#ana tejano
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scrrry-mnsters · 11 days ago
Name: Ren
Age: 25
He is fine too, idgaf
- I am a queer Tejano (Latino from Texas) artist who currently lives in the Midwest US and has ADHD.
- My current hyperfixations are Marko & Paul from The Lost Boys, Bill S. Preston Esq., puppets, animatronics, vampires, JJBA, and vocaloid
- I have two cats (Peggy and David J) and a bearded dragon (Rio)
- My full-time job at a hospital that I work to survive paycheck to paycheck leaves me unable to really work on art (I get locked in a small room with hazardous drugs for 8 hours a day), so it’s pretty rare when I post art for now
- I get very trigger happy with the block button, especially if you’re a minor, a nazi, pro-ana, fear-monger, a hoe, or I just think you’re annoying
- I don’t really socialize much online, I just post and leave. I’ll socialize in comments, but that’s the extent of it.
- Idk, just let me scream into the void and I’ll be fine.
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tecontos · 1 year ago
Noite de apresentação de TCC na U.E.X.M de São Paulo. (lesb)
By; Tercia
Ola, sou a Tercia e sou de São Paulo, tenho 23 anos.
Era noite de apresentação de TCC na Universidade EsPAUdual das Xoxotas Molhadas, uma universidade para todos. Alguns alunos  consultavam anotações, outros preferiam estudar em grupo: 
– Ãããã... ããããã... Vou gozar ... Tô gozando! Assim, assim...  Chupa meu grelo... Mama...
A caminho da sala onde os alunos se submeteriam a banca avaliadora, a Professora Maria dos Prazeres passou pelo trisal e sorriu. Pena que como as aulas eram a noite, ela não havia conseguido ver mais que a silhueta dos alunos, pois pelo visto eles estavam levando a sério o estudo em grupo já que mesmo na penumbra ela podia muito bem ver que a jovem de saia levantada que gemia loucamente, rebolava na boca de um rapaz enquanto batia uma punheta para o outro.
Ela entrou na sala de aula onde os alunos defenderiam suas teses e se sentou junto as outras professoras. A dupla que iria fazer a apresentação oral era uma das que frequentavam suas aulas avançadas de Chupar Xoxota e já aguardavam as instruções:
– Espero que estejam preparadas. – Maria dos prazeres disse para Marta e Célia.
– Sim professora! – elas responderam.
– Lembrem-se que vocês serão avaliadas pela criatividade, além do desempenho. Trouxeram material de apoio? – A professora Paula Tejano lembrou.
A dupla mostrou seus dildos, strapons, plugs e lubrificantes numa mesa de cabeceira ao lado da grande cama que ficava diante da lousa da sala de aula.
– Nosso objetivo é avaliar a qualidade e intensidade do squirt que vocês conseguem proporcionar a colega. - A terceira avaliadora Ana Konda orientou.
– Nós somos Marta e Célia e vamos hoje fazer uma demonstração prática baseada numa extensa pesquisa de campo. O título da nossa apresentação é: squirt, como transformar uma buceta num poço de tesão.
– Ótimo, comecem quando quiser. – A professora Maria dos Prazeres disse cruzando as pernas, a fenda da saia deixando as alunas apreciarem a liga de renda que ela usava. 
Célia e Marta foram para a cama entre sorrisinhos cúmplices, as mãos dadas, concentradas. Olharam uma para a outra e começaram se beijar. Marta parecia ansiosa e já passava as mãos pela bunda de Célia, levantando a saia e dando a professora uma visão privilegiada daquela raba de calcinha fio dental. Célia abriu as pernas querendo ser tocada na bucetinha e elas estavam tão em sintonia que Marta percebeu sem que nenhuma delas precisasse falar nada. 
As professoras assistiam as duas mulheres se tocando, se pegando com força. As mãos nos corpos uma da outra e elas começando se despir. Célia tirou sua camisa e sua saia, ficando apenas de calcinha, sutiã e salto alto. Marta abriu a camisa e desceu a saia e já estava peladinha. A safada não estava usando calcinha e sutiã. Amarrou a blusa embaixo dos peitos, deixando eles balançarem livremente para fora. Célia se sentou na beirada da cama e puxou Marta para o colo, com a língua para fora, louca para chupar aqueles peitos deliciosos. Ela mamava os peitos e apertava a bunda da amiga. Elas rebolavam, as xoxotas se tocando, gemendo de prazer.
– Ãããããnnnn – Marta gemeu e olhou para as professoras. Maria dos Prazeres assistia a cena impassível, a caneta indo e vindo pelo seu caderno de anotações. 
– Isso sua safada, geme gostoso. – Célia falou, esfregando os dedos no grelinho da amiga. 
Deitaram-se na cama e se posicionaram para um 69 bem melado, rebolando uma na cara da outra, os dedos se enfiando no cuzinho e na buceta.  Marta fazia biquinho e sugava o grelo da amiga para frente e para trás, pressionando e lambendo. Os lábios chupando a língua e recebendo o impacto macio, fazendo Célia gemer.
– Ãããããñnnn ãããããnnnnnnn
– Que maneira de chupar um grelo! Nunca tinha visto igual. – Paula Tejano comentou com as colegas de banca.
– Marta, você, por favor, poderia mostrar a professora Paula um pouco da técnica que aprendeu nas nossas aulas de orgasmos múltiplos por chupada?
– Claro professora, será um prazer. – Marta falou limpando o canto da boca com uma cara safada. A professora Paula se aproximou, levantou a saia, Marta segurou os lábios da buceta da professora e mamou como estava fazendo com a amiga.
– Nossaaaa... Dá para perceber que você estudou. – Paula rebolava enquanto com a mão masturbava Célia que aguardava a continuidade do exame. – Está com a matéria na ponta da língua. HÃÂÂÂÂÂÂN... Que delícia. – Ela falou gemendo e saindo, voltando ao seu lugar, baixando a saia que usava.
Marta e Célia voltaram a chupada, mas foi por pouco tempo. Vestindo seu strapon e colocando o dildo duplo,  Marta ficou de pé ao lado da cama e fez sinal para Célia.
– Deita, minha safadinha, você vai esguichar mais que uma mangueira de jardim. – Ela falou colocando as pernas da amiga em seus ombros e puxando ela para baixo, metendo a parte maior do dildo duplo na xotinha melada e a menor esfregando o cuzinho. Metia rebolando na amiga, alternando movimentos rápidos e lentos, o quadril ondulando sensualmente, como uma dançarina de dança do ventre.
Célia abriu a própria buceta com uma mão e esfregava o grelo com outra, mas diferente da amiga os movimentos dela eram apressados, os dedos urgentes, mais rápidos que uma fofoqueira digitando em seu celular. Ela empinava o corpo, rebolando embaixo de Marta, se retorcendo, gemendo. 
– Quase... Quase... Tô quase...  – Marta saiu de dentro da amiga e começou chupar o grelo junto com os dedos de Célia.  – Ããããããã agoooooora. 
E num movimento ensaiado Marta segurou os peitões perto da buceta da amiga. O squirt foi tão forte que melou a pele macia dela, parte do líquido ficou parada ali, como uma piscininha de tesão. A professora Maria dos Prazeres levantou e bateu palmas para as alunas: 
– Parabéns. Nunca vi desempenho igual.
– Querem provar, professoras? – Marta segurava os peitos melados e se aproximou da banca. As professoras se levantaram lambendo, provando o sabor do squirt de Célia diretamente dos peitos de Marta, as línguas se tocando na pele melada da aluna, sugando o bico dos peitos dela, matando a sede naquele poço de paixão.
– Que delícia. – Ana Konda elogiou.
– Gostou, professora? – Célia perguntou ficando de pé ao lado de Marta, as duas alunas aguardando a opinião da professora. 
– Muito. É notável que tiveram uma professora muito boa. E agora gostaríamos de ver Marta tendo o squirt. – Ana ajeitou seus papéis, lambendo os lábios. – Quando estiverem prontas.
Célia deitou na cama e abriu as pernas, chamando a colega. Marta se aproximou, chupando os peitos e a bucetinha melada da amiga que gemia e mantinha os olhos fechados.
– Ããããããñnnnnnn – Ela gemia enquanto Marta se posicionava chupando o grelo – Você é tão safada.  – Ela rebolava na cama.
Célia e Marta se esforçavam, tentando por em prática tudo que a exigente professora do prazer tinha ensinado para elas. Uma vida de prática não era garantia de satisfazer os parâmetros das exigentes professoras da banca avaliadora. Elas precisavam surpreender. Elas gemiam com os grelos pulsando, as coxas trêmulas, os seios arrepiados de tesão.
– Hummmmm hummmmm... Vou gozar! – Ela rapidamente levantou as pernas e, contraindo a bucetinha fez o squirt vir forte! Mexendo a bunda, apertando a xota e rebolando, esguichando como uma fonte de tesão e com a prática de anos, conseguiu atingir as professoras, hidratando elas com seu suco de xoxota. – Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhh – ela gemia... o gozo longo e forte. 
As alunas haviam terminado e olhavam para as professoras com os olhos brilhando de expectativa. As três professoras se beijavam e lambiam o rosto uma da outra, aproveitando cada gota do squirt da aluna.
– Parabéns, com certeza vocês demonstraram como transformar uma buceta num poço de tesão. E agora podem ir que iremos nos recompor para a próxima avaliação.
Elas foram saindo, nuas e gozadas para o corredor, mas pararam na porta e se atreveram perguntar:
– E nossa nota professora?
Maria dos Prazeres e suas colegas se aproximaram uma da outra, cochicharam e olharam seus apontamentos e anotações. Paula Tejano ainda lambeu o pescoço de Ana Konda, que fez que sim com a cabeça, concordando com algo que a colega havia dito. As professoras endireitaram o corpo e Maria dos Prazeres, sorrindo, disse:
– Nota dez.
E mais duas alunas formadas na U.E.X.M de SP.
Enviado ao Te Contos por Tercia
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mulderscully · 1 year ago
I’m not the same anon but about TS and Ana (I’m brazilian) she only donated to Ana’s family and had them at the concert after people were getting mad and vocal at her not doing anything. She didn’t mention Ana’s name in her statement via instagram story and the Bigger Than the Whole Sky dedicatory was implicit, I have a friend who was there and Taylor didn’t even say a word she just let people assume it was it. It took her a whole week to donate the money meanwhile Ana’s mom was on several tv +
+ channels crying and asking for help because they could’t afford to transport Ana’s body back home, the fans had to raise the money themselves. This is coming from someone who is or was fan, as a brazilian this changed permanently how I see her so I just wanted to give you the all the info in case you didn’t know because no one outside Brazil seemed to be telling the whole story
i don't think that's acceptable, of course not.
however it feels important to mention, in spirit of the original ask, the person who died at the parade was also latina— her name is lisa lopez-galvan and hosted a radio show focused on tejano music.
hopefully taylor learned from past mistakes, but i have no idea what her thought process actually is and i don't condone her actions or inactions.
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newmusicweekly · 4 months ago
DJ Felli Fel Debuts on KBBT (98.5 The Beat) in San Antonio
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KBBT (98.5 The Beat) in San Antonio debuts DJ Felli Fel as its new syndicated midday show from 10am-3pm. Felli is one of the most-recognized radio & club DJs with roots in Atlanta, Dallas and Los Angeles. He made his mark on the radio scene starting at Tejano KHCK (Kick FM) in Dallas. This would eventually lead him to Hip Hop KKDA (K104) in Dallas before finding his home at KPWR (Power 106) in Los Angeles. Felli now starts his new syndicated show, partnering with Radio Resources. Felli commented, "I'm super excited to start this venture with my new syndicated radio show. Big shout out to Hamm and 98.5 The Beat San Antonio for being the first to join the journey. Cheers to my super duper producers Ana Ramirez and Dejah Boo for all their hard work. Coming to your city soon is The Felli Show." Read the full article
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conscious-love · 4 years ago
The thing about heartbreak, I realized, is it's not really about waiting for things to stop hurting before you start moving. A broken heart can and will heal in time, but for time to actually do its job, I needed to acknowledge what I had lost, and move on.
Ana Tejano, Keep the Faith
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lifeofafemalebibliophile · 3 years ago
Romance Roundup: June
Welcome to “Romance Roundup” where I share mini-reviews of 3 to 4 romance novels I’ve recently read. This month’s edition includes a story about a cruise ship romance, an upcoming baseball star, and an anthology of cute love stories. For Vacation Only by Mila Nicks (2021) When wealthy Blake Mulligan gets jilted at the altar, he breaks free of his ‘predictable’ reputation by going on the…
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fandomsandfeminism · 2 years ago
So...as a white American, obviously this is an outsider perspective, and there are way way more nuanced conversations about this happening within Latino communities. As someone who grew up in a very Latino community in Texas, it is a very interesting conversation to me though, and given that Hispanic Heritage Month is wrapping up, and Native American Heritage month is around the corner, I'd love to hear other people, especially Latino/Hispanic people's thoughts on it.
Why do we, overall, not think of Latino people as being *indigenous*?
Like, if I were to talk to someone here in the US who was Pueblo or Lipan Apache or Cheyenne, and I was told that they grew up speaking English- that doesn't make them not indigenous. If they told me that they feel their culture and way of life has been deeply influenced by colonialism, that doesn't make them not indigenous. If they told me they had a grandparent or great grand parent or great great great grand parent who was white- that wouldn't make them not indigenous. If they had a "white" sounding name- that wouldn't make them not indigenous. Right?
So. *gestures to Latin America*
Especially here in Texas, if you described a Tejano or Mexican-American person as "native American" or indigenous, most people would be...confused by that.
And I just wonder why that difference exists.
Is it a history of anti-indigenous racism/colorism/classism? Is it because it would fundamentally challenge the white supremacist myth that Native Americans have all but died out? Is it a way to frame the Mexican Revolution so it doesn't feel like a story of indigenous people successfully repelling a colonizing empire and successfully self governing?
Is it because it would too obviously challenge the white supremacist "pan-Indian" way of lumping indigenous American groups together? Is it, from a US standpoint, a way of mentally distancing Mexico and the rest of Latin America from being "American" in any way? Is it because, at least in the southern US, our perception of Latino people as "immigrants" outweighs their possible identity as indigenous? (Which, God, is already so laughable in Texas where for so many of these communities, they didn't cross the border- the border crossed them)
Is it a combination of all these things? Is it something else?
There are still communities within Latin America that speak traditional languages and have more traditional cultural practices, who are still very much identified as indigenous. But does their existence inherently negate the indigenous-status of other Latino people? (Obviously, that's not something I can decide or define, but a personal and community conversation for those people. )
As I said at the beginning, I've seen this discussion popping up more in Latino communities in recent years, and I just find the whole question, especially within Texas and Tejano culture, to raise some interesting thoughts and ideas.
Some of the very cool articles I've read that made me think these thoughts:
I'd honestly love to hear from any Latino/Hispanic followers I have about yalls thoughts on this. :)
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robert-c · 5 years ago
What Really Makes America Great
What made (and still makes) America great is a unique idea, imperfectly achieved, but generally improving. That idea is that there could be a society where everyone would be equal before the law, and have the freedom to pursue their own version of happiness or success. The implications of such a society is that it doesn’t endorse or enforce a particular set of religious beliefs, or other individual opinions. There is one obvious, or at least it should be obvious, exception – in order for all to be free to believe as they wish, there is a limit on your own belief, and that is you cannot claim your belief gives you the right to impose it on others. If this were allowed there would soon be no freedoms, only the strongest group would prevail. You don’t have to agree with others, you can privately believe that they will all go to Hell if that’s your thing, but you have to agree that they are allowed in our society, that is unless you are just a wannabe tyrant. This attitude was best expressed by a quote from Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often misattributed to Voltaire) "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
Some of our “cultural warriors” would have us believe that the climate of diversity, and “political correctness” that rebukes them for making racial and religious slurs is somehow infringing on their beliefs. They conveniently forget that if expressing disapproval of their views is infringement, then so is their expression of disapproval of diversity. The problem seems to be tied up with the idea that if they are truly committed to their beliefs then they must somehow be intolerant of others, and as extreme in their application as possible; as if that were some measure of their sincerity. That is a simplistic approach to ideas and ideals, the sort of thing more appropriate to those who don’t have the willingness or the intellectual capacity to go beyond the emotional sound bite. I want to believe that most of my countrymen are better than that.
America wasn’t great when we bullied the rest of the world into arrangements that were primarily beneficial to us alone. And we certainly weren’t great when we hypocritically preached that we were a land of opportunity for all while maintaining a racial class structure of separate but “equal”. Every other nation in the past has defined itself primarily on the basis of ethnic or religious (aka “cultural”) commonality. Citing that as a reason why we should have only one dominant cultural identity is to ignore the truly unique concept that is America, and to set the stage for repression. It all sounds fine, as long as you’re assuming your brand of culture is the dominant one. There is a difference between unity and uniformity, another subtlety lost on some.
Nevertheless, I do understand the appeal of the simple answer, and the sense of confusion some feel by the changes that have taken place over the last few decades. I was born just two years after the end of the Second World War, so you can imagine the changes I’ve seen. Like many people I have very fond memories of my childhood. I also had the sense that I could accomplish anything – and as a Protestant white male, in the 50’s and 60’s that was mostly true. I also remember discovering that “liberty and justice for all” wasn’t exactly true. So while I remember my youth in the 50’s and 60’s fondly, I also remember that people with dark skin couldn’t just sit in any available seat on the bus, or at the lunch counter. I remember that there were many more limitations on women of every color. No, I would not want to have our world like it was then; there was a lot wrong with it, some of which has been fixed, but much work still remains. The point is not to confuse happy memories of the past with the policies and practices of those times.
Change is never comfortable, and if it seems to be going against something misidentified as a fundamental principle or idea, then it’s easy to make resisting the change seem like patriotism, or a moral duty. Change is an inevitable and unstoppable thing. Many people over the ages have tried to stop things from changing. They have all failed, and failed spectacularly. As often as not, attempts to stop the changes make them happen faster and in less desirable ways for all. Being a part of the essential changes is the only way to have any influence on their outcome.
I ended up living two miles from the house where I grew up. As a child it was on the edge of the city. A few minutes bike ride and I was in the countryside, with farmer’s fields all around. Today it’s a 20 minute trip down a freeway to reach the countryside. A few miles from home was a brand new shopping center. It had an A&P, a Sears, and a Mott’s Five and Dime; not to mention many other names not so well known. It had businesses on each of the four corners of the intersection. Today those businesses are gone. The old center is getting a makeover but it is very different in character from what it was, and not just in the names of the shops. In one quarter of the center all the shops have signs in Spanish. The rest of the center contains the sort of stores you’d expect anywhere else; a Walmart neighborhood market (more or less where the A&P used to be), pharmacies, shoe stores, etc.
You could look at those changes and bemoan the loss of the lily white neighborhoods filled with World War II vets and their Baby Boomer children, or accept that things change and look for the good in the new experiences. A virtual trip to Mexico is just down the street. I can buy authentic conchas, and a host of other foods I would have had to travel hundreds of miles to get as a child.
But even more important is that Texas should be a “multicultural melting pot” almost as much as New York City. Texas’ independence from Mexico was won by the efforts of Texians (the Anglo Texans) AND Tejanos (Hispanic Texans). In fact, the popularization of the phrase “Remember the Alamo” is owed in part to the Tejano soldiers in Sam Houston’s army. Like most of the Texas revolutionaries they had no uniforms, and Santa Ana’s soldiers often tried to escape the battles by ditching their uniforms and dressing as locals. But the Tejanos wrote inside their straw hats: “Recuerdo el Alamo” (“I remember the Alamo”) to set themselves apart from the Mexican troops when encountering the Texian troops.
Like other places in the US, Texas was born by the efforts of people from different backgrounds united by a common desire for liberty. THAT is what makes America great, not some racist monolithic culture; not some fear of “foreigners”, or some isolationist ideal.
I don’t know of any cogent answer from this president about when and what he thought made America great. It seems to be an empty phrase, meant to allow everyone to insert their own ideas, without ever having to take a solid stand, or justify the choice. It is the very definition of demagogic appeal and manipulation.
I’m sure that our Founding Fathers could never have imagined the world we live in today, and I would even be willing to say they would be shocked at some of the interpretations of rights we consider the norm today. However, I also like to think that most of them would eventually understand that their ideas were bigger and grander than they imagined; that they had put together a framework which could be a model for how people of vastly different backgrounds and beliefs could live together in a peaceful and prosperous society.
So unless your idea of a “great America” includes Jim Crow laws, and an imperialistic approach to the rest of the world, we never lost greatness, but from time to time (like now) we’ve lost sight of our best objectives, of our better selves and the best of our ideals.
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wickedwinter3 · 7 years ago
My July TBR
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Recently Read
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I actually just finished last night. I started it before bed and couldn't stop. No regrets.
Currently Reading
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Started a little slow but I'm already at the part where everything is more exciting. I'm sad I wouldn't be able to continue it tonight.
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The premise is interesting even if a bit religious. I definitely want to see how that arranged marriage of a mess would go.
To Be Read
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I have this in my kindle for a while. It finally came up in my list. It's another #romanceclass novella.
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My sister has already read this. I believe she's on book three. I also have read a few reviews about this. But I won't judge when I haven't read it. I'll see.
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I encountered the main characters when they were mentioned in You Could Be The One. Unrequited to requited. Friends to lovers.
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I've always wanted to try an Elise Kova novel. The time is finally here.
I realized too late that I started two fantasy novels at the same time. I feel like the rest of my reading list for July would be unbalanced so I added another.
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I have the old cover though. I liked Fallen but Torment had been difficult but I definitely want to see how the series would end.
Do you think I could finish all of these books this month? I really hope so. Can you also guess which would be my favorite read for July? Have fun reading!
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thebibliophileconfessions · 7 years ago
Stacking The Shelves #31
Stacking The Shelves #31
I’m back with a book haul!!!!
I’ve been pretty busy for the past weeks looking for a job that’s why I didn’t really have any time to read or blog. Fortunately, I’ve been hired and am actually starting today (like right now as you’re reading this) so yay!
I haven’t been buying books, I think I’ve purchased three books in total and most of these I got from Bookworms Unite PH and from publishers so…
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twstrfries · 8 years ago
keep the faith
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It was two in the morning, in the cold hallway of Medical City’s ER, a girl was sitting beside a hospital bed, face buried in front of a device with tears in her eyes. She was trying to hide her face from passing nurses, doctors, and patient’s relatives because they might think she’s having an emotional breakdown over a serious medical prognosis. Given the place where she’s in, crying means…
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hollywoodnewssource · 8 years ago
Romance Class Authors Share Their New Year's Resolutions
Happy New Year to our readers! New Year’s resolutions for bookworms and authors are vastly different though there are some similarities. The most popular tune that I hear is, “I’m going to read more,” which is always a good thing. Other people also set some pretty generic ones such as, “eat less junk food, eat…
Romance Class Authors Share Their New Year’s Resolutions was originally published on Hollywood News Source
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bentchbites · 6 years ago
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#RomBkLove Day 20: RomCom ��� I feel like a lot of romanceclass books are effective romantic comedies especially the fun and light ones where the main characters stumble into each others' ~feelings (LOL) so I can't choose just one. • I decided to feature Marry Me, Charlotte B for today's prompt though, bec its premise is strongly inspired by and is structured as a reality TV show. There is also an overall Devil Wears Prada sort of vibe to it that I really enjoyed. Here's part of my review when I read it late last year : "...the romance here is swoon-worthy friends-to-lovers. I love that (spoiler alert?) Nellie undergoes a mini-makeover, but (another spoiler alert) she didn’t really need it. LOL. I don’t want to say anything anymore because I feel like I’m just gonna go ahead and tell you the story, haha. But watch out for the conflict (Rob’s fault, but not entirely)and the brilliant way they patch things up, the red-herring, and the side romance of Nellie’s clients. It’s amazing! Robert is charming and clueless at times, which made him even more adorkable imo . . . I love the Charlotte B character, and I rarely do fancasts of books I read but I couldn’t shake the image of Jessica Lange being Charlotte. (as in Jessica Lange in AHS Coven, but less evil glam, and more Miranda Priestly-boss levels.)" • Other top of mind romanceclass recs I think would make amazing romcom films: Agay Llanera's "Mango Summer" bec there's a ton of funny scenes (the Botbot cameo is the funniest to me) and Ana Tejano's Keep the Faith (that part when Nico first orders fries is so hilarious I even tweeted it, i think) • *This photo of Marry Me, Charlotte B by Carla De Guzman was taken and posted last year when I was currently reading it. . . . . . #bookstagram #bibliophile #booknerdPH #bookworm #instabooks #bookish #bookishfeature #bookcommunity #alwaysreading #bookstagramersPH #IGreads #selfpublishing #indiepublishing #romanceclass #readlocalPH #diversebooks #diversereads #romancetagram #MarryMeCharlotteB #CarlaDeGuzman (at Landmark,Trinoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqZ2cdGHpjr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gb6iitfxkpax
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athoughtoneachpage · 4 years ago
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Author's Friday | THE KINDNESS OF ROMANCE by Ana Tejano
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diazpoems · 3 years ago
Oooh ok so
I think my favorite is probably cumbias and salsa
Cumbias actually started in Colombia specifically and Mexico (and other Latin American countries ofc but I’m chicano so I’m focusing on that) adopted it and kind of made its own genre. We took our own instruments and style and made it kind of specific to us, yk. If you listen to a lot of traditional cumbia from Colombia it might sound different because of this, and idk if it’s meant to be that way, but the way you experience cumbia is a bit different everywhere. Idk. You just have to feel it. I can message u with examples if you want. But yeah. And my family listens to a mixture of both.
Salsa originated in the Caribbean and there’s different salsa place to place (and other countries have adapted it ofc) but it’s probably the best from Puerto Rico or Cuba. There’s differences in the salsa styles tho, like Cuba can tend to have more percussion sometimes (generalizations here, btw, music has blended so much that this won’t always be true) because there’s a heavy afrolatino presence there and they adopted some of those beats a long time ago. I like both, but one of my favorite Puerto Rican salseros is Marc Anthony.
But we also have: ba-da!! Our music. There’s different genres like rancheras and norteño and in the US diaspora we have tejano music and even hip-hop and rap produced by Chicano groups that I really like. Norteño is like. Mexican country music, for lack of a better simple explanation. But a lotta urbanites listen to it too which is why it’s not as good an explanation as possible bc it’s not just confined to specific parts of the country and stays there. It uses a lot of accordions, bajo sexto, bass, and drums and I didn’t like it when I was a kid but I kinda love it now. There’s other genres that come from the north too specifically like corridos and banda (a lot of them are associated with cartels tho so a good amount of them don’t tend to play on the radio in Mexico, but it depends).
I specifically love ranchera, which is like. If you’ve ever heard mariachis playing, that’s what it’s in conjunction with. It’s a traditional music that uses trumpets, guitars, vihuelas, accordion (but in a different way than norteño), and violins. If you go further back, you have really good artists like Pedro Infante, Javier Solís, and Jorge Negrete (known as Los Tres Gallos Mexicanos, or the Three Mexican Roosters, and they were like, the kings of ranchera) and I can show u their music sometime cause I adore it. There’s also Vicente Fernández, his son Alejandro Fernández, Juan Gabriel, José Alfredo Jiménez, Ana Gabriel, and Lola Beltrán (her voice is really unique I love it sm).
But yeah thats kind of me rambling abt the basics ig. I hope ur no longer bored, love
hey handsome
Tell me smt random cuz I'm bored
hmm can i info dump a lil abt spanish music.
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palabrasinvoz · 5 years ago
ENTREVISTA EXCLUSIVA A ALEJANDRA CASTELLÓ: “Javier Cárdenas fue quién me dio la mano, el que me descubrió y apostó por mi”
(Published October 30, 2018)
Con un sí rotundo desde el primer momento en que se le propuso esta entrevista que acabó siendo una distendida charla. Tanto, que comenzó de día y acabó de noche. Y es que ella habla con tanto entusiasmo y vitalidad que el tiempo es incapaz de seguirle el ritmo. Así es Alejandra Castelló: clara y transparente como el agua que bebe durante la conversación.
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– Cuando uno entra en tu web lo primero que llama la atención es la frase: “Soy la princesa macarra que escuchas en la radio o ves en la televisión” ¿Por qué esa definición?
Pese a que voy madurando, me seguiría definiendo así. Soy una princesa para muchas cosas pero macarra para otras, así soy yo y ese contraste me gusta.
– ¿Cuando supiste que querías dedicarte al mundo del ‘artisteo’?
De adolescente ya me apunté al teatro porque me llamaba la atención. Siempre me ha gustado el tema de la tele, seguía series, miraba las audiencias los making-offs… En casa me dijeron que podía hacer lo que quisiera siempre que tuviese estudios por si no salía bien. Así que estudié teatro de manera profesional, iba a castings y lo compaginé con producción audiovisual, cosa que me ha servido para entender mejor el trabajo de los compañeros, saber en todo momento qué y por qué hacen las cosas de tal manera. Conocer lo que te rodea te enriquece y te hace mejor profesional. Pero yo es que soy feliz delante de un micro o una cámara.
– Fuiste haciendo tus ‘pinitos’ en el mundo audiovisual pero el ‘boom’ llegó al trabajar con Javier Cárdenas.
Eso fue curioso. Yo hacía castings y me llamaron para uno de radio. Era un casting de bromas. Lo probé una semana y me di cuenta que no quería hacer eso porque no me gustaba. Le dije al equipo que no era lo mío porque no disfrutaba haciendo ese trabajo. Me volvieron a llamar y Javier me preguntó de qué haría una sección y le dije que de redes sociales que en aquella época comenzaba el auge. Hice la sección en antena y les gustó. Poco a poco fui apareciendo más, luego me convertí en segunda presentadora y luego trabajando con él en televisión. Javier fue quién me dio la mano, el que me descubrió y confió en mí.
– ¿Qué has aprendido de él?
Su rapidez mental, su capacidad de improvisar… me ha aportado y ayudado muchísimo en todos los aspectos de mi vida.
– Como has dicho, luego trabajaste en su programa ‘Hora punta’ de TVE. ¿Por qué acabó y qué te llevas de esa experiencia?
Acabó por el cambio político. Pero fue una experiencia muy bonita. Dos años en prime-time diario que nos dieron grandes alegrías. Fue increíble y me quedó un muy buen sabor de boca. Además, fue mi primer gran proyecto.
– Uno de los grandes momentos fue tu beso con Carolina Cerezuela. ¿Cómo lo recuerdas?
En ese momento me hice muy pequeña. Antes del programa cuando supe que estaba en maquillaje, fui para allí con el cepillo de los dientes haciéndome la tonta para saludarla. Como amor platónico era más Patricia Vico y la relación que tuvieron las dos en ‘Hospital central’. La escena del beso solo la he visto dos veces, porque me da vergüenza. Ella no sabía que Javier iba a pedirle el beso y fue muy amable jugando ese momentazo, para mi el número uno. Pero luego me rallé porque me vi muy fea (se ríe).
– ¿Qué te llevas de ese momento?
Puede parecer una tontería, pero uno de los regalos que me ha dado la profesión es que gente a la que yo admiro como Ana Milán o que he puesto en un pedestal como Patricia Vico me sigan en redes sociales y podamos comentar cosas. Eso para mí es la magia de la vida.
“Soy lesbiana y lo más bonito que me llevo de mi profesión es que alguien me escriba para decirme que es como yo”
– También estuviste en el debate de ‘Gran Hermano 15’ y ‘Cazamariposas’. ¿Te gustaría ser colaboradora como por ejemplo Nagore?
Si es tipo Nagore, sí, porque me gusta como lo hace. Comenta muy bien los realities. Es seria cuando hay que serlo y divertida cuando toca. Además, ‘Gran Hermano’ como espectadora me alucina.
– ¿Y si te propusieran ser concursante?
Estoy en un momento de mi vida en el que ahora diría que no. Pero quién sabe si pasado un tiempo, estoy en otro momento y dijera que sí.
– ¿Cuáles son los proyectos que te quedan por cumplir?
Aparte de seguir en la radio con ‘Levántate y Cárdenas’, mi objetivo es poderlo compaginar con algún proyecto de televisión que pudiese salir y me gustase. Me han llegado propuestas pero de momento no hay nada firmado. Ojalá saliesen, yo estoy abierta a lo que pueda llegar. Pero también estoy saboreando el tener las tardes libres que hacía tiempo que no lo hacía y me permite dedicarme a las redes sociales y sentir la curiosidad del ¿qué pasará? o ¿y si me llaman de…?
– ¿Te gustaría participar en alguna serie?
Tengo mucho mono, me encantaría. Lo he hecho en casos puntuales pero ojalá saliese algo y se pudiese compaginar con la radio que ahora hay mucho producto nuevo, mucha oferta. Y si pudiese ser con Los Javis, que son dos genios, el ejemplo de talento y esfuerzo. Se les ha conocido mucho ahora, pero yo recuerdo haberles visto haciendo una obra en el hall de un teatro y eso es pasión, creer en tu producto. Luego consiguieron hacerlo en el escenario del teatro y fue el boom. Yo llevo tatuada ‘La llamada’ de la cuál tras verla salí llena, diciendo: ‘gracias por hacer esto, joder!. Y con Eduardo Casanova también me gustaría trabajar porque es otro genio.
– ¿Qué te queda por conseguir a nivel profesional?
Todo!! Pero me gustaría hacer un programa infantil tipo Megatrix o Disney Chanel los cuáles yo era muy feliz viéndolos y eso ya no se hace ahora, el interactuar con los niños. Me quitaría una espina si hiciera algo a nivel de ficción. Y si fuese un proyecto que me encantase, mejor. Eso sí, me conformo siendo feliz con lo que hago: concurso, programa de investigación… no me cierro a nada. La clave es ser feliz y divertirme con lo que hago y tengo la suerte de hacerlo desde hace siete años.
– Al verte transmites la sensación de aire fresco:
Me lo han dicho muchas veces. Me considero una persona con mucha personalidad. En aquel momento el canon que había de la mujer en televisión era de vestido y tacones y yo aparecí con tejanos rotos, tatuajes, pelo corto, que quieras o no, a primera vista llama la atención. Lo que no voy a dejar nunca es de ser como soy, porque no sería yo. No me voy a dejar el pelo largo, ni a quitarme ningún tatuaje, ni a decir que no soy lesbiana.
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– ¿Eres una persona que dice siempre lo que piensa?
Sí, doy mi opinión de todos los temas que domino. Del resto, me callo porque no tengo la suficiente información para debatir. Pero creo que con educación, todo se puede decir.
– Si miro tu instagram a nivel general, lo definiría como: color, vitalidad, felicidad… y que desprende verdad.
Sí, yo publico cuando estoy a gusto. Me considero feliz y me tomo la vida muy positivamente y con energía y el color es una muestra de ello.
– En ocasiones promocionas algunas marcas o productos. ¿Qué han de tener para que colabores con ellas?
Puedes promocionar cada día una cosa pero no concibo vender una cosa en la que no creo. Con las marcas con las que trabajo o promociono me han de gustar y que las use de verdad. Instagram es un escaparate, como una tienda y en mi caso siempre intento estar súper feliz, porque intento ser súper positiva. Tengo momentos de bajón como todos, pero incluso en ello, intento quedarme con lo bueno. Y ello se muestra en las redes.
– ¿Como es tu día a día?:
Me levanto muy temprano, no desayuno porque me pongo despertador súper justo y no pierdo el tiempo en prepararlo. Hacemos el programa de radio hasta las 10 y luego preparamos el programa del día siguiente hasta las 13 horas aproximadamente, depende del día. Luego las tardes las uso para seguir trabajando, dedicarme a mis redes sociales o quedar con gente. Y los viernes cojo un tren para ir a donde está mi chica de gira hasta el domingo por la noche o lunes.
“Mi objetivo es poder compaginar la radio con algún proyecto de televisión que pudiese salir y me gustase. Me han llegado propuestas pero de momento no hay nada firmado”
– Un plan perfecto:
Con mi chica, levantarnos tarde, pedir comida a domicilio tipo pollo a l’ast, ver una peli mala, salir a pasear o ver tiendas y luego cenar en una terraza un Frankfurt con patatas fritas y acabar viendo una película. Valoro este tipo de planes porque tenemos una vida que no nos lo permite hacer nunca.
– Un lugar al que irías mil veces:
Mmm… irme de crucero. Estar en el barco te aísla, solo puedes disfrutar. Todo el mundo debería ver un atardecer o amanecer desde allí. Solo has de pensar en disfrutar viendo los lugares y despreocuparte de qué y donde cenar, comer porque ya lo haces en el barco… También me gusta Alquézar, un pueblo con encanto de Huesca considerado uno de los más bonitos de España, famoso por ir la gente a hacer barranquismo y donde se come de maravilla.
– La colección se llama ‘Cool by Alejandra Castelló’. Qué es para ti ser cool?
Para mi es ser guay. Aunque eso es muchas cosas. Puede haber programas o gente cool. Ese adjetivo lo relaciono con tener ‘rollo’, aunque eso es relativo según la persona y para mi puede ser alguien que para ti no o al revés.
– Una canción que defina tu vida…
No soy de una canción, soy de muchas. Pero ‘She’ de Elvis Costello es muy bonita, ‘Magia’de Rosana o ‘La belleza’ de Rozalén. Relaciono canciones con momentos, como ‘Happy ending’ de Mika, que me encantaba cuando veía ‘Fama’. Y mi chica y yo cuando suena‘Caramelo’ de Pablo Alborán movemos el hombro a la vez.
– ¿Siempre has dicho abiertamente que eres lesbiana, te consideras un referente?
No me considero pero me han escrito muchas chicas jóvenes y padres y eso es lo más bonito que me llevo de mi profesión. Cuando me planteaba mi sexualidad, no encontré referentes, el único era un personaje televisivo (Maca) y en ese momento te encuentras muy sola. En mi casa lo respetaron y solo querían que fuese feliz. Pero el vacío en el mundo referente existía.
Me considero muy femenina y pensé si no habían lesbianas femeninas que rompieran el prototipo que se tenía de mujeres camioneras. Y pensaba: ¿nadie es como yo? Lloraba en mis clases de teatro porque me sentía sola.
Que alguien encuentre en mi esa libertad de decir, con mi novia con total normalidad, es el trabajo más importante que puedo hacer. Decir que esto existe, que serás feliz, lo juro. Que hayan niñas que digan: Mamá, yo soy como Alejandra-, con eso ya puedo decir que mi trabajo está hecho. Quiero seguir haciendo cosas, pero poder dar a alguien lo que a mí me faltó, esos referentes.
“Me encantaría hacer ficción. Adoro a ‘Los Javis’ y a Eduardo Casanova”
– ¿Crees más en las casualidades o causalidades?
Me han pasado cosas que me hacen pensar que no podían ser casualidad. Pero quiero sorprenderme cada día y pensar que nada está escrito, porque quiero cambiar las cosas. Por ejemplo el primer beso con mi chica es muy difícil que pasara. Ella estaba de gira en Zaragoza y no habíamos tenido citas pero sí tonteo. Me dijo que estaba volviendo en tren a Barcelona y que hablaríamos porque se quedaba sin batería. 
Yo salí de mi casa y me fui a la radio cogiendo el bus. Bajé después a coger el metro y lo perdí y entonces caminé por el andén hasta donde para el primer vagón para coger el siguiente. Al mismo tiempo, ella ya había llegado, hizo el recorrido por Sants Estació y para coger el metro y lo hizo en el primer vagón. Cuando yo fui a entrar me la encontré de golpe. Lo primero que pensé es que me seguía (risas). Para encontrarnos tenían que pasar muchas cosas y ocurrieron. Durante el trayecto hablamos un poco, le di el primer beso y me bajé corriendo en mi parada sin mirar atrás. Son muchas casualidades.
– Una virtud, un defecto:
Como virtud diría que soy muy cariñosa y detallista, doy mucha vida al agente de mi alrededor. Pero soy muy impaciente para bien y para mal. Por un lado es bueno porque me hace trabajar mucho, sin parar, pero luego hay cosas que no pueden ser ya y eso me impacienta. Quiero pocas cosas en mi vida, pero cuando las quiero, las quiero ya.
– Un secreto confesable:
Tengo muy pocos secretos, lo cuento todo. Pero no puedo llevar las uñas cortas, soy incapaz, me molesta el tacto. Es un drama cuando se me rompe una uña.
Con sus principios por bandera infranqueables ante cualquier oferta de trabajo, sin apenas secretos por contar. De cara pero sin dobleces, natural y con frescura, no fue una casualidad que Javier Cárdenas viera algo innato en ella. Y es que Alejandra Castelló pinta la vida para bebérsela a sorbos de colores.
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