#an enchantment of thorns
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fangirlforthewin · 2 years ago
Hi I saw your fairytale retelling recommendation list and I wanted to ask if you have recommendations for beauty and the beast retellings in particular? Thank you in advance!
Thank you for the ask! I saw your other ask clarifying that you were specifically looking for Fae Beauty and the Beast retellings. I do have a couple that I've read that I can suggest.
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas
Curse of the Wolf King by Tessonja Odette
A Deal with the Elf King by Elise Kova
Heart of the Fae by Emma Hamm
An Enchantment of Thorns by Helena Rookwood
I know you weren't asking about nonFae Beauty and the Beast retellings, but here are a couple suggestions anyway because I like them a lot:
Hunted by Meagan Spooner
A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer
I hope you find a good read or two out of these suggestions! Let me know!
Also if anyone has any other suggestions, feel free to reblog and add!
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jaegervega · 3 months ago
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The reveal! It was Fiona who Rook was talking about in the previous comic
(Thank you to everyone who played my guessing game <3)
He was a bit of a late bloomer with his magic abilities, luckily enough at that point they were living in Skyhold, his mother working as a seamstress. Because he was obsessed with the grey wardens, Fiona having been one managed to catch his interest and respect in his wildest rebellious teen phase
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gummi-ships · 1 year ago
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Forest of Thorns
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deimcs · 4 months ago
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keptalivebymagic · 3 months ago
There should be more fanart for An Enchantment of Ravens. There should be more hype for all of the Margaret Rogerson books. There's no justice in the world.
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detectivefable · 1 year ago
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Heroines of Margaret Rogerson's books fanart!
Read these books if you enjoy a beautifully crafted writing style, worldbuilding, and characters! They are all such unique gems that have interesting distinct worlds, and I need more people to talk about them. 😂
Artemisia from Vespertine, Isobel from An Enchantment of Ravens, and Elizabeth from A Sorcery of Thorns.
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mysticstarlightduck · 7 months ago
‼️Clickbait Description Tag Game 😱😱👇👇 ‼️
Thank you for the tag, @the-golden-comet! And honestly shoutout to @the-letterbox-archives for creating this lovely tag! I love a good tag game and this one is super cool!
Rules: explain the plot/premise of your wip/s as if it were a clickbait (or just a regular one if you don't want to do clickbait) y Youtube video.
Supernova Initiative
Hot 25-year-old and his group of friends trespass on a secret government property, you will never guess what happened next! 😱😱😱😱
Scrapyard Boys
UNBELIEVABLE billionaire conspiracy scheme uncovered by HOMELESS TEENAGER - have they lied to us this whole time?
Crooked Fable
HELP, my crazy rich aunt tried to kill my boyfriend and tried to gaslight me into thinking she was right! 😓💀
Song of Thorns
Have they cracked the code to ETERNAL BEAUTY AND IMMORTALITY - follow these 10 easy, that absolutely not murderously bloody rituals, steps to do the same! (authentic advice from Royal Alchemist)
The Crystal of Ash (New)
Don't fall for those absurd lies! Top 10 reasons why you should absolutely trust the Triarchy with your life without question. Don't be ridiculous. Trust us.
+ Bonus: Young crook attempts to ASSASSINATE the reputation of BELOVED local benefactor. Are kids these days truly lost?
The Last Wrath
They invaded her home and she lost everything! You'll never believe what this 16-year-old did next! 😱😱😱
Enchanted Illusions
TEN MORE PEOPLE KILLED by mysterious killer, GOVERNMENT TURNS A BLIND EYE - what is it that they are hiding? 🙄
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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thepersonalwords · 7 months ago
He smelled of forest and primal desire that saturated Taryn's senses and made her imagine what it felt like to be caught and conquered.
Genevra Thorne, The Enchanted
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deconstructthesoup · 1 month ago
Well... the Princess & the Pauper AU took over my mind... so, here, have some first thoughts as to how this story might work:
-Obviously, Damsel is Annalise and Prisoner is Erika, though they both have slightly different interests and motivations. Damsel, rather than being a science geek, is a lover of stories---tales of high adventure, daring rescues and escapes, and sweeping romance, and has a secret dream of becoming a writer herself. Prisoner, meanwhile, finds her love of dancing and her dreams of someday becoming a professional singer embarrassing and unrealistic, pushing herself to someday run her own dressmaking shop instead as a more attainable goal. She still does occasionally sneak out and sing on the street, but it's a guilty pleasure for her.
-Opportunist is Preminger---because, genuinely, there was no other character who could've fit, and you know that they'd absolutely kill a jazzy remix of "How Could I Refuse"---but even though I love a good-old-fashioned campy villain, I decided to make their motives a bit more complex. They want to be the ruler of the kingdom because they're hell-bent on being the one in charge, but it stems from growing up dirt-poor, with one mother who's chronically ill (Wild) and another mother who's been badly mistreated as a servant (Thorn). Opportunist started out telling themselves that everything they did was to give their family a better life, but that's become a secondary motivation as bitterness and greed have warped them over the years... and, well, in the end, Oppy always looks out for themselves.
-To that end, Opportunist is only four years older than Damsel---26 to her 22---and if you're wondering how they managed to snag a royal advisor position that young, it's exactly how you'd expect. They lied their way into an assistant advisor position in their teens, and when they found out that the old advisor was intending on collapsing one of the gold mines in order to embezzle from the kingdom... well, they saw an opportunity, and made sure that one other person got trapped underneath the rubble.
-Witch is in a role similar to Julian's---she's just the palace gardener instead of Damsel's tutor, and everyone talks about how they're "such good friends" and ignore the fact that they're obviously in love with each other---but I decided to keep my long-standing dynamic of her and Opportunist being cousins, because the drama is something that could not be ignored. In fact, I went one step further, making it so Opportunist is the one who got her the job at the palace... and while they kept her in the dark about all of their plans, Witch knows both Damsel and her cousin too well to not see through the kidnapping scheme.
-Hero is Damsel's personal guard, her best friend aside from Witch, and the person who makes sure that Damsel isn't constantly ditching her lessons and running off to explore the kingdom... at least, not without an escort. He's very sweet and very considerate, and though he's always gently trying to steer Damsel more towards palace life and her duties as the future queen, he still listens whenever she tells him about this new idea for a story---and sometimes, he'll even jot some of it down and hide it in the library for her to find. Hero's a good friend.
-Stubborn and Contrarian are Opportunist's henchman (though, Oppy prefers the term "troublemakers for hire," since that gives the boys a bit of an ego boost), and they masquerade themselves as two of several workers who still work in the mines... all of whom are on Opportunist's payroll, but Stubborn and Contrarian are the only two they trust to do some of the dirtier work. Stubborn's always happy to get his hands dirty, but Contrarian... well, he's a bit of a goof, for one, and he gets more and more uncomfortable with the boss's plans as they go from just stealing gold from the mine to kidnapping the princess to attempting to murder the princess. This is partly out of a sense of conscience... and partly because Contrarian is head-over-heels in love with the princess's personal guard. And yes, those feelings are absolutely requited.
-Prisoner's horrible boss is Wraith (I debated Tower, but the role needs a crone), and the other employees of the dress shop are Nightmare---who also has dreams of being a stage diva, though is much more open about them---and Stranger, who's also trying to pay off an inherited debt. Stranger also has an older sister in Razor, who's taking a... less than legal avenue to paying off all that money, working alongside her longtime girlfriend-turned-wife (who's Adversary, obviously). While Prisoner considers Nightmare and Stranger to be friends, her closest allies are...
-Spectre and Cold are Wraith's grandchildren, and while they technically have a leg up on the employees due to, well, not having to slave away for years on end, they're still very much at the mercy of their grandmother, and both of them do little things for the dressmakers---sneaking them good food and personal affects, throwing little parties when their grandmother's on a trip, shaving off as much of the debt as they can without Wraith noticing---in short, everyone's eager for the day when the two finally take over the shop. Spectre and Cold are also very loyal friends to Prisoner, to the point where when Prisoner suddenly has to impersonate Damsel, Cold goes with her to pose as a guard... for her safety, of course, but also because he just wants to see what a palace is like.
-Smitten is the neighboring monarch who Damsel's in an arranged engagement with, and they're incredibly eager to meet and fall in love with their future bride---but their twin brother, Skeptic, is more than a little rankled by the whole situation, considering the sudden loss of the kingdom's wealth highly suspicious. It definitely doesn't help that when they arrive at the palace, Smitten somehow winds up spending way more time with a tall, dark, and smarmy palace guard who seemingly has zero decorum... and Skeptic, meanwhile, finds himself drawn to the princess's surprisingly blunt, frank, and cynical demeanor, and she seems to like him a lot more than his sibling. (I'm incapable of writing a Slay the Princess fic without Priskep. Sue me.)
-And last little thing (before I figure out how to cameo some of the others)---Happily Ever After is the queen, a once bright and optimistic ruler turned melancholic after the death of her husband and the hardship her kingdom has fallen under. She's poured her heart and soul into helping her kingdom and making sure her daughter is happy, but she's also exhausted... and that's caused her to overlook a lot of things that have been going on in the kingdom since before the mine collapsed. Not to mention, the very clear signs that her advisor might not be as trustworthy as they appear.
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prettyboisteveharrington · 9 months ago
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Don’t take my heart don’t break my heart. Don’t… Don’t throw it away
Have a short Drabble based on book two’s love confession between Drake and Mc
Drake Walker x MC ( Rose Throne)
Word count: 856
Thorne… Meet me on the hotel balcony tonight. We need to talk ~ Drake.
As you made your Way up to the hotel balcony all you Can Think about is Drake and how much you love him. How much you need him.
Drake. Drake. Drake.
You stand and look out at New York. You are thinking about what you are going to say to him, you want him to know how special he is to you, how wonderful he makes you feel but you don’t want to mess it up.
You hear footsteps behind you and turn around and see him.
As you finally see him it feels like your heart is beating ten, twenty if not a hundred times faster than it normally does.
You drink in his presence, from the lights illuminating his face to his Golden eyes that remind you of a glass of whiskey near the fireplace.
‘Hi’ you say breathlessly
‘Hey, Thorne’ Drake says he would Seem very composed if you didn’t know him like you do. You see through the cracks. You can tell that he’s nervous just like you.
He takes a few tentative steps forward, his eyes locked on yours.
‘We need to talk… About Us’
‘Yeah, we do’ you agree and nod your head.
You take a step towards him as well. You take a deep breath. You can do this.
‘Drake… Liam proposed to me tonight’
Drake face falls and you can see the hurt in his eyes for a brief second before he composes himself and his face turns stoic.
‘I’m very happ-‘ Drake starts to say even if his facial expression betrays him. He looks like you just ripped his heart out and shattered it into a million pieces.
It hurts to see him like that. So broken. You take a deep breath and you reach out and gently take his hand in yours
‘I turned him down Drake. I told him i’m in love with you’
‘….What?’ Drake says and he looks surprised
You give his hand a squeeze.
‘From the first moment i saw you I was drawn to you. Sure we didn’t get along at first but there was something about you that kept pulling me back to you’ you say and smile at him
‘Thorne do you really mean it? Liam could give you so much more than me. Hells he could give you anything you wanted. You could have Cordonia and be Queen. Do you really want to settle for less than you deserve… Settle for me?’ Drake searches your eyes for any hint of a lie
You step towards him again your eyes are glossy. It hurts to see Drake like this. It hurts to hear him speak so ill of himself.
‘I hate when you do this. It hurts Drake’
Drake looks at you concerned
‘Rose I-‘
‘I don’t want a kingdom or be Queen. What i want is You. It hurts me greatly that you can’t see how much you have to offer’
Drake seems lost for words as looks at you with a vulnerable expression on his face.
You stand on your toes and lean in to kiss Drake’s left cheek
‘You are Incredibly handsome’
You lean in and kiss his right cheek
‘ you would do anything for me’
You stand on your toes and kiss his forehead
‘You are the first person i think about when i wake up and the last person I think about before I fall asleep’
You lean in and kiss his nose
‘The only person i want to be with is you. I’m yours Drake. Completely. Do you want me too?’
‘I do. Thorne how can I not want you’ Drake says and caresses your cheek with his hand, his hand trembles and you lean into the touch. Your eyes trace his lips before you look into his eyes again
‘Then what are you waiting for?’ You say and lean into him, your lips are inches away from his
His lips meet yours in a searching kiss as he wraps his arms around your waist.
There’s a look of gentle, astonished joy on his face as he pulls away. You lean your head against his you are unable to stop smiling.
You look into his eyes
‘I love you Drake Walker. I have loved you for a long time. Always will. Nothing and no one could ever change that. You are it for me. My soulmate. My marshmallow’
Drake’s eyes are glossy and his smile is wide
‘I don’t know what I could have possibly done to deserve someone like you Rose Thorne. But I will never stop trying to be worthy of you. I love you with every fiber of my being and I will always give you my all’ Drake says earnestly unable to look anywhere but at you
Drake takes your hand and kisses it gently
The two of you sit down on the ground, your head rests on Drake’s shoulder as you both watch the sunset.
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shedoessoshedoes · 1 year ago
So Close
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Inspired entirely by the movie Enchanted and the 2015 adaptation of Cinderella, I give you *drumroll please* PINING ELRIEL DANCING (yayyyyyyy) hope you all enjoy, and let me know if you do 😘
wc: 1165
tw: none
“Thank you all for your presence here tonight,” Helion announces to the crowd. “It is my privilege to share the joy of my newfound family with you.” He glances over to Lucien and the former Lady of Autumn, now High Lady of Day. “Love truly comes from the strangest of places. In honor of our story, Andromeda and I invite you to dance this final waltz with a partner you did not come with tonight. Those we are bound to are not always those we are meant to be with. Seek out a different kind of love, whether that be a romance or a friendship, as we partake in the dance of the sun.” 
Elain doesn’t know what to do with herself. She had come tonight with Lucien, as a favor to Rhys and Feyre (“Please, Elain,” Feyre had begged. “Just to show everyone that you’re trying.”) (Nevermind that Elain did not want to try with Lucien. Nevermind that perhaps Elain loved someone else.), and had spent most of the night on his arm. Helion’s speech had described her story a little too perfectly. She, too, was seen as belonging to a male she did not love. She, too, had found love outside of that binding. She, too, could not act on how she felt. She, too, had spent too much time wondering if perhaps the male she wanted to be hers felt the same way. But nevermind all of that, too. It wasn’t like she was in any position to ask Azriel to dance. 
She watches as Rhys bows to Nesta, still in the process of paying his penance for all the years of judgment and hate. Cassian sweeps Feyre off her feet in a twirl, and she tosses her head back and laughs. It’s a typical scene: no one would think to wonder whether silly old Elain would have anyone to dance with. She melts slowly back against the wall, but then–there he is. 
Looking every inch the dark, tortured soul he is, Azriel simply inclines his head to her. Elain’s breath catches in her throat. He is so beautiful. She loves him so much. They haven’t spoken since the Solstice. “A dance, Lady Elain?” 
Elain can do nothing but nod silently and slip her hand into his as he leads her to the center of the room. Sparks shoot up her arm from where their bodies touch. They settle into position, and the dance begins. 
She looks stunning. In a cobalt blue gown, she might as well just declared herself as his, even if she stepped into the room on the arm of Lucien Vanserra. Azriel cannot breathe if he looks at her for too long. But the combination of the dress, and Helion’s speech, and six months of agony have Azriel losing control of himself. Besides, he couldn’t leave her standing alone during the last dance of the ball, could he? He can explain it away to Rhys, can claim that he asked her to dance with the intentions of a brother. Though his thoughts about her are anything but fraternal. 
This dance is simple. They both know it by heart. Azriel slides one hand around her waist, pulling her as close as the skirts of her dress will allow (which is not nearly close enough), and suddenly all the world is gone. 
They sway back and forth, and then Elain’s wrist comes to rest against his, and fuck, but that one simple touch has him nearly undone. “Elain,” he breathes out, and she takes an unsteady breath. Perhaps, five hundred years of life have required Azriel’s more romantic dreams to die. Perhaps he said goodbye to them far too quickly, because every dream that he ever could have had is here, in front of him, wrapped up in the package that is Elain Archeron. 
“They’re all looking at you,” she whispers. “You never dance.” This is true, mostly. The last time he danced was with Nesta in the Hewn City, and while that had been enjoyable, it hadn’t exactly been a choice. And it’s not like the Day Court citizens frequent Velaris’s Starfall celebrations where they could have seen him dance with his family. 
“Believe me,” he murmurs back, just loud enough for her to hear. “They’re all looking at you.” 
They twirl out for their first promenade, Elain’s hands resting on his arm, and he spins her around before pulling her back into a proper waltzing position–the closest they’ve been so far tonight. The closest they’ve been since Rhys’s godsdamn order. Elain’s heartbeat stutters, and Azriel wants to put his mouth on her pulse. Her entire neck and shoulders are visible in her gown, and it is entirely too distracting. 
He twirls her out and around him, and she laughs, and he would crawl over glass to hear that sound again. When he pulls her back in, her back is to his front, his hand covering hers on her hip. She leans back into him just slightly, and its his breath catching this time. When she spins around to face him, he can almost believe that this isn’t pretend. Can almost believe that this stunning female is actually his. The circle they’re clearing for their dance is larger now, other couples stopping to watch them. Az catches sight of Nesta with a small knowing smile on her face. 
This time, when he twirls her, he decides to show off, wrapping an arm around her waist and lifting her up off the ground. Elain’s smile is so bright it could replace the Day Court sun, and Azriel can see Rhys and Lucien glaring at him from two sides of the ballroom. He doesn’t care. He does it again, lifts her higher, and when Elain comes back down, her lips are far too close to his. He dips her to finish the dance, and the room erupts into applause. Elain looks around, startled, and blushes. Azriel pulls her back upright and whispers quickly into her ear. “I’ve never been so sorry for anything in my life. Let me explain it to you? Later tonight?” Then he’s pulling back before he can second-guess this massive risk he’s taking, and Elain gives him a tiny nod as Lucien returns to his mate’s side. 
“Lovely dancing Elain, Shadowsinger,” he says, and Azriel can feel a fight brewing in his bones. So he does nothing but incline his head to Lucien, bow to Elain, and step away. He’s sure he’ll have a shitstorm coming his way from Rhys, but right now, he can’t find it in himself to care. He sends a shadow over to Elain and watches it whisper into her ear. Her eyes tell him she understands. 
Later that night, he’s waiting, standing by the window of his room, wings folded in tight, a glass of whisky in his hand. The sound comes right when he thought that it would. Footsteps, and then a single knock. Elain. He takes a breath, whispers a prayer to the Mother. And goes to open the door.  
Let me know what you think!! Comments/feedback/constructive criticism is always welcome. My ask box is open--let me know what you want to read next!
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gummi-ships · 1 year ago
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage
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an-indecisive-nerd · 6 months ago
Badly Summarized WIPs tag
Thank you @the-letterbox-archives for tagging me here and presenting me with this golden opportunity. I've been wanting to introduce some of my other wips, but I wasn't sure how to do it.
What's Your Story
Something is always going catastrophically wrong, and there are too many hoops to jump through to just die, so I guess we're stuck fixing it.
Appearances Are Deceiving
100 reasons why politicians suck, number 95 will shock you. Do you really think that will get people interested in joining us? No, I just needed you to think I was incompetent so you'd agree to help.
We All Lie Amongst The Thorns
This newborn baby is evil, chucks baby into the woods, why can't I have any not evil babies?
Nearly Parallel Lives
None of us have the faintest idea what we're doing except him, but weird shit is going on and Goddammit we're going to find out why.
The Enchanted Forests
For the love of God, stop cutting down trees! Great, now you made the witch angry.
Survival Is A Team Sport
Happy birthday! Here's an apocalypse! Good luck kids!
Like a Movie
Local man too attractive to be left alone. Please just leave him alone, he's very depressed and bad at talking to people.
Thanks again for the tag!
Tagging the taglist
@thelovelymachinery @unforgettable-sensations @littleladymab
@megamijadeheart @my-bright-legacy @ominous-feychild
@thecomfywriter @wyked-ao3 @anamelessfacelessnerd
@differentnighttale @mysticstarlightduck @the-letterbox-archives
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olga-holgazana · 2 years ago
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Watercolour inspired by the book Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson ❤️ I’ve only read the first couple of chapters and it’s already so atmospheric and enchanting, I can’t wait to see where the story goes.
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shallyne · 2 years ago
Rhys blasted Mr. Brightside when he went back to his summer court room after Feyre smiled at Tarquin
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mysticstarlightduck · 9 months ago
Kiss Picrew Tag!
I was inspired by this amazing post by @mk-writes-stuff, and decided to make a few of my own with my WIPs characters! I'll go with Song of Thorns, Supernova Initiative, Of Starlight and Beasts and Enchanted Illusions because I had free time and hyperfocus lmao! Let's go!
By the way, if you like this, please reblog, it helps a lot 💕
Augustus & Harriet (Enchanted Illusions)
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Aaah, my lovelies! Augustus, the book's resident necromancer, and Harriet, our lovely weirdo. They've got a little blood splashed onto their faces, probably as a result of a battle they've just won, but they don't mind (he is a necromancer and she has seen some stuff, why would they mind lmao?)
Renn & Roselyn (Song of Thorns)
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They're adorable and I love them with all my heart, Your Honor, lmao. Renn is a half-vampire fey who was born a noble and became a thief due to unfortunate circumstances, and Roselyn is his sweetheart who is a spirited girl ready to defeat the King.
Elveryn & Cadenza (Song of Thorns)
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The Monster Hunter who fell in love with an Elven Fey and both of them had a redemption arc. Technically his hair isn't white (Kane's is, not his) but a very pale shade of blond that the picrew didn't have, and he actually wears precision goggles instead of glasses, but you get the idea!
Tarrant & Aiden (Song of Thorns)
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Tarrant (the one with red hair), the Silver Snake, and his lover Aiden (they/he), with whom he has a secret love story (which is a secret he has to keep hidden lest endanger Aiden because of his employer). Somewhat-starcrossed lovers with a dash of them being two angsty fools who are bad at communication lmao.
Jasen & Prince Alaric (Song of Thorns)
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The Prince (Alaric) and the Pauper (Jasen), essentially! Again, Alaric's hair is actually a shade between dark auburn and dark blond, but I couldn't find it in the picrew so I went with the next best thing. They haven't had a chance to really kiss in the story but have been pining (without being aware that the feeling is mutual because they sure as heck are bad at reading emotions lmao.) for over a year, and really want to have that chance!
Jack & Lyorna (Supernova Initiative)
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Once more, lol, Jack's hair is actually not this shade - he is red-haired, but his hair color is more of a natural auburn than this - but regardless! Lyorna is a young freedom fighter from an alien planet in the Khosmonian galaxies, and they meet during Jack's mission there and fell in love! They are adorable and stubborn.
Deimos & Vesper (Supernova Initiative)
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ENEMIES TO LOVERS Y'ALL!!! Actually it's more of a Rivals-to-lovers situation lmao, but still. The Sniper and the Assassin. The Alien and the Cyborg. Both incredibly efficient at what they do, they initially annoyed each other to no end and were infuriated at the prospect of having to work together, but slowly, oh so slowly, started to care for each other and eventually fell in love, begrudgingly lmao.
Arammys & Corah (Of Starlight and Beasts)
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The Mage and the Knight! Friends to Lovers! Arammys meets Corah by accident after losing his memories, and the duo embarks on a fateful quest to save the continent from a warmongering queen and break an ancient prophecy, after she (Corah) learns of the land's fate.
(Arammys hai is actually golden but I didn't find the option!)
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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