#if our particular article got the most clicks
jacquelinemerritt · 2 years
The Fascinating Minor Characters of Twilight
Originally posted on November 2nd, 2015
Screw Edward and Bella, these characters are actually interesting.
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So, it’s 2015, which means that statistically, you’ve both heard of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series and the opinions of the incredibly vocal critics of the series. And to be sure, there is a lot to criticize about this novel series; Edward is creepy, Bella is boring, the story plays into sexist tropes and stereotypes, and there’s nothing particularly interesting about the series’ story unless you’re a teenager who buys into Meyer’s unhealthy vision of romance.
Except, that last point isn’t entirely true. See, Twilight is actually filled with some downright fascinating characters, whose existence bring up questions of the nature of violence, what love means in a hopeless context, and how limiting oneself can bring peace. I’m, of course, referring to one of her minor characters specifically, and the one character that these questions come through is Jasper.
A little background first: Jasper is part of the Cullen family, but unlike most of the family, he wasn’t turned by Carlisle. He was turned by Maria, a vampire he met while serving as a Major in the Confederate Army, and developed a psychic empathy, or the ability to feel other people’s emotions, upon turning. After a while, he turned on Maria, and fled north, where he eventually met Alice, whose visions led the both of them to the Cullen family.
Now, the concept of a Confederate Major being turned into a vampire is pretty damn cool on its own, but what’s particularly interesting about Jasper beyond that is the way his character arc relates to those three questions I mentioned above. First, his psychic empathy gives him the ability to feel and control every emotion the people around him feel, and as a result, he’s forced to deal with the true nature of violence and killing. Every single time he takes someone else’s life, he is forced to share in their fear, and forced to confront the horrific nature of the violent acts he commits. Of course, to his knowledge, he can’t stop killing, as there is no other way to feed, and so he is driven into a state of depression and hopelessness, until he meets Alice.
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Alice is the first person to give Jasper hope. Her plucky and optimistic demeanor inspires him, and he falls in love with her, despite his hopeless situation*. She then shows him that he can survive off animal blood, giving him the ability to end his violent ways and become more peaceful.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that Japser becomes perfect, and we see in New Moon that he has to control his bloodlust more carefully than the rest of the Cullen family, as the sight of blood can still set him into a frenzy if he hasn’t fed in a while.
Of course, none of this comes through in the forefront of Meyer’s story; they’re only mentioned in passing when Jasper relays his story to Bella in Eclipse. But they are there regardless, and the fact that this interesting of a story is located in Twilight speaks to the unrealized potential of Meyer’s world.
After all, can you imagine a novel or film focused on the story of a Confederate vampire forced to experience the pain of everyone he kills? I sure can, and it makes me wish Meyer had had the sense to see how much more interesting Jasper’s story is when compared to anything that happens to Bella or Edward.
*I’m aware that this falls into the harmful stereotype of the “manic pixie dream girl” bringing “sad and depressed guy” out of a slump with her quirky happiness, and I find it just as problematic here as anywhere else.
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binaural-histolog · 9 months
Zotoro, Scihub, and more Cool Hypnosis Papers
CW: severe nerdery
I don't have an academic background, and while I've been poking around at hypnosis nerdery for a while, I was limited to an extent by what I could get my hands on.
This is especially important when it comes to the academic texts. There's only so many books out there on theory, and a bunch of it doesn't make sense until you go back and read the actual papers.
For example, I knew that Kirsch had something to do with placebo and expectations, but I only had a vague understanding of what and how. A paragraph critique in Theories of Hypnosis wasn't enough to give me the proper context.
Until I decided I was going to rewrite the newbie guide to explain hypnosis from a modern neuroscience perspective and then I was committed to pulling the citations and digging up the actual papers.
At first I was doing it by hand by pasting things into Scihub and downloading the PDFs. This sort of worked, but at some point there are just too many PDFs and it's work to keep them consistent.
This is where Zotero comes in. It's a PDF database that is set up to scan for academic fields and give you a UI for finding, reading and annotating the PDFs. It syncs between MacOS, Windows, and iOS and keeps the annotations and highlights. And even better, it's got plugins.
Specifically, it's got a plugin for Scihub. You can add a DOI number and it'll pull the abstract data for the paper, and then you can right click and it'll download the paper from Scihub automatically.
It doesn't cover everything. Some stuff is too new for Scihub, and I've had to fallback to https://reddit.com/r/scholar to request articles, but there's so much stuff.
In particular, you get the sense of how academic papers can be a conversation, an argument, or a lawsuit. You get to see the most brutal putdowns phrased as passing comments. And the grudges and ego can go on for decades.
There are a couple of papers that I recommend everyone read, because they're just great at summarizing the field and current thinking.
The response set theory of hypnosis reconsidered: toward an integrative model
I love this paper not just because it goes over response expectancy theory from the inception to the general whittling down from "Once expectancy effects are eliminated, there may be nothing left" to response expectancy as 25%-35% of suggestibility and the addition of a "readiness response set" to cover the rest of it... but also because despite Kirsch's hand in response set theory and response expectancies and being in a journal issue devoted to Kirsch's career and achievements, he is not an author to this paper that is reconsidering his work. Instead, he gets a hand clap.
In closing, Irving Kirsch has greatly advanced our understanding of hypnosis. The construct of expectancies that he articulated and championed for decades has well withstood the test of time and replication. We extend our personal gratitude to him for his shaping influence on our personal views of hypnosis and for his many contributions to the field of hypnosis that he so immensely enriched.
I'm not sure what I'm looking at, but I love it.
How Hypnotic Suggestions Work – A Systematic Review of Prominent Theories of Hypnosis
This is a preprint, but it's comprehensive not just in how it picks out theories of hypnosis that are more recent than the book, but also in how it pokes holes and points out weak points in the various theories. It's also recent enough to talk about fun new things like predictive coding and interoception and somatosensory feedback.
Hypnosis and top-down regulation of consciousness
Devin Terhune's papers are always good to read. His papers read like a story where every chapter builds on the last one. This one is a "synthesis of current knowledge regarding the characteristics and neurocognitive mechanisms of hypnosis" and I can't tell you how many times I've read through this paper by accident because I wanted to pick a point out of it and got sucked into it all over again.
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usafphantom2 · 2 months
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SR-71 pilot recalls when his RSO Flipped Off a French Air Force Mirage III Pilot (Then They lit their Blackbird’s Afterburners and Outran him)
The SR-71 Blackbird
The SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft was the world’s fastest jet-propelled aircraft and the most advanced member of the Blackbird family developed by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation’s clandestine “Skunk Works” division.
The Blackbird was in a different category from anything that had come before. “Everything had to be invented. Everything,” Skunk Works legendary aircraft designer Kelly Johnson recalled in an interesting article appeared on Lockheed Martin website.
The speed of the SR-71 exceeded 2,000 mph. Other planes of the era could, in theory, approximate that speed but only in short, after-burner-driven bursts. The Blackbird maintained a record-setting speed for hours at a time.
Cool Video Explains how SR-71 Blackbird’s J58 Turbo-Ramjet Engine Works
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This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. SR-71A Blackbird 61-7972 “Skunkworks”
One of the most entertaining stories about flying the Blackbird comes from Lt. Colonel William Burk Jr., who shares about a particular mission he flew [according to SR-71 pilot Stormy Boudreaux, Tom Henichek was Burk’s RSO for that mission] over Lebanon back in 1982 in the book Skunk Works by Ben Rich.
Blackbird over Lebanon
‘In the fall of ’82, I flew from Mildenhall on a mission over Lebanon in response to the Marine barracks bombing. President Reagan ordered photo coverage of all the terrorist basis in the region. The French refused to allow us overfly, so our mission profile was to refuel off the south coast of England, a Mach 3 cruise leg down the coast of Portugal and Spain, left turn through the Straits of Gibraltar, refuel in the Western Mediterranean, right turn into Lebanon and fly right down main street Beirut, exit along the southern Mediterranean with another refueling over Malta, supersonic back out the straits, and return to England.
‘Because Syria had a Soviet SA-5 missile system just west of Damascus that we would be penetrating (we were unsure of Syria’s intentions in this conflict), we programmed to fly above 80,000 feet and at Mach 3 plus to be on the safe side, knowing that this advanced missile had the range and speed to nail us.
SR-71 pilot recalls when his RSO Flipped Off a French Air Force Mirage III Pilot (Then They lit their Blackbird’s Afterburners and Outran him)
‘As we entered Lebanon’s airspace my Recon Systems Officer in the rear cockpit informed me that our defensive systems display showed we were being tracked by that SA-5. About 15 seconds later we got a warning of active guidance signals from the SA-5 site. We couldn’t tell whether there was an actual launch or the missile was still on the rails, but they were actively tracking us. We didn’t waste any time wondering, but climbed and pushed that throttle, and said a couple of “Hail Kellys.”
SR-71 crew flipping off a French Air Force Mirage III Pilot
‘We completed our pass over Beirut and turned toward Malta, when I got a warning low-oil-pressure light on my right engine. Even though the engine was running fine I slowed down and lowered our altitude and made a direct line for England. We decided to cross France without clearance instead of going the roundabout way.
‘We made it almost across, when I looked out the left window and saw a French Mirage III sitting ten feet off my left wing. He came up on our frequency and asked us for our Diplomatic Clearance Number. I had no idea what he was talking about, so I told him to stand by. I ask my backseater, who said, “Don’t worry about it. I just gave it to him.” What he had given him was “the bird” with his middle finger: I lit the afterburners and left that Mirage standing still. Two minutes later, we were crossing the Channel.’
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Twitter X Page Habubrats SR-71, Instagram Page SR71Habubrats and Facebook Page Born into the Wilde Blue Yonder Habubrats for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
@Habubrats71 via X
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We need to do most nonbinary cars next. Because it's obviously the NB miata. I mean come on
Alright then, let apostrophe s!
So, we already have one candidate - two if you split them between pre-and post facelift...
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...but let's see if we can do better.
The first course of action was to ask an expert in nonbinary, my nonbinary ex. They suggested "that asymmetrical car from the commercial", and I immediately realized, oh right, the Hyundai Veloster!
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Literally rejecting the binary between hatchbacks with rear doors and hatchbacks with none, as illustrated by quite a commercial if I do say so myself.
As the ad hints, yes indeed the Veloster's rear door was always opposite the driver's side, including in right hand drive cars - meaning yes, the Veloster's rear door changes side with the market it's sold in...
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...a bit like what my ex was actually referring to: the third generation Nissan Cube, another asymmetric vehicle with two symmetrical versions, as explained in my Pike Cars post (and indeed, the Cube also got a spectacular campaign - you really gotta go have a look at that post right there).
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So, having gotten their suggestion (and another unrelated pick that they did however approve...)
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...I set about hitting up the Discord for completion's sake, where @chevyventure gave a couple suggestions of his own: the Kia Soul.
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And let me tell you, the commercials just keep getting weirder.
And this is not even about the commercial itself, it's how long they kept rolling with the idea, and really, how far they took it too. From its debut...
...to its small restyling in 2012...
...to its redesign in 2014...
...and more: that's not even most of them! But I'll stick to suggesting you look them up on YouTube because we still have to get to our friend's other suggestions.
Luckily, the 5th generation Camry will be quick work, since the main argument for its nonbinariness is that swinging either particular way would imply some sort of characteristic, thus violating the spirit of the Camry, a car so committed to the bland that for years the most interesting thing about them have been their dents.
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And so we get to the final suggestion, the second-gen Scion xB.
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Okay, so, storytime, I was looking to get some pictures of the car going on, right? So I found this one which is of good quality, a well-representing angle and a color that compliments its enbyness, so I clicked on the Car And Driver article this is from to browse its gallery and find a rear shot and what do I not see as the first picture in the album.
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I mean, that is on the nose for my standards.
And I'm not the only one who made interesting finds looking for these pictures...
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So, what'll it be?
"But wait", I hear you think because not only can I hear the sounds you make yes even the farts but also your thoughts, "what was that Discord you were referring to, does this blog have a- wait even that silent one from a minute ago?". And, setting aside the serious work your definition of 'silent' needs, yes it does!!!! Click that blue link to find out more!
Links in blue are posts of mine about the topic in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I keep thinking about the ask you answered a little while ago about people wanting a leftist version of Trump is so scarily true it's unsettling. People keep demanding he "do something" about abortion and gun violence but when anyone is like.... he can't, he doesn't have the votes to, they're like "he's the President he said he would do something why hasn't he done something" and it's like ???? what part of this are you not understanding if he doesn't have the votes he doesn't have the votes. Do they want like an EO or something? I'm just not sure what they expect him to do.
And it's also so fucking annoying to see them go after the Dems at every turn while letting the Republicans off the hook completely and not expecting shit from them. You may just want Biden to write them all off and govern like the GOP doesn't exist but he can't.....exactly do that. That's not how our system works. I wonder if they're just sorely misinformed from how rife Twitter is with complete bullshit or if they understand reality but are just saying this stuff for the outrage clicks.
Honestly, as I've said before, I'm not sure? I think it's a combination of willful ignorance and a desire not to learn anything, ever, that might challenge their deeply felt moral superiority. Just the other day, I had someone in my notes who, while otherwise agreeing with most of what I was saying, also insisted that Biden was "anti-trans." And like. The president who, while VP, famously came out for LGBTQ marriage before his boss, who specifically highlighted the violence suffered by trans women of color in his campaign platform, got the Violence Against Women Act reauthorized and passed with strong new protections especially for trans and gnc/queer victims, has issued statements on Transgender Day of Remembrance, made sure to repeatedly insist to trans Americans that they belong and their lives are valid, etc. etc., is definitely anti-trans, dontcha know?
However, I happen to know that recently, the Washington Post wrote a bad and misleading article about the Biden administration supposedly joining Republican state AGs to prevent trans girls from playing in women's sports. It was picked up by a big liberal account on Twitter and amplified as "a betrayal of everything the Biden administration has stood for since day 1" (which, you'll notice, implicitly agrees that the Biden administration HAS strongly supported trans rights). Then a few days later, the account holder actually read the policy, agreed that it wasn't what was being proposed and the WaPo had done a hatchet job on reporting it, and admitted that no, the Biden administration actually hadn't done a 180 on supporting trans rights. But if all you have is one Twitter account incorrectly reporting on a bad and misleading WaPo article, which is like... layers on layers of deliberately distorted and extremely out-of-context information, and you use that to decide that BIDEN IS ANTI-TRANS, it just. Doesn't make sense. And even if in the extremely likely event that Biden and/or his administration have missed some of the ideological benchmarks arbitrarily assigned to Demonstrate Absolute Purity On This Issue, like. HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN WHAT THE REPUBLICANS ARE DOING??! HAVE YOU?!?!??!?!?!
I don't know if that is where that particular person got the idea or not, but it demonstrates how the left-wing online misinformation ecosystem works, and which is in some ways is extremely similar to the right-wing online misinformation ecosystem. It doesn't matter if the only piece of "evidence" supporting your belief is a single Tweet written by someone who hasn't read the actual policy based on a bad piece of reporting, that evidence is now to be preferred against every single empirical example to the contrary because it's "the real truth" (translation: it confirms what you already want to believe). That is the example that you will whip out every time someone tries to argue with you to the contrary, and you will never accept anything that contradicts and/or disproves it, because that's what you want to believe and now you will. You technically know that there is information out there which doesn't agree with your position, but it is the "wrong information" and therefore cannot be incorporated into your belief system. You likewise refuse to acknowledge any complexities, any other branches of government (once again, I am begging people to acknowledge both SCOTUS and how catastrophically it was fucked by allowing Trump to fill three seats), or anything other than insisting on the impossible and getting mad when it doesn't get done. Which doesn't sound very productive and/or useful to me, but hey. OUTRAGE. OUTRAAAAAAGE.
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So usually I don’t read the Daily Beast (often sensationalized news/tabloid outlet), but I clicked on this article today:
I can’t tell if I’m angry at the author of this article or feel extremely sorry for her. Essentially, she’s a lesbian conservative who’s feeling disillusioned by DeSantis’ anti-LGBT policies. But some of what she says is genuinely making my head spin:
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DeSantis has been governor of Florida since 2018. He’s built a platform on being anti-LGBT since around 2020, and only now that he’s released an advertisement that makes absolutely no departure from his previous statements and actions, suddenly you’re shocked?
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I’m sorry, but “limited government, personal responsibility, and individual liberties” like what? The government keeping themselves out of the decisions women and trans people make with their bodies? Personal responsibility like recognizing one’s place in systemic injustice and working to right it? Or do you mean “personal responsibility” in the conservative ideological belief of only looking out for oneself and not one’s community? Individual liberties? This woman lives openly as a lesbian, and it sure as hell wasn’t conservatives that gave her that right. By “individual liberties,” is she only talking about not caring about issues until they affect her own freedom? Because that’s exactly what’s happening. Conservatives have been working for years to oppress the LGBT+ community, but as long as this particular woman isn’t feeling threatened, it’s fine. She can even join them in oppressing members of her own community, until they actually turn on her, which, surprise, they did.
The ignorance here honestly breaks my heart. DeSantis “tarnishes the image of the conservative movement” by being homophobic? What image did the conservative movement even have in the first place that positions them as a champion of LGBT+ rights? DeSantis isn’t “going against conservative principles” by being a bigot; he’s embodying them. Those “conservative values” the author is championing are exactly what got him to where he is now. The author is shocked at his bigotry, but as of writing the article, she’s still ignorant to the fact that because she’s only looking out for her conservative “individual liberties,” she and the rest of our community are in danger.
Ms. Yvonne Dean Bailey, I doubt you’ll see this, but I feel sorry for you. But the truth is, DeSantis is not just one bad individual tarnishing your ideology. He is your ideology, and the only reason why you have the freedoms you speak of is because of generations of sacrifices by the LGBT community fighting against those “conservative values” to give you and the rest of us better lives than the ones they had. Conservatives may say they promote “individual liberties,” but what that means is stepping on the most convenient marginalized group to give more power to a privileged demographic that gets smaller and smaller the more they’re allowed to oppress people. Being a conservative lesbian woman is not going to stop them from seeing you as a lesbian woman, and therefore a target of homophobia and misogyny. Your ideology and “values” will not protect you from them.
I don’t hate you, Yvonne Dean Bailey. I think you’re ignorant, but I don’t hate you. I’m scared for you, just like I’m scared for myself and every other person in this country. I hope you take the long, painful, terrifying journey of introspection and deconstructing the harmful values you’ve spent so long supporting, because I want you and our whole community to be safe. You can do a lot of good if you keep questioning and thinking. But please, Yvonne Dean Bailey, as a queer person who lives in Florida, I want you to understand what’s going on, and despite what you’ve learned, bigotry doesn’t happen in a vacuum. You’ve taken the first step, but it’s not the end. Please keep moving.
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prep-in-everything · 11 months
Most of us Can easily Bring in Wealth in Our Lives
Everybody should have the ability to attract wealth at will. In this article I'll share 3 easy steps which make this process as simple and natural as it ought to be. We will discuss in this particular article two ways of knowing what you actually like. If you think click here to learn more about these 2 methods then you can know what you really like. Disregarding them would just about guarantee that whichever thing you attempt to manifest won't come true.
We've got a whole lot regarding needs. Quite a few folks wish of experiencing a prosperous vocation, Most of us Can easily Bring in Wealth in Our Lives Articles a well-off life-style, a safe and sound economic position, a risk-free relationship, or maybe simply of going to college or perhaps eating at that elegant cafe at some point. A very important factor is definitely that many of you could possibly not believe: Anyone can easily possess, end up being or perform whatever and almost everything you would like!
Now how do you do that? Almost certainly many people are actually hoping to become or maybe have what exactly they wished of their lives and ended up with absolutely nothing but failure. What I could state about that is you get or become what you think about - most of the time.
Therefore if you ever keep on seeking to accomplish or develop into something, you are in fact getting additional desiring towards your life. That’s the way in which the Law of Attraction functions. It is a law, thus it ought to materialize.
Almost certainly many of you have probably over heard with regards to the Law of Attraction. The motion picture “The Secret” has popularized it broadly. It is a superb motion picture, and it does tell the truth of the matter regarding precisely what the Law of Attraction is and exactly how it functions. However in relation to implementing the appropriate process for the Law of Attraction to operate like magic in your life, that’s where many people or trainers or coaches go drastically wrong.
On the subject of being aware of the proper solutions and techniques to make the Law of Attraction work, and I mean genuinely work, you have to first ask oneself a question: “Who do I listen closely to? ” So who do you pay attention to?
Simple. Would you pay attention to a person who instructs you about obtaining what you need to accomplish in life or to come to be effective, if he himself has failed to become or accomplish precisely what he is striving to coach you? I hope your own answer would be “No. ”
What I'm trying to tell you is, for you to have the appropriate information in relation to applying the Law of Attraction to become productive, you have to pay attention to a coach who's become successful in the process. There are probably experts there who have made some money. However when you talk about the Law of Attraction, we don’t simply just talk about “some” money.
To have the correct awareness with regards to being effective applying the Law of Attraction, you have to listen to a guy who has made hundreds and hundreds or even hundreds of thousands of cash using the aid of the Law of Attraction.
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barkoutloudseo · 23 days
Why BarkOut Loud is the Best Choice for Buying Cat Food Online 
As a cat owner, you will be used to the fact that your pet deserves the best. The softest bed and the most playful toys—everything counts. But their diet is the highest stake of them all. A cat's food doesn't mean the quench of hunger; it means fueling them with what will help them be the best versions of themselves. BarkOut Loud makes that ultimate place to buy cat food online.
This is why quality cat food is extremely important; it goes hand in paw with the health of your cat. Nutrient-releasing food is essential from their energy to the shine of their coat. Obesity, digestive problems, and even behavioral problems are some of the side effects a cat may develop from poor food.
Whether your cat has a simple or a complex digestive system, BarkOut Loud realizes that every feline has different dietary needs. That is why we have a carefully selected range of food that accommodates cats' varying stages in life, dietary preferences, and health requirements. Whether you've got a playful kitten, a fussy eater, or even a senior cat with special nutritional needs, you'll find the perfect food for them here at BarkOut Loud.
Why Buy Cat Food Online?
The variety, ease, and convenience in shopping for cat food online are unbeatable. No longer do you have to rush helter-skelter to the pet store or strain your back carrying bags from your car. With a few clicks, you can have your feline friend's favorite food delivered to your doorstep. But with thousands of online shops out there, here are some reasons BarkOut Loud stands out.
At BarkOut Loud, we believe in quality over quantity. We have selected only the best available brand names for our online shop. We believe in natural ingredients, balanced nutrition, and food that answers cats' specific needs. Grain-free or with added vitamins and minerals, each product in our store is selected with your cat's well-being in mind.
And as cat owners soon learn, cats can be particular about their food, so we offer so many flavors and textures, there will surely be something every kitty will love. Whether your feline prefers dry cat food, wet cat food or a combination of the two, we have a variety of healthy, nutritious options to suit every kitty.
Expert's Tips and Recommendations
One of the most typical drawbacks of purchasing cat food on the internet is making a choice. At BarkOut Loud, we don't just sell cat food; we guide you through the process. Our team of highly qualified pet nutrition experts will lend a helping hand in discovering the best food for your cat. We are ready to walk with you every step of the way with advice on which formula to pick and the process of transitioning to a new diet.
You will also find great articles and resources on our website to help you make well-informed choices regarding your cat's diet. We believe in the value of empowerment of pet parents with knowledge so they will provide the best for their furry friends.
Convenient Shopping Experience
You are aware that there are other things going on in life, and shopping for cat food is not always number one on the list. That's why we've designed our online store to be as user-friendly as possible. With an intuitive layout, easy navigation, and detailed product descriptions, finding the right cat food has never been easier.
Products selected, the order can be placed easily. What's more, we have a seamless check-out process. And when that's done, clients can rest assured knowing that all cat food products will be delivered in due time.
Competitive Pricing and Special Offers
The best cat food doesn't necessarily need to come at a premium cost at BarkOut Loud. We compete in price-place through the pricing of our products, giving you a satisfaction guarantee against your money. Moreover, we quite often give our customers special offers, discounts, and loyalty programs, which significantly cut down the cost of buying cat food online.
Keep an eye out for our exclusive deals, and you will find that feeding your cat the best foods does not necessarily have to be very expensive.
Sustainability Pledge
You take great care of the planet—just the way you take care of your cat. So do we, over here at BarkOut Loud. This is why, as a company, we concentrate on brands that adopt eco-friendly packaging and sustainable sourcing routes. In choosing to buy your cat food from us, you're not only giving your best friend the very best but also supporting a more sustainable future.
When you shop with BarkOut Loud, you're not a customer but part of our community. We strongly believe in creating a space where pet parents can not only shop and explore but also engage with one another. Whether it's our social media, blog, or customer support, we're always willing to listen, engage, and help with your journey as a cat parent.
 The Final Meow
One of the most critical decisions that will concern your cat is the food you provide. It is more than just how to feed your pet; it is all about nurturing its health, happiness, and general well-being. We are committed at BarkOut Loud to make that choice easier and more fulfilling. With our selection of premium cat food offering a curated experience, expert consulting services, competitive pricing, and commitment to sustainability, we are sure you have found whatever you might need to keep your cat purring with a smile.
So why wait? Hit up our online store today to learn why BarkOut Loud is top-shelf among your alternatives for buying cat food online: Your feline friend demands nothing less.
Explore our collection of cat food here 
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analyticsrockstar · 2 months
Debugging Failed Dataset Records in Experience Platform
Let's face it, sometimes our implementation isn't perfect. Even with the most meticulously designed data layer, a completely up to date Web SDK implementation utilizing the latest data object logic and server-side forwarding and Datastreams, you're bound to occasionally see the dreaded Failed Record in your Adobe Experience Platform dataset. So what options do we have to find and fix these problems?
Discovering Records That Failed Experience Platform Ingestion Into A Dataset
So this article is specific to customers that are ingesting data into an Experience Platform Dataset. This means it'll be helpful for customers ingesting data for use by Customer Journey Analytics, Real-Time CDP, or Journey Optimizer. In my example, I'm ingesting data into a Dataset via the Web SDK. And evvvvery once in a while I see a Failed batch in the Dataset, like this:
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The occasional Failed Batch of data into Experience Platform
If you click the links in the left, you'll often times get a little more information about why the record didn't pass the automated, built-in validation when data is ingested into Experience Platform. These errors are often due to formatting, type mismatches, etc. Here's some helpful documentation on types of Experience Platform Validation.
I've been trying to figure out this specific error lately, but it's difficult to debug without additional information. Here's a screenshot of the validation error:
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Looks like something is getting passed into an XDM field meant to capture email address, but it's either a null array or something and it's unclear
Getting Additional Context On When Your Ingestion Validation Errors Are Happening
OK so sometimes the error is easy to debug and resolve. But this one in particular has been bugging me. I need additional context to understand when this is happening in the data collection process. I was told that I can easily access the full XDM object that failed by using the Data Access API for Adobe Experience Platform but API work is my least favorite kind of work. So I went digging into the UI. And guess what! I found something amazing:
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Check out all that glorious, glorious XDM Context 🤤
Imagine what I can do with this information. I can see exactly what URL the user was on when this XDM record failed, and all of their details that are included in XDM: location, events, ECID, and more! Of course, I threw that ECID into Customer Journey Analytics, found the exact journey the user was on, and resolved the issue with a little bit of cleanup in my Launch rule.
Oh wait, you probably want to know how I got there? OK fine, I'll share my secret.
Click on Sources, then Dataflows:
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Get out of Datasets and get into Sources > Dataflows
Then, apply a Filter to Adobe Data Collection (or if you're not using the Web SDK / Mobile SDK, whatever Source you used instead)
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Mmmm, filters....
Then, you'll want to scroll through the Dataflows in the listing to find the one associated with the Dataset that you care about and click it. You'll now see a similar list of Batches ingested into your Dataset with a list of any that have Records that Failed due to Validation:
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Oh no! A failed record!
Simply click any "Dataflow" that has a Failed Record included in it, and you'll see a page that looks very similar to what we saw earlier, but with one additional (amazing) button: Preview Error Diagnostics
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I've subtly identified the button for you
AND THIS, my friends, is how I found the complete XDM object that failed without having to understand what a Bearer Access Token is! 
Use this information wisely - for those of you using the Web SDK to ingest data for Customer Journey Analytics, Real-Time CDP, or Journey Optimizer, I'm confident you'll find it to be incredibly useful!
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mindrivwebsolutions · 2 months
Innovative Content Marketing Services for Small Businesses
In today’s digital age, content marketing has emerged as a crucial strategy for businesses of all sizes. For small businesses, in particular, it offers a cost-effective way to reach and engage with their target audience. At Mindriv, we understand the unique challenges small businesses face and are committed to providing innovative content marketing services tailored to their needs. In this blog post, we’ll explore the various ways to help your small business thrive through effective content marketing.
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Understanding Content Marketing
Content marketing is more than just creating and sharing content. It’s about providing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience, ultimately driving profitable customer action. This approach helps build trust and loyalty with your audience, positioning your small business as an authority in your industry.
The Importance of Content Marketing for Small Businesses
For small businesses, content marketing is essential for several reasons:
Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional advertising methods, content marketing is more affordable. It allows small businesses to compete with larger companies without breaking the bank.
Brand Awareness: Consistently publishing high-quality content increases your brand’s visibility and awareness.
Customer Engagement: Engaging content keeps your audience interested and encourages interaction, fostering a sense of community around your brand.
SEO Benefits: Quality content helps improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find you online.
Innovative Content Marketing Services by Mindriv
At Mindriv, we offer a range of innovative content marketing services designed to help small businesses succeed. Here’s how we can support your content marketing efforts:
1. Content Strategy Development
A well-defined content strategy is the foundation of successful content marketing. Our team will work closely with you to understand your business goals, target audience, and unique selling points. We’ll develop a comprehensive content strategy that aligns with your objectives and ensures consistent, high-quality content production.
2. Blogging and Article Writing
Blogs and articles are powerful tools for engaging your audience and driving traffic to your website. Our experienced writers will create compelling, informative, and SEO-optimized content that resonates with your target audience. Whether you need industry insights, how-to guides, or thought leadership pieces, we’ve got you covered.
3. Social Media Content
Social media is a vital platform for small businesses to connect with their audience. Our social media experts will create engaging and shareable content tailored to each platform. We’ll help you build a strong social media presence, foster engagement, and drive traffic to your website.
4. Video Marketing
Video content is increasingly popular and highly effective in capturing attention. We offer video production services to create engaging and professional videos that showcase your products, services, or brand story. From promotional videos to tutorials and customer testimonials, we’ll help you leverage the power of video marketing.
5. Email Marketing
Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and maintain customer relationships. Our team will design and execute email marketing campaigns that deliver value to your subscribers. We’ll craft compelling email content, design eye-catching templates, and implement strategies to improve open and click-through rates.
6. Infographics and Visual Content
Visual content, such as infographics, is a great way to present information in an easily digestible format. Our designers will create visually appealing and informative infographics that enhance your content and engage your audience. Visual content can help simplify complex topics and make your message more memorable.
7. Content Distribution and Promotion
Creating great content is just the beginning; promoting it effectively is equally important. We will develop a content distribution and promotion plan to ensure your content reaches the right audience. We’ll leverage various channels, including social media, email marketing, and influencer partnerships, to maximize your content’s reach and impact.
Get Started with Mindriv
If you’re a small business looking for Content Marketing Services, Mindriv is here to help. Our innovative content marketing services are designed to meet your unique needs and drive your business forward. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your content marketing journey.
Resource: https://mindriv.blogspot.com/2024/07/innovative-content-marketing-services-for-small-businesses.html
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Blackbird Pilot recalls when his RSO ‘gave the birdie’ to a French Air Force Mirage III pilot (Then They lit their SR-71’s Afterburners and Outran him)
By Linda Sheffield Miller
Jun 11 2023
‘My RSO had given him “the bird” with his middle finger: I lit the afterburners and left that Mirage standing still. Two minutes later, we were crossing the Channel,’ Lt. Colonel William Burk Jr., former SR-71 Blackbird pilot.
The SR-71, unofficially known as the “Blackbird,” is a long-range, advanced, strategic reconnaissance aircraft developed from the Lockheed A-12 and YF-12A aircraft. The first flight of an SR-71 took place on Dec. 22, 1964, and the first SR-71 to enter service was delivered to the 4200th (later 9th) Strategic Reconnaissance Wing at Beale Air Force Base, Calif., in January 1966. The US Air Force (USAF) retired its fleet of SR-71s on Jan. 26, 1990.
Throughout its nearly 24-year career, the SR-71 remained the world’s fastest and highest-flying operational aircraft. From 80,000 feet, it could survey 100,000 square miles of Earth’s surface per hour.
One of the most entertaining stories about flying the SR-71 comes from Lt. Colonel William Burk Jr., who shares about a particular mission he flew [according to SR-71 pilot Stormy Boudreaux, Tom Henichek was Burk’s RSO for that mission] over Lebanon back in 1982.
The story is featured in the book Skunk Works by Ben Rich and in the video in this post.
That time a French Mirage III unintentionally buzzed (and scared) a U-2 flying at 65,000ft during a mission aimed to monitor France’s nuclear facilities
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‘In the fall of ’82, I flew from Mildenhall on a mission over Lebanon in response to the Marine barracks bombing. President Reagan ordered photo coverage of all the terrorist basis in the region. The French refused to allow us overfly, so our mission profile was to refuel off the south coast of England, a Mach 3 cruise leg down the coast of Portugal and Spain, left turn through the Straits of Gibraltar, refuel in the Western Mediterranean, right turn into Lebanon and fly right down main street Beirut, exit along the southern Mediterranean with another refueling over Malta, supersonic back out the straits, and return to England. Because Syria had a Soviet SA-5 missile system just west of Damascus that we would be penetrating (we were unsure of Syria’s intentions in this conflict), we programmed to fly above 80,000 feet and at Mach 3 plus to be on the safe side, knowing that this advanced missile had the range and speed to nail us.
‘As we entered Lebanon’s airspace my Recon Systems Officer in the rear cockpit informed me that our defensive systems display showed we were being tracked by that SA-5. About 15 seconds later we got a warning of active guidance signals from the SA-5 site. We couldn’t tell whether there was an actual launch or the missile was still on the rails, but they were actively tracking us. We didn’t waste any time wondering, but climbed and pushed that throttle, and said a couple of “Hail Kellys.”
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SR-71 print
This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. SR-71A Blackbird 61-7972 “Skunkworks”
‘We completed our pass over Beirut and turned toward Malta, when I got a warning low-oil-pressure light on my right engine. Even though the engine was running fine I slowed down and lowered our altitude and made a direct line for England. We decided to cross France without clearance instead of going the roundabout way.
‘We made it almost across, when I looked out the left window and saw a French Mirage III sitting ten feet off my left wing. He came up on our frequency and asked us for our Diplomatic Clearance Number. I had no idea what he was talking about, so I told him to stand by. I ask my backseater, who said, “Don’t worry about it. I just gave it to him.” What he had given him was “the bird” with his middle finger: I lit the afterburners and left that Mirage standing still. Two minutes later, we were crossing the Channel.’
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Facebook Pages Habubrats SR-71 and Born into the Wilde Blue Yonder for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
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44gamez · 7 months
Soul Knight codes for March 2024
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This checklist of all the brand new Soul Knight codes is a welcome boon on this fast-paced, bullet hell rogue-like, providing heaps of supplies, gems, and extra. And, to assist make your subsequent run simpler, we’ve gathered all the energetic SK codes right here for you. Not every thing in a rogue-like must be laborious in any case. In case you’re trying to bag some extra free stuff in your cell video games, take a look at our Pokémon Go promo codes, Genshin Influence codes, Shindo Life codes, Anime Adventures codes, and Rage Mage codes to restock on provides. New Soul Knight codes: - 3QPlayer – 666 gems, weapon attachment voucher, and two infinite vitality vouches - 100000 – 500 gems  - 2THANIV – 1,000 gems  - BIGMOUTH – titum arum, fertilizer, and 500 gems  - BYETIGER – 777 gems  - DRUID – 999 gems  - DUOSHOU – 500 gems  - FLOWERS – 5 heptacolor viola  - GARDEN – oak tree, ironwood, gear flower, and trumpet flower  - IROBOT – 5 components, 5 battery, and 515 gems  - JINKELA – three fertilizer  - MIAO – 555 gems  - NEWHALL – 999 gems  - QDKYS – 577 gems  - SKBACK – 999 gems  - SKGIFT – 500 gems  - SKNIGHT – 488 gems  - SUPER5 – 555 gems and three free trial vouchers  - TDY8E – 888 gems  - TDY8ET – gems  - WEAPONS – vine, inexperienced onions, and carrot  - WIERD – iron stone, timber, and 888 gems  - WISH – 500 gems, one heptacolor viola, and one fertiliser Expired codes: - 18NTDRO - 18NTD - LWYXZYBGX - GDX6KK - ZSDHMK - 6KKNTQE - GOSDAD
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How do I redeem Soul Knight codes?
Redeeming Soul Knight codes is simple when you observe these steps: Boot up Soul Knight Press the cog button to entry the settings menu Click on ‘Present code enter’ which seems to be like a tiny padlock Plug in your code Get pleasure from your free items!
What are Soul Knight codes?
Soul Knight codes are freebies given out by the developer, ChillyRoom, that will help you out in-game, providing quite a lot of goodies akin to gems, fertilizers, and different useful supplies. Chillyroom normally releases new codes to have a good time recent updates or particular milestones. However you don’t have to fret about that – merely verify again right here infrequently, as we collect all of them up for you.  There you have got it, every thing you must learn about Soul Knight codes. For extra weapons ‘n’ funs, take a look at our lists of the most effective FPS video games, the most effective cell battle video games, or the most effective cell video games general. Source link Read the full article
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reviewrating · 1 year
WebGenie Ai-To Create A Profitable Website With Ai
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WebGenie Ai-To Create A Profitable Website With Ai
WebGenie Ai-To Create A Profitable Website With Ai.
World's First A.I Bot Builds Us DFY Websites Prefilled With Smoking Hot Content…Then Promote It To 495 MILLION Buyers For 100% Free…Banking Us $578.34 Daily With Zero Work.
WebGenie Ai-Introduction
Welcome to our webgenie Ai Survey! In this article, we'll give a fair-minded survey of the WebGenie stage to help you decide if it's worth putting resources into. With the rising significance of online presence, numerous organizations are looking for answers to make staggering sites that can assist them with standing apart from the opposition. WebGenie is an across-the-board stage that offers different site-building highlights, for example, site layouts, Web optimization instruments, and online business usefulness, making it a convincing choice for business people and entrepreneurs. In this way, moving along, how about we plunge into our genuine audit of WebGenie?
What is WebGenie?
WebGenie is a strong web-based device intended to assist you with making delightful, responsive sites in minutes, with next to no coding abilities required. It offers an instinctive simplified interface that makes it simple to plan custom pages and components, add sight and sound substance, and redo your site's marking to suit your requirements.
WebGenie is a cloud-based web designer, and that implies you don't have to download or introduce any product to utilize it. You can get to it from any gadget with a web association and work on your webpage from any place.
With WebGenie, you can browse a wide assortment of formats, including industry-explicit subjects, to assist you with making an expert-looking site in minutes. Furthermore, you can tweak the plan and format to accommodate your image's special character.
How Does WebGenie Work?
WebGenie is a cloud-based instrument that permits you to computerize and plan web-based entertainment posts across numerous stages. This is the carefully guarded secret:
Stage 1: Associate Your Web-based Entertainment Records
In the first place, you want to associate your web-based entertainment records with WebGenie. It upholds famous stages like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Stage 2: Make Your Substance
Then, you can make your online entertainment content utilizing WebGenie's not difficult-to-utilize supervisor. You can add pictures, recordings, text, and hashtags. You can likewise save your substance as drafts to chip away at later.
Stage 3: Timetable Your Posts
Whenever you've made your substance, you can plan it to be posted at a particular date and time. WebGenie offers a visual schedule where you can see all your booked posts. You can likewise add various posts without a moment's delay and allow WebGenie to accomplish the work for you.
Stage 4: Examine Your Exhibition
WebGenie likewise offers an investigation that allows you to follow your online entertainment execution. You can see which posts got the most commitment, snaps, and offers. This data assists you with fine-tuning your online entertainment procedure for improved results.
In general, WebGenie improves your web-based entertainment board cycle by allowing you to computerize and plan your posts. It's ideally suited for occupied business people, entrepreneurs, and showcasing groups who need to save time and smooth out their virtual entertainment The Advantages of Utilizing WebGenie
>>> Get Instant Access To WebGenie<<<
WebGenie Ai —WebGenie Overview
Vendor: Pranshu et al
Product:               WebGenie
Launch Date:      2023-May-21
Launch Time:      11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
Recommendation:             Highly Recommend
>>>Official Website: Click Here<<<
Refund: 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Niche:   Software
WebGenie Ai - What WebGenie Is Capable Of Doing
Build A Fully Functional And Stunning Website With A Click. Forget all about hiring web designers and paying thousands of dollars in fees…With WebGenie you get all of that done for you with just a click…All you need is to choose your niche, and you are good to go.
 Generate Human-Like AI Content   Each website you generate, will be automatically filled with UNIQUE and most importantly human-like content…This content is generated by the power of AI to do one thing…
 Generate All Content In 28 Languages Localize all your content automatically in 28 different languages…
WebGenie will automatically translate all content into different languages…So it doesn't matter what country you are trying to target, WebGenie got you covered.
 Generate Attention-Sucking Images  Turn any keyword into a stunning graphic generated by AI…
This alone will turn your website into a futuristic website with ease…Never hire a graphic designer again.
WebGenie Ai - Features Of This Product
Produce and publicize shocking, extraordinarily proficient sites with unique substance in more than 10,000 specialty classes with straightforwardness.
Access the gigantic $284 billion site creation market to begin bringing in cash immediately.
Enter your watchwords and a site with your custom substance and pictures is produced in more than 25 dialects.
Without ever logging into ChatGPT, naturally, distribute your own substance and pictures to your site's posts and pages during the day.
To rapidly create shocking, change-centered sites designated to any specialty, access north of 500 pre-planned, profoundly customizable subjects.
Effectively add the ChatGPT Bot to your site to consider quick discussions with guests as they peruse the page.
Allow the computer-based intelligence motor to naturally answer questions or remarks from guests on blog entries or website pages by giving speedy and precise reactions.
You can undoubtedly acknowledge installments for web-based selling and online business destinations by accomplishing easy combinations with WooCommerce.
With north of 3000 preloaded, editable layouts for different nearby promoting pictures, showcasing recordings, web-based entertainment designs, logo units, advertising letters, contents, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Make sites that are absolutely versatile, have web index upgraded, and have fast stacking times.
Benefit from the included boundless business permit, which permits you to offer and sell site creation administrations, has opened the way for huge incomes.
How about we move into the following part of web genie Oto
WebGenie Pricing
WebGenie offers different evaluation plans relying on your requirements and financial plan. Here is a breakdown of the plans:
- Fundamental Arrangement: The essential arrangement costs $39 each month. It incorporates 1,000 month-to-month guests, 3 pages, 1 custom space, and fundamental reconciliations.
- Development Plan: The development plan costs $79 each month. It incorporates 10,000 month-to-month guests, 15 pages, 3 custom areas, high-level combinations, and admittance to the WebGenie people group.
- First-class Plan: The tip-top arrangement costs $199 each month. It incorporates 100,000 month-to-month guests, limitless pages, 10 custom spaces, high-level reconciliations, needs backing, and admittance to the WebGenie people group.
All plans accompany a 14-day free preliminary and a 30-day unconditional promise. You can update or minimize your arrangement whenever contingent upon your necessities.
By and large, WebGenie's evaluation is sensible, particularly taking into account the highlights and advantages you get. It's a wise venture for anybody hoping to fabricate an expert and successful site without the requirement for specialized mastery or coding abilities.
WebGenie Ai - Who Should Use it?
WebGenie Is For You Paying little heed to What You Are Doing…Pick between more than 500 DFY dazzling layouts in all specialties conceivable. With a single tick, you will actually want to change your web composition, With zero personal time.
It works for:
Product Creators
Affiliate Marketers
eCom Store Owners
Blog Owners
CPA Marketers
Video Marketers
Artists/Content Creators
Personal Brands
WebGenie Ai How Much It Costs?
See, I will be straightforward with you…
Indeed, even $997 every month…
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All things considered, our beta analyzers make far beyond that…
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WebGenie Ai - 30 Days Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee
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Here is the arrangement, gain admittance to WebGenie now…
Use it, and partake in its highlights without limit…
What's more, if under any circumstance you don't think WebGenie is extremely valuable…
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We will send you $300 as a gift for burning through your time.
Assuming the worst, you get WebGenie and bring in no cash
You will in any case get compensated $300 for giving it a shot.
WebGenie Ai - Pricing Table
Deploy Stunning Websites By Leveraging ChatGPT - Worth $997/Month
AI Content Generator - Generate Top-Notch Content On Automation - Worth $997
Fully SEO-Optimized Websites In 25+ Languages- Worth $297
WebGenie Built-In Traffic - Worth $997
500+ Eye-Catching Done-For-You Themes - Worth $997
Sell Unlimited Products, Services Or Promote Affiliates Offers – Worth $297
Generate Attention-Sucking Images From AI - Worth $297
Get More Viral Traffic With Built-In Social Media Tools (Worth $297)
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Built-In CRM To Manage All Your Leads (Worth $297)
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None, all you really want is a web association. Also, you're all set
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Depends, In the event that you act now, NONE. In any case, assuming you pause, you could wind up paying $997/month
It depends on you.
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Our typical part made their most memorable deal that very day they gained admittance to WebGenie.
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No, WebGenie is the finished thing.
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While that is impossible, we eliminated all the gamble for you.
In the event that you attempted WebGenie and fizzled, we will discount each penny you paid
Also, I am sending you $300 on top of that just to apologize for burning through your time.
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Wonderful, I like your energy, You should simply click any of the purchase buttons on the page, and secure your duplicate of WebGenie at a one-time charge
Watch Video >>> Click Here>>>
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cortexiofficial · 1 year
Cortexi (Review) Hearing Support & Memory Strengthens! Up to 90% OFF
👇➠ Product Name – Cortexi
➢ Category — Hearing Support
➢ Results - 1-2 Months
➢ Main Benefits – Strengthens Memory & Sharpens Mental Acuity
➢ Side Effects - NA
➢ Rating - ★★★★★
➢ One Month Program Price - $69.97
➢ Where to Buy (Sale Live) – cortexi.com
✅Click Here To Visit – “OFFICIAL WEBSITE”✅
✅Click Here To Visit – “OFFICIAL WEBSITE”✅
✅Click Here To Visit – “OFFICIAL WEBSITE”✅
The failure to hear well seriously harms many individuals' confidence. It's not just that people can't comprehend what others are talking about; they're likewise more effectively frightened by clear sounds, which may ultimately cause deafness.
This shows that even the slightest type of tune could cause people to feel uncomfortable. Cortexi all-normal parts might have the option to help your hearing with no destructive aftereffects. The makers of this product guarantee that it ought to just be taken by the people who know about the improved probability of hearing misfortune.
The creative structure in Cortexi benefits your hearing misfortune. This is some data on Cortexi. Stay with us...
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(Up to 80% OFF) Visit Official Website and Order Your Bottle Here! Hurry Up, Shop Now!!
What is Cortexi?
Cortexi is a supplement for hearing well-being that joins quality food sources to work on the soundness of the ears all in all. This combination contains a ton of strong cell reinforcements, which makes it a valuable instrument for forestalling hearing misfortune and assisting harmed ears with recuperating. Another benefit is that it assists individuals who have been worried and tired from now onward, indefinitely for quite a while to unwind and feel far improved.
This product is superior to others since it is made of normal ingredients and has a top-notch formula. This makes it protected to use and dependable. The organization that made this says that it works on hearing and brings down the gamble old enough related hearing misfortune.
How Does Cortexi Work?
You have proactively perceived that Cortexi is a remarkable product for patients with hearing misfortune issues. Yet, how does the supplement figure out how to offer magnificent outcomes? That's what to comprehend, you want to grasp our hearing ingredients first. While hearing a sound, the sound waves originally hit the outer ear cells and afterward arrive at the internal ear.
The inward ear is associated with the mind through a brain connection that is portrayed as a wire by ENT-trained professionals. An individual hears as the sound waves go through this brain connection and arrive at the cerebrum organizations. In this way, the most common way of hearing is beginnings in the ears and closures in the mind.
Presently, when the brain connection between your inward ear and mind gets impeded or harmed in any capacity, you face obstructions in hearing. Consistent deterrents in the brain connections can prompt hearing misfortune or different difficulties. The ingredients of Cortexi work to keep the brain connection or the wire in ideal condition so the most common way of hearing the remaining parts continuous.
Regardless of whether the wire gets harmed because of specific reasons, the regular properties of Cortexi recover the harmed pieces of the wire so that consultation doesn't get impacted. As the brain process between your inward ear and cerebrum stays intact, your mind can communicate electrical signals and decipher signals got from explicit rushes of sound uninterruptedly.
That is how the supplement forestalls hearing misfortune and supports solid hearing.
What are the Ingredients of Cortexi?
Individuals who made it say they investigated each part cautiously to ensure there were no secret ingredients. If you have any desire to dive more deeply into the particular parts that make up "Cortexi" and how they collaborate to play out their work, read on. This article will give you a more intensive gander at the accompanying ingredients:
Vitamin A: Getting enough of this vitamin is significant for cheers vision and clear visual perception. In addition to the fact that it helps keep the ear's tactile frameworks sound, however, it likewise battles free extremists and goes about as a cell reinforcement.
Zinc: is used by the body to separate starches, proteins, and fats. It additionally reinforces tendons, bones, and teeth, helps the safe framework, speeds up hearing recuperation, forestalls colds, and battles parasites like worms in the digestion tracts.
Sage: is a perpetual subshrub that is much of the time called by its Latin name, Salvia officinal. It has blue to purple blossoms. This individual from the Mint family comes from the Mediterranean, however, you can think that it is everywhere. Sage has been shown by science to assist individuals with hearing misfortune.
Red Raspberry: This red natural product is one more extraordinary food weapon against free revolutionaries, contamination, and oxidative pressure since it is high in cancer prevention agents. It lives in Europe and northern Asia where it was conceived. Red raspberry, which is a good food, has been known from now onward, indefinitely quite a while to assist with quieting ringing ears.
Red Clover: This herbaceous blossoming plant, which has the logical name Trifolium Affectation, may help your ears look and sound over and above anyone's expectations. Its parts make a boundary that holds commotions and synthetic substances back from getting into your ears.
L-Tyrosine: This amino corrosive has been displayed to diminish pressure and work on mental capabilities, particularly hearing. This makes it an extraordinary expansion of this dietary supplement. It helps your hearing, yet it additionally assists you with recalling things.
Epimedium: Epimedium Sagittatum is used in customary Chinese medication to treat sleepiness, ligament torment, nerve torment, unfortunate bloodstream, and sexual brokenness. It brings down cortisol, which causes you to feel more enthusiastic and less pushed. Epimedium separation has been displayed to cause nerves in the body's edges to come back, which makes nerves work better.
Dark cohos, likewise called pixie light, is a plant that fills in North America. Dark cohosh might influence serotonergic pathways or go about as a cancer prevention agent, mitigating, or specific estrogen receptor modulator. It quiets the sensory system and assists the cerebrum and ears with interfacing. Dark cohosh likewise helps nerve cells in the ears and hair develops.
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==> (Best Deal 2023) Click here to Order Cortexi for the Special Discounted Price Today!<==
Benefits of Cortexi:
Strain and Stress Treatment: One more incredible thing about Cortexi is that it can assist with decreasing our pressure and tension.
Fixes Harmed Cells: This supplement additionally helps fix harmed cells and dials back the maturing of cells, the two of which add to back torment. Free revolutionaries are the central thing that damages nerves. At the point when mental well-being is improved, the development of new cells is accelerated.
Invulnerability: Helping our insusceptible frameworks is significant to keep our ears solid.
Expansion In One's Consideration And Concentration: Upgrades in one's psychological and actual well-being have been connected to improved concentration and focus.
Stop Ear Diseases: Its state-of-the-art detailing, which is plentiful in cancer prevention agents, scrubs the body as well as detoxifies the ears, thus bringing down the gamble of creating ear contaminations.
Supporting Endurance and Wellbeing: An supplement like Cortexi, stacked with vitamins, minerals, and natural concentrates, may assist you with feeling more empowered and great generally, which thus might make it simpler to deal with the impacts of tinnitus.
Are There Any Negative Effects?
The main parts in this food supplement are those tracked down in nature, so it's risk-allowed to devour. Even though potential drops might be gainful, the FDA has previously approved the creation of offices in the US to deliver Cortexi (FDA).
Thus, you might rest sure that the supplement's detailing is sans risk and absent any trace of any dangerous substances.
Dosage Instructions of Cortexi!
The drop structure that Cortexi comes in is without a doubt the most helpful method for taking it. One month of use from one bottle on the off chance that the proposed portion is taken a day to day.
This product is intended to be taken two times daily, with food, to get the ideal benefits. With just two drops every day, you might further develop your hearing essentially without encountering any regrettable incidental effects. To capitalize on any drops, you ought to take it unequivocally as coordinated.
When do you expect to See Results?
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lakelandseo · 2 years
You're Measuring Your Branded SERP Wrong – Whiteboard Friday
Controlling the consumer experience of your brand is key to how people see it and how they interact with it. For SEOs, the part of brand experience that we control the most is the SERP, yet traditional ways of measuring brand reach on the SERP often fall short. Today, Dominic talks through an example of how they fall short, and how we can do better.
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Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Howdy, Moz fans. I'm Dominic. I am the founder of Piped Out, and I'm here to talk to you about measuring your brand. If you have a product, controlling the consumer experience of that brand is very, very important. How do they see it and how do they interact with it?
As SEOs, the bit of that brand experience that we control the most are the SERPs, but traditional ways of measuring that often fall short. We're going to talk through an example of how they fall short and how we can do better. So I'm going to use the example up here of cyberpunk.net. There was a video game that came out a little while ago called Cyberpunk 2077. I'm just picking this as an example of a product that had some real brand reputation problems.
It did not have a good launch. So if you were an SEO working for them, how might you've gone about controlling and measuring how well you were controlling their brand experience? Over here we've got our SERP. Our SERP is we've got some fairly standard blue link results where we've got a title and a meta description. We've got some other richer elements, things like a video block down here anda People Also Ask block. We've got a knowledge block over to the side. If we're looking at this in a rank tracker, we'd go, okay, so for cyberpunk.net, the primary domain that we control, here's our rank, and over time we've moved from five to four, fantastic.
Outside of brand, this is not a terrible way to do it. This is, of course, for a single keyword because we can see the sort of fluctuations there. If we have multiple keywords, we'll have an aggregate so that it will become an average. It's probably going to look a bit smoother. Maybe we've got something like bucket ranks sitting behind here, so the number of keywords that rank position one, number of keywords that rank position two, and we've got that to give us a bit of a richness over time.
But fundamentally, this is still a very simple picture for a branded SERP because, firstly, what we need to think about is how people have looked at SERPs has changed a bit over time. As SERPs have gotten richer, people like Nielsen have seen how we no longer just read straight down. We now ping pong around a bit more. We're willing to interact with more of the SERP. On a branded SERP, this assumption here, Google has domain crowding, so ideally they're trying not to show too many of each domain on each particular SERP.
But on a branded SERP, your goal is not to rank with one URL. Your goal is to rank with many URLs, and you have the ability to rank with many URLs unlike normal. For a branded term, like, for this example, it could be "Cyberpunk 2077." It could be something slightly more loaded, like "is cyberpunk good." It could be something slightly less loaded, like "is cyberpunk out." All of these are branded terms, where I think the publisher has a really good chance of appearing for multiple places.
So the green one, right at position four or five, is our cyberpunk.net. But actually we also own position three. That's our publisher domain, the people who published the game. So you've got the game website and the publisher thing. We also might want to count this as a win for us. We've got a journalist who's a really good, basically, champion for our brand. They really like the game, and they've written a really positive article that's down here.
There's one up here in red. This is a negative article. This is someone who is not having such a good time with it. We might have our Twitter account and any other number of things, the YouTube accounts, all of these other bits that we could be getting onto our branded SERP. If we're just measuring by rank, we're only ever going to get one single number to sum up all of this richness. It's just not good enough for brand. So how can we do better?
How do we take this? So firstly, what we need is a rich SERP data model. You can get this from anywhere. In practice, what we do at Piped Out is we use a service called DataForSEO, which is an API that gives a very rich SERP data model. We'd highly recommend. But there are plenty of services that offer this, and it really doesn't matter which one you pick. What's important is that you have a rich enough SERP data model to get all the ins and outs of each of these little SERP features.
So I don't just have the People Also Ask box as a single block. I have each individual question in the People Also Ask box with the title that ranks and then the URL that is below that. Same thing for the video. I need a rich enough SERP data source that for the video element, I don't just have the URL, I also get the source for a video block. Google has a little source there, and that's actually the name of the account.
When you go and get all that rich data, you can then define what is yours or what you want to be yours. We don't technically own this positive article, but we might count it as ours. So you can go and build up this definition of like all of the different things that you think are valuable. You then take this SERP data model and you say, okay, and you calculate the size for each of these things.
So how much is this size in pixels? This is an ordinary SERP block, so it's probably about 180 pixels tall. So you calculate the height of all of these different elements that you own, and you can turn that, and you could do area as well, but height for a more basic version, and you could turn that into this, the percentage of owned SERP measured by pixels. What percentage of this SERP do you own?
Again, our definition of ownership is whatever we want it to be. This is enabled by having a very rich SERP data source. Now, we are getting a little bit of something here, which is that with rank, we obviously know five is better than four. We lose a little bit of that context when we come with something like this, which is that obviously ranking down here is not as good as ranking up here. But when we're measuring size and all of these different elements, again, we can't literally have all of them there.
So we have to have some sort of compromise for how do we measure importance without going just back to rank. I think an excellent compromise is to measure above the fold and first page, so the percentage of the pixels of the SERP that you own above the fold on desktop and mobile and on the first page by desktop and by mobile. So the idea is that you have a graph that looks something like this, where we can say, "Okay, for our site, for cyberpunk, for the set of keywords that we're looking at, we own a growing percentage of the mobile pixels above the fold. Great, we're controlling our brand experience."
That gives us essentially a good idea of how what we're doing as SEOs is controlling that branded SERP. Then when you're doing brand projects and you're trying to enrich and fill on this domain, you're getting your results. You're correctly measuring your results rather than having a very simplified picture where you can't do this. Technically, like I said, this practically looks like finding a rich SERP data source.
In our case, at Piped Out, we take DataForSEO and we pump it into BigQuery. But again, it could be anything. Lots of great SERP API data sources do this. STAT might also do this. Don't know. Go ask STAT because it's a Moz product and this is a Moz blog. That's pretty much it.
Go get that data source, use it to build these sort of dashboards, and you can get better insight into how well you're controlling your brand. Thanks and we'll see you next time.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
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bfxenon · 2 years
You're Measuring Your Branded SERP Wrong – Whiteboard Friday
Controlling the consumer experience of your brand is key to how people see it and how they interact with it. For SEOs, the part of brand experience that we control the most is the SERP, yet traditional ways of measuring brand reach on the SERP often fall short. Today, Dominic talks through an example of how they fall short, and how we can do better.
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Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Howdy, Moz fans. I'm Dominic. I am the founder of Piped Out, and I'm here to talk to you about measuring your brand. If you have a product, controlling the consumer experience of that brand is very, very important. How do they see it and how do they interact with it?
As SEOs, the bit of that brand experience that we control the most are the SERPs, but traditional ways of measuring that often fall short. We're going to talk through an example of how they fall short and how we can do better. So I'm going to use the example up here of cyberpunk.net. There was a video game that came out a little while ago called Cyberpunk 2077. I'm just picking this as an example of a product that had some real brand reputation problems.
It did not have a good launch. So if you were an SEO working for them, how might you've gone about controlling and measuring how well you were controlling their brand experience? Over here we've got our SERP. Our SERP is we've got some fairly standard blue link results where we've got a title and a meta description. We've got some other richer elements, things like a video block down here anda People Also Ask block. We've got a knowledge block over to the side. If we're looking at this in a rank tracker, we'd go, okay, so for cyberpunk.net, the primary domain that we control, here's our rank, and over time we've moved from five to four, fantastic.
Outside of brand, this is not a terrible way to do it. This is, of course, for a single keyword because we can see the sort of fluctuations there. If we have multiple keywords, we'll have an aggregate so that it will become an average. It's probably going to look a bit smoother. Maybe we've got something like bucket ranks sitting behind here, so the number of keywords that rank position one, number of keywords that rank position two, and we've got that to give us a bit of a richness over time.
But fundamentally, this is still a very simple picture for a branded SERP because, firstly, what we need to think about is how people have looked at SERPs has changed a bit over time. As SERPs have gotten richer, people like Nielsen have seen how we no longer just read straight down. We now ping pong around a bit more. We're willing to interact with more of the SERP. On a branded SERP, this assumption here, Google has domain crowding, so ideally they're trying not to show too many of each domain on each particular SERP.
But on a branded SERP, your goal is not to rank with one URL. Your goal is to rank with many URLs, and you have the ability to rank with many URLs unlike normal. For a branded term, like, for this example, it could be "Cyberpunk 2077." It could be something slightly more loaded, like "is cyberpunk good." It could be something slightly less loaded, like "is cyberpunk out." All of these are branded terms, where I think the publisher has a really good chance of appearing for multiple places.
So the green one, right at position four or five, is our cyberpunk.net. But actually we also own position three. That's our publisher domain, the people who published the game. So you've got the game website and the publisher thing. We also might want to count this as a win for us. We've got a journalist who's a really good, basically, champion for our brand. They really like the game, and they've written a really positive article that's down here.
There's one up here in red. This is a negative article. This is someone who is not having such a good time with it. We might have our Twitter account and any other number of things, the YouTube accounts, all of these other bits that we could be getting onto our branded SERP. If we're just measuring by rank, we're only ever going to get one single number to sum up all of this richness. It's just not good enough for brand. So how can we do better?
How do we take this? So firstly, what we need is a rich SERP data model. You can get this from anywhere. In practice, what we do at Piped Out is we use a service called DataForSEO, which is an API that gives a very rich SERP data model. We'd highly recommend. But there are plenty of services that offer this, and it really doesn't matter which one you pick. What's important is that you have a rich enough SERP data model to get all the ins and outs of each of these little SERP features.
So I don't just have the People Also Ask box as a single block. I have each individual question in the People Also Ask box with the title that ranks and then the URL that is below that. Same thing for the video. I need a rich enough SERP data source that for the video element, I don't just have the URL, I also get the source for a video block. Google has a little source there, and that's actually the name of the account.
When you go and get all that rich data, you can then define what is yours or what you want to be yours. We don't technically own this positive article, but we might count it as ours. So you can go and build up this definition of like all of the different things that you think are valuable. You then take this SERP data model and you say, okay, and you calculate the size for each of these things.
So how much is this size in pixels? This is an ordinary SERP block, so it's probably about 180 pixels tall. So you calculate the height of all of these different elements that you own, and you can turn that, and you could do area as well, but height for a more basic version, and you could turn that into this, the percentage of owned SERP measured by pixels. What percentage of this SERP do you own?
Again, our definition of ownership is whatever we want it to be. This is enabled by having a very rich SERP data source. Now, we are getting a little bit of something here, which is that with rank, we obviously know five is better than four. We lose a little bit of that context when we come with something like this, which is that obviously ranking down here is not as good as ranking up here. But when we're measuring size and all of these different elements, again, we can't literally have all of them there.
So we have to have some sort of compromise for how do we measure importance without going just back to rank. I think an excellent compromise is to measure above the fold and first page, so the percentage of the pixels of the SERP that you own above the fold on desktop and mobile and on the first page by desktop and by mobile. So the idea is that you have a graph that looks something like this, where we can say, "Okay, for our site, for cyberpunk, for the set of keywords that we're looking at, we own a growing percentage of the mobile pixels above the fold. Great, we're controlling our brand experience."
That gives us essentially a good idea of how what we're doing as SEOs is controlling that branded SERP. Then when you're doing brand projects and you're trying to enrich and fill on this domain, you're getting your results. You're correctly measuring your results rather than having a very simplified picture where you can't do this. Technically, like I said, this practically looks like finding a rich SERP data source.
In our case, at Piped Out, we take DataForSEO and we pump it into BigQuery. But again, it could be anything. Lots of great SERP API data sources do this. STAT might also do this. Don't know. Go ask STAT because it's a Moz product and this is a Moz blog. That's pretty much it.
Go get that data source, use it to build these sort of dashboards, and you can get better insight into how well you're controlling your brand. Thanks and we'll see you next time.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
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