#america mpreg
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tvisnoton · 3 months ago
Oh yeah merry Christmas and happy holidays
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Got my wisdom teeth removed and this is all I’ve been doing.
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khloxxy · 4 months ago
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creepst-crypt · 2 months ago
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banjunky · 1 month ago
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alaska rusame mpreg child
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beyondn0rthernlights1 · 1 month ago
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some older doodles that kickstarted my descent into madness again earlier in this year
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tyrialsofficial · 9 months ago
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Cw: Mpreg/Male Pregnancy
Recently somebody requested a drawing of Captain America
I had way to much fun working on this, but anyways....lol Here's the finished drawing :3
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impishtubist · 5 months ago
Another thought for my USians: if you aren't someone who keeps a physical journal/diary, I would start doing so now. I'm a terrible journaler, but I've been a terrible journaler since I was a teen, and as a result I have notebooks filled with random ramblings about my life and politics since I was a kid. It is going to become so important to have these physical records of what is going on right now, both on a personal and political level, in the future. Things that are kept on the Internet can be wiped out or altered (and if you kept an actual journal on LiveJournal, I would print that out). AI is already being used to make up facts-who's to say that this period in history won't become severely warped because of AI? Also, someday the only trace of you and your existence and what you're feeling right now might only be found in a notebook discovered in a box in someone's attic.
Also it might be cathartic. Anyway, journal your way through the apocalypse.
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genderstarterfluid · 2 months ago
Like this poem and I'll write y'all a Stucky fan fic with smut
Ik I haven't been here for about 2 years, but I've been busy. I've been depressed, got a man over the summer, I lost him a week ago, and I just logged into this account. Read this fuckass poem, say stuff about it, and you'll get Bucky raw dogging Steve (That is the second part, but I'm writing the smut rn). Enjoy this depressing poem by me (and this totally wasn't a song).
*EDIT*- I changed my mind. The fic sicked and no one read it so... It's gone now on here. It's on my AO3, though. Find me at Owen_jellibear on there
I go back home today.
I can't stand the thought of leaving you.
So I stay awake, memorizing your face.
Remembering it the way it is, covered in red while my eyes glaze over with blue.
I know purple is one of your favorite hues.
I go back home today.
And it hurts so much to go.
So, I'll lay awake in your bed knowing there's just 3 hours between my house and my home.
I'll call you all day and night but I still feel alone.
I don't want to go.
I don't want to go.
I don't want to leave you.
I can't bear to leave you.
Please don't let me leave you.
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niki-q · 2 months ago
That's great honey, but I'm busy drawing pregnant "femboy" Trump as a political protest against the corrupt U.S. patriarchy following the 2024 election where a convicted felon was elected as president again
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Ignore the fact I'm not American and I live in Europe 🤫
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arathejedi394 · 4 months ago
oh you liked how in my fic for him. bucky didn't fall from the train well what if he did?
His phone buzzes. Steve picks it up and sees a text from Hill, then another one comes in. They’re both phone numbers. The first one is Becca’s and the second is Benny’s. Benny’s name is still Barnes, but Hill’s text has Becca’s last name as Proctor. Steve exhales, then he calls Becca.
It rings for a long time. Steve bites his lip.
Becca’s voice is rough and cracking with age, but it’s her. Steve exhales heavily.
“It’s Steve,” he says quietly. “Hi.”
There’s silence for a moment.
“What flowers were at your wedding?” Becca asks. 
Steve smiles, bittersweet, but it’s just like Becca to be suspicious. “Red carnations and daisies. Bucky had a daisy in his lapel,” he adds. “Your ma did all youse’s hair with daisies, too. And you and Betty had matching dresses, little cap sleeves and empire waists and a bow in the back, and your ma bought both of you a pair of kitten heels, even though you were only eight, they were yellow with bows, too. Benny had a dress with a big poofy skirt and she kept grousing about it, even though she tried to get me to wear a wedding gown with a poofy skirt. I let Benny pick the color of your dresses, though. She picked pale yellow because she was obsessed with lemons back then. The wedding cake was lemon because of her, lemon and lavender.”
“Steve…” Becca exhales. “Is it really you?”
“Yeah,” Steve whispers, trying to hold back sudden tears. “Becca, Bucky – Before he – Before –”
“What?” Becca asks gently. “What did Bucky do?”
“‘M pregnant,” Steve confesses.
“Oh, my G-d,” Becca whispers. “Oh, my G-d. You’re pregnant?”
“Three months,” Steve then tells her, his voice almost breaking. “I’m about three months in.”
“Did Bucky know?”
Steve lets out a watery sort of laugh. “Yeah,” he says. “Yeah. He – He said I could go on one last mission, the mission to get Zola, then he was gonna tell Colonel Phillips and get me discharged. We didn’t know for sure, but…”
“Oh, Steve,” Becca murmurs. “Where are you, honey?”
“Brooklyn,” Steve whispers. “Bedford-Stuyvesant,” he adds.
“Okay, honey, I’m gonna come pick you up, alright? I got a spare bedroom, you can have it. Bucky wouldn’t want you to be alone. What’s your address?”
Steve bites his lip hard, fighting back tears. But she’s right.
“Alright,” he mumbles, then recites the address for Barton’s apartment building. “I don’t have a lot of things right now,” he says. “I – I, uh, I’m trying to get the Smithsonian to give back all our stuff…”
“I heard your collar got taken out of the exhibit,” Becca says. “You have it?”
“Yeah,” Steve answers. “I had to get a new key fitted for the lock. Buck–”
He can’t say it. Bucky had had the key on the chain that held Steve’s dog tags. It had fallen with him, to be forever entombed in stone and ice.
“It’s okay, honey,” Becca tells him. “I won’t be long, just an hour. Have you got a nest set up yet?”
“No,” Steve admits softly. “I – I want –” His voice cracks and he swallows. “I want my nesting stuff. It’s all in the Smithsonian. They’re saying it all belonged to some Omega I collared.”
“I’ll sic my grandkids on ‘em,” Becca says. “What have you eaten today?”
Steve groans and drops his head back against the wall. “Protein bars,” he mutters.
“Anything else?”
“Bucky’s gonna come back from the grave and take a double-folded belt to your ass if you don’t start taking better care of his property,” Becca offers kindly.
Steve laughs a little again, then wipes tears from his eyes. “You’re right.”
“What have you got other than protein bars?” Becca asks.
“Protein shakes,” Steve sighs.
“Oh, boy, Bucky’s rolling in his grave.”
Steve almost laughs. He squeezes his eyes shut and takes a shaking breath.
“If you need to cry, you should,” Becca says. “It’s good for you.”
“Call me when you get here,” Steve murmurs. “I have to pack.”
“Alright. Just an hour, big brother.”
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unhetalia · 3 months ago
i think in an mpreg universe america would have three kids— one from england, one from russia and one from japan. he adores his babies, each sinilar to their fathers but with vastly different personalities. they were headaches to raise from infancy all by himself but now as toddlers they are the sweetest little angels (only around him btw. around their fathers/other nations these angels turn into straight devils)
(imagine alfred bringing them to a meeting just because his usual babysitter called out sick and he couldnt find someone else on such a short notice. the chaos that would create would be hilarious)
I mostly have Al having kids with whoever I am shipping him with, so I don't tend to have a scenario similar to yours where he has kids from different Nations. I love it, though, and love the kids behaving for Al but not their dads. How did he end up with children from these Nations? Is it sexual or like... to do with land?
For me it's more like, depending on who I'm shipping him with, he has [insert how many] children, [inset gender and insert personalities], [insert how it happens]. A lot of the time, as I mentioned, I really like going the miracle route, so that tends to limit things, but I do also like thinking about bigger families.
For UKUS, the miracle route will be one son, named Asher Kirkland. Miniature Arthur in terms of looks. Sturdy and strong like baby Al, but to a lesser extent. More of a homebody, quite attached to Al as a kid, and wants to be just like his father (Arthur) and do important work for the government.
If it was ABO, or a universe where mpreg is common, they repeat history and have four boys, to Arthur's endless consternation (who wanted at least one girl). Asher, Adam (loud, rambunctious, high energy), Andy (most interested in magic) and Adrian (bookish). All Kirklands.
With Russia, miracle verse is a baby named Alexander. I never quite know what last name they'd go with. Ivan calls him Sasha, Al calls him Ally. He's very shy and quiet, and really affectionate with both his parents. He loves reading and writing. In non-miracle verse, Alex is an only child for a long time - he gets a sister at the age of 14-15, named Alina, who is vibrant, chatty, and brimming with energy.
With Germany, we get twin girls in both universes! Abigail and Mathilda Jones (Abby and Maddy). The girls are opposites, with Abby being more adventurous and a tomboy while Maddy is more feminine and interested in dolls.
I've never thought of Al having a child with Kiku because my headcanon for them tends to be so sad, but if they did have children there would only be one - a son named Shinichi, who takes after Japan very heavily including wholehearted adoration for Al.
I tend to see Al as having more than one child (in miracle-verse I could even see him adopting), if he can help it. Maybe it's to compensate for his own loneliness growing up, or for having siblings he adored but didn't get to spend as much time with? Whatever the reason I do think he'd want more than one.
Anyway, this was fun! I'm not married to the kids' personalities just yet, but the amount and gender is pretty set for me, though I can see Russia and America having another girl.
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that-one-fangir1 · 13 days ago
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Hetalia mpreg fanart? In my hellsite? It’s more than you think
Also second pic is fanart for the old fanfic Ballads of Hope. Character on the bottom is North Korea(Hyungsoo Im)
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llamhigyn-y-dwr · 11 days ago
Someone needs to put a baby in Nick already 😍
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aph-america · 7 months ago
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i love what yall draw on my straw page I swear 🥹🥹🥹 keeping sending me cute amerus and mpreg roshi
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myaoiboy · 1 year ago
Death Stranding gender talk you say? Count me in.
Oh, I'm so glad someone asked about MPreg: A Hideo Kojima Game :3c
I'm going to put a quick CW in here for a medical-setting image of an umbilical cord. It's pretty mild, but I think doing side-by-side images will be helpful for illustrating what I'm talking about. Also, big spoilers for anyone that hasn't finished the game, obviously
Literally everything in Death Stranding is so very tied to parenthood and especially the pregnancy and birth parts. Yes it's technically a metaphor for the creative process but also it's, uh, incredibly visceral. So I'm gonna start here with Sam, but damn everyone in this game has some gender going on.
Can we talk about how Bridget chose the same name for both her other half/fictional daughter AND for her adopted son? I feel like not enough people mention the fact that "Amelie's" "real" name is Samantha America Strand, and everyone just calls her Amelie. Maybe because it's fucking weird to have two kids named Sam and Samantha?
The fact is too, that the two Sams aren't the only ones with gender-ambiguous names in the game...we don't know Lou's gender until the very end! The use of gender-ambiguous names for the only two main characters that you as the player can actually interact with feels hella meaningful.
In fact, the game intentionally lets us think that Lou/BB is a boy for most of the game! Cliff refers to his BB as "him" in one of the first cutscenes we see of him, very early on. The game also lets us believe, for some time at least, that there's a chance that the memories are BB/Lou's, and that Lou is Cliff's baby. We don't know this isn't true until near the end of the game! Why didn't any of the characters point out this contradiction before then? I'm not sure, at least not yet. Very open to thoughts on this. It doesn't feel like the MO of the game to have a gender reveal at the end for shock value.
Anyways, let's get in on point one obvious: like I already said, this is an mpreg game. There's...there's no way around it. A dudes carry a fetus attached to them by an umbilical cord (which they make VERY viscerally look like a real umbilical cord btw, between the color/texture/the additional cable along the outside).
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I feel like "haha it's the mpreg game" has probably been done to death but I love it so much specifically because of the implications that it makes and the puns that it plays on.
Sam is a delivery man. He's called "The Great Deliverer" or "The Man Who Delivers." And the last scene of the game, the last line before we flash-back for the postgame, is...?
Literally childbirth! It's...delivery. It's Sam delivering his own child, after making a trek by foot across the continental US carrying a difficult pregnancy. "The Man Who Delivers" is a double entendre throughout the game, just like "strand" is ('strand' like rope or hair, 'strand' as in a portion of a larger network, 'strand' as in stranding, like the beach, etc).
So like, what the fuck, right? Why do we have Mpreg: Hiking Simulator? What the HELL is going on in there?
So. America, right?
If there's anything Kojima really loves to talk about, it's America. American identity, imperialism, national myth, etc. Death Stranding is just the most recent and blatant of these. And, of course, one of the most popular American Myths are the story of the founding fathers, right up there with manifest destiny.
So we have this game where Sam is both literally becoming a father after carrying a surrogate pregnancy, and also metaphorically becoming a father by re-founding America. In that way we can see, through his experience of pregnancy, the trials of (re-)founding America.
Okay, great, cool, Sam is a male mom, wonderful, so glad that technology has progressed to this point, we stan. Maybe we don't stan the use of American nationalism as a tool so much but look at the healthy baby glow <3.
But I also want to contrast this with the only other BB we really see in the game. Yeah, baby, it's Higgs time!!! And I am going to make a comparison that is going to seem batshit insane. Bear with me:
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I was skeptical myself when I first saw this comparison, but I've been converted into a believer for a few reasons.
The visual. While imo it wouldn't be enough on its own to make a case, I have to admit that his hood is similar to some popular depictions of Mary
Higgs is literally a male prophet of a goddess of extinction. He essentially considers himself her messenger,
While Sam gets his BB from another person, and it's also a live fetus, Higgs gets his from Amelie, as how god gives mary jesus immaculately
Much like Amelie's reveal that her "soul is a lie," the "baby" that she gives higgs is a twisted effigy. He carries his god(dess)'s physical form, but as she is a goddess of extinction with no remaining soul of her own, it will never grow.
i'm willing to believe higgs is a virgin, for the bit.
Okay okay I gotta stop for now because it's 1 AM but like, consider it, mayhaps.
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snazzyerin · 2 years ago
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just a happy little steeb :]
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