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zuala-bear · 2 years ago
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Original Ver Below! (CW: Gore/Blood & Body Horror)
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| Inspiration • Original |
From left to right, top to bottom: Oliver, Jake, Steampunk Gal (she doesn't have a name yet-), Leo, Lili e th, 'Levi', Emmet, Zora & Anahu!
Jake & 'Levi' belong to a friend.
Everyone else belongs to meh!
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moshi-draws-stuff · 3 years ago
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meet Anahu! My incredible sleep deprived protagonist of Normal Humans! (please let him have a nap)
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ynx1 · 4 years ago
Anas Ibn Malik radiallahu anahu said that the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam said:
من سأل اللهَ الجنةَ ثلاثَ مراتٍ قالت الجنةُ : اللهم أَدخِلْه الجنةَ ، ومن استجار من النارِ ثلاثَ مراتٍ قالت النارُ : اللهمَّ أَجِرْه من النَّارِ
Whoever asks Allah for Jannah three times, Jannah says: Oh Allah enter him into Jannah. And whoever seeks protection from the Hellfire three times, Hellfire says: Oh Allah protect him from the fire
[Saheeh Targheeb no. 3654]
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i-asifeq · 4 years ago
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy
Imaam Ibnul Qayyim [rahimahullaah] said:
Every competitor compete the other and is happy when joined in it, just as the companions of the Messenger of Allaah [sallal-laahua-alayhi-wasallam] used to compete in good and they were pleased when others joined them; rather they used to encourage one another whilst competing. This is part of seeking to be foremost in [good deeds].  Allaah [The Most High] said: [ ۖ فَاسْتَبِقُوا الْخَيْرَاتِ-So hasten towards all that is good].  Allaah [The Most High] said:
سَابِقُوا إِلَىٰ مَغْفِرَةٍ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا كَعَرْضِ السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ – Race one with another in hastening towards Forgiveness from your Lord (Allah), and towards Paradise, the width whereof is as the width of heaven and earth]. [57:21]
Umar Ibnul Khattaab [radiyallaahu-anhu] used to hasten towards [good deeds to compete] Abu-Bakr [radiyallaahu-anhu], but he never won. [Ref 1]
Umar [radiyallaahu-anahu] said: One day the Messenger of Allah [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] commanded us to give sadaqah. At that time I had some property, so I said: Today I shall surpass Abu-Bakr if I am to surpass him any day.  So I brought half of my property. The Messenger of Allaah [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] said: What did you leave for your family? I replied: The same amount. Then Abu-Bakr brought all that he had with him. So the Messenger of Allah [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] said to him: What did you leave for your family? He replied: I left Allah and His Messenger for them. I [Umar] said: I shall never [excel you] in competing you in anything. [Ref 2]
[Ref 1: Source: Ar-Rooh of Imaam Ibnul Qayyim 431-432) abridged]
[Ref 2: Abu Dawood and graded Hasan by Sh Albaani’ Hadeeth Number: 1678’ kitaab Az-Zakaah (page: 259)]
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lateuponarrival · 4 years ago
612 neural network generated trollsona names
i trained a recurrent neural network on a list of all *canon* homestuck trolls, first name and last name interchangeable. despite the ludicrous amount of trolls in canon, this was still a very small dataset for a rnn, so some of the results ended up sounding like cheap reskins of canon trolls (zeridan?? zequius??? leperi????) but there are quite a few gems! overall, i’m happy with how this turned out, and i hope someone can get some use out of this. big thanks to @inkqaz for inspiration, and for formatting the data. <3
use these for whatever you like! (need to make a hundred OCs by next week? hmu)
Tonyll Goleka Darara Ldieri Cilaka Marana Kallia Marava Bodakk Enerut
Xiskan Wanque Ahiara Uperet Nambol Xicara Odiese Wallix Tirija Kasjie Kamata Poroka Ronyam Solber Xicaka Darota Camala Ermere Sozebe Maraka Folyka Porola Karesv Dardia Zeeleh Tarvus Oreris Varata Korjon Aramas Seruma Sirska Katira Lanjek Peruni Madata Dalyll Kanadi Nimero Onyata Berepy Foolbi Tigisa Xorama Melyke Seleir Erigoe Latyah Ranark Mamara Capeel Solekk Folaka Vronya Rimars Karama Solxns Maraun Kalykk Anyala Zebrot Terita Gomana Meriis Hamies Cadara Katana Rundam Harisk Carsti Carvie Solyla Kamara Tolyka Tigask Ariter Caraid Merdar Zeimar Maruti Amarun Datask Lakara Aramot Karuti Darmas Zradah Skalyx Darask Seliar Kardia Amzzee Carama Urimas Solyak Poraka Taskan Zamara Seleul Tanara Vollet Perene Kallam Zeelei Natika Krodah Teryas Solyka Carozy Merial Goroma Skarve Xolykl Konahk Amegid Mellia Solbin Amiere Karaka Sirada Gadara Leilek Akaram Modies Ekreto Garata Zamard Marata Solbux Legora Salykl Polona Toriti Soljon Matana Forama Kalyum Mardia Karana Bamber Skaron Gorius Solbur Prusia Vellio Eriska Boleri Vikata Giruna Tirota Tanyni Zmaram Zexsun Amzyak Jonyyl Maroti Serdia Lenyas Porida Emerun Horojo Perier Eziana Tegira Barava Koleia Follyn Colaia Zehkos Virane Mapyal Jonepe Hixigi Karahi Tanama Roizum Kanyak Kalyat Daroni Bawara Matigi Lexlol Pereix Faldar Tegora Tanheh Valvus Vahkal Kalyka Termam Caruta Nadara Sirufi Zernid Marati Jonyav Kridax Anakat Sollex Xirana Sollei Garate Maprus Selska Aratal Harata Torata Konyra Amarad Kallek Barvit Kaidax Hoijon Marama Zeziha Equisi Erigil Malaka Xigiol Zezebe Tongya Xorjek Carapa Caderi Boraji Lallei Natasl Katyla Nehera Perisi Viursa Ronyhk Solykk Chixol Namero Mellei Uneles Syasti Varony Karang Cadaka Ramaka Karate Pervol Kadata Darata Jeniya Liburi Kanyel Terote Xichon Umezeb Erezeb Ereska Challi Zeelie Mallum Latera Barova Tataka Lanata Mastat Wantya Vanqui Golles Ererid Ramasa Sollen Natara Barope Mardar Golyam Kotyka Peilix Kolyat Loiami Ametek Kirota Danzee Adalam Darava Konita Eetava Solahi Karuee Camaka Darves Malata Lderem Godaha Ahiasi Folbur Aranem Fomala Sarana Aharka Parsti Katona Namype Amiaka Aquerm Soland Urdara Tarkal Lenqui Karvun Cadata Emelli Gardia Siront Vreska Karata Dalyam Brunam Leelek Aramam Colyal Marira Perism Selimi Soleul Rozzee Tozlek Volele Soliik Capyet Polier Boreze Tamard Ermeri Xitika Karoma Koniam Torana Sarata Foolam Solati Namara Horius Nadari Gorzuh Sdirut Carask Karada Lamaka Solehk Carani Solbus Terjon Briaka Karoka Calykt Ekelek Lalbur Taraek Marada Namhar Kantan Cardam Latron Xerijo Nadata Meleix Leigia Malooz Carata Aridak Skiron Porira Xiosya Amasti Lakali Tonjek Sonara Tirata Toterm Ronahk Terijo Urizia Amiram Adieme Darana Chlaka Canara Bamara Vrojan Erisia Borata Brumia Eriaia Terius Adarka Marvus Peryat Konyat Poraja Orzdas Gorama Kirati Lamasa Silaka Kantya Amarat Nayaka Manhuk Zeelyx Kahara Mawana Darome Leelei Kanavv Lanava Rodora Jonama Anahus Marmas Nipora Merata Charun Zebari Caruti Sanata Mardie Lanara Deriga Godana Foloun Magara Gorapp Cimsol Barata Lateri Chahun Kalati Randar Toruji Gavara Ariyat Bolyak Tadana Urdiam Golata Perios Cakata Sezdak Cheker Maskat Erejek Peresk Vanata Kantta Raszia Siaram Aizdal Diroje Mawara Darani Karuda Tarape Bermor Danaya Charam Mataka Sellix Girije Hiroul Goraka Mamzei Veleie Peteri Solika Gamara Carsia Solyat Magame Gorout Adarus Siarum Etelya Kakara Vanati Mallik Calyas Varama Follya Zarava Perana Carita Ametis Neryon Zeilek Zeirus Eremel Katati Eranih Tyklei Dataka Ronyla Urhuri Maleti Silata Lamara Lenitk Rdaris Ratyel Sollie Paronj Tonyat Kaekpe Karoet Oragol Cadahh Maryal Kermia Solaik Bastir Chaner Moolat Amkala Varavr Karasa Birisk Mawank Caleia Kntyes Haryam Coavis Sozyal Rutori Dihark Vanter Erimal Vrmata Eiemes Gimiro Berima Anaxam Tenegi Marven Masken Caperi Vierit Solyam Amatik Siaras Soliud Brdara Damakr Barsti Barute Karika Porzie Ciroka Toroti Nyatbu Pyrona Porjon Ramane Borete Vronem Mataur Malele Nerdat Kandya Malyka Tonjya Soliit Derdia Erdata Erimol Xigara Terufi Garvis Carder Forata Tierok Mantek Vaskan Konyas Mantat Dardaj Marami Nelyat Ntiton Lotera Vrieri Aezera Haraal Seliis Reidan Gories Xicoat Karvar Halama Kanara Amalan Aramav Ambola Miesia Cillek Hirana Toryan
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angelinosantos-blog · 7 years ago
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To instigado!! Seguem os treinos com a tábua! 📸 Foto @anandanahu • • • • ////////////////@ollosurfing @first_glassrj @esportecontrole @pontalsurf @fbsurfboards @fx021coachtrainer @itudoassistenciatecnica @angelinosantospersonalsurf ・・・・ #angelinosantos #prosurfer #surfcoach #surfinglife #surfphotography #beachphotos #baixorecreio #praiadamacumba #rio40graus #errejota #rioguiaoficial #riolindo #anahu #riolifestyle #rioetc #surfphoto #surfline #grupodorecreio #gruporecreio #surfconnect #surfconnection #photooftheday #riosurfcheck #surfphotos #surfphotography #surfpics #entrenessaonda (em Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro)
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bigpigportal · 8 years ago
#BPART In less than a month after the inauguration of his first term, the mayor of the most important city from the #Brazilian economic point of view - SÃO PAULO - makes a mistake from the #urban, #cultural and popular point of view. The ramshackle Pauliceia is known for its #architectural features, for having many constructions to the detriment of green spaces that would be important for maintaining a pleasant climate, increasing the level of oxygen in the air and direct contact with nature. Besides having in its curriculum the destruction of river springs, pollution of them with very serious consequences for the city and inhabitants as the death of the fauna and flora and also the floods. Thus, in an attempt to soften and defy the imposition of a city that lives from the gray, population, #artists, cultural centers, social actors and governmental and non-governmental institutions are present in rounds of discussions in different management spaces with the intention of to make improvements in urban spaces as a way of carrying out significant actions in favor of people's quality of life. And one of these themes was to fill the city with artistic panels with the intention of giving life to the walls distributed by the city with significant themes, shapes and colors for the human universe in a proposal spread worldwide, #GRAFITE, which is a type of urban art of high value in recent times, but which has its origin in the Roman period. #Brazil is the barn of great artists of world renown for the expressiveness of their languages in panels that defy human limits, they are "#osgemeos #eduardocobra #kobra #zezao #alexsenna # binhoribeiro #nunca #speto #cranio #alexhornest #ninapandolfo #number #nickalive #anarkiaboladona #anahu Thus, huge panels were contracted by one of the previous administrations that cost the public coffers high figures and that made the paulistanos recognize themselves in this place, to find their city more beautiful and a good place to live. But in an unthinkable act, unpopular and by means of a erase by pen, Mayor João Dória erased with arrogance the representative art of a whole city, creating controversy. #art #fashion #urbanart #bp
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jugofraga · 6 years ago
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Venustiano “Venny” Carilion
Venustiano is my main OC and my character in @luce-the-sinner ‘s D&D campaign! He is a trans gay half-elf bard and I love him.
Venny’s story is not very out of the ordinary. His wood-elf mother and human father were intellectuals, and raised Venustiano in the Anahu Mage-City (a city focused on it’s magic universities and research in magic technology), and they insisted from very early in his education. He was a bright child, good at mathematics, interested in the sciences and magic, so he was expected to grow up into a successful wizard, but he didn’t find much meaning to being a scholar besides making his parents happy.
Instead, after finding an old lyre in the basement, he discovered music and writing. He really loved playing music and diverted his attention from science and magic books to stories and hymns of old legendary heroes.
So, since he believed his parents wouldn’t accept this decision to dedicate himself to music, he ran away when he was 16 years old, and started the life of a travelling musician and storyteller. In his wanderings he developed a sort of “every man for himself” philosophy, but it’s mostly put on, in search of seeming like a true bard, but he really is a caring person, just with a particularly strong sense of survival (He usually ends up coming back after running from a fight though).
Despite his abandon of studies, he still likes sciences, specially astronomy (he knows many constellations by heart) and biology, since nature has become specially important to him after communing with the god Corellon, who’s mark he carries in his glove of clapping.
He’s got tattoos for a couple of important people, a tiger paw for his adopted sister Anya, and a black feather with a white ribbon and a spider crest for Xanzor and Irae, characters inside the campaign who died.
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coloradocowgirl3754 · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: THE ANAHU LADIES HOLIDAY SWEATSHIRT.
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goalhofer · 3 years ago
1st NFL Draft Pick By Birth State
Maine: Joe Sabasteanski (94th overall, Brooklyn) 1943
New Hampshire: Adam Kretowicz (188th overall, New York Giants) 1942
Vermont: Steve Wisniewski (29th overall, Dallas) 1989
Massachusetts: Wayne Millner (65th overall, Boston) 1936
Rhode Island: Bill Osmanski (6th overall, Chicago Bears) 1939
Connecticut: Edward Jontos (45th overall, New York Giants) 1936
New York: Bill Shakespeare (3rd overall, Pittsburgh Pirates) 1936
New Jersey: Al Barabas (46th overall, Philadelphia) 1936
Pennsylvania: Joe Stydahar (6th overall, Chicago Bears) 1936
Delaware: Ed Michaels (14th overall, Chicago Bears) 1936
Maryland: William Constable; Jr. (64th overall, Philadelphia) 1936
Virginia: Clarence Parker (13th overall, Brooklyn) 1937
North Carolina: Herm Dickerson (63rd overall, Chicago Cardinals) 1937
South Carolina: William Dickens (52nd overall, Chicago Cardinals) 1937
Georgia: Jac Weller (55th overall, Philadelphia) 1936
Florida: Herbert Plasman (28th overall, Chicago Bears) 1937
West Virginia: Len Barnum (12th overall, Pittsburgh Pirates) 1936
Michigan: Sid Wagner (8th overall, Detroit) 1936
Ohio: Art Lewis (9th overall, New York Giants) 1936
Indiana: Richard Sandefur (39th overall, Pittsburgh Pirates) 1936
Kentucky: Bert Johnson (42nd overall, Brooklyn) 1937
Tennessee: Henry Hammond (38th overall, Chicago Bears) 1937
Alabama: William Francis (44th overall, Detroit) 1936
Mississippi: Riley Smith (2nd overall, Boston) 1936
Illinois: Marty Peters (57th overall, Pittsburgh Pirates) 1936
Wisconsin: Alphonse Leemans (18th overall, New York Giants) 1936
Minnesota: Vernal LeVoir (13th overall, Brooklyn) 1936
Iowa: John Berwanger (1st overall, Philadelphia) 1936
Missouri: Ros Carter (69th overall, Chicago Cardinals) 1936
Arkansas: Paul Bryant (31st overall, Brooklyn) 1936
Louisiana: Gaynell Tinsley (12th overall, Chicago Cardinals) 1937
North Dakota: Vern Oech (42nd overall, Chicago Bears) 1936
South Dakota: Bob Lannon (52nd overall, Philadelphia) 1938
Nebraska: Bernie Scherer (25th overall, Green Bay) 1936
Kansas: Antone Pilney (26th overall, Detroit) 1936
Oklahoma: Bob Reynolds (52nd overall, Green Bay) 1936
Texas: Jimmy Lawrence (5th overall, Chicago Cardinals) 1936
Montana: Milt Popovich (15th overall, Chicago Cardinals) 1938
Idaho: Ed Brett (33rd overall, Chicago Cardinals) 1936
Wyoming: Robert Moan (58th overall, New York Giants) 1938
Colorado: Alex Drobnitch (41st overall, Philadelphia) 1937
Utah: Dale Rennebohm (71st overall, Detroit) 1936
Arizona: Tom Greenfield (139th overall, Green Bay) 1939
Nevada: Mike Jurich (138th overall, Brooklyn) 1941
New Mexico: Pete Zagar (70th overall, New York Giants) 1939
Washington: Del Bjork (58th overall, Chicago Bears) 1937
Oregon: Bobby Grayson (21st overall, Pittsburgh Pirates) 1936
California: Willard Letlow (7th overall, Green Bay) 1936
Alaska: Mark Schlereth (263rd overall, Washington) 1989
Hawaii: Bill Anahu (65th overall, Cleveland Rams) 1940
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sweetness-of-faith · 4 years ago
Saeed ibn Zaid ibn Amr ibn Nufayl (Radiallahu anhu) was a very special sahabi and the son of a very special man. Zaid was the nephew of Al Khattab, the father of Umar (radiallahu anhu). 
He was a man who understood that something was amiss with the Quraish in Makkah and their idol worshipping. He rejected shirk at an early age and consistently argued against his people about their idol worshipping until Khattab persecuted him and beat on him. 
Zaid then went to other places to try to find the truth. Zaid passed away before Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) received revelation. Saeed ibn Zaid (radiallahu anhu) asked Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) one day about his father and his situation. 
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) told him, “I have seen on the Day of Judgement that when every nation stands behind its prophet, Zaid ibn Amr ibn Nufayl (radiallahu anhu) will be standing as a nation on his own.”
Saeed (radillahu anhu) accepted Islam right from the beginning at the age of 19. He married Fatima bint Khattab (radiallahu anha), the sister of Umar (radiallahu anhu). 
Saeed (radiallahu anhu) was someone who loved service. He loved to serve with Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). He loved the feeling of dust on his face and to work. 
He said that to witness a battle alongside Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), to have dirt covering your face and to be in the heat of the battle is more beloved than living a lifetime of good deeds, even if you lived the life of Nooh (alayhi salaam). 
He witnessed every battle alongside Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) except for the Battle of Badr. He and Talhah ibn Ubaidullah (radiallahu anhum) were sent to Al Shaam to scout where Quraish was attacking from. 
By the time they made it back to the Muslims the Battle of Badr had been completed and Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) still counted them among the veterans of Badr.
Saeed (radiallahu anahu) had a reputation, even through Abu Bakr and Umar’s (radiallahu anhum) time, for being the man who always charged first in battle. He was Qaidur Fursaan, the head of the knights in most battles. 
One can only imagine when the Muslims were usually outnumbered and in a very low situation, how much fearlessness and courage was needed to be the first one to charge. 
Saeed (radiallahu anhu) served in the Battle of Yarmuk, under Khalid ibn Walid (radiallahu anhu) and this was one of the fiercest battles the Muslims had. Khalid (radiallahu anhu) appointed Saeed as the centre of the army in Yarmuk and on that day Saeed (radiallahu anhu) called out to Abu Ubaidah ibn Jarrah (radiallahu anhu) and said, “Oh Abu Ubaidah, I have become determined to become a martyr today. What would you like me to tell Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) if I meet him?”
Abu Ubaidah (radiallahu anhu) said to Saeed, “If you see Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) give him my salaam and give the salaam of the Muslims to him and say to him, Oh Messenger of Allah, May Allah SWT reward you on our behalf and we have found what our Nurturing Master has promised us to be true.”
He was referring to the spread of Islam all over the world. Saeed (radiallahu anhu) said on that day fear was removed from his heart. Although he was determined that day for a shahadah, Allah SWT allowed him to survive Yarmuk. Saeed (radiallahu anhu) was responsible for the army that went to Damascus. Umar (radiallahu anhu) also appointed him as the governor of Damascus.
A man like Saeed ibn Zaid (radiallahu anhu), who had served his entire life, who was used to being covered in dirt, and in the battlefield, felt out of place in his new position. 
Damascus at that time was a very developed society. It had high buildings, beautiful gardens. It was known for its progress and affluence. Saeed (radiallahu anhu) lived in a palace and for three months he would walk to the balcony and look out and say, “I don’t want this. This is not what I love doing. I love being in the path of Allah SWT.”
He sent a letter to Umar (radiallahu anhu) and wrote, “Oh Ameerul Mu’mineen, I am not going to leave the struggle to you and the rest of the companions while I sit in this palace. Whenever you receive this letter know that I am on my way to you and send to this post someone to whom the post is more befitting.”  
Saeed (radiallahu anhu) did not want luxury; he wanted to be in the service of Allah SWT. Saeed (radiallahu anhu) could have chosen to serve from a palace but chose to spend the rest of his life in service to Allah SWT.
In 673 (AH) Saeed (radiallahu anhu) passed away. He prayed Salaatul Fajr at the Masjid one morning, returned home and passed away during his nap. Sa’d ibn Abu Waqqas and Abdullah ibn Umar (radiallahu anhum) were the sahabah who performed Saeed’s (radiallahu anhu) ghusl.
Both of them give the account that whenever they perfumed the body of Saeed (radiallahu anhu), they found that his body already had the sweetest of smells. It was as if Allah SWT was saying to Saeed (radiallahu anhu) that his service has been accepted.
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ummmaymoonah · 7 years ago
They say, there's beauty in the struggle:
With Every Joy there is Sorrow/Sadness
I wanted to share this benefit. We all become happy, but then we become sad.
Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud radiallahu anahu said:
مَعَ كُلِّ فَرْحَةٍ تَرْحَةٌ
“With every joy there is sadness/sorrow”
[Reported by Abdullah Ibn al-Mubaarak in Kitab az-Zuhd no. 962 and others. Graded Saheeh by al-Albani in Silsilatul-Dai’fah no. 1885]
But why is this so?
Imam as-San’aani rahimahullah said:
“And that is from the kindness of Allah upon His servants. So verily, if happiness continued over sadness, then a servant would transgress, rebel, and become arrogant. So Allah breaks the strength of his joy with sadness”
[Tanweer Sharh Jami as-Sagheer (9/555)]
Subhanallah! This explains the bouts of sadness that overcomes everyone at one point. Instead of being sad, we should be happy because in reality, it is Allah’s kindness upon us. Amazing!
Translated by
Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan Abu Sulaymaan
Toronto Dawah 
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marxandriadanei · 6 years ago
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i-asifeq · 4 years ago
Umar [radiyallaahu-anahu] said:
One day the Messenger of Allah [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] commanded us to give sadaqah. At that time I had some property, so I said: Today I shall surpass Abu-Bakr if I am to surpass him any day.  So I brought half of my property. The Messenger of Allaah [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] said: What did you leave for your family? I replied: The same amount. Then Abu-Bakr brought all that he had with him. So the Messenger of Allah [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] said to him: What did you leave for your family? He replied: I left Allah and His Messenger for them. I [Umar] said: I shall never [excel you] in competing you in anything. 
Abu Dawood and graded Hasan by Sh Albaani’ Hadeeth Number: 1678’ Kitaab Az-Zakaah (page: 259)]
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ahmadfachri · 7 years ago
ALLAH Tidak Melihat Rupa Kita, Tetapi Melihat Hati Kita
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وَعَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ صَخْرٍ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ : قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : إِنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يَنْظُرُ إِلَى أَجْسَامِكُمْ وَلاَ إِلَى صُوَ رِكُمْ ، وَلَكِنْ يَنْظُرُ إِلَى قُلُوبِكُمْ
“Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah Abdirrahman bin Syahrin radhiyallahu ‘anhu, ‘Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam bersabda, ‘Sesungguhnya Allah tidak melihat kepada tubuh kalian dan tidak pula kepada rupa kalian, tetapi Dia melihat kepada hati kalian.” (Diriwalatkan Muslim)
Syarah (Penjelasan Hadits)
Sabda beliau “tetapi Dia melihat kepada hati kalian,” dalam riwayat lain dijelaskan “hati dan amal kalian.”
Hadits ini menunjukkan seperti apa yang ditunjukkan oleh firman Allah,
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ مِنْ ذَكَرٍ وَأُنْثَى وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ
“Hai manusia, sesungguhya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki–laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa–bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia di antara kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling bertakwa di antara kamu. Sesungguhnla Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal.” (QS. Al-Hujuraat: 13)
Allah Subhanahu waTa’ala melihat manusia bukan pada badannya; apakah besar, kecil, sehat, atau sakit; dan tidak pula melihat pada rupanya, apakah cantik ataukah jelek.
Semua itu tidak ada harganya di sisi Allah. Begitu juga Allah tidak melihat kepada nasab, apakah nasabnya tinggi atau rendah, tidak melihat pada harta dan tidak melihat kepada salah satu dari hal-hal semacam itu sama sekali.
Tidak ada hubungan antara Allah dan hamba-Nya, kecuali dengan takwa. Barangsiapa yang bertakwa kepada Allah, maka dia lebih dekat kepada-Nya dan lebih mulia di sisi-Nya. Maka dari itu, janganlah kamu membanggakan hartamu, kecantikanmu, keindahan tubuhmu, anak-anakmu, istana-istanamu, mobil-mobilmu dan kekayaan dunia lainnya sama sekali, tetapi jika kamu di samping kaya juga mempunyai ketakwaan yang kuat, maka itu merupakan karunia terbesar dari sisi Allah, karena itu pujilah Allah atasnya.
Ketahuilah bahwa amal perbuatan manusia itu tergantung kepada niatnya dan hatilah yang berperan di dalamnya.
Betapa banyak manusia yang secara lahir amalnya tampak baik, benar, dan shalih, tetapi sesuatu yang dibangun di atas reruntuhan, maka bangunan itu pun akan runtuh.
Niat adalah pondasi. Jika Anda mendapati dua orang yang sedang shalat bersama-sama di shaf yang sama dan mengikuti imam yang sama, tetapi nilai shalat mereka bisa jadi jauh berbeda seperti antara barat dan timur, karena hati mereka berbeda. Yang satu hatinya lalai bahkan mungkin terbersit riya’ di dalam shalatnya serta menghendaki keuntungan dunia, sedangkan satunya hatinya hadir yang dengan shalatnya dia ingin mencari keridhaan Allah dan mengikuti sunah Rasul-Nya.
Antara keduanya terdapat perbedaan yang sangatjauh. Yang akan dinilai untuk mendapatkan pahala di hari Kiamat kelak adalah apa yang terbetik di dalam hati, seperti yang difirmankan Allah,
إِنَّهُ عَلَى رَجْعِهِ لَقَادِرٌ (٨) يَوْمَ تُبْلَى السَّرَائِرُ
“Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar kuasa untuk mengembalikannya (hidup sesudah mati). Pada hari dinampakkan segala rahasia.” (QS. Ath-Thaariq: 8 – 9 )
Hukum yang dijalankan manusia di dunia didasarkan pada sesuatu yang lahir, seperti yang disabdakan Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, “Sesungguhnya saya menetapkan hukum berdasarkan apa yang saya dengar. ” Akan tetapi di akhirat kelak, yang akan dinilai adalah apa yang terbetik di dalam hati. Kita memohon kepada Allah agar Dia membersihkan hati kita semua.
Jika hati kita baik, maka kita optimis akan mendapatkan kebaikan walaupun anggota badan yang lain tidak baik. Allah Subh anahu waTa’ala berfirman,
أَفَلا يَعْلَمُ إِذَا بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي الْقُبُورِ (٩) وَحُصِّلَ مَا فِي الصُّدُورِ
“Maka apakah dia tidak mengetahui apabila dibangkitkan apa yang ada di dalam kubur, dan dilahirkan apa lang ada di dalam dada,” (QS. Al- ‘Aadiyaat:9-10)
Jadi, yang akan dinilai di akhirat kelak adalah apa yang ada di dalam hati. Jika Allah di dalam Kitab-Nya dan Rasulullah di dalam sunahnya menegaskan agar memperbaiki niat, maka yang harus dilakukan manusia adalah agar dia memperbaiki niatnya, menata hatinya, dan melihat keraguan yang ada di dalamnya, lalu menghilangkannya menuju keyakinan. Bagaimana caranya?
Hal itu bisa dilakukan dengan cara melihat tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah, sebagaimana yang difirmankan-Nya,
“Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang berakal.” (QS. Ali Imran: 190)
Di tempat lain Allah berfirman,
“Sesungguhnya pada langit dan bumi benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) untuk orang-orang yang beriman. Dan pada penciptaan kamu dan pada binatang-binatang yang melata yang bertebaran (di muka bumi) terdapat tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) untuk kaum yang meyakini. “ (QS.Al-Jaatsiyah: 3-4)
Oleh karena itu, kamu lihatlah tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah! Jika setan melemparkan keraguan di dalam hatimu, maka lihatlah tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah, lihatlah ke alam semesta ini dan renungkan. Lihat bagaimana keadaan berubah-ubah, bagaimana Allah mengatur pergantian hari bagi manusia hingga kamu tahu bahwa alam ini ada pengaturnya yang Maha Bijaksana, yaitu Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala’.
Bersihkan hatimu dari kesyirikan, bagaimana cara membersihkannya?
Bersihkan hatimu dengan mengatakan kepada dirimu sendiri, “Sesungguhnya jika aku berbuat maksiat kepada Allah, manusia tidak akan bisa memberi manfaat apa-apa kepadaku dan mereka tidak akan bisa menyelamatkanku dari siksa. Tetapi jika aku menaati perintah Allah, mereka tidak akan bisa memberiku pahala.”
Hanya Allah-lah yang memberi pahala dan menahan siksa.’ Jika masalahnya seperti itu, mengapa kamu berbuat syirik kepada Allah? Mengapa kamu berniat dengan ibadahmu untuk mendekatkan diri kepada makhluk.Maka dari itu, siapa yang mendekatkan diri kepada makhluk dengan sesuatu yang dengannya dia mendekatkan diri kepada Allah, maka Allah dan manusia akan menjauh darinya.
Mendekatkan diri kepada makhluk dengan cara yang digunakan untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah tidak akan menambah apa-apa baginya, kecuali justru semakin jauh dari Allah dan makhluk. Jika Allah ridha kepadamu, maka manusia pun akan ridha. Jika Allah murka kepadamu, maka manusia pun akanmurkakepadamu.Na’udzubillahmin dzalik!
Yang penting wahai saudaraku, obatilah dan cucilah hatimu selalu hingga benar-benar bersih, seperti yang difirmankan Allah,
“Mereka itulah orang-orang yang Allah tidak ingin membersihkan hati mereka.”(QS. Al-Maidah: 41 )
Membersihkan hati merupakan perkara penting sekali, saya memohon kepada Allah agar Dia membersihkan hati saya dan kamu, serta menjadikan kita termasuk orang-orang yang ikhlas dalam mengikuti Rasul-Nya.
Referensi: Syarah Riyadush Shalihin Imam Nawawi, karya Syaikh Muhammad bin Shaleh al-Utsaimin, penerbit Darul Falah
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angelinosantos-blog · 7 years ago
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