#amethyst be reblogging
unusuallysubtext · 1 month
blood on my fingers blood blood blood on my fingers let's go
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Hi everyone,
I thought it would be cool if I show off some of my rock collection.
The first one is a piece of amethyst. The second one is an igneous rock (made from cooled magma).
I hope you all find these cool.
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amethystsoda · 4 months
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Rohan is just like 😐😐😐 (but he secretly appreciates it)
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Anyway here’s a cute AriHan picrew in thanks!!!!
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hannahmanderr · 1 year
Maybe Amethyst Ocean? 🎉 or Everlasting Trio 🌙?
🎉 - What was the date? (Amethyst Ocean)
They 100% had a disastrous first date, you can't convince me otherwise. They tried to go out to dinner at a nice(ish) place and basically do what they figured they "had" to do bc they were a CoupleTM and CouplesTM do Real Dates, not impromptu Nasty Burger on the roof after laying into a ghost. Long story short, they find out that trying to do CoupleTM things just doesn't work for them. It's a lot more fun for them to do their own thing.
🌙 - At the end of the night, do they stay over? (Everlasting Trio)
They reason that it shouldn't be any different than the sleepovers they've already had together, so they absolutely do. Except it turns out that no, it's very much not like the sleepovers they've had in the past. Turns out it's way more fun to get to cuddle up to your best friends - your partners - when you have a sleepover and maybe get to smooch them a bit too
~ Send me a ship and an emote from this ask meme and I'll give you my headcanons about it! ~
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ceiwiart · 2 years
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Continuing 👇 below
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vylad-romeaves-autism · 7 months
I want to go into a bit more detail about some of the things me and @whorencezvahl have talked about for Vincent in our rewrite because we’ve accidentally made him a semi major supporting character to the main plot of our rewrite. So be prepared for rambling about Vincent that may or may not make complete sense, none of this is going to be in complete timeline order for our rewrite but it’s all some of the more important things. Warning again, this is going to be long rambles about our rewrite Vincent. Also some of this is just going to be brief explanations, so feel free to send an ask if you want to learn more
☆Like mentioned previously, Vincent was previously once Shad’s kind of right hand man and the first person Shad ever turned into a shadow knight. Shadow knights originally in our rewrite was kind of a way that Shad would be able to keep his friends alive/keep them around longer(both of the first two shadow knights he created ended up gaining their immortality, though Vincent is the only one we’ve fleshed out) Vincent at some point has met all of the other Divine Warriors, but doesn’t know them all as personally as he knew Shad.
★Vincent at one point did end up pulling away from Shad (as of writing this we haven’t talked about when or what caused it, we jump around timeline wise a lot so somethings do not have answers right now) and ended up going with his brother, who ended up becoming the first lord of Meteli. Stuff happens and Vincent ends up killing his brother and gaining his immortality, Vincent then chooses to stay in Meteli basically as long as there is a Meteli. He basically vows to always makes sure Meteli is fine and nothing bad happens to it, but he refuses to become a lord.
☆It’s not an entirely well known thing that Vincent is an immortal Shadow Knight, even through he’s been in Meteli since it was founded. He’s kind of in a sense more kept a secret. The current lord will obviously know that he’s an immortal shadow knight, but majority of the village doesn’t know. He has a good bit of say regarding the village, but he’s not fully in charge. He has full veto power regarding who becomes the next lord, so if he doesn’t think the person would be good to be lord then they won’t be. And most lords just know not to argue with him about that.
★Now actually onto stuff that is more relevant to rewrite. Due to him just being concerned about keeping track of possible resurgence of the Divine Warriors, he keeps track of Shad’s descendants (of course to an extent, mainly the ones who could potentially wield Shad’s relic) He doesn’t track the others descendants, mainly because there are not many descendants to keep track of its mainly reincarnations at this point. I’ll make a post later about how relics work in the rewrite.
☆Joh at some point just comes home with like preteen Laurence and Vincent has like one conversation with him and takes away two things. 1) at some point in the near future the Lucan family is going to completely die out and 2)this child is the reincarnation of Shad. Which obviously isn’t a good sign. And unluckily for him this won’t be the last time he meets one of the new divine warriors(labeled later on at least to refer to them by us, the relic holders)
★Last thing(not really this is all I want to write because my brain is going to much) he’s one of the last few shadow knights who can correctly make a shadow knight by Shad’s standards!!
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charous-hall · 10 months
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Today was the day that Alice's Adventures in Wonderland were first published - and as a result of this, I headcanon it to be the day Luna celebrates as her birthday! To commemmorate the day, I put together this little render of her having a nice moment to herself, using MMD ^-^
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Crystal Eden AU: Adam, Lilith, Eve, Lucifer & Crystal Gems (2024)
[Note: this drawing I did is for a cover for a type of Crossover AU idea and story...so it will be for both here and over at Quotev...also please do NOT reblog this without my permission...this is for here and for over Quotev for the story that has to do with the whole Crystal Eden AU...some might need to click on the drawing to see it better, because of the words that is written about the purple gem that is seen in the drawing...even though the genderswap versions of Adam, Eve and Lilith and even Lucifer are in a type of silhouettes, and the drawing isn't really mature, but the story for it is...so I'm playing it safe just in case.]
[Note Edit Of July 30, 2024: I had decided to have "Ada" be a nickname and their full name is Adamina...and I will make to edit the first chapters of that Crossover story, that mention that their full name is Adamina...and there is a reason why I had decided to change the idea a little, that has their full name be Adamina.]
Credit for Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano
Credit for Steven Universe goes to Rebecca Sugar
the stories that inspired this drawing and the Crystal Eden AU,
are "The eve Of Adam" by Anonymous (over at Archive Of Our Own) and they are called Procyonloser here on Tumblr, and I hope it's okay to mention that...
and the other story that also inspired this, is "Adam/Eve" by BeckyHomeEcky (also on Archive Of Our Own)
and I love those two stories, but the story I'm writing that has to do with Crystal Eden Au, has the idea that Adam was originally the first woman.
so it it's a bit different from those two stories that inspired Crystal Eden AU's Story. and Adam can only change back to his female form if he has that gem that Rose gave him when they still lived in the Garden Of Eden, if Adam doesn't have the gem, they will be stuck in either their male or female form.
the story is for mature audiences only, I decided to call the story over there "Crystal Eden AU: I Think I'm Falling Like A Fallen Angel For You"
even though in that story, Adam was originally the first woman who was named Ada...
Adam goes by she/her when in in his original form, but he/him in his Adam form that he got because of the gem that Rose gave him.
also there is suppose to be a gem that also does change everything, the gem that changes Ada into Adam, and Ada used on Lilith and Eve, turning them into women and their names they had when they were men, were Evan and Thornith.
I don't I had thought of a name for the other gem yet, but it's powers were suppose to involve changing the inside of the body and working together with the gem that Rose made sure only works for Adam, both in his male form and when they become Ada again in her female form...
so even if Lilith or even anyone else, human, gem, demon or angel...
they can't use it because it wont work for them.
the story was inspired from reading the stories over at Archive Of Our Own.
the stories that inspired this idea has to do with Adam being Eve, like there was no real second wife, and Adam and Eve are one in the same...
but like this story while inspired by those two Hazbin Hotel Fanfics,
there is a type of plot twist in the story I just wrote, and I might wait until maybe a few hours or later tomorrow to work on Chapter 2...or maybe I can make it into two parts, like work on and post like a part 1 of it first and then later I can work on part 2...well either that or make chapter 2 very short...but I can try my best to make it as long as I'm able to and hopefully it will be okay...so maybe I can write and post Chapter 2 after I post this here and then put the drawing over at Quotev as a Cover.
but in that story, Adam was originally The First Woman named Ada.
and the only ones who knew this, was Sera, The Crystal Gems and even Greg, and later Steven...and others who can be trusted do know.
save for Lucifer, the other rulers of each ring...and even some angels don't know about it...
Lute and the other Exorcist Angels do know, well save for Vaggie.
Lucifer doesn't know that his wife, Lilith use to be The First Man...
so he doesn't know but will in the future, that Ada who became Adam had used a magical gem that changes your gender but sadly, leave some inside stuff the same...and you need another gem to change that...and you can use both of the two gems together to make the change on both the inside and the outside.
and yeah some might hate the version of Greg Universe in the story, but I'm going to try to have him get better and be redeemed...
in the story, he use to go by "Greg Universe" but was kind of forced to go back to his original family name, cause Ada/Adam were already using the name "Universe" as their new family name.
and even if the songs in the first chapter aren't really perfect, they are suppose to be songs that Adam wrote, one of the songs being about of course his ex-husbands turned ex-wives...
Adam performs in his female form (that was his original form, that he still changes into at times...) and performs under the name "Eve Universe" after one of his ex-spouses. also some of the lyrics are well, some bad and naughty language that have some parts censored with the whole "*" added and replacing a letter in the bad words.
I might end up making only a few chapters, and I still plan to work on other chapters on the other stories on there as well.
also it's fine that not everyone reads that story that has to do with that Crystal Eden AU idea.
I did add some other series into the mix, one of them being Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi and a few others that could end up being minor characters and making small cameos.
anyway once again, this drawing is for here and for over at Quotev.
so please "do NOT reblog without my permission" and respect my wishes...and well anyway I'm going to hurry up and post this and get to work on placing this drawing over at Quotev as well as a Cover for that Crystal Eden AU Story.
also I was still working on that story on May 31, 2024 and even to June 1, 2024 before having to take a break and then I found out the new episode of Helluva Boss was up, of course after watching it I went to bed and waited until later to work more on the chapters for that Crystal Eden AU story...
but of course I ended up having that weird dream where I was marrying Valentino and Vox, I did explain before in the post before this one...that those two almost had a June Wedding in that weird dream I had on June 1, 2024.
I asked Vox "do you take Valentino as your Babe."
and then at some point I asked Valentino,
"do you take Vox, to be your Boo."
I don't know what weirdness I was on when I dreamed that, but I only remember very little bit about the whole vows thing.
but before I could say "you may kiss The Overlord" or something like that, maybe like "Overlord-Husband"...
I started to wake up before I could finish marrying them. XD
like at first it might of been a playful joke when I told them that they should get married, but it might of became technically real in the dream...but like just in the dream, not in the canon...
I don't think those two are that far in their relationship yet, at least in the canon...
well for all know I still might have Priestess blood for all I know, I do have O RH D Negative, so maybe they would only be legally married in the dream world, but in real life and in the canon of the Hazbin Hotel...they aren't married, and yet I was so close to having them be married in my weird dream I had.
then again, don't think I could legally marry someone like a Priestess could, even if it does turn out I'm part of some Spiritual Royal Bloodline like some info about my blood type says...
but this Weird Defective Earth Angel, is still gonna hope that Jesus is still just a distant cousin because of certain reasons...but I'm not gonna get too deep into that right now...cause no one can prove that I'm one of his descendant granddaughters...but once again, not going to go talk too deep about that right now.
also even if some Toxic-Religious people seem to have a Toxic-Problem with me believing in both The Heavenly-Father/God & Earthly-Mother/Goddess...
I still think they can just go and kiss Mammon's butt...
either the one from Helluva Boss or one of the Cuphead AU versions of him...I know I said that in that post that also talked about that weird dream, but seriously even if some don't agree with the whole there being a Goddess thing, and only believe in The Heavenly-Father, at least they don't cross a line like some Toxic-Religious people do when they can't accept that I have a different view and belief now, even if I can still believe in the good side of Jesus.
anyway hope some like this drawing that will be used as a Cover for over at Quotev, and it's okay that not everyone reads it.
also as for the whole if Adam views themself as a man or woman, that still needs to be worked on, because in that Crystal Eden AU's story, Adam was originally the first woman and was just "Ada"...
but he mostly stays in his Male form where he is called "Adam" most of the time, and only becomes "Ada" every once in a while.
so they will mostly be called he/him when they are Adam, but when they are Ada, they will be she/her because that is how Adam feels when he switches between his male and female forms when using the gem that Rose Quartz gave them.
and in case some might not be able to read what it says about "The Androgynite" in this drawing…
it here is what it says about it in the drawing...
"The Androgynite (a non-sentient gem that swap the gender or genders of any non-gem species) Abilities: can change a male human body into a female one. can change a female human body into a male one. owner: Ada (when they use the gem to become Adam so Thornith wouldn't ignore what they had to say or their ideas. but even as "Adam", Thornith wouldn't listen to them. when Thornith left, Ada was all alone, even though the crystal gems came to visit them….one day, Ada was given a new husband to be by her side. Ada's new husband was named Evan, the two were happy for a time. until Ada caught Evan kissing Satanael. in her wrath & sorrow, Ada used the Androgynite to turn Evan into Eve. but even as Ada changed Thornith into Lilith before Lilith left the garden…. Ada wasn't happy until she left the garden with Rose Quartz…"
I thought it be best to edit this in, since some of the words might be hard to read…
well at first Adam was suppose to just leave Eden with Rose, but then some ideas did change a bit in that story, so Adam had to leave the garden on his own, and was going to try to go find Rose, Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst...but he became stuck with Eve for a while.
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Hey! If you were a bird, what kind would you be?
Question instead (if you don’t want to answer the first)
which character are you most like in Herald At Dawn?
hi aster!!! that is a very, very good question. I'd like to think I would be a raven or a crow because they're awesome and clever, but honestly I think I would probably be a puffin, because they're ridiculous and adorable and somewhat silly and yet also have vague Crime Vibes about them (something that which I strive to have, though I don't have all the time but I want to). Though with my luck I would end up being a normal backyard bird of some variety, but thats still alright.
Physically I'm the most like Alex, cause she's a ginger and pale and I'm a ginger and pale.
But with personality traits and stuff I feel like I'm decently similar to James (slightly traumatized gayboy with lots of guilt and identity problems my beloved). I put a lot of myself into his character. Not even my personality, just a lot of Me, if that makes any sort of vague sense at all.
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prettyfl0wers · 2 years
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days without tiktok throwing around RAMCOA allegations with no basis whatsoever: 0
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wizardsspellbook · 1 year
Shopkeeper's Ward
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blueberry-912 · 2 years
🛍️ - Christmas shopping with Mariposa
(I love her as you can see lol)
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You choose the wrong one to shop with CRCTVTVY UBU
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amethystsoda · 9 months
I saw this post probably a week ago and have been sitting on it:
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the notes were full of people arguing, telling fat people to "not be so sensitive" while we politely requested not be be compared to the grotesque...
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the only punchline here is "they can't find beauty in fat people so why would they find beauty in the grotesque..." like...
it's not about fat people not being able to take a joke--it's that we've faced this our entire lives and are used to the bullying and being the punchline of a joke, but would prefer NOT to be.
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solarpire · 2 years
Yall reblog with your favorite and least favorite smells for candles and/or perfumes I'm curious :)
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imaginealpha · 2 years
Not a question but looking forward to seeing what my amethyst sword inspires.
Haha, thought it'd be interesting to play around with on a character. If I allowed myself to play with the mechanics, a metal replica of the shape would also work. Great symbolism for characters that are supposed to seem ethereal and mesmerizing but have a cruel, vicious, and vindictive side to them (since it would hurt like hell even to get grazed by that thing). Even better if you add other factors for world/character building, like venom on the crystals, the purpose of it being decorative even though it's used in battle, something ceremonial, or if it's not used to injure at all and is instead meant for things like severing or generating magical bonds.
Also it's really pretty. I am a simple woman I like sparkly
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