#Corteon Moore
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supfag · 5 months ago
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w-ico · 1 month ago
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lovemedown · 2 years ago
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CORTEON MOORE as Ellis in From (2022-)
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keetika · 1 year ago
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 —   ⁺  𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐄,  1998  [ #828 GIFS ]  FROM S1 & S2  /  corteon moore is black, please cast accordingly and use appropriately. all of the gifs have been created from scratch by me. to purchase the gifs please click the source link. do not edit, claim as your own or add into your own packs! time and effort were spent into making these gifs, a like or a reblog would be much appreciated!
[ ! ] commission work: to view commission info, click here
[ ! ] content warning: kissing, blood, open wounds
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taiturner · 4 months ago
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Corteon Moore as Ellis Stevens FROM, 3x09 "Revelations: Chapter 1"
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sgt-dignam · 4 months ago
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you doing okay in there, boyd? what'd you say? huh?
FROM | 3.09 - Revelations: Chapter One
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phantom-evil · 4 months ago
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From (2022–) 1x03 "Choosing Day"
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ririchonne · 4 months ago
My new obsession: Corteon Moore as adult RJ Grimes part 2
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A romantic taking no shit laying down like his parents (and big sis)
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likeafantasy · 5 months ago
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FROM (2022-) — 3.06 Scar Tissue
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brotherconstant · 6 months ago
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From 3.01 "Shatter" Pegah Ghafoori as Fatima Hassan
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hashnna · 5 months ago
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Repeat; Ellis Stevens.
Sinopse: E ele faria isso de novo, de novo, e de novo. Quantas vezes vocês pudessem.
Notas: mais uma vez o curioso caso onde eu começo a escrever pensando em uma coisa e termino em outra 😭 o importante é que deu certo, gente. (Isso aqui se passa na 1° temporada, em um contexto em que os monstros não tivessem entrado na colony house, ok 😭 me deixem sonhar)
Avisos: conteúdo sexual, sexo oral, p.v, talvez o grande foco da minha cabeça escrevendo isso fosse simplesmente Corruption kink.
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“Eu tô bem, beleza? Desencana, tô legal!”
Ellis dizia isso com aquele jeito, o sorrisinho suave, a mão acariciando sua bochecha com o polegar. Mas o que saía da boca do Stevens não condizia com ele esbarrando em tudo e todos por toda a casa enquanto bebia daquele cantil.
Desde que havia ido parar naquele lugar, o filho do xerife havia se tornado tudo que tinha. Não só ele, mas bem, muitas das pessoas daquela cidade eram como uma família para você. Mas Ellis...Ellis é diferente, ele é seu porto seguro, é a pessoa para quem você corre quando sente que está em seu limite naquele lugar e ele simplesmente te segura firme contra o peito e diz que está ali com você. A pessoa que faz aquele lugar parecer um pouco menos como um pesadelo infinito, é quem te faz realmente acreditar no amor, afinal, se você conseguiu encontrar alguém como ele no meio daquele terror, nada mais é impossível.
Quando, com a visão periférica o viu subir as escadas, não demorou para que você fosse junto, abrindo a porta do quarto que dividiam segundos depois dele ter fechado.
��� Ei, tudo bem? - questionou assim que entrou, fechando a porta às suas costas.
— Cansei da barulheira lá embaixo - Ellis deu de ombros. — Você pode voltar pra festa.
— Eu não quero - dá de ombros também, os olhos o seguem enquanto ele deixa o cantil vazio sobre a mesinha ao lado da cama.
— Você nem se divertiu, amor - ele te olha, suspira. — Desce, a festa mal começou.
— Tudo bem por mim - suspira. — Festas nunca foram a minha praia mesmo.
Stevens bufa, é visível desde cedo o quanto ele estava um pouco fora de si especificamente hoje, o que normalmente, não te deixaria tão preocupada, não como hoje após vê-lo quase iniciar uma briga na cozinha.
— O pessoal vai te procurar lá embaixo.
— Não importa, vão saber que eu subi - devolve. — Não é como se eu tivesse muito pra onde ir a noite.
— Tudo bem - Ellis respira fundo. — Ok. Você que sabe.
Quando você se aproxima, antes que alcance a mão dele, o rapaz se deita na cama, fecha os olhos antes de respirar fundo outra vez.
— Ellis… - Você senta na beira da cama, arruma a barra do vestido estampado que usa, apoia a mão no peito dele devagar. — Você quer-
— Eu já disse que tá tudo bem.
— Ok. Tudo bem. - dessa vez é você quem bufa.
Mesmo com os olhos fechados, Ellis sente sua mão deixar o peito dele quando você se levanta, mas antes que você se afaste de vez, ele se senta, segura seu pulso.
— Não, espera aí, vai.
— Você disse pra eu descer - dá de ombros mesmo cedendo quando ele te puxa de volta para se sentar onde estava antes.
— Desculpa - Ellis te olha nos olhos, a mão que antes segurava seu pulso agora se aproxima de seu rosto, afasta uma mecha de seu cabelo e a põe atrás da orelha, se aproxima, gruda os lábios cheinhos nos seus. — Fica aqui comigo.
Simples, te desarmar é simples quando se trata de Ellis. Alguns selinhos e pronto, nem se lembra mais o porque estava preocupada ou estressada. Com uma facilidade absurda em segundos está deitada na cama, ele apoia a mão em sua cintura, aperta em um carinho suave, sela seus lábios uma última vez antes de se afastar.
— Foi mal… - suspira. — É só que…esse lugar…eu…você sabe.
— Tudo bem - sua mão acaricia o rosto bonito dele, sorri terna, compreensiva. — Eu sei. A gente não precisa pensar nisso.
Ele sorri, aquele sorrisinho um pouco bobo que te derrete como ninguém. O puxa mais para perto, o beija de novo, o gosto do álcool ainda está presente na língua dele, mas não é como se te incomodasse, os lábios de Ellis são tão doces como ele.
Antes de vir parar aqui, nunca havia tido um relacionamento realmente sério como aquele, nunca havia tido um namoro. Os dois meses em que passou trocando beijos e indo em encontros com o garoto loiro que trabalhava na sorveteria no fim da rua não conta. Ellis Stevens foi seu primeiro em quase tudo. E no meio daquele caos, essa foi a sua decisão mais correta.
Tudo foi perfeito. A forma como ele, logo no primeiro momento, depois de você falar com todas as letras que nunca havia estado com um homem, foi paciente, no seu tempo. Quando você finalmente disse que o queria, antes de fazer qualquer coisa, teve que se certificar mais de uma vez se você realmente queria aquilo.
E o jeito como as mãos e os lábios exploraram seu corpo. Os dedos se demoraram propositalmente em abrir o zíper na parte de trás do vestido, espalhando selares suaves em seu pescoço, quando finalmente o zíper chegou ao fim, você já suspirava, a cabeça apoiada sobre o ombro dele, os dedos alheios subiram novamente, deslizando pela sua pele no processo, te causando arrepios gostosos, os indicadores afastaram as alças fininhas de seus ombros e o tecido não demorou a escorregar, caindo em um embolado de tecido floral no chão.
Ellis agarrou sua cintura agora nua, sentindo sua pele quente, e quando suas mãos pousaram sobre as dele, as trazendo até seus seios, os biquinhos rígidos roçando a palma da mão, a calça dele ficou duas vezes mais apertada no corpo.
Ele retirou sua calcinha devagar, com a delicadeza de quem abriria um presente cuja caixa é extra sensível.
Afastou suas pernas, beijando suas coxas, deixando cada pelinho eriçado por onde os lábios dele passavam. Os suspiros quebradinhos deixavam sua boca quase que involuntariamente, extasiada com todas aquelas sensações novas, e os barulhinhos sensíveis se transformaram em gemidos manhosinhos no momento em que a língua dele entrou em contato com seu sexo.
Não sabia se apertava os lençois, arranhava os ombros dele, puxava os cabelos, arranhava as próprias coxas em busca de algum alívio, você se tornou uma bagunça tão rápido que Ellis não pode deixar de fazer gracinha com isso depois. Mas naquele momento, a única coisa que ele fez foi, se empenhar em te dar naquela noite, o primeiro melhor orgasmo da sua vida.
O corpo dele parecia encaixar perfeitamente no seu quando ele se colocou entre suas pernas, a pele quente em contato com a sua te fazendo arfar, as mãos meio trêmulas agarrando os ombros dele, quando ele colocou cada centímetro, bem devagar, mais é mais dentro de você, teve que morder as costas da própria mão na tentativa de não fazer tanto barulho assim em uma casa lotada com aquela.
As estocadas lentas, tão fundas que te faziam ver estrelinhas no teto do quarto, te deixavam cheinha, molinha nos braços dele, pedindo por mais e mais. E Ellis dava, exatamente do jeitinho que você pedisse, quantas vezes você quisesse, porque depois de ouvir seus gemidinhos manhosos pela primeira vez, este havia se tornado o som favorito dele.
E ele faria isso de novo, de novo, e de novo. Quantas vezes vocês pudessem.
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Aviso que tive mais ideias com o Ellis enquanto nem tinha terminado de escrever isso ainda 😮‍💨☝️
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supfag · 3 months ago
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1-800-ur-cyber-slxtt · 2 months ago
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summary: you get antsy, sick of waiting for the perfect time to come around so you can finally hook up with your boyfriend...
word count: 1.7k
warnings: smut, semi public?? (same room as someone sleeping), p in v, unprotected, slightly rough, no use of y/n
notes: first smut of 2025, i'm so rusty. also from fandom where you at
divider credit: @bydollita
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With Julie newly adjusting to life at the colony house away from her family, your boyfriend Ellis and yourself had taken it upon yourselves to make her as comfortable as possible. Ellis had suggested you give her her own space, a section of your shared room just for her. A bed against the wall with added curtains for privacy. 
It was a nice idea and she really did love it. At the time you had been more than happy about it, helping Julie felt good but now as you lay in bed beside your sleeping boyfriend, with Julie in the same room and a growing need between your thighs, you were feeling less than joyful. 
It had been days, nearing weeks even since you and Ellis had last had sex. Days were busy with little spare time, having to fit many tasks and duties in before daylight faded into night. Night was really the only time when it could happen but with Julie in the room that wasn’t so possible.
Just last night you’d both been in the bathroom, your legs wrapped around Ellis as he pinned you to the wall. Hands and lips all over each other in a hot, depraved mess. But the fun was short lived, a bang on the door and an impatient voice booming from the other side. 
Ellis had let out a sigh and pulled away. His hand patted your lower back as he muttered a “next time, baby”, before you both had left the bathroom worked up and unsatisfied. 
Now, you lay half on top of your shirtless boyfriend. One leg lying over his abdomen, his hand resting on your lower thigh just above your knee. Ellis was pretty much sound asleep. That was until the slight continuous movement of your hips against him and the feeling of your beady eyes staring up at him drew him from his slumber. 
“Baby?”, he mumbles, voice quiet and full of sleep. He opens his eyes but not fully, peering down at you as much as his tired eyes would allow. 
A small needy whimper escapes from between your lips, desperate for his attention. At the noise, Ellis’s eyes open wider, a smirk starting to take over his features as realisation started setting in. His pretty girl had woken him up in the middle of the night because she was just too worked up for him to be able to sleep.
His sweats were low on his hips, your soaked panties pressing against his skin under the blanket as your leg stayed hooked over him.
“Need something?”, he teases low and husky. You resist the urge to swat his shoulder with a scowl, to you this wasn’t a joking matter. You needed him more than anything and you were sick of waiting.
“‘s not funny.”, you pout, desperately grinding your core against him to find some sort of relief. It was no good though, the little friction you got wasn’t enough. 
Ellis grins down at you almost pitifully, like he wasn’t pent up himself. His hand that wasn’t resting on your thigh moves to grope the curve of your ass, pushing you harder against him. 
“Please.”, you beg to the point of almost sounding pathetic but Ellis shakes his head. 
“We can’t.”, his eyes flicker over to the curtains Julie lays just behind. His words however come out sounding not so certain, like his resolve was already slipping. 
You knew it wouldn’t take much to make him crack, you just had to show him how much you needed him, how much he needed you. 
“She’s asleep. And I promise I’ll be quiet.”, you murmur shifting on top of him. You grind down on the bulge forming under his sweats, the fabric already growing wet at the contact from your arousal soaked underwear. 
He groans. He knew it would be wrong, he knew it would be incredibly awkward if they were caught but he couldn’t hide the fact that it excited him. And when he couldn’t hold back any longer he flipped the two of you over, pinning you to the mattress bellow. 
You let out a little shriek and Ellis is quick to cover your mouth with his hand. He sends you a warning look but his lips tug up in an amused grin. “You promised to be quiet.”, he removes his hand and points a finger at you warningly. 
You make a motion as to seal your lips. He chuckles quietly and sits back to pull off your panties, letting them lie somewhere on the bed. You bite your bottom lip and watch him expectantly.
He pushes down his sweats and boxers, hardened cock springing free and hitting just below his belly button. Looking at him, the idea of staying quiet was seeming rather impossible, challenging at the very least.
Ellis doesn’t take off your thin tank top but he pulls it up enough to expose your breasts. He leans back down, looking over you. He presses kisses from your jaw down to your stomach, stopping on the way down to swirl his tongue around the perky buds of your nipples. 
Your teeth dug into your bottom lip, soon to be drawing blood at the harsh force. He leans back up again, spreading your legs open wide so he could marvel at your glistening pussy. Your body squirms, hips bucking up into nothing.
He positions himself over you once again, hand on your hip, guiding the tip of his cock to tease through your slick folds. 
Your own hand grasps at the sheets. “Elli.”, you whine, you’d both waited long enough. Him drawing it out was the same as torture in your mind. 
“Keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut and I’ll give you what you want.”, he grins devilishly, taking enjoyment from how needy you were for him. When you nod your head enthusiastically he puts you out of your misery, sliding into you as deep as he can.
“Good, good girl.”, he praises at your efforts to silence your moans. You grip his shoulder, nails digging in so hard they draw specs of blood. Your legs wrap around him, keeping him close as if fearing you wouldn’t get what you so desperately want.
You aren’t the only one having trouble holding back your filthy noises, Ellis buries his head in the crook of your neck, biting down in an effort to conceal his groans as he thrusts in and out of you. Despite the pleasure being too much to keep quiet he moves at a fast, erratic pace. 
But slipped out moans and grunts weren’t the only sound filling the room. The old bed creaked, scraped along the floor and thudded against the wall. That and the sound of your bodies meeting made it painfully obvious what was happening.
Too absorbed in long overdue pleasure neither of you stop. The house was silent apart from the noises created by the pair of you. Ellis rutts his hips against yours, the feeling familiar but everytime proving to be better than memory serves.
He sucks at the flesh of your neck and shoulder, leaving behind evidence of your night in the form of dark hickeys. 
You take a gasp of air, unable to hide the pleasure you were feeling on your own anymore. A hand plants firmly over your mouth. Your eyes find Ellis’s as he keeps fucking into you, eyes pouring into yours. 
His breathing is heavy in your ear, breath hot as it fans across your goosebump covered skin. His control was slipping away, climax already threatening to wash over him. 
You moan against his hand, the sound not fully silenced but you couldn’t hold back, not as you began to near your own finish. The heels of your feet dig into his lower back, the hold your legs have around him tightening but your body growing weaker. 
“Doin��� so well, sweetheart.”, he coes softly in your ear. The words send a shock through you, whimpering into his hand. You squirm and shake, you dig your nails into his skin, you run your fingers through his hair, anything to distract you from the many things you want to scream out. ‘Fuck, Ellis!’, ‘Right there baby-.’, ‘oh- oh god-.’
Your cunt squeezed around him in a way that made his eyes roll. He couldn’t hold it back much longer, not with your body reacting the way that it was. Taking him so good just like you always do. 
You were quick to fall apart under him, moans and cries tumbling from your mouth into his hand. He followed soon after, shooting spurts of warm cum inside of you.
When he stops moving, all noise in the room ceases, all bar the sounds of your heavy panting. His hand is finally removed from your mouth letting you properly catch your breath. 
Ellis places an affectionate kiss to your forehead, nose and lips before collapsing down beside you and wrapping an arm around your waist, tugging you close into him. From where he lays he fixes your top so it covers you.
“Think anyone heard?”, you ask softly, tilting your head that rests against his chest to look up at him. The limited moonlight shining into the room catches on his eyes and the thin layer of sweat on his forehead. You always thought he looked so pretty like this. 
He thinks for a moment, fingers grazing the side of your face and tucking the hair behind your ear. “Probably.”, a smile cracks onto his face like he was somewhat proud at that. 
You can’t help but roll your eyes. You plant a kiss to his chest. “Poor Julie.”, you whisper with a grimace. Though maybe she hadn’t woken up, surely if she had she would have complained. 
Ellis chuckles, “Seems like she’s out cold to me.” Both your eyes shift over to the curtains. You chew your bottom lip nervously. 
“Hope so.”, you murmur before nuzzling your face into Ellis and shifting into a more comfortable position as you finally get to sleep. 
Sleep drifts over you, finally content. Your boyfriend continuing his affectionate, gentle touches until the both of you succumb to sleep.
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lovemedown · 2 years ago
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CORTEON MOORE as Ellis in From (2022-)
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sweetfridays · 2 months ago
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♡ CORTEON MOORE via tiktok ( gala.fr )
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taiturner · 5 months ago
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Corteon Moore as Ellis Stevens FROM, 3x07 "These Fragile Lives"
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