moonblossom · 5 years
amango-tea replied to your photo: “I love the @ikeacanada #helmer but the bold red colour wasn’t going to...”:
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pangurbanthewhite · 6 years
amango-tea replied to your post: How have I never actually watched any of John...
Ben has been sharing them with me lately since I don’t have Netflix and he is a good friend.
Ben is such a good friend.
Kind of want to have like a viewing party of some of his specials since I do have Netflix.
I keep coming back to the fact that the line “asking a 13 year old to watch a 10 year old is like asking a horse to watch your dog” is so much funnier than it has any right to be. 
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chellyfishing · 7 years
amango-tea replied to your post “amango-tea replied to your post “ok listen up i keep seeing “match...”
I don't! How do I find these out?
https://alabe.com/freechart/ is one place, also http://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php I think you can find your rising just by date and year and it might be googleable but your moon needs at least time and i think place
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indigobluerose · 7 years
amango-tea replied to your post: my tr*mp-voting inlaws asked my husband and i for...      | My gay best friend asked me to link this to you: queerlullaby.tumblr.com…
The link isn't working.  Is it a book recommendation?
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vaiyamagic · 7 years
@amango-tea (why won't you let me tag people with hyphens on mobile, tumblr?? Why???) No. No, it is not good. But one of the other managers has declared us Dumbledore's Army. So, that's kinda fun, I guess.
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northeasternwind · 5 years
amango-tea replied to your post:bendingsignpost replied to your post:I hate...
The only time I’ll eat cherries is in cherry loaf, so maybe you just need to bake with them…?
I’ve got a cup and a third. i need a ladder and/or time to get any more ksjdfhksjdhfkjsd
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eschergirls · 6 years
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amango-tea submitted:
I’m no expert in anatomy, but…that hip…?
maybe she’s actually a snake woman and it’s a school for monsters that needs education funds ):
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thethrillof · 6 years
amango-tea replied to your post “You just spilled groceries everywhere because your bag split and a...”
Hit me up at any time if you'd like more prompts. I am basically a fluff machine.
appreciated /)///(\
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lazulisong · 7 years
this isn't properly tagged cause i didn't bring the computer today
1. Amango-tea: I've thought about Dragon but it's expensive and I don't like talking that much? I have a speech disability so if I'm not at work or speaking to a Real Human Person for a Reason I tend to ... refuse to talk.
2. Crystalmir: I understand the electronic pens are pretty good now but I think a lot of them still need special paper? And since I mostly write by hand on transit I would be kind of scared to take a $200 pen where I could lose it. Also I'm crazy picky about my pens - partly because I'm left handed and partly because I write very quickly and I can't stand a draggy pen. So I don't like ballpoints and a lot of rollerpoints and fountain pens skip because of the angle I hold them at - if they don't come slowly apart because I'm pushing them in a way that makes the barrel unscrew.
Ame-kage: I don't know if drafting by hand is The Best Method, especially if you're used to typing drafts, but even as late as I was in school we were taught to do our first draft by hand and then type it up, and it does have some advantages! (If you are able to handwrite, because if you have hand issues it's useless to try and listen to the Muse while your hand is screaming profanities at you.) The main ones are less distraction (in theory, if you are religious about putting your phone firmly out of reach) and the idea that if it's more effort to write a word you're more likely to think about the ones you put down. And they do say your brain processes writing by hand and typing differently. (Also in some circles there's a bit of conspicuous consumption going on but when is there not.)
The main point tho, is that in typing in the draft you have to READ the draft, thoroughly, and most of the major edits and revisions get done quite organically as you type. Some people think you ought to go as far as print all your drafts and mark up and retype each one but I'mmm way too lazy for that shit. But I don't mind writing the first draft by hand and transcribing it.
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larairving · 7 years
TAGGED BY: @akumasighted because why the hell not? TAGGING: i feel like hardly anyone pays attention to this blog, but hey, if you see this, you’re tagged!
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME? “Lara Irving.”
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME? “Didn’t I just answer this?”
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT? “Because it’s the name my mom gave me, I would assume.”
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? “I’m not sure what you mean.”
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES? “Um, that’s not really something I should talk about. So, let’s just say I’m a lot more capable than people realize.”
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? “Brown. Well, sort of like a chocolate brown, to be exact.”
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? “Hm? Why would my hair need to die?”
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? “I have my mom. My dad died when I was little, and I had an aunt who died when I was young.”
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? “Pets? No, I’ve never had a pet before. And don’t go lumping Carbuncle into that category, because he’s my friend, not my pet.”
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. “Discrimination, in general. I’m also wholly against cruelty to others.”
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? “Spare time? I hunt for my village. And when it’s harvest time, everyone is expected to lend a hand. I also help out at the healer’s hut to make gels and medicines. I almost never have time to myself, there’s too much work to be done.”
12. HAVE YOU EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? ”I don’t think I have...”
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE? “Well, y-yes. But it’s only ever been in self defense. The Desians don’t exactly give you a choice in the matter.”
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? “Um, I’m human. But I guess you’re asking what kind of animal would I be? Cause if that’s the case, I think I’d be a fox.”
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. "I have a habit of brushing things off, I guess? Like, if I’m hurt while protecting someone else, I’ll usually tend to their wounds first... even if I’m hurt worse than they are.”
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE? "I look up to Lady Istara. She founded our village as a safe-haven for half-elves and those wishing to live in peace with other races.”
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? "I don’t know what you mean. What do those words mean, exactly?”
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? "Not anymore. I stopped going to school about two months before my fifteenth birthday to focus on training to be a hunter for the village.”
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY? “Huh?! Um, well... I don’t know. I never really thought about it!”
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS? “What are fans?”
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? “Ah, ahahaha. Um, t-that’s really not something you should be asking!”
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? “Um, I’m usually always ready to go out of the village. So my boots, leggings, long gloves, a bracer for my left forearm, glove on the right hand, bow on my back and my quiver. I also wear a hooded cloak most days, and carry a pouch to collect herbs and plants while I’m out.”
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? “I love my mom and all the people in the village like family. But, somehow I don’t think that’s what you meant.”
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? “I’m not sure exactly what you’re asking. Everyone in the village is poor, since we’re so isolated, we don’t exactly do any trading with other cities.”
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “My closest friend is Carbuncle, because he’s always with me. But I’m also friends with two half-elf siblings, Tharia and Vaeril.”
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? “I don’t really eat pie anymore, but my mother used to make the best Amango Peach Pie. It was the best!”
27. FAVORITE DRINK? “I’ve always been a fan of tea. Especially herbal teas.”
29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE? “There’s an overlook not far from the village near a waterfall overlooking the lake and river below. It’s a bit of a steep climb up the cliff, but it’s well worth the view.”
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? ”Still not sure what you mean. I find a lot of new people interesting.”
31. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? “I’ve never swam in the ocean. There was a big lake near my previous home, and there’s a smaller one near the village I live in now. The ocean is too far away to justify going there to swim for only part of the day.”
32. WHAT��S YOUR ‘TYPE’? “My ‘Type?’ What does that mean? ... Oh! Well, I guess I’d say someone who is kind and patient. Someone who would support my dream of helping others to end discrimination.”
33. CAMPING, OR INDOORS? “Camping, I guess. Because then I can walk under the stars if I get restless. But if the weather is bad, I’d definitely prefer being indoors or in some kind of shelter.”
34. ARE YOU WAITING FOR THIS INTERVIEW TO BE OVER? “Maybe just a little bit?”
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biogels · 5 years
Bar Menu
Milk, water, kirima juice, amango juice, Palmacosta Bottle, soda, tea, Flanoir Bottle, Mizuho Bottle, Dwarven Surprise coffee, Oracle special, and Welgaia Bottle.
Quiche, Steak, Fruit cocktail, pizza, sushi, ramen, and chicken curry
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pangurbanthewhite · 6 years
amango-tea replied to your post: Considering maybe actually possibly trying to...
SHHHHH. If anything is an open invitation, it’s that.
I mean, fair. That is a very good point.
I just think the general simmering “come at me motherfuckers” mood I’ve been in has me morbidly curious to see if they could do that twice, y’know?
But rationally, I know I can’t afford to lose another month like I lost basically all of July. 
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indigobluerose · 6 years
amango-tea replied to your post : birfday I already got to pet a dog, so off to a...
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vaiyamagic · 8 years
amango-tea replied to your post: I just named my mabari hound Mabarki. I should not...
That just gave me the best laugh of the day, and my sib says “Excellent.”
I am very glad that my silly names amuse you two. :)
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northeasternwind · 5 years
amango-tea replied to your photoset:MY ELDEST CHILD: A COMPILATION
You are such a good parent!!
i have a bit of a gnat problem but i think i’ll move my eldest outside for a while to see if that helps and watch the smaller plants closely 8|
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alloverthegaf · 7 years
I just wanted to say that your LOTR LB was a fucking rare gift and thank you so much for sharing it with the internet.
thank you, that’s very kind!
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