#amelia moses
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movienized-com · 9 months ago
Guess Who
Guess Who (2024) #AmeliaMoses #KeeyaKing #ElizabethSaunders #AndreAnthony #CorteonMoore #MichaelBuie Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2024 (Januar) Genre: Horror Regie: Amelia Moses Hauptrollen: Keeya King, Elizabeth Saunders, Andre Anthony, Corteon Moore, Michael Buie, Gabriel Darku, Mike Paterson, Chimwemwe Miller, Vanessa Jackson, Amanda Ip, Ryan Bommarito, Dean Persons … Filmbeschreibung: Ein Familienbesuch endet tödlich, als ein psychotischer Killer auftaucht, der sich hinter einer ungewöhnlichen Tradition…
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zonetrente-trois · 1 year ago
19 January
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softerpixels · 1 year ago
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friendsgiving at the mose-kapani residence. patience decided to ask eloise to move in with her and she said yes!
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onlyloversleftonline · 2 months ago
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vampire infighting
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horrorpatch · 1 year ago
Exclusive Video Interview With BLOOD OPERA Frontman Maxxx Murder!
Canada’s reigning kings of horror metal, BLOOD OPERA recently dropped their debut full-length album, Songs In The Key Of Death. The band combines horror movies and heavy metal, a combination we here at Horror Patch are particularly fond of. Did I mention all the members of Blood Opera are zombies? Born in blood, conceived in Hell, and reanimated by accident! Bent on cannibalizing the entire…
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russo-woso · 7 months ago
Free || Leah Williamson x reader
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Request | Masterlist | Prompt List
Part of the mini Williamson universe.
Summary You finally get a day free to spend with all your friends.
“Baby, you go out with the girls today. I’ve got Ami and Charlie.” Leah told you, holding a five week old Charlie in her arms.
“Are you sure?” You questioned, Leah nodding confidently in response.
In college, you’d become friend with four girls and you all became best friends.
Since then, you’d been inseparable. Going out for drinks or dinner or shopping.
Each week, you’d all meet up doing whatever.
That had all continued until you reached 30 weeks and you didn’t really fancy going out.
So your friends had to improvise and bring all them meet ups to your house instead.
Since you gave birth to Charlotte, they’d been encouraging you to go on an overdue shopping trip, but you felt guilty for leaving Charlie when she was still so little, even though Leah would be there to look after her.
Yesterday, you made the decision to decline there offer to go out today and you had been in a mood the rest of the day.
Leah had picked up on it and immediately knew what was wrong.
“Of course I’m sure, baby. You’re missing your friends and you deserve a break, go have fun.” Leah said, encouragingly nodding with her words.
“Thank you, le.” You pressed a kiss to her cheek, excitedly. “I pumped this morning so that’s ready in the fridge. Are you sure Charlie’s ready for me to leave her?” You started doubting whether to go or not.
“Baby, she’s asleep. She’s gonna be fine. I won’t let anything happen.”
“I know. I’m sorry, I’m not doubting you. You’re the best mummy ever.” You told Leah, watching her put Charlie in the Moses basket.
“So are you.” Leah said, placing her hands on your hips and pulling you in for a kiss.
“Stop kissing.” Ami told you both as she walked into the room.
“Can I not kiss mama?” Leah questioned, still resting an arm around you.
“Sorry, bubba, but I’m always going to kiss mama.” Leah told her, pecking your lips. “You go get ready, baby. I’ve got them both. Take my card today as well, treat yourself.”
You walked through door a few hours later, with several bags in your hand.
“Hi, baby.” Leah exclaimed as you walked into the living room, a sleeping Charlie curled up on her chest.
Ami was lying on the sofa, cuddled up to Leah’s side watching a film on the tv.
“Hi, love.” You said, bending down to kiss her.
“Gonna do a runway show for me?” Leah smirked playfully, raising her eyebrows suggestively.
“Le!” You exclaimed, smacking her arm gently. “Besides, I didn’t get much.”
“Baby, you’re kidding. How many bags is that? Six? Seven?”
“Most of its for Ami and Charlie.” You told her, gesturing to the bags in your hands. “Oh my god, le look at these baby clothes I got for Charlie.”
You showed Leah the bag full of baby clothes, Leah’s heart melting at some of them.
“They’re adorable, baby.”
“And I got this very special dress just for Ami.” You said, Ami’s head bobbing up from the sofa at the mention of a dress and her name.
You showed her the Disney princess dress you got for Amelia.
“For me?” Ami asked, as you nodded.
“Just for my princess.”
“Thank you, mama.”
“You’re welcome, bubba.”
“Baby, it was your turn to treat yourself whilst you were out. Why didn’t you get yourself anything?” Leah asked, rubbing your arm.
“Oh I did, and I think you’re gonna like it to. We did a quick trip to the Victoria secret shop.” You whispered, Leah’s eyes widening in realisation.
“Really.” You confirmed, pointing to the Victoria secret bag.
“Gonna try it on for me?”
“Tonight.” You whispered, winking.
Just as Leah went to respond, Charlie was sick all over her.
“Little miss clearly doesn’t like the idea of it.”
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spntoxicfemslashevent · 3 months ago
welcome girls and gays to the official pre-start of spn toxic femslash 2025. we've pared down our per-day prompts to a svelte four as opposed to last year's six, and we've added a new category of prompt: character prompts. these are what it says on the tin: single characters without a specified ship. YOU get to choose the femslash. additionally, characters who only appear in a few episodes and only have one name are clarified by the name of the first episode in which they appeared, ao3 style. alright babes, go wild.
remember, you're not required to follow every prompt or even the week theme. pick and choose! and remember to post your works here.
day one: marking // corpse // rowena mcleod/billie // constance welch
day two: gothic // humiliation // eileen leahy/mary winchester // gwen campbell
day three: mommy kink // vivisection // hannah/naomi // eleanor visyak
day four: age gap // jealousy // missouri mosely/jo harvelle // tracy bell
day five: worship // right hand // lilith/ruby // ambriel (the devil in the details)
day six: reign in hell/serve in heaven // mindwipe/lobotomy // eve/lenore (bloodlust) // ava wilson
day seven: munchausen by proxy // barefoot and pregnant // alex jones/celia (alex annie alexis ann) // lydia (the slice girls)
day eight: roller derby au // doll // ruby/astaroth (malleus maleficarum) // maggie zeddmore
day nine: guilt by association // executioner // bela talbot/cassie robinson // amy pond
day ten: autopsy // poison/drugging // raphael/billie // athena lopez
day eleven: murder-suicide // isolation // charlie bradbury/charlie bradbury // marin (the born-again identity)
day twelve: nun kink // handmaiden-feudal lord // linda tran/abaddon // cecily (road trip)
day thirteen: vore // comp het // becky rosen/amara // kate milligan
day fourteen: coffeeshop au (evil) // ritual sacrifice // kelly kline/dagon // tessa
day fifteen: crossdressing // outsider pov // cassie robinson/fem!dean winchester // tamara (the magnificent seven)
day sixteen: forcefem // petplay // fem!jack kline/harper sayles // haley collins
day seventeen: piety // brat // fem!castiel/raphael // madge carrigan
day eighteen: unreality/lying // butch // linda tran/meg masters // olivia (ask jeeves)
day nineteen: turn the straight girl // soulmates // fem!lucifer/fem!sam winchester // hester (reading is fundamental)
day twenty: substance abuse // on the rack // fem!bobby singer/fem!crowley // casey (sin city)
day twenty one: brainwashing // rot // anna milton/ruby // tasha banes
day twenty two: manipulation // scratch her eyes out // patience turner/claire novak // dumah (war of the worlds)
day twenty three: "what happened to her first husband?" // infidelity  // missouri mosely/mary winchester // amelia richardson
day twenty four: somnophilia // true crime // billie/jessica moore // pamela barnes
day twenty five: kidnapping // episode rewrite // kate (bitten)/tasha (paper moon) // lily baker
day twenty six: unreliable narrator // stacy's mom // meg masters/ellen harvelle // stevie (the rupture)
day twenty seven: closeted // demon deal // mary winchester/billie // krissy chambers
day twenty eight: "i ran into a door" // babytrap // jody mills/donna hanscum // paris hilton
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mlentertainment · 2 years ago
okay 4 month long fancast/elaborate sleep deprivation project is complete. here's who should star in the unsleeping city live action tv show
pete - elliot page (officially endorsed by ally)
kingston - jeffrey wright, isaiah mustafa; laurence fishburne or idris elba if they wanted to
sofia - samantha win (wow she looks So Very Italian for sure definitely... dw about it i want her wushu skills more than anything)
ricky - mackenyu
misty - CATHERINE O'HARA (hunter schafer as rowan)
kugrash - hank azaria (voice only), fiona dourif (voice and physical)
iga - if catherine's not available for s1 can she come on for s2 as iga. otherwise patricia arquette
cody - devon bostick is 31 which means he still fits the 27 yr old mall goth window and i cannot unsee the rodrick eyeliner and also can't think of anyone better. hi devon you're my last hope
esther sinclair - jade eshete (the casting thought that started this monster post)
gabriela sinclair/furies - i mean angela bassett if you're free--
alejandro ortiz - edward james olmos
ana and amelia ortiz - isabella gomez? classic single actor playing twins moment but i think her energy is good #odaat
robert moses - ed harris. or another guy who can do crazy scary. i'm finishing this list at 5 am can u tell
dale lee - daniel henney
jackson wei - key quy quan i don't care give him work i am kissing him respectfully
emiko matsui - karen fukuhara
53V3N - brennan's cameo
priya danger - i mean. come on. jameela jamil
dr. lugash - anthony carrigan. i had to fit him in here somewhere LET'S GOOOOOO NOHO HANK... 2!
mario bicicleta - james ransone *sniper shoots a warning shot next to my head*
lowell masters - nick offerman i guess
wally kugrich - alan tudyk
david kugrich - michael shannon
cindy wong - margaret cho
tony simos - dave bautista (is apparently part greek? That's fun. what's important is he's built like a truck)
heather simos - ME!! ✌🥰✌
jj jacobs - lane factor
not casting Nod bc i literally don't pay attention to child actors. saw someone mention bradley whitford as sondheim which i thought was genius (and joe pesci as don confetti which was great but unrealistic) (<- is treating this like they're an actual casting director) but beyond that are there any fun roles i missed?? i tried to cover both szns as well as i could
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thelovetheystole · 1 year ago
One last dig into the character returning in January. Another long one.
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The last one is obviously a blinditem, but it does feel like it fits the original teaser above.
The top contenders seem to be Vanessa, Kerry and Robert (🤡)
Since Chloe has left the show, she will not be in trouble and need help from Kerry. Amy seems to be ok too. Don't know what Amelia is up to (and don't care) but it seems farfetched that Kerry would come back now and not when Dan first got sent down. However, Laura N is supposed to be coming back at some point.
If the returning character is Vanessa, my first guess would be to help Tracy, but from the spoilers for Jan 9th, the truth about the affair isn't out as of then. If the blinditem is for Emmerdale, would Tracy's life spiral out of control in a few short weeks If she was dumped by Nate?
Charity could very well be needing help right now, after accidentally shooting someone and with Mack out of control stealing cars. I also heard Moses is being bullied. But would anyone expect her ex Vanessa to be the one to come back to help her with problems related to the man who came between them, who I guess is still Charity's husband? But we do know Michelle H is coming back, and probably very soon.
We know Aaron's life isn't great, and with the car stealing and violent clash with Cain it's definitely escalating in January. He could either be seriously injured or in trouble with the police. He needs help for sure, but as far as we know, Robert is still in prison. Would he really be out in January without Victoria knowing about it in December? And of course we have no idea if Ryan wants to come back.
I doubt the show would call Seb a 'familar face', and Aaron probably needs more help than a 6-year old can give.
I guess there is also a chance it could be Adam, but between Waterloo Road, his other ventures and his medical condition, I really can't speculate about Adam T. Also, Adam was with Aaron in Italy I believe, and he wasn't able to give Aaron the help he needed then it would seem.
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electrificata · 1 year ago
here are my late night talk show thoughts.
i think in the modern era the only hosts who understand the potential of the format are eric andre (obviously), craig ferguson, and. ok i want to say ziwe but she has one bit she does and was not allowed the time to develop beyond that (i think she could) (ferguson took literal years to get into his groove and he was only allowed because a) white guy and b) some fabulously weird, impossible-to-replicate network circumstances i could go into another time). conan is good but i ultimately dont find him interesting in a long term way. if there were old people here theyd probably demand i have opinions about letterman or carson or something. i do not. suck it. wendy williams presents an interesting conundrum to me, her vibe is quintissentially daytime but i think the warm, slightly unhinged gossipyness of her show would translate really well to late night. ACROSS THE POND graham norton is good at what he does but im slightly bored because hes been doing it the same so long. i like how incredibly gay alan carr is but i cant deal w him in large doses. jonathan ross eh.
now, there is also the question of politics. i reallyl genuinely question the value of addressing political issues in late night tv monlogues/obviously colbert was on the fuck-trump beat for the entire administration, and john oliver and the daily show make an entire premise out of comic political commentary. its fundamentally useless. i think it just makes people feel smug. sure they occasionally learn something, but like. how much. and does it spur them on to greater action or learning? eh.
oliver is occasionally nice for edutainment, but id say its...how do i put this...not that late nighty? hasan minhaj's show was on netflix, and had a similar format, and worked just fine at any time of day. i really think shows like this do great if you slapped them onto the msnbc lineup or kept them on streaming. like its a different thing.
WHAT IM SAYING. is that the ideal late night host has to combine charisma, warmth, wit, and anarchy. they cannot be overly impressed with their celebrity guests. you need to look incredibly beautiful, talented, famous people in the eye and talk to them like a friend from college you havent seen in a long time - of course youre happy to see them and youre engaged and interested in them, but you see them as fundamentally on the same level as you. ferguson could make anyone feel like the prettiest girl in the room. andre makes everyone fear for their lives.
some people i think would do a really good late night show: laci mosely. scam goddess is great and i think acts as an audition on its own. amelia dimoldenberg probably. cant actually think of anything else right now. oh, right. ME.
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nikita-leshy · 1 year ago
About meeee!
Hello everyone! I'm Nikita_Leshy, but I prefer Nikita, Leshy, or Slasher. I am a nonbinary/gender neutral, bisexual, and poly!
I do 2 types of art:
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And traditional!
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I also do gacha, and if I get any questions asking my charecters it will be gacha club because due to me being in school I would not have all the time to draw out asks.
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People good for asks:
●Merida Goldean
●Shamura/The Purple Crown
●Alissa (lamb shown above)
●Nikita_Leshy (me!)
●Scarlet Oblivion
●Amelia (forgot to add originally
●Human! Dharkon
●Human! Galeem
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(note; I do not own Dharkon or Galeem, they are Nintendo's charecters. I just own the designs of my human versions, ps they were made in picrew)
I do not like asks that are extremely sexual, but if they are violent go right ahead. (No sexual harassment!) Now I may be a minor that is okay with these things normally, but I am (1. Trying to keep this blog to some degree of sfw (2. I don't have the fucking energy for that bullshit right now.
So, keep this in mind when on my blog! Also I have an Ao3 (Archive of our own) with my username: Nikita_Leshy. I'm not the best writer but I try, and some of my stories (lie, most) are pretty sexual or violent (I try okay) and I think that's enough to go over for today!
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ameliathefatcat · 11 months ago
The prefects have great relationship with each. All eight, Charlie,Amelia, Diego, Penny, Andre, Badeea, Barnaby and Liz get along very well. They joke around, tell stories from their childhood, and tease each other while on patrol together.
Badeea told the story about why her childhood nickname translates to ‘wandering artist’ because she use to wander off all of the time when she was little. She nearly got ran over in Cario when she went to her cousin’s wedding.
Charlie shares stories about his many siblings and chaos that is his family.
Amelia told the story about when she tried to convince the muggle rabbi at her grandparents’ synagogue that Moses and Aaron were wizards and Miriam was a witch. Rabbi was very confused and called over Yitzhak to help with Amelia.
Barnaby told stories about how when he was scarred of his parents he used to run into the forest and be with animals.
Andre would talk about his latest fashion ideas and ask the girls to model for him. And has tried many times to get Amelia not to wear her beanie
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scrapyardboyfriends · 2 years ago
If you were in charge, which members of the Dingle family would you get rid of?
It's such a hard question because they're so many of them are such big parts of the show and I don't so much hate most of them as individual characters in their own circles but I also hate all of the Dingle family code bullshit and I hate that there's so many of them that they've almost infiltrated every other family on the show. Like none of these future kids are gonna be able to date each other cause they're all gonna be related. Haha.
Easy ones to get rid of are: Nate and Ryan cause they never should have been long lost Dingle children in the first place. I also feel like you could easily kill of Zak at this point cause he's barely there anyway. He's been in 14 episodes this year total.
I would have said we could easily lose Belle a while back but maybe with the Tom stuff they're finally using her? Of course from what I've seen of that it's been pretty lackluster so she could probably still go.
I personally could easily lose Sam these days.
If I was going to get rid of one of the bigger characters, I probably would just cut Chas at this point. Cain has Caleb now if he needs a sibling. Without Aaron and without Paddy, Chas really doesn't have a lot of meaningful relationships right now. I desperately want new blood at the Woolpack. She could go out in some crazy blaze of glory and that could bring Aaron back if they could convince Danny (and Ryan) to return.
But even with cutting them, you've still got Cain, Marlon, Charity, Mandy, Vinny, Samson, Noah, Leo, Sarah, Eve, April, Caleb, Nicky, Frankie, Esther, Isaac, Kyle and Moses.
Plus all of their attachments: Moira, Rhona, Paddy, Lydia, Amelia, Tracy and Amy.
I mean I'd definitely cut Tracy and Frankie with Nate too.
And I could easily lose Noah and Amelia and Esther too.
Was there an actual answer in there somewhere? Haha.
I think with all of that, I'm cutting: Nate, Ryan, Zak, Belle, Sam, Chas, Tracy and Frankie and Noah, Amelia and Esther.
Then we only have: Cain and Moira, Marlon and Rhona, Mandy and Paddy, Caleb and Nicky, Vinny, Samson and Sarah and then the younger kids: Leo, April, Eve, Isaac, Kyle and Moses.
That paves the way for a nice big new family to take over the shop.
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softerpixels · 1 year ago
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weekend trip to granite falls! hopefully the first of many.
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whistledownhq · 2 years ago
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DEAREST READERS — please give a warm welcome to OUR FIRST ARRIVALS, joining us for this season in ton. if you please, pack your bags with our checklist, create your account and send it through post at your earliest convenience. 
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cricksims · 2 years ago
Borowski Legacy - 1929
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"Mama?" Amelia asks, feeling like a child again.
"She is weak. Still breathing, but weak." Otto says.
Selma awakes and smiles weakly, "Come here, baby girl."
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Amelia brings herself closer to her mother.
"What is happenning?" Amelia asks softly.
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"I am dying, baby girl," Selma says solemnly. "I am sorry. I do not want to leave you, Otto, and Francis. I will surely miss you all."
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Amelia holds back tears. "How are you so calm? You know you are dying, Mama! How can you accept that?"
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Selma chuckles. "My girl, adaptation is key. It is better to flow with the river than run against it. Life happens sometimes. We all die. We try to personalize it, but it happens to everyone. We may not know for sure what happens after death, but I believe in my heart that I will see your father and Abel and even Sailor again. And the thought comforts me. Even if what I believe is not true, and Moses, Abel, and I simply stop existing after we pass, at least in my final moments I have hope. Hope that one day we will be reunited. Do not be sad, baby girl. I am happy. My life has been full of joy. I can only hope yours is as well."
Amelia gives a small smile to her mother.
"Yeah. Yeah, I would say it is."
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