#amara of summer
anaxe · 1 year
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Amara trying out a summer hoodie outfit. original outfit design by @rolo_stuff on Twitter.
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x-mensirens · 4 months
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The X-Men play 'Mutie Ball' in episode: Under Lock & Key
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unacunatura · 13 days
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divine scents of peaches and rain | september01🍑
🧚🏼eyes of Lina
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midnightsilver · 15 days
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My artwork posted on ao3 for tyrsibs(twiceshy) in the @spnsummergen event. My prompt was:
Amara needed answers, and she knew she wasn't going to get them from Jack. She'd have to start with the Winchesters instead.
You can check out the summer gen collection on ao3 for a whole variety of awesome gen stories and artworks. 😄
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spider-droid · 4 months
I just know the geology arguments in the x mansion would be insane. Lorna and Alex (did Alex ever actually graduate?) both have advanced degrees in the geosciences. Rictor doesn’t, but he kinda has to have a lot of knowledge about how the earth works because of his power set. Amara absolutely knows nothing about geology as evidenced by her inaccurate codename. There is no evidence that she knows what plate tectonics are. Scott had to institute a “no rock talk in the kitchen” rule after the third earthquake.
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a-roguish-gambit · 2 months
Thinking about for turn of the century au in an instance where bishop/cable do go back in time and they are expecting the x men to be incredibly bigoted cause 1910s Jim Crow era. yes there are so many bigots in that period but the x men themselves? No not really. Maybe a bit ignorant but mostly from being literally unaware of issues going on in the world.
The kids aren't scared of bishop or treat him with any less respect than their own teachers, they are happy to hear about the future and the civil rights movement, down right excited about it actually; 18 yold Scott, unaware he's cable's father someday finds out that cable is gay and immediately wants to introduce him to Logan and Morph cause "our teachers are too! You should meet them. they always say how the community needs each other." And then the queer students....not sam nor rogue nor Remy parroting any lost cause mythos because "we knew people who actually lived through it, Union, former Confederate supporters, and former slaves, and none of what those damn 'history books' said was true to what things were actually like", sees the girls prepping for workers rights and suffrage rallies, kurt returning from after school volunteer work feeding the homeless, jean grey working on a speech for a local elite woman's club to convince them to set up college scholarship programs for native Americans, forge having a classes he teaches both on native American history and technology through the institute, and the general support and protectiveness they all have for kids like Evan, jubilee, and amara against any perceived threat.
Both men agree, this is a horrible time to be one of any minority, particularly any non white minority, but these kids are alright, and are gonna make the future brighter with their efforts.
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iamthecomet · 9 months
In the summer, Mountain also cuts his hair, its WAVY AS HELL but he has Mist shave the underneath and sides. Everyone except for Aether and Dew are so confused and almost mistake Mountain for a new ghoul. The band pack starts to panic because hey?? Where tf is our big guy?? Where is Momo???
Meanwhile Aether and Dew are cackling in the background as Mountain is like huh? Its me? Mountain? Hello??!
There's a lot of "WHAT DID YOU DOOOO??" as they mourn those luscious auburn locks. Meanwhile Dew and Aether just roll their eyes and tell Mountain he looks great and to ignore the loveable idiots that make up the rest of their pack.
Sunshine for real just pretends she doesn't know him. Even after all of the initial confusion and exclaimations. At least until Mountain lets her pet the shaved bits and then she's sitting in his lap purring as she nuzzles her face against that soft fuzz.
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altoace · 1 year
Part 2 of me finally using the incorrect quotes I have saved.
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Kitty, banging on door: Rogue, open up!
Rogue: It all started when I was a kid…
Kitty: No, I meant—
Kurt: Let her finish.
— — — — —
Kitty: What is toothpaste, if not bone soup?
Rogue: Existence is a prison and being your friend is maximum security.
— — — — —
Amara: What was it like living with the Brotherhood?
Tabitha: Imagine living with completely civilized, responsible, mature people.
Amara: Okay.
Tabitha: Now throw that idea out the window.
— — — — —
Mystique: You’re standing on thin ice.
Tabitha: I’m standing on the floor.
Mystique: It’s an expression.
Tabitha: It’s a carpet.
— — — — —
Kurt: Where there is smoke, there is a fire. And where there is a fire, there is probably Tabitha.
— — — — —
*during Joyride*
Scott: That was a very successful mission.
Kitty: But we lost Lance back there!
Rogue: Yes, a very successful mission.
— — — — —
Rogue: I have 98 problems.
Kitty: The song is 99 Problems.
Rogue: I try to talk to you about my problems, and you want to talk about a song?
— — — — —
Kitty: What if I press the break and gas at the same time?
Evan: The car takes a screenshot.
Scott: For the last time, get the fuck out!
— — — — —
Kurt: What’s it like being tall?
Kurt: Is it nice?
Kurt: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Scott: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table, and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Kitty: It was one time!
— — — — —
Pietro: Someone is after me, and I have no idea who.
Lance: Do you have any suspects?
Pietro: No, it could be anyone.
Lance: It couldn’t be anyone; it would have to be someone you’ve upset.
Lance: Actually, you’re right — it could be anyone.
— — — — —
Todd: {swings bat at Kurt, but misses}
Kurt: Strike one.
Todd: That’s not how this works!
Todd: {swings and misses again}
Kurt: Strike two. One more and you’re out.
Todd, under his breath: Fuck.
— — — — —
Kurt: Just be yourself; say something nice!
Rogue: Which one? I can’t do both.
— — — — —
Logan, smugly: When I was your age—
Scott: When I was your height.
Logan: Now listen here, you little shit—
— — — — —
Kitty, Kurt, and Evan: What would you say if we did this thing?
Scott: Do not!! Do not do that!
Kitty, Kurt, and Evan:
Kitty, Kurt, and Evan: What would you say if we did this thing twenty minutes ago?
— — — — —
Scott: I just felt a burst of energy, and I think it’s my body’s last hurrah before it shuts down completely.
— — — — —
Kitty: I’d roast you, but Scott says you can’t burn trash.
Kitty: {slow-mo walks out of the room}
— — — — —
Kurt: When’s the last time you slept?
Scott: Uh…a few days ago, I think.
Kurt: A few—how many?!
Scott: Uh…{starts counting on fingers}…I need more fingers.
Kurt: What you need is sleep!
— — — — —
Kurt: Rogue punched me earlier and gave me a bruise.
Evan: Congrats, you have a sibling.
Kurt: Wow, I feel so inspired and comforted right now.
Evan: You probably had it coming.
Kurt: Okay, yeah, probably.
— — — — —
Kitty: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail.
Lance: No, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have used my one phone call to prank call the police.
— — — — —
Rogue: Self-defense tip!
Rogue: Always carry a fork with you.
Rogue: If someone tries attacking you, take it out and shout “LORD THANK YOU FOR THIS MEAL” before maniacally running at them.
Rogue: Works every time.
— — — — —
Pietro: If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!
Wanda: {slaps him two times instead}
— — — — —
Rogue, wearing Scott’s shades: How do I look?
Scott, eyes closed: I have no idea.
— — — — —
Pietro: Can I sit on your lap?
Lance, glaring: I fucking dare you.
Pietro: Now this, this is where my life peaks, possibly where it ends, HOWEVER—
— — — — —
Reporter: Currently, four teenagers are hanging off of a three-story building! They look like they’re about to fall at any moment!
Logan, sitting at the table with Ororo, eating breakfast: Man, there are reckless idiots out this early?
*the TV shows a shot of Rogue, Scott, Kurt, and Evan hanging from the edge of the building; Jean and Kitty can slightly be seen standing on the street in front of the building, clearly worried; Scott is having Evan and Kurt hold on to his arms, and Rogue is flipping off the camera*
Ororo: {spits out her tea}
Logan, wide-eyed: Oh man…those are our idiots!
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babylovestruck · 6 months
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hedgehogoftime · 26 days
JD and Amara save the Multiverse: Bumps in the road
(An interdimensional threat has struck erasing multiple timelines from existence, and JD needs to save it, and their own timeline. Amara of the Summer, from a bad end timeline, has reluctantly teamed up with the Jersey Devil under the impression that they can rewrite history and can reverse the damage done the Reigning Passions world and save her beloved. After a long series of events, the duo have found themselves driving through a devastated forest, Amara in the driver’s seat)
JD: (doing finger guns out of sheer boredom) Pew pew pew, boom, pew…
Amara: Stop that.
(JD stops, but it only keeps them quiet for a few seconds)
JD: So, where’d the armor...?
Amara: Oh, Christ…
JD: Did the Queen make you wear it? They are not your friends, I’ll tell you that much. Friends do not let other friends leave the house looking like a Sarah J Maas protagonist.
Amara: Would you stop talking about the fucking armor?
JD: Okay, geez! I’m just tryin’ to bond a little–
Amara: Yeah? Then talk about something else.
JD: Alright! (sighs) So, if they can fix your world, what’s the first thing you’re gonna do when you get back home? Some rubbing alcohol shots, maybe a wiper fluid chaser?
(Amara starts to answer, but then stops, having realized something about JD’s word choice)
Amara: (with a slight snarl) What did you say?
JD: I said when you get back, what’s the first thing you’re gonna–
Amara: Before. That.
JD: (long pause, having realized their mistake) …If they can fix your world– (Amara suddenly slams on the breaks) Oh fuck…
Amara: What do you mean, IF?!?!
JD: Look, I didn’t mean–
Amara: You lied to me, you don’t have a fucking clue if they can fix things, don’t you?!
(before JD can respond, Amara suddenly stabs him in the thigh with her sword)
Amara: YOU LIED!
JD: NO! I MADE AN EDUCATED WISH! (enraged by such a stupid justification, Amara twists the blade) OW! FUCK! Look, I did it because I need you! (he produces a photograph of the Havenfall crew, all of whom are at risk of being erased from time) I don’t know a damn thing about saving worlds. Why would I even care? My whole world is right here in this picture. It’s only seven people and I have no idea how to save it alone. I know how to fuck people up for money, but you! YOU know how to save them!
Amara: …Did you just say… you made an educated… fucking… wish?
JD: Oh, I’m sorry, have we met? They call me “Jersey Devil”, not “Truthful Timmy, the Blowjob Queen of Saskatoon”! (Amara yanks the blade out of their leg) AUGH!
Amara: (absolutely seething) One more word, please. Just one more fucking word.
JD: …Gubernatorial. (Amara raises her fist, JD flinches in response) EEK!!!
Amara: (sighs and lowers his fist) You know something? You’re a fucking joke. No wonder H.E.R.A. didn’t take you, or the Starship and they’ll take fucking anybody. I mean, you are a ridiculous, immature, half-wit moron. I have never met a sadder, more attention-starved little prick in my entire life, and that’s saying something because I’ve been alive for over two-hundred fucking years. I’ll tell you, that evil lightbulb was right about one thing, you will never. Save. The world.You couldn’t even save a relationship with a goddamn WAITRESS. And motherfucker I wish I could say you’ll die alone, but it’s one of GOD’S BEST JOKES that you can’t die! EXCEPT IT’S ON ALL OF US!!!!!
(and then, the impossible happened… JD was speechless. They just stared at Amara, shocked and seeming to have been genuinely hurt)
Amara: What, you got nothing to say to that, Devil?!
JD: (their face settling into a determined and rage-filled glare) I’m gonna fight you now.
Amara:(laughs derisively) Oh, are you–
(JD suddenly punches her in the face hard enough to cause a nosebleed. Amara stares at him, genuinely shocked for a few seconds, before roaring and responding in kind. The resulting fight, taking place entirely in the car mind you, lasted an entire night. By the time H.E.R.A. found them, both of them were unconscious, except JD was tied up with the car’s seatbelts)
@incorrectlovestruck @megatraven @zhoras-bitch @seduceme-lovestruck-thearcana
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Lovestruck | Daily Rewards Puzzles | 71-80
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deepinifhell · 1 year
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x-mensirens · 5 months
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It's way too crowded, down here!
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x-mencomics · 4 months
The Uncanny X-Men #189 - Two Girls Out to Have Fun!
Rachel and Amara are in New York City, admiring the buildings from the Statue of Liberty. Rachel thinks about her life in the alternate future where she has been trained to hunt mutants for humans. She cries, but tells Amara she just has something in her eyes. They decide to go to the Met to see art and to go shopping.
Elsewhere in the harbor, on a huge ship, the X-Men are wishing Storm farewell. She has decided to leave the X-Men since she no longer has her powers (see issue #185). She is returning to Africa, where she grew up. There are tears, hugs, and champagne as the ship gets ready to depart.
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Also in New York, Jaime Rodriguez stops a couple of guys from trying to steal the necklace he found (see last issue). The necklace starts speaking to him again. It asks for Jaime's soul and in return, the necklace will (somehow) give Jaime "the world." Jaime screams "No!" and vows to get rid of the necklace.
At the Met, Rachel and Amara look at ancient Roman art and artifacts. Suddenly, Rachel psychically senses familiar thought patterns from someone nearby. It's Selene! Amara is angry to hear that Selene is nearby, as Selene is the woman who killed Amara's mother. Amara wants revenge. Rachel and Amara follow Selene's thought patterns to a nearby mansion, which they sneak inside. They find maids outfits and change into them to disguise themselves.
Meanwhile, in secret catacombs beneath the mansion, Selene meets with Sebastian Shaw. She wants to be the new Black Queen of the Hellfire Club!
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Selene demonstrates her powers to Shaw, and he is very impressed. He feels like he has little choice but to accept Selene as the new Black Queen. Selene says she will return with a gift for Shaw, and she disappears.
Upstairs, Rachel senses Selene coming closer. Rachel sees Selene around a corner! She hits Selene with a psi-bolt, and Selene is down on the ground, unconscious. But then "Selene" transforms. It was Amara all along! And the REAL Selene comes up behind Rachel and grabs her by the throat. Selene places Rachel in a sort of trance so that she has to obey Selene. She does the same to Amara. Then, Selene returns to Sebastian Shaw with the entranced, slave-like Rachel and Amara as his "gifts." Shaw is shocked to see Rachel's resemblance to Jean Grey and he wonders if Rachel too possesses the power of the Phoenix.
Inside their minds, Rachel psychically works to free herself and Amara from Selene's powers. In the process, Amara gets angry at all the psychic intrusions and transforms into Magma. Magma melts a statue of Selene and causes an earthquake. This snaps Rachel and Amara/Magma out of Selene's trance, and back to the real world.
Back in the real world, Magma is also creating an earthquake. Shaw tells Selene to stop Magma, and Rachel psychically calls out for Professor Xavier's help. Soon after, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Colossus, and the Professor's astral form show up.
Nightcrawler teleports Selene away. Magma wants Selene back so she can kill her, but the Professor says his students do not kill. Magma calms down. The Professor confronts Shaw and Shaw says he has no quarrel with the X-Men, and that he was not the one responsible for taking Rachel and Amara. The team is able to leave without a fight.
Elsewhere, Jaime is attacked by another man in the subway. The man finds the necklace Jaime was carrying and picks it up. The necklace causes a huge fire and burns the man. A voice rings out -
"At last Kulan Gath is free! After countless centuries, my destiny is at hand -- to make this world mine forever!"
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