#anakin was right sand is coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere
cogentranting · 4 months
Lot of comments in the tags of my "Star Wars should have had Luke freak out about the amount of water on other planets" post by saying that Dune gets this right about deserts But actually it doesn't matter because Dune said 'we designed the perfect desert survival suit' but made it without any eye protection (or mouth covering) and then had Timmy Chalamet go stand next to a ship taking off from a sand dune as if the ensuing sand storm wouldn't rip his eyes to shreds. Dune has no rights here.
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padawanlost · 7 months
just saw a text post about how leia killing a slave master when anakin was a slave himself is cool but i find it interesting how ppl can find rational things to point out for stuff like that but when its anakin disliking a sandy planet like its ridiculous thing for him to say? but made so much sense cause you know... he's been enslaved there with his mom as a kid. idk i guess im still bitter of hayden/anakins treatment of his character
I get it but I believe the key here is to understand this weird moment we are a living right now (suddenly the prequels are cool and *everyone* had always loved them) by separating the old negative crap we were used to, from the genuine takes coming from the new found love the prequels are getting.
What I’m trying to say is the people who are excited by the prequels, who are discovering the value of the movies for the first time or just rediscovering it after so long, are not necessarily the same people who trashed the movies and made fun of Anakin’s “sand issues” or Hayden’s performance. So, to me at least, there’re two different issues here:
1 – for the longest time PT fans and Anakin fans had to deal with unfair amount of criticism, hate, mockery and even attacks. These behaviors came from part of the fandom and the media because for the longest time hating on the prequels made you cool and a “real star wars fan”.
2 – we have a bunch of new fans (literal new fans but also old fans who didn’t like or didn’t want to be seen liking the prequels) who are now vocal about the PT-Era, who want to talk about it, to engage, to discuss and, you know, just share their appreciation for the movies.
I try not to mix the two, especially in this particular case. From my own experience with this fandom, the people who trashed Anakin for not liking sand didn’t understand his character enough to get the impact slavery had on the Skywalker family.
I’ve talked about the “sand issue” here before:
But, to sum it up, the meaning behind the “I hate sand” is pretty obvious once you look beyond “Anakin is whiny/The prequels suck/George Lucas ruined my life”.
“When I was in Level Three, we used to come here for school retreat,” she said. She pointed out across the way, to another island. “See that island? We used to swim there every day. I love the water.” “I do, too. I guess it comes from growing up on a desert planet.” He was staring at her again, his eyes soaking in her beauty. He could tell that Padmé sensed his stare, but she pointedly continued to look out over the water. “We used to lie on the sand and let the sun dry us … and try to guess the names of the birds singing.” “I don’t like the sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere.” Padmé turned to look back at him “Not here,” Anakin went on. “It’s like that on Tatooine—everything’s like that on Tatooine. But here, everything’s soft, and smooth.” As he finished, hardly even aware of the motion, he reached out and stroked Padmé’s arm. [R.A. Salvatore. Attack of the Clones]
It’s about childhood trauma, privilege and systemic injustice and inequality. The sand physically represents everything Anakin loathes about his home planet, specially when compared to Padmé’s own childhood and home planet:
“This is Anakin. Anakin, this is Ryoo and Pooja!” The blush on the pair as they shyly said hello brought a burst of laughter from Padmé and a smile to Anakin’s face, though he was equally ill at ease as the two children. The girls’ shyness lasted only as long as it took for them to notice the little droid rolling behind Anakin, trying to catch up. “Artoo!” they shouted in unison. Breaking away from Padmé, they rushed to the droid, leaping upon him, hugging him cheek to dome. And R2-D2 seemed equally thrilled, beeping and whistling as happily as Anakin had ever heard. Anakin couldn’t help but be touched by the scene, a view of innocence that he had never known. Well, not never, he had to admit. There were times when Shmi had found some way to produce such moments of joy amid the drudgery that was life as a slave on Tatooine. In their own way, in that dusty, dirty, hot, and smelly place, Anakin and his mother had carved out a few instants of innocent beauty. Here, though, such moments seemed so much more the norm than the memorable exception. [R.A. Salvatore. Attack of the Clones]
[Ahsoka] was hyperalert again, all her instincts firing. One of these millennia she’d make a pretty good Jedi, probably. Provided he could smooth the rough edges off her. “Yes, Master,” she said. “You can trust me.” He frowned down at her. Was I ever this young? Was this how I used to look to Obi-Wan? He doubted it. Slaves lost their innocence while they were still in the cradle. [Karen Miller. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Wild Space]
Of course, because it became a meme used to “expose” George Lucas inability to write, direct or even understand what Star Wars is all about (eyeroll), that’s what most casual viewer think about when someone says “I hate sand”. But, on a more hopeful note, I do believe we’re doing good work claiming it back, by talking about it and even making memes about it in a way that’s not offensive to the characters, actors or fans. There are healthy, fun ways to laugh at Star wars  without diminishing the experiences and feelings of others.
Anakin represents so much different things to so many different fans it’s impossible to put everything in one single answer, but I hope you know I do understand exactly how you feel. I’m also very protective of Anakin, flaws and all. And it does annoy me to see people dismiss him and Hayden’s work in ways that can be very…cruel. But, Prequel/Anakin’s fans are awesome and now we’ve reclaimed the prequels proper place in history as peak star wars, we are unstoppable!! So let them come!
They just can’t accept how incredible Anakin’s story is, and that’s their loss.  
“Anakin had always hated sand. It was one of the many things about his Padawan that Obi-Wan understood better now that Anakin was dead. That was the horror of losing someone: Understanding came too late.” [Obi-wan Kenobi in Jude Watson’s The Last One Standing]
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sailorgoon13 · 2 months
Anakin Skywalker
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Basic Information
Name: Anakin Skywalker
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birth Location: Tatooine
Current Residence: Coruscant
Affiliation: Republic
Occupation: Jedi Master
Physical Appearance
Height: 6 feet 2 inches (188 cm)
Body Type: Athletic and muscular
Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color: Light brown
Hair Style: Medium-length and tousled
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Features: Has a scar on his right cheek, youthful and handsome
Clothing/Style: Sometimes wears specialized combat armor over his Jedi robes for protection, formal attire he wears more refined Jedi robes or tunics, often in richer colors.
Weapons: Blue blade lightsaber
Force Sensitivity: Yes
Force Affiliation: Begins as a Jedi, before the dark side consumed him.
Personality Traits: Brave, determined, compassionate, skillful and impulsive. Strong willed, loyal
Strengths: Exceptional pilot and mechanic, quick learner
Weaknesses: Impulsive, emotional instability, attachment, stubborn, fear of loss
Likes: Adventures, engineering, flying
Dislikes: rules and restrictions, manipulation, SAND
Fears: Loss, failure, powerlessness, abandonment
Ambitions: Wanting to be Jedi Master, end slavery and injustice, protecting his loved ones, gaining knowledge and power
Family: -Shmi (Mother), kind and loving, was enslaved on Tatooine. Killed by Tusken raiders. -Padme Amidala (Wife) Former queen and later Senator for Taboo -Luke Skywalker (Son) Born of Padme before her death. Hidden and raised on Tatooine, becomes central part of the Rebels -Leia Organa (Daughter) Luke's twin sister. Raised as the Princess of Alderaan. Prominent leader in the Rebels and later the Resistance
Friends/Allies: -Qui-Gon Jinn (Mentor) The Jedi Master who discovered him on Tatooine, believed Anakin was the Chosen One -Obi-Wan Kenobi (Mentor/ Parental Figure/ "Brother") They had a deep and complex relationship with one another, filled with both love and conflict.
Enemies: Darth Maul, Count Dooku, General Grievous
Significant Events: -Being discovered and taken away from home as a young boy -The death of his mother -Secret marriage to Padme -Knighted as a Jedi -Duel with Dooku -Visions of Padme's death -Fall to the Dark Side
Skills and Abilities
Combat Skills: Exceptional duelist, mastered multiple forms, uses the force
Piloting Skills: His skills are crucial in many of the battles, known as one of the best pilots of his time
Mechanical Skills: Has a deep understanding for mechanics and engineering, allowing him to repair things easily like his starships or lightsabers
Languages: Basic, Huttese, can understand Binary(Droids) Bocce and Shyriiwook (though he does not speak those he understands it) 
Other Skills: Podracing, leadership, charisma, survival and force abilities
Favorite Food/Drink: Foods common on Tatooine, like fruits and veggies or spiced dishes. Drinks- Blue milk (all reminding him of simple times with mom)
Hobbies: Strategic games, fixing his starship or droids, flying
Smells Like: Incense, metal and sandalwood
Favorite quotes: "This is where the fun begins." "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere."
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milfmacbeth · 1 month
3 hour mental health walk report:
saw a shaggy black dog that looked like it should be roaming the moors of north england. fuck yeah
saw several beautiful women and a guy with truly magnificent tits. huge win for bisexuality
saw 3 rats
listening to sleep token's entire discography while lying back on one of those round swings on an empty playground at sunset while being rained on is A Vibe
anakin was right. sand is coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere
being a rain enjoyer is funny as hell. everyone is huddled under umbrellas and miserable, i'm having a great time getting sogged. on all levels except physical, i am a frog
embarrassed myself in front of a stranger. nay!
smiled at the stranger and played it off. yay!
my legs hurt. oww
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carpe-aurore · 1 year
Taking a trip to the beach. You know what? Anakin WAS right. Sand sucks. Coarse, irritating and it gets everywhere.
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saintdollyparton · 1 year
With the phantom menace it’s fun to watch it from Palpatines point of view and thinking about how he’s manipulating literally everyone in the just the right way and how he makes things work for him in the end.
“I don’t like sand, it’s rough coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere.”
Next up the clone wars animated show, I recently watched a compilation on YouTube about all the war crimes committed. On both sides. And not all by Anakin.
I also forgot to mention: Padme telling anakin they can’t be together all while dressed like a freaking dominatrix like girl what
Honestly I'm so pissed his "game" worked on Natalie Portman who looks like a certified babe the entire movie.
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swiftiephobe · 2 years
everyone's always clowning on anakin for his "i don't like sand" line but y'know what he was right! it is coarse, it is rough, it is irritating, and it does get everywhere
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thebluestcowboy · 2 years
We all make fun of Anakin Skywalker but you know what? He was right. Sand is coarse and rough and irritating. It does indeed get everywhere.
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anakinh · 2 years
sw brotherhood ramblings (spoilers!)
okay so SW Brotherhood was really good. The plot was weak at times but the characterizations and character relationships (esp between Anakin and Obi Wan) is A+++. And isn’t that why we’re here? To read about the characters? It’s not called Star Wars: Good Plot (although the plot itself is fine enough)
I just finished it so I haven’t had time to stew, and I haven’t read anyone’s opinion on it or read much from the author with the exception of the acknowledgements (surprisingly informative) and one (1) tweet explaining that blitzball is from Final Fantasy X which is the most important piece of canonical Star Wars lore of all time. Anyway. Spoilers below the cut since I wrote a lot.
Overall I love it.
There were several weak spots, especially in the plot - for example, why did Obi Wan accept such a bad bargain in the first place? I guess he was desperate, but the investigation never would’ve worked with what he had. Ketar was also the weakest character imo. His descent into villainy is obviously supposed to mirror Anakin and I think also be a reference to the "angry young man without support or healthy emotional outlet” to “we’re all domestic terrorists” pipeline irl but it was very rushed and happened very quickly. Like this dude went from angry to terrorist in a few days? And we never really got to hear his Tragic Backstory until the trial, which didn’t help in his favour (although the nuance on how badly the Republic treated Cato Nemoidia was well done). It does, however, in a rushed way, show us how people exploit angry young men for terrible purposes, and how leaving them aside and assuming everything’s fine without affirming that you care or checking leads to terrible consequences which, hey, in this political environment probably helps. To be fair to Ruug, she did try at first before she got busy. Also the be fair to her she was only busy for a few days, but this whole thing took several days which, again, feels like it’s a bit too fast to be realistic. The final confrontation with Ketar was also quite heavy handed and messy, since Mill was narrating his emotions at every turn (we know he’s angry, thank you Mill, that’s been obvious for a while now) while Obi Wan and Anakin often talked to each other on the side... while Ketar was holding a detonator for a bomb and monologuing? Where did they have the time.
Another weak part is that imo it relies far too heavily on Anakin-related dramatic irony. Now, to be fair, what’s the clone wars without increasingly heavy handed Anakin-related dramatic irony? [deep sigh] It also mentions the memes a lot. Like, I get that technically Anakin is right and sand is, in fact, coarse and rough and irritating and it does, in fact, get everywhere, but every time you mention it I remember the meme and it makes things funny. Is this part supposed to be funny, Mike?
The golden, shining spotlight is the characterizations (barring Ketar) and the Anakin and Obi Wan relationship, though. And to a lesser extent the Anakin and Mill Alibeth relationship, which is adorable and Mill is the light of my life. Astonishingly, Obi Wan isn’t characterized as a perfect being who can do no wrong and Anakin isn’t characterized as a dumb impulsive idiot! I mean, don’t get me wrong, Anakin is both dumb and impulsive, but he’s also compassionate and caring and he loves so fiercely and he’s a genius who likes to fix things. And Obi Wan level-headed and eloquent but he also acknowledges mistakes he made with training Anakin (and he’s not gonna fix them, as we know) and he has blind spots he doesn’t consider. I have become so jaded with the way fandom portrays the two of them lmao. Even a tiny smidgen of Obi Wan not being perfect is enough to make me happy. Anakin’s relationship with his new arm is also nicely done. In the Prequels (specifically, in side notes) there was this very ableist idea given by George Lucas (and said to be believed by the Jedi Council) that his arm being cut off means that he is weaker in the Force due to the lack of midichlorians. Luckily, the Jedi Council never mentions this here and Anakin does have problems with his arm (understandable, it’s a new prosthetic) but he comes to accept it as a part of him and useful. What a breath of fresh air. Another very good reference to the difference between the more expressive TCW Anakin and the less expressive Prequels Anakin is the explicit note that Anakin puts on a monotone when he speaks to the Jedi. This ... fits. Anakin in TCW tends to be more expressive, Anakin in the Prequels is less, yes, but he sounds the most natural in the first 20 mins of Revenge of the Sith and when alone with Padme. It’s a very good tidbit to fill in.
Anakin and Obi Wan’s relationship is wonderfully done. They obviously care and love each other. The ways they work with each other, the ways the reign each other in, highlight their good parts and mitigate their bad, their slow acceptance that they’re equals now, both of them chilling out with regards to each other. The banter... it’s a great way to show them sliding into their Clone Wars relationship while acknowledging the friction (but care!) in AOTC. The way Obi Wan wishes Anakin was here to get him out of the mess because Anakin always manages to find a way but when Anakin shows up he immediately protests about having a plan that Anakin ruined. Anakin trusting Obi Wan to take care of himself and focusing instead on the bigger picture instead of his loved ones. Genuinely unprecedented for this boy, we love to see some growth. ([stares out into the distance])
Anakin and Mill are adorable, he’s always been good with kids (heavy...handed...Anakin-based...dramatic...irony....) and it shows in how he cares about her and encourages her to follow her heart. And he tells her that he’s learning from her and he does! He notes some things that he wished Obi Wan did for him and he does it for her! Genuinely so cute.
Obi Wan and Ruug... is probably something we should have more of. She seems like a rougher, more cynical version of Obi Wan - clearly meant to parallel him the same way Ketar parallels Anakin, except he could also see bits of Anakin in her. She’s also just a very cool character. Brave and good, but also cynical and pragmatic and hardened by war. We don’t get to see her interactions with Ketar as much, especially after he starts talking to Ventress, which is on purpose but still to both of their detriment. I also like how Ventress is more of a manipulator than a fighter here. Good to remember all of her skills, and good to remember that she also has reasons to dislike the Republic.
Side note, while I am talking about relationships: Anakin and Padme are so obviously in their Honeymoon Phase and it’s so funny. Obi Wan suspects but each time he’s like “are they... nah. No. I am going to think about something else.”
There are also some legit criticisms of the Jedi that I like being delivered. Like obviously they’re good, they’re trying to be good while the Republic is asking them to stray further from their vows, but lookat little Mill Alibeth pointing out that for a peacekeeping force, the Jedi place way too much value on their swords. Also Ventress pointed out some stuff but that’s was more in the manner of a creative use of the truth to make a better lie. It’s a well done piece of manipulation, certainly, but it’s not as impactful.
Lastly, author Mike Chen noted that he read the Revenge of the Sith novelization in his acknowledgements. Based and it shows and I love him for it. Literally bits in the narration that ties directly into that novel. The continuity of it all. [Chefs kiss].
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feyre-darling92 · 2 years
Summer Vacation AU
Modern AU Inspired by the star wars summer vacation.
T/W: Kissing (if that’s considered a warning), except this none, only bad writing
Word Count: 1,317
A/N: I know I am late but here’s a summer one shot. Enjoy!
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Vacation? You had to hear this word for more years than you’d like to admit.
No, vacation was not for you, not for a Jedi. But here you were, on an island along with Padme, Anakin, and Obi-Wan.
Yes, you read that right, Obi-Wan.
With the two formers, you had the best relationships, friends for many years with Anakin, same to Padme. But Obi-Wan? Oh, he was quite the case.
You had begun as Padawans at the same time, became Jedi knights at the same time but you were always... let’s say you weren’t either friends or enemies.
Of course, you had been together on almost every mission, which meant that you knew each other very well but there was always some kind of rivalry.
Unfortunately, he was in your mind more times than you’d like to admit, but that’s a story for another time. Or it isn’t?
“Y/N, we’re going to the beach, are you coming?” Anakin knocked on your door. 
It was late afternoon and you thought why not?
“Give me ten minutes!” you replied and got ready.
When you went downstairs you were met with Padme applying sunscreen on Anakin who was complaining and Obi-Wan who was reading sitting on a sofa.
“Aren’t you coming?” you raised your eyebrows in question and crossed your arms in your chest.
“I might join you later” he replied not looking away from his book.
“You’ll miss all the fun”
“Reading is fun too, you know”
“Obi-Wan, we’re here to relax, not study!”
“What do you know of fun?” he now looked you in the eyes.
In the meanwhile, Padme and Anakin had stopped their previous activities and were now watching you. Padme always said that you and Obi-Wan were perfect for each other and Anakin who had happened to walk at this moment, hearing what Padme had said agreed as well.
You had done nothing more but shot them a death glance.
“What do you know of fun?” you asked more stubborn than ever.
“Alright, we have to get going, Obi-Wan you’re free to join us anytime” Padme cut you off before he could reply.
“As for the fun part, you’re both boring” Anakin laughed.
“Shut up, Anakin!” you both said in unison.
When you arrived at the beach it was already crowded with people enjoying themselves.
You took off your top and shorts, staying in your swimsuit. It was strange, but in a good way, having used to wear all those layers of the Jedi robes.
“Ugh, sand, it’s-”
“It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. We know, Anakin” you said and earned a laugh from Padme and an annoyed glare from Anakin.
He lifted you and threw you into the sea, the sudden change of temperature and shock making you scream.
Anakin laughed but not for too long as you grabbed him and dropped to the water as well.
Padme joined you after a while, you and Anakin attacking her from behind, splashing water and laughing.
Maker, you hadn’t had so much fun for a long time.
After an hour of fighting and laughing, you got out of the water, grabbing a towel to dry yourself.
You sat on another towel you had spread so you didn’t have to sit on the sand, Anakin had insisted on it, and after a couple of minutes of enjoying the scenery in front of you, you took out your book and started reading.
“And you said I was boring” you heard a voice from behind you.
“Look who decided to join us” you closed your book and looked at Obi-Wan who was standing now in front of you.
“Hope I’m not too late” 
“Oh, no. Padme and Anakin are still swimming”
He said nothing but took off his shirt.
Oh, maker.
You had never seen him wearing anything except his Jedi robes and this was... a great change considering he was only wearing his swimsuit.
You tried neither stare nor blush but both tasks seemed impossible.
Alright, you had to admit it. He was handsome, all those years of training leaving their mark on his muscular body.
“Something interesting, darling?” he raised an eyebrow, which along with the nickname made you blush even more.
“Alright, then. See you in a while, love”
After everyone was out of the sea and dry you decided to the hotel after you and Obi-Wan apologized to Anakin and swore that you wouldn’t throw him sand again.
Nevertheless, you didn't regret it and you were going to do it again. You just hadn’t decided when.
After showering you heard someone knocking on the door again.
“Y/N, it’s me” you heard Padme.
“Come in” you wrapped your towel around you and greeted Padme.
“We are going to the beach bar near the hotel. Are you coming?”
“Uh, yeah, of course, but I forgot to bring a dress with me” you admitted a bit ashamed.
“Oh, that’s not a problem at all, I can give you one! Come on” you got dressed and followed her to her room.
After choosing a white dress you went downstairs where you found the boys waiting for you.
Obi-Wan was again quite the surprise, wearing dark green shorts and a floral shirt buttoned only halfway up, his hair a bit messier than usual and a cheesy grin on his face.
He must’ve seen you starring at him because his smile grew bigger,
“You look beautiful too”
“Oh, judging by your eyes I guessed you were trying to say that I look good”
“Idiot” you muttered and walked past him, taking Padme’s hand and walking ahead of them.
“Not a word,” you said to her as you sensed that she was about to say something.
When you entered the bar the loud music and the crowded space were enough to make you forget your previous conversation with him.
“You look quite surprised. Haven’t you been in a beach bar before?”
Why did he have to observe everything?
“I never had the chance. Actually, it’s been years since I had a day off” you admitted. “But, wait a minute. Have you been in a beach bar before, Kenobi?”
“Oh, yes. A couple of times”
“I am sorry?” your jaw dropped, “You’re saying to me that Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi Master has been in a beach bar not only one but two or more times?”
“It was for a mission”
“Oh, and you had begun to be interesting” you joked and drank your drink.
“I am interesting”
“I can see that”
“Well, you’re no more interesting, so we are very alike”
“Are you trying to hit on me?”
“I don’t know, would that work?”
You thought about it for a few seconds.
“Maybe” you smiled shyly.
“Well, in this case” he grinned and gently grabbed your chin, lifting your head so that you looked him in the eyes.
“Stars, I love you” he whispered.
“I love you too. Even when you’re insufferable”
“But you love me!”
“Yes” you chuckled, “I do”
He said nothing and kissed you, gently, slowly running his hand to your hair but then you put your hands around his neck bringing him closer and deepening the kiss.
Only when you were breathless did you pull away and looked into each other’s eyes. No words were needed.
“Padme, you own me 10 credits” you heard Anakin say.
“Excuse me?” you asked surprised.
“Oh, dear, you two were the only ones who didn’t see that you’re perfect for each other. Why do you think it’s just the four of us?”
“Oh, Anakin, you better start running,” you said and he hid behind Padme, earning laughs from all of you.
“Aren’t you happy that it worked?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Oh, yes. And that’s why” you grabbed his hand and started dragging him away “You’ll excuse us for the rest of the night” you wink at him.
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tennessoui · 3 years
but anakin hates sand how could mobi-wan think it's a good idea to take him to the beach for their honeymoon? does anakin have like an intense moment where he's watching the car roll to a stop in front of a beach house and he's wondering if obi-wan even knows him at all?
oooohhh ok so so so right as much as i do love the memes and how much fandom has latched onto anakin skywalker, hater of sand, i just wanna return that scene to its original context for a second, right?
like so padmé's line before the famous sand line is talking about how she and her handmaidens/friends? used to come here for school retreats and holidays and they would swim out to the island and lay in the sand and dry off and listen to the birds.
and anakin after a few seconds says he doesn't like sand. because it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. but what he's doing is trying to relate to her childhood story of a very privileged life. but since he grew up a slave, he doesn't have any fond golden-tinted memories of something like that to share. tatooine, a planet made of sand, isn't something he ever chose or liked. he's trying to respond, to build a connection, but their childhoods/young adult lives are just so different that this comes off sounding just out of place but i actually like it a lot!!!
But basically, in PBATMB, Anakin doesn't have a reason to hate sand because he wasn't a slave on tatooine! he might not like it the way, you know, i don't like sand because it does get everywhere, but he doesn't hate it! why would he? i don't think PBATMB!Anakin has ever been to a beach anyway so it's a new experience for him in my mind.
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stranger-nightmare · 3 years
there is no way I'm letting a guy get some in the sand. Idc how much i love him. Sand is rough, coarse, irritating, and it gets EVERYWHERE😂
Right?? I would literally let these fictional men do whatever they want to me, degrade me, humiliate me, whatever whatever… But I am drawing the line at doing it in the sand, Anakin knew exactly what he was talking about when he said this🥴😫
- Hope🐝
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cluelessgurl · 4 years
This was requested by the kind @just-my-weirdness-and-i . Hope you like it ! <3
Every way
Pairing- Anakin Skywalker X Female reader Modern AU
Summary- You and Anakin are on your honeymoon, and your previous hen night left some unexpected surprises for the both of you.
Warnings- Slight mentions of some intimate acts, mentions of alcohol (All consensual) :)
Words- 1.5 K
All that needs to be said about your’s and Anakin’s last night of ‘freedom’ is that it was wild. Ahsoka and your friends could not recollect the last part of the night, and Anakin and Obi-Wan seemed far too happy on their arrival home.
After your wedding, which was everything you had ever imagined, you were certain you loved him with every fibre in your body and Anakin knew he’d never live without you. Anakin loved pleasing you, in every way he could, from the way he made you smile, the way he spoke through his low but comforting voice,the way he held you at your weakest moments, the way he proclaimed his love for you like he wasn’t afraid of the world. It all made you feel free, it made you feel deep in love.You and Anakin had been contemplating your lover’s getaway for a long time now, he couldn’t decide as he always wanted what was in your best interest. So, you took it upon yourself to decide for the both of you, Obi-Wan suggested a secluded place away from the hustle and bustle of the city, which interested you. This is how you came to the conclusion that you would retreat to the Maldives.
‘I don’t understand why you don’t like sand Anakin, it’s just sand’ you chuckled ‘Because it’s coarse , rough, irritating and it gets everywhere’ he complained ‘Come on! It will be so much fun and you’ll have me by side, you won’t even notice’ ‘Fine whatever the lady asks for, she gets’ he spoke smiling through his words, ‘You have no idea how much I love you’ ‘Oh no princess, you have no idea what depths I’d go to for you’ Anakin smiled and held you in a warm embrace, holding the back of your head, you lived for his hugs.
The flight there was far too long for your liking, but Anakin seemed content sleeping on your shoulder throughout, watching his favourite movie you’d both watched a thousand times, you kept yourself busy with your nose in a book. Finally, you made it to your hotel in the evening, this hotel was special, it was situated just above the water, barely missing the sand, much to Anakin’s liking. ‘I told you, it won't be so bad Ani’ ‘I never doubted you darling, although let’s go get some dinner before you become a little frustrated let’s just say’ he suggested mischievously ‘You mean before you start to get cranky Ani, it’s never me’ you argued playfully ‘ If you say so’ he smirked whilst he stroked your back, sending gentle shivers down your back. He knew the exact effect he had on your body and mind, he loved the fact that you would still react the same way to his touch, much like the first time he had done so, he loved you with his whole heart, and he knew you felt the same, the wide smile adorned on your face, his wife’s face told him that clearly. ‘Now go ahead, get dressed, I love watching you get ready’ your heart never failed to skip a beat when he spoke to you so comfortingly, it made your insecure mind quieten ‘Alright, as you wish’ you replied as his toothy grin made you chuckle.
Ahsoka had made sure you had taken a ‘risky’ dress as she liked to put it, it was blue, Anakin’s favourite colour, and your body felt comfortable but sultry in it. After you changed,you walked out of the bathroom only to see Anakin in his classic black suit, he looked dashing, almost as good as he did at your wedding.However, he seemed to be fiddling with his tie ‘Ani, let me help you with that darling’ you spoke softly and walked up to him as his eyes locked onto you form. Oh god, she is mesmerising, look at her, she is literally glowing, her beauty is beyond anything I have ever laid my eyes on and she happens to be my wife, I am the luckiest man alive. That dress looks so good on her, hugging her in every right way, all the dips and -Oh she’s fixing my tie, the view from up here is far more tempting than Obi- Wan on the morning of the wedding, scolding me for not being able to do such a ‘simple’ task. All these thoughts, you standing below him, was telling him no, ordering him to take that dress off and caress you in every right way, to worship you. ‘All done, let’s go now I think I am starting to get frustrated, and we're going to miss our reservations if we don’t hurry’ you spoke as you broke his train of thought,Anakin was starting to get frustrated too, just in a different way but he had to compose himself ‘Of course angel, we wouldn’t want that now would we’ ‘No, absolutely not’ you spoke through your red painted lips as you linked your arm into his, Anakin would have to shake his thoughts off as you both set off.
Dinner was exquisite, you and Anakin had the greatest time, chatting and reminiscing about old times and funny moments you two had shared over the years paired with a glass of champagne well, you both had gone through a few glasses. So much so, that you couldn’t help but notice how sculpted Anakin's arms looked through that crisp white shirt now that he had taken the jacket off, or how defined his jaw looked with every word he uttered, his hand wrapped around the champagne glass led your imagination to wild avenues, places they could be wrapped around instead and you certainly noticed how his eyes had darkened ever since he saw you in that dress, you knew him all too well you knew his mind was wandering like yours.
This all led to you being pinned against the door of your room, fumbling to take Anakin’s shirt off ,lips locked, with you both attached to the hip. He was determined to make you understand just how beautiful you are, to listen and tend to every need of your body, to express every way he loved you. Listening to his thoughts from earlier in the evening, he wanted to be the one to take off the dress so,whilst still engaging in the passionate kiss, he wrapped your legs around his waist and set you down gently on the bed. He adorned you with kisses, igniting shivers and small gasps from you, he roamed from your neck to your shoulders, arms, eventually wandering to your legs. He got up in anticipation to take the shoes off your feet, but as he did so he noticed something etched onto the bottom of your foot, he focused as he read out loud ‘Skywalker’, at this point you opened your eyes and sat up to look at Anakin smiling at your foot, feeling quite bizarre you retreated them back up as you spoke with your eyebrows furrowed ‘Huh? Is everything alright? Did you have too much to drink Ani? Do you want to just go to bed darling?’ he chuckled heartily ‘No princess I’m doing just fine, over the moon actually. You seem confused though, maybe you should see this’ your confusion turned into shock as he held up a mirror to reflect the words and as your hands went to cover face in embarrassment; your memories of the last part of your hen night came flooding back.Ahsoka had thought it would be a great idea if you got your beloved’s surname and now yours bear in mind, tattooed, and your highly intoxicated self thought it was a great idea. ‘Oh god, okay just hear me out’ you spoke restlessly as you explained the whole story to him. It had made Anakin laugh full heartedly, as he clutched onto his chest, and lifted your leg up to look at it again a few times. Although, you had not done it level headedly, he adored it, he thought it was very sentimental and only made him feel as though he’d never lose you, it made him feel loved knowing that you shared his surname and were so committed to him that you’d go to such lengths ‘I hope you know, I actually love it. The surname doesn’t only just suit your name Y/N but also looks beautiful carved onto your skin’ he spoke tenderly ‘Really? You really mean that? You asked speaking through your hand that was still covering your face ‘Absolutely angel, your name is etched onto my heart forever and looking at that name, our name makes it even more permanent’ this brought such warmth to your chest, you got up to embrace him and he did not hesitate to reciprocate ‘I love you Anakin’ you mumbled resting on his shoulder, ‘I love you too Y/N, in every way’
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aces-to-apples · 3 years
Anakin, when he finds Clones having sex with sand: WHY SAND OF ALL THINGS? It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere!
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Anakin: I'm right here!
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manny-jacinto · 3 years
💕 get to know your mutuals!! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!! 🥺🌼💕
thanks for the message, pat ❤️
i’ve got a romeo + juliet tattoo
anakin is right, sand is coarse, rough, irritating and it gets everywhere and i myself don’t like it
 i’ve lived in macau and in the usa for very small amount of time but i really wish i went living in another country 
and that’s it i’m blanking for the 2 remaining facts 😅
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whatwouldmickeydo · 3 years
Sand IS coarse and rough and irritating and it DOES gets everywhere, Anakin was valid and he was right to say it
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