#amity: [So Fucking Miserable] I KNOW SHE IS.
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crimeronan · 1 year ago
Woke up today thinking it’d be really fucking funny if Luz and Willow get their shit together re: any dating stuff before any of the others do mainly cause I’m just picturing Amity being really bitey bitchy jealous about Willow being brave enough to actually pursue Luz at all which leads to Amity pulling the “wow I didn’t think you were this type of social climber” card and Willow Uno Reversing her with the “Do you think the only reason people date is to improve in social status? Wow. That’s really pathetic. You’re really pathetic. Not to mention an insult to Luz insinuating nobody would want to date her for any reason other than her crown. Man, you suck.”
Cue Amity curled up in a corner eating eyescream because Fuck She Got Absolutely Fucked with that one
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thatguythatdrawsalot · 2 months ago
Weiss - Returning Home Design Critique.
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Can you guys tell how much I like drawing Weiss compared to drawing Blake by the poses alone? Yeah, me too. I’ll do better starting now. I’ve been doing Blake dirty so she’s definitely someone I will come back to with more effort in the future.
RWBY Archives
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Okay let’s hop into the archives, been covered in DUST for a good week- so the designers wanted to put Weiss in a high class outfit that made her look good at home and during her fancy parties whether it’s a short skirt or a long dress. I think they nailed it! She’s the Schnee Dust Company’s heiress and conglomerate at the time she was shown with this outfit on. I adore the sapphires on her, and the fact her jewels around her neck make it look like a fancy collar to symbolize Weiss stuck in her dad’s control is a good ol Show Don’t Tell example. It’s a really good performative dress that serves the two functions of being stuck at home and needing to sing in a concert… 
Fucking sucks it doesn’t serve it’s purpose on being on the road to go find Winter in Mistral! That’s because it wasn’t meant to, the description didn’t want this outfit to be a battle attire at all yet THIS was the outfit they wanted her to keep throughout her journey up to Atlas’ return. Yang can get a new outfit after leaving home but not Weiss? Are you kidding? Put ugly colored leggings and a dull red scarf all you want to jazz it up in being practical, it still looks downright ridiculous once she leaves home with this outfit still on.
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It doesn’t feel like she took her journey seriously in finding Winter, this looks like a singer going on a world tour but a tragic crash happened and now she has to do everything she can to make it to her show without being late. A good spin off series idea for Remnant but not for Weiss’ character appearance. 
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I forgot to make this “Hair Section” clear; I talk about both the HAIR and the MODELS. When it comes to Weiss’ model, I think it’s fine, the jump to Maya didn’t drastically make her look off compared to the other girls but there’s an issue I’ve heard other people talk about when it comes to Weiss’ model. I didn’t notice it until Volume 7 but it started in Volume 4 apparently… the bust size. Now I’m a dude so I won’t talk about it that much, I just wanted to shed light on it and give my own input? Personally, I thought she was fine, still looked the same to me, but in Volume 7 and beyond it’s much more obvious.
Now for her hair this is a nitpick and something I would’ve said in a Design Critique of Weiss’ Vale Outfit but I don’t think I’ll ever get around to it unless it’s a commission- but for her hair… I don’t get the symbolism. I just don’t. In the Character Short it’s in a ponytail, perfect symmetry, but then it cuts to her ponytail on the side. Is it a symbolism of defiance? Wouldn’t Jacques correct Weiss in having her hair be perfect center than on the left? And this is me coming to my own conclusion, I don’t know if this is canon or me grasping at straws for the reason of her changing her hairstyle. I don’t get the hype but this is just a nitpick.
Primary Color - White?
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I’ll give them this, they do the “Hiding Her True Self” better for Weiss than for Blake. Weiss isn’t herself, she’s hardly wearing white and that’s okay for what she’s going through. My issue is that this is a visual medium where color is important. I get that gray is a depressing color that WORKS for Weiss’ mood of being miserable and depressed… but so does pretty blue! In every poster for the new volume and promotional material they got this girl in the prettiest shades of blue that I would’ve loved to see in the show proper than dull gray! Why are they feeding me lies with the colors??? Depression Blue is more visually pleasing to see than Lifeless Gray, they’ve admitted it themselves with how they present Weiss on their art and even in the former Amity Mobile Game!
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I can’t really call it a positive when I say the outfit looks best in one location, being her house. It’s everything I love with everything I hate, it shows me what she’s like at home, not what she’s like afterwards so why insist she wears this after leaving home? 
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I hate Ciel Soleil and the Ace Operatives' existence because it makes designing an outfit tricky for Weiss to make sure she doesn’t look like Ciel or have too similar of a color palette to the Ace Ops. Although, I think I did good. An outfit she can wear while on the search for Winter in Mistral. She wears this AFTER leaving Atlas the second time. Red is still restricted as that color to me symbolizes Freedom, but I wouldn’t say she’s free just yet until she’s reunited with her loved ones such as her teammates, but the thought counts so instead there’s a tiny red earring than some fancy jewelry. I also got rid of the tiara again, she’s not the heiress anymore and she doesn’t need it. 
I do think it’s rather… boring? Like the skirt is just too plain, could’ve done a better pattern at the end of it than a black line across. The puffy sleeves also have been confirmed to look like poo given Ruby’s own puffy sleeves, but a boy can dream that RWBY makes puffy sleeves look good in the Maya engine. I also think the corset is plain as frick- really I think this redesign is just too plain, maybe simplicity was too much for this one.
Shout out to @storm-ismyusername they inspired me to actually play around with color variations from blue which is popular on Weiss, to Periwinkle which pushes the ice theme too, and Light Blue to go with her eyes.
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Said it before and I’ll say it again “Hate has won over love.” This outfit would’ve been on a Top 5 Best Weiss Outfit for me if it just got stuck in solely being worn in the Schnee Manor, it had everything I love for a character trapped in home in which the outfit is just for show, not for the profession she desires instead. An outfit that tells you that she’s unhappy. Instead this girl forgot to pack a battle outfit when going to find her sister or the budget was cut in making a new design for her that was more appropriate for her journey. An unnecessary short skirt, bedazzled jewels, fly-off heels and restrictive looking sleeves made of the thinnest material with the ugliest shades of gray ever is something never to be worn when fighting monsters on Remnant. This outfit did everything I love for a defeated character before it did everything I hated in a combat outfit that the show runners insisted the outfit become when it originally wasn’t. This hurts because I DID love it at one point, but now it’s just become nonsensical.
But of course, it’s just my opinion. If you love this design or hate the design, please share your opinion. I’d love to hear it! :D
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lo-toh-takes · 9 months ago
I know this is most definitely not related to Lily’s Owl House takes. But since many have brought it up, Lily is absolutely trying to push narratives that keep people in abusive situations.
It’s why she claims Hunter is an idiot for not realizing Belos is evil and doesn’t deserve redemption. It’s why Luz having complex feelings is “torture porn” and yet she deserves an unhappy ending.
And most recently with her new godawful video, Lily made the bold claim that Fifty Shades of Grey isn’t harmful- because abusers, misogynists, and creeps aren’t attractive like Christian Grey.
It’s outright disgusting how blatantly she pushes narratives that would actively keep victims away from speaking out, asking for help, or even just feeling emotions. Because Lily clearly doesn’t think victims deserve such things.
It’s also why she always pushes this narrative of killing abusers being the only way to escape. A task that is traumatic and in some cases outright impossible for victims, as it could more likely get them killed.
I just hate her so much that it brings me to actual tears hearing her repeat the same mantra as so many abusers I’ve seen.
Lily’s takes on abuse being terrible doesn’t surprise me in the slightest considering that she is an abuser herself. It’s gross how Lily treats Hunter and Luz’s traumas as if they are something they should get over quickly, rather than permanent scars that don’t easily fade away.
People have commonly told me how Lily’s takes on these two directly reflect how she sees victims of trauma and abuse, how she sees her own victims. And I completely believe it.
Something that became especially disturbing with this in mind is when in the Luz section of her fandom torture video, where, she directly lists an experience she had with a past girlfriend who acted like Luz, constantly shutting herself out and always acting miserable no matter how hard Lily tried to support her…and, Lily broke up with that girlfriend despite the mental turmoil she KNEW she was going through, because she saw her being toxic to not only herself but to Lily.
Given Lily’s own takes on Luz’s trauma and how she sees Luz during her depression arc, you can probably imagine how ABSOLUTELY disgusting of Lily this comes across as, to just abandon someone while they are going through intense emotional turmoil and in need of a support system because supporting them became “too hard” for you. Fuck. Off.
And before anyone tells me “Lily is not responsible for anyone’s happiness” first of all, she was probably the last thing resembling a support system this person had, as a girlfriend she should try to support this person when they are going through some shit, second of all, Lily could have at the very least tried to help this person by suggesting they talk with a professional about their issues like therapist or some shit. But no. She abounded this person because she didn’t want to support them any more.
And she wanted Amity to do the same thing to Luz. Because she sees Luz the same way she saw that past girlfriend. Now first there’s the first question of is this person was even real or not since Lily has made shit up about her real life before, and since this person would have spoken up about their experiences with Lily by now…but I have a theory for why they might have not done that….
….Lily once made a post on her old blog answering an ask about what to do when someone is going to commit suicide, and Lily’s response just boiled down to “just let it happen, you can’t stop it”…..
….you can probably guess what Lily’s past date probably did after Lily’s break up with her by that alone.
EDIT: Ok I think I might have been very disrespectful here for making a theory about the girlfriend committing suicide. I do sincerely apologize for that. I have received an ask that confirmed that the girlfriend is in fact alive. Sonya, I’m sorry for that.
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smokestarrules · 2 years ago
For the TOH ask game (if you’re still doing it)
9- favorite line from season 1
10- favorite line from season 2
11- favorite line from season 3
9. favorite line from season 1
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"Then why were you so easy to curse?!"
There are a lot of good lines in this show, but that one from AoaW is fucking legendary and maybe one of my favorite lines in the show, full-stop. The way it's just screamed, the rawness in the way Cissy acted it, the phenomenal scene that it takes place in... yeah. Incredible. Like, we all knew it, but the way it was revealed!!
10. favorite line from season 2
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"Is that so bad? You weren't happy before."
Showing a little bit of my bias here, but this entire scene is so ridiculously underrated. It's just... so simple, but it's not at all at the same time. Amity having feelings for Luz is terrifying and hurtful sometimes; she doesn't know how to handle it or how she's supposed to ever react.
But she wasn't happy before.
Again, it's such a simple conclusion, but it's everything that Amity needed to hear! She wasn't happy before. She was miserable, really, and being confused is a hell of a lot better than that. This scene fucking broke me when I watched Through the Looking Glass Ruins for the first time, and it's stuck with me almost moreso than any other line has. Is that so bad? You weren't happy before. Makes my heart feel so full.
11. favorite line from season 3
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"Do not underestimate me, Belos. For I am the Good Witch Luz, child of the Human Realm, student of the Demon Realm, and warrior of peace! Now eat this, SUCKKAA!"
I mean, I feel like this is a given, but that doesn't take away from its power. Like s1's quote, this was something we knew was coming; the only question was when and how, and I genuinely don't think this line could have come back for a final time in any better way.
I also really don't know how to describe to you how much I lost my entire shit at this scene. Luz went, "Do not underestimate me, Belos," and I legitimately came this close to falling out of my chair because of how violently I fist-pumped the air. This entire scene is perfect and the final callback to Azura--how the show began--was incredibly well-done. I could probably count on one hand how many times I've had a reaction like that to a show.
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fisherpiers · 2 years ago
Seems you have problems with Amity so how come you ain't a fan of her?
okay lemme take a deep breath and gather up my receipts. hope you’re ready for a whole fucking essay.
do i think her designs cute? yeah sure. she’s adorable. and marketable. easy to slap on disney social media posts during pride month.
do i like that her attraction to girls is treated as good and natural and not scary? yes. for the owl house’s message, and helping kids grow up without thinking they’re monsters, this is good.
okay now that i’ve pointed out the good, lemme tell you why i hate her.
and this got too long so here’s the shortened version. the reasons she most rubs me the wrong way. and it’s still too fucking long lol
1. first things first. she’s the hexsquad’s bully. she was horrible to willow and luz and she never really puts in the work to make up for this. well. she does for luz. not willow, however. her main victim.
it’s not even an “amity let bosha, her best friend that she replaced willow with, terrorize willow and thus is responsible as a bystander” situation. no, amity is shown personally going out of her way to be an asshole.
and then in that fucking library episode she says “i know what you are now, luz. you’re a bully!” like bitch?? excuse me? you were literally regular and cyber bullying luz and willow in the episode previous to it. literally she bullies them and then the very next episode calls luz a bully (for some shit her siblings were doing, not even luz)
and then she just assimilates herself back into the friend group, as if nothing happened. willow and gus tolerate it bc they’re not assholes. but the tension is there. on screen even.
like that whole hair braiding scene. wtf was that. amity braiding willows hair does not make up for years of her making willows life a living hell. willow frowns while it happens. and the whole reason amity even came to talk to willow in the first place was to talk about luz. she is only there bc she needs something. it was all about her relationship with luz, not willow.
i know i’ve said this many times before but i think willow should get to clock amity in the jaw. at least once.
and willow should’ve been fucking pissed when luz started getting romantically involved with amity. luz and willow should’ve had a fight about it.
they call back to the tension again in “thanks to them”. the scene in the museum. they feel the need to have to reassure the audience that things are fine between the kids, totally no tension at all. you know bc amity hasn’t actually apologized and they just sort of swept everything she did under the rug.
(another part of “thanks to them” when she tells hunter to go change his silly outfit. not an egregious sin but it’s still mean.)
“understanding willow” wasn’t enough. all amity does it throw out her little sob story excuse for first abandoning willow and then bullying her. probably only bc luz was there to make her feel bad about all of it. which is not a proper apology. WHICH LEADS ME TO MY NEXT POINT.
2. and here’s where it gets personal. amity’s sob story is that she has shitty parents. cool. me too. and i ain’t ever bullied anyone bc of it.
i’ve got literally the same parents. a manipulative control-freak mother and a father who just sorta lets her terrorize his children and make all the family’s decisions bc he’s too busy or scared of her to care. all the same pressure to do perfectly at school and weird fixation on my hair, even, and i’m just fine. my mother belittling me every time i breathed didn’t make me feel the need to make other kids’ lives miserable. get better coping mechanisms.
and i know the “amity doesn’t even try to fight it when her mother gets the hexsquad expelled in ‘escaping expulsion’” thing is a reason other people don’t like amity for, but no i understand this one. i would’ve been too afraid to cross my mother too. so she gets a pass on that ig
oh and mentioning that ep, bonus round. 3. that scene where she walks into her house and immediately throws her clothes on the floor for the butler to pick up pisses me off
sigh. it’s not that i think people can’t change, in fact i’d be perfectly fine with her if she actually made things right with willow. i just wish she would’ve. on-screen.
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angelcloves · 2 years ago
"Once they came back to class and received a bit of a lecture from their biology teacher for ditching, Amity couldn’t even start the assignment alone and was forced to work alongside someone."
Fuck that teacher! You have an obviously distressed child bolt of your classroom, with two of her obviously concerned classmates following her shortly afterwards...
And instead of being concerned and offering an alternate assignment when they finally come back, you lecture them on the demerits of a crime they didn't even commit (In front of the class?!) and make them do the assignment that clearly was the cause of all the upset in the first place!
Fuck every teacher on a power trip, you aren't helping the poor kids unlucky enough to be stuck studying under you. You're just making them miserable for the sake of it. (Sorry about this. This is just a BIG pet peeve of mine.)
“She’s just-... I don’t know what I’d do if Mom sold her to someplace where she can’t be her beautiful self. She’s not meant to jump through hoops for tourists. She’s a goddess of the sea, and she deserves to swim free!”
I am soooo sorry Amity, but you've been bitten by the love bug - Bad.
This is a much appreciated bit of levity. Even if this situation somehow manages to be even more sad than canon was. Amity has had all of one conversation with Luz here (While basically having a picnic by the pool at that... Does that count as a first date? Lol!), and she's already waxing poetry on how beautiful she is and calling her a goddess!
Poor child is so hungry for love, she's happy to speed rush developing an inter-species crush.
yeah fuck that teacher fr! amity is not having a very cowabunga time!
but yeah. shes. really far gone. down horrendous. poor girl
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crimeronan · 4 months ago
i'd like to post funny lines for the entertainment value, but i'll go with earnestness instead.... so they also warrant an explanation of why they're my favorites.
for fanfic:
Luz closes her eyes. “I’m not so kind.” “You have been to me,” Amity says. Then, nodding at Hunter, “You have been to him.”
canon luz says "i'm not so kind" in the show's finale, in a remarkably similar situation to AU luz here -- convinced she is The Actual Devil and that she's an evil parasite doomed to hurt everyone she loves.
AU amity has just gone through a many-thousands-of-words-long arc that started with her being afraid luz was Actually Literally Going To Kill Her, PLUS being afraid luz was abusing hunter behind closed doors. so her response here is her acknowledging not just that she was wrong, but also that luz has gone Out Of Her Way to show kindness to the two people she'd be most within her rights to torture/kill/etc for funsies.
also. polyamory rights. i did scan for a polyamorous line on purpose.
and for original fiction:
Nova reached down and traced Devin’s cheekbone, then her jaw, over the stubble that she’d been too damn miserable to shave. “Are you my husband tonight,” Nova murmured, “or my wife?”
devin and nova's relationship is soulmates-as-horror and i have always been open about that. BUT. you know that post that's like, "a wholesome relationship has to be 10% fucked up and a fucked-up relationship has to be 10% wholesome"?
there IS a level of care and tenderness and comfort to their marriage. it wouldn't be interesting if there wasn't. you can see the gaps in the choices that have been made, the way the relationship has been built. these are two people who Could have something really good, if they'd either been in different circumstances or made different choices.
and also it's crucial to nova's characterization that she's nice and likes to perform kindness. some real questions raised about what real kindness actually is, etc.
thank you for the excuse to ramble!
what’s the line you’re most proud of writing recently?
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sepublic · 4 years ago
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Also GOD Amity was SO FUCKING READY AND EAGER TOO?!! She’d been prepared for embarrassment after agonizing for days over the kiss, only to realize it WAS the right thing to do, after all? And now she’s happy and it’s occurred to her, this wondrous epiphany, that maybe the kiss and crush and dreams aren’t so bad after all-
There was that initial confusion and then happy disbelief, and then ready acceptance and embracing! Amity’s gleeful assumption because she’s always WANTED to believe so and she can’t help herself with these signs, understandably! It’s so easy and understandable to stop trying to play it safe and just hear the music! She understood that her apprehension and fear WAS irrational in that moment...
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Only for Amity to then be disappointed for real! But of course that’s not what Luz meant, what a whiplash of emotions holy shit... Amity was so damn happy and excited, she thought she’d be turned down and then IS LUZ DOING THIS FOR ME TO THAT EXTENT?!?! This is better than her WILDEST dreams!!!!
Amity was embracing this, happily preparing and psyching herself up for the big confession, that dawning hope and realization that this WOULD be a happy ending, that she was given the signal that it was okay and and even amazing, and Amity WENT for it like she always so desperately wanted to!
So then it’s just all the more heartbreaking for her when Amity thinks that she shouldn’t have gotten her hopes up with Luz after all except OH WAIT Luz actually wants to date, just as desperately as Amity! And they’re both the same, they both were scared, and it’s funny and heartwarming at the same time and so reassuring that Amity’s not alone here!
Just... God the way she beams and glows at the little compliments, like You mean that? She’s like, ME??? Smart and cool and classy??? You think I’m really cool, you actually think the WORLD of me, seriously, because I think the same of you! She’s just all Oh STOP IT you but not really, she’s so bashful as she’s preparing her hair for the big romantic gesture straight out of her fantasies, expecting Luz to ask her out, and preparing to yell YES with all her joy and heart!
Amity was so nervously prepared but in a happy and anticipating way for once, she was looking forward to how her crush would turn out, seeing her at ease with it after all this time... Only to see Luz start destroying it, it must’ve felt like an actual betrayal and reflection, like Luz was literally tearing down Amity’s hopes and dreams!
And then she feels so miserable and silly and her pain wallows up and she beats herself up, did she seriously let herself think she had a chance??? Amity has shame in her feelings again when for a peak moment they became a source of pride for her- She became too eager and now she’s hurt, never vulnerable AGAIN!
It’s like her feelings are being thrown back at her face, just like Amity’s worst fear, and Luz is callously throwing it all aside and finds HER enjoyment to be cringey! And Amity doesn’t think of this as cringey at all, she’s a dork too like Luz, who’s been learning to indulge those interests without shame- So Luz destroying all of this is just a lot of mixed and contradictory messages here!
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Luz is so caught up in her self-loathing that she doesn’t realize how Amity feels, that her preemptive rejection is a self-fulfilling prophecy! But then she sees how hurt Amity is and it truly dawns on her that the kiss was no mistake and deliberate, that Amity is committed to these feelings and not backing down, this is only a sign of encouragement and support! Amity knows what she’s doing here, she KNOWS the Luz she’s fallen in love with and loves her for all she is, really!
And then Eda cuts through all the nervous reservations and panic and asks Luz the direct question- Does she WANT to date Amity? And for all her fear and self-loathing YES Luz wants to, so screw it- Muster up the courage to try, if Amity is willing!
That’s Luz’s signal, and by GOD they went for it and responded to each other! Their desires are valid and real to them so it’s OKAY to try because of that, be nice to yourself and ask for and want things, you might get them! They’re so damn overjoyed and eagerly looking forward, it makes my heart melt...!
Amity was so dang impatient and READY, she’s been waiting for this for so long- She can’t even bear to wait and HAS to ask Luz out first, she had the crush or at least realized the feelings first, angsted over not confronting her worst fear and so HAD to do it to self-actualize, to be brave because Amity has been steeling her soul this whole time to get it done, for herself! And it’s okay, Luz understands because she knows how much it means to her, and Amity knows it means a lot for Luz too and gives HER the chance as well...!
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...But even after everything they’re still shy and awkward and nervous around each other, but now they have one another- They can navigate these confusing feelings and explore them TOGETHER!
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Things Alador Blight did do:
-Verbally abuse Amity along with his wife at her birthday party, forcing her to cut off her best friend
-Being complicit in forcing Amity into a friend group she didn’t want to be a part of, just because they’re business partners with their parents
-Tolerating the necklace Amity has been wearing for several years (mini Amity wore it to her birthday party already)
-Tolerating that Amity is being forced to dye her hair and the twins are being forced to match by their mom
-Go along with his wife’s plan to get Amity’s friends thrown out of school to teach Amity a lesson
-Immediately backing down when his wife tells him she wants the Abomatron to keep fighting Luz until she is “completely obliterated”
-Encouraging his wife to hold up their end of the deal only because Amity is powerful and could become a coven head one day
-On that note, not only tolerating but actively encouraging the academic pressure Odalia puts on their children, seeing how important Amity’s skills specifically are to him
Things Alador Blight DIDN’T do:
-Actively step in when his wife injured and almost killed his daughter’s friend to present their products
-Do anything against Luz and his own daughter being hit with a fucking hammer
-Stop any of the abuse we know of
-Bother to figure out Amity is literally scared of her mom or do anything about that
-Do anything to improve Amity’s situation, or even figure out how miserable she is
Alador clearly isn’t scared of his wife (which was everyone’s favorite theory for why he never protected his kids before). He disagreed with her multiple times throughout the episode, and didn’t seem to care too much when she got annoyed with him. He just doesn’t care that she’s abusing their kids, and that’s when he’s not actively going along with it like he did in Amity’s memory.
I don’t care if anyone thinks of the Blights as interesting antagonists. But I’ve seen so many people downplaying Alador’s role in the abuse his kids endure, talk about him being a good dad and say he needs to like, be saved from Odalia or something. Guys, he’s complicit in the abuse Amity, Ed and Em experience, and as shown in the flashback, actively encourages some of it.
Please hold off on the father of the year badges.
I’ll never get how people can look at abusive cartoon parents and decide those are the people we should be giving the benefit of the doubt.
Alador currently hasn’t done jack shit to help any of his kids as far as we’re aware. Him encouraging Odalia to let Amity’s friends back into school was for selfish reasons, because she’s getting powerful and thus it’s good to stay in her good graces.
Stop calling him a good dad. I’ll throw hands.
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rosetowers · 3 years ago
i have yet another half thought out AU for yall
a bit spoilery for Owl House so beware
so it's a bit of a gangster rebel au sort of thing set in vaguely early-mid 20th century (basically an excuse to put a lot of characters in nice suits). Eda is the leader of a gang of witches and some territory, working against Belos in a more low stakes situation then canon.
Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf are infiltrating Belos for Eda, Lilith and Hunter have escaped his control.
Luz and Camila had a difficult time after Luz's dad died, so Eda took them in (they are also both witches here, tho Luz and Hunter are both still powerless), and Vee and other basilisks are no longer a revived species and are instead ordinary - tho marginalised - demons, with Vee specifically being rescued from an orphanage owned by Belos. King is basically a little mafia prince and is all to happy to bask in the attention.
Luz and Hunter both feel the (unnecessary and heavily discouraged) need to pay back Eda for her help (with a healthy dose of Luz wanting to ensure Camila stays safe) by getting involved in Eda's work - which basically comes down to using Raine's intel to fuck up as much of Belos' work (no i don't know what) - often without permission or regard to their own safety. Vee is more concerned with being a dutiful daughter to Camila, though she can get dragged into Luz's chaos anyway.
the thing that kicks off the "plot" in my head is Alador having a somewhat belated realisation that his kids are miserable because of Odalia and he didn't even notice, and that Belos is a tyrant that enables this. with some help from his still kind of bitter ex Darius, he leaves Odalia and takes the kids to Eda's territory.
Amity meets Luz and falls in love with the spunky girl trying to prove herself and protect the people she cares about, she realises how much fun fighting and fucking shit up is, and the twins get to flex their creative muscles and find their own identities outside of each other, whilst Alador tries to be a more attentive father as he also deals with re-emerging feelings for Darius.
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crimeronan · 7 months ago
Asking this (neutrally) because Ive following your blog for a bit and I just really don't have a clue. But. How do you feel about Lilith?
i love her. i ADORE her.
my love for lilith manifests much the same way my love for amity and hunter does, ie: me throwing popcorn at her and yelling BOOOOO YOU'RE TERRIBLE AT EVERYTHINGGGG while giggling and kicking my feet. so to the untrained eye, it might look like i hate her.
i do not. I Love Her. She's Perfect....
there is something SO compelling in s1 lilith as this powerful, poised, serious witch whose demeanor is the polar opposite of eda's... and how Desperate she is even at the very start, how the audience only ever sees her relax or smile around eda... the knowledge that lilith's constructed self hides a MISERABLE shell of a person, that she's been plagued by guilt and strung along by the emperor for decades, that she's clinging to faith by her fingernails while needing to seem like she has everything under control...
and also the added layer of elsewhere and elsewhen -- the knowledge that belos spent thirty years PURPOSEFULLY wasting her life and keeping her as unhappy as possible before ultimately planning to kill her sister, bc he has That big a grudge. waow.
her s2 recovery arc also fucks. she's such a mess in so many deeply embarrassing and earnest ways. love her friendship with hooty, love her continuing to discover new character flaws all the way up to the end of the show, love how she and hunter BOTH become COMPLETELY different people once they're away from the emperor. i have to brace myself before i rewatch the ep with lilith and gwendolyn because it fucks me up real bad RJEJEJ. (in a positive way!)
in princess AU, though, i'm obviously playing more with her s1 characterization. she hasn't defected and amity hasn't fallen out with her since the covention cheating debacle never happened. so now lilith is dealing with the regime change and a new ruler and all of the Weird Expectations that go along with that, AND she's gotten what she wants (luz has agreed to help eda) and doesn't know what to do now, AND she's trying to be a decent mentor to amity bc amity does not have any other positive adult role models. except for maybe darius.
the potential for lilith and amity's relationship makes me CRAZY. because lilith cares So Much and yet she does not have an Ounce of emotional intelligence. she's really good at reinforcing amity's worst beliefs and making amity worse in general. BUT SHE'S TRYING SO HARD....
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lollytea · 2 years ago
hc that hunter and willow end up sharing a lot of clothing and because hunter has issues with the texture of certain fabrics, he sews that little W patch to remind himself that this or that belongs to willow. theres ceirtaintly an easier way to remember other than sewing an entire patch, but he enjoys designing patches that match the clothing. anyways look at what uve done to me im thinking up domestic huntlow hcs
I could imagine that during the time spent in Camila's house, mixing up clothes was a frequent occurance. Usually between Luz, Amity and Gus. They're all roughly the same size so they'd pull out a shirt, take one look at it and be like "yeah this is probably mine." Considering they're GFs, Luz and Amity wouldn't mind. But Gus would definitely complain if he saw either of them in one of his dino shirts tho lmao.
Willow and Hunter are also susceptible to this but less so. Hunter accidentally wore one of Willow's T-shirts once and when she was like "Borrowing my shirt, huh? ;)", he was absolutely mortified.
"O-oh! Is this yours? I didn't-- I-I'm so sorry. I mean, looking at it now... obviously it's yours. It's got mushrooms on it. Like, duh, am I right? I'll-I'll take it off immediately lemme just--"
"Now I know you're not about to take the shirt off right now in front of her, right?" Gus quickly adds before he embarrasses himself any further.
Hunter freezes, hands bunched in the hem, seconds before yanking the shirt over his head.
"ObViOusly not!" His voice cracks, face scalding. "That'd be weird. So weird! No I-...I'll wash it for you! I know you don't want my weird smell on it..."
Willow tilts head to the side, cocking an eyebrow "I don't?" She asks innocently.
All Hunter can manage is a confused but horribly flustered squeak. It's amazing the heat didn't melt the skin of his face off.
Gus has to give Willow a stern talking to later that day. ("You WILL kill him if you don't tone it down. Stop the violence, Park!!!")
Anyway, after that happens, Hunter does not throw on just anything. He carefully scrutinises every article of clothing he dons and makes absolute certain that it belongs to him. So yeah I could imagine him sewing in little name tags just to keep Willow's clothes out of his pile.
However, this is the point where Willow starts "accidentally" wearing his clothes in return. She bounces into the kitchen for breakfast in one of his rocko button downs and it makes his galdorstone fucking flatline. Sees his life flash before his eyes as he chokes on his cereal. He cannt TAKE this shit anymore man.
You know his sweater? The soft yellow one? Willow once asked to borrow it. She, Lumity and Vee were heading out for a girls day and she had this cute skirt that she wanted to wear and that sweater would match it perfectly and... 🥺
Anyway when Hunter gets it back, there's a strong scent of perfume on it.
"You'll probably wanna wash that." Willow winks, fully aware that he hasn't a notion of washing it. She leaves Hunter a pile of mush, clutching the sweater to his chest for dear life.
He wears it the next day. There's still traces of Willow's scent on it. He tries to be casual about it but fails miserably. She grins like an idiot all day long.
But yes YES absolutely. In a few years time they are constant clothes sharers. Deliberate this time. Very funny to think about Willow intentionally avoiding textures that Hunter doesn't like when clothes shopping, even when they're for her. Cuz like...they'll end up on him at some point probably. If she owns fabrics that bother Hunter, it's clothes that aren't really his style anyway. But shirts, pants, jackets, hoodies. These are all fair game.
Hunter STILL distinguishes every article of clothing with the personalised little patches but you want to know the biggest reason I think he does this?
He wants people to know. He likes flaunting who he's dating honestly.
Luz: *pointing at the leaf patch on the sleeve of Hunter's jacket* Lemme guess. This is your girlfriend's?
Hunter: *is not a teenager anymore and tries to resist the urge to giggle. Fails anyway* yeah 🥰
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zanyana626 · 2 years ago
Here are my thoughts on For The Future!
As soon i finished watching the episode, I reblogged a bit then went to bed, but here it is. And yes, there's plenty of spoilers:
No surprises that The Collector went and transformed the Boiling Isles into Weirdmageddon, a la kiddie cosmic style!
Of course, Raine would get flustered over Harpy Eda, who wouldn't?
Poor Hunter, he has every right to be on edge, he just lost his first ever friend and now he has to switch into vengeance mode!
Camila getting used to the Isles, at least she thinks it's not so bad!
Luz, we all make mistakes, no need to keep making yourself miserable so that the others are okay.
Fuck you Belos, you are so dead! And Caleb & the past Golden Guards will drag your moldy ass down with them!
Ofc, The Collector's trying to recreate Luz's adventures (and possibly her life too?)
Sorry Terra, but you had it coming!
New Hexside being used as a safe house & frickin' Man-Tholomule! Also, glad to know Edric & Emira are okay-ish!
Suck it Mamadalia!
Is the scribbled part of the storybook supposed to seal The Collector again or... ???
Why am I NOT surprised that Boscha's leading New Hexside, along with newbies Miki & Roka.
Whew, good to know King, Eda & Lilith are safe for now!
Poor Hooty, hope he & Lulu have a happy reunion in the finale. And Eda sneaking around the castle just to check in on Raine? MY HEART!!!
"I need a new body". Aw shit, here we go again!
Me glaring at Odalia: IT SHOULD'VE BEEN YOU! Seriously, even Belos wanted nothing to do w/her, that's how god awful she is, but WHY RAINE?!?!?! Like they haven't had enough to deal with already!
Willow having a Pink Steven-type breakdown. Sweetie, you're 15, you don't always need to be the voice of reason. You can't fix everyone's problems, w/o acting like your own don't matter. Sometimes, whatever it is that you're feeling, you just gotta let it all out!
Mama Camila knocking "Kiki-miki's" Belos-wannabe punkass out with the bat! She's the best!!!
Boscha, Amity was never happy being a bully, that was all her mom's bidding! Leave her the hell alone and live with it! However, le gasp, exes???
Of course Belos!Raine's gonna trick The Collector!
At least King's trying his best to figure out a way to reason with The Collector and not having to seal the kid again, or worse!
Camila & Luz's heart to heart, hits right in the feels!
Hunter & "The Magic of Friendship?" Does this mean thanks to Flapjack, he can use magic like the others now or at least have some kind of Harpy form like Eda? I just want my child to have wings, okay???
Even if Boscha's "just doing it for her teammates", at least she's doing some good... for now!
"I think I wanna play a new game." This kid is crazy jealous of Luz's friendship with King, huh?
So much for a Luz, King, & Eda reunion. Le sigh, I guess good things really do come to those who wait!
And that's that, for now. I'm really upset that the finale's coming up soon, I wished we had more time with these amazing characters but a certain evil corporation (and plenty of other shithole companies lately) has to go and ruin everything! Either way, can't wait to see how it all plays out next time!
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nerdycolorcupcake · 3 years ago
So, to start the post abt the episode "clouds on the horizon spoiler warning for safety bc i have a lot of my own personal highlights (and a bit of a rant too) to unpack here
-For the Collector and Belos near the portal scene;
I'm neutral over either the collector as a character but i kinda have a feeling that they have no idea of the kind of deal they agreed to
-Odalia being a bitch to her entire family for the sake of envy hits too close to home
i´m most certain he ain´t gonna have a good time when the spell happen, and even then he believes so much in Belos promise it´s almost so sad, they feel like just a kid that wants to play but doesn´t know the full extent of their actions, nor the person they made a deal with, even though they´ve been around each other for quite a while, he still have doubts over their "friendship", as is shown once again with King making a connection with the Collector
Tbh, i do not enjoy the 'luz being possessed by the collector' theory but then again it does seem to be the route they're taking by Luz deciding to confront Belos herself to avoid having her friends hurt
at least it's better than having the main protagonist straight up die-
Honestly i was surprised that she wasn´t homophobic, but god did i wanted to burn her to the pyre after all the stunt she pulled and saying Luz wasn´t a suitable partner to Amity BITCH PLEASE
-Kikimora obsessed with Hunter;
Yeah... that happened, also really funny how she got miserable after the last time she appeared, and desperate too jesus, she is so annoying, but my hate goes more to Odalia and Belos, i despise them more (especially odalia bc she hits waaay too close to home as a toxic mother)
And yeah she end up taking Luz instead of Hunter bc of the illusion trick WELL SHIT-
-Luz´s egg palisman;
Welp, looks like it wil remain a mystery what she got, but honestly it makes sense, it´s so many good options and whatever that will be her choice will only happen after everything is over, she grew so much in the show and i´m honestly proud of her for maturing and growing and being more in touch with herself, but she indeed needs time to reafirm who she really wants to be
-Alador being a dad for once;
Always had a good feeling abt him ever since his introduction, so glad i was right, he finally taking a stance against Odalia and supporting his daughter endeavors and apologizing to luz AAAAAAAAAAAAH OMG HE WAS DOING SO GOOD IN THE FIGHT SCENES TOO! DUDE'S FUCKING DESTROYED THE FABRIC JUST TO SHOW HE IS DONE WITH ODALIA SHIT AAAAAAAAAH
So nice to see that the tomato face runs in the father part of the family (probably bc i enjoy deadbeat dads trying to redeem themselves after being unintentionally neglectful idk it's just such a good trope when done right)
Yes they FUCKING kissed and the animation went all smooth there and *chef kiss* delightful!
I just screamed and cried of happiness! FINALLY!! The girls deserve to show some love to one another one last time before the shit would blow
-More Huntlow crumbs :3
Hunter disguised as Luz going full protective mode on Willow + Willow going feral at Kiki and stopping her attack when Hunter was threatened + Willow desperate to go after them not knowing abt the switcheroo-
Huntlow shippers *nod nod* i see y'all going bananas too :3
-Hunter and Luz keeping secrets together
Me and my brother are in this scene and we didn't liked it WHERE ARE THE CAMERAS DANA?!
In all seriousness this is the first time both Hunter and Luz had a heart to heart to talk abt the events of hollow mind and both agreeing to keep each other secrets
(This is totally not gonna bite them in he back later yep mhm)
Plus Luz being protective of Hunter when Kiki threatened him ✨
Anyways that's it for now
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pigeonsatdawn · 4 years ago
law school ep 15 (and solhwi overall)
gonna put in my two cents for the line that singlehandedly caused the solhwi nation to implode.
(apologies in advanced because my thoughts are too messy for me to neatly put it in a post but i want to say it anyway—also this is just the way i view solhwi so please don't come screaming at me if you disagree!)
i'm a diehard solhwi shipper and i love their relationship, and think they have one of the best relationships out there in the fictional world, and also definitely one of the healthiest. but to me, their relationship extends far beyond the romantic relationships we so often see portrayed in media.
kim beom said in one interview that this relationship between HJH and KS is kin to that of a soulmate relationship that's not necessarily romance, and i find myself agreeing with that notion. while soulmates are typically used to describe romantic partnerships, it doesn't necessarily have to start with romance. (many people have pointed this out in other posts so i won't go further down the fact that HJH x KS's relationship is a friends-to-lovers slow burn but you get me.)
but in fact, this bond between soulmates (or at least how i define it), in my opinion, is far beyond what we usually see in romance. as in, it's not just someone you like, but it's someone whose changed your life in a certain way. i know some may be averse to the idea of having to change for the one you love because loving is the notion of accepting someone in spite of the person's flaws, but what i mean is that when you love someone in this way, you want to change because of them. you see them, and they inspire you, and you grow in your own way. once again—growth is a very subjective idea, and even for HJH and KS we can see them grow in different directions—but we can clearly see how they have impacted each others' lives.
it's quite obvious, imo, how KS's life has been impacted by HJH's. she's,, not the "smartest" out there, and we can't deny that. we know she probably won't make it through law school if not for HJH's help. HJH is always there, a step ahead of KS, but he's not just being proud about it, instead opting to help her understand what the laws are and why they are the way they are, which KS especially needs, being a particularly empathic person. but we've also seen that HJH has helped KS beyond simply academics. he's always been there to protect her—almost all their interactions have proven that (the camera outside her house, the hungover soup, the switching seats—i think literally everything?..?..?.??). maybe she doesn't necessarily need protection, but surely thanks to his protection she's much better than she might've been without, especially knowing her terribly miserable life.
but i often wonder why HJH is so heart-eyes of KS of all people. i mean, i know love is love and sometimes you just catch feelings, but i believe there's more meaning behind their relationship than meets the eye. like you don't just look at someone so lovingly for it to be just a crush, y'know? the first reason that comes to mind is clearly simply KS's amicable personality. she definitely stands out: she's not that intelligent, struggling and barely surviving, but she has insane passion to pull through even despite truth attacks (like SJH saying she should reconsider her life decisions, saying that a chance of passing isn't something to be proud of, etc). she treats everything with such a positive outlook, and, well, KS is just an adorable human, so it's hard not to have a little crush her.
what makes KS stand out most, the core of her personality, is that she has hope, despite everything. she's been through shit because of her circumstances—left by her twin sister without a word, been in juvie, has no money to deal with it—you know, entire backstory. but instead she fights her weakness, even though she feel like it should've been her sister, even though she's not smart enough, because she has to do this. she keeps going, even though things keep turning out for the worse for her, holding hope when circumstances are most dire. but why? because she strives for justice. she doesn't want to be wronged. she wants the law to own up its mistakes, wants to make sure the law gets its own revenge. that's why she wants to work in law, yeah? and so she keeps fighting, even when hope seems lost.
okay but why did i mention this? because i think this is what HJH sees in KS. why? because this is what he needs.
HJH had lost hope. in an episode (i don't remember which), he mentioned he doesn't trust anyone, and it's obvious why: his uncle. it's the worst kind of betrayal that causes your ideals being burned down. he realized that even people who work in law can be corrupt, people who he thought he could trust above all others, people who seemed utterly good. and then he just begins to regard everyone with baseline amity, and no further. many have pointed out he doesn't have real friends (other than KS), even though he looks outgoing and friendly. it's not quite shown, but it must've been lonely. and a lonely fight, trying to prove that he will be a better prosecutor than his uncle was. and we know that HJH's nature as a person is to be calculating, objective, seeing things through facts and statistics; it's what makes him so intelligent. what that also makes him is realistic, and more often than not, that is almost equal to pessimistic—because reality just... sucks, as has been proven by the betrayal of his uncle. and further into the drama we see only more corrupt people in the business, so we certainly don't get out hopes fueled.
there's scarcely anyone in what we see who's actually pursuing law because they're passionate about the law, or if they are, they're not often very... human in doing it. examples: YJH, SJH, KSB are all very cold and indifferent types, people who really just come and do what they do, focus on studies (in the case of YJH, his teaching), and interactions with others are treated as "lesser". SJH and KSB in particular—they're good at the law, sure, but they seem to prioritize their position in law first and foremost. SJH and KSB don't hesitate to call out their losses, and even would rather not intervene for justice if it meant their position would be compromised. not that they're bad characters, not at all; i mentioned them simply to compare them to KS, who, despite not having the brains to do half the things she's supposed to do and earning herself nosebleeds everytime she tries, still does what she does for justice, passionately, hopefully, all for righteousness.
okay this was longer than i intended WHEW so i'll cut to the chase: long story short, HJH needs KS because KS gives him hope. hope of a humanity where people actually work in law and choose to fight for justice against all odds, even if the system itself is infiltrated by filth and corruption. KS is someone who, in her first lecture, was grilled the fuck out by Yangcrates, yet the first thing she does after she nearly throws her guts out is ask HJH whether he can tutor her. she does not ever lose hope, and that, truly, is what stands out to HJH, what he needs.
and KS needs HJH because he is her hope as well! hope by itself does no good if you can't actually do something about it, and KS knows this. HJH, despite seemingly just being someone to help her in her studies, is someone she needs if she wants to achieve her goals, if she wants to get back on the law the right way. which is why, in the end, KS and HJH are, while independent in their own way, dependent on each other in terms of their growth—KS gives HJH hope in humanity, HJH helps KS realize (make real) her hopes that would have been dreams if not for her.
oh my god i've rambled on this long without stating my point: THE DAMN LINE.
HJH saying he owes her makes sense in this light because, indeed, KS's positive outlook in everything keeps him going. it gives him a reason to keep wanting to work in law, because she is a reason to believe in goodness and justice, that there will be people who keep fighting for justice against all odds. he owes this to her—and perhaps that is why he goes all out to help her achieve that hope, perhaps that's why he goes out of his way to care for her. because they are each other's missing puzzle piece, the other half. soulmates.
sigh ok this was long ONE FINAL POINT. everyone has their own opinion on a solwhi ending, so i might as well chip in mine.
certainly, as a solhwi shipper, i want them to end up together. i believe they're really the best of soulmates, two people who just complement each other so well. but in the current timeline, them having a romantic relationship out of the blue would be,,, simply unnecessary, imo. they're still very much in the stage of friendship, and are both dealing with their own personal baggage, that shoving a romance would just take away the focus from their growth. i personally think even this platonic relationship is already a beautiful one, one that outshines many of the romances i've watched, even without having to flood everything under the romance light—which i think many can agree with me, seeing as how solhwi is shipped so much. i still want to see them end up together, though, so SEASON TWO LAW SCHOOL MANIFESTATION. please please please directors writers make it happen i am begging you. thank you.
sorry for this long ass post, thank you if you do read it and leave any thoughts! again this is just my opinion, you're free to let me know if you think differently or anything, or shoot me a message if you want to scream about solhwi or whatever i'm just solhwi brainrot 24/7 🤸🏻‍♀️
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icepack-for-steve · 4 years ago
Owl house ramble: Episode 9, Eclipse Lake {Spoilers ahead}
Appreciation for the lofi music
Can I please be Luz when I’m sick? I hate being miserable when I am.
Amity being an awesome girlfriend for the whole episode
Harpy Eda harpy Eda harpy Eda harpy Eda harpy Eda
When Belos says that he’s been to the human world before, could that tie in with the theory that he is Phillip Wittebane?
Hunter’s new powers though…
Can we also talk about the little tear that Gus made when they mixed all of the music together
Kikimora is a frickin psychopath, she attempted murder and child endangerment, she’s like fucking Ercole, going after children.
So the portal key is gone….
The little tomodachi thingie Luz and Amity have
Where’s my awesome girlfriend who’s willing to risk her life to get some blue liquid for me
Hunter saying he doesn’t want to be replaced and him digging his grave shattered my heart because it’s clear that Belos abuses him and I don’t wanna know what he’ll do to Hunter if he failed again
Hunter’s little byeee when he took the mine cart is everything
No Hunter…your voice isn’t annoying
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