#ambre lou
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Does any Space Goofs Fan know about "Pet Alien"?
It's Another Franchise about Goofy Little Colorful Aliens Stuck that also get stuck on Earth where they live in a Small Town inhabited by Humans.
Not a big surprise to anyone who watches a Story about Extraterrestrials who crash on Earth but these Two are way Similar than you may think.
Reasons as to why that Space Goofs & Pet Alien are very close to each other compare to One Another Alien Franchise is...
1. Both have Similar Alien Designs & Features.
2. Both have a Show that starred 5 Aliens crashing on Earth by Accident.
3. Both have Said Groups of Said Aliens trying to live among Humans while also learning about Earth's Knowledge in order to get learn more about the Human Race.
4. Both Groups of their own Characters have Different Dynamics with Each Other.
5. Both have a Secret Story behind Them about Other People that being the Government trying to find where the Aliens are before they could get easily captured by Humans (most likely in SG's case, "Stupid Invaders" & in PA's pilot, "The Most Special Place").
6. Both have a Child Character who is both their Caretaker & their Guardian (The Blue-Haired Girl from the Cancelled Stupid Invaders Movie (whom I HC that her Name is "Ambre Lou Astrean" or just simply "Lou") & Tommy Cadle).
7. Not only do they have a Child Character as their own Deuteragonist, but they also have Other Human Characters as Supporting/Minor Characters in said franchises (SG has Saccharin, Igor, & Bolok as their Antagonists while PA has More Kids (like Gabby, Melba, Granville, Clinton) and even a Human Adult like Spangley as Supporting Characters).
8. Both said Franchises have the Aliens get into some Wacky Situations (including with the Humans or Other Non-Human Characters).
9. Both are also made in the 90s as their TV Shows are also Foreign Cartoons made in France.
10. Both lasted in 2 Seasons
11. Both also have Video Game Adaptations.
But also, here's a surprising coincidence...One of the Voice Actors voices BOTH Green Small Aliens in both Said Shows (Charlie Adler, who not only voices Candy, but also voices Dinko as well!).
So yeah, here we have is Our Two Groups of Five Aliens (Space Goofs; Stereo, Gorgious, Candy, Bud, & Etno/Pet Alien; Swanky, Gumpers, Dinko, Scruffy, & Flip) with their Human Child Guardians (Ambre-Lou & Tommy) meeting each other from the very first time.
This is most likely inspired by the Old Pics of these Two Franchises together as I'd figure why not try to bring this up again since Space Goofs is somehow relevant again thanks to its Video Game adaptation.
BTW, Shoutout to @toony-meg for making introduce to "Pet Alien", you're Awesome Girl.
(I didn't drew Star nor use my AU design for Ambre mainly because this is only focused on the Canon-verse of the Space Goofs Franchise. I know Stereo wasn't going to be in the Bother but Screw that because he deserves better).
Space Goofs/Les Zinzins de l'Espace (c) Xilam, Gaumont, Jean-Yves Raimbaud, & Philippe Traversat
Pet Alien/Alien Bazar (c) Splash Entertainment, MoonScoop, Jeff Muncy, & The Best Ever Company
#space goofs#stupid invaders#les zinzins de l'espace#xilam#pet alien#alien bazar#crossover#crossover fanart#crossover art#etno polino#ambre lou astrean#lou#ambre lou#candy caramella#gorgious klatoo#bud budiovitch#stereo monovici#tommy cadle#tommy#swanky#gumpers#dinko#flip#scruffy#aliens#kids#children
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Another SG Theory
So y'all know that Ambre-Lou (the Girl from the Cancelled Movie who some of y'all would just prefer to call her, "Lou") would've been the Important Deuteragonist among the Entire Franchise?
I happened to have a Small Theory behind that Name.
So given the majority that someone already gave her a Fanon Name long before I took it as my own as a Two-Name-Piece-In-One, what if somewhere down the Line behind that the Name based on the Character's Space Aesthetic, what if "Lou" could actually be a Nickname for a Full Name, like "Luna"? (as in the Roman Equivalent of the Greek Moon Goddess, Selene? But it also Latin for "Moon", like the Natural One beneath the Entire Planets).
So if you were to put that Other Name as a Headcanon for a Full Name, thus, leaving a Shorter Version a "Nickname", I recently have started to put Ambre-Lou's Name behind a Full True Name like "Ambrelynn-Luna".
Judging about what I could believe on behalf beneath my Fanon Surname (Luneau Astrean), what if Lou's actual name (that someone else already gave as a Free Concept as a Subject to Use) could actually be "Luna"? 👀
#I'm getting so hyped on too many ideas on what the movie could've been#indie text#space goofs#stupid invaders#les zinzins de l'espace#xilam#headcanon#theory#random theory#ambre lou#ambre lou astrean#stupid invaders cancelled movie#stupid invaders cancelled film
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So since Ambre-Lou's an Adult in your AU, where exactly does she live? And how does she met the Goofs for the Very First Time?
She lives in the same neighbourhood where the Goofs live. Since the Goofs act coldly towards the humans, Lou has been always nice to her neighbours who disguise themselves as an adults. Her 3 children (Galaxia, Hawking and Newton) become friends with Celeste and Raphael, in fact they go to the same school together. Celeste and Raphael tell Lou's kids that they are friends with their neighbours. Still have yet to plan on how should l branch out this AU plot, but this is what l have for now.
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How would you rank each of the Main Human Characters of "Space Goofs"?
Raging from Bolok, Dr. Saccharin, & lastly the Blue-Haired Girl (whom I call her, "Ambre-Lou")?
Okay okay..Allow me!
Let us rank these human goobers together!


Ngl, I used to absolutely despise this stupid raisin creature purely because I got his 1st impression from my Stupid Invaders playtime and this bastard have managed to kill me more than once. But then bro saved my ass at the very end of it so I forgave him.

But then he kinda grew onto me, because of 'The Pro' episode. He's was so laughably fuckin pathetic and silly I felt a little bad for the guy.
In other words; I love this old fart of a man! But I also love to make fun of him, bc he's so fuckin ugly and stupid...And also corny in the most charming way possible.
Dr. Saccharin
Oh hell naw, not the transphobic doctor. Can't stand his pathetic crusty ass.

Now, don't get me wrong; he is not a badly written character, dare I say he's actually pretty funny! But GOD DAMN does he bug me. I mean, pretty sure that was intentional anyway-
And uhhh the last one..? OH!
(I actually thought this was her actual name lmao)

Honestly, as much as I adore her design and her silly little space/alien-loving aesthetic she has going on in the trailer (very based and adorable!), I can't really express how I feel about her. Since you never see her being ever mentioned or hinted anywhere in the whole frenchise until the movie trailer which never happened. And that is a HUGE bummer too, because I'm sure she would've carried the movie along with the other goofs!
Giving her half of the points, because of my first impression of her. Maybe someday we'll see her again. Who knows.

#space goofs#stupid invaders#dumb fucks from outer space#qna#answered#ranking#character ranking#xilam#bud budiovitch#sillyposting
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Félicitations à Lou qui remporte le tournoi du Sporting haut la main avec une finale gagnée à 15 6/0 6/0 🏆👏🏻

Malheureusement Ambre perd 6/2 6/0 en final du sporting 😢
Elle enchaîne à Saint-Nazaire 🔜
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MARDI 16 JUILLET 2024 (Billet 3/3)
Vous devez sûrement vous en souvenir, nous avons déjà fait paraître sur le Blog des vidéos de cette célèbre et très particulière chorale (créée en 2020 pendant la pandémie de la Covid), la première qui en a inspiré beaucoup d’autres…
Celle-ci, leur dernière création, est en rapport bien sûr avec les JO de Paris qui vont commencer d’ici une dizaine de jours.
Regardez-la jusqu’au bout et si par hasard vous aviez un enfant, un petit-fils ou une petite-fille qui a participé à cette création (on ne sait jamais…), même s’ils sont plus de 200 « body-tapeurs », tous les noms sont mentionnés dans le générique de fin. Nous avons trouvé ça très bien.
Pour finir : tous ceux qui ont eu le privilège de faire une croisière sur le Club Med II ne pourront pas rester indifférents à la musique.
« CONQUEST OF PARADISE » (Vangelis) pour Percussions corporelles (Body Tap)
Vidéo publiée sur YouTube le 5 juillet 2024
Interprétation : le Chœur des Colibris du Collège Saint Michel Garicoïts de Cambo (Pays Basque)
Direction artistique : Nelly Guilhemsans
Image & Réalisation : Michel Jakobi
Drone : @paysbasquedrone
Image : @tomajablon, @maxime_manenc
Son et mixage : Patrick Fischer
Bravo aux 210 Colibris :
Elaia B, Mathilde FDS, Fleur, Eneka F, Julen G, Adélaïde, Mikela, Joana P, Estebe, Bixente, Louane, Antton A, Kaitlyn, Maika, Paul M, Matyas R, Paul U, Dioni, Joan, Titouan, Timéo, Laida, Oihana I, Anaïs FDS, Noémie, Lucile, Idoya Z, Txomin, Aida, Mailis M, Ambre G, Dénaïs, Léana, Maëlwenn, Océane, Uma, Rémi, Julia HP, Lilou L, Uhaina, Emilia, Nahia L, Elaya, Lisa C, Julen C, Jon, Xalbat, Aponi, Naia E, Intza F, Vassili, Enzo L, Jérémy, Nahia N, Xana, Nolan, Jona, Annabelle, Oihana L, Iliana, Lylou, Sarha, Clémence, Maddi, Antoine, Elisa, Léna, Oihana L, Anaïs M, Julie, Damien, Mahé, Antton O, Lucie C, Xan E, Mathilde L, Hodei, Julia P, Anaïs M, Julia L., Samuel, Marion, Alizia, Elaia B., Enora, Delphine, Lola B, Kilian, Kanèle, Charlotte, Ilian, Nohlan, Dylan, Charlie, OIhan D, Ana, Andrea, Antton H, Emma R, Ibaia P, Gabriel R, Luken C, Maialen C, Ethan, Xan D, Léa H, Marine, Lisa E., Tiago, Nahia LG, Anoa, Itxaro, Gabriel F., Jean-Claude, Lukas, Maitane, Lara, Emma G, Maialen RI, Lana, Maelys, Luna P, Ilona, Romane, Ioneka, Céleste, Leana, Mathilde J, Fani, Ambre A., Eneka B, Joana C, Tiphaine, Robin, Emma P, Ambre C, Esteban, Eztitxu, Sara, Melina, Gabrielle, Lilwenn D, Alaya, Morgan A, Naia C, Morgane E, Xan V, Lou, Alizée, Ainhize, Nahia H, Anaë, M, AnaeS, Louis, Lola L, Louna S, Mila, Jade, Lisa B, Augustin, Julene, Clément, Loan, Emma L, Stella, Margot, Ilouna E, Laura, Luna P, Oihana V, Angelina, Milia, Nina, Ainara, Lilwen P, Elia, Tonia, Enaitz, Julen D, Lola E, Jon E, Evan, Jon O, Nathan O, Maiana, Célia, Louna DG, Nahia P, Lucie E, Lola G, Zoé T, Intza Z, Pauline, Louise, Luma, Oian, Enzo L, Nolhan B, Leila, Kélia, Axel, Julen D, Ruben P, Zoé L, Ilona R, Yuna L, Martin, Shana, Nathan S, et Lalie.
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EN-CORPS ! Fanzine
EN-CORPS! est une adaptation par un groupe d’ados du fanzine NOS CORPS À NOUS réalisé en 2017 à La fraternelle. Les textes et les dessins ont été réalisés suite à de longs moments de partage d’expériences et de discussions au café de La fraternelle.
Assumer ses poils, oser parler de ses règles, se questionner sur son genre, sa sexualité, dénoncer des injustices, mieux comprendre nos corps, nos émotions, nos envies, se sentir plus fortes, ensemble !
Ce fanzine est accompagné de trois podcasts écoutantes sur internet. Il a été réalisé sous un soleil radieux par Sylvia, Eléonore, Nelle, Swann, Clara, Anaëlle, Maëlys, Lou, Ambre, Leslie, Morgane, Nati, Sandra, Loraine et Elza.
Imprimé en sérigraphie et typographie sur les presses de La fraternelle en Juillet 2021.
Ce projet a été financé dans le cadre du dispositif été culturel.
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list of underground Black artists
hi ya’ll, i know i’ve been awful about posting weekly playlists, but i will try to be better about it and update sometime soon. in the meantime, i want to provide a list of Black artists that I have played on my show up until now. they are mostly womxn and queer as that is the basis for my show. bandcamp has organized juneteenth (june 19) in which all the proceeds of music purchased will go to the NAACP legal defense fund - i encourage you to support these Black artists on that day.
WILLOW (also a part of THE ANXIETY)
Orion Sun
Rayana Jay
The New Respects
Ravyn Lenae
Jorja Smith
Nicotine (formerly known as Nicotine’s Famous Honey)
Arima Ederra
Yazmin Lacey
Summer Walker
Victoria Monet
Dizzy Fae
Ama Lou
Tierra Whack
Ivy Sole
Amara La Negra
Tatiana Hazel
Nana Adjoa
Chloe x Halle
Diana Gordon
Kilo Kish
Syd (Syd Tha Kid, of the Internet)
Big Joanie
X-Ray Spex
Fatty Cakes and the Puff Pastries
The Tuts
The White Noise Supremacists
Jean Deaux
Princess Nokia
Janelle Monae
Kadhja Bonet
The Tontons
Georgia Anne Muldrow
Nabihah Iqbal
Amber Mark
Kari Faux
Priscilla Renea
Tayla Parx
LeToya Luckett
June’s Diary
Liz Vice
Sevyn Streeter
Jaz Karis
Jade Novah
Ari Lennox
Justine Skye
Kiana Lede
Joyce Wrice
K. Michelle
Tiwa Savage
Lady Donli
Snoh Aalegra
Jackie Hill Perry
Sister Sledge
Betty Davis
Bettye Swan
Ann Peebles
Shirley Bassey
Sarah Vaughan
Grace Jones
Neneh Cherry
Lijadu Sisters
Nina Simone
St. Beauty
CJ Run
Eryn Allen Kane
Sudan Archives
Kandance Springs
Tiana Major9
Pip Millett
Rochelle Jordan
Kara Marni
Rachel Foxx
Shay Lia
Olivia Nelson
Amber Oliver
Jamilah Barry
Madison McFerrin
Poppy Ajudha
Greentea Peng
Lava La Rue
Zebra Katz
Tunde Olaniran
Taylor Bennett
Kevin Abstract (of BROCKHAMPTON)
Shea Diamond
Mila Jam
Meshell Ndegeocello
Steve Lacy (of the Internet)
Blood Orange
Rico Nasty
Little Simz
Yana Perrault
Dinah Washington
Baby Rose
Sampa the Great
Sunny War
Jamila Woods
Lila Ike
Arlo Parks
Moses Sumney
Meghan Thee Stallion
Phony People
Yves Tumor
Serena Isioma
Alex Mali
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My Music for February 2023
Dear Tumblr,
Roses are red, vinyl records are black and did Lana Del Rey just say fuck Valentine’s day and fuck all these men, this is the experience of being an American Whore on her new track? I’m loving it and here for it. Anyways, here is Miss Solitude hoping your February was divine. With February being the shortest month of the year I didn’t think I would have so many songs to cover with my audience here nevertheless the music that dropped was just incredible. I’m looking forward to seeing some of these artists this year perform at concerts and festivals I will be attending this year. I’m really looking forward to Kali Uchis and Lana Del Rey’s new album coming out this March. I have already pre-order Lana’s new album on vinyl record and look forward to that being the 1st record of 2023 added to the collection unless I ever get The Movements “Feel Something” album that I ordered back in November of 2022 from Merch Bar…so annoying that I have not received my vinyl record yet. But anyways here is the link for February’s music on Spotify:
Without further adieu coming in at …
61. Sculpting With Fire by Atmosphere
60. I Swear That I’ll Change by FIGHT THOSE DEMONS, JAVARIS X, OG REG X
59. Silhouette by Thrice
58. Under A Killing Moon by Thrice, Sam Carter
57. Cold Cash And Colder Hearts by Thrice
56. High Hopes by Sweet Pill
55. Cut by Sweet Pill
54. Fool by Aislinn Davis
53. Head Case by Island of Love
52. 3am by Skrillex, Prentiss, Anthony Green
51. Tormenta by Gorillaz, Bad Bunny
50. Gato de Noche by Nengo Flow, Bad Bunny
49. Otro Atardecer by Bad Bunny, The Marias
48. Get Together by Louis The Child, Duckwrth
47. What The World Needs Now by Cat Power
46. Sabor A Mi by El Chicano
45. New Song by Alice Phoebe Lou
44. Good Looking by Suki Waterhouse
43. Who I Am Without You by Aislinn Davis
42. Voicemail by Aimee Vant
41. Ring by Cardi B, Kehlani
40. What You Did by Mahalia, Ella Mai
39. Mala Excusa by Nina Cobham
38. Ghosting by Biig Piig
37. Solita by Kali Uchis
36. Same Ol’ Mistakes by Rihanna
35. Moonlight Kali Uchis
34. More Than A Woman by Aaliyah
33. Cupid by Alexandra Savior
32. Distance by Israel's Arcade
31. SPIT IN MY FACE! By ThxSoMch
30. Ball w/o you by 21 Savage
29. Neva by Megan Thee Stallion
28. TQG by KAROL G, Skakira
27. my.life by J.Cole, 21 Savage, Morray
26. Some things Cosmic by Angel Olsen
25. Tears of Change by Turnover
24. Dizzy On The Comedown by Turnover
23. About You by The 1975
22. This Body of Mine by Franci
21. Truth Faith by Lotte Kestner
20. It’s Not My Fault by Princess Nokia
19. My Flowers by Tkay Maidza
18. Special by Lizzo, SZA
17. Gods & Monsters by Lana Del Rey
16. Babygirl by Anthony Green
15. Strange Froot by TOKiMONSTA, Ambre
14. Capital Karma by Manchester Orchestra
13. Breathe (In the Air) by Pink Floyd
12. Talk to Her by The Marias
11. Kill Bill by SZA
10. I’m a Firefighter by Cigarettes After Sex
9. Tulsa Jesus Freak by Lana Del Rey
8. Flowers by Miley Cyrus
7. The Archer by Alexandria Savior
6. MTT 420 RR by IDLES
5. Bones by greek
4. Naked by Louis Culture
3. Space Ghost by BOYO
2. Lucky Girl by Carlina
1. A&W by Lana Del Rey
Thank you to my reader and listener out there for stopping by on my music blog. I hope that the music that comes across your daily life brings a smile to your face and makes life that much richer. Like Lana Del Rey’s new song says; “It’s not about having someone to love me anymore This is the experience of being an American whore”
Yours Truly,
Miss Solitude
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Junior Ice Dance 2022-23 season
Anita Straub/Andreas Straub (AUT): RD: Carmen Goett- La Llorona; John Powell- Assassin's Tango; Embrujo Mestizo Music- El Vito FD: Grease (coaches: Veronika Musilova, Pavel Laurencik, choreo: ?)
Catharina Guedes Tibau/Cayden Oliver Dawson (BRA): RD: Fermin Spanish Guitar- Spanish Waltz; Juan Jose Mosalini- Bordoneo Y 900 FD: Bill Medley, Jennifer Warnes - The Time of My Life; Otis Redding- These Arms of Mine; The Contours- Do You Love Me (coaches: Carol Lane, Juris Razgulajevs, Marc-André Servant; choreo: Juris Razgulajevs, Marc-André Servant)
Nadiia Bashynska/Peter Beaumont (CAN): RD: FD: Red Violin soundtrack - John Corigliano; Jules Massenet- Elegie
Chaima Ben Khelifa/Everest Zhu (CAN): RD: Cirque du Soleil- Ardor Oris; Taalbi Brothers- Aroul FD: Chae Bo Hoon, Jeong Gwng Hyun, Nau Lee (Karl Hugo)- Stop Crying Your Heart Out (coaches: Shawn Winter, Elise Hamel, Francois-Xavier Ouellette choreo: Mylene Lamoureux, Francois-Xavier Ouellette, Charlie White)
Marianne Hubert/William Oddson (CAN): RD: Ostros Aires and Pepe Romero- Perro Viejo and Farrucas FD: Cody Fry- Photograph (coach: Tyler Myles; choreo: Tyler Myles and Mylene Girard)
Dana Sabatini-Speciale/Buelow (CAN): RD: Milva and The Tango Group- La Cumparsita; FD: Greatest Showman - Tightrope, A Million Dreams (coach: Mitch Islam, choreo: Mitch Islam, Kelly Johnson)
Layla Veillon/Alexander Brandys (CAN): RD: Johannes Linstead- Sangre Del Toro; Per Storby- The Swan Crash Concert: Still Life- The Blood FD: Dear Evan Hansen- You Will Be Found (coaches: Scott Moir, Alma Moir; choreo: Sheri Moir, Cara Moir)
Hailey Yu/Brendan Giang (CAN): RD: Gotan Project- Epoca; King Chronic vs Barrio Populaire- Tango Tanssimaan FD: Craid Pruess- Punjabi Wedding Song; Raj Ghatak- Love's Never Easy; Ganesh (coaches and choreo: Megan Wing, Aaron Lowe)
Xinyi Liu/Tianyi Liu (CHN): RD: Otros Aires; Jesse Cook- Flamenco FD: Christina Aguilera- Say Something (coaches: Guiyu Huang, Ting Li, Linshu Song; choreo: Pascal Denis, Linshu Song)
Natalie Blaasova/Filip Blaas (CZE): RD: Tango Jointz, Bellma Cespedes- Tango D'Amor FD: Michael Jackson (coach/choreo: Karolina Prochazkova)
Katerina Mrazkova/Daniel Mrazek (CZE): RD: Forever Tango, Eduardo Rovirra- A Evaristo Carriego; Pascual Marquina Narro, Andre Rieu- Espana Cani FD: Man in the Iron Mask (coaches: Matteo Zanni, Barbora Reznickova; choreo: Matteo Zanni)
Izabella Sukhovskaya/Trevor Sebastian Malkasaari (EST): RD: FD: (coaches: Julia Semjonova, Valdis Mintals)
Celina Fradji/Jean-Hans Forneaux (FRA): RD: Tango for 3 arr Hugo Chouinard- Gringo Nr. 1 FD: Dead Can Dance- Agape; Rajna- Epidauros; Bachar Mar-Khalife- Ya Nas (coaches: Karine Arribert, Mahil Chantelauze; choreo: ?)
Lou Koch/Ivan Melnyk (FRA): RD: Misia- Do Retorno I; Bajofondo and Mala Rodriguez- El Anden FD: Swan Lake (coaches and choreo: Karine Arribert-Narce, Mahil Chantelauze)
Ambre Perrier Gianesini/Samuel Blanc Klaperman (FRA): RD: Forever Tango- A Evaristo Carriego; Taalbi Brothers Music- Uccen FD: Arctic Monkeys- Do I Wanna Know?; Hooverphonic- Mad About You; Jet- Are You Gonna Be My Girl (coaches: Marien De La Asuncion, Olivier Shoenfelder, Muriel Zazoui, Emi Hirai; choreo: Marien De La Asuncion and Olivier Shoenfelder
Seclet Monchot/Chardain (FRA): RD: Piazzolla - Oblivion; Maria Mezcle- Maestros FD: Queen's Gambit (coach and choreo: Fabian Bourzat
Phebe Bekker/James Hernandez (GBR): RD: Roni Benise- The Duel, Tango de Besame, Concerto de Espana FD: Four Seasons (coaches: Nicholas Buckland, Penny Coomes, Zhanna Palagina choreo: Penny Coomes, Nicholas Buckland, Chellie Fig)
Sophia Bushell/Alex Lapsky (GBR): RD: Bellma Cespedes- Tango D'Amor; Taalbi Brothers- Uccen FD: Greatest Showman- The Greatest Show, Never Enough, This is Me (coaches: Phillip Poole, Karen Quinn; choreo: Phillip Poole)
Slatter/Ongay-Perez (GBR): RD: Gotan Project- El Capitalismo Foraneo; Roni Benise- Malaguena FD: Nick Glennie-Smith- Heart of a King (coach: Philippa Towler-Green)
Laura Hegarty/Kevin Hegarty (IRL): RD: Mala Rumba- Sombrero Blanco (Mask of Zorro); John Powell- Assassin's Tango (Mr. & Mrs. Smith) FD: Sarah Brightman- Harem (coaches: ?)
Elizabeth Tkachenko/Alexei Kiliakov (ISR): RD: Argon Bregovic- Ausencia, Presidente FD: Woodkid- Run Boy Run, Guns for Hire (coaches: Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak; choreo: Elena Novak, Alexei Kiliakov, Jimmie Manners)
Nao Kida/Masaya Morita (JPN): RD: Jaime Wilensky, Andres Linetzky, Ernesto Toca- Sentimientos; Juan Carlos Caceres, Romeo Music- Tango FD: Steve Jablonsky- Red Notice; Theodore Shapiro, Craig Wedren, Ivy Levon- Who Can You Trust; Ryan Shore- Rogue (coach/choreo: Cathy Reed)
Hannah Lim/Ye Quan (KOR): RD: Primavera Portena- Milonga FD: Saint-Saēns- Danse Macabre (coaches: Marie-France Dubreuil, Patrice Lauzon, Romain Haguenauer, Benjamin Brisebois, Pascal Denis, Josée Piché; choreo: Romain Haguenauer(RD), Marie-France Dubreuil(FD)
Milla O'Brien/Laurin Wiederkehr (SUI): RD: Chi Chi- Alice's Tango; Didulia- Flamenco FD: Sanjay Leela Bhansali- Nagada Sang Dhol; Alka Yagnik- Ringa Ringa; Panjabi MC- Mundian to Bach Ke (all arr. Maxime Rodriguez) (coaches: Cornelia Leroy, Alisa Agafonova)
Elliana Peal/Ethan Peal (USA): RD: Otro Aires- Otro Noches En La Viruta; Gypsy Kings- Bamboleo FD: Halo (coach/choreo: Robert Peal)
Vanessa Pham/Jonathan Rogers (USA): RD: Jerzy Petersburski- To Ostatnia Niedziela; Taalbi Brothers- Uccen FD: Scheherazade (coach: Roman Zaretsky, choreo: Igor Shpilband, Pasquale Camerlengo, Roman Zaretsky)
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WATCH // Year One Anthem - VALORANT from Carl Addy on Vimeo.
Director: Carl Addy Cinematographer: Menno Mans
Editor : Paul Hardcastle Colourist : Oisin O'Driscoll Sound : Phil Bolland
Directors Assistant : Alfie Johnson Script Writer : Bobby Lewis EP : Dougal Meese Live Acton Producer : Elliott Tagg Live Acton Producton Manager : Stephanie Werrell-Smyth Live Acton Producton Assistant : Nadine Leswi Live Acton Producer : Danika Casas, Theresa Marth New Business Producer (script consultant) : Josh Moore Sr Producer : Erin Hicke Producer : Kate Ryan Producton Coordinator : Aubrey Bang-Guerin
Costume Designer & Stylist: Ameena Kara Callender
Production Designer: Dan Betteridge
Service company: B2Y
2D 2D Lead : Peter Hodsman 2D Team : Adam Arnot, Alfie Vaughan, Dan Adams, Georgina Ford, Jay Bandlish, Mahesh Mane, Navin Kumar Nukala, Badrinath Chinimilli, Nithin Babu, Tarun Kemtur, Venkatesh Srinivasan, Arunraj T Asaithambi, Pushpendra Singh Bhadauriya, Sathya Sagar Kolli, Abhrajit Ganguly, Avinash Sapale, Dibin Dharmendran, Dipika Salunke, Dumpala Surender, Krishnakant Yadav, Manavi Saikrishna, Narendra Kumar, Nilesh Kale, Noti Malakondareddy, Pratheesh Ancheriyil, Ravi Naik, Romishbhai Sindhi, Saloni Mehta, Saurabh Patankar, Selvakumar Somasundaram, Shrikant Jadhav, Vignesh Rajendran, Washim Hasan, Pranay Ambolkar, Rakesh Gharti, Vijesh Sharma, Anilkumar Chauhan, Harish Kumar, Jyoti Nikam, Prasad Thorve, Gareth Parr Online : Philip Ineno, Holly McLean
CG CG Lead : Alan Williamson CG Team : Andreas Graichen, Gabrielius Burokas, Hannah Bahyan, Joao Pires, Joshua Cur%s, Paul Tempelman, Roman Vrbovsky, Tatjana Ljubimtseva, Tony Atherton, Vicky McIntyre, Rachel Ward, Risto Puukko, Adem Suleyman, Arunkumar Akavaram, Vikas Shinde, Aatish Ranjan1, Arpit Gangrade, Indrajeet Kumar, Manoj Ravi, Sathyaraj A, Showber Shadik, Upasana Choudhary, Verru Ramesh, Vinayak V, Subhankar Mazumdar, Agnimitra Sarkar, Vudatha Sai Krishna, Amal Arjun J P, Aritra Kumar Sarkar, Bhavesh Budhkar, Gauri Razdan, Girish GR, Krantikumar Rawat, Naveen Srinivasan, Sri Lahari Valmikam, Arnab BhaCacharya, Pradeep KaCa, Sudhir Verma, Vijay Mohan, K Yashwanth Deepak, Balamurugan-l, Bhushan Ghurade, Dongili Varaprasad, Nirgun Gawade, Santosh Ambre, Vivek Shedge, Daniel Stern
DESD Design Lead : Will MacNeil Design Team : Jessica Gaynor, Filiberto Chiarinelli, Ewan Davidson, Raquel Fernandes, Sam Singleton, Henry de Leon, Maxim Goudin
TK Colourist : Oisin O'Driscoll Colour Assist : Cassie Benedict, Jonathan Brandenburg, Billy Dawson, Cris%na Giribets, Megan Lee, Rory Leighton Colour Producer : Cameron Aper
EDIT Edit House : Trim Editor : Paul Hardcastle Assistant Editor : Joseph Henshaw Producer : Polly Kemp
AUDIO Audio House : Factory, UK Senior Sound Designer : Phil Bolland Head of Production : Lou Allen SIREN Executive Producer : Sian Rogers
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Commission Piece that I got from @missplayer30 for a Deep Interpretation of the Space Goofs cast (plus my OC) would look like in the Beautiful Traditional Artstyle of Cartoon Saloon.
While that My Commissioner was designing each of the Characters for how they would look like in a Different Artstyle, we also had this conversation in a hypothetical "What If" scenario where if Cartoon Saloon would've taken over Action Synthese's place in Xilam's collaboration for the Stupid Invaders movie.
To anyone whose interest in @missplayer30's own plot of the Cancelled Movie, you can read it here.
#not my art#stuff for me#art for me#space goofs#les zinzins de l'espace#stupid invaders#xilam#cartoon saloon#the secret of kells#wolfwalkers#song of the sea#ambre lou#ambre lou astrean#igor#dr. saccharin#lucien bolok#star#candy caramella#gorgious klatoo#etno polino#bud budiovitch#stereo monovici#artstyle challenge#commission artwork#commission art
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Why We Seriously Need to Talk About this Character from the Cancelled Movie
The Whole SG/SI Fandom seems to be so obsessed with Bolok all the time (like, yeah, he seems to be our Most Favorite Antagonist Blorbo among the Aliens (ignoring Dr. Saccharin, the Real Main Arch-Enemy/Villain of the Entire Franchise)).
But on the other hand, I'm just wondering.
Would it be possible if we could all give this Blue-Haired Girl (who the Movie sadly never came for reasons) a chance to be recognized/loved in this fandom?
Like I see absolutely NO ONE talk about this Girl that much (I don't think anyone would want to give her a Fanon Name to stick with, despite some suggestions on some Wikis).
And that's just sad, because while that the Movie was cancelled, we could've seen her on what she would be like. She was said to be the Very Important Character & Deuteragonist to the entire Franchise (let alone the Aliens' Only Human Friend on Earth unlike the rest of the Villains from the Episodes and the Entire Human Race).
So judging by how the Movie would've went out, we would already know she would've been the Polar Opposite as These Two Villains.
Though judging on how that Bolok was the one to be asked to capture the Aliens in place for experiments in the Game, I often feel like that these Two Characters would have some sort of "Contrast/Opposite" connection due to how One would save their Lives, the Other wants them for the Job done in exchange for an award.
So I sense that somewhere during that synopsis of the Cancelled Film's Plot, She would've parallel a lot from Bolok since he was the First Person to know about the Aliens (at least, through awarness at first) while She on the Other Hand would've met to know them.
Honestly, I feel like we should all have Another Human Fan Fave into this Fandom besides than Bolok.
Although I know that somewhere down the line that she does have a confirmed name by the Cancelled Movie's Wiki (ala "Lou"), My Friend and I personally like to call her by our own AU Name Change, "Ambre-Lou Astrean" (Two Names in One).
Anyone in the Fandom agree her that we should all give Her Another Chance?
#indie text#ambre lou#ambre lou astrean#space goofs#stupid invaders#stupid invaders cancelled movie#stupid invaders cancelled film#les zinzins de l'espace#lucien bolok#dr. saccharin#I wanna bring this up to this character's attention because I'm surprised no one is talking about her that much#nor is anyone taking seriously fond of her
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Adult Ambre-Lou Astrecean

Here's my own version of Ambre-Lou, the girl from the Cancelled Stupid Invaders movie when she's an adult. In my AU, she's a science teacher in the elementary school and is happily married with a physician named Daniel. Both Daniel and Ambre-Lou were blessed with 3 children (Galaxia, Hawking and Newton).
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WATCH // Year One Anthem - VALORANT from Carl Addy on Vimeo.
Director: Carl Addy Cinematographer: Menno Mans
Editor : Paul Hardcastle Colourist : Oisin O'Driscoll Sound : Phil Bolland
Directors Assistant : Alfie Johnson Script Writer : Bobby Lewis EP : Dougal Meese Live Acton Producer : Elliott Tagg Live Acton Producton Manager : Stephanie Werrell-Smyth Live Acton Producton Assistant : Nadine Leswi Live Acton Producer : Danika Casas, Theresa Marth New Business Producer (script consultant) : Josh Moore Sr Producer : Erin Hicke Producer : Kate Ryan Producton Coordinator : Aubrey Bang-Guerin
Costume Designer & Stylist: Ameena Kara Callender
Production Designer: Dan Betteridge
Service company: B2Y
2D 2D Lead : Peter Hodsman 2D Team : Adam Arnot, Alfie Vaughan, Dan Adams, Georgina Ford, Jay Bandlish, Mahesh Mane, Navin Kumar Nukala, Badrinath Chinimilli, Nithin Babu, Tarun Kemtur, Venkatesh Srinivasan, Arunraj T Asaithambi, Pushpendra Singh Bhadauriya, Sathya Sagar Kolli, Abhrajit Ganguly, Avinash Sapale, Dibin Dharmendran, Dipika Salunke, Dumpala Surender, Krishnakant Yadav, Manavi Saikrishna, Narendra Kumar, Nilesh Kale, Noti Malakondareddy, Pratheesh Ancheriyil, Ravi Naik, Romishbhai Sindhi, Saloni Mehta, Saurabh Patankar, Selvakumar Somasundaram, Shrikant Jadhav, Vignesh Rajendran, Washim Hasan, Pranay Ambolkar, Rakesh Gharti, Vijesh Sharma, Anilkumar Chauhan, Harish Kumar, Jyoti Nikam, Prasad Thorve, Gareth Parr Online : Philip Ineno, Holly McLean
CG CG Lead : Alan Williamson CG Team : Andreas Graichen, Gabrielius Burokas, Hannah Bahyan, Joao Pires, Joshua Cur%s, Paul Tempelman, Roman Vrbovsky, Tatjana Ljubimtseva, Tony Atherton, Vicky McIntyre, Rachel Ward, Risto Puukko, Adem Suleyman, Arunkumar Akavaram, Vikas Shinde, Aatish Ranjan1, Arpit Gangrade, Indrajeet Kumar, Manoj Ravi, Sathyaraj A, Showber Shadik, Upasana Choudhary, Verru Ramesh, Vinayak V, Subhankar Mazumdar, Agnimitra Sarkar, Vudatha Sai Krishna, Amal Arjun J P, Aritra Kumar Sarkar, Bhavesh Budhkar, Gauri Razdan, Girish GR, Krantikumar Rawat, Naveen Srinivasan, Sri Lahari Valmikam, Arnab BhaCacharya, Pradeep KaCa, Sudhir Verma, Vijay Mohan, K Yashwanth Deepak, Balamurugan-l, Bhushan Ghurade, Dongili Varaprasad, Nirgun Gawade, Santosh Ambre, Vivek Shedge, Daniel Stern
DESD Design Lead : Will MacNeil Design Team : Jessica Gaynor, Filiberto Chiarinelli, Ewan Davidson, Raquel Fernandes, Sam Singleton, Henry de Leon, Maxim Goudin
TK Colourist : Oisin O'Driscoll Colour Assist : Cassie Benedict, Jonathan Brandenburg, Billy Dawson, Cris%na Giribets, Megan Lee, Rory Leighton Colour Producer : Cameron Aper
EDIT Edit House : Trim Editor : Paul Hardcastle Assistant Editor : Joseph Henshaw Producer : Polly Kemp
AUDIO Audio House : Factory, UK Senior Sound Designer : Phil Bolland Head of Production : Lou Allen SIREN Executive Producer : Sian Rogers
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WATCH // Year One Anthem - VALORANT from Carl Addy on Vimeo.
Director: Carl Addy Cinematographer: Menno Mans
Editor : Paul Hardcastle Colourist : Oisin O'Driscoll Sound : Phil Bolland
Directors Assistant : Alfie Johnson Script Writer : Bobby Lewis EP : Dougal Meese Live Acton Producer : Elliott Tagg Live Acton Producton Manager : Stephanie Werrell-Smyth Live Acton Producton Assistant : Nadine Leswi Live Acton Producer : Danika Casas, Theresa Marth New Business Producer (script consultant) : Josh Moore Sr Producer : Erin Hicke Producer : Kate Ryan Producton Coordinator : Aubrey Bang-Guerin
Costume Designer & Stylist: Ameena Kara Callender
Production Designer: Dan Betteridge
Service company: B2Y
2D 2D Lead : Peter Hodsman 2D Team : Adam Arnot, Alfie Vaughan, Dan Adams, Georgina Ford, Jay Bandlish, Mahesh Mane, Navin Kumar Nukala, Badrinath Chinimilli, Nithin Babu, Tarun Kemtur, Venkatesh Srinivasan, Arunraj T Asaithambi, Pushpendra Singh Bhadauriya, Sathya Sagar Kolli, Abhrajit Ganguly, Avinash Sapale, Dibin Dharmendran, Dipika Salunke, Dumpala Surender, Krishnakant Yadav, Manavi Saikrishna, Narendra Kumar, Nilesh Kale, Noti Malakondareddy, Pratheesh Ancheriyil, Ravi Naik, Romishbhai Sindhi, Saloni Mehta, Saurabh Patankar, Selvakumar Somasundaram, Shrikant Jadhav, Vignesh Rajendran, Washim Hasan, Pranay Ambolkar, Rakesh Gharti, Vijesh Sharma, Anilkumar Chauhan, Harish Kumar, Jyoti Nikam, Prasad Thorve, Gareth Parr Online : Philip Ineno, Holly McLean
CG CG Lead : Alan Williamson CG Team : Andreas Graichen, Gabrielius Burokas, Hannah Bahyan, Joao Pires, Joshua Cur%s, Paul Tempelman, Roman Vrbovsky, Tatjana Ljubimtseva, Tony Atherton, Vicky McIntyre, Rachel Ward, Risto Puukko, Adem Suleyman, Arunkumar Akavaram, Vikas Shinde, Aatish Ranjan1, Arpit Gangrade, Indrajeet Kumar, Manoj Ravi, Sathyaraj A, Showber Shadik, Upasana Choudhary, Verru Ramesh, Vinayak V, Subhankar Mazumdar, Agnimitra Sarkar, Vudatha Sai Krishna, Amal Arjun J P, Aritra Kumar Sarkar, Bhavesh Budhkar, Gauri Razdan, Girish GR, Krantikumar Rawat, Naveen Srinivasan, Sri Lahari Valmikam, Arnab BhaCacharya, Pradeep KaCa, Sudhir Verma, Vijay Mohan, K Yashwanth Deepak, Balamurugan-l, Bhushan Ghurade, Dongili Varaprasad, Nirgun Gawade, Santosh Ambre, Vivek Shedge, Daniel Stern
DESD Design Lead : Will MacNeil Design Team : Jessica Gaynor, Filiberto Chiarinelli, Ewan Davidson, Raquel Fernandes, Sam Singleton, Henry de Leon, Maxim Goudin
TK Colourist : Oisin O'Driscoll Colour Assist : Cassie Benedict, Jonathan Brandenburg, Billy Dawson, Cris%na Giribets, Megan Lee, Rory Leighton Colour Producer : Cameron Aper
EDIT Edit House : Trim Editor : Paul Hardcastle Assistant Editor : Joseph Henshaw Producer : Polly Kemp
AUDIO Audio House : Factory, UK Senior Sound Designer : Phil Bolland Head of Production : Lou Allen SIREN Executive Producer : Sian Rogers
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