#anami vice
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lightscamerabitchsmileee · 1 year ago
Vote for your fave, reblog & share your thoughts and list your other faves too even if it's not on my list I would love to hear it ❤️❤️
Check out my masterpost for the other artist/band polls 😊😊 thank you and have fun 😊😊
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randommusicvid · 1 month ago
Pop 101 - Marianas Trench ft. Anami Vice
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inkstainedpalettes · 4 years ago
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POP 101 ft. Anami Vice - Marianas Trench, Anami Vice
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weirdjams · 4 years ago
Marianas Trench - Pop 101 (feat. Anami Vice)
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someawesomeamvs · 6 years ago
Warning: Potential seizure trigger like whoa, sexual imagery
Title: Professor Pilk presents: Contest Trolling 101
Editor: Mr Pilkington
Song: Pop 101
Artist: Marianas Trench feat. Anami Vice
Anime: Tokyo Ghoul, Lucky Star, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Uta no Prince-sama, Nichijou, Kill la Kill, Dangan Ronpa: The Animation, Ben-To, Free!, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, K-On!,  Golden Time, Mirai Nikki, Black Bullet, Chuunibyou demo koi ga Shitai!, Maria the Virgin Witch, Super Sonico the Animation, Tiger and Bunny, Hyperdimension Neptunia, The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya, Afro Samurai, Angel Beats, Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE!,  Watamote, Code Geass, Yuru Yuri, One Piece, Durarara!!, Hayate the Combat Butler, Haikyuu!!, Sword Art Online, Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, Maria + Holic, Space Dandy, Vividred Operation, No Game No Life, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure,  C - The Money of Soul and Possibility Control, Monogatari, Detroit Metal City, Futurama (cartoon), and some unknown anime
Category: Comedy
Awards: Momocon - Director’s Choice Animazement - Best Upbeat Animethon 22 - Best in Show SMASH! 2015 - Judges’ Choice AWA 2015 Expo - Pop Will Eat Itself
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feelingsmvll · 8 years ago
the new song from the triple a girls reminds me of pop 101 from marianas trench
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You know what I find kind of weird?
Marianas Trench has not really done any kind fo collab with anyone already famous huh.
Like Josh Ramsay has featured in/worked with other famous artists (Carly Rae Jepsen, 5sos, Danny Fernandez, and I think helped Nickelback with a song once) but that’s only Josh Ramsay, not also the rest of the band. And mostly he just works as a songwriter with them.
Further more, the songs that the band has produced and features someone, they are usually “not that” famous.
- Good to you ft Jessica Lee. She was a fan who won a contest the band held (I’m pretty sure)
- Echoes of You ft Roger Manning Jr. He used to be a member of Jellyfish, a band from the 80’s that didn’t get popular (If I remember correctly)
-Pop 101 barely ft. Anami Vice. It may be because I’m not Canadian but... I’ve never heard of him. And I’m pretty sure he is also a close friend to them. It also says BARELY featuring since he got like 2 lines
Im not saying it’s bad lol
Just an observation 🤓
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ma-tsu-the-male-goddess · 4 years ago
Logan! For the niche questions game
Thx! Lol
A Song that reminds me of them: Ok, this is really hard, so I’m going to put one here, and the rest below a readmore
Why Does the Sun Shine? By They Might Be Giants
What they Smell like: probably like hand sanitizer and jam
An OTP: uh don’t really have a specific one in mind? Maybe LAMP or TLAMP
A NOTP: Remus
Favorite Platonic/Familial Relationships: I think there’s some really fun Deceipt interactions that people do. They did do that whole Court of Law thing. Other than that maybe Patton. And TLAMP
A popular Headcanon I disagree with: that he doesn’t have emotions or want to spend time with people
Sleep position: often falls asleep sitting up in his chair while he was reading
Crossover AU: superhero/marvel/X-men au
Fave outfit: I did actually like his Christmas sweater but absolute favorite is from Thomas’s tweets. The pencil skirt just works tbh
Word Crimes by Weird Al
Running in the 90’s by Tsuko G.
Pop 101 by Marianas Trench
I Don’t Dance by Chad & Ryan
I Am A Grocery Bag by They Might Be Giants
Crofters: The Musical by Thomas Sanders (which is probably cheating)
Build A Wall from Shrek the Musical
Original Post below
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draethdarkstar · 7 years ago
“Pop 101″ - Marianas Trench ft. Anami Vice.
It is a goddamn crime that the world slept on this song.
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cryinginthetub · 8 years ago
Song of the Day 02/04/2017
Title: Pop 101
Artist: Marianas Trench ft. Anami Vice
Album: Upside Down
Genre: Pop Rock/Funk
Year: 2015
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heartsunholy-a · 7 years ago
♫ - Ramsey/Delilah go
Send me a ♫ for three songs based on our ship // @withoutapprcval / @teenageanarchiist
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1. Make Me Wanna Drink - Anami Vice
“I like you better when you’re wasted. Cause you don’t sound so crazy after eight drinks. And all the strange things you say seem to make sense, like you was Queen of England in your past life or some lame shit.”
“You say things that make me wanna drink. Get your glass and let’s get trashy. If we get plastered, we can work this out.”
2. Love Me Dead - Ludo
“Love me cancerously, like a salt-sore soaked in the sea. High maintenance means you’re a gluttonous queen, narcissistic and mean. Kill me romantically.”
“You’re awful. I love you.”
“She moves through moonbeams slowly. She knows just how to hold me. And when her edges soften, her body is my coffin. I know she drains me slowly. She wears me down to bones in bed. Must be the sign on my head that says ‘Oh, love me dead!’“
3. Crazy=Genius - Panic! At The Disco
“She said, ‘Darling, you know how the wine plays tricks on my tongue. But you don’t seem to change when you stuff all of your feelings with drugs.’ Other boys you may have dated serrated your heart with a slice. But the cut of your love never hurts, baby, it’s a sweet butter knife.”
Bonus: You’re So Creepy - Ghost Town
“Now I’m covered in blood and I’m feeding off your pretty little lies.”
“Creepy girls, you’re just my style. Blood red lipstick, you don’t smile. Falling victim to your fantasy. Damn, I love it that you’re so creepy.”
“With the blacked-out rage that’ll cast a spell, don’t tempt her. She’s got those evil eyes. Now you’re risking it all for some pin-up doll, who drinks in the AM, fucks in the PM, treats other boys like she don’t need ‘em.”
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lightscamerabitchsmileee · 5 years ago
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2 songs for Song of the Day: First one is: Pop 101 by Marianas Trench & Anami Vice 😊 #marianastrench #anamivice #pop101 #somethingoldsomethingnew #pop #poprock #rock #songoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B9WjT9xgO8C/?igshid=sdib40quz5eg
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acadjonne · 8 years ago
cumin, aniseed, basil, rosemary and saffron!!!
Hi Avia!!!
cumin: what’s your earliest memory?
My earliest memory? I think it’s from when I was about five or six, at the ear doctor’s office, locked in the soundproof box as they tested my hearing with a series of beeps and asked me to repeat random words as they were spoken to me. I’m half deaf, if you were wondering, but no hearing aids. Yet. Selective hearing is a bitch, though.
aniseed: what would you be most likely to buy from an antiques shop?
I dunno. Probably one of those two piece bowl things that have the hole on the top cover? But mostly because I know the original use of them, which was to collect hair. The hair was stored in these containers until there was enough to make a gift for a potential suitor. My grandmother just used her mother’s to put jewelry into though.
basil: if you could go on a one-way trip anywhere, where would you go?
I wanna say Japan, honestly. I’ve wanted to visit for a while, and I intend to do a semester abroad there in university. I’d also love to teach English there, eventually.
rosemary: what’s a specific image of a situation you associate with a specific song?
I always think of this funny tour thing that Marianas Trench does whenever I listen to their song POP 101. In the bridge, the lyric is “the bridge is the part when you bring in a rapper friend.” Josh then talks about how to include your “feat” before Anami Vice raps three or four lines. While on tour promoting Astoria, they don’t have Amani Vice with them, so Josh instead calls out “the bridge is the part when you bring in IAN CASSELMAN” before pointing to Ian on the drums. There’s a brief interlude for Josh’s missing extra line before Ian raps Anami’s verse. If you look far enough through my “sass master ramsay” tag you’ll probably find video of this.
saffron: if your life took place in shades and tones of a single colour, what colour would that be?
Purple is my favourite colour, so imma go with purple. It’s a v v nice colour.
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beansprouts · 4 years ago
tag game music taste blah
tagged by @ineedarendezvous
rules: we’re snooping in your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose up to 10 victims.
1. Fa-mi cu mana - Vunk & Fly Project yes there should be accents, but apparently Vunk didn’t use them so neither did I
2. We All Lift Together arranged by Keith Power from the Warframe soundtrack if you haven’t seen the video bro you gotta it’s one of the best cutscenes in a video game ever, and you don’t even need any context (there isn’t any context in the game either, this scene is the intro you get to the planet when you arrive)
3. Nightmares - Chameleon Circuit because it’s still 2014 in my heart i guess
4. Death by Glamour - Toby Fox from the Undertale soundtrack another vidya game song
5. Ma ucide ea - Mihail another Romanian song
6. Do2me - Waterbed I’m glad this one showed up, it’s been in my top 20 for a few different years, ie it slaps.
7. Bark (Original Mix) - Infected Mushroom the band that allows me to experience psychedelics vicariously, which is why i never need to take drugs ever except my SNRIs
8. POP 101 - Marianas Trench feat. Anami Vice I’m a slut for satire
9. Zaleilah - Mandinga nothing says Romanian music like a song in English and Spanish
10. The Bad Touch - The Bloodhound Gang The fact that this is the big finale of this meme says many bad things about me and most of them are true. I can recite more lyrics from this song than is safe to admit.
tag: @yesiamanerd @pcklesthings @moondustglittr @deadgodjess @batmanisagatewaydrug @universejunction @internetserviceprovider @zach076 and anyone else who would like to. non obligatory.
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starsandpigs · 7 years ago
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jaune-refaire-arc · 7 years ago
TAGGED BY: @pyrrhaic-victory
The last ten songs I’ve listened to:
1) The Piano Man- Billy Joel
2) Torn- Nathan Lanier 
3) Shatter Me- Lindsey Stirling ft. Lzzy Hale
4) I'd Love to Break it to You- Natewantstobattle
5)  Tír na nÓg- Celtic Woman ft.  Oonagh
6) Rose Tatoo- Dropkick Murphys
7) The Pot and Kettle- The Rumjacks
8)  Pop 101- Marianas Trench ft. Anami Vice
9) Master of Puppets- Metallica ft the San Francisco Orchestra
10) The Thing That Should Not Be-  Metallica ft the San Francisco Orchestra
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