#an alice cullen inspired vision
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homiehugs · 2 years ago
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what grade do you think they're getting on the assignment
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flippinpancakes64 · 9 months ago
Could you write the Cullen's accidentally hurting their SO and how they would react?? (I alr know Jasper's is about to be so angsty lol)
The Cullens accidentally hurting their S/O
I've literally been rubbing my hands together like an evil villain waiting to do this request. I saw it in my inbox and had to hold myself back lol. And yes, I cannot resist the temptation to make Jasper suffer, so be prepared
Edit I got so carried away. If I had a word count on these it might be like 10k lol sorry not sorry
And thank you for this request! This was so much fun to write lol I hope you enjoy it!
Also quick note I might have channeled a bit too much inspiration from Saw or something cause I ended up getting a bit too into my descriptions of the injuries so
TW for graphic depictions of violence
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You really wanted to go to this concert
Edward knew that, so as a birthday gift he bought you two tickets
One for you and one for him of course
He drove you to the stadium, studying the songs he was going to be hearing later that night
He bought everything that you looked at
You basically had your own merch table
The night was going great
You both found your seats, you were happily eating some overpriced stadium food, and the show was about to start
When a guy stood directly in front of you
The bad part about floor seats is that there aren't seats
The guy was easily 6'6, towering above you even if you are taller
Reading your thoughts, Edward tapped the guy on the shoulder, asking him if he would kindly move or crouch or something
He just looked, rolled his eyes, and stared forward again
"Dude, my partner can't see the show. Please just move a little"
"Don't care. Not my problem."
Edward's getting pissed, and the guy can tell
"What, you wanna fucking fight? Square up rich boy."
"No I don't want to fight I just want you to move a little"
"Okay, then maybe your partner here will fight instead"
And the next thing you know, you see the guy's huge fist heading straight for your head
Before it can land, Edward's hand pushes on your chest, sending you back into the people behind you and ending with you flat on the ground
Your back aches from the impact, your neck torqued from where your head whipped, and your cheek stinging from landing on the side of your face
You feel Edward's chill hands on the sides of your face, and faintly you hear him ask something frantically
You groan in pain as you feel him pick you up, and finally succumb to sleep
You wake up in Carlisle's clinic, staring at the white ceiling
A cold hand is wrapped around yours, and when you turn your head, you're greeted with bright gold eyes
No words are exchanged for a moment before you clear your throat
"So... did you at least rock that guy's shit?"
He laughs and kisses you
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Alice was having a terrible week
She had been getting vision after vision, and none of them were true
Everything from a huge motor accident to what color shoes someone at school was going to wear
It was constant
She was running in circles, going somewhere, seeing a vision, turning around to go somewhere else, seeing a vision, turning again, and on and on
She was currently driving
Or more like swerving
All you needed were some damn glue sticks for a project you needed to do
But every time Alice decided on a new destination, a vision of a horrible catastrophe would enter her mind, and she would change her course
You had enough
"Alice! Enough of this! Just pull over and let me drive!"
"No! I need to know the safest route... ugh! Everywhere is dangerous!"
"Name one vision you've had in the past week that actually came true."
"Well I don't know if they would have come true or not because I didn't go to those places. And look! We are perfectly fine! Everyone is fine!"
"But I don't have all night, Alice! Just choose a fucking store and go there!"
And so she did. She chose the small supermarket right outside of town
She looked nervous as soon as she placed the car in park
But you ignored it and walked in
You walked through the aisles, looking for the one thing you came here for, when you hear Alice gasp behind you
In her mind, she sees you tripping and falling into a display of DVDs, cutting your arm on one of the metal frames holding them in place
And straight in your path is the DVD case
So naturally she tries to grab you
Only she doesn't grab you, she accidentally pushes
You don't fall in her vision, just like how you didn't fall in real life
She was the one who hurt you, pushed you
That was the problem
The reason why there was a horrible disaster everywhere she tried to go was because she was going to cause something one way or another
Only this is worse, because now it involves you
The DVDs scatter, and she hears your cry of pain as the sharp, crooked metal frame pierces the skin of your arm
She is by your side in a moment, scooping you up and not even bothering with the mess you both left behind
On the way home, you are trying to convince her that it's not that bad, but she is beside herself
After Carlisle's inspection, you get a couple of stitches in your right bicep, but other than that you're perfectly fine
And Alice doesn't leave your side
She is constantly fussing
Asking if you're okay, if you need anything, if you're mad at her, if you want to leave her, if you blame her
But after you go to sleep and she watches over your peaceful form, she convinces herself that you're alright
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It was spring break and the Cullens decided to go to one of Carlisle's many tropical properties
It was the third day of the trip, everybody went to do their own things
Alice, Esme, and Rosalie went into town to go souvenir shopping
They dragged Emmett along to be their personal bag carrier
Edward and Bella were down at the private beach that came with the property, enjoying the sun and relaxing
That left you, Jasper, and Carlisle
The three of you were at the attached pool on the house
Carlisle was marinating in the hot tub, sunglasses on and a book in his hands
You and Jasper were in the pool doing anything and everything
Diving, jumping, swimming, racing (he always won), and messing with the pool toys
You had just climbed up the stairs to get out of the pool again, intending on showing Jasper your graceful canonball
But he noticed you were walking a bit too fast
He saw you trip, and like slow motion he sprang out of the water to save you
Only he didn't
His arms wrapped around your middle, saving you from a possible twisted ankle or scraped knee or bruised butt
But that didn't stop the back of your head from smacking onto the concrete
White hot pain erupted behind your eyes and knocked you out instantly
Your blood began to seep onto the wet floor beneath you, and he couldn't help himself
Carlisle heard everything and got up immediately
But he didn't get there in time to stop Jasper from wrapping his mouth around your throat and biting down
In a flash Carlisle threw Jasper up and off of you, rocketing him into the water, and scooped you up to run inside
You awoke some hours later, a throbbing in your head and a dull pain in your neck
The beep of a heart monitor was all you heard
Looking around, you were in the room you shared with Jasper, where just the night before you wrapped around his cold body and drifted to sleep
Only he was nowhere to be seen
Carlisle came to check on you, and he told you what happened
"Where is he? Where's Jasper?"
"... He... left."
"What do you mean he left?"
"He almost killed you. He would have killed you if I wasn't there. He feels terrible- no. Terrible isn't strong enough of a word."
It takes Emmett and Edward tracking him down and dragging him home for you to see him again
And even then he insists on Edward and Emmett holding his arms in case he were to try anything
He looks so broken
Muted red eyes, golden blonde hair shooting in every direction, the same swim trunks he had been wearing that day were covered in dirt and blood- presumably yours
And his face
He looked on the verge of tears, he would have been crying if he could
If the dry heaves coming from deep in his chest were any indication
He flinches when you take his face in your hands, trying to get away, not wanting to hurt you more
But when he kisses you, he remembers why he tries so hard to be good in the first place
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You had been asking Rosalie for WEEKS if she would pleeeeeeease take you hunting with her
And she had been turning you down for weeks
It's a very gross, animalistic process that she, quite frankly, doesn't want you to see
But she loves you
And she is only so strong
So after so many begs, pleads, and puppy dog eyes, she caves
She decides to make it a cute little weekend trip
Taking you to one of Carlisle's properties farther north into the snowy mountain region
You settle in to the spacious cabin and Rosalie makes sure you're all bundled up in luxurious furs and warm scarves before you both venture into the wilderness
She explains what she's doing step-by-step while she sniffs the air, searching for her prey
A wolf because she's part of the "Fuck Jacob" team
She sits you in a clearing and tells you to stay in place while she finds her wolf
You do, finding a snowy log and brushing it off to sit on
She ventures into the forest, eventually finding a suitable wolf and beginning her hunt
Chasing the wolf, being chased by the wolf, until she eventually leads it to your clearing
She knows you'll love the theatrics of seeing her kill it in live action
She chases the beast all the way until it's about to clear the tree line before she pounces
She can imagine herself from your point of view
Bright, shiny skin, flowing hair, posed in midair, and finally coming down gracefully upon her prize
Except she doesn't
The wolf takes a quick turn at the last moment, sending her flying straight into you
There's not much she can do while suspended in flight, and it happens too fast for you to recognize
In an instant her whole body slams into you at full force, knocking both of you onto the powdery ground below
The grunt of pain you let out is excruciating
She rolls off of you quickly, holding onto you, asking if you're okay, if you're hurt
You try to put on a brave face, but when you move your left arm in an attempt to prop yourself up, you find you can't move it
Broken. Completely snapped. And you scream
She paces in Carlisle's home clinic while he puts your cast on, worried out of her mind
But when Carlisle opens the door and she sees you sitting on the table with a goofy grin and a bright red cast, she can't help but relax
"You said red was your favorite color, right?"
And she just kisses you
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You'd been dating Emmett for a while now, and had decided it was time for him to meet your family
And what better time and place for a first meeting than your nephew's fourth birthday party?
It was the middle of August, and the sun was hot
The icing was melting off of the cake as it sat on the food table
All of the adults were drinking margaritas and the kids had decided to play with the water balloons to cool off
Your uncle and Emmett were filling up the balloons as all of the kids at the party talked excitedly
You laughed as your nephew came up to you and asked you to be on his team for the fight
Of course you couldn't say no
And of course, to even the playing field, the other team got to have your human tank of a boyfriend
Very even
Emmett just smirked at you as your uncle assumed his place as the referee and commenced the battle
Pink, blue, green, yellow, and red balloons were flying like crazy
Small party hats were knocked off of even smaller heads
The giggles of 20 little kids rang loud in the air as water spurted all over the grassy lawn
And you took your chance to pelt your boyfriend as hard as you could
His light blue shirt was soaked, and his khaki shorts had a huge wet spot on the front
You were doubled over in laughter at the sight of your scary boyfriend covered in little pieces of rubber, with one particularly large piece hanging off of his ear
But he hadn't thrown any at you yet
"Come on, big guy! Don't be a wussy!"
"Oh you asked for it now!"
You saw him grab a little pink water balloon, it looking even smaller in his hand, and he threw it straight at your head
You briefly wonder if he filled his balloon with cement
The next thing you know you're laying in bed, an ice pack perched on your forehead
"Oh my god, you're awake. I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to, you know how I get out of control sometimes. Not that that's an excuse! I'm just trying to explain-"
You cut him off with a finger to his lips
"Shush... .'m tired"
And so he just lets you sleep the rest of the night, his hand in yours the whole time
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Frankly, she doesn't know why you asked for her help
The Cullens had just moved into their newest house, and everything was set for the "kids" to join the local highschool the next day
You wanted a new look
"New place, new people, new me" you had said
She understood that much
But when you approached her one night with a box of hair bleach and a pleading look on your face, she was lost
Why her? Why not Alice or Rosalie? Or- and hear me out- a professional? They had the money
But you wanted to do it yourself. But not actually yourself For some reason you wanted Esme to do it
And even though she didn't understand, she still agreed
So that's how she found herself closely studying the instructions on the back of the little box telling her what to mix and where
"What's taking so long?"
"Hold on... ugh! This thing doesn't make any sense!"
"It's okay I'm sure it's super simple. I mean they give you all of the stuff. Just mix it all together and slap it on my head!"
Bad idea
She mixes everything together just like you asked, and plops a big lump of it onto the crown of your head
Instantly your hair starts smoking
You scream, asking her to take it off
And she tries, but it's not working
Carlisle to the rescue once more
She is so apologetic
She feels so bad that she hurt you so much
And at least you did get that new look you wanted
Shaved-to-the-skin bald
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He was feeling a bit cooped up
He loves his family, and he loves his life in the Americas, but sometimes he misses traveling and his old friends
So he decided to take you with him to Europe to see some old pals
Not the Volturi obviously
But some other acquaintances he hadn't seen for a while
You were a month into the three-month trip Carlisle had planned
You'd visited Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Britain, and were on your way to Germany
This next friend you were on your way to visit was a man named Friedrich Hans
Carlisle spoke passively about him, nothing positive or negative
He was one of the ones he hadn't been able to contact beforehand about visiting
He wasn't even sure if Friedrich was still alive, or if he even lived in Germany
He wasn't betting on either, but he still figured he would try a visit
The taxi pulled up in front of an unassuming house on a busy street in Berlin, painted a light grey with black paneling around the windows and doors
Carlisle opened your door for you, extending a hand to help you out
He walked with you to the door, rapping his knuckles against the solid wood
Instantly it creaked open and a voice inside whispered "Perfect" before a pale, veiny hand reached out and grabbed your arm
You yelled for it to let you go, begging Carlisle for some help
He grabbed you around the waist with one arm, using the other to try to pry the man's hand from your wrist
The opposing forces splintered on your bones and a sickening crack ran through your arm
Your hand fell limp and Carlisle was finally able to pry you away from the force in the house
"Ah... Carlisle... old friend"
"Old friend? You just tried to kill my S/O!"
"S/O... you always were a weird one Mr. Cullen... sincerest apologies... come in for chat?"
"No thank you, I believe we will be taking our leave now."
And with that he rushed you to the nearest hospital
He didn't have his medical equipment, so he just pretended to not know German so they wouldn't ask questions about how you broke your wrist
He cuts the trip short then and there
He sends letters to all of his friends that he wasn't able to visit, explaining that something urgent came up
He is so apologetic for the weeks afterward
He is convinced it was his fault even though it wasn't
He doesn't relax until your cast is off btw
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Vampire! Bella:
Since she's so new to the vampire life, she doesn't know her own limits yet
She has hurt you a lot in the past
All accidents of course
Hugging you too hard, punching you playfully on the shoulder, telling you to catch something and literally lobbing it as hard as she can
She always feels terrible afterwards
But the worst was the time you took her bowling
It was 10 am on a Tuesday and there was no one at the bowling alley
Not even the competitive grandmas and grandpas in their bowling leagues
The only other person in the building was the bored looking cashier who wasn't even trying to hide that he was on his phone behind the counter
You both took your time to pick your balls, trying out all of the ones on the rack to see your best fits
You laced up your ugly shoes, input your names on the scoreboard screen and off you went
It was fun for the first couple of turns
Until the ball return does that stupid thing where it doesn't actually return your ball
It's your turn, and you're standing at the ball return tapping your foot restlessly waiting for it to show up
"You know, you can just use mine"
Bella stands up and grabs the ball she chose
The resin was a beautiful mix of black, purple, and pink with some reflective glitter sprinkled throughout
It's so gorgeous that you don't even check the weight
You hold out your hands to take it and it just drops straight through
And directly onto your foot
You let out a loud scream and try to move, but the ball won't roll off of your foot
Bella starts panicking, asking what she should do, scrambling around until eventually she picks up the ball and throws it onto the ground behind her
Maybe she forgot that the cashier was there, or maybe she didn't care, but she picked you up and started sprinting at full speed back to the Cullen house
She even left the car at the alley smh
On the verge of inconsolable
She is so frustrated that she can't learn to control herself
Doesn't leave your side tho
Note: Just for shits and gigs I timed how long this took me
Started at 12:01 am
Jasper done at 12:21 am
Edward done at 12:40 am
Alice done at 12:56 am
Rosalie done at 1:19 am
Emmett done at 1:33 am
Esme done at 1:44 am
Carlisle done at 2:03 am
Bella done at 2:16 am
Total time 2 hrs 15 mins
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lov3-lik3-ghosts · 8 months ago
Hiii if your requests are open, may I request Alice Cullen with a gothic s/o? I understand if you can’t and if your requests aren’t open!! Have a good day/night!!!
Alice Cullen x Goth s/o
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Pairing: Alice Cullen x gn!reader.
Warnings: Not beta or proofread. Use of Y/n. Mentions of makeup.
Format: Headcanons.
Word Count: 1.7k
Author’s note: Hi, sweetheart! Thank you for the request! You’re so sweet to worry but so you’re not worrying in the future, it will always say in my bio if requests are open or not :) I’ve tried my best with this but I’m not particularly gothic myself so I hope I did the community some justice. I also wasn’t sure what gender you wanted for this, my default is usually fem! but when I checked your account I decided to try for gn! instead, hopefully that’s alright? I hope you have a good day/night too!!!
Inspired heavily by this piece of art by @moonstruckme, the only goth!reader thing I’ve ever read. I hope she doesn’t mind! :)
request guidelines | character request list | mother m-list
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• Alice likes when things are a little different, a little odd to typical standards. So when her coven moves back to Forks and she’s enrolled back into high school and she sees you, she’s a little bit smitten.
• Her visions hadn’t ever glimpsed you, not even when she purposely tried to focus on Forks and anything it had to throw at them, not even when Bella and Edward frolicked through them.
• She didn’t approach you because of it. Surely, if you were actually meant to be in their lives — her life — you’d have made a reoccurring appearance in her prophetic sight, right?
• But you didn’t. And she still couldn’t stop thinking about you.
• You were so different from her, with your dark makeup and thick boots. Where you liked to linger in the darker, more abandoned corners of Forks, she liked the mall. Where you carried around a weathered copy of gothic literature, she browsed fashion magazines — old and new alike. Where you enjoyed older horror movies, she liked the newer, sweeter films.
Yet she wanted to know you either way.
• But as Edward liked to remind her, you couldn’t be brought into their world. Especially when she hasn’t had any visions foretelling your involvement with them.
• That doesn’t mean she couldn’t pine though, and if she drove Edward mad in the process, good.
• When Bella came along, Alice felt as jealous as she did excited. Finally, Edward would stop moping about being alone and something new would be thrown into their too consistent lives. On the other hand, a human would join them along the line and it wasn’t the human she wanted.
• Bella made odd friends with you. And with Edward and her finally together, Alice had a way in of sorts. She extended all invites she made to Bella to you, all trips to the mall had a bag of clothes she thought you’d have picked dropped off at your door. Laces and leathers and silks in that same black shade that you loved so much.
• Edward ignored her running thoughts of you, you, you as much as he could in turn for her not telling their family about every last thing him and Bella did together. Visions could be a bitch, and good blackmail material.
•You finally began to take notice of the lithe, pixie-like teen with her newfound attention. Smiling at her between classes, following Bella over to their table during lunch when you felt like it, getting her number from Bella to thank her for the pretty gifts — promising to pick up anything you thought she might like, purposely partnering up with her for a science project.
•And finally, finally, she’s struck with a vision.
• You, thick black trench coat and tall platform boots, stood beside her with a sharp-toothed, bloodied grin and an arm looped through hers. Maybe the dripping red would have been off-putting in another life but in this one, god in this one, it’s simultaneously the most attractive and most relieving thing she’s ever seen. Because no, she’s not damned to eternal hell, knowing she could’ve had you and never allowed to; always reaching, reaching, reaching, and never quite grasping — slipping between her fingers like silky water. And yes, you do become immortal, by her side for what’s hopefully eternities to come, never changing, never ageing, stuck in a live stasis.
• Your clothes are still the same, your face hasn’t changed. Your teeth are sharper, cutting through the air as you laugh so hard your head tilts back, but it’s good. A clear show of the vampirism bestowed upon you.
• When she comes to, Edward is glowering at her from across the room. Esme’s by her side, gripping her arm with a deep frown that only loosens when Alice grins.
“You can’t.” Edward scowls. “It’s wrong. You’ll damn them, you’ll ruin them. It’s not fair of you.”
Alice pursues her lips, grin tucked away for later, when she plans to take up your invite to visit the cemetery as the sky darkens. “You don’t get to make these decisions, Edward. It’s not fair of you to judge me for loving a human, especially when you love one too. They’re destined to join us, join me.”
“Your visions aren’t destiny,��� He snarls. “They aren’t concise. They change with choices. Make your choice, Alice, don’t turn them into this.”
“Stop projecting!” She defends, shoulders taught. “I wouldn’t do it to them unless they agreed. It’s their choice, not mine and definitely not yours!”
Carlisle steps forward from where he lingered under the arch of the door, his golden eyes flitting between them cautiously, like he was ready for them to surge forward with venom dripping fangs. “Woah, woah,” He placates, hands raised with his palms facing the two of them. “What’s going on? There’s no turning of anyone happening.”
Edward looks at her like she’s the mind reader, and honestly, she does know what he’s thinking. Either you tell him or I do.
“Y/n.” She utters, almost sheepish. “They turn.”
Carlisle smiles. “Destined?” He asks.
Alice takes an unnecessary breath. “To me.” She confirms. Edward storms out, through to the looming woods and doesn’t come back ‘till morning.
• Alice pulled into the parking lot, the loose gravel crunching under the weight of the wheels.
There’s only a hint of day left in the sky, smattering a wave of deep orange through the blanketing dark and weaving through the lowest line of stars.
She listens out for any signs of you — a breath, a rhythmic beat of a heart, and beneath the chittering of a flock of birds, the buzz of a bees nest somewhere close, the low whistle of a light breeze and the hum of electricity from the nearby town, she hears you.
You’re on the far left corner of the building, waiting beside a caved wall with even breaths and she spots you through sharp eyes as she closes the car door behind her and makes her way over.
“Y/n.” She greets happily, voice as soft and whimsy as always.
You smile, nodding politely back. “Alice. Are you ready?”
“As ever.” She nods, grabbing your hand softly to pull you through the jagged wall, ducking under and out. You flinch at the ice of her touch, fingers twitching against hers before your attention is taken by her twinkling giggle, echoing through the emptiness of the hollow church.
She walks straight through the church like the moonlight was bright enough to light the way and you stumble behind her, trying your best to avoid smacking a limb against misplaced furniture. Alice pauses when she reaches the sanctuary, running a pale hand over a rotting podium, collecting dust and cobwebs on the tips of her fingers as she did.
“How many people do you think married in here, right where we’re standing?” She turns to you, too yellow eyes gleaming.
You stop before her. “Thousands,” You swallow, shrugging. “How many do you think stayed together until ‘death due them part’?”
Alice snorts, an ungraceful mannerisms in everyone but her it seems. “You’re a pessimist.” She concludes before answering. “Hundreds, I’d hope.”
“A realist,” You correct, grinning. “But I’d hope so, too.”
• Alice ponders on two questions that night after driving you home, both of your hair painted a silvery grey with cobwebs and dust and your smiles so wide she was sure your cheeks were sore.
What if you didn’t want to turn, her vision an ending to a tragedy? Edward’s words haunt her, planting thoughts of damning you to something much worse in any afterlife you might possibly have. If there was even a possibility that your turning was because she wasn’t cautious enough, too caught up in the fever dream of your eyeliner and your candour, then she doesn’t know she could forgive herself.
And the much sweeter: Did you ever want to marry? A portrayal of her physical stasis, a hint of the nineteen-year-old she really was.
• The answer to her worries comes a week later, when you’ve finally agreed to accompany her to the thrift stores lining the upcoming streets to the main mall.
It’s just you and her, the indirect invite through Bella no longer needed as a guise. You’re acting a grump as you follow behind her, looming like a stalking cat waiting to pounce and glaring at anyone taking a too long look. Alice catches the grin you try to smother as she wraps a black, lacy scarf around your neck and shimmies lightly with it, and decides you secretly like shopping with her.
Her hand brushes yours once, as she passes you the bags from previous buys, and she freezes, thrown into the dissociation of another possible future.
You know in the vision, that things you previously thought to only exist in novels exist in life too, proven by the way you bare your neck to her. Her contacts are out, irises bleeding into a deeper, inhuman golden and fake breaths no longer racking her chest.
Your eyes are hard, darkened with nerves and determined finality as she’s sure Jasper would say you felt, and she gazes back at you softly, like she understands. You nod even as your throat bobs with a gulp, your stuttering heartbeats ringing loud. The venom begins to pool in her mouth, glistening clear against her lips as she licks them, smelling pungent with a bleach-like tang.
She moves closer, her mouth just barely against your throat and stops short just there, waiting. Your hands find her hips, twitching and clenching. You heave an exhale like it’s your last — and really, she thinks, it’s not far off. “Okay,” You mutter, the words holding more weight on your tongue than you ever thought they could. “For forever.” You nod, squeezing her hips one last time.
Her fangs sink into you.
When she comes to, your voice still a fading comfort, you’re shaking her shoulder with wide, worried eyes. There’s a phantom feel of venom watering her tongue and a hint of that same thick smell that she gulps to feel clear of.
“Alice? Alice, are you alright?” You ask, watching her closely.
She hums. There’s a relief she didn’t know she needed loosing her chest and throat, clearing airways she didn’t need to use. You were afraid as you were about to turn — naturally, but you turn willingly and that’s about all that matters. You find out, you don’t run, you’re with her and she turns you and anything after and between that will be done with you together.
Alice grins. “I’m great!”
~ 𐀔 ~ 𐀔 ~ 𐀔 ~
I really hope you all enjoyed this! It’s my first attempt at writing for twilight, so I’m not sure how to feel. Likes, comments and reblogs are extremely appreciated and very encouraging!!
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pengweng-quack · 1 year ago
Being a Witch with Vampires
Carlisle Cullen x Witch!OC
Summary: Stella (A witch) and Carlisle (A vampire), and how they blossomed from roommates to friends(?) to partners
Chapter 2/7
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
This was inspired by this fanfic on tumblr by lis-likes-fics titled "In My Defense, I Was Left Unsupervised"
This is also on Ao3 under the same title and same username too if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53448940)
Posting is random lol, hope you guys enjoy this story
Word Count: 4609 words
TW for this chapter: SA mentions, blood mentions
Timeline: First Twilight to Start of New Moon
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“So, you’re telling me that Edward saved this girl, showing his vampiric speed to her? And his first thought into not revealing the Cullens was to gaslight her into thinking that it’s not true?” Stella asked Carlisle as he reads more about what happened in the report
“According to Alice, that’s what happened.” Carlisle calmly answered as the confident witch with him started thinking of ways to back Edward up on that one
“You think Edward did that due to other reasons?” Stella asked as she rested her head on Carlisle’s chair, reading the report behind her vegetarian vampire
“What are you thinking?” Carlisle asked her
“I don’t know, the possibility that the girl is Edward’s mate maybe.” Stella suggested, earning an understanding nod from Carlisle “It’s not the first time that a human was deemed to be a vampire mate. What’s your term for that, blood singer?”
“Edward will deny that, we have to ask Alice for a vision.” Carlisle agreed with her “And yes, you’re called blood singers.”
“Me included?” Stella asked, resting her hand on the chair to play with his hair
“Anyone that has a beating heart can be a vampire’s blood singer. That includes you.” Carlisle answered plainly, getting a whiff of Stella’s blood despite holding his breath
‘She’s so close.’
‘Very intoxicating.’
‘So, so, perfect.’
His thoughts were yelling at him, no amount of holding his breath could help when his blood singer was just behind him. She was addictive, and Carlisle had to do everything in him to stop his desires from taking her and offering her to be his mate then and there.
“So, like, if a vampire found their blood singer, does that make the blood singer the vampire’s mate?” Stella asked curiously
“Always.” Carlisle answered “Though it doesn’t work like that for witches though.”
“How’d you know?” Stella teased “Considered me to be your blood singer?”
Stella knew that her question was dangerous. Of course, she was Carlisle’s blood singer, there was a reason why he was so devoted to her despite thousands of humans and vampires alike that were throwing themselves to him. How he managed to have lived with her for so long despite being his blood singer still baffles her.
Would she have to change to a vampire for him?
Would he have to change into a witch for her?
She didn’t know.
“Well, for starters.” Carlisle pondered before answering her question “Your blood only leads to three scenarios; first, it could drive the vampire mad. The second one is that you will calm them, and you’ve seen how your blood calms us. The third one is rare, no one has lived to tell the tale, or so I’ve heard.”
“What is it?” Stella asked
“The vampire offers the witch to be their mate.” Carlisle answered “No one has ever told a story where the witch accepts the vampire’s offering. They always end in the vampire’s demise.”
“Where do you lie then?” Stella asked quietly, so quiet that if Carlisle didn’t have his vampiric senses, he wouldn’t have heard her
“For what it’s worth.” Carlisle answered in the same quiet tone “I would never pressure you into being my mate.”
At that moment, Stella wanted nothing more but for Carlisle to be lying. She wasn’t gonna be his demise.
She was gonna accept it with her whole heart.
She was gonna accept him with her whole heart.
She’s accepted him with her whole heart.
“You’re really smart, have I told you that?” Carlisle asked after a long silence, moving his head to the side and looking at her
He was so close to her face, he acknowledged to himself. One move and his lips would be touching hers…not that he wants that, right? His mind was confused, Carlisle knew that if he had a heart at that time, it would be thumping hard.
“Oh my god.” Stella said, rolling her eyes at him “You always tell me whenever I get any idea.”
“Well, all of your ideas are smart anyways.” Carlisle teased, leaving a small peck on Stella’s temple as a sense of assurance
“Edward’s having Bella over today.” Alice announced. Stella and Carlisle exchanged glances, acknowledging that there was a good chance they were correct with their assumptions about the reasons why Edward had done what he had done for Bella.
“Then we must prepare something.” Carlisle invited to everyone “About time that someone else other than dear Stella over here uses the kitchen.”
“Not my fault that I’m the only one that could cook.” Stella said with a fake frown on her face
“Not our fault that we really don’t need to eat.” Carlisle said back, mocking the fake frown on Stella’s face
“Will they just date already?” Jasper whined quietly; it would be a shock if the two hadn’t heard what he said “We’ve dealt with this for far too long now.”
“Imagine what me and Edward had to deal with?” Rosalie asked him, rolling her eyes at their two coven leaders
“No wonder Edward is desperate for a mate.” Emmett joked
“Come on, enough with the teasing.” Stella lightly scolded to everyone “Anyone willing to go to the store to get some ingredients?”
“For what?” Jasper asked
“Is Bella Italian?” Stella asked, which was answered with shrugs from everyone “She’s Italian now. We’re cooking Carbonara.”
“Sure thing, boss.” Carlisle teased, mocking a salute at her
“You love me.” Stella teased, blowing a kiss at him
Stella was certain that everyone was hearing how hard her heart was beating. Part of her didn’t enjoy it when Carlisle flirted with her, it panics her because she fears that Carlisle has figured out what she feels for him. Though, some part in her enjoys when he’s flirty with her, it gives her some hope that maybe things would be like that for them in the future.
“Rosie, stay here.” Stella ordered to Rosalie, who nodded in agreement as she quickly flees away from the Swan’s house. She had just gotten a call from James, and that he had Bella held hostage already.
With the help of her magic, she quickly made it to where Bella was. She was confident with her skills, but there was a high chance that she was outnumbered. So, she prepared for the worst
“And the witch came.” James taunted, seeing as she gets so defensive, preparing her magic
“Drop your defenses and I’ll let the girl go.” He added, his grip on Bella’s hair was painfully tight. With one gulp, one sign of her nervousness, she lowered her hands. She watched as James threw Bella in a further distance and moved to her with his speed
“I’ve always wondered what a witch would taste like, and now I have the chance to know.” He taunted. And just as he was to attack her, Stella casted a protection spell, throwing him a distance away from both him and Bella
“Bella, run!” Stella ordered, blasting spells at James and keeping him knocked down on the floor
It all happened too fast, James had gotten to Bella, biting her with the intention of drinking all her blood. But before he could even get a full taste, he was tackled down by Edward
“I’ll handle him!” Stella told Edward, using her magic to hold him back “Go get Bella!”
“You know I can’t—
James had used his speed to attack Stella, knocking the both of them down the wooden floor. And before Edward could tackle him away from her, Stella used all her strength to yell at Edward to attend Bella instead of helping her.
If she was bitten by a vampire, she would live, but it would weaken her at the time, maybe even causing her to pass out. She understood the stake of the venom being left in her body, but she also knew that if Bella was left alone, she would change. And the prospect of being transformed without Bella’s permission was bound to haunt Stella. Especially when she made the attempt to save her.
(TW: SA Mentions)
She was using all her physical strength to push James away off her. James did a bite on her neck, and another on her shoulder, and another on her arm, and another on her thighs. She felt the venom in her blood, causing her to yelp out in pain. James kept biting her, feeding on his desire to feast on a witch’s blood. She was trying to push James off her, tears starting to stream down her face as he continued to rip off parts of her clothes just to feed off her.
“So much for being the savior.” James taunted, ripping her top off fully before going and biting her again, this time, doing much deeper bites to where blood was dripping out of Stella’s body every time James pulls away “Now, you’ve just granted me to be the first to taste a witch and live to tell the tale.”
“You get close to her and I will feed off your human, go make your decision.” James quickly yelled, noticing that Edward was gonna rush him
“Edward, stay there!” Stella yelled at him; it was obvious that he was having a conflict in his thoughts “Bella needs you more!”
Stella lost count on how many bites James did on her, her head was spinning from all the venom in her. She was growing weaker, she felt that already. She couldn’t use her magic to help Edward and Bella as she was using it to keep herself awake from passing out
She felt at ease when James’ weight was removed of hers, she could faintly see Carlisle’s figure near her. She could see from her peripheral vision that Jasper and Emmett were dealing with James and Alice was with Bella and Edward, trying to see what she could help with
“Stella.” Carlisle called, shaking her lightly, removing his scarf and covering her bloodied torso
Carlisle’s dead heart broke when he saw Stella so bruised and battered up. He was internally panicking, seeing his confident witch crying in pain from what a monster like him did to her
Her whole torso had some sort of bite marks in it, some deeper than the others. James focused by her chest, where her heart rested. Some of her pants were ripped too, bite marks evident on her legs. James violated her, in more ways than one. He took his time on her, feasting on her as if she was a full-course meal.
And for that, he deserves a place deeper than hell.
(End of SA Mentions)
“Attend Bella.” She muttered, gathering strength to continue talking as Carlisle removed his coat to cover more of Stella’s bloodied body “N-needs its m-more.”
Carlisle wanted to argue, but he could only see one thing in Stella’s pleading eyes: Bella’s human, I’m not.
“Emmett, look out for her.” Carlisle ordered, knowing that if she didn’t listen to Stella’s order that it could lead to Bella’s end as human
Stella couldn’t fully understand the next few events as she too was struggling to keep her yells lowered. She was hearing Bella moan in pain, and Carlisle trying to help Edward find the will to stop from sucking Bella’s blood. She felt Emmett move her body to rest her in his lap. He was playing with her hair, whispers of ‘you’re so strong’ and ‘don’t give up’ was coming out of his mouth.
“Carlisle, you have to attend Stella now!” Emmett yelled, not knowing what to do with Stella’s cries of pain
“Stella, dear, are you hearing me right now?” Carlisle called, shaking her lightly, he rested her hand on her cheek, trying to shake her to get some kind of response from her
She could feel him shake her body, but the pain was too much to let out any way of response.
Carlisle felt Stella’s eyes on him. He looked back, her eyes said nothing other than pleading. She was pleading, no, begging, him to make the pain stop.
“You have to suck the venom out. You’re the most capable of keeping your control among all of us.” Jasper said, sensing the pain in Stella’s feelings “There’s too much venom in her; you have to act now.”
Stella couldn’t formulate words, and tears streamed down her cheeks as she felt the anguish. Carlisle's lips were on her neck in an instant, attempting to suck out all the venom that had flowed through her veins, which frightened her. When Carlisle knew that it became too much for Stella, his hands made their way to hers.
Carlisle backed away after he had a tiny taste of Stella's blood, telling him that all of the venom had been drained out. He felt in peace that he got to stop, only to find his confident witch unconscious. The image made his lifeless heart skip a beat. He quickly rested his head on her chest, seeking to hear some kind of heartbeat, even if it was a feeble one, to hold on and believe that she’s still alive. He started doing chest compressions on her, hoping that it will be enough to at least get her heart to start again
“She survives, Carlisle.” Alice assured him instantly “We have to take them both to the hospital, now.”
They quickly took both Bella and Stella to the hospital, Carlisle not once wanting to be separated from Stella. Emmett has called Rosalie as well and told her what happened, causing an angry Rosalie barging into Stella’s room.
“She’s resting.” Carlisle warned her
“And she’s acting reckless!” Rosalie argued. Rosalie and Stella had formed an unbreakable friendship as a result of her being the lady who helped her with her vengeance years ago.
“You think I haven’t acknowledged that?” Carlisle asked calmly. Rosalie, on the other hand, noticed that he was just as frightened as she was, if not more so.
“What happened?” Rosalie asked, calmer than how she was earlier
“She must have used herself as bait to allow Edward to save Bella.” Carlisle guessed
“Emmett told me—
“She forced me to attend to Bella’s aid first.” Carlisle continued “She begged me to.”
“Why did you listen to her?” Rosalie hissed angrily
“Vampire blood reacts differently with witch's blood. It wouldn't turn her into a vampire since the venom in a witch’s blood is stronger than a vampire’s venom. Vampire venom just makes her weak, but she's our strong witch, and we'll have her back in no time.” Carlisle said. Rosalie could see that he wasn't saying it to console her, but rather to persuade himself
“We’ll have her back.” Rosalie agreed, before sitting in silence with him
“Can I ask a question?” Rosalie asked after few minutes of silence
“I’m listening.” Carlisle answered
“Did she— did she suffer the same way that I did before you turned me?” Rosalie asked quietly
Carlisle kept quiet; he did not know how to respond, Rosalie’s death before being a vampire was a sensitive topic. Carlisle’s silence itself was an answer for Rosalie.
“Why— why did you let her?” Rosalie asked, a betrayed look on her face “I thought James wanted Bella, what changed?”
“James also wanted Bella at first.” Carlisle answered, vividly remembering how violated Stella looked after James has taken his time in feasting her
“Had a change of plans. Stella instructed Edward through mind that whatever happens, to not leave Bella because she was much more fragile than she was.” He continued as Rosalie covered her mouth in shock and disgust from what James did “Thought he would be able to be the first one to taste a witch’s blood and live to tell the tale.”
“Stella’s kind were considered myths among vampires, no one has lived to tell the tale of what a witch tastes like.” Carlisle said, opening another story to Rosalie
“Or the tale of being a witch’s mate, all witches have denied a vampire. Stella said that she’d denied multiple before being with me.” He continued
“What happens when a witch denies a vampire?” Rosalie asked
“It’s like a ritual, fully offering yourself to a witch.” Carlisle explained “When a witch denies a vampire, their magic takes all of the vampire. An exchange, as what she’ll say.”
“Has anyone ever lived to know what happens if a witch does accept the offering?” She asked quietly
“No one knows, all the vampires that we’re courageous enough to pursue a witch were all denied.” He answered
“No one except you.” Rosalie corrected “You’ll live to know because she’s your blood singer. And you know she’ll accept you if you ever ask.”
“How’d you know?” Carlisle asked quietly
“No one needed telepathy to know that you two were mates.” Rosalie answered cooly
“Rosie, you know what a witch’s blood could do to us.” Carlisle said back quietly
“You said that the third one was up to the witch.” Rosalie immediately argued “How sure are you that Stella would not accept your offering?”
“How sure are you that I would be able to offer?” Carlisle asked her “Anyone who knows how to offer could offer to be her mate, especially the Volturi.”
“But she has to accept the offering.” She argued, acting as if she knew everything about what it means to being a witch
“She will accept yours wholeheartedly, Carlisle. You two didn’t spend 300 years for nothing.” Rosalie added
‘She made a great point’ Carlisle thought to himself. Stella could decline anyone’s offer to be their mate and it would be like nothing for her too.
So, what difference did he have from the others for Rosalie to think that Stella will wholeheartedly accept him?
It was Bella’s birthday. Everyone was indulging Alice into throwing a party for her. It made Stella giggle that even Bella wasn’t into the idea of it.
“Do we have to join?” Rosalie asked as she was getting ready
“Oh hush,” Stella scolded lightly “It’s just a day. And I promised to get you that new car that you’ve been eyeing.”
“She doesn’t want this just as much as I do.” Rosalie whined quietly, looking at herself at mirror in Stella and Carlisle’s room.
Why do they have such a wonderful room when only one of them needed to sleep? Rosalie questions
“You ready girls?” Carlisle asked, knocking softly and opening the door
“Yeah, about to go out now.” Rosalie answered “And for the love of god, please get Stella to dress you up.”
“I know, I know.” Carlisle said, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat as Rosalie leaves the room
“She doesn’t want to join the party, does she?” Carlisle asked, getting ready as Stella stays in the room to accompany him
“She’ll warm up.” Stella said with a soft smile “She just needs time.”
“Do I look good?” Carlisle asked, facing Stella
“You always do, don’t listen to the kids.” Stella answered earnestly
‘You’re the most divine being that has graced this world.’ She wanted to say. She knew that Carlisle was scared of even thinking that they were mates in fear that she would deny him if he ever offered.
Not once has she thought of denying his offer.
The party looked wonderful, Rosalie gifted Bella a necklace (though it was actually Alice, she just wanted her sister to look good to Bella), Emmett gifted her a sound system for her truck. While Stella and Carlisle gifted her plane tickets, teasing that she’s turned a bit paler.
All hell broke loose when Bella opened the (unofficial) couple’s gift, having gotten a papercut, which triggered Jasper. Edward pushed Bella to the wall, causing her to get a deeper wound and trigger Jasper some more
Watching all of this, Stella broke one of the vases near her and wounded herself on her palm, causing the room to calm down because of her blood.
“Take Jasper out,” Carlisle ordered to Emmett, soon everyone followed the two
“Stay,” Carlisle asked to Stella who was following behind Edward “Let me just wrap up Bella.”
“I’ll be just fine,” Stella comforted “The kids need me outside.”
Stella didn’t hear what Carlisle said next, having walked outside to where the others were.
“You’ll have to patch that up.” Edward quietly pointed out as Rosalie rips off the edge of her dress as a makeshift bandage, passing the cloth to Edward for him to do the wrapping
“I’ll be fine.” Stella comforted them “Are you alright?”
“I didn’t see this in my vision,” Alice said with a frown, she was beating herself up because she hadn’t look long enough to see that something like that would happen
“Don’t do this Alice,” Rosalie comforted “You’re not to blame here.”
“I-I think I can handle now.” Jasper stuttered out, getting Emmett to slowly remove his hand off Jasper
“Let’s go hunt, I think you need it.” Emmett invited, pulling Jasper with him. Alice followed slowly behind while Stella, Edward, and Rosalie stayed by the house
“What now?” Rosalie asked “I told you—
“No one expected this. Do not even think of blaming Bella.” Edward answered almost immediately, the tension was increasing between the two, with Rosalie’s resentment of Bella and Edward being overly protective of her clashing
“Rosie,” Stella called “Go join the others, I’ll go check on them.”
Rosalie begrudgingly stood up and went to catch up where the others are. Stella went inside the house and to Carlisle’s office.
Bella was clutching Carlisle’s shirt by his waist. The sight itself made Stella’s blood boil in jealousy. She stayed just outside the room, her bandaged hand balled up in a fist as she listens to the two of them
“Carlisle, you couldn’t be damned.” Bella argued to Carlisle “You couldn’t. It’s impossible.”
“Thank you, Bella.” Carlisle answered, Stella hated how such a simple interaction Carlisle had with Bella had such a big effect on her “You’ve always been very…gracious about us.”
‘Of course, she would be, you’re stitching her up right now’ Stella thought to herself. She was tuning Bella and Carlisle out, listening more to her thoughts. She saw how Carlisle softly pinched Bella’s chin.
That was her last straw. She wanted to blast Bella’s head then and there. Stella knew that Bella’s loyalty was with Edward, yet her jealousy was blinding her from thinking straight. She had to leave.
Stella walked out the house, but not before grabbing another vase and throwing it to the floor but this time with frustration. Stella knew Carlisle heard that, anyone near the house would have, but she couldn’t be damned. Her jealousy was blinding her thoughts, she knows that her squeezing her hand was forcing more blood to come out, but she couldn’t care less.
“Stella! How dare you think of that?!” Edward yelled. Stella knew she was fucked, her jealousy was overwhelming his thoughts, and it consisted of her antagonizing Bella too
“How dare you yell at her like that?!” Rosalie yelled, rushing to be in front of Stella in a protective sense. Emmett, Alice, and Jasper were behind, confused with the sudden outburst between the two
“Go on,” Edward taunted, an amused yet demented smile on his face “Tell her what you were filling your thoughts with. Tell them.”
“Rosie,” Stella hushed quietly “Drop it. Edward has every right to get mad at me.”
“Doesn’t mean he could yell at you like that.” Rosalie said back, glaring at Edward “Frankly, it’s his fault for continuing to listen to your thoughts.”
“Drop it.” Stella repeated, Rosalie let out a huff before going to be next to Emmett, not before glaring at Edward
“Your jealousy is too overwhelming. What happened?” Jasper asked, hinting what has gotten Edward so riled up. Stella had forgotten that Jasper could feel emotions, now she was deeply fucked
“J-just drop it. Edward has every right to get mad at me.” Stella assured to everyone, sending an apologetic look to Edward
“Stella?” Carlisle called from inside the house, Bella behind him like a lost child “Come, let me check that out. Edward, she’s all patched up, take her home.”
“I’m fine.” Stella answered, not having the confidence to face Carlisle. He knew.
Of course, he knew.
“Please.” Carlisle pleaded, walking out to where she was. Edward grabbed Bella and left without bidding a goodbye to anyone, he was furious.
“Edward and Rosie did good with patching me up. I’ll be fine.” Stella denied again, her heart pounding heavily
“Let me just check, please?” Carlisle asked again, softly holding her bandaged hand with such gentleness that Stella felt worse than how she did earlier
Stella didn’t answer with words. And Carlisle took that as an answer, pulling her to his office with such care that she was getting more guilty with every step.
“What happened?” Carlisle asked, unwrapping the bandage on her hand
“You heard it.” Stella murmured quietly, not having the guts to look at Carlisle in the eyes
“I know.” He answered, softly grabbing Stella’s face for her to face him “I want to hear it from you.”
“Why?” She asked him, watching as he prepares what he needs to patch her up
“I’ve been with you for 300 years; you’ve welcomed them all with open arms. Not once have the kids, especially Edward, been that angry towards you.” Carlisle answered in a matter-of-fact tone “Annoyed? Probably. But never that angry. Add the part that your blood is out in the open as he was mad at you. It meant that he was furious.”
“Never mind that.” Stella answered quietly “Edward has every right to be mad at me.”
“I would like to hear what happened from you.” He said, his tone was gentle yet firm
“I was just infuriated.” She lied. Carlisle grabbed her chin, softly making her face him
“With what?” Carlisle asked “With how close Bella was to me earlier?”
Stella didn’t say a word in response. He had caught her, and she did not want to deal with whatever he will say next.
Carlisle let out a chuckle, shaking his head and finding the situation amusing. Stella was jealous of her son’s mate because of how close Bella had been to him.
“You have nothing to worry about, mi amor.” Carlisle whispered lowly, moving his face closer to hers “Bella is with Edward. Just as I’m yours.”
Carlisle didn’t let her say another word, but instead left a soft kiss on her forehead, before burning the makeshift bandage and cottons.
“You know,” Carlisle said, a teasing smile on his face “You’ll have to pay for the vase that you broke.”
“Fuck off.” Stella said, hiding the smile forming on her face “You don’t get the kids to pay when they break anything.”
“Well, they are our kids.” Carlisle replied, the same teasing smile from earlier.
“But you, my dear wife, still needs to pay for the damages. No matter how tempting it is to give you a pass.” He continued, pinching her chin lightly
Stella figured out what Carlisle was doing. He was trying to calm her down with little jokes. There was a glint of happiness in Carlisle’s eyes, it was working good on her. His efforts made her blush, all anger she had from earlier disappearing into thin air.
“Damn, don’t they say ‘happy wife, happy life’ anymore?” She teased him back, a smile on her face
Carlisle was happy that his little jokes was working on her like a charm. He didn’t understand what had gotten her so riled up with him patching Bella up earlier. But all he cared now was that she was smiling and giggling again
Happy wife, happy life indeed.
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duine-aiteach · 3 years ago
Irish LGBT+ Content
These lists include LGBT pieces set in Ireland, LGBT pieces with Irish main characters, LGBT pieces as Gaeilge, and LGBT pieces created by Irish people, often they overlap but not always. Feel free to suggest things I ought to add or offer corrections for mistakes I've made.
Please note that the inclusion on this list does not mean I recommend the piece in question - I am familiar with only a few.
Where possible links lead to RTÉ player, TG4 player, YouTube or official sites. Not all links lead to pieces that are available to watch at the time of posting.
Eipic (2016) [gay, as G]
Derry Girls [lesbian]
Ros na Rún [soap, as G]
Fair City [soap, trans m briefly]
6Degrees [mlm, NI]
The Crying Game (1992)
Cowboys and Angels (2003)
The Blackwater Lightship (2004) [based off book below]
Breakfast on Pluto (2005) [trans f]
Viva (2015) [mlm, Irish writer/director only, in Spanish]
Handsome Devil (2017) [gay, mlm]
Papi Chulo (2019) [gay, Irish writer/director only]
Rialto (2019) [mlm]
Dating Amber (2020) [gay, lesbian]
Chicken (2002)
Lúbtha (2019) [mlm]
The First Saturday of May (2019) [trans]
Scene from the Men's Toilets at a Ceilidh (2019)
OUT (2020)
Candid (2020)
Punch Line (trans f)
Boxed In (trans m)
Cailín Álainn [trans f, as G]
Where Do All The Old Gays Go? [trans]
Homebird [trans]
Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu (1872) [wlw, Irish writer only]
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (1890) [mlm, outside Ireland]
As Music and Splendour by Kate O'Brien (1958) [wlw, outside Ireland]
"Sister Imelda" by Edna O'Brien (1981) [wlw, short story]
A Noise from the Woodshed by Mary Dorcey (1989) [lesbian, anthology]
The Kiss by Linda Cullen (1990)
When Love Comes to Town by Tom Lennon (1993) [gay]
Hood by Emma Donoghue (1995) [wlw]
Biography of Desire by Mary Dorcey (1997) [wlw]
Breakfast On Pluto by Patrick McCabe (1998) [trans f, bi]
Crazy Love by Tom Lennon (1999) [gay]
The Blackwater Lightship by Colm Tóibín (1999) [gay]
The International by Glenn Patterson (1999) [bi]
At Swim, Two Boys by Jamie O'Neill (2001) [mlm]
A Son Called Gabriel by Damian McNicholl (2004) [NI, gay]
The Master by Colm Tóibín (2004) [mlm, Irish writer only]
Stir-Fry by Emma Donoghue (2006) [wlw]
Landing by Emma Donoghue (2007) [wlw]
Map of Ireland by Stephanie Grant (2008) [wlw, Irish-American]
Falling Colours: The Misadventures of a Vision Painter by R.J. Samuel (2012) [wlw]
The Rarest Rose by I. Beacham (2013) [wlw, Irish character, non-Irish writer]
To Summon Nightmares by J.K. Pendragon (2014) [trans, mlm]
Carolyn for Christmas by Lucy Carey (2015) [lesbian]
The Accident Season by Moïra Fowley-Doyle (2015) [bi, lesbian]
The Green Road by Anne Enright (2015) [gay]
Wormwood Gate by Katherine Farmar (2015) [wlw]
A Good Hiding by Shirley-Anne McMillan (2016) [NI, gay]
Days Without End by Sebastian Barry (2016) [mlm, outside Ireland]
Eelgrass by Tori Curtis (2016) [wlw, Irish myth inspired only?, non-Irish writer]
All the Bad Apples by Moïra Fowley-Doyle (2017)
Forget Me Not by Kris Bryant (2017) [wlw]
The Art of Three by Erin McRae & Racheline Maltese (2017) [bi, polyam, Irish character, non-Irish writers]
The Heart's Invisible Furies by John Boyne (2017) [gay]
The Spellbook of Lost and Found by Moïra Fowley-Doyle (2017) [wlw]
The Unknowns by Shirley-Anne McMillan (2017) [NI, bi m, bi f]
My Brother's Name Is Jessica by John Boyne (2019) [trans f]
Every Sparrow Falling by Shirley-Anne McMillan (2019) [NI, mlm]
Perfectly Preventable Deaths (2019) and Precious Catastrophe (2021) by Deirdre Sullivan [wlw]
The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth (2020) [wlw]
The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar (2020) [lesbian]
The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donoghue (2020) [wlw]
Exciting Times by Naoise Dolan (2021) [bi f, wlw]
Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar (2021) [bi f, wlw]
Not My Problem by Ciara Smyth (2021)
The Dos and Donuts of Love by Adiba Jaigirdar (2023) [wlw]
Heartstopper by Alice Oseman, as Gaeilge by @heartstopper-i-ngaeilge (2024)[mlm, wlw, as G only, graphic novel]
Please be aware especially for this section that the pieces listed may be upsetting or cover difficult topics.
The Strange Story of Dr James Barry by Isobel Rae (1958) [biography: Barry, trans m]
The Perfect Gentleman by June Rose (1977) [biography: Barry, trans m]
Love In a Dark Time: Gay Lives from Wilde to Almodóvar by Colm Tóibín (2002) [essay collection]
The Secret Life of Dr James Barry by Rachel Holmes (2002/2020) [biography: Barry, trans m]
Queer & Celtic edited by Wesley J Koster (2013) [anthology]
Running Amach in Ireland: True Stories by LGBTQ Women edited by Maureen Looney (2016) [essay anthology]
Dr James Barry: A Woman Ahead of Her Time by Michael du Preez and Jeremy Dronfield (2016) [biography: Barry, trans m]
Green Carnations/Glas na Gile edited by John Ennis & Moxie Lofton (2021) [poetry anthology]
A Different Country (2017) [pre-1993 documentary]
Outitude (2018) [lesbian documentary]
Tabú: Tras (2020) [trans m, trans f, as G]
Seal le Dáithí - Niamh Ní Féineadh (2023) [as G, trans f]
Scéalta Grá na hÉireann: Eleanor Butler & Sarah Ponsonby (2023) [as G, wlw]
Misneach: Ceist Bhróid (2023) [as G, gay]
Croíthe Radacacha (2023) [as G, wlw]
Aiteach Ní Aisteach [as G, queer]
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jacquelinemerritt · 2 years ago
The Fascinating Minor Characters of Twilight
Originally posted on November 2nd, 2015
Screw Edward and Bella, these characters are actually interesting.
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So, it’s 2015, which means that statistically, you’ve both heard of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series and the opinions of the incredibly vocal critics of the series. And to be sure, there is a lot to criticize about this novel series; Edward is creepy, Bella is boring, the story plays into sexist tropes and stereotypes, and there’s nothing particularly interesting about the series’ story unless you’re a teenager who buys into Meyer’s unhealthy vision of romance.
Except, that last point isn’t entirely true. See, Twilight is actually filled with some downright fascinating characters, whose existence bring up questions of the nature of violence, what love means in a hopeless context, and how limiting oneself can bring peace. I’m, of course, referring to one of her minor characters specifically, and the one character that these questions come through is Jasper.
A little background first: Jasper is part of the Cullen family, but unlike most of the family, he wasn’t turned by Carlisle. He was turned by Maria, a vampire he met while serving as a Major in the Confederate Army, and developed a psychic empathy, or the ability to feel other people’s emotions, upon turning. After a while, he turned on Maria, and fled north, where he eventually met Alice, whose visions led the both of them to the Cullen family.
Now, the concept of a Confederate Major being turned into a vampire is pretty damn cool on its own, but what’s particularly interesting about Jasper beyond that is the way his character arc relates to those three questions I mentioned above. First, his psychic empathy gives him the ability to feel and control every emotion the people around him feel, and as a result, he’s forced to deal with the true nature of violence and killing. Every single time he takes someone else’s life, he is forced to share in their fear, and forced to confront the horrific nature of the violent acts he commits. Of course, to his knowledge, he can’t stop killing, as there is no other way to feed, and so he is driven into a state of depression and hopelessness, until he meets Alice.
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Alice is the first person to give Jasper hope. Her plucky and optimistic demeanor inspires him, and he falls in love with her, despite his hopeless situation*. She then shows him that he can survive off animal blood, giving him the ability to end his violent ways and become more peaceful.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that Japser becomes perfect, and we see in New Moon that he has to control his bloodlust more carefully than the rest of the Cullen family, as the sight of blood can still set him into a frenzy if he hasn’t fed in a while.
Of course, none of this comes through in the forefront of Meyer’s story; they’re only mentioned in passing when Jasper relays his story to Bella in Eclipse. But they are there regardless, and the fact that this interesting of a story is located in Twilight speaks to the unrealized potential of Meyer’s world.
After all, can you imagine a novel or film focused on the story of a Confederate vampire forced to experience the pain of everyone he kills? I sure can, and it makes me wish Meyer had had the sense to see how much more interesting Jasper’s story is when compared to anything that happens to Bella or Edward.
*I’m aware that this falls into the harmful stereotype of the “manic pixie dream girl” bringing “sad and depressed guy” out of a slump with her quirky happiness, and I find it just as problematic here as anywhere else.
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 3 years ago
How do you think the characters would react to meeting someone with the same power as them? I'd love to know both Cullens and Volturi but if that's too much for one question, just Cullens is fine.
As you note, that's a lot of characters, so we're just going to stick with the Cullens (and those who are aware they have a power which takes the controversial 'Carlisle is totally gifted' off the table).
I think she wouldn't like it.
This is essentially someone who would confuse her visions as they're constantly deciding things based off what they see just as she does. This makes them seem like they're always changing their minds which makes the visions less stable.
I think she'd find this obnoxious and not like the idea of someone with her trump card.
Bella feels very insecure about it.
She had this one thing that made her special as a vampire. Just one. And now this vampire is out there with her exact gift. Worse, given the amount of luck that this would be, Aro has turned this person and placed them among the Volturi. Now the Volturi are as immune to gifts as those on Bella's side are.
That's not good.
He'd feel very insecure about it.
This is someone with an exact replica of his own gift. Suddenly, Edward's not quite as needed anymore and not quite as special anymore. He would not handle this well at all and would likely deem the other party suspicious to justify his own discomfort.
Jasper wouldn't like it as he knows how effective his gift is in terms of combat and inspiring others. He knows all the ways it could be used against him now and wouldn't be able to unsee that.
I imagine Renesmee would be delighted as this is the better means of communication.
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therealvinelle · 3 years ago
You wake up as Bella the day after she gets pregnant. How do you proceed?
I proceed to panic. I'm in a place I don't know, I'm covered in bruises, everywhere hurts. I look outside, I'm on an island in some other country.
Then a boy made of stone walks into the room, and on seeing my emotional state he gets worked up at well. He's moving too fast, he's too strong, and he's ice cold to the touch.
I panic harder, and now he's looking hurt and confused.
When he calls me Bella, I at first don't know what the stone boy is on about. Then, I truly look at my situation.
I'm on a tropical island, I'm covered in bruises, I'm a short and skinny brunette. There's an impossibly beautiful boy with bronze hair and golden eyes with me, and he calls me Bella.
"Edward?" I ask, not daring to give him any more information. I am, after all, terrified of him after having read Midnight Sun and drawn all the worst conclusions about him.
He nods.
I decide I've had some sort of mental breakdown.
Twilight isn't real, Edward Cullen and vampires aren't real, and I'm most definitely not Bella Swan. Far more likely that this is an elaborate hallucination. Perhaps, if not a mental breakdown, then I've been administered drugs, or else sustained some kind of brain damage.
Edward, meanwhile, realizes with dawning horror that sex with him must be what made Bella finally realize he's a monster. His bride, his love, is rejecting him.
Wanting to give me space, he leaves the house, leaving me to have my panic attack in peace. Of course, he doesn't leave the island, as I would have nowhere to go.
I eventually calm down within my house, and now I have two options.
One, I can accept the evidence before my eyes and the reality I now inhabit. I'm now Bella Swan. The Twilight world is real, all the characters exist in this dimension as real people, and as there's undeniable evidence on my body that Bella had sex with Edward the night before, I may be pregnant, in which case I have a month to live.
Two, I can refuse this reality. Twilight is a book, it's words on pages as imagined by an ordinary human woman. For me to accept that I now live within the world of Twilight, it would either mean that Stephenie Meyer is the God of a universe, or that there's a multiverse and she has access to multiple dimensions.
I briefly entertain the notion that I'm still in my world, that the world of Twilight is our world and Meyer's dream that inspired the books was in fact a psychic vision. However, this one is thrown out. Twilight became an immediate sensation when it was published in 2005, and the honeymoon is set in August of 2006. The characters would have heard about their fictional counterparts by now, to say nothing of how Forks residents like Jessica would have questions about Bella and the Cullens. Plus, had a book like Twilight been published in-universe, Aro would not have let Meyer publish the following three, she would be dead or a vampire. (Likely the latter, as she'd have to be a more powerful psychic than Alice to see all of this.)
So I have to options, either accept that I'm now Bella Swan and do whatever it takes to keep her alive, or refuse to accept that I'm now a Twilight character.
It's tempting to choose the latter. I do have one clue, a small one, but a potential one - I could try and track down Stephenie Meyer. If she exists in this dimension as well, she could be my ticket back.
However, that would not make Edward go away. More worryingly, it would not make the ticking time bomb in my womb go away.
As the hours pass and I calm down from my initial panic, I realize that I'm going to have to play this game.
I start to plan. Only, it was a lot easier to plan when I was writing silly tumblr post, where I had total control and it wasn't my life at stake.
It's tempting to try and follow the golden canon path, except my panic attack shut that down. Edward is going to be extremely worried, and want an explanation for why I freaked out like that.
It is with dawning horror I decide that honesty is the best recourse here. Or, a version of it.
I call out his name, and within seconds he's standing before me again.
I apologize for scaring him, and stomach my dread as I kiss this statue I now wants to drain me of blood. When he asks if I'm fine I choke on the word "fine" before it can even make it out, I just stare at him.
Now he's the one who's freaking out.
Slowly, I begin to tell him that I didn't actually figure out he was a vampire. No, I had a dream about it, the dream told me what he was.
Then, some time later, I didn't figure out what Jacob was either, a similar dream told me that as well.
After that, it was another dream that told me Victoria was behind the Seattle newborns.
And last night, I dreamt I gave birth to a demon.
Edward, of course, doesn't think this means anything, and reassures me it's impossible.
I'm unconvinced. I insist on speaking to Carlisle. Preferably, he comes here.
Edward at this point is a bit exasperated with me, if we're going to see Carlisle then we should interrupt the honeymoon - it's ruined anyway - and go to Forks. Even if I was somehow right about this demon pregnancy, then that would mean I needed medical help. The medical equipment is in Forks. Please be reasonable, Bella.
Alas, I know that if we go to Forks, not only will the shapeshifters decide to kill us, but should Jacob be around Bella's daughter when she is born (it's... too soon, and wrong, to regard Renesmée as my daughter) then he will imprint. More, if Renesmée grows up on the island, I have most likely prevented Irina from ever seeing Renesmée, at least under the unfortunate circumstances she did in canon.
Besides, the medical equipment wasn't all that useful. The ultrasound didn't work, there was no c-section, the only two things that wound up helpful to Bella were the blood bags and venom syringes. There's no reason to be in Forks.
We're staying on the island, Edward.
Edward grows more exasperated, but lets me call Carlisle. I explain to him I've been a psychic this whole time, and now my psychic powers are telling me that I'm pregnant with a demon baby. Please come quick, and uh. Bring the venom syringes and blood bags.
Carlisle is dubious, but I'm very clearly stressed. He decides to come, if only for the same reason why parents check under the beds for their kids.
More, when he asks Alice to have a look into my future, she goes into a panic because I don't have one.
The Cullens are now... if not taking me seriously about the demon baby, then at the very least disturbed.
So Carlisle loads up on medical equipment, having felt deeply silly as he included abortion pills and surgical abortion equipment in the bag, and takes the first flight to Rio. The other Cullens come with, as Rosalie has got to see this, that means Emmett is coming, Alice is Bella's best friend and sister so she can't not come, Esme is coming to support her family, and Jasper guesses this means he's going too.
Alright then, the whole family's going.
I'm unable to relax until they get here. Too many "and then Edward eats Bella" posts, man.
To solve this I use my terror to make him feel protective, not rejected. I pin my obvious dread on the demon baby I know is inside me. That's not even a lie, I'm scared to death of what this means. I seek comfort, and for all that Bella's not acting like herself he can't resist this chance to dote on his fragile, human wife.
The Cullens arrive, and I probably cry from happiness.
Carlisle gets a blood sample, sends it to the nearest lab, and gapes when the result comes back saying I'm pregananant.
Edward, who up until this point has been in denial, panics. GET THAT THING OUT OF HER, CARLISLE.
Carlisle nods frantically, but I refuse, and now we have the canon arrangement as Rosalie, Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett are now against the abortion while Edward is furious, against it, and on his own. Alice and Jasper are... ambivalent, Alice wants this roadblock out of her life but not the way Edward wants the demon baby aborted, while Jasper is just going to sit this one out. He'll be the one who has to kill this monster when it emerges, so he's got that to look forward to. Having Bella for a sister was nice while it lasted.
(For those wondering why I refuse: one, I happen to like Renesmée. Two, I don't think an abortion was ever feasible with this pregnancy.)
I magically know how the pregnancy will proceed, which makes Carlisle more alarmed than anything. Oh, Rosalie and Esme thinks it's great, Rosalie figures it must be some deep maternal survival instinct telling me I need to drink blood to live, and the child won't be born for another month.
But I really do know some oddly specific things, I'm unsurprised when the baby starts breaking my ribs and when the due date gets close enough I tell Carlisle exactly how the birth will proceed if we don't get the C-section done soon enough.
That would be alarming enough on its own.
More alarming is the fact that I'm not a very good actress. More, I'm not Bella, and a month is a long time to keep up a ruse, especially when I have never actually seen Bella in action, only ever read her as words in a book.
What I'm saying is, it becomes very clear that Bella is not herself. Perhaps literally.
Edward, in his growing despair, pins this on the demon baby. It's not just killing his wife, it corrupted her soul! This isn't the Bella he knows. The Bella Swan he married would have aborted the fetus.
... oh god, that's it.
That evil fetus, it altered Bella's personality so as to make her a puppet, one that won't abort it!
It's evil, and more powerful than they can imagine. Can they even imagine what it'll do once it's been born?
He pleads with Carlisle to kill it.
Carlisle shifts. Yes, it's weird that Bella's acting like this, he's disturbed as well. But they can't just forcibly sedate her and abort the child. Besides, Rosalie wouldn't let them, so it's a moot point.
But, and this Carlisle stresses, he's not going to do it against Bella's will.
Edward stares in horror, and can only conclude that the demon child has gotten to Carlisle as well.
That's it, the child has to die.
But, Edward can't overpower the others on his own.
He needs backup, backup from someone who loves Bella as well and who will side with Edward against the others.
He calls Jacob.
Sam, in this timeline, says "oh fuck no. We're staying far away from that." because this is way down in South America. To go kill this fetus would mean leaving Forks and La Push unprotected.
Sam refuses.
Jacob breaks away, because goddamnit he's not leaving Bella to die.
Leah and Seth... don't. There's a very big difference for Seth between protecting the Cullens and Bella from Sam, and glorious rebellion, and going on this big trip to Rio or whereever to be a part of what sounds like ugly family drama. Maybe the baby won't be evil at all?
Leah, meanwhile, would LOVE to get away from Sam, but... leave everything behind, to presumably get killed by a Cullen in the kerfuffle soon to unfold? She may hate life with Sam and the pack, but it's a life.
I, meanwhile, have no idea any of this is happening. I'm happily listening to stories from the Cullens, quizzing them about everything and anything. We're having a grand old time. Apart from the "oh man I hope she doesn't die" sentiment shared by the Cullens. I'm great, though, I've made the best of my situation and I have a decent chance of survival, now I'm hearing about Carlisle's top ten most incompetent colleagues through the centuries. Awesome.
Then Jacob arrives on the island.
(He and Edward have a plan.
The plan is: Jacob gets me alone, when outside Edward attacks Rosalie. Emmett will attack Edward, forcing the others to help Edward. With the Cullens distracted by a gang fight, Jacob is able to drug me and get me on a boat hidden on the island, which he drives to a prearranged meeting place, where Edward will perform the abortion himself.)
My cry of "FUUUUUUU-" is heard by all supernatural creatures around.
"Sorry," I immediately add.
Edward just looks at Jacob. See, this obviously isn't Bella. She's a lady.
Jacob asks to speak with me alone.
I refuse.
Jacob blinks. That wasn't the plan.
He insists.
I continue to refuse.
Jacob does not get his time alone with me.
He and Edward need a new plan.
I see the writing on the wall, and realize this means the others can't go hunt. If I don't have my protectors, Edward and Jacob will strike.
Carlisle, realizing this means he'll be facing a bloodbath where he has to turn me, a delicious human, while keeping me alive somehow, while not having hunted for two weeks, finds a way to pale, even though he's a marble statue.
Jasper idly contemplates dismembering Edward. Edward never forgives him this.
The birth approaches, and since this is a timeline where everyone suspects Renesmée of being a mind-controlling demon baby, I imagine her gift doesn't make Edward 180. He hears her thoughts, and narrows his eyes at the little demon bump. Oh she thinks she loves Bella? That creature doesn't know a thing about love.
I eventually request that c-section.
(Not wanting to burden my version of Renesmée with the name Renesmee Carlie Cullen, I have spent the month agonizing over names.
I land on Marie, as it's easily translated to other languages, and it's Bella's middle name. I don't know what happened to the original Bella Swan, but per this reality I have killed her and taken her place. It's only right to commemorate her in some way.
If reality has warped so Marie is now a boy, then Charlie. Charlie's a good name, easily translated as well - Karl, Carlos, Charles - or altered. Plus, both Marie Cullen and Charlie Cullen sound good.)
The c-section goes well, or as well as it can given that it's a hybrid c-section and the child's father and mother's ex best friend are outside trying to get in so they can murder the baby.
I'm bitten, Edward weeps his outrage into the skies, and Jacob decides there will be blood for this.
Together, they both advance to kill the child. It's fragile, they need only a moment to break its skull open.
Alas, this is where my psychic powers come in.
I predicted many things, impossible things.
And I said Jacob would imprint.
And so, once the child is out, Rosalie swaddles it so Jacob can't make eye contact with it. Can't hurt, right?
Well, it can, because the time she spends doing this is time Jacob and Edward spend bursting into the room to murder little Marie.
Carlisle is inside ensuring my survival, injecting venom wherever possible and stitching me up.
Emmett, Jasper, Alice, and Esme are outside and away from all the blood.
It's just Rosalie.
... goddamnit I wrote myself into a corner. Renesmarie was supposed to survive this one!
I wake up two days later to Carlisle sitting by my bedside, looking like he aged a century since I last saw him.
He tells me my child is dead, and Rosalie is now disfigured from being torn apart by Edward's teeth.
Renesmée was only a fictional character to me, I suppose, I never got to meet and interact with her the way I did the other Cullens.
But, damnit, I felt that life grow inside of me. I grew attached to it, I wanted to meet her. I felt responsible for her. I had all this knowledge, I should have been able to save her.
But here I am, in a body I stole from an eighteen-year-old, with the child I'll now never hold in a small coffin Emmett put together.
I go in search of Stephenie Meyer, because I don't want to live in this reality.
(Alternate ending, courtesy of @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta: I'm able to convince Jasper to keep a very close eye on Edward. Can't hurt, right?
As Edward gets more intimidating, I may even be successful in convincing Jasper to dismember Edward. Jacob is drugged and wakes up in Siberia.
Renesmarie lives, nobody imprints on anybody, and given time my life as Vinelle feels like a distant dream. Maybe I was always Bella, or maybe it doesn't matter.)
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avalon-hybrid-the-demon · 4 years ago
Ok so I was showering right now thinking about stuff and suddenly a Twilight retelling au came to me as an inspiration. So of course something that would been way more interesting than Edward falling for Bella, would be Edward falling for Jacob. Imagine the drama of a werewolf and a vampire falling in love, also two men, because the Cullen are very old vampire and they might not be 100% supportive, except Alice and Emmett because they are perfect.
Now what paper would Bella play? I'm glad you ask. Edward would meet Bella the same way except of her blood being the thing he smelled is Jacob who has been hugging her minutes prior getting to class.
In this au Edward can read Bella's mind but he is curious about her smell, because she smell like almost werewolf and it should smell bad to him but it doesn't.
Also in this au Edward has 100 years to learn how to be an actual human being so he starts to talk to Bella and so he learns that even if she is new here she has actually live there when she was a child and that she reunited with a childhood friend.
So Edward and Jacob meet and two things might happen, first since Renesme is nevee going to exist Jacob fell for Edward the same way he fell for Bella, by association. Or Jacob gets imprint in Edward. I like the last one the most.
So they keep meeting, and they have to sneak out because their families aren't exactly friends, a la Romeo and Juliet but without the death. But the Cullen get noisy because Edward was never a fan of going outside so he and Bella came up with a lie and Bella pretend to be dating him.
The meet the Cullen's go the same as in the book except for the fact that both Alice and Rosalie suspect that there's more going on. Alice because she hasn't seen Bella in any vision and Rosalie because she knows the look on a girl who's faking it. Rosalie actually talks to them and Edward tell her the truth. Once Rosalie knows that Bella actually doesn't want any of the vampire live and she is perfectly content on being human they became besties.
Bella sometimes go with Edward and Jacob in their dates and in one of this one she meets Leah Clearwater (before her dad dies)
Leah has been stalking Jacob because he has been acting strange and she was worried, ever the big sister.
Bella and Leah have a conversation about Jacob and Edward and she decide to help too, because even if she doesn't understand it at first she wants Jacob to be happy.
Once Sam break up with her instead of feeling depressed and alone she has all this new friends to help her cope and Bella is great at making Leah happy. Also Seth also knows and he is excited to have a vampire friend!!!
Bella and Leah spend more time together, and one day while Bella is in class with Edward he just told her "can you stop thinking about Leah you are distracting me" and Bella is like "wait, why am I thinking so much about her?"
It take Leah a while to realize she has fallen and probably imprint in Bella, and no Jacob doesn't help her realize because he is as surprised as Leah at the news. Is actually Seth who helped Leah because our boy is smart.
So now we have Bella and Leah dating but also pretending they are dating the boys so they don't get in trouble. Obviously this go wrong. One of the Cullen or the wolf's see Bella and Leah or Jacob and Edward and it all gets complicated.
Jacob and Edward have a heart to heart with their families while Leah and Bella explain to Charlie that they are dating. Charlie is relive, he prefers Harry's daughter than the Cullen boy.
When Leah and Seth dad died Charlie and Bella are there for them. Is around the time Bella formally meet their mom and she obviously loves her.
Any way the main drama would come from how the Cullen's and the pack react. How when Sam isn't 100% supportive of Jacob and he told him to choose between the pack of the vampire he chooses Edward and so him and some other wolves who where tired of Sam leave the pack and join Jacob's. And then once Jacob and the Cullen made a new alliance the vulturi get nervous thinking they would try to overpower them with the wolf help so they attack them.
So what do you guys think, should I fuck around and rewrite Twilight?
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flippinpancakes64 · 9 months ago
The cullens with a wendigo reader?
The Cullens with a Wendigo! Reader
Ngl I felt like Bella researching vampires when I was looking this up lol. I got all of my information from random websites that I found so hopefully this is correct. You would think I would know more about them since I've watched Wendigoon's Cryptid Iceberg like 30 times but whatever
From what I've found, a Wendigo is a creature that feeds off of humans. Some depictions say that it is a fearsome creature with glowing eyes, fangs, and claws. In other depictions it is a spirit that possesses a human host and forces them to cannibalize others. Other times it has been described as a humanoid creature that is characterized by a foul odor or sudden chill.
For this story, I went the route of the last one with the humanoid figure and the sudden chill no nasty smells
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like this!
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He has never met someone like you before
So he's curious
Of course, he is wary
But he's still curious anyway
Maybe you've been pulling the same thing where you go to various highschools to blend in
Or maybe he met you another way
But in either scenario, he is so curious
Will ask you so many questions
He's infatuated
It's not everyday that you're not the only supernatural entity in the room
He doesn't judge you for what you do to humans
He understands because he used to do that too
Well not exactly but you know what I mean
He feels like he can be his full self and that he doesn't have to hide anything
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I have a feeling that her visions wouldn't be able to see you
She can't see any of the wolves after all
So maybe it's that she has trouble seeing species other than humans and vampires
Either way she is caught off guard
But after the initial shock wears off, she's so curious
Like Edward, she wants to know everything
Where you've been, where you're going, what it feels like, if you were transformed or born that way
Literally everything
She would love going hunting with you
You hunting humans and her hunting animals
She loves your differences
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He has seen a lot of stuff
He's very well traveled
At least as far as North America goes
So I feel like he would have encountered another Wendigo at some point
So your existence isn't a surprise to him
Mostly just the fact that you're here
He's honestly the most civil
He knows what you are, what you do, and he's okay with that
You're not a danger to him or anyone else he cares about
Respectful king
He will defend you to the other Cullens if he needs to
He understands it's your nature and you can't control it
He definitely understands not being able to control yourself
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She's not particularly interested at first
She's actually a bit annoyed
If we're looking at the aspect of the legend that says that you stink like rotting flesh and death.... she's a little more than put off
She's very vocal about her disdain for how much the wolves stink
So she would not tolerate that in her house
But if you don't smell like actual death... she can come around
Another one who's curious about you
But she's a lot less vocal about her curiosity
She's still a little annoyed
Mostly just about the fact that you eat humans
She thinks it's nasty
But other than that and her curiosity she's just sort of indifferent
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He loves it
He loves challenging other creatures (and winning)
He doesn't see you as a threat or a danger
He just sees you as someone new to have fun with
Definitely loves going hunting with you
And seeing who can get the largest prey
He loves to know all of the gross details
Wants to know what people taste like to you
Edward thinks it's gross and told him to ask those questions outside of the house
Is another one who loves all of the differences between you two
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Very wary
She has no clue what to do
She's never met anything but vampires and werewolves
Was about to faint after she learned that you eat humans
Like she knows that vampires feed off of humans too
But not like the whole thing, just the blood
She's honestly a little disgusted
She doesn't tell you that of course
Or let you know that she feels that in any way
But she comes around eventually
Everybody needs to eat to live
And some people need to eat other things
She just prefers to not think about your dietary habits <3
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Mr. Questions
It actually gets annoying how much he asks you
He's probably met a Wendigo before, being so old and all
It's just pretty unlikely that he got to ask all of the questions that he wanted to
Literally sits you down for a whole day to perform testing on you
And he does everything
Blood samples, skin samples, hair samples, movement tests, food tests, an x-ray, an MRI
Every test he could get his hands on at the clinic
So inquisitive
But he's also very respectful
You can't gross him out
Another one who doesn't judge you at all
He understands that you need to do what you need to do
Respectful king
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Vampire! Bella:
Cue the google searches
She acts super chill about it
"Oh yeah I heard that you were... um... something. Yeah that's totally cool"
But on the inside she is dying to ask you questions
But she remembers how closed off Edward was to questions about his nature and doesn't want to push you away
So she just... watches
She follows after you when you're hunting just to watch
She peeks into your room a couple times
If you notice her being a stalker just tell her to stop lol
And then answer any question she has
But she comes prepared
"So... where are your big antlers? And why aren't you 15 feet tall?"
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frostyalice · 3 years ago
*kicks fic into the void*
has it really been *looks at clipboard* almost 3 years since posting a jalice fic??? yes. am i as active as i was then? absolutely not. is this completely random considering the answer to those two questions? yes. anyway! i am officially throwing this bit of fic i had started writing into the void. i didn't realize i had 2k of it written but the following part is what i had planned to be the ending/what really inspired it
context!/summary: nomadic jasper au. Alice has been living with the cullens on her own for a while. Jasper has long since split from charlotte and peter. He stumbles across a small town with an unusually high (living) body count considering there's 4+ vampires residing there. never feels good enough to approach but soon he and alice are having their own little forest clearing visits. he knows she knows an uncanny amount about him. but still hasn't shown his face or introduced himself. until now
He’s standing in his usual tree; high enough that a human would never spot him, and with enough branch covering that he felt a little sense of protection from Alice.
Alice, who’s currently prattling on about her day, telling him how she had had the funniest visions of a guy named Mike Newton get shot down by a girl named Lauren.
Suddenly, her eyes lose focus a little and he loses his emotional read on her. It had freaked him out at first; she essentially disappeared to him. But he’s used to it now, even though his eyes do a quick sweep for any potential dangers. She comes to with a smile that seems mostly to herself.
“Anyway, I do believe it’s time for me to head back,” she says abruptly. Jasper frowns, never liking the thought of her leaving him to go back to that coven of vampires. “I’m sure you’ve already figured it out,” she interrupts, “but I just realized I’ve never formally introduced myself.” The small vampire is correct. He figured out all their names within a day of stumbling across their strange house. Still, he appreciates the sentiment of introducing oneself.
“I’m Alice Cullen,” she announces cheerfully, as seemed to be her default mood. “I’d love for you to introduce yourself, too.” A small frown graces her lips, and Jasper feels a twinge of shame at having been the one to put it there, even if done so indirectly. “Maybe one day you’ll do me the honor.”
She turns to leave, like every other day, never expecting anything from him. And Jasper, he has had enough of this hiding.
“Jasper,” he finds himself saying before he can second guess it. He takes his time descending branches in what he hopes is a graceful, non-scary manner. “My name is Jasper Whitlock.”
He doesn’t know what to expect, but it sure isn’t what happens next. The small vampire holds out her hand and smiles a smile so bright it’d put the sun to shame.
“I know. You’ve kept me waiting a long time.”
Clearly having lost all reason, he advances so he’s just a foot away from her. She still doesn’t flinch.
“My apologies, ma’am.”
Hand still extended, he knows this is one of those moments. One he’ll remember for the rest of his existence. She doesn’t react when he places his scar covered hand in her clean, petite one.
With a feeling of happiness stronger than he’d ever experienced and a warm feeling he wasn’t quite sure he knew a word for enveloping him, she starts to lead him towards the house.
And for the first time in nearly a century, he feels a feeling he’s never felt before.
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pengweng-quack · 1 year ago
Being a Witch with Vampires
Carlisle Cullen x Witch!OC
Summary: Stella (A witch) and Carlisle (A vampire), and how they blossomed from roommates to friends(?) to partners
Chapter 5/7
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
This was inspired by this fanfic on tumblr by lis-likes-fics titled "In My Defense, I Was Left Unsupervised"
This is also on Ao3 under the same title and same username too if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53448940)
Posting is random lol, hope you guys enjoy this story
The end of Being a Witch with Vampires is nearing, thank you for all the support that you've given for this series, you are all appreciated beyond words! <3
Word Count: 2774 words
TW for this chapter: Blood mentions
Timeline: Breaking Dawn
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“We’re home.” Carlisle announced, walking in the house with the other Cullens. Bella and Jacob shared one look at each other, realizing that they wouldn’t be able to hide it, especially with Edward’s abilities
“Where’s Stella?” Edward asked loudly. Bella and Jacob looked at each other, they knew that he knew her disappearance already
“She said she’ll be staying in our room.” Carlisle answered with confidence. And that broke Bella’s heart. This was what happened to Stella years ago, with her confidence high knowing she’ll be going home to someone, only for it to crumble.
“She’s not here.” Jasper said, looking at Carlisle and Stella’s room
“What do you know?” Edward asked Jacob, grabbing the collar of his shirt
“She had to leave.” Jacob answered, knowing he had no way out “Didn’t tell us anything.”
“I can’t see into Stella’s future anymore either.” Alice said, trying to do another vision but it causing just a headache
“She’s blocking her thoughts as well.” Edward added
Because of Stella's absence, the Cullens were even more stressed. Everyone understood, though, that Carlisle was the most affected of all. It felt like a payment for leaving her a while back, an overdue one, but still was a payment.
“Still nothing?” Carlisle quietly asked Alice as she shook her head no
The Cullens didn’t know what Stella’s reason of leaving was. But they hope that it was for a good cause. Carlisle continued reading on every scripture that he and Stella has collected over the years, distracting himself from Stella’s continuous absence.
Stella has quickly made her way to her old home in Italy, the place where she lost her freedom and regained it at once. She walked up to the door and knocked, knowing that it was still Sam that owned the house.
“Who’s— Stella?” Sam asked, opening the door. It was obvious on his face that he was shocked seeing her again. Especially when it has been almost 300 years since they last saw each other
“Hi.” Stella greeted politely before he greeted her back with a hug, whispering his ‘I miss you’s’ to her
“Are you—
“Sam, no.” Stella called at once as she enters the place that she once called home, it was left the same as how it was when she left. She remembered that night like the palm of her hand. How could she forget anyways?
It was the place where Carlisle has saved her from her initial fate.
“Right.” Sam realized, a disappointed smile on his face
Stella immediately rushed to the library, scanning through books that could possibly help with Bella. She had one glimpse of a book that discussed about how witches affected vampires, so she decided to grab that and put it in a separate stack away from the books that could help Bella’s case.
“Why are you back?” Sam asked, resting on the doorframe and watching her grab piles and piles of books from the library
“I needed the library.” Stella answered immediately, using her magic to grab any book that mentioned a human-vampire relationship
“I thought…never mind.” Sam started before shutting his mouth
Stella decided to have a chat with Sam once and for all. For the proper closure he needed. It was wrong of her to leave him in the middle of the night all those decades ago, but she wanted to be selfish of her own happiness. Choose what she knows will make her happy with her life.
And that was with Carlisle.
“Sam.” Stella called, he immediately looked at her
“I owe you an apology.” She continued, going closer to him and facing him
“Can I ask you a question?” Sam asked, Stella nodded immediately “Does the vampire treat you right? Are you happy with him?”
“The happiest I know I will be.” Stella answered earnestly, remembering Carlisle and his ways of making her happy
“Then I’m happy.” Sam said, a genuine smile on his face, grabbing her hand and squeezing it softly “No need to apologize for choosing your happiness.”
“I’m sorry.” Stella repeated “You didn’t deserve to be left like that. I really just wanted the freedom that Carlisle offered to me.”
“I know.” He simply responded
“I used the guidance, asking if there were any chance that you will come back. The guidance told me no, it told me that you were destined for more than what a simple witch life will offer to you. That was the reason why you were made the strongest among us all.” Sam explained, making Stella look at him
“You used the guidance?” Stella asked, Sam nodded immediately
“It was tough learning it, and scary.” He added to his answer
“I’ve only asked the guidance for two things: if there were any chance that you will come back, and if I had a chance of getting my own happiness. Greatly weakened me, those two.” Sam continued, scoffing lightly at himself “I couldn’t use any type of magic for a while after doing it.”
It was a huge realization on what she needed to do, a branch of magic she never wanted to study. But, her family needs this. Her family needs her to be brave.
For her family.
“Mind if you teach me?”
Stella landed in front of the Cullens after leaving for over a week. She was anxious in seeing them again but she knew that what she did was for a good cause. Walking up to the door, she knocked on it, waiting for someone to open it.
“Stella, you’re back.” Jacob said, opening the door and letting her in
“I got some reading on Bella’s case.” She announced, entering the house
Carlisle’s head popped up from the kitchen, and was about to ask Jacob on who was on the door. His face showed shock with Stella being back, he didn’t know how to properly react. But she knew something about Bella’s case, he would be damned if he doesn’t welcome her back
Not that he could even think of shunning her away.
“What is it?” Jacob asked
“Blood. Bella needs blood.” Stella answered before Carlisle fully walked near them
“What do you mean?” Carlisle asked
“The baby in Bella is taking a lot of Bella’s blood, she needs to get blood from another source.” Stella explained immediately, grabbing her bag and pulling a blood bag
“Your blood.” Carlisle said once he’s had a scent of the blood. Stella saw how Carlisle closed his eyes and turned his head away, trying to stop the scent of her blood from influencing his next decisions
“It’s not gonna do anything to her, blood’s too old for that. I decided to try it out with my own blood first, seeing as me and Bella had the same blood type too.” Stella explained, grabbing a bottle with a straw and dripping the blood in it “A witch’s blood is sweeter than human blood. She needs to get used to the blood’s feeling first before switching to a human blood.”
“I’m gonna be sick.” Jacob said, moving further away from the two
“I suggest you get used to this.” Stella said, before walking fast to where Bella was, Carlisle trailing behind her
“Stella, you’re back.” Bella weakly called, trying to plaster a smile
“Oh dear.” Stella said, seeing Bella’s case “You look—
“Like I’m gonna die, I know.” Bella continued for her, a sad smile on her face
“Take this.” Stella ordered softly, sitting next to her and offering a straw “It’s a witch’s blood.”
“Her blood, in particular.” Carlisle added, kind of assuring Bella
Bella drank from the straw. It was a horrifying sight, but she was willing to go to any length to keep Bella alive. Even breaking the pledge that she made to herself
She eventually began to drink more, slowly finishing the entire glass. The sight astounded Carlisle, Bella appeared to be in better health than before, and he felt that things would be easier now that Stella had returned with newfound knowledge. After all, she is his clever and confident witch.
“Stella?” Edward asked, entering the house just after a hunt. Rosalie, Jasper, and Emmett behind him with curious and shocked looks on their faces
“Bella needs to get blood from another source. The baby in her is taking all the blood that she could have.” Carlisle explained to them “Stella found it from her readings.”
“What she’s drinking now is my blood but left out in the open for a few days, if you’re confused with the scent.” Stella explained to them “A witch’s blood is sweeter than a human blood. What we’re just gonna do is to get her used to the texture of the blood before switching to a human blood.”
“How many bags of your blood do you still have?” Carlisle asked Stella
“I have three more.” Stella answered calmly
“So, are we not gonna talk about how Stella just left and came back like it was nothing?” Rosalie asked. Stella stared at Rosalie and realized that her quick departure had betrayed her the most, but she had no choice. She had to do everything she could to help Bella, especially because Carlisle was just as uninformed as the rest of them.
“I had to return to Italy, where I had left most of my books, and I wanted to know whether any of them mentioned a vampire-human kid and how the mother can survive.” Stella explained to them “I’m sorry for leaving without some sort of goodbye, but I know you all will not let me go if I tell you that I’m leaving for Italy.”
She went in front of Rosalie and opened her arms for a hug. Rosalie quickly rushed in for the hug, missing the mother figure that she’s had ever since her transition to vampire. The others joined in the hug, all mentioning their wishes that she doesn’t do something like that ever again.
Carlisle learned from too many late-night chats with Stella that she never wanted to return to Italy since the only nice thing that came out of it was him. He felt something stir in him when Stella decided to take lead in this moment where he had little knowledge.
Suddenly, them being together made perfect sense.
“Stella, help!” Edward called in distress. Stella rushed in, seeing Bella be the most fragile thing there is in the room
“Have you injected the syringe?” Stella asked and he quickly nodded
“Where’s Carlisle?” She asked again, watching as Edward starts doing chest compressions on her
“Outside, they’re fighting off the wolves.” He answered, biting all skin available in hopes that she had just enough time for her transition from man to vampire
Stella rushed out, seeing her family fight off wolves, she pushed one away from Alice with her magic before hearing the shapeshifter’s thoughts
‘The witch is mine’ one wolf ordered to the others, before a pure black wolf attacked her, pulling her by her shoulders
“No!” She heard Carlisle yelled, quickly punching the wolf attacking him and rushing to where she was. Seth attacked the black wolf, helping Stella get composure and tie the black wolf with red ropes from her magic.
Carlisle pulled Stella near him, not wanting to be separated from her. They moved to be near the house, doing everything in their power to fend off the wolves against Bella.
They were outnumbered. Stella looked at Carlisle, hoping that this wouldn’t be their end. If they were attacking this aggressively, it meant one thing.
Bella was dead.
Stella being distracted from Bella’s death had gotten her to be dragged away by a wolf, throwing her into the depths of the forest, hitting her back into one of the trees. She winced in pain but decided to stand up and fight from behind. She started flicking her hands, throwing the wolves just as they had thrown her.
One attacked behind her, pushing her to the front of the vampires, she was sure that something in her was bleeding. Carlisle helped her up, she was wincing from the pain. Jacob was in front in his wolf form, he was intimidating the wolves.
“Jacob imprinted. They can’t hurt her.” Edward announced to everyone
“Whoever a wolf imprints on can’t be harmed.” He continued, a look of relief on his face “It’s their most absolute law.”
“Da columbam albam si spes nulla est (give the white dove if there is no hope).” Stella chanted over a small white candle
“Duce, mea numina (give me guidance, my gods).” Stella prayed again, closing her eyes and murmuring the same two spells two more times before blowing the candle out
“Your forbidden spells.” Carlisle said, hearing her chant in Latin
“Carlisle.” Stella called in shock. She had planned to hide it from him for as long as possible.
“Since when?” Carlisle asked, sitting next to her
“When I left, I knew that I had to learn it. For Bella.” Stella explained
“But you said before that you feared using that in fear of using the guidance instead of accepting the consequences.” Carlisle said
“And let her die?” Stella asked “I know my limitations. And I know that you’ll help me with controlling my desire too.”
“When I came back to Italy, Sam was still there.” Stella started, getting Carlisle’s full attention. He moved to sit next to her, scared that this will be one of the last moments that he’ll be with her
“What happened?” Carlisle asked. He was scared to hear whatever was gonna be her answer, because it could lead into him losing his mate
“He went and hugged me, thinking that I was coming back for him.” Stella said lowly “I told him that it wasn’t my purpose there.”
“What happened next?” Carlisle asked
“When I went home, I did some reading. Not just on Bella’s case. But also, on witches’ mates.” Stella answered
“If a vampire were to offer themselves to a witch, a witch could go and deny them. But not because of not wanting them like I have been taught all my life.” Stella explained to Carlisle
“What is it then?” Carlisle asked
“If a witch does accept the vampire’s offer, the witch and a vampire will then be bonded. Your pain becomes my pain and my pain becomes your pain.” She continued; Carlisle was still not understanding what was the meaning of what she was saying
“If anything happens to you, it will only be a short matter of time until something fatal happens to me.” She explained “The reason why witches deny the vampires is because they know that vampires are easy to kill. No witch is strong enough to accept that their life will end after their mate dies.”
“Do you think that it’s a big deal?” Carlisle asked quietly
“I want you to live after my death.” Stella answered, the thought of Carlisle dying when she dies haunting her. Her accepting his offer to be his mate would be a life sentence for him
“Do…do you think that I’ll be able to live a life without you in it?” Carlisle asked quietly as Stella wept from the possibilities of her death causing an end to his as well
“I cannot ask you to do that for me.” She murmured “They will need you; you know that.”
“I need you.” Carlisle said almost immediately “I need you to know just how much I’m willing to be yours.”
Carlisle softly grabbed Stella face, wiping all of the tear marks off her face. Before pulling her for a soft kiss. Stella wasn’t a master with words, but the emotions that Carlisle felt during their kiss made him understand just how much she needed him too.
Carlisle understood now, that if he were to offer Stella to be his mate, that she would accept wholeheartedly.
He wanted it done soon.
He wanted it done now.
“I’m yours, mi amor. All yours.” Carlisle softly announced to her
“You own all of me. Even before you had the thought of loving me.” Carlisle continued, rubbing his nose against Stella’s nose
“I’m all yours to love. All yours to live with. All yours to be with for an eternity. I’m all yours.”
Carlisle pulled her for another kiss, but this time it was softer. And calmer, but so, so filled with love.
It was right when they say that they’ve waited far too long for this.
“I love you.” Stella whispered as she pulled away from the kiss
“I love you more.” Carlisle answered back immediately, cupping her cheeks as he plants kisses all over her face
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edwardsbabycarrot · 2 years ago
Can u pls do the cullens with a blind reader?💖
I absolutely can! The Cullens with a blind reader-
Edward: Edward absolutely loves getting to describe things for you. He sees things in a way that most people don't and he's extremely excited to share it with you. He absolutely adores being your eyes and sharing his perspective on the world with you.
Alice: Alice is the best person to go to when you need help. She bedazzles any aids that you need and makes sure that you look super stylish anywhere you go. She loves to tell you all about how lovely you look to her.
Jasper: Jasper can sense the frustration that you feel sometimes when everyone around you isn't being as accommodating as you need. He's always a strong advocate for you and anything you need. He is always willing to tell you stories about his war days and help you envision what it looks like.
Emmett: Emmett loves to be around you. He thinks that the way you see things in your mind is incredible. He admires you for doing all the things that he does while not being able to see. He's always willing to help you with anything that you could possibly need.
Rosalie: Rosalie was hesitant around you at first. She wants people to be able to see her and be astounded by her beauty. At first, she didn't like that you couldn't. As she got to know you, she began to realize that you liked things about her that weren't just her looks. This made her feel valued almost as much as she feels with Emmett.
Esme: Esme is by far the most understanding. She had major vision problems before she was turned. She is always willing to describe things to you in the prettiest way possible. The way she describes things makes you very happy because it's always so poetic.
Carlisle: Carlisle feels like you are inspiring. He thinks that everything you do is incredible and he sees you as brave for living in the same circumstances as he does. He is fascinated by what may happen if you became a vampire.
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panlight · 4 years ago
I can't believe Carlisle Cullen....exists as a character? He's such a compelling, interesting, unusual vampire? Like say what you want about SM's writing it is very unusual for a writer to get one strong character out of a draft, nevermind a bunch of them in the first book they ever write.
Could not agree more!
I remember getting to the Cullens/Carlisle chapters in Twilight and reading his backstory and being like “wait. . . she had THIS in her head this whole time and she chose to write about Bella and Edward instead?”
As I’ve said before, I read Twilight during a marathon read of vampire stories. Which is why I tend to evaluate and analyze it more as a vampire story than as a romance (although I know at heart is IS a romance. I do, in fact, understand that). And there were so many--SO! MANY!--Jasper- or Edward-like vampires. The whole oh, woe, I’m a monster. Oh I have such a dark, terrible past! But I’m trying to be good now! But it’s such a struggle! It’s love that keeps me good/inspires me to be better. And I’m not saying that’s not a compelling story in its own right--obviously it is!--but I had just seen so much of it that I was ready for something new, and Carlisle was unlike any other vampire in the books I was reading. 
A vampire that was a) good from the start and b) never fell off the wagon was just so refreshing after all the doom and gloom and hopelessness that “good” vampires faced in other stories. But it didn’t feel pat or ‘easy;’ it felt earned. And the fact that he went it alone for so long, that all the vampires he met thought he would fail, or weaken, but he didn’t let it sway him really . . . moved me, I guess? That he was so sure of his path, so sure of who he was (and who he was not) is really fascinating. He didn’t become good because he fell in love with a human or something, he was just committed to that path with no outside pressure. He had no “Carlisle” to raise him, like Edward did, no visions to guide him, like Alice. It was just his own sense of self and will power.
AND LET’S TALK ABOUT HIM BEING A DOCTOR because THAT is just . . . amazing, I love it. On the face of it, it’s so absurd. It’s like the one job a vampire definitely, definitely should not have. But that’s why it’s so interesting that he chose it! I mean it wasn’t like he was a doctor as a human and then picked it back up. This dude straight-up was turned into a blood-drinking monster and was like “think I might go to medical school” AND DID IT. It’s such a “f*ck you!” to vampirism: “not only am I never going to kill humans, I’m going to purposefully surround myself with their blood and save their lives.” The audacity! It wasn’t enough for him to avoid blood, like the other Cullens do, he had to conquer the bloodlust completely. 200 years of torturous effort. That’s badass. Emmett is really interesting to me for similar reasons. There weren’t many vampires like him in the books I was reading, either. A “good” vampire who has fun with vampirism and makes mistakes but still has zero angst and doesn’t hate himself? HOW REFRESHING! Esme doesn’t get developed enough in canon but she doesn’t fall into the usual vampire tropes either.
There were points in the story where SM not really knowing vampire lore or vampire tropes was frustrating, but there were times where I think it was lucky. I feel like someone steeped in the common tropes of vampire lit probably wouldn’t have come up with a Carlisle or an Emmett. 
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raith-way · 4 years ago
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stories i would write if i had 12% more inspiration [1/?]
Fandom: Twilight Series
Main Original Character: Antonia “Toni” Swan
Side Original Characters: Alana Santos, Gabriel Lassiter, Sara Castle
Main Pairings: Toni Swan/Jasper Hale & Bella Swan/Edward Cullen
Side Pairings: Carlisle Cullen/Charlie Swan, Esme Cullen/Tanya Denali, Alice Cullen/Rosalie Hale, Emmett Cullen/Gabriel Lassiter, Jacob Black/Alana Santos, Sam Uley/Leah Clearwater, Paul Lahote/Sara Castle
Summary: Having her younger sister living at home is a dream come true for Toni, even if things do start to get a little stranger in her small sleepy town. She keeps running into Doctor Cullen’s kids, Bella is having nightmares and wakes up speaking riddles, and Toni isn’t a fool. She finally gets Jasper Hale into direct sunlight and has all of her theories proven as his skin changes right before her eyes. Where the sun touches his skin, unhindered by clouds or shade, there’s tendrils of smoke starting to curl through the air. Her sister’s nightmares aren’t just nightmares. This is real. Vampires are real, and everything is going to change.
Part I – Viridian this battleground is deadly but you wear blood well for one so gentle.
Bella returns to Forks, and Toni befriends Jasper Hale. Things are going great, until Bella starts having nightmares and insisting that something horrible is coming for them. Something monstrous. Balancing Bella’s warnings with her every day life gets a little tricky, but having a new friend to talk to about mundane everyday things helps. Until she starts to really listen to what her younger sister is saying. The first time she sees Jasper start to burn in the sun, just small wisps of smoke, she faints. Luckily, vampires have quick reflexes and he saves her from cracking her skull right there behind the diner while on her lunch break. Before she can fully process that Bella is apparently psychic and that Jasper is an actual vampire, there’s a ballgame like Bella dating a vampire is completely normal and then her sister is running away from home. When Toni chases after her sister, who is being chased by a real-life myth, she gets there too late to help her sister and just in time to see the destruction. Vampires save her sister’s life, but that doesn’t mean she has to like all of them. As far as she’s concerned, they’re all on thin fucking ice.
Part II – Amaranthine and this was always your nature to give light in the dark
Toni greets the summer with forgiveness in her heart, and she rekindles her friendship with Jasper. She also still insists on calling him kid, as a petty punishment for stealing off with her sister in the middle of the night. On the night of Bella’s birthday celebration disaster, she tries to comfort Jasper and then tries not to take it too personally when he rebuffs her. The next day, when he stops by the house to tell her that his whole family is leaving, she takes it very personally. That anger is put on the back burner as she searches for her sister, and she’s beyond relieved when Sam comes out of the woods with Bella in his arms. Even if her old friend won’t speak to her or even look her in the eye. With the Cullens gone, Bella’s nightmares reach new heights. This time, Toni listens to every riddled warning. Makes notes to be afraid of the color red and to not be afraid of the moonlight. Thankfully, Bella spending time with Jacob seems to help some. Jacob is the kind of solid support that her sister needs, a normal friend, until he turns out to be a werewolf. Sam and Leah, her high school friends who just stopped talking to her one day, are werewolves. There’s also a guy that keeps coming into the diner and asking after the Cullen family, which puts Toni’s teeth on edge. Then Bella takes off, again, and Toni’s world becomes red. Like the hair that flashes across her vision, the mark on the side of her throat, the matching punctures circling her dad’s wrist, the scarf wound around diner guy’s neck, the shining pendant of one of Bella’s classmates. Suddenly, it seems like no one in their sleepy little town is entirely human. Bella returns, saving one nightmare and walking into another one.
Part III – Titian to shatter when needed
Toni is no longer human, neither is her dad. With a little bit of magic and tragedy, their changing process was halted. Dhampir is what she is now, not quite human and not quite vampire, and she doesn’t have much time to adjust. Her poor dad is still trying to reconcile the whole vampire thing, with Doctor Cullen’s help, and Toni spends most of her time with Jasper while trying to understand what she’s become. Diner guy has become Gabriel and is always around, but she doesn’t care if they’re the same species because he still sets her teeth on edge. (She’s also avoiding her sister, who wants to be a vampire because she’s seen herself as a vampire for years before she ever realized her nightmares were actually visions. Toni doesn’t want to be around for Edward’s brooding when he discovers that Bella doesn’t want to be a vampire for him. Bella wants to be a vampire for Bella, which means talking her out of changing is going to be impossible.) On top of the changes, there’s an army being built and Bella is convinced that there’s going to be a fight. Toni believes her sister, she knows better than to doubt her at this point, and things get even stranger. The vampires and werewolves start working together, Sam and Leah actually start talking to her again, and her (hopefully human) best friend returns to Forks to take over her family’s funeral home. The witch that saved her life won’t glance her way, which gets awkward considering how much time teenaged Alana spends around Jacob and the wolves. Also, Jasper fought in the Civil War? She almost decks him when he mentions being in the south at the time, with plans to claim she was just testing her strength, when he tells her about joining the Union and sneaking into the south to help others escape. The history lessons are fun, almost as fun as punching werewolves in the face, but the fun doesn’t last. The fight arrives, Bella’s nightmares becoming reality once more, and her sister is still so frighteningly fragile. So human. Even Toni and Charlie are practically human next to newborn vampires, but they join the fight anyway. Anything to keep Bella safe, now that they can. The fight ends in their favor, but the fight wasn’t so black-and-white. One vampire is spared, a girl younger than even Bella, and Toni and Charlie are tasked with getting Bree to safety before the Volturi can arrive. They manage their escape, they win the day, and Toni still has to listen to Bella scream at night about the monsters coming to rip them apart.
Part IV – Sable they say that the biggest stars burn brightly and die quickly.
Bella gets engaged, and Toni takes the plunge and kisses Jasper. She’d resisted during all of their tense moments, when they were pressed close and a movie would have had them bridge the gap, and waits until a quiet moment. It’s just the two of them, talking like they always do, and she kisses him like it’s something she’s done a hundred times before. In that moment, the pain of having vampire venom halted in her veins feels almost worth it. To have this moment with her best friend. Bella gets married, Toni gets to laugh at Jacob pulling at his best-man tux, and Jasper makes it look like she knows how to dance. (If she accidentally walks into a room to see her dad crying and the good doctor tenderly wiping his tears away, it’s a secret that she’ll keep for eternity.) While her sister enjoys her honeymoon, Toni gets to learn what makes Jasper laugh and what gets him to say her name in that way that makes her knees feel like jelly. Life is finally peaceful in their quiet sleepy town, until Bella walks into the Cullen’s house with a very visible baby bump a few weeks later. Toni stays by her sister’s side, mainly to attempt to get her to change the awful baby names that she picked out, and she watches as all their alliances start to fall apart. Witches don’t trust the unknown. Werewolves don’t trust the unknown. Vampires don’t trust the unknown. The only problem is, Bella’s baby isn’t an unknown. Alice can’t see the baby, but Bella can and Toni trusts Bella. One night, Bella wakes up laughing and tells Toni that everything is going to be perfect. The baby is going to be healthy, and Bella is going to be what she was always meant to be. Again, Bella is right. Things look dire for a while, her dad can’t go more than half an hour without a panic attack, and then there’s Nessie. (Toni refuses to say the entire name. It’s either Ren or Nessie.) Bella wakes up, and their family is whole. While the others marvel at her sister’s control, Toni isn’t surprised at all. Because this is who Bella was born to be. They get moments of bliss before the nightmares start again, Bella doesn’t need sleep to suffer through nightmares, and the Volturi come for them. For Nessie. Alice. Edward. Jasper. It’s a fight, it’s always a fight, and Toni doesn’t back down. She meets other vampires, what she thinks of as real vampires with their blood red eyes, and snaps her teeth at the ones who think she’s lesser for only being half of what they are. (She believes her human half is what makes her special.) Her only solace is with Jasper, and then the fight comes. Watching lines of black cross the white snow frightens her, but Toni stands her ground next to her family and she fights. They fight, and they win.
Part V – Mazarine achilles was the sun but baby, you were always a supernova
They get to see Nessie grow up, to see their family expand, and Toni is so happy that she feels like she could burst with it. Even Jasper smiles most days, and they start their life together. He shows her all the places she dreamed of seeing and never believed would be possible, and they frequently meet up with other members of their family. Edward and Bella, in France, traveling with Nessie and Bree. Jacob and Alana, in Spain, after the kids have enjoyed their own extended honeymoon. Sam and Leah and Paul and Sara, back in Forks, keeping the quiet town safe. Esme and Tanya and Garrett and Kate, under the beautifully dark Alaskan sky. Alice and Rosalie and Emmett and Gabriel in London, laughing in the streets. Carlisle and Charlie, in Brazil, where Toni and her dad can stay in the sunlight all day long without the fear of burning. Years pass, beautiful memories and beautiful moments, and Toni cherishes Jasper’s every sigh and laugh. When Bella finds her, with tears in her glowing golden eyes, Toni knows that this is it. Bella has dreamed of the monsters that would come for them since they were little girls. They’d glimpsed the monsters, and that had been a mistake. The monsters had seen them in return, knew what to expect and had time to plan, and Toni takes her sister’s hands and promises her that this time will be different. This time, they’ll kill them all and show them what real monsters can do.
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staringatthesky11 · 5 years ago
Some (not really spoilery or in depth) thoughts on Midnight Sun...
Edward. So pompous and dramatic and emo and angst-ridden and all just so gloriously Edward! He’s utterly ridiculous, and for a mind reader he is mind bogglingly imperceptive. I will never see him the way I think SM wants me to. 
LOVED the Alice and Jasper content. So much more clarity on her visions and what she sees and how they work and how they fail! Same for Jasper’s gift and how he is seen by others - whole new insight into him for me and I’m intrigued. Already wanting to be inspired with plots because I’d love to explore this in my writing at some point. Totally did not expect to love those two in this book the way I did.
Esme...ugh. We all know Edward’s her favourite, but seriously? She seemed to revere him to level that was disturbingly creepy in this book. He is not the second coming.
I did appreciate all the flashbacks and Cullen history bits that came into it - I’ve always been here for that. The family, the vampirism, the complex history...it’s always grabbed me more than the romance. 
Rosalie and Emmett....well.
Look, we all know I was never that likely to LIKE it. I’ve written hundreds of thousands of words of fanfic basically saying that when it comes to Rosalie, Edward has it WRONG - I half didn’t even want to read this book because I just wasn’t sure that I wanted 700+ pages of Edward shitting all over my girl. 
And to be fair, there was some good bits. A couple of conversations. She lets go with some good insults. 
But I am definitely left with the same frustrations as always. Rosalie is demonised for the same things that others are praised for. Her focus is Emmett, and whether he is going to be hurt in the whole situation, and Edward is scathing about her selfishness. Never mind that he’s putting everyone else in danger because BELLA’S safety is the only thing HE cares about. Jasper would sacrifice anything to keep Alice safe and that’s honourable, but Rosalie feels that way for Emmett and she’s vilified for it. Rosalie sees so much value in humanity over vampirism that grief over losing it has coloured her whole unlife and she’s viewed as being bitter and a harpy, but Edward values humanity over vampirism so much that he would deny Bella her wish and let her die an old woman before killing himself and he’s the great romantic hero?
I have always been deeply uncomfortable with the anti-sex bent towards Rosalie and Emmett, and that was definitely there in this book. Rosalie and Emmett’s relationship can be obnoxious (and yes, that part I agree with - no one necessarily wants to be around other people’s public displays of affection!) but it is very clear that Edward sees it as somehow lesser, somewhat icky and dirty and distasteful that sex is a big part of the way they are together. (And yet BELLA being physically attracted to him, physically reacting to him, physically WANTING him...that’s different???) Nothing is said about Carlisle/Esme and Alice/Jasper and what they do or don’t get up together physically - we only get told that Rosalie and Emmett do it a lot and Edward finds that repugnant. 
Tangentially related (it’s about sex, but not the good kind) but Edward’s rage and fury about what almost happened to Bella in Port Angeles also plays into this. Bella’s innocence was nearly besmirched and he’s gone berserk, but does he ever actually think that all those things he saw happening to her, all that horror and brutality and violation....Rosalie LIVED it. IT HAPPENED TO HER. No one showed up in a shiny Volvo to rescue her. And she lives with that trauma every single day of her unlife, and Edward gives her no quarter for how that might affect her. 
The relationship of Rosalie with both Emmett and the rest of their family is something else that has always bothered me, and Midnight Sun did not make me feel any better about it. Midnight Sun’s Emmett is a good brother to Edward, but he is also basically presented as a simpleton. All we see of his relationship with Rosalie is him being the long suffering husband putting up with her hysterics and temper. There was even that very telling switch in something Emmett says to Rosalie, where in the leaked version he called her ‘baby’ and in this new version he calls her ‘gorgeous’. It’s a single word, changing it shouldn’t have any real impact, and yet it does. ‘Baby’ in that context is playful, it’s affectionate, it’s personal, it’s loving...and yet we now get ‘gorgeous’, which once again reduces Rosalie to nothing more than her appearance and their relationship back to the superficial.   
And sorry, but you’re not with someone for seventy years because you think they’re hot and good in bed...there HAS to be more to it than that, but Edward doesn’t seem to think so.
Rosalie also goes against the rest of the family a lot in this one, and we see her being the scapegoat. It is repeatedly shown that her feelings, her opinions, her personal agency, all rank FAR below Edward’s in the family hierarchy and everyone supports that disparity. (And yes okay, when her opinion is that murdering a child is a good way forward she probably *should* be the one to give in! But why is Bella watching the family baseball game more important than Rosalie playing in it? Why, when Edward throws the family all into danger and breaks all the rules is ROSALIE the unreasonable one when she points out the potential for harm?) 
It is made abundantly clear by Edward that no one in the family particularly likes Rosalie, that they all just put up with her temper (mostly for Emmett’s sake? Because of Carlisle’s guilt?)...it really seems like they tolerate her being part of the family at best. And for someone whose characterisation has them breathing admiration like air, would that ever be bearable? To spend the vast majority of your time with a family who would be perfectly content without you? I can’t see it. 
Okay, that was more depth than i meant to go into! But what can I say? I have FEELINGS here! 
Oh, and maybe I’m the only one but quite honestly I am digging that pomegranate cover. It is almost nauseating but just the visual of it so perfectly sums up Twilight vampirism for me...this ghastly thread of unavoidably grotesque horror hidden under the veneer of exquisite beauty and civility!
And also because in the medieval Twilight/ New Moon combo rewrite I did, the only time I’ve ever written Edward and Bella, a fucking POMEGRANATE was the central object of my plot! It was the pomegranate that led to the alternate birthday scene (where Jasper tries to kill her) and Edward leaves her and everything unravels in a different way and and and.... 
And when I wrote that I read all this pomegranate symbolism and was like oh yeah, it’s got to be one of those. I didn’t even write any of the symbolism in, it was one of those things that I thought no one except me would ever even think about and yet here I am, and EDWARD FUCKING CULLEN is rambling on about pomegranates and symbolism and how it relates to his life and I feel like a goddess, lmao. 
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