So Monday's here.
The diet starts today and I'll workout in the evening.
Documenting the weight loss will be on my second tumblr as this is a recipe page
If you're interested, check out @thin-jounal ..
Recipes coming from tommorow...
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securetheloss · 4 years
I fucking hate my body, so I starve myself. When I don’t I eat and feel shitty all over again.
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skinnyaurora · 6 years
Being scarred to hang out with friends because you're afraid you'll eat
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daintyfairyprincess · 3 years
idk WHY i feel so guilty after eating. Even if I eat a super small meal I always regret it and feel bad. Like today, I just ate my first meal at 1:30pm and it was a yogurt with granola (total around 150 calories), and I am instantly like why did I eat that. I cant just starve myself forever. My ed started off slow like skipping some meals and eating less but now it has turned into me feeling extreme distress after every single meal (even if its literally 1 apple)
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Ok so, when my bf picked me up i did the ”so you think im skinnyyyyyyy™️” and he said ”nooo, i think youre average :)”
So brb gonna go cry in the corner and never eat again
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peewee-77 · 5 years
All I feel like is a bloated whale because I had a fucking Sprite yesterday. It wasn't even a full size one it was a baby one. Wtf.
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hazelmoon-angel · 5 years
Eating disorder awareness week
I’ve battled an eating disorder for 16 years and only in this past year have I been able to say I’m in recovery. Not to say it hasn’t been difficult, that some days I don’t cry making myself eat or that food doesn’t make me feel sick and that I don’t have to keep in touch with my team. But all the treatment, the hard work, the weight gain the affirmations. It really was worth it. Today my life is amazing. I wouldn’t wish an eating disorder on my worst enemy. But the devastation of living in the grips of one was my reality for a long time. Life is still hard but in a new way and I love it. I have a career I always wanted today. My own apartment and people that believe in me nd love me. I don’t want to give up on myself because I believe I’m worth fighting for. To anyone out there still struggling keep fighting it gets better and anyone in recovery also keep fighting because it’s not worth going back. This platform has been a place for me to get out some of my worst thoughts and obsessions in the dark days and today I just wanted to say I can actually see that life is beautiful and worth it ❤️
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skinnyxa · 6 years
Here's my problem I want tiny thighs so much and there are girls my weight and height who have thigh gaps but unfortunately my body holds weight in my thighs so I just have to keep losing
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ED struggles
sometimes i wake up super early just so i can feel like i had a longer fast.
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neveriskinnyienough · 5 years
I’m back
sorry i was gone a lot i’ve been going through it and binging a lot so i felt like i was worthless on this app if i couldn’t control myself how am i supposed to give advice but i’m back and it is currently tuesday i don’t think i’m gonna eat until friday when my friend comes over so yee yee
#ana #proana #mia #promia #anaproblems #anastruggles #fat #ugly #sad #wanabeskinny #skinny
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securetheloss · 5 years
I gained so much during cristmas, and now I feel so disgusting, tomorrow I’ll start restricting again I’m just afraid I won’t loose this weight b4 the summer :(
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skinnyaurora · 6 years
Does anyone else have nightmares where they dream they are eating and wake up panicking and nearly crying cause they thought they binged... or is that just me?
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plum-kitten · 4 years
"Flat-earthers" are people with ED who made of earth their thinspo ☻
#ED #ana #anastruggler #thinspo
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hazelmoon-angel · 7 years
I hate when someone is in the bathroom when I've gone in just to do a body check. Then I have wash my hands or fix my hair and pretend I'm not staring at my legs which is really all I went in to do. I watched my shadow as I walked, caught my reflection in the door when I walked in. Both confirmed that I am indeed still small, small as yesterday. But I took too long in the mirror before I left the house. Tried to take a picture of my outfit because I thought I looked cute today. Consequently morphing my grip on reality and I can't get a handle back on it. Obviously the answer is to weigh myself.. obviously. Confirmed I am distorted as fuck. Which I already knew. That bright idea helped nothing.
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