#anakin Skywalker hcs
ddejavvu · 5 months
Mei! You know how sometimes when you put a bra on that has padding you sometimes have to adjust it a little? I feel like Anakin would see reader do that one time and offer to “help” from then on “to make sure it’s in the proper spot” but really it’s just to touch your boobs.
You're not surprised to feel a large palm pressing against the heft of your breast, and you wish you could say you're disappointed, but you're not. That doesn't mean that you can't act like you are, though.
"I'm helping!" He insists, his voice thick with sleep but fiery with intensity, "I'm rearranging the foam thing in there."
"The pad?"
"Yeah, the pad. I'm rearranging the pad."
"The pad is in perfect position," You swat his hand away, "Thank you very much."
"Gimme the other one," He demands, palm flat and fingers curling and uncurling, "I'm the bra inspector."
"You're a perv," You accuse, taking advantage of his still-closed eyes to reach over and press his face into the pillow. Perhaps you shouldn't be smothering him so early in the morning, but you're admittedly a little jealous that he gets to sleep in and you have to work.
His reflexes may be slowed by his grogginess but his muscles aren't, and he wrestles your hand away from his face and uses it to yank you back down onto the bed. You go from towering over his sprawled out form to being pinned beneath it, and his victory spoils come in the form of a prompt squeeze to your previously untouched breast.
"Mm-mm. Pad's all wrong." He laments, clicking his tongue sympathetically as he settles his hand over your chest, "It's so bad I think we just need to scrap the whole thing. Take it off?"
"The pad is fine!" You laugh, but Anakin's lithe fingers have already slipped into the gap between layers of fabric to yank the foam pad out of your bra. He's quick to slip it down the front of his pajama pants, grinning smugly at you as he leans back with tousled hair against the headboard of your bed.
"Take it."
"I have more bras," You huff, stripping off the lopsided bra and digging in your drawers for the others, "I'm gonna be late for work, Anakin!"
You expect a groan of defeat from Anakin but it's cheekiness you hear instead, "They're empty."
He's right. There's a distinct lack of form in each piece of fabric laying limp in your drawers.
"I'll give them back! Just let me put them in," He grins doggedly, "Deal?"
"Only because I'm late for work," You gripe, glaring at him with all the force you can muster even though you're beginning to flush.
"Liar," His eyes gleam with excitement as he lunges for the drawer beside his bed, withdrawing two foam bra pads from within, "Once I get my hands on you you'll be begging me not to stop."
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iburnedmyselfalive · 7 months
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┃synopsis what can i say, ur ex jus’ does it better 🤷‍♀️
anakin x fem reader !!
┃18+ not proofread sorry loves ;( , minors dni !!! alllll that kinky shit yk it
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"yeaaah, she missed me, uh huh" anakin's voice dripped with arrogance as he teased, his tongue flicking over your pulsating core with a devilish hunger, claiming you as his own.
his soft bed sheets clenched tightly in your fists as you sat up while he held your legs spread wide, his tongue delving deep into your core with a hunger that sent electric pulses of pleasure through your body.
“yeah, you gonna confess ‘bout how he tasted you?" he demanded, his voice dripping with possessiveness and a hint of sadistic pleasure, as he shook his head from side to side, intensifying your sensations.
"mmmphf!" you whimpered, the sound muffled by your grip on his golden locks, you were grippin’ on for dear life, only driving him to chuckle, the vibrations sending waves of heat through you.
it had been two long years since you two parted ways, but anakin's jealousy burned hotter than ever when he stumbled upon a picture of you with your guy friend. sure, maybe there was a drunken hookup once, but it meant nothing. ‘course anakin, with his intense and obsessive nature, had somehow deduced this.
despite the tumultuous nature of your past, you couldn't deny the raw attraction you still felt for him. the bond between you blazed brighter than ever, fueled by lust, desire. anakin was more than ready to reclaim what he believed was rightfully his, and you found yourself eagerly surrendering to him.
"tell me somethin’, he never had you like this huh, makin’ you feel this good?” his voice dripped with a cruel edge, his gaze piercing into yours, daring you to deny him.
"no, no, fuck! It only feels good when you do it," you cried out, your voice tinged with desperation as you shook your head, knowing there was no escape from his relentless control.
"mhmmm, s’what i thought, look at how wet you are. s’fucking hot," he observed, a smirk of satisfaction curling his lips as he relished in your need for him.
"jus’ shows how much you need me, yeah? i bet she's cravin’ something else. not my tongue though, yeah, my fingers?" he taunted, his words laced with mockery, a cruel grin spreading across his face as he toyed with your desires.
you whimpered in response, your protests falling on deaf ears as he continued to torment you with his teasing touch.
your body convulsed with pleasure as he traced slow circles around your clit, his movements calculated to drive you wild with need.
"mmm, my cock, s’what you need huh?" he inquired, his voice dripping with dominance, his eyes glinting with sadistic satisfaction as he awaited your eager affirmation.
his sudden departure only intensified your whines, the sight of his chin glistening with your juices made you want to cum on the spot. with a self-satisfied chuckle, he sauntered over to the nightstand, his movements exuding a cocky confidence.
"you're quite the amusing one princess, s’fuckin’ funny" he teased, a smirk playing on his lips as he retrieved a sizable dildo from the drawer. it was impressive, but nowhere near the size of him.
"ani," you whimpered, your voice laced with yearning.
"yeah, exactly the shit I wanna hear," he growled, nodding his head in approval.
“gonna hear you moanin’ like that for me huh? begging for my cock ‘stead of this pathetic little toy?” each word dripped with teasing cruelty as he toyed with your desires, relishing in the dominance he wielded over you.
your breath hitched as he expertly guided the toy into you, with a cocky grin, he leaned back to admire the scene before him, his eyes alight with a smug sense of satisfaction. "aw, s’the matter, princess? been so long, you jus’ forgot how to take cock yeah, poor thing” he teased as he watched the toy disappear inside you.
“how do you plan to handle me, hmm?" he goaded, his tone laced with seductive vanity.
you whimpered in response, your fingers grasping at him desperately, craving his touch, he could sense your neediness.
the heat between you intensified, fueling a hunger that could only be satiated by one thing, his cock.
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hanasnx · 9 months
! ── EX-BF!ANAKIN SKYWALKER who still answers your phone calls for you. He may claim it's a habit he's still trying to break, but truthfully it's to get you off his back about making sure you're hanging around the "right people." He doesn't like hearing a guy's voice on the other line, and he toughens himself up to respond, lowering his tone and keeping his answers curt. He'll let them know you're busy.
! ── You still hang out with him. You tell him he's your closest friend, and the only person you can tell your secrets to. He knows you're stringing him along, keeping him accessible as a back-up. Especially because you still fuck him when things go awry in your life and you need a willing punching bag.
! ── Nothing is off-limits, no boundaries. You let him into your room and you change in front of him and he plays with your panties, stretching them apart to fidget until you snatch them out of his hold. He watches your ass sway when your back is turned, and makes an obvious show of moistening his lips when he gets his eyes on your bare tits.
! ── Every time you fuck him you insist it's the last time, that you'll move on with someone else eventually. And every time he verbally agrees with you, but his dick is agreeing with your wet pussy more, plowing through you knowing you're stuck on this cock 'til he gives his say-so.
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castiwls · 6 months
"your my brother till the end of times. even after that"
Being anakin skywalker’s younger sister...
Note; this is incredibly long and goes through all the prequels. my requests are open
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You’re two years younger than him meaning you both grew up veryyy close.
He would teach you how to build and fix things whenever the shop was quieter. He let you help with building threpio.
“The blue one goes here, see.” Your brother turned his head to grin at you. You nodded at him from over his shoulder. “Soooo the red one goes there?” You questioned pointing to another spot on the torso. Your brother smiled brightly at you and nodded. “Yeah, see not so hard.”
Over time you got better and better until you were almost just as good as your brother at fixing things.
You were 7 when a strange man showed up asking for parts to fix his ship. While your brother seemed intrigued by the girl who was with him, you were very much intrigued by the tall man with the strange accent.
When he told you he was a Jedi you were almost star-struck. Your mother had told you stories about them but to actually meet one was amongst your wildest dreams.
You were even more starstruck when one night he found that not just your brother but you also were force-sensitive. This led to your brother winning yours and his freedoms in the race.
Though this meant you had to leave your mom :( 
You still had your brother though.
Your first time in space was something you’d never forget. You spent most of the trip back to Coruscant planted in front of one of the windows.
Halfway through the trip the other Jedi who Qui-Gon had introduced you to as Obi-Wan joined you by the window. 
He told you about the order and about Coursant.
“What is it like?” You turned your attention from the window to look at the man beside you. “What is what like?” Obi-Wan asked looking down at you. “Coursant,” You frowned thinking for a moment. “I heard a smuggler say it was like a concrete jungle. I’ve never seen a jungle though.” The Jedi let out a small laugh. “Well there are lots of buildings but I'm not sure about the jungle part.”
You decided you liked him pretty quickly and stuck by his side for the rest of the trip. 
(time skip)
After Qui-Gon’s death, both you and your brother were slightly worried about your future with the Jedi. While Obi-wan took on your brother another Jedi stepped forward to take you.
You and Anakin stayed close over your time in the order. You noticed the way your brother's temper could flare at times but put it down to stress.
You were off planet when Anakin told you he was going back to Tatooine to see your mom. You decided to follow him.
Finding out she had remarried was a shock but you were glad that she had gotten out of slavery.
Anakin confided in both you and Padme that he’d killed the Tuskans after finding your mother. 
“You killed them?” You stared at your brother, a slight feeling of horror running through you. You could feel his anger through the force, it sent chills through your body. Anakin nodded his face hard as he looked between you and Padme. He’d killed them out of anger yes but fear also. What if they came after you? 
You were concerned but due to your mom's death being so raw you kept your mouth shut about what Anakin had done. You didn't wanna risk losing him. 
After your mom's death, Anakin seemed to hang around you more, even more so when he was knighted.
Obi-wan noticed your brother’s change in behaviour when it came to you. Anakin would try and take you off solo missions or force himself onto your missions once you were knighted and given your own battalion in the war.
He eventually questioned you but you simply brushed it off as him just being nervous.
“He’s not used to me doing things alone.” You shrugged looking over to the man who was walking beside you. “You're not alone though, you have a battalion with you. Your brother needs to let go of this fear, it's not healthy.”
Because of Anakins behaviour, you started to get put on more missions with him and Obi-Wan. You didn’t mind though.
You were the only person aware of Anakin and Padme’s marriage and as a result her pregnancy. You were ecstatic that you were gonna be an aunt.
You helped with the naming process for the baby(s). 
During this time you noticed Anakin was spending more time with the Chancellor, something which raised a few red flags. Padme confided in you about his behaviour change, she’d noticed him becoming more on edge with each passing day.
You tried to talk to him but he just brushed you off claiming it was just the stress from the war.
“You're acting different. You can talk to me you know, im your sister.” You bumped his shoulder smiling slightly. Anakins smile in return was weak. He took a breath. “I keep having these dreams. Dreams where Padme dies in childbirth.” He looked down at you, his eyes desperate. “I can’t let that happen. I can’t lose her.”
After that conversation, you kept a closer eye on him. You could see his stress levels rising with his dream and the council not granting him the rank of Master.
Things seemed to calm down for a small while until things changed. When order 66 was called you’d been in the temple doing reports.
The sounds of blasters pulled you from your data pad. Your eyebrows furrowed as the door to the archives flew open. “Anakin?” Your brother's face was hard as he pulled you from your chair. He said nothing as he led you down the hallway towards his quarters. You watched in horror as blaster fire rang out around you but he refused to stop. Finally reaching his quarters the door flew open. “Stay here. I’ll come back when it’s safe.”
You were slightly scared and very confused as you tried to make sense of what you’d seen. The clones had turned but why?
You also realised very quickly that your brother had locked you in his room:)))
Luckily you had your comn and managed to make contact with Obi-Wan. After awhile he and Yoda deemed it safe enough to go back to the temple.
At this point, he’d seen your brother pledge his allegiance to Palpatine but had no idea how to break the news. 
When he did tell you it was as if your whole world crashed down. He locked you in his quarters to keep you away while he killed the Jedi in the temple.
You chose not to go to Mustafar and instead stayed with Bail. He explained to you Padme’s plan to start a rebellion against the chancellor and offered you a space if you wanted. You agreed.
“She was right. This was his plan all along.” Your head rested on your hand as you sniffled slightly. “He was always gonna overthrow the republic.” Bail nodded rubbing a hand on your shoulder. “If the council didn’t see it how were you supposed to.” He let out a sigh pushing the data pad closer. “But we don’t have to sit and watch.”
You freaked when Obi-Wan and Padme came back without Anakin. You gathered what had happened to your brother simply from the look Obi-wan gave you as he carried Padme off the ship.
Having to watch her die without being able to hold her children. You were able to barely keep it together while the droids checked the babies over.
“They were both so excited.” You smiled sadly down at the baby in your arms. Luke grabbed at your thumb making a small noise. “There never gonna get the chance to raise their kids.” Obi-wan let out a sigh reaching over to pull you into a hug. At this, you finally broke down. All the emotions that you’d been hiding broke free as you sobbed.
They decided to give you the final say on where the twins ended up. You knew Bail would take care of Leia and while you wanted to keep Luke you knew it wasn’t practical. 
You ended up going with Bail back to Alderaan where you both began building the foundations for the rebellion. 
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princessbrunette · 1 year
would you please write more for modern ani I love him sm
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poorly edited ani with ugly tattoos and piercings but you get the gist ….. have some headcanons
minors + ageless blogs dni im so serious
♡ he’s always in your reach. whether he’s your best friends brother, the guy that works at the garage or tattoo shop, the guy in your lectures that shows up every few classes to sit at the back and chew on his pen whilst somehow knowing the answer to every question. he’s mysterious, but everywhere.
♡ you see more of his tongue that you thought you might. always peaking out to fiddle with the snakebite piercings below his rosy bottom lip when he’s concentrated, or bulging into his cheek when he lets out a sarcastic or pissed off chuckle when someone’s running their mouth. you overhear him speaking with a friend, instructing “just make your tongue flat if it’s too sensitive and more pointed if they need more pressure. i don’t fucking know, it’s not hard.” and you wonder if he’s talking about what you think he’s talking about.
♡ he takes interest in you because of your soft edges and kind eyes and well, the fact you’re his total opposite. he thinks it’s funny to sit on a plush pink duvet surrounded by ‘pointless’ throw cushions and decorative plushies and blankets whilst he’s dressed in all black with his chronic resting bitch face. okay, funny isn’t the word. he thinks it’s sexy.
♡ he’s a little mean but never cruel. grumpy would describe him more accurately. not a morning person, and shoots daggers at anyone who makes loud noises before 10AM. he’s teasing you and poking fun at you before he starts flirting with you properly because he just can’t help himself, bullying is how he flirts. but don’t get it twisted, once he’s in a relationship with you he is uncharacteristically the worlds biggest simp known to man.
♡ obsessive and possessive. you’re both aware it’s not his best trait, but you secretly like it and he knows that. his love language is essentially threatening to kill anyone who looks at you let alone lays eyes on you. if you’re ranting about your day and happened to tell him about someone giving you attitude, it would become very “you’re lucky i wasn’t there, would have beat the fuck out of him.” fast. will also shamelessly pull you closer to him when another guy looks at you, and side eye you with the worst attitude if you dare laugh a little harder than usual at a man’s jokes.
♡ always stuffing his dirty blonde curls under backwards caps, but let’s you take it off him so you can run your fingers through them at the end of the day. he’s a sucker for a head massage. will repay you by making you cum on his fingers.
♡ he’s the cool boyfriend. determined to win over your family even if his tattooed / pierced appearance is a concern. compliments your mothers cooking, talks about sports with your dad, bonds over video games with your little brother or buys your sister that thing she was talking about last time he saw her. even let’s your grandma pinch his cheeks and call him handsome (but if grandmas coming round, he wears long sleeves and takes out his piercings. anything for grandma.) if you don’t get on with your family, he becomes your family and practically kidnaps you into his own.
♡ wont let you pay for anything. respectfully, he does not care if paying is your love language— he was raised to pay for his girl and that’s what he’ll do, arguments be damned. he’ll take extra shifts to be able to spoil you, coming home with grease smeared on him from the garage, kissing your cheek before heading off to shower, transferring “a little something” to your bank account after you were rambling about that skims dress you wanted or whatever it was.
♡ constantly wearing sweatpants and looks damn good wearing them too. black sweatpants mostly, but he pulls out the grey ones when he’s trying extra hard to get laid that night. same goes for basketball shorts, walking around your apartment wearing them with no shirt on, no underwear beneath the shorts, thick and long length practically swinging around. he chuckles when you gasp and call him a slut.
♡ he plays basketball and soccer, always has. but his favourite pastime has got to be pool. he’s become a champion at his best friends pool table— bringing you round to showcase his effortless skill and teach you (mainly because he won’t pass up the opportunity to see you bent over a table and feel you up.)
♡ always needs your full attention when he speaks, so if your eyes drift off from him when he’s talking to you he won’t hesitate to gently grip your jaw and pull your face back to look at him. he’ll do it infront if anyone he doesn’t care, minus your parents of course.
♡ puts in the WORK during sex. he is competitive with himself, and a perfectionist — so he won’t be satisfied until he’s knows you inside out. this means he’s incredibly vocal, if he’s not asking you if you like what he’s doing (“that feel good, pretty? talk t’me i wanna hear you.”) he’s praising you for being responsive (“good girl, good fucking girl. i know baby, you like that shit huh.”)
♡ pussy eating king. will even wear the white tshirt with pink font spelling “PROUD MUNCH” across the chest when he goes out with you that you got him. thinks it’s funny yeah, but likes everyone to know you’re taken care of.
♡ listens to fuckboy music around the clock. when he picks you up in his car, best believe you can hear that brent faiyaz coming from a mile away. his taste is pretty broad though, he just loves the sexy r&b to be blasting when you’re being his pretty little passenger princess.
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xstarkillerx · 11 months
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Indy sent me a meme about jar jar binks, and i couldn't stop thinking about Anakin's pent up simp recepticle that he fucks because padme doesn't want himmmmm
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ultimatedirk · 3 months
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for all my lesbian anakin skywalker enjoyers out there (me)
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samonroegf · 4 months
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being study buddies with anakin, normal au.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ᝰ masterlist
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he spends at least half of every session, admiring you and staring at you and your perky tits
everytime, fifteen minutes before you're supposed to leave, he stops acting like he cares about homework and starts asking personal questions
he always thanks you for taking the time to study with him, as if it's not an excuse to hang out with you
he's acting stupid to spend more time with you, he's quite smart and already knows everything; he just likes you.
doesn't know the meaning of personal space, his chair is basically touching yours
very rarely looks you in the eye, usually is staring at your mouth. especially when you're explaining things.
the boy lives off coffee when there's a big test coming up, he likes to act like he doesn't care but lowkey his grades are quite important to him but not as much as you
sometimes he ends up teaching you something which he always backs up with, “or at least, I'm pretty sure.”
has definitely fallen asleep during a study sess just because he finds your voice so soothing
eventually he'd give up the fake stupid mask and just admit he wanted to study with you cause he's had a crush on you forever
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ddejavvu · 5 months
Also… your post about ani loving back scratches omg.. you think he’s into like reader playing with his hair too?? His curls, and even when he had short hair like wow I just know that man has the softest hair ever
happy may the 4th! send me star wars requests/headcanons and we'll have a party <3
i pictured this as tcw!anakin's hair because it was like the cutest little baby mullet/shag where it was growing and curling against the nape of his neck and i wanted to scrunch it with my fingers so bad <333
"Keep going."
"Hold on, hold on," You mutter, "My friend's texting me."
Anakin releases a displeased grunt into the fabric of your shirt, and you feel it where it lands warm in your lap.
"Easy," You tap away at the screen of your datapad, pecking letter by letter at what is shaping up to be a lengthy paragraph, "I thought they taught patience at the temple, Jedi Knight. I'll go back to playing with your hair as soon as I'm done."
Anakin grunts again, louder this time.
You don't dignify his dramatics with a response, and you continue typing, the lingering warmth of Anakin's hair fading from your fingertips. He lets you get half of a sentence more in before you feel an invisible tug at your hand, and it relocates itself against Anakin's scalp instead of where you'd placed it on your pad.
"Anakin!" You scoff, "Did you just force my hand back into your hair?"
He lets out a muffled chuckle into your sleep shirt, "Force."
"You are absolutely insufferable," You grumble, but you indulge him with the scrape of your nails against his scalp. It sends a shiver down his spine, and he burrows his face further into your stomach.
"You sound like Obi-Wan," He muses, "I've heard insufferable, incorrigible, reckless, untamable, unmanageable-"
"Unshushable," You add, still making a valiant effort at typing one-handed rather than returning your second hand to its rightful place among Anakin's barely-curled scruff, "Do you ever stop talking?"
"You love the sound of my voice," He accuses, peering up at you with squinted, tired eyes, "That's why you make me read to you at night."
"No, I make you read to me at night because the last thing you read was a users' manual for a landspeeder, and you barely even skimmed that," You scratch against the crown of his head and he groans, "I worry about your literary habits."
"I worry about your hair-playing habits," He reaches out to knock your datapad out of your hand which he drags back into his hair, "Come on, baby, you owe me three books-worth of this."
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iburnedmyselfalive · 8 months
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somethin' short to make up for my absence <33
NSFW! -- Dialoge prompt - @airaibunny !
Anakin Skywalker skillfully moved his two fingers within you with an intense rhythm, causing you to tightly hold onto him.
"don't you stop squeezing around 'em, don't you stop," he whispered, playfully curling his fingers, eliciting a loud moan from you.
"yeah? that's what you like huh?" he chuckled.
With eagerness, you nodded, craving more, your legs trembling from the intense sensation.
"Say it," he hissed, seemingly attuned to your thoughts as one hand traversed your body to playfully slap your breast, prompting a whimper from you.
"I want more, Ani," you whined, a hint of desperation in your tone, causing a satisfied grin to spread across his face.
"Oh, baby," he cooed, deliberately slowing down, curling his fingers deeper and hitting your sweet spot.
"Mm, I want it so bad," you exclaimed, tugging on his gorgeous locks.
"Yeah?" he gasped, breathless, before hushing your moans with a fervent kiss, exploring down to your neck and adorning it with affectionate marks.
"Tell me you want to cum," he demanded, delivering a sharp slap to your cheek that made your thighs involuntarily clench. With one swift motion, he forced them apart.
"I want to cum ani," you cried out, gazing at him with pleading puppy dog eyes, eliciting a chuckle from him.
"Pathetic, my fingers have you whimpering like a desperate bitch, can only imagine the effect my cock would have on you?" he sneered.
His words had you in a whirlwind, repeatedly moaning his name as if it were a chant. Your hand instinctively moved down to meet his wrist, whimpering and squirming within the limits of your ability, overwhelmed by the sensation.
"Mm, s’too much ani! Too much!" you cried out, attempting to close your legs, but he forcefully kept them open.
"Take it," he growled, spitting down at your clit before bringing his thumb up to rub fast circles over the sensitive little nub.
And that's what pushed you over the edge – his explicit talk, the touch of his fingers, all of him. The approach of your climax was undeniable, legs shaking, eyes rolling, back arching as you clung to his wrist for dear life. You wanted him to stop, yet at the same time, you didn't want him to cease; it was an exquisite paradox, overwhelming in its intensity.
"Fuck" you cried out, the sensation continuing even after you climaxed. Kneeling down, he withdrew his fingers and replaced them with his tongue, eagerly cleaning up the delicious mess he had orchestrated.
"Suck," he demanded, locking eyes with you.
"Clean my fingers; this is your mess," he said, presenting his fingers to your mouth. Obeying his command, you brought the two digits into your mouth, sucking and licking them as he instructed.
Your compliance earned you a kiss on your sensitive cunt; he grinned mischievously before enveloping your clit with his lips. It made you whimper as you tried to push him away, but the vibrations of his chuckle only intensified your reaction.
Seeing his chin adorned in your juices was a sight you never wanted to part with – he looked incredibly sexy.
"What's the matter, baby? Hmm, too sensitive for my tongue?" he cooed at you, teasingly.
You whimpered, shaking your head in denial.
"No?" he asked, briefly pulling away before spreading your legs as far as they could go and diving back in with fervor. His tongue worked tirelessly on your pussy, his eyes locked onto yours, never breaking the gaze.
He reveled in observing your reactions, your mouth forming an 'o' shape in response. Sitting up, he placed one hand on you, coercing you to recline as he continued his passionate exploration.
"That feels so good," you cried out to him, squirming as you sensed your second orgasm approaching faster than expected.
He inserted a finger into you once more, his tongue skillfully circling around your clit.
Your scent drove him wild, making him crave you for every meal conceivable – breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He yearned to pleasure you as if he had been starved for years.
"Such a delectable pussy," he mumbled, sucking on your clit, creating a satisfying 'pop' sound.
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hanasnx · 8 months
i know your in more of a hayden mood lately but!
i was wondering what do you think are some of anakins favorite nicknames for his partner?
i really really like "princess" but one of my faves thats pretty exclusive to anakin is "angel" ive seen it used a lot and it just fits him so well. i personally adore the petname "baby" so i think i use that one the most bcos i feel like it just fits a lot of occasions, very versatile. "my love" is one im sure he'd use but i think i rarely use it bcos i never think about anakin and reader having like An Established Relationship its usually some type of fwb situation. ive never seen him as a "babygirl" "babydoll" "my dear" "love" "darling" kind of person. not really a "sweetheart" or "honey" person either. sometimes, sometimes "little one" or "my pet" but that's very usually dilf!anakin or straight up vader.
i also love "sweet girl" "pretty girl" "good girl" for him too. and i think he likes putting "my" in front of a lot of these too. i.e. "my angel" "my good girl" etc etc
thats all i can think of for now! great ask :)
edit: "my star" "starlight" "starshine" are so important to me
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castiwls · 6 months
Heyy! i saw your headcanons about being Anakins sister and I think its such an interesting idea!
It got me thinking though if she went with Bail she would most like likey have a relationship with Leia meaning she would probs be involved in finding her when she was kidnapped. How do you think that would go down with her and Obi wan working together again and her finding out about anakin???
love your work btw ;)
Hey, tysm for the ask. (link to og post)
I personally feel she and Leia would probs be quite close. I don't think Leia would know about them being biologically related but I feel by the end of the series when Obi-wan came to Alderaan they would tell Leia then (she'd do the whole I knew it thing lmao) and they'd get closer from there.
As for finding Leia I imagine it would be her and Bail who go to Obi-wan and at first, he freaks cause 'you can't be here' but then the happiness of seeing them kinda gets to him and they have a cute reunion like "you got old." "so did you." And then she'd convince him to help find Leia.
She'd find out about Anakin when Reve is taunting Obi-Wan but she kinda ignores it cause why trust an inquisitor. She'd finally believe it when Obi-wan first confronts Vader. He'd tell her to go with Leia and Tala but she'd end up running after him and straight into the fight and she immediately feels her brother in the force. He feels different but it's him.
Vader pulls the whole join me thing after he pulls Obi-wan through the fire and claims he's lied to her so she can't trust him. She ends up helping get Obi-wan back to the ship where when he wakes up he's freaking out cause "you must hate me for what I did to him." But she doesn't "Anakin can make his own choices. It's not your fault."
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dazednstars141 · 3 months
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james kelly is so fucking hot. i need him. that’s it. that’s all i got.
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forgive me.
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xstarkillerx · 2 years
ok so the thought’s gone unfortunately gone, I swear I had a full idea but it’s just poof, nowhere to be seen.
But I just have become fucking obsessed with the imagery of Anakin on top of you, fucking you hard as fuck and he’s got his face burried in your hair because he’s cryingggggg. Like he’s so mad (not necessarily at you, but why not right?), and he’s rutting into you so fucking desperately, but his eye’s are squeezed shut to stop these frustration tears that won’t stop. His fists are gripping the sheets by your head because he’s afraid of what he might do if he gets his hands on you. Like picture all of that but... submissively? If you get me. Like he’s angry and rough, but it’s tinged with this whole “I’m so unbelievably at your mercy that it scares me, it makes me angry, it brings me to tears to be subjugated by you.” energy.
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catnipaddictt · 4 months
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bf!sam x gn!reader
summery: A few boyfriend!sam ideas
cw: fluff, smoking, sam being evil
this one is for @sylvanianlucy <3
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Your boyfriend, Sam is an absolute menace to you and everything in close range of him. His main hobby seems to be trying to piss off mother nature as well as he can. And it’s definitely working.
Taking him to the local pond for a picnic and to feed the ducks, which quickly turns into you throwing the bird's bread and him using the ducks as target practice. He is picking up small rocks and chucking them at the unassuming birds, causing them to swim away. When you tell him that he is being mean, he just shrugs it off as if it was nothing. Then faking hurt when you give him a stern telling-off.
Trying to go a peaceful walk turns into him kicking every single tree in your path, something you thought was a joke at first. But alas, he just wanted to kick them at full force. You are constantly warning him that he is going to break himself but he denies it. Well at least until he ends up with a purple bruise on his ankle.
Whenever he is over at your house and you leave the room to go to the bathroom, you can always assume that he will start attacking your stuffed animals. As soon as you’re out of your room, he is punching them almost erratically. Every single one - he doesn’t care, all he knows is that he needs to punch them all. When you return, he acts like nothing happened, but the state of your bed says it all.
Lying on your bed with Sam was nice, he was warm, comfortable, and always smelt like cigarettes. But when he overheated, instead of asking you nicely to move to the side, he usually just pushed you with full force. On multiple occasions you had fallen off the bed because of it, he seemed to be unable to just ask. He would just roll his eyes and say “Well you deserved it”.
Sitting on the porch at night with Sam while he smoked would be nice, except he was more addicted to blowing the smoke into your face than the actual nicotine. Leaning over, he would push the smoke out of his lungs and towards his unsuspecting victim, you. Coughing you would push his face away only to be met with a grin.
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Taglist: @qvnthesia @ysrjune @anisscarletstarlet @inneedsoffanfics @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist
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almightycato · 5 months
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ahsoka doodles from a while ago<3
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