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               Art In FLUX creates opportunity for artists, brings art into public spaces, creates a positive use for underutilized spaces and stimulates a vibrant neighborhood by merging art, commerce and community.  Art In FLUX was launched in 2012 and...
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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AUG. 15 #Artisttalk and #openmic night #artinflux at @jccharlem with moderators @kid_scofflaw and @projectmaven1 and panelists @suprinasculpture @v._cybil @lesliejimenezthatsacoolhat @abstractexit @duneskasuannette @mrjordanbc @johngavinwhite @parlayliving @newhumans 6:30-900 Discussion starts at 7:00 Open Mic for #spokenword at 8:00 (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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AUG. 15 meet @mrjordanbc at the #summerbreak #talkback and #openmic night with moderators @kid_scofflaw and @projectmaven1 and panelists @suprinasculpture @newhumans @abstractexit @duneskasuannette @lesliejimenezthatsacoolhat @johngavinwhite @parlayliving @mrjordanbc Doors 6:30 / Discussion 7:00 / Open Mic Spoken World 8:00 #artinflux #harlem #uptownartists (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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AUG 15 Meet @duneskasuannette at the Talk Back and Open Mic Night at the #summerbreak exhibition @jccharlem with moderators @kid_scofflaw and @projectmaven1 and panelists @duneskasuannette @lesliejimenezthatsacoolhat @abstractexit @v._cybil @suprinasculpture @mrjordanbc @johngavinwhite @parlayliving 6:30-9:00, Talk starts at 7:00, #openmic starts at 8:00. #harlem #artist #spokenword #installationart #mixedmedia (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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@kid_scofflaw and @projectmaven1 will put their books down and lead a discussion with the visual and #spokenword artists at #summerbreak AUGUST 15, 6:30-9:00 with @v._cybil @lesliejimenezthatsacoolhat @abstractexit @duneskasuannette @newhumans @mrjordanbc @jccharlem #harlem #artist #artinflux (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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If you didn’t hear enough from @parlayliving at the opening of #summerbreak Come on by on August 15 for a talk back with the artists and open mic for #spokenword @parlayliving will kick off the discussion with a piece at 7:00. RSVP: @jccharlem Talk moderated by @projectmaven1 and @kid_scofflaw (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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JUNE 19, 6-8PM. On the 3rd Tuesday of the month, join the #gastiaburoandstella Team to taste a special beverage, meet neighbors and make new friends at @thececilharlem RSVP: [email protected] (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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#Repost @adamzucker with @get_repost ・・・ I wrote about the installation by @duneskasuannette called "How Was Your Day?" on my blog "Artfully Learning". Link in my bio ⬆ . . 👀 this installation and other works of art that address educational issues in America @jccharlem in the current show "Summer Break," organized by @fluxartfair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #education #equality #equity #assessment #installationart #arteducation #contemporaryart #mindfullness #artblog #learning #livelovelearn (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
#Repost @karengastiaburo with @get_repost ・・・ #summerbreak #spokenword @leanne_stella @johngavinwhite #movetowhatmovesyou #exploreyourhood #LeadingRElocal #ThePercentforArtTeam #liveyourlife #supportingmycommunity #harlemishome (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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#Repost @duneskasuannette with @get_repost ・・・ 📷 @hassanmalik___ |Me being dweeby setting up for my installation tonight at JCC Harlem from 6:30-9:30PM (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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Installation by @jclenochan for #summerbreak with #artinflux at @jccharlem examining a broken education system OPENS TONIGHT June 12, 6:30-9:30, 318 west 128th St #harlem (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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@johngavinwhite is one of the #spokenword artists presenting tonight JUNE 12, 6:30 to 9:30 at #summerbreak with #artinflux at @jccharlem 318 west 118th St #harlem 7 visual artists and a dozen spoken word artists respond to a broken education system (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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#Repost @duneskasuannette with @get_repost ・・・ 📷: @blanclies | Come to JCC Harlem this upcoming Tuesday, June 12 from 6-9PM to experience and participate in my interactive installation “how was your day?”. Meant to promote conversation and awareness I transformed their classroom manipulating familiar materials (letter stickers, bulletin board) in an unfamiliar way. If you know any articles related to education for lower income students that discusses anything along the lines from suspension rates to implicit bias in the classroom, please reach out. I am also going to incorporate an area where people can access them and educate themselves further. (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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@parlayliving is one of the #spokenword artists presenting tonight JUNE 12, 6:30 to 9:30 at #summerbreak with #artinflux at @jccharlem 318 west 118th St #harlem 7 visual artists and a dozen spoken word artists respond to a broken education system (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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#Repost @duneskasuannette with @get_repost ・・・ 📷: @blanclies | Come to JCC Harlem this upcoming Tuesday, June 12 from 6-9PM to experience and participate in my interactive installation “how was your day?”. Meant to promote conversation and awareness I transformed their classroom manipulating familiar materials (letter stickers, bulletin board) in an unfamiliar way. If you know any articles related to education for lower income students that discusses anything along the lines from suspension rates to implicit bias in the classroom, please reach out. I am also going to incorporate an area where people can access them and educate themselves further. (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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@kid_scofflaw is one of the #spokenword artists who will present at #SummerBreak opening June 12 at 6:30, 318 west 118th St, #harlem #artinflux We are thrilled @kid_scofflaw is joining us! (at JCC Harlem)
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artinfluxharlem · 7 years ago
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Detail of a stunning installation by @v._cybil for #SummerBreak opening June 12 at 6:30. Examining what it means to be a student in America today. Spoken word performances throughout the evening. 318 West 118th Street #harlem #artinflux (at JCC Harlem)
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