#amelia x maggie
skyguywrites · 2 months
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amelia barton x maggie chance.
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escapefromrealitysm · 2 years
Alex Karev x Sister!Reader
Summary: After many years, Alex meets his little sister again under unexpected circumstances
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: angst, accident, injuries, medically innacurate
Note: English isn’t my firs language, so I’m sorry if (when) you found mistakes.
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It was hard to figure out Alex. If someone, she knew that the best from all. She was the closest to him, until they were separated to different foster family. That event unutterably shattered them. They were each other’s last promise of safety. That was ripped away from them, and there was nothing they could've done in order to stop that. Neither of them wanted a normal family if that meant that they have to go separate ways. But they had no voice in the matter. Was life ever fair though?
She wanted to be there for him, help him through his first heartbreak, celebrate his graduation with him. She wanted to cry on movies to have Alex laugh at her and maybe sometimes make him waffles.
At first they tried to keep in close touch, but the new forced family didn’t like their continous communication. So it was cut shortly.  The only thing that helped them stay a bit connected was their last name.
Alex didn’t talk about his sister. Not in his personal life, nor in the hospital. Although these two sometimes interwined. His sister was ripped away from him and that was something he couldn’t really process since then. And even if he wanted to talk about her to his friends and collegues, even then he couldn’t because he hadn’t heard about her since. Above that it was many years ago so he thought she wouldn’t even want to hear from him. They both believed this crap. So life went on and neither of them tried to find the other.
✦✧✦✧    ✦✧✦✧    ✦✧✦✧    ✦✧✦✧
The ambulance just rolled in with another case for the Grey- Sloan Memorial Hospital. The paramedics opened the door and immidiately started talking and informing the medical team about the patient and her injuries. Car accident. Fast tachycardia. Internal bleeding. Head and chest injuries. Severe fractures. Collapsed lung. Based on the shared informations it was clear to Owen, Meredith and Pierce that the female on the gurney, in her mid 20s was deep in the woods. They found out that her identity is yet unknown but the scene investigators were going to inform them based on the ID found in the wreck as soon as possible.
The team of three wheeled the patient into the ER and their number was increasing with other nurses and doctors. They were in need of more hands.
„Somebody page Shepherd!” was heard the instruction.
„Okay honey, what’s your name? Can you hear me?”- asked Price while focusing on the stetoscope’s sound. She never got an answer. The girl was out again by the end of the question. The entire room was in a rush, trying to work against time and minimalise the damage what the woman’s body’s suffered.
„We need a chest tube, now!”- and with that Owen got to it.
A nurse suddenly rushed into the room with Amelia who already started to assess the injured person’s condition.
„We have a name, age, blood type…”
As soon as the nurse took in the reaction to her past sentence she realised it would’ve been better if she doesn’t share the information before the surgery. Everyone froze when they heard what was the name. Meredith looked up, and locked her eyes with Owen’s, frowning. Y/N Karev. Karev. That couldn’t be. It must be accidental.
The medical team had to recover, she didn’t have much time. They did the urgent examinations, and headed to the OR, quickly. Even though they didn’t know for sure that Y/N was indeed a relative of Alex or not, they felt some sort of extra pressure, what they had to shut out as the OR door closed.
Some time later in the OR there was so much blood and there was still so much to do. They started doubt if they could stop the bleeding and get to the next task in time. Pierce was worried about Y/N’s heart. Didn’t know if it could take such a pressure for too long. They have to get back if she stabilised a bit. Although Amelia’s stopped the bleeding in the brain, she wanted another scan just to be sure. After some argument between the doctors they decided to close her up and let her rest a bit in the ICU.
Let her rest. But who is she? Meredith although was tired, but had to find Alex. She'd hoped that it’s some kind of misunderstanding. She walked on the long hallway of the hospital, her eyes were scanning the area, she wanted to find Karev. Since it was dark outside, maybe he has finished with his shift and took off with Jo already. No, that wouldn’t be great.
Suddenly at one of the corners they bumped into each other, she'd found Alex.
„What?” - He instantly knew something'd bothered Mer. By how she carried herself, and the look on her face.
„You look like you just saw a ghost.” He meant this as a joke, but his friend didn’t reacted to it like that.
She didn’t want to have this conversation in the middle of the hallway, hell, she didn't want to have this conversation at all, but she couldn’t hold the question in anymore.
„You don’t have a sister who I don’t know about, right?”- she asked desperately.
Alex was staring at his friend. He was expecting almost everything just not this. Why would she ask something like this?
„Wha– what are you talking about?” he was now panicking. Why would she asked something like this in the middle of her shift. It didn’t make sence.
„We just had a surgery on a girl. Her name’s Y/N. With your last name. She isn’t…”
And that was the moment when she knew she didn’t need Karev to answer her question anymore. He already did with his reaction.
He couldn’t think for a moment. He felt like the entire hospital started spinning, while his stomach was growing smaller.
„Where is she?” He felt like his heart was beating almost against his skin tissues while displacing his lungs and ribs out of the way.
„She is in the ICU for now, but Alex…” – he didn’t hear what she said after, because he started sprinting to the stairs leading to the named place. No, this couldn’t be. Sometimes he played with the thought what’d it be like to see her again, to talk to her for the first time in years. He was sure he would be nervous, yes. But he was confident to say that he wouldn’t have thought in his worst nightmare that their reunion would be something like this.
At the nurse station he got the direction to the asked patient’s room. He stepped through the sliding door, and there was no doubt anymore. He was in his sister’s hospital room.
Inside the room there were still nurses adjusting the machines and take her last vitals, but slowly they’d finished for now.
He couldn’t believe what he'd seen. She was so broken. At the first sight he noticed her head was shaved and bandaged. She was attached to a ventilator, covered in bruises and scratches. In his deep thoughts he didn’t even realise that the nurses’d left as well as Meredith was already by his side.
He had to sit down, or else his legs were going to give out.
He didn’t have to ask. He could see that Y/N’s situation was pretty bad. But he wanted to know the details. All of them. Whats up with her brain, how are her organs and limbs and how was and is their oxygen supply? How bad was the bleeding, how many more surgery will be necessary? How many bones were fractured? And who the fuck did this to her? He couldn’t decide which one to ask first if he was going to find his voice.
The doctor and friend standing beside him knew that he would want answers to his unasked questions. So she started to listing out loud what had happened before and during the life saving surgery. Told him who are his sister’s doctors, in case he wanted to get some more info. He had found out that one of the most concerning injuries affected her brain heavily.
Meredith knew exactly how does it feel to watch somebody you love on life support. Hear the ventilator do its job. And even if it’s part of their everyday life as a doctor, it doesn’t prepare them for the case when its not a person whom they know nothing about. She knew there was nothing she could say or do that’d make this easier for him. So she just stroked Alex’s shoulder to let him know that she was there for him, whatever was going to happen and assured him that later she’d send Amelia in, to inform him with the specific details. With that, she left the room.
Alex didn’t know what’d happened to her since he wasn’t a part of her life anymore. He didn’t know why she was in Seattle, hell he didn’t even know if she was going to make it. But he knew for sure that he was going to stay by her side and there isn’t anyone who could debar that this time.
He wouldn’t admit but he was afraid all along that there would be silence after everyone left him alone with his sister. But there wasn’t. He heard the late night traffic of the city, the sirens from the surrounding streets, the machines in the room, and his sobs as well. Even if he only wanted to hear his little sister’s voice.
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cosmicanemoia · 5 months
Strange Encounter
Amelia Shepherd x Reader
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Love Me Till You Leave Me part 1
Amelia stands up from her seat while staring at her phone and said that she's going to the bathroom. Her eyes fixated on her phone, she's reading meredith's research who claimed that they should forget everything they know about alzheimers. She had missed Meredith presenting an award for Dr. Bailey, who is on complete shock, given the fact that she wasn't even nominated.
Her eyes didn't bother to look up to see where she was, and someone who seemed to be in a rush bumped into her. Amelia almost dropped her phone, and anyone could tell that she was already pissed, but the person she bumped into catched her phone before it hit the floor. That someone said sorry and gave Amelia back her phone, and rushed out into the hallway, it looked almost like she was running. Amelia only get a glimpse of her face, so her eyes followed the girl's figure and look as she run down the hallway who didn't bother to look back to see if she was okay, her brows furrowed and she shake her head from left to right and went on to whatever it is she's supposed to do that she seems to have forgotten because of that strange encounter. She walked forward. Then she stopped on her track and turned around, and went back to the awarding ceremony instead.
************Later that night************
Amelia was lying on her bed in her hotel room, staring at the ceiling, and couldn't seem to fall asleep. She took her phone to see if there were any messages or voice mails, but there was none. She suddenly remembered that her phone almost dropped on the floor, but the girl she bumped with had fast reflexes and catched it. She try to remember what the girl look like and all she could remember was that the girl was wearing a low neckline green dress with long sleeves, and golden seams that compliment her body, and has a H/C hair tied up in a messy bun, some of it falling into her face, she also has a faint scent that she can't quite figure out what, but it piqued her. She kept replaying those moments in her head to try and remember what the girl looked like, but she didn't, or more likely, she just couldn't. She didn't notice what time it was and didn't bother to check, so she tried to empty her mind and went to sleep. By the time she's asleep; the sun is almost rising.
A few hours later, and she's still asleep, thinking about that girl all night makes her fall into a deep slumber. Even when her phone kept ringing in the morning, she's still fast asleep. It is past noon when a rapid knocking at her door and a repetition of her name being called out, wake her up. She sat up in her bed and stretched a little, and walked to open the door. When she opened it, it was maggie and meredith. She looked at the two women, bewildered, and ask "what the hell? It's so early in the morning, and you are so loud." Maggie let out a sigh, and Meredith, with a straight face, let's out a little smile.
"Thank God you're okay, I kept calling and texting you earlier, but you weren't answering. So I called Meredith, and here we are." Maggie said
"See, she's okay. She's just probably up all night with someone." Meredith stated as she raised her eyebrows at Amelia while also smirking.
"Maggie had a nightmare about you being abducted. She got very worried when you didn't answer her phone." Meredith said and turned to look at Maggie, who added "also it is not early in the morning. It is already twelve thirty in the afternoon. Who is it? Are they still there?"
"It's already past noon? I thought it's still early. Who is what? I don't know what you guys are talking about, but I wasn't up all night with someone, and nobody's here besides me." Amelia opened the door, fully signalling her sisters to come in. Maggie and Meredith checked the room, and they finally believed that nobody else was there.
They all sat beside the bed with Amelia in the middle.
Maggie: Did someone keep you up all night? It's very late, and if we didn't come knocking at your door, you probably would still be asleep by now.
Meredith: Of course, someone kept her up.
Amelia: I'm hungry. Let's go get something to eat.
Amelia stands up and changed her clothes while her sisters are now sitting side by side with a wide grin on their faces.
***********At the restaurant***********
Maggie: Winston and I slept together yesterday.
Amelia almost choke on her food, but Meredith just looked at her, waiting for an elaboration.
Maggie: It just sort of happens (She widened her eyes)
Amelia: Those kinds of things don't just sort of happen (She said with an annoying smirk)
Meredith: I'm with Amelia on this one. What does this mean? Are you guys back together or what?
Maggie: No, we're not back together. I don't know. Things are way too complicated.
"I bumped into someone last night." Amelia blurted out. Maggie and Meredith looked at each other before they turned to look at Amelia. Amelia lifts her head up to see her sisters reaction and saw confusion in both their faces.
Meredith: Who is it?
Maggie: Is it someone we know?
Amelia: No, just some random person. We bumped, and I almost dropped my phone, but the woman caught it. She hands me my phone said sorry and walked away. I didn't even see her face and get her name. I forgot what I was doing in that hallway, so I just came back to the ceremony.
Maggie looks down on her food, and a smile begins to form in her mouth. Meredith looked at Amelia suspiciously and said, "so that's what kept you up all night." With a grin plastered on her face.
"What? Of course not. No, nope." Amelia denied in a high-pitched voice. Her sisters chuckles at her. "Okay, fine! But in my defense, it was a strange encounter, " she added. Maggie said, "It was not that strange." Meredith nods way too many times it seems almost like she's bopping her head. "Whatever," Amelia replies with an eye roll on the side.
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Hearts and Choices
Pairing: Amelia Shepherd x Reader
Summary: You were offered by Yang a position that will help further your career in Cardiothoracic instead of your old specialty Plastic Surgery. However, this could mean leaving Amelia behind. 
Warning: Abandonment issues (?), (idk if there’s more, but if you think so just tell me so I can add them)
Words: 1.4k
When I was offered to be the Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery in Switzerland, as Yang would be the next Klausmann’s Director of Surgery and Head of Surgical Research, she needed my expertise and helped her manage the load. I wanted to accept it immediately, knowing this would be a big step in my career in Cardiothoracic. However, I need to talk to Amelia. I don’t want to leave her after Meredith is gone, and just last month, Maggie did too. I know how she is when the people close to her are leaving.
I met her when Addie brought me to Seattle Grace. I was with her in Seaside moonlighting. They said she did work at the seaside before, but I hadn’t caught her as she was leaving and going to Seattle to stay with her brother. We weren’t together then, just shameless flirting and almost kissing ‘til Addison interrupted us. We reconnected when Cormac and I transferred with Cristina’s arrangement for him to be Head of Peds and I Head of Cardio but become Head of Plastics instead, as apparently Maggie and Winston are in Cardio now, so I have to find a job. Thankfully, I’m triple certified in plastics before transferring my speciality to become a surgeon in Cardiothoracic. Anyway, before I bore you with my achievements from a young age. Let’s return to my big problem about telling the woman I love about my job offer.
I had just finished my surgery when I saw her about to berate Yasuda as I heard the Kid may have dropped an instrument. I know that intern has been sleeping in on-call rooms, and I wonder what her story is about, but I don’t think the kid needs a lecture. So I had to interrupt.
“Hey, Dr Yasuda and Dr Shepherd. Can I talk to you for a minute?” I said to her and pushed her to a supply room before she could reply. I gave Yasuda a look, and she nodded in appreciation. “Okay, what’s going on, babe? I saw you about to embarrass the intern in front of many nurses and probably her patients.” I asked. She was just looking at the floor and exhausted for the day. “Hey, Amy. Talk to me, babe.” I approached her and raised her head so she could look at me. “I know about the offer,” she said, trying not to look and maintain eye contact. “Oh, okay. Well, first off, why did you look at my emails? That's kinda shitty as my privacy is – “ “I didn't mean to. It was just there in front of me when I asked to use your laptop when you were in the shower,” she interrupted. “Well, you should have just showered with me, you know, and we wouldn’t have this problem,” I said, and I could see that she was hiding a smile. I held her hands and kissed them to get her to calm down. I spoke, “I was going to tell you about it later when we get home, as I don’t want to keep this a secret from you. I love you, Amelia and I want your opinion about it as it would be a huge step for my career.” “Do you want it? Are you planning to take it?” she asked. “Truthfully, it is a very tempting offer and a huge one for me, babe. I was supposed to be here for the head of Cardio, but because Maggie and Winston happened, I had to give that up and become head of Plastics.” I said. “So you are taking it,” she said as she let go of my hand and sat on the floor, trying to settle her feeling and not wanting her tears to fall. I sighed. I followed and sat near her, taking her in my arms and letting her feel me. 
“I love you, Amelia. I have never loved someone so unique and complex that each waking moment I have with you is never dull and always unpredictable. When I came back here, you were with Link and also very pregnant, and I know you were happy, so I never disturbed you even when my feelings for you grew so much in the years that I finally know you. Then did you know how much it was killing me to see you being proposed to by Link on that beach? God, I thought my heart would stop, and that’s coming from a world-class cardiothoracic surgeon who knows it is a rare feat, so I left for three months. I went to see Yang and told her my predicament. I helped her in Klausmann, and I tried and tried to forget about my feelings for you, but I can’t. I told her that I had to go home. Home, even though I’m not sure where that was until I saw you performing that flawless operation on David. You were my home even if I wasn’t yours. It was always the wrong timing for us. I didn’t realise that you met Kai and, I guess, gotten to know them, and maybe you love them, but I just let it be.” “Uhmm, excuse me, but you weren’t so available yourself. You were hooking up with the new Plastics surgeon. I thought you didn’t want to do with me. I never expected that you also have feelings for me.” she said. “I know I wasn’t a saint, Amy. I am human too, and I needed people, and I hooked up with people, but you, on the other hand, were always in a relationship, so I didn’t do anything not until after a few months when I saw you in the backyard when Kai left you. I consoled you but kept my distance because I didn’t want to be your rebound.” “You are not my rebound. How many times do I have to tell you that.” “I know, Amy. I know. I just want to tell you that these past few months of being with you are never enough, Babe. I love you so much a-” “But you’re leaving. That’s what people say before they abandon me.” she interrupted again. “God, woman, let me finish.” I held her closer as if she’d run away and said,” I love you so much, and I love my job too. However, after many relationships on your part and flings from mine, I realised that I want it just to be you, and so I told Cristina that I have to talk to you about this, and here we are.” “You’re going to leave me, aren’t you? Just tell me already. Stop my suffering.” she said and hugged me tight. 
“You don’t listen, huh? I love you, and I will always choose you, Amy. I’m accepting the Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery but not in Zurich. I’ll be accepting it here. I will tell Yang she can offer it to Ndugu even though he shouldn’t leave the hospital. That guy is amazing with his techniques, and Maggie taught him well.” I said. “You're not leaving. You are not leaving?” she said, surprised. “I’m not leaving, baby, but I want to explore the options of having Klausmann and Grey Sloan partner, especially with Cardiothoracic research. Cristina owes me some favours. Maybe she and I can talk about it as well as Teddy. Though I have to talk to Winston and maybe persuade him not to leave and instead be my co-chief.” I said out loud. “Thank you, and I love you. I do.” She said, kissing me passionately as if we didn’t need air to breathe.
We got interrupted when someone walked in, “seriously, you two? Not again.” Addison said. Amelia and I laughed, and I said, amused, “Why is it always you, Addie?” “I don’t know, and I hate you two.” She said and left the room. I got up carrying Amelia with me. I settled her down and said, “We’ll be okay, love. I love you, and I’m staying.”
After the missed opportunities of being with the woman I love, I don’t think I’ll ever leave now that I have the taste of it. I love her and Scout and my profession, so I guess I made the right choice.
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It's legit insane that there are 19 seasons of Grey's Anatomy, yet here I am watching every week and eagerly anticipating the next round of mess as soon as I can get it!
I know they aren't going to kill Teddy but I'm excited to be emotionally beat up if they surprise me and give her long term pain. I want her and Owen to be happy. I'm pretty and I want Richard to drink so I can get more drama. I'm so happy for Jo and Link - at last!!! Those 2 + Luna and Scout are extremely adorable and I live for it
I'm honestly loving the new interns and I love how they are MAGYK as a homage to the OG interns - MAGIC. That being said, I'm really not on the Simone and Lucas train haha, maybe I'll change my mind soon. Kwan and Jules have the potential to be a gave for me - I won't lie though, I just adore Blue haha
I miss Maggie so much already and her exiting scene with her in the elevator standing between her two moms Ellis and Diane is one of my all times favourite scenes in the entire show and I got so emotional. I'm glad that she and Winston seem to be in a good place not but I was furious at them fighting for most of the season and I thought Winston was being a big bitch baby.
Meredith has taken a step back and I surprisingly don't really care? I hate that Nick took her back after how awful she was to him lol. And Kai & Amelia broke up which is no surprise and should have happened last season.
Addison showing up this season was cute. And I fill on cried when Bailey won the Harper Avery/Catherine Fox award - it was amazing and gave me all the happy feelings I needed
Anywayssss if you wanna hear our thoughts and watch out video about everything that happened in season 19, please watch our video and let us know what you think!
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aliciaclarkwrites · 23 days
maggie/amelia + 💡
💡 a scared text.
MAGGIE: i don't know like MAGGIE: you're just this perfect cool asf person idk why you like me MAGGIE: i know you don't exactly have your shit together but like neither do i so i don't think i'm one to judge haha, but i really do think you're perfect MAGGIE: i'm so so scared that one day you're gonna realise the bad in me outweighs the like 3% good and leave me Maggie: ik we're not anything and you're not my girlfriend but Maggie: i like you so much, so don't go, okay?
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dayvoidkyoto · 2 years
okay okay okay. by no means do i actually think they'll actually do this, bc it'd be insane and it's way too early for it, plus we're all pretty sure the next ep is Maggie's exit.
but lots of people are speculating that Lucas and Simone are a Merder/Japril hybrid (elevator kiss and an ex showing up out of nowehere + out-of-the-blue public proposal with clapping and cheering in front of the other guy)
and we all remember when April thought Jackson had died in the bus explosion and lost her mind when she saw him, despite being engaged to another guy, right?
now. if the upcoming episode involves the hospital being under attack (and we all saw Amelia running frantically in the promo) then what if Maggie isn't the one she's running to?
what if it's Lucas?
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chaosqueen1998 · 10 months
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Station 19 (TV), Grey's Anatomy Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca, Maya Bishop & Carina DeLuca, Maya Bishop & Andy Herrera Characters: Maya Bishop, Carina DeLuca, Meredith Grey, Amelia Shepherd, Maggie Pierce, Kai Bartley (mention), Travis Montgomery, Owen Hunt, Teddy Altman (Grey's Anatomy), Jo Wilson, Miranda Bailey, Victoria Hughes, Andy Herrera Additional Tags: #MarinaWinterCheers, Workplace Visit, 4+1 Things, Married Couple, Humor, Coffee, Injury, Homophobia, Light Smut, Caught Series: Part 4 of #MarinaWinterCheers Summary:
Four times Maya visits Carina at work and one time Carina visits Maya.
Prompt: Workplace Visit
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ofbadblood · 13 days
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** 𝟭𝗫𝟭 𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗢𝗥𝗗 𝗥𝗣 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗡𝗘𝗥 𝗪𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦 ** 𝗠𝗬 𝗠𝗨𝗦𝗘: 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗶𝗲 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗪𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗗 𝗢𝗣𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗜𝗧𝗘: 𝗡𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗻 𝗦𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗗𝗢𝗠: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗔𝗕𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗠𝗘: 𝗚𝗠𝗧 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗲𝗱, 𝟯𝟬+, 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝘆 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗲. 𝗜 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝟭-𝟮 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗲, 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮. 𝗗𝗢𝗨𝗕𝗟𝗘 𝗨𝗣: 𝗡𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗙𝗢𝗥: 𝗦𝗲𝗺𝗶 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝟮𝟭+ 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗨𝗞 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀. ** 𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘, 𝗥𝗘𝗕𝗟𝗢𝗚 𝗢𝗥 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱. 𝗗𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮𝘀 𝗜 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮 𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸 **
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mastermicd · 2 months
@lingeringscars liked for a starter (still accepting).
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"is it cancer?" she asked, eyes narrowing at the question was put to the other. "i just need to know how invested i should get." she'd become incredibly close to both charles and oliver, but her dry sense of humour always did seem to seep it's way into conversation, even when perhaps it might have been inappropriate. "you know, you wouldn't adopt like a 30 year old dog."
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 6 months
Masterlist & Request Guidelines
Requests are closed right now, but the Masterlist is always open! 🫶🏻
Olivia Benson (Law & Order: SVU)
Can You Stay?
Texts from Olivia Benson
Eyes Open
When Worlds Collide (x daughter!reader)
Alex Blake (Criminal Minds)
What You Want (18+)
Inside Your Head
Texts from Alex Blake
Alex Cabot (Law & Order: SVU)
Alex Cabot x Reader Headcanons
After General Anesthesia
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Headcanons
What You Give
Texts from Alex Cabot (18+)
Carol Danvers (Marvel)
Find Your People (x sibling!reader)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
A Hard Day
Just Playing
Headcanons: Coming Out to Rosa Diaz as Transmasc
Passenger Princess
A Little Lunch
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Lee Harker (Longlegs)
The Halloween Party
Jennifer Jareau (Criminal Minds)
The Dogs
The Intruder
Fight or Flight (x daughter!reader)
Texts from Jennifer "JJ" Jareau (18+)
The Aftermath
Johanna Mason (The Hunger Games)
Home Again
Casey Novak (Law & Order: SVU)
Someone Will See
First Time (18+)
Sunday Mornings
She Likes You Anyway
Empty House (18+)
You're Safe Now
Home for the Holidays
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (18+)
I Need You To
Your Brother's Wedding
Casey Novak x Reader Headcanons
After General Anesthesia
Panic! At the DA's Office
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Headcanons
May the Fourth Be With You
With the Crack of a Bat
Just One Kiss
Texts from Casey Novak
They Go Low
Getting Older, Too
When Worlds Collide
Frozen Oranges
Maggie Pierce (Grey's Anatomy)
Just as Friends
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
The Surprise Series Masterlist
Coming Out
Let Me Keep You Safe (18+)
Emily Prentiss x Reader Headcanons
Shelter from the Storm
Don't Lie to Me
Burning (18+)
Tracing You
Tiny (x daughter!reader)
Control (18+)
The World's Largest Box of Condoms (x daughter!reader)
Touchy (18+)
Texts from Emily Prentiss (18+)
White Fang
Arizona Robbins (Grey's Anatomy)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
Amelia Shepherd (Grey's Anatomy)
Sick Call
Tea for Two
Strap Up (18+)
Postpartum (18+)
Playing It Safe (18+)
You're Mine (18+)
The R Word
Left Unsaid (18+)
Texts from Amelia Shepherd (18+)
Callie Torres (Grey's Anatomy)
Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
If you have requests for characters outside of the above, please feel free to send them on anyway! The above are just characters I've written for before. If I'm familiar with the character/source material and the request meets my parameters, I'll be happy to give it a shot!
I only write for characters who are women. No men here. Sorry, folks.
I only write x reader. I don't really enjoy writing about already-existing relationships or character ships. I've done a couple of x daughter!reader and x sibling!reader fics, and I'm happy to do them, but to be honest I very much prefer romantic fics.
I only write for readers and characters with v*lvas. I absolutely welcome non-binary/gender non-conforming characters/readers. Just be aware that, where smut is concerned, I only feel confident writing about humans with v*ginas.
I don't feel comfortable writing dark!characters or smut that's degrading. Kinks and other smut-related requests I take on a case-by-case basis. But I absolutely will not write anything that even gets close to the line of non-consensual. No shade to you if the above are things you enjoy reading/writing, they're just personally not for me.
Autistic readers are so welcome! I love reading and writing x autistic!reader fics!
I do feel comfortable writing about the aftermath of trauma (sexual or otherwise), most mental illnesses, etc. I enjoy a good hurt/comfort fic and, as someone who's dealt with both of the above, I know it can be very comforting to read something that makes you feel like you're cared for and safe.
I also really enjoy writing headcanons, so feel free to request those as well! The same rules apply for headcanons that apply for fics.
Send those requests on, bbs!
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skyguywrites · 3 months
[louis/amelia] “tell her that you love her.”
Amelia frowned, fingers worrying at the edge of her pristine skirt. She thought, momentarily, that if this were a movie – or perhaps a book, even – then the skirt would be frayed around the edges, the pads of her forefinger and thumb rubbing uncomfortably at a loose thread as it unraveled further. Amelia was smart, though; She was thorough in her research regardless of the context. She didn’t believe in fast fashion, and she knew that buying clothes from a good source that would last her a long time, no matter how expensive, was money well-spent.   It was a comfortable tangent for her mind to wander off on as she tried to distract herself from her friend’s words, but in the end it wasn’t enough. Because the thing about Amelia was that she was precise in all the things that she did – even now, even after the accident. She could hardly admit as much to Maggie herself, but even on chatting and flirting with the pretty musician, she’d done her research. She’d looked into who her father was, her style icons, what kind of music she made; even going so far as to watch clips of her talking about her musical influences, too. She’d learned everything she could possibly know about Maggie Chance, only there was one thing Google hadn’t quite prepared her for; Falling in love.  “You say that like it’s easy,” Amelia whispered, her voice low as she tried to bite back fresh tears.  Without looking up, she felt Wardo shuffle beside her, instinctive as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in. Louis found her hand, pulling it into his lap, squeezing tight as he peered across at her, patient as he waited for her to go on.  “Look at you two idiots,” she grumbled, feeling the barest bit lighter as she felt rather than heard Wardo laugh beside her. ”You act like it’s that easy. Like telling each other how you felt wasn’t the most awful, terrifying thing in the world.”  Because it was, truly. How she felt about Maggie was bigger than anything that life had thrown her way. Losing her mom, her dad’s descent into alcoholism, even the car accident; It seemed dramatic to think it – harsh, even – but in that moment, it all seemed to pale in comparison to the weight that was pressing down against her chest now. Everything she’d once loathed about Maggie, once found annoying beyond compare, was something she now found light in, quietly endeared by the other girl’s quirks and mannerisms. But there was a darkness behind the musician’s gaze, one that only seemed to soften when she found herself alone with Amelia, despite her insistence that they could never go public with their... whatever you might call their situation.  She would never pressure her into doing anything she wasn’t comfortable with – that wasn’t Amelia’s style, not by a long shot. But living like this – one minute feeling as though you were on cloud nine, as though nothing could possibly hurt you, and the next being shoved aside, made to feel like a dirty secret – was something she didn’t want to get used to. She didn’t want to be the thing that Maggie was so ashamed of. 
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
If you are taking requests. May I request Amelia X reader. Reader is her ex but they broke off( private practise , worked with Addison and all ). But reader left maybe to work abroad or the military. Fast forward now reader returns to Grey's Addison called them in , old flame,sparks . reader was always her safe place but they grew apart and had to grow(get sober). Just want Amelia to be happy, idk what the heck happened to Kai :((( I'm sorry if it's too much or silly feel free to if ore.
Somebody that I used to know
Summary: Even though years change people, the love for them stays the same.
Pairing: Amelia Shepherd x female!reader
Warnings: my medical knowledge is zero, talk of addiction, Scout doesn’t exist
Word count: 1997
a/n: Amelia deserves so much better
masterlists | guidelines
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Addison walks towards the break room, hoping to find Amelia there before it’s too late. She walks into the room, luckily seeing the youngest Shepherd sitting on the couch, coffee in hand, talking with Maggie Pierce. “Amelia, could I talk to you for a minute?” She says right away, skipping the pleasantries.
With a look, Amelia stands up. “Sure.” She chuckles quietly, slightly nervous. “What’s up?” She asks after Maggie leaves to room for the two.
“I called Doctor Y/L/N here to help me with a patient of mine, she’s arriving today.” She tells, trying to gauge what Amelia’s thoughts are about seeing her ex again. “I wanted to tell you before she’s here.”
“Okay, thanks for telling me.” And with that Amelia leaves the room. Addison sighs, rubbing her forehead. Suddenly she isn’t too sure if she did the right thing, but she really needs Y/N here, she’s the best in her field. She just has to hope everything goes smoothly.
“Addison!” Y/N’s voice calls out excitedly.
The red head turns around to see her doctor friend walking towards her with a bright smile. “Hey, stranger.” Addison laughs, meeting her half way to hug her. “I’m so glad to finally see you. How was the world?” She pulls away, her hands on Y/N’s shoulders to see how much she has changed over the years.
“The world was good.” Y/N decided to leave the practice in Los Angeles to join the Doctors Without Borders, traveling all over the world with them. “How’s Seattle? I didn’t think you’d come back here.” She looks around the hospital. This isn’t her first time in Grey Sloan Memorial, but it has been a long time since she was last here.
“Seattle is good. You know I go where babies need me, and this baby needs us both.” She nods her head forward, so they start walking. “The baby is two months old and his heart is incredibly weak. He won’t survive without a donor heart, but getting a heart that small will take too much time.”
“That’s where I come in.”
“That’s where you come in.” Addison smiles, she missed working with her. “His heart could become strong enough, if you fixed the veins around it.” They walk into a room full of pictures of the baby’s heart and veins.
Y/N looks through the pictures, at times picking one of them up to see it closer. The heart is compromised, and the baby won’t survive long if they do nothing, but the surgery Addison is talking about is incredibly risky. Fortunately, Y/N is a risk taker.
“I can do it,” she states, “but I’m gonna need a lot of help. His vitals need to be monitored closely.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, Addison nods. “I’ll get you anything you need.” She pauses for a moment, contemplating on saying anything. “Amelia is here, you know? Incase you wanted to talk to her.”
“Oh.” Y/N clears her throat, cleaning up the pictures into a neat pile so she wouldn’t have to look at Addison staring at her. “I didn’t know that.” She mumbles.
The now silent and tense atmosphere of the room makes Addison question whether she made the right decision. Amelia is one of the most important people in her life, she’s her sister, but she also cares about Y/N a lot. Their relationship didn’t really end on the best terms, mostly because of Amelia’s addiction, but the relationship itself was good. They both were happiest Addison has ever seen when they were together.
“I’ll make a surgery plan and then get back to you, okay?” Y/N states, not waiting for Addison to answer as she leaves the room.
Her mind is all over the place, which makes her walk through the hallways with less attention than usually, though she does greet the familiar faces going past her. However, she doesn’t notice the person walking right towards her with the same state of mind. So, they crash into each other.
All the pictures Y/N was holding fly to the floor. “Shit, I’m sorry.” She grumbles, kneeling down to gather them.
The familiar voice makes her head snap up. Amelia is standing over her, an indescribable look on her face. The exes stare at each other in silence, both unsure what to do. They both knew of the others presence in the hospital, but they didn’t think they’d bump into each other, at least not yet.
Her breath hitches as she looks over Amelia’s face. As much as she doesn’t like admitting it, she missed her. “Amy.” With a mumble, Y/N stands up, dusting off her scrubs.
“Amelia, no one calls me Amy anymore.” She says with a small smile. Y/N just nods, putting it to her mind. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”
Amelia scratches the back of her neck. “So, Addison called you.”
“She did.” The pictures are starting to crease in her grip. “There’s a..baby, obviously, uhm, and she needed help.” She clears her throat, looking around for an exit. “I actually have to make a surgery plan for tomorrow, so, I’ll see you around, I guess.”
Going to walk past Amelia, she stops once a hand takes hold of her arm. “Could we talk? Just the two of us, later today.”
The ask makes Y/N hesitant, but the way Amelia is looking at her makes her give in. “Okay.”
“Awesome,” a smile spreads on Amelia’s face, “coffee, after work?”
“I’ll see you then.” She lets go and Y/N walks away, Amelia’s eyes never leaving her back.
Amelia paces around the lobby of the hospital, her mind racing a mile a minute. She has always considered Y/N her biggest love, maybe even soulmate, if she truly believes in them. Seeing her again has brought the feelings back to the surface and she isn’t sure what to do with them.
Her thoughts come to a halt when she notices Y/N walking towards her. Instead of her scrubs, she’s now wearing her everyday clothes. She looks just as beautiful as she did all those years ago. And she decides to tell her so, “you look beautiful.” Y/N hums with a slight smile, her cheeks turn warm, but she pays no mind to it. “There’s a small cafe down the street.”
“Let’s go then.” As they walk side by side, Y/N bites the inside of her cheek, looking down at the pavement. The silence is uncomfortable and they desperately want to break it, but neither of them know what’s appropriate to say in a situation like this. “How have you been?” Y/N decodes to ask, glancing at Amelia.
“Better. A lot better actually. I’ve been sober for a long time, though it’s still hard sometimes. I got two new sisters, sort of,” she chuckles, “Meredith and Maggie. And I’m the head of neuro department.”
“I heard about Derek. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah.” Amelia sighs. “It’s okay.” She opens the door of the cafe for Y/N before stepping inside herself. At the counter, they order their coffees, and when it comes time to pay, Amelia pushes Y/N’s hand away from the machine. “My treat.” She pays both of their coffees.
“You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to.” They move to the other side pf the counter to wait for their coffees. “It’s the least I can do after,” she pauses, “everything.”
“It wasn’t completely your fault.” She looks away from her. “You were going through a tough time.”
“That’s no excuse. I hurt you and drove away one of the best things in my life.”
Being one of the best things in her life sounds like an exaggeration, but the sincerity in Amelia’s eyes makes her believe she really means it. “You’re also important to me.” Before the conversation van keep on going, the barista shouts their names. They take their coffees and find a quiet corner place to sit.
“So, what have you been doing all there years?”
“I moved around with Doctors Without Borders.” Y/N sips her drink. “Also studied a bit on the side.”
“And your love life?”
If Amelia was anything, she was blunt. If she wanted know something, she’d ask, Y/N usually liked her unfiltered talk. “Love life, huh?” She giggles with a shake of her head. “There were some flings and one time things, you know, to release stress I suppose. But nothing that stayed.” Amelia listens intently while she drinks her coffee. “And you?”
She shrugs. “There was Link and Kai, but just like every relationship I have had, they ended with someone’s heart broken.” Amelia has a grin on her face. She has already gotten over the past two relationships, but it’s still disheartening to have failed relationships.
“Hm, you’ll find your person.”
“Maybe,” Amelia keeps eye contact with Y/N, “I really hope so.”
Looking down, Y/N taps the mug in front of her with her nails, all the feelings around them getting overwhelming. “Listen,” she changes the subject, “could you be in the surgery tomorrow? I need someone to monitor her brain activity, and you are the best there is.” She lifts her head to give Amelia a teasing look. “Or at least you used to be. Have you gotten worse over the years?”
“Worse? Do you know who you’re talking to? I’m better than ever.” Amelia answers to the teasing look with a challenging look of her own. “What I’m hearing is, you need my help because you aren’t in the best shape.” Her elbows are leaning against the table.
“Oh, wow.” Y/N crosses her arms. “Your ego is still sky high.”
Amelia laughs, which Y/N giggle as well.
The surgery has been going on for six hours already, and the whole room is tense. Amelia and Addison are monitoring the baby’s health, while Y/N is rerouting the veins near the heart. The surgery is already nearing its end, but there’s still things to do.
Y/N lets out a sigh, shaking her hand to ease the pain in her wrist. It has stayed on one position for a long time. She can feel multiple pairs of eyes on the side of her head, there’s an audience in the viewing room. This is an once in a lifetime surgery after all. Double checking everything she has done, Y/N lifts her head to her friends. “Are his vitals good?” The two nod. “Alright, we’re ready to close.” She says shakily, not ready to relax just yet. But she can feel the relief coursing through the room.
The sutures closing the opening on the baby’s chest don’t take long, as the wound isn’t as big as on an adult. The moment the last suture is on its place, people in the viewing room start cheering, so do the doctors in the operation room. Addison and one other doctor take the baby to NICU, not before thanking Y/N though.
Walking out of the room, Y/N slumps down to a chair, taking off her scrub cap. Amelia sits down next to her. “Watching you work is seriously magnificent.”
Y/N laughs, “you’re being dramatic.”
“I’m not!” Amelia throws her arm around Y/N’s shoulders, giving her a side hug. “You’re incredibly and I love you.” Y/N turns to look at her. “Give me another chance? Go on a date with me?”
“Yeah?” Amelia grins widely.
“Yeah.” Y/N smiles too, her heart beating a hundred miles. She isn’t sure if it’s from the surgery she just did, or the fact that Amelia is looking at her like she’s the only person she cares about.
Amelia nods, feeling like she just won the lottery. “I’ll pick you up at eight, wear something pretty.” She kisses her cheek before walking off, going straight to Addison to tell the good news.
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midnightlizard · 5 months
Amelia shepherd dating her intern headcannon
Amelia Sheperd x gn!reader
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● The first thing she noticed about you were your hands
● She didn't even notice there was a change in interns until she saw how your hands were much steadier than her other intern
● She immediately started asking for you whenever there was a delicate surgery
● And as soon as you started dating she always told you about her surgeries ahead of time so you could participate if you wanted
● Did it make you look spoiled by the department chief?
● Maybe, but she didn't care. You were good and she wanted you in her O.R.
● She would pull out the "I'm your boss" card whenever she wanted
● Wherever she wanted
● You want to go home after a 12 hour shift? Well Amelia wants to take a nap in the on-call room, so you will take a nap in the on-call room with her
● Why? because she's your boss
● She always checks up on you after a surgery with other attendings
● "did everything go well?" "did you remember every step?"
● She's amused at the kind and the amount of gossip you interns have going on
● She doesn't know their names and doesn't recognise most of the faces, but she remembers what they did
● But sometimes she messes up
● "oh oh! is that the one who slept with the department chief?"
● "..no, that's me. You're the department chief"
● Meredith and Maggie may have found it weird having an intern in their house at first, but they had their own fair share of 'prohibited' work relationships over the years (especially Meredith)
● So they never really said anything
Amelia Shepherd Masterlist - Grey's anatomy Masterlist
General Masterlist
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dylan-duke · 2 months
i know we just brought the aunties in…but imagine when one of the aunties gets pregnant while Nora is still little and she can appropriately get upset / jealous?
So she clings to the opposite auntie because in her mind she’s the baby. She thinks no other babies allowed. Quinn even tried to explain that uncle x and auntie x are giving her a built in best friend and she isn’t taking the bait.
ok so im trying to think of a timeline here so I'm going to do that below
quinn + nora x layla luke x kylee jack x maggie
March 21st, 2021 - Nora Wren Hughes is born
March 25th, 2021 - Luke finds Nora on Ellen and Jim's front porch sneaking in from a party
February 2023 - Luke meets Tyler Dukes best friend, Kylee Miller He cannot stop think about her
June 2023 - Luke and Kylee reunite at the Duke lake house and begin a friendship/start talking
August 2023 - Kylee comes to the Hughes lake house and they make it official
July 2024 - Kylee spends most of the month training with the Hughes family at their lake house the first time they spend an extended amount of time together around the hughes'
August 2024 - Nora starts pre-k!
July 2025 - Layla and Quinn reunite at Quinn's day with the cup party. Layla realizes she's going to work for the team he captains
September 2025 - Jack spills his coffee all over Maggie when rushing to have a meeting with a new rookie, which Nico asked him to do
September 2025 - Quinn runs into Layla at media day, and realizes that she works for his team They begin to reconnect and become friends - Quinn insisting on showing her around
October 2025 - Jack and Maggie start dating
December 2025 - Jack and Maggie make it official official even it has been unofficially official for about 2 months
January 2026 - Quinn asks Layla to be his girlfriend
May 2026 - Kylee Graduates from OSU!
June 2026 - Kylee gets drafted First Overall by PWHL New York
Febraury 2027 - Quinn proposes over all star break
July 2027 - Luke proposes to Kylee on the boat just the two of them
July 2028 - Layla and Quinn get married!!!
October 2028 - Layla officially adopts Nora
June 15th, 2029 - Amelia Jordan Hughes is born!
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chaosqueen1998 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery, Meredith Grey & Addison Montgomery Characters: Meredith Grey, Addison Montgomery, Amelia Shepherd, Maggie Pierce Additional Tags: Bisexual Meredith Grey, Bisexual Addison Montgomery, Addie is back, One Shot, before I watched the Episode Summary:
Amelia finds out something that could be weird for her. She freaks out a little bit.
based on the latest Promo of 18x03
This was my first meddison fanfic that I wrote. Check it out if you want 😉
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