#amat: fandoms
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bichocanibal · 2 years ago
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Extrañaba dibujar a este wey
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+Dibujito de mi sona
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bluebellofbakerstreet · 7 months ago
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The redoubtable (and really rather lovely) @chriscalledmesweetie won me in the Fandom Trumps Hate Auction, and as a thank you I have created a cover for their fic The Murder of Emory J. Amat, which you can go read here.
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sunshinecovey · 13 days ago
younger shane kinda.. 😳
I had lots of fun drawing this, thank you kindly for trusting me to draw them for you 🥰🩷
A few months ago I had art commissioned showing my OC Rayna meeting a couple of the bachelors during her first week in Pelican Town. But it wasn't the first time she met one...
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Above is the very first time these two met at a random night in a club in Zuzu City. Below is a very small blurb but this starts a chain of events that eventually leads them to Stardew Valley years later:
“I remember when I first saw her. We were both at this club. Other guys were coming up to her but she didn’t acknowledge them. She wasn’t stuck up or anything. She was just bouncing around in her seat, listening to the music. I was surprised she heard me over how loud it was in that club.” Shane closed his eyes and thought back to that night when they first met. Rayna was unaware of others who came up to her, preferring to pay attention to the mix of post-punk and rock music playing. But when he approached her, she gave him all her attention. She allowed him out of everyone there to interrupt her private listening party. He remembered how she looked at him and smiled as he talked. She hung on every word he said no matter how silly he thought he sounded, her eyes never ceased to twinkle. She was completely into their conversation, never interrupting him, even though he internally second-guessed everything he said. “It was the first time in a long time I felt someone took me seriously.” He confessed. “Like, I could tell her anything and she wouldn’t judge me."
Finding someone who understands and accepts you can be hard. Keeping that person can be harder. But in my opinion, finding "the one" doesn't matter unless you allow yourself to be vulnerable.
Maybe one day I'll explore this more. For now, please enjoy this beautiful art by @sunshinecovey showing younger Shane and Rayna in their first meeting. Thank you Sunny once again for bringing my ideas to life.
(Also should note these two aren't the only people with an origin story...)
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verecunda · 1 year ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @firebatvillain... er... a few weeks ago, I think. Thank you! Sorry it took me so long.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh, God. Loads, too many to list. Tolkien is currently at the top of the list, and I'm also deep in the extended Jacobite Literary Universe. :D Generally, my fandoms tend to have some sort of historical and/or fantasy setting.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Amo, Amas, Amat (NATM, Jedediah/Octavius) Slightly Scandalous (NATM, Jedediah/Octavius) Kindred Spirits (Ghosts, Captain/Thomas) Reality Bites (NATM, Jedediah/Octavius) Poetry Slam (NATM, Jedediah/Octavius)
My NATM fics are still my most popular ones by a country mile. I still get almost daily kudos on all of them, which is somewhat bamboozling, given that they're pretty old, very short, and there's been a lot more NATM fic written since then. But it is nice that folks are still finding them and reading them. :D
Then there's that random Ghosts one in there, too!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah, almost always. I like to let readers know I appreciate their feedback, and it's fun to flail about our favourite characters and ships. Though right now, I have to admit that I have a bit of a backlog of comments that I need to respond to. But I'll get there. :S
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I've written a few, but possibly Nunc Dimittis, which is about Morgoth sending Sauron away at the final fall of Angband. It ends with Sauron feeling the moment that Melkor is taken captive, then later, when he's cast into the Void, and realising he's now truly alone. That fic was entirely Dark Lord angst. :P
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oof, a fairly tough one. I'm quite big on giving my ships happy endings, wherever possible. But I'll go with A Few Good Years to Spend, because that whole fic was an exercise in giving Andreth and Aegnor a happy ending. But I very much liked the final scene, with Andreth growing old and Aegnor as totally, utterly besotted with her as ever. It also had them all surrounded by the various kids of the House of Bëor, and Aegnor being the confirmed favourite, and the image was cute. :3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I did get one really weird comment on a fic, which was basically a diatribe against the POV character. But it had nothing to do with the actual fic, it was about the character in the canon, and it seemed like it was part of some larger screed had just been c+p'd from some other site. Very strange.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah, every so often. I wish I wrote more tbh, because I'm a pervy wee hobgoblin. I've never even written an f/f scene or a proper threesome. So far, all my smut has been fairly tame, but I'd like to try my hand at some more kinky stuff at some point. ;)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yeah, when inspiration strikes. I don't know about the craziest, but I think the daftest must definitely be And Long Would Mandos Hold Him, where Death from Horrible Histories meets Saeros from The Children of Húrin and is, naturally, delighted. That one was a riot to write. XD
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but fuck, who knows. The internet is huge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few times, into Chinese and Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, not if you mean both of us writing. I think the closest I've come so far was when I collaborated with peasina for last year's Pod_Together, which involves teaming up to create both a written fic and a podfic version of the same. It was a really fun experience, coming up with ideas for a story together, and interesting, because it's the first time I've ever written a story specifically intended to be read aloud, so it was something to keep in mind all the time I was writing. The end result was A (Confirmed) Knight Bachelor: written version here and pod version here. I really enjoyed doing this one! :D
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
God, I don't know. I have no idea how to gauge that.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ahahahaha... oh God, right now, it feels like all of them. XD
But really... sadly, probably the Legolas/Gimli post-LOTR fic I started. Honestly, I think the fact it was looking to end up as a multi-chapter affair kind of scared me from the get-go. Then I wrote myself into a knot trying to work out Legolas and Thranduil's dynamic immediately after the War of the Ring. No doubt it's the sort of thing that could be easily worked out with a bit of tinkering, but I got discouraged and ended up shoving the whole fic on the back-burner, where it's like to stay. :[
(Of course, talking about it inevitably makes me want to open it up and have another crack at it. But realistically, I don't think I'll ever finish it.)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do character voices pretty well, and in book fandoms, I think I can usually pull off a decent pastiche of the style. And on a good day, I think I can do good descriptive prose.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fucking plots, how do they work??? On a bad day, I think my prose is overdone and pedantic: too fussy.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It can definitely add something - authenticity, atmosphere - but should also be used with caution. Writing is all about communication, after all, and if you start writing whole screeds of conversation in a language that you're not guaranteed your target audience will understand, you're not serving the story, just trying to show off. Economy is the key, I think. I also usually include a translation, either as an endnote, or as a hover-over caption.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
lol technically, I think it must be historical RPF. I used to write wee stories about the historical peeps I was obsessed with at the time.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh, how the hell is anyone meant to answer a question like that.
Tagging, with no obligation: @nocompromise-noregrets, @cilil, @bryndeavour, @chiropteracupola, @regshoe, @sanguinarysanguinity, @technicallycleverdetective, @swanmaids, @cycas, and @di-daydreamer.
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myplace-mymind · 1 year ago
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Tokoh favorit di Kaijuu No.8,
Soushirou Hoshina
Perpaduan antara kalem dan konyol dalam satu orang. Sehari-hari keliatan selow dan santuy all the time tapi juga punya jiwa kompetitif yang gak mau kalah dari siapapun.
He looks perfect from the outside. People admire him, apalagi dia wakil ketua salah satu divisi di defense force.
Siapa sangka orang yang luar biasa kayak Soushirou ini ternyata punya satu sisi insecurity yang gak dia tunjukin ke siapapun. He acknowledged by others, but he doesn't acknowledge himself.
Selalu merasa dirinya gak hebat, bukan tokoh utama dalam hidupnya sendiri, bukan siapa-siapa, orang buangan. Padahal kalo dia bilang kayak gitu ke orang luar, mereka pasti mikir manusia buangan macam apa yang bisa jadi the strongest close-quarters combatants di defence force?
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sampe setelah dia berhasil ngalahin satu musuh yang susaah banget dikalahin, he keep saying that playing the middleman really is what suits him best hanya karena he is not the one who gave the final blow. Padahal walaupun last blow nya bukan di dia, tapi kan selama prosesnya lebih banyak dia yang bertindak daripada si KN10.
Ini manusia ga sadar kalo dia Hero, dan terus berpikir kalo dia lebih cocok jadi Side Kicks. Kalo sampe saingannya tau soal ini, pasti mereka marah besar ke Hoshina. Capek-capek ngejar sosok yang mereka idolakan, si idola malah merasa he's not and never be enough. Kayak ada rasa dipermainkan pastinya, karena ternyata sosok yang udah jauuh banget di atas itu merasa dia cuman small fries that goes to rock bottom, padahal mereka udah kepayahan buat menggapai dia yang sekarang. Kalo dia aja rock bottom, orang2 yang ngejar dia terus apaan?
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Gua sangat amat berharap dia gak mati dengan cepat. Tolong ya babang/neng author walaupun gua yakin lu ga baca postingan ini tapi PLISS JANGAN DIBUNUH DULU INI HOSHINA NYA. Fansnya dia buanyaakk. I might drop this comics if hoshina die in the middle of story. Kalo udah mau ending gapapa deh, tapi jangan ditengah.
Capek aku tuh liat status tokoh-tokoh favorit yang tadinya 'Alive' jadi 'Deceased' di Wiki Fandom 🤣 udah cukup aku capek wkwk
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harunokijournal · 1 year ago
Mlihat Kak Risol cerita jdi pngen cerita juga.
Actually gue juga berencana naroh ini di sini (soalnya sempet pengen gue pindahin dari acc rambling lama ke acc twt yg _noyuki tpi lupa mulu)
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Saa, hajimeyou! Perjalanan Setsuna-Kana Raizael dari masa ke masa 🤸‍♂️ (warning banyak gambar bikin sakit mata, gue serius soalnya riil jelek banget ya Allah)
Jdi gue pertama kali bikin SetsuKana dari kelas 7. Iyh jdi sbenernya udah lama banget, malah mereka berdua hitungannya OC pertama gue.
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Jadi desain awalnya gini.
Gue lupa2 inget konsep awalnya gimana but iirc mereka bukan sodara kembar. Mirip, tpi bukan. Rada influenced by vocaloid aka karena dulu gue demen banget sama vocaloid jadilah mereka berdua. Kalo gue ga salah yg rambut hijau itu Setsuna (kudunya toska tapi pensil warna gue terbatas jadilah gitu, tpi di pikiran gue warna rambut dia toska—probably ngikutin Hatsune Miku). Trus yg rambut biru gelap itu Kana (yg ini agaknya ngikutin Kaito, gatau knapa). Sekali lagi gainget knapa tapi mereka konsepnya kayak ... cermin? Mirip2 Rin-Len yg katanya emang cerminan masing2 gitu2 lah.
Di sini mereka berdua masih nameless (or probably I got them names in my head tapi memori gue jelek jadi gue gainget nama mereka di sini siapa)
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Lalu pas kelas 8 gue mulai mngenal ibis paint x. Masih nameless, then warna rambutnya "Kana" waktu itu ganti. Kalo yg ini gue inget gue gambar buat merayakan ultah gue (kayaknya mereka punya tanggal lahir yg sama kayak gue asalnya dari sini alias Lya 14 taun why tf you give them the same bday date as us).
Warnanya nusuk banget demi ya Allah gimana bisa gue gambar kayak gini /merenung/.
But dari sini gue udah nentuin basic personality mereka. Dinamika sun (Setsuna) & moon (Kana) gitu2
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LALU TIBALAH PADA MASA2 PALING CRINGE alias masa mereka berdua gue lempar ke fandom biesdi sebagai anak kembar.
Aga malu tapi biarlah—di sini mereka udah ada namanya. Sekali lagi ini cringe banget ya Allah tapi gue ngasih mereka nama SAMA KAYAK NICKNAME IRL GUE. Kek yaampun udah gitu sampe taun ini bulan kapan gitu mereka berdua namanya kayak gitu (Vira (Setsuna) & Avi (Kana)). Gue yakin sampe kapanpun gue akan tetap malu pada fakta ini.
Anyway cringenya blum berhenti di sana sih. Back to pmbicaraan abt them being in bsdoc fandom, mereka berdua ceritanya anak Port Mafia gitu (dandanannya hitam2 skarang gue bertanya2 knapa Lya 14-15 taun ga kepikiran buat ngasih baju yg lebih berwarna).
Both of them have abilities, abilitynya ga saling berkaitan tapi mereka bisa bikin itu jadi berkaitan (?) Idk something like that. Seinget gue Vira abilitynya mirip punya Acuy trus Avi abilitynya mirip punya Odsk (gue lupa detailnya gimana, nama abilitynya apalagi). Jadi kek Vira eksekutor yg turun ke lapangan, Avi kerja di balik layar.
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Tpi cringe gini2 sbenernya aga bagus juga si. Gue terjun ke fandom ini gegara join gc pecinta bsd di wa (trnyata mereka sekalian nge-rp jadi oc masing2 di sana). Personality sama dinamika mereka berdua bisa dikembangin karena gue rajin terlibat sama anak2 gc ini (nge-rp, gambar, collab, gitu2). Konsep, sifat, dan dinamika SetsuKana yg awalnya basic banget gue kembangin lewat sini.
(Tmi banget tpi dulu gue ngepair Vira (Setsuna) sama G0gol. Iyh yume pertama gue (dulu gatau sebutannya yume), yg mana sbenernya hubungan mereka masih sama ga jelasnya kalo dibandingkan sama yg skarang (udh karam)).
(Tmi juga Akira-Osya-Saya lahir dari fandom ini. Akira punya hubungan darah sama si kembar, tpi mereka ga pernah ketemu. Osya-Saya malah gapunya hubungan samsek sama mereka berdua, tpi seinget gue Saya kenal sama Akira).
Lalu gue lupa tepatnya kapan, either akhir 2019 ato 2020 gitu (pokoknya gue udah SMA), gue mutusin keluar dari fandom bsdoc for some reasons. Tentunya anak2 ini gue tarik, lalu gue bikinin universe sendiri. Tiga oc yg gue sebutin sebelumnya gue bawa juga, dan entah apa yg merasuki Lya 15/16 tahun, dia (gue) mutusin bikin mereka jadi sodara (dipikir2 lagi masih aga kocak dan amat sangat maksa tapi syukurlah lorenya bisa gue sempurnain sekitar taun kemaren biar mulus).
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Enih desain rombakannya mereka berdua pasca keluar dari fandom bsdoc (mata gue akhirnya terbuka dan menyadari toska-ungu gelap sebagai warna rambut sangat ngejreng dan tidak baik untuk kesehatan mata. Tbh udah bagus dikit meski mata dan anatominya masi abal2). Kayaknya ini mereka masih SMP, gue ingetnya gue pengen bikin mereka jadi anak SMP tpi habis itu berubah pikiran dan menetapkan mereka jadi anak SMA aja.
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Tbh gue merasa kurang cocok sama seragam itu jadi akhirnya gue ganti (yang mana akhirnya gue jadiin permanen, oc lain yg sekolah di sekolah mereka seragamnya juga kayak gini).
Vira (Setsuna) tuh konsepnya delinquent, tipe2 anak bandel yg dasi sama blazer aja ga dipasang bener2. Sementara Avi (Kana) konsepnya diligent, tipe2 anak rajin di kelas. Vira pake plester di wajahnya karena luka (hobi brgelud, mmang ni anak gaada anggun2nya samsek jadi cewe), sementara Avi pake buat nemenin Vira aja, biar matching gitu www. Mereka akur (kadang berantem tpi ga lama akur lagi), ke mana2 bareng terus meski jadi bikin orang bingung karena wajah mereka mirip.
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Betul puncaknya adalah yg sekarang, taun 2023. Gambar ini gue buat untuk mengumumkan mereka yang akhirnya ganti nama (dari Vira-Avi Raizael jadi Setsuna-Kana Raizael). Gegara ini gue kudu ngerevisi semua fic yg featuring mereka berdua di ao3 (dan fic2 yumean gue karena Setsuna gue pake ngeyume), tpi atleast gue jadi smakin nyaman ngocehin mereka berdua (awalnya pas nyadar aga ga begitu nyaman karena namanya sama, kalo diliat orang awam kesannya gue kayak ngomongin diri sendiri—padahal BUKAN).
Anyway gue juga mulai ngedevelop future!setting mereka berdua (pada dasarnya gue bikin universe bokumono (僕らの物語) cuman buat senang2, tipe2 SoL, yg mana alurnya bisa gue setir ke mana aja). Tapi karena mulai bosen (dikit) jadi dikit2 gue mulai nyoba ngembangin juga.
Rencana pertama gue tuh tentang Kana yang meninggal di umur 19 (gue cerita ini ke temen, kalo membaca reaksi dia waktu itu kalo kita bisa ketemu irl agaknya gue udah dipukul sama dia). Meninggalnya gegara kecelakaan, di depan Setsuna, yg bikin Setsuna akhirnya jadi rada pemurung. (Sebenernya rencana ini impulsif banget soalnya kek tetiba muncul pas gue lagi mandi dan immediately gue langsung setuju???)
(Tmi (lagi), lore bnal!Setsuna mau dan bisa kerja di perpus padahal dia ga demen baca tuh asalnya dari sini. Makanya kalo nulis yumefic di bunal gue kadang suka nyelipin hint tentang Kana; seseorang yang disayang banget sama Setsuna, seseorang yang entah di mana, seseorang yang ternyata udah pergi duluan.)
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Lalu gue memutuskan bikin Kanachang pake kacamata! Wkwk yg ini juga impulsif, tapi lucu. Kek sejak kelas 2 SMA Kana nyadar penglihatan dia jadi aga kabur pas ngeliatin papan tulis, jadilah dia periksa (trnyata emang minus, jadi dia mulai pake kacamata).
Yeah 3 taun pake kacamata lalu mninggoy /digebuk massa/
Jadi bgitulah, perjalanan mereka berdua develop dari unnamed OCs sampe jadi kayak sekarang. Feels like gue tumbuh besar bersama mereka soalnya ... apa ya, itu udah dari gue kelas 7. Umur gue waktu itu 13 dan sekarang gue 19, udah 6 taun lebih wow ...
Karena mereka yg paling lama juga jadinya gue kek ... paling sayang sama mereka? Especially Setsuna soalnya hitungannya dia ocsona gue, but I love them equally!!! Gue sayang banget pls gue bakal melakukan apa aja untuk melindungi mereka berdua ;;;;;;;
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hangeslefteye · 2 years ago
Hey you all! As an amator writer I have finally decided to contribute aot fandom. Currently, I’ll only write short scenerios and imagines for attack on titan characters (both SFW and NSFW) feel free to make requests!!! Anons are greatly welcomed.Btw English(İngiliş)isn’t my first language so I’ll try my best!!(critism greatly welcomed too!)
ps:only thing ı wont write is heavy non-consensual nsfw and underage aside from that go crazy :*.
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sskk-ao3feed · 5 months ago
amator et deus; canem et tigris
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/rbj92EG by thisisnotanalias At just sixteen, a teenager who feels well beyond his years, Akutagawa isn’t sure he’s still alive. This is merely because he’s recently had vivid dreams of a creature, daunting and beautiful against a blue-lit sea, perched daintily and walking across the water while It stares at Akutagawa.   or; God Atsushi x Human Akutagawa.. kinda Words: 4211, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs) Relationships: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Unreliable Narrator, Cliffhangers, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Curses, Curse Breaking, Atsushi is basically a god, Akutagawa is just a boring human read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/rbj92EG
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claiirdelunee · 8 months ago
Udah lama ga ngebacot di sini. Gw lagi break sejenak dari X karena tiap buka X pasti tensi darah gw auto naik. Entah itu karena berita perselingkuhan, pembunuhan, atau yang paling sering adalah postingan fanwar anak2 kpop. Gw yang tadinya mo menjalani kehidupan fangirl dengan damai dan udah ga mau terlibat fanwar ternyata ikut kebawa juga. Ga cuma anak2 fandomnya BTS, tapi hampir rata2 semua penggemar kpop yang gabung kpop di atas 2017 itu rata2 emang pada ga punya etika. Mereka ga bisa ngehargain idola orang lain dan merasa paling superior, apalagi kalo idolanya punya banyak achievements. Itu tuh bener-bener bikin kepala rasanya mo meledak.
Selain itu, gw merasa dunia kpop makin ke sini tuh makin ga jelas. Grup-grup atau idol yang talent-nya bagus cenderung kalah sama grup atau idol yang talent-nya sebenernya ga bagus2 amat, tapi fandom nya gede. Yang lebih sedih lagi adalah fans yang ngedukung idol2 yang talent nya kurang ini dengan bangga nya bisa gapapa ga bisa nyanyi yang penting chart nya bagus. Parah!!
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agrpress-blog · 1 year ago
Da Achille Lauro a Guè Pequeno la Festa è a Roma. Cinecittà World si prepara ad accogliere il 2024 con dieci feste in una location: un’esplosione di divertimento e musica senza eguali.  Domenica 31 dicembre il Parco tematico del Cinema e della TV di Roma si trasforma in un grande villaggio del divertimento con la festa di Capodanno a tema più grande e travolgente d’Italia, dalle ore 18.00 fino alle 6.00 del mattino: quaranta attrazioni, otto cene, cenoni e cene spettacolo, sei spettacoli dal vivo, dieci stages musicali, grandi artisti e guest stars. Musica protagonista: ad accendere l’ultima notte dell’anno sarà Achille Lauro. Il cantautore, accompagnato dalla sua band, infiammerà l’atmosfera con le sue hit più famose, tra effetti speciali e giochi di luce. Riflettori puntati anche sul super party reggaeton, hip pop e rnb con il dj set di Guè Pequeno feat TY1. Per gli amanti degli anni Novanta ci penserà “The Time Machine 90's to 2000”, per ballare al ritmo di Rhythm of the Night. Special guests della serata Corona, Ice MC e Gigi L'Altro: un viaggio negli anni d'oro della musica dance. E ancora la Fandom Night, la notte a tema più famosa d'Italia dedicata ai fan con la One Direction Night e la Glee Night, ispirati alla band britannica e alla pluripremiata serie TV americana. Per chi ama la Techno ci sarà la maratona Tech House con Nic Fanciulli, Sasha Carassi e altri. Nello stage Fiesta Latina ci si scatenerà nei balli di coppia e di gruppo, mentre la Cinecittà Street diventerà una grande macchina dei ricordi con il Revival dagli anni Sessanta ad oggi.  L’offerta di cene proporrà esperienze culinarie e musicali uniche: dalla veloce Cinecena, per chi non vuole perdersi un minuto di divertimento, alle cene servite nel Ristorante Roma e Saloon, al cenone a tema nel Charleston Club, o alle due cene spettacolo una con Pago e l’altra con l’Orchestra Red’s Band, per un Capodanno tutto da cantare. La notte di Capodanno sarà un mix esplosivo di divertimento anche per i più piccoli, che potranno sognare con Christmas On Ice, il grande show internazionale di pattinaggio sul ghiaccio: un’ora di pura magia ed oltre cinquanta artisti, che si esibiranno sulle più amate musiche di Natale. Fra il Giocarena, il “Regno del Ghiaccio” - per un Capodanno sulla neve - e le attrazioni per bambini, sarà una festa per tutta la famiglia che culminerà con il Capodanno in Piazza sulla Cinecittà Street ed il tradizionale spettacolo pirotecnico dei fuochi d’artificio, che allo scoccare della mezzanotte illumineranno la notte di luci e colori. «La formula magica di Capodanno a Cinecittà World, che ci ha permesso in pochi anni - al netto dei raduni di piazza - di diventare la festa più grande ed importante d’Italia, con oltre quindicimila persone e quattromila cene servite, è quella di avere un’offerta talmente ricca e variegata da mettere d’accordo generazioni diverse», spiega Stefano Cigarini, Amministratore Delegato di Cinecittà World. «Famiglie, ragazzi, bambini e adulti: tutti possono vivere il proprio capodanno ideale, divertendosi in totale sicurezza». Per chi vuole evitare di guidare, il parco metterà a disposizione un servizio di navette da Roma attivo fin dalle ore 17.00, e poi fino alle 6.00 del mattino. Domenica 7 gennaio 2024, con la Befana, terminerà la stagione 2023, ma una grande novità in è già arrivo per il 2024.  www.cinecittaword.it
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notyoursuh · 1 year ago
Kondangan yuk!
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23 September 2023 . . .
Hari itu gue lebih suka untuk bermalas-malasan sampai bangun pun jam 9 karena sebelumnya gue begadang. Lumayan berat buat pergi, tapi gue tetep excited. Dengan berbekal tas PVC, kemeja peach stripes dan palu Thor berwarna hijau gue pun berangkat ke GBK. Bukan buat main bola, bukan juga buat nonton Dewa, tapi buat healing dan nyembuhin trauma gue.
Yap, hari itu gue datang ke SMTown Jakarta bersama teman sejawat gue, sebenernya baru kenal sih biar akrab aja gue panggil teman sejawat. Enggak kaya konser lain yang biasanya gue datang se RT, hari ini cuma berdua aja biar lebih intimate padahal mah emang males aja cari temen. Dresscodenya batik, tapi gue dengan pede pakai stripes haha. Bukan gue mau tampil beda, bukan. Gue emang gatau aja ada dresscode, gue emang gatau dan gamau cari tau karena awalnya ya se nggak niat itu.
Awal keberangkatan gue disambut dengan kereta yang penuh dan udah agak sesak ya. Biasanya gue duduk, kali ini gue berdiri. Cuma butuh waktu 40 menit dan gue sampe lalu disambung oleh si ijo untuk sampai ke lokasi. Satu hal yang bisa gue bilang kalo itu RAME BANGET. Ini kan stadion dan gede pol, jadi gue bilang itu rame karena sana sini mampet banyak orang. Dari atribut Ijo, Biru, Merah, Pink dan Putih komplit karena kali ini kita datang sebagai keluarga dan bukan salah satu fandom.
Hal baru untuk gue, budaya konser sekarang itu bawa banner. Yap! Banner yang biasa gue liat sih ya benderanya SLANK!, tapi sekarang banyak banget banner jamet yang bertebaran. Gue cukup senang dan masuk kedalam euforianya. Beberapa gue foto sama banner itu dan ownernya pun gak marah malah senang kita foto pakai banner mereka. Buat yang kemarin bawa banner Johnny Hallo Istriku, luv u! Thank you udah kasih gue kesempatan untuk mengukir memories disana.
Gue sampe sekitar jam 1 siang dan keliling sana sini, foto sana sini hingga melahirkan 3 polaroid lucu untuk dikenang. Setelah panas-panasan, haus-hausan, beli air mineral 15k, masuklah kita kedalam venue. Gak afdol ya kalau kita gak foto terlebih dahulu, jadilah kita foto-foto dan SMTown dibuka. Opening yang energic dari AESPA bikin semangat gue membara, ditambah posisi gue yang amat strategis yaitu di tengah makin bikin gue bersyukur dan seketika hilanglah rasa menyesal membeli tiket hampir 2 juta.
Semua performance gue lalui dengan penuh rasa semangat, bahkan dari lagu yang gak gue tau pun gue tetep semangat gerakin lightstick ijo gue. Tibalah saatnya, the moment of truth... My traumatic song is coming.. It is 2 Baddies from NCT 127. Gue trauma sama lagu ini sejak konser perdana mereka, hari itu memang banyak chaosnya namun gue gatau kenapa bisa sampe ke tahap apes. Konser dibubarkan tepat mereka akan menyanyikan lagu ini... Saking sedih dan kecewanya gue sampe gabisa nangis lagi kalau mengingat balik. Dan sekarang gue ada di depan mereka dengan kondisi yang sehat (cuma sakit tenggorokan aja), mereka yang happy, dan mulailah... Two Baddies Two Baddies One Porsche! Yes! Gue nangis, gue pecah, gue luber, hati gue diremat oleh melodi yang menggema dan suara indah yang udah lama gak gue dengar. Gue rindu, gue dibawa kembali ke masa-masa lampau ketika gue lagi sayang-sayangnya sama Johnny, ketika gue liat dia lebih dari seseorang yang gue anggap idol, Johnny... Lo balik, untuk gue.
Gue gatau berapa lama durasi persisnya, but yang gue tau, gue diem. Gue cuma teriak 2 Baddies 2 Baddies 1 Porsche, selebihnya gue diem. Tuhan lagi nyembuhin trauma gue, Johnny lagi nyentuh inner gue yang disakitin sama tatapan marahnya dulu. Kejadian yang bikin gue trauma sama semua lagu 127 perlahan hilang, gue jadi lebih iklas dan menerima. Gue tau gue sayang banget sama Johnny sampai gabisa ninggalin dia. Dia tau sejauh apapun gue pergi, gue pasti balik lagi sama dia. Johnny yang pertama dan gaakan pernah ada yang kedua, ketiga, keempat atau ke 100. Johnny pemenang hati gue.
Sebelumnya gue bersikeras untuk jual tiketnya ke orang lain tapi naas, tiket gue gak laku dan gue harus nonton. DAN GUE GAK MENYESALI ITU! HELL JOHNNY SUH LO GANTENG BANGET KEMARIN WOI! Gak ngerti lagi gue gabisa bilang apapun selain ganteng dan ganteng... Gue sayang banget sama lo, meskipun orang lain bilang lo jelek tapi di mata gue lo tetep GANTENG!
Johnny, gue masih inget kemarin lo bugar banget. Rambut lo udah normal alias warna coklat keiteman intinya ga bener-bener item, lo pake baju kemeja item yang gak ada kancingnya sampe bawah, bibir lo yang selalu merah dan kissable. Gatau lagi gue udah gila sama visual lo kemaren, lo ganteng banget sampe bikin jantung gue mau copot. Sampe bikin gue pengen jual ginjal buat bisa ke korea bareng lo.
Perjalanan gue udah berakhir, setelah encore, Johnny balik pakai kaos oblong dan gak lama gue pulang dengan senyum yang gak luntur bahkan sampe gue tidur. Johnny, lo harus tau gue udah gak takut denger 2 Baddies lagi :).
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ao3feed-obikin · 1 year ago
Odiate Amate A Ti Mismo
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50010811 by Peacock_Golden En algún momento de su vida, habría deseado formar una familia con la persona que mas amaba, sin embargo, solo sera un sueño sin cumplir. Words: 1071, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Español Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Anakin Skywalker Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Maul, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Savage Opress, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Maul/Savage Opress, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Bottom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul Has His Lower Half, Rape/Non-con Elements, Mpreg, Forced Pregnancy, Stewjoni Obi-Wan Kenobi, Hurt Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Minor Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Threesome - M/M/M, Rough Sex, Painful Sex read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50010811
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icelovesfire · 3 years ago
If you think RTD's era wasn't the best era of New Who, you're entitled to that opinion, and I'm allowed to think it's wrong. x ecstatic Davies is returning.
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corriegardenia · 2 years ago
Amatakka - How to Write in the Tattooine Slave Language
For anyone not running in these particular fanon circles, Amatakka is the fake language of the star wars slave people, Amavikka, like Anakins family at birth. It was originally made by @fialleril, adapted by a whole lot of fan authors like @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning, and grew a life of its own from there.
It has a community dictionary with several hundred words, (https://at.tumblr.com/booklindworm/amatakka-dictionary/0dvnmuhlusq3) and a very basic phoneme dictionary (https://conworkshop.com/view_language.php?l=AMAT ), but absolutely no script, other than the vague idea that it'd be written in the Tusken script... which also does not exist. This is my attempt.
(The conlang fundamentally can't be separated from the slave experience, if anyone is disquieted and wants to step off. The way canonical star wars treats slavery is... weird at best; this is supposed to be a language of empowerment. I'll link some folktales at the end!)
In spite of being a communal conlang for an oral language, and my linguistics training being... sporadic, and mostly based on what helped me pick up my current four languages, and two pick-and-drop-and-pick-again languages.
I'd start with something like the inuktitut script (https://youtu.be/xW4hI_METac ). Amatakka is very polysynethic, and the idea of basing my script cataloguing an extant language off of another script cataloguing an extent language tickles me. But a lot of sounds have a specific cultural meaning that is used almost every single time that sound is used in the entire conlang. (Which is desperately impressive, considering it was primarily created by one author, extended by another, and then absorbed into damn near every fan work concerning Tattooine, but I digress.)
For that, i'd use something like Japanese's mixture of three writing systems: kanji, complex and symbolic pictograms; katakana, phonetic representations of loan words; hiragana, phonetic representations of original Japanese words.
In my Amatakka script, I'd put certain heavily symbolic sounds, like ur (wrong) ama (mother, heavily connected with their main goddess) and ani (rain/freedom) into 'kanji', which allows them to be represented as a concept even if the pronunciation changes a little (ani as raindrop and an- as rain, anumakkar as rainstorm, all symbolic of freedom)
Then, I'd put the remaining sounds in an inuktitut based system of syllables, based on the conlang dictionary of phonemes and an analysis of the Google sheet collection of amatakka words.
A system like this seems to fit the language we have well, which would make sense as - both in Canon and in fandom - the words came first, then the writing down of them. Multiple 'kanji' with one component being the same could represent different words, like how levrukka and er-amma are both names for ar-amu, and 雨、雪、電 (rain, snow, electricity) all contain the same radical. (There are probably better examples from folk more fluent in Japanese than me).
Example of this in practise, Depurekta, a slave who enslaves others. This is made of dep, chain, plus ur being something like twisted / wrong-but-less-morally-judgemental, which together is the word for slave owner, plus ekta, healer, one who heals the chains that bind.
Lets look at just that ur in the middle. It appears in japur, a scraggly and twisted native tree where ja- is being native to tattoine; also in kotovur, skin hunger, where ko- is mere skin contact; kusur, sarlacc, where kus- is nourishment; murek, a purple that also symbolises wealth and otherness, where me- is you, yourself; nuro, judge, where no- is son <twisted son who cooperates with slavers judgements>; tovur, starvation, where though we don't have a translation for to- specifically we have torazu and toris, both forms of edible seed; urs-gillig, a tusken relic cave, where I imagine gillig is a regular cave.
This said, when placed inside larger words, ur loses its symbolic meaning, eg shursu, root or foundation, where shulku is suitability; suru, puddle, where sudu is spinning/whirling air movement; kurra, strengthening food where ku- itself is nourishment; kurio, with the same root, appears more in line with ur as a symbolic sound.
(The third person pronoun tur has interesting connotations in this model, but I digress.)
So! Depurekta would probably be fully kanji, with ur being one radical in the kanji for depur, since that's such a key word for the amavikka people.
Kotovur, skin hunger, would have that ur kanji after an inuktitut style descriptive of its first two syllables, with ko- possibly getting its own kanji, as it is also used in words relating to skin contact with less desperate connotations.
Murek, purple associated with otherness, would probably be entirely inuktitut with the kanji in the middle.
Perhaps the system would, in the interest of becoming compact, turn into a hybrid model, with the symbolic pictogram in the middle and small lines off of it representing the inuktitut syllables, so that the whole word could be compressed small and hidden. Amatakka is an oral language, so any amount of writing they do have is likely to be hidden and special, like japor snippets or carvings worn close to the heart.
I am NOT planning on fleshing out the entire writing system, because that would take either hours of manual labour or an understanding of how to make a database spit out the symbolic sounds in words, both of which are not possible for me right now. I MAY write some of my favourite words, after my exams. I only have experience with the celtic and romance language families, barring a spattering of Greek, my Japanese, and English as my native tongue. I'd love to see someone else try and puzzle out how to write in amatakka; this is my attempt.
And, for those who are curious, the folk tales promised - I absolutely recommend a deep dive!!
(This one is a good sample of amavikka culture, but is part of a larger fic. Its a good larger fic!) > https://archiveofourown.org/works/18538078?view_full_work=true https://archiveofourown.org/works/19087303/chapters/45669586
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bellaaldamas · 4 months ago
This is a very unfortunate situation for many reasons, sadly. As someone who smoothly fits the "Tumblr old" title because my earlier accounts here (all of which are now deleted) were created less than a year after this site was launched (back when Karp was in charge) I observed a rapid shift in the way people interact with content on here. That happened after Tumblr did, in fact, become an "app" rather than a "site" in the eyes of the modern social media culture.
While the app for mobile had existed for awhile, a lot of people in 2015-2019 used it as a temporary substitute for the web/PC version when they couldn't access their computers from work or elsewhere. Many of the earlier posts even mention a commenter "being on their phone" to explain why they couldn't insert a link, a self edited image or a quote in a discussion or why they couldn't post a gifset at the moment (as far as prolific content creators go).
These days the "I'm on my phone" comment would look confusing at best. Because social media culture changed, economic situation worldwide changed and the internet adapted to it. Most social media is nowadays geared towards mobile apps because it is the ability to access internet through smartphones that made information and communication more accessible, as it should be. Meanwhile, owning a computer was a moderate luxury in the past and is a full blown luxury now, with the way pricing has changed. Needless to say a PC that can handle not just making gifsets in Photoshop but even loading them properly (as one scrolls through their dash), when they're not severely compressed in quality as they are on Tumblr mobile app, costs a fortune.
As the result, many people who engage with content on this app primarily or even completely via mobile don't have the sight of how much time and money it takes to create gifsets and graphics (and how expensive it actually is, in terms of necessary equipment).
It's not conceivable to them because even Tumblr itself provides a "gif-maker" function exclusive to the mobile app. Therefore, the newcomers believe that content creators on here whose gifsets they routinely reblog simply use this function (which can hardly be called a "function" because it neither produces an acceptable quality nor provides any semi-usable tools to make thematic/parallel gifsets that statistically turn out to be the most reblogged on this site). Most of said newcomers don't even consider that content creators have to scrap by to acquire a laptop that would handle Photoshop or other graphic app that can produce results satisfactory enough for people to want to reblog their content.
Another - and, perhaps, the most disheartening - reason for reblog culture dying out is that gifsets in the form they exist on Tumblr are exclusive to this app/site. It is not the content you can share across multiple platforms to expand your follower base or even find like minded people in the fandom(s) you're in on other social media. Most people who never made gifs or gifsets genuinely do not comprehend how much effort goes into the process because the process is either not accessible to them (understandable given the cost of the equipment, not to mention ability privilege that is required to master any graphic program) or not worth the time and energy to become a part of.
Most users these days believe content creators either use the Tumblr mobile gif making app (sad laugh) or have some advanced, AI-esque graphic programs on their expensive PCs. Which ensure they don't spend much time on coloring and effects (after all, AI culture has made everyone believe any "artistic" effect can be applied in less than a second) and help accomplish the idea in one click (little do they know we still use a frame animation timeline in Photoshop to replace a background of a gif frame by frame).
The above is the main reason why experienced and skilled gif-makers like the OP are getting less reblogs than they would have years ago. While hobbyist/amateurs without much skill like myself don't even stand a chance against high quality content posted here, gif-makers who have genuine talent and abilities remain largely unnoticed as well. Because gif-making is not a palpable or obvious process. With writers and artists their follower base knows how much time and effort goes into their work because they can visualize it (some artists make process videos to help the cause). Giffing is an invisible work content creators are doing, with little to no pay off.
i miss the days when people would actually reblog shit on this app
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drabbles-mc · 4 years ago
Drabbles-MC Masterlist
Because of the link limit, each character now has their own link on this post that leads to a separate post. But this is still where to go to find all of my fics!
(You can also go HERE to find me on AO3)
Fic-list under the cut!
👀 = smut, 💔 = angst
Mayans MC Characters:
- EZ Reyes Fics
- Angel Reyes Fics
- Bishop Losa Fics
- Coco Cruz Fics
- Nestor Oceteva Fics
- Neron “Creeper” Vargas Fics
- Hank Loza Fics
- Gilly Lopez Fics
- Marcus Alvarez Fics
- Che "Taza" Romero Fics
Michael “Riz” Ariza Fics:
- Reckless
- Wipeout
Miguel Galindo Fics:
- Business Trip
- Withered 💔
Guero Fics:
- Always Here Anyway
Canche Fics:
- Trustfall
Sons of Anarchy Characters:
- Herman Kozik Fics
- Opie Winston Fics
- Filip “Chibs” Telford Fics
- Jax Teller Fics
- Juice Ortiz Fics
- Happy Lowman Fics
- David Hale Fics
- Alexander “Tig” Trager Fics
- SOA/Mayans MC Headcanons
Narcos/Narcos: Mexico Characters:
- Javier Peña Fics
- Horacio Carrillo Fics
- Steve Murphy Fics
- Walt Breslin Fics
- Amado Carrillo Fuentes Fics
- Isabella Bautista Fics
- The Diegoverse Fics: A Series of OG Narcos OC Universes
- Hugo Martinez Fics
- Chepe Santacruz Fics
María Elvira Fics:
- Favors Owed 👀
Danilo Garza:
- Things Like That 👀
Amat Palacios Fics:
- Just A Bad Feeling 💔
Officer Trujillo Fics:
- Looking On
Andrea Nuñez Fics:
- At Your Service
Sal Orozco Fics:
- Cómo Puedo Ayudar?
Enedina Arellano Félix Fics:
- Adamant
Jorge Salcedo Fics:
- Debts Paid
Other Fandoms:
- MCU Fics
- The Bear Fics
- The Bikeriders Fics
- Top Gun Maverick Fics
- Suicide Squad Fics
- Kingsman Fics
- John Wick Fics
- Altered Carbon Fics
- Outer Banks Fics
- Stranger Things Fics
- Silent Night Fics:
- Speaking Volumes (Brian Godlock x F!Reader)
- Better Call Saul Fics:
- Should’ve Seen It Coming (Nacho Varga x F!Reader) 💔
- Fresh Start (Gabriela Castillo x Nacho Varga) [Crossover]
- House MD Fics:
- Not to Spoil the Ending (Robert Chase x Greg House)
- At Least (Greg House x James Wilson)
- Bullet Train Fics:
- Pretty and Unscathed (Carver x Ladybug)
- Emily the Criminal Fics:
- Waking Hours (Youcef Haddad x GN!Reader)
- Law & Order: SVU Fics:
- Stomping Grounds (Mike Duarte x F!Reader)
- On the Ledge (Mike Duarte x GN!Reader)
- Our Flag Means Death Fics:
- Retelling the Story (Stede Bonnet x Edward Teach)
- Here We Are (Stede Bonnet x Edward Teach)
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S Fics
- The One Where It’s The Right Time (Joey Tribbiani x Rachel Green)
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