#among the multitude of other bad things about it
super-paper · 4 months
Like I feel like 90% of my problems with 423 (Izuku) could have easily been fixed if Hori had actually stayed true to Izuku's character as someone driven by his empathy for others. Naturally I would have still been extremely upset with Tenko's death, yeah, but I think I would have at least been able to gradually process it and eventually accept it if Hori had actually depicted Izuku as like... actually reacting to the fact that he's killing Tenko and actually attempting to grapple with the weight of taking his life. Any reaction that might come after this chapter is simply too late to undo the damage.
Blood+ is an excellent example of a well done "I had no choice but to kill you" villain death: In this series, The hero (Saya) is ultimately forced to fight and kill her villain (Diva), but the core of her character-- her kindness-- is never sacrificed. It's enhanced by the tragedy of it all, of her being forced to end a life when she sincerely didn't want to. Even though Diva did terrible and unforgivable things, the first thing Saya does when she sees her crumbling is to rush forward and comfort her despite her own injuries, and to express intense anguish over not being able to help her. This cements why Saya is the hero of this story. I haven't watched Blood+ in over ten years, but the final moment between these two is something that has stuck with me all this time-- this is how you write a powerful ending between your kind/empathetic MC and the villain they were ultimately forced to kill.
Comparatively, everything about Izuku and Tenko's resolution feels completely numb. Izuku's lackluster nonreaction to everything he learned about Tenko in the vestige world. His complete lack of distress when Tenko's abuser swallowed him up and took over his body again. Him not expressing any concern for Tenko's safety once AFO resurfaced. Him continuing to beat on Tenko's body as it crumbled without any internal conflict or hesitation.
All of it sacrifices the very foundation of Izuku's character-- him being moved to act out of EMPATHY for others, not out of a desire to simply "beat the villain". The climax of Izuku's long awaited "rising" chapter is ultimately about him punching someone rather than saving someone, which also betrays the core of his character (yes, it's also about how he inspires others by doing his best but can you honestly say him rushing forward to punch TomurAFO to death was "doing his best as a hero". What was supposed to be the cumulation of Izuku's arc ends up being completely surface level/lacking sincerity and instead reads like Hori is just going through the motions).
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The boy from chapter 1 whose body moved on its own after seeing someone in pain was ultimately more heroic than the boy from chapter 423, and that's one of the many reasons why people should be upset with this chapter and what it's done to Izuku's character/arc.
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streets-in-paradise · 7 months
Matured Desire - Achilles x (Fem) Reader
Troy (2004) Oneshot
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Requested by Anon
" hiya! I have an Achilles request, what if they’ve both been sort of enemies for the longest time ever since they were kids, and at one point he gets fed up, and kisses her roughly ending up in the roughest kinkiest sex people could think of (tying up, choking, spanking, dirty talk, dom x sub, sort of a hate fuck.) please! "
Hi! I'm a bit nervous because this is my first time writing a full piece of smut, but I did my best and i hope you will enjoy it. The plot for the childhood rivalry is inspired in greek mythology, but adapted to how the story of the film plays out regarding characterzations.
Warnings: Rough hate fuck against a wall - hair pulling -chocking - spanking - lots of dirty talk.
Summary: Your eternal rivalry with Achilles gets you the attention of the mycenaean king In the context of his country wide search for a queen. Bringing up your troubled past together, the myrmidon believes you are seeking an union with Agamemnon to get the power to destroy his life.
As he confronts you about it, your tensions get to a critical point when the warrior concludes he will have to do something out of it. Your hatred remains too close to passion and he can only ruin you for any other man before you could ruin his lifetime's ambitions.
Tags: @thorsslxve
There was nothing Achilles despised more than the cheerfullness of Agamemnon. Not only because it usually meant bad news, but also due to how insufferable he tended to become on a good mood. His arrogance was high up to the sky contesting with his. Since the king felt in constant need to compete with his best warrior, it was important for him to brag on his every achievement.
On that particular moment, it was about the bride he would get for himself. After his brother married the most beautifull woman in the world he started to reconsider the lack of a queen in his palace and commanded every king of Greece to pick one of their unwed daughters so he could pick a wife among the princesses of the region. All the generals of his army were invited to witness the contest, and a handfull of kings he considered friends were there as well.
It was a power display to cause envy. A parade of the most ravishing girls of Greece after Helen circling the King in some sort of reverse parody of what happened when the spartan queen was still a maiden wanted by a multitude of suitors. The myrmidon found it hilarious, but that entertainment came with the price of standing the triumphal bliss of his rival.
In order to avoid an early scandall making fun of him, Achilles tried to distract himself watching the girls. They were all veiled for the future groom, only showing their faces when he commanded each one to introduce themselves. Beauty from all over the country was gathered there and while their faces remained covered he could still have a fun cassually checking their bodies.
He found a personal favorite quite soon. The light clothes of her fancy purple dress allowed him to perfectly picture her shape underneath, occupying his imagination in more pleasant thoughts. One by one her contestants did their thing, but he followed her with expectancy for the big reveal.
All traces of amusement abandoned the warrior's face when he recognized you. From all his many daughters, King Lycomedes had to pick you in representation of Scyros. It was unfortunately true for him that you had become a very desirable woman, so the choice was understandable, but you were one his enemies of longest date. Since he was a kid hidding in your father's court, and when you were teenagers you almost got him kicked out of there.
Everytime you crossed ways, disaster happened.
It was an unspoken theory, but he believed it all started because you were jealous of your sister. She was his first crush, and you told your father about it after you discovered them making out. Lycomedes would have kicked him out if Odysseus wouldn't have discovered his disguise in the first place, but your hatred didn't end with that.
Only a heartbroken girl would react so viscerally, the hate you hoarded for years didn't make sense otherwise. He believed you still despised him because you couldn't have him and once that childhood crush matured into desire things could only escalate. You would never forgive him for being your first love, but the passion of your hate showed your flame never got extinguished.
As soon as circunstancies allowed it, you were mesmerizing the mycenaean king with your disdain for his soldier.
" Achilles! Long time no seen. " You saluted him, with poisonous cordiality. " How are things going in your kingdom of savages? Well, only if that can be called a kingdom. Nowadays it's a military reserve of Mycenae you don't even rule as king. "
The myrmidon was visibly calm, calculating his strike before delivering it.
" How is Deidamia? I remember her with such strong affection."
" She is married. " You responded, with false propriety. " Happyly married, thanks to our protectiveness of her keeping scum away."
The wedding of his teenage crush didn't bother him at all, but he still manage to utilize it against you.
" I always knew she was going to make it before you. Look now where you ended: pleasing an old man that could be your father. "
You showed a tranquilzing smile to the king, mere witness of your altercate that was untill then very amused.
" Don't worry, your majesty. Achilles tends to act like this arround me because my presence reminds him of details that ruin the appeal of his legend. He wants no one to remember he spent his younger years hidding in my palace dressing on girl's clothes so your emisaries wouldn't find him. Have you seen the baby face of his little cousin? He has the same girly features he used to have back then."
Agamemnon was in awe with the slander. Even if it was just for that, you were becoming a strong favorite.
" Well, my dear. I hope you have some good stories for me. "
" She is the only person in the country who is more obsessed with me than you. " Achilles recalled, determined to ruin your plans. " She went as far as turning her father against me saying i was going to sleep with her sister. "
The way in which he twisted the facts to make it sound like a conspiracy against him got out the worst of you.
" I was the onlyone seeing past your charm, and time proved I was ríght now that we all know of your amatory adventures. " You fiercely defended yourself. " You were a reckless boy that had just discovered the thing hanging between his legs and was eager to try it on the first foolish girl available. Deidamia was too naive, but I knew better. By warning my father I protected her and saved our royal house from the shame of being stucked with a fatherless mess like the one you were when we received you. "
It crossed límits, but he wasn't afraid of returning the hatefull gesture.
" I think your boyfriend deserves to know where all that hate for me comes from before taking his choice. " He teased you ríght away. " You are my Phaedra … "
He had just compared you to the most sexually frustrated queen in greek history, whose vengefull spite was rooted on being ignored by the object of her desires.
" You insolent BASTARD!!! " You called him out before you could loose your temper and try to smack him. " Better start praying I won't be crowned queen. "
The warning left a bad taste in his mouth that was stronger than the altercate. Imagining you as Agamemnon's bride was a nightmare on itself because of the implications of a teaming up against him, but there was more that he couldn't simply admit.
He hated you, but couldn't stand the thought of seeing you with him. He still attempted to understand why you were so Interested on giving yourself to that pig of a king. Could your thirst for vengeance have gone that far? Where you capable of tolerating Agamemnon as your husband just so you could get some control over him? It was most likely that you had no idea of where you were stepping in, since your island once sheltered him safely because they didn't have much contact with the mycenaeans.
Figuring out what you were all about was his most inmediate need but, for that, he needed to talk to you in private. All day he awaited untill the oportunity to get lost with you presented itself during a lousy banquet. Following you closely as you intended to leave, he catched you off guard in a hallway.
" You knew this was coming, now follow me. "
Your playfull smirk spoke for you before you did.
" What If I don't? "
He grabbed you harshly, keeping your wrist still.
" We will do it the hard way. "
There was no choice, so you let him guide you through the foreign palace searching for the nearest room he could lock you in. Achilles secured the door behind him, knowing from then you were going to be completely alone.
" After comparing me to the thirsty wife of Theseus, you drag me away like this? " You mocked him ríght away. " Have you no shame? "
The tension was escalating slowly, but consistently.
" I have no time for your games, so you better tell me what I want to know. "
You chuckled lightly, enjoying yourself in this curiosity.
" Go ahead, i'm feeling generous. "
He groaned out of angered frustration, clearly fed up with you already.
" What do you want from Agamemnon? Do you expect me to believe you really are excited to the chance of being his wife? "
You response was calm and you were aware that would provoke him.
" He is the wealthiest, most powerfull man in Greece, and he hates you … Two qualities I find irresistible. "
He pushed you against a wall, barely able to control his rage to continue the interrogation.
" Do you think i'm a fool? You can't possibly wish for anything but the power to destroy me through that marriage. "
His strong hand grabbed your neck and squeezed, cutting off your air with ease. Achilles wanted to force a truth out of you, but couldn't help noticing you were peraphs too on board with that before releasing you so you could speak.
" I want an empty palace where i can sit on a throne. " You began to explain once you catched your breath. " While he will be away with you doing his wars, i can do what I want here. "
It wasn't enough for him.
" … And when he will want to touch you? Are you going to spread your legs for him like a good little wife ? "
His hand was once more arround your neck, quietly threatening with more choking depending of your answer.
" Are you trying to scare me? That's not going to work with me. " You mischievously warned him. " I'll do what it takes, my duty of queen. Agamemnon can have me, I will even fake my moans if i have to just to keep him satisfied. I'm fine with that, he has to get something out of the deal. I will take care of his throne and meet his sexual needs "
The answer awakened something primal on him.
" Not if I ruin you first … "
Sick of pretending to ignore the frustrating tension, he pulled you in for a rough kiss and you responded taking one of your hands to the back of his neck to pull his hair.
There was no way out for you from then.
Achilles ripped off the safety pins of your dress so it would fall on the floor. Once you were naked against him he began to tease you again.
" Look at how easily I destroyed your pride … Yet you dare to deny you are a needy whore. "
You didn't stay behind, iniciating another passionately hatefull kiss while your hands worked in undressing him. The godly shaped hero allowed you to roam his perfectly sculped body and you sank your nails in his hips before replying.
" You are only good at killing or fucking and you loathe me enough for either, so unless you want to spear me … "
The recklessness was paid at high cost when he turned you over so you will be facing the wall, head posicioned firmly to the side.
" I'm going to make you feel as if I was killing you. " He whispered against your ear in a husky tone. " But first, you will learn to respect me. "
You flinched with anticipation, incapable of predicting what he would do. Then, his hand started following the trace of your back all the way down and stopped in the curve of your ass.
A soft squeeze was followed by a hard spank that sounded as strongly as it felt. It send a wave of confusing, pain-stained pleasure all the way to your core, but you tried to keep still. He persisted, untill it became so intense that your knees were failing and you were about to cry.
" Who are you going to spread your legs for now? " He asked in a mock. " Are you going to be my obedient little whore? "
You lost the few shame you had left with one more slap on the mistreated surface of your asscheck.
" YES, YES! " You practically cried out. " I'll be, … I'll be your whore. I want it so badly, please! "
Achilles released a dark chuckle.
" Let's see how bad you really want it. "
He had barely reached the surface of your soaked cunt with his fingertips and you were already buckling your hips in desperation to find friction.
" Dripping wet, you nasty whore. " He commented and removed the hand to watch you fall apart. " Stop whimpering, i'm not going to keep touching you. Caresses are not what you deserve."
Suddenly, you felt the tip of his hard cock teasing your folds. Arrousal had reduced you to a pathetic mess and he got to hear you sobbing from that contact.
" No mercy, I will be rammering you. " He warned you. " … and you are going to take it. "
With that, he pushed himself inside you. Absolutely careless for your needed time adjusting to his size, he began his mercieless thrusting using you for his pleasure. The animalistic grunts he was making and the exquisite painfull pleasure of being fucked like that were soon going to become to much for you.
Achilles had completed his vengeance to control you before you could control him: you were ruined for any other man.
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drysaladandketchup · 2 months
hi! sorry you can absolutely delete this if u don’t feel like answering or anything cause this is kind of vent-y (?) and isn’t like… actually a question but i am SO annoyed at some hockey fans and how they decide to treat leon. i am german and i live in america and the way leon gets treated in fanfictions and hockey discourse gives me serious flashbacks on how i am treated here. ik leon speaks perfect english but i wish people remembered that that’s still his second!!! language!!! it’s not his native language!!! sometimes he will come across differently then he actually is!!! his words will get twisted and he will be misunderstood because it’s not his native language!!!! every time he’s described as pissy and arrogant and rude (in a genuinely rude way) a vulnerable german kid living in america dies… 😔😔😔 and then the mattdrai fanfictions (admittedly i have not read that many because im just a not a big fan of the pairing but it was one of the main ships that got me into the fandom) i just hate that he seems to be so villainized (?). i might be biased (i am) lol but i am soo sick of it rrrr sorry sorry this got way too long. you just spoke about it before so i felt like you might understand where i'm coming from. peace
Oh my dear anon, people continuing to personify Leon as arrogant, emotionless, and rude is becoming my villain origin story. I'm happy to vent alongside you. I have talked about this before, and it does still bother me when I see it. Because I'm biased too. I love this guy haha.
Just for context, I'm Canadian, born and raised, and as of yet haven't lived in another country where I've had to fluently speak a second language or adjust to a culture I was not raised with. So I am by no means someone who can speak on that experience. But I'm sorry you've faced that kind of judgment.
I've written my thoughts on this subject before, here and here, so I'll try not to rehash everything I've said in the past. But as you say anon, I do think Leon is woefully misunderstood. He himself has said he thinks he's misunderstood, and that he comes off as too direct at times, that it's, 'probably the German in me.' He speaks English perfectly well, very fluently, and he's been living in Canada so long it would be weirder if he wasn't culturally affected and adjusted in some way. But he's still very much German; socially, culturally, linguistically. You don't just lose one entirely just because you've been exposed to and entrenched in another.
Sometimes he says things that can come off differently in English than probably intended, or at least that are easily misinterpreted by a North American audience, but that's a far cry from being 'pissy', as he's been branded by fans and media alike (also as an aside even people speaking their first language get their words mixed up and twisted sometimes, so I think we should just cut everyone some more slack when speaking maybe?).
And look, admittedly I've called him bitchy at times in my tags, as a joke, because yeah like literally any other person on earth, sometimes he says or does something that is snarky or poking fun or off-brand humour. But that's not inherently bad, nor is it inherently German. That's just part of his personality, a singular behaviour in a singular moment. I don't genuinely think he's an angry or aggressive or mean person. I think he's literally just a human being with multitudes.
His occasional tone of voice or his sometimes blunt way of speaking or his sarcastic sense of humour--things that could at least in part be because of his being German but are also not at all exclusive to or ubiquitous among Germans--is why some people make him out to be this aggressive or mean-spirited person, but like... obviously that is not only not true if you pay even an ounce of attention to him beyond a few choice soundbites and clips, but it's also insulting in general. As you say, people assuming the worst of you simply because of differences in communication or expression is the farthest thing from okay. Insinuating that he's brutish or emotionless or rude because he's German is obviously bigoted. It's xenophobic. Not to mention, as you said, it just makes it that much harder for other Germans to approach this audience without fearing they'll be judged the same way.
Now, obviously I don't know the guy personally, I only know what of him is public, but he seems like the farthest thing from rude or standoffish or arrogant. He really isn't any different from any other player (skills not withstanding), but for some reason he doesn't seem to get the same leeway between his on-ice persona and his off-ice persona, or from one instance to the next. For some reason, he's held under this microscope and reduced to his 'worst' moments more than a lot of other players I've seen. He does anything without a smile on his face or makes even one joke or comment that's less than flattering (or falls flat due to language differences), he's immediately made out to be a bad guy.
And to touch on mattdrai, which I do love a lot--and it's okay if it's not something you're into anon, you don't have to justify what you do or don't like :)-- I've said before that I think Matthew and Leon aren't always written very true to life. And I totally agree with you that the issue I sometimes see with Leon's characterization is that he is written like he's arrogant and lacking in emotion (at least outwardly), sometimes even acting like some overly-aggressive bully, and that's just so far from the reality that we know. And yes, some writers, like some fans, actively point to the fact that he's German to explain that. As if that's just how all Germans are, by nature of being German. Which, as I said and as you know anon, is so many kinds of wrong and horrible.
Yes yes he does dumb things on the ice sometimes and he and Matthew (and others) have exchanged shoves and whacks and chirps over the years. But again, if folks watched literally anything with Leon outside of those moments, they'd know that those are incidents, not his whole personality. I'm not over here pretending like he's never done anything wrong or questionable or stupid, but who hasn't? He's not a villain for that. Just like he's not perfect. We're all human.
Oof sorry anon this response got away from me a bit lol. Sorry if this got a little off topic, but I am nothing if not someone who rants and rambles. This topic drives me nuts; I can only imagine how upsetting and frustrating it is for you, as a German living in America.
But my ask box is always open for venting <3
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thehollowprince · 1 year
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I've already said before how much I can't stand Screenrant, and yet I fall for this clickbaiting rage bait every time I see it among my Google recommendations. Seriously... every time.
And I don't make posts like this because I think it's going to change the minds of anyone who irrationally hates the Jedi because someone in the fandom convinced them too by using guiding terminology. No, I make posts like this so that when someone goes looking, they'll find opinions that differ from what's popular, as well as using facts from the source material to back up those opinions.
So we're just going to go through this, point by point, and highlight the flaws in this "argument."
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The only question I have for this is Why?
Why would an organization dedicated to defending peace and justice throughout the galaxy not have a base of operations? This is a question I'll repeat later on for one of these other "points," but it just bears repeating. How is the populace of the galaxy supposed to reach out to these new Jedi for help if they can't find them?
And while it sounds nice on the surface to travel the galaxy and train padawans as she goes, it's totally impractical, considering she's the ONLY Jedi doing this. Like, do you have any idea how long it would take to train new Jedi this way?
Like, I'm all for Jedi traveling the galaxy to bring peace and all that, but to do that, you have to have Jedi to travel.
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I know this point has been talked about repeatedly, but let's once again hash this out.
The Jedi did not forbid relationships!
Relationships happen all the time, from romantic to familial to friendship. The Jedi frowned upon attachment. And before anyone hops on this post or jumps into my inbox, please look up the philosophy of nonattachment as it pertains to Buddhism and Eastern Philosophy.
Also, look up the difference between an attachment and a connection.
A Jedi's whole purpose was to put the needs of others first. That's their whole schtick. And if a Jedi couldn't put their commitment to the Order and the Republic above their own wants and desires, they were always free to leave. There are plenty of other Force-based groups in the Galaxy that didn't frown upon attachment or relationships. I don't understand why so many people think that the Jedi should have to change their entire philosophy to account for a few selfish individuals.
Go back and read the books and comics from over the years. With very few exceptions, every time a Jedi tried to have their cake and eat it too, they fell to the Dark Side. So Rey's Order actively encouraging relationships (because that's what Fandom is about anymore) is just going to continue the cycle of the Jedi Order falling because "how dare this ancient organization follow its rules and not throw out their entire philosophy" and thus starting the cycle all over again.
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Yes, because having multitude of voices with differing opinions and viewpoints is bad. They should all just do their own thing, Lone Ranger style, regardless of how such chaos defeats the entire purpose of the Jedi.
Side note: what movies was this author watching where they came up with the idea that the Jedi Council thought they owned the Force?
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The ranking system was there for a reason.
Can you imagine a new initiate coming to Rey and saying, "Hey, I know I've only been training here for two weeks, but I deserve to look at that Sith holocron because I'm a Jedi and we're all equal members with no rank."
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You want them to be vigilantes.
Just say you want them to be vigilantes.
The entire point of the Jedi being such a prominent part of the Republic was to avoid bias in justice. We've seen how Senators and politicians and law enforcement could be bought off, but that wasn't the case for the Jedi. They were impartial peacekeepers and their place within the Republic was a vital part of that.
To me, this feels like the author wanted the Jedi to say, "Since you're mean to us, we're not going to help you," which is the complete antithesis of what the Jedi stand for.
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"I'm sorry, ma'am. I know your toddler is Force-sensitive, and your house falls apart every time they have a temper tantrum, but I can't help you. We don't offer training until they're older and have already caused massive damage. Best of luck."
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Yes, absolutely. Because the defenders of peace and justice throughout the galaxy who should strive to remain calm and keep a level head in the heat of the moment should have LESS training. We just want cops with lightsabers, right?
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The Jedi did not join the Republic as a military unit. All the times they acted as military commanders throughout their history was at the insistence of the Republic. Hell, they were drafted to lead the clone armies during the Clone Wars.
The Clone Wars, which I'd like to remind everyone, were orchestrated by several Sith Lords over the span of a decade, after decades more of destabilizing the galaxy. The Jedi specifically tried to stop the Clone Wars from happening, but the deck was stacked against them.
All of this blame on the Jedi for the failures of the Senate and the direct machinations of a Sith Lord who chested his way to the highest office of the Republic.
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I highly recommend these people look up what George Lucas has to say about the Jedi and the Force. He specifically says that the Dark-Side is unbalance.
I'd also like to point out that the first mention of "the Light Side" was in The Force Awakens. There is no mention of "the Light" in the Original Trilogy or the Prequels. The "Light" is the balance.
This has been discussed multiple times by multiple people, but apparently it bears repeating.
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When did they not "pay attention" to Force visions?
Because in both Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, when Anakin has dreams about his mother and Padme, respectively, he doesn't tell Obi-Wan or Yoda the full extent of them. If he had told Obi-Wan what his dreams were about, they probably would have gone to save Shmi. And it was Anakin's own actions that led to Padme's death, the very thing he'd been dreaming about.
Hell, even when Luke had his Force vision in Empire Strikes back, if he'd heeded Yoda and been more cautious, he wouldn't have lost his hand. I want to remind people that when Luke showed up, Han Solo was already frozen in Carbonite, and Lando was able to save the others without the Jedi. All Luke being there accomplished was him receiving an ass-whoopin' and the revelation that he was Darth Vadar's son.
I don't know why people are so dedicated to trying to smear the Jedi at any and every opportunity, but it's getting boring. Especially when all one needs to do to refute these claims is to just watch the movies.
Like I said in my earlier post, this author wants Rey to create an entirely new organization and just slap the name Jedi on it for branding rights.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Liveblog - Dofus, livre 1 : Julith [PART 21]
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I've already said how weird this whole situation is from Joris's pov, but imagine dying, being given a new body with a way smaller brain and no speech yet, as well as no object permanence, and having to comprehend while in this condition, that your brother, who spent the last 50–80 years trying to hunt you down and make you into a coat, just saved your son from being blown up, and is now dying.
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But you lack the brain capacity to understand any of that. Or remember any of that history.
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You just know that he's hurt, badly, and that you don't like seeing him in pain.
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Joris knows now, that for an ecaflip demigod, it's not that big of a deal to die. At least not the first time.
So it's really more of a "You sacrificed yourself for me?" question.
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He's paying back his debt. He can't be mean to Joris, when all he's done is be nice to him, he's not that kind of person.
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And when he wakes up again, things will be different, between him and Kerubim. Something new is going to happen.
To quote Dofus Aux Tresors de Kerubim: It will have a different taste. A different feel.
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Kerubim's current lack of object permanence or the idea of death, is both a blessing and a curse, because he has no fucking idea what happened, or where Atcham went. Poor kbitty.
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On one hand, this is inherently traumatic for Joris. He must be tired of watching ecaflip demigods evaporate.
On the other hand, I can't help but feel that this is the moment Joris and Atcham truly begin to love one another. So I can't even feel sad about this moment, like a normal person.
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Chat, this is what I cal coping and perhaps even seething. Joris is inclined to think Bakara is wrong because Bakara fucked up Majorly at this part of the movie. Also because Joris has not slept the entire night. Also because he watched 2 people die. Also Simone is far away. Also what IS Simone to do with a dofus-related issue?
Julith would absolutely have hurt Lilotte. There is absolutely not a single doubt in my mind, that if it got her what she wanted, she would dismember Lilotte as Joris watched.
I don't blame him for making mistakes and fumbling, though. He's like 10.
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If she really isn't that bad... If ALL she wants to do, is to bring Jahash back... If that's what it takes for her to leave Lilotte and Kerubim alone...
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And among all else, if this brings the man she loves back? He doesn't mind, then.
(Puts on a giant, Dofus Aux Tresors de Kerubim themed tinfoil hat)
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Joris is a difficult character to read due to his insane multitudes and affinity for lying to everyone and himself.
Due to his passion for wanting to learn about his birth parents, I think spending time with Julith and Jahash is like a dream to him.
But I can't miss the dimension in this interaction that Julith is a scary dark mage called "the butcher", who already killed his father once and then kidnapped his friend, and they are both standing near her, behind him, and she is holding what is essentially the magical equivalent of a nuclear bomb in her hands.
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And the things he says to her may or may not be affected by like, idk, two or three of these factors? Like there might be a slight possibility that he said "I'm sure she wouldn't have hurt you" and "a real family" specifically to decrease the chances of her killing Kerubim and Lilotte. Not sure where I get this idea from, though.
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This is literally the worst day in Kerubim's life as a father. There is literally no going back. Thank god his little kittybrain is going to forget all about this in roughly 3 minutes.
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"But I hear other voices. A chorus of voices. Multitudes. They reach back centuries. Men and women and children who lost their lives to men like you. Man and women and children forced to wear your chains. I must answer to them.
And this war, Flint’s war, my war, it will not be bargained away to avoid a fight. To save John Silver’s life, or his men’s, or mine.”
I’d like to start from this beautiful speech from Madi to explain why I think Madi is the war itself. Why she was exactly what Flint needed to start fighting it and why she couldn’t be further away from Silver as a person.
Just because I rewatched the final ep. today and I feel the need to honor the one who lost part of herself in this and to reason about the dynamics among the two persons who might have changed the world and the one who kicked that hope back into the dark corner of the untold.
As always, Flint and Silver’s conversation at the end of ep.XXXVIII made me think A LOT. First time I guess I was overwhelmed by emotions, but this time, between the bitterness of the betrayal and the desperation of Flint's loss, I think I started to see exactly what Silver couldn’t get about the war. Which basically is its meaning.
But let me begin with Flint, because is the character I think I know better by now and because I need to start from a warrior who is not the war itself.
Flint started by fighting a war, another one, an easier one, alongside Thomas. He found himself in that period of time, but he lost that war and the one he loved the most with it. Then he started to fight another kind of war, twisted himself in order to fit into its lines. That war was never about liberation, even if that was what he had been telling himself all along and maybe what he hoped he could eventually accomplish by fighting it: it was just about revenge and something to grab in order to stay afloat. It took him to lost every hope of happiness he had left (Miranda), the last possible meaning of his life and of the person he felt he really was deep inside to see the chance for yet another kind of war. A wider one, a harder one, a most fundamental one. It took him to meet Madi. Knowing her, someone completely different from anyone he had known and fought along in the past, someone who was somehow closer to him as a person than anyone he had ever known (except maybe Eleonor, I’m talking mainly about the pirates. Thomas and Miranda were close to him but not very similar in character I’d say and maybe this is why they got along together so well), he finally had the chance to understand that he was not alone in his misery. She had the courage to be what Flint didn’t even know he could become, the fight not for the fight’s sake but for the outcome, as much as he reputed himself already excluded from it, because however he couldn’t ever be part of anything again, not in the way he had been with Thomas and Miranda. But there’s a difference between fighting just to kill and fighting to save who the one you are killing would have been willing to kill, and Madi represented that change for him.
And the war represented the only meaning he was still able to give to his life.
He is defined by his past, absolutely and mainly, and this makes him both someone with valid reasons to fight and someone with reasons to stop fighting.
In the previous episode we see how Silver instead refuses to be defined by his past, which could be a good or a bad thing, depending on how one let that past influence themselves, but that in this specific situation is basically what makes him unable (just my point of view of course) to get the general meaning of that war.
He chooses to erase his experience in favor of the moment, of the future maybe, and this makes him unable (as much as he likes to affirm the contrary, which I had never agreed upon) to understand the minds of the ones who let that experience shape them. And even more, it makes him unable to understand the minds of the ones who don’t need to have cruel experiences behind them in order to feel the fight. That is, Madi.
To link with my previous post ( https://www.tumblr.com/dragonsinthedarkness/758840316125216768/from-the-moment-he-started-speaking-i-couldnt?source=share ), in that infamous conversation in the last ep. Silver confesses he felt the war only (or especially, but I’d say only) when he lost Madi, because he felt the need to honor her sacrifice, avenge her lost and everything Flint had been doing for years, and the point is that that war was EXACTLY that. It was answering to the multitudes of voices who had undergone all that suffering and that demanded justice for it. It was trying to accomplish that as few others as possible could undergo that same fate.
And the point I want to make is that Madi was not only a warrior but the war itself because she felt those voices and the need to answer to them EVEN IF she had never personally experienced such tragedies. She was raised with the Guthries, then in the camp, she had probably even had the chance to be happy in her childhood, but this didn’t prevent her from developing the knowledge of that evil or the responsibility to fight it as leader of her community and as sisters of all the ones who had suffered before and may suffer again.
She wasn’t defined by her own past, but she brought on her shoulders the most painful and important legacy and decided to honor it.
And one may ask for justice for what happened in their own lifetime with a single chance of succeeding, that can make a great warrior of them, but those voices REACHED BACK CENTURIES, as she said. Her justice, their justice, would have been hopeless as long as something bigger as that war started to change things, and this is exactly what Silver couldn’t understand.
Now of course I know changes don’t happen overnight because “the world is too strong for that”, but I’m talking about their reality in that age right now and I think that as much as a war couldn’t have probably changed things, it would have been a beginning at least. A scream echoing in the night of their existences who would have maybe be heard, and as long as even a single person was able to gain goodness from it, it wouldn’t have been in vain.
As I believe all their efforts had not been in vain, despite the outcome.
For one hour, a month or a year (to improperly quote Silver) of freedom.
For one single moment of victory, of light in the dark.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I once read a fic where dick, Jason and Tim are not human and that Damian and Bruce are the only humans (Alfred doesn't count) in the manor basically the fic was about how bruce took care of non human dick jason and tim and when damin came he had issues with them but came to accept them in the end and that got me thinking an au where the batfam are not human except bruce. like hes the only FULLY human in the family. like the in the fic dick was a doll that cam to life, but i also read somewhere that dick was a tentacle monster thing because of hugs (i dont remember it well because i read it when i was half asleep) Jason probably had something to do with gotham, like all the chemicals made him immune to most things and also being in the streets probably messed up his health and also he might be born? Made? Not human and that was before he DIED and was dipped in the Lazarus pit, which probably has supernatural consequences, and made him even more not human. Tim was probably cursed by an artifact that his parents brought home when he was young or he was just born (maybe bred, I'm pretty sure rich people can breed their own child) that way that makes people question if he is human or a sickly Victorian child in the wrong era, he also must be good with the shadows if he can follow batman around (and we are not yet talking about his age is he forever 17 or did he age, if so how old is he?)
Steph is the child of a supervillain and is probably an ally kid, so she is kinda similar to Jason but with more drugs and the spoiler thing. (i dont have any idea with her) Cass was probably trained and experimented by David Cain to act the way she does (nobody know if she's human or not and it freaks people out) Damian probably was the most human among Bruce children as he is made by his DNA, but if he was also dipped in the Lazarus pit then maybe there's a chance that's he's not human, but that can just be league training. Duke has powers and was living in the streets when is parents got joker gassed and was also living in the zero year when riddler was mayor and made a we are robin movement (sorry if i got his character wrong) Nobody knows actually if Damian and Cass are human as they possessed abilities that no Normal human can like blending in the shadows too well that that can't be seen (even when it's a light shadow you can't see them unless they want to be seen) but they were also trained assassin's and maybe those were the consequences of their childhood (at least most heroes or people hope)
The same can be said to the others, dick can perfectly blend in the shadows and when he fights he tends to pull stunts that no normal human can pull (does he even have bones how can he bend like that). Jason is like a tank and somehow is quieter than he looks, he can be stabbed and will still keep fighting like nothing happened. Tim doesn't sleep and he lost his spleen and still doing okay. Steph knows where to go, Cass can read you like a book and can probably kick superman's ass without a sweat, Damian was raised by demons and duke can bend the shadows to his will.
And somehow some way
like this man gets fear-gassed in the face, poison ivy's multitude of poisons, joker gassed. and whatever gotham throws at him while running a company and getting little to no amount of sleep and still function like a normal human being while actually BEING 100% human. and it just confuses the kids a lot (sorry if the English is bad. English is my secondary language and most of the time i speak my first language which is Filipino and I'm typing this on my laptop while most of my family are sleeping. and most of these points are from my drafts, my only saving garce is autocorrect )
You're perfectly alright. No worries at all ^^
To summarize, you want to think about an AU where Bruce is human and the rest of the Bats are not? We can definitely explore that, but first, I think I know what fics you were talking about.
For the Dick is a doll one, I can't find it. It's making me sad cause it was a great one of Bruce continuously adopting kids that others want to harm/kill due to their nature. Just Bruce fighting against his instincts so he can provide them love. It's cute.
For the Dick has weird hugging abilities, I think "you can swear in my hoard" by Inkpotsprite is the fic you were thinking about. Tim and Dick are the only confirmed non-humans, though.
For a fic where the batkids are born as a variety of angels or demons and Bruce is a human, the "heaven sent//hell bent" series by AstraEllis is good.
There's other ones, but feel free to reblog/comment suggestions.
As far as the AU, I agree that Bruce pushes his body past what's considered human limits (they all do). It would be funny if the JL had discussions about that in confusion (the humans and non humans trying to figure out how he manages to do everything he does without powers).
If you want to create an AU going over specifically what each batkid could be if they were non-human, let me know!
EDIT: A commentor revealed the fic name for the doll one!!! "You, Me, and the Humanity in Between" by JUBE514
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bebackthen · 6 months
for a while now i have been greatly inspired by object shows and their community, passion projects from all ends of the spectrum telling stories about characters in a new and fun way! gameshows and competitions and murder mystery! and after months of ruminating i've finally gathered the courage to start my own passion project:
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JUMP: a leap of faith is an object show i will be making alongside my friends @thorninyourside05, @zanethepa1n, @momoinkies and @ultraalittlebitofeverything. it will be handling topics of growth, healing, and general real world issues. including moving on from bad situations and learning to heal and grow from trauma.
im making a post to hopefully attract people who would like to help!! i personally can animate and do character designs/backgrounds, and will be voice acting, but id love people who could also help me and my friends in the grand scheme of things! voice actors, artists, animators, even people who just wanna submit ideas! anyone who wants to join the team will have the chance to add their own oc(s) to the story/background, but of course since this is a passion project, it will not be paid with cash (although, id be willing to do art for anyone on the team!) which is why i want people who are also passionate about this sort of thing and want the chance to try their hand at a show!
we are currently working on cast and plot-line right now, among other behind the scenes things!
if you join you can audition for a multitude of roles!! voice acting, background artist, storyboard artist, animator, writer, script writer, character designer, and more ! if you are interested click the link ive attached !!
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lunariiawrites · 1 year
Pairing: Cumulus x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Soft dom Cumulus, sexual content, dirty talk, praise
Summary: After a fight breaks out, you're left to clean up the mess, and Cumulus decides to show you a few notes on the piano, among other things.
a/n: My first smut in over seven years and my first f/f fic ever! Feedback is appreciated since I'm always hoping to grow, but I hope you like it!
Silence is both a blessing and a curse.
The morning had started oddly, the halls being almost silent save for the quiet footsteps of the siblings migrating to breakfast or whatever tasks they had assigned to them for the day. Fortunately, your tasks weren’t as time-consuming as normal, and having them done within a few hours allowed you to relax for a minute or two; hoping that Sister Imperator didn’t come rushing out of the shadows to scold you.
Sunlight decorated the wall in a multitude of colors, shining in from the stained glass window above. The clock overhead ticked ominously and you got the weird feeling that something wasn’t right. As time ticked on, the feeling nagged at you, gnawing at your brain like a pack of rabid wolves. 
It was the first crash that broke the silence. 
Being near the practice room, it would make sense that noise was being made. However, these weren’t the usual melodic tones that Papa and the ghouls would normally produce when practicing for a tour. Instead, it was a loud din of crashing, shouting, and growls that made you worried to move from your secluded bench in the hallway. After a few more minutes of shouting that suspiciously sounded like Dew and Swiss, the halls were almost quiet again. 
Carefully making your way to the practice room, you peered inside, shocked to see the instruments in chaotic disarray. Papa stood in the middle of the mess, a frown clear on his face as he rubbed his temples in frustration. The door creaked, revealing your presence to the normally cheerful leader. 
‘Strange. Where’d everyone go?’
“Ah, sister.” Giving a sad smile, he swept his hand around the room. “It’s quite a mess, no?” Indeed it was. Instruments were scattered haphazardly on the floor, joined by picks and sheets of music. It looked like a tornado had flung everything around before blinking out of existence.
“What happened?” 
“There was a fight.” Shrugging, he sighed. “Everything was going fine one moment, then the next… Poof.”
Honestly, you felt bad for him. A fight breaking out was never a good thing and being that Papa viewed the ghouls as friends, as many in the abbey did, you could tell that not knowing how to help was hitting him hard.
A soft knock tapped on the door as it creaked open again. Looking over your shoulder, Papa nodded solemnly. 
“Sister,” With a pleading look, he gestured around the room. “Can I ask you a favor?”
“Don’t worry about it, Papa.” Picking up some music sheets from the floor, you gave a reassuring smile. “I got this.”
After Papa had left the room, muttering something about Sister Imperator and her constant meetings, you set to work. Picking up a few more stray music sheets, you set them on a stand, almost painfully aware of a gaze locked onto you. 
“Need some help?” A sweet voice startles you, as does the warm breath that tickles your ear. Turning, you’re surprised to see Cumulus standing behind you, surprisingly not wearing her mask. Instead, her glamour was almost fully off, as were the ghouls’ rights within the abbey. 
“Sure.” Handing her the music notes, you smiled sheepishly. “Could you help me sort these? You’d know the order better than I would.”
Nodding, she took the sheets from you, arranging them so they were actually readable. Turning, you began to pick up the various instruments strewn all over, hoping that none of them were broken. 
“It’ll be ok.” Cumulus broke the silence, setting the finished stack of papers back onto the stand. 
“The whole fight thing? Dew and Swiss were messing around and it got taken too far.” She explained casually, picking up her keyboard. “They’ll be fine. Probably make up by the end of the night.”
That wasn’t a surprise. Both Dew and Swiss had tempers that sometimes flared as a result of their banter. Thankfully, you had never been on the receiving end of either, the two usually treating you with respect and delivering good natured teasing at the most. 
Cumulus hummed thoughtfully as she played a bit on her keyboard, her fingers tapping the keys lightly. Staring at her reverently, you smiled, getting lost in the music. After a bit, she nodded, satisfied. 
“I wish I could play like you.” 
“Come here.” Cumulus patted the seat next to her and you climbed the short steps of the stage, taking a seat on the padded cushion. “I’ll show you some things.” 
Her hands were soft as they held yours, showing you where to press to produce certain notes and demonstrating certain chords. Eventually, she stood behind you, chin resting on your shoulder as she calmly guided you.
“Good girl.” Cumulus’ unique scent of vanilla and honey floats around you, invading your senses and making you shiver along with her words. “You’re doing so well.”
Your eyes closed as her hands left yours, goosebumps raising as cool fingertips caressed your heated skin, trailing up your arms. 
“I’ve watched you, you know.” Running a hand through your hair, she chuckles as you tilt your head towards her touch. “Always running around, always helping everyone but never quite taking the time to relax.” Claws lightly scratch at your scalp and you groan, the noise barely slipping out.
“You’re so adorable.” Humming, she released your hair and gently grasped your jaw. “Look at me.” The words were a command, wrapped in a soft and gentle tone.
Opening your eyes made you flinch at first, not expecting her to be that close. Her hair spilled over her shoulder, almost tickling your face as you searched her own.
“You’re gorgeous.” Cumulus smiles at the compliment, a light blush blooming across her cheeks.
“So are you, sweetheart.” The words catch you off guard, and a blush flares across your cheeks, and the temptation to avert your eyes is high. Somehow, you keep your attention in front of you. 
“I’d love to help you unwind a little.” Her thumb caressed your cheek almost lovingly, and you smiled. Cumulus waited for an answer, the hand not holding your face trailing up your thigh to squeeze lightly, grounding you for the moment. “What do you say?”
Word of what all ghouls were like behind closed doors frequently spread among the siblings, and the ghoulettes were said to be passionate lovers, if not a bit rough once in a while. Heat pooled in your gut as your mind brought unbidden images of what exactly Cumulus had in store for you if you were to say yes. 
Hand on your thigh tightening, Cumulus growled softly, her tail waving back and forth in anticipation.
It didn’t take much to make a choice.
The world spun as Cumulus pulled you from the semi-clean practice room. After a minute or so of walking and trying to keep up with her hurried pace, you ended up in a room decorated in white and blue.
Cumulus’ room.
Pressing you against the door, Cumulus pressed a hand next to your head, slotting a thigh in between your legs as she partially caged you in, a hungry look in her eyes. Control was something that the air ghoulette was normally praised for, but in this instance it looked like she was struggling.
“Last chance, love.” A purr rose from her throat as she nuzzled your throat, nipping gently. “If you don’t leave now, that’s it. You’re mine.” 
Instead of answering with words, you answered with a harsh kiss, pulling her down towards you. 
Her eyes flashed briefly before closing, not that she gave enough time for you to properly notice the flicker of her iris’. Instead of the soft and gentle ghoul you’d come to perceive her as, Cumulus’ demeanor now changed to that of the predator all the ghouls could be at heart.
You weren’t afraid in the least.
Shallow breaths left you as her plush lips continually met yours, the pace of the kiss almost seeming feverish. Your hands wound into her hair, tugging lightly on the blonde curls and coaxing a gentle moan from her. Her lips traveled down your neck, leaving wet kisses and the occasional bite. 
Some of the siblings expressed a fear of being bitten, thinking that the ghouls’ fangs were too sharp. Instead, it seemed to offer just the right amount of pain among the pleasure, and Cumulus was careful not to break the delicate skin between her teeth. She chuckled as you craned your neck to give her more room. 
“Such a good girl.” A lightning bolt of arousal shot through you at her words and she smirked, gripping your chin and directing your hooded eyes to focus on her.
“I think someone likes to be praised.” 
Before long, you’re seated on the plush bed, covers silky against your skin as you fumbled with the buttons of your habit. You had managed to pull the top over your head, making your hair a mess. Cumulus kneeled in front of you, already undressed, a smile on her lips as she pulled off your skirt, claws leaving light scratches on your skin. 
Leaning forward, you kiss down her collarbone and she sighs, fingers tangling in your hair. Murmuring her assent, she pushes your head down and moans when your breath ghosts her chest, tongue darting out to lick a hardened nipple. Cumulus purrs as you worship her, massaging her breasts as you lick, bite and suck. 
Without warning, you’re flipped, Cumulus straddling your waist. She hums, kissing down your collarbone before copying your earlier actions, sucking hard. Your hips bucked, barely moving with the way she was holding your hips down. A keening whine left your throat, and you couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Please!” You begged, the plea sounding semi-broken from your throat. Cumulus smiled, lifting her head to regard you carefully. Purring, she stroked a cool hand down the flushed skin of your face, trailing her touch down to your waist.
“What is it, baby?” She cooed, voice soft and sweet once more. “Want me to fuck you?” 
“I’ll give you my fingers tonight.” Cumulus agreed, dipping a hand beneath your underwear to stroke your core lightly, adding to the fire. “Then if you’re good, you might get something else tomorrow.” A devious light entered her eyes for a moment and she smiled innocently.
“I might even share.”
The bloom of heat raged inside you at her words, and you gasped, bucking against her hand. Cumulus watched lovingly, seeing you become more desperate, stroking your clit with a steady hand and bending down to say the most filthy things in your ear. 
“My good girl.” Pressing a finger into your folds, she whispered sweetly to you, curling her fingers just right to make you see stars. “If I had my way, you’d never leave this bed.”
“Fuck!” Arousal spiked as she played with the sensitive bundle of nerves. A knot settled in your stomach, and bucking your hips again, you pleaded with her to go faster. 
Speeding up her pace, she pressed a kiss to your stomach, enjoying your high pitched moan and the soft squelching noises she was making with her fingers.
“So wet for me.” A broken plea burst from your lips and she leaned down, breath ghosting onto your cunt as she pulled her fingers out, inspecting how wet they were in the light. “So responsive.”
“Cumulus, plea–” Her mouth latched onto you, tongue circling your clit and diving through your folds. “Fuck!” 
The knot burst as she sucked lightly on your clit, groaning contentedly as you came for her as she coaxed you through your orgasm, a pleased purr rumbling in her chest. 
“Good job, baby.” Exhausted, you laid next to her, sighing as she pulled you into her arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Let’s get some rest, okay?”
“Not tired.” You mumbled, honestly wanting to stay up and talk with her some more. Cumulus chuckled, pulling the covers over you and watching as you nestled your head into the pillow. 
“We’ll talk tomorrow, I promise.” She whispered, resting her chin on the crown of your head. “I’m not letting you go anytime soon.” 
Falling asleep came easily after that, the melody Cumulus was humming making you drift off peacefully, feeling safe with her arms wrapped around you. 
As you drifted off, Cumulus hugged you possessively as she heard the other ghouls through the wall, groaning at the sinful noise you two had made. Closing her eyes, the ghoulette smirked.
“She’s mine.”
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
also mistake not my silence on the summer event story now that its all out for not paying attention bc. well firstly not going to be the subject of this post but seriously just the . Overall implications of the whole thing when it comes to teyvat and genshin as a whole? wild stuff like are they rly out there revealing the entire cosmology now 😭 (tho i kinda have. Mixed thoughts as well)
anyway secondly and most importantly because of course i have priorities (its ajax we all know) . soooo simulanka and names eh?
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well not that i was any doubter to begin with in that it like. meant something when hit game jenshin impact featuring guy already foreshadowed and being set up for some real curious world-overturning and celestia torching business etc etc etc coincidentally named. ajax. among other things. that the same game happening to Also begin introducing this whole other ajax/aias as an actual historical figure featured within the games lore and legends. would very much be just a massive fucking thing we Should be taking very seriously in terms of his future development but like thanks very much for confirming it too uwu
anyway let us look at my favorite french cultist scribbled note for no particular reason once more just to celebrate the occasion
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i mean what can i say man . truly the endgame relevance long term allegations continue undodged 😤😤
anyway whats kinda funny to me is the way a lot of ppls reaction to this name confirmation seems to be like. omg ajax is in trouble now bc irl mythology ajax died and ajax/aias of genshin also seems to have possibly had a shit fate by the end im so worried omg . when like. literally the second part to this whole "name = inheriting destiny" thing we see in simulanka is that . with the right circumstances . the one that inherits the name and destiny is not necessarily doomed to that exact same outcome as the original . like we all did see how we saved simulanka durin right?? and how the existence of mini durin may now open up the possibility of teyvats durin to receive a different outcome to his tale???? right??
like why do ppl have so little faith in childe im 😭 like if you ask me hes Already giving indication of defying his fate in a multitude of ways (vision malfunction being a big one) so personally i simply think we need to let him do his thing and see where he goes with it . i have faith in him like if Anyones abt to subvert the fate hes been set up with be it due to his name or any other reason . its gonna be him lmao
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like. its not even new stuff kwdwdjkdwjk
either way tho . even if this fucker straight up "dies" or goes MIA im not even that worried bc. ppl worrying about this "tragic fate" his namesake seems to be conferring to him by default with simulankas explicit confirmation of a names meaning . and its just are we straight up missing the fact that this historical ajax/aias is Literally connected to that rent free narzissenkreuz note that EXPLICITLY aligns this "tragedy" with the theme of REBIRTH. and becoming a descender straight up .
like maybe its just me but this Really isnt giving "omg childe is going to die due to mirroring the fate of ajax" its giving "childe is Literally being set up to become sth descender equivalent one way or another AND theyre doubling down on it now" im sorry 😭
like. even the implications of phrases like. "forsaking the self" to be reborn in the abyss just reminds me of this. weird panic people have around childes vision malfunction as if its like. vision is GOOD ambition and his GOOD ending and his GOOD characteristics and it malfunctioning means BAD EVIL SIN ambition and WRONG characteristics is taking over!!!!!!!11! hes being torn into two different directions and the abyss is bad and vision (=celestia) is good!!!!!1
and its like. say we even buy that (but like dang what a sustainer sponsored take to have in a. gnostic inspired lore environment JWSJKJKSF) . that his. "correct" and "healthy" destiny as vision wielder (that Every single recipient of a "gods EYE" gets like forcibly and irrevocably bound to by design and surely this isnt problematic at all) . is a part of that "self" that is being forsaken and twisted as his destiny pushes against celestias control and his connection to said vision falters . lets say we assume that is a "bad" thing for his "intended" path and destiny somehow .
(which YES it prolly is. but only within the bounds of a world order set up by the heavenly principles!!! of COURSE the HP would force people into destinies and paths that Only serve the continuity of its rule!!! and doesnt shake up the system!! like yes a vision likely represents and assigns to people a "Good" ambition but thats not from the recipients POV thats from celestias POV and at this point its just. fellas. we are not supposed to buy into that at face value lmao)
which like. again. i v much dont buy anyway i think every single time genshin calls something sin or forbidden it should be assessed v critically.
but even with that assumption we can still see how this very note is already implicating that "forsaking the self" is Literally a prerequisite . in this grand destiny featuring ajax/aias . for reaching True rebirth as a holy infant and a descender and all that . for defying the shackles of the heavens . for gaining a will that rivals the world . right???
+ also if like. forsaking the self being mayhaps and perchance more of a GOOD thing in a world with preordained and unyielding destiny set up by false divinity wasnt already established enough
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welp thank you rene narzissenkreuz.
oh "excising the self" you say?? that sure sounds a bit like "forsaking the self" doesnt it ??? how curious that it would be considered less of a "death" and more of a "rebirth" indeed . and that a vision to a cultist very invested in the methods available to Defy a prophecy and fate is very much a bad thing to receive . like what a coincidence that we would have a note like this as an established character already tied to a note you wrote about acquiring a descenders will is experiencing vision compatibility issues its very funny indeed.
so like ig what im trying to say is just idk for me personally if ajax is out there forsaking his self by any metric im just gonna be cheering him on <3
but yeah jkqjkwdjkwdjkwd dont mind me im just kinda rent free with how its now just even more confirmed by hoyo that this insane ajax/aias note stuff is Not meant to be coincidental At All (even tho its very funny ppl doubted the signifance to begin with at all). but also i just dont get the panicking abt it being some bad thing lmao like this is just genuinely hype as fuck for him 😭😭😭
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savelockwoodandco · 1 year
What’s a reasonable timeframe to push for either the renewal of Lockwood & Co, or for another streaming service to pick it up?
Obviously there are a multitude of factors to consider- key among them being the actors (age, commitment to other works ect). After a certain point, things would be forced into the territory of a remake instead of a continuation of the original series.
It’s only been a month (already?!?), and there’s been some great progress is getting the word out there (a massive thanks to all involved for their hard work!), but how long can it continue?
Thanks for the question Anon, and we appreciate the kind words <3. This answer's kinda going to be divided into two parts, namely 1) reasons not to worry about the timeframe for the actors' sakes, and 2) our opinion of the timeframe in constrast with other shows that have been picked up.
There are tons of factors to consider, this is true, but we're luckier than most because of our source material.
In the books we start out with Lockwood and George at ~16 and Lucy at 15 (as per Jonathan Stroud, who only deals with approximate ages), but they certainly don't go through the books at these ages. The first book takes place over a couple months, then there's a year time skip at the start of Book 2, and Book 3 picks up a few months after that (and a four-month time skip between Books 3 and 4). By the time of Book 3 (where S2 will pick up), they're around 2 years older than that, give or take a few months, so that makes Lockwood and George ~18, and Lucy a year younger.
To add to that, according to notes from the show specifically, Lucy, George, and Lockwood are approximately 16, 17, and 18, respectively. If they follow the time skip, which they really kind of have to, at least a bit, that puts them at 18, 19, and 20 come S2.
This works in our favor -- we were already going to have to have a bit of a time skip between S1 and S2, to allow Lockwood to heal and for the Trio to kinda come down from the whole Annabelle/Bickerstaff one-two punch. They may look a slight bit older, but they will have to look a slight bit older.
In order for the events of Book 3 (and 4 and 5, of course) to happen, Lockwood & Co (the agency) has to be more cemented, they have to be getting more cases, they have to be successful, not the incredible underdogs they are at present. Otherwise, the inciting incident of Book 3 that carries us through the first third of book 4 just doesn't happen.
So we have to have a time skip anyway.
It also helps that Jack, Hayley, and Ali (Kipps, Flo, and George) aren't going to look any older even with a gap of a few years, which I don't think will happen. Even Cameron (Lockwood), the youngest, won't change that much at 20; he already looks slightly older than his age, which suits Lockwood, and with the too-small suits and the too-big coat, which they'll resize if needed, he can be kept looking as emaciated and young-yet-world-weary that he is in S1.
As a final note on the cast's ages, L&Co has one of the most accomplished makeup crews I've seen in a long time. TV makeup is usually middling to bad, honestly speaking, but the crew at L&Co does a phenomenal job. It's not too hard to shave a year or two off of a person's face with the right subtle makeup, and they're more than capable of it.
The rest of the concerns around availability can be worked around, honestly. The first shoot only took so long because of Britain's COVID regulations, which won't be as strict this time around. I honestly don't think that availability is overmuch a concern -- and in any case, a fandom can't do anything about that, so it's best not to worry.
As far as a general timeframe goes? As much as we would love to be able to say X months X days is the Final Point so let's push until then, there really is no timeframe -- other than, in reverse of what a lot of of the fandom thinks (this being a lot of people's first ever Campaign to Save a Show, to be frank), that the month mark that we're hitting on Monday is when stuff actually starts.
Ignoring Brooklyn 99 (as ever the outlier), shows as almost a rule don't get picked up in the first month. Even Lucifer, a show that had built multiple seasons' worth of fans and was certainly one of the most active, passionate, nigh-crazy campaigns I've ever seen, took a month.
(As a note of encouragement, a show that both mods enjoyed, Selfie, which was cancelled in 2014 before it could even finish airing its season in the Death Slot, is now apparently in talks 9 years later for a movie to finish up the story, due to a huge swell in recent demand from China, who apparently loves the show and uses it to teach English. That's 9 years later, and we'd given up hope entirely. Good things can and do happen, whether a day or a decade after.)
In this humble mod's mind, the first month is always prep. Getting people organized, getting the word out, hoping for press, making sure that at the very least the cast, crew, and associated people of the show are aware of the fan response. That's been the job we've had in mind for the last almost-month.
Come Monday, we' move on to a slightly different stage. Not that we'll be doing anything drastically different -- continuous, repeated effort is king here -- but we'll be at the time when shows begin to be picked up.
It's what we mean when we say that this is a marathon, not a sprint. We've been stretching, buying water bottles, making punny t-shirts and cardboard signs, and setting out the race's trail. Sure, we hope that we won't have to run too far past the starting line before the whistle blows -- but whether we're picked up in a month or six or twelve or even longer, we're still gonna run it.
The show deserves our effort every bit as much as it deserves our love.
In the once again humble opinion of this mod, I would doubt it will take that long. We've had a phenomenal amount of press, engagement, etc etc etc -- as we say every time we post, we're continually impressed and grateful that we get to play a small part in this amazing effort. I, personally, am humbled by the talent and passion of LockNation every time I see a post on tumblr, or when the Twitter Mod shows me posts on twitter. You're an amazing group, and I'm honored to play my incredibly small role on this stage.
To try to answer your original question, it's the view of this mod that it will be measured in months, rather than weeks, for a pickup of the show, and that the starting gun doesn't really go off until the month mark on June 12th.
So maybe take the weekend, LockNation, and plan to do something this coming week that you haven't -- make a call, make a meme, make a difference. This weekend finishes off our month of prep, after all, and we gotta make sure our sneakers are tied and our sweat-bands are on.
On your mark, get set...
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aria0fgold · 5 months
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The creature... So first things first is some info about them pre- disappearance of The Country. They're a loyal follower and avid worshipper of The Country. They love the Universe sooo much that they made a wish to be able to read the stars, and the Universe answered. I like to think that the stars are talkative, some can predict what will happen in the near future, some are just "chatting" to each other about the stuff happening in the world they overlook. It's a somewhat useful ability that Soleil used to use to be able to either predict someone's future (rarely though, the stars hold many different futures and it's hard to figure out which is whose) or use it during funeral rites to have a more reassuring experience to the ones mourning that their loved one arrived safely among the stars.
And then they found out about The Cursing of Chateau Castle-- they kiiiinda got Really obsessed with the book series that they wanted to know more about it but there wasn't any more copies of it in the Country's language so what better way to deal with that but teaching itself how to understand the Vaugardian language, and by doing that they got to learn more about the Vaugardian culture and was really amazed by it (considering that they spent most of their life with the Country's culture instead, learning about a different culture is a great feeling). One thing led to the other and it also led Soleil to travelling to Vaugarde (something that their family wasn't all that happy with but they stay silly).
And so we're back at the present time! Now to talk about some details on its appearance.
Its Craft type is Scissors! The eye on the center of its chest and the eye by its nape are in fact EYES and not just accessories (although they did try to make the eye on its chest appear to be like a mix between a star shape and the Change Symbol).
After spending some time in Vaugarde, they learned about Body Craft in which case they decided to experiment with it in regards to its eyes.
Since being in Vaugarde, there wasn't much use to its star sight and there also isn't a way to "turn it off." So instead, they decided to separate its Normal sight from the Star sight by adding another pair of eyes on its body.
The eyes on its face are blind. They can't see through it anymore but they Can still see the stars (they can't read it anymore however cuz of the Country's disappearance).
If they focus on the stars using those eyes, they'd get a REALLY bad headache and a star sign appears on its eyes. Nothing to be afraid of probably, its head just Really hurts.
The glass covering the eye on its nape is a one way mirror. You won't be able to see the eye but the eye can still see you.
With its vision split, it actually took them awhile to get used to that. It takes a lot of concentration and focus to see both from behind and from the front. When Soleil gets tired from doing that, they either close the eye on its nape (if the place is safe enough) or unfocus it enough to the point that most of its vision becomes blurry with only being able to see blobs of shapes and shadows which helps them be alert enough in case something comes running at them from behind.
All the round objects you see on its body are Bombs. They found out about Bomb Craft in Jouvente and was so fascinated by it that their inventor brain (inventing, crafting, and repairing stuff is a special interest of theirs). They now like making bombs and inventing new ones (only they have the recipe of those).
The bombs they invented only detonates via a Craft spell, it's basically as safe as an ordinary ball to handle unless detonated. Also the scissors at the top of their head has a cover on its tip. It's Very Sharp. They mainly use that (either the tip or the scissor blades itself) to cut the bombs dangling on its body.
Despite the multitude of bombs they carry, they aren't actually much of a fighter (they just like bombs). Most of its Craft spells are basic/beginner level. The one and only Powerful Craft spell they have is a shield/defense spell that they practiced several times. It's capable of negating all damage for 2 turns with a 5 turn cooldown, they wanted to master that spell to make it so that bombs won't hurt them no matter the close proximity.
Its hand signs are "broken." They used to mimic the hand signs that the Universe (I'm mainly referring to my design of the Universe) makes. But after forgetting about everything in regards to it, they can't remember what hand signs they used to make but the familiar feeling was still there.
A huge fan of The Cursing of Chateau Castle, to the point of practically making it part of its identity now that a HUGE chunk of its memory is missing. Its outfit is a modified version of what they think Lady Irene-Janine-Karine wears.
Its personality is a mixture of Lord Josephandre, Pierre-Jacques-Erneste, and Lady Irene-Janine-Karine (aka the Chateau Trio!!! Love those three...).
Its name, "Soleil" is just something they found in a book and decided to use for itself. They don't remember its name anymore.
#ariart#ariaoc#isat oc#isat spoilers#theres some danger in the fact that sol took pierres personality too considering that pierre betrayed the party that one time--#honestly if i think about sol harder i begin to realize that theres A LOT of things wrong about them mentally#what forgetting a country with a belief system you were incredibly loyal to does to someone i think.#also making it so that sol was the npc that translated that one issue of the cursing of chateau castle from vaugardian#into the language of the Country. if you were to enter its home. youll be greeted by a LOT of bookcases and shelves and books#and therell be at least 4 of those dedicated to the cursing of chateau castle. original version and the ones they translated#there will ofc be sections where its about the Country tho. actually i think if siffrin visited its home he'll be able to know more#about the Country. if he became close friends enough to be able to enter the rooms with the books of it. sol couldnt read them#anymore but feels as though those books were important so they moved it elsewhere for safekeeping. making sure to maintain it too#also yea you can now see exactly how im pushing the isat worldbuilding to its limits via body craft#i like to think that if in case body craft operates in a similar manner to alchemy in that by Changing something theres an equal#exchange to be given. if its Changing your appearance to a new one then the equal value to be exchanged is the Old appearance#but if for example theres a missing body part. youd have to find Something else of equal value to replace it then#and by going off of that same principle. if a body part has two functions (like with sol's eyes having a special sight to it)#then by Changing its appearance. the equal value follows the same principle of the: exchange Old for New#except that in sol's case. with the addition of a body part that has two functions. technically speaking they can Separate the#two functions while still following the usual method. it's just that now theres another set of eyes on its body. still a New appearance tho
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meowkavian · 10 months
Very long and complicated post about Japan and Judaism/Israel ahead. Please read if you can.
A video of a pro-Israel Japanese demonstration kept popping up and it was making me think and gave me a hefty feeling of worry and skepticism.
I shouldn’t have to preface this also by saying I don’t support the decisions of the Israeli government, but people with no nuance on this site love to think Jews are a monolith, and I don’t want to go into the whole “good Jew bad Jew” “dual loyalty” thing because that’s a WHOLE other thing.
I also preface this by saying that I’m not a Japanese citizen. However, I did live and work in Japan and have been traveling there since 2016 for internships. I do not claim to be an expert on Japan or Jewishness. All that follows is what I experienced as a Jewish person that lived in Japan.
Japan is a country with a very little Jewish population (estimated less than 2000, most of which are not legally considered citizens) with a significant lack of knowledge of actual Jewish people or culture, with very few safe spaces for people who are Jewish to have community. More on this later.
There isn’t a lot of knowledge, among young people especially, about the Holocaust, for instance, that hasn’t been watered down at least a bit, in my experience. This isn’t just a problem with Japan’s comfort with Jewish people and Judaism, but with its own lack of accepting and owning up to its own bloody histories especially during World War II. Whitewashing history isn’t just a Japanese problem obviously, but it’s a pretty egregious one Japan has in respect to mistreating indigenous cultures, ethnic Koreans and what is disgustingly called “comfort women”.
While I was working in Japan I assisted in the set up of a peace exhibit which in part, due to my efforts, discussed the atrocities of the Holocaust and the artwork from the children kept in the Terezin concentration camp. I was in touch with one scholar who was essentially the voice on Japanese knowledge of Terezin. I brought up my Jewishness multiple times, but it always had a feeling it was being brushed over.
A lot of the panels lent to us by her mentioned Judaism only from the idea that we were victims, without discussion of anything about our culture or context. Even when the scholar spoke of the atrocities, Judaism was barely mentioned outside of being a descriptor of something banned from schools, or put into ghettos.
So many people who visited the exhibit knew nothing about Terezin, had never heard of it, never knew the extent of the horrible conditions in the camps. Some reacted openly by sobbing and crying out during her speech, proving the lack of knowledge. I was raised alongside the children of Terezin’s pictures as a young Jewish child; I grew up with stories of the Holocaust and pogroms from such an early age I never had a chance not to know it.
The majority of what I experienced as a Jewish person who has lived in Japan for some time exposed me to the fact that the majority of what touts itself to be pro-Jewish resources is Messianic Judaism, which is not Judaism. Many of the Jewish resources other than that are from Chabads, of which there are maybe a handful scattered around Japan. Even less of these are Jewish community centers or synagogues. A multitude of fringe, new and Christianity based religions that lay claim to Israel do have presences here. Many of those religions, including Messianic Judaism are known to appropriate Hebrew as a “sacred language”.
Antisemitism is rampant in Japan, even if it’s not always outright. Nazi symbolism appears in cosplay and decorations and fashion as an image of “counterculture” or “punk.” When it’s not outright, it’s ignorance and the discussions of new world orders. It’s a common thought that there really aren’t any Jews in Japan.
When I saw that pro-Israel demonstration, I looked for any outward display of Judaism. In Japan there’s a strong possibility that by participating in protests or demos you can get your visa revoked and get deported.
In that demo there was no one wearing kippahs, or tallit. They sang in Hebrew but it didn’t make me feel better. It just made me wonder, where is this coming from? Because if your support of Israel really and truly meant your support of Jewish people, it doesn’t seem like it.
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steakout-05 · 3 months
i've made a few posts about the Clone High reboot before but something specific that i think it gets wrong are the way they handle their celebrity cameos. the original Clone High would sometimes bring in these popular celebrities to appear in the show, usually to influence the clones and push the main anti-moral of the episode. since Clone High was made in the early 2000s, these appearances got really dated really fast. but something that counteracts that is the way they're characterised. for example, i have no clue who tf Mandy Moore is, but i still really enjoyed her appearance in the Snowflake Day episode because of the way she's characterised and satirised. she's portrayed as this homeless girl who happens to be attractive and look suspiciously like Mandy Moore who's obviously trying to hide the fact that she's a popular celebrity by playing the role of Joan's guardian angel. she leads Joan on into thinking she's this magical angel when she's actually just stealing everyone's stuff and replacing it with spices, and it works really well because 1. her insistence that she isn't a celebrity was really funny and 2. she works on her own as a solid character to push the story along and set up jokes. they put a twist on the whole "hi i'm [insert celebrity here] and i'm here to talk about [insert psa here]" by turning it into a joke of itself and adding on extra traits that make the characters entertaining to watch.
the reboot, however... just does the "hi i'm celebrity" bit with full sencerity and doesn't really satirise the celebrities in any way. they don't make fun of them or add commentary or critique them in any way, they just appear to send a message and then dip, just like they would in the same teen dramas Clone High was meant to parody in the first place. for example, in the episode where they get hunted down by the Heebie Jeebie monster, its revealed at the end to be that guy from Sharknado who's just kinda like "hey i'm trying to send a message about the importance of teenager's mental health, here's a hotline, i'm sharknado dude btw" and then just kinda... dips? i don't like this because there's no joke there, it's literally just a celebrity coming on, saying the message out loud, and then leaving. there's no criticisms, there's no making fun of the character, there's no commentary on the fakeness of bringing on big celebrities and actors delivering a message that big stars like them could's possibly care less about to influence a vulnerable and impressionable group of people like teenagers, there's nothing there. i'm not saying the message of mental health is dumb or bad or anything, i'm just saying that the celebrity appearances aren't handed the same criticisms the original show was written to have, and i think that takes away the reboot's spirit as being connected to Clone High. it's not a satire anymore and i feel like i can't enjoy it because of that. it has become the very thing the original saught to mock, and like, that's kinda funny in a fucked up ironic way, but it's also really not. the reboot just doesn't have that same spark that made me fall in love with the original series and i feel like i can't like it because of that, among the multitude of other issues it has.
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moonspirit · 3 months
I know most of your nsfw asks are aruani, but what would you think of a Very Not Healthy Poly relationship between the Alliance pre rumbling.
Post S3 Eren making EMA poly a thing, but bcs he's pulling away and he's not as open, both Armin and Mikasa are suffering due to lack of emotional bonding. After a while, Mikasa starts trying harder while Armin gets a small breakdown due to it being only about sex.
Jean having both the looks and the reputation, and using sex as a coping mechanical while adamantly refusing to admit it is a coping mechanism.
Connie having genuine rizz and Sasha having her 300k+ slowburn with Niccolo.
Jearmin happening after Armin hatefucking Floch after a really low moment w Jean doing the actual aftercare.
On the other side of the ocean Reiner having many people jump at him for his honorary marleyan status, women specifically for the marriage benefits, but Reiner being unable to actually do it bcs of all the blood that won him the reputation.
Bonus if EMA started w Eremika just going at it while Armin was in the room till he mentioned it and then they invited him to join.
Just, really fucked up sex dynamics between traumatised teenagers w no access to therapy
Ahaha, hello and no problem, all ideas welcome~!
Veeerrryyy intriguing tho! I don't have much trouble imagining this because 1. It's not healthy, yes!! And 2. These kids have been through way too much to not resort to the easiest way to forget everything and feel good - sex.
I've said it before, but sex can be a profoundly deep ritual to go through, it has the potential to transcend visible boundaries of tangible emotion. At the same time, sex can also become one of the easiest things to turn to in times of weakness. Given the multitude of issues our characters have, it's possible to picture them depending on sexual pleasure as a means of consoling themselves from various lows.
EMA are a whole other level of unhealthy tho. Eren's emotional distance and bottling up, Mikasa's fear of ruining everything by asking for what she really wants and Armin's self-doubt and insecurity over his place among them. Man, I can imagine any kind of poly relationship between them (particularly one that's sexual) teeming with awfully unhealthy vibes. In a way sex becomes the closest thing they have to proper communication - it's easier to express things via body language than putting them in words, a thing that's especially a problem for Armin because he's not bad with words and would really like to receive verbal reassurance... but unfortunately, the other two are terrible at it. And at some point, when the sex too, grows obsolete for obvious reasons, it's just plain suffering because nobody's getting what they want.
Ugh, pain.
Jean really seems to me (and this is a personal hc of mine) to be someone who is very aware of his appeal and his attractiveness, wants to use it for his own pleasure, but is unable to really find any satisfaction from it. What he craves is some deep emotional connection, something that is precious and treasured. Casual sex, then, is only a temporary way out of the despair of not having such a relationship, and offers him a few minutes of high while sending him to the ditch right afterwards.
Jearmin tho? Oh boy. I can see Armin giving in to hate sex tendencies with Floch lol, what with how he can become self-destructive at the hands of someone who doesn't really appreciate him or take care of him - in fact, that's an heavily abusive relationship that can also be hard to get out of. But Jean being the one to deliver aftercare to Armin, telling him the real things he needs to hear and comforting him, melting away the lies and cruel words he just received at the hands of Floch, seems to me to be the one tiny shred of wholesome-ness in all of these terribly unhealthy relationships lol.
Pre-rumbling Connie's the only normal one here. Really. And Sasha really does deserve her fairytale romance with Niccolo ft. Plenty of food (this was gold haha xD).
When it comes to Reiner though. Really nice point you make about him not being able to get it on with the people that flock to him because of his sins - I've never thought of it that way! It makes sense tho - he's a deeply guilty character, shouldering nearly all of (if not entirely) the weight of RBA's mission on Paradis. He has a conscience, and maybe he will think he doesn't even deserve the small pleasures of the flesh because of what he did. The denial is a punishment he inflicts on himself.
You can't forget Annie and Pieck tho. They too carry so much of trauma. More so Annie, who is touch starved, has never been loved or cared for, has only been used for her lethality, and was forced into a mission she had no desire for. I see her hungrily devouring any kind of emotional connect she gets, especially if that's sex, since it's easier as mentioned before. She's really not good with words either, so yeah, sex to offer some temporary relief and make her feel like she's actually something more than just a weapon of war.
The same for Pieck. Among all of the warriors, she's always seemed the most sensible to me, pragmatic and grounded in reality. She, more than anyone else, knows her place in the world, as an Eldian, as a warrior, and as a shifter. With Annie gone, she probably had nobody to really "talk" to or become close with, and while I see her recognizing that sex isn't the solution for her loneliness, she's still a human and a young girl at that; for a few minutes during the act, she feels connected to someone. And who can blame her for that?
A lot of wonderful potential for character exploration here ._. Thank you for sharing!
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
The Card Games Overview - Part 1
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"I would have wanted to be Joriiiiiiis, to be able to do my shoooow!" - The Hypermage's Blues
Joris, as discreet as he is efficient, is the emissary of the king of Bonta.
Already we're starting strong with the first card here, because, and you will never believe this, — the implications for lore this has are huge.
It is a parody of this song, "Le blues du Businessman", which implies that: (and I beg you to forgive me for taking this silly little song reference so seriously. I am neurodivergent about this. It gives me pleasure to overanalyse things)
Within the World of Twelve, this song is about being a huppermage, and the pain that comes with it. (They are called here "hypermages", because this was their name in 2009-2010, when their lore was still being developed).
Someone in the huppermage class community has formed a parasocial relationship with Joris?? Imagine namedropping princess Diana in your depression song.
It makes me wonder what other famous huppermages' names could be used in the World of Twelve version of this song. "I would have wanted to be Juliiiith, so I could shout who I am!!" or something??? Would Bakara be name-dropped (actually, she probably would... she does have a parasocial fan in Dofus MMO, despite probably having been dead of old age for centuries)? Does this song make Joris cringe so much he almost dies?
This seems very rebellious, considering huppermages have what seems to be a very... conservative, rigid in-culture, that is against outside influences, and somewhat in favour of in-group hazing, (Wakfu quests — professors' reactions to students being attacked within the huppermage temple amounting to "you'll get over it." + what I've heard about institutionalized huppermage on huppermage violence that happens in Julith et Jahash comic.)
The other thing that makes it seem rebellious is the fact that Joris probably isn't welcome among his own people, with his independent personality, relation to Julith (this one is a mixed reason: during his youth, she was hated, — but as of Dofus MMO times, she was seemingly a figure that was revered just as strongly as Jahash, among huppermages), and affinity for other classes' (ecaflips) cultures and beliefs.
Another lyric that includes the word "artist", "I would have wanted to be an artist, to have the world to remake, to be able to be an anarchist, and live like a millionaire" makes me insane in this context. This fits him so well because this fucker doesn't give a shit about huppermage rules (he hits people with a log to give them concussions instead of using magic), and lives like a millionaire (smokes expensive blunts while drinking Chateau Lafite Rothschild in his nasty room filled with plushies and cartoon figurines).
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These are the only two crepinlore adjacent cards in the Wakfu TCG, so, we will move onto Krosmaster:
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You can't just tell me that, by ecaflip standards, Atcham is considered disabled and expect me to be normal about it. This confirms a lot of what I already thought: Atcham feels scorned for a multitude of reasons:
People think he's bad looking, he can't have a romantic relationship (if he didn't have Kerubim to blame for everything, god knows he would have become an incel. And I don't mean that as a joke. I mean it in the "blaming people being awful to you bc of your looks/neurodivergency/social skills — on other, random people, because the pain of being unable to change your situation is too much" way. He already does that. In canon.)
His lack of fur actually causes issues with his health. (we didn't need a card to tell that, but feels good to have it acknowledged. Just google how vulnerable sphynx cats are to temperatures. I feel bad for him.)
He feels... "uncute". Catboy body dysmorphia is both real, and fucking depressing.
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There isn't any lore here, but I want to acknowledge something: Isn't it weird that he never wears pants as an old man, except in his first 2 official arts in Krosmaster? Isn't it whacky that he speaks in one episode as if he does wear pants? I am haunted by this, folks.
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His dice have a wrong design on the first art here. Sorry for noticing insane things like that.
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I have so many thoughts, and none of them coherent.
The scales, the fangs, Atcham's sword, the fact that it's called "draconian crisis"... I am in loves. Also "strange little boy" is on par with other things Joris gets called in canon. Like "funny little man" and "weirdly endearing for a curtain twitcher".
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An error I noticed: he isn't wearing the tights/stockings he wears in Aux Tresors de Kerubim. I can see that because they coloured his knees the same colour as his shoulders/hands.
(Yes, yet another insane "I had watched Dofus Aux Tresors for 83492734 times" detail only I would ever notice.)
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He is so, so,,...
A discussion with a friend made me want to present to you the next scenario: imagine Joris, being offered to play boufbowl as an adult. He would say "No, I shan't, I really shan't", before defeating everyone in record time. Just because he's smug like that, and loves to show off how cool and awesome he is, but in a subtle, quiet way. Athletes unironically hate him.
He should listen to Speedfreaks FM while running around.
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Big news for Joris Pain enjoyers: Grougalorasalar can inflict nightmares upon people. And personally, I want him to have done this to Joris. Repeatedly.
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I have a lot of emotions about her...
I wish more people took her alcoholism as more than a joke. I think it's fucking depressing that she's around 20yo, already an alcoholic, doing the whole huppermage thing just because of her brother, and the pressure of other people, and the only other stress relief she has besides alcoholism, is Violence. Jesus fucking christ.
I will probably write many more words on this topic, when we get to the movie, or to a particular comic, — but that will have to wait.
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