#and 1 streetball
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brun00u11 · 28 days ago
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fakehiphopsucks · 9 months ago
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kirisaki-daichi-scenarios · 6 months ago
How'd you think kiridai, haizaki, imayoshi, nash and jason would use insta? (I know it isn't popular in Japan but still)
Hanamiya Makoto
his account used to be public but he made it private after getting fed up of having to delete comments like “you scumbag you broke my friend’s ribs rot in hell” from his posts which were just cute pictures of the kiridai cat (yes i’m bringing this ancient headcanon back) 
so now he only allows follows from people he knows and trusts which means literally just the kiridai team, imayoshi, maybe a couple classmates, and his mum 
and then within that circle, he has the other kiridai boys on his close friends list and they’re the ones who see the stories that ‘reveal his true nature’ 
like hanamiya sees that someone who played against him has made a post about their journey going through shoulder rehab (no guessing who gave them their shoulder issues), so he reposts that post to his close friends story with the caption “time for a round two?”
meanwhile the posts his mum sees are just pictures of the kiridai cat or pages from some books he’s been reading recently
(n.b. hanamiya’s mum very rarely uses instagram. she only uses the account to keep up with family members, and only made it in the first place because hanamiya had just made his and she wanted to make sure he didn’t get cyberbullied. 
meanwhile her son is the one who has been repeatedly suspended from instagram for bullying.)
Hara Kazuya
has a lot of accounts and if not for the fact that he has basketball and other hobbies he would be chronically online
so there’s one main account which has just a couple photos that make him look cool (a photo of him dunking, or him drumming with good lighting) and occasionally he’ll post a picture on his stories of the city under a dawn sky and a note of the time so everyone knows he’s out grinding streetball at stupid o’clock. 
the main account is his only public account and he only really has it so that, if anyone (family friends, basketball players from other schools) search him up, those curated posts are all they’ll see. he only posts that occasional story in order to see if anyone’s been stalking him.
then there’s the finsta which is what he’s most active on. he posts several times a week on this account and the posts are all either 1) shitposts and memes that make little to no sense, 2) pictures of fellow kiridai members at very bad angles, or 3) photos from matches that he wants to mock, like a picture of kiyoshi’s face in agony as his knee got broken with the caption “tfw tanaka-sensei sets a pop quiz.”
and finally hara has his assortment of troll accounts, most of which he uses to pretend to be a high school girl living in the general Tokyo area so that he can catfish classmates when he’s bored. 
hara has so many of these accounts that he’s created a cinematic universe of his own with elaborate storylines about the tumultuous friendships between these non-existent girls. they’ve become kiridai’s answer to d&d whenever the boys are bored.
plus these catfish accounts have now become strategic. several of the ‘girls’ are in talking stages, and even online relationships with, basketball players from other schools. this means that a) hara can get intel from the players and b) as soon as any important match comes around, he breaks up with/ghosts the guy, in the hope that it’ll make them place worse.
it goes without saying that it was hanamiya who invented this innovative technique of psychological warfare but hara’s the one who puts the hours in - to the point where it would be a little suspicious how well he can pretend to be a teen girl in love if not for the shit-eating grin on his face whenever he goes through his collection of screenshots of messages begging “her” to take them back 
(sidenote - can you imagine how well okamura would fall for this?) 
(i’m thinking of a yandere!okamura x catfish!hara fic…)
Furuhashi Kojiro 
has two Instagram accounts
account number one is the one his teammates/family/friends follow. it’s a private account that he doesn’t use very much apart from liking friends’ posts. he has a few photos on there, but mostly photos of scenery from holidays
account number two is public, with around 10k followers. it’s completely anonymous and no one irl knows he has it. this account posts quite regularly and every post is an aesthetic picture either of his plants or what he’s baked recently. and when i say aesthetic, i mean aesthetic: the perfect warm lighting and usually some berries or something framing the centrepiece of the photo. 
the captions are usually quite short and wholesome: “making melonpan can be difficult but i find the challenge refreshing” “when the days become stressful, i turn to these larch bonsai to remind myself to stand tall” “i am trying a new macaroon recipe. may it bring great riches.”
he’s also started posting some reels on this account, mostly timelapses of bread rising or plants growing etc
furu uses very few hashtags but somehow still gets super high engagement. his followers adore him and have collectively assumed he’s a fem lesbian living in the countryside somewhere with her beloved girlfriend. (furuhashi naturally never corrects anyone because he wants to keep it anonymous.) the comments are all “cottagecore queen” “i owe all my mental health to you” “the only unproblematic account on Instagram” 
so yeah, on instagram, furu is considered an angel
Jason Silver
this man has not posted a single photo where he is not shirtless
and his stories are like 30% videos from streetball practice and 70% thirst traps which he pretends he’s posting to show his gains... but everyone knows he’s just posting them to try attract the three women who followed him back
his following is around 50% ‘baddies’, 45% nba players, and 5% friends and a few streetballers that he’s played against before
(he follows very few streetballers because he thinks it’s beneath him to follow losers and see how they’re improving. he’s so good at basketball he has no need for that, duh.)
(in reality he has no need to stalk prospective opponents because nash does it for him.)
also actually headcanon that most of jason’s posts are videos of him breaking the hoop while dunking or just generally basketball action shots, because jason can’t pose in front of a camera to save his life
you can’t blame him really - that’s a lot of man to fit in one small lens
Haizaki Shougo
no profile photo, no posts: 100% anonymous account. man just uses his Instagram account to get material to jerk off too - pretty much every single account he follows is of an onlyfans model. (he would still be following some female classmates and kise’s ex girlfriend if not for the fact that they’ve all blocked him.)
in the end, haizaki has no friends to interact with and no aesthetic life he can post about, so why would be bother having a more social instagram
added bonus of the anonymous account is that he can use it to stalk others - and he does like his stalking. 
sometimes he stalks the gom’s accounts, and he tells himself it’s just to make fun of them being desperate for likes or looking pretentious, but really he gets a “what could have been” feeling from scrolling through all the photos (and it hurts -- especially seeing videos of them playing together like back in middle school.)
and sometimes haizaki stalks his fukuda sogo teammates. again, he tells himself it’s just to mock them, and he’ll see photos of them hanging out together and be like “what fucking losers who would want to be seen with them.” but there’s a little pang of loneliness in his heart all the same.
Yamazaki Hiroshi
has had the same instagram account since he was 10 and he never deletes or archives any posts so if you scroll far down enough, you’ll find videos of pre-pubescent him and hara doing ‘parkour’ (literally just jumping over benches and off swings) or those chain posts like “share this with five friends or you’ll be haunted forever.)
zaki’s is a private account with a couple hundred followers - his teammates obviously but also family, cousins, some classmates, some of hara’s catfish accounts, and even a couple fellow high school basketballers from distant enough teams that they somehow haven’t realised that zaki is a member of the infamous kiridai. 
he posts semi-regularly and mostly just very normal, mundane posts - photos from family holidays, a tasty udon noodle bowl he had the other day and maybe the occasional streetball photo (typically with one of the kiridai boys in the frame instead of zaki – zaki’s not a huge fan of photos of himself)
zaki’s feed is mostly hara’s shitposts and also streaming clips from his various video games, and if you do ever see his account in the ‘wild’, it will be him backing up hara’s finsta after hara made a particularly outrageous comment somewhere
because a real friendship takes two people: Person 1 who just stirs shit up, and Person 2 who defends Person 2’s shit-stirring by cursing out every commenter who criticises them
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Kobe Bryant: Best Player of the Last Thirty Years (At Least)
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It is the shortness of memory, as well as a certain hubris of each age, that leads us to assume that the best player of the last three or so generations must be the G(reatest) O(f) A(ll) T(ime). To settle that discussion, many players prior to Michael Jordan must be considered.
However, if we confine ourselves to the three players from comparatively recent memory, each dominating an era, though in different ways, namely Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James, the choice is clear: Kobe Bryant.
As for LeBron James, he has sought out winners more so than making them, yet has fewer championship rings than Jordan or Bryant. As such, only if LeBron finds leadership qualities in himself, along the lines of an aging Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, let us say, to get another ring or two as his team's elder statesman, is he even in the discussion.
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If, then, we are looking more or less at the post-Dream Team era, this leaves two and only two as potentially the greatest: Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.
Before we look at Kobe Bryant's career, and the common objections to his GOAT resume, let us first look into the era of Michael Jordan, and the reasons that he is synonymous with his sport, even beyond his accomplishments.
In the 1980's, the controversial but undeniably business-savvy David Stern wanted to increase the profitability of the NBA, which had struggled badly as a business in the seventies. It also must be noted that the ABA, though it folded, had changed public perception of isolation play and recognition of individuals, such as Julius Erving, in a team sport: Prior to the ABA's streetball style, it was considered in poor taste for an individual, such as George Mikan, Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, to dominate a team sport like basketball, so much so that all four men had rules changed to lessen their dominance, either at the NCAA level, in the pros, or both.
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By Michael Jordan's era, however, the precedent of Julius Erving, a high-flying isolation specialist, had changed public perception of one-on-one play in basketball, and what is more, the social upheaval of the sixties and seventies, followed by the neo-capitalism of the eighties, had changed the culture from "we" to "me".
Thus, David Stern, and Nike with him, saw in Michael Jordan's storms of scoring, unprecedented for a guard, an opportunity to sell name brands through a single person, unthinkable just fifteen or so years prior.
This had two substantial results: (1) No matter how many shots Michael Jordan, the all-time leader in usage percentage, took, it would offend sponsors to call into question whether or not he should pass more, (2) The flagrant foul rule seemed conveniently timed to prevent, let us say, the New York Knicks of that era, and other teams planning to replicate Detroit's notorious "Jordan Rules", from grounding Air Jordan.
We can also point to the 1990's as the decade in which palming the ball became generally acceptable for crossovers, in which pushing off the defender in plain sight became commonplace, and in which traveling calls became a bit more lenient, all of which made Jordan's explosive offense that much more potent.
Prior to this, the Detroit Pistons had been highly successful in limiting Michael Jordan's team accomplishments:
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That brings me directly to the first piece of evidence in favor of Kobe Bryant, even over Michael Jordan. Jordan did no weight training until after being manhandled by the Pistons, whereas Kobe Bryant, knowing that coming directly from high school would require beefing up, was legendary for his weight training from the very start, resulting in him having, perhaps, an extra fifteen pounds of muscle over Jordan. In other words, "Kobe Rules" would not have worked.
Then there is the fact that Kobe Bryant's clutch threes compilation rivals that of, for instance, Reggie Miller, a statement that cannot be made of Jordan.
However, there are, on the face of it, certain reasons Jordan might seem clearly superior to Kobe Bryant, starting with raw statistics. How do we account for Jordan having more points per game, and even a fraction more of an assist per game? The answer: The eras in which they played.
Look at the peak years of Jordan and Kobe as scorers, namely Jordan's 1986-87 season and Kobe's 2005-06 season. In '87, the NBA averaged 109.9 points per game, while in '06, it averaged just 97 points per game. This alone negates any case that Jordan was a more innately prolific or efficient (for his era) scorer than Kobe.
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The next objection, however, is raised more often, and was likely the one that Kobe Bryant hated the most: The idea that his first three NBA championships were overwhelmingly attributable to the presence of Shaquille O'Neal.
The problems with this idea are many, starting with Shaq's injuries and lack of conditioning, resulting in at least two of those rings being with Kobe as the hero, Shaq as the sidekick, but the greatest problem with this hypothesis runs even deeper.
What, other than an iron work ethic, did Kobe Bryant have that Shaquille O'Neal, by the time of the Lakers '00-'02 three-peat, utterly lacked? In a word, it was speed, and an offense that waited for Shaq to lumber into the low post not only limited Kobe's individual statistics, but likely cost the team rings in the long term.
The fact that the Lakers fell apart about the time Shaq left is attributable to a myriad of factors, such as feuding in the front office, the absurd notion of acquiring overpriced, over-the-hill talent such as Karl Malone, and the morale-breaker of Phil Jackson deciding to sell a book at his team's expense, trashing his best players.
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Then, there was fall of the Lakers, yet again, after their 2010 championship, but before we get to that, let us consider just how little help Kobe Bryant really had in getting his post-Shaq rings.
His best teammate, in 2009, by far, was Pau Gasol. Pau Gasol would most likely not be in the Hall of Fame but for the lucky break of playing alongside Kobe Bryant, and no sane person would compare him, as a sidekick, to Scottie Pippen. A case could be made, therefore, that Kobe Bryant had less help in 2009 than Michael Jordan did in the late 1980's, and while Kobe won a ring, Jordan got sent home three years in a row by Detroit.
What about the post-2010 Lakers collapse? The causes were typical of how the Lakers organization self-destructs: Phil Jackson blaming Kobe Bryant, once again unfairly, and the Lakers seeking washed up players, such as Steve Nash, forcing Kobe Bryant to work through injuries as, yet again, a one-man show on what was supposed to be a team.
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Why, then, is Kobe Bryant treated so unfairly by the press, even to this day? When Michael Jordan took the most shots, this was seen as leadership, but when Kobe did it, the press called him selfish. Jordan's brusque demeanor was generally seen as a sign of a great competitor, while Kobe was accused of just being a mean and nasty guy.
The reason is simple, and it is not Michael Jordan's fault: Money. Michael Jordan lucked into saturating the sports sponsorship market, leaving little room for Kobe. The press, not fearful of offending sponsors with Kobe as with Jordan, did what it usually does: Try to tear down the best and brightest, because such negative faux-journalism, sadly, sells.
If the shoes were Air Kobe's, and Kobe Bryant had starred in something like Space Jam, we would all rightly see Kobe Bryant as synonymous with modern basketball, before and after his untimely departure. As for LeBron James, he kissed up to the media long enough to win them over, which was not a priority of Kobe Bryant, and is unrelated to basketball achievements.
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fonmythenmetz · 2 years ago
Part 2/2 (part 1 here 👇🏻)
So Murasakibara appears, frowning at Kuroko. He didn’t come to collect the order, and Himuro sent Mura to bring it, as it was getting cold. And - there’s a lot, several trays of heavy bowls. He’s not complaining, but it takes effort to balance it all in his arms.
The thing about Murasakibara is that he’s The Tall Guy. He’s been The Tall Guy for a long time. Of course, he teases everyone for being short, but he’s just as mercilessly teased right back, and the difference is that on his side of tallness he is alone. He’s seen people taller than him in media, but they’re as good as fictional. So he’s just chilling up there in the clouds, in his grown-in isolation; maybe it makes him a bit bitter, maybe a bit apathetic. That’s what he is, The Tall Guy.
So when Jason Silver places a huge hand on Kuroko��s head, says to him “sit, sit, I’ve got this”, winks at Nash, stands up at full height and offers to take the food, Atsushi’s brain takes some time to catch up. Looking up, not down at someone is surreal. He just stands there, blinking. Probably gaping. Silver raises a brow at him. Takes the trays like they weight nothing. “What is this? Smells good.” He says. Kuroko gives an innocent smile. “Of course. Murasakibara-kun made it. He’s a great cook.” Silver turns to him. “You did? You’re the chef?! I thought you’re kinda young.” Atsushi clears his throat, but no other sound comes out. So much for that excellent mark for English test. Kise pats him on the back. That’s when Nijimura comes to his senses and orders everyone to go do their goddamn job, yes, Kuroko, you included. Nash refuses to eat at first, but gives it a try under Nick’s piercing glare. (And it’s good. Wonderful, actually. He tries not to show it, but he can feel the boy’s eyes across the whole room, glinting in curiosity. Whatever. Nash has no idea what kind of “invisibility” Daiki tried to tell them about. He feels like inside him there’s a compass of somewhat organic origin, pointing at the boy constantly. He doesn’t even need to look to know where he is. He’s becoming uncharacteristically fidgety for some reason.)
Lol I got carried away. Anyway Kuroko (and everyone) take shifts every day. Kuroko tries to get the Jabberwocks’ table (so that they don’t end up hungry or poisoned again! No other reason!), but even if he’s busy, they just wait until he or Kise can tend to them (Kise suddenly seems interested in working at the first floor, too. Mysterious change. Midorima adjusts his glasses.) After closing they go and play streetball (they drag Haizaki, Midorima and Akashi with them, too). Oh boy, Nash’s reaction after learning about misdirection. Kuroko scores on Jason with a phantom shot and they just love it. One evening, while the jws wait for the food (Atsushi and Himuro told them that they’ll do a special, so they don’t have to order from the menu) another customer, likely a bit drunk, yells at Kuroko, splashes soup all over the floor, and throws a glass. He shouldn’t have done that. You ask me if Silver can meteor jam a person, I tell you that he can. I don’t know if Nash can make a vital organ disappear with a snap of his fingers, but he definitely can make a fork suddenly appear under someone’s ribs. He’s that great at magic. Did I mention that Allen, as a pre-med student, knows fifty two ways to end someone so that it looks like an accident? Well now you know. Aomine does, too, because he has to save the guy from being double-handedly windmill dunked through the window. “You know ma boy made that soup right??” “But I’m allergic to beans!” “Why did you order bean soup then, you illiterate motherfucker?” Kagami proposes they just sit back and watch. In the end no one dies, of course, but the odds of the guy ever again screaming at waiters decrease greatly.
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geometricalien · 2 years ago
1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 16, 20, 23, 24 & 27 for Kōki Furihata - feel free to choose just a few from these if you feel these are too much 😊
nah man imma answer them allll thank you for sending your ask!! <3<3
1 - My first impression of them - … I thought he was shallow… HE JOINS A TEAM WITH AMBITIONS TO BE THE BEST BECAUSE OF A WEAK ASS GOAL “a girl said she would date me if I was the best in something lol” !! BOY!! 
2 - When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like) - I think I finally warmed up to him when he and the other first years said that they wanted to play on the court too, so that’s around?? The streetball tournament? And then we get to know him more during winter cup and he is hella relatable
3 - A song(s) that reminds me of them -
Hercules by Sara Bareilles, i’ve been obsessed with this since I first heard it over a year, it encapsulates the core emotional drive behind Kouki in my greek wip, “‘cause I have sent for a hero from on my knees, make me a Hercules, I was meant to be a warrior please, make me a Hercules”
Mree’s cover of Face My Fears, it just makes me imagine him walking up this huge staircase to the palace of the emperor preparing to do the unthinkable
Romantic by Lauryn Marie, Kouki is ouuuurrrr romantic
I also have this playlist I made full of songs that either remind me of him or songs I think he would listen to
6 - My least favorite ship of them - oh uh hmm I haven’t thought about this before uh let me pull up a character sheet fjdsklf (I’m not including teams unrelated to the GOM bc I literally don’t remember enough about them to say conclusively one way or the other if a ship would be bad or my new otp (veerryyyy unlikely that would happen but who knows) similarly with minor characters from GOM’s teams- besides seirin and rakuzan) okay, I entertained this for far longer than I should because Kouki is fairly similar to Yamaguchi from haikyuu however while Kouki has the ability for snark he isn’t mean like Yams. so Haizaki and Hanamiya are in the running for least favorite ships. Vibes alone, Hyuuga and Kouki don’t mesh well. Tsuchida has a girlfriend so he’s out. And lastly, I think Kouki is too nice and considerate to be a compelling ship with Midorima. He needs someone who will push him beyond his boundaries and Kouki wouldn’t do that. And that’s what I’ll say on that jfdsakljf
Sidenote: I unexpectedly like the rivalry that could crop up between Kouki and Sakurai in their third year bc I think they would be interesting parallels
10 - Describe the character in one sentence - Unassuming man doesn’t know how beautiful and kind he is in this cruel world.
12 - Sexuality hc! Bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bib ib ib ib bibibibibi
16 - A childhood headcanon - Kouki wanted to be a mangaka when he was a kid, he read all the shonen jumps as soon as they came out and had dreams of making the next big manga. He even made some prototype manga chapters full of wobbly characters and overdrawn colors and misspelled words that his mother proudly kept and eagerly plans to show his partner (coughAkashicough) when they come to visit
20 - A weird headcanon - He picks and tears at his fingernails instead of clipping them. It’s half out of nerves and half out of boredom 
23 - Future headcanon - Besides him being the captain their 3rd year- When he has a stable job he updates his wardrobe, little known fact, Kouki is very fashionable, so he likes to be on top of fashion trends (cough and when he gets with a certain rich redhead he takes full advantage of their gift giving love language and his little black credit card for certain expensive brands cough) I also think that during the pandemic shut down he went a little crazy trying new recipes and his kitchen was an utter mess with no less than 3 failed dough starters spread across his countertops
24 - What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone? - He deeply enjoys all of the soapy romance dramas his mother watches. He’ll enter the living room on the dot of eight and put up a farce of “what is this? The emperor’s love? Guess I’ll watch this with you… if you insist” His whole family has picked up on this and besides some gentle ribbing from his elder brother, no one blinks an eye. His mother records the episodes now in case his practice runs late. When the girls in his class talk about the shows he has to physically restrain himself from commenting thinking everyone will think its weird that a guy likes those sappy shows (he doesn’t know that being able to share and relate with the girls about something will make him more liked though)
27 - If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet? - is it a cop out answer to say thomas the tank engine? I think he and Yamaguchi would be good friends
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ytmarketing001 · 19 days ago
Welcome back to KashCodeTV, where we break down the most exciting and intense basketball matchups! In today’s video, we’re witnessing an absolute showdown as Friga & Kel go head-to-head against Tutu & Mo in Game 1 of this high-energy 2v2 battle. 👉Subscribe to my channel to stay tuned:    / @thekashcode  
This video is packed with everything you love about streetball: fast breaks, insane shots, physical defense, and raw emotion from start to finish. If you're a basketball junkie or just love watching competitive sports, this video is for you!
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reallytoosublime · 19 days ago
Welcome back to KashCodeTV, where we break down the most exciting and intense basketball matchups! In today’s video, we’re witnessing an absolute showdown as Friga & Kel go head-to-head against Tutu & Mo in Game 1 of this high-energy 2v2 battle. 👉Subscribe to my channel to stay tuned:    / @thekashcode  
This video is packed with everything you love about streetball: fast breaks, insane shots, physical defense, and raw emotion from start to finish. If you're a basketball junkie or just love watching competitive sports, this video is for you!
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kicksonfire · 4 months ago
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Console Sports Games of 1994 - Barkley Shut Up and Jam!
Barkley: Shut Up and Jam! (also known as Barkley's Power Dunk) is a 1994 street basketball video game developed by Accolade, Inc. and released on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and the Sega Genesis. The game allows players to engage in fast-paced, two-on-two basketball action with no referees, fouls, or shot clocks, giving it a unique streetball flair.
Players can select from 16 different characters, including NBA legend Charles Barkley himself. The teams are named after major U.S. cities like Phoenix and Chicago, and the game's mechanics emphasize aggressive, no-rules basketball.
1. Intro 00:00 2. Gameplay 00:15 3. Outro 06:30
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Console Sports Games of 1994 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFJOZYl1h1CGSF_AK734XDflipeUo8Dr9
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fakehiphopsucks · 9 months ago
Eli Carter is Kyrie 2.0. They are close friends from New Jersey and play together in the offseason
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sneakerstad · 5 months ago
[vc_row][vc_column css=".vc_custom_1728378397628background-image: url(https://www.sneakerstad.nl/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/nike-air-jordan-1-mid-quai-54-sneaker-multicolor-unisex.webp?id=189974) !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: contain !important;"][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1728378318499background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.72) !important;*background-color: rgb(255,255,255) !important;"]Enschede, 8 oktober 2024 De iconische Nike Air Jordan 1 Mid Quai 54 sneaker heeft de sneakerwereld opnieuw in zijn greep. Deze speciale uitgave, ter ere van het jaarlijkse Quai 54 Streetball-toernooi in Parijs, brengt de rijke geschiedenis van basketbal en de straatstijl samen in een opvallende schoen. Een Unieke Ontwerp De Quai 54 sneaker is niet alleen een eerbetoon aan de sport, maar ook aan de culturele diversiteit van Parijs. De sneaker is uitgevoerd in een levendig kleurenpalet, met een combinatie van zwart, wit en opvallende accenten die de energie van het straatleven weerspiegelen. Het gebruik van premium materialen zorgt voor zowel comfort als stijl, terwijl de iconische Air Jordan 1-silhouet herkenbaar blijft. Een Cultuurfenomeen Het Quai 54-toernooi, dat sinds 2003 plaatsvindt, is meer dan alleen een basketbalwedstrijd; het is een viering van de cultuur, muziek en streetwear die het hart van de stedelijke gemeenschap in Parijs vormt. Nike heeft altijd een sterke band gehad met deze cultuur en de Quai 54 sneaker versterkt deze connectie nog eens. Het evenement trekt zowel lokale als internationale spelers en fans, wat de sneaker nog meer betekenis geeft.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type="image_grid" images="189974,189973,189972,189971,189970" img_size="full" css=""][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column css=".vc_custom_1728378417044background-image: url(https://www.sneakerstad.nl/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/nike-air-jordan-1-mid-quai-54-sneaker-multicolor-unisex-03.webp?id=189972) !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: contain !important;"][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1728378338934background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.72) !important;*background-color: rgb(255,255,255) !important;"] De Nike Air Jordan 1 Mid Quai 54 sneaker zal wereldwijd beschikbaar zijn vanaf 15 oktober 2024. Sneakers zullen online en in geselecteerde winkels te koop zijn, maar verwacht wordt dat ze snel uitverkocht zullen zijn vanwege de hoge vraag. Sneakerliefhebbers worden aangeraden om zich voor te bereiden en hun strategieën voor het verkrijgen van een paar te plannen. Een Verzamelaarsobject Met zijn unieke ontwerp en culturele betekenis wordt de Quai 54 sneaker niet alleen een must-have voor basketballiefhebbers, maar ook voor verzamelaars. De sneaker belichaamt de geest van straatcultuur en blijft trouw aan het erfgoed van Michael Jordan, waardoor het een waardevolle aanvulling is voor elke sneakercollectie. Conclusie De Nike Air Jordan 1 Mid Quai 54 sneaker is meer dan alleen een mode-item; het is een viering van cultuur, sport en gemeenschap. Met zijn unieke ontwerp en betekenis belooft deze sneaker een blijvende impact te maken in de wereld van streetwear en basketbal. Mis het niet als deze sneaker op 15 oktober wereldwijd verkrijgbaar is – het is een kans om een stukje geschiedenis te bezitten! Klik hier om te zien of die nog beschikbaar is in jou maat.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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fullreggaetord · 5 months ago
Lanzamientos de Quai 54 x Air Jordan 1 Low OG en la primavera de 2024
Jordan Brand y Kuai 54 están listos para celebrar el torneo anual de streetball en París en 2025 con una nueva línea de zapatillas. La colección incluye las Air Jordan 1 Low, que presentan una combinación de estilos clásicos y atrevidos, perfecta para la cancha y más allá. El Air Jordan 1 Low OG viene en negro, amarillo tour y rojo chili, perfecto para el ambiente enérgico del Quai 54. Las fotos…
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eternitas · 6 months ago
Reborn! Next-> Trivia (1)
Sergey and Basketball
Sergey used to play basketball as a child. He was very perceptive and athletic, leading to him quickly aquiring the necesary skills and honing them. He played on his schools team until the fateful day of the Schwalbe Incident. The ordeal made Sergey cynic and depressed to the poin that he completely stopped playing basketball. Once Leo was doing better he ocassionally picked up a ball and went to the local streetball court to just play a bit by himself, which is where Asuna saw him play and then approached him the next day.
Asuna managed to get Sergey to play a bit again as she was also a basketball player, though she later changed over to volleyball. Due to her involvement in his life he started to play with former teammates again even though he never rejoined the team. After Asunas death he stopped playing again and only a year or so after joining the varia he started to ocassionally play again.
His best position is point guard and he has incredible court awareness and 3D mapping. His basics are polished and he excells at risky maneuvers. If he hadn't become a mafiosi, he most likely would've gone pro and could've even made it to the national team.
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medinabasketball · 7 months ago
5 Must-Follow Tips for Seamless Summer to Fall Basketball Prep
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The sound of sneakers squeaking on the hardwood, the rhythmic bouncing of basketballs, and the echoes of coaches’ whistles – these are the familiar sights and sounds that signal the arrival of fall basketball season. After a summer of pickup games and casual shooting sessions, it’s time to shift gears and prepare for the intensity and rigor of competitive play.
Transitioning from the carefree days of summer to the structured demands of fall basketball can be a challenging process, both physically and mentally. Grueling practices, film sessions, and a relentless pursuit of improvement replace the lazy mornings and late-night streetball games. However, with the right approach and mindset, this transition can be a seamless one, setting the stage for a successful season filled with personal growth, team camaraderie, and hard-fought victories. Embrace the challenge, and let the journey to basketball excellence begin.
Tip 1: Gradually Increase Training Intensity
After a long summer, the temptation to dive headfirst into intense fall practices can be strong. However, this abrupt transition can be a recipe for injury and burnout. Just as you wouldn’t attempt to run a marathon without proper training, you can’t expect your body to seamlessly adapt to the rigors of fall basketball without a gradual ramp-up.
The key is to progressively increase the intensity and volume of your training, allowing your body to acclimate to the demands of the sport. Start by focusing on low-impact activities like light jogging, dynamic stretching, and basic skill work. Gradually introduce more challenging conditioning drills, plyometrics, and scrimmaging sessions.
A progressive training plan might look something like this:
Week 1: Low-intensity skill work, light jogging, and bodyweight exercises
Week 2: Introduce basic conditioning drills, shooting workouts, and light scrimmaging
Week 3: Increase conditioning intensity, add strength training, and longer scrimmage sessions
Week 4: Simulate game-like conditions with high-intensity drills and full-court scrimmages
Everyone’s starting point and recovery needs are different, so it’s essential to listen to your body and adjust the intensity accordingly. Pushing too hard, too soon, can lead to overuse injuries, muscle strains, or burnout before the season even begins.
By gradually increasing the training intensity, you’ll not only minimize the risk of injury but also ensure that your body is primed and ready to perform at its peak when the first game tips off. Consistency and patience are key – take the time to lay a solid foundation, and you’ll reap the rewards throughout the demanding fall basketball season.
Tip 2: Focus on Strength and Conditioning
While skill development and on-court drills are crucial components of basketball training, neglecting strength and conditioning can be a costly mistake. A well-rounded strength and conditioning program not only enhances performance but also reduces the risk of injuries during the grueling fall season.
Basketball is a sport that demands a unique combination of strength, power, and endurance. Players must possess the muscle strength to battle for position under the boards, the explosive power to elevate for rebounds and driving layups, and the endurance to maintain intensity throughout a full game.
Incorporating specific strength training exercises can help basketball players develop these essential physical attributes. Some recommended exercises include:
Squats (back, front, and split squats) for lower body strength and power
Deadlifts and power cleans for overall strength and explosiveness
Plyometric exercises like box jump and bounding drills for vertical jump and quickness
Core exercises like planks, Russian twists, and medicine ball rotations for stability and injury prevention
Resistance band work for improving shooting and upper body strength
Remember, proper form and technique are crucial to prevent injuries and maximize the benefits of these exercises. It’s also essential to gradually increase the intensity and volume of your training to allow for adequate recovery and adaptation.
Tip 3: Develop a Positive Mindset 
While physical preparation is essential, the mental aspect of transitioning to fall basketball cannot be overlooked. A positive mindset can be the difference between a season plagued by self-doubt and one marked by confidence, focus, and resilience.
Building mental toughness starts with cultivating a belief in your abilities. Visualize yourself performing at your best, making clutch shots, and contributing to your team’s success. Positive self-talk and affirmations can reinforce this confidence, helping you overcome any lingering doubts or negative thoughts.
Another critical component is developing laser-sharp focus. The ability to tune out distractions and stay present in the moment can separate the elite players from the rest. Incorporate mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing exercises or meditation, into your routine to sharpen your concentration.
Resilience is also a hallmark of successful athletes. Setbacks and adversity are inevitable, but it’s how you respond that truly matters. Embrace a growth mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and improvement, rather than obstacles to be feared.
Goal-setting and visualization techniques can further reinforce a positive mindset. Set specific, achievable goals for the upcoming season, and regularly visualize yourself achieving them. This mental rehearsal can prime your mind and body for success, making it easier to translate your preparation into tangible results on the court.
Remember, developing a positive mindset is an ongoing process that requires dedication and practice. Incorporate mental training exercises into your routine, just as you would physical drills. By cultivating a strong mental foundation, you’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of fall basketball and unlock your full potential as a player.
Tip 4: Proper Nutrition and Recovery
While training and skill development are crucial, overlooking the importance of proper nutrition and recovery can undermine your efforts on the court. Fueling your body with the right nutrients and allowing for adequate rest and recovery is essential for optimal performance during the demanding fall basketball season.
Nutrition plays a vital role in an athlete’s ability to train hard, recover effectively, and perform at their best. For basketball players, a balanced diet rich in complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats is recommended. Complex carbs like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables provide sustained energy, while lean proteins like chicken, fish, and plant-based sources aid in muscle repair and growth. Healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil support overall health and performance.
Staying hydrated is also crucial for basketball players, as dehydration can lead to fatigue, muscle cramps, and impaired cognitive function. Aim to drink water consistently throughout the day, and consider electrolyte-replenishing beverages during and after intense practices or games.
Recovery is just as important as training itself. After strenuous workouts or games, engage in light stretching and foam rolling to promote blood flow and reduce muscle soreness. Adequate sleep is also essential for recovery, as it allows the body to repair and replenish itself. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night, and consider incorporating naps or rest periods into your schedule as needed.
Tip 5: Seek Professional Guidance 
While self-preparation and dedication are essential, seeking professional guidance can make your transition to fall basketball to the next level. Working with experienced coaches, trainers, or sports specialists can provide invaluable insights and support, helping you maximize your performance while minimizing the risk of injury.
Coaches bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, offering personalized feedback and guidance tailored to your specific strengths and areas for improvement. They can design comprehensive training programs that address all aspects of your game, from skill development to physical conditioning. Additionally, coaches can provide tactical analysis and game strategy, ensuring you’re not only in peak physical condition but also mentally prepared for the challenges of the upcoming season.
Strength and conditioning specialists can work closely with you to develop personalized training regimens that target your specific needs as a basketball player. They can assess your movement patterns, identify imbalances or weaknesses, and implement corrective exercises to improve your overall athleticism and reduce the likelihood of injuries. These professionals can also guide proper form and technique, ensuring you’re training safely and effectively.
Sports nutritionists and dietitians can help you optimize your nutrition plan, ensuring you’re fueling your body with the right nutrients to support your training, recovery, and performance. They can also guide hydration strategies, supplement recommendations (if appropriate), and strategies for maintaining a healthy weight and body composition.
Finally, sports psychologists can assist with the mental aspect of the transition, teaching techniques for building confidence, managing stress and anxiety, and developing a winning mindset. Their expertise can be invaluable in helping you overcome mental barriers and cultivate the resilience and focus necessary for success.
While seeking professional guidance may require an investment of time and resources, the potential benefits for injury prevention, performance enhancement, and overall preparation for the fall basketball season are significant. Don’t hesitate to enlist the expertise of qualified professionals to support your journey and help you reach your full potential on the court.
The transition from summer to fall basketball can be tough, but proper preparation is key. Gradually increase intensity, focus on strength and conditioning, adjust to indoor play, refine skills, cultivate a positive mindset, and prioritize nutrition and recovery. Stay dedicated and consistent through any struggles.
Envision stepping onto the court confident, prepared, and ready to contribute to your team’s success. Embrace the process, trust your hard work, and let your preparation pay off. The path isn’t easy, but commitment to these tips will help you reach your full potential this fall season. Embrace the grind and let the journey begin.
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thekerimkucuk · 7 months ago
Sağlıklı ve spor dostu bir kent hedefiyle çalışmalarını sürdüren İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi, ulusal, yerel ve uluslararası spor organizasyonları düzenlemeye devam ediyor.  20 Temmuz ile 1 Eylül tarihleri arasında yapılacak 3×3 Streetball İzmir Cup 2024’ın ilk etabı Bornova Aşık Veysel Rekreasyon Alanı’nda yapıldı. “Sokağa ayak, potaya smaç basıyoruz” sloganı ile 20-21 Temmuz’da ilk etabı yapılan…
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