#amon your wings and mine
Your Wings and Mine: #1
Amon: If you guys had to defend yourselves in a house alone what would you use?
Shealtiel: My trusty phone! 911!
Luci: The several knives I have taped on my body, obviously.
Shealtiel: And you'd give them great hugs?
Luci: I mean… yeah?
Belias: I think they would notice the massive pointy object protruding from your shirt.
Amon: Uhh, okay, Shealtiel, if you had no phone what would you do?
Shealtiel: I don't know, a fire extinguisher? I would spray them and get away.
Belias: Like a squid?
Amon: What about you, Belias? What would you do?
Belias: Anything that is an oily substance and a matchstick!
Luci: You’re going to burn your house down…
Belias: I have insurance. I can say I was out of town and some people decide to set my house on fire which there will be bodies for.
Shealtiel: Why did you ask anyway?
Amon: Well I was planning on going on vacation but I think that's no longer on the table.
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️
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hakeism · 1 year
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I've partnered with Makeship to make this one and only mini Amon. Doesn't he look delicious and bite-sized?
He is crowdfunded and must reach 100% before the month ends.
🍀 Limited edition, one-time-only 🍀 Will make you happier and your plants greener 🍀 16cm (6in) tall when sitting 🍀 Comes with a velcro detachable plant
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mieowkoid09 · 1 year
EXTREMELY interesting that
(YWAM spoilers)
Both Shealtiel and Luci are basically products/offspring of a romance between an Angel(ish) and a demon. AND THE DEMONS ARE DECAPITATED WHILE THE ANGELS ARE ALIVE. I wonder if that will be some sort of foreshadow for what Luci and Shealtiel's romance will come to :)
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birdofmay · 11 months
do have metal recommendations? I'm new to it. really completely new
*typing up a storm* You just activated the autism in me! 😄
Alright, here's a brief overview. Followers, feel free to recommend songs in the comments, if you listen to metal.
What bands you should know, at least their names:
Black Sabbath, Sepultura, Kiss, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Pantera, Anthrax, Helloween.
No need to know and like their songs, just know that they exist. There are some more, but you'll encounter them eventually anyway, I'm sure. Note that certain old bands are controversial now, for example Pantera and Metallica.
Some recommendations:
Heavy Metal:
The "How it began" part. Just check out Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Black Sabbath. You should know
Thrash Metal:
The earlier albums of Metallica, Testament, Exodus, and of course Slayer. "Raining Blood"
is well known, and I connect "Bloodline"
with long road trips as a child.
Doom Metal:
Some Black Sabbath is also considered doom metal. Apart from that I recommend Pentagram and Witchfinder General.
Black Metal:
Not mine, personally, except for certain derivatives, but they'll come later. I like very few black metal songs. They are:
Death Metal:
Many subgenres, I personally prefer Melodic Death Metal. Cannibal Corpse is well-known and also Obituary. Check out Debauchery, some In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, and Arch Enemy too. Recommendation:
But to be honest, most Children of Bodom songs sound alike 😂
Dark Metal/Gothic Metal:
Hard to sort the whole discography of one band into this subgenre. Some Cradle of Filth, some Sirenia, some Samsas Traum, Type O Negative. I also like
Power Metal:
Sabaton, Powerwolf, Manowar (not everything), HammerFall, Grave Digger (not everything), Sonata Arctica, some Blind Guardian. Power Metal often has characteristics of Symphonic Metal in some songs, so it's hard to put one band in one strict category.
Symphonic Metal:
Nightwish, Xandria, Within Temptation, Epica. Too many favourites to recommend a specific song.
Progressive Metal:
Dream Theater, Opeth, Tool, Symphony X. Specific song:
Folk Metal:
Some Ensiferum, Eluveitie, Týr, Finntroll, Svartsot, Korpiklaani. Also The HU for Mongolian representation 😎 Folk Metal is huge, I just focus on "northern" stuff because I'm "northern" too. Song recommendation:
Viking Metal:
This is actually a "Whatever, as long as it's about Norse stuff and the Viking age" genre. This is why many death metal, folk metal, and power metal bands ALSO are considered viking metal.
Amon Amarth are very well-known, I'd recommend
Pagan Metal:
Also a "Whatever, as long" category. Most folk metal bands are simultaneously pagan metal. Moonsorrow are more black metal but also pagan metal, which is why I'll briefly mention them here.
There also are Varg, but if I'm not mistaken they had some right wing stuff going on, so be careful there. I'm not sure what happened, but I think some of the band members openly supported a neonazi group. Could be that the members were kicked out after that, but even if everything is alright now, they still have a negative connotation.
Somewhere in between all this, there's Alestorm. They're also considered pirate metal, btw. But I'm not actively into that, which is why I put them somewhere in-between.
Industrial Metal:
This is your outsider, and I think every band considered "Industrial Metal" is at the same time considered 5 genres more. Rammstein, Nine Inch Nails, Eisbrecher (some would say it's Gothic), Ministry.
Nu Metal:
Some people would say "Nu Metal isn't metal!!!", but I like it anyway. Check out Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Disturbed. "Duality" by Slipknot is the song of a common meme ("I push my fingers into my eyes") 😄
Also Machine Head, but it's hard to categorise them. I just checked, Wikipedia says they're sometimes considered "neo-thrash". Well I guess they're a bit of everything, but their newer albums definitely have nu metal character.
If you say you're a metalhead but only listen to metalcore, metalheads will hate you for this. Just so you know. ☝🏼 It's a valid genre, but you're on thin ice if you don't listen to other metal genres. There are many overlapping genres here, which is why, again, it's difficult to label bands.
Parkway Drive (some would scream that they're post hardcore), Silverstein (some would scream that they're hardcore punk, others that they're emo), As I Lay Dying, Killswitch Engage, Bullet For My Valentine (some would scream that they're emo, others would say they're heavy metal), Bring Me The Horizon depending on the song, August Burns Red.
Lamb of God are considered metalcore too, but in my opinion they're more metal than metalcore. Anyway I'll mention them here for the sake of classification.
Yeah, that's about it, I guess. This post is already very long, so I guess I better stop at this point. I hope from here on you'll manage to navigate through the big metal genre yourself 😄
P.S.: I forgot Trivium! "Feast Of Fire" is currently stuck in my head
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senselessviolets · 6 months
"So come on, mess me up."
Cassian Andor x Fem!Original Character
Rated M (Smut/Angst)
Word Count: 4.1k
AO3 Link
Unprotected sex, age gap/difference, power imbalance, rough sex, oral (f recieving), taunting, lots of arguing.
Author's Notes:
Song title (and fic very loosely inspired by) "Come On Mess Me Up" by Cub Sport. I'd let this man snap me in half like a toothpick, what more can I say?
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Nyla Haccard is the 23-year-old daughter of a high-profile senator from Ralltiir and has secretly joined the Rebel Alliance fight against the Empire. She figures her overly-protective mother would annihilate her for joining the band of rebels, but Nyla knows she'd absolutely implode if she knew the kind of man her daughter had been working closely with for months now.
There was something delectably frustrating about him. It was innate as if his sole purpose in life was to throw me off balance. Our relationship hadn’t begun to take shape until we started being assigned to the same missions. We were efficient and always managed to get the job done relatively unscathed. Our case officer, General Draven, saw value in Cassian taking someone like me under his wing. I’d shown enough promise or they wouldn’t have recruited me in the first place. My family ties to the Senate gave me access that they couldn’t afford to lose. 
We represented Ralltiir, hailing from a long line of masons who became wealthy mining the endless deposits of marble embedded in the planet’s core. Regardless of what riches we’d come into; a long successful lineage was the truest indicator of wealth in the Inner Core. It’s why my parents shelled out every last cent they had to send me and my five other siblings to the finest educational institutes across the galaxy. My brothers and sisters all attended university on Coruscant. They dreamed of securing cushy jobs in the Senate all the while playing dress-up as politicians. I made a point of getting as far away from that way of life as I could, begging my mother and father to let me attend Theed University on Naboo. I’d said I wanted to pursue the arts and embrace my creativity. Of course, this was all a lie and a cover to join the Rebel Alliance in the fight to overthrow the Empire.
It was a relatively simple facade to maintain. Due to me being the ‘middle child’ and the most average of the family, I was able to fly under the radar rather easily. The vast amount of space in between us didn’t hurt either. I would have to take the occasional holotransmission and pray they couldn’t hear the loud metal clanking sounds of X-Wings being repaired in the background. Every family gathering—a bornday, Life Day, or some Imperial soiree—was an opportunity. At least that’s what General Draven told me back when I initially joined. Did part of me feel some intense pang of guilt in my stomach every time my mother would wrap me in a big embrace, knowing I was secretly siphoning intel off of her personal datapad? 
Of course. But that was a small price to pay for the cause. 
Gods know people had given up far more to get to where we are now. Cassian never let me forget that. Any hint of ungratefulness from me and he’d chew me out like there was no tomorrow. This latest briefing was no different. Me, him, and several other rebels were summoned at mealtime. We were meant to be discreet and to keep things strictly on a need-to-know basis which Cassian also hounded me for on the way to the briefing.
“...Draven means it, Ny. He does not want any chatter about this. It stays on the ground floor so no gossiping to your friends about it. Do you got it?” he chastises. 
“Oh, I’ve got it,” I say, my eyes finding their way to the ceiling, “Thanks for the much-needed reminder though.”
I pivot through the doorway of the mostly vacant strategy room. Draven, Vesti, Amon, and Zu-Lee stand waiting quietly around the holotable. A figure adorned in white walks into view, right out of the corner of my eye.
“Senator Mothma, I-I wasn’t expecting to see you,” I say, caught off guard by her appearance. 
Her presence was rare due to her being an incredibly busy woman but when she was here, you could feel it everywhere else. The energy becomes different. Things felt more certain and objectives became clearer. Mothma was more than pivotal; she was practically the lifeline of the cause.
“...how is your mother?” she asks, giving me a modest smile. 
“She is well,” I nod, “Thank you.”
Draven stands up straight, casting the blueprint of an unknown building onto the holotable. 
“Well, now that we’re all accounted for…let’s begin.”
“This is not gonna work,” Cassian mutters to himself, moments after exiting the strategy room.
I don’t think he had intended for me to hear him because when I intercept him in the hallway, Cassian feigns ignorance. 
“What did you just say?” I frown. 
“I didn’t say anything,” he says, even quieter.
“Don’t do that. Don’t be like that,”
“Don’t be like what?”
“Like a damn child! If you’ve got a problem with something, how about you speak up and come at it like an adult? Instead of this grumbly mumbly shit you love to pull whenever something doesn’t go your way,”
I can see something snap behind his eyes. I’m sure being deemed a child by someone so much younger than him had to be a major blow to his ego. He takes me by both shoulders and pulls me out of the flow of foot traffic and over to the side. We’re better secluded in the nook we find ourselves in. He briefly looks over his shoulder, ensuring we haven’t caused any disturbance. 
“I’ll have you know I didn’t have any expectations for this mission! Any! I didn’t know what base we were meant to infiltrate or which Imperial Officer we were supposed to track down!” Cassian says through gritted teeth, “How could I have any idea what this would entail?”
“Gods, you know what I mean. Just say you don’t think I can handle it. Just say you don’t think I’m good enough for the job—”
“You know that’s not how I feel!” “Then stop acting like that’s how you feel, asshole!” 
I storm away from Cassian, not giving so much as a glance back at him. But suddenly my movements are halted and I find a firm hand around my wrist. It’s tight, not enough to hurt or bruise but hard and swift enough to send a shockwave throughout the rest of my body. 
“Let go of me,” I say, lowly.
I hardly struggle. His jaw is clenched and brown eyes attempt to pry open my soul. We’re so close, that our breaths repel off of each other. A loose lock of umber-colored hair falls in front of his face—just above his eyelashes—and I try to suppress any sort of expression that follows. I’d be panting from the sheer tensity of the argument but pride tells me to keep it together. I can’t afford to unravel in front of him. Then I’d only be confirming his seemingly preconceived notions of me; that I’m not good enough. 
That I’m not cut out for the job. 
“Let go of me, you bastard!” I yell, far too loudly.
Silence overtakes the hallway and several passerbys stop in their tracks. I recognize one of them being a sentry from the recon-tower above base. He must be off for the night. I bet this altercation he’s just witnessed will worm its way into his and his pals’s topics of discussion in the Mess Hall later on. My mind is going a mile a minute. I can feel the blood thumping in my ears and the warm red hue that floods my cheeks. Embarrassment was an understatement. 
“I said, let go…” I say, sighing as he releases me. 
I speed off in the other direction, heading straight for my quarters. I don’t look back until I’m safe and secure behind the sliding door of my barracks. My heart still beats with vigor. A puff of air escapes my lips as I take a few steps forward and let myself fall face-first into my sleeper, groaning into my pillow. Cassian must really be that exhausting because, after a moment, I find myself drifting off. 
And away I go.
“Ny…Nyla? I-It’s me. Are you in there?” a haggard voice asks behind the door of my quarters, “Nyla?”
My eyes snap and I lift my head begrudgingly. 
“No, I’m not. Come back later perhaps?” 
“We need to talk. Sooner would be preferred,”
“Maybe I don’t care about what you prefer. Or what you want. So piss off.” I spit. 
The doors slide open before I even have time to react. I scramble to my feet as a silhouette–a mere blur in my peripheral—strides towards me. I pivot so I’m facing him. In my sleep, I must have shed a few layers. I’m only left with my bare essentials; attire he’d seen me in plenty of times before aboard his ship during particularly long journeys. I’m not entirely sure how much time has passed since we last saw each other but Cassian’s still wearing the same clothes. His jaw is clenched. There’s a fervor behind his eyes. 
Clearly, he came with an agenda.
“Oh, did you not hear me correctly? I believe I said…‘scram’,” I mock, making dramatic gestures in front of his face. 
“Enough of that,” he grunts, “You did a real good job making a fool of yourself back there. But then again, you’ve never been the most subtle, have you?”
“Subtle? You wanna talk about subtlety? How many bodies have I had to drag out of sight because you couldn’t show some damn trigger discipline, hm? And you want to paint me as the brash, impulsive one. That’s cute,”  
He paces across the room, letting his emotions drive his movement. 
“I should never have taken Draven’s offer. Evidently, it was a mistake. Us being assigned together. You’re impossible. You’re immature, spoiled, selfish, and have no grasp of what we’re up against,”
“Don’t you say that! Don’t you ever say that! I know what’s at stake. I know the risks. I’m not in it for the same personal glory you are. Who are you trying to impress seriously? No, seriously. Who? The other girls on base?” I scoff, “Please. If only you knew what they had to say about you,”
“I don’t care about that,” Cassian tries to convince himself.
I saunter closer to his position. His feet stay firmly planted. He doesn’t turn away. Our eyes are locked on one another. I don’t think I’ve ever held someone’s gaze for this long, much less a man’s.
“Sure you don’t,” I say in a drawl, “...y’know, it’s a big galaxy, Cass, but word travels fast. I know your type. I know how the second you see a married woman…you do cartwheels. You’re a complete and total skeeze. Through and through,”
Something shifts within him.
“...what else…what else have you heard about me, hm? Do you think a man like me…the type of man you think I am…would be able to stand this close to a beautiful woman and not be able to resist her?”
“W-Well, I’m not married so…I wouldn’t do it for you, I don’t think,” I say, lowly. 
I notice a stray piece of lint on the shoulder of his jacket. Nonchalantly, I go to brush it off of him but Cassian’s reflexes beat me to it. In a split second, his hand has encased itself around my wrist. His reaction startles me so much, that I laugh from the brief terror.
“Gods, would you relax! There was something on your jacket, I was just–”
“Don’t laugh at me like that.”
“...why not? I thought you didn’t care about what women thought of you. Mm, but maybe…maybe I’m the exception…am I just that irresistible, huh?”
I notice his eyes dart slightly down several times. It wouldn’t be until later that I’d realize he was fixated on my lips. His grip on my wrist doesn’t loosen but I’m not exactly itching to get him off of me. 
“Well…,” he begins.
“Well, what, Cass?”
“...aren’t you going to yell for me to let go?”
Ignoring the heat from somewhere deep within me, I decidedly pursed my lips, simultaneously sealing my fate. Leading the way, I pull us in the direction of my sleeper. He follows along as if my wrist were his guide. I sit on the edge of my bed, scooting back until we’re both completely on it. He props himself up with his free hand, pinning my hand to the mattress. A slight roll of my hips brings my thigh right into the front of his pants. This simple manuever has rendered him breathless it seems. Those frantic eyes don’t know whether to land on my own or my lips. I choose for him, leaning upwards into a firm but passionate kiss. His eyes flutter shut and I feel his lashes brush against my own. I swear I hear the slightest rasp of a whine in the back of his throat but before I know it—his two hands have found purchase on both sides of my face. He takes charge, his tongue ghosting across mine. I swear I feel lightheaded, even though I’ve done nothing strenuous enough to warrant such a symptom. 
“We…,” he moans in between kisses, “...we can’t be doing this,”
My lips find their way into the crook of his neck, grazing my teeth against the firm flesh. 
“Why?” I immediately challenge, “Because you’re older…because you’re my superior…because if they found out, they’d find the nearest moon and dump me there? No chance. They don’t give a shit. Are you even listening to yourself right now?”
“Less talking,” he says slowly, dragging his cold calloused hands up my stomach, “...fuck. You’re warm.” 
The fabric of my tank top catches on his fingertips and he pulls the shirt above my chest, exposing myself to him. Maybe a more decent man might take a delicate pace but Cassian wastes no time exploring my body. His hot wet mouth is everywhere. I don’t stifle my whimpers in the slightest. 
“It’s wrong….it’s wrong to want the things I want from you,” he growls, mouth full of flesh.
“What do you want from me then?”
In an instant, he’s off the bed and using my hips as handgrips to tug me to the very edge so my rear is hanging limp off of it, only held up by his shoulders. It’s a swift and seductive show of strength that I quickly try to take a mental snapshot of, knowing I’ll be thinking about it later. I wonder briefly if it's a technique he mastered over the years spent with many lovers. Beyond the obvious slick gathering between my thighs, my level of excitement only blooms at the thought of what else he might have in store.  He makes quick work of my bottoms, speckling my thighs with kisses all over as he traverses upwards to where I want him the most. Sometimes those kisses turn into gentle little bites. I practically squeal at the sensation, giggling as I feel him smile against my skin. I’m too shy in the moment to look down in his direction but I let my hand wander until I feel his umber locks, stroking softly when I find him. And then two chilled fingers run from the top of my mound downwards, pausing to circle my opening.
“This wet already, hm? What? Am I just that irresistible?” he playfully mocks me. 
I yank on his hair roughly in protest, to which I receive a light slap on my thigh.
“Hey. Behave,” Cassian says, dipping his tongue into me.
The whine that emits from my lips is so pathetic, that I expect him to give me a hard time about it—maybe do another hilarious impression of me. Instead, he has found far more productive uses for that mouth of his. That mouth I’ve wanted to slap him because of more times than I can count. The same one I’ve fantasized about absolutely devouring me ever since we first met. It was exactly as I’d imagined it.
The heat of his tongue, followed immediately by his cool breath as he inhales before diving in again. Before he inhales me. His head locked between my thighs, driving my lower half upwards as his strong shoulders rise. Clearly, his confidence is growing. I finally am feeling bold enough to look down. All I can see is a head of hair moving rapidly, desperate to keep up with the gyration of my hips. As if he can sense me looking down, he looks up, palming around for my other hand. I give it to him and our fingers interlock.
The intimacy brings me even closer to the edge. Before squeezing my palm tightly, Cassian then brings my hand to his scalp. For a moment I’m confused but then I realize that he wants me to use both of my hands to drive his head further into my cunt. So his hair momentarily becomes reins that I use at my discretion. I’m not gentle, but I’ve more than gotten the impression by now that he doesn’t want me to be. I’m erratic. I’m frenzied. I’m certainly not doing anything to dispel the “selfish” accusation he lobbed at me maybe ten minutes prior. 
That feels like a lifetime ago at this point though.
The pleasure growing from my depths is a warm and angry one. I didn’t know I could feel like this; I didn’t know I would like feeling like this. That same pleasure nearly spills over before Cassian positions me once again using my hips. This time he turns me over onto my stomach. The hand he has pressed into the small of my back keeps me in place. His other one is trying to free himself of his trousers desperately. Struggling to undo the buckle one-handed, I sit up, reaching back to offer him a hand of my own. My head bounces down onto the mattress as he swiftly pins both of my wrists to my back and with a grunt, manages to finally rip the belt and his pants off. 
“Not going to lie, I figure you’d make me finish,” I pant, “...but only so you could lord it over me ‘till the end of time,”
“Oh, baby. You think I’m done with you?” The combined use of baby and the intrusion of his cock entering me have me moaning wantonly. Cassian slowly bottoms out, jutting his hips so he’s as deep as physically possible. He’s almost flattened himself on top of me, the scruff of his beard prickling at my left ear. 
“Would the type of man you think I am go slow like this?” he coos, “Huh, baby? Or would he fuck you hard and rough like he paid for it?”
Cassian’s teeth nip the edge of my ear and I gasp. But the sudden punishing pace that he rails into me with practically has me winded. Every time he collides with my core, I’m left seeing stars. It’s indescribable. Like a flick of spark a flint and steel would give you. It’s hot and blinding and gone in an instant. Over and over again. 
“Touch yourself if you need,” Cass rasps, “but I’m not stopping.”
He gives me back one of my hands and I immediately go for my clit. My smaller more acute thrusts are a nice contrast to his more broad, all-encompassing ones. Meanwhile, he’s now moved on to grabbing my shoulders and using those to propel himself rapidly. It’s all so blissful and brutal. I don’t want it to end but I know if he continued like this for an eternity, I’d be broken down to a speck of nothing in no time.
It was almost a guarantee that I was going to be sore tomorrow. Future-Me was probably cursing the Present-Me for allowing him to go at it so hard but that was her problem to deal with. My only objective was to finish myself off before he could. I did not want to give that bastard the satisfaction. But the scent of myself in his facial hair made me realize what a lost cause that was. Before I know it, I’m spasming around him, cursing his name in a series of sobs. My mind goes blank and I’m pliant as he continues pushing into me. 
“Where d’you want me?” he says in a tone so husked I can barely understand him at first.
“Want you?”
“Want it. Where do you want it?” he reiterates.
“In me,” I murmur. 
“In you? Are you sure?”
“Did I stutter?” 
Cassian presses down on me hard as he cums and I groan. I can feel him throb inside of me. His hands now trace along my jaw, finally halting his movements whilst giving me a bit of reprieve. My quarters’ steady silence is soon deafening. We can hear everything; our rampant heartbeats, the wetness connecting us, the sound of skin simply brushing against skin. If he were a lover, it would be a beautiful moment. A moment of reflection, mutual understanding even. A reminder that what we were doing was okay and that we both cared for one another and we were safe.
With Cassian, these were partial truths. I have to suppress the part of me that wishes we were whole, that we had something beyond this shared neverending fight for survival. He gives me a feather-light kiss on the back of my neck. Something so tender that could only come from a partner. Maybe we could pretend. Maybe we would pretend. Show each other a brief devotion and chase off the doubts that swarmed us constantly. Outflank the regret and shame and make them both go darting off in the other direction.
Our greatest fears would fear us instead.
It was a nice escape from the happenstance. Is it strange that it wasn’t until this very moment that I fully processed Cassian being inside of me? Witnessing my most inner self. The man who I’ve wanted to punch more times than I can count. I burst out laughing at the thought. 
“What? What is it?” he smiles, lifting off of me.
“Nothing,” I giggle, “It’s nothing, it’s just…you.”
I turn over, sighing a sigh that could only be sighed from a girl who’d just gotten her brains fucked out. Cassian rolls out of my bed and I’m able to finally get a good look at his physique. He’s about as toned as I’d expect him to be and his chest hair is trimmed and neat. It’s a brief spell of sightseeing as Cassian is quick to redress. I hardly have the energy to make myself neat again, instead opting to use my bedding to obscure my lower half. Once I get the notion that he’s about to depart, I stop to query him. Not because I was hoping we would cuddle afterward (I never saw him as the type), but because I was curious what kind of shenanigans he was going to get up to before we’d have to leave in the morning. 
“...the U-wing. There’s some upkeep I have to do if we’re to make it off the surface successfully…for the mission,” he answers with a small smirk.
Color me surprised.
“W-Wait, so…you’re gonna let me go through with it? You’re not gonna blab to Draven like you said you would?”
“After having some time to reconsider…and to…cool off, I have had a change of mind,”
“Yeah, I wonder what spurred that,” I scoff, bringing the sheets up over my chest. 
“That’s not what I meant, Ny. I-I hold out on you sometimes…because I don’t want you getting hurt. Or killed. I have a lot I carry with me but…I’d rather not add you to that list if you know what I mean,”
I swallow thickly. Finally, some insight. Some clarity into this man’s thought process and psyche. But part of me questions if it’s unveiled itself too late. The damage was done. I lean forward and swing my legs off the side of the bed, looking up at him with doe eyes. He tenderly brushes a few stray locks of hair away from my face. 
“...t-that’s fine, Cass. But for this to work, I need you to believe that when the time comes and it's down to the wire and things are looking dark…that I’ll be able to handle it. Handle myself. Handle whatever gets thrown at us. I’d ask you to trust me but...we both know how little weight that word holds in this pursuit. So I’ll ask you instead…can you believe in me?”
A moment of stillness passes.
“Yes,” he says, firmly, “but that doesn’t mean I’m still not gonna do everything in my power to save your skin when the time comes. No matter how much you drive me crazy.”
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icycoldninja · 4 months
Cam you write the DMC men who’s similar to Akira Fudo from the Devilman Crybaby anime?
Once a regular human, she gained the power of the demon Amon after being inducted into a Sabbath ritual (The Sabbath Parties were the latest popular trend among the wealthy and dissatisfied individuals of Japan: Underground rave parties with an occult aesthetic.
When Ryo Asuka took Akira Fudo into in a dilapidated old church, with the intention of fusing with demons. It went about as well as could be expected and most partygoers ended up being possessed by a demon or slaughtered by one) organized by her best friend.
She was originally physically weak, but after being fused with a demon, she became much taller, with visible muscles and a permanent eyeliner
In her “Devil Trigger” form, her skin becomes a shade of bluish gray. She possesses a coat of dark fur that covers her entire legs, and she has clawed feet and fingers. Her head is covered in hair that sprouts small wings from the sides and antenna near the top, and forms into a widow's peak with a red forehead. Her back sprouts large black wings resembling those of a stereotypical devil with a purple interior. She also has a thin monkey-like tail.
She admits that other than the trauma from the Sabbath Ritual, she felt somewhat “appreciated” after being fused with a devil. She barely has friends, is always quiet and reserved and looks normal. So the whole fusing is just making her more devilishly attractive
But shit hits the fan when devils started targeting those around her and herself. There’s an instance in the anime where Akira found his friend killed from being associated with him and she was killed pretty brutally (there’s a scene of her death on YTB):
After that, she went berserk, so blinded by rage and agony that she started mauling devils and humans left and right as she felt they deserved to be “punished” for killing those who are innocent
The boys then had to devil trigger to subdue her, not without some pretty serious injuries
After a few days cooling down, she just rot in her room as she was depressed and still feel as if her friend’s death was still fresh and had just happened seconds ago:
“I’m sorry…it’s my fault…I shouldn’t have gone with Ryo to that party” she mumbled
They obviously had to check on her since she had locked herself in the room without food and water for days, when they came in, she’s just rotting on her bed silently so they gently ask her what can they do for her
She’s just silent and unresponsive the whole time and when they thought she’s asleep as they were about to walk out, she just mutters that:
“Babe…Do you think Miki died because of me?”
“Are you disgusted of me…are apart of who I am?”
“Miki died because of me…Others died because of me…and I indulge in this fantasy of mine of how good of a change my life had become after being fused with a devil without considering the possibilities for tragedies to happen….Oh god Miki…I’m sorry”
She also says that she had hurt them while going berserk in her devil trigger form and she does not trust herself to devil trigger once more, knowing she might not be able to control herself like last time
How can they help her? How will they comfort her and what would they do to help her control herself better?
Sure, here.
Sparda boys + V x Akira Fudo-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-He'd heard about what happened to your friend and wanted tohelp you, but you locked yourself in your room and refused to come out. Dante eventually figured out how to pick the lock and entered with food and water, only to find you laying face down on the bed, stiff as a corpse.
-He asked you if there was anything he could do to help you, but you didn't respond. He thought you were asleep and was about ready to sneak back out, when you started mumbling about how you wished you hadn't gone to that party.
-He told you that what happened wasn't your fault, it was the demons who did that to your friend, and assured you he still loves you no matter what.
-He could never be disgusted by you, ever. Even if you are partly a demon now, so what? So is he!
-He's not scared of you either; he's honestly seen a lot worse and has gone through plenty of injuries more serious than the ones you've given him. He knows you never intended to hurt him, and won't blame you for it.
-He honestly thinks your Devil Trigger form is pretty cool. It's not every day he runs into a humanoid demon who's actually beautiful.
■ Vergil ■
-When Vergil heard about the tragedy that befell your friend, he wasn't sure what to do. This was a delicate situation that needed careful words to smooth over, and he didn't do so well with words.
-He eventually decided to portal into your room with some snacks and drinks to ask if everything was alright.
-When you didn't respond, he simply gave you a kiss on the head and promised to return later, thinking you'd fallen asleep. He got a tad bit startled when you suddenly started muttering regretfully, saying how you wished you hadn't gone to that party.
-Vergil then gave you a MOTIVATING pep talk explaining how he would never think any less of you for what you are now, and how the death of your friend was not your fault.
-He told you he would never think lowly of you for your new demon side. If anything, he finds it impressive, a testament to your POWER.
-Vergil isn't going to leave you for such a trivial matter, so you'd best stop laying around feeling sad and pull yourself together so you can make the most of these new abilities of yours.
□ Nero □
-Nero heard the news and knew you would be absolutely destroyed because of what happened. He understood, and wanted to be there for you.
-Despite your attempts to shut him out, Nero managed to worm his way into your room with gifts and snacks, and sat down on your bed, patiently waiting for you to start venting.
-When you refused to say a word and just lay there like a lump of lifeless mass, Nero knew what you were doing. You weren't really asleep, just too depressed to even look at him, so he decided to initiate conversation by lying down with you and wrapping you up in his arms.
-The comfort you needed finally being given to you, you began to open up and expressed how you regretted going to that party, because now you're a violent, unpredictable half demon who has become a target for other demons, and whose best friend just died as a result.
-Nero assured you that your friend's death wasn't your fault and that despite these changes, he still loved you and would stand by you forever.
-He promised to help you work through your new state of being. Being half demon didn't scare him one bit, considering both his father and uncle are like that too. You two will explore your new abilities and figure out how to better control them together.
● V ●
-V grew very worried when you didn't come by to visit him like you normally did. He figured it was because of an emergency, but as time went by and you still didn't make an appearance, he knew something was wrong.
-V learned the news of your friend's untimely death from one of your family members and raced to your house as fast as his weak legs would let him.
-When he got there, he found you lying on your bed in a gloomy haze, seemingly ready to stay there forever and just rot away. V didn't want that for you, (who would?) and sat down next to you, waiting patiently for you to start speaking, screaming, or whatever.
-You felt comfortable in his presence and slowly disclosed how you felt; how disgusted you were with your new form and how you regretted your decision to go to that party. You ended up revealing more than you meant to, but that was a good thing, since V now had a better grasp on how to comfort you.
-He stayed with you for the next several months taking care of you, constantly assuring you (despite weak protests on your part) that he would love you till the end of time and beyond; no matter what you became or what you did, this would always be true.
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laylabahiti · 6 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
i joined september 2016 when this was vikrp! i was a junior in college and had been writing indie rp for a minute before that kinda died down, so i took a peek at the tags. vikrp/haisociety/highsociety had the pairs aspect to it back then, so i fulfilled someone's jade thirlwall wc but they went inactive like right after i was accepted asjdfka. i believe the revamp to haisociety happened in december/january, truly a time to be alive. i started as a junior back then and i'm ending as a junior in my second bachelor's degree💀, a homeowner, and within the next couple years, i'll be married and have a kid*. *tbd when we're both done with school and onto other careers
which characters have you written over the years ?
layla, cameron (early days), tobias (early days), katalina, gabriel, mikolas, alaina, dmitri, juliana, ettore, emerson, tamiko, kaira
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
too many to choose from! tbh the aslan/layla/olivier triangle was fun just because of the silly ic drama it caused. i'm pretty sure it was during haisociety when i messaged e about layla/olivier, because layla has the "he helped me, i love him" mentality and we just went with it askdfa, not really planning anything or knowing what would come of it. also love the egypt plotline and anytime those siblings interacted. and the early days of barbie and layla's friendship, how barbie pretty much took layla under her wing and got her out of her shell.
what about other people's plotlines ?
definitely the chaos of england and the murder mystery event. if i remember any more i'll edit this jaksdf
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
no surprise here but layla. in the early days, layla was meek to the point she hardly spoke, took everything literally, and asked too many questions. she developed her voice and learned to be a little selfish in the later years, but she's still a crier.
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
the greek invasion. it might have been one of the most well-constructed events i have been a part of. i remember traveling during it and writing replies on my phone just so i didn't miss out. every character was affected one way or another, and that event was a turning point in layla's personality.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
i wouldn't necessarily say edit, but it'd be interesting to see how things would've panned out if layla kissed olivier back and still felt guilty enough to tell aslan.
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
egypt<3 getting to see amon's coronation and both of them trying to rectify the family's image. life got way too chaotic over the past year, but i love mine and lina's headcanons
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
late 2018, someone kept sending rude/hateful anons to muns and the main, and everyone banded together to keep hshq alive and well. i submitted a whole essay to the main with my comments not thinking the admins would actually post it and they DID, 2018 was an interesting time here. also in the early days when we started listing how all characters were connected and making full circles of connections, simpler times.
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
you can always reach me on discord! i'm in the hshq server so feel free to add me or message anytime. i have a few socials if you want those as well - if this is farewell, you've earned my real name ajkdlfj. tbh this is probably my tumblr exit, i don't have much time or mental capacity to write full threads and join something new, but this blog will remain.
what else would you like to say ?
hshq is truly the only reason i've stuck around tumblr this long. almost 8 years of my life has been spent communicating with you all! in some of my worst moments, i was able to turn to hshq and escape reality for a bit. i feel like i'm missing a lot but trying to dig up memories from 8 years ago is difficult lol.
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gaytanimura · 2 years
Kiryu Kazuma. One of the greatest and most attractive characters ever thought up. He can fight at peak strength, take out enemies with heat moves, and best of all, he's red colored and knows how to handle the Fellas. Speaking of Fellas, the Yakuza universe might also be classified as "Hot Dude Heaven" because there's such a mess of very beautiful and tough men that it will make you love the franchise even more! And since Valentine's Day is around the corner, I've been inspired to make a top 10 list of the most beautiful male yakuza characters. Grab yourself a snack and a glass of staminan X, and try not to reach through the screen because HERE WE GO!
10: Try this question on for size. Who chases and fights Kiryu all the time and wields a powerful tanto? Why it's Majima Goro of course! Though more of a cutie than a hottie, you can't deny the fact that he’s still attractive. Two things that make him attractive are the fact that he wears snake skin jacket, and when have you ever seen an eyepatch on somebodies left eye? I haven't! So once again, Majima Goro is lovely; that is until he goes mad dog and starts cutting stuff with his tanto.
Who's at number 9? It's this 6th chairman from tojo clan. Daigo, from Yakuza 2. He got a message saying that Tojo Clan was under attack by the opposite clan Omi Alliance. He doesn't do much except get shot in the chest and drink alcohol. The real reason he lands at the #9 is that he becomes Shinada Tatsuo’s sweetheart, something Shinada needed for a long while.
Numero Ocho. Kiryu Kazuma’s mother, Kashiwagi. Hes attractive and the size of an average human mother. What really surprises me about him is that the ex-detective, Koichi Adachi, falls in love with him. Kinda silly, don't you think? He’s another character that doesn't do much, but in Yakuza 7, He helps Ichiban Kasuga have a place to stay along with his friends.
What number's next? Seven, of course. Yoshitaka Mine from Yakuza 3. People always root for the good guys, but sometimes, the bad guys steal the show.His mathematic IQ is equal to Sera. He also happens to be the smartest member of Tojo Clan. I wonder why he isn't the chairman. Like Ryuji Goda and Nishiki, his specialty is dying. With a stunning laugh and soulless eyes, Mine will rock your socks. If only we could see him take wing.
Numero Six. Ichiban Kasuga from Yakuza 7. Named after the number one, Ichiban is the son of Masumi Arakawa. He’s a newer character that hardly does a thing except beg his brother to stop being so violently mysgonisic. He also traps himself inside a box so that he could get a jump on lower ranked Liumang. When you're the son of a person in the killer Arakawa gang, you need to look your best and Ichiban delivers perfectly. That's why he’s #6.
Number #1, #2, #3, #4, #5! Ah-Ah-Ahhh! Saejima Taiga from Yakuza 5. How could you go wrong with a guy that looks like this? He can fight nearly as good as Kiryu and he went from being a Prisoner to being a Top Tojo Clan executive. Next to Majima he looks more collected than the other characters. Who could top someone who has a bald ass head?
This fella standing at number 4: Ryuji Goda. One word: TITS. How would you like to have that cup size? I mean Ryuji could play around in the Himalayas for hours and he would be perfectly fine! Also, his blonde hair makes him look like an American. I really like the fact that he has a relationship with the Jingweong agent Joon-Gi Han. The combination of this gay couple makes these two a reliable couple. But what lands Ryuji in the #4 spot is that his attitudes is apparently different from the other males.
Next up is #3. What's better than having a Male with Huge Tits? How about a Male with Huge Tits and Ass? Shinada Tatsuo, another Kiryu Saga has that feature. He’s Active, knows exactly what to do as a Nightlife Writer, and even fought Amon once. He’s also the guy of Daigo's dreams. Heh, lucky him. His younger self in the spin-off: The Wandering Dragon is just downright hot! Just look at them big tiddies! Now we're talkin'!
1, 2, button my shoe! Kiryu Kazuma. There's a lot to say about this character. He’s the heir to the Kazama Family, Yakuza’s first official protagonist, the only character that used to say slurs, brave and athletic, the most kind character, and is like a father to Haruka. In the Sixth installment of the series, The Song of Life, one antagonist, the sexy Joon-Gi Han constantly tries to woo Kiryu, but doesn't succeed because... he fucking dies! The Dragon is also a semi-perfect example of an excellent protagonist, although there were a couple of times when he really snapped and acted like a lunatic; in the early installments, that is. But overall, Kiryu Kazuma really stands out amongst the slew of males not just because he’s Yakuza’s first official protagonist, or because he’s the only one who show his ass three times, but because in the comics, he grew very perky boobs, and married Majima in the future, becoming the 5th Chairman.
So, you've seen a Yakuza Chairman, a baseball star, two gorgeous Ex-Yakuza, and even a Dragon! Who could possibly top those kinds of Males? Well, get ready folks; this is the #1 hottest Yakuza Male character. Yu Nanba. If anybody denies it, how dare you? This man can summon pigeons, he’s as strong as a paper bag, and is a manloser, seducing other characters into getting what he wants. Instead of having one love interest, he has two! Ichiban and Tianyou Zhao. Being a homeless man, his only interested in one object set; Alcohol, especially the Legendary Malt. There actually have been situations where Nanba’s cock and balls has been exposed, but it eventually got censored. What a price to pay. I think the best part about this beauty is that he wears three different outfits unlike the other male characters. And who wouldn't want to Sleep at anytime, be strong as a fetus, and flirt with any male, anytime, anywhere. These three traits make Yu Nanba triumph over all of the Yakuza malws. My hat goes off to you Sega Team Japan. You oughta be proud.
There ya have it folks. Those were the hottest male fellas in the Yakuza universe. I hope you enjoyed it, happy Valentine's Day, and I'll see you later. HERE WE GO!
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claire-starsword · 2 years
Shining Force All HQ Quotes - JP & ENG
[translated some of these on the guide book notes anyway so why not gather them all. I avoided it because Lowe’s sexual harassment bums me out but it came up on the guide anyway so whatever at this point. I promise other characters get better stuff.
Since I did not play the JP version quotes are taken from this handy list. English screenshots are from an old playthrough of mine so Max has a different name.
Also, several active team quotes were reused (with occasional tweaks) in the GBA version and translated accurately there. I didn’t have the patience to screenshots them all but used them as reference in my own translations. That’s enough rambling so let’s go]
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"Nothing to fear while I'm here! Take me to battle always!"
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"Everyone's talking about how awesome the last battle was, c'mon, take me on the next one! It won't be fun to go back home without anything to brag about."
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"Getting to fight as a real knight is like a dream come true. I'll do my best!"
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"I'm sorry, Max, but traveling through all these countries is a lot of fun."
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"I'll fight to my very end... I want to be of service to you!"
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"...Hmm, hmm... Mythical magic? ... I don't get it... Where could it be? ...I don't understand... but I want to."
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Active: the english version is perfectly accurate, save for cutting the ellipsis
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"Max, seems like you were really fierce in the last battle… You’re brave... While I’m so, so afraid. I wonder how the others feel."
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"I'm the support so that everyone can fight with no worries... But let me fight too sometimes!"
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"Ah, I'm bored, so bored. I feel like messing with the girls now. Whoa, what! That's a scary face, man... I got it, I'll behave."
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[much better]
Active: the english version is accurate.
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"Humpf, huff, huff! Hiyah! What are you staring at so intently? I'm training so that my attacks get stronger."
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"This great Gort isn't about to lose to any youngsters yet!"
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"Max! Want some sashimi? I and the other guys who were free caught some fish and cut them up with this sword. Oops, was that not okay?"
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"I inherited my father's strength! I won't forgive you if you look down at me for being a woman!"
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Rest: the english version is accurate save for cutting a "One two! One, two!" at the beginning
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"Tell me when you get hurt, okay? Even a small wound can make you unable to fight if you don't care for it."
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“B-Blaaaze! ...Aww, it really doesn’t work... Max... I think it’s impossible for a priest to use Blaze...”
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Active: english version is mostly accurate but missing the end part.
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"Max, thank you for your efforts. I'll do my best too, so take care of yourself as well."
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"Max! Listen here, Lowe just touched my butt! If he does it again I'll blast him with a Blaze spell."
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Active: english version is accurate
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"Once this journey is over, there’s something I want to do. I’m thinking of searching for the legendary golden Holy Grail..."
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"I'll fight until these wings break. With our pride as rulers of the sky..."
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"*crack* *crack* Oh, my neck is tense. I've been flying all year so this area around the neck gets stiff. It gets harder to move the wings too."
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Active: english version is perfectly accurate
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"*flapflapflap* *flapflapflap* I just can't stand still on the ground! *flapflapflap* *flapflapflap*"
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Active: english version is accurate although cutting a generic "I'll strike them all down!" at the end
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"*click* *click* *nyooooom* Ah, this? I'm restringing my bow. Should be okay now. *nyoooom*"
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"We werewolves were born to fight. Of course I wish to be at the battlefield..."
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"*swish* *swish* *swish* *swish* My claws are my weapons. Of course it is crucial to take care of them. Good, they look in excellent shape."
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"Don't get it wrong. I'm a real knight. I don't just go whenever the money is."
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"*clop clop* *stab!* Whoa! That was close... I might end up hurting you if you come to talk while I'm training."
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Yogurt his japanese line is the same either in the active team or not:
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"...I don't get it..."
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"Yahoo! I'm fired up to fight! I'll make quick work of those Runefaust guys!"
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"Hey there, Max! Behold the wonders of modern life! Walking is now a thing of the past."
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"Putting me in battle means you have great eyes! As expected of a leader!"
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“(hic) Drinks, more drinks! Keep bringing on the drinks! Oh, if it ain’t Max! Say, my glass’ been empty for a while now, fill it up for me, won’t ya?”
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"Ahem. Did yu know? There's thwee times more ocean than land in this wold."
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“Ahem. Did yu know? No one here believs it but, the wold isn’t flat.”
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Active: the GBA version fits perfectly
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"Hssss hsssssss... My steam engine's fired up and raring to go!"
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"*Hsssss hssssss* Everything's fine. I'm doing some maintenance right now. Ah, this is the best."
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Active: The english version is accurate save for dropping the drama ellipsis (the jp version is more like “My wish... is to fight at the front lines!”).
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"It's also good to take a break from fighting once in a while. Since I've been fighting all my life..."
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Active: english version is accurate save for cutting out the Assault Cannon's name
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"...Huh? An, an enemy attack? ...Was it a dream? This is really embarrassing. Since I had nothing to do I ended up dozing off I guess."
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"I'll fight! With my pride as a sacred dragon!"
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Rest: english version is mostly accurate but i ended up retranslating anyway
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"*swoosh* *swoosh* *swoosh* Do I still lack experience? I'm not great at using my tail."
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"Any specters that appear shall be cut by my sword. Gahaha!"
[Check the notes on his bio for the specters/mononoke thing. Also, like most samurai characters in media, Musashi uses some outdated language. Unfortunately I don't know enough old english to try to adapt that.]
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"... ...I'm awake... Perhaps you do not know. This is a form of meditation, Zazen. It is part of my training."
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"Let's do our best together to defeat Darksol."
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"What is the deal with that priest, Lowe? He's been loitering around for a while. It's quite unpleasant, could you do something about it?"
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Active: the english version is accurate, if a bit clumsy
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"Please try to not be hurt badly. If your allies are hurt, leave them to me."
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"Max, you're wide open! *thump* Aah, you didn't feel it at all? Ohh, were I powerful like a monk, maybe I'd stand out more."
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Active: the GBA version fits perfectly.
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"I was born to serve you... I will follow wherever you lead."
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“Darksol… I cannot forgive him. Even Chaos was used by him… I won’t ever forgive him…”
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Active: the GBA version fits perfectly.
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"...A ninja is a man of few words. We are content to show our strength in battle..."
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"Everyone is very active. Well, it's fine by me. I am of the shadows. A bright place like this does not suit me. But should you desire, I'll lend you my power."
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rubyrose-7827 · 3 years
shealtiel: does anyone have a ruler?
luci: no but i can give you something to measure 😏
amon: *smacks luci*
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Egyptian Astrology and Calendar
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Modern beliefs regarding ancient Egyptian astrology stem mainly from two reliefs - the Dendera zodiac, found on the ceiling of the pronaos of a chapel room dedicated to Osiris within the Dendera temple of Hathor, and a papyrus labelled the Cairo calendar that came from an antiquities collector in 1943.
In order to comprehend how the Cairo calendar and the Dendera zodiac, we need a basic understanding of how Egyptians counted their years.
- They had three seasons, each about 120 days, and each divided into four months of 30 days. Within those months were 10-day weeks called decans. To solve the unevenness of the earth’s tilt, they had five epagomenal days.
The seasons were thus:
• Akhet; Inundation, generally from June to September. It was the flooding season in which the Nile grew in size.
• Proyet; Emergence, which came after the flood.
• Shomu; the Harvest, within which you can assume what they did.
The beginning of Akhet was marked not by a specific date, but by the emergence of the star Sirius, which usually preceded the flooding of the Nile.
Now that that’s out of the way, an important fact to mention about ancient Egyptian horoscopes is that they weren’t especially specific, and the horoscope applied to everyone in that one day, not just a certain one. The options daily consisted “"Favorable", "Mostly Favorable", "Very Favorable", "Adverse," "Mostly Adverse," and "Very Adverse.”” For example, most of the days displayed on the Cairo calendar are marked as “Very Favorable” or “Very Adverse.”
Commonly these titles are affected heavily by what events of mythology happened on that day in the ‘past’. The day in which Horus fought his uncle Seth, and consequently losing one of his eyes, was regarded as a very adverse day. On other days in which there were parties and/or happy peace on heaven and earth, the days were called favorable.
The last part of an ancient Egyptian reading on astrology and horoscopes is essentially telling the person what they should do because of that good or bad luck. On the day Horus fought Set, Egyptians were advised to stay in their homes.
To sum up:
Egyptian astrology contained the classic 12 constellations. These were formed from 36 groups of stars called decans. Each decan had a God to go with it and covered 10 degrees—or ten days—in the calendar. So, the 36 decans each having 10 days made up the 360 day calendar, and once you add the epagomenal days (in which Osiris and his siblings were born), you get 365 days. Fun fact: the epagomenal days were essentially half a week of straight partying.
There are 12 astrological signs, as previously mentioned. They all have Gods or Goddesses that represent them and the people born under the 30-day (or 3 decan) timespan each of them are owed. They show the character, strengths, weaknesses, skills, and behaviors of their people.
Before I get into the signs, I’d like to mention that because we don’t have the full story on Egyptian astrology, and because Egypt’s history spanned such a long era and overwent many changes, there are two different ways of practicing ancient Egyptian astrology. One is to attempt to assign traditional dates based off decans, which is the one I am referring to, and one that filters in the influences from other cultures such as Babylonia and Greece.
Let’s get into the actual signs themselves, now.
Dates: Jan 8-21, Feb 1-11
Similar Signs: the Nile, Horus
Colors for men: yellow
Colors for women: orange
People born under Ra tend to be generous and stumble easily open great opportunities for success. They often reassure others and are good at inspiring people. Seldom will your life be mediocre.
Dates: May 8-27, Jun 29 - Jul 13
Similar Signs: Bastet and Isis
Colors for women: purple
Colors for men: sienna
Like Anubis himself, people born underneath his sign are intelligent and easily gift compassion, while simultaneously carrying a darker presence of thought within them. This does not make them a bad person—it simply means they understand the inherent darkness in the world, an understanding that can sometimes make them seem fatalistic, or, at times, extremely ambivalent. These people may find it difficult to healthily maintain a happy love life.
Dates: Jul 14-28, Sep 23-27, Oct 3-17
Similar Signs: Sekhmet, Horus
Colors for men: yellow
Colors for women: grey
Those born under Bastet assume much of the role that Bastet herself occupies in the Egyptian pantheon of Gods. They seek peace and harmony within themselves and in their relationships with others. Since they care deeply for many things, some have a tendency to overprotect and devote themselves to their loved ones, while forgetting to maintain their own health. They have a great intuition and easily pick out secret enemies within their social groups.
Dates: Feb 12-29, Aug 20-31
Similar Signs: Seth, Horus
Colors for women: red orange
Colors for men: violet
Geb as a God within the pantheon acted as a sort of mediator, coming in to overlook agreements and pledges to make sure they were of good intentions. With that information it’s not hard to see why he was representative of a guardian of life, a sweet, submissive, and peaceful image. People born in his stead are often writers, administrators, or counselors. They can be highly sensitive and very impressionable. Empathy can run at an all-time high with the way Geb raises those born under his name above the sins of vanity.
Dates: Apr 20 - May 7, Aug 12-19
Similar signs: Geb, Bastet
Colors for men: carmine red
Colors for women: gold
Those born beneath Horus’ wing have fierce, intense personalities, highlighted by an intelligence that easily attracts people to them. The width and variety of their knowledge can give them an ‘all-knowing’ image to an outsider. In order to reach the full potential of Horus, they must learn to control their rebellious tendencies early on before they get too far ahead of themselves. They may have a special respect or appreciation for mothers and wives.
Dates: Mar 11-31, Oct 18-29, Dec 19-31
Similar signs: Osiris, Thoth
Colors for women: blue
Colors for men: white
Isis is another Goddess considered a mother Goddess—a protector of innocents. People born under Isis earn her special protection and tend to have an air of hospitality about them. It woild be well advised for these people to seek out positions in life in which you will be able to protect or give life. Judge people fairly and be receptive, but keep your standards.
Dates: Jan 22-31, Sep 8-22
Similar signs: Ra, Thoth
Colors for men: brown
Colors for women: carmine
People born under the sign of Mut adopt many of the Goddesses’ traits, which can result in a melancholic, sometimes secretive persona. They have a shyness that can create frustration when it comes to their romantic and sexual life. Still, they contain within themselves a rich inner life, and can have lots of wisdom to give. They may find themselves, throughout life, searching for the goodwill of others and the protection of a father figure.
The Nile (mine!)
Dates: Jan 1-7, Jun 19-28, Sept 1-7, Nov 19-26
Similar signs: Ra, Seth
Colors for women: Deep blue
Colors for men: Vivid red
Those born under the Nile are peacemakers and lovers of the finer things in life. They believe they owe it to themselves to live in an awakened and aware state. The Nile watches over all—the resurrection of Osiris, the defeat of Seth, and the forming glory of Horus. People of the Nile are wise from this, tolerant of many different types of people, and have the capability of an extreme tenderness towards others. They want to be free from the bonds of ignorance but, like how the Nile brings both fertile earth and corrosive silt, they can be a victim to the everchanging tides of their emotions.
Dates: Mar 1-10, Nov 27 - Dec 18
Similar signs: Isis, Thoth
Colors for men: yellow
Colors for women: green
These people may have two distinct sides of themselves. Despite that, they are kindly prone to generosity towards others. They have a passionate, fiery pull within them, but can simultaneously be quite vulnerable. When faced with a predicament, they may find difficulty in acting in both a quick and wise manner.
Dates: Jul 29 - Aug 11, Oct 30 - Nov 7
Similar signs: Bastet, Geb
Colors for women: turquoise
Colors for men: green
Those born under Sekhmet are observant, somewhat controlling, and at times, very telepathic. Very rarely do they indulge in their deeper desires. Their sense of right and wrong can be muddled in their head. Despite that they have an intense inner, and often outer, beauty, occupying themselves with an unearthly gracefulness.
Dates: May 28 - Jun 18, Sep 28 - Oct 2
Similar signs: Geb, the Nile
Colors for men: blue turquoise
Colors for women: black
Seth is a curious God, and despite the inherent darkness surrounding him in most Egyptian mythology, he is not a truly ‘evil’ God. Those born under his sign are free spirits, like Seth, and are wanderers, also like Seth. They search for an innate wholeness and believe they can find that in the surroundings they find themselves in. Oftentimes they must endure hardships and go through many adventures before finding that part of themselves. Once they feel complete, though, they have an intense inner power. They easily learn from their mistakes and possess a strong sense of tenacity.
Dates: April 1-19, Nov 8-17
Similar signs: Bastet, Isis
Colors for women: white
Colors for men: pink
Similar to Thoth, those born under his wing are enthusiastic and inventive. Mediocrity in themselves and others can have a tendency to frustrate them. Even with that though, they scorn any type of meanness towards others. They have a tendency to take brave risks that can either harm them or further themselves as people. They abhor losing their sense of the world, and misdoing others.
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vermillionflames · 3 years
A Court of Chrysanthemum and Poison
Chapter 8: What Happens in the Forest
please catch up on my AO3 here. Or scroll through my page I don't care.
Eris is here, bitches.
I woke up in Tamlin’s arms again. The space between my legs was sore from our activities. I shimmied out of his grip and got myself dressed.
“I’m heading down for breakfast,” I told Tamlin. He didn’t rouse from his sleep. “Okay, sleepyhead. Stay in bed. I can practice by myself.”
I opted to eat in the kitchen with the cooks instead of using the dining room by myself. They told me stories of great feasts that happened in years before I was even born. Tamlin still hadn’t made his way downstairs so I offered to help clean up before heading outside to train.
“You shouldn’t wander too far into the forest, there are still creatures that lurk and there are not many guards,” one warned as I headed outside. I nodded in thanks.
I stayed close to the garden, practicing my wind manipulation on the dummies for hours. I reached out to Tamlin, he was still asleep.
Maybe he’s sick.
My curiosity started to taunt me. I looked around, no sentries in sight and the gardeners must be working on the front, I turned towards the forest line.
“How bad can anything be,” I mutter to myself, “It’s not like the king will be lurking in the bushes.”
But the circle shaped scar on my left palm tingled and became itchy the more I walked through the trees. What could that mean. The crown shaped scar in my right palm had started to heal, 200 years after I received it, I stopped to stare at my hands. What had the scars symbolized? I would have to dig deep into my memories to find my answer.
There were others in the forest, I could sense them as I got closer. Being blinded most of my life meant my other senses were better. I leaned against a tree, closing my eyes and listened, smelt.
Several males. My body went taunt and my bones told me to go back to Rosehall. But then the gentle wind of the Spring Court blew past me, taking my scent right to their noses.
One, who I knew to be the High Lord of the Night Court winnowed in front of my path home. I let out a scream, sending a message through the link to Tamlin that I needed help. He cocked his head to the side before reaching out his hand. I ran left, ignoring what he was saying to me.
He and the others ran after me.
I’m coming, Tamlin growled through the link. I didn’t slow down. Branches scratched my face and snagged my dress. The slippers I wore were poor footwear for escaping. I hesitated when I entered a clearing. A pond disrupted my path and I had a second to decide which way to go around it.
I took too long though. A body collided with mine, knocking me forward and landing on top of me. I closed my eyes to protect them from the dirt that sprung as we slid across the ground.
“Eris,” I knew that voice belonged to Lucien, “Get off of her.”
Tamlin charged into the clearing, in his animal form, and went straight for the head of the male on top of me. The other High Lord cut him off.
“Tamlin,” Rhysand cooed, “This is just a misunderstanding.” Another bat-winged male came into the clearing.
Tamlin gave a warning growl. My scar was burning now.
“So this is the little prize you brought back from the continent,” the voice above me taunted, “It doesn’t seem like that much.”
“Eris,” Lucien warned again.
“Get off of her,” Tamlin shifted back into his fae form, glaring, “Or I’ll rip your head off.”
“Fine,” His weight was removed from my back, I kept my face in the dirt. “Come now, I have manners.”
I looked up at Tamlin, he was observing. It came to my attention that the other male was offering his hand. Reluctant, I turned out, and reached for his hand. His fingers were cold though I could feel fire in his veins. My body was lifted and I situated myself back on my feet. I saw the dirt and tears on my dress, and I was sure my face didn’t look much better, but I had some manners too.
My eyes rose to meet his and thank him, but… Something gold and bright shined deep within me. I hissed in a breath. He was the male from my visions before.
“Mother above,” someone said.
I couldn’t pull my eyes away from him. The burning of the scar got hotter as the second ticked on.
“Well, isn’t this an interesting change of conflict,” Rhysand clapped his hands together.
I tried to step back, but his grip on my hand tightened.
“Tamlin,” I turned my head. Tamlin frowned, but he did not reach for me. The scar became so hot that my skin blistered. I hissed, pulling the palm to my face for examination.
“You’re my mate,” He finally spoke, though his words made the scar hurt more. I cried out from the pain, ignoring what he said.
“You’re burning her,” Tamlin shoved the male, my mate, aside, taking my hand and examining it. I started crying from the pain.
“Let go of her,” He growled, suddenly behind me, his arms wrapped around my middle.
“Eris can’t hurt her,” Rhysand spoke, though he and his companion stayed back, “Tamlin get back before you’re burnt to ash.”
Indeed, flames were beginning to form around them, though they were not hot to her. Not in comparison to whatever was happening to her palm. Tamlin gave me a pitiful look before dropping my arm.
I’m sorry, he spoke through the link, There’s nothing I can do to keep you here.
Eris sent another warning growl, his grip around me tightening, before orange and red engulfed my vision and I was winnowed away.
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hakeism · 3 years
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amon us > https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/your-wings-and-mine/list?title_no=599615
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kit-the-purple-cat · 3 years
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Sketched Shealtiel from the webtoon Your Wings and Mine- (I'm obsessed with it)
(The last one is Shealtiel watching Luci get his ass kicked by Amon)
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2lim3rz · 4 years
How Foreign Nightmares Are [40K FIC]
I butchered the timeline a lil bit cause ehhh fuckkk it, why not?
Magnus having nightmares, lets go! Thank you @gracia-regina for the prompt! Y’all feel free to send in more primarchs and prompts uwu
Not quite kid!Magnus, more like teenage Magnus? Ehh it’s close enough..?
It was in a dream he met him. A dream where a single, questioning word was uttered.
“Who..?” it was an exhausting dream, a tiring dream somehow. He was sleeping, how could he be tired? There was no response, but a sort of feeling. The feeling was powerful, it was as though he had stepped into a blazing inferno, but not the painful sort. It was almost welcoming, but still all the more ferocious.
When he awoke, he was covered in sweat and panting. It truly was an exhausting dream.
Of course, at once he was scrambling off the bed, dressing hastily to rush and tell his dear mentor what the dream was. He told Amon of all his dreams that had the same feeling as this one. He was, after all, the only one who understood the certain realness to it.
His days were spent in study, for that is what he found the most joyous. Sitting on a comfortable cushion with a book. Or, when he was allowed, looking through the great telescope to view the wondrous skies of Prospero.
Of course, nothing was always so streamlined. For his dreams of the feeling grew more vivid until he found himself during the daylight hours thinking. Well, it wasn’t quite thinking, it was a sort of layered sensation. His eye closed, he could perform many of his feats without closing off mental contact to the world, sometimes it felt more.. befitting almost. It was also dramatic, which was something he enjoyed sometimes.
As it always did, it began with a question, and he was startled when he garnered a response.
“You know who I am, Magnus” the resonant voice of the man? Yes man, it was surely a man echoed in his mind. The thoughts of alluding it to fire came to mind, but it was something more powerful, primordial even.
“I do? How can I know who you are if I don’t know your name? How do you know mine?” a wary edge cut into his own tone. Who was this stranger? This oddly familiar presence?
“I do not have any specific name, no longer. Though all of humanity calls me the Emperor of Mankind.”
Emperor.. of Mankind? It sounded like a pompous title.
“It is the truest title.”
“You read my mind? How! I’ve guarded it well!”
“Not well enough, evidently.”
Not all of their conversations went that way. Some were pleasant, others left Magnus frustrated at how secretive the Emperor of Mankind turned out to be. At how it turned out he was his progenitor.
Most of all, Magnus had brothers. Blood brothers! All were scattered across worlds like he was, but were quickly being found as quickly as one could!
His dreams were wondrous and never quite dreams.  Which was why it all the more terrified him when he had a true nightmare. For no vision could ever be so nightmarish and horrible. It started off well enough. As it began with he and Amon walking in a massive library.
Then suddenly the sights changed to Amon, his body cocooned in gleaming red armor, but his head was bent too awfully wrong! The skin was pocketed where insects had made their feeding burrows and he felt as though he were sick at the sight.
Magnus stumbled backwards and raised his hands, hands that had shifted to massive wretched claws. No! He was too tall! Too large! He felt something on his back and massive feathered wings enfolded him. His wings! He did not have wings, he was a man! A true and simple man! This was not his body!
Too red, too big, too..too feathered! A scream erupted from his throat, deep and guttural as though he were a crying beast.
The sights shifted again, there was a man before him. The light behind him was too golden, too bright to see who it was. What little he saw were faint glimpses. A strand of braided blonde hair, mouth with human teeth but over-sized canines, a snarling scream.
Who was it?! Where was he?!
Magnus stood and ran. He ran and ran but went nowhere, he was in the plaza again. The central plaza where he was first found in infancy.
His name. But who said it? The voice was quiet, a snide whisper. The red cyclops twisted and turned, and shrieked as his feet were no longer plantigrade with five toes, but digigrade with wretched claws. A monster! A beast he was! The flashes confused him, smells he never smelled, sounds he never heard. What was this hell he was in? Was he flying? No! He was falling, spiraling down and down again. There was a scream but it was not his own. The scream multiplied to a chorus and he discovered he could hear voices he knew before a single, angry scream drowned out all the others.
Magnus stopped falling and was surrounded by a fierce blue and many eyes. There was a cacophony of atrocious laughter that shook him to his bones. A beaked maw appeared and began to speak, it spoke-
The red man lurched up, nay, he lunged and held onto the thing that shook him with trembling arms. His eye was wide and filled with tears. He had never felt so small, so vulnerable since he was an infant in the unknown.
“A-Amon..” he sobbed “Amon, you’re alive!” Magnus hated the disbelief in his voice as he hugged Amon tightly. The vulnerability he felt moments ago fading as the hug was returned tightly.
“Of course I’m alive- Magnus.. did you-” the elder man began to gently pry Magnus’s shaking arms away, his stern voice turning to concern and fatherly worry.
“No!” he practically snarled the word “No- I’m sorry it was.. just the most horrible nightmare, Amon..”
Magnus let go and wiped at his face, he felt cold and clammy and saw that it was still well into the evening. How was it that dreams felt as though they were eons long?
“..Let’s get you some tea, Magnus. Take a break from your lessons for a few hours tomorrow, do something besides read.”
“No, come along. Would you like to talk about it?”
Amon knew what was best for certain, Magnus settled as he stood to follow the man out.
“..I would, thank you.”
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