#amazing product
lumineary-arts · 8 months
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One of the things I wanted to draw the most once I had free time, the Digital Circus gang all fancied up for a party! At first I was gonna go a little more serious with their outfits, but they ended up being a little silly by the time I sketched them out. Which I liked!!
Caine and Bubble aren't here because drawing Caine was a STRUGGLE I CAN'T DO IT RIGHT
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mour-png · 9 months
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I… loved the amazing digital circus. So I need to draw something sad and existential and complex so I don’t just stand shaking in place like Kinger unable to express my feelings in wooORRDS
also maybe I should add seeing as amazing digital circus is trending and there’s a lot of people here all of a sudden this isn’t ship art i just think their dynamic is interesting
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thenumberfives · 2 months
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equestriagirl16 · 9 months
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gyalgary · 2 months
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tastefulbean · 21 days
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soooo i entered glitch’s fanart contest lmaoo
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far-from-official · 9 months
dead wife lore
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bunnyjesters · 3 days
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ashdoescomics · 9 months
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pov: you’re max jagerman after “bully the bully” in nerdy prudes must die 🔪
this was SO fun to make and it took me 7 HOURS WHAT anyway do yourself a favor and watch some starkid >:) they never fail to make my next favorite musical!!
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lumineary-arts · 8 months
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I'M SURE SOMEONE MUST'VE THOUGHT OF THIS ALREADY It's been a long time since I've seen Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but god I love Roger and Jessica so much. Goofy rabbit wearing overalls X redheaded goddess who could do no wrong is my favorite ship dynamic.
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theclowntoon · 9 months
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g00bergoo · 18 days
Grab your skating gear! Welcome to-
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Our main line up here
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This post is a WIP ⚠️ this will be updated!
Original post
Plans to do the other characters?
WIP Concepts for designs
Jax’s crew
Jax's Rollerblades
Oc Template
Poster 1
Comic things-
Meeting Jax (+ meeting Gangle)
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hoopii-loopii · 8 months
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Gangle in cute lil outfits lol
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lucid-bug · 27 days
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Dentists HATE him 🧑‍⚕️😡🔥
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gl1tched-r4bb1t · 6 days
Facts about TADC from the AMA with Gooseworx!
As a member in the Glitch Inn, I got privilege to watch an interview and ask questions to Gooseworx!
I normally don’t spoil things from The Glitch INN as respect people wishing to keep it exclusive to the members (including myself!). However, when it came to the AMA, I feel like knowledge like this isn’t as exclusive and will be public knowledge anyways!
• Goose always imagined Gummigoo was Pineapple-Lime flavored
• Gangle loves to draw (we’ll see more of it in Ep 3)
•Ragatha likes horror movies!
•Jax’s favorite website is 4Chan
•Jax has a lot of Goose’s personal flaws put into him
•Ragatha might be able to see out of her button eyes, but Goose didn’t really know a definite answer for it
•“Loo-lee-lah-loo” is how you pronounce Princess Loolilalu’s name.
•Episode 6 will explore how the personalities of the cast have changed upon being in the digital world
•The Canonical reason Caine and Bubble do anything is because they think it’s comical/Funny
•Episode 5 will reveal how Kinger and Zooble eat (a bite just appears taken out of the food )
•Pomnis favorite color is red! This will be confirmed by Pomni in episode 5
•Pomni was an accountant and that is significant to the plot
•Episode 7 got split into 2, as Goose wanted time to let the deep emotions settle in
•Episode 3 is very much NOT FOR YOUNGER KIDS!!! It’s psychological horror, and Goose believes it may scare younger audiences.
•Ragatha was originally going to be named Emmy, but Ragatha sounded better!!
•Episodes 1-5 have already been Animatic Boarded, they are working on the animatic for Ep 6
•Kid Pix was a huge inspiration for the 90’s-2000’s style of TADC (Kid Pix was created in 1989 and originally released on Macintosh, look it up and you can see the inspiration)
•TADC is NOT inspired by IHNMAIMS The Game - Goose has never seen the IHNMAIMS game, only read the short story and got inspired from that
•Goose actually got an Email from Glitch asking her to pitch them a pilot, and so she just built from there!
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acstation206 · 9 months
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raggedy agatha
characters by @gooseworx
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