisper, the attitude of those who want to maintain a certain bluster but with a little shame, Deacon tries to apologize.
"I'm sorry I tried to...eat you."
I don't even know how to reply. It's not something you hear every day.
"And it won't happen again." adds Vlad before giving him a little tap with his foot.
"And it won't happen again."
I just stand there in silence, looking at them like they're ghosts.
"Why don't you get out of there so we can talk about our...deal?"
Vladislav knows perfectly well how to recall my attention. He wraps my hips with one arm and manages to get me out of that room, leading me back into the hallway.
"Tonight you could see our feral side but it's not always like that. These are little accidents that can happen but Deacon is...a good guy. He's just a little touchy about his tricks, you know."
"Yeah, I did notice."
"You will get to know him better during your stay here."
I'm not sure I'm hearing this right.
"My...stay? Here?"
Vladislav looks at me amazed, as if he didn't expect a question like mine.
"I thought you wanted to be one of us."
"Look, if this is about what happened tonight I won't say..."
"Maybe you don't want it enough. I'm gonna give someone else this chance."
What kind of blackmail is this? And why does he want me here? I remain silent for a few seconds, thinking about what to say. What to do. Keep thinking maybe fate brought me here...I want to find out.
Vladislav smiles, he knew very well that leveraging on my need for change would have the upper hand. When we stop in front of a room he opens the door and turns on the light, with a proud smile on his face. Inside the room with the red wallpaper there's a bookcase, full wedge of old leather bound books. There's a small desk with an inkwell and some sheets spread over it. There's an armchair with the brown padding torn apart...and there's a coffin. A coffin in mahogany, dark and massive.
"Do you like it? You can sleep here."
I hope he's kidding.
"I'm not going to sleep in a fucking coffin, Vladislav."
"Why? Coffins are comfortable and you do not have the problem of the light that..."
My gaze, like a knife, interrupts him.
"All right, all right. Maybe we still have a bed upstairs...somewhere."
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4kominato · 3 years
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𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝟞: 𝔅𝔞𝔟𝔶, ℑ𝔱'𝔰 ℭ𝔬𝔩𝔡 𝔒𝔲𝔱𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢
A/N: omgggg so i've been done with this for a while but i couldnt think of a damn title 😐 the title is still sh*t but its fine for now i guess lmao (im open to suggestions) -kuri
@kaaytea [sorry im like a day late (probably 2 days for you ahh) ;-; i think i like this story slightly more than the Itsuki one though]
@shoichee [hii idk if you'd be interested in this but 😬😬😬 might be kinda lame compared to my Imayoshi fic fsjdfi]
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Kise Ryouta x GN!Reader
𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕣𝕖: Fluff
[[WARNING - KnB spoilers]]
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 1,568
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Finally, after two extremely intense games, it was down to the final bracket of the Winter Cup. You’d attended both games to see Kise play, however, Kaijou had lost in the semi-finals against Seirin and unfortunately, would not be advancing to the finals.
Kise and you were classmates, and had been talking since the beginning of the school year. Though it seemed the two of you had developed mutual feelings for each other, neither could be sure, thus hindering both ends from making any advances beyond simply hanging out outside of school.
After Kaijou’s elimination from the Winter Cup, you had no intention of seeing the finals since you’d only been going to see Kise, but the plan changed when he asked you one day after school to come watch it with him. Since he’d asked, you couldn’t say no and well, that’s where things currently stood.
Kise had offered to meet at your house, then walk to the arena together and despite the cold weather, you agreed. Maybe it’d be a valid enough excuse to walk just a bit closer to him, or maybe, just maybe he’d offer you his coat or something like that. When you answered the door, he greeted you with his usual, charming smile that unleashed a flurry of butterflies inside, and you could only hope it wasn’t written all over your face just how flustered you were.
“Shall we?” he offered to which you only nodded, and once you shut and locked the door behind you, he led the way to the arena.
“So did you enjoy the last two games? Even though we lost the second one?” Kise started, attempting to make small talk with you while you strolled down the dim, chilly streets..
“Yeah, you played so well. It was hard to keep my eyes off of you,” you admitted bashfully, turning away from him as you spoke.
“Is that so?” he asked teasingly, “I’m glad to hear it. The next time you watch a game, I’ll be sure to show off even more.”
Not having a response to his remark, you only chuckled, however, he seemed to receive your simple reaction well from the way he flashed you his charismatic grin once more. As the two of you continued to converse, Kise managed to pick up on how your voice had become shaky, and upon closer observation, he noticed that you were shivering.
“Are you cold?” he frowned in concern, stopping in his tracks to check up on you, “Do you want my coat?”
Saying yes to taking his coat was extremely tempting, given you’d been fantasizing about it ever since he picked you up, but you knew better than to rob him of his only source of warmth in the frigid weather. “Yeah, I’m a bit cold… but it’s okay! We’re almost there aren’t we? Without your coat in this weather, you’ll freeze and catch a cold.”
“Well, since we're almost there, all the more you can have it. I can handle the cold for just a few more minutes.” With that, he grabbed the hems of his coat to slide off of his shoulders and give it to you, that is until you stopped him, bunching the thick material in your hands and holding it closed, preventing him from removing it.
“Please, Kise. You need to stay warm too,” you pleaded, staring up at him with worried eyes.
“Well… if you won’t take my coat then…” he paused for a moment to think of what he could do, still determined as ever to keep you warm. “Then, take this!” he spoke excitedly as he unwrapped the fuzzy scarf from around his neck, and swaddled you in it instead. “Better?”
“Mhm,” you hummed and nodded in delight as you inhaled his musky scent which was entwined into the threads of the scarf.
The rest of the walk took under five minutes, and thankfully, inside the arena was much warmer than outside. Once the two of you took your seats, Kise gave you all the insight about the teams playing, particularly his ex-teammates Kuroko Tetsuya from Seirin and Akashi Seijuro from Rakuzan. He pointed out little details during the game that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise, and he explained the strategies each team was using to combat each other; seeing the whole big picture really made the game much more entertaining even though you were practically watching a bunch of strangers.
The game concluded with Seirin barely taking the win, which left Kise with a lot to talk about on the walk home. You stopped first at the vending machine to get some hot coffee knowing it’d be even colder walking back in the later hours of the evening compared to when you guys were arriving. It was cute to see him rambling on and on about how crazy the game was and all the things Kuroko and Akashi had done, what they could’ve done differently, and even the other possible outcomes that could’ve resulted, theoretically.
His gushing over the game made the walk feel a lot shorter this time around, but maybe the combination of the hot coffee and Kise’s scarf keeping you warm contributed too… but you didn’t want it to end. Seeing your house come into view just made your heart sink to your stomach, wishing your time with Kise never had to end.
“I had so much fun today, Kise. Thanks for inviting me to see the finals,” you cooed with a soft smile, hoping to at least draw out this moment a while more before returning to your humble home.
“Yeah, no problem!” Kise responded cheerfully, “I wanted to see Kuroko-cchi and Akashi-cchi play each other and thought maybe since you’d watched the first two games you’d enjoy watching the final too.”
“Initially, I wasn’t planning on it since you weren’t playing, but I’m really glad you asked because I ended up enjoying it a lot. I’d love to see more games with you in the future.”
“In that case, I’ll hit you up anytime I’m planning to go watch a game,” he said with a cheeky wink, “That reminds me though, there’s something I wanted to ask you before you go.”
“Oh, right, your scarf!” you announced in realization that you were about to take it home with you. Just as you began to unwrap the heavy cloth from your neck, he stopped you, grabbing you by the hands before you could proceed.
“No, not that,” he interjected, “Keep it. I have lots of scarves at home. What I wanted to say is… I was waiting things out to be sure before telling you this. After tonight, I feel a little more confident in my suspicion so, I’m just gonna say it. I like you, and I’d like to think you feel the same, so I was hoping we could make this official. What do you say?”
Your eyes widened at his confession and proposal, not that you were against it, but it did catch you completely off guard. Despite how you’d been dreaming of this day since the start of the school year, you didn’t expect it to come so soon and especially not at that very moment. You wanted to say more, but being at loss for words, the only thing that could come out was a simple, “Yes,” before he scooped you up into a hug and spun you around.
“Yes! I can finally call you mine,” he cheered as he gently placed you back on the ground, the purest smile strung across his face when you looked back up at him.
Amidst the celebratory moment, one thing he’d mentioned earlier stood out to you. “Was I… that obvious tonight?” you asked shyly, eyes darting away from his pretty yellow ones out of embarrassment that he’d simply read you like a book.
“No! No, you weren’t. I was being extra observant because I was interested, and even still I wasn’t a hundred percent sure. A lot of girls y’know… fawn over my looks or the fact that I was one of the Generation of Miracles or whatever, so to be around someone who always acts so genuinely in front of me made it hard to discern if you were just a nice person or if you were actually showing interest.”
“Oh,” you muttered under your breath, unable to wipe the dorky grin off your face, “Well, I’m glad you concluded the latter.”
“Yeah, me too,” he chuckled, “I didn’t want to wait for the new year to see you again. Are you free on Christmas Eve?”
“I think so. I’ll let you know if not,” you answered, excited to possibly be spending the holidays with your new boyfriend.
“Great! I’ll text you with details later, okay? You should go inside, it’s cold out here,” Kise urged, preparing to say his goodbyes. Before he could go, you gave him one last hug and thanked him once more for an amazing night.
“Thank you for everything, Kise. I’m excited to see what the future has in store for us, and I’m looking forward to seeing you on Christmas.”
“No, thank you for everything, and I’m your boyfriend now aren’t I? Just call me, Ryouta.”
“Alright, Ryouta. Text me when you get home. Goodnight,” you parted with a wave which he returned as he made his way down the sidewalk.
“I will. Goodnight.”
And then he went home and caught a cold the next day because he was out in the cold for so damn long, and you ended up going over to take care of him.
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gayaristocrat · 3 years
I Got Everything I wanted...
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Episode 1: Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience...
Pairing: Vision x Male Reader
Taglist: N/A
‼️Authors Note‼️: I'm finally at a point where I can write this story. I know that It is long overdue, so I hope this can make up for it. This story is going to be breaking the 4th wall a lot since they tend to do that in the actual show. Also, please let me know in my Inbox/Askbox if you would like to be tagged every time I upload a story to this series. While reading this, you may realize that it seems rushed, and that's because it was. I wanted to put this out as soon as I possibly could. Also since you guys voted that I just divide it up into parts for you to read. I will be uploading part 2 whenever I am able to.
Summary: (Male Name) and Vision struggle to conceal their powers during dinner with Vision's boss and his wife
Time Period: 1956 (So everything in this chapter is going to be colorless and in black and white)
Word count: 4k+
Word Key:
Have you ever dreamed of living the life you always wanted? Have you ever dreamed of something so bad to the point where you would do anything to get it. Have you ever dreamed of something so bad to the point where all of your care for others went out the window? Have you ever dreamed of wanting something so bad to the point where you would stop anyone who gets in your way.
"(Male Name), I love you so much. Please don't do this, cant you see that everyone is hurting, that everyone is in so much pain?"
"I'm sorry Vision, but I can't. I can't loose you...not again. I never meant for things to be this way, but now I can't go back. Not without you"
For a second, everything is black. The TV clicks on and a burst of grey static illuminates the screen. Everything is black and white, not a single drop of color is in the area. A happily little tune starts playing as a colorless 1956 Buick Special drives up a tiny hill and back down past a sign which says 'Speed Limit 35'. The camera angle changes to the back of the car, showing a banner above the license plate, 'Just Married'. Next, the camera cuts to us, (Male Name) and Vision, newlywed husbands.
It finally happened, we finally got married! Both of us turn take a quick look and smile at each other with nothing but love and glee, it seemed like nothing could go wrong in this moment.
A newlywed couple just moved into town,
A regular husband and husband,🎵
Vision turns his head back to the road and continues driving until we turn down a happy little neighborhood. Each house on the street has a pattern of different color greys with black roofs, their yards decorated with equally bland colorless flowers and grass. Children playing outside, and adults chatting with one another while they tend to their gardens, or while walking their dogs. Everyone is just so cheery and happy, even the mailman waves at us as we pass him. Everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be, perfect.
🎵Who left the big city,
To find a quiet life,
(Male Name)Vision!🎵
Vision drives into the driveway of our new home. We quickly hop out of the car and approach the house, but before we walk in I take notice of the 'For Sale' sign still in the yard. I quickly flick my hand and use my magic to change the sign to 'Sold'. After that I dust my hands off with a proud smile on my face as Vision scoops me in his arms bridal style, opens the front door, and carries me inside. I flick my wrist again and the front door closes and locks as we both move to the Livingroom of our already decorated 2 story home.
🎵He's a magical boy,
In a small town locale
And a hubby who's part machine,
How will this duo fit in and pull through?🎵
Once Vision puts me back on my feet, we start swaying with the jingle playing in the background while title cards pop up of written words that I don't care to read right now since I'm too busy enjoying this happy moment with my new husband. Vision then gives me a little twirl before wrapping his arms around my waist as we both dip into a loving heartfelt kiss.
🎵Oh, by sharing a love,
Like you've never seen
(Male Name)Vision!🎵
The scene suddenly changes as the lights flick on and cameras start rolling. You start the scene off by walking into the kitchen and start making your way to one of the grey drawers next to the oven and you grab one of your favorite aprons. Humming a little tune, you wrap the white cloth around your waist and start observing the kitchen to see what needs to be picked up or cleaned. Deciding to work on putting up the dishes, you raise your hand and the newly cleaned plates start levitating off of the counters and float off to the display racks, you then raise your other hand and a dark colored dish cloth floats out of the cabinet and it begins drying a glass cup. You then turn your back to the cup to observe if it had been cleaned good enough, suddenly you jump as a loud crash echoes through out the kitchen. Turn to see what the problem is, you only to find Vision looking up from today's news paper and glances at the shattered plate at the ground while a laughing crown erupts out of nowhere.
"My husband and his flying saucers" He says in his thick English accent (or is it British🤔), with a joking tone.
"My husband and his indestructible head" I reply back in the same tone as another laugh erupts from the crowd.
He then folds his newspaper and walked over to your direction, giving you a kiss on the cheek when he arrived, causing you to chuckle while twirling your finger, making the plate form back to it's original round shape before it floats off to it's designated spot.
"Vision, honey, what do you say to silver dollar pancakes, crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, freshly squeezed orang juice and black coffee?" You say while walking over to the refrigerator, opening it and bending down, getting ready to grab out everything needed to make the meal for him.
"I'd say 'Oh, I don't eat food' " He says smiling at me, while the crown laughs again.
You look inside the fridge and hum to yourself in surprise while putting all the pieces together in your head before saying "Well, that explains the empty refrigerator then"
"(Male Name), my darling. Is there something special about today?"
"Well, I know the apron is a bit much dear, but I'm doing my best to blend in and have the 'Perfect House Husband' look." You say walking to meet him, assuming he's talking about the apron.
"No no, you don't have to try, you already are the perfect house husband." He says as he lightly grabs your chin with his pointer finger and thumb and lightly giving you a 'boop' on the nose. "But I was referring to the calendar. Someone's drawn a heart right above today's date." You then looked at him as you cluelessly try to figure out what he's talking about, so he puts his hands on your shoulders and turns you around to face the calendar behind you and he rests his chin on your head as you both look at the heart.
Trying to act like you know what day it is, you say "Well...d..dont tell me you've forgotten Vis?"
"Oh silly (y/n), I'm incapable of forgetfulness. I remember everything. That's not an exaggeration. In fact, I'm even incapable of exaggeration" He rambles boastfully.
"Hmm, well then if that's true, then maybe you can tell me what's so important about today's date"
He pauses for a second and thinks before he blows a slow puff of air out of his mouth, then deciding on saying "Uhhh...what was the question again? Oh well, no matter, perhaps you've forgotten yourself"
"Me? Heavens, no, haha. I've been so looking forward to it."
You both have actually been looking forward to day. Today you are celebrating...The first time you...uhhh...have ever celebrated this occasion before. It's a special day indeed, perhaps an evening?...of great significance?...to you both, naturally.. obviously...exactly! Well done for the both of you.
You two ramble on for a few more minutes trying to drill the other into spilling on what was so special about today, but you two couldn't since you were both obviously unknowing about it, then Vision remembered something.
"Well, sorry darling, that's me off to work, then." Vison says fixing his grey suit jacket and grabbing his suitcase walking to the front door. You quickly grab his hat hanging on the coat rack and place it on his head, fixing it to make it look straight.
"Also don't forget-"
"(Male Name), my dear how many times do I have to tell you I don't forg- oh you mean my face right?"
You nod letting him know that was what you were getting at. The audience laughs again as he quickly shakes his head and his face and hands transform from cold metal to warm flesh. Vision then puts his palm to his face and pretends to blow you a kiss, while you play along and pretend to catch it and put it over your heart.
Once he leaves out the door, you lock it a return to the kitchen, and make your way to the calendar, chewing on your polished nails (if you don't want nail polish then skip that part) as you try to remember the symbolism of the heart. Not even a second later your thoughts get interrupted as a loud knock at the door startles you back to 'reality'.
Going to go see who it is, you push the door that separates the living room and the kitchen, closer to the knocking. You quickly open the door and see a woman with a dark plaid dress and a styled black hairdo holding a grey plant in a white pot.
"Oh hello, dear. I'm Agnes, your neighbor to the right. My right, not yours" She says in a sing-song tone as she uninvitedly makes her way into the house. The eruption of cackles echo as you look at her in confusion as to why she decided to step inside, but decided to keep a calm attitude and not say anything about it.
"Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block. My mother-in-law was in town...so I wasn't!" she says laughing with the audience once more as her dress sways with her movements. She rushes the potted plant into your arms and you smile and take it as she makes her way into the living room to continue her snooping. "So what's your name? Where are you from? And most importantly how's your bridge game, hon?" She says not loosing a single breath, and of course not giving you time to answer in between questions.
"Umm...Well I'm (Male Name)" You say reaching your hand out to shake hers
"(Male Name)? Charmed!" She joyfully says and returns the gesture.
"Golly, you sure do settle fast! Yes sir you did indeed! Did you use a moving company?"
"Why I sure did. Those boxes don't move themselves." The audience laughs as your inside joke, because let's be honest, the boxes did move themselves since you used your magic to decorate everything. (Damn (Male Name), you really are a powerful sum' bitch)
'"So (Male Name), what's a single boy like you doing rattling around this big house?" She says siting on the couch.
You laugh to yourself and dreamily look at the finger your ring should be on that Vision gave you to claim you as his, (He liked it so he put a ring on it.....sorry...anyways) but paused as it wasn't there. That's not right, because you could have sworn that it was there when you created this rea-
"Oh no, I'm not single I-"
"Well I don't see a ring
"Well I can promise you, I am indeed married...To a man. A human one and tall too! A a matter of fact, he'll be home later tonight for a special occasion just the two of us." You say putting emphasis on 'occasion' with a wink.
"Oh is it somebody's birthday? A holiday?" Agnes questions bouncing up and down in the couch with her legs crossed like a 'proper lady'.
"Well, no and no"
"An anniversary then?"
"Ye-uhh...yes, Its our anniversary!" You shout, finally able to remember what that heart meant.
Agnes waves you over to come sit on the couch with her and you obey, sitting down she grabs and rests both sets of you two's clasped hands on your apron.
"Sooo...tell me, how many years" She asks letting out a little squeal.
"Well..uhhh..it...it uh feels like we've always been together"
"You lucky man-" She shakes her head remembering about her own husband "-the only way Ralph would remember our anniversary is if there was a beer names June 2nd." She chuckles as the audience laughs from nowhere again. "So what do you have planned?"
"How do you mean?" You questioned her. I mean you never really did have time to come up with anything since you just realized, or assumed, what today was.
"For your special night, (Male Name)! A young boy like yourself doesn't have to do much, but it's still fun to set the scene. Say-" she says standing up to slowly make her way to the door "-I was just reading a crackerjack magazine article called 'How To Treat Your Husband To Keep Your Husband', and let me tell you somethin'...what Ralph could really use is, 'How to Goose Your Wife So You Don't Loose Your Your Wife'. She kidd's as her and the audience laugh. You look at her and shake your head trying to hold back your own laughter. "Hang on, I'll go grab it and we can start planning. Oh, this is gonna be a gas!" She shouts running to the door so she can leave and run to her house.
-----Time Skip---
Both Agnes and you are back on the couch, looking through her magazines trying to find ideas for the anniversary dinner you planned for you and Vision to share, when out of nowhere, the phone started ringing interrupting you two. You got up and rushed over to it hoping you don't miss the unknown caller, you pick it up and put it to your ear and then start talking.
"Vision residence how may I help you"
"(Male Name), darling I-"
"Vision, my dearest husband. How are you sweetheart?" You say cutting him off from his obviously panicked and frantic voice. I mean come on, you are just excited to hear your husband's voice after a hours of him being gone.
"Listen about tonight-"
You cut him off again, already knowing that he was going to talk about the anniversary. "Don't worry, dear, I have everything under complete control"
"Oh, well, that is a relief. I must confess, I'm really rather nervous" He says over the phone.
"Nervous? Whatever for?" You question.
"Well, you know, darling, I still get a little tongue-tied."
The audience coo's and aww's at how a dust of grey creeps up on your (dark grey/grey) cheeks. "Vis, after all this time..." you giggle out.
"There's a lot riding on this (Male Name)! If tonight doesn't go just so, I think this could be the end.
'Wait what' you think to yourself
"Well, it's just one night. There's no need to get dramatic." You say in a worried tone as you grasp your now queasy stomach.
Vision's tone begins to get more serious as the conversation continues in his attempt to express how important this is to you. "Look, I think the best course of action is to impress the wife."
"Well, first, I think you mean husband. And secondly I also think the best course of action is to impress the other husband too." You look over and give Agnes a thumbs up and a wink in her direction, and she does the same while sipping her martini.
"Glad to know we're both on the same page, love. Until tonight, then, my sweet little husband" Vision says making two smooching noises through the phone to you.
"Until tonight...my robotic husband" You return, whispering the last part so Agnes doesn't hear you. She couldn't hear you anyways, being too busy sipping her drink and flipping through the pages. You finally gently put the phone on the hook and return to the couch.
---Time Skip, Later Tonight---
Before Vision made it home, you set the big dining table that was next to the living room and tossed colorless silk scarfs on all of the laps in the room to set the mood and made your way to the bedroom to get dressed to surprise him for when he gets home. When you heard the door open and heard his voice, you tip toed your way out of the bedroom and into the living room, dressed a long fluffy white lingerie robe with white fur that wrapped around the arms of it which was trailing behind you, exposing both of your (dark grey/grey) legs. You then went all the way to Vision's black silhouette and gently wrapped your hands around his eyes, causing him to jump form the sudden contact.
The audience laughed again as they know your mistake. 'Where the hell is that laughing coming from, and whey is it happening right now of all times?' you thought to yourself in confusion.
"Guess who~" you seductively whispered to your husbands.
Suddenly the lights turn on and you hear Vision's voice that was filled with a mix of shock, embarrassment, and irritation at your recklessness. "(MALE NAME) WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"
You gasp and look in his direction. "Vision? What are you-" then it hit's you, if Vision is right there, then who's-
"Oh! Oh my stars, I'm so sorry!" You say to the man you mistook for your husband. You quickly uncover his eyes and stumble away from him as he stares at you in shock. Then you look down at your attire and try to cover your exposed leg as much as possible.
"What is the meaning of this!" The bald headed mad says appalled, as his wife stands behind him looking around cluelessly.
Vision interrupts with his stammering voice just as confused as everyone else. "Well..uh yeah (Male Name) what is the meaning of-" Suddenly it hits him and he tries to comes up with an excuse off the top of his head. "-Oh, the meaning of it! You want to know the meaning of it...and...the meaning of it is...that this is the tradition of (Random Foreign Country/Continent) greeting of hospitality. Uhh...guess who???" Vision says as he runs behind you and overs your eyes.
"Oh is that my host being me?" You say playing along.
"It certainly is, darling. Lovely to make your acquaintance" Vision says vigorously shaking your hand. "See i forgot to tell you my husband is from (Random Foreign Country/Continent)" he giggles along with the audience.
"Oh, how exotic!" The man's wife cheerfully laughs.
"I never knew such a place as that existed" He says in a dark yet serious tone.
"Oh hush Author, have you no culture. Oh and the robe, I absolutely love it!" His wife replies trying to lighten up the awkward mood.
"Thank you so much ma'am-" you march through the living room and snatch off the silk scarves from all the lamps and tightly grab Vision's hand. "-Can I just see you in the kitchen for a moment, sweetheart?"
You both then slam your way through the kitchen door and it swings closed behind you, leaving Vision's boss and his wife behind as they sit down on the couch and patiently (more like impatiently on Arthur's end) wait for your return. You then turn around and look at each other before throwing questions.
"Who are those people?!"
"What are you wearing!?"
"Why are they here?"
"What are you wearing!?" Vision questions again boldly
"Well, it's out anniversary, that's why I'm wearing this!"
"Our anniversary of what?" Vison says, desperate to know what the hell you were talking about. Eventually you had enough of these shenanigan's and throw the scarves down at his feet stomping your way to the kitchen chairs. "Well if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you!" you exaggerate, crossing your arms and pouting like a child
"(Male Name), darling! That...that man through there is my boss Mr. Hart! And his dear lady wife Mrs. Hart! The heart on the calendar was an abbreviation!" Vision whispers, roughly tapping his hand on the black heart drawn on the dull colored calendar.
You grab your head and shake it trying to put everything together. "Vision sweetie, you move at the speed of sound and I can make a pen float through the air. Who. Needs. To. Abbreviate!?"
Vision grabs both of your shoulders in an attempt to collect his thoughts and calm you down. "Darling, listen, it's all romantic to do the candles, the music, that stunning outfit. I don't wanna be unappreciative, but right now-"
"Your boss and his wife are expecting a home-cooked meal. Correct?" Vision nods his head while muttering 'exactly' while look around the kitchen in order to find somethin to serve to the unwarned visitation of guests. After looking around for a but, your eyes land on the mini round table that held a plate and food on it. "Well, does your boss and his wife have a hunger for a single chocolate-covered strawberry, split three ways?" Vision hisses while clenching his fists and shaking his head no.
"Oh wait, I might have better ideas" Without hesitation you raise both of your sands and snap your fingers, magically changing your outfit to the one you were wearing earlier that day, a pair of dark high waisted cuffed slacks and a white blouse to match (you can change if you don't like), and the audience claps in astonishment at your transformation whilst you tie your apron in a bow behind your back. Vision gives you a quick peck on the cheek and runs back to the living room to keep others company while you figure out what to serve everyone.
---Time Skip---
After minutes of looking, you couldn't find anything in the kitchen, and the refrigerator was empty, so you decided to call your good neighbor Agnes to see if she could pick up some things from the store and bring it over. A couple of minutes pass and you finally hear a familiar knock on the back door in the kitchen. As soon as you open it Agnes rushes through with her hands full of groceries stacked to her chin as she stumbles through the kitchen. Before you could even mutter out a 'thank you' she stops you dead in your tracks and puts all the food down on the table. "Before you can say anything don't think about it. I mean, what kind of housewife would I be if I didn't have a gourmet meal for four just lying about the place. Not that Ralph wants to eat anything other than baked beans, which explains a lot about his personal appeal, mind you." The audience laughs one more at her silly humor as you quickly render to her aid to grab some of the groceries before they could fall. Unfortunately, it seems like the Universe was not on your side since the large cooking pot crashed and hit the ground, echoing throughout the kitchen, while Agnes yelled out an overexaggerated 'oh my'.
You had to get rid of Agnes and as quickly as you can, so you decided to just push her out the back door despite her protests to help you cook. "Thank you so much Agnes but I can take it from here-"
"Are you sure dear, many hands make light work. And many mouths make good gossip too!"
"Oh ahahaha, you are so naughty! But-"
"Oh, shall I preheat the oven then? hmm?"
"That won't be necessary, thank you for your time!"
Somehow she managed to escape your grasp on her waist and make her way back to the counter to crab some kitchen tools to start cooking for you. "Well, I know you're in a pinch so this menu can be done in a snap." She says snapping her fingers before continuing her rambling. you run back over to her and snatch the utensils from her, setting them on the counter, and grabbing her arms to march her back to the door. "Lobster Thermidor with mini-minced turnovers to start. Chicken à la King with twice-cooked new potatoes for your second course, and Steak Diane with mint jellies for your main. Oh wait! Do you set your own jellies, dear?"
"Yes Agnes I do, now can you please-"
"Ah there you go, good boy! Recipe cards are all on the counter there. Bon Appétit!"
"Haha, yes will do, thank you so much again Agnes! Bye now!" You say slamming the door, making the audience laugh at your exhausted expression. Now that she's gone, you run to the middle of the kitchen and throw your arms around, making all of the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen fly open, the dishes start floating out, and the food starts cooking. Out of no where the doors to the island bar swoop open to show Mrs. Hart, but before she could see Vision distracts her by breaking out and singing Yackety Yack by The Coasters, causing her to break out into a little dance, making her way back to the couch. Dear gods and goddess', how lucky are you to have a savior like him.
But little did you know, that the night was only just beginning.
Finish the fic? Leave a like and comment if you enjoyed it. Also, give it a reblog too! Once again, I'm so sorry it was rushed! Please don't be afraid to let me know if there are any typos or errors. I will go back and edit this
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stvrs13 · 3 years
No Chance
part 2 of enough
part 1
ellie x fem reader
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summary: after not talking with the girl you love for weeks, you regret doing that day you both argue, you thought it was stupid and you wanna talk things with her out and tonight's the night your gonna try to talk to her.. but will it be the same as your plan?
warning: angst
* knocks *
* knocks *
* loudly knocks *
you were interrupted on playing an upbeat music on your headphones by a loud knock at the door, you pause the music and hang your headphones on your neck and walk towards the door, you open it, there stood maria, " y/n where the hell are you? i've been knocking forever " maria mutters. you mentally rolled your eyes and let out a chuckle, " i was listening to music, sorry " you said. " i came here to tell you i need help " maria crosses her arm on her chest. " i need you to help dina with stuffs for the party. " "i- how about ellie? she can help dina. " you hesitantly said that. maria sighs, " nope, you go. " you groan in defeat, head throwing back. " okay fine. " thinking that you look good, you walked outside and close the door, following maria. " so not to pry or anything but what's up with you and ellie? never seen you two hanging out again after i saw you storming back to your house from her house. " " just got an argument " you look at the ground, guilty taking over your mind. " you know, she looks so happy hanging out with dina but i can see there's something off " " so what about that? " " i think you guys should work things out, she looks broken " " were not even dating " you remember those stupid words ellie said. " i dont know maria, can we just forget about it? " you mutter. she nods, realizing you both are now infront of the bar, she opens the main door and dina saw you and maria. she ran towards you and hug you, of course the perfect girl ,you thought . " y/n! long time no hanging out! how have you been? " she asked with a huge grin on her face. " i've been great. how about you? " you sarcastically said. " im good! " as you both chat, maria look around and just nod at the both of you before she left. " * laughs * so are you going later? " dina asked while wiping the table. " yeah you? " " definitely, you know ellie is coming too. " she said, smiling at the last part. you just nod and continue sweeping the floor, Dina keep happily talking while you listen, you didn't really pay attention, you just cant stop thinking what would happen later, you decided to apologize to her and be her friend again. " uh y/n? y/n! " you were interupted of your thoughts by dina reaching your shoulder, you turn to her side, " huh? " " we're done here now, lets head out. " dina says. You nod as you peek through your watch, 4:30.
- 6:30 pm -
you entered the bar, full of crowd chattering and dancing, you let out a smile, loving how the people enjoy the party. As you look around, you catch an eye looking at you, you look at ellie and smiled. she scratch the back of her neck and shyly smiled, you walk towards her, " hey uh can we tal- " " hey ellie! " dina said following you at the back with a huge smile. guess she's the one ellie's been staring. damn it jealous again? you thought to yourself that was stupid. You walk away from them, sitting on a chair at the counter, you ordered a glass of whiskey and as you look around, you saw ellie walking towards you. " hey " she sternly said as she sat beside you. the bartender gave you a glass of whiskey, you let out a 'hey' and drank the entire whiskey on your glass. you can see ellie watching beside you. as you swallow them all, you felt a burning sensation in your throat. You cleared your throat as ellie observed what your doing, " what's up? " you asked her. " uh how are you? " she asked, playing with her fingers. " i've been fine, i guess. you? " " good. " " um can we talk? " she chuckles. " we're already talkin " looking away from her, you blushed. how silly. " look about last week, im sorry about that, i act so stupid and sensitive. i just- i just got fed up i guess. " yes you did, but there's another reason why you hate her talking about dina. " its fine y/n " she said, smiling at you. you gave her a smile, " so um i think its time for you to know that i like- " " ellie there you are! " dina interrupts you. you look at her with anger but hid it with your lips smiling, " hey y/n! glad your hear!" she says while grabbing ellie's arms, " we'll talk later. " ellie said while having the widest smile. They walk away from you and went on the dance floor, a slow song just played and they both had their arms on their shoulder and waist, ellie's arms on dina's waist while dina is at ellie's shoulder. you sigh, nevermind then, as the song went by, you can see them whispering to each other, giggles and glances. You sigh in defeat guess they are really meant for each other. you look at the floor, on the verge of tears. what made worse is when you look at them again both of them are now closer, lips inches away, then there. they kissed, you just look away and tears started to fall down. you slammed the glass at the counter and ran away.
your madly inlove with ellie but the world doesn't seem to want you to be with her, not when she's inlove with someone else.
should i make pt 3 ?
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belit0 · 4 years
Sibling Issues
Chap 2
Rating: E
Pairing: [Uchiha Madara / Uchiha Izuna / Fem Reader]
TW: nope
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Madara has always been perverse with his punishments, profoundly enjoying the sight of you suffering in front of his eyes, witnessing your despair to an almost maddening extent. It is not as if you had something to complain about, being tied up and over-stimulated to the limit of frustration by a man like him seemed like a dream, and every time you felt his expert fingers wandering through the scars he created in your skin, you wondered if your relationship with the Uchiha was not purely a charming fantasy.
That's how you felt at that moment, imprisoned in bed, naked and bound by hands and legs. With your limbs forced to stay apart by ropes, it is your man who watches you from his intimidating height, standing in front of you, rejoicing in your humiliation.
Gagged with your panties, you cannot speak or beg for mercy, for knowing him, you know that something heavy is coming, even considering the torture he has been inflicting on you for the past thirty minutes. How did you end up in this situation? You refused to accompany him to his meeting with Hashirama this morning, as the previous night was filled with passion and rudeness on his part, and you really needed to sleep. Of course he did not take your disobedience well, and no opportunity escapes Madara to punish you when you are a bad girl.
Crossed arms in front of the bed, wearing a black turtleneck shirt, with his hair pulled up in a ponytail and ready to leave again, he observes you with malice. In one of his hands, a black vibrator is off, glowing with your fresh fluids because it has been recently removed from you. He's only wearing gloves on one of his hands, and it's the one he's not holding the object he's using to tease you.
"Now, [Y/N], I'd love to stay and play with that sweet, tight pussy of yours, but I've been summoned by the elders of the Clan to a private meeting. You have 10 seconds to cum, otherwise you will remain tied up until my return."
Flushed and on the verge of tears, you did your best in begging him to take you, as the constant stimulus he had been applying to you for the past half hour was too much, and you could no longer bear it. In fact, you weren't even sure you could concentrate enough to cum with the speed he was demanding.
The incoherence of your words, which were suffocated by the fabric of your underwear, and the drool that fell from your mouth because of the inability to close it completely, only made Madara laugh in front of you, sending even more heat to your lower body and a feeling of deep humiliation to the whole situation.
This man delights in throwing you low.
"Keep quiet, are we clear?"
Approaching your dripping cunt again, he turned on the vibrator, while slowly positioning himself between your legs. He travelled all over your skin with the moving object, rubbing all areas of your body and purposely avoiding your clitoris. Staring into your eyes, the devilish grin on his face was unable to wipe off his features, enjoying your helplessness and cravings, the need to feel pleasure and liberation once and for all.
When a tear escaped from one of your eyes, he decided he could give you what you finally deserved, and without warning, he directed the vibrator that was slowly massaging your nipples towards your pussy, pressing it directly on your sensitive pearl, watching you with expectant eyes.
Your back curved upwards, while you pressed your hips towards him, seeking even more support and contact with the object that would give you your long-awaited orgasm. Your eyes inevitably closed, and your mouth opened in an incredible way, making your underwear go even deeper into it.
“1… 2… 3…”
In the face of Madara's hasty account, you remembered with effort his warning, and made your greatest effort to direct your mind to the greatest point of pleasure, even without being able to move your legs or arms.
"4... 5... 6... such an obedient little whore..."
At the compliment of your man, the motivation you really needed appeared, and you could feel the much-awaited moment finally arrive.
“7… 8… 9…”
And before he could reach the end of the count, one of your best orgasms hit your senses, causing your whole body to shake and your limbs to seek compression against your figure, protecting your sensitive clitoris from the abusive prolonged sensation of the vibrator.
When he saw that you met his demand, he walked away from you and removed the object, took the panties from your mouth and gave you water to drink.
"Well done [Y/N], I expected nothing less from you... but I regret to inform you this is not enough."
"You abandoned me all alone with Hashirama and his delusions of worldly friendship all morning. Did you think such a modest punishment would save you, doll?"
"Madara please!"
He took your jaw with his gloved hand, exerting a slight pressure to open your mouth, and pushed the same underwear back into your cavity. A muffled scream escaped your mouth in surprise, which the Uchiha easily silenced with a slap on your thigh.
Leaving you tied up, he turned on the vibrator again, and there you understood the worst was what you were about to face. He pushed the object deep inside you, wiped his fluid-soaked hand on a towel, arranged his clothes and put on the missing glove.
"I'll take my time; I expect to return and find you a mess."
You couldn't even think of an answer, as the pleasure and sensitivity your body was experiencing at the same time was too much to concentrate on anything else.
With a firm step and completely unconcerned with your condition, Madara disappeared out the door of the room, while his steps were heard increasingly faint in the corridor. A second later, the front door opened before closing again, leaving you alone in front of Uchiha's mansion.
Your figure twisted in bed, thanking every orgasm caused by the vibrator inside you and trying to cooperate with the over-stimulation, forcing the ropes that kept you tied up, trembling at every sensation and movement, your skin bristling and your eyes watering from such torture.
So abstracted were you in your world of self-indulgence that you did not hear the front door open and close again.
Nor did you hear the footsteps outside the room.
Nor did you hear the voice of a man who was not Madara asking if everything was okay.
Reality hit you again when your reddish eyes met those of Uchiha Izuna, who, for some reason unrelated to you, was at your house, at your bedroom door, witnessing the kinks you and your man shared.
"...I-I... I-I... shouldn't b-be here..."
As the Uchiha was about to leave, the vibrator touched a key point inside you, making you scream loud and deeply while another orgasm was released into your body. The muffled moans caught his attention, and the way your body contorted itself mesmerized him into an inexplicable spell.
Awakening from the enchantment of your figure, Izuna realized that his Sharingan had been activated, and that in his memory now lay engraved the intimate moment of you reaching your peak of pleasure. Ashamed of himself for even having such thoughts with his brother's partner, he walked over to the bed, and removed the garment that prevented you from speaking.
"I'm sorry [Y/N] I'll leave you alone and..."
Stupefied by his uselessness and feeling guilty about your clear suffering, the Uchiha tried to regain his composure and not let himself be carried away by the image in front of him.
"S-Sure! Just... just tell me what I have to do."
Obeying your demands, he quickly released your two wrists, having to lean slightly over you to untie the one at the other end of the bed. When you regained movement, something fierce took hold of your mind, and the fact of having another Uchiha in front of you, belonging to Madara's family, no less than his little brother, set your senses on fire even more.
Taking him by the hair with force, you made his face bend towards you, brutally bumping his lips against yours. Izuna found himself reluctant to reciprocate the kiss at first, but when your tongue slipped over his lips in hunger and need, his mouth opened without hesitation and devoured you with the same intensity.
Separating slightly and for a second, you managed to look him in the eye and tell him.
"Please fuck me Izuna."
"Shit, if you ask like that."
He quickly positioned himself between your legs, and rapidly Dropping your almost numb extremities on the mattress, you watched as he removed the vibrator from your interior, moaning at every centimeter of the object.
In the blink of an eye, his clothes lay forgotten somewhere in the room, and a hardened limb stood in front of your entrance. Aligning himself with you, his thrust was sharp and direct, penetrating you mercilessly.
He leaned over you, hiding his face in the hollow of your neck and biting into your skin, while your legs locked around his waist to feel him completely within you. Your hands became entangled in his hair, and soon you found yourself undoing his ponytail so you could pull his strands more easily.
His breaths became agitated, short and deep, arousing you even more, to the point where you thought it was no longer possible to receive stimulation. His muscles above you tensed with every movement of his hip, and with your tightened eyes, you breathed in his male scent with despair.
"I'm going to... ah... fuck you so well... shit... that you'll forget... his name... Kami... you're so tight [Y/N]"
"I-Izuna-a -gasp- I'm c-com-ming -gasp-"
Upon hearing your response, his thrusts took on a new speed, an almost overwhelming pace for your labored body, making you reach the last orgasm of the night with just a few moves. You felt his cum spread inside you, covering your walls with that warm liquid, and your mind was delighted with satisfaction.
Until you realized what had really happened.
And when Izuna came down from his orgasm, he couldn't help but feel less guilty than you.
"[Y/N]... what... what have we done..."
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