#anaerobic love
kushanna · 8 months
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Anaerobic Love | Musanso Renai
Naoko Kodama
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lilac-gold · 1 year
Do you ever think about how messed up it is that Rococo said he was surviving on "old TOAST and TOFU" while locked in the walls? Because TOAST is what the gang become if they're defeated/killed, and this could quite probably apply to other beings too. Do you think he could hear the prisoners dying around him? How old was that TOAST? Has he been eating the equivalent of literal corpses in this world? And we all know how much the sprout moles love TOFU, I wouldn't be surprised if he could hear them eating it while they patrolled. He has to stay alive, he has to eat, but he can hear people dying and being tortured and has no way out. He refuses to accept Sweetheart doesn't care about him, even if that means staying in the existence he's currently in.
,,,yeah, no, i don't either-
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letthebookbegin · 2 years
Sapphire n lilac
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HAHAHA thank u aria!!! <3
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absurdumsid · 8 months
I need info on saejun an you obviously know him better than me, so can i have you favorite hcs, theories (how he joined the mtt), or interactions on him w/ the mtt :)
OF COURSE U CAN !! so sorry, it took me a bit to compile all of this from my older notes aaaa have a compensation doodle bc i took SOO long GHGHHHGH
anyway saejun nation pspspspss
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saejun !! THE beloved if u will
he regularly speaks korean but learned english after meeting nightmare and killer
i love to think he's very very strong, he can beat the mtt in a fistfight kind of strong (not like he would, but he'd win)
he can cook decently but he'd choose his brother's cooking any day (even if pilsu is still um learning)
he also really likes spicy dishes !! he bonds over that with dust !
he'd forgive ppl who steal from the farm but he wouldn't forgive harming the crops
he HATES pesticides (i think this is canon actually) but also really hates strong smells in general
sleepy 24/7 he lays in the grass to photosynthesize (he just passes out, pilsu wakes him almost every time)
probably knows a lot of offhand herbology/biology trivia (he can explain the aerobic and anaerobic cycle by heart)
his general attitude toward the mtt/bad sanses is not to pry unless they're the ones who open up to him (even now he only rlly learns about their situations through nightmare who doesn't talk that much about it anyway)
he accepts mtt with open arms and its that accepting (almost forgiving) nature that makes them so super attached to him !!
for me, it's the concept of meeting a version of yourself that lives the most peaceful life and being happy for him, but ALSO not being shunned by that alternate version for being violent and hurting the people that you both love
as for how saejun met mtt, my general interpretation of it is that nightmare struck a deal with saejun for food supplies in exchange for manual labour (so mtt and nightmare help a lot with the harvests! the only ones who really know about it is pilsu, saejun, anseung, and suggu)
killer // 고통씨 (Mr. Misery/Grief)
saejun meets killer first and was the only one helping around the farm
i don't think saejun would be the type to pry into their pasts so he doesn't question killer about himself or anything
killer is the one who opens up to him one stormy night after a stage 3 episode where he holed himself up in the shed and saejun found him cold, shaking, and curled up embracing himself
he calms killer down and tells nightmare abt it and that's how he finds out about killer's past (he doesn't bring it up, but he's always there to help killer after his panic attacks)
he likes to do the chores with killer most of the time just in case he has a run in with chorongi or suggu (the kids are very silly and tend to mess with him and he doesn't know how killer is with children)
they photosynthesize together and sometimes nightmare just comes to get killer in the evening and finds them in the grass
horror // 취급주의 (Handle with Care) or 주주씨 (Mr. Vermillion)
he meets horror second (after he gets kidnapped by nightmare) and saejun isn't really scared of him because he figured that he probably has some hidden issues like killer
saejun thought horror was really fragile at first (because he was very thin and had a skull injury) so he actually had him do mostly little chores like going to the market or gathering eggs from the chickens
after a few months killer doesn't come in (was sent to a mission somewhere else) and saejun needs someone to handle the heavy hay bales (<- he could've done it himself but hes lazy) and horror just kinda Does It and surprises saejun
he starts to depend on horror more and actually admits that he was underestimating him out of concern for his wellbeing and horror says its ok because he was also underestimating saejun (until he saw him carry killer AND a bunch of crops home that one time)
they start to cook together and do the heavier chores (while making silly jokes abt killer) together
horror starts to learn korean by talking with dorihye, saejun, and pilsu as well as asking nightmare for some reading material ! (after finding out that dust also speaks korean, he starts practicing conversation with him !)
dust // 유골씨 (Mr. Ashes)
saejun's meeting with dust was noooot planned at all, nightmare just kinda forced mtt into a portal to farmtale during one of errors visits
horror mostly stayed with dust at first who was just dead silent and stayed in one spot (saejun asked if he wanted any drinks and it took ten excruciating seconds before horror had to answer water for him)
its not until pilsu comes into the house and greets killer and horror and makes a remark about a new brother that he starts to actually talk
dust doesn't exactly warm up to pilsu and more like forces himself to because pilsu starts to ask him what his favourite pasttimes are, his favourite food, if he wants any snacks, etc (killer and horror went through the same thing)
dust eventually gets carried off to the kitchen to cook with pilsu and that's how pilsu finds out dust speaks fluent korean even though they have different dialects
saejun goes into the kitchen and has a little talk with dust (where he learns they both speak korean !! and that that's why dust wasn't speaking that much !) and they bond over pilsu's silliness (dust talks about how his papyrus also loved to cook etc etc, saejun notices that its in past tense but doesn't dig any deeper)
dust eventually starts to visit farmtale with horror frequently to exchange makguksu and ramyeon recipes with pilsu !!
dust is also relatively close with dorihye, anseung, and suggu who tend to remark that "the other saejuns dont really talk much" to which horror always chuckles
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cognitivejustice · 4 months
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Kieran, a longtime mechanical engineer, had just invented Ireland’s first micro-scale anaerobic biodigester.
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What does one even do with a micro-scale anaerobic biodigester?
Well, this particular anaerobic biodigester takes care of nearly 100% of your food waste.
You feed in all your scraps and waste – even hard-to-compost foods like cooked meats, dairy, cakes and liquids go in. Then the anaerobic bacteria get to work breaking down the waste.
After that, out come two very different ready-to-use products: a biogas for cooking and a nutrient-rich liquid fertiliser for gardening.
Food waste goes in. Gas and fertiliser come out.
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‘We were never really into gardening or growing food. That was the biggest thing to change with the digester,’ Kieran says.
‘During lockdown, we set up the polytunnel and started using the fertiliser from the egg to grow tomatoes and courgettes. Because not only have you got a way to get rid of your food waste, you’ve also got a way to grow more food. And the taste was extraordinary. We had loads of tomatoes so we gave them to friends. They couldn’t get over how tasty they were compared to what they were buying from shops.’
Fiona and Kieran have only seen positives come out of using the egg. They love cooking with the biogas they produce themselves, and having no bill for fertiliser.
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academicfever · 4 days
26/100 days of productivity!
Lovely day huh?
Hope u are having a wonderful time where ur heart is at peace!
Today I’ve a lot to do but first thing first let’s start with some wellness checks
notes to self:
• Stop hating yourself for your thoughts.
• Stop setting special rules for yourself.
• Quit acting like you don’t know your story.
• Don’t judge yourself without proper context.
• Quit making ridiculous comparisons with other people.
• You can’t be top at every domain of life
Heal Relationship with yourself:
• Stop treating yourself as a burden.
• Don’t withhold praise (humility ≠ degrading).
• Break the cycle of self-criticism.
• Don’t be abusive with yourself.
• Acknowledge your wins: Motivation.
• Take your feelings seriously.
• Validate your trauma, tough times.
• Be the best friend you wish you had.
Now let’s get to the to-dos of today;
Mental health Checkin
Innovation competition prep
Simulink_ practice
Ansys wb_practice
E-mobility_ analysis_ 3.1,3.2…
Read for pleasure
Catch up with family
Eat as much as u want_ (recovering Anaerobic)
Streetscooter_ module4
Guys I might need to change my research proposal… I’m so lost 😞
Im freaking out about this…
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13 notes · View notes
My dumb ooc headcanon about Ainur is at some moment when Arda was still unmarred and they just started constructing the world and Melkor hadn’t left them there must be some HUGE debates
The topics of the debates:
Should Arda be symmetrical (I think Mairon was actually in the symmetrical group. Do you think maybe his “eye” symbol was actually inspired by the map of Arda Unmarred?)
Should there be multiple continents instead of one and how about we make the land move from time to time (Suggested by an overenthusiastic Aule, who ironically got his wish granted when Arda was marred)
Should we get multiple seas and maybe a thousand more islands and some exciting whirlpools and beautiful square waves? (Petitioned by multiple Ulmo’s Maiar. Again, wish granted in Arda Marred.)
How many volcanos are too many volcanos and how often are they allowed to explode. (Those Maiar that later turned Balrogs were very active in the debate and were disappointed with the result)
Highest speed limit for winds and should we have tornados and how to plan their regular path.
Ice! We need some place for some nice ice!!
Extreme weather is actually nice and adds diversity to the plate
“Maybe we can have this portion of time very hot and another portion of time very cold and a portion of time in the middle. Create a rotation schedule to make everyone happy.” (Multiple groups were NOT happy about the suggestion for different reasons)
Anaerobic or Aerobic? (Some of Yavanna’s Maiar created photosynthesizing bacterium as an experiment, and accidentally caused the Oxygen Catastrophe, the first and only mass extinction not caused by Melkor.)
Lifespan of animals and plants and how fast and how many they reproduce. (Huge never-ending debate among Yavanna’s Maiar.)
Should we live together with the Children when they come? Do we share everything with them?
How much distance do we keep with the Children?
Do we deserve a place for our own? We are building all this world for them surely we deserve a piece of land for ourselves?
Should we keep a piece of land Children-free to conserve all the plants and beasts (Yavanna and her Maiar zealously supported the idea)
What does “Ruling the World” actually mean (Manwe and Melkor had drastically different interpretation of the concept and there were Valar and Ainur picking sides. Nienna & Namo: We are going to clean up your mess and somehow we suspect it won’t be easy.)
My headcanon is a lot of Maiar left with Melkor due to being unsatisfied with one or more results of these debates.
When they broke the world they genuinely believed they were doing the Right thing Eru always intended. It was the other ones that loved the work created by their hands too much and refused to change.
Melkor revealed his full interpretation of “king of the world” much later, and for many Maiar rebelled and fled with him it was a horrible moment. They got to learn what the sheer power differential between Valar and Maiar really meant. 
(My headcanon was most of the Maiar that used to serve Melkor and repented later refused to be directly associated with any Vala ever again.)
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dreadfutures · 2 months
I love all the bridges across the bay... But San Mateo and Dumbarton have a special place in my heart. The salt flats. The industry. The birds swooping near you. The shallows and ten shifting colors of the Bay through its seasons. The salt ponds and their anaerobic bacteria in crimson bloom.
I have dreams about them, the bridges: the low railings, the way the bridge rises up over the water, then dips low to sea level for long, long stretches. I dream of dark shapes near the surface, swimming alongside the racing cars.
I dream about them in the dead of night. Of walking across a bridge with no traffic at all, like walking across the surface of the water itself.
No one loves these bridges like I do.
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getting to see the logistics of things is sooo awesome like i literally bring the food scraps to the place where they take it to get anaerobically digested and then eventually it gets turned into fuel that people will have in their homes and that powers the treatment plant and whatever but i get to see the beginning of it its so epic. love marxism love to see the processes of things beyond their final commodity form
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bacteriashowdown · 7 months
Group: Hydrobacteria; FCB Group
Gram-stain: Negative
Etymology: For Rhodothermus marinus. From the Greek "rhodon", meaning "rose" (cognate with rhododendron) and "thermos", meaning "warm", because of their red color and thermophilic nature.
About: Rhodothermota is the proud owner of the most halophilic (salt-loving) bacteria known to man: Salinibacter ruber. Until 20 years ago with the discovery of S. ruber, it was commonly believed that bacteria could not play a role in salt-dense ecosystems (and that only Archaea dominated these environments). But Rhodothermota share many traits with halophilic Archaea, and they fill a similar, salty, ecological niche. There is also significant horizontal gene transfer between the two.
In general, Rhodothermota are heterotrophic, organotrophic, and halophilic, and may be either thermophilic or mesophilic. They are mostly aerobic, but some are (facultative) anaerobes. Some Rhodothermota are phototrophic, and have special light-sensitive proteins called rhodopsins. The name "rhodopsins" comes from the same root as Rhodothermota, "rhodon": rhodopsins are red in color. The phototrophic Rhodothermota are pigmented, aerobic, and live in environments including salt lakes, hot springs, and hypersaline soil. Other Rhodothermota are strictly chemotrophic, lack pigment, are facultatively anaerobic, and are found in places with less light and oxygen, such as deep sea hydrothermal vents.
The Rhodothermota that have rhodopsins get to use a unique metabolic strategy. Most phototrophs use light to excite electrons, which activate hydrogen pumps when they transfer between different acceptors. But with rhodopsins, the light instead triggers a transformation in the pigment's bond configuration, shifting it from cis to trans. This change is what then activates a hydrogen pump.
This style of phototrophy generates energy using only the proton motive force, instead both a proton motive force and electrons (which are necessary to fix carbon dioxide, and thus be autotrophic). Consequently, these Rhodothermota are both phototrophic and organoheterotrophic, which is a pretty rare metabolism.
The bright color of some Rhodothermota can give their surroundings a unique bubblegum hue. The photo below is of Lake Hillier, an Australian salt lake which gets its color from S. ruber.
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master-john-uk · 7 months
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I am not a farmer... I am just a silly businessman who bought two struggling farms for all the wrong reasons! But, I am learning.
In 2007, following a military exercise on Salisbury Plain I accepted an invitation from a British Army General to join him for dinner at his Dorset home.
I immediately fell in love with the area. It was like stepping back in time without the aid of a TARDIS!
The General took me to a local pub. After a lovely meal, he introduced me to a local farmer, also named John who was sitting at the bar, looking very tired and emotional. I got chatting with Farmer John... He told me that he was struggling to cope with his workload and wanted to retire. But, his wife loved farm life so much that he felt he could never leave the farm, even though they were struggling to make ends meet.
Farmer John was quite intelligent even in his inebriated state, and had calculated that he needed to work 27 hours a day in order to bring the harvest in before the rain that was forecast. I volunteered to help.
The next day I had to go to Dorchester to buy some clothes (I only had an overnight bag). I then drove to the farm. To cut a very long story short, I ended up staying on the farm for three weeks.
I had been there a few days before I had the chance to talk to the farmer's wife on her own. She wanted to get away from the farm, but thought that husband John loved the farming life so much that he would never leave.
Husband and wife both wanted to leave the farm, but thought their partner didn't! This gave me a headache!
Ignoring my business and financial advisors, I made an offer to buy the mainly arable farm.
Both Farmer John and wife Barbara were a bit surprised at my offer... but, it forced them to talk honestly to each other, and they agreed to the deal in principal. In exchange for a reduction on the purchase price of the farm, I bought them a new luxury apartment on the outskirts of Dorchester... and they still live there today.
Ten years later in 2018... The neighbouring dairy farmer told me that he was selling up. They only had 67 cows, and they were all nearing the end of their productive life. All of the cow sheds needed renovating, or replacing. BUT on the plus side... the dairy farm had a huge amount of unused land, and also had a terrace of eight cottages (which also needed renovating.)
My mother had recently passed away... and she loved cows. I had to make an offer on the dairy farm (on my mother's behalf), or risk the site being sold to property developers. (MY financial advisor shook his head in disbelief... again!)
It cost me a fortune to renovate the dairy, and the cottages. But the extra land has allowed us to increase our crop production.
Both farms are now returning profit... albeit small. Our dairy herd has increased from 67 to 327. The anaerobic digestor makes both farms self-sufficient for electricity, and we are constantly working with researchers and universities to develop new ideas.
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unfilteredrealities · 7 months
Today was a better day.
Besides of my uterus for a moment there pinching me and giving me a quick sharp pain for a second which was weird tbh
I managed to eat breakfast which yay!
Pain is a 1 1/2 today 🥳 I had so much energy still when I came back after 8h work that I was still able to do some indoor cycling for 11 min and I did good bcs I had more aerobic and anaerobic training than light or intense which makes me proud. Plus this is a healthy way to get my heart pumping without having it pumping due to anxiety.
Tomorrow is dentist time after work 😩💔🫣 I’m not excited for that at all but I know it’s needed to keep my teeth healthy. I’m glad I have a lovely Dentist she’s so nice and comforting. Plus she gives me lots of local anaesthetics so I can cope better.
Currently life is nice even if each day is another chronically ill hectic day but it’s a good reminder that it’s always a new day and I can see what I can do and I have several chances in hopes the next day is better than the last day.
You are loved , you matter, you are valid!
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iloveandhatefood · 7 months
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man how much I love running outside. I feel so free and happy, the endorphins from running just make me feel so fulfilled ❤️ but never running at -5 c again…. The benefits from running too. The extra calories, visceral fat loss, anaerobic & aerobic fitness, muscle tone and more. It’s so worth it esp when you’re struggling mentally.
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aquaticjess · 1 year
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we enter a new phase of running 😎
way back in march (?) on a day i had a lot of time on my hands, i planned out my ideal running schedule that went until the first week of august. this “plan” increased my weekly running minutes by roughly 10% each week, and gradually increased my running from twice a week, to three times, to four times a week (where I will stay for the foreseeable future). although there were certainly bumps in the road i stayed remarkably consistent and honestly i am so impressed with myself!!!
if all goes to plan, i hope to start training for a half marathon in mid september (no time goals at all, just hoping to stay injury free and increase mileage), but that leaves me with a little over a month with nothing to do in between! and since i still consider myself injury prone and i kinda love having a plan, i am going to follow a month long training program designed to improve your one mile time! this helps me keep my mileage up but moderate, introduces some anaerobic work, but doesn’t strain my body too much in anticipation of the half marathon training.
so today i hit the track for day 0 (hehe) and a mile time trial. i don’t mean to sandbag at all, cause i’m actually happy with my time, but the night before i had 5 drinks (a lot for me (3 with vodka 🍸)) and ate a lot of wonky food, so i thought at one point i might throw up! but i didn’t :) clocked in at 8:10!! i’m pleased with this and think the only way to go is up.
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robustcornhusk · 3 months
1. What proportion of your meals do you cook? 49. How do you take your morning coffee/tea? 64. Where are you on the minimalism-maximalism kinsey scale?
1 - alternate answer!
last week, from monday through sunday, out of every breakfast, lunch, and dinner i ate, 17 were hot -- "cooked" -- and 4 were cold; of the 17 hot meals, 6 used the oven without using the stove; additionally, baked 4 desserts.
so 17/21, or 11/21 depending on how you count baking.
49 - 28 grams of coffee beans, chemex, double-walled glass mug, no additions.
partner gets one half and i get the other, divided with a scale because the precision entertains me. usually drink one cup (~230g) right after running, and a second one around 10am. on days that partner works from the office, i still make a second round of coffee, but then i get to drink both of them.
when it's very hot in the summer, partner makes japanese-style-style iced coffee, but i don't have the coordination to get the ice inside the chemex. i don't usually drink lattes, but i do like them; i have them occasionally in the winter.
all of that makes me sound like a wanker, probably, and i mean, i am. i have opinions on 'washed' vs 'anaerobic' coffees. i am also pretty broad in what i like, though; i have the great luck of living near 2 coffee shops that stock some huge list of local/national/international roasters, so i just buy whatever looks cool when i need another bag of beans. this has only failed me 1 time in the last 4 years, when we got a bag that tasted like olives.
64 - i am an inherently messy person, but my former housemates have described me as 'very clean and neat' and 'i didn't realize it until you moved out but you were the person controlling all the chaos'. that is to say, my inherent tendencies are towards poorly-implemented maximalism but i function better in an environment with less stuff in it.
they're both fine, as long as there's a good understanding of scale, negative space, proportion... with the caveat i genuinely can't move in cramped spaces, similar to how i can't move in thick winter jackets; fucks with my proprioception.
i'm conflating multiple concepts. there's maximalism/minimalism as in 'stuff/not stuff', but there's also maximalism/minimalism as in 'details complicated/details simple', 'yes patterns & textures & colors/no patterns & textures & colors'.
fucking love patterns & textures & colors; dorothy draper and yayoi kusama both. prefer simple details.
equally maximalist and minimalist, leaning towards predominantly minimalist with more than incidental maximalist tendencies.
i'm acutely aware that i need to clean right now and instead of doing that i've written long-ass answers
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sophia-sol · 9 months
wow it's a new year! gosh. well let's talk about the IMPORTANT things, like this round-up of all the recs I did over the course of this month on mastodon! this month you will find:
3 article recs 6 tgcf recs 6 cql/mdzs recs 4 original short story recs 1 multifandom rec 1 doctor who rec 1 2ha rec 29 yuletide recs
(yuletide fandoms are: My Cousin Rachel, Jane of Lantern Hill, Sunshine, All the Horses of Iceland, Gods of Jade and Shadow, Debrief, Deeplight, Yudah Cohen, Winter's Orbit, Goncharov, Left Hand of Darkness, Mr Queen, Ocean's 8, I Want To Go Home!, Knives Out, Tortall, When the Angels Left the Old Country, The Blue Castle, Vespertine, Jeeves & Wooster, Chess (Musical), Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Ocean's Echo, The Goblin Emperor, Temeraire, and the Enchanted Forest Chronicles.)
Black Silk, Brown Silk: China and Beyond—Traditional Practice Meets Fashion, by Abby Lillethun, 2008
just read this interesting article on a technique for dyeing silk fabric a black colour in southeastern Asia, which can be called gummed silk or mud-treated/mud-dyed/mud-coated silk or a variety of other names
The article is about the socio-cultural context of the fabric's use in the last century and a half, which is fascinating, but now I want to know more about the chemistry of what goes on in this dyeing process. Especially since this is a process that involves iron in creating the black colour, and my understanding is that iron-rich dyes tend to corrode fabric over time, but gummed silk is specifically noted as being durable!
(the internet only wants to provide me fluff pieces about chinese fashion when I try searching) anyway the article is worth reading in itself even if it doesn't do everything I want it to!
Blue to black: Hypotheses on plant use complexity in traditional dyeing processes in Southeast Asia and China, by S. Li, A.B. Cunningham, Y. Shi, Z. Qiu, A. Hartl, X. Ding, S. Wu, Y. Wang.
I just read this paper on traditional indigo dyeing methods in Southeast Asia & China and it's so INTERESTING.
did you know: humans have been dying textiles with indigo dyes for at LEAST 6,000 years? despite it being a very complex multi-stage process? I am so impressed. (I'm also impressed we manage to have evidence of this! archeological research into the history of fibre arts is always a trial, for obvious reasons)
an indigo dye vat needs to be an alkaline environment that has been fermented to grow anaerobic bacteria
the dye vat will need various ingredients included to promote the fermentation and the correct type of bacterial growth, as well as to create the alkaline environment, and is monitored and maintained over time to make sure it goes right
the reason you need all this is because indigo particles don't actually penetrate the fibres; you need to reduce the size of the indigo particles, and when they're small enough you can turn them into leuco-indigo which CAN penetrate the fibres. then when the material you're dyeing is exposed to air, the leuco-indigo turns back into indigo and is trapped in the fibres!
if you want to overdye the indigo to create black, you also need a source of tannins as well as hyperaccumulator plants to be a source of metal mordant
so if you have indigo you can dye fabric black without using iron! iron corrodes fabric over time, and is the other main way to create a black dye, so this is amazing
modern industrial indigo-dyeing uses toxic reducing agents instead of the fermented dye bath, and this paper is intended to provide information on how sustainable dyeing could be done in a modern context as well. which, rock on. I love this.
Mickey, Disney, and the Public Domain: a 95-year Love Triangle, by Jennifer Jenkins
really enjoyed this article about Mickey Mouse and what it means practically speaking for Steamboat Willie to join the public domain in 2024! TGCF TGCF
Ming Yi's Monologue, by Zdenka
The original Ming Yi doesn't get much attention in fanworks, perhaps understandably since he never appears on-screen in tgcf while alive (or as a ghost, or otherwise able to exist and communicate), but he's a fascinating character to speculate about through what we know of him!
This short work is from Ming Yi's pov, a poem addressed to He Xuan from after death
it's so much fun! I love the pov, and I love the air of menace and resentment from ming yi towards his usurper. Perfect ending.
300 words in length
party city, by verity
rule 63 modern au hualian
it is so SOFT and suffused with care that I am all emotions!!!!
also. the outfits. I die.
3k words in length
My Love for You is Crimson, by elfowlgirl
xie lian gets an idea for a fun adventure and hua cheng loves to indulge his husband's mischievous side (I LOVE THIS)
the idea: if hua cheng went to heaven wearing clothes that aren't red, would anyone recognize him?
a charming and cute fic!
3k words in length
thanks to [email protected] for the rec!
Double Trouble, by corduroyserpent
wow?!?! jun wu is such a disaster and this is amazing
post-canon, jun wu has a qi deviation that splits off a younger version of himself as bai wuxiang
mei nianqing suggests that jun wu can fix it by dual cultivating with himself. jun wu is NOT into it but makes it work with mei nianqing's help.
3k words in length
thanks to to [email protected] for the rec!!!
we all have a hunger, by spicecandy
beefleaf modern reincarnation! reincarnation isn't usually my thing but I liked how it was handled here
he xuan has not developed any more chill over the years between when sqx dies and when sqx is finally reincarnated
he xuan's pov is very fun. the drama! the pathos! meanwhile sqx is clearly just having a nice time bonding with he-jie. beefleaf always about contrasts :)
I believe in u, he xuan! you can do it! have an actual relationship with sqx!!
also the gender stuff is great.
6k words in length
thanks to [email protected] for the rec!
shadowplay, by bloodletter
a postcanon beefleaf reconciliation fic; it's a wip and the first chapter was just posted today
sqx wakes up in a mysterious cave and finds that hx has saved her life and taken her there
the gothic vibes are out of this world and I love it so much, I am just eating this up, it's delicious. there's even a bit where sqx is standing on rocks looking out over a tempestuous sea!
hx is peak drama kid, peak capital-R Romantic, peak cannot-let-things-go. and sqx is unable to look away
I cannot wait to watch the rest of this unfold!
For the Love of Quilting, by Scrippio
a super cute modern au where wangxian are quilters! I love how much the author is clearly familiar with quilting and is able to imbue the fic with insider perspectives on the art/hobby
I love when writers port "these characters are super skilled at The Thing The Show Is About" into a completely different domain like this, especially when it's a domain that doesn't get much attention from fandom usually!
the dynamics between wwx and lwj are also so fun, the way they click so easily, and push each other, and inspire each other, and love each other
also I dearly want to see all the quilts that are described in the fic lol
5k words in length
It's Only Time, by soupytwist
wangxian fanvid set to "It's Only Time" by the magnetic fields
I tend to be a hard sell on vids set to slower songs but this one totally captured me
a gorgeous look at the endlessness of lwj's love
thanks to [email protected] for the rec that brought this one to my attention!
Hold On, I'm Coming, by inkjunket
wangxian fanvid set to "Hold On, I'm Coming" by Book featuring Ndidi O
damn this vidder is so good at using the motion of clips with the music to create and build intensity!
I love how clear the arc is of what the vid is doing, even with almost no words in the song
thanks to [email protected] again for reccing this one!
Ready For It?, by wrensandroses
fanvid focusing on jin guangyao, especially his relationships with lxc and nmj and qin su
set to "Ready For It" by Taylor Swift
this was so much FUN. the song makes it a real bop, experiencing jgy and his uhhhhhh Choices. the vid makes excellent use of his patented customer service smile also!
thanks yet again to [email protected] for the rec!
like a virgin (feels so good inside), by wildwestwind
modern au where wei wuxian is a camboy and wen ning is his roommate
wei wuxian is bad at recognizing boundaries and wen ning is bad at having them and it leads to them having sex together on camera
they are both disasters and I love them very much!
3k words in length
thanks to [email protected] for the rec!
Salt in Our Sentences, by hansbekhart
exploring the relationship between Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji; the three months of almost-friendship when they were searching for Wei Wuxian together, and then the many years of hatred that followed
and yet lwj saves jc's life when he's injured in a night hunt. but they still hate each other.
the deep well of bitterness on both sides, as both feel fully justified in their hate! god it's so good. the vibes in this fic are impeccable.
2k words in length
thanks [email protected] for the rec!
Maladaptive Camouflage, by Ann Leblanc
a woman with a gun is faced with two identical people who both claim to be her wife
it's a fascinating short horror story about shape-shifting monsters who can duplicate human forms
told through the pov of a shape-shifter!
2k words in length
Catch and Release, by Nemainofthewater
an original xianxia short story on ao3
in which an unorthodox cultivator gets himself adopted by a small child who turns out to be part of a major righteous sect, despite the unorthodox cultivator's attempts to remain a lone wolf unencumbered by attachments
totally adorable and delightful!
1k words in length
My Bonsai Lover in Winter, by Rachael K. Jones
I'm not quite sure what to make of this short story but it's odd and lovely and I enjoyed reading it so I'm sharing it with you as well.
content note for body horror I think
1k words in length
There’s a Door to the Land of the Dead in the Land of the Dead, by Sarah Pinsker
about queer intergenerational friendship and mentorship, about being a young adult trying to find your place, about death and what it means to you, about living through the death of all your peers and coming out the other side, about hope and love and making connections.
holy shit this gave me so many emotions. READ IT READ IT READ IT.
also I adore the title. pinsker writes great titles.
6k words in length
Bicycle Race, by seekingferret
multifandom vid set to Queen's "Bicycle Race"
no serious deep meaning, just a whole lot of different people bicycling in a whole lot of different fandoms!
charming and fun to watch
Rest, by Aria
I left the doctor who era of my life behind in 2012 but when one of my beloved doctor who friends posted a new fic today inspired by the newest doctor who happenings, I had to read it
and guess what I had SO many feelings! the doctor! and donna! and finding ways to rest and live a linear life on earth with people he cares about and learning how to find the mundane things worth paying attention to!
3k words in length
oh, to be in love (and never get out again), by verity
rule 63 modern au f/f ranwan
chu wanning has atticwifed taxian-jun
cwn is SO horny for her wife (wives) but can't let herself just enjoy that
1k words in length
The Collar Tightens, by nemali
fic for My Cousin Rachel
post-canon fic from Louise's perspective!
Philip is haunted by the ghost of Rachel!
Louise struggles to keep up the mindset that of COURSE she must be happy to be married to Philip!
-1k words in length
Longest and Lasting, by Jougetsu
fic for Jane of Lantern Hill
fic about Aunt Gertrude through the years, her relationship with her mother and siblings, and growing into the person we see through Jane's eyes in the book
so good and believable! poor Gertrude. she never had an opportunity to escape, or to learn how to want something other than her mother's approval!
1k words in length
under our skins, by Wildcard
fic for Robin McKinley's novel "Sunshine" featuring Mel and Mel's tattoo artist!
told through the notes kept by the tattoo artist on each tattoo associated with Mel
Such a great glimpse into Mel's side of Sunshine's world!
1k words in length
The Nameless Mare and the Mountains, by tryfanstone
Take the beautiful novella All the Horses of Iceland, and tell it from the perspective of one of the horses!
just as beautiful and numinous as the original!
1k words in length
descent, by misura
fic for Silvia Moreno-Garcia's Gods of Jade and Shadow
such a fun pov choice to have it from Vucub-Kame's perspective!
I loved the arguments between Vucub-Kame and Hun-Kame, and between Hun-Kame and Casiopeia!
2k words in length
Souls in the River, by primeideal
Fic for the two-person roleplay game Debrief (I LOVE DEBRIEF!!!!)
featuring Dora and Jean, the wives of the player characters in the game, and I love how it makes them real people with their own complex relationship with each other!
I also love what it does with footnotes, it is a GENIUS way of doing pov things for this particular canon
ahhhh there are so many great details in the fic too!
3k words in length
the lord survives the rainbow of his will, by XenomorphLiebe
fic for the Frances Hardinge book "Deeplight"
focusing on the friendship between Hark and Jelt
absolutely perfect creepy vibes, and capturing what's compelling to Hark about his friendship with Jelt despite everything
also perfect bits about Quest as mentor-figure!
4k words in length
An Occasion On Which Yudah Cohen Was, Shockingly, Not Required To Meddle, by whetherwoman
fic for the Yudah Cohen series of short stories by Rebecca Fraimow
ft. exactly what the title describes
and ahhhh what a DELIGHTFUL story, a perfect little addition to the world of Yudah Cohen that feels exactly right!
it feels like Yudah Cohen and his family and the people around him are the kinds of people about whom endless stories COULD be told, and this is simply another absolutely correct story about his life.
2k words in length
Groundhawk Day, by Caracalliope
fic for Everina Maxwell's book Winter's Orbit
a timeloop on Kiem and Jainan's wedding day! oh noes, what will they do!
I love the timeloop as an external factor they have to face together
Kiem is so KIEM! I love him so much. the way he is delighted every time by whatever Jainan's done with his hair and clothes!
and I am so glad the fic cares as much as I do about the external non-romantic relationships for both of the romantic leads. how Bel is an integral part of things no matter what, and how much Jainan and his sister love each other
4k words in length
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Goncharov, by berlincorpography
fic about the made-up film Goncharov, by which I mean, fic about the made-up academics who study the real-in-their-world film Goncharov and have fights about it in academic journals, and also write fic about it
told entirely via text messages, ao3 comments, academic paper abstracts, and emails
yes obviously it's enemies-to-lovers
it's completely delightful, I love everything about it
6k words in length
thanks to [email protected] for the rec!
Uncautionary Tales, by Roadsterguy
fic for The Left Hand of Darkness, set generations after canon!
a young person of Gethen dreams of journeying out to join the rest of the Ekumen; their parent tells them the story of the Envoy and of Estraven
I love this outside perspective on the characters we know and love from canon, and what must have/might have happened to them, and the stories they've become in the generations since!
the original characters are wonderful also, bringing a great dynamic to the discussion of what it means to be a Gethenian vs an Outsider, and to the consideration of what a story means and what it means to tell that story
yuletide always brings fabulous left hand of darkness fics and this one is no exception!
2k words in length
Some Things that No One Teaches You, by DachOsmin
another Left Hand of Darkness fic!!! just as good as the other one! god I love fandom
genly and estraven on the ice, while estraven is in kemmer; a classic premise
this one is so sweet and loving, so full of genly being obtuse about things but trying so hard regardless, and estraven wanting him despite it all!
2k words in length
Instructions for those who have relocated in space, time and/or genitalia, by Jang Bong Hwan - by halotolerant
have I watched Mr Queen? no I have not. but I HAVE had friends tell me about it and that's nearly as good, in that it means I could read this fic and understand and appreciate it
Jang Bong Hwan is writing down maxims about how to survive the experience of bodyswapping through time and space, for reference for future people in the same situation
Jang Bong Hwan gets a little off topic. a lot.
Jang Bong Hwan loves Cheoljong so much!
delightful and charming throughout, such an engaging and endearing narrative voice
7k words in length
Double Down, by chasesstarlight
pre-canon story for Ocean's 8, telling the story of how Lou and Debbie met each other and the first con they worked together!
a fun story with a con that does a good job of fulfilling the story's needs
I really enjoyed the Debbie/Lou dynamics!
6k words in length
The boys are back in town, by scintilla10
post-canon fic about I Want To Go Home! featuring young adult Mike and Rudy going back to the camp for a reunion weekend
super cute and sweet, and I loved how much camp turns out to be just….camp. Chip is a reasonable person who's grown up some more and was embarrassed about how at a loss he'd been as a counsellor, the new camp director is making changes to the programming, the other attendees are into the group bonding activities but don't force Mike and Rudy to do anything
and it leaves Mike and Rudy a lot of time to just hang out and figure out what they mean to each other!
8k words in length
the most riveting intermission, by 061828
cute little fic for the Knives Out universe, about Benoit Blanc and Phillip's first meeting!
from Phillip's pov and I loved seeing Benoit Blanc from his perspective
2k words in length
The Duke's Curse, by Ghostinthehouse
Tortall fic set in the Alanna era, about the ways different parts of the country deal with the famine, in the year after the use of the dominion jewel
I liked the realistic look at what the differences would be in how hard the famine is depending on the main sources of food, eg in Pirate's Swoop which can look to the sea, vs Trebond with its field crops, and the people who have to go hungry vs the people who merely have to eat less deliciously than usual.
I would have loved the inclusion as well of a place where the people in charge don't care as much about the well-being of the commoners through the famine, but I understand why the fic didn't want to go there!
2k words in length
if it were physical, it would show, by orthostatics
a Tortall fic set during the era when Duke Roger is dead the first time, from Alex of Tirragen's pov
omg I am OBSESSED with this minor canon divergence au that takes seriously the question of what Alex's motivations are
the fucked up relationships between Alex and Delia, Alex and Roger, Alex and Thom! Alex's obsession with and failure to understand Alanna! Roger continuing to be horrible from beyond the grave!
5k words in length
Known, by Kass
a lovely post-canon fic about Uriel after When The Angels Left the Old Country, as its relationship with Ash evolves but remains the cornerstone of its life
also full of Jewish geekery (as the tags of the fic say too!) which feels so right for fic of this book!
3k words in length
Zichronam Livracha, by azhdarchidaen
another fic for When the Angels Left the Old Country, this one set 200 years later in the present day
Ash and Uriel have continued to live in the US, and have brought Essie and Rose's papers to donate to a Jewish archive
I love the archivist, and I love Uriel and Little Ash, and I love that from both sides there's kindhearted delight at seeing young people interested in preserving history!
1k words in length
a place where joy is known, by redgear
a fic about The Blue Castle! a fic about Abel and Barney's friendship!!!
I love this look at what their friendship is like - and at what Abel's perspective on Valancy is like!
1k words in length
the place you need to reach, by go_gentle
Artemisia/Marguerite fic for the book Vespertine, a post-canon adventure
look I have a terrible memory and don't remember most of what happened in Vespertine but I DO remember I loved the book, and this felt like a great addition to it
Artemisia stops getting letters from Marguerite and immediately knows it means something is wrong and goes after her
investigating a creepy group of people with the help of her revenant!
Marguerite isn't just a damsel waiting for rescue!
I really enjoyed it
8k words in length
Supporting Partner's Suit, by Persiflager
a delightfully charming Jeeves/Wooster story wherein Wooster is bodyswapped with Honoria Glossop
I loved the original character Tilly and I was SO cheering on the Tilly/Honoria ship!
and of course Wooster and Jeeves are beautifully themselves as always
6k words in length
Building Bridges, by the_alchemist
fic about the musical Chess!
Anatoly/Svetlana navigating their relationship in the aftermath, in all its complexities
navigating the feelings and the realities of their lives and what they are and aren't capable of being for each other, but being connected on some level despite it all!
second person pov
6k words in length
A Winter Wood Warming, by Terrantalen
post-canon Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell fic, about Arabella and Emma and a trip to Faerie
much of it told through letters and journal entries
I love the developing relationship between the two women, how important they are to each other, and how Arabella's relationship with the missing Jonathan is treated at the same time
and the sense of the numinous fits just right into the way it's handled in canon!
what a good fic. one I will definitely want to return to to reread.
9k words in length
Secrets Kept, by softboypassing
post-canon Temeraire fic about Laurence/Tharkay exploring Tharkay's estate for the first time
really good at vibes and the themes and the narrative voice! loved this one!
7k words in length
Guidance Lights and Caffeine Shots, by lc2l
coffee shop au for Ocean's Echo!
wherein Tennal runs a froofy indie coffee shop and Surit is on a budge that doesn't allow for froofy drinks
super cute!
4k words in length
Interregnum, by Samizdat
Goblin Emperor fic set during the period between the crash of the Wisdom of Choharo and the coming of Edrehasivar VII
featuring various other people whose lives were changed by what happened!
I loved seeing all these other little perspectives on the upheaval of that time
5k words in length
Procrastinating with Princesses, by azurefishnets
an Enchanted Forest Chronicles fic that takes place post-canon, about one of Kazul's grandchildren
featuring a dragon who doesn't want to have to choose a gender in order to be considered an adult, and a princess who's also a prince
the next generation finding their own ways to be "improper" and shock the the older generation! gender experiences outside the binary! a very fun dragon-and-princess relationship! I loved it all
8k words in length
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