#anakin on the way to rescue obi-wan
saphronethaleph · 3 months
“Therefore…” Jar Jar said, swallowing slightly to get over his nerves. “Mesa propose given emergency powers, to…”
Then his mind went completely blank.
He couldn’t remember the name of the guy he was meant to be giving emergency powers to.
He couldn’t remember the name of the guy’s office.
Boss? No, no, that wasn’t right… big bombad boss-man? No, that wasn’t it either!
The whole room seemed caught in a singing tension, and Jar Jar wasn’t sure if he was thinking quickly or if everyone was staring at him and that just made it worse.
Then he had a sudden realization.
The point of these emergency powers was to make it so they could rescue Padme and Anakin and Obi-Wan – and the boss guy whose name he couldn’t remember hadn’t wanted them, he’d said so, he’d just said it was necessary to cut through all of the gridlocken arguing.
But – but it didn’t have to be the boss man guy.
“-Jedi Master Yoda!” Jar Jar finished, in a gasp, then practically collapsed back on the seat of the senate pod.
Cheers and shouts immediately filled the Senate hall, calling for the approval of the motion, and Jar Jar swallowed because he felt short of breath.
This public speakin’ business was way scarier than fighting an army! And that was plenty scary enough itself, too…
Palpatine’s eyes twitched, and he forced himself to relax his hand.
He had been… outplayed. Disastrously so. In a way he had absolutely not anticipated.
That idiot gungan had seemed like the perfect patsy, and it had been so important to his plans that everyone agree with the need for the emergency powers… and that nobody suspect how much he dearly wanted and needed the authority to cut through the factionalism in the Senate.
It had taken decades of work to create that factionalism, of encouraging different groups to vote strategically to obfuscate their preferred courses of action on different subjects, so that nobody but himself was aware that three quarters of the Senate would vote according to his wishes because so many of them were persuaded that he was their highest placed and most secret ally.
All to create the gridlock that emergency powers would be needed to cut through.
But now… now that idiot gungan had ruined everything. Someone had pulled his strings so masterfully that Palpatine couldn’t even see them.
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Y’know one of my favourite tropes? Clones with lightsabers but out of necessity. Rex picking up that laser sword of death as his last effort to defend an unconscious Anakin. Obi-Wan getting blasted across the room, Cody igniting his lightsaber with a look at his General, who just gives him the slowest, solemn nod. Jesse body-tackling Ahsoka out of the way of a blaster bolt and picking up her shoto to deflect the onslaught of fire from droids because it’s the nearest thing he could reach. Wolffe grabbing Plo’s lightsaber and melting his way through near-impenetrable blast doors to rescue him. Bly catching Aayla’s saber in midair to slice a battle droid in half, then tossing it back to her without missing a beat. 
Fox whacking Sheev in the face with his own lightsaber so hard he just kriffin dies. 
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vivwritesfics · 9 months
I'd Follow You Across The Galaxy
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Y/N Skywalker loved her husband. She loved him through everything. Even when he turned to the dark side, she still loved him. But she couldn't be with him. She had her babies to protect. Her husband would follow her across the galaxy.
A collection of moments from Y/N and Anakin's relationship, recounted as she travels across the galaxy.
Travelling alone through the universe, Y/N Skywalker had a lot of time to think. She thought about her name, how, even though she was still married, she'd have to change it to her maiden name.
She thought of the friends she hadn't seen since the end of the war, the children she had sent off to keep safe, the husband who had died in front of her.
The Clone Wars were something Y/N thought about often. She and her husband had fought side by side. It was when they fell in love. Her favourite thing to think about was when they first met.
“Princess Y/N from Idobaar has been kidnapped yet again,” Obi-Wan said to his Padawan learner. “We are to find her and bring her back to Coruscant. That way the Jedi Council can keep an eye on her,” he said.
Anakin Skywalker had heard of Princess Y/N from Idobaar before. He had heard stories of her beauty, but also of her recklessness. If she was kidnapped, it wasn’t because guards weren’t doing their jobs, but because she had wandered away and gotten herself into trouble.
Obi-Wan and Anakin only took a small ship to rescue the princess. Something that would allow them to move almost undetected through the stars. They found the vessel she was being kept on and made their way onboard.
The Jedi had to remain undetected for the safety of the princess. With the help of R2, they snuck their way through the ship, easily locating the cell Princess Y/N was supposed to be kept in. The key word there being ‘supposed’. It was empty, the door already open. A destroyed droid was beside the door, its blaster missing.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” said Obi-Wan as he looked at the droid.
Blasts from further down the hall. The Jedi unsheathed their lightsabers and took off towards the sounds.
It was a blood bath. Or, it would have been if droids could bleed. Princess Y/N of Idobaar was ducking into alcoves, emerging only to shoot at droids. As Obi-Wan and Anakin rushed towards her, a droid had a lucky shot. The princess cried out as it hit her arm and ducked behind the alcove.
The two Jedi took care of the droid’s Y/N had yet to destroy. Once they were finished with, Anakin put his lightsaber away and walked towards the Princess. “Princess Y/N?” He asked, offering her his hand.
“Who in the world are you?” She asked, accepting the help and getting to her feet. Her hand held her injured arm, keeping it close to her body.
Anakin took only seconds to observe it. There was no medical droid onboard their small ship; they would need to get her to an infirmary as soon as they got back to Coruscant. “I am Anakin Skywalker—”
“A Jedi?” Asked Y/N interrupting him.
More droids were approaching, that was easy to tell from the readily approaching footsteps. The Jedi wasted no time in moving Y/N along, running her back towards their ship. There was no point them moving under the cover of stealth, not when Y/N had already caused so much commotion.
As they ran she blasted, using her uninjured arm to shoot behind her. Obi-Wan and Anakin did their bit in cutting down droids and protecting the princess. They got her back onto their ship with no more injury and flew her back to Coruscant.
Of course, they were followed. Little fighter ships followed them, but Anakin was quick to take care of it. It was his flying skills that caught Y/N’s eye first, he would always say after this.
"Anything on the scanner?" Y/N asked her ship. It really was an incredible piece of engineering, a vehicle with a personality of it's own. Ship made a noise, something only Y/N could decipher.
Nothing. No Imperial Star Destroyers behind her.
"How about we stop at the nearest planet and get some rations?"
Ship made another noise.
"If you think you can hold out that long before we have to refuel," she replied, patting her steering mechanism.
Before Y/N met her husband, she couldn't fly a ship. He was the reason she learnt.
“So, I’m to be kept on Coruscant as a prisoner?” Y/N yelled, staring at Mace Windu.
The Jedi Master sent her an unimpressed look. He had better things to do than look after a spoiled princess. “Your parents have requested that you be kept here under the watchful eye of the Jedi,” he replied, clearly fed up with her already. Y/N seemed to have that affect on people.
Anakin watched from a distance as Mace Windu got more and more annoyed with her. Never angry, though. He was a Jedi Master, after all. “We have assigned Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan to protect you,” Anakin heard him say.
“You mean the guys that saved me?!” Y/N suddenly shrieked. But then her expression changed. She thought about it for only a few seconds  before nodding. “Yeah, okay.”
Looking past Y/N, Mace Windu summoned Anakin forward. The Padawan walked towards Y/N and bowed. "Princess," he said, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. "It is good to see you again."
Y/N just gave the Jedi a look. She grinned, turned on her heel and walked away. Anakin followed her silently, his hands clasped behind his back. “So, Padawan learner, where is your master?” She asked him as they stepped into the elevator.
“The Jedi council has sent him on a mission,” he answered. “I will be your protector.”
Protector, Anakin liked the sound of that. He would be the one to protect Princess Y/N of Idobaar.
"I don't need a protector," she spat back as the elevator arrived at her new room. The room Y/N didn't want. "I shouldn't even be here on Coruscant!"
All Anakin could do was watch as she stormed into her room and pulled the door shut behind her.
Anakin looked around the foyer. It was where all of Y/N things had been placed, her possessions from Idobaar brought over to make her feel more at home and comfortable. One bag was open and full of dresses. Funny, Anakin couldn't imagine Y/N in a dress.
The first time he'd met Y/N, she'd been wearing a shirt and trousers, a holster strapped to her leg. Her outfit now was much the same, just without the holster.
Anakin looked to her room. Being a Jedi he could feel her in there, except he couldn't. He ran at the door, throwing it open as he went. If Anakin had lost her already, he'd never hear the end of it.
Princess Y/N of Idobaar was nowhere to be seen. Her bed had been stripped, her sheets tied to the bed post and hanging out of the open windows. Running over, Anakin's eyes followed the sheets to the roof of the slightly smaller building just below them.
Throwing his head back, Anakin let out a groan and jumped out of the window after her.
Y/N had her arms out, balancing her way across the roof. Her steps were slow, steady as she concentrated on staying up there.
There was a noise overhead, but Y/N wasn't concentrating on that. She had hours before her Jedi protector noticed she was gone.
But then he landed in front of her. Y/N stumbled back as he did so, but the Jedi was quick to grab a hold of her. "You really haven't spent a lot of time around Jedi, have you?" Asked Anakin as he kept her upright on the roof.
"So what if I haven't?" She glared up at him, but Anakin didn't release his hold. Y/N softened her expression. "Okay, fine. I don't want to be stuck here on Coruscant until my parents want me home. I just want some freedom before I'm trapped," she said.
What happened the last time she got some freedom? She got herself kidnapped.
And then, Anakin had a plan. "What if I took you flying?"
Anakin nodded his head.
"What, so just outside of the planet?" It would take maybe five minutes at most.
Anakin just gave her a look.
Y/N loved flying. When she was younger and her parents took her on diplomatic trips, her favourite part was travelling there. Y/N sat in the cockpit, watching as Anakin flew the ship. He made it look so easy.
"I've never flown a ship before," Y/N confessed as she watched him.
A grin covered Anakin's face as he began to show off, manoeuvring around other ships. When he got to a wide open space, Anakin stopped the ship and pushed his chair back. "Want to give it a try?"
Y/N sat.
Where did she sit? Why, on Anakin's lap, of course. He helped her to fly it, taking things nice and slow. Anakin had her doing his manoeuvres from before, just at a much slower pace.
He let her drive until they were coming in for a landing. That was when Anakin had to take over once again. Once they were back on Coruscant, Y/N turned towards him. "Nice lesson, Jedi," she said with a giggle. "Maybe we can do this again while I'm stuck here."
Anakin stood from his seat. He followed behind Y/N as she left the ship. "Will you stay on Coruscant now, your highness?" He asked her as he held the door open.
"I'll think about it," she answered, stepping into the elevator.
That was a large number of years ago. So much had changed since then. When Y/N thought about things like that, about how things were all those years ago, it hurt.
It hurt being alone, drifting through the universe. It hurt not having a co pilot to keep her company. Ship was the only friend she had now that her husband was dead.
Y/N checked the coordinates. "Uh, Ship? Why are we heading to Tatooine?"
This time, when Ship made his noises, Y/N couldn't figure them out. Tatooine was fast approaching, but Ship wasn't slowing down. "Give me control!" Y/N cried, sitting back in her seat. "Ship! We're gonna crash!"
And crash they did. When Ship hit the sand, Y/N went flying forward, through the windshield and out into the desert.
They were stranded. Y/N laid in the sand. The Tatooine sun beat down on her, frying her. But she couldn't feel it - she was out cold.
Y/N woke up with a panicked start. She had been attacked, hadn't she? There was no way Ship would have just crashed other wise. She looked around at where she was, at the person in the corner of the cave. "Oh my God," she whispered, pushing herself to a sitting position.
It was somebody she had not seen for a great many years, somebody she'd grown to care for like a friend. She'd grown to miss him over the last ten years, too. "Obi-Wan?"
The last time Y/N had seen the man, he hadn't looked quite so haggard. The last time she had seen him, he had saved her and her babies from the clutches of Darth Vader
"That is a name I have not heard for many years," answered Kenobi as he stood up. "Now, what are you doing here on Tatooine, your highness?"
Y/N shook her head from side to side. "I don't know. Ship and I have been drifting for years, landing when we need to and avoiding Vader and his men at all costs. He suddenly landed me here with no word."
"Well, at any rate, I am glad to see you."
Obi-Wan gave her what rations he had and something to drink. "I'll see what I can do for Ship," he said, but Y/N knew what he was thinking. If Anakin was here, he'd be able to fix Ship in a heartbeat.
There was a question Y/N had been dying to ask Obi-Wan since the moment she woke up in his cave. One question she was was terrified of hearing the answer of.
"Obi-Wan, what happened to Luke and Leia? Have you seen them at all?"
Obi-Wan took his time answering her. Which filled her with anxiety.
"Let me show you," he finally said and Y/N let out a breath.
Kenobi took Y/N away from his cave, to a cliff. They sat themselves on the little ledge and Obi-Wan pulled out his Macrobinoculars. He looked first, making sure the little boy was still there, playing with his toys.
And then he passed the Macrobinoculars to Y/N. "Right there," he said and pointed.
When Y/N looked, she let out a gasp. There he was, the little boy she hadn't seen since the day he was born. Y/N watched him play in the Tatooine sand with his toy that looked a little bit like Ship. He was playing just outside of the moisture farm Y/N had visited only once before.
He was with good people, people that had taken care of Y/N in her hour of need.
"No, master Jedi, nobody is trying to kill me," said Y/N as she marched back to her room in Coruscant. It had been her home for a year now, with her Jedi protectors following her every move.
Y/N had spoken to her parents only a handful of times since they'd sent her to Coruscant. They were paranoid and wouldn't have her home any time soon. She missed her home, missed the palace and the friends she had there.
"Your highness, please," Obi-Wan began. "We just ask you be cautious. Our job is to protect you in any way we can; please don't make our job difficult."
Y/N let out a sigh. "Fine," she mumbled, sparing a glance at Anakin. "I'll be on my best behaviour."
The next few days passed somewhat normally for Y/N. When she left her room, Anakin was right behind her, close enough to touch. But he didn't; he kept his distance. That was the Jedi way.
But then, three days after Obi-Wan sat her down to speak with her, things started going wrong. The Jedi believed that, with Y/N safely in her room and with two guards outside of the door, they would be able to go to Jedi council meetings. Y/N, too, thought she was safe for that little while.
As Anakin returned to Y/N's room, he sensed something. Something that wasn't right. He ran into Y/N's room, lightsaber drawn. Y/N let out a gasp as Anakin cut off the hand of the person at the window. They were on the other side, hole cut in the glass for their gun.
"Holy Shit!" Y/N cried, turning to face the Jedi. "What happened?"
Anakin's breath was short as he stood with his lightsaber held above him, looking for the assailant. Before he could answer Y/N, he was jumping out of the window, chasing after the person trying to kill her. "Anakin!" Y/N cried as she leaned over the now broken window, watching as he disappeared between the speeders.
Okay, so maybe somebody was trying to kill her.
The Jedi council set Obi-Wan on the job of finding her assassin. While Obi-Wan worked, Anakin was tasked with looking after Y/N. "We should get off of Coruscant," he said as he sat on Y/N's bed.
"But where can we go?" She asked him. As much as she agreed, Y/N couldn't think of a single place safer for her. She couldn't go back to Idobaar, not when her parent's didn't think it was safe. But then she thought of somewhere. "My parent's are close to the Queen of Naboo. Maybe she'd host us," she suggested.
Anakin sat there, watching her as she packed her bags. She was beautiful, but Anakin had always known that. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her - it made his work as a Jedi very difficult.
The Padawan was hellbent on protecting her. He carried her things to their transport, said goodbye to Obi-Wan and took her to Naboo.
Senator Amidala was there to greet them when they arrived. She greeted Y/N with an embrace and gave Anakin a polite hello.
Naboo was where Y/N and Anakin camped out until Obi-Wan had caught her attempted killer. It was warm, sunny, peaceful. They sat by the lake, watching the sunset. They ate a decadent feast, but only once they'd taken the food up to the room Y/N had been placed in.
But, while they were on Naboo, Anakin was having nightmares. Y/N had never noticed before, but with only a thin wall between them, it was hard not to.
"What is it, Ani?" She asked one morning. When she woke up, she saw him outside of her room, on the veranda.
They were stood so close, but not yet close enough to touch.
"It's my mother," Anakin answered, staring at the water in front of them. "I keep dreaming of her, having nightmares."
His mother. Y/N knew the story, of how Qui-Gon Jinn had found him and his mother, slaves on Tatooine, how he had placed a bet with the man who owned him and had taken Anakin to learn the ways of the Jedi.
"What if we went to Tatooine?" Y/N suggested. "You have the power to free her, now."
Y/N said a farewell to the Queen of Naboo and they were on their way, flying to Tatooine. It was a peaceful trip, Y/N and Anakin sitting side by side, still close enough to touch but not quite. If she moved her hand even an inch, she would have been touching him. Would he be warm to the touch, his skin burning beneath her touch? Would his hands be rough and calloused from the years of Jedi training, or would his touch be soft?
When they landed on Tatooine, Y/N followed Anakin. He spoke to people in a tongue she couldn't understand, leaving Y/N to stand beside him, watching the interaction.
The thing that used to own Anakin directed them to a moisture farm. That was where the man who now owned Anakin's mother would be. And that meant that was where his mother would be.
They set off, heading out towards the moisture farm.
When they got there, they were met with the nicest people and the worst news. Shmi married the man who bought her and had been living with him and his son at the moisture farm. But then she was kidnapped by Tusken Raiders and nobody had seen her since.
"I have to free her," said Anakin as soon as they told him what had happened to his mother.
The suns were setting as Y/N looked at the Jedi she loved. No, not loved, not yet. "Ani," she whispered, reaching towards him. But, before her fingertips could meet his skin, she pulled away.
"Stay here, Y/N, please. They'll look after you here; they're good people," he said.
But Y/N wasn't quite ready to let him go yet. Not without a proper goodbye. Y/N grabbed the front of his Jedi robes and pulled him in. She pressed her lips to his and closed her eyes.
Taken by surprise, Anakin was stood there for just a moment before his body reacted. His hands settled on her waist and he closed his eyes, kissing her back. It was slow and sweet and tender. It was everything the two of them had been waiting for.
When Anakin pulled away, he reached up and pushed her hair out of her eyes. He didn't say anything as he left. Y/N watched him walk away. She waited until he was out of sight before returning to the moisture farm.
"What about Leia?" Asked Y/N as soon as she put down the Macrobinoculars. But then she shook her head. "It's better if I don't know."
It was one of Y/Ns greatest fears, Vader finding her and discovering the existence of their children.
"Why here?" Y/N asked as she passed back the Macrobinoculars back to Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan looked at her. "I thought it best if he grew up with family," he answered.
She spared one last look at Luke through the Macrobinoculars, still playing with his toy ship.
While Obi-Wan helped her to get Ship repaired, she hid in the cave he called him. It was a quick ordeal, Obi-Wan using Jedi mind tricks to speed the process along. He wouldn't use them for anything else, but she was desperate to get away.
It was two weeks before Y/N was flying away on Ship once again. She patted the steering mechanism, happy to have her only friend back. "Get us out of here, Ship," she said.
Ship made a series of noises. "Thanks, pal," Y/N whispered as she looked at their surroundings, the familiarity of space.
Until she crashed on Tatooine, Y/N had managed to keep track of Vader and his fleet of ships. But now, she had no idea where they were. She couldn't tell if she was flying towards them or away from them.
Vader. She remembered the day she met him. But that wasn't a story for right now. So, she thought about Anakin, about the first time he told her he loved her.
Obi-Wan was in danger. Who better to save him than his padowan learner? But Anakin didn't think so.
He had a princess to protect, and he was going to protect her with his life. Besides, they were on Tatooine and Obi-Wan was on Geonosis.
Ever since Y/N had first come to Coruscant, Obi-Wan had been kind to her. He'd protected her with his life, and it was about time she did the same.
So, she thanked Cliegg, Owen and Beru. Whether Anakin was following her or not, she marched over to their ship. "You shouldn't have taught me how to fly," she mumbled when Anakin walked onto the ship behind her, the door shutting after him.
Anakin grabbed onto a chair as Y/N flew the ship. She wasn't very good - there was a reason her future vessel was going to be something that could practically fly itself.
He took over, taking control of the ship from her. "You're not gonna turn us around, are you?" She asked, giving him the pilots seat.
Anakin shook his head. "As long as you promise to let me take the lead, we'll go save Obi-Wan. Just, stay behind me and stay out of trouble," he said. Y/N nodded, reaching for his lightsaber. But Anakin had the force - he could sense it as she reached. "No!" He called and Y/N quickly withdrew her hand.
It wasn't long beside they arrived on Geonosis. Anakin tried to be stealthy, but that wasn't Y/N's specialty. She took down the first droid she came to, stole its blaster and went charging in, head first.
Anakin couldn't stop the small grin crossing his face as he followed her. His lightsaber was drawn as he fought of droids, Y/N continuing to push forward.
And then she found herself on the droid assembly line. Jumping over and around parts, taking out droids as they were being built. It shouldn't have been fun, but it was. And Anakin could tell. He couldn't help but being distracted as she punched a droid, knocking off the head that hadn't yet been properly attached.
But then they got themselves captured. Anakins lightsaber was knocked out of his hand and several finished droids surrounded Y/N. They were well and truly screwed, blasters pushed against their backs as they were forced to walk forward.
Their hands were chained together and they were placed on a chariot. If they weren't about to die, it would have been both magnificent and romantic. But they were, almost quite literally, being marched to their deaths.
"I love you," he said before they were paraded out in front of the crowed. "I'll do whatever I can to protect you."
Y/N tried to step closer. She looked up at him as she leaned towards him. As she did, Anakin dipped his head, pressing his lips to hers. It was slow, gentle, and so full of love. His lips slotted against hers oh so perfectly, soft and pillowy.
Intoxicating. He was intoxicating. They were about to die, and Y/N couldn't think of a better way to go.
"I'd do anything for you," whispered Anakin as they were paraded around. "I'd follow you across the galaxy," he said.
Y/N leaned up to kiss him once more. "If I'm travelling across the galaxy, you'll be right there beside me."
It was hard to keep track of where Darth Vader could have been, Y/N realised as the great, large ship appeared in front of them. It was much bigger than her own, its tractor beam easily pulling them in.
He had found her.
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wwinterwitch · 8 months
teasing — anakin skywalker
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summary: just anakin being a little tease before he goes down on you
pairing: anakin skywalker x princess!fem!reader
word count: 3.3k
tags: smut, secret relationship, teasing, masturbation using panties, pet names (baby, my love, good girl, darling), biting/marking, reader gets slightly insecure, softdom!anakin, body worship, he likes your scent hehe, oral (f receiving), he eats pussy like it's his life purpose, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, fingering
reblog or comment if you enjoy please!
all masterlists | star wars masterlist | read on ao3
Anakin smirks devilishly before his lips press against your lower belly, daring to nibble on your skin in an effort of teasing you even further. His erection feels almost painful, hidden inside his trousers; the sight of you looking down at him as he explores your body, the soft sounds coming from you as further confirmation of your pleasure, and the way your hips repeatedly lift themselves off the bed in clear urgency for more do nothing to help his aroused state.
Whenever he manages to have you like this– all his to enjoy, away from anyone who could dare to stand between the two of you, he likes to take his sweet time with you. With him in his endless missions as a Jedi, and your countless duties as the heir of one of the most prestigious kingdoms in the galaxy, it’s not easy to find much time to be together.
But sooner or later, he always comes back to you. 
Ever since he and Obi-Wan had the difficult task of rescuing you and another group of hostages from separatist forces, he’s been infatuated with you, and it didn’t take him much time to realize the sentiment was mutual.
After many stolen glances and a lot of interventions from Obi-Wan whenever he detected the slightest flirting between you, the two of you knew that the ceremony your father organized to celebrate your safe return would not be the last time you and Anakin would see each other.
The excuse was soon invented. You offered to help your father with all security matters on your planet, which inevitably meant having to interact a lot with the Jedi to keep constant and efficient communication. Evidently, you had chosen Anakin to be the Jedi you’d communicate with if your planet ever needed them– he saved you, of course you’d trust him the most.
Maybe not everyone bought it. Maybe the ones who did still have a few doubts when they realize just how good your communication is. It’s clear then neither of you care. As long as you’re able to see each other with a plausible reason and no one intervenes, it’s enough.
So technically, Anakin was back on your planet today for a scheduled meeting with you to discuss a few things. Nothing else, just following protocol. In reality, the two of you are in your chambers, away from prying eyes. Your naked body rests on top of the ridiculously expensive silk sheets, legs wide open for him to lay comfortably between them.
Leaning back, Anakin grabs your panties to push them up against your core, the fabric folding in a thin line that squeezes your clit in the most satisfying way.
He lets out a low groan when he sees the reaction on your face, staring back at you with evident pride and lust as he admires what a cute little mess you've become for him. Legs spread for him to do whatever he wants, your beautiful body all exposed to his hungry graze except for the panties you're still wearing, a few marks on your neck and breasts from his previous exploration just minutes earlier.
Not having enough just yet, he starts to move his arm rhythmically, causing the fabric to rub against your entire slit. You moan louder this time, looking down at him with pleading eyes as he continues his movements.
One of your hands moves towards your chest, urgently massaging one of your breasts. He smirks at the sight, speeding up so suddenly that you’re practically forced to close your eyes and lean your head back against the pillows. Your mouth stays in the shape of an ‘o’, moans increasing in volume, body tensing in pleasure.
Once he's satisfied enough, he moves his hand away, smirking as he stares at the absolute masterpiece between your legs. "Look at that," he comments in a husky voice, admiring the large stain of your arousal on your panties as his palms slowly trace up your thighs.
Anakin eventually reaches your inner thighs and he squeezes your flesh in a way that leaves you whimpering in both pleasure and pain. And then he squeezes again because he enjoyed your reaction a little too much.
His hand finally reaches its destination, the feeling of one of his fingers brushing against the fabric of your panties sending shivers down your spine. The contact is enjoyable, but you need more. "Fuck, your panties are soaked, baby," he practically growls, continuing to trace up and down in gentle movements.
His fingers stay there, carefully tracing your pussy with your underwear still acting as an annoying barrier that prevents you from experiencing the true pleasure that only his touch can bring you. He looks up at you, lips peppering small kisses up your inner thigh. 
At first you thought he’d keep moving upwards, maybe give you the satisfaction of leaving a kiss on top of the fabric, but as soon as he gets close to where you need him most, his lips move to your other thigh to repeat the same trail he previously followed from your knee to the edge of your panties.
You can't take his teasing anymore. Even when you should be used to this kind of behavior from him, you can't stand it any longer. It's all too much, but nothing at the same time.
With evident frustration, you find yourself rocking your hips against his fingers in an attempt to create more friction. The hand previously gripping the sheets moves to his hair, your grip on his light brown locks tightening when he gets closer and closer to your core. 
He looks at you with evident amusement, silent mockery shining in his eyes because he knows you’re getting impatient. Sometimes he’s feeling particularly merciful and he actually listens to your pleas right away, but there’s times where he likes to make you beg for it.
The disappointment is evident on your face when you see him move a hand to his hair, releasing his hair from your grip before he uses that same hand to push your hips down towards the mattress to keep you as still as possible.
"Anakin..." you breathe out in a desperate plea, practically pouting.
He seems to ignore you for a few seconds, almost hypnotized by the sight of you so desperate, distracted by the wetness he feels with his fingers. It's only when he lifts his head again to properly look at you that he finally seems to pay your apparent complaint any attention. "Yes, my love?" he asks playfully, as if he has no idea why you would be calling for him like that.
"Stop teasing," you whine, feeling incredibly frustrated as he just looks at you. The underwear you’re wearing is soaked and your body is completely ready for him to do absolutely anything, yet he’s barely touching you with his fingers.
Anakin ignores you once again, his eyes drifting down to your thigh. He’s leaning in once again, this time tracing his tongue against your skin before his teeth are sinking onto it without a warning, making you gasp as your back arches in response.
He barely moves back to admire the way his teeth marked you, using his mouth to suck on a spot just below the shape of them. The thought of how pretty a bruise –his bruise– would look on your inner thigh tomorrow makes his cock twitch.
"Is that an order, your highness?" he finally speaks, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
You let out an exasperated sigh. You’re a woman who possesses an intimidating amount of power, but you’re completely defenseless when it comes to Anakin. You surrender all of it when you’re with him. 
He has a future queen wrapped around his finger, and that thought turns him on more than anything.
"Please!" you whine, fearing he’ll have you crying tears of frustration any second now if he decides to continue this torture.
To add to your growing despair, Anakin chuckles against your skin. "Now, we both know you can do much better than that," he whispers softly, encouraging you to speak up. After all, hearing your voice is one of the things he enjoys the most; he particularly likes it when it's in the form of breathless words and needy pleas.
Your cheeks burn in embarrassment, not knowing what to say at first. Again, you should be used to him being like this, an annoying little tease, but there's something about Anakin that you'll never be prepared for. He’s unpredictable like that, but it’s one of the many things that made him stand out to you.
He's always finding new ways to keep you on the edge, to make you beg for it, to leave you ridiculously wet before he's even properly touching you. The fact that he has so much patience and self-control to keep his teasing for so long is deeply admirable but also incredibly frustrating.
Your breath gets heavier and your walls clench around nothing in torturous anticipation while he keeps his face dangerously close to your aching pussy, his eyes dark as he takes you in like your the most delicious thing on this galaxy and he just can't believe he's lucky enough to have you all to himself– yes, he likes teasing, but that doesn't mean he's not eager to please you, desperate to have his face buried in between your legs to drink up every drop of your delicious essence and stay there for hours. 
He just likes to make you work a little for it, because what’s the fun in giving it to you just like that? A person used to getting everything they want from the moment they were born should know what it feels like to be kept waiting once in a while.
The way his eyes focus on you, so intensely and lustful, does nothing to make you feel any less anxious. It's both exciting and nerve-wracking; to have him worship your body in the way he does, to feel completely exposed and vulnerable. It's more than enough to make you feel self-conscious.
Anakin seems to sense your increasing nerves, gripping one of your thighs as silent encouragement. "Come on, let me hear you," he insists shortly after, his voice softer than ever, almost begging to hear you say exactly what you want him to do to you– of course he knows exactly what it is, but it's so different when you say it out loud. 
After a few seconds, you finally managed to speak up despite your sudden shyness. "I want to feel your mouth on me, please..." you mutter, reminding yourself to look back at him as you speak. At that point, you thought you might even start crying due to how badly you need him. "Please, Ani...I can't take this anymore."
At first, you thought maybe you should've said more. As your words echo inside your head, you’re convinced that you should’ve tried harder. That they couldn't possibly be enough to satisfy him and he'll probably urge you to keep talking despite your embarrassment. Your thoughts were far from being true, however, and it becomes clear to you when you feel the bruising grip on your thigh and the way he groans against your skin again.
"That's a good girl," he says with a pleased smile, looking up at you for a few seconds before his eyes trail down your body appreciatively. 
He knows you're desperate, he knows you're barely keeping it together, and he knows you're trying your best to put up with his seemingly endless teasing. Perhaps it's time to finally reward you for it.
His fingers hook to the hem of your panties, trailing them down your legs before throwing them to the floor. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat in anticipation of what's to come, watching as he looks at your exposed folds with such interest and admiration, it almost makes you feel dizzy.
Before he does anything else, he reaches for a pillow that rests on the side of the bed he sometimes occupies whenever he can find time to spend a night with you, placing it underneath you on your lower back, raising your hips just enough. He wants you to be as comfortable as possible while he pleases you.
His arms sneak underneath your thighs to hold you, wanting to keep you in place as he spreads you wide open, fully exposing you to his hungry gaze. "Beautiful," he lets out in a low voice as he moves closer, "and all mine to enjoy."
You're so sensitive, so eager to receive anything, that you can't help but moan when you feel his breath mingling with your arousal, making you shiver as you lean back against the mattress.
A few seconds pass and you're once again slightly disappointed when you don't feel more. You were already expecting to feel his mouth on you, but nothing was happening.
When you look down, you're met with the hottest sight you think you'll ever see in your life. Anakin is laying on the bed with his head in between your legs, his strong arms keeping them open while his eyes are closed, simply taking in your scent. He stays there, enjoying the smell of you. 
There's something so intimate about it, worshiping you in that way, it makes you feel just as good as if he was actually using his mouth.
But eventually he does use it, and it makes your eyes roll to the back of your head almost immediately because you've been waiting too long for this. Long, excruciating minutes of him just teasing your body and leaving you aching for more are suddenly worth it when his tongue is licking one single strap up your slit, humming in delight as he tastes you for the first time that night.
He doesn't stop there. It's almost as if he became a hungry beast after the first taste, diving right in. His tongue presses harder against you a few more times before his mouth captures your clit, sucking on it in such a deliciously good way that it makes you gasp for air as you grip the sheets.
The exploration continues, starting to quite literally devour you. His tongue is eagerly exploring every inch of you, moving around to spread your folds to discover every part of you. Your legs would tremble every time he finds your swollen clit, pleasuring you with a hard suck or a series of rapid swirls of his tongue.
You're inevitably finding yourself in the need of rocking your hips against his mouth, craving more friction, but he quickly stops you by placing a hand on your lower belly to hold you down, making it almost impossible for you to move.
He leans back from you just enough, and that's when you're able to admire the way his face glistens with your arousal, coating his mouth and chin. "Stay still, darling," he instructs slightly out of breath, right before diving back in.
You try to do just that, moaning in response to his vicious assault on your pussy. The wet sounds of his mouth on you echo across the room and the fact that he has absolutely no problem with being loud and messy while he eats you out drives you absolutely insane.
His movements never slow down, rapidly licking up and down a few times before taking care of your clit and repeating the process. While he works on your body, he refuses to move his eyes away from your face, wanting to take in every single second of the pleasure that reflects on your features, even having the nerve to smile up at you as his tongue continues to taste you.
With the increasing volume of your moans and the fact that it's harder to keep you in place, Anakin can tell you're getting closer to your peak. The prospect of feeling and tasting your orgasm encourages him to continue at an even faster pace.
He makes sure to press his entire mouth against you, sucking as much of your arousal as he possibly can. The wet sounds increase even more when he begins to practically make out with your pussy, doing his very best to drive you closer to the edge.
One of your hands moves to his hair, tangling your fingers in it as you feel the knot in your stomach becoming impossibly tighter, breathing heavily as you try to keep it together for a few more seconds. "I– fuck, Ani, it feels so good," you moan out desperately. "I don't think I can–"
Before you can reply, you feel a powerful wave of pleasure running through your entire body. A loud cry escapes your lips as your intense orgasm takes over, making it impossible to form coherent words or do anything other than tremble and gasp for air, his name slipping past your lips in a breathless whimper.
Unlike what you expected, Anakin gives you no room to relax, continuing to move his mouth against you just as viciously as before, his nose repeatedly brushing against your clit because he's that pressed to you.
He groans against your folds, the vibrations doing nothing to ease the extreme pleasure you're feeling, unable to take a break as he hungrily tastes you. It's almost animalistic, the way he seems to be entirely concentrated on drinking every last drop of your arousal, not caring that you already reached your orgasm and you seriously need time to calm down.
You try to shove him away, pulling at his hair while attempting to close your legs too. Evidently, he's having none of it, spreading your legs wide as the muscles on his arms tense slightly due to the strength he uses to keep them in place and pressing his face to your core more insistently. He looks up at you with darkened eyes, silently demanding for you to take it.
Unable to do much about it, you continue to cry out in pleasure, the overstimulation and the fact that his attack is not slowing down only bring you closer to come, your second orgasm quickly approaching. Another explosion happens deep within you, making you close your eyes as your face contorts in a kind of ecstasy that borders pain.
His movements finally slow down when he feels you come against his tongue again, allowing you to climb down from your high. Anakin is considerably more gentle now as he uses his tongue to taste your release, loosening the grip on your thighs, fingers gently caressing your skin.
Once he's satisfied, he moves away from your sensitive core. A smirk appears on his face when he leaves a tiny kiss on your clit, watching as your body trembles from the contact. It's barely a soft peck, yet it has you instantly whimpering and spasming.
Your eyes remain closed, feeling the way he crawls on top of your body once again. His hand brushes a few strands of hair away from your face, satisfied with how pretty you look after he gave you two orgasms in such a short period of time.
The blissful moment of relaxation doesn't last very long, however, because you quickly feel one of his fingers slowly slipping inside your tight and wet entrance.
Opening your eyes with evident surprise, you notice his eyes already looking down at you, grinning when he sees the expression on your face after the unexpected intrusion.
"Please," you let out in a soft cry, pouting. "It's too much, Ani..."
"Shhh," he promptly replies in a soothing tone to calm you down, his finger already fully in. "You can take it."
Another pathetic little sound escapes your lips when he adds another finger in the same slow, tentative manner. He gives you a few seconds to prepare, his fingers knuckle-deep inside you before he starts to move them.
Anakin's face hides in your neck, a satisfied groan crashing against your skin when he feels your walls clench. "That's it," he whispers, his movements increasing just enough. "She has to be nice and ready for me before I fill you up with my cock. Isn't that right, my love?"
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Rex: I know you work with Cody sometimes, but who do you guys report to?
Hunter: Hmm... good question. Can't say I've got an answer.
My headcanons about the reporting:
Tech writes up a full mission report after every single mission the squad completes during the Clone Wars, even though the higher ups stopped asking the squad for detailed written debriefings almost two years ago, after their first few ops.
(Echo started helping to write up the reports when he first joined the squad, only to be absolutely flabbergasted and lowkey horrified that the generals/commanders never ask for the reports, they just want to know whether a mission CF99 was assigned to ended as a success or failure.)
The reason why no one ever asks for the reports is because, after Commander Cody first called in Clone Force 99 for a tricky operation involving rescuing a dozen key hostages from an overwhelming amount of Separatist forces, Obi Wan was the one who reviewed the exceptionally professional and detailed report describing the squad of 4 clones rescuing the hostages by rappelling smack dab into the middle of the enemy forces and wiping out two entire battalions of droids (including the tactical droids) within 30 seconds with a crazy plan involving one bomb (the bomb wasn't even used on the droids themselves, it was used as a distraction), a knife, a rifle, two small mirrors, the Star Wars equivalent of duct tape, and "CT-9903's impulsive nature."
"Cody, are you sure this mission report is... accurate?" Obi Wan asks in concern.
"Yes, General. Three of the hostages corroborated the story even before the report itself came in. And CT-9902 - the one they call Tech, who writes the reports - apparently records everything, too, so I can verify..."
"No need. I ask only because I thought orders were for this to be a stealth operation."
"Right, well, the sergeant said his squad decided the most effective way to fulfill the "stealth" stipulation would be to not leave any droids operational, so the Separatists will never know exactly what happened."
Thus Obi Wan, realizing the sheer madness that would likely ensue should Anakin ever get his hands on one of these full reports - Anakin doesn't need ANY more chaotic ideas or incentive to go rogue - decides to simply record the mission outcome as "all objectives successfully met." The other generals (and, by extension, their commanders) soon pick up on Obi Wan's strategy and adopt it themselves, though for slightly different reasons (because imagine reporting that a squad using a plan called "rockslide" succeeded where a company + Jedi could not).
And so whenever Clone Force 99 is given an assignment, they are only asked in the debriefing whether said mission has been a success or failure.
(And then Cody calls in the Bad Batch for a mission that ends up involving Anakin, and Obi Wan is just sigh "I suppose this was inevitable. Yes of course this mission ended with Trench's entire fleet blowing up. No, Anakin, I will NOT recommend that Clone Force 99 be assigned strictly to the 501st. We're trying to keep the galaxy intact.")
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tennessoui · 6 months
alrightalrightalright what about an au where newly knighted obi-wan kenobi is working as a jedi on a hugely top secret project in the middle of nowhere, outer rim, with a very small amount of help from the jedi order and strict instructions to not let anyone know what he's doing - and one night he gets involved in something he has no business getting involved in but this is obi-wan, after all, he never can leave well enough alone. he's trying to bust and rescue a slave ring he uncovers (again, completely on accident, he just took a night off for a drink)
and he decides to go undercover himself to get back to where the (pleasure) slaves are being held so he can set about freeing them, but before he's done, smuggler anakin skywalker bursts in and rushes all of them onto his ship to get them away, taking well-meaning but solidly jedi obi-wan with him
but obi-wan IS under strict orders to not disclose anything about himself or why he was on the planet because this is a super secret jedi project....and anakin thinks he just rescued him from slavery, so it's not like he can just politely ask to be dropped back off roughly around the location he was picked up
and the longer they fly about the galaxy, the more obi-wan is hesitant to return at all. not that he has issues with the order or anything. not that he doesn't feel extremely uncomfortable lying to anakin about his past when anakin is being very kind and understanding and opening up about his own past as a slave....
but despite his duty to the order to return to that planet, despite the guilt he feels when he cannot be as honest with anakin as the smuggler is with him....he sorta...he sorta really likes the other man. he likes the type of freedom he's showing him. he likes the miniature missions they send themselves on. he especially likes the way he catches anakin looking at him sometimes from the pilot's seat, as if he's the biggest, most precious, most unexpected gift he has ever received
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charliedawn · 2 years
Alright alright, I worked up the courage to ask about Star Wars. Can I get a How they would kiss you preference for Star Wars? Aniken and Han Solo and any characters you might want.
Anakin :
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The first time you kissed Ani, it was on the return of one of his missions and someone had told you that he had been hurt during said mission. You hadn't wasted a single second before climbing aboard ship before it even reached the ground, praying that Anakin was alright.
You found him in the medical bay, laid down on a bed and your heart missed a beat. You stepped forward to hold his hand and stroked the back of his hand with your thumb.
"Come on, Ani...Wake up. For me. Please."
You then kissed him, unaware of what was going on in Anakin's head—since you weren't force sensitive.
In Anakin's head :
'Play unconscious. Play unconscious. Play unconscious. Don't laugh. Don't freak out. It's not like Y/N is kissing you right now. They're going to be so mad when they discover it was a prank.'
And then, as if the force itself had summoned him, Obi-Wan stepped in and stopped dead in his tracks before eyeing the both of you suspiciously.
"What are you doing ?", he asked before folding his arms over his chest in disapproval. You suddenly took a step back and threw your hands in the air.
"It's...It's not what it looks like !", you tried to defend yourself—but Obi-Wan shook his head before looking straight at Anakin.
"Not you. You. Get up, Anakin.", he told him and you frowned in incomprehension, until Anakin started talking that is.
"Can't, master. I'm playing dead."
Your eyes grew wide and you were seriously debating on whether to be overjoyed by the fact that he was alright, or kill him yourself.
"No, you're playing the idiot. Now, get up.", Obi-Wan said knowingly and Anakin rolled his eyes before finally sitting up.
Obi-Wan sighed before walking away.
"You have five minutes."
The moment he was out, you glared at Anakin who addressed you a cheeky wink before asking.
"Sooo...You were worried, huh ?"
You restrained an eye roll before wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Ani...You are the biggest jerk in all the galaxy. And I'm mad at you. And it doesn't make any sense. But, I still love you."
You then kissed him again and he smiled at your words. He knew he was a fool, but it felt so good to be your fool—he would gladly spent an eternity being yours.
"If that's how you kiss all jerks, I'll gladly be the king of jerks."
You shook your head in disbelief before hitting his chest playfully. You then both burst into laughter and he took your hand before you left the ship to go home.
Anakin is passionate and playful. He'd do anything for a smile. And even when you're mad at him, he'd find a way to make you laugh and indulge into giving him what he wants.
He would have his kiss, no matter what.
Han Solo :
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You were one of the Rebel fighters and had met Han Solo when he was trapped on wookie territory. The Rebellion had sent you on a rescue mission and boy, were you skillful with a blaster.
He immediately noticed you and since then, had been unable to stay away.
Finally, he confessed his love for you just as he was on a mission to go stop Darth Vader.
"Hey, Y/N...I might not make it. So...Just wanted to let you know that I love you and try not to cry too hard if I..."
He wanted to reassure you, but he knew that the mission would be dangerous and decided to be honest with you. But, he didn't plan on you—grabbing him by the back of the neck to kiss him before he could utter another word. Not that he was complaining. But, he was actually trying to be a gentleman.
"Make sure you do.", you told him and Han blinked twice before chuckling nervously.
"Yeah...I'll do that."
He then went aboard his ship and you smiled before grabbing Chewbacca's hand before he also went inside after him.
"Bring our Han back in one piece, alright ?"
Chewbacca let out a loud roar in agreement before pulling you into a hug and you smiled—hiding your tears into his fur. You knew the mission would be dangerous, you weren't delusional. But, you were certain Han would be back. He had promised you afterall and Chewbacca seemed to believe the same. You stayed there until the Millennium Falcon was out of sight before returning to your duties.
A few days later :
When they returned, you ran into Han's arms and he gratefully accepted the rain of kisses you had in store for him. He had missed you too. He was so glad he could come back to you and blinked his tears away. He didn't think he would make it, but damn...He was mighty glad he did.
Han is into long and deeply heart-felt kisses. He may seem like the flirtatious and quick kisses type of man. But, he likes knowing someone is waiting for him. Once he has accepted you in his heart, he's not leaving your side and would spend hours kissing you if he could.
Poe Dameron :
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Poe had been held captive for so long, it was a shock when he suddenly reappeared and you dropped everything to run and wrap your arms around him. He chuckled and held you even closer while he peppered your face with kisses, trying to stop your tears.
"Ssh...I'm here. I'm here."
You had been so afraid he'd be gone for good this time, your legs gave under you, but Poe kept you steady. He cupped the back of your head and kept you close to him while he thanked his luck star he got another moment with you.
Poe is a pretty passionate guy. He is also often on a ship, flying into danger. So, every moment counts. He wouldn't lose any time and kiss you and embrace you every chance he gets—knowing it might be his last.
Kylo Ren :
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"You...wish to kiss me ?", Kylo Ren suddenly stated when you were both alone—reading your mind easily.
You sighed. Of course...
"Is that wrong ?", you asked—completely unashamed. It wasn't like you could hide anything from him. You thought he was a good leader in his good days (an awful one on his bad ones) and didn't see the point in trying to hide it. He seemed almost surprised for a second before answering you.
"Not to my knowledge. The human body has very unpredictable needs and I recall that the act of kissing is one of them...However...", he frowned slightly before adding. "I also recall that the act is to show affection to loved ones. So, why would you wish to partake in such an activity with me ?"
You shrugged.
"Because you are the only one who wouldn't be disgusted by the scars."
He tilted his head quizzically at you before you sighed and removed your helmet—showing him your old battle scars.
"Crenian acid. The Crenians can be quite creative with their torture methods. The acid slipped through my armor and disfigured me for life."
Kylo stayed silent while examining your features with attention. You did have red angry scars almost identical to his...but far numerous and even though he knew better than to judge, you wouldn't be considered pretty in any beauty standards he knew of.
But, he smiled.
Good. Because, he didn't like pretty.
He took a step forward and slowly reached for your chin to raise it in order for your eyes to meet. You eyes were a sight to behold though...Dark and magnetic. He could easily read your mind, but even if he did...There was always something he would miss—something he couldn't quite grasp.
"Do you really want this ?", he asked—even though you had thought about it for a long time and you nodded.
That's all the encouragement he needed.
He crashed his lips onto yours and muffled all sounds you could have made. He swallowed them and took pride in taking you by surprise.
Kylo Ren is possessive and quite violent in his kisses. He's not nice or sweet. But, he can be when he wants to...which is almost never. But sometimes, Ben would resurface and kiss you sweetly when he knows that you can't handle the other one. There'd be a constant battle within him and not only about the force—but about you as well.
Armitage Hux :
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"What do you want, soldier ?! Why call me to this floor when there are so many officers that could..?!"
"General Hux...I believe I want to kiss you.", you interrupted him and general Hux' eyes grew wide in shock. You had been close at the academy...But, he never thought...
"What ?"
"I want to kiss you.", you repeated and general Hux's jaw went slack in disbelief for a couple of seconds before he shook his head to regain his composure.
"You want to kiss me so badly, you'd really risk losing your life ?", he finally asked and you replied with a daring smirk—even though you were terrified inside.
"And what if I am ?"
He huffed a mocking laugh before shaking his head again.
"Then, you are insane. You are a stormtrooper. You shouldn't desire anything.", he reasoned and turned around to step away.
"Then, tell me, general...How come I desire you ?", you shot back.
He stopped dead in his tracks and gave you a quizzical side glance. You smiled and reached forward for his hand before wrapping it around your wrist and positioning his thumb above your pulse point. You wanted him to feel it...feel what you've always felt around him.
"How come...general ?", you repeated softly—but with more insistance this time around as he seemed genuinely puzzled. He raised his other hand to wrap his fingers around your throat and feel the pulse there too...As if trying to decipher if you were being serious, or just tricking him into believing someone could ever want him...
"A default in your programming. A mere illusion that you are playing yourself to comfort your lonely nights..."
But, he didn't pull away. Seems like someone did have lonely nights as well...You leaned forward and he didn't stop you. When you lips touched, he let out a small gasp before holding you tightly against him. There was no logical explanation, no possible reasoning, none whatsoever as to why Hux suddenly felt the need to hold you...But, he did.
And, when you were the one who pulled back, you could see the flicker of disappointment in his eyes. But, he quickly got back his composure and stood up straight—a single strand of his red hair out of place the only proof of what you had just done.
He had trouble uttering the command and you smiled before finally agreeing. You wouldn't tell him how your heart was thrashing in your chest, threatening to jump out of your ribcage. He probably already knew from the moment you kissed, hence the small gasp of surprise.
What you didn't know was how general Hux himself became red in the face the moment you were out and tried to cover it—stabilizing himself by supporting himself on the back of a chair. One more minute and he would have melted right in front of you.
General Hux hides his emotions from sight, it doesn't mean he doesn't have any. He'd give you quick and sweet kisses when no one is looking and give you smiles only you could witness.
Obi-Wan Kenobi :
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To be honest, you weren't prepared for the first time you kissed Obi-Wan. He had pulled you from the crowd because he needed a native to escape the many stormtroopers and you had agreed to pretend being his wife/husband for a while—not to raise suspicion. You were an ally to the jedi cause and had tried to help him the best you could.
However, a stormtrooper had eventually cornered you in a dark alley and with no exit. He had asked you for your papers, but Obi-Wan didn't have any. Thankfully, your papers could suffice if you were considered family,but the stormtrooper was suspicious and refused to just drop it. You saw Obi-Wan touch the handle of his lightsaber. But, instead of alerting the others of your presence by killing the stormtrooper—you had another idea and suddenly pulled Obi-Wan by the collar to clash your lips against his.
The stormtrooper wanted to speak, but Obi-Wan raised a finger—as if asking him to wait for a minute while he kissed you back. The stormtrooper coughed and looked away. He really hadn't expected it and you smirked. At least now, he had proof you were together and you wiped your lips with a cheeky wink at the soldier before walking past him.
"That's my wife/husband.", Obi-Wan uttered with a dreamy smile—a slight note of disbelief in his tone before the stormtrooper let out a small snort at his words.
"....Lucky you."
Obi-Wan nodded in agreement before attempting to comb his hair back with his fingers. He then walked past the stormtrooper as well and that was how you succeeded in escaping inspection...and you became Obi-Wan's partner.
It is against the Jedi code to form such romantic attachments, but Obi-Wan was ready to bend the rules for you. You made him want to brave the Jedi council and anyone who would dare say that your love wasn't right.
His kisses would be the symbol of that, genuine, true and open. You wouldn't try to hide your love, no matter what...Because it is pure and beautiful.
Darth Vader :
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It was at a time when you thought you could bring back your old Anakin. You had followed Darth Vader in an attempt to make him see reason, but the day he decided to kill the children...that was the day you decided enough was enough.
You stood in his way and gave him an ultimatum.
If he was to hurt them, he would have to step over your cold dead body. You loved him and you knew better than to side with the jedi, but you wouldn't let him kill the kids. It didn't feel right. But, you didn't expect it when he lit his lightsaber and the terrible red hue made the children scream in terror behind you. You stayed put while Darth Vader wondered what he should do with you. Anakin used to be so fond of you, but there was no place for such affection in his heart no longer.
But, you still wanted to try.
You took a step forward and pleaded with tears in your eyes.
"Please, Ani...Don't do this. I love you."
The words he had dreamt of hearing so many times before—mere buzzing in the background of this uncontrollable anger he felt growing inside of him now. You knew words wouldn't be enough, so you raised your hands to gently cup his cheeks and place a tender kiss on his lips. You thought it would be enough, that he would feel your love in this kiss...And, maybe he did.
But, it was far from enough.
"...How dare you ?"
His words cut your breath short as he pushed you away with the force and you landed on the floor, your whole body shaking in pain as he screamed.
He raised his hand towards the children huddled together in a corner and you forced yourself to stand up again and stand in front of them.
"They are only children, Ani...Please..."
He saw the desperation in your gaze, but shook his head.
"It's too late, Y/N. You are too late.", he told you and your eyes widened at the clear accusation in his words. He was holding you as responsible for what he had become than the rest. And when his lightsaber raised in the air, you uttered a loud scream of frustration before drawing out your own lightsaber—your two weapons clashed against each other and showed you each other's faces.
You were scared of what you saw in his eyes, and so did he. His eyes softened for just a second at your tear-strained face and the hatred there. You hated that you loved him, you hated that it was too late and most of all, you hated your own powerlessness as you could only watch the love of your life fall into a pit of darkness without you...You wished your heart couldn't see right from wrong, but it did. And this...this was wrong.
"A—!" You tried to talk again, but he turned his head away. Anakin was dead. You should know that. So, why ? Why do you keep holding on to a memory ? But he took a step back and only glared at the children behind you before sighing in defeat.
"Go. Take the children with you. Before I do something I regret."
His voice was cold and commanding. You held back your tears before walking away. You couldn't stay, not if you wanted the children to survive.
"I'll come back for you.", you whispered.
Another empty promise that you both knew there was no way you could hold. But, he still gave you a weak smile and nodded knowingly before the door closed behind you.
"No. You won't..."
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cookybananas · 28 days
Blurb - Anakin and Obi-Wan Saving Slave!Reader
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warnings: intended as anakin x reader, smutty, hints of slave!reader (inspiration drawn from slave Leia in episode 6), slight Obi-Wan x Reader if you squint, slight choking kink????
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➸ You had been captured by the notorious kingpin by the name of: Gino Halcyon after a failed mission that you were sent to on the planet of Crait.
➸  Within the two weeks of your captivity, you were forced to wear humiliating, skimpy clothing, all for the pleasure for Halcyon's and for his regulars. You were constantly on display with very little clothing that would lead to little to no imagination.
➸ You began wondering if the Jedi Council and your troops would ever come to look for you. Yet again, you partly wished they wouldn't due to the humiliating situation for a Jedi Knight.
➸ One evening, you took notice of two tall figures that had entered the nightclub Halcyon was overseeing. You immediately knew who they were: it was Anakin and Obi-Wan.
➸  You were hoping they were undercover for a mission to come and rescue you from this cesspool of planet, but you weren't quiet sure what their plan was exactly.
➸ Anakin had made eye contact with you where you were. Just on Halcyon's little podium, with the kingpin just right behind you as he scanned the room. Your eyes were filled with desperation, pleading to get out of the chains that had bore your neck and hands that were held by Halcyon. The sight of you in that situation had stirred something inside of him. He was upset at the position Halcyon had force you in, or perhaps he was more upset that he wished it was him pulling that chain around your neck in that little outfit you were in.
➸ "Try not to blow our cover Anakin." Obi-Wan had told him, knowing how close you two were. The Jedi Master was afraid at what his padawan would do that could result in the mission turning south at any given moment.
➸ One of the bartenders would immediately identify Obi-Wan, because who wouldn't recognized the handsome, auburn-haired Jedi General?
➸ The guests in the club would slowly dissipate after word had spread that there were two Jedi were in the building. Anakin and Obi-Wan took notice of this, realizing that they needed to act fast before Halcyon would do anything else to you.
➸ Halcyon had called his henchmen, in means to remove the two Jedi. Soon, chaos had ensued. The sounds of lightsabers whirring, blaster shots, glass shattering, and screaming were heard. Halcyon held onto your chains, tugging you back if you ever got rowdy with the scene unraveling in front of your eyes.
➸  After Halycon's henchmen were dealt with accordingly, the only people remaining in the club were you, Halcyon, Obi-Wan and Anakin. Both Jedi knew they couldn't properly deal with Halcyon as he was unarmed.
➸  Rex and the squadron would soon burst through the club doors after Obi-Wan had called backup.
➸  In the middle of his monologue, Halcyon would soon be silenced with a blaster shot to his head. When you had turned to look at who shot him, it was Rex.
➸  Anakin and Obi-Wan would run up you, slicing off the chains that had bounded your hands and neck.
➸  Anakin would give you his robe, out of respect to cover any dignity you had left, and to make sure none of clones and master would be eye-fucking you.
➸  As the three of you, along with the squadron leave the nightclub, you would notice Obi-Wan's pink tinted cheeks and the way he would avoid making eye contact with you or just looking in your general direction.
➸  Anakin would walk closely behind you. You felt as if your were going crazy as his hands would "unintentionally" graze your bare hips as you made your way to the ship.
➸  Enroute to Coruscant, you would find yourself with your cheek smushed against the durasteel wall in one of the small rooms to the ship, back arched as Anakin gripped your hips harshly, pounding into you relentlessly in the that skimpy slave outfit.
➸  "You're such a little whore...Looking so desperate, so helpless.." Anakin would grunt into your ear, his bare hand finding its way up to your neck, as you begin to feel a sensation of nerves bundling in your stomach.
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saphronethaleph · 2 months
“...because the council did not trust you, my young apprentice, I believe you are the only Jedi with no knowledge of this plot,” Sidious said, pulling on his cloak.
He frowned. “What are you doing, Vader?”
“I’m going to get proof,” Anakin replied, pressing some buttons on his comlink. “I don’t know if Obi-Wan was involved with the plot, and – I have to know.”
“Don’t-” Sidious began.
The comlink beeped, interrupting him, and Anakin lifted the device to his mouth.
“Obi-Wan!” he said.
“Anakin!” Obi-Wan replied. “Good news – General Grievous is dead. I’ve lost my lightsaber, though.”
Anakin hid a snort. “Right – that’s, uh, really funny. Listen, I’ve got some good news too.”
“You have?” Obi-Wan replied. “Let’s hear it – down, Boga, down! Sorry, Anakin, she’s a bit excited… you were saying?”
“The Chancellor’s dead,” Anakin said, winking at Sidious.
“What?” Obi-Wan asked. “How is that good news – how did he die? I swear, I leave Coruscant for two days-”
“The Jedi killed him,” Anakin explained.
“Why?” Obi-Wan said, sounding completely and honestly baffled. “Which Jedi? I don’t think they could all do it, after the first couple of dozen there simply wouldn’t be any politician left if nothing else – but why would they do that?”
“Because he’s a Sith, I think,” Anakin said, then corrected himself. “Was a Sith, I mean. Because he’s definitely dead now.”
There was silence from the comlink for a couple of seconds, interrupted by a sort of rippling hwaa hwaa sound from some kind of animal, and some blasterfire.
“Obi-Wan?” Anakin said.
“I’m sorry, Anakin, you did just drop an extremely large bombshell on me,” Obi-Wan said, sounding quite distracted now. “I’m rethinking the last several years. That means he was behind – he was behind the war, behind the invasion of Naboo, behind the assassination attempts on Padme, behind everything.”
Anakin blinked down at his comlink.
“...that’s… a good point,” he said, slowly, then glanced over at Sidious.
Who wasn’t where he’d been before.
Anakin kept turning, and saw that Sidious had pulled a bookshelf off the wall of his office and was halfway through getting into a concealed escape pod.
The Dark Lord of the Sith froze, staring back at Anakin.
“...there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this,” he said, waving his hand.
In hindsight, this would be the last error he would ever make.
Anakin was never one for perfectly reasonable explanations.
“...Anakin? Anakin?” Obi-Wan said, frowning at his comlink. “Anakin, you can’t just tell me something like that and then disappear… or, well, apparently you can but it’s very inconvenient.”
There seemed to be an awful lot of noise coming down the comlink, but none of it made much sense. In fact, it sounded like someone was testing a lightsaber in the middle of a thunderstorm, and Obi-Wan frowned at the little device before nearly losing his grip on it as Boga skidded to a halt next to Commander Cody.
“Sir,” Cody said, with a nod.
“Commander!” Obi-Wan replied. “Contact your troops – tell them to move to the higher levels. We’ll want to clear out this force and then move on Mustafar, though since the Sith Lord is dead that might actually mean this war is over soon.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, sir,” Cody replied, then tossed Obi-Wan his lightsaber.
Obi-Wan caught it. “Thank you, Commander! I do apologize-”
The comlink crackled again, and Obi-Wan dropped Boga’s reins so he could hold both devices at once without potentially cutting his head off. “Anakin!”
“Sorry about that, Master,” Anakin replied. “Bit of a workplace disagreement. Anyway, uh… Masters Windu, Fisto, Tiin and Kolar are all dead in the fight with the Chancellor. Please send help, there’s not many Councillors left and I don’t want to have to ask Master Nu what a quorum is…”
“Oh, Anakin,” Obi-Wan said, fondly. “I’m sure we’ll be able to rescue you from the deadly perils of procedure. Until then, ask Padme if you need advice.”
He paused.
“Do you have any names picked out yet, by the way? I’m quite partial to the name Ben. It has a nice sound to it, even as a middle name.”
He clicked the comlink off and set it to silent, smiling slightly.
“Getting the last word, General?” Cody asked.
“It’s about the only way I can, with Anakin, I find,” Obi-Wan agreed, pocketing the comlink. “Now, let’s see about clearing those upper levels. Come on, Boga!”
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marvelstars · 7 months
Anakin and Slavers
"His undoing is that he loveth too much"
George Lucas
One thing that I always liked about George´s work in relation to Anakin and slavery is how out of the left field he and Dave Filoni wrote Anakin´s relationship to the people who owned or saw him as a property at one point or another and yet it makes total sense for his character.
For example kid Anakin has no doubt that Slavery is horrible and at 9 he is actually working towards developing technology to help free his Mom, friends and himself from it. He hates with capital H the fact those people have control over the life and death of other people but at the same time he has great compassion and kindness which his mother helped nurture. This along with the fact that Watto was the only adult male figure who was around during his early chilldhood, this complicated his feelings towards slavers in a very tragic way.
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Anakin feared Watto´s violence and didn´t for a moment doubt he would have been willing to sell off his mother or him if the customer got to a big enough price but at the same time he listens to his advice when he travels to the dune sea to do his work with the jawas and his pov is almost as important as his Mom´s, in the novelization of TPM Anakin remembers not to talk to strangers or to get close to Tuskens Raiders camps thanks to Watto´s advice.
So in Anakin´s mind, Watto is someone he fears but also someone he takes advice from, respects to a point, sometimes gets sassy to and actually listens to almost as a father figure BUT at the same time he has no doubt he would activate the killing chip if he tried to escape.
Pain/abuse/fear mixed with care/advice(sounds familiar?) Anakin knows slavery is awful but he can´t help but see Watto as a person because of who Anakin is, Annie is a kind and understanding person and to point may justify Watto as a "Man of bussines" and "Not as bad a other masters" "It could be worse" but he definitely doesn´t trust him in the same way he does his mother, she is blood, she is family. He and Mom are a team.They shared their secrets.
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The first time Anakin saw Watto again after being freed, he was a Jedi with training, almost a knight and the first thing he does to the guy who beat him and his Mom some years ago is to ask him if he can help with the ship parts Watto is working on because he noticed Watto is struggling and his bussines is falling down compared to how it was when Anakin was a kid. When Watto noticed who Anakin was he didn´t reject him and accepted his congratulations but keep himself appart, hoping to learn about his mother whereabouts.
When Watto told Anakin he sold Shmi, Anakin doesn´t have a reaction, he takes Watto´s justification of "I am sorry Ani but bussines are bussines and anyway the person who bought her freed her and married her" Anakin doubts it´s as good a picture as Watto is talking about but he takes his justification and leaves.
When he meets Owen, Beru and Cliegg he sees they are indeed nice people and the reason for his mothers suffering is something completely different that they were not able to stop so he doesn´t blame them for her fate. When Anakin lost his mother it was only natural for him to seek a family, someone he could share how he really felt and his secrets, he could not be part of the Lars family but Padme was willing to love him so she became his new confirmed family, right along with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka but while he had to show himself different to them, he didn´t had to do that with Padme, just like he did with his mother.
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In the clone wars Anakin shows again this complex view of slavers with Queen Miraj Scintel, the cartoon goes out of it´s way to show she looked at him as pretty property and he didn´t let her forget that and actually it was strongly suggested he may have been raped by her at some point to keep safe Obi-Wan, Rex, Ahsoka as well as the people they wanted to save while he got enough soldiers to stage their rescue. Anakin had a plan the whole time just as he did as a kid so he keep his cool even when he saw another slave choose suicide over keep being under the control of Scintel. Yet in the end when the Queen was killed by Count Dooku Anakin felt sorry for her, he could not help it.
So this mix of rejection/anger/hate/disgust towards slavers mixed with pity/understanding which is something that was part of what made Anakin a good person gets used agaisn´t him in his relationship with Palpatine.
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He first shows himself as the father figure Anakin thought he could find in Qui-Gon before he died a better father figure than Watto had been, a father figure that didn´t reject this title like ObiWan did, Palpatine did this to get his trust as a young child and later young adult and then he showed himself as the real sith master he actually was, Palpatine knew that Anakin wasn´t a stranger to be treated as property by people who showed themselves as good advicers or somehow not as bad as others despite their actions. So Anakin´s initial compassion, kindness and understanding for people that abused him is played agaisn´t him to make him fall to the darkside and chain himself again to another worse master who didn´t just seek to use his skills and body but who wanted his soul as well.
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And the same reasons why Anakin justified Watto at first when he was a young kid also applied to Palpatine, he may be a sith but he ran the Republic better than those corrupt politicians, he isn´t a perfect Emperor but in Padme´s absence he is better than the alternatives. He isn´t as bad as a master and anyway I deserve this because I fell to the darkside and nobody can come back from that, if he abuses me I got this coming because I choose this and he still teaches me the ways of the force, he rescued me from Mustafar when Obi-Wan left me to die and he didn´t have to, he is all I have left.
So once Anakin´s voice died down Vader was left with many reasons to say to Palpatine "What´s your bidding my master?" because in his mind master isn´t a word that contradicts father and Palpatine became his father in all but name, this makes George´s words about Anakin fatal flaw being the fact he loved too much make complete sense and it´s a tragedy.
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miss-musings · 4 months
Parallels between Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and Crosshair from "The Bad Batch"
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Both of them are fiercely loyal to the people they care about
Both of them are absolute SassMasters
Both have a scar/tattoo over their right eye
Neither had a proper childhood, as they were both trained for combat starting at a young age
Both have special abilities/enhanced senses compared to the average human, and they were trained (read: groomed) because of it
Both of them were part of a unique brotherhood (the Jedi and the clones, respectively) that, at one point, spanned the entire galaxy during The Clone Wars
Both have a complicated relationship with an older brother/father figure in Obi-Wan and Hunter, respectively
Both lost their right hands in a fight with an evil counterpart (Although, for Crosshair, this happens much later in his life)
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As I pointed out in a separate post, in "The Clone Wars" Episode 7.02 "A Distant Echo," we get a moment of foreshadowing with these two characters.
In the episode, Anakin and his friend/captain Rex and the four original Bad Batch brothers are on a rescue mission together. About halfway through the episode, there's a moment where the six of them split up to search a tower. They're basically at a T-intersection, and while the other four go one way, Crosshair and Anakin go the other.
(Link to a gif post of the moment here.)
These characters literally take the same path.
By doing so, they are separating themselves from their loved ones (Anakin from his friend Rex, Crosshair from his brothers) and choosing the opposite path.
I realize this might've been unintentional on the writers' part, because I'm not sure if "The Bad Batch" series was in production yet when TCW Season 7 released, but holy hell! That's some insane foreshadowing right there!!
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Both betrayed their brothers and other loved ones by deciding to serve the Empire, and it's around the same time in-universe
Order 66 specifically becomes a pivotal moment in their respective stories. For Anakin, it's when he first takes on the name and mantle of Darth Vader and exterminates the Jedi; for Crosshair, it's when he's first torn away from his family due to the Empire's mind control via the inhibitor chip
Both have at least one opportunity to come back but decide to continue serving the Empire/Dark Side of their own accord (Anakin on Mustafar in ROTS // Crosshair on Kamino in TBB S1 finale)
While their battle attire was dark-colored before they betrayed their loved ones and started serving the Empire, afterward, both characters start wearing all-black armor
Despite all their loyalty and sacrifices, their masters/employers are ready to throw them away the minute they find a better or more convenient replacement
Both were burned while trying to kill their older brother/father figures
Both initially had hair, but after being burned and getting scarred on their heads, we only ever see them bald on-screen
Both seem to suffer from an "in for a penny, in for a pound" mindset, which is partly why they stay with the Empire for so long
While serving the Empire, both commit all of the war crimes!! 😬
Both have multiple scenes of them killing their own officers/troopers, and they both seem to take some amount of pleasure in doing so
Blinded by anger and rage, both are ready to hunt down their older brother/father figures at a moment's notice, and ultimately attempt to kill them several times (Vader in the "Obi-Wan Kenobi" series // Crosshair in TBB Season 1)
Both attempt to kill their own kid at least once. (Vader in ANH // Crosshair in TBB Season 1)
(Side note: if you don't think of Crosshair as one of Omega's dads, I recommend you review my post about S3 Crosshair speed-running Hunter's Dad Arc and/or my CrossDad S3 episode ranking. Because, if you're not on board with the idea that Crosshair is Omega's dad, you're not going to enjoy the rest of this post.)
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There’s a whole plot line about them trying to find their kid at a secret base (Vader in ESB // Crosshair in TBB Season 3)
When confronted by their kid, both characters believe they are undeserving or too far gone to be forgiven/redeemed (Vader: "It is too late for me, son" // Crosshair: "Omega. Don't risk anything for me. I belong in here.")
At some point, both characters' kids challenge them on their true intentions and decisions to stay with the Empire. (Luke to Vader: "Then my father is truly dead." // Omega to Crosshair: "I wanted to believe it was the inhibitor chip that made you like this, but I was wrong.")
Both of them ultimately find redemption and forgiveness because their blonde kid refused to give up on them (Luke to Vader: "I know there is good in you. The Emperor hasn't driven it from you fully." // Omega to Crosshair: "You're still their brother, Crosshair. You're my brother too.")
A large part of their redemption arcs is saving their kid from being held hostage and tortured by the Empire (Vader saving Luke from the Emperor & the Death Star // Crosshair helping Omega escape Tantiss both times)
While a much larger battle impacting the fate of the galaxy rages on nearby, both characters' final on-screen act -- the climax of their respective stories -- is saving their kid from one of the Empire's worst villains (Vader saving Luke from the Emperor // Crosshair saving Omega from Hemlock)
Both of them ultimately help thwart Palpatine’s plans for immortality/reincarnation(?) by destroying his primary body and his cloning facility on Tantiss, respectively
Their final on-screen reunions with their kids are very personal and emotional. For Vader and Luke, it's the only time they see each other face-to-face. For Crosshair and Omega, it's the first time they ever hug on-screen.
Their last lines of on-screen dialogue are talking about their daughters with another family member (Vader to his son Luke: "Tell your sister you were right" // Crosshair to his brother Hunter: "If I'm off -- I can't risk Omega.")
The final shots of them on-screen are a 'family portrait' type pose with their older brother/father figure and other loved ones, and their kid/s are nearby
(This list is subject to edits/additions if I think of anything else! If you have any ideas, include them in the comments or reblogs. Thanks!)
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twinterrors29 · 10 months
while Palpatine had ordered the Jedi to take extreme action in order to defend him from the supposed assassination attack planned on Naboo, the Council never actually told him their plan to send Obi-Wan undercover as Rako Hardeen
so when he saw Anakin teetering as he failed to cope with his Master's murder, he gave the final push to bring him firmly to his own side, then sent the newly-minted Vader to carry out Operation Knightfall at the Jedi Temple while he transmitted Order 66 across the rest of the galaxy
but first, Vader sneakily ordered Ahsoka and Rex away from the Temple, telling them to guard Padme with a small squad of troopers to keep them out of the way of his slaughter
however, Sidious expected him to try something like that, and made sure to comm Captain Rex directly to ensure that neither he nor Ahsoka escaped the massacre unscathed
once Padme and her handmaidens subdued them and used their med droids to remove the chips, they all saw that no matter Anakin's intentions Palpatine wasn't going to leave them alive and fled Coruscant to found the Rebellion together
back at the Temple, while Mace is making his final stand chopping and maiming Vader upstairs, a single Temple Guard in a secret sublevel watched the security footage in horror, hearing the cries of all their brethren across the galaxy
they saw a chance to protect one of their brothers, and they decided to take it: before the troopers could find this cell block, they triggered the deadman's switch, collapsing the entire level and killing themselves and their single prisoner, destroying any remaining evidence that the man out in the galaxy wasn't the true Rako Hardeen
across the galaxy, Obi-Wan woke from his deep sleep after surviving the ordeal of the Box on Serenno to the horror of feeling all his kin dying at once
only for Dooku to walk into the room
Dooku had figured out who 'Hardeen' was, and had elected not to share that information with his Master in the hopes of turning Obi-Wan and taking on Sidious with him at his side
but now he could see that Sidious had accelerated his own plot, and Dooku was left to scramble to make something of this opportunity himself before he sent Vader to remove the now unnecessary apprentice
so he showed Obi-Wan the news footage of Anakin proudly marching on the Temple with the troopers, and the newly-crowned Emperor decrying their collusion with Dooku to assassinate him at the upcoming Festival on Naboo
Obi-Wan was utterly heartbroken by these betrayals, but accepted Dooku's proposal to flee together in order to mount resistance against Palpatine's new rule
before too long, they catch up to the fledgling Rebellion that Padme, Rex, and Ahsoka have been putting together in exile and revealed their identities
Ahsoka and Rex were very relieved to hear of Obi-Wan's survival, even with the unspoken tension of knowing that his faked death was the trigger Palpatine used to kick off his ultimate power grab
as the new regime on Coruscant settled in, Padme and Dooku worked together to set themselves up as political figure heads of Rebellion, delivering speeches across the galaxy to weaken Palpatine's public image while secretly running black ops missions on the side
(they would both grudgingly admit that they made a good team, even if they still hated each others' guts)
Rex and Ahsoka ran further black ops missions, keeping the Empire busy and distracted and rescuing troopers wherever they could, and setting up new Rebel cells and recruiting any sympathetic politicians and operatives they can find
Obi-Wan, on the other hand, still had the wrong face, and had no access to the necessary technology to change that; he chose to act as a lone field operative, but knew that most friends and allies would be put off by the fact that he was wearing his murder's face
(and they all agreed, it was better to keep Obi-Wan Kenobi's survival a secret from the Empire)
but then, a few years in, they learn that the Empire is looking for Hardeen specifically
at first they fear that the secret has been found out
but then they hear further rumors, that they're gathering up any and all known Jedi Killers, supposedly building a program to hunt the surviving Jedi
despite their misgivings, Obi-Wan resolved to use this chance to infiltrate the Empire
Sidious of course immediately welcomed Hardeen into his proto-Inquisitorius program
"Hardeen" is immediately assigned to a single masked Force user (seemingly a young humanoid adult who seemed...oddly familiar, but they were clouded in the Force) and a squad of Purge Troopers
the Purge Troopers, on the other hand, he immediately recognized: this was the remains of Ghost Company, including his former Commander, who had been sent on a comms-dark mission on the Outer Rim during his undercover assignment
as it turned out, because they'd never been forced to actually turn on their Jedi during the Purge, they lacked the same cognitive dissonance that many of their peers in other battalions struggled with, forcing them to try to justify their choices that day; in fact, they very much wanted out of the Empire, and were searching for an opportunity
and now they were assigned to train with their beloved General's murderer
the tense stalemate among them lasted until they captured a young girl in the Lower Levels of Coruscant on their first mission and realized they couldn't afford to wait any longer
the troopers' tentative plan of kill-Hardeen-and-maybe-the-Inquisitor-and-steal-the-ships-and-disappear-with-the-kid, however, was derailed by "Hardeen's" quick-talking offer as they corned him to enact the first step:
after all, they wanted Vader's head for what he'd done to their brothers and the Order, and Obi-Wan was willing to give them the opening they wanted, even if he knew he would never be able to strike the killing blow himself
and he was already planning to offer them a way out of the Empire
the troopers accepted this offer
they moved quickly, luring Vader into a trap, but he had suspected treachery and managed to turn the tables on his attackers
to try to turn the tide back in their favor, Obi-Wan revealed himself, but was unprepared for the immediate onslaught of hatred and fury that triggered in his direction
which allowed the concealed Inquisitor to make her move, Barriss stopping the monster that killed her family and betrayed her best friend
with Obi-Wan's identity revealed, they all celebrated their victory and his return from the dead as they fled Coruscant to join the Rebellion, getting them all to safety
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sharpasanaro · 26 days
You know that trending sound with the woman humming into the fan, something slow, maybe mournful? And you know how it’s been sending fanfic writers into a tizzy going, “actually that’s {Insert Character Here} when they were going through {Scenarios}.”
Don’t think about Obi-Wan Kenobi humming Jedi songs of mourning under his breath as he heads to Polis Massa to rendezvous with Yoda and Bail, mourning his brother in all but blood, mourning him in more ways than any one person could count. His brother his friend his son his whole world for an entire ten years his brother in arms his hope for himself and his people is shattered
Obi-Wan singing quietly in the delivery room after Padmé dies, begging the Force for answers, why did she have to go why was it her time why didn’t she tell me did her and Anakin not trust me was this always my fault???
Obi-Wan’s voice finally cracking as he holds the twins together in his arms, the final time he will see them together as children, whispering songs of hope and healing into their soft hair they could have grown up in the Temple they are as strong as their father they need more than I can give them that can’t be given anything more than this why is separation the best option they will never know peace as long as the empire reigns but oh Force what can two Jedi do to stop what an entire Temple could not?
Ben humming for the first time in a decade as he rescues Leia to soothe her to sleep on their way back to Alderaan, finally safe and sound is this to soothe him after having to fight the thing that wears Anakin’s face and speaks with his voice or to comfort a traumatized child welcome home welcome home
Ben singing to Maul after he dies a tragic and wandering soul, forever haunted by a path he never asked to take he joins the Force he is whole at last welcome home welcome home
Old Ben whispering pleasant nonsense while aboard the Millennium Falcon, Han thinks it’s because he’s a crazy desert hermit, but Luke is entranced and can’t explain why the language is Dai Bendu the language of the Jedi the language of the Light the language of the Force the language of his people welcome home welcome home welcome home
Old Ben hears the Force singing aboard the Death Star as he faces Vader one last time, he sees the twins reunited at last, he knows it is his Time
Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi finally joins his Order, his people, in the Force, and it sings with Light and so does he
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Well Technically...
It is not often that I get an idea that includes Vader (with the genocide and horror that is implied) that makes me giggle.  This however made me giggle. 
So Vader returns to the light right before he dies and comes back as Anakin the Force ghost.  Now despite what it appears this is not a kindness.  Anakin spends decades following his kids and the galaxy at large watching how little his existence mattered (galactically Anakin Skywalker was barely more than a recognizable name, and even that was diminishing as the people who knew of the ‘hero without fear’ died off; Vader would be forgotten even more quickly because no one wanted to remember him) even as he saw the long term consequences of his life (Luke’s struggle with his own identity-both as a man and a Jedi-, Leia’s struggle with her ancestry-finding out that your blood father killed all your other available parents was not a good feeling, Reva healing from the trauma he directly caused, all the ways that Ahsoka had to reshape her own soul to patch the holes Anakin put there, the echoes of the clones that died at his hand and command and the horror of the ones that survived). He has to watch his grandson not only make his mistakes but somehow make them worse, which was something that he did not know was possible. We get all the way through the the sequels, with a heavy emphasis on Anakin watching how the consequences of his actions (particularly the slaughter of the Jedi but many of the the things he did both during the empire and during the war) while acknowledging that he is not even remembered enough to be cursed, how the galaxy has spun on, not just without him but in spite of him and he is not even a footnote. 
After Palpatine’s final, for now, death, Anakin is approached (for lack of a better term) by something shaped like Obi Wan Kenobi, circa the beginning of the clone wars. When this being speaks, it speaks with two voices at once, the Daughter and the Son. It asks if he could go back to before his Fall and change things, would he.
Anakin is sure he would, there are so many things he would do differently. 
The being says that it can send him back to just before his tipping point, where his Fall and all the evil he did became inevitable, but cannot send him back further than that.  Anakin agrees. Just before he sent back the being tells him that should his Fall become inevitable again, they would shred his mind and soul and it would be more excruciating than any pain he had ever experienced. 
Anakin, who had spent 20 years in agony, now had one(1) fear. 
Anakin “closed” his eyes in the Force, wondering when he would be sent back to (Killing Padme, Marching on the Temple, Believing Palpatine over Fives) only to open his eyes as his mother took her last breath. He was back on Tatooine, in the Tusken camp. 
Anakin was confused, this was the point of no return? He had not even thought about the Tusken camp in decades, had not truly considered them at all since Padme absolved him of their slaughter.
But this was also an Anakin that had spent decades in pain, and then decades observing. He was much more patient, by necessity if  not choice, less likely to act on violent impulse then the last time. Also the majority of his rage died in a cloud of lightning with the Emperor.  Instead of killing the Tuskens in a rage, he wept over his mother’s body in the grief he denied himself the first time. The reaction surprises the Tuskens so much (due both to the nature of Tatooine and the animosity between them and the moisture farmers they had not seen human tears of grief before) that they let Anakin take the body and leave. 
They still bury Shmi and go to rescue Obi Wan (though it does not end in a marriage this time). The War still starts but Anakin is also running around trying to fix things, including himself (and actually doing all the actual emotional work on figuring out and fixing his own issues), meditating (Frankly Obi Wan is starting to be concerned that anakin is possessed), trying to not kill anyone (because he really isn't sure what the tipping point about the Tuskens was and does not want to risk it), get the chips discovered in such a way that they do not tip off the Sith (He brings a few clones, including Fives to the temple to Spar and 'accidentally' hits Fives hard enough to knock him out and pracitcally forces Master Che do a deep enough scan), make a list of the people he killed to try and do something nice for them. At some point he decides his ‘penance’ for his life as Vader was that he would somehow bring all the currently known Sith back to the Light (including Palpatine).
In the Force, the Daughter is watching all this, her head in her hand repeating over and over ‘The point of no return was murdering children, you moron. All you have to do is not murder children’. And everything he is doing works towards that goal, but she doesn’t expect him to fix the universe (in my head it is a bit akin to asking someone to tell you an equation that use 2 and equals 4, expecting 2+2 or 2*2 but instead them confidently saying((2xSqRt(100))-40+36)/4)
The Son is watching this all with Force popcorn, this is the most entertaining thing to happen in ages. 
It is important to note that the Dark in this does not mean Evil. It means selfish, which is not the same thing.  You can be a selfish dick and still not be evil.  Mostly in this case it means that for those that inhabit the dark their priority is 1)Their own wants and needs; 2)The needs of the people they like, as long as it doesn’t inconvenience them; 3) The wants or needs of others if it benefits them in some way.  The Son was bored by what the Empire did to the Force, and he found having the Light there (and everything Anakin was doing) entertaining. 
I just keep picturing the Daughter, in the Force, exasperated with Anakin because, yes everything he is doing is good for him and the galaxy but his ONLY job is ‘don’t murder children’ and it never even occurs to Anakin that that was the only act he needed to avoid. 
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beingafangirlrocks · 1 year
I think we, as a fandom, moved on way too quickly from that one episode of the clone war where Obi-Wan and Anakin have to rescue Luminara under Geonosis, and Obi-Wan is like "Wait, let's press pause on the rescue, I want to see how they plan on turning her into a zombie 😀 " while she is RIGHT THERE
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distortionbobble · 1 year
Royal Flowers Chapter 1
series masterlist
pairing: anakin skywalker x f! reader
summary: A long, long, time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a certain Jedi by the name of Anakin Skywalker meets you, the current Queen of Naboo and adopted cousin of Padme Amidala, and is tasked with protecting you by pretending to marry you. As a spy, you’ve infiltrated the Separatist ranks and are close to finding out the mastermind behind all of it. The fate of the galaxy is in your hands. 
warnings: minors dni! ageless blogs dni! none this chapter but the series will have eventual smut, canon-level violence and just general warnings. 
a/n: hello hello hello! i’m working on creating more appropriately sized chapters and spacing things out but i’m so excited to work on this series. this series is based on a request from @breatheeagainnnn 
word count: 2.7k 
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Anakin Skywalker is lost.
The revelation comes to him when he is lost in the deep waters of his meditation, distanced from the buzzing matter of physical reality as he is swept by the currents of the Force. He drifts without anchor, each surge threatening to submerge him, to overwhelm him if he loses his control.
He seeks to control the Force. The Force seeks to control him. 
And the network of the universe ebbs and flows around him when the truth is drawn from his bones. It’s a presentation of three fragmented parts that unsettle Anakin right down to his soul. 
The first. He is afraid. He is the Chosen One, something he’s heard so much that it has lost its meaning. The Messiah lost the message. 
Bring balance to the Force. Bring balance to the Force. Bring balance to the Force.
He doesn’t know what that means anymore. And if he fails, what then? His fear of falling into the Darkness paradoxically increases the hold that it has on him. 
The second. He pines for what he cannot have. 
Padme Amidala is the breath in his lungs, reviving him with each heartbeat. But she couldn’t love him the way he loves her, telling him as much with just a hint of sadness on her graceful face. She shut him out and without her, he feels weaker. 
The third. Anakin is losing control. Obi-Wan can sense it too, because every training session is overshadowed by a sense of urgency. Every move is sloppier, more dangerous, and even in training, his desire to triumph is clouded by his desperation, as if winning would allow him to truly understand it all. 
And all of this culminates in him realizing that he is lost, without hope and without guidance, and nobody will understand. Obi-Wan could never understand, for he still sees Anakin as the child that he rescued so many years ago. Obi-Wan just doesn’t get him. Master Obi-Wan would do anything for his padawan, truly, but Anakin can’t bear the thought of burdening Obi-Wan with this. Besides, it would only reinforce Obi-Wan’s view that Anakin isn’t ready to be a Jedi Master. 
A knock on the door to his quarters startles him and he scrambles to get up as Master Obi-Wan opens the door. 
“Anakin, there’s someone here to meet us,” Obi-Wan says, frowning. Anakin runs a hand through his hair, sighing as he frantically pieces together an appearance of cool indifference. He’s a Jedi. He can’t feel rattled. The two Knights obscure their faces with their hoods and walk out of Anakin’s quarters. 
Anakin follows Obi-Wan to a room where a single figure stands hidden by a hooded cloak, surrounded by a number of handmaidens each adorning the same pinched, tight-lipped look. 
“Leave us,” a low voice says from under the cloak, and each of the handmaidens file out of the room without sparing even a single glance behind. Anakin reflexively reaches for his lightsaber, but then the figure steps into the beam of light streaming from the window and takes off the hood. And he lays eyes on you for the first time. 
You’re not nearly as beautiful as Padme, nobody is, but still, there’s something so mesmerizing about you. Motes of dust dance in Coruscant sunbeams around your head and it looks like a halo, makes you look holy, and he can’t stop himself from staring. He’s studying the details of your face, scanning, and it’s to a point that he can’t pretend it’s for threats. He almost forgets to breathe when you bow your head to him in respect, and he has to bow back. Anakin’s eyes are still transfixed on you when you begin to speak. 
“Master Kenobi, General Skywalker,” you begin, and the two Jedi push their hoods down. “I come to you in need of assistance. As you are aware, the current Queen of Naboo’s two terms are near their end. But what has been kept secret is that I’ve been chosen as her successor, which will be revealed to the citizens of Naboo in a fortnight.” You take a deep breath and smile weakly as Anakin and Obi-Wan mutter half-hearted congratulations. “What I need is protection.”
“So then why do you require our aid? I’m sure you’re aware that Naboo has its own governmental protective forces, and I’m unsure that they’d take the Jedi Council’s interference in their sovereignty kindly,” Anakin asks. He’s more guarded than he intends to come off, but the question holds still. You don’t appear to be a fool, so there must be more depth to the matter. At his questioning, your eyes flit briefly towards the door before you step closer to the Jedi, toying with the front of your robes as nervousness overtakes you. 
“I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’m much older than the usual elected Queen, and it is not by coincidence,” you murmur. “I did not get here alone. Under the command of Senator Amidala, I’ve spent the past couple years infiltrating the Naboo separatists. They manipulated the selections such that I would become Queen.” At the mention of Padme, Anakin bites back a sigh and forces himself to pay attention to your words. 
“That is very dangerous,” Obi-Wan says, rubbing his hand over his beard. “I assume you’ve been relaying your findings to the Senator thus far?” 
You nod sharply in response. 
“I see. The Council—“ Obi-Wan begins, but you shake your head frantically and grasp him and Anakin by the robes, pulling them closer to you. 
“No. Not the Council. I do not know who I can trust. There are Separatist spies everywhere. My handmaidens, for example, are all Separatist spies who don’t trust me because Padme is my cousin. While I don’t doubt the integrity of the Jedi Masters, I fear putting them in danger if my operative fails, or if word gets out.” You’re frantic but quiet, and constantly checking at the door to see if any of your wardens have overheard your betrayal.
“And yet you trust us,” Anakin rebuts. He doesn’t trust you, not one bit; how could he ever trust a spy? If you’re so willing to lie, even if it is to the Separatists, how can he be sure that you’re not lying to him? 
“Padme told me that I could trust you. She said to give you this,” you say, shoving your hand into your pockets to produce a necklace, which Anakin recognizes immediately. It’s one he knows all too well, as it’s the necklace he’d gifted Padme before he had even joined the Order. And he decides that if nothing else, you are honest about Padme. And that’s all that matters to him. The part of him that still burns for her overtakes him and he knows that he can’t let her down. 
“I’ll do it,” Anakin says. Obi-Wan glances warningly in his direction, but there’s a certain resignation and relief in Obi-Wan’s posture. Anakin hasn’t taken this kind of initiative in a long time, and Obi-Wan was beginning to grow concerned that all hope for the Chosen One was lost. 
“Alright, the matter is,” Obi-Wan pauses mid-sentence, looking at Anakin’s determination, “settled. We will aid you in your transition away from the Separatist group and expose their interference.” 
”You have misunderstood me, Master Kenobi,” you whisper, voice hush with urgency. “I’m so close to finding out the identities, locations, of key leaders. There are Sith Lords that are regularly hologrammed into our meetings. Should I be tasked with something significant as the Queen, Darth Sidious has already alerted me that I will be tasked with the assignment in his presence.” 
Obi-Wan begins to respond to you, but Anakin cuts him off. “If you have a plan, why don’t you tell us already?” He’s frustrated by your impatience. Maybe Obi-Wan was right about politicians. You glance at him, annoyed. 
“I was getting to it, General Skywalker. As I was saying, this mission is imperative and it is essential to the fate of the Republic and thus, the galaxy, that I am not put in harm’s way before I am able to succeed in exposing the identities of key Separatist forces. I cannot trust the guards provided by the Naboo government, as I don’t know who is a Separatist plant. So—“
“So you need our protection to… what? Kill the spies? And how would that work if Naboo has its own protection for you? I highly doubt they’d take the involvement of the Jedi Council kindly,” Anakin says sharply. You nod at his rapid-fire questioning, unfazed. 
“Something like that. I need to make sure that any communications I have and discoveries I have are protected, and if anyone finds out, that they’re eliminated before they can eliminate me. So not necessarily kill the spies, but I need actual protection, and I need someone that I know I can trust. And…” you trail off and step back, toying with the hem of your sleeves as you sigh. 
“What is it, milady?” Obi-Wan asks you gently. You press your hands to your neck and look up at Anakin. 
“The way I see it, there’s two things we can do. General Skywalker, I understand that as a Jedi Knight, you have a padawan yourself. Ahsoka, correct? We could have her—” 
“No,” Anakin interrupts quickly. “Ahsoka’s far too young, and while I believe that she will grow to be a very competent and powerful Jedi, now is not the time to thrust her headfirst into a mission alone.” You nod at the Jedi’s assessment. 
“Of course, General. We’re thus presented with the second plan. I am, as Queen, permitted to have a husband. I’ve been building the identity of a lover in my life, and while there is none, this leaves me room to marry without suspicion in the eyes of the Separatists.” You take another deep breath and look at both Anakin and Obi-Wan, shoulders tensed. “If I marry either you or Anakin, then I’ll be able to have you in my chambers regularly, privately.” 
“And you’re certain it must be us?” Obi-Wan asks. You nod quickly, sharply. 
“I can’t trust anyone but the two of you,” you whisper. Obi-Wan nods at your words, then bows his head. Anakin follows suit. 
“Thank you, milady. We’ll meet you at midnight, in the gardens, to settle the matter.” Obi-Wan and Anakin hide under their robes once more, being even more careful to disguise themselves as you call out loudly for the handmaidens to return. 
The hours pass quickly, and you soon find yourself in the cover of the night’s darkness. Sleep eludes you tonight, and you are filled with restlessness. Your handmaidens have retired, sleeping outside of your bedchamber to ensure that you don’t leave. But they fortunately didn’t notice the ledge that goes from underneath the bedroom window to the bridge connecting the guest quarters to the Temple. 
The air in the room feels stale and suffocating as you toss and turn, counting down the minutes until your meeting with the Jedi. Your heart thumps torturously in its cage before you abandon your futile attempt to chase sleep. You find yourself at the window, sliding it open quietly as the breeze rushes in to kiss your face. Coruscant is beautiful and silent at this time of night, with only the whispers of distant sounds of the city blowing past you. 
The building ledge meets your bare feet when you slide over the window, and the distance from you to the ground is dizzying. Your palms and feet begin to feel slippery from sweat as your thoughts begin to spiral, fear of falling weakening you. You force yourself to shuffle closer to the bridge, focusing on controlling your movement as you do. 
And yet somehow, it’s all so freeing from this far up. No restrictions, no eyes on you, and all the troubles in the galaxy seem so small at this height. You could fall. Or you could keep going. The fear wasn’t what mattered, what mattered was that you were here and alone and it felt safer than you have felt in years. 
You force yourself to keep moving, ignoring the sweat gathering at the nape of your neck. Once you reach the bridge, you quickly jump onto it and hurry towards the gardens. 
The moons make the night soft with their hazy light. You swear that the temple seems so much more powerful in this light, with fewer Jedi wandering the grounds. They spare you a glance when you run past, your nightgown fluttering behind you. 
General Skywalker is the first thing you notice when you reach the garden, twirling a flower in his hands. It looks almost out of place with him, delicateness contrasting the strength of his hands. You get the feeling that he knows you’re there, despite the quietness of your arrival and the fact that you’ve been almost holding your breath as you watch him.  
“It won’t be a real marriage, you know. I love Padme, and I’ll love her til I die.” Ah, yes. Padme had warned you about this— about the intensity of his affection. Anakin Skywalker is not a man who works in subtleties. You hold back a scoff at his arrogance, choosing instead to clasp your hands in front of your nightgown and nod. 
“I don’t ask for your affection, General. Nor your companionship. I would, however, like for us to be allies.” The light of the planet’s four moons is muted in the garden, distorted by the thick layer of clouds and it makes the moment feel private. But you’ve been a double agent for long enough to know that there are always ears and eyes. You hold your tongue in fear of revealing something that could expose your mission just to get General Skywalker’s favor. 
General Skywalker clenches his jaw and drops the flower, studying you before nodding quietly. The flower is crushed under his boot as he stalks towards you. 
“But-” Your breath catches in your throat as you look into his eyes because he’s… pretty. You hadn’t thought of it before now, but as the moons’ lights fall so gently onto him, he seems ethereal. “But you will have to fake your affection, General. If you are unable to do that, I will respect that, but I’m afraid that would mean that you wouldn’t be suited for this mission.” 
“Padme recommended me for this mission, didn’t she?” General Skywalker asks you quietly, and you bite back a sigh at his obsession but find yourself nodding, albeit hesitantly. “Then the matter is settled, milady.” He leans in towards you, and you are lost in his eyes. 
“The matter is far from settled,” Master Kenobi’s sharp voice cuts through. You step back from Anakin, pressing your hand gently on your collarbone as your heart pounds against your ribcage. Your ears ring with embarrassment at the closeness that the Jedi Master had found you two in. 
“Agreed, Master Kenobi. I propose that General Skywalker join me within a month’s time on the planet. We will rendezvous somewhere we’ll be caught, publicly but also by my handmaidens.” 
“Force their hands,” Master Kenobi says, rubbing his jaw with the pads of his fingers as he thinks through the details of your plan. 
“I take issue with one large part, milady,” General Skywalker objects. He looks irritated, as he mostly has within the short time that you’ve interacted with him. Is this how he is as a lover? If so, no wonder Padme left him. 
Master Kenobi sighs aggravatedly and waves at the General, urging him to continue. “Padawan, I’d like to finish this conversation before the sun rises.” 
“I’ve got the feeling that it’ll do more than raise a few eyebrows if the Queen suddenly gets a new husband, all while one of the Jedi Knights and padawan to one of the greatest masters is… what, on a mission?” 
You smile grimly at his question. 
“There’s an easy answer to that question, General.” General Skywalker narrows his eyes at you in suspicion. “You’ll have to fake your death.” 
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