#ambition of the stars. || CYRUS
omegalomania · 2 years
highlights from the virtual signing joe did back before his book tour, cause i havent seen anyone talk about it yet:
ppl who participated in the signing got to do a sweepstakes for a merch package and when the spokesperson was showing it off joe was like "and it's got a LOCKPICK and a GARROTE and a BALACLAVA so just DO WHATEVER DAMAGE YOU LIKE"
he introduced black flag, his favorite band, to his daughter and she thought it sounded terrible lkdfjldjfkd
when fob went to induct green day at the hall of fame joe mentions smoking weed with joan jett and miley cyrus. icon.
he regrets not having better tools to deal with his anxiety about touring and worrying about how every time he got in the van he'd be leaving home. "...and i wish i had, instead of looking out the back window, looked toward the front of the van and realized i was with four or five of my best friends and that i was in safe company."
re: the rest of the band, "they are like brothers, at the end of the day. it's a brotherly relationship."
his 8 year old begs him to watch horror movies and r-rated movies with him and he tells her she can watch them when she's 30
"let's talk about music. nothing better than talking about music. don't listen to it. just talk about it."
when asked about his proudest accomplishment: "i love all my children equally. but here's the reality. i am SO proud of fall out boy because it's a gigantic band that i started as a teenager. we just did stadium shows supporting GREEN DAY."
he's also super proud of the damned things and how honored he was that scott ian from anthrax, one of his personal heroes, trusted him to do so much writing
the interviewer goes, "all right here's a softball" and joe goes, "SOFT ME. uh, what?"
his favorite guitar is his 1965 reverse-body gibson firebird
his favorite transformer is grimlock
this question was supposed to be a lightning round but when asked "nintendo or sega" he says nintendo and then spends about 3 minutes talking abt punchout and then rattling off obscure sonic trivia. i love him.
his favorite video game is final fantasy 7. he says he "nearly flunked" out of middle school because of it.
he has a hard time picking a favorite horror movie since he loves horror but he picks "texas chainsaw massacre" as the one that affected him the most. he also recommends "anything for jackson" because it will "give you nightmares, if you are interested in having nightmares"
his favorite star wars character is yoda because his wisdom applies to real life very frequently
a fan-submitted question talked about with knives and how much the fan liked his vocals and both the interviewer and joe smiled REALLY big!!!!
sadly he doesn't like singing that much cause he doesn't like his voice. also he says fall out boy has a really good singer already. but he won't rule out doing some solo venture and recording super distorted vocals someday
re: what he wants to be remembered for the most - "having a sick bod, man."
"no, genuinely, i want my children to remember me as a good father. that's like the truth. and for having a sick bod."
he really doesn't hold any grudges about the hazing he got in the early days of touring because it was an initiation ritual and it weathered him quickly to touring life. he doesn't think people could get away with it now though.
"if you're gonna punch somebody though, do it when they're not looking"
re: favorite song to play live - "i don't care" because it "Just Rocks." and it's really fun!
his bluetooth in his car started playing "of all the gin joints in the world" and he texted patrick about how good of a song it was and how it'd be nice to play it live again
"as the kids maybe used to say, it SLAPS." brief discussion regarding the difference between a bop and a slap.
currently most of his musical ambitions lie in whatever fall out boy will do next
he tried scoring and composing for commercials and the like and he found that he really does not like it that much
he apologizes for not getting a haircut before the livestream. "this is just how i am, sloppy and unpresentable." (note: he was doing this livestream after a 13-hour flight from rock in rio in brazil)
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thelongforgottenrealm · 2 months
Gods and Goddesses
I honestly loved the idea that Kate AA had about the portals and the secret hidden keys to them that had been hidden to prevent the gods return. (And that the truth about them has been lost for centuries, to the point that no one really knows about them) Also the fact that Kate pointed out that there were like ~elemental~ keys and as I continue to think more about the gods/goddesses, I do have four of them being gods/goddesses of the elements and started to think that perhaps each god has a key that is sorta tied to them in some way?
And to bring the gods and goddess back to earth only one of the portals needs to be opened, however they will be like mortal men and women until more of the portals are opened and they can start regaining more and more of their godly powers and strengths? (And will reach their full godly powers only when all ten are opened?)
I'm still working on all of their stories, etc. but here is what I have so far!
Amestris - goddess of wisdom; of the earth; of history, and academia; has no sympathy for fools; humans were made in the image of gods and she finds it an insult to herself when they are stupid (possibly mother to Artaynte and Alya??)
Artaynte - goddess of light; the sun; the sky; sister to Alya
Alya - goddess of space; the moon; the stars; goddess of grief and lost; goddess beloved to house stafford is said to have personally come down from the heavens to bestow a crown of stars upon the first stafford king; is said to have later fallen in love with him during the first time the gods came to earth and they married and had a child together, but she ultimately had to return to the heavens when the war was over and he and their child both eventually died. Her child was a demi-god and was blessed with long life, but ultimately mortal; sister to Artaynte
Cambyses - god of textiles; of trade; of gold and jewels (brother to Mestrius??)
Cyrus - god of wind; of air; hurricanes; of war; of revenge
Damaspia - Queen of the gods; goddess of mothers and of little children; mother to Darius and Xerxes
Darius - god of death/ruler of the underworld/god of autumn/god of fire/his father told him he must never venture into the underworlds, but darius was blinded by his own ambitions to have a place of his own to rule that he went there, anyway. the underworld was where the souls of the dead were to go to rest and spend eternity-- but it was always supposed to remain untouched by the gods. when darius went there he placed a curse upon the place -- and himself. (The details of which I am still working out tbh) And he shall remain cursed until he returns home and beg his father for forgiveness. But Darius is proud and he will never go back unless he is triumphant. Darius means to find a way to raise an army of monsters and claim heaven and his father's seat as his own.
Lucius - god of wine; merriment; riddles; finds humans to be amusing but does not have the same spot for them that roya does
Mestrius - king of the gods; father to Darius and Xerxes; creator of the universe
Phaedra - goddess of spring; rebirth; siblings; flora/fauna; very sympathetic towards humans and views them as her charges instead of things she can control; is the godess said to basically have been the "fairy godmother" in the vers of cinderella was once in love with darius and meant to be his wife but the whole ~cursed to be king of the underworld~ thing got in the way of their relationship
Roya - goddess of summer; the sea; youth; impulsive af; thinks of humans as playthings
Xerxes - god of winter; god of ice; god of death. when xerxes heard that his brother darius meant to make a journey to the underworld, it was xerxes who went to stop him before anyone found out that he had gone. But he was too late and he was there with Darius when their father discovered their absence. Even though Xerxes was trying to keep his brother out of trouble, he too, had disobeyed his father by entering the underworld and he now remains cursed. He cannot return home until Darius does. Until then, he must shepherd the dead souls from this world into the next and send them to the cursed underworld of his brother's making instead of the peaceful afterlife they deserved ...
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pridepoisoned · 10 months
[I've been meaning to do this for a while and I have it on the brain right now, so why not? With the information below, I'm hoping to open new doors for interaction while also clarifying some of Eris's motives and the core influences behind the character. She deserves a deep dive. 😊]
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Pokemon Platinum is my favorite main series game, I love my supporting characters, and I wanted to try a villain, which is why I initially picked up roleplaying JUPITER around 2017 in a closed Tumblr group. However, the experience left me feeling bitter--the Cyrus player at the time was very possessive, and Jupiter and I couldn't escape his shadow (or the community's view that Jupiter was a mere Galactic lackey, victim of the 10,000th spacesuit joke.)
ERIS EVANS was born from the ashes of that blog when I went indie in 2020, inspired by the questions: what would a post-Galactic Jupiter do, fully independent and freed from Cyrus's influence? What if she was 'worse'? and what would today's unethical sciences, corrupt politics, and greedy corporate behaviors look like within the Pokemon world?
Four main themes inform Eris's portrayal: (excess) hunger/greed, masks, poison, and resilience/survival.
More than anything, Eris Evans has an insatiable appetite for knowledge, willing to cross almost any unethical lines to satisfy her rampant curiosity. This hunger has been present all her life--from when she was gazing at the distant stars, entranced by Cyrus's fantastical vision for a new world, searching for her father, and even more so now. (Her hunger for knowledge is all-consuming and spills in every direction. If you have something cool, she'll want to figure out how it works. Take it apart. Tinker and probe.)
Importantly, Eris does not want to usurp any existing leaders or organizations...
The spotlight is stifling, and she is most at home working away in the background shadows. Above all, power, influence and control are things Eris craves because they allow her the time/resources to experiment as she pleases. While she's currently under Devon's employ right now, Eris will happily work with/under anybody who can provide her with freedom, resources, and a lofty goal to work towards.
With this being said, Eris's appetite is designed to lead her into trouble. She's woven an intricate web thus far (which I am pumped about), flitting back and forth between various conflicting organizations--a day will come when her multilayered façade all comes crashing down.
So, how does Eris manage to survive under the spotlight, juggling all her connections? She's an expert mask-wearer, ultimate deceiver, interchanging her personality to best fit the mood and get what she wants. She can't help herself. With her disarming looks and unmatched charisma, Eris excels in the world of big business, concealing her darker side underneath. A total wolf in sheep's clothing.
I made Eris a poison-developing expert because it fits in with her curiosity and the idea of soft power, an advisor whispering shadily into a leader's ear. Poison corrodes, corrupts, and is often used in deception, which makes it Eris's perfect symbol of choice. She uses poison in many forms--ranging from the sadistic physicality of her 'enforcer' Seviper, Anje to the gentle suggestion of her mind-warping Kirlia, Felisa. Eris and poison are all about damage over time, infecting and collapsing bigger foes from the inside...
All of this being said, Eris's endgame is unclear right now, even to her. Galactic gave her an ambition to sink her claws into, and Devon is currently satisfying her with full access to Pokemon bioenergy development, but she's always on the lookout for the next big step, always working, worrying about her legacy. Survival.
She helped leash Dialga and Palkia atop the Spear Pillar, spat at them. Soon after, Cyrus disappeared, just like her father had aboard the Sea Mauville all those years ago. That fateful encounter (and abandonment) helped her realize that time and influence are fleeting. In order to thrive in this new, post-Galactic life, she must fill the void with as much knowledge as possible, as many answers as possible. Rules are restraints. Above all, she must survive, no matter how terrifying/twisted she may become. Mortality hangs over her head like a hungry serpent, always demanding tribute.
Always demanding more.
ERIS is the second (not first) largest dwarf planet in the solar system, maintaining Galactic's cute planetary roots. Eris is also the goddess of discontent and discord (not that Discord.) EVANS was chosen because I wanted an unassuming last name for her to blend in to society following her expulsion from Sinnoh. Also, alliteration always goes hard.
I chose DEVON as Eris's landing spot because they are very similar. Smiling exteriors, shady interiors. I view Devon as the consummate too big to fail company of the Pokemon world, doing whatever it can to maintain PR and get ahead of the competition. (Once again, Eris is looking out for herself and isn't beholden to Devon, though the corp does spoil her...)
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filmshady · 8 months
10 things I thought about while watching LIFT (2024)
It boasts a cast so star-studded that they could probably outshine the $500 million in gold they're trying to steal. It's a shame the charisma of the actors can't elevate the film as high as their lofty heist ambitions.
It delivers a last-minute twist that feels like a desperate attempt to distract you from the visual unpleasantness and cheap aesthetic that plagued the preceding scenes. It's like putting a sparkly bow on a gift you never wanted.
The film's visually unpleasant and cheap aesthetic is a bold choice, as if the director said, "Why bother with cinematography when we can just throw gold bars at the screen and hope for the best?" Spoiler alert: it didn't work.
The forced romantic subplot between Cyrus and Abby is like trying to convince yourself that airplane food is gourmet cuisine – unconvincing, and you're left wondering why you even bothered.
The third act of Lift requires you to suspend your disbelief so often that it feels less like a heist film and more like a crash landing into the realm of implausibility. It's as if the scriptwriter's favourite word was "magic" – as in, "Let's just magic our way out of this plot hole."
Kevin Hart stars as Cyrus Whitaker, a master art thief who, unfortunately, couldn't steal the show. It's like casting a Chihuahua as a guard dog – adorable, but not exactly intimidating.
Gugu Mbatha-Raw's character, Abby Gladwell, seems determined to catch Cyrus, but I'm more determined to understand why she'd pursue a man who, according to the movie, constantly mutes his own charisma. Talk about questionable life choices.
The film's heist, set mostly in two planes and an air traffic control tower, is hampered by the blandness of its sets. It's like watching a magic show where the disappearing act involves the excitement disappearing from the audience.
F. Gary Gray's past credits include classics like Friday, Set It Off, and THE ITALIAN JOB (one of the greatest heist movies to exist) but with Lift, it's like he decided to take a break from craftsmanship. It's the cinematic equivalent of a Michelin-starred chef serving instant noodles.
For a thriller spending most of its third act in the air, Lift struggles to ever get off the ground. It's like a plane that forgot it was supposed to take you on a thrilling ride and decided to taxi around the tarmac indefinitely.
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In the desolate ruins of what was once a bustling ancient city, the air hung heavy with a palpable sense of dread. As dusk cloaked the horizon in shadows, a chilling mist rolled over the remnants of crumbled walls and shattered columns. It was here, among these haunted ruins, that the story of Cyrus the Great's forgotten curse unfolded.
Cyrus, the emperor who once commanded vast territories, had sought the secret to eternal dominion. His quest led him to a dark sorcerer who promised him immortality, but at a dire cost. Ignoring the warnings, Cyrus agreed to a ritual that would bind his spirit to the protector of the underworld, a monstrous entity known only as the Keeper of the Abyss.
For centuries, the Keeper slumbered beneath the earth, entwined with Cyrus's spirit, until an unwitting group of archaeologists stumbled upon the buried chamber. Their intrusion awakened the creature, releasing a horror not seen since ancient times. The Keeper rose from its abyss, a towering figure of dread with writhing tendrils and massive horns spiraling into the misty sky. Its eyes, glowing red with malevolence, pierced through the fog that enveloped the ruins.
The archaeologists, paralyzed with fear, could only watch as the creature moved with unnatural grace, its tendrils searching the air as if sensing the life around it. The ground trembled beneath its weight, and the air grew thick with the scent of decay. With each step, the Keeper seemed to draw the life force from the earth itself, leaving behind a trail of withered death.
Legend had it that Cyrus's spirit could still be heard on the winds, a mournful wail of eternal regret. The curse had bound him not only to the Keeper but also to the ruins of his empire. He was condemned to witness the destruction wrought by the beast, forever unable to rest.
One brave soul among the archaeologists, driven by a mix of terror and determination, remembered the ancient texts speaking of the Keeper. The texts foretold that only by reuniting Cyrus's ceremonial dagger with the creature could the curse be broken. The dagger, still housed in a nearby museum, became their only hope.
As night enveloped the world, they retrieved the dagger and faced the creature, which roared in defiance. The air crackled with ancient magic as the dagger was thrust into the heart of the beast, causing a blinding light to erupt. The Keeper's scream echoed through the ruins, a sound of pain and fury, as it slowly dissolved into the mist from whence it came.
The ruins fell silent, the mist cleared, and the stars above shone brightly once more. Cyrus's wail turned into a soft whisper of thanks before fading into the night air, released from the shackles of his eternal torment. The archaeologists, though shaken, knew they had not only uncovered, but also closed, a dark chapter of history.
From then on, the ruins stood quiet, a solemn reminder of the past, guarded by the spirits of those who had once walked its streets. And the tale of Cyrus the Great's curse lived on, a chilling story whispered on stormy nights when the wind howled through the crumbling stones, a tale of ambition, power, and a monster born from the depths of the underworld.
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serpentinebrando · 10 months
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Name: Lucien “Luke” Brando
Age: 24
Gender: cis male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: human
Appearance: dark green eyes, short blond hair, pretty face, 5’7”, lean runner’s build, tattoo of a star with dragon wings on his back, and a sea serpent tattoo coiled around his left forearm.
FC: Hunter Hayes
Personality: Usually non-confrontational, prefers diplomacy, craves his own freedom and reputation, ambitious, proud, quiet unless he’s playing to an audience, good listener, manipulative, tactful, outgoing, reserved, will do anything to protect or promote his siblings (…within reason. Murder is within reason. Humiliating himself is most certainly not.), bratty sub.
Powers/Abilities: excellent musician, can hypnotize people via song, can cast water-based spells, can temporarily transform himself into a smallish sea serpent, and can breathe underwater. He’s also quick on his feet and an agile freerunner/parkour runner, and quite stealthy when he needs to be. Skilled with swordplay, and a decent sailor.
Flaws/Weaknesses: mortality, hubris, selfishness, skewed moral compass.
Languages: English
Familiar: sea serpent
Family: Felicia Bennett (mother, estranged), Garrett Brando (father, deceased), Kade Brando (oldest brother), Katrina Brando (older sister, Kade’s twin), Cyrus Brando (older brother)
Backstory: In a kingdom where dragons rule the air, serpents rule the sea, and lords rule the land, princes and princesses are often the ones who solve problems for their lords. Lucien was born the youngest prince of his generation of the Brando family. No claim to the throne unless something should happen to his father and siblings, no responsibilities except to forge strong alliances, and no right to any ambitions of his own that didn’t benefit the kingdom or the family. His father made that clearer and clearer the older he got. He was allowed to study music, as such knowledge was expected and admired in a proper young prince, but to pursue it as a career was expressly forbidden. No Brando had ever been a lowly bard, and he would not be the first. Frustrated, he turned his attention to other matters that were technically permitted: problem solving.
The main problems he saw were failing infrastructure and insufficient funds to build it back up, both of which were shocking when he considered how much material they were pulling in from the mines. Mines that weren’t being properly maintained, leading to gas leaks, explosions, and cave-ins. The forges suffered from many similar lack-of-maintenance problems, which was even more concerning to the son of the Lord of the Forge. Luke investigated tirelessly, determined to figure out why they were hemorrhaging so much gold, and where the missing funds were disappearing to. Despite many setbacks and red herrings, his impressive detective work eventually led him back to his father, who was embezzling gold from the kingdom to settle his gambling debts and fund a lavish lifestyle for himself and his Lady. Before the pain of betrayal could spur the young prince to act, however, his father put a plan into action to silence him. He was to be sent out to sea on some ‘diplomatic mission’ and never return.
It almost worked.
Lucien’s skills were no match for an ambush, and the Lord’s men were able to knock him out quickly and haul him aboard. When he awoke, groggy and disoriented, he barely had time to process that he’d been thrown from the ship before hitting the roiling waves below. To his terror, he soon realized that he was not alone. Large, blazing, serpentine eyes bored into him, watching him struggle to figure out which way was up and how to escape his bonds before he drowned. The creature was massive. He met its gaze, desperate for assistance, and shockingly it seemed receptive, poking at him curiously. ‘Why should I save you?’ It asked, rasping voice filling his mind. Even with lungs rapidly filling with saltwater, Lucien was a master negotiator. No one knows the exact terms of the silent deal struck between them, but the near tragedy ended with his own survival and the capsizing of his father’s ship. He continues to serve the serpent in exchange for powerful magic, but refuses to do anything truly evil with it, focused instead on helping his older brother, Cyrus, the newly crowned Lord of The Forge, rebuild everything that had broken down during their father’s reign. He’s comfortable working in the shadows to bring light, and more than willing to end anyone who tries to snuff that light out.
(I’ll add more lore as I come up with it, including the stuff I’ve already come up with for Cyrus over on @covenunited )
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cyruscabaral · 1 year
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[ BLOG ]
• One Act Play •
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Title: The Bonds of Friendship
Theme: The importance of true friendship and the challenges it faces.
Setting: A high school during the present day. The stage is divided into various locations such as classrooms, hallways, and a lunchroom.
Time: Present day.
Mode: Comedy-drama.
Cyrus - The lead character, a kind-hearted but introverted high school student with a passion for music.
Kaspher - Cyrus's best friend, outgoing, and a star athlete.
John Wayne - The school's popular jock who bullies Cyrus and Kaspher.
Harvee - A loner in Cyrus' class who has an interest in music.
Raddyson - Harvee's friend who is a lovable and jovial character.
Vincent - The school principal
The curtain rises on the high school hallway as students fill the areas, rushing to their next class. Cyrus, the lead character, steps out of his class, checking his phone as he walks down the hallway. Kaspher, his best friend, runs up to him, beaming.
Scene 1:
Kaspher: (excitedly) "Hey! Do you remember what day is today?"
Cyrus: (puzzled) "Umm, is it someone's birthday?"
Kaspher: (laughs) "No, Man! Today's the day that we're gonna see our band's album cover."
Cyrus: (smiling) "Oh yeah, but what about it?"
Kaspher: "Well, it's gonna be displayed on the bulletin board in the lunchroom."
Cyrus: (pleased) "Wow! That's incredible. I hope it looks great."
Kaspher: "Don't worry! Our band is going to be famous one day."
Scene 2:
As they stand outside the school's entrance, John Wayne, the school's popular jock, stares at them menacingly. Cyrus tries to avoid him, but John blocks his path.
John Wayne: (sarcastically) "Well, if it isn't the two losers."
Kaspher: (determinedly) "Leave us alone, John."
John Wayne: (chuckles) "What are you going to do? Cry to your mommy?"
Cyrus: (nervously) "Please, let us go."
John Wayne: "I will if you kiss my feet."
Kaspher: (irritated) "Sorry, Man. We don't do that kind of thing."
The scene ends as John Wayne walks away laughing.
Scene 3:
During lunchtime in the cafeteria, Cyrus and Kaspher spot Harvee sitting alone and decide to invite him to join them.
Cyrus: (kindly) "Hey, Harvee. Do you want to sit with us?"
Harvee: (grateful) "Really? Thanks!"
Raddyson joins them and sparks up a conversation. Together, they talk about their passions, dreams, and ambitions.
Scene 4:
In the principal's office, Cyrus and Kaspher walk in, expecting a reprimand for causing a commotion in the hallway earlier. Instead, they find out something surprising and unexpected.
Principal Vincent: (smiling) "Congratulations on your band's new album cover. It looks great!"
Cyrus and Kaspher: (overjoyed) "Wow! Thank you!"
Principal Vincent: "And, John Wayne, I have some bad news for you."
The scene ends, leaving everyone to wonder about the consequences that John Wayne will face and the future of the band.
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0613magazine · 2 years
200126 ET Online
BTS on Their Upcoming Album: 'It's Going to Be Harder and Better' (Exclusive)
BTS has a new album on the way, and they say it's going to be "better" and "harder" than ever before. 
ET caught up with the seven-member boy band on the red carpet at the 62nd GRAMMY Awards, and they said fans can expect the new project next month. 
"We just released 'Black Swan,' our first single for the upcoming album. We release our album in February," group member RM shared. "It's going to be harder, it's going to be whatever you're expecting it is -- it's going to be better and harder."
When asked to elaborate, RM said the project is "really hard." 
"I can't tell more. It's the hardest we can go," he added. "We're always personal and frank in our messages and tracks."
The K-pop band will hit the stage with Lil Nas X, Billy Ray Cyrus, Diplo and more surprise guests for the first 'Old Town Road All-Stars' performance at the ceremony. RM teased that fans can expect "our dance, and our voice, our love, our 'Old Town Road'" during the star-studded show. "We had rehearsals 10 times. We had a little moves together with Lil Nas. We saw him dancing and he knows how to dance, so stay tuned for the moves and our voices too."
Last week, Ariana Grande and BTS sent Twitter into a frenzy when the singer posted a rehearsal photo with the boy band. "Look who I bumped into at rehearsal :)," the "Thank U, Next" singer tweeted. 
"She's the one right now, she's the one," the group told ET of that fan-favorite moment. "So when Ariana is just practicing next to our big studio, we just knew. She said she wanted to see our rehearsals and what we're doing. We showed her... and we saw her rehearsals, too, so we know what we're doing tonight, what she's doing tonight, and it was, like, the greatest."
The group added that this year's GRAMMY Awards is a full-circle moment for them. "We said it last year presenting: We'll be back. And we thought it would never come true, but I think this is the reason why you should speak out your ambitions," RM said. "It will come true maybe." 
Source: ET Online
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justupdate · 2 years
Sun in scorpio moon in gemini celebrities
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The celestial belt where the Sun relentlessly follows his course, when seen from the Earth, is divided into twelve equal parts called zodiacal signs. This is how it becomes possible to materialize the positions of the planets, the Sun, and the Moon in the window of heaven known as the Zodiac. For each astrological chart, the time and place of birth are processed in order to get markers that are specific to the individual. The position of the celestial bodies, as seen from the Earth and the place of birth, is established in connection with a system of coordinates based on the horizon and the zenith. Besides, she is of utmost importance for children, because they have not yet learnt to master their primary instincts, and remain very attached to their mother. Therefore, she is associated with dreams, the unconscious, subjectivity, moods, the past, nostalgia, but also with laziness, nonchalance and whims. In addition, she symbolizes the chart owner's mother, and later on, his wife as well as his representation of the ideal woman. In a man's chart, although the Moon represents his sensitivity, she may be of a lesser importance, since she is often repressed. She is particularly important in a woman's chart because she is believed to express more or less easily her female status and her femininity. She is a sign of fertility, femininity, imagination and memory, or lack of, depending on the aspects she receives. She symbolizes all feminine figures such as the mother, the wife, etc. The Moon is complementary to the Sun in the sense that she represents the feminine part of the personality (the Yin), the unconscious, the emotions and the sensitivity of the chart's owner. The Sun is associated with youth, the period in life when, brimming with ambitions and hopes, one completes one's studies. The Sun is always active in the woman's personality and represents her ideal of man. In a woman's chart, the Sun usually symbolizes her father, and later on, her husband. Therefore, he emphasizes courage, loyalty, nobleness and generosity, but also pride, irascibility, and self-centredness. The Sun is a star of warmth, life, and light. However, he seems to be more important in men's chart, since he stands for all masculine and positive values. He provides clues to the image of the father and men in general, as well as the type of relationship with them, regardless of the gender of the chart's owner. The Sun is the masculine part of the personality, the Yang, and as such, he represents all male figures (father, husband, leader, etc.). Discover more about the moon and see the other styles of the zodiac signs, here.The Sun is the individual's ego, his aspirations, his inner self and his will, that which he tends to really be, unlike the Ascendant which is the image projected onto others. Sun & Moon in Scorpio: Alexa Chung, Björk, Ryan Reynolds, RuPaul, Brittany Murphy, Whoopi Goldberg, Owen Wilson, Kim Wilde, Thandie Newton and Katy Perry.
☆ Lauren Conrad ☆ Kate Moss ☆ Minnie Driver ☆ Lady Gaga ☆ Elizabeth Taylor ☆ Leah Remini ☆ Christine Taylor ☆ Denise Richards ☆ Scarlett Johansson ☆ Miley Cyrus ☆ Gisele ☆ Selma Blair ☆ Jennifer Lopez ☆ Ari Graynor ☆ Crystal Renn ☆ Beyonce ☆ Thandie Newton ☆ Olivia Palermo ☆ Jenna Jameson ☆ Britney Murphy ☆ Bette Midler ☆ Danni Minogue ☆ Hayley Mills ☆ MIA ☆ Alexa Chung ☆ Kylie Jenner ☆ Mila Kunis ☆ Good at probing, investigating and keeping secrets, your moon in Scorpio friend will unearth plenty about you, without showing their hand… Celebrities With The Moon In Scorpio… They need the security of loyalty and can be quite suspicious of people’s motives until they’re a trusted companion. People born when the Moon was in Scorpio are intensely private. It’s our emotional nature and how we feed others. Our Moon sign is an indicator of what we need – what we need to feel nurtured and what comforts us.
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quasimyth · 2 years
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Do NOT speak to this man of the “Gussy.”
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volot · 3 years
mini-headcanon: cyrus, and what sets them apart.
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so something i’ve talked about in dms and recently again today with a friend when prompted about volo’s feelings re: cyrus’s plan + dealing with lysandre, and i forget if i mentioned it explicitly on this blog before, but...
i’ve talked in general about how volo thinks he’s the one chosen by arceus. like, it’s his destiny to meet arceus and “fix” this world via rebirth and recreation under the eye of a god who will not abandon it ( in his eyes, anyway; that’s how he views it ), who will not do as arceus did, who understands the despair of humanity like it’s within his very blood. ( because it is. )
people often like to compare volo and cyrus’s plans back to back. on the surface, they seem similar: they are both tragic, deeply troubled individuals who want to remake the world to be “better”, right? that seems pretty word-for-word. but it isn’t. cyrus’s plan, while from a place of his own sorrows and hardships faced in life, is an attempt to wipe out human spirit, believing it to be the ultimate solution to subdue future suffering. and while volo also aims to make the world free of tragedy, it’s that key detail in destruction of the human spirit that sets their plans drastically apart. volo doesn’t believe in destruction of human spirit: he embodies one of the key components, willpower, as cynthia, cogita and himself all do, with emotion and logic respectively. 
volo doesn’t want a dispirited world. he wants a world without suffering. without pointless wars, pointless deaths, without the conflict of humanity burying history, free of greed and senseless violence and strife and unnecessary blood spilled. it is a world where his people thrive, where the identity of a god won’t be lost to time and buried in conflict. i’ve mentioned this before, but it is an impossible dream, and yet volo’s volition makes him believe that he can make it possible, that he’s the only one who knows how, the only one who has the keys to create something truly perfect. he wishes it, he wants it, so he will will it. no matter the costs, no matter the means, even if he must commit heinous acts of manipulation and violence, it is his means to an end.
because he is the last of the celestica, because he’s unraveled all the secrets of the world, because the knowledge he has, divine and too much and too aware of history, makes him understand things far deeper than anyone else.
because someone else -- cyrus, the cold sun he chased, the boy born of the stars who holds a similar dream and his same ruthless ambition -- would get it wrong.
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skitter-kitter · 3 years
Cyrus does not function well without much sleep. He never has.
Most nights, he waits his body screams for sleep. On this night,— his first day in the Distortion World—, it never does. He stays awake for hours without pause.
It could be seconds or days before he feels the exhaustion creep in, but it does. His body feels the effects his mind cannot.
One day, he tries to sleep to no avail. A part of him is annoyed at himself. He should have seen this coming. He was Cyrus— the sun and the stars of the Galactic— he should have known Giratina would never allow him this simple pleasure.
The Distortion World was not made for comfort.
As the days pass, his body weakens. Without food or water or sleep, it begins to wither. Soon, he will be a living corpse, suspended by Giratina’s will.
Cyrus can’t help but feel a twisted sense of excitement. He will be the first human to survive these conditions. He will experience things Charon never had a chance of studying.
More powerful than his excitement, is his fear. Cyrus never wanted to die. Well— no, he never wanted to feel his body crumble to the ground. He never wanted to gasp for air and find none rushing into his lungs.
(What is this eternal life if not a damnation for his ambitions? A blanket of sand suffocating a fire. A blanket of suffering to suffocate his red chain.)
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itsallmadonnasfault · 4 years
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The “Queen of Pop” isn’t enough to describe Madonna — she is Pop. Over nearly four decades, the Italian girl from Michigan formulated the blueprint of what a pop star should be: a triple-threat who’s willing to take risks and doesn’t give a damn about her critics. 
Madonna’s dominance began with her eponymous debut album in 1983. But she quickly proved there was more up her lace-ruffled sleeve than bubblegum jams. Since then, she’s crafted definitive eras with a discography spanning 14 albums, over 70 music videos and numerous projects dotted in between. She became an ‘80s club kid, drifted us to “La Isla Bonita,” boldly blended sex and religion to cause a Catholic uproar, transformed into dominatrix Mistress Dita, found a ray of light through newfound motherhood and Kabbalah, brought cowboys back in style at the turn of the New Millenium, dismantled the American Dream while drinking soy lattes, became a disco queen and, in case we forgot, reminded the world that she’s an “unapologetic bitch.”
Madonna isn’t necessarily deemed a “political” artist, but she’s continuously shown advocacy for social injustices. She propelled “vogueing” from Harlem’s Black ballroom culture into mainstream success for 1990’s groundbreaking “Vogue,” unapologetically praised her faithful LGBTQ+ fanbase, flipped the male gaze on its head in countless music videos that combated a misogyny-riddled music industry and proudly withstood the constant backlash she received for her sexual expression that later gave other women the freedom to do the same.
Madonna’s fearlessness couldn’t be contained within a music box: the artist has also cemented herself as a respected actress, garnering critical acclaim for roles in 1985’s Desperately Seeking Susan, 1990’s Dick Tracy, 1992’s A League of Their Own and even won a Golden Globe for Best Actress for 1996’s Evita. She’s also a fashion icon, creating trendsetting moments with the same chameleon-like flair as her genre-bending music. Madonna has writhed around in a wedding dress for 1984’s “Like A Virgin” (which was reincarnated in a “pass the torch” moment for the lip-locking 2003 MTV VMA performance), nearly poked our eyes out with the cone bra from 1990’s now-infamous Blond Ambition World Tour, brought Hollywood’s Golden Era glamour to the 1991 Oscars, became a military sergeant for 2003’s American Life, combined matador and medieval styles for 2015’s Rebel Heart era, and channeled Marilyn Monroe any chance she got.
And of course, all of this impact has resulted in a list of accolades that unfolds longer than a CVS receipt: the highest-grossing solo artist of all time, the best-selling international female recording artist of all time, a seven-time Grammy award winner, a 20-time MTV VMA winner and a record of 38 Top 10 hits on the Billboard Hot 100.
Madonna has also birthed a legacy that a new generation of singers — from Y2K queens like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera to millennial rule-breakers like Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus — continue to uphold.
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With the way the icon stretches her limits, it’s a wonder how the icon hasn’t had a comet named after her by now. It’ll be light-years until someone as seismic as Madonna comes crashing down from outer space again.
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anincorrectpetunia · 3 years
On Cyrus and Mellie...
Several of you mentioned Mellie as a loser, a flop, a manipulating maven whose antics led Cyrus to show his true colors where Liv is concerned. I just picked a couple:
Canon!Cyrus and this story's Cyrus are very alike in how they view Liv, and, ultimately, everyone in their orbit. ...You captured his proprietary view of Olivia SO well in this chapter, and in the ones previously leading up to it. Special shout out to the present-timeline scene between Cy and Fitz featuring this line by Cyrus: "She was a real star, my best girl"- as though he were talking about a race horse. Cyrus will be Cyrus, of course, but I'm glad flashback Liv got the chance to tell him about himself and break free of a toxic working environment and relationship that was no longer serving her. --@jilyandbambi
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Perfection. Exactly. And the look at you cross-referencing!
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That was from Episode 6 (WAP) when Fitz met up with Cyrus in Dupont. He was shole feeling that regret.
Fuck Cyrus, man. Feel that vertigo, traitor. I hate people who can only see a WoC's brilliance through the limited lens of their own ambition or agenda. It was nice that Edison came to realise that he, too, was stifling Liv. It's good to see her flying free, shining and getting some oxygen back in her life. If only she could be this brave with her heart and walk her talk. It matters how it is indeed. The final scene gave me hope.--@aprillea
What CY did was out of pocket and throwing Liv under the bus was wrong! He basically took Mellies side, however, it did give Liv the clarity she needed to see what she wanted out of life.--@dendardendan
To both the above--yes! I wanted to show how whiteness aligns across gender, sexuality, when a Black woman is even perceived to threaten something power-craving white people value. But joke's on them because Liv won in the end.
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xasha777 · 6 months
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In the golden citadel of Elysia Prime, where the metal spires pierced the ever-dark sky, a figure stood silent and stoic amidst the grand halls. She was Aria, the Eternal Warden, an android whose design was as intricate as the history of the stars. Her eyes, pools of deep cosmic knowledge, reflected the burden of her eternal vigil.
A millennia ago, the Elysians had long since abandoned flesh for circuitry and steel, and Aria was their masterpiece. She was the guardian of their most sacred relic, a crystalline core said to contain the collective wisdom of a hundred lost civilizations. It was an era of peace, but peace is a delicate veil over the chaos of desire.
Word of the crystalline core's power had spread across the cosmos, reaching the ears of Cyrus the Younger, a galactic marauder with ambitions that knew no end. Cyrus had toppled empires, conquered worlds, and now he hungered for the secrets of Elysia Prime.
Under the cloak of nebulous shadows, Cyrus's armada encroached upon the citadel. He had heard of the Warden, a being of unyielding metal and unwavering purpose, but he was undeterred. His fleet launched a relentless assault, but Aria, standing alone, became the tempest. Her armor, woven from the heart of dying stars, repelled every strike. Her counterattacks were precise, each a masterpiece of combat artistry.
As the battle raged, Cyrus realized brute force would not grant him victory. He proposed a parley, a gambit to face Aria alone. She accepted, not out of arrogance, but from a protocol of honor embedded deep within her code.
They met in the Hall of Echoes, where the voices of a thousand ancient Elysians whispered from the walls. Cyrus, in his rugged armor etched with the scars of countless battles, stood before Aria, his gaze locked onto hers.
"Your defense is impeccable, Warden," Cyrus conceded, his voice resonating with a grudging respect. "But I offer you a choice: join me, and together we can unlock the secrets of the core. Refuse, and I will leave Elysia Prime as nothing but a memory."
Aria, in the silence that followed, spoke. Her voice was the harmony of logic and strength. "You seek power, Cyrus. But power without purpose is as fleeting as the stars that burn too bright and too fast. I am the Warden of Elysia Prime, and my purpose is unyielding."
With those words, an understanding passed between the two. Cyrus saw not a foe but a sentinel of an ideal he had long forgotten. And Aria saw in Cyrus the reflection of what she protected: the potential for change, for growth, even in the darkest of hearts.
The battle ceased, and Cyrus the Younger withdrew. Aria, the Eternal Warden, resumed her silent vigil. But from then on, amidst the vast reaches of space, tales were told of the golden guardian and the marauder who bowed to her resolve. And so the legend grew, a story of conflict and respect, woven into the tapestry of the cosmos.
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From same anon who have huge crush on Webigaza: aww you're welcome! 😚💕 Actually I had an ask about her but I forgot to send it to you yesterday 😅 What do think of Webigaza? I mean, about Webigaza as both cyborg and pop-idol who have to maintain her popularity, her ambition/obsession, and the huge burden her body had to endure as the result of higher body modification percentage (I thought someone pointed out Webigaza's body was "overheated" quickly after she striked an attack?). Thank you 💖
Hey anon~! 
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I’m so glad there are other people who like Webigaza so much! I was so afraid she was going to be a relatively difficult character for people to like. He has the young, reckless, popularity seeking, ‘fake’, pop-star vibes for sure. From the seemingly self-destructive behavior to a hyper-awareness of her fame, she definitely has a worrying resemblance to some other ‘icons’ in that category. 
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(Sarah Lynn from Bojack Horseman, and Miley Cyrus)
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I’m tempted to be extremely pessimistic about her character, even though I do like her quite a bit. Unlike most character’s that I’m mostly ambivalent towards at first, Webigaza seems to have lodged herself into my heart somehow. I’ve been seeing that although ONE doesn’t ever give his characters a ‘get out of jail free card’ he almost always gives them a way -forward- and I didn’t know how hungry I was to feel hopeful about a character like this until she appeared. 
One of the things about Webigaza that I’m most optimistically looking forward to is that she *wants* to be a hero and I think that’s very meaningful. She’s not satisfied with wealth and fame. At the moment it’s difficult to speak much about the specifics of her motivations but it seems that her drive is at least partially fueled from Envy and that particular emotion can actually reveal a lot about a person, who that person really wants to be (which weirdly often is something close to what they already are without realizing). I think that *she* thinks she wants to exceed Amai Mask, but why Him specifically? The top A-Class hero worked body and soul to be a ‘beautiful symbol of justice’. 
In Amai’s words “A professional hero must always be a beautiful symbol of justice.” I think that’s an honorable thing to aspire to be and I get the impression Webigaza has taking this idea to heart.
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It breaks my heart a little bit to imagine how Webigaza would react to meeting Amai Mask when all I want for them both is to learn from each other and grow together, like brother and sister perhaps? At the moment it looks like she can and would give ~anything~ to become a strong hero (doesn’t that remind us of someone?). She’s clearly very ambitious and she’s going SOMEWHERE Fast.
I think a lot of people disparage ambition itself as a character flaw but that’s never really sat well with me. I’m a bit of an ambitious person myself, and I think ambition is pretty sexy in a person. I think ambition should be moderated, controlled, like a fuel source. If an engine didn’t get some fuel it wouldn’t run but too much all at once can be explosive. It’s also important to moderate ambition because focusing too much on the RPMs and MPH can mean you’re not enjoying the experience of driving your tripped-out new sports car. Speaking of RPMs, I think you’re right, there were a couple of posts I also saw that discuss Webigaza overheating here is one of them: https://the-nysh.tumblr.com/post/619899864633032704/a-missed-line-update-to-chapter-126
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Webigaza is inspirational to me because she’s going to be what she wants to be no matter what the cost. I don’t really understand people who invalidate the hard work and pain she put herself through, they’re not her, they can’t decide if it’s worth it for her or not. I just hope she finds the root of her envy so she can divert some of that massive amount of energy into actualizing herself more fully rather than attempting to be a carbon copy of Amai Mask. I think a lot of people think of cybernetics as a ‘short-cut’ to power, but I’ve never believed it was quite so simple. If it’s a short cut, it’s like some people are taking a winding path on a smooth slope up a mountain while others are treacherously free-hand climbing the mountain. The destination is the same perhaps but the path chosen is a deeply personal choice of the individual and what their capacities are. 
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The difficult truth of life, no matter what path you take, is that nothing is certain. Not every sacrifice may produce the desired results. Most choices are permanent or have permanent ramifications. And that’s something that every person has to face head-on if they want to live a life which is fulfilled, where the regrets we face are processed, the losses we experience are grieved, and the new opportunities provided us are embraced with child-like enthusiasm. If you want to climb that mountain, climb it. But you better-the-fuck understand what that mountain is made of (as much as possible), or you’re in for a rude wake-up call. If you find yourself on the wrong path it’s so important to re-adjust and forgive yourself, don’t beat yourself into the dirt, life will do that for you. Just do everything you can to rise above. Take care of yourself!
In short, I’ve adopted this precious child. I want to protect her. I absolutely support her passion and drive and I hope she’s doing. I will always have a soft spot for people who literally give so much of themselves for their dreams because sometimes that’s really what it takes. But I hope she’s doing for the right reasons. I worry for those around her who could want to take advantage of her inner fire. And I worry that she doesn’t value herself enough. She’s my cyborg sister for life. <3
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