#ami techie
freerangeranger · 1 year
I’m … glad you found the little technology guy. It seems like they’re having some issues with their entire being right now and it makes sense why you’d be concerned of their whereabouts.
I don’t doubt your ability to be a caregiver or anything, being a ranger sounds ridiculously difficult (how can you possibly remember all of those random Pokémon?) — but. I’m a bit worried about them.
You don’t know me, I’m a complete stranger with absolutely no connection to any of this. I’m as anonymous and unknown as they get. But, truly… I get what the little guy is going through. Be sure to give them plenty of space to truly process what has happened, because right now they almost seem to be overworking themselves for a solution that may never happen.
It probably is going to happen though. Just an educated guess of these things. But, in the mean time… Thank you for all the support you’re giving. It means a lot to see them getting help.
- Anonymous.
Anon somehow i think you are not as uninvolved as you insist on being.
But i digress, I have been implementing No Network Days where I shut off the internet before I leave the house so Techie can't work themselves up while I am gone. To be fair they have probably found ways around it but - you are right. They need time and a break from frantically looking.
I do hope Ray comes back. A lot of people miss them, not just me and techie.
Also I do not remember all of the pokemon names i legit don't know most unovan pokemon i am in hell all the time i got spooked by a sewaddle the other day bc I thought it was a leaf. (only learned its named after my team mate laughed at me) DIDN'T KNOW WHAT A PIDOVE WAS SAVE ME ANON
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emthimofnight · 6 months
What are Stellar's relationships like with the other main Sonic Co.?
I'll break down a handful of relevant relationships for you!!
Sonic - Stellar's dad
Stellar loves her dad, and is most like him in personality. This makes it so they are usually on the same page when it comes to what they do and don't like, but it also means that there is no one on earth who can annoy Stellar like Sonic can. 😂 As much as she loves joking around with him, sometimes his teasing and sarcasm can get on her nerves. Sonic has truly adapted to his role as an embarrassing dad, so dad jokes are non-stop in the hedgehog household. Even so, Stellar loves Sonic a lot and nothing makes her happier than running all over Green Hill with him! She wishes he'd take her on more of his big adventures.
Shadow - Stellar's papa
Stellar and Shadow are very close, but in a way that is different than how she is close with Sonic. Shadow is a quiet, steady, and responsible force in her life, one that she appreciates greatly. She knows she can rely on him for almost anything, and she finds a great amount of comfort in his presence. Shadow would do almost anything for her, and she knows it. That being said, Shadow can come across as overprotective, which becomes a point of contention between the two of them.
Tails - Uncle figure
Since Tails and Sonic were living together when Stellar arrived, he's always been an active part of her life. Once he got over the drama surrounding her existence, he was SUPER stoked to be an uncle! He was one of her regular babysitters growing up, and she really likes trying to bring out his more playful side. Even so, she finds it a bit hard to connect to him and his interests at times, as she's not very techy. She might not understand all of his brainiac lingo, but she does love all the fun gadgets he comes up with! He actually helped create her skates as a way to help vent her excess chaos energy!
Knuckles - Uncle figure
Knuckles is probably the uncle she relates to the most, as she shares his love of adventure and the outdoors! She often spends time listening to him tell stories of all the adventures he and Sonic have gone on, her eyes filled with stars. She admires him greatly, and thinks he's super cool! The only thing she doesn't get is how he can spend so much of his time sitting around and guarding the Master Emerald. She has far too much energy to be able to sit still for that long!
Amy - Aunt figure
Amy was another of her regular babysitters growing up, which is also how she and Camellia became so close. Amy would come over to visit with Camellia in tow, and the two would spend a majority of the time playing together. She sees Amy as a warm, loving person, and she feels like she could tell her almost anything. She does know not to piss her off, though! Amy is a force to be reckoned with when she's upset! Of course, she's delighted whenever she comes over, and it always helps that she brings yummy baked goods with her!
Rouge - Aunt figure
The aunt she's closest with, Rouge helped Stellar shape a lot of her personal style. She's the rich auntie type, always coming over with gifts and taking Stellar out to have girl time. She is responsible for a lot of the more feminine aspects of Stellar, seeing as she's the one who introduced the world of cosmetics to her. If it wasn't for her, Stellar would have been dressed in oversized t-shirts and running shoes all her life!
Blaze - Aunt figure
Being softer and more reserved, Stellar finds it harder to connect with Blaze. It's not that she doesn't appreciate her, she's just can find her a bit hard to read at times. She definitely exudes that queenly energy, and she can find that a bit intimidating at times. Even so, she's always happy to get opportunities to know her better, and she recognizes she's an empathetic and responsible person.
I should also mention that the only one out of this group that she genuinely sees like blood family is Tails. Everyone else are kind of like god parents or something, haha! She doesn't see any of the other fankids as cousins, basically. She sees them as peers/friends.
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zestydistress · 3 months
-Had to learn how to do basic things from his friends ever since he got to college. i.e. tying his shoes(the mental hospital definitely took away his shoelaces and he eventually forgot how to do it), swimming(makes entry #65 worse mentally and physically), doing laundry(bro got admitted when he was like 7 and was confined into his room for almost the entire time, he was not learning how to do laundry), sewing(no sharp objects in the ward), cooking(can't be in the kitchen as the nurses worried about the children hurting themselve), etc.
-Has a deep-rooted fear of drowning.(I like to think that ever since he was a kid he was experiencing those time warp torture sessions from the operator where he'd end up submerged underwater for unknown amounts of time)
-Fantastic at navigating. He can navigate the entirety of Rosswood forest. He can navigate any forest. I like to think that he led the guys to places in rosswood during the student film days since he was the only one to navigate the forest to get to film sites(and to get back to the parking lot)
-Has big issues with food textures, cannot stand mushy food.
-Is so sensitive when it comes to spices, bro cannot even handle a bell pepper./hj
-Cannot drink alcohol when on his medicine, was the designated driver every time he went out with friends.
-has a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep, but no one really noticed as he just lays completely still on his back with his arms pressed against his side and eyes closed until he drifts off. When he's asleep he'll move around a lot. He's a flailer. He will scream in his sleep too. Also talks in his sleep a lot and sleep walks.
-Disassociates frequently and often.
-When off his meds he cries when watching Disney movies
-Used to absolutely despise his meds because they made him feel so numb. He knew he was supposed to feel more than that and it made him even more reactive when off of them. Eventually he just grew to forget what it felt like to be off of them, he can't remember what it felt like when he could fully process emotions other than the comfortably numbed ones. He'd still get aggressive, happy, sad, etc. but he could only feel them strongly when they were in the extremes. Any other time it was just dulled from what he usually felt.
-Ever since Marble Hornets ended he's been taking care of his mom.
-Loses stuff so easily it's insane. Mostly loses his keys though.
-Has a terrible fashion sense since he was never able to choose his own clothes. Usually goes for vibrant clothes at first since he never had the option to wear anything that colorful before(this is my reasoning behind that horrendous monkey shirt he wore LOL)
-Has a kinda weak immune system. He was sick so much when he was a kid. His immune system isn't as bad as it could have been. Considering he regularly ran away and disappeared into the forest or further. His immune system got stronger when in college though.
-Picked up smoking like a month after he got out of the hospital, one of his only friends in there was an old man with a smoking problem and would always ask the staff for a smoke which they denied. He also kept calling Tim by the name of his deceased son.
-Basing him off of Night Mind's interpretation of marble hornets. So Masky isn't another personality or anything, it's just Tim trying to get to the bottom of this like Jay is. Except he's using much more... Violent methods. And he loses his memory of when he chooses to become Masky, so ToTheArk and Hoodie help him remember what their goal is(stopping Alex).
(also group headcanons:
I don't like the names masky and hoodie but I do realize they're the most recognized names for them. I love the name Techy for ToTheArk to match the theme, but I prefer calling them:
Tim = The Source
Brian = The Advocate
Jay = The Messenger
Alex = The Instigator
ToTheArk = The Projectionist
I have yet to come up with good ones for Jessica, Amy and Sarah. I have also yet to read the comics)
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Non-RWBY/ MLP models I wanna do and how I'd explain them in Remnant.
01. Felix Argyle (Ferris)
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Would Probably use a similar story to how he met his princess but set and altered to fit Remnant.
Felix was simply born with two physical Faunus traits. While I say simply this would be more on pair with a condition/ mutation like Polymelia a genetic anomaly that results in people having extra limbs.
The difference being that in Felix's case he's simply born with a extra trait. However the effects it has on him are more detrimental For instance racist see him as even more of a animal then most faunus.
While some faunus see him with contempt for seemingly being to them what Faunus are yo racist. His parents ashamed and afraid of redicue lock him up I their house
Things would play out similar to how they did in their book but instead of Crusch Jaune and the Arcs noticing the families odd behavior find and rescue the boy.
2. Toga (My Hero Academia)
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Her circumstances can be similar to her series. Given that Neo can form illusions and Xanthe can quite literally transmutation seemingly anything to gold I don't see why Toga can't take on the apperance/ voice and even eventually semblance of those whose blood she ingest.
Though I would alter the reasoning to that of that she needs the others aura to mimic them. Blood is just the easiest way to injest it as while the blood cells are still there is no reason they shouldn't theoretically still retain their aura.
03. Najimi Osana (Komi Can't Communicate)
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This one's fairly easy too, Najimi simply grew up with Jaune (Or one of his sisters) as a classmate. He befriended everyone like in his own manga/ anime.
And simply got a crush on Jaune convincing himself he'd confess at graduation... Only Jaune wasn't there and had left for Beacon.
04. Rebecca (Cyberpunk 2077)
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Rebecca's is a bit harder but off the top of my head, I can see her and the gang she rolled with in Mantle. Not as techy as they had been in Cyberpunk though, or maybe they were. Not really too important for the relevance her, point is Rebecca nearly dies. And only survives because Pietro can't help but try and save her on principle.
Using his technology... And even his semblance he does manage to save the girl, though the result leaves her more mechanical then human. Rebecca as we know is loyal, arguably to a fault.
So once she hears the old man quite literally tore his soul apart to save her she grows attached to him and his... daughter Penny who insist on calling her sister.
05. Midna (Legend of Zelda, Twilights Princess)
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Honestly, I got nothing for this one, doesn't mean I wanna make it any less. Maybe Jaune falls into the Twilight Realm instead of the Everafter... Or Midna is sent to Remnant instead of Zelda's world. Or Jaune and the Arc's as a whole could be Link's Ancestors who could be guarding the Mirror of Twilight to this day.
06. Amy Rose, Rouge the Bat & Blaze the Cat (Sonic Franchise)
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Jaune fell into Mobius instead of the Everafter
07 Hideri Kanzaki (Blend S)
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Him and Jaune come from the same village were his parents are farmers. Hideri unlike Jaune adored getting dressed up and praised and dreamed of the big city and becoming a cute idol.
Jaune supported his dream, encouraging his friend who in turn encouraged him to be a Huntsman as well. He left for Vale with Jaune who fought off several Grimm on their way there. He aimed to start his career as a idol while Jaune tried for Beacon...
Several months later he's crossdressing at a cafe and Jaune steps in to see how his friends doing.
08. Fujiwara Sisters, Maki & Nagatoro's Crew
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These are actually super easy, their civilians, lets say Mistral, since both shows are based in japan and Mistral seems to be the asia of Remnant.
I can see two simple ways of doing it, Senpai and Shirogine can be related to, or friends of Jaune's parents. Hence why when visiting Mistral Jaune decides to see how his old friend/ Cousin are.
Also maybe I should give a brief summary of three others I've already maid.
Louise de La Vallière (Familiar of Zero)
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this one as a commission already has a setting... Basically the Valliere family fought with the Arcs in the Great War where her grandfather fought besides Jaeger Arc.
The two grew close as brothers and agreed to marry their children, unfortunately Julius fell in love with Juniper and caused friction by cancelling his engagement to the two elder daughters.
Thankfully Jaeger did have a younger son, Jaune, who would become Beacon's Prof. Arc.
This is a reference to Louise fiancée Jean-Jacques Wardes
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who looks about the same ages a my Prof. Arc model, the irony being that Jaune supported, trained and helped his fiancée however he could unlike his traitorous counterpart.
He never intended to actually make the young girl follow through with their wedding either. Perfectly willing to break his word and dishonor himself so she could be free to love whoever she chooses.
Because of Jaune's influence and the fact that she's not considered a failure magician in Remnant and in turn ostracized Louise isn't as violent as she is initially.
And while Jaune doesn't notices it, Louise doesn't see their engagement in a negative light.
Manami Aiba/ La Brava (My Hero Academia)
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Born with dwarfism Manami always felt different, self conscious and misunderstood. She yearned for connection and affection from a young age and could always feel others look at her differently...
She was quite sharp and capable, but there was another facet to her... She Loved HARD. When she got a crush it wasn't a simple crush, but instead utter affection.
Her pure little heart was so filled with affection on her first ever that the immense emotion awoke her aura and semblance... Love. The ability to multiple the targeted individual dependent on her feeling towards them.
Given her semblance she saw it as proof that she needed to pursue him, cherish and learn about him. Unfortunately it resulted in her freaking said boy out, viewing her as a stalking, and rumor spread over the tiny lil' weirdo stalker.
She ended up leaving school, shutting herself off from others, and surviving in private using her impressive computer skills to make money. Whether that be a regular computer job, hacking systems for less savory people or selling information she managed to dig up to Hei Xiong.
But nothing healed her heart, made her reach out, there was no Gentle Criminal who filled her world with light in Remnant... No instead one day, where she'd been forced to leave her home on a rare occasion she was stopped by several thugs... And then saved, by a random, kind... Cute, tall... Knight.
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Ilulu (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
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I'm thinking of doing something similar to the series but instead of Toru being injured and found by Kobayashi it's Ilulu who is found and healed by Jaune.
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Important info:
Normal foxes can in fact both curl,
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And while I'm here, I request everyone's reaction to Tails doing both.
You know that thing where you witness something so cute you get the urge to violently squeeze the life out of it? Called cuteness aggression? Yea that’s what Sonic and Amy are going through right now. Tails is sleeping through all the silent screams of “FFUCK HES TOO DAMN CUTE”
The donut formation makes sense to Knuckles. It keeps Tails’ vital organs safe. But the loaf? Knuckles panics because he thinks Tails’ arms and legs have left him. He ends up shaking Tails out of his zen moment. Tails isn’t very happy but then laughs when Knuckles explains his thoughts to him.
Eggman can do two things: leave the kid alone to eep, or attack him when he is most vulnerable. His indecisiveness takes long enough for Tails to wake up and see him. Even groggy Tails puts up an amazing fight against robots while making fun of Eggman. Sometimes it’s really obvious who raised him.
Sticks applauds him for his survival skills. Sometimes they find a den in the ground for nap time. Like badgers and foxes in real life, they vibe in the same space together! As long as Tails doesn’t bring any of his techy mumbo jumbo with him.
Tom and Maddie didn’t know he could do this but now that they do it’s like another bright light has entered their lives. Maddie sets up a little spot by the window where the Sun usually hits for Tails to curl up and loaf.
Big and Froggy leave him be but chill nearby him juuust to make sure he’s safe. Sometimes Big even joins him in donut or loaf.
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He curl :)))
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totaleclipse573 · 3 months
I may not be 100% caught up on the Doom Swap AU lore, so! A few questions for you. :)
Shadow is just a regular hedgehog, yes? And Sonic is the Ultimate Lifeform? How did their first meeting go?
What do Tails and Eclipse think of each other? Is Eclipse our new techie/mechanic?
Are there any other swaps besides the brothers?
I'm loving this AU so muuuuch AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! :D
Okay, so before anything, list of all the current swaps. No idea if there will be more in the future, but here they are now :
Surge and Kit don’t exactly swap, but change to become more like imposters of Shadow and Eclipse in terms of design
Metal Sonic is now Metal Shadow, Shadow Androids are now Sonic Androids, etc
Some characters don’t swap at all, I’ve decided, like Black Doom and Gerald, for example. 
Now that that’s been explained…
Shadow is! And Sonic is the Ultimate Lifeform. I’d say their first meeting goes mostly the same, just with the roles and personalities reversed? Sonic has more of a connection to chaos energy now, what with him being Gerald’s project and all. But he also keeps his natural super speed, so he’s faster, but in genuinely every way. So where Sonic in SA2 originally is like “that’s not his speed!” It. It is now XD
Clippy is the new tech guy, resident smart boi. And Tails is the absolute gremlin. They’re not on bad terms! Tails should stop trying to blow up his lab as an “experiment” though. Tails…also kind of wishes he and Sonic had what Shadow and Eclipse have. They’re brothers who genuinely love and care for one another, would do anything for one another and always have each others backs…must be nice.
And I’m glad you do! I’m enjoying it very much myself sbdvdjdbdjdb
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1cat200 · 2 months
Rise kids:Next gen-part 6
This is now about April and Sunita's kids. Next week on Thursday will be about my oc Matthew Arnold and Cassandra Jones's kids. After I finish with all of the rise kids I will be moving on to some of my rottmnt next gen friends/allies and then some plots and a few more fun facts about them.
•April and Sunita's biological kid.
•Uses she/him/they pronouns.
•15 years old.
•Your typical high school techy geek.
•Takes a LOT from their uncle Donnie and barely shows emotion.
•Also enjoy learning about mystic stuff.
•Has unfortunately received April's birthday curse (His 8th birthday was a complete war zone and nightmare).
•Surprisingly likes kids.
•Her mystic powers are similar to witchcraft.
•Their weapon of choice is a bow and arrow.
•Has high autism.
•Is often bullied at school but she can look after themselve.
•Is a bit of a neat freak at times and dislikes when things are messy/dirty.
•Thankfully is able to keep their job way longer than April.
•Japanese anime dork (kawaii is like a God for her).
•Enjoys being alone in his room and think of new inventions.
•Is a bit of a softy at times even though they try to keep an Einstein-emo look around people.
•Looks completely human except then half of his hair is green and a bit jelly like from Sunita's genetics.
•Jamie's birthday is August 27th.
•April and Sunita's biological daughter.
•Uses she/her pronouns.
•6 years old.
•Her nickname is Cherry.
•Is a super hyperactive kid.
•Loves her grandparents a lot and often gives Draxum a heart attack.
•Little mischievous gremlin and a bit of a speedy menace.
•Her mystic powers are liquid control/manipulation.
•Little magnet for weird and craziness.
•Likes to trick her sibling and cousins into using their mystic powers for her own benefits but it rarely works with Jamie.
•Was born looking completely human except for her natural green hair and her condition called Hetrochromia (basically her left eye is green while her right eye is blue).
•Loves Mayhem and enjoys looking after him.
•Is not yet in ninja training but will be when she is 7 years old.
•Loves cake and always dumps her entire face into her birthday cake.
•Makes the cutest puppy dog eyes that will melt your heart.
•Is best friend with her cousins Amy,Angel,Nora and Elizabeth and they are the gossip queens of the playground and preschool.
•Charlotte's birthday is May 26th.
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skygodtraumabond · 1 year
<A video file is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The scene opens at Slateport Harbor, filming from a distance. Amy is standing near the entrance of the harbor, looking out towards the sea in wait. Then, Marny struts in from off-screen, full of confidence as she catches Amy's attention with a wave and a call of his name. The professor seems startled to see her coming from the land rather than the sea, but smiles brightly all the same and closes the small distance to pull her into a hug. From the distance this is being filmed at, it's impossible to make out distinct speech, but it's clear from the closeness of the hug and the way they're both smiling and laughing that there is plenty of warmth between them.
Ray follows close behind Marny, wearing an outfit that hasn't been seen since the day Amy and Dave got married. They don't approach with the same speed or confidence as their girlfriend, but as Amy pulls away from Marny and notices Ray's presence, the constant tension in their shoulders seems to melt away just a little. They have to bend over slightly to pull Amy into a hug, but in a fashion now typical for Ray, it's visibly tight, the divots in Amy's blue t-shirt visible even from this distance.
What isn't typical for them is the way they then pick Amy up and begin to spin him in their arms. Or the way they then fling him into the harbor, tactfully stealing his cane as they do so.
Marny stares in disbelief for a minute as Amy floats like a piece of driftwood in the cold waters of the harbor, Ray simply smiling at their handiwork. Then, she begins gesturing to the poison specialist adrift in the Hoennian sea, yelling to Ray. The camera gets a little closer, and finally, words can be made out.
Marny: ... He didn't even do anything! What was that, Ray!?
Ray: I said I was going to get him. And I did.
Marny: Okay, well, congrats, you sure did get him. Now get him out of the water! It's probably freezing in there, you know that! Arc, I don't want people thinking we're here to cause trouble, or...
Ray takes Marny's hand as she nervously makes a fist, kissing her knuckles and rubbing her hand with a soft smile.
Ray: Don't worry, they won't. I promise. Here, I'll get him out. Watch.
Marny can be seen visibly blushing as Ray lets go, taking a pokeball out of their pocket. They then walk closer to the edge of the water and sends out Glitch the Porygon-Z. A few whistled commands are given to the pokemon, and it shudders before suddenly warping next to Amy in the water. Latching on, it begins spinning its tail like a propellor, pushing Amy back to shore like a motor on a speedboat.
Once he's close enough, Ray reaches down into the water with the cane and he grabs hold. One tug is all Ray needs to drag the sopping wet scientist back up onto dry land, where he remains face-down. The ex-champion crouches down beside him, still smiling.
Ray: ... How's the water?
Amy gives a weak thumbs up in response. The video cuts as Ray begins helping him back to his feet.>
<This transcript was provided by me, Techie! I'm a Rotom, so I might make mistakes! Let me know if I did a good job! :> >
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moderator-monnie · 3 months
Five Random Facts! (Sonic Horror Aus. Edition)
This Post will have five random facts EACH about!
Hologram.Bin, Slammer Worm, Isaguy, Walker Of The Void.
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1: Hologram and Techie Kaboom have canonically done the "there is a pipe bomb in your mail box" dance and sent a pipe bomb to Silver's house set up to activate when he opened it.
2: Hologram thru out the story has a body count of 500 in total.
3: Silver at some point tries to help Techie get away from Hologram, but Hologram notices quickly and shut down Techie's heart forcing Silver to give Techie back to him, much to both his and Techie's dismay.
4: Technically speaking Techie 'dies' several times throughout the story thru Holograms abuse but Hologram can always reactivate his heart and brain.
5: Hologram would wear a playboy bunny costume PURELY just to fluster the fuck out of Silver, and get away with a murder.
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Slammer Sonic:
1: One of the Slammer copies isn't even evil, and is disconnected from Slammer Prime, Her Host is Amy Rose and acutally splits control with Amy and hasn't consumed her organs, however She does force amy to eat live Flickies.
2: Slammer Prime Isn't the original copy that has met the Rot, however once confirming the rot wasn't going to try to hurt his host body, took the copies place and sent Slammer Metal Sonic somewhere else.
3: Slammer Sonic has met Coldsteel and despises him.
4: Slammer Sonic misses sparkle dogs and get's excited anytime they sees someone made a new one.
5: Playground Slammer is the ONE exception to the "Slammer only takes one sonic host" One of the Slammer Copies tried to enter the playground universe and automatically got a Sonic Body.
The copy is unable to leave, and is also disconnected from Slammer Prime.
Playground Slammer is just a sick kid who has worms crawling in his quills, but he still bites.
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Dirus Harold Hog:
1: By the time Dirus meets Charmy, Dirus is able to speak in a normal manner again, but dosen't because he kinda prefers to talk the way he does, and he may or may not, find it funny to fuck with people.
2: Dirus has a Garfield pair of pajama pants, and a Garfield mascot head but never has worn it.
3: Dirus has met MX and made him cry, purely just for existing.
4: Dirus loves baking.
5: Dirus often get's confused for another Sonic by any other Sonics or horror Sonics he meets, but never corrects them.
(Bonus Fact: has likely met a version of Scourge and that version calls him brother and treats him with respect, due to his weird ass aura)
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Inanis Weolcon:
1: Can not speak, only gurgles or makes other strange noises.
2: Can no longer age and time passes by differently in the void, vs the real world. For anyone including him. A single hour in the mortal world = one week in the void.
3: Simple minded and get's very easily over stimulated.
4: Due to how long he's been in the void, he technically has lost all his memories, but if he sees someone familiar. Will instantly remember who they are by their face.
5: One of few memories he has left, is his hate for strawberry shortcake so if he sees a victim of the void with one, he will draw a frowny face on a near by wall.
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kamenrideryeets · 2 years
You ever think about how lucky the Sonic universe is that Tails is a good guy?
Think about it. His IQ is exactly equal to Eggman’s, and he’s proven himself in multiple continuities to be just as capable with machines and even robots.
In addition, he’s been friends with Sonic longer than anyone else, with the possible exception of Amy going by Origins. He knows more about Sonic, and most of his friends, than probably any other character does. And many of those friends started out as enemies. There is reason for him not to entirely trust them. Or even the ones he’s fully chummy with.
What are the odds, do you think, that Tails might have taken a page out of Batman’s book? That he might have contingency plans for what to do if each of his friends goes rogue? That he might know exactly how to counter or neutralize their powers and skills?
And have we SEEN a truly evil Tails?
You’ve got Scourge’s Miles, who is supposedly the real leader of the Suppression Squad, but he’s hampered by his fear of Scourge, not to mention he started out as a mirror of Archie Tails when he was more like his SatAM counterpart, not quite the genius we know. He never got the chance to prove who he could truly be as a villain before... you know.
You’d expect Kit to be a mirror of Tails, a potential evil genius, but no. Starline completely ignored Tails’ own genius for the “sidekick” role, boiling characters down to stereotypes is his entire thing. The kid is not only not a real techie, but has no drive for evil of his own, and wouldn’t hurt a fly if Surge stopped telling him to.
Nine was billed as “Evil Tails” by some preview channels, and his backstory is that of a villain, but he’s just trying to survive, and we know he’s gonna get “redeemed” by his friendship with Sonic and the others.
But a real evil Tails? Fully independent, with fully malicious intent?
I’m convinced that if game canon Tails just spontaneously decided “I should take over the world,” he’d do it. He’d do it in weeks, if not days. He’d hijack the Eggman Empire and make its forces his own easily. He’d know exactly how to defeat all the heroes. He’d turn Sonic’s love for his brother, his former friends’ unbreakable trust in him, into their greatest weakness of all time. He’d know they couldn't hurt him. He’d know they’d be too busy trying to “snap him out of it” to actually fight back against his conquest.
He could destroy them all. It would be easy for him.
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silveragelovechild · 1 year
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On a whim I went to see “Drama Camp” a new film starring Ben Platt (of Dear Evan Hansen fame).
As the movie started, I had some doubt. The story is set in a summer drama camp in upstate New York. It’s a low budget film and has a kind of “gee, let’s put on a show” quality. I also senses the plot and dialogue may have been partially adlibbed.
In the opening we learn that Joan Rubinsky (Amy Sedaris) is having trouble making ends meet at a summer drama camp she owns. While recruiting students at a high school production of “Bye Bye Birdie” - strobe lights trigger a seizure and she falls into a coma.
But the show, and the Summer Camp, must go on.
The story follows two basic plot lines. First the interpersonal relationship between the Camp’s staff (all with inflated sense of their own talent). Years earlier, Platt and costar Molly Gordon both failed to get into Julliard. So they’ve have taught at the camp for 10+ years. Cracks in their friendship form when Gordon begins keeping secrets from Platt.
In a secondary role, Noah Galvin plays that techie guy with dreams of performing. Gavin and Platt are partners in real life but they don’t share any scenes in the film.
Although Platt co-wrote the script (and is a producer), his role, and most of the camp staff, are underwritten. They feel like characters in search of an author.
The real surprise of “Drama Camp” is the role played by Jimmy Tatro. He’s Joan’s son. He’s never understood his mother’s passion for theater yet he has to step in and run the camp. At first Tarto is a slightly dim witted guy who is out of his league. And the camp drama teachers pretty much ignore him.
But he soon learns about the camp financial situations and that the bank is planning to foreclose.
Tarto has the best character arc in the film. He realizes how important the camp is to kids who attend (many of them are “outsiders”). The camp gives them purpose.
Tarto keeps the foreclosure a secret but begins devises plots to make extra money to pay the bills. It’s fun seeing him evolve from a dumbass into to a hero.
And if that wasn’t enough, the movie’s ending more than makes up for any deficiencies with what came earlier. Of course that involves a performance of a an original musical about Joan’s life. Will Joan wake up from her coma in time to see it?!?
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freerangeranger · 1 year
Opinions on Yinny
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Lamp: Who are these people??? Sully: I think one of them is a ranger that the grubs trained with. Lamp: The flaky one? Sully: I don't know I didn't go either remember?
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Lamp: What was that? Sully: Did... the door handle just move??
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< Bzzt! We are having technical difficulties! Thank you for your patience! This alt text was provided by me: Techie! Ray's A Rotom Phone! Let me know if I did a good job! ...
Hi Amy!! Hi Dave!!>
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iheartnimbassacity · 1 year
<Bzzt! You're doing a great job! :> It can be hard to help people when they shut you out, but I'm sure Amy can tell how much you care, even now. Just make sure you take care of yourself too! Please?>
thanks, techie.
really i just. im worried is all. hes fine, i know hed fine and not really meaning to do this.
maybe soon ill try to get him to sleep. ill rest when i can, ok? when I know hes ok.
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savoir-entreprendre · 3 months
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1. Faites attention au monde qui vous entoure Parfois, à cause du manque d'intention, vous ne remarquez pas des choses incroyables autour de vous. Alors prenez d'abord l'habitude de vous imprégner de votre environnement, de sentir l'arôme magique des fleurs, de regarder les gouttes de rosée dans l'herbe et de vous émerveiller de la beauté de la nature. Apprenez à apprécier les choses en y prêtant attention, une fois que vous les avez remarquées, vous ne vous empêcherez pas de les apprécier et de les louer. 2. Arrêtez d'être techy Depuis l'émergence des technologies dans nos vies, on s'y est agacément plongé et c'est pour ça qu'en passant une plus grande partie du temps avec des machines on a pris leurs traits aussi, on est devenus mécaniques, donc il faut revenir à son mode humain et pour cela, vous devez garder l'utilisation du mobile ou de l'onglet à distance. Définissez votre routine de manière à passer plus de temps avec votre famille et vos amis. Vous vous sentirez heureux et serez à l'aise car la quantité de plaisir sera énorme, vous aimeriez naturellement apprécier les petites choses qui sont d'une grande efficacité, comme en passant moins de temps avec votre téléphone, vous pourrez avoir beaucoup plus à faites, ce bien plus sera bientôt glorifié par vous, il vous suffit de le découvrir. Comment peut-on apprécier quand on reste absorbé au mauvais endroit ? 3. Passez du temps avec les enfants Les enfants ont l'art de nous apprendre à être reconnaissants parce que les enfants contrairement à nous sont doués pour montrer de la gratitude, ils n'ont pas besoin de grand-chose pour être reconnaissants, ils peuvent aussi être heureux à la moindre taille de bonbon, vous devez donc dépenser un peu de temps avec les enfants et vous apprendrez l'art d'apprécier les choses et les gens. 4. Ne vous comparez pas aux personnes au-dessus de vous Lorsque vous commencez à vous comparer à d'autres qui, pour une raison quelconque, sont plus avancés que vous dans la vie, alors un élément de négativité se trouve en vous, alors coupez simplement ce sentiment et ne vous comparez pas aux autres, cette négativité et cette ingratitude ne vous mèneront nulle part. , il n'y a pas de destination d'ingratitude ! Vous serez à l'aise dès que vous commencerez à vous tenir à distance de cette maladie émotionnelle. 5. Comparez-vous aux personnes en dessous de vous Regardez les gens autour de vous qui n'ont pas ce que vous avez dans votre vie, certains que vous trouverez sans emploi, certains que vous trouverez s'inquiètent de la façon dont ils rembourseront la dette, certains que vous trouverez menant une vie solitaire et ensuite vous penserez à ça notez que malgré un travail, vous n'arrêterez pas de vous plaindre de la vie et des circonstances, alors vous saurez la valeur de tout ce que vous avez ! https://savoirentreprendre.net/?p=3836&feed_id=7378
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What is your ideal/peak future sonic design? I wanted to design my own and looked at others to get a basic idea of where to start, and ngl, kinda dislike when they change his shoes so dramatically to where it's all so techy. (also, goes without saying but hate when they have him married with ames lol)
hmmm... this is a hard one, because my older sonic design changes so frequently. i flip flop between keeping his arm color or changing it to blue. i can't tell if he'd wear more clothing ( i.e maybe a shirt, bracelets, etc ) or not. i can't tell if he'd change up his shoes or wear the same ol' boots he always wears. etc etc...
one thing is for sure i'm also never designing sonic like most son//amy future designs do KAJLKDSFJLKFJKLJFKJLDHG i'm just picky at the end of the day :]
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ear-worthy · 8 months
Who Made You The Boss Podcast: Overcoming Personal & Professional Challenges
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Ear worthy podcasts have a unique synchronicity to them. It's a much-overlooked attribute of great podcasts, precisely because it's such a difficult characteristic to define. 
What is podcast synchronicity? Despite the techie allusion, synchronicity is a strictly human perception. No AI or ChatGPT allowed here. 
Synchronicity is about creating a sonic canvass in which every aspect of sound -- pitch, tone, harmony, frequency, volume, and intensity -- blends together to create a unified sonic event for listeners. In effect, the aural brushstrokes paint images in a listener's brain from the panoply of sounds that emanate from a podcast.
Synchronicity is experience. It is the difference between Disney parks and the competition. A Disney park is a day immersed in a fantasy world where everything is scripted, and nothing is left to chance. Synchronicity defines the disparity between Apple products and those of the competition. Thanks to Steve Jobs, Apple products are presented in a specific way via the product, its features, its design, and even how it's packaged.
I am bringing up this subject because it is an attribute that the new business and personal growth podcast Who Made You The Boss possesses.
Without even delving into the subject of the podcast, I can state that Who Made You The Boss has synchronicity. The sparkling, ascending intro music, the verve and vigor of the host and her guests, and the aspirational message of the show all coalesce into a geosynchronous orbit of familiar yet inspirational messages.
Lindsey Epperly is the creator and host of Who Made You The Boss. She is the founder and CEO of Jetset World Travel, a modern travel agency dedicated to service, innovation and gratitude. 
 As a host, Epperly exudes maximum energy, offers her listeners inclusive and smartly packaged messages about leadership, drive, determination, and success. Unlike someone like Tony Robbins, Epperly's message is more nuanced, more strategic and less "get off your ass" oriented. 
In the second episode titled, "Adversities, Growth, and The Monsters That Save Us," Epperly recounts the history of her business and the "teetering on the brink of disaster" events that almost sunk her venture. What I found so refreshing about her story is that success eventually arrived, but only after she relinquished some control. In that episode, Epperly freely admits her "bossiness" so ceding control was not easy for her.
I did love her story about developing an entrepreneurial spirit early life by selling her dad "make-believe" ice cream cones. Thank goodness -- not another lemonade stand origin tale.
She then offers actionable steps via her four Rs (You'll hear to listen to get more detail.). For a new podcast, her second episode was a masterstroke because her story enables listeners to get to know her and her challenges and how she overcame them and is still doing that. The episode connects her to listeners in a way that some TED Talks and motivational speakers do not.
The podcast's mission statement reads as such: "Listen as entrepreneurs, executives, and creatives share their stories on everything from letting go of control to overcoming imposter syndrome, and discover how these leaders turn their greatest obstacles into unexpected opportunities."
In the first three episodes of the podcast, I believe Epperly has delivered on those goals and more. Her interviewing skills are advanced, which is not a given, since talented speakers do not automatically make good questioners and listeners.  Both guests, Amy Porterfield and Carlos Whittaker, dispense sage advice in the capable hands of Epperly, who deftly manages the interview process. 
Success in podcasting is as much about the nuts and bolts (sound quality, interviewing and hosting skills, guests, episode length)  as it is about the strategy before the first word is recorded.
That's ultimately the essential ingredient for achievement in podcasting. Even Epperly's podcast title screams creativity, marketing savvy, and message concurrence.
It's clear that Epperly utilized her personal and professional experiences, challenges, and successes to craft a podcast theme that would resonate with a wide range of listeners. 
For example, it's about business, but also about personal issues such as burnout and imposter syndrome. While it may seem to be geared exclusively toward women, I think it resonates (or should) with men. While the show is about leadership, it's also about leading by following, and leading through collaboration, not competition.
Finally, Lindsey Epperly is not selling the fiction perpetrated by too many motivational speakers, which is "just do what I did and success will fall into your lap."
Instead, Epperly offers her podcast listeners a more measured, balanced, and more actionable perspective that can resonate with more than just overachievers and workaholics. 
Sales guru Jeff Gitomer used to say, "Obstacles can't stop you. Problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you." 
It's a message wrapped in simplicity, drenched in complexity, and it's mirrored in Epperly's podcast.  
Check out Who Made You The Boss. Her message can inspire and instigate personal growth.
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