#amanda panda
ferretinsocks · 1 year
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webkinz yuri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hellspawnsparks · 2 years
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your wish has been granted! ✨
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littlesihrena · 6 months
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I played Dream Daddy and I simply NEEDED to draw the final image that has me (dad version) and my dear daughter, Amanda
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whiteheart7 · 2 years
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slimewalksxtraroom · 2 years
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xberylliumoxide · 6 months
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Amanda Panda :3 <3
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yaboirezzy · 2 months
LWA fans don't know dark/angst au if they never envision a battered up rgb team hopelessly watch as a new villain, who hunts/kill witches, confront them while holding some damaged and bloody purple and red cloth pieces
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amandaroos · 1 month
My coloring book proof came today!
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lonelyfanboy48 · 7 months
Canadian Freedom Or Hibernation Heartsick Chapters 1-3
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Chapter 1 Grizz’s Solidarity Forthcoming
Panda and Ice Bear took Grizz to one spot of the San Francisco forest after he put on his blindfold from home. They’ve been hiding the surprise from his brother for days, preventing him from anywhere in the forest especially San Francisco ever since they released all the bears from Agent Trout. A lot has changed since bears were fully accepted in society and it wasn’t easy for them to set up the surprise for their brother.
“Are we almost there?” Grizz asked.
“Yes, just keep walking.” Panda smiled.
“Still can’t believe I haven’t spent days in the forest.”
“Trust us, it’ll be worth it.”
“Ice Bear doesn’t mess with surprises.” Ice Bear commented.
They made their way to their destination where a fire took place. In no time, Panda and Ice Bear stopped Grizz in place as Ice Bear untied the blindfold.
“SURPRISE!!!” Chloe, her parents, Darrell, his wife Sofia, Lucy, her brother and boyfriend Clifford and Kale, Ranger Tabes, The Poppy Rangers, Griff, Tom, Isaac, Amanda, Samantha, Kazumi, and Karla shouted, catching Grizz by surprise.
“Wow!” Grizz reacted.
“Happy Bear Solidarity Day!” Panda cheered as the bears, small and big, jumped out of the brushes. They walked up to Grizz and they roared softly, not loud to disturb him.
“Happy Bear Solidarity Day?”
“It’s a holiday Panda and Ice Bear made back in San Francisco a week ago.” Chloe smiled.
“They’re celebrating the holiday over there, but it’s way better doing it here.” Ranger Tabes added.
Grizz teared up from the sight itself. His friends, brothers, and bears are celebrating a holiday they earned. “This is awesome!”
“You bet!” Griff and Kale replied.
Grizz and his brothers sat down next to the fireplace while the other bears sat next to the other humans. “I never thought we would get our very own holiday!”
“Believe me, it wasn’t easy to make it a holiday.” Panda giggled.
“It’s a long story.” Lucy replied.
“I’m still surprised you managed to get a holiday thanks to a heroic rescue.” Karla commented. “I wasn’t there when you three came back.”
“Surprised you didn’t see it on TV.” Darrell turned to her. “Everyone saw it.”
“I was out of the city.”
“Ohh, that’s right.” Grizz remembered. “You took a trip to Los Angeles for a week.”
“It was the closest place I could take a vacation.”
This gave Grizz a thought when it came to him and his brothers escaping even if it was anything but a vacation. “If you had to escape a corrupt government agent, you would probably have to go far away from California.” Sofia added.
“The bears did tell me their story and about Agent Trout, it’s just it was my first vacation in almost a decade.”
“Not that we blame you, it’s Trout we’ve been worrying about.” Panda replied.
The bear cubs hid behind Amanda’s leg in fear, still remembering how intimidating Agent Trout was. The panda girl picked one of them up, hugging to give it comfort from fear. “We all have a lot to think about but all that matters is that he's arrested and he’s not gonna be released from jail anytime soon.” She nuzzled on the cub.
“I still can’t believe you almost went to Canada.” Clifford replied. “Even if it wasn’t by choice.”
Grizz did tell them why they couldn’t go to Canada, but he didn’t plan out what their new life would’ve been. He wasn’t sure if they were safe, but in the current duration, he and his brothers were far from harm. “I only glorified the idea of going to Canada with my brothers. But we never stepped foot in the land because we did not have passports.”
“Ice Bear never experienced Royal Canadian Mounted Police.” Ice Bear commented.
“Not to mention there’s more bears there from what I saw online.” Chloe replied.
This gave Karla a thought, knowing how Canada has a variety of bears in the high north. She sat by the bears, taking them by notice. “Do you want to go to Canada?” She asked. “Even after everything that happened?”
Grizz and his brothers looked at the bears all wanting to know their answer. “If we had passports…” Soon everyone paid attention to Grizz. “...we still don’t know what life is like there.”
“Life in Canada looks good from the outside.” Diaz replied. “On the inside…”
“It’s a wonderful world to explore.” Murphy added.
The Poppy Rangers loved the idea of going to Canada, but Ranger Tabes still feels unsure. “It is but do you know what adventure it would be like?” She pointed at the bears.
“That’s a great question.” Kale commented.
“You went through a lot.” Tom added. “Everywhere you go, something happens.”
“There’s no avoiding it.” Samantha added.
The bears remembered their journeys, endless and endless journeys even from their house alone. But in a new environment like Canada, they don’t even know what the unexpected would be like.
“I guess we could try giving it a shot but we still need time.” Grizz answered.
“Adventure or experience, we need to plan out before…obviously.” Panda still remembers the whole passport problem.
“Ice Bear qualifies blueprint odyssey.” Ice Bear spoked.
“That’s fine.” Lucy smiled. “Just remind us when you're ready.”
“We'll come if you do, even if it requires passports.” Griff replied.
“Isaac all the way.” Isaac added.
The bears and friends returned to their holiday as they ate marshmallows, heating them over the fireplace. Soon the other bears allowed The Poppy Rangers, Chloe, and Clifford to ride on their backs along with cubs in the front and back. Bear Solidarity Day put the bros back in the mood, hanging out with their friends and how the changed society improved their lives. When it comes to their plans, they get back to that when they head back to their home.
Chapter 2 Mom App In Motion
When everyone left the forest, the bears returned back to their home. When Charlie came over, Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear sat together on their sofa, thinking about their plan after telling Charlie their time with their friends.
“Canada?” Charlie blinked. “You three want to go there?”
“Yes, but we still need to plan this out.” Panda answered. “Passports are the first goal.”
“And taking people along.” Grizz remembered. “We really need to work out some of their schedules.”
Ice Bear knew he would take Chloe along, but there’s one person he wanted to bring, knowing it’ll take weeks until he reunites with her. He made a promise to himself to show her to his brothers but he didn’t know when the time was right.
“Ice Bear?” Grizz taped on Ice Bear’s shoulder. “Thinking of someone to bring along?”
Ice Bear nodded. “Ice Bear will show you tonight.”
Charlie crossed his arms, while looking at the ground. He wanted to come along, but at the same time, he still hasn’t got over his fear of being around humans. “Aren’t you gonna miss me if you do go?”
“Charlie, even if you do come along, you haven’t met all of our friends.” Grizz spoked.
“I was with a few of them when you came back.”
“Yeah up until you headed back to the forest.” Panda recalled.
“I didn’t have anything to do, even when you’re accepted in society, I just wanted to keep my distance from humans. I can’t let go of my fear.”
The bears wanted to help Charlie, but they’re aware how sensitive he is. Aside from Ranger Tabes, they still feel unsure about helping him meet their friends one by one. “We will miss you.” Grizz replied.
“Sorry bears, if only I can figure out a way to work out my problem.”
“It’s not like you couldn’t control your fear.” Panda replied. “I had fears I couldn’t let go.” As they got back to their Canada plan, there was only one way to resolve their passport problem. “Do you think we need someone to help us?”
“What do you mean?” Grizz asked.
“Like having someone to help out with the passports? Not to mention getting us in Canada? Our friends may be willing to come but if they can’t get their own passports on their own, we won’t be able to have our Canada adventure.”
“Ice Bear can’t get through the massive barrier.” Ice Bear commented.
Grizz couldn’t disagree. After the journey he and his brothers went through after being forced to leave San Francisco, they didn’t want the same set back to ruin everything all over again. Then an idea came to Grizz. “Panda, do you still have that Mom App?”
Panda blinked from the idea, he took out his phone while looking at the apps until the one his brother just mentioned. “Yes.” He responded. “I forgot to delete it.”
Grizz took the phone from Panda while pressing the Mom App. “We picked three moms while having one mom…get punished since we couldn’t cancel her.”
“You couldn’t cancel her?” Charlie asked.
“We called her mother, but it had nothing to do with cancel culture.” Panda answered.
When Grizz looked through the section of moms up until the one he picked last time. “This could work.” Grizz showing his brothers a picture of Gayle. “She could take care of not only our passports, but some of our friends too.”
“Wait, should we think about this? You know she embarrassed us and she’ll have to come with us.”
“It’ll be the only way to get to Canada. We can at least reason with her, she can be more than a mom.”
Panda and Ice Bear wanted to believe him, but they wished there’s another way. If they had the choice of picking a different mom, they would get themselves into the same predicament as before. But they agree that out of the three moms they picked, Gayle was the best.
“Okay, but there’s no going back.” Panda sighed.
“Ice Bear prays he doesn’t take violin lessons.” Ice Bear said, taking the risk.
“Charlie, you need to leave right now, the moment we press the button, she’ll be right at the front door.” Grizz pointed at the door.
“Okay.” Charlie makes his way to the back door of the house. “Good luck with your trip to Canada.”
“We'll find something to give you when we get back.”
Charlie felt a little better from their gesture before he headed out, finding a different route to prevent getting attention. Grizz pressed the button on the phone and in no time, Gayle knocked on their door. Like before, they walked up to the door as Grizz opened it, revealing Gayle.
“Oh it's you boys again.” She cheered. “Let’s throw a party to celebrate-”
“No! No! No! No!” Both Grizz and Panda shouted.
Ice Bear pulled Gayle inside while closing the door, placing her on the sofa. “Whoa! Then we can play party video games!”
“Maybe later, but please don’t do anything!” Grizz walked in front of Gayle.
“We support your supportiveness, but do it when we need it.” Panda added. “Even though…that’s not why we wanted you.”
Gayle felt confused after listening to the honesty from the bears. “Then what do you really want from me?”
Grizz sighed while telling the truth. “We want you to help us and our friends…to get passports to Canada.”
Gayle remained silent from the answer she received. She wasn’t happy, but she wasn’t mad either. All she wanted to do is support her boys with her part of the family, while in actuality, she’s only part of an app for services. “Do you love your mom?”
The bears looked at each other, not wanting to hurt her feelings. “Yes.”
“We’re doing activities in Canada. If you help us, we'll do anything to prove to you we love you.” Panda replied.
“Ice Bear won’t keep moms in the dark.” Ice Bear said.
“Well it’s not that I don’t like Canada, it’s just doing passports is the last thing I would want to do.” Gayle speaking honestly. “What kind of trip would it be like in Canada?”
“It’ll…be an adventure!” Grizz coming up for the solution. “We’re maybe separated in groups, but you will have a great adventure.”
“You can hang out with our friends. They’re really fun to be around.” Panda said.
Gayle found the idea appealing, especially with the surprises coming her way. Even a mother who takes their pride seriously, it still wouldn’t hurt to make friends if she helps coming along. She got up from the sofa, walked towards the bears while giving them a big hug.
“I love seeing my boys have their adventures!” She cheered. “Even if I’m not gonna be around for all of you three, you can still tell me everything that happened.”
“So you’re gonna help us with the passports?” Grizz wondered.
“You bet I am!”
“Great, we’re sending you to Ranger Tabes and The Poppy Rangers to help them out, after we play party video games!”
As Grizz turned on his video game system, he gave Gayle her controller and so did Panda. Just when he’s about to give Ice Bear his controller, he made his way to the kitchen. “Ice Bear, it won’t be family without you.”
Ice Bear turned around before heading into the kitchen. “Ice Bear needs an important item before Ice Bear forgets.”
“Oh that’s right, we don’t want to leave a single friend out from the adventure.”
“We’re waiting for y'all.” Panda added.
Ice Bear entered the kitchen while opening the refrigerator. He’s thankful Grizz and Panda didn’t find out soon but his time ran out when the unexpected happened. He took out the necklace, from someone who they forgot to bring, and Ice Bear kept it to himself since. He however doesn’t know if Grizz and Panda will catch on if they meet the person, especially Chloe, who he wanted to tell her about it. He’s lucky enough to get the person’s phone number the last time he crossed paths, but he’s unsure if the person’s willing to accept the trip to Canada.
Chapter 3 Icy B’s Undercover Ally
Later in the night, Ice Bear took Grizz, Panda, Isaac and Chloe to the destination he usually goes during nighttime. Unlike him and Isaac, Grizz, Panda, and Chloe were too tired, planning to go to sleep. They never bothered Ice Bear’s daily nights out, but they were never those types. When they tried to follow him, they couldn’t keep up with Ice Bear riding on Roomba.
“Icy B.” Grizz yarned. “I appreciate you getting your closest friend to come along, but is it really necessary to do it this late?”
Ice Bear turned around while maintaining his balance on Roomba. “Yes.” He responded.
“I have to go to bed, Ice Bear.” Chloe trying to keep her eyes open. “I also need to work out my problem of heading to Canada too.”
“We still have time, but can we not do this at night?” Panda added.
Ice Bear and his group entered the hidden ally only he went to from time to time. He got off Roomba as he knocked on the door but no one responded like last time. He expected the bouncer to answer but after ten seconds, it felt like he wasn’t by the door.
“Hm!” Ice Bear reacted.
“Isaac senses no one’s taking the job as bouncer.” Isaac commented.
Ice Bear looked at the door while eavesdropping on it. He didn’t hear everything from the other side, as if no one’s inside. Then he decided to push the door as it opened, learning it was unlocked the whole time. They all entered inside with all the lights off. Ice Bear clapped twice to have Roomba turn on its flashlight capability.
“I don’t think anyone’s here.” Chloe looked around.
“Are those computers?” Panda pointed.
“And a coffee bar?” Grizz added.
Ice Bear went to the electric switches, turned off when the employees usually keep them on. He turned them on as the red leon lights of the word Coffee lit up. The green lights turned on around the bar, while the computers slowly turned on, taking everyone by surprise.
“So what is the person you wanted us to meet?” Grizz asked.
“Yana.” He responded.
“Who’s Yana?” Panda asked.
Ice Bear then opened the necklace, showing his bros and friends the picture of her and their parents. He pointed at her underneath, her father as they looked at her closely. “How old is that picture?” Chloe asked.
“Twenty years old.” Ice Bear answered.
“Really? How do you know what she looks like now?”
Then they heard the door being pushed open, taking their attention and so did Ice Bear as he closed the necklace. When she saw Ice Bear in person, she wasn’t fazed at all, especially his group with two bears. “Ice Bear never forgets human faces.”
Isaac took notice from the lady with purple highlights in her black hair with a tattoo on her arm. When she walked up to the group, she looked down at Chloe, taking her by surprise. “You must be Yana right?” She backed away a little.
“You catch on quick from him, huh?” Yana smirked.
Ice Bear then walked up to her while handing her the necklace. “Ice Bear kept personal belongings.”
“You had my necklace this whole time?” She took her necklace from him. “I thought I lost it.” She opened it, and witnessed her photo of two parents.
“Wow, an undercover dude.” Grizz commented. “That’s an interesting friend you have, Icy B.”
Ice Bear didn’t want to retort to his brother, but he knew he won’t get the real truth from what his night outs are like. “Ice Bear, brothers, and friends are going to Canada. Ice Bear wants to know if you want to come.” He offered.
“Canada?” Yana responded. “Seems an odd place to go after the many places we went.”
“You went to different places?” Chloe took notice.
“Yes. Places all over the globe, Tokyo, just to name one of them.”
“Tokyo!?” Panda reacted. “Why didn’t you tell us Ice Bear!?”
“Okay, let’s not get over our heads.” Grizz pulling Panda away. “But still, you didn’t tell us about this?”
“Ice Bear wants to be a solo adventurer.” Ice Bear responded.
“Isaac was overthrown by a world traveling bear.” Issac replied.
Yana laughed from Ice Bear’s bros. “I have to say your bros are kind of funny. Not to mention your friend there seems to qualify for missions.” She stared at Isaac. “As for your offer, I’ll take it. Besides from how our troubles got last time, it’s better to go somewhere that isn’t a deathtrap.”
This caused Ice Bear to place his paws on his face, causing his brothers to take notice. “On second thought, it’s better if you never told us what you’ve been doing over night.” Panda awkwardly grinned.
“Why is this coffee place closed with the door unlocked?” Grizz asked.
“I had to quit my job and the people who used to work here abandoned this place due to…Barry finding out where I work.” Yana sighed. “Granted I wish he and his goons would leave me alone, but I knew it would just get uglier.”
“Just hearing the name Barry is someone I really don’t want to meet, just like how I met Agent Trout.” Chloe commented which caused Yana to lean down.
“I’ve heard of him and I saw Ice Bear on TV when I was at a bar. Haven’t heard of him since you came back.” She looked up at Ice Bear while back at Chloe. “If you saw me and him together, we would make an unstoppable team.”
Chloe looked back to Ice Bear, from time to time, they’ve done so much together but when it comes to missions, she looked at Roomba. She wished she experienced what Ice Bear accomplished, but living on the verge of danger is the last thing she wanted. But her attention was turned to Yana’s necklace, remembering her parents. “Do you remember the last time you met your parents?”
“Not much, life was different when I was with them and it changed when I came here.”
“It’s sad that your mom and dad aren’t gonna be in Canada.” Grizz spoked. “I believe it would make your time there.”
“It’s not like I was expecting more. If there's a will there’s a way of getting away from Barry.”
When Ice Bear looked at Roomba, he planned on bringing it along, but was having second thoughts. If Barry is still in San Francisco, he could find his home and rob it. But if he does bring it, he could encounter him with him being a step ahead of him. However with Yana by his side, she’s right about him and her being an unstoppable team. And with Isaac by his side, he has no problem telling him everything.
“Ice Bear makes sure our trip is harm free.” He responded.
“I’ll pack up and I’ll come when you’re ready.” Yana smiled. Just when she’s about to head out, she turned around. “By the way, I found your little kid my favorite.” As she headed out, it caused Chloe to smile a bit.
“Looks like I’m gonna be making a friend in Canada.” Chloe replied. “If I can still resolve to go to Canada.”
“We’re still working it out.” Grizz looked at Chloe. “Do you need to convince your college principals your trip to Canada is important?”
“They wanted me to do research in Canada, but I turned it down. Too much work for me to handle nor have fun.”
“You could write a story about your experiences in Canada.”
“Yeah, it’s still an adventure and it’s also your adventure.” Panda added.
“Ice Bear’s happy to read Chloe’s Canada adventure.” Ice Bear replied.
“Okay, I’ll tell them that.” Chloe smiled. “That’s something I would have fun to do.”
“I do want you to meet someone tomorrow. Ranger Tabes, Griff, and Karla are gonna come also. If he wants to come, that is.” Grizz placed his paws on his body. “I still can’t believe you haven’t heard of him yet.”
“Isaac is aware of celebrity animals, but never knew them personally.” Isaac commented.
“I can tell he won’t like Ranger Tabes at all.”
“I’m still looking forward to meeting him. Especially since I might make a friend with someone we just met.” Chloe said.
“Trust us, he’s not gonna be like Yana.” Panda replied. “Anyway, we should head home. Me, Lucy, Clifford, Kale, Kazumi, and Tom are gonna go to Amanda’s house first thing in the morning.”
The Bears and two humans left the coffee building as Ice Bear took Chloe home, the same way he did after the camping day he had not too long ago. The moment he arrives in Canada with Yana by his side, he’ll be prepared if any foe similar to Barry or Trout gets in his way.
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sundove88 · 1 year
Starflight (Ferdinand Parody Casting)
Starflight is a young dragon who escapes from a training camp in rural Spain after his father never returns from a showdown with a matador. Adopted by a girl who lives on a farm, Starflight’s peaceful existence comes crashing down when the authorities return him to his former captors. With help from a wisecracking Chinese dragon and four hedgehogs, the giant but gentle Drake must find a way to break free before he squares off against Shen, the famous peacock dragon-fighter who never loses.
Starflight as Ferdinand (Wings of Fire)
Mastermind as Raf (Wings of Fire)
Fierceteeth as Herself/Ferdinand’s Sister (Wings of Fire)
Amanda as Nina (Amanda The Adventuerer)
Jose Gallard as Juan (Balan Wonderworld)
Barktholomew as Paco (Balan Wonderworld)
Various Characters as the Villagers
Mushu as Lupe (Mulan)
Pitaya Dragon Cookie as Bones (Cookie Run)
Ananas Dragon Cookie as Guapo (Cookie Run)
Lychee Dragon Cookie as Angus (Cookie Run)
Lotus Dragon Cookie as Maquina (Cookie Run)
Longan Dragon Cookie as Valiente (Cookie Run)
Tiamat as Valiente's Father (Dungeons and Dragons)
Lord Shen as El Primero (King Fu Panda)
Sigma as Moreno (Mega Man X)
Chrono Bunny as Bunny (Balan Wonderworld)
Amy Rose as Una (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Sonic The Hedgehog as Dos (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Shadow The Hedgehog as Tres (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Silver The Hedgehog as Cuatro (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Adagio Dazzle as Klaus (Equestria Girls)
Sonata Dusk as Hans (Equestria Girls)
Aria Blaze as Greta (Equestria Girls)
Cuckoo as Maria (Balan Wonderworld)
Zeta as Isabella (The Angry Birds Movie)
Here’s your hint for the next Casting (It’s a remake):
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heeseongism · 2 years
HYUKA WAS WRITTEN FOR ME, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. He said he sleeps with plushies and that sold me because I also sleep with plushies lmaooo. Not but really he's so gorgeous and talented and his voice is amazing how could I NOT ult him??? He's right up there with Felix on my overall bias list. The performance video for Frost was the nail in the coffin for me though his visuals in that were flawless. It was a really close race between him and Yeonjun though, fr
HYUKA BEING UP THERE WITH FELIX IS STH I NEVER THOUGHT I'D SEE 👀👀 no bcs hes so pretty it hurts <//3 also his vocals and personality like could he get anymore perfect?? that frost performance was ICONIC the song itself os a masterpiece and then their stage presence and visuals just top it all off
you shouldn't have told me your biases bcs now im just gonna spam you 🤨
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maricat95 · 2 years
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Rob x Scarlett meeting Panda x Amanda  🐼 💕
💀💀 ♥♥♥
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younes-ben-amara · 4 months
إطلاق مجتمع أندراس التدريبي: المجتمع الرقمي الأوّل الذي يُمكِّنك من دخول سوق عمل المحتوى الطبي
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muffintonic · 1 year
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gothneighbor · 1 year
Me: they don’t have to call me panda haha :) it’s just a fun little nickname we used so my nephew had something to call me
Also me when they say my government name: who the FUCK is Amanda??? I’m Panda. Amanda is dead.
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xberylliumoxide · 11 months
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quick webkinz doodle
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