toastissuperior · 6 months
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idk if anyone has done this yet, but...
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rosehearts-forest · 2 months
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Time for girl Eevee’s who are destructive squad and an extra of their partner’s
Abby and Thorn belong to me
Ribbons and Aimilios belong to @fujii-draws
Athena and Leo belong to @fontiercomics
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zennyzach · 2 years
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Good night
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mintygreenaqua · 1 month
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Adrien and Juleka: Brother and Sister - A Heads Up (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1381346265-adrien-and-juleka-brother-and-sister-a-heads-up?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=AquaGreenMint64 What if Adrian and Juleka had a brother and sisterly bond. For a long time the only close friends Gabriel approves for Adrian are Kagami, Chloe, and even Felix. But when Jagged Stone and his children make their mark and one of his kin makes a request, Gabriel not only uses this for his own advantage but Adrien ends up getting the sibling he deserves. Even Felix and Kagami too are fond of their new friend. (Sidenote, in this AU, the timeline takes place in season 5, Roarr, and Longg are in Marinette's care and they are not trapped in Gabriel's grasp, and Gabriel in this AU is a little nicer.)
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liamadhd · 9 months
liamadhd…come back I need your love I need your time when everything wrong you make it right…
draw amily plz I beg of you
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I think they should be allowed to kiss
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nubblins-sawyer · 52 years
Nubbin''s writes tip: #1. if someone Doesn't like you for how YOU write... You can just ignore the, and carry on being just you and youreself alone you don't need to Change For people whohate you and just so cruel to you like brand you with irons and bathe you in pigs blood when you vomit on the floor and dont do any of the work while you have to do everything for them and they Dont Even Care about you because your a freak to them when you LOVE them this is something i think Many can take to heart if they have a family and are good at writing even if others dont think so becayse i am positive and encouraging to others
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thatturtleleon · 1 year
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nathalie and emilie marriage episode when
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generalluxun · 21 hours
the SA thing with Felix is funny in a very specific "ok what's the best, quickest way possible to get this girl to stay away from my cousin- OH I KNOW" way. and like. i can understand *why* Amelie coddles him so much, partially as a means to make up for everything Colt put him through- and possibly also out of guilt that there was nothing she could have done sooner to help him?
i think i feel bad for Amelie more than i feel bad for Felix, though. her sister leaves without coming back for Amelie and puts all the pressure on her (there's never even really any indication that their parents were abusive, just that their idea of what was best for their daughters didn't match up with Emilie's) & i could never imagine Luka or Alya or Nino doing that to their siblings. she gets put in an arranged marriage to a cold and hateful man who doesn't love her and then forces a pregnancy on her- with help from her sister, who apparently thinks a baby will solve all of her problems. and after Felix is born, well, it's not like she can just abandon him to Colt, who literally holds her son's life in his hands.
Oh Amilie can definitely be an interesting character! I've had her show up in one of my fics (Reciprocation) and in it she's got this wonderful blend of doting and permissiveness coupled with flashes of unexpected insight and some casual but pervasive pressure on Felix himself to 'fit the mold' that he doesn't. (It's Aro/Ace Felix)
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tvfish · 1 year
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"Don't help me! I can escape on my own." The Butler's Escape, a difficult trick, even for the most skilled magician. Phil decided to practice it at home alone. Or at least he thought he was alone. How long do you think it'll take him to get out?
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monpetitchattriste · 1 year
The descriptive audio on Disney+ say that "Gorilla servers drinks to Nathalie and Amilie."
Now I am going to take that as conformation that it is in fact 100% Amilie in the end scene of the finale.
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oneinchbarrier · 1 year
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medicallymercury · 16 days
mad about what the longest shift did to jan again
(no but when jan was Jan, not the healthiest mother figure but significantly better for teddy than his actual mother, we had the phenomenal situation of the world’s nuclear-est family: a lesbian paramedic, her dying/dead ex husband, their nephew who they use as a replacement for their actual son - THAT’S THE BEST MESSED UP FAMILY UNIT I’VE EVER HEARD)
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plumbtales · 1 year
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Some pictures from the Traveller family playtesting Three Lakes.
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
omg 47 + 64 for sxf? 🫣
Hello, thank you for the ask!! You didn’t specify a character, so I’m going with L/oid! (Which, given he’s the main, I assume that’s who you’d want anyways hehe~) He’s absolutely shipped with Y/or in this, and this is set midway through part 1, as I haven’t started part 2 yet. (watching with friends, so it takes awhile to get through it!) I may have gotten a taaad carried away, I hope that’s okay! Soooo, here’s prompts 47 and 64 with 2.1k (whoops) words! 47: Hiding sneezes 64: Mission in the rain. (Slight warning for violence, implied death, and swearing -it’s a show about spies after all, there’s gonna be a bit of gritty stuff- Just in case anyone doesn’t like those)
“knnxt-! dngt’shh-! nnxxgt’shh-! Damn it…”
Crouching behind the mailbox, Loid allows himself a light curse that drifts away on the breeze as soon as it exits his gritted teeth. ‘This situation was entirely of my own making. My own failures led to this. And yet… that doesn’t stop it from being annoying.’ He peels off the mask, letting out a faint gasp as the rain hits his face directly. His mind drifts back to the situation that brought him to this position.
“We refuse! Your offer is nothing compared to the millions we stand to make by releasing our product directly. You want us to give it to you to distribute instead? Make it worth our while.” 
“You have no distribution plan, no one on the streets to move it, you’ll make nothing without us! We shouldn’t be making big offers, you should be begging us to give you any cut!”
Loid lets his attention flicker from one side to the other. He’s disguised as a mere waiter, serving wine to two rivals as they sit in negotiations. His job is to gather intel, not to stop the distribution. It’s been deemed unstoppable, if these heads were to fall, others would merely take their places. However, should he be able to figure out when and where the exchange of goods is to go down, they’ll be able to intercept it, and find a peaceful resolution. ‘At least, as peaceful as it gets in this line of work.’ 
There’s only one problem-
His nose. He’d woken up to find the mild pressure in his sinuses had bloomed into a full blown head cold.
Not the worst cold he’s had, and if he was just staying at home, it wouldn’t even be worth mentioning. However… on a mission where the key is to be stealthy and unperceived, constant-
-is definitely worth mentioning. And he should have mentioned it to his handler when he accepted the mission but, ‘I just don’t like appearing weak. Letting people see that I’m a human with flaws can be deadly in my line of work. It’s better to appear unphased by anything that may come my way.’
Letting his nose twitch behind the mask, Loid rights himself from where he’d ducked behind the bar to let out the stifles his sinuses had been aching for. They were entirely unpleasant, not relieving the tickle in the least, but at least they were quiet.
A quick glance around brings his attention back to his ‘boss’ for the day. She’s staring at him with a fury he’s become quite familiar with in this line of work. ‘Seems that managers never tend to like me. Probably understandable, seeing as I’m never here to do the job they want me to.’  
He fires back a sheepish smile, pulling a bottle of wine from the bar and turning it so she can see. The nod he receives is hardly approval, but it’s close enough to run with. ‘It’s not like I need to get a good review, or even keep this job past today.’
Pouring the glasses on his tray full of the rich red liquid, he clears his throat, and sets himself back to ‘waiter mode’. Stepping out from behind the bar, he lets his steps fall in line with the other staff rushing around, bending forward slightly to offer the men a drink.
“A toast, shall we? To our continued partnership. Your offer has been quite kind, and I believe we can find a good future in store for us.”
“Indeed, my good sir. I believe we can. Shall we arrange the details of the shipment? I have a warehouse out on-”
Glass shattering crashes out, every gun in the room suddenly drawn. The sound surprises everyone, Loid most of all. His hand sits a few inches from his face, tray forgotten on the floor as the wine pours out from the bottle crushed beneath it. Before he can think to explain the situation, his survival instincts overpower his brain and he reaches for his own weapon.
“He has a gun! It’s a spy, get him!” 
‘Shit- and I still have to sneeze!’ 
This is how Loid comes to find himself crouched outside, kneeling on the soaked ground as the rain ‘That I should have checked the forecast for’ pounds down on him. It was as if the heavens themselves have decided to drown him.
“He went this way, I’m sure of it! Spread out and check every corner.”
The voice is still distant, but too close for comfort. Loid allows one hand to lift from his gun to scrub at his aching nose, the buzzing just below the surface threatening to return with a vengeance. 
‘I should have turned this down. Damn it all! I manage to find a daughter, and a fake wife, form a family, get accepted into Eden College, and after all of that work, I’m to die on a throwaway mission in the pouring rain because of a head cold. The Great Twilight, yeah right.’ 
His mind threatens to wander off again, and he has to bite his tongue to get it to stay. It seems that lately, Anya and Yor were at the forefront of his thoughts whether he wanted them to be or not. ‘That’s just for the mission. I’m focused on that, we have less time then planned for, that’s all. It’s just dedication.’ It would be a convincing argument, had his heart not skipped a beat at the thought of his fake family waiting back home.
And just like that, his focus was back on the burning sensation climbing down his nose. The voices were closer, there was no way he could manage to let any out now, they’d hear him for sure. The buzzing seems to spread to his ears, a fog starting to settle over his thoughts as the all consuming need to sneeze overwhelms him.
“hH’NNGT-! knngt-! ih’DNGT-!”
The stifles seem to only make the tickle grow more fierce. His gloved hand pinches his nose tighter, but the sensation of the fabric against his nose makes his eyes water. Reluctantly, he drops his hand, pressing it instead back against his weapon as the voices draw near once more.
“Check around that corner. You! The other side of that wall, he could have scaled it.”
Loid holds his breath, fingers twitching on the gun as his nose trembles. ‘Damn it all.’ Stuck in a stalemate, a war between his nose and him. Finally, the rain decides to break the tie, a single drop hitting him right on the tip as he tilts his face towards the sky to listen better. The drop runs down the bridge of his nose, sending prickles running through his entire face.
“hAH-! hH’ASHH’yuu-! IH’DTSHHH’uu-! Shit- ZZISHHH’oo-!” 
The men pursuing him aim, but Loid gets them both with ease, before sending himself over the mailbox, managing to hit two more before his feet touch the ground. Looking around and seeing no one else, ‘With what little I can see beyond the water from my hair and eyes…’ he makes a dash for his car, pausing only to aim a few more harsh sneezes towards the ground as he makes it to the door.
“KZZSHH’oo-! Christ- hehh… huhh’YYISHH’iew-! DTZZSH’iew-! hEH’ASHH’oo-!” 
Managing to sit down, and start the car, he tries not to shiver as the cold from his soaked clothes starts to seep into his skin. ‘Just gotta make it home, then I can sleep this horrid cold off.’ 
As Loid pulls open his front door, a waft of warm air hits his face, sending chills through his trembling frame. Anya races to greet him, eyes seeming to burn through him as she surveys his form.
“Papa! You’re baa- woah… you don’t look good, why are you all wet?” 
“Loid, welcome ho- uh… she does have a point, why are you all wet? You look dreadful..”
“Thank you both. So f- flattering…. ITZZSH’oo-! heH’ASHH’yuu-!” 
Loid blushes a little under the intense look Anya’s giving him, fixing his eyes on Yor for a break, just to find her giving him a similar one. ‘Sometimes I swear, it’s like everyone in this family is hiding something about themselves from each other.’
“Papa, you’re sick. You should be in bed, that’s what I do when I’m sick!”
“Oh Loid, you’re sick? I’m so sorry, I should have seen it… you shouldn’t have gone out in the rain- oh no you’re soaked, Anya let’s get papa some towels, fast-”
“I’m not si… knxxgt-! sick.” 
They give him measured looks, and Loid feels another chill run down his spine as Anya’s eyes meet his. ‘Sometimes it really feels like that child is taping right into my subconscious.’ He ignores the ‘EEP’ Anya lets out, more concerned with the way Yor is now pressing her hand against his forehead. A tint of red starts to shade at his ears, matching the hue she’s wearing plainly across her cheeks.
“J- just checking for a fever… you don’t feel warm. Actually- I think you feel too cold. Anya, towels?”
“Oh, right! Anya to the rescue~!” 
“I said I’m not si-”
“Even if you’re not sick, Loid, you’re still soaked. Towels can only help. Plus! I made soup! I actually didn’t even know you were sick when making it, I just felt like today was a soup day, maybe it’s a mothers instincts!”
“You’re not a-”
Loid stops himself at the look that flashes across Yor’s face, rediverting himself mid word.
“a- good chef…”
Her face changes, but not to a better one, her lip starting to tremble. ‘Damn it, that’s still an insult! Find something Twilight, quickly now… Come on, you do this for a living!’ Thankfully for him, his nose found something first. 
“dnnxxgt’shh-! knngt’choo-! hept’INKGT’choo-!”
“Bless you, Loid.”
“I got the towels papa! Just got- oof-”
Loid reaches down to catch the bundle stacked nearly up to his chest as Anya topples over, managing to right her and set them down in one smooth motion. ‘At least I haven’t lost all my skills from this horrid cold.’
“Careful. Don’t want you falling and hurting yourself.” 
Yor scoops her up, and Loid feels the heat from his ears spread as she hands him a towel with a knowing look.
“You can dry yourself off in your room. P- plus you.. You should probably… change your clothes… you shouldn’t stay in the wet stuff, it’s just gonna make you worse.”
“DTNNGT’iew-! hIH’KNgxxt’choo-! ”
“Exactly my point. Bless you again, by the way.” 
He gives her a smile laced with fake sincerity as the stifles echo through his sinuses. ‘If I keep this up I’m gonna do some serious damage. I can handle a few on missions, but suppressing this many is starting to hurt.’ 
“Don’t do that papa! You’re gonna hurt yourself!”
Anya stands next to him, concern painted all over her face. Loid manages to meet her gaze with a small nod, ‘How does she always know-’ before ducking into the towel in his hands to muffle the next fit that bursts from him.
“MMPPFFSHH’oo-! heHH’NNMMPFSHH’iew-! mmZZSHH’oo-! MMZZASHH’oo-! Excuse me, s- sorry.”
Yor gives him a sympathetic glance, sending Anya to the kitchen with a small pat, before turning back to him.
“Bless you. There’s meds in the bathroom above the sink. I’ll save some soup for you for tomorrow, but I’m guessing right now you just want to go to bed-”
“Papa, papa! Can we watch a movie? Pleeaaaase~?”
Loid lets himself meet Anya’s gaze, regretting it instantly at the way her eyes brim with tears. ‘If I say no, she’s sure to start crying. But I’m so tired…’ A glance up to Yor tells him that if he wants to say no, she’ll back him. ‘I should say no. I need to rest so I can be ready for the next mission. I should say no… I’ll- I’ll say no…’ 
‘That’s not a no, what the-’ 
“Yay! Since you’re sick papa, I’ll let you pick it!”
“Uh- no thanks, just whatever you want to watch is fine.”
He tries to stay awake. He really does. But by the thirteenth minute, as the princess is singing her fifth song, Loid can feel his eyes starting to close. By the next song, he’s letting out weak congested snores as his head dips into his chest.
Anya is too focused on the movie to notice, but Yor gives a soft smile at the scene, giggling at the way his nose twitches in his sleep. She gently lays him down, placing a blanket over him, and planting a small kiss on his forehead, which promptly turns her a red as his nose.
“Sleep well, Loid.” 
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
Adrien: You broke our strings, but you’re not free!
Felix: Agreed. I still bear this awful curse!
Adrien: What curse?
Felix: Sharing a face with you! Guess what, When your twin is a ray of sunshine you’ve got no choice but to live in the shadows!
Adrien: We were dealt the same hand, the same face, the same bloody shoulders, except you have a chip on yours so big you’re growing a second head! You have nobody to blame but yourself for who you are!
Felix: Oh, I blame you plenty!
Adrien: Of course you do, you petty, little.
Amelie: CHILDREN!!
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mintygreenaqua · 16 days
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Some info on this AU for the people most curious (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1381346265-adrien-and-juleka-brother-and-sister-a-heads-up?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=AquaGreenMint64 What if Adrian and Juleka had a brother and sisterly bond. For a long time the only close friends Gabriel approves for Adrian are Kagami, Chloe, and even Felix. But when Jagged Stone and his children make their mark and one of his kin makes a request, Gabriel not only uses this for his own advantage but Adrien ends up getting the sibling he deserves. Even Felix and Kagami too are fond of their new friend. (Sidenote, in this AU, the timeline takes place in season 5, Roarr, and Longg are in Marinette's care and they are not trapped in Gabriel's grasp, and Gabriel in this AU is a little nicer.)
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