amyster2003 · 2 months ago
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So. Willford, huh?
I just want Ford being possessive towards his pathetic blue triangle, as a treat
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akamavarii · 2 months ago
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some ideas and concepts on swap aus thing idk
all of this just bc i think billford and garyjohn shares a similar ship dynamic lol
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divine-draws · 1 month ago
WIP animatic :3c character: Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls) song: icarus - Bastille
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mad0katsuki · 7 days ago
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Sillies on my bed headboard ^w^
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japanscoffeecup · 2 months ago
Doodles amiright
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I HC 2012 Leo as transfem btw ha
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hmmmmrss · 26 days ago
suddenly, i remembered i got doodles to post.
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forgive my delusions
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spideyskrunkly · 2 years ago
Some Pacific Bay warmups ! I still gotta look into this Game's story.
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I'm still in Maple Heights in Grimsborough, but I gotta prepare myself 😔😔
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amimuu · 1 month ago
Ok dale, pero minimo dime de que se trata-
es medianoche, lo acabo de terminar y estoy hecha lagrimas Q-Q
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boy-kings-court · 2 months ago
I still love how sam connected with amy the goth girl in the pilot like I just know he was friends with all kinds of freaks at stanford and he was the center around which many different cliques orbited
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triasticalwarlock · 7 months ago
So, I'm ashamed to say I am officially having a sonic faze. I don't know how I got here. I came across a really cool piece of art of dark sonic. And there it was, that little fucking tingle, that little thing you get when ever you look at a fictional character you've liked for, well, a few years. And it comes running back, and you feel like a miserable son of a bitch... because you like THIS DUDE.
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Where did I go wrong? I was perfectly fine with hazbin hotel, and the mother fucker called Adam. Also, due to this, I'm starting to realize a pattern. The characters I liked in the past: Leon from pokemon, sonic the hedgehog, bill cipher, Stanford pines, secret history tails, Adam the first man. Am I the only one seeing a pattern? I AM FOR SOME REASON ATTRACTED TO EGOTISTICAL LITTLE SHITS.
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Why do I love this mobian? I honestly don't know, prideful man that is reckless and enjoys danger? Doesn't show much vurnability around people, but that one person(us)? I don't know, don't bother asking. But, it could be that it's a hero, with the ability to snap.
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I'm talking about this version of the dude. I don't know why, but when ever I see this motherfucker, I feel something. It's like something is stirring my stomach, but in a good way. I don't know how to describe it, all I can say is that it makes me giddy and makes me kick my feet. It's like, cuteness aggression. And, honestly, I want him to baby me in this form. Imagine, the usual calm and looked up to hero, cupping your face and saying something in a baby tone (i think I've been reading to much Lucifer). Also, this has nothing to due with me wanting this man to ram me in. But to the people out there who still think that dark sonic would hurt his friends, get a service dog. Because you clearly blind. The reason sonic ever even turned dark mode was because his friends got hurt, what makes you think he'd intentionally harm them? I needed to say this, because the amount of art I run into that shows dark sonic about to hurt his friends, usually amy or tails, is pissing me off. Service dogs people, service dogs.
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And, just a bunch of things of sonic, because I can.
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Silly goose
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inlovewhithafairytale · 7 months ago
01x01 Pilot part 2
Why I'm doing this....
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Yn waited for her brothers in the car as they went to talk with some police officers in a crime scene they had happened to drive bye.
She returned her eyes down to her book leaning back against te worn leather of the Impala. when she lifted her eyes up again she stiffled a laugh when she saw Dean slap the back of Sam's head s if Sam was still a kid under his care.
"What was that about?" Yn asked them when they climed in the car again.
Sam gave Dean a bit of a ressented look before answering "A teenager went missing on his way home last night"
"Creepy..." Yn says nodding a bit " guys are sure that Dad would look this case up?" she asks leaning against the front seat poking her head between the two brothers.
"Yep" Dean answers starting the car "Now we're going to look at the guy's girlfriend up then we are gong to get something to eat"
"YeY! Hamburgers?"
"Defenitly" Dean smiles at her before pushing her face back "buckle up kiddo"
"Dont touch my face" Yn whined pushing his hand away and sitting back in the car seat again.
" You must be Amy?" Dean asks approaching a girl putting up MISSING posters of her boyfriend.
"Yeah Troy told us about you. We're his uncles. Dean. Sammy." he says pointng between himself and samearning a slight glare from his brother "and our little sister Yn" Dean points lastly at Yn who was standing a bit behind him hands in the pockets of her Jacket nodding her head in form of greeting.
"He never mentioned you to me"
"That's troy I guess" Dean says with a small scoff " we're not around much, we're up in Podesto-"
"So we're looking for him too" Sam cuts in "and we're kind of asking around"
"hey are you ok?" asks a girl nearing Amy, probrably her friend, Yn decides.
"Yeah" amy answers with a small nod.
" mind if we ask a couple of questions?" Sam continues.
Yn sat between Sam and Dean in a booth in some diner listening to Amy tell her tragic story... honsetly, Yn was hungry, sleepy, and couldent care less about the information. Wich made her feel guilty, considering that the girl would never see her boyfriend again.
She leaned her head against Dean's shoulder zoning out of the conversation. so. Sammy was back. Maybe when he had to go back to Stanford he'd call, and let them visit him, Yn didnt really have it inherself to hate her brother for leaving. He found a chance to go. he went. but it still upset her that he didnt call. or write. or email.
Her ears perked up again when Amy's friend said something about a woman killing herself and her ghost hitchhiking on men.
Once biding thanks to the girls and goodbye. The siblings made their way out of the dinner.
"ghosts...creepy" Yn comments as they make their way to the car.
"and here one would have though you'd grown used to them" Dean teases ruffling her hair up.
"still creepy" Yn insints taking his hand and pulling it away from her hair "Its hair dean, not a mop" she glares slightly at him trying to set her hair back in place. Dean just messes it up again.
"DuDE!" The girl whines swatting his hand away. She slaps Dean's shoulder.
"ouch" he mocks.
Sam walked a little bit behind them. warching how his brother and sister had grown so much closer together in tose two years.Not like they weren't close before. Dean raised Yn the minute that Jhon placed her in his arms. He became the father Jhon wasn't. he had to clean up the mess Jhon made when he screwed with some woman in a bar and it git back at him. But there was always room for Sam to join in. to take part of their teasing and fights. Now not so much. He regretted that. and he made a silent promise not to lose touch of his siblings again when he got back to Stanfrord.
" I think youre writing it wrong" Yn said as she loomed over Dean's shoulder watching as he typed in the computer of the library they where currently in.
"Shut it"
"Let me try" Yn insisted. reaching her hand out to type something else.
Dean slapped her hand away. Yn gave him a resented look before sliding his chair away from the computer and settling behind it.
Sam laughed at Dean's face...
"so ghosts are violents deaths... Maybe its suicide" Yn said aloud typing down.
Indeed there was a news report to it.
dean gave her an approving nod and Yn gave him a small proud smile.
"I still dont forgive you for sliding the chair away"
Yn rolled her eyes and pushed his chair back again causing Sam to laugh.
"so...we're in the bridge where Constanence took the swan the night...wth Constanence ghost lurking any of you know how creepy and risky that is? Couldent we have waited for tomorrow?"
"I have to get back to Stanford on Monday" Sam says giving her an apologetic look.
"quit yapping and come on...unless you want to stay in the car" Dean sauggests as he opened his car door.
"No thanks. ill go with you" came the instant reply from the teenage girl .
"I should have stayed in the car" Yn mutters to herself as Dean pushed up Sam against the bridge posts.
They where fighing about mom...well. Their mom.
"Dean..." Yn says quietly putting a hand on her older brothers shoulder
"Dont talk about her like that" dean said quietly to Sam before realising the grip he had on his collar and stepping back walking a bit away from them.
Yn looked after him and some movement caugh her eye "Dean..."
Dean's gaze moved to the ghost who was standing in the edje of the bridge, she loked at them and then jumped.
Dean and Sam ran to where she had jumped off from.
"Of course they're running toward the danger" Yn muttered to herself before running behind them.
"I really should have stayed on the car"
"Lord! Dean you stink!" Yn exclaimed when her Dean neared her.
"I know. Now shut it and get in the car or I'll hug you" Dean threatened making Yn run back to the car.
"Did you really have to jump off the bridge?" Sam asked with a tired face.
"The threat goes for you too" Dean answered gruffly as he walked back to the car.
"Is there anything about you that's real?" The officer asked as Dean and Yn stood in the parking lot of a motel.
"My boobs" "his boobs" Dean and Yn said at the same time with a poker face.
"I suppose she is your...?" The officer trailed off looking down at Yn.
"Daughter" Dean answered making the officer raised his eyebrows.
"You look a bit too young to be a father of a teenage girl"
"We all have our flaws officer"
"Adopted" Yn cut in continuing the lie.
As the officer guided them both to the police car Dean leaned in slightly "remember the protocol" he whispered
"Got it"
At the police station they wanted to take Dean and Yn into different rooms and Yn went into a frenzy crying and shouting for Dean as the officer tried to take her away.
"Officer you can't take her away...she is special with separation exciety" Dean told the police man.
The officer relented and they both where taken into an interrogation room and cuffed to the table. Dean gave her a questioning glance 'you alright' Yn nodded cleaning up her fake tears 'yeah'
The officer went in again and started asking Dean all sorts of questions and also confronted him about the credit card scams and about the journal that they had found in the motel room.
Dean of course was unwilling to answer and just gave the officer sarcastic remarks and cocky grins. The officer turned to Yn who acted the same way. Making the officer leave the room frustrated.
"Good job back there" Dean praised as they walked in the sidewalk making their way to a phone booth
"I really wanted hamburgers" Yn pouted.
Dean sighed correspondingly "Me too sis, we'll get them when Sam picks us up" he said putting his arm around his little sisters shoulder.
"Next time we have to check there are no police people around"
"Sam! Are you ok?!" Yn rushed to her brothers side after she watched in horror Constanence Welch scream and disappear into a puddle of the water in the floor of the abandoned house.
Sam groaned as he opened the door of the impala, a.k.a Dean's baby, he had drove into the house.
"Yeah im fine"
Dean in the other hand was looking worriedly at the car searching for any damage.
"Well...another mission completed" Yn sighed putting her hands to her hips.
"How many Times have I told you that's cringy?" Dean asked annoyed.
"Many. But im still gonna do it"
"You better call. And email me" Yn told sammy as she hugged him tightly.
"I promise I will" Sam told her softly.
"Come on booger time to go" Dean said as he claimed into the car.
Pressing a kiss on top of her head Sam let her go and Yn climbed sulkily into the car, waving Sam goodbye as they drove off.
Yn was quiet for a while until somehow she began feeling uneasy.
"Dean...turn the car around. Something's not right" she suddenly said making Dean turn to her with a frown, and seeing the look in her face spun the car around tires screeching.
They get there in time when Sam's apartment burst in to flames and Dean and Yn scrambled out of the car.
"Stay!" Dean ordered before he ran inside.
Yn watched in complete fear for her brothers. Only breathing properly when Dean re appeared dragging a crying Sam with him. One look at Dean and Yn knew... Jessica was dead.
Yn ran forward and wrapped her arms around her brother "Oh Sammy. I'm so so sorry" she whispered.
Sam hugged her back crying into her shoulder. Sobbs wreking his shoulders as he slowly fell to his knees and Yn held him.
She knew what it was like to lose someone.
Dean watched with tears in his eyes at his younger siblings. He put an arm around Sam's shoulders.
Sam tosses a shotgun into the back of the Impala, his face hard. The same thing that had killed his mother had killed the woman he loved.
"We got work to do"
Just like old times. Dean, Sam and Yn. Back in the hunt.
What could possibly go wrong?
Part 1
Flashbacks. A.k.a. younger years. A.k.a. part 3, kinda
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amyster2003 · 1 month ago
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He has the misery in his eyes that only a sad pou could recreate
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abardnamedreginald · 4 months ago
im a wolf-demon-salamander-grey treefrog-katydid-cricket-luna moth-klingon-trad vampire-cat-romulan-harry potter wizard-gnome-drow-orc-wood elf-high elf-werewolf-twilight vampire-chihuahua-android-bard-druid-sorcerer-d&d wizard-lotr wizard-mind flayer-kraken-owlbear-genetically modified human-andes mint-harry potter merperson-h20 mermaid-great white shark-raven named nevermore-amontillado-sewer clown-animatronic-ink person-reality bender-ringwraith-chicken-fairy-telescreen-multibear-manic pixie dream girl-d class-horcrux-dragon-unicorn-pegasus-among us crewmate-among us imposter-game master-sharpie king size marker-dwarf-dragonborn-toothbrush-rock-paper-scissors-lizard-vulcan-politician-god-phone guy-icebreakers ice cubes pineapple-a doctor not a miracle worker-troll-ent-poodle-rabbit-Bear.-orange zombie-purple zombie-green zombie-professor plum-col. mustard-in the library-with a knife-hoola dancer-fish-villager-pelecan-defense against the dark arts professer-mafia boss-peep rabbit-peep chicken-gymnast-hairbrush-philosopher-music freak-school teacher-kidnapper-police lieutenant-farmer-trash can-dumpster out back-turtle-tribble-my little pony-kratt brother-high diver-pearl diver, dive, dive, deeper-chef-fire-earth-water-wind-wasp-bee-hornet-yellowjacket-mud dabber-grasshopper-rattlesnake-armadillo-cowboy-flashlight-starfleet science officer-harlet-elephant-gater-muppet-emo-goth-preppy-teabag-loser-sucker-mouse-rat-a puppet-a pauper-a pirate-a poet-a pawn-and a king-father albert-the pope-a nun-pastor jeff-gambler-metalhead-death rocker-the grim reaper-angel-lighthouse-paw patrol dog-hobbit-starfish-sponge-crab-squid-shrimp-jellyfish-chipmunk-hammerhead shark-nurse shark-humpback whale-blue whale-orca-sexual harrassment panda-south park character-jakoffasaurus-scrabble board-ouija board-pillow-toilet paper-period pad-tampon-baby diaper-elderly diaper-martian-touch tone telephone-starfleet operations-starfleet command-kirk-spock-bones-sulu-chekov-uhura-scotty-yeoman rand-KHAN!!!-mudd-the uss enterprise-the uss reliant-botany bay-v'ger-valeris-saavik-sybok-surak-sarek-the abbreviation 'idk'-sheldon-leonard-penny-howard-raj-amy-bernadette-mary cooper-george sr-george jr-missy cooper-meemaw-tam-dr sturgis-dr linkletter-dr jack bright-dr clef-dr gears-dr kondraki-dr mann-dr iceberg-dr crow-dr rights-dr sherman-scp 049-scp 3008-scp 4231-scp 166-scp 682-scp 2521-scp 590-O5 6-bill cipher-stanley pines-stanford pines-dipper-mabel-wendy-soos-schmebulok-gideon-mcgucket-dipper goes to taco bell-sheriff blubs-deputy durland-tad strange-andy taylor-william afton-michael afton-elizabeth afton-crying child-henry emily-charlotte emily-dave miller-jack kennedy-dee kennedy-peter kennedy-steven stevenson-aragorn-sam-frodo-merry-pippin-boromir-legolas-gimli-gandalf-faramir-denethor-sauron-elrond-thranduil-harry-hermione-ron-voldemort-pettigrew.-moony-padfoot-prongs-snape-edward-bella-alice!!-carlisle-charlie-cthulhu-greg heffley-pennywise-bendy-sammy-norman-jack-alice (susie)-allison-henry stien-joey drew-bruenor battlehammer-raskolnikov-heather-heather-heather-veronica-jd-kurt-ram-martha-kurt cobain-david bowie-freddie mercury-hozier-mitski-lemon demon-jack stauber-tally hall-hamilton-burr-jefferson-madison-washington-phillip-angelica-eliza-peggy-king george iii-king henry viii-ben franklin-catherine of aragon-anne boleyn-jane seymour-anne of cleves-katherine howard-catherine parr-dracula-𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂-evan hansen-conner murphey-john adams-raymond barron-fred randall-jane doe-ocean-noel-mischa-constance-ricky-karnak-vergil-alternate-thatcher davis-ruth-dave-cesar-mark-adam-sarah-jonah-evelyn-gabriel-trump-biden-sunny-basil-kel-aubrey-hero-mari-vanessa (the mean girl that kinda likes u)-tux the linux penguin-perry the platypus hybrid princess...dont fw me
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hexedwinchester · 1 month ago
Your favourite ship?
hi OTP noni
Sam and Jess ❤️ (Samica? Jessam?)
I know, I know.. not a lot of screen time.. maybe Eileen is the one or the good old wincest.. etc etc
But something about Sam and Jess felt so innocent, real and MFEO (their chemistry was spot on), I can't let it go. To me, Jess was Sam's one true love. I mourned her loss with Sam. Those brief grieving moments we see.. they wreck my heart 💔
I'm still bitter about not getting more Stanford Era glimpses. Would trade Amy Pond's story arc for it 😭😭😭
And you?? Which ship breaks your heart so much you can't help but ship it??
Thanks for this ask.. (I'm sad about them.. but thank you 😭)
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welldonebeca · 1 year ago
The Farm (II)
Summary: After dropping Sam and Jess at Stanford, Dean surprises you with a visit to Shurley Farms. Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader. With a side of A!Dean x O!Cassie, A!Castiel x O!Reader, and A!Dean x O!OC WC: 2.3k words Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics. Oral sex, dirty talking, degrading kink, lactation kink, exhibitionism.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Castiel led you to the third room, and you stopped, surprised when you recognised the Omega from the video.
"And... I think you might have known her already, uh?" he smirked to you. "This is Amy. She works with me in my farm, in the East. But she usually comes with me when I travel."
She smiled, all very giddy.
"Hello, dear," Castiel looked at her.
"Alpha," she smiled back.
Alpha. Not Mr Novak.
"Oh," Dean exclaimed by your side.
He didn't seem to mind, kissing her lips sweetly.
"Sweetheart, these are Dean and Y/N Winchester, I've told you about them."
"She moved all the way here?" your husband asked. "For you?"
Castiel smiled and brushed her hair back, revealing a mark on her neck.
His claim on her.
"I would follow him anywhere," she affirmed, smiling at him.
"You let your Omega work here?" you asked, unable to stop yourself.
Yes, the Omegas before had partners but Castiel was their boss, right? He was his Omega's boss, then?!
"I volunteered," Amy told you. "I wanted to be a part of this."
"My other Omegas are also part of our staff in the farm," he told you, not looking any ashamed as he palmed her breast. "We all believe in this principle."
You stared, surprised.
He had another Omega?
Omegas. As more than one.
“Your Omegas?” Dean asked, sounding just as surprised as you.
“We have a big pack,” Amy declared, arching her chest to Castiel’s hand.
He pushed her dress aside, pulling her nipple unashamedly.
"We are a big family," Castiel affirmed. "My Omegas and I. My brothers and their Omegas too."
You remembered the words in the video.
Once someone wanted to join their family...
Oh, God.
Amy moaned, squirming.
"Alpha." she whimpered. "Are you going to fuck me now?"
"Oh, sweetheart," he sighed, looking at you. "We have guests. Maybe we should be a little more generous."
Castiel petted her chin.
"We are a family, after all," he looked at the two of you.
You licked your lips, the top of your dress soaked with milk and your panties soaked with slick.
"Amy, sweetheart, why don't you strip for Mr Winchester," he suggested, and looked at you. "And Mrs Winchester, come on now. We don't need to ruin your clothes more."
You complied without even thinking, and barely looked at Amy when she moved to Dean.
"Try her milk," Castiel instructed Dean. "She is the best producer of the East Coast."
You watched Dean lean down and latch on her nipple, making her moan, and you rushed to peel off your clothes.
Castiel moved to you, licking your lips before kissing you hard, pressing his strong body against yours.
"Poor little thing," he cooed, pinching your nipple. "Leaking all over your dress."
His lips were more insistent than Dean's on your nipples, as if he knew too well what he was doing - and he did.
"Your milk is so sweet," he moved a big hand to your breast, squeezing it. "Perfect for pups."
You moved your hips like a needy slut, grinding down on his cock, feeling him so hard under you that you just had to have him inside you.
"Please, Alpha," you begged.
"You want me to fuck you?" he pushed his hand up your thigh. "Right in front of your Alpha?"
You whined, embarrassed, and he pushed his fingers into your hair, pulling on it and biting your earlobe.
"You should be ashamed."
His words made you moaned and get even wetter.
"But it's not like Mr Winchester there doesn't care, right?" he called, looking behind you, probably at Dean. "He's humping my Omega like a teen in rut. Her milk has made him so hard already. I bet he has a thick, heavy load to give her."
Castiel turned your head to your side, and you could see Dean and Castiel's Omega. Her gown was all wet, and you could see her thighs glistening.
"Go on, fuck her," Castiel commanded, and pressed his lips to your ear. "And you can watch."
His Omega unzipped your Alpha's pants, and you watched mesmerised as her small hand stroke his cock eagerly, with her leg over his hips.
You wondered why she didn't just get on all fours, but how would he suck her tits if she did?
"Pretty Omega," Castiel hummed, sucking your milk again, and you squirmed.
It was mesmerising, seeing Dean fucking that woman. Before Jess, you didn't even know you enjoyed seeing your husband fucking other Omegas, but since then... well, it just made you feel something else.
"You got the prettiest little tits," he pinched your nipple.
Your eyes widened.
When you looked back at Castiel, he was smirking and moving to pull out his cock. When he did, your eyes widened.
He was big. Very big.
Dean was very thick. He stretched you fully, rubbed against your walls and filled you fully.
Sam was very long. His cock would brush against your cervix and bruise it.
But Castiel?
Castiel was both.
"Do you like it," be leant closer to you, biting your lower lip, focusing his eyes on yours. "Is it big enough for you?"
You didn't have time to answer, and Castiel raised you up, pressing the tip of his cock against your cunt.
"So slicky," he cooed. "You've been wet for so long, hadn't you? Could see your pretty cheeks going red when you came to my office, your thighs pressing together as I spoke to you..."
You cried out, gripping his shoulders and crying in pleasure, teary eyed as he stretched you.
"Take it," he spoke into your ear. "It's your nature. It's what you're made for, taking cock."
You moaned, squirming. Fuck, he was so big. He was stretching you so much.
Castiel bit over your mating gland, not enough to mark but makign you moan and squirm, sensitive and hungry.
"God," you threw your head back.
He sucked on it, and your eyes nearly crossed.
"Little breeder," he cooed you. "I'm sure your Alphas will keep you full of cum, bred and bred until you can't take it anymore."
You moaned.
"You're lucky we are business partners now," he moved his finger to your cunt, rubbing your clit hard. "I would offer a pretty price to take you back with me."
You closed your eyes, hating how much that made you leak and flutter around his cock.
Castiel, though, noticed it clearly.
"You like that?" he rubbed you harder. "Of course you do."
He moved under you, making you bounce on his cock.
"Such a pathetic Omega," he grunted. "Stupid cock hungry little whore."
You moaned, embarrassed.
Fuck, you shouldn't like that as much as you did.
"Alpha," the other Omega moaned.
You looked over her. Dean was fucking her deep, now, holding her spread, lying on the floor, with her legs as up as they could go.
Fuck, he loved to fuck you like that before you got pregnant.
Castiel chuckled.
"Is he good?"
His Omega just moaned, speechless.
"She gets so dumb with a cock in her," he pinched your clit, and you yelped. "Being fucked gets her brain all silly."
He sucked on your gland, and you closed your eyes, nearly going just as silly as her.
"That's how I like my Omegas," he licked your gland. "All cock-drunk, with their pretty little brains dripping and dripping and dripping from their cunts."
You moaned, grinding down on him, already so close to the edge you could taste it already.
"And their tits leaking so much," he moved down, sucking on your tits again.
You tried bouncing on his dick, trying to get his knot inside you.
"Please," you whined. "Please, Alpha."
"You wanna cum, Omega?" he pressed his fingers harder. "And on a stranger Alpha's cock... you're such a slut."
You whined, squirming.
"Yes," you arched your body to him. "Please."
"Say it," he commanded. "Fully. Every word."
You moaned more, legs trembling.
"Please, I want to cum," you begged. "I need to cum. Please, please."
But he wasn't satisfied, biting down on your nipple.
"And who do you want to make you cum?" he asked.
"You," you cried. "I want you to make me cum. Please, make me cum, Castiel, please."
"Cum for me, then," he commanded.
You did, crying out, and he continued to fuck you as you went lightheaded.
Your brain was exploding with little fireworks as he continued to play with you, kissing and sucking your tits, and all you could do was let yourself be used by him,
All you felt was a new orgasm before your vision went black.
You yawned as you woke up, all snuggled up with Dean around you.
"Alpha," you called, feeling your throat a little sore.
You looked around, and he pushed a little bit of water to your lips.
You two were in the fancy break room, laying down together.
How you'd gotten there, you didn't quite know.
"You passed out a while ago," he caressed your face. "You got a little overwhelmed. And dehydrated."
Worry filled you quickly as you rushed to touch your belly, and your husband did the same.
"Don't worry, Castiel had some medical equipment," he told you. "The baby... she is perfectly fine."
You didn't quite catch his words, looking at yourself, and finding your hips bruised with handprints.
Oh. That was intense, wasn't it?
Your husband cleared his throat and you looked up at his face.
"I think that after today we can't quite call her Cassiopeia," he told you. "It would be weird to call our baby Cassie."
"Well, yeah," you agreed, looking at him. "I mean, we can't name our baby a name..."
You stopped after a minute, shocked.
"You agree with me," you looked at him. "You called her a she."
Dean chuckled.
"I might have... a hunch?" he asked, blushing. "Well, Castiel was checking and... you know. You were right."
You frowned.
"What? And how did he know?"
He shrugged.
"He's a doctor," your husband told you. "Most of his brothers are, actually. So he knows how to read an ultrasound."
You blinked, confused.
"Why would he have an ultrasound machine?"
Dean shrugged.
"He needs to care for the girls," he reminded you. "Ultrasound machines are used for a lot of things. Heart exams, thyroid exams and breast exams."
Oh, now that made sense.
You squealed anyway, excited with the news.
"She's a girl!" you celebrated. "Oh, Dean. What are we going to name her?!"
He chuckled, squeezing you.
"We can think about it later, honey," he reminded you. "We should head back on the road."
You pouted a little.
"Maybe," you moved your hand to his face, caressing his cheek and chin. "Or maybe... we could stay with Sammy and Jess for a while."
Your husband thought a bit.
"Well... they would love to hear the news," he caressed your hair. "And we could use some extra days off."
You squealed, excited!
You two stood up together, and you found your dress folded on a chair, but Dean stopped you before you put it on.
"Cas got you something to wear on the way back," he told you before you could pick it up. "Your clothes are all wet, baby."
Your cheeks flushed a little. You had leaked all over everything.
But that wasn't the most embarrassing, no.
When Dean gave you what Cas had gotten you... it was a gown.
The gowns the Omegas wore around the farm.
You put it on anyway, and it was very comfortable, like clouds on your skin. But not very discreet at all, was it?
After all, it was made for easy access.
"Well, that's... sheer," Dean spoke slowly.
You looked down at yourself, and your nipples were showing through the white fabric.
He picked his leather jacket up and gave it to you, helping you put it on and zipping it halfway.
"There. Now you look more like Chuck's bride and less like you are trying to seduce people.'
You laughed as he put on his shirt again, guiding you out, and Castiel was waiting at the end of the corridor with a paper bag in his hands.
"Hello again," he smiled, offering it to you. "I got you a little something to fill you up."
You took it, a little embarrassed, and you were surprised to find a bottle of red juice, a bottle of water and big sandwich.
"It's enough to keep you up until you two stop to have an actual meal," he told you. "And I'm sure you have more water in the car."
"We are actually planning to stop back near Stanford," Dean told him. "Stay a while."
“Oh,” he sounded surprised, looking at you two. “You are in college?”
“No,” you shook your head. “But my other Alpha and our Omega do.”
He smiled largely, looking excited.
“That’s great!” he exclaimed. “I look forward to meeting them. I’m sure your pack is beautiful and will be very happy to know you two decided to stay.”
You smirked, already knowing what Castiel was thinking.
Naughty Alpha, already thinking of fucking another one of your pack's Omegas.
But... she might like him, yes.
"We'll stay in contact," Dean told him, looking just as smug, and you knew he had caught that too. "I'm sure they'll love to visit the farm once it is functioning fully."
"Of course," he agreed with a cheeky smile. "And if you ever need a personal tour again, you have my contact."
You pressed your thighs together. Oh, it would certainly be... interesting.
He led you two outside and stopped beside your card, and you smiled at him, putting yourself on your tiptoes and kissing his cheek.
Castiel chuckled.
"Naughty little Omega," he squeezed your waist.
You giggled, stepping back and getting into the car.
Maybe you were, sure.
But you loved it.
. . .
. . .
"The Farm" is the 3rd part of "The Milk series". To have early access to its sequel "The Family" - a Jess x Reader & Sam x Reader - subscribe to my page! It's just $2 a month and helps me a lot through these hard times.
. . .
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jewish-ship-showdown · 1 year ago
Ships that have already qualified (read before submitting):
Jude Lizowski/Jonesy Garcia
Tyler Kennedy "TK" Strand/Carlos Reyes
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Gwen Stacey
Willow Rosenberg/Winifred "Fred" Burkle
Francine Frensky/Muffy Crosswire
Susan Ivanova/Marcus Cole
Kate Kane (Batwoman)/Renee Montoya
Barry B. Benson/Vanessa Bloome
Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago
Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay
Jack Zimmermann/Eric "Bitty" Bittle
Justin "Ransom" Oluransi/Adam "Holster" Birkholtz
Larissa "Lara" Bogdan/Jasmine
Kelsey Pokly/Isabella "Stacks" Alvarado
Rebecca Bunch/Audra Levine
Rebecca Bunch/Greg Serrano
Rebecca Bunch/Nathaniel Plimpton
Samantha "Sam" Manson/Danniel "Danny" Fenton
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Selina Kyla (Catwoman)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Clark Kent (Superman)
Clark Kent (Superman)/Lois Lane
Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)
Barney Guttman/Logan Nguyen
Shay Goldstein/Dominic Yun
Trina/Mendel Weisenbachfeld
Monica Gellar/Chandler Bing
Molly McGee/Libby Stein Torres
Rachel Berry/Noah Puckerman
Fiddleford McGucket/Stanford Pines
Cristina Yang/Owen Hunt
Cristina Yang/Preston Burke
Levi Schmidt/Nico Kim
Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam
James Wilson/Gregory House
The Baker and/The Baker's Wife
Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable
The Jewish People/The Shabbat Bride
Alec Hardison/Parker
Max Eisenhardt (Magneto)/Charles Xavier (Professor X)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)/James "Bucky" Barnes
Arnold "Arnie" Roth/Michael Bech
Arnold "Arnie" Roth/Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Billy Kaplan (Wiccan)/Teddy Altman (Hulkling)
Bobby Drake (Iceman)/Hank McCoy (Beast)
Bobby Drake (Iceman)/Johnny Storm (The Human Torch)
Layla El Faouly/Mark Spector (Moon Knight)
Matthew Hawk (Two-Gun Kid II)/Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Betty Brant
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Eugene "Flash" Thompson
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/ Felicia Hardy
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/ Harry Osborn
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Mary Jane "MJ" Watson
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Steve Rogers/Bernadette "Bernie" Rosenthal
Wanda Maximoff/The Vision
Midge Maisel/Susie Myerson
Hal Emmerich (Otacon)/Solid Snake
Casey Goldberg-Calderon/Lunella Lafayette
Fran Fine/Max Sheffield
Ben Gross/Devi Vishwakumar
Winston Schmidt/Cece Parekh
David Jacobs/Jack Kelly
Seth Cohen/Summer Roberts
Scout Touzani/Elias Wyrick
KJ Brandman/Mac Coyle
Lavinia Asimov/Poison Oak
Phineas Flynn/Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Anon's Mom/Dad
The person reading this & their partner
Jerry Seinfeld/Cosmo Kramer
Simon Lewis/Isabel Lightwood
Bram Greenfeld/Simon Spier
Miryem Mandelstam/The Staryk King
David Rose/Patrick Brewer
James T Kirk/S'chn T'gai Spock
Worf Rozhenko/Jadzia Dax
Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Brian Jeeter/Krejjh
Bobby Singer/Rufus Turner
Jonah Simms/Amy Sosa
Reish Lakish/Rabbi Yochanen
King David/Yonatan
Yaakov/The Angel
Rowan Roth/Neil Mcnair
Klaus Hargreeves/Dave Katz
Cecil Palmer/Carlos The Scientist
Josh Lyman/Donna Moss
Little Ash/Uriel
Lucille "Lucy" Kensington/Dr. Edison "Ed" Tucker
Fox Mulder/Dana Scully
Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer
Wanda Maximoff (The Scarlet Witch)/Jericho Drumm
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Shondra Kinsolving
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Talia Al Ghul
Ben Grimm (The Thing)/Alicia Masters
Velma Dinkley/Daphne Blake
Velma Dinkley/Marcie Fleach
Didi Pickles/Stu Pickles
Velma Dinkley/Coco Diablo
Babushka (Tatiana)/Dedushka (Ivan)
Kitty Pryde/Illyana Rasputin
Natasha Romanoff/Wanda Maximoff
Marc Spector (Moon Knight)/Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
S'chn T'gai Spock/James T Kirk/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Frankie Bergstein/Grace Hanson
Annie Edison/Jeff Winger
Maxine Myers/Paula Cohen
Baby Houseman/Johnny Castle
Michael "Mike" Wazowski/Celia Mae
Talmudic couple having gay sex in the attic
Tim Drake/Kon El (Conner Kent)
Violet Baudelaire/Quigley Quagmire
Reuben Kent/Feliks Kaufmann
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